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ISIS Manual

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User Guide

User Guide 1
Miccant License Agreement ....................................................................................... 4
Software Registration and Acknowledgement ............................................................ 6
About this manual....................................................................................................... 7
Introduction................................................................................................................. 9
Installation ................................................................................................................ 11
Loading ISIS...................................................................................................... 11
Copy protection ................................................................................................. 11
Preparing and Personalising ISIS............................................................................. 12
Learning about the ISIS screen ......................................................................... 12
Start-up photographs......................................................................................... 16
Getting familiar with the repertories ................................................................... 17
Other repertory considerations .......................................................................... 22
The First Visit............................................................................................................ 25
When to use ISIS? ............................................................................................ 25
Recording patient details in ISIS ....................................................................... 25
Inputting new patient details .............................................................................. 25
Inputting information about a new consultation ................................................. 27
Taking the case ................................................................................................. 28
Preparing to analyze the case ........................................................................... 29
Choosing symptoms to use for analysis ............................................................ 29
Finding symptoms and building the case........................................................... 30
Repertorising the rubrics ................................................................................... 44
Differentiating between indicated remedies....................................................... 46
Recording your decision and saving the details ................................................ 48
Finding Alternative Remedies (the second and other visits) ..................................... 51
Possible reactions ............................................................................................. 51
Reviewing previous details ................................................................................ 51
Evaluation and approaches ............................................................................... 52
Studying Homeopathy with ISIS ............................................................................... 61
Learning about remedies................................................................................... 62
Recording your own notes................................................................................. 72
Extracting information from ISIS........................................................................ 72
Accessing the OLNE web resource................................................................... 73
Researching Homeopathy and Expanding your ISIS system ................................... 77
Pattern Recognition ........................................................................................... 77
Adding remedy multimedia ................................................................................ 80
Recording your notes ........................................................................................ 80
Making repertory additions ................................................................................ 81
Making repertory connections ........................................................................... 84
Enhancing the synonyms file to aid searching................................................... 87
Taking Care of your ISIS .......................................................................................... 89
Backups............................................................................................................. 89
Exchanging information with other ISIS users ................................................... 90
Converting Cara Data............................................................................................... 91
Converting a Cara Case .................................................................................... 91
Copying over your Cara user defined repertory................................................. 92
Restrictions........................................................................................................ 92

2 User Guide
User Guide 3
Miccant License Agreement
This is an Agreement between you, the end user, and Miccant Ltd. By opening the CD-ROMs
supplied, installing and using this software you are acknowledging that you have read this Agreement
and are agreeing to become bound by it.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not open the CD-ROM package and do not
install the system. Promptly return the unopened package and other items (including written materials,
binders, protection device etc), which are part of this product within 30 days to the place where you
obtained them for a full refund. Until return of this package has been accepted you are governed by
this Agreement.

In order to preserve and protect its rights under applicable laws, Miccant does not sell any rights in
Miccant software. Rather, Miccant grants the right to use Miccant software by means of a Software
License. Miccant specifically retains title to all Miccant software.

Scope of Licence.

1. Grant of License. In consideration of the payment of the License fee which is a part of the price
you paid for this product, and your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of the License and
the Limited Warranty, Miccant, as Licensor, grants you, the Licensee, a non-exclusive right to use this
copy of a Miccant software program (hereinafter the 'Software') on a single computer (i.e. with a single
CPU) at a single location so long as you comply with the terms of this license. Miccant reserve all
rights not expressly granted to the Licensee.

2. Ownership of Software. As the Licensee, you own the magnetic media on which the Software is
originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but an express condition of this license is that Miccant
retains title and ownership of the Software recorded on the original disk copies and all subsequent
copies of the Software, regardless of the form of media on which the original and other copies may
exists. This License is not a sale of the original Software or an copy.

3. Copy Restrictions. This Software and the accompanying written materials are the subject of
copyright. Unauthorised copying of the Software, including Software which has been modified,
merged, or included with other software, or the written materials is expressly forbidden. You may be
held legally responsible for any copyright infringement which is caused or encouraged by your failure
to abide by the terms of this License.

4. Use Restrictions. As the Licensee, you may physically transfer the Software from one computer to
another provided that the Software is used on only one computer at a time. You may not electronically
transfer the Software from one computer to another over a network. You may not distribute copies of
the Software or accompanying written materials to others. You may not modify, adapt, translate,
reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Software. You
may not modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based on the written material without
written prior consent from Miccant.

5. Transfer Restrictions. This Software is licensed only to you, the Licensee, and may not be
transferred to anyone without the prior written consent of Miccant. Any authorised transferee of the
Software shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this License and Limited Warranty. In no event
may you transfer, assign, rent, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of the Software on a temporary or
permanent basis except as expressly provided herein.

6. Termination. This License is effective until terminated. This License will terminate automatically,
without notice from Miccant, if you fail to comply with the provision of the License. Upon termination
you shall destroy the written materials and all copies of the Software, including modified copies, if any.

7. Update Policy. Miccant may create, from time to time, updated versions of the Software. At its
option Miccant will make such updates available to the Licensee and transferees who have paid the
update fee and returned the Registration Form to Miccant.

4 User Guide
8. Miscellaneous. This License shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
England and shall benefit Miccant Ltd, its successors and assignees.

Limited Warranty and Disclaimer.

The Software and accompanying written materials (including instructions) are provided "as is" without
warranty of any kind. Further Miccant does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations
regarding the use, or the results of use, of the Software or written materials in terms of correctness,
accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise.

The entire risk as to the results and performance of the Software is assumed by you.

If the Software and written materials are defective, you and not Miccant or its dealers, distributors,
agents or employees assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

The above is the only warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, that is made by Miccant on this
Miccant product.

No oral or written information or advice given by Miccant, its dealers, distributors, agents or employees
shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty and you may not rely on such
information or advice.

You may have other rights.

Neither Miccant nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this
product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages
for loss of business profits, business interruptions, loss of business information and the like) arising
out of the use or inability to use such product even if Miccant has been advised of the possibility of
such damages. This Limited Warranty shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of

Information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Miccant Ltd. The software described in this document is furnished under a
license agreement. The software may only be used in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

This Agreement is the entire Agreement between Miccant and you and may not be modified by
another other party.

User Guide 5
Software Registration and Acknowledgement
You acknowledge that you have read the License Agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by
its terms and conditions. You also agree that the License Agreement are the complete and exclusive
statement of agreement between the parties and supersede all proposals or prior agreements, oral, or
written, and any other communications between the parties relating to the subject matters of the

I have read the License Agreement. I fully accept the terms and conditions therein.

Name ______________________________________ Title ________

Address ______________________________________________________


City ______________________________________________________

Postal/Zip Code ______________________________________

Country ______________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________________

Email Address _______________________________________________________

Date Purchased ____/____/_____

Purchased From _______________________________________________________

Signature _________________________________ Date ________________________


6 User Guide
About this manual
People learn in different ways. Some like to see things working in order to learn.
Some prefer to listen to explanations of how things work. Others want to read all
about something before using it. And others just can’t wait to get their hands on
something to try it out!

Those that like to see and those that like to hear should start by watching and
listening to the computer tutorials provided. Following installation there will be an icon
on your desktop providing access to the tutorials. These tutorials will guide you
through the most important aspects of ISIS.

Those that like to read should reference the Help information provided within ISIS.
This is available by clicking the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key within ISIS. The
Help files contain an explanation of every screen and feature ISIS contains.

