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Chapter 8 P2

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CHAPTER 8: (i) Draw arrows in the circle

circl to show
ELECTROMAGNETISM the direction of the compass.
(ii) The coils PQ act as a magnet.
8.1 ELECTROMAGNETISM State the magnetic polarity at :

1. P: Q:
The diagram shows 4 compasses are
placed on a horizontal cardboard. A (iii)On
On the diagram below, sketch
straight wire passes through the magnetic field line around and
centre of the cardboard. When the inside the coils PQ. Show the
current is switched off, all the direction of the magnetic
magneti field.
compasses needles point north.

The structure of a relay and its
related connections is shown is
diagram below.

(a) On the diagram below, draw

arrows to show the direction of
the needles when the current
flows through the straight wire
into the cardboard.
(i) What are the parts X, Y and Z
shown in the diagram?
X – _______________________
Y – _______________________
Z – _______________________

(b) Current passes through a coil (ii) The relay coil is wound on a
PQ as shown below. The metal core M. State a suitable
circles represent the material for this metal core M.

Explain why this material is
suitable to be used.

(iv)Give a reason why the high

voltage is switched in this way
rather than by inserting a
switch directly in the high
voltage circuit.

3. Question 8: SBP 08
Diagram 8.1 shows a simple
electromagnet used for lifting and Material used Shape of the
releasing a small metal ball. for the core core


Soft iron


Diagram 8.1

(a) In Diagram 8.1, mark the

direction of the current flow in
the solenoid when the switch is Table 8
(c) Based on Table 8, state the
suitable properties to be
(b) (i) Name the magnetic pole at chosen to built an
the end of the core P when electromagnet and state the
the switch is on? reason for your choice.

……………………………………. (i) Material used for the

[ 1 mark ] Core

(ii) State the rule used to ……………………………..

determine the pole of the [ 1 mark ]
magnetic field. (ii) Reason

…………………………………… ...........................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]

(iii) Based on the solenoid in (iii) Shape of the core

Diagram 8.1, draw the
magnetic field lines that is ...........................................
form around the solenoid [ 1 mark ]
when the switch is on. In (iv) Reason
your diagram show the
direction of the magnetic ...........................................
field lines. [ 1 mark ]
[ 2 marks ]
(d) The electromagnet in 8 (c) is
used in an electric bell as
shown in Diagram 8.2.

(a) On the diagram,

ram, mark and label
with B the direction of the
magnetic field.
Diagram 8.2
(b) When the switch is closed, the
Explain the working principle copper rod move along the
of the electric bell. copper rails. On the diagram
 mark and label direction of
……………………………………. current, I through the
copper rod.
…………………………………….  Mark and label, F , the
direction of the motion of
……………………………………. the rod.

……………………………. (c) Explain how the motion of the
[ 3 marks] copper rod is produced.

8.2 MAGNETIC FORCE __________________________

4. Diagram below shows an
arrangement to study the effect of __________________________
magnetic field on a copper rod
carrying current. The bare cooper (d) What happen to the motion of
rod is free to move along the bare the copper rod and explain
copper rails. your answer when
(i) the rheostat is adjusted
until its resistance



(ii) the battery is replaced by (iii)name
name the rule used to
a.c. power supply determine the direction of
the force.
(e) What is the direction of
(e) Name one instruments which rotation of the coil?
se the principle involved in
(b). _________________________

6. The diagram shows the
arrangement of an apparatus to
5. The diagram shows the structure investigate the interaction
of a direct current motor. between a current-carrying
conductor and the e magnetic field.

(a) Name the part labeled

(i) P : _____________________

(ii) Q : ____________________
(a) Name the type of the magnet
(b) What is the function of the part is used.
(i) P : _____________________
(b) When the switch is closed,
(ii) Q : _____________________ (i) indicate and label the
direction of the current
(c) Label the direction of the flows through wire X.
current in the coil.
(d) State and label the direction of (ii) what happen to motion of
the forces acting on wire X and give the reason
(i) the
e SV side of the coil: ____ for your answer.

(ii) the
e TU side of the coil: ____

(c) Suggest two ways to change (iii) How can n the magnitude of the
the direction of the motion of force be increased?
wire X.
[2 marks]
8. Figure(a) shows the structural
7. Question 5:Pahang 08 design of a moving coil ammeter.
Diagram 5 demonstrates the force
acting on a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field.

