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BSBOPS505 - Assessment Task 2

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Task 2
Manage organisational
customer service
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code

Student name

Student ID
Student Date

Task Number

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For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Marking Comments

Completed successfully
The student has satisfactorily completed and ☐ ☐ ☐
submitted the following:

 Record of standards, budget and timelines

in Task 2.1A
 Selection of three ideas with justification in
Task 2.1B
 Customer service charter and plan in Task
 Customer support policy in Task 2.1C
 Record keeping policy in Task 2.1C
 Email report to the board in Task 2.2A
 Email to address the Yore Mine Co’
complaint in Task 2.2B
 Observation checklist (Role-Play Task 2.2. c)
 Record of the outcome of the meeting with
Mary in Task 2.2C
The student actively participate in the focus ☐ ☐ ☐
group session organised to discuss customer
service standards and planning:
 Facilitated the session effectively
 Encouraged others to provide inputs and
 Discussed and agreed on customer service
 Agreed on planning requirements
 Took notes during the session
 Listened actively
 Provided expert guidance on quality
customer service
 Used questioning to gather feedback and
inputs from the other participants

Feedback in comments.
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
 Consult with customers to identify customer
service requirements
 Use strategies for obtaining customer
feedback on the provision of product and

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Marking Comments

Completed successfully

This is evidenced by:

 Record of standards, budget and timelines
in Task 2.1A
 Selection of three ideas with justification in
Task 2.1B
 Active participation in focus group session
(Refer to Marking Sheet)
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
 Integrate customer feedback into
organisation's business plan
 Identify and procure resources required to
address customer service requirements

This is evidenced by:

 Customer service charter and plan in Task
 Customer support policy in Task 2.1C
 Record keeping policy in Task 2.1C
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
 Deliver product and service according to
customer specifications within organisation's
business plan

This is evidenced by:

 Email to address the Yore Mine Co’
complaint in Task 2.2B
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
 Monitor team performance and assess
against the organisation's quality and
delivery standards
 Support colleagues to overcome difficulties
in meeting customer service standards

This is evidenced by:

 Email report to the board in Task 2.2A
 Record of the outcome of the meeting with
Mary in Task 2.2C
 Observation checklist in Task 2.2C
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
 Adapt delivery of customer product and
service in consultation with relevant
individuals and groups

This is evidenced by:

 Record of standards, budget and timelines

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Marking Comments

Completed successfully
in Task 2.1A
 Selection of three ideas with justification in
Task 2.1B
 Customer service charter and plan in Task
 Customer support policy in Task 2.1C
 Record keeping policy in Task 2.1C
 Email to address the Yore Mine Co’
complaint in Task 2.2B

Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐

 Manage records, reports and
recommendations within the organisation's
systems and processes

This is evidenced by:

 Customer service charter and plan in Task
 Customer support policy in Task 2.1C
 Record keeping policy in Task 2.1C
 Email report to the board in Task 2.2A
 Email to address the Yore Mine Co’
complaint in Task 2.2B
 Record of the outcome of the meeting with
Mary in Task 2.2C
When collaborating with the group, the student ☐ ☐ ☐
has actively participated in group work with a
substantial contribution that can be assessed
individually for all the requirements of this task.

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


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Table of Content

Task 2 – Establish customer service requirements and ensure the delivery of quality
products and services.......................................................................................................7
Task 2.1 Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements.......................................10
Task 2.2 Ensure delivery of quality products and services.........................................................15
Appendix 1 –Innovative Widgets Scenario...................................................................17
Appendix 2 –Innovative Widgets Customer Service Delivery......................................19
Appendix 3 –Innovative Widgets Complaints policy and procedures.........................22

Task 2 – Establish customer service requirements and ensure

the delivery of quality products and services

Task summary and instructions

What is this Innovative Widget is a business that is planning to make customer

assessment task service a core competency of their organisation and wants to improve
about? their current customer service delivery.

You are a customer service manager. It is currently December, and

over the last few months, you have been receiving feedback from
customers that customer service is just 'not what it used to be'. The
board of Innovative Widgets has been made aware of the decrease in
customer service quality and wants to know what you're going to do
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Task summary and instructions

to fix the problem.