It will benefit every ISIS user to read this manual. Of course those that learn ‘hands-
on’ may never even get this far!

Please be aware that this is not a technical reference manual. It is a manual showing
you how to use ISIS in your homeopathic practice and study. It should be read as a
book or guide. You do not necessarily need to be sitting in front of your computer to
read this manual.

It is divided into sections that reflect how ISIS can help in your homeopathic practice
and development. You may dip into whichever section interests you at any time.

Enjoy this guide and enjoy ISIS !

User Guide 7
8 User Guide
By David Witko, Creator of ISIS.

At the turn of the century I decided the time had come to start afresh and build a new
homeopathic software system. It has taken 2 years and 6 months to give birth to
ISIS. Although I knew this was going to be a long path I didn’t expect it to be quite so

My aims throughout were quite simple. I wanted to create a software system that

Easy to use Beautiful to look at Comprehensive in content

Time and time again I heard homeopaths telling me they simply couldn’t use their
current homeopathic software system. It was either too difficult to learn or too
complex to operate. Often the homeopath felt it must somehow be their ‘fault’. They
saw their teachers whizzing around on their computer and clever things being
demonstrated but they could never achieve the same fluency and results for

ISIS has been created to help overcome this. It is my intention that you feel more
confident in your practice and knowledge of homeopathy by using ISIS. I want ISIS to
become a valuable friend in the coming months and years.

I feel many homeopaths give away their own power and knowing by indulging in
‘guru-worship’. We are somehow conditioned to believe that if just follow the
teachings of this homeopath or the latest thinking of that homeopath somehow we
will become better. Everything seems to be solely in pursuit of finding the ‘right
remedy’ through a bewildering variety of approaches.

Computer software is often portrayed as being the vehicle to attain homeopathic

nirvana – that state in which we somehow know exactly the remedy a patient needs
each and every time through the application of our mental faculties and incisive
approach to case analysis. The reality for most homeopaths is very different. That
rare and elusive case that yields to a fabulous new understanding of remedies is
swamped by the overwhelming number of cases that do not.

In the early days of developing ISIS I distinctly remember one lady homeopath calling
to ask a question and she exclaimed, “I have been trying to apply what I heard at the
recent seminar of XX – I can’t do it. I feel such a fool and failure”. I was shocked that
someone would feel that way. I took this as a sign and pointer for the continued
development of ISIS.

I choose to believe that you and I have the capability within ourselves to practice
homeopathy well. Although new ideas are always welcome we can evaluate what we
need for ourselves. I am quite prepared to say that for some homeopaths, computer

User Guide 9
software Is not a good idea. In my heart I choose to believe however that good
software has the potential to enhance the practice of most homeopaths.

It is my wish that ISIS is the vehicle that allows you to become the best homeopath
you can become. Consequently I have built into ISIS great flexibility and
expandability. You can supplement the system in many different ways – without
being dependant on anyone else.

I fervently hope that you may choose to share your work with other ISIS users and I
have also tried to make this as easy as possible.

A project such as ISIS is always the result of teamwork. It is appropriate that I

acknowledge and give grateful thanks to the following people who helped me in this

First and foremost thanks to my family, Barbara and Adam. For having to put up with
me working day and night for over 2 years. For allowing me the space and time to do
this. Also to Kiri and Krystal for being my constant companions and friends.

Secondly great thanks to Neil Turp our programmer. Neil is an unfailing source of
enthusiasm. He never said ‘No’ whenever I asked if we could do something new or
change something for the 10th time. He is always helpful, available, and hard
working. It has been a pleasure to work with him.

My deep thanks to Pravin Jain. Pravin is the most constructive and responsive
person anyone could ask to work with. Always happy and helpful, eager to assist in
whatever way possible. Thank you Pravin.

I would also like to express my grateful thanks to Yolande, Carolyn and Ruth for
being interested and eager throughout. When I was half way through the project and
frustrated over the time things were taking, their confidence in my ability to complete
kept me going. Thank you.

I need to thank Roman for helping in many, many different ways. A positive outlook
at all times and a willingness to help and see possibilities cheered me up on many

Without Colin, Torleiv, Mike, David, Jan, Becca, Audrey, Soren and more recently
Aviva, Gaby, Peggy, Rasoul and Kathryn, ISIS would not have been possible. I thank
them all, especially Colin for keeping me on track and for helping to ensure project

Thanks to all those homeopaths, teachers and friends who have helped on my
journey. No names are needed. Either you know who you are or you’re not on the

Thanks to those who inspire me, seen and unseen. And a final thanks to you for
choosing ISIS! David

10 User Guide
ISIS requires the following minimum specification of computer: -

64Mb Ram
Windows 98 Second Edition or newer
At least 1GB of available hard disk space

With this specification ISIS will operate although certain operations may be slow in

The recommended specification is:

256Mb Ram
Windows XP
At least 1 GB of available hard disk space

Loading ISIS

Insert the supplied dongle into a spare USB port on your computer. Please insert disk
number 1. The ISIS installation routine will start automatically if your system is set up
to support this.

We strongly advise you to take the defaults ISIS offers although you may install the
system into any folder on your computer’s hard disk.

If the installation does not start up automatically then you will need to start it
manually. The easiest way is to double-click on the My Computer icon on your
Windows desktop. You will see an icon representing your CD drive labelled ISIS.
Double-click your mouse on this icon and there will be a file named SETUP. Double-
click your mouse on SETUP to begin.

Copy protection

ISIS is protected against unlawful use by means of a dongle. This device simply
plugs into any free USB port on your computer.

You may install, delete and re-install ISIS on as many computers as you wish.
However ISIS will only run on a computer that has an ISIS dongle attached.

User Guide 11
Preparing and Personalising ISIS

Learning about the ISIS screen

ISIS is a beautifully integrated system. Almost everything you need to access can be
viewed on one main screen. Working with everything in one place has the big
advantage that you have less to learn!

Here is the ISIS screen with the different areas indicated:

This is a screen shot with ISIS running at 1024 x 768 resolution (the recommended
minimum). ISIS can run at the screen resolution of 800 x 600 up to a maximum of
1280 x 1024 and will automatically attempt to run at the current resolution on your
computer screen.

Your screen should look something like the above. If it doesn’t then your computer is
running a resolution other than 1024 x 768. If ISIS does not occupy the whole screen
then make it do so by clicking the Maximize button.

If everything looks too large, for example if the main screen area displays half way
across the whole screen, then your computer is probably running at 800 x 600

12 User Guide
resolution. Although ISIS will run quite happily you will find this awkward in practice.
Why not consider changing your screen resolution to a minimum of 1024 x 768?

Whichever resolution you wish to work with one of the most important things is to
make sure you can see everything as comfortably as possible. Dragging the grey
divider bars with the mouse can change the width of most parts of the screen.

You can make the remedy pane larger or smaller by dragging the bar to its left. You
can re-position the clipboard list in the same way. Make sure that you can always
view the explorer tree, clipboard list and remedy pane at all times.

Here is a brief explanation of the purpose of each part of the ISIS screen:

Clicking the mouse on any menu choice displays a drop down list of menu choices.
Almost every function in ISIS is available within the menus provided. Certain
functions are only available by using the drop down menus.

Although many computer users like using menus they are not as easy and quick to
use as other options, which are explained following.

Toolbar of icons
This row of icons performs the most common functions within ISIS and provides
quick access no matter what you are doing.

Once you have used ISIS for a short while you will remember the meaning of each
icon. Holding the mouse over an icon for a second or two will cause ISIS to display a
short message telling you what the purpose of the icon is like so:

Clicking the mouse on an icon performs the associated action.