Diagram 5

(a) When the switch

witch is closed, what
observation can you make?
[1 mark] (a) On Figure(b) draw the pattern of
(b) State the rule which can be used the magnetic fields formed
to determine the direction of before the current flows through
motion of the copper wire? the coil.
[1 mark]
(c) (i) If the direction of current is
reversed, what different
observation can be made?

..................................................... Figure(b)
[1 mark]
(ii) Draw the pattern of (b) When the current flows through
electromagnetic field that the coil, the pointer is
produces the motion of the deflected.
copper wire as in (a)? (i) What type of current is used?

(ii)Explain how the pointer Table 8 shows the specifications of four
deflects. galvanometer J, K, L and M.
Galva- Wire Core Number
_________________________ nometer used material of turns
for the of coils
_________________________ coil
(iii) Why is the coil stops to J Thin Soft Large
deflect? iron
K Thick Steel Small
__________________________ L Thin Steel Small
M Thick Soft Large
__________________________ iron

(b) Based on Table 8, state the

9. Question 8:MRSM 08 suitable specifications for the coil
Diagram 8 shows a galvanometer and the core to make the
with a resistance of 5 Ω and a full- galvanometer more efficient.
scale deflection of 5 mA. Give the reason for the suitability
of the aspects.
(i) Wire used for the coil



[2 marks]
(ii) Core material

Diagram 8
The galvanometer uses the
interaction between the magnetic ...................................................
field of a permanent magnet and the [2 marks]
magnetic field of an electromagnet to
measure a small current. The coil of
the galvanometer gets heated up (iii) Number of turns of the coil
quickly, thus affecting the reading
shown by the pointer. ...................................................
(a) What is meant by
electromagnet? Reason

…………………………………………… ...................................................
[1 mark] [2 marks]

(c) Based on the answers in 8(b),
determine the most suitable (a) (i) Name the type of motor
galvanometer in Table 8 to shown in the diagram above.
measure a small current.
………………………………………… [1 mark]
[1 mark] (ii) what is the function of the
part labeled X?
(d) A resistor is added to the
galvanometer to enable it to ……………………………………….
[2 marks]
produce a full-scale
scale deflection
when the current is 1 Ampere.
(b) (i) By refering to Diagram 7.1,
(i) State how the resistor should
draw the related catapult field
be connected to the
in the diagram below.
galvanometer. Tick (x) the
[1 mark]
correct answer.

……… In series with the

………. Parallel to the
[1 mark]
(ii) Explain your answer in 8(d)(i)

.................................................. (ii) In your diagram, draw and

[1 mark] label the direction of forces
(iii) Calculate the resistance
istance of [1 mark]
the added resistor.
[2 marks] (iii)State
State one factor that affects
the speed of rotation of the
10. Question 7:MRSM 09
Diagram 7.1 shows a simple electric ……………………………………..
motor. [1 mark]

(c) Diagram 7.2 shows the same

type of electric motor used in a
blender to grind food where a
blade is attached to the electric

Diagram 7.1

(a) Mark on the wire the direction
of the induced current that
flows through it.

(b) Name the rule that is used to

Diagram 7.2 work out the direction of the
Suggest and explain the
modifications which need to b be done __________________________
for each of the following:
(i) To enable the motor to be used (c) Describe the effect on the
with alternating current. induced current
ent if:
(i) the wire is moved vertically
..................................................... upwards at a low speed,

.................................................... ________________________
[2 marks]
(ii) the wire is moved vertically
(ii) To increase the strength of the upwards at a higher speed.
magnetic field.
The wire is held stationary
..................................................... in between the poles of the
[2 marks] magnet.

