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Agile HRM

Course Title : Agile HRM Semester: III

Course Code : AHRM-A
Faculty Name: Dr. Manish Gupta
Room No : D 111
Consultation Hours :
Mobile No : 87123216252 Email:

Course Objectives :

● To have an in-depth understanding of purpose and need of Agile HRM

● To analyze and interpret HR systems and practices in Agile organizations; viz: talent acquisition, performance management, reward
and recognition, team building, learning & development and leadership.
● To describe and understand concepts of Agile tools and principles;
● To learn, understand (how agility can impact & influence customer & employee experience) and analyze employee engagement
processes and team dynamics in Agile organizations.

Course Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the course, the student is expected to :

● Understand the importance and need for Agile HRM;

● Develop critical understanding of organizational change and HR’s contribution to the Agile organizations;
● Expose to Agile strategies, policies, practices, tools & techniques to help create differentiation in the market place; and
● Understand and analyze team dynamics and employee engagement processes.
● Apply the concepts, tools and techniques of Agile HRM in real-life organizations by undertaking suitable projects.

Text Book
No prescribed text book; instructor notes will be given

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Reference Book(s)

Mike Losey; Sue Meisinger and Dave Ulrich (2006); The Future of Human Resource Management: 64 thought leaders explore
the critical HR issues of today and tomorrow. Wiley India.

Thoren, Pia-Maria (2017). Agile People: A Radical Approach for HR & Managers (That Leads to Motivated Employees).
Lioncrest Publishing: NY.

Swingler, Kelly (2018). Agile Human Resources: Creating a Sustainable Future for the HR Profession. Business Express Press:

Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey (2018); The New Playbook for putting People First : TALENT WINS. HBR

Armin Trost (2017). The End of Performance Appraisal : A Practitioner’s Guide to Alternatives in Agile Organizations. Springer

Course Outline

Session Topic Session Expected learning Case Tools & Activity

objectives outcomes Studies/Articles Techniques
ICMR Case Digital board
1-2 INTRODUCTION TO * To introduce * Differentiation (CLHR078):
AGILE HRM the concept and between traditional Tata Steel Adopts
•Need for Agile HRM; need for Agile HRM & Agile HRM; New Agile
•Distinction between HRM; * Culture building Working Model
traditional HR & Agile HR : * To and mental models;
•Changing Mental models & understand * HR’s role as
Culture building; mental models Brand builder
•Building a Market focused and culture
culture; building
•Branding from Inside Out : concepts;
HR’s Role as Brand Builder * To
•The Future of HR understand
Professional’s Career Model HR’s Role as
Brand Builder.

Page 2 of 13
3-4 ACQUISITION HBR Case : ital
* To understand * Awareness on Microsoft : boa
* Agile Talent Market Agile talent Agile talent Competing on Talent rd
– trends & scenario; market scenario; markets; (A)
* Agility focused * To examine * Recruitment & Publication date :
recruitment, selection recruitment & selection tools in July 2001;
& assessment selection aspects Agile Product #:  900-300-
* Use of Talent in Agile organizations; 001
Analytics in organizations; *Use of Talent
recruitment; * To learn Analytics in A Strategic Approach
* Use of technology in Technology in recruitment to Workforce
recruitment recruitment * Use of Analytics: Integrating
Technology Science and Agility
In recruitment Derrick McIver; Mark
L. Lengnick-Hall;
Cynthia A. Lengnick-

Page 3 of 13
HBR Reading : Embracing Agile
5-6 RETHINK * To HBS Case (9-121-020): Enterprise
ORGANIZATIONS AS understand Agility at Komercni Banka
CAPABILITIES, NOT HR’s role in Publication date: 16/2/2021
STRUCTURES capability
*What Really Works? HR’s * To examine * HR’s role in
Role in building the 4 + 2 self- organizing building
Organization; systems for organizational
*In Pursuit of Marketplace HR’s capability;
Agility: *Applying percepts scalability; * Self-organizing
of Self-organizing systems to * To systems ;
Optimize HR scalability understand * Agile HR’s role in
*Creating the Capability for HR’s role in enhancing customer
Collaborative new acceptance through
Entrepreneurship; organizational structures and
* HR’s role in development of forms / capabilities
a New structures
Organizational Form

Page 4 of 13
linkage to Jino, Paul and Bradley
* Dual Theory of HRM and business Pub Date: June 4, 2018
human performance objectives; * OKRs – examples Product #: 9-918-020
* OKRs * To learn and demonstration;
* Performance assessments continuous * Performance review BETTER PLACE: AN
* Continuous feedback feedback and assessments ENTREPRENEUR'S DRIVE GOES
* Talentship, talent process; * Continuous OFF TRACK
segmentation and * To feedback mechanism Shlomo Ben-Hur; Brian Blum
sustainability understand * Talent identification
Talent and development
segmentation process.
Page 5 of 13