You will develop a customer service plan for the simulated business
Innovative Widgets.

You will then use scenario information (provided) to address

customer service issues through:

 monitoring customer service team performance to identify causes

of customer service shortfalls
 addressing a complex customer complaint
 coaching an underperforming customer service employee in a
To complete this task, please refer to:
 Appendix 1 – Innovative Widgets Scenario
 Appendix 2 – Innovative Customer service delivery
 Appendix 3 – Innovative Widgets Complaints policy and

This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o Product-based ☒
o Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
o Case Study ☒
o Other (specify) ☐

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

 Consult with customers to identify customer service requirements

 Integrate customer feedback into organisation's business plan
 Identify and procure resources required to address customer
service requirements
 Deliver product and service according to customer specifications
within organisation's business plan
 Monitor team performance and assess against the organisation's
quality and delivery standards
 Support colleagues to overcome difficulties in meeting customer
service standards
 Develop and use strategies for monitoring progress against
product and service targets and standards
 Develop and use strategies for obtaining customer feedback on
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Task summary and instructions

the provision of product and service

 Adapt delivery of customer product and service in consultation
with relevant individuals and groups
 Manage records, reports and recommendations within the
organisation's systems and processes

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your

competency in the above.

You are required to address the following:

 Task 2.1 Plan to meet internal and external customer
o Participate in a focus group to determine customer service
needs and requirements for Innovative Widgets
o Develop a customer service charter and plan
o Develop 2 policy and procedures relevant to customer service
o Peer-Review your work to ensure it meets standards

 Task 2.2 Ensure delivery of quality products and services

o Develop a report to the board on customer service
performance in the company
o Develop an email to address a customer's complaint
o Performance manage and coach a colleague who is under-
performing in the customer service team

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a

work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will
be marked as such.
What do I need to do  submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
to complete this task  complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a
satisfactorily? professional manner,
 use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
 meet the word count where required,
 use the scenario provided,
 use the templates provided where required,
 for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this
assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the
assessment criteria,
 if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked
to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:

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Task summary and instructions

 Attend the focus group session in class to brainstorm ideas to

develop the customer service charter and plan (week 2)
 Ask two classmates to peer-review your customer service plan,
the charter and the policies. Document the peer review. (week 3)
 Participate in a Role-Play to help a colleague improve customer
service skills and performance (week 4)

You must submit to GOALS

 Record of standards, budget and timelines

 Selection of three ideas with justification
 Customer service charter and plan
 Customer support policy
 Record keeping policy
 Email report to the board
 Email to address the Yore Mine Co' complaint
 Observation checklist (Role-Play Task 2.2. c) )
 Record of the outcome of the meeting with Mary
Resources and • Computer with Internet access
equipment • Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided
• Appendices as provided
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided
Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.
opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must
undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the
right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that
you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds
for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior
to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task
or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when
attempting any part of the assessment.

Complete the following activities:

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Task 2.1 Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements

a) Attend the focus group session in week 2 of class

In week 2 of class, attend a meeting (focus group) in a simulated work environment where:
 Some students will play the role of Innovative Widget's customers invited to attend a focus
group on customer service
 Some students will play the role of customer service personnel working at Innovative Widgets
 The trainer and assessor will play the role of the CEO of Innovative Widgets
 Brainstorm and agree on five customer service standards for Innovative Widgets
 Determine and agree on how long it will take Innovative Widgets to achieve those standards
 Considering that the budget to develop and implement the customer service plan is $ 85,000,
discuss and decide if the budget is adequate to implement the plan.
 Brainstorm ideas to develop a customer service charter and plan to include:
o A vision and mission statement for customer service
o A list of internal and external customers types
o An outline of customer needs (by customer type)
o An outline of product standards
o An outline of training needs for the customer service team
o A budget for the plan to consider technology, training, staffing needs and equipment
needed to implement the plan
o A brand-new customer support policy and procedures
o A brand-new record keeping policy and procedures

If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the
trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
The trainer and assessor will validate your active participation in the session and provide feedback
on the Marking Sheet.