Explorer tree
This is where the library of books within ISIS is accessed. The library is divided into
Repertories, Materia Medicas, Remedies and the Dictionary. A ‘tab’ along the top of
the explorer tree provides access to each category of books. On entry to ISIS the
Reps tab is automatically accessed for you.

User Guide 13
Clicking any tab opens up that appropriate section for you. A list of books will be
displayed. Opening any books displays a list of available chapters (remedies) that
you can read.

Clicking on a chapter causes its text to be displayed on the main screen.

Remedy pane
This is used to display quick-access information about remedies. Clicking a remedy
abbreviation while viewing the repertory requests information about that remedy to be
displayed in this pane.

If you clicked the mouse onto the remedy Absin while viewing the rubric Alcoholism
in the repertory this is displayed:

Certain items of information displayed in the remedy pane are ‘hyperlinks’. This
means you can click on them to request more information. They are displayed in blue
text and are underlined.

Of special importance are the remedy full name hyperlink and the materia medicas
hyperlink. These take you directly into the library of information for the selected
remedy without you having to click any of the tabs in the explorer tree and look for
the information.

14 User Guide
ISIS provides a special Wizard that guides inexperienced computer users. Clicking
this icon on the toolbar enables it:

It is displayed across the bottom of the screen like so:

The wizard provides easy, 1-click access, to the most common features within ISIS.
As the text of each feature is displayed there is no need to memorize icons and
buttons. Clicking on an entry in the wizard directs you to the corresponding part of

Although the wizard will prove invaluable to those who are very new to computers
there are a few downsides to its use, namely:

Using the wizard is a much slower process than using buttons and icons

The wizard can only help with the basics and take to you the appropriate
location in ISIS.

How will the rest of the system be learned unless it is used?

It occupies valuable space on your screen

If the wizard helps your confidence do switch it on. Once you become a little more
confident in finding your way about then click the toolbar icon once more to disable it.

Main screen
The main screen area is where all book data is displayed, whether repertory rubrics,
materia medica text, remedy information and dictionary definitions

If there is more information than can be displayed use the mouse to scroll down. If
you have a scrolling wheel on your mouse this will prove especially helpful. One click
of the mouse at the top or bottom of the screen scrolling bar will move you one line of
text up or down as appropriate. Clicking in the screen scrolling bar itself while move
you down approximately half a screen’s worth of information.

Alternatively you may find using the keyboard easier. The keys marked Page Down
and Page Up may be particularly helpful

Changing the screen appearance

ISIS offers great flexibility in the way it displays information on the screen. Colors and
fonts can be changed throughout.

User Guide 15
Gaining access to the part of ISIS where you can make changes is achieved by
clicking this icon on the toolbar:

There are a series of tabs across the top of this screen that provide access to all the
various parts of ISIS you can customize. Consult the online help section of ISIS for
details of the use and meaning of each.

Here are some of the things you can change:

Font style, text size and text colors throughout

Style and colors on repertorization charts
Order of repertories in the explorer tree
Create your own view of the repertory by excluding additions from certain
Order of materia medicas in your library
Any materia medicas to exclude from searching
Whether the materia media word indexes are loaded when you start ISIS or
when you perform your first search
Change the values used in the ISIS Expert system repertorization analysis

Start-up photographs
Each time ISIS starts up it displays a different photograph. These photographs are all
beautiful images of some part of the universe we live in. Like them?

You can add to or delete from the list of photographs ISIS uses. Simply copying new
images into the \isis\splash folder makes them available to ISIS. Any images you
don’t like can be deleted form this folder.

All images must be in JPG format and must be of an appropriate size to fit on your
screen. (ISIS does not re-size them)

16 User Guide
ISIS randomly choose a different image to display when you start up. You cannot
choose which image is displayed or force any kind of order. ISIS makes the choice
randomly. Actually there is one way you can ensure the same image is displayed
each time ISIS starts. How? BY deleting everything except the one image you want
displayed! But that would be boring wouldn’t it?

We live in a world of color, texture and beauty. Surrounding yourself with the beauty
of the world we live in can only be good.

Getting familiar with the repertories

Unless you only plan to use ISIS to reference materia medicas and remedy
information you will need to use the repertory. Knowing repertory will serve you well
throughout your homeopathic practice. It is important to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of each repertory used in ISIS. It is vital you understand the layout of the
repertory you choose to work with every day.

ISIS contains the classic repertories of Boericke, Phatak, Boenninghausen and

Clarke. These need no explanation. You will already be familiar with these.

The contemporary repertories deserve special consideration and explanation. They


Combined Repertory by Miccant Ltd

Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort
Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy

All of these repertories were originally derived from Kent’s Repertory. In this manual
we will compare and contrast the electronic software editions of these works, which
may not be exactly the same as any printed book editions.

Combined Repertory
This is Miccant’s own repertory. It started based on Kent’s Repertory, Final General
Edition in the late 1980’s and was supplemented with data taken from the Synthetic
Repertory of Barthel and Kluncker which added new information into the Mind,
Generals, Sleep, Dreams, Female and Male chapters.

In the early 1990’s the recommended additions of George Vithoulkas were added as
were the published additions for the remedy Carcinosin.

Since that time only newly proven remedies have been added into this repertory. A
conscious decision was taken not to expand the rubrics or remedies in existing
rubrics greatly. As other repertories grew and grew it was decided to keep the
Combined Repertory like Kent, in a similar style to Kent, but with newly proven
remedy additions.

There is one minor format difference between the Combined and Kent, namely that
the Generalities chapter was moved to immediately follow the Mind chapter (Kent
lists Generalities as the last chapter). This is a minor consideration in software form
but it was considered beneficial to make it easier to reference the Generalities in this

User Guide 17

Here is an example of the Combined Repertory taken at the very start of the Mind

Note how the contemporary remedies have author numbers after the remedy
abbreviation. Looking under Absent-Minded observe how the time modalities are
listed as the first group of sub-rubrics. Exactly the same example will be used when
comparing the other modern repertories with Combined.

Because the Combined only exists in software, not in published book form, this
makes it much easier to add new remedies into it. Usually the Combined will be the
first of the repertories to include new provings.

So if you are looking for a Kentian format repertory that supplements Kent data with
contemporary remedies the Combined is just what you are looking for!

Homeopathic Medical Repertory

The 2nd edition of Robin Murphy’s popular repertory was published in 1996 and this is
the edition currently within ISIS.

Robin made some drastic changes in the layout of his repertory. Essentially he
decided to

18 User Guide
Create additional, smaller chapters than in Kent
Arrange rubrics strictly alphabetically (even Time modalities are alphabetized)
Added brand new chapters

As a consequence there are 70 chapters in Murphy compared to 38 in Kent. Many,

especially new homeopaths, appreciate the convenience of this. It’s easy to go
straight to the Shoulder chapter in Murphy than to wade through Kent’s Extremities
chapter looking for the same thing.

Being able to reference chapters on such things as Diseases, Constitutions,

Emergencies and the like is also appealing.

There are other more controversial aspects to this repertory that you need to be
aware of:
• Many additions to rubric remedies have been made. As this repertory does not
show any remedy authors the homeopath has no idea of the source or origin
of any additions.

• Also the grades of remedies have been changed in this repertory. What might
have been a grade 1 in Kent maybe a grade 3, bold type in Murphy.
According to Robin such changes have been made where homeopaths,
including himself, have observed that a remedy is seen repeatedly in clinical
practice for the rubric condition and merits a higher grade because of this.

