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Cash Flows From Operating Activites: Operating Profit Beforre Working Capital Changes Net Change in

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Cash Flow statement of TCS (2019/2020/2021)

in Cr.
Particulars Year ended
March 31,2019


Profit for the year

Adjustments to reconcile profit and loss to net cash provided by operating
activities 30,065
Depreciation and amortisation expense 1716
Bad debts and advances written off, allowance for doubtful trade
receivables and advances (net) 188
Tax expense 10,640
Net gain on lease modification
Unrelised foreign exchange (gain)/ loss 7
Net gain on disposal or property, plant and equipment -84
Net gain on investments -416
Interest income -2651
Dividend income (including exchange gain) -3574
Finance costs 170
Realised foreign exchange gain on proceeds from liquidation of wholly subsidiary (refer note 6(a))
Operating profit beforre working capital changes 36061
Net change in
Inventories 16
Trade receivables -5335
unbilled receivables 733
Loans receivables and other financial assets -417
Other assets -3036
Trade payables 2915
Unearned and deferred revenue 755
Other financial liabilities 610
Other liabilitird and provisions 400
Cash generated from operations 32702
Taxes paid (net of refunds) -8704
Net cash generated from operating activities 23998

Bank deposits placed -5690

Inter-corporate deposits placed -13222
Purchase of investments -92020
Payment for purchase of property, plant and equipment -1556
Payment including advances for acquiring right-of-use assets
Payment for purchase of intangible assets -161
Payment towards subscription of shares in wholly owned subsidiary (refer note 6(a))
Proceeds from bank deposits 2339
Proceeds from inter-corporate deposits 10472
Proceeds from disposal/redemption of investments 99561
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 98
Proceeds from liquidattion of wholly owned subsidiary (refer note 6(a))
Interest received 2554
Dividend received from subsidiaries 3574
Acuisition of subsidiary -66
Net cash generated from Investing activities 5883

buy-back of quity shares -16000

expenses for buy-back of equity shares -45
Short-term borrowings (net) -181
Dividend paid (including tax on dividend) -11424
Transfer of funds to buy-back escrow account
Transfer of funds from buy-back escrow account
Expenses for buy-back of equity shares (refer note 6(m))
Repayment of lease liabilities -5
Interest paid -170
Net cash used in financing activites 27825
Netchange in cash and cash equivalents 2056
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1278
Exchange difference on translation of foreign currency cash and cash -7
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (refer note 6©) 3327
in Cr.
Year ended Year ended March
March 31,2020 31,2021

33,260 30960
2701 3053

132 185
8731 9942
-4 -89
-130 -20
-50 -19
-197 -193
-3197 -2383
-3995 -2211
743 537
efer note 6(a)) -5
37994 40975

5 -3
-4736 3282
-311 -572
-72 -54
-3072 -2432
1042 -771
449 246
1183 -171
487 1127
32969 41627
-6366 -7805
26603 33822

-6999 -5678
-13694 -20139
-77191 -51822
-1951 -2071
-519 -101
-172 -242
11612 4617
13400 16892
80865 49333
130 31
3353 2605
3995 2211

12892 4576


-37634 -10850
-668 -879
-743 -537
39045 32023
387 2777
3327 3852
138 37

3852 1112

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