Standards, Budget and Timelines

Record the agreed five customer service standards, the agreed timelines to implement the
customer service plan and the agreed budget in the table below.

Standards Availability, Consistency, Accuracy, Responsiveness, Efficiency.

Budget 70,000$
Timelines 3-5 months

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b) Take notes about the focus group session and select three ideas that you find most effective to
develop a quality customer service plan according to the agreed standards, timelines and budget.
List the ideas you liked the most and develop a short reflection on your selection (justifications).
(50-100 words)

1). Assess your customer service Quotient

2). Understand your customer’s Requirements.
3). Create your customer vision and service policies.
4). Deal effectively with your customers.
5). Educate your staff.

c) Develop a customer service charter and plan for innovative widgets. Include two high-level
policy and procedures as instructed.

Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.

Template 1 -Customer Service Charter and Plan

Innovative Widgets Customer Service Charter
Create a vision and mission statement that includes reference to customer services.

Welcome to Innovative Widgets!

Our vision: Vision for innovation widgets is to develop the lead in customer service satisfaction,
and satisfaction service on time is vision and providing excellence in service within the expectations
of the customers. This will be achieved in 3-5 months.

Our mission: To deliver the best service experience. Mission is to lead the customer service by
providing them the best experience and the ability to realise the customer value.

Our internal customers are: Our internal customers require:

List Innovative Widgets' internal customers (2-3) List these customers' needs (2-3)

Customer service represntatives Proper working environment

Production department Advance customer service options.

Sales department To follow policies and procedures

Marketing department To keep communication flow

Our external customers are: Our external customers require:
List Innovative Widgets' external customers (2-3) List these customers' needs (2-3)

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Innovative Widgets Customer Service Charter

Buyers or Customers who purchase the products Good quality of products.

Sole traders Excellent service to customers

Mining companies Prompt replies

Delivery in time
We'll give you what you need … and more!

We promise to deliver a widget that's right for your needs:

List relevant product quality specifications (4)

Delivery can be done via courier or pick up 24 hours. Delivery is guaranteed within 3 days
Pricing can be determined by the material of widgets.
Providing a clear description of the product feature and specifications

We promise to support you:

List relevant customer service guarantees, e.g. related to time, cost and after-sales support (2-3)

The delivery is guaranteed within 3 days if the courier is to be delivered. The pickup will be
available in 24 hours of order taken.

To sell the widgets with a fair price to keep your projects within your budget.

Whatever problems you have after receiving your purchase, we want to help you ensuring you are
happy and well looked after.
We support our people to support you!

Innovative Widgets' policies and procedures that support customer service include:
List relevant policies and procedures (3)

Customer support policy and procedure

Customer complaints policy and procedure

Recordkeeping policy and procedure

Customer information and market research policy and procedure

Customer feedback policy and procedure.

Customer service staff -Training needs

List 4 training needs to implement quality customer service according to the customer service charter and meet customer service

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Customer service skills
Handling difficult people and situations
Retain customers
Customer satisfaction

Develop a budget (4-6 items to implement the customer service charter and plan). Note, the total budget must not exceed the agreed
budget for implementation. The budget must include the resources required to address customer service requirements.

Item Estimated Cost

Sales budget $ 15,000
Marketing budget $ 20,000
Project budget $ 20,000
Maintenance $ 15,000
Total $ 70,000

Outline how the resources needed to address customer service requirements will be procured.
(50-100 words)
1. greet the customers and introduce yourself.
2. listen effectively to the customer complaints and note it in a notepad properly.
3. ask questions to clear the doubts and capture the information.
4. do not argue with your customers.
5. ask the customer about how will they like this to be resolved in a particular manner.

Template 2 -Customer Support policy and procedures

Customer support policy and procedure – collecting market research

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to set up best practices for helping
customers with their inquires regarding to our service or products.
Scope The scope of this policy applies to any inquires/problems that
customers may have regarding to our service or products to be
handeled by our team members.
Customer support process/es

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Write any processes that support this policy. Write processes in steps where possible, e.g. step 1:
greet the customer; step 2: ask the customer what you can help them with, etc.
1. Customers are contacted through telephone or emails to understand their experiences and

2. effective listening and communication skills are used by the employees to provide updated
information correctly

3. the RATER survey method provide- reliability, assurance, tangibleness, empathy, and response.