Here is an example of the layout and content of Murphy’s Mind chapter:

Compared to Kent and the Combined you will observe organisational differences.
Abandoned rubrics appear here. In Kent, Combined and Complete (see later) they
remain under Forsaken feelings.

User Guide 19
If you compare the rubric Abrupt in Murphy with the equivalent in Combined you will
see they both have 14 remedies in them. However they are different!

Note that Combined contains the modern remedies, Halia leu (Eagle) and Salx-f
(Crack Willow). Murphy does not – it is not yet as up to date with these as the
Combined. But Murphy does add in Chamomilla and Medorrhinum.

Also note that Murphy has 171 remedies in Absent Minded whereas Combined
contains 176 – again explained by the addition of modern remedies into the

Essentially if you plan on using Murphy’s Repertory you must be prepared to accept
that the changes Robin has made are trustworthy and reliable. Some homeopaths
are unwilling to do this – but it must be your decision. We humbly suggest that if you
use ISIS to investigate and research the repertories yourself the opinion you form will
be far more useful than blindly listening to what others say.

Complete Repertory
It is a little more difficult comparing and contrasting the Complete with the other
repertories. This is because the electronic software version exists in 2 published
editions, v 4.5 and the Millennium edition. Furthermore the new Repertorium
Universale will soon be released offering 3 flavors of the Complete!

Every copy of ISIS Is supplied with v4.5 of the Complete and because of that it is this
edition that will be compared herein. The Millenium edition contains more additions
compared with v4.5 and is an optional addition to the ISIS system.

The Complete offers some attractive features:

Many remedy additions taken from different sources have been made
Most remedies have an author number associated with them
It is reasonably up to date with modern remedies
Many errors contained in Kent have been corrected and re-worked
It contains rubric cross references

Consider the following example:

20 User Guide
Notice immediately how many more remedy authors are identified. See also how the
very first rubric cross-references to other parts of the repertory to help and guide you.
This is a very significant feature and ISIS makes full use of it!

Whenever you see a cross reference like this and click on it with the mouse ISIS will
immediately jump directly to that position in the repertory. A great time-saver!

Now look at the rubric Abrupt harsh. In our other modern repertories there were 2
separate rubrics that reflect how Kent prepared the repertory, one Abrupt and a
second Abrupt, Harsh. Complete, however, points to the rubric Harshness instead to
associate this rubric with other rubrics that are organised under this heading.

Note that there are 19 remedies in the rubric Abrupt. Recall that Combined and
Murphy both have 14, albeit slightly different remedies within them. This edition of the
Complete, unlike Combined, does not have the modern remedies Eagle and Crack
Willow within it. However it does add 7 other remedies: aur-m, cham, germ, hecla, lil-
t, luna and med.

The author who made the recommendation for addition is clearly shown. Looking a
little more closely you can see that the remedy Med was added to author 137. Using
ISIS you can easily see that this is the renowned Dr Phatak from India.

As with Murphy’s repertory you have to trust that Roger van Zandvoort, the author of
the Complete Repertory has verified that the addition is accurate and you have to

User Guide 21
decide whether you would accept an addition from Dr Phatak in your work. The rubric
Absent-Minded contains 190 remedies which is a 10% increase compared to the
other repertories. The Millennium edition of the Complete contains even more

In our opinion the Complete is a highly reliable repertory. Because of this it is

assigned as the default repertory that opens when you first start ISIS.

Other repertory considerations

Creating your own view of the repertory
Although seeing that authors of remedy additions are clearly shown in your repertory
brings a certain re-assurance, in practice, they are of little interest.

ISIS therefore allows you to remove them from the display of the repertory altogether.
Why? Removing them offers a cleaner, easier to read display that is a little more
relaxing on the eyes. It is very easy to switch this off and on and see for yourself the
difference this makes. It also allows ISIS to squeeze a few more rubrics on the
screen due to the display saving made.

If you are a repertory expert you may be unhappy with some of the additions made to
the repertories. We have all heard that the author Gallavardin’s repertory additions
are questionable. It is something handed down from teacher to student. Author
number 30 is the one to watch out for. Even in the repertory examples previously
shown his additions of am-c and am-m are there in the rubric Absent Minded.

ISIS allows you to suppress all additions made by certain authors. This allows you
the flexibility to decide for yourself which authors you accept and which you do not.

Compressing rubrics
It is sometimes useful to see the rubric headings in a repertory chapter, especially if
you are uncertain if a rubric exists. ISIS provides a Compress and Expand feature
that facilitates this. Here is small extract of what is displayed if you compress the
Mind chapter of the Complete repertory:

22 User Guide
The repertory can be browsed and even searched while in this ‘compressed’ mode. It
is very easy to select the rubric heading you are interested in and expand only this to
see the related sub-rubrics.

User Guide 23
24 User Guide
The First Visit
So….. You have watched the tutorials. You have tried using ISIS. You have even
read the on-screen Help information. You are ready!

Your first patient will arrive shortly. It is time to use ISIS for real, with a real patient
needing a real remedy.

So are you really ready? Well, not quite! There are still some things you need to
decide before the patient even arrives.

When to use ISIS?

First and foremost ask yourself. Am I going to use ISIS while the patient is with me?
Or am I going to use ISIS only after the patient has left? The decision is yours!

Some homeopaths use computer software for each and every case they see,
repertorizing and reading about remedies while the patient is sat in front of them.
Others think that using a computer in front of the patient is distracting and inhibits
their dialogue. Some attest that patients are impressed by the use of modern
technology while an equal number attest that patients would be horrified if they used
a computer.

This is your decision and only you can decide.

Recording patient details in ISIS

This is an important decision. ISIS enables you to record personal details and notes
about your patients. Are you going to record these within ISIS?

Please bear in mind that each country has different laws and regulations concerning
the privacy and security of such information. Some countries have different
legislation concerning handwritten and computer recorded notes.

Please do not start recording such information before you check the situation in your

If you decide not to enter and retain patient records within ISIS then you can still save
details of repertorizations onto your computer hard disk – so long as these cannot be
identified to any specific patient. You may skip the next 2 sections of this guide as
they explain how to record patient records and notes.

Skip to Taking the case.

Inputting new patient details

From the Miccant Control Centre start the appropriate section of ISIS by clicking on
Cases and Visits and this is what you will see:

User Guide 25
If you haven’t started recording any patient details yet the list of names down the left
side will be empty.

Click the Create New Patient button.

ISIS automatically generates a patient id number for the new patient. All you need do
is type in any values you wish to record for this patient. The only item of information
you must type in is the patient’s Last Name. Click the OK button to save a new
patient in your database.

ISIS will then re-display the list of patient records including the new patient. By
default ISIS will order the patient records alphabetically using their Last Name.

26 User Guide
If you want to see your patient records in chronological sequence
click on Order By ID, like this :

and your patient records will be re-displayed in ascending ID order.

To see personal details about a patient click the mouse on their name like this:

and you can view their details on the right side of the screen. If you made a typing
mistake while typing in the patient details all you need to do is click your mouse on
the item of information to change on the right hand side of the screen and overtype.

Having created a new patient record you are ready to move on!

Inputting information about a new consultation

Patients can come and see you many times. Each time they do it is best to create a
new consultation record.

To set up a new consultation record make sure you have clicked your mouse on the
desired patient on the left side of the screen and then click the New Consultation

ISIS will display a consultation card for you to fill in, like this:

User Guide 27
Check that the correct Patient Name is displayed at the top of the consultation

Now you can move across the record typing and selecting information as

ISIS defaults the Date and Time to today’s date and time to get you started. Choose
the Setting of the consultation by clicking on the little black triangle. ISIS defaults the
value to the most commonly used setting.

