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Section-A: Physics Marks: 17

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CLASS - X : PHASE-I,II&III 01-09-2019


SECTION-A 7. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of a simple electric

motor, write its principle and explain its working.
PHYSICS MARKS : 17 (b) What is the function of split rings
This section contains 7 Subjective type questions. (commutator) in the electric motor ? [5]
1. A metallic wire loop is suspended freely and a OR
bar magnet is brought near it as shown in the (a) Explain AC current generator with respect
diagram. What will be the direction of induced to the following points -
current in the wire loop when the magnet is moved (i) Principle (ii) Construction
towards it.
(iii) Diagram (iv) Working
(b) A circular metallic loop is kept above the wire
AB as shown in the figure. What is the direction
of induced current produced in the loop if any
[1] when the steady current is flowing in the straight
N S wire.

2. A wire is placed between the north and south

pole of magnets as shown in figure. If the current
flows in the wire as shown, in which direction
does the wire tend to move ? [1]
N This section contains 6 Subjective type questions.
S 8. What do you mean by an ore. Give one example.
3. In hydrogen atom an electron revolves in a [1]
circular path of radius 4.8 × 10–11 m with speed 9. Complete following equations : (Write balanced
of 3.14 × 107 m/sec. Calculate the equivalent equation) [2]
current. [2]
(i) K + H2O
4. An electric geyser rated at 1500W, 250 volt is
connected to 250 volt line mains. Calculate- (ii) Al + O2
(i) the electric current drawn by it. 10. (a) Give two examples of monobasic acids.
(ii) energy consumed (in units) by it in 50 hrs. (b) Give two examples of organic acids. [2]
11. (a) Identify oxidizing agent and reducing agent in
5. A wire of length l and resistance R is stretched the following reaction - [3]
so that its length is doubled and the area of cross
section is halved. How will its (a) Resistance CuO H 2 Cu H 2O
change ? (b) Resistivity change ? [3]
(b) Give one example of displacement reaction.
6. Draw a pattern of magnetic field formed around
a current carrying solenoid. What happens to the 12. (a) Write chemical reaction involved in
magnetic field when the current through the preparation of bleaching powder. [3]
solenoid is reversed ? [3] (b) Write any two uses of baking soda.
5001CPF402119038 Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1/4
13. (a) Define calcination with example. SECTION-B
(b) Write name of method of concentration used
for sulphide ore.
(c) Write chemical equations involved in
This section contains 10 questions. Each question
extraction of Zn from ZnCO3. [2+1+2=5] carries 1 mark.
OR Directions : Q.1 to Q.10 are multiple choice
(a) Write constituents of following alloys - questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3)
and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(i) Stainless steel (ii) Brass
1. Choose the correct direction of magnetic field
(b) Write any two properties of ionic compounds.
in I, II, III & IV quadrants
(c) Draw electron dot structure showing
formation of NaCl. [1+2+2=5] I
(II) (I) I
This section contains 7 Subjective type questions. (III) (IV)

14. What is a synapse? [1]

15. Why is the right kidney lower than the left kidney? (1) I, II inwards & II & IV can't say
[1] (2) I, III inwards, IV outwards, II can't say
16. (a) The human brain can be broadly divided into (3) IV inwards, II outwards, III & I can't say
three regions. Name these three regions. (4) None of these
(b) What is cranium ? [2] 2. When a current passes through a conducting wire
17. What are the methods used by plants to get rid then it produces_____around it.
of their waste products ? [2] (1) Electric field only
18. Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs (2) Magnetic field only
and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to their (3) Gravitational field
structure and functioning. [3] (4) Both electric & magnetic field
19. Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its 3. In domestic electric circuits, the switches should
function. [3] have
20. Draw a diagram of human excretory system and (1) the live wire through them
label renal artery and urethra. State in brief the
(2) the neutral wire through them
function of : [5]
(3) the earth wire through them
1. Renal artery 2. Kidney
(4) no wire through them
3. Ureter 4. Urinary bladder
4. S.I. unit of resistivity is
(1) Ohm
(A) Which part of the human body is responsible for
(2) Ohm × meter
(i) intelligence and memory
(ii) adjustment of movement and posture. Ohm
(B) What is meant by apical dominance ? meter
(C) Nervous and hormonal systems together perform meter
the function of control and coordination in human (4)
beings. Justify the statement.
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CLASS - X : PHASE-I,II&III 01-09-2019
5. An electric fuse is based on 9. Assertion (A) : When the resistance are
(1) The heating effect of current connected between the same two points, they are
(2) Chemical effect of current said to be connected in parallel.