4. answer the question has been resolved and the customer is satisfied

5. ask customer to complete a feedback survey and enrol for any updates.

Template 3 -Recordkeeping policy and procedures

Purpose Innovative widgets will handle information in a way that meets its
legislative obligations and minimisespotential risks relating to
privacy, data security, confidentiality and records management.
Hnadling information in a wy that protects privacy and
confidentiality is part of the commitment to being responsible.
Scope All management , staff, contractors, suppliers must be responsible
for their recordkeeping.

Recordkeeping process/es
Write any processes that support this policy. Write processes in steps where possible, e.g. step 1: greet the customer; step 2 ask the
customer what you can help them with, etc.

1. Innovate widgets records are meaningful, accurate, reliable, and reussble records and information
is available whwnever required.
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2. they provide stakeholders with transparency and accounatbility

3. records are to be kept confident and in accordance tpo the privacy and personal information
protection Act.

4. records and information are managed across all operating environments, systems and kept up to

5. Records and information are kept for as long as they are needed for business, legal and
accounatability requirements.

Task 2.2 Ensure delivery of quality products and services

Review current customer service performance at Innovative Widgets.

a) Report on current customer service performance to the board of Innovative Widges.

 Review the information about Innovative Widgets that you gathered in Assessment Task 2.1.
 Read the scenario provided in Appendix 1 of this task.
 Review the customer service call data in Appendix 2 and analyse the data to identify possible
causes of customer service shortfalls.
 Write a brief email report (Template 5)to the board of Innovative Widgets to:
o summarise customer service team performance
o identify possible causes of customer service shortfalls (2-3)
o identify options to address the problem/s. (2-3)

The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
(50-100 words)

Template 5 -Email
Email to the Board
To: Innovation widgets board
Subject: customer service team performance
Date email is sent:

Dear all,

From the last few years our customer service team performance has lowered down as the
customers are complain about the behaviours of the employees. The customer service department
are not working in line with the company’s policy. The customer dissatisfaction is influencing their
loyality and they are facing problems in maintain relations with the company. According to the
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customers our service has been delayed and not prompt. This provides the problem to the company
in remaing on the policy of being prompt on the services. Below are some of the causes identified

1. delivery of wrong product

2. misunderstanding between customers and employees.
3. the delayed service and replies to the customers.

Finally, as a first step to solve the causes we can provide training for all of our employeesin all
customer service areas and create a plan to improve our services custumer.


b) Address the complaint from Yore Mine Co.

Read the scenario in Appendix 2 and address the complaint from Yore Mine Co.

Follow the customer complaints policy and procedures provided in Appendix 3 of this task to draft
an email (Template 5) to Yore Mine Co. to clear up the misunderstanding and address their

Ensure that your support of the customer provided is consistent with principles of customer service
set out in the Innovative Widgets business plan and the customer service plan you develop in
Assessment Task 2.1.

The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 5 -Email
Email to Yore Mine Co.
To: yore mine co
Subject: innovate widgets- complaint
Date email is sent:
Dear sir Mine

We are very sorry about the difficult you encountered recently before receiving yyour last order
from us. I understand that those products were required for urgent purposes.

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The delivery was guaranteed within 3 days and we apologize for the delayed delivery. The product
which was wrongly delivered will be soon replaced within 24 hours and the next delivery of the
correctly ordered products will be provided within the next 2 days.

We are very sorry for truncating your plans for these products, and we will do our best to ensure
this never happens again.

We promise toimpress you when you make your next next order. If you have any other questions or
need further assistance from us, contact to our customer support team anytime

Innovative widget customer service team.

c) Performance manage and coach Mary.

Read about Mary's performance in Appendix 2.
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of the term and meet with Mary (played
by a classmate).

Duration of the meeting: 30 minutes.

Before the meeting:

 Familiarise yourself with Mary's case.

 Prepare 2-3 questions to ask Mary to understand her perspective.
 Prepare a coaching session to address:
o How to handle complaints focusing on techniques for dealing with different customer types
according to their needs (e.g. dealing with small customers compared to dealing with
significant customers such as Yore Mine Co.)
o Policy and procedures to handle customer complaints (Appendix 3)

During the meeting:

 Make Mary feel comfortable, do not be judgemental.