The rest of the consultation record cannot be completed until after you have taken
and analyzed the case.

If you do not intend to analyze the case while the patient is with you then save the
preliminary details of this consultation now. Click the Save Visit button.

If you have typed this information in while the patient is sitting in front of you – then it
is time to push the screen to one side and focus on the patient.

Taking the case

This is up to you. ISIS can’t help you with this! Just take the case exactly as you
have been taught.

In the ISIS tutorials we have provided an excellent introduction to chronic case taking
by Dr Brian Kaplan.

28 User Guide
If you haven’t already listened to this why not do so when you next have some time?

Preparing to analyze the case

If you are not recording patients and consultations within ISIS simply start ISIS as

If you have previously created a Consultation record for this patient within ISIS then
you need to get this record back on your screen. From the main cases and visits
screen highlight the desired patient by clicking your mouse on their name.

The preliminary consultation record will be visible in the bottom left corner of the
screen. Click your mouse on the consultation record and then click the View/Edit
Consultation button.

Double click a consultation to open it up

ISIS will open the consultation record ready for you to use. Now click the Repertorise
button. This will start up the main ISIS system ready for you to use.

The current patient name will be displayed at the top of the ISIS screen like this:

Choosing symptoms to use for analysis

Once the case has been taken you must decide how to approach the case. Use your
training and experience to select what you wish to analyze. There are many ways to
analyze a case.

In our experience it is always best to start with a simple repertorization to find a few
remedies that seem to cover the case well.

For the purposes of this guide we will use a sample case to illustrate how to use ISIS.
Here is the description:

A young girl presents with a sore throat. She complains vociferously of a

headache. She tells you it hurts ‘here’ with her thumbs pressed into both her
temples. The pain can best be described as ‘shooting’. The shooting pains
never extend to any specific area. Her throat hurts when swallowing anything
and the pain is burning. She continuously rubs her eyes and when you inquire
about this she says the lids itch ‘all the time’. You observe that her lips are dry
and cracked. The girl says she has lost her normal appetite, as everything
tastes ‘too strong’. Her mother informs you that these problems all started
after the girl had been left in the house by herself for several hours (which she
was not used to) and she had been very upset by this. Since then the girl has
demonstrated temper tantrums and even taken to ripping her clothes in fits of

User Guide 29
The first thing you need to do is to determine the rubrics in the case record. In this
brief sample case it is fairly easy to determine the rubrics. Normally it will be harder
and take you much longer!

A word of advice: some teach that you should be creative when considering which
rubrics to use. This could be the use of dreams, delusions, polarities and so on.
However for the first repertorization of each and every case we suggest you start with
the tried and trusted technique of selecting clear, understandable rubrics in the case.
Work with these first of all. There is certainly a time and place for creativity – but
keep it simple to start with!

Here are the case rubrics we can use:

1. Ailments started after being left alone

2. Headache temples shooting
3. Throat pain agg swallowing
4. Throat pain burning
5. Cracked lips
6. Itching eyelids
7. Sense of taste heightened
8. Rips clothing

These rubrics are all in the case and every homeopath could agree on their selection.

Now you can move on to analyze this case.

Finding symptoms and building the case

Before using the repertory make sure your preferred book is open and ready for use.
Whenever you start ISIS it always positions you to the book and chapter you were
looking at when you last used the system.

We will use the Complete Repertory extensively in our sample case. So make sure
this book is open and ready for use now.

You need to find the first rubric Ailments started after being left alone. This is in
the Mind chapter of the repertory so make sure you are looking at this chapter.

Searching a repertory chapter

The easiest way to find rubrics in ISIS is to simply type a few letters on the keyboard.
A good start would be to type the letters AI (for Ailments) on the keyboard.

As the letters are typed, ISIS jumps to the very first rubric that contains the letters
typed into the first word position. Like so:

30 User Guide
ISIS jumps to the first rubric in the Mind chapter of the repertory that contains the
letters AI. This is the rubric AILING. Immediately after AILING is the first rubric
beginning with AILMENTS.

As the key expression of the rubric we are looking for is connected to being alone it
is best to use this word to further refine the search.

ISIS now needs to told to use a second word. This done either by clicking the mouse
in the second line of the search screen or by pressing the TAB key. Typing in
ALONE will cause ISIS to immediately position to:

ISIS refines the search and finds exactly the rubric being looked for!

User Guide 31
To recap:

The first letters you type in must be contained in the very first word of a rubric.
Letters or words you type in the second through fifth positions can appear anywhere
in the rest of the rubric text.

In the example above the word ALONE is actually the third word in the rubric and
ISIS found it.


Always type in as few letters as possible.

Don’t get hung up on typing the exact rubric. Simply make sure the first letters you
type in identifies the main rubric heading.

Typing in words like OF or FROM are a waste of your time and energy.

Copying to an ISIS clipboard

When you have found a rubric to use you need to tell ISIS. You do this by copying
the rubric onto one of the ten clipboards ISIS provides. There are a variety of ways
you can do this. We suggest that dragging the rubric onto a clipboard and then
releasing the mouse is the quickest and easiest method.

If you correctly drag then a small rectangle will appear as you move the mouse, like

When you are correctly positioned on a clipboard the clipboard background will turn
red. This advises you to release the mouse. When you do the rubric will be copied to
the clipboard and a little number 1 will be displayed under the clipboard.

ISIS provides 10 such clipboards for you to use. Rubrics can be copied to any
clipboard. Some homeopaths like to repertorize the mind rubrics in a case separately
to the physical rubrics in a case. ISIS supports this by letting you copy the mind
rubrics to one clipboard and the physicals to another.


Clipboard number 1 is the master clipboard.

Whenever you copy a rubric to clipboards 2 to 10 ISIS also copies the

rubric to clipboard 1 automatically.

32 User Guide
Changing repertory chapters
Moving on to the next rubric in the case. This is the shooting pain in the girl’s
temples. As you know this will not be found in the Mind chapter of the repertory. You
need to change chapters!

But which chapter? This is where you really need a sound grasp of the layout of the
repertory you will work with most often. In this sample case we are working with the
Complete Repertory.

Version 4.5 of this repertory (supplied as standard with every copy of ISIS) separates
head pains into a separate and distinct chapter. Other repertories do not – they group
all head rubrics together in one chapter.

As we are using Complete v4.5 you need to switch chapters to Head Pain. This is
simply done by clicking on the name Head pain in the left tree of chapter names.

Now ask yourself : Is this rubric to be found under Temples or Pain or Shooting?
Remind yourself that you need to know the layout of the repertory you will use most

In Kent this rubric would be found under Pain, Shooting, Temples. The repertory
most faithful to the style of Kent in ISIS is the Combined Repertory. However we are
using Complete. In Complete you are in the Head pain chapter so you don’t need to
type the word pain.

Simply typing SHO will make ISIS instantly jump to the first rubric in this chapter that
starts with these letters. The general rubric SHOOTING will be displayed.

Moving to the second search word position (by clicking the mouse there or pressing
the Tab key) and typing in TEM. (remember : type as few letters as possible) causes

User Guide 33
ISIS positions to the first rubric it could find that begins with the letters SHO and that
also has the letters TEM somewhere in the rest of the rubric description.