INDUCTION 12. The south pole of a bar magnet is
moved towards a solenoid that it
11. A straight thick copper wire that is connected to a sensitive centre-
connected to a sensitive centre
centre- zero galvanometer.
zero galvanometer is moved
tically downwards in a
magnetic field.

i. Mark on the solenoid: ……………………………………..
(i) the end that will become [1 mark]
a south pole.
(b) State the polarity of the solenoid
(ii) The direction of the at mark ‘X’. Tick () the correct
induced current. answer in the box below.

ii. State three ways to increase

the induced current in the North

________________________ South
[1 mark]
________________________ (c) Diagram 2.2 shows a magnet bar
is pulling away from inside a
13. Question 2:Melaka 09
Diagram 2.1 shows a bar magnet
before and when is pushed into a

Diagram 2.1

On Diagram 2.2
(i) mark the direction of the
current flow in the circuit

(ii) by using an arrow mark the

compass direction on the
compass above
[2 marks]

14. Question 4
Diagram 4 shows a bar magnet is
hung on a spring that attached to a
Diagram 2.1 retort stand. The bar magnet is
displaced downwards and released
(a) Name the science phenomenon so it can oscillate through a solenoid
involved in Diagram 2.1? which is connected to a centre-zero

(ii) Give the reason for your

[1 mark]

15. Question 6:SBP 07

Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 show a bar
magnet is pushed into a solenoid
sole at a
speed of 2 ms-1.

(a) What is meant by

electromagnetic induction?

[1 mark]

(b). When the bar magnet move

towards the solenoid, the
galvanometer pointer deflect for
a while.

(i) Explain why the

galvanometer pointer

[1 mark]

(ii). State the polarity of end A

and end B of the solenoid. (a) State the physical quantity that is
represented by the deflection of
A : ....................................... the galvanometer.

B : ........................................... …………………………………….......
[2 marks] [1 mark]
(b) Based on Diagram 6.1 and
(c) If the spring is replaced by a Diagram 6.2:
stiffer spring, (i) State two differences that can
(i) state the change to the angle be observed from Diagram 6.1
of deflection of the and Diagram 6.2.
galvanometer pointer?
[1 mark] ....................................................

[2 marks] [1 mark]

(ii) Based on the answer in (b)(i), (b) Based on the direction of the
explain why these differences current in Diagram 6.1 and
occur? Diagram 6.2;
(i) Label the polarity at the end of
.................................................... each solenoid in box X and box
[2 marks]
[2 marks] (ii) Label the direction of motion of
the bar magnet in Diagam 6.1
(c) Name the physics law and Diagram 6.2
involved in 6(b)(ii).
[2 marks]
[1 mark] (c)(i) Based on the answers in 6(b)(i)
and 6(b)(ii), state the effect of
(d) Explain why the direction of the polarity at the end of the
current in the solenoid is upward solenoid on the motion of the
as shown in Diagram 6.1 and bar magnet.
Diagram 6.2?
........................................................ [2 marks]
[2 marks]
(ii) Name the law that applies to
16. Kedah 07 Q6 (c)(i).
Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show
that a current is induced in a
solenoid when there is relative
[1 mark]
motion between the solenoid and the
bar magnet. (d) Suggest one method to increase
the induced current in the

[1 mark]

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

(a) What is meant by induced



17. The diagram shows the structural 8.4 TRANSFORMER

design of a generator.
18. Question 3:Negeri 9 09
The diagram 3 shows a U-shaped
laminated soft iron core is wound
with insulated copper wire AB and
CD. An a.c. voltage of 240 V is
connected at the end of AB and a
bulb 12V 60W is connected at the end

(a) Name the principle used in

the generator.


(b) Mark the directions of current (a) What type of transformer is

flow in WX and YZ when the shown in Diagram 3.
side WX of the coil is
displaced in downwards ………………………………………..
direction. [ 1 mark ]

(c) Draw a graph to show the (b) State one reason why the a.c.
variation with time of the voltage is supplied.
current in conductor YZ.
[ 1 mark ]

(c) The bulb lights up with normal

brightness. Determine the ratio of
the number of turns in the coil AB
to the number of turns in the coil
[ 2 marks ]
(d) What happens to the current
flows in conductor YZ when
the speed of the coil’s
rotations is increased?
(d) The voltage supply 240 V.

alternating current. is replaced by ..........................................................
a voltage supply 240 V direct [1 mark]
(c) For the bulb operating at the
(i) What happens to brightness of normal brightness, calculate:
the bulb. (i) the current in the secondary
[1 mark ]
(ii) Give the reason for your [2 marks]
(ii) the current in the primary coil.
……………………………………... Assume that the transformer is
[ 1 mark ] ideal.