 Ask Mary questions to understand her perspective
 Coach Mary
 Agree with Mary on a plan to improve her performance (2-3 key actions with timelines)

After the meeting:

 Record the outcome of the meeting with Mary:

o Reasons for underperformance (2-3)
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o Agreed actions for improvement with timelines (2-3)

Record of the outcome of the meeting with Mary:

This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during
the meeting using an observation checklist.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the
trainer and assessor. You may only reschedule once.

Appendix 1 –Innovative Widgets Scenario

'Innovative widgets' is the largest producer of widget in Australia. Established in 1952, its widgets are
used as components in a broad range of machinery, from domestic appliances to industrial
equipment. The company is family-owned and run by the children and one grandchild of the founder,
who collectively form the board of directors. Until recently, the grandchild had acted as a managing
director of Innovative widgets.

Innovative widgets operate from one location. There is a store area in the warehouse (for the raw
materials used to make the widgets), a machine workshop (where the widgets are produced) and
dispatch and deliveries area. The office block houses the following operational departments:

 Purchasing

 Sales

 Accounts

 Human resources

 A recently established customer service team.

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In total, Innovative Widgets employs over 50 staff. Last year Innovative Widgets produced a pre-tax
profit $2,240,000 on a turnover of 16,000,000.

Innovative Widgets has a diverse customer base. Their largest customer is a major mining equipment
manufacturer. This customer accounts for approximately 40% of total widget sales. The other 60% of
sales are medium and small businesses and to individuals and sole traders.

The following is an excerpt from Innovative Widgets' business plan.

Business plan excerpt

Vision statement

To keep every Australian business running smoothly using safe, quality widgets.

Mission statement

 Innovate new ways of manufacturing and testing widgets

 Deliver consistently high-quality customer service internally and externally

 Keep Australian businesses buying Australian widgets through quality products and second-to-
none customer service

 Have the best safety record of any widget company.

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Appendix 2 –Innovative Widgets Customer Service Delivery

You are a customer service manager. It is currently December, and over the last few months, you
have been receiving feedback from customers that customer service is just 'not what it used to be'.
The board of Innovative Widgets has been made aware of the decrease in customer service quality
and wants to know what you're going to do to fix the problem.

Mary is a member of your customer service team at Innovative Widgets. Her role is to receive
telephone enquiries and complaints.

You have observed the following:

● Mary has been rude to customers on several occasions. This behaviour contravenes company
policy on knowing the importance of friendly service to customers of Innovative Widgets.

● Mary has recently developed a habit of letting the phone ring and then placing customers on
hold. This behaviour contravenes company policy on the knowledge of the importance of prompt
service to customers of Innovative Widgets.

● Yesterday Mary received a complaint from a customer:

'I work as a buyer for the state's largest supplier of mining equipment, Yore Mine Co. We
provide a lot of business to Innovative Widgets.
I ordered 1,000 x 7mm widgets for delivery last Friday. I was promised that the delivery would
arrive within three days. It's now a week later, and they still haven't arrived. My production
manager just telephoned me to say he might fail to deliver a major order unless the widgets
arrive in the next four days.
A few weeks ago, a consignment of widgets arrived from Innovative Widgets, but they were
6mm widgets rather than the 7mm I had ordered on that occasion.
I am considering going to another supplier for your widgets even though Innovative Widgets
are the only Australian supplier. I could get them cheaper from China, but the saving isn't great
when you add in the extra shipping costs. I'm going to begin legal action if the widgets don't
arrive today. I might order the widgets from China from now on.'
● Mary misunderstood and thought that the customer had ordered the products yesterday and
argued with him. She accused the customer of being unreasonable as Innovative Widgets is an
industry leader in guaranteeing three-day delivery.

When the misunderstanding was eventually cleared up, Mary wasn't sure how to track orders or
reorder the products. She said there was nothing she could do as Innovative Widgets' procedures
didn't seem to cover this issue.

As the customer service manager, you will need to email Yore Mine Co. to clear up the
misunderstanding and address their concerns.