This is very clever of ISIS but this isn’t the rubric we want to use! ISIS needs to be
told to find another rubric for consideration. This is done by clicking on the Next rubric

ISIS will then try and find another rubric for your consideration and will display this:

34 User Guide
That’s better! Exactly the rubric we are looking for.


If you need to go back to a previously seen rubric click this button

Now ISIS needs to be told to remember this rubric also. Although this could simply
be achieved by dragging and dropping onto the clipboard an alternative way would
be to click the right mouse button on the desired rubric:

Holding the mouse over Copy to clipboard and left clicking on Clipboard 1
achieves the same result. You will quickly find the method you prefer.


Use the right mouse button whenever you get stuck. The right mouse button always
displays a menu of sensible choices that relate to whereabouts in ISIS you are

Remember! If you get stuck and don’t know what to do – click the
right mouse button

Viewing the case clipboard

Now that 2 rubrics have been placed onto Clipboard 1 it would be a good idea to
quickly check this has been successful. Clicking the mouse onto the Clipboard 1
icon will show its contents. Both rubrics will be displayed.

User Guide 35
When satisfied they are both on clipboard 1 the clipboard can be closed down by
clicking the little X in the top right corner of the clipboard screen (or by pressing the
ESC key).

Now for the next two rubrics! These are both Throat pains i.e. < swallowing and
burning pain. Once again it will prove easier to simply open up the Throat chapter
and quickly find these 2 rubrics.

Clicking Throat in the Complete Repertory quickly opens up the desired chapter. As
both of the rubrics needed are Pains simply typing the word PAIN will jump to the
correct section.

Typing BURN as the second word takes us directly to the first rubric we want. Try
and ignore the fact that ISIS shows there are 268 remedies in this rubric! That’s one
of the big advantages of computer software – you don’t have to worry about handling
large rubrics. You would simply have to drag and drop this rubric onto the case

As the next rubric we want to find is also in the Pain section of the Throat chapter it
would be nice not to have to re-type in from the beginning. ISIS can be instructed to
stay in the current repertory position by right clicking the mouse and selecting Find.
ISIS will then re-display the little search screen with the word PAIN already typed.

Moving to the 2nd word position and typeing something like SWA will make ISIS jump
to the first pain rubric that also contain the word swallowing. But this is not the rubric
wanted! Go forward finding next occurrences until you arrive at the desired rubric,
which is PAIN, General, Swallowing.

Dragging correctly
This rubric now needs to be dragged to the case clipboard. This provides an
opportunity to learn how to avoid a common problem. Look carefully at this screen:

36 User Guide
Observe how Pain General Swallowing is actually a rubric heading and not a rubric
itself? This is an important point to grasp. The real rubric is on the next line down and
starts with the word ON. Why is this? Because there are many pain rubrics
connected with swallowing. They can be seen by browsing down the screen a little.

You cannot select or drag a rubric heading. ISIS will not react if you try. You must
position correctly on a real rubric in order to drag it to the clipboard.


Each real rubric has a red number in front of it. This is the number of remedies in the
rubric. If an entry does not have a little red number in front of it then it is a rubric
heading, not a rubric itself and you cannot select or work with it in any way.

Word Searching the Repertories

The next rubric in the case is Cracked lips. This poses an interesting dilemma!

How well do you know your repertories? Ask yourself first of all which chapter of the
repertory Lips rubrics are contained in? In Complete they are in the Face chapter.
The Combined and Boenninghausen also place them in the Face chapter. Murphy
and Boericke however put them in the Mouth chapter.

If you knew the chapter to look in then locating the desired rubric would be
straightforward. But what if you weren’t sure? What if you weren’t exactly sure if the
word you had in mind was the correct repertory word?

ISIS provides a word search facility on the repertories to help in such situations.
Let’s use this next case rubric to learn how to use the ISIS word searching facility.

User Guide 37
To tell ISIS you want to perform a word search click this icon:

Or press the F7 key. Or press the ? key (pressing SHIFT at the same time). In the
screen that is displayed click the Repertories tab (if it isn’t already displayed).

ISIS allows you to type in one or more words in the Search for box. Looking down
the screen you will see that For Keywords is selected and an option called Find
whole words only is also selected. These are the default word search settings.

One thing to bear in mind is that ISIS word searches all the repertories
simultaneously. Every repertory, every chapter and every rubric will be searched!

So consider that we want to search and find Cracked lips. The different options
available to you will now be explained.

Usually typing in only one search word will be the fastest way to word search the
repertories. If you have a slower computer it will be better to search using only one
word. However some words you may search with are contained in many thousands
of rubrics e.g. Pain. Don’t word search only for words like this. It will take ISIS quite
some time to search through almost 0.5 million rubrics in its database!

However cracked lips should not pose too much of a problem to ISIS!

Think a little longer about what to type in as a search word. Should the word
cracked be typed in? If you search for the word cracked then what if the rubrics
themselves don’t use this word? What if the repertories use the word crack or
cracks or even cracking?

Let’s use the various options ISIS provides to help you with this.

38 User Guide
First of all if the word CRACK is typed in with the default ISIS settings this is what
ISIS will display after the Search button is clicked:

See how ISIS lists all repertories in the explorer tree? Those that are in bold and
black type have rubrics that match the word crack. Those repertories greyed out do

As the Complete is our preferred repertory ISIS opens this up and displays those
chapters that contain matching rubrics. The Ear, Hearing and Face chapters all
contain rubrics related to the word crack. The first chapter, Ear, is opened up
automatically and all matching rubrics are displayed in the main screen area.

Note that the results have been placed under the Search tab in the explorer tree. All
word searches of repertories and materia medica are displayed here. Word
searching does not affect your previous position in the repertory or materia medica.
Clicking the appropriate tab in the explorer tree will take you back to the exact
position you were previously at.

As lip rubrics are in the Face chapter this needs to be clicked in the explorer tree. All
that can be seen in the Face chapter is the rubric Crack, as if jaw would. So what
happened to the lip rubrics?

Remember that the default search setting is to Find whole words only ? ISIS did
exactly as instructed. It looked for exact matches to the word we typed in, crack.

So now we know that we need to improve our word searching! Returning back to the
Search screen this time we will use a search option called Stemming. This option
instructs ISIS to use all words beginning with whatever is typed in.

Performing the search again and then clicking on the Face chapter yields these

User Guide 39
Much better! See how ISIS has found all the words that begin with the word crack?
Each match or hit is highlighted in red. Scanning down the list of rubrics you can see
Cracks, lips with 146 remedies in it is the rubric we are looking for. This can be
dragged to the case clipboard.


ISIS does not show the remedies in each rubric after a word search. If you want to
see them click the eye icon on the toolbar

The next rubric in the case is Itching of the eyelids. As this is quite obviously in the
Eye chapter of the repertory normally you would open this chapter type ITCH and LID
and jump right to that position. In this manual however we can use this rubric to
explain another aspect of the repertory word searching.

Clicking the Search icon will bring us back to our last search. Clicking the Clear
button resets this screen ready for our next search. If the words ITCH and LIDS were
typed and searched for ISIS will report:

40 User Guide
Remember: The default setting for ISIS is For whole words only. Obviously there
aren’t any rubrics that contain the words ITCH and LIDS. Changing the word ITCH to
ITCHING and searching once again provides:

ISIS is now able to find to find the exact matches in the repertory for your search
words. In passing, note that the Stemming option could have been set on for use
with the word ITCH and ISIS would also have found these rubric matches.

The points to remember from this are:

Time you invest in learning your repertory structure will be repaid many times

If you know where to look for the desired rubrics it will always be quicker to
browse and jump to them

If you do need to word search all the repertories try and minimize the work
ISIS has to do so that the search time isn’t too long.

