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A.Chn As A Field of Nursing Practice

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organizing these benefits as to enable

A.CHN AS A FIELD OF NURSING every citizen to realize his birth right of
PRACTICE health and longevity.
CHN is described as:
 Afield of nursing that is blend or synthesis of  Public health connotes organized,
nursing practice with public health using legislated and tax-supported efforts that
primary health care as the tool in the delivery serve all people through health
of health services department and governmental agencies.
 A learned practice discipline with the ultimate  Purpose: improve the health of the public
goal of contributing as individuals and in by:
collaboration with others to the promotion of o promoting healthy lifestyles
the client’s optimum level of functioning thru o preventing disease and injury,
teaching and delivery of care (Jacobson,1969) and
 A service rendered by a professional nurse to o protecting the health of
individuals, families, communities and communities.
population groups in health centers, clinics,
schools, and the workplace in order to promote Core Public Health Functions
health, prevent illness, provide care for the
sick at their respective homes, provide Assessment:
effective rehabilitation (Freeman,1970) - regular collection, analysis and information
 CHN – (ANA,1980) “A synthesis of nursing sharing about health conditions, risks, and
practice and public health practice applied to resources in the community.
promoting and preserving the health of the
populations” Policy development:
 CHN is considered to be a broader and more - use of information gathered during
general specialty area that encompasses assessment to develop local and health
subspecialties that include public health policies and to direct resources toward
nursing, school nursing, and other developing those policies
fields of practice, such as home health,
hospice care, and independent nurse practice Assurance:
- Focuses on the availability of necessary
Definition and Focus of Public Health and health services throughout the community.
Community Health Includes maintaining the ability of both
public health agencies and private
 Winslow –known classic definition of Public providers to manage day-to-day operations
health and having the capacity to respond to
“Public health is the science and art of: critical situations and emergencies.
1. Preventing disease Community Health
2. Prolonging life
- Extends the realm of public health to
3. Promoting health and efficiency through include organized health efforts of the
organized community effort for: community level through the government
       1. Sanitation of the environment  and private efforts.
2. control of communicable infections - Participants include privately funded
agencies (Phil. Cancer Society or the Phil.
3. Education of the individual in personal
Red Cross)
4. Organizations of medical and nursing
services for the early diagnosis and
preventive treatment of disease.
5.Development of social machinery to
ensure everyone a standard of living
adequate for the maintenance of health, so

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