[2 marks]
19. Question 4: Johor 2007
Diagram 4.1 shows a simple 20. Question 6: Teknik 07
transformer used to light up a bulb Table 6 gives the details of two
labelled 24 V, 36 W. transformers P and Q

When the mains supply is

switched on, the bulb is
very dim.

(a) State two ways in which the

brightness of the bulb can be
increased without changing the TABLE 6
voltage of the mains supply.
(a) Compare the number of turns
.......................................................... for each transformers.

......................... .....................................................
[2 marks] [1 mark ]
(b) Compare the voltages for each
(b) Explain
plain why the core is made transformers.
from iron.

[1 mark]

(c) (i) State the relationship between

the number of turns of the coil
and the voltages for both


[1 mark]
(ii) Therefore,determine the type Diagram 10.1
of transformer P and Q.

Transformer P : ……………….

Transformer Q : ……………..
[2 marks]

(c) (i) Name the type of electric

currents that a transformer
can change .

[1 mark] Diagram 10.2

(ii) What happens if another type When the switch is on and paper
of current applied to the clips of the same amount are put in
primary coil? Explain your the plates, the paper clips are
answer attracted to the solenoids.
(a) What is an electromagnet?
[2 marks] [1 mark]
(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram
10.2, compare the number of
ESSAY QUESTIONS turns in solenoid, the magnitude
of current flowing and the
21. Conceptual: Perak 07 number of paper clips attracted
Diagram 10.1 and 10.2 show to the solenoid.
insulated copper wires are wrapped [3 marks]
around rods to form solenoids. The (c) State the relationship between
solenoids are connected to the strength of the magnetic
ammeters, rheostats, switches and field and
dry cells. (i) the magnitude of current
(ii) the number of turns in
[2 marks]

22. Conceptual: MRM 07 23. Understanding : Perak 07
Figure 10.1 shows a magnet placed Diagram 10.3 shows a simple
on a stationary trolley. Figure 10.1(a) electromagnet consists of a solenoid
is the situation when the trolley is with soft iron core inside. And, two
stationary while Figure 10.1(b) is the magnet bars are hung freely at both
situation when the trolley is moving sides of the solenoids.
into the solenoid. Figure 10.2(a)
shows a conductor which is
stationary in the magnetic field while
figure 10.2(b) shows the conductor
being moved downwards
wnwards in the
magnetic field.

Diagram 10.3

Explain what happens

ens to magnet P
and magnet Q when the switch is on.
[4 marks]

24. Understanding: MRSM 07

Compare the structures, direction of
current and changes in energy forms
between a direct current generator
and an alternating current generator.
[4 marks]
(a) (i) What is meant by magnetic
field? 25. Understanding: SBP 07
[1 mark] Diagram 12.1 shows two
transformers P and Q.
(ii) Observe Figure 10.1 and
10.2, compare the galvanometer
readings when there is no
relative motion between the
magnet and the conductor
uctor and
when there is relative motion
between them. Relate the
current and the relative motion
between the conductor and the
magnetic field to deduce a
physic concept. Name the
(i) What is meant by a transformer?
physics concept that explains
[1 mark]
the above situation.
[5 marks]

(ii) Based on Diagram 12.1, which 27. Qualitative problem: MRSM 07
transformer is a step-up You are given two coils R and S, with
transformer? Give one reason for 50 and 100 turns respectively, an iron
your choice. core and a 240 V a.c power supply.
[ 2 marks ] All the materials are used to build a
simple transformer.
(iii)Practically a transformer is not (i) Using all the materials supplied
100% efficient. Some energy is and with the aid of a labeled
lost in the transformer. List the diagram, explain how you are
factors that cause the energy going to build a simple step-up
loss in a transformer. transformer.
[3 marks] [4 marks]

(ii) Suggest modifications that need

26. Qualitative problem: Perak 07 to be done to the transformer to
Diagram 10.4 shows an electric bell increase its efficiency.
connected to dry cells. [6 marks]

28. Making decision: Teknik 07

Table 12.1 shows the voltage
generated and the type of current
produced by four power supply

Diagram 10.4

(i) Explain how the electric bell

[4 marks]
TABLE 12.1
(ii) Explain the modification
that needs to be done on (i) State which power supply station
the electric bell to enable it is suitable for the long distance
to ring louder. transmission of electricity.
[6 marks] Justify your choice.