10 - 11 REWARDS FOR * To examine

PERFORMANCE innovative
* Transparent method of practices; * Criteria based HBR CASE :
Compensation * To innovative practices in ARCK SYSTEMS
* Innovation in rewarding understand rewards; NO: 9-911-056
* Creating criteria for rewards criteria for * Performance based PUB.DATE: MAR.22, 2012
* Performance based rewards performance rewards; IAN LARKIN
* Hay Job Evaluation based rewards; * Hay Job evaluation
approach in giving objective * To examine approach and Band
market corrections Hay Job criteria;
Page 6 of 13
* Agile rewards & recognition Evaluation * Usage of technology
platforms using IT enabled approach; in compensation and
technologies * To recognize rewards.
the importance
of using IT
enabled techno-
logies in

LEARNING & * To recognize

12 - 13 DEVELOPMENT HR business
partnership to
* Business Partner to driving business success * Develop linkages of ICMR CASE : L&T Focusing on Agile HR
business success: Next step in * To evaluate HR business Processes
evolution of HR process of HRM partnership with HRM0091 ; Published in 2020
Management; to business success;
* From HRM to organizational * Develop process of
Organizational effectiveness effectiveness; Agile HRM to How Learning and Development Are
* Online learning tools * To analyze organizational Becoming More Agile - Jon Younger
Page 7 of 13
* Cognitive techniques Online learning functioning and its
* Agile learning organizations tools; effectiveness;
* Managing flexible, * To develop * Using Online
technology enabled & Agile learning learning tools &
integrated learning experience platforms cognitive techniques;
& retention * To * Using Agile learning
* Alignment of work & understand platforms.
learning platforms Cognitive

Test 1 : 14th session

COACHING Digital board ● Exercis

15 - 16 * To understand * Practicing Coaching es;
* Coaching skills Coaching skills; by using coaching ● Role
* Internal Coach * To understand principles; plays
* Influencing and principles of * Demonstrate
networking Internal Coach; influencing and
* Reverse coaching * To examine networking sessions;
for agility reverse coaching for * Reverse coaching
agile organizations; sessions.
* To examine
influencing and

Page 8 of 13
HBS CASE STUDY (9-820-104):
17 - 19 * Teamwork : The * To understand * Plan and monitor Unilever’s response to the future of work
New Emphasis on two-sided two-sided Publication Date: 28/10/2020
Two-Sided accountability and accountability and team
Accountability teamwork; functioning;
* Managing * To examine * Develop and
cooperatively within multi-directional evaluate
the organization feedback Multi-directional
* Multi-directional mechanism; feedback mechanism;
feedback for teams * To analyze * Plan and monitor
* Employee employee employee engagement
engagement – engagement practices;
knowledge sharing, processes * Plan and monitor
project management, * To understand virtual team processes.
collaboration virtual team
* Applications for processes
immediate feedback
* Managing virtual
* Front-line execs
decision rights

Page 9 of 13
20 - 22 AGILE TOOLS * To examine Agile
* Scrum tools, i.e., Scrum, Develop Agile tools, CASE STUDY : SCRUMS, SPRINTS,
* Kanban Kanban and viz: Scrum, Kanban SPIKES AND POKER: AGILITY IN A
* Retrospectives Retrospectives; and Retrospectives and BULGARIAN SOFTWARE COMPANY
* Agile Principles * To recognize monitor; Lucia Miree; John Galletly
Agile principles. * Plan and implement Pub Date: Mar 12, 2012
Agile principles. Product #: W12802-PDF-ENG

Page 10 of 13
AGILE HROB180: Reforming India’s
23 – 24 LEADERSHIP * To understand * Plan and implement Bureaucratic Corridor: NaMo
* Leading change : change management change management Government’s New Empanelment
An imperative of and role of practices and leadership Process
Leadership leadership; roles;
* Global and local * To identify Role of * Develop Roles of DELOITTE MILLENNIAL SURVEY
balance in HR Global and local HR Global and local HR REPORT 2020
leadership leadership leadership and evaluate.
* RMP (Reiss * To examine RMP * Plan and develop
Motivation Profile) (Reiss Motivation RMP (16
* Global HR as Profile); characteristics)
competitive * To examine Identify Millennial (Gen
advantage Millennial Y) leadership roles.
* Millennial leadership

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Descriptive type (Test 2) - 22nd session

Project work (Test 3) - 25th to 30th sessions

Class Participation evaluation (CP) - 33rd session

Expectations from Students

a. Students must report to the respective sessions well before the announced time. Latecomers will not be permitted to join the class
after the scheduled time. If late, the attendance for that session will be marked as absent.
b. Read the Case Study / material well prior to the class discussion. He/she is also expected to read the chapter indicated in the
course plan as the faculty directs.
c. In the class discussion student is expected to participate actively and contribute to individual and group learning. Evaluation is
based on active participation.
d. Evaluation is a continuous process at IBS. Every student needs to be aware of the timelines given in the section below. Absence
from these evaluations will mean non awarding of marks in that particular component
e. Each faculty has been given a scheduled consultation hour. Utilize this time to meet the faculty and clarify doubts if any, seek
explanations and get mentored if needed.

Evaluation components :
Component Expected slot/ Marks Marks
Number due date declaration by (Total 100)
Class Participation 1 CP1:10 Marks

Test 1 (MCQ) 2 Test 1: 20 Marks

Test 2: 10 Marks
Test 2 (Descriptive)
Project Test 3: 20 Marks

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Comprehensive End Term Exam 5 40 Marks

Total 100 Marks

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