(3) The magnetic effect of current Reason (R) : In case the resistance is to be
decreased, then the individual resistances are
(4) None of these
connected in parallel.
6. Which of the following describes the common
10. Assertion (A) : Alternating current is used in
domestic power supplied in India?
household supply.
(1) 220 V, 110 Hz (2) 110 V, 100 Hz
Reason (R) : AC electric power can be
(3) 220 V, 50 Hz (4) 110 V, 50 Hz transmitted over long distances without much loss
7. Bulbs B1 and B2 are exactly identical, when of energy.
the key K is pressed, the reading of the
ammeter will
This section contains 10 questions. Each question
+A– K
carries 1 mark.
B1 B2 Directions : Q.11 to Q.20 are multiple choice
questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3)
and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
11. What is the colour of layer of basic copper
(1) remains unchanged carbonate formed over surface of copper ?
(2) be doubled (1) Green (2) Yellow
(3) be halved (3) Reddish brown (4) Black
(4) becomes four times 12. The symbol used for release of gas and formation
8. What is the maximum resistance which can be of precipitate are respectively

1 (1) , (2) ,
made using five resistros each ?
5 (3) , (4) ,
1 13. Which of the following is an example of
(1) (2) 10 combination of element and compound ?
(3) 5 (4) 1 (1) N 2 O 2 2NO
(Q.9 & Q.10) : The following questions consist (2) 2H 2 O 2 2H 2O
of two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate (3) 2CO O 2 2CO 2
option given below
(4) CaO H 2O Ca(OH) 2
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A. 14. Base reacts with metals to release______gas.
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct (1) CO2 (2) H2 (3) N2 (4) O2
explanation of A. 15. The colour of phenolphthalein in basic medium
(3) A is true but R is false. is
(4) A is false but R is true. (1) Blue (2) Red
(3) Colourless (4) Pink
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16. Chemical formula of washing soda is 23. Which of these labelled parts controls peristaltic
(1) Na 2CO3 .2H 2 O (2) Na 2 CO3 .10H 2 O

(3) NaHCO 3 (4) CaSO 4 .2H 2 O

17. Which of the following is cinnabar ?

(1) HgS (2) Cu2S (3) ZnS (4) ZnCO3
18. The metal reacting readily with cold water is
(1) W (2) X (3) Y (4) Z
(1) Au (2) Ag (3) Na (4) Mg 24. Which part of the brain controls the involuntary
19. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wire is activities like salivation, vomiting etc?
known as (1) Cerebrum (2) Medulla Oblongata
(1) Ductility (2) Malleability (3) Pons (4) Midbrain
(3) Sonority (4) Conductivity 25. Artificial removal of nitrogenous wastes from the
human body in the event of kidney failure is
20. Which of the following metal occurs in free state?
(1) Plasmolysis (2) Dialysis
(1) Na (2) Mg (3) Zn (4) Pt (3) Diffusion (4) Osmosis
26. The function of salivary amylase is to convert
BIOLOGY MARKS : 10 (1) Fats into fatty acids
This section contains 10 questions. Each question (2) Proteins into amino acids.
carries 1 mark. (3) Starch into sugar.
Directions : Q.21 to Q.30 are multiple choice (4) Sugar into starch
questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) 27. If kidney fails to reabsorb water, the tissues
and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. would
21. Which one of the following statements is correct? (1) Remain unaffected
Statement 1: Optic lobes are the centre of vision. (2) Shrink to shrivel
Statement 2: The hindbrain consists of (3) Absorb water from blood
cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata. (4) Take more oxygen from blood
(1) Statement 1 28. Choose the correct path of urine in our body
(1) Kidney ureter urethra urinary
(2) Statement 2
(3) Both statements are correct (2) kidney urinary bladder urethra
(4) Both statement are incorrect ureter
22. Match the following : (3) Kidney ureters urinary bladder
Column-A Column-B (4) Urinary bladder kidney ureter
(i) Sensory organ (A) Afferent neurons to efferent urethra
(ii) Efferent nerve (B) Receptor to spinal cord 29. How many cranial nerves are their in man ?
(iii) Relay neurons (C) Spinal cord to muscles (1) 31 (2) 12 (3) 19 (4) 10
(iv) Afferent nerve (D) Perceive the stimulus 30. Superior chambers of heart are called
(1) i-C, ii-D, iii-A, iv-B (1) Auricles
(2) i-D, ii-C, iii-A, iv-B (2) Ventricles
(3) i-D, ii-C, iii-B, iv-A (3) Coronary sulcus
(4) Interventricular sulcus
(4) i-D, ii-A, iii-C, iv-B
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