[ 3 marks ]

(iii) Table 12.2 shows the used and give reasons for
characteristics of four types of your choice.
cables that are of the same [10 marks]

Cable Diameter Density

ensity Rate of 30. Quantitative problem: SBP 07
/cm /kgm-3 expan- Diagram 12.1 shows two
sion transformers P and Q.
X 3 7 280 Low
Y 2 5 200 High
Z 6 2 000 low

You are asked to choose one of

the cables to be used in the
National Grid Network. Explain the
bility of each of the
characteristics of the cables.
Choose the most suitable cable
and justify your choice.
[ 8 marks ] Calculate the output voltage of
(i) transformer P
(ii) (ii) transformer Q
29. Making decision: SBP 07
The transmission of electricity ove
over [ 4 marks ]
the National Grid Network uses high
voltage cables. You are assigned to
study the characteristics of cables 31. Quantitative
ve problem:
which could be used as transmission Power of 15 kW is transmitted from a
cable. Table 12 shows the small generator to a rural school
characteristics of four transmission along 5000 m of cables that
t have a
cables. total resistance of 3 Ω.. The power is
transmitted at the usual mains supply
Cable Resistivity Density Cost Rate of voltage of 240 V. Calculate;
Ωm-1 Kgm-3 thermal
expansion (i) The current in the cables
P 3.0 x 10-7
5 x 10 5
low high (ii) The power loss due to the heating
Q 1.8 x 10-8 2 x 103 low low of the cables
R 7.5 x 10-7 8 x 102 high medium (iii) The percentage of loss of power
S 7.0 x 10-8 4 x 103 medium high [5 marks]

Based on the table 12;

(i) Explain the suitability o
of the
characteristics of the cables
to be used as transmission

(ii) Determine the most suitable

transmission cable to be

32. Section C:Trengganu 07 You are asked to study the electric
Diagram 12.1 shows an electric bell. bells P,Q,R,S and T.
Explain the suitability of each
characteristic of the electric bell in
Table 12 and hence, determine which
ic bell is able to produce the
loudest sound.
Justify your choice.
[10 marks]

(c) Diagram 12.2 shows an electric

bell 12 V,10 W is connected to the
output of a transformer The
efficiency of the transformer is

Diagram 12.1

(a) (i) State the energy

transformation that takes
place when an electric bell Calculate
rings. (i) the electric current in the
[1 mark] electric bell
(ii) the electric current in the
(b) An electric bell is able to produce primary coil
a louder sound .
Table 12 shows the [5 marks]
characteristics of electric bells
P,Q,R,S and T which could 33. Section B: Kelantan 08
produce a loud sound. Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show
a copper wire carrying current is
Electric Size of Distance The Curva-
bell the between number ture of placed in a permanent magnetic field.
hammer the of the The magnetic field produced is called
hammer turns gong catapult field.
and of the
gong/cm coil
Q Big 5.0 100 High
R Big 5.0 100 Low
S Small 5.0 50 Low
T Small 2.0 100 Low

(a) What is meant by catapult field ? (e) Diagram 10.4 shows
ows a d.c.
[1 mark] electric motor .

(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram

10.2, compare the number of
magnet used, the angle of
deflection of the cooper wire and
the angle of deflection of
ammeter indicator.
[3 marks]

(c) State the relationship

nship between
the strength of the catapult field
produced and
(i) number of magnet used

(ii) angle of deflection of copper

[2 marks]

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows a set up

used to study the effects of Diagram 10.4
magnetic field of a current
carrying copper rod (i) Explain how the motor is able to
[4 marks]

(ii) Suggest three modifications

that need to be done on the d.c
electric motor to increase the
efficiency of the motor. Give an
explanation for each suggestion
[6 marks]

(i) Explainn what happens to the

copper rod when the switc
is turned on
[2 marks]

(ii) The dry cells are replaced

with 12 V a.c. Explain what
happens to copper rod when
the switch is turned on.
[2 marks]


Density of the
turns of the coil
Number of

Strength of

the commutator
segments in
Number of
34. Section C: Kedah 08
Diagram 12.1 shows a simple direct
current electric motor.