Searching Rubric Connections

ISIS allows you to create links between rubrics in any repertory. This is called making
My Connections. Exactly why and how to do this is explained in subsequent chapter
of this manual. However be aware that this is potentially a very useful facility and we
will use it now to find the next rubric in the case.

Although you are responsible for creating your own connections a few small samples
are pre-supplied with ISIS. Searching using your connections is achieved from the
normal Search screen previously explained.

Instead of searching For Keywords this time the search will be using For My

User Guide 41
As For My Connections is selected key word entry is disabled as are all other
options. A list of available connection words is displayed. This list will grow as you
add your own connections.

The next rubric in the case is : Sense of taste heightened.

There is a connection named Heightened Sense in the list of available connections.

This means ISIS can quickly search for all rubrics that have been connected to this
word. Selecting the connection word is achieved by double-clicking it with the mouse.
This places it in the Selected list. Several connection words can be selected if

Clicking the Search button instructs ISIS to search all of the repertories looking for all
rubrics that have been connected with Heightened Senses – no matter which
repertory or chapter that may be present in. ISIS displays a list of chapters containing
such rubrics. Choosing the Taste chapter will display:

Exactly the rubric in question! It can be copied to the case clipboard in the usual way.

Searching Thematic Connections

The final case rubric is Ripping clothes. Do you know where this can be found in
the repertory? If you are not sure then ISIS could be instructed to word search for the
word CLOTHES or CLOTHING and you could browse through all the rubrics related
in some way to clothing.

42 User Guide
Another possibility is to use the concept of Thematic searching. ISIS contains a set
of theme words provide by Dr Jose Mirilli. These words have been carefully
compiled by examining the major proving sources i.e. Hahnemann, Allen and Hering,
and distilling down the prover’s expressions into themes.

Each theme word identified by Dr Mirilli has then been associated with repertory
rubrics. The result is that, exactly as for My Connections, you can search the
repertory using these theme words.

In the ISIS search screen selecting For Themes provides a list of all available theme

Scrolling down the list reveals that there is indeed a theme word of Clothes. This can
be selected for searching by double-clicking it with the mouse. Starting a search
instructs ISIS to find all rubrics associated wit this theme word and display them as

User Guide 43
A quick glance down the list of thematically related rubrics reveals the rubric
Destructiveness, clothes of. As this is exactly the rubric needed this can be copied
to the case clipboard.

Thematic searching can often reveal rubrics you may not be familiar with or even
aware of.

Note that the Thematic search only works with Miccant’s Combined Repertory. To
use these themes with the Complete Repertory requires upgrading to the Millennium
edition of the Complete.

To read more about Miriilli’s work why not visit:

Our case is now ready to be analyzed!

Repertorising the rubrics

Now that all of the case rubrics have been found and copied to the case clipboard
ISIS can analyze it for you and present indicated remedies.

The purpose of repertorization is to give you a list of indicated remedies to work with.

In ISIS the repertorization process also provides a platform for you to read up on
these remedies to help you make the decision on which to prescribe.

Repertorizing the entire case is easily achieved by clicking the analyze icon:

Clicking this causes ISIS to repertorize all of the case rubrics on Clipboard 1,
presenting the results as follows:

44 User Guide
The default format of the repertorization is always in the form a classical
repertorization chart – with the case rubrics down the left side and the indicated
remedies across the top. Each time you repertorize, a classic Totality analysis is

Looking at the list of remedies displayed Belladonna has covered the most rubrics in
the case. It has a Rubrics Count of 8. Lycopodium, Calcarea, Tarentula and
Agaricus appear in 7 of the case rubrics. Your attention should focus immediately on
these remedies, although it is perfectly possible (and often is the case) that a remedy
further down the list may be called for.

The colored grade cells underneath each remedy clearly show which rubrics a
remedy is present in and which it isn’t. Belladonna appears in every case rubric. ISIS
totals up the grades into a Grade Total for each remedy. If remedies occur in the
same number of case rubrics then they are further ranked by this Grade Total. That
is why Lyc is ranked higher than Calc in the current analysis.

The current analysis settings are clearly visible at the top left corner of the
repertorization chart :

Any of the 4 parameters can be varied by clicking the mouse on the little black
triangle at the sides of each. Selection is made from the drop down list that is offered

Note that by default remedies are primarily ordered by Rubrics. This is easily

As different selections are made ISIS immediately re-presents the case for you. As
the remedies are now being ordered by their Grade Total, not the number of rubrics
they cover in the case, other remedies are promoted as worthy of your consideration:

User Guide 45
Remedies Arsenicum, Sulphur and Stramonium should now be added to the list of
remedies you are going to consider.

ISIS offers many repertorization features too numerous to be detailed here. Consult
the online help and tutorials provided for a thorough understanding.

Differentiating between indicated remedies

Following repertorization how are you going to choose which remedy to prescribe?

Remedies worth considering are Bell, Lyc, Calc, Tarent, Ars, Sul and Stram.

Getting information quickly

ISIS can help by providing access to information. Start by clicking the right mouse
button onto any of the remedies you are considering:

Clicking Remedy Information for the selected remedy will take you directly to the
remedy information in which you can view the keynotes, relationships and possibly
listen to an audio lecture about the remedy.

Clicking Materia Medica will open up every book in the ISIS library that has an entry
for this remedy so you can read about it.

Clicking Family Members, as follows for Calc, will display its associated kingdoms
and families:

46 User Guide
Any entry that is blue and underlined can be clicked to see other remedies in the
same family. Many homeopaths like to contrast members of the same family when
making a final decision, just to see if there any smaller remedies related to indicated
remedies that may be called for.

Comparing remedies
Another technique that may prove useful is to compare and contrast a few indicated
remedies by examining their differences in the repertory.

Assuming the decision rests between Tarentula and Calc carb in the current case,
ISIS could be instructed to show you the differences between the remedies. Armed
with these difference you can re-examine the case looking for confirmation of one
remedy over the other. Clicking this icon starts the process:

Various settings can be made on this screen. In this example we are going to find the
differences between these remedies in the Mind rubrics. Only striking, grade 3
instances of the two remedies will be used:

User Guide 47
Here are the differences between the two remedies:

Calcarea has many grade 3 occurrences that Tarentula does not. That is to be
expected, as Calcarea is a large polycrest remedy. In these situations it is usually
better to look at the smaller remedy and see those things it has that the large
polycrest remedy does not.

The list of differences shows us that Desire for Dancing and Destructiveness of
Clothing are grade 3 bold type instances of Tarentula that Calcarea is not known to

This should trigger interesting thought processes! We know for sure about the
clothing being ripped – this could easily be a valuable confirmatory of Tarentula. But
what about the Dancing? Did this come out in the case taking? Do you need to ask?

Recording your decision and saving the details

Assuming you have decided on which remedy to prescribe in would be sensible to
save your case rubrics for future reference (and for further study at another time if

48 User Guide
Saving the case rubrics

The case rubrics need to be saved to your computer’s hard disk. This is done by
clicking the Save icon on the toolbar:

ISIS will then offer to save the case. The folder location on your computer’s hard disk
will always be the \cases folder within your ISIS system – although you may choose
to save your cases wherever you like.

A name will need to be given to each case saved. Over the months and years a
patient may return and see you several times. Each time they come you may wish to
save the latest set of case rubrics. It is sensible to name your saved cases in such a
way that they can easily be located in the future.