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You will also need to demonstrate your knowledge of developing team members and coaching Mary to
improve the quality of her customer service.

Use the Innovative Widgets Complaints policy and procedures document in Appendix 3 of this task to
assist you.

The following is an excerpt from Innovative Widgets' business plan.

Business plan excerpt

Vision statement

To keep every Australian business running smoothly using safe, quality widgets.

Mission statement

 Innovate new ways of manufacturing and testing widgets

 Deliver consistently high-quality customer service internally and externally

 Keep Australian businesses buying Australian widgets through quality products and second-to-
none customer service

 Have the best safety record of any widget company.

Customer Service Data

Call Frequency per month




















of calls











of calls

Customer service staff

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BSBCUS501 V4-2015
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
































Nitin (quit)



















Taya (new)

Mary (new)



Report from HR:

o Nitin quit because he did not feel supported by the supervisor (John). Nitin was exhausted
because he had to work overtime most days.
o John has an authoritarian leadership style; he is knowledgeable, but he lacks coaching and
mentoring skills.
o Taya is a good customer service officer, but she was not properly inducted in the team. She
finds it hard to work with her colleagues and she makes data entry errors due to lack of
training on the CRM system in use.
o Jonas has been with the company for years and he could be a good supervisor, however he
fears to clash with John, and he flies under the radar at work.
o The CRM system is use needs updating.
o Complaints have increase by 25% from previous years.
o The team works overtime most days to return calls. This is increasing operational costs in the
customer service team.

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BSBCUS501 V4-2015
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
o The team spend too much time on the phone with customers.

Appendix 3 –Innovative Widgets Complaints policy and


Innovative Widgets
Complaints Policy and Procedure

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the management of complaints is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.
Scope The scope of this policy covers the management of customer complaints
by employees and contractors of Innovative Widgets.
Resources Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.
Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees
and management of Innovative Widgets with responsibility for
managing customer complaints.

Relevant  Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)

legislation etc.
 Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
 Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth).
 ISO 10002:2014; Quality management -- Customer satisfaction --
Guidelines for complaints handling in organisations

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth)

 Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (Vic).
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwlth)
Updated/authorise 10/2021 – John Doe CFO

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BSBCUS501 V4-2015
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
To manage complaints – customer service representatives

1. Greet the customer courteously and give them your name.

2. Listen fully to what the customer is saying. Try to gather all the facts about the complaint and
jot them down. Then, ask questions and summarise what they are saying.

3. Never argue with the customer.

4. Apologise for any product fault or poor service. Be sympathetic. Ask if the customer will allow us
to send the faulty item to our quality department for testing.

5. When you have all the details about the complaint, ask the customer how they would like it to
be resolved.

6. No product replacements are within all staff members' authority.

7. All staff members can use their professional judgement and refund an additional 10% of the
value of the faulty product up to a maximum value of $25.

8. Complaints involving damage to other property are covered by our insurance. Help the customer
to complete the Claims Form and ask if the customer can obtain quotes for repairs.

9. All complaints involving injury must be referred to the Customer Service Manager. Agree a
suitable time for the Customer Service Manager to call the customer.

10. Any complaint that is not covered in the above procedures must be directed to the Customer
Service Manager. Agree on a time for the Customer Service Manager to call the customer.

To manage complex complaints – customer service manager

1. Once you are alerted to a complex customer complaint, gather all the available details about the
customer, and the problem being addressed.

2. Before contacting the customer, decide on what actions need to be taken to address the

a. At a system level, to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future

b. For the specific customer who has made the complaint

3. Once you have identified actions to be taken, contact the customer as soon as possible.

4. In your customer contact:

a. summarise the facts and the problem as you understand it and make an apology for the
mistakes Innovative Widgets is responsible for.

b. Describe what Innovative Widgets is going to do at a systems level to prevent or minimise

these types of mistakes for all customers in the future.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
c. Describe what Innovative widgets is going to do to solve the customer's specific problem

d. Describe when you will follow up with the customer to see if their problem has been

e. Ask if there is anything else the customer needs to resolve the situation or repair the

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BSBCUS501 V4-2015
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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