P 9200 4000 Low 2 segments

(a) What is meant by direct

current? Q 11600 9000 High 4 segments
[1 mark]

(b) Using the conceptof the

etic effect of an electric
current, explain with the aid of
diagrams how forces are R 8960 8000 High 8 segments
produced on a wire in the coil,
as shown in Diagram 12.1.
[4 marks]

(c) Diagram 12.2 shows the

features in the design of four S 10500 5000 Med- 8 segments
direct current
nt motors, P, Q, R ium
and S. You are required to
determine the most suitable
motor to lift a heavy object
smoothly. Study the features
of all the four motors
- The density of the wires of
the coil [10 marks]
- The number of turns of the
coil. (d) A 12 W electric motor lifts a
- The strength of the magnet load of 3.0 N through a height
- The he number of segments in of 8.0 m in 5.0 s. Calculate,
the commutator (i) the work done by thet
Explain the suitability of the motor in lifting the load,
features. Justify your (ii) the useful output power
choice. of the motor
(iii) the efficiency of the
[5 marks]

35. Melaka 08 section B
Diagram 9.1 shows the pattern of
magnetic field formed when current
flows in a coil. The magnetic field
strength is greater at the center
compared to the edge

(a) (i) What is meant by magnetic (i) Based on Diagram 9.2 and
field? Diagram 9.3, compare the
[1 mark] - pattern of the magnetic field
- direction of the magnetic field
(ii) Explain why the strength of (ii) Based on Diagram 9.2 ,Diagram
the magnetic field is greater 9.3 and 9.4 compare the pattern
at the center of the magnetic field
[3 marks] (iii) Based on Diagram 9.4 compare
the direction of the resultance
(b) Diagram 9.2 and Diagram 9.3 forces
show the the magnetic field (iv) Name one instrument which
produce when current uses the same principle as in
flows in a conductor. Diagram 9.4. Explain the
Diagram 9.4 shows the magnetic similarities.
field produced when current [5 mark]
carrying conductors in (c) Diagram 9.5 shows a moving
Diagram 9.2 and Diagram 9.3 is coil loudspeaker.
placed in magnetic field

36. Section B:SBP 08
(a) Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2
show the relative motion
between the magnet and
solenoid. Ends of the coils are
connected to a centre-reading

Diagram 10.1

You are required to give some

suggestions to design a moving
loudspeaker which is functional and
can produce loud sound.
Using the knowledge on
electromagnet, forces and the
ties of materials, explain the
suggestions based on the following Diagram 10.2
aspects ;
(i) the shape of the magnet Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram
(ii) the position of the coil 10.2, compare:
(iii) material used for the cone (i) the direction of the movement
(iv) type of electrical supply of the magnet
(v) material used for the body of (ii) the deflection of the
the loudspeaker galvanometer
alvanometer pointer
[10 marks
marks] (iii) Relate the movement of the
magnet, the polarity at the top
of the coil and the force acts on
the magnet to deduce a relevant
physics law.
[5 marks]

(b) Name the physics law that

describes the observations in
Diagram 10.1 and Diagram
[1 mark]

(c) Diagram 10.3 shows a direct Using an appropriate concept in
current generator physics, suggest and explain suitable
modifications or ways to enable the
microphone to detect sound
effectively and generate bigger
current based on the following

(i) thickness of diaphragm

(ii) strength of the material for
(iii) number of turns of coil
(iv) diameter of the wire of coil
(v) strength of magnet

10 marks]

ram 10.3 37. Section B:Melaka
Melaka 09
Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show
Explain how the above generator the initial and the final position of a
works to produce direct current. copper rod due to the formation of a
catapult field that produce a force.
[4 marks]

(d) Diagram 10.4 shows a cross

section of a moving coil
microphone. A microphone
converts one form of energy into

Diagram 10.4

When the diaphragm moves in

response to sound, the attached coil
moves in the magnetic field and
generates a very small current in the
wire of the coil.

Explain what happens to
(a) What is meant by catapult field? copper strip WX and YZ when
[ 1 mark] the switch is closed.
[ 4 marks] [1
(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and
Diagram 10.2, compare the (e) Diagram
iagram 10.4 shows a moving coil
angle of deflection of the ammeter
ammeter pointer , the power
supply and the distance moved
by the copper rods.
[3 marks]

(c) State the relationship between

the strength
rength of the force exerted
on the copper rods and
(i) the moving distance of the
copper rods,
(ii) the size of electric current,
[ 2 marks]

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows two thin

copper strips, WX and YZ, Explain how you would design a
connected to a circuit. moving
ing coil ammeter that can
function better. In your explanation,
emphasize the following aspects:

(i) the sensitivity of the ammeter,

(ii) the shape of the permanent


(iii) the shape of the core,

(iv) the type of the core material,

(v) the type of the ammeter

mmeter scale.

[ 10 marks]

38. Section B:Kelantan 09 strength of the magnetic
Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show field
the deflection of a galvanometer [1 mark]
when a bar magnet are pushed into (ii) The strength of the
two identical solenoids. magnetic filed and the
deflection of the
[1 mark]

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows an ideal


(i) Name the type of transformer.

[1 mark]

(ii) Explain how the current is

induced in the secondary coil.
[3 marks]

(e) Diagram 10.4 shows an

a a.c
(a) What is meant by generator.
electromagnetic induction?
(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and
Diagram 10.2,
(i) State the magnetic pole at
end P when the bar
magnets are pushed into
the solenoids.
[1 mark]
(ii) Compare the number of the
ar magnets and the
deflection of the
[2 marks]
(c) State the relationship between
(i) The number of bar
magnets and the

Suggest modifications that can be during reception of electricity by
made to increase the output current customers.
to the generator in Diagram 10.4.
State and modifications based on the
following aspects: Physical Transmission of
(i) Strength of the magnet quantity electricity
(ii) Shape of the magnet Before After
(iii) Number of turns of the coil substation substation
(iv) Diameter of the wire of the B B
coil Current 15 A 60 A
(v) The speed of rotation
[10 marks] Potential 132 kW 33 kW
Table 10.2

39. Section B:Pahang 09 (a) (i) What is meant by potential

The National Grid Network is an difference?
important system that ensures the [1 mark]
electrical power is supplied
continuously. After the generation of (ii) Using only information in Table
electricity at the power station, 10.1 and 10.2, compare
electricity is transferred via a number characteristic of electrical
of substations and transformers power transmitted and
before the electricity reaches the received by customers. State
consumer. the relationship between
current and potential
Table 10.1 shows current and difference during transmission
potential difference before and after and reception of electrical
passing through substations B power.
during reception of electricity by [5 marks]
(b) Generation of electrical power
Physical Transmission of involves the use of renewable
quantity electricity resources and unrenewable
Before After resources. With the use of
substation substation suitable examples, compare
A A the two types of resources.
Current 80 A 15 A [4 marks]

Potential 25 kV 132 kV (c) During transmission and

Difference reception of electrical power,
pylons such as shown in
Table 10.1 Diagram 10.1 play an important
Table 10.2 shows current and
potential difference before and after
passing through substations B

(ii) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram
10.2 compare the current flow,
the amount of iron filing and
the magnetic field strength of
the two electrodes. Relate the
current flow and amount of iron
filing attracted by the
lectromagnet and the magnetic
field strength.

[ 5 marks ]
Based on Diagram 10.1 and
your knowledge about
transmission of electrical
(b) Diagram 10.3 shows a circuit
power and other related
physics concepts, explain
(i) The characteristics of
materials used to build
the pylons.
(ii) The design of the
(iii) The characteristics of
the cable used in the
electrical power
[10 marks]

40. Section B:SBP 09

(a) Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2
shows two identical electromagnet, X
and Y .

Diagram 10.3

Explain how the circuit breaker

Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2 [ 4 marks]

(i) What is meant by

[ 1 mark ]

(c) Diagram 10.4 shows an a.c


(i) Explain how the generator

works to produce alternating
[ 4 marks ]

(ii) Explain the modification that

needs to be done on the
generator and the external
circuit to enable the
generator to be a d.c
generator and produce more

[6 marks]


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