A suggested format would be :-

Last Name, First Name, Date of visit

e.g. Bush George W 05032003.cdt

As Windows orders files on the hard disk alphabetically this will ensure that all the
case rubrics of Bush George will be grouped together so you can more easily
reference them.

Updating the patient record

If you started ISIS from the Cases and Visits section then when you exit from ISIS
the screen will return to the same patients consultation record you were previously

Any comments, observations and notes can be recorded in the Case Notes section
of the consultation screen. Click the Save Visit button to save and exit.

User Guide 49
50 User Guide
Finding Alternative Remedies (the second and other visits)
The patient is sitting in front of you again in one month’s time. You recall that
previously you prescribed Tarentula 200c and you are eager to find out what has

Possible reactions
The ideal scenario is that the patient reports improvement, which is continuing
requiring no prescription at this time. If so, breathe a satisfied sigh of contentment.
However if you are maintaining patient records in ISIS it would be a good idea to
record this information in a second consultation record.

Another possibility is that the patient reports initial improvement, which did not hold.
In this situation you will have to probe deeply to determine exactly what has
transpired since the remedy was taken.

There may be no change at all. If this is truly so then you are going to have to re-take
the case

In each situation when you decide to change the remedy what approach will you
take? How will you analyze the case and choose an alternative remedy? ISIS can
help in a variety of ways.

Reviewing previous details

It will usually be a good idea to quickly refresh your memory with whatever case
details you stored within ISIS. Do you maintain patient records within ISIS? If not
skip to the next section. Opening up the ISIS Cases and Visits allows you to locate
the patient’s details.

User Guide 51
When the desired patient is clicked on the left a list of consultations is displayed on
the bottom right. Select this consultation and click the View/Edit Consultation button
to quickly review.

Clicking the Repertorize button would start the main ISIS screen and automatically
load up the saved set of case rubrics. You would do this if you wanted to check the
rubrics used.

Click the Cancel button to return to the main screen and click the New Consultation
button to start a new consultation record for the patient.

From the main Cases and Visits screen click the New Consultation button to start a
new consultation record for the patient.

In the new consultation record you may wish to take the opportunity to record any
improvement or worsening of the patient’s condition by selecting from the Well Being
option on this screen. When the rest of this screen has been prepared pressing the
Repertorize button starts ISIS ready for you to begin a new analysis.

Evaluation and approaches

The fundamental question to ask yourself after reviewing the case is this. Has the
case changed? If the case has changed markedly, even if the patient reports little or
no improvement, then something happened! But it is time to re-work and re-analyze
the case all over again. Maybe your case taking was not too good and it would be a
good idea to start over anyway?

However if the case still looks pretty similar to the initial consultation and you decide
that the remedy prescribed really does need changing then ISIS can help you find
good alternatives.

52 User Guide
Here are a few possibilities:

You are convinced that the patient needs a remedy from the same family as
the previous remedy.

There is a central causation in the case. An alternative remedy that has this
strongly should be found.

The patient displays characteristics of mineral remedies.

The patient clearly shows a miasmatic state and possibly a state associated
with a plant family.

There are many other possibilities. ISIS offers a wide variety of approaches to help
you and some are explained following.

Viewing remedies in the same family

To see other remedies of the same family in the current case bring up the
repertorization screen. Click the Filter option and then choose Families:

ISIS will display a list of every homeopathic family:

Clicking the mouse onto a family selects it. Several families can be selected if

User Guide 53
desired. Clicking the Filter button instructs ISIS to display only spider remedies in the
current repertorization:

This allows you to see if any other spider remedies are well indicated in the current

Finding well represented families

Alternatively it may prove worthwhile to see which families, if any, are well
represented in the current case.

Clicking the Presentation option and Family Cones allows ISIS to analyze the case
for you and to display a chart of the most indicated families in the current case:

This informs you the Tree family is the most indicated in the current case, followed by
the Sulphurs, Carbons, Daisies and so on. Sometimes this will prove incredibly
useful, as it will draw your attention to a group of remedies that guide you towards a
good prescription.

54 User Guide
As wonderful and exciting as this technology is, do not be too easily seduced by all of
the beautiful charts and graphics! In the above example it might be easy by seize on
the Tree family. ISIS allows you to see the tree remedies very easily – simply double-
clicking the mouse on any family cone shows you the leading remedies in that family:

This shows you that Camph and Chin are the leading tree family candidates in the
current case. But did you know that the Tree family has very many members in our
homeopathic pharmacopoeia? It is a family created by homeopaths and has a very
broad definition. This means that statistically the Tree family will very often be well
represented. So always exercise your discretion when interpreting such charts.

Using the periodic table

There are a commonly held set of factors that may guide you towards choosing a
mineral remedy. If you see these factors ISIS can help you examine the case using
the periodic table. This offers you the possibility of working with the findings of Jan
Scholten. The periodic table can be displayed by clicking on the Filter option and
selecting Periodic:

User Guide 55
ISIS allows you to select an element, entire row or entire column. Selecting an
individual element and clicking the Info button provides the essence of the element
as defined by Scholten:

Scholten refers to rows as series and columns as stages. His published works
explain how you can determine whether a patient is in a specific series or stage or
intersection i.e. element.

If you are clear about the approximate location in the periodic table your remedy
needs to come from you can repeatedly select elements and examine the essence of
each in turn to determine the best match.

Alternatively clicking the mouse before a series or at the top of stage selects the
entire row or column.

Clicking the OK button instructs ISIS to analyze the case and display only those
remedies in the current case contained in the selection. This can be a single element
or an entire series/row.

56 User Guide
Using Miasms
Many homeopaths use miasms as a primary indicator for the selection of a remedy.
ISIS classifies remedies in the classically tri-miasmatic way and expands upon this
by introducing the definitions of Rajan Sankaran. These miasmatic definitions are
called States, to distinguish them from Miasms. These States add 7 more miasmatic
definitions e.g. Cancer, Leprosy, Ringworm and so on.

ISIS provides analysis Filters on both the classic Miasms and the Sankaran States.
These filters allow you to specify miasms or states and to repertorize only with these

Using States and Plant Families

The published work of Rajan Sankaran has evolved to incorporate the definitions of
the vital sensation of different plant families and the remedies within them. ISIS
provides an analysis method based on this thinking.

Clicking the Analysis Type option on any repertorization chart makes this available
under the option Insights. Note that you do not need to have repertorized any rubrics
in order to access and use this facility. It does not work with rubrics at all.

On entry to this analysis type there will be two lists available. A list of States and a list
of Plant Families. Holding the mouse on any States or on any Family will display the
essential ‘feeling’ associated with that States or Family.

Here is an example of the Sycotic feeling:

User Guide 57
Here is an example of the feeling of the Anarcardaciae:

If your patient did indeed present with both of the feelings it would be nice if you
could see which remedies fitted both! ISIS provides you with this possibility!

Clicking the mouse on a Plant Family causes the members of that family to be
populated in the central column. Clicking the mouse on a State causes the remedies
associated with the State to be populated in the central column. ISIS then ‘crosses’
the State with the family and only remedies that match both selections will remain.

58 User Guide
Not only that but holding the mouse over the remedies remaining reveals the specific
sensation associated with each remedy. If one of them fits your patient exactly then
this remedy may be worthy of further investigation.

User Guide 59
60 User Guide
Studying Homeopathy with ISIS
When studying homeopathy you will often be researching a specific remedy or group
of remedies. Sometimes you will be investigating from a therapeutic standpoint,
possibly trying to obtain information about a specific condition.

Reading Materia Medica

Your first port of call will often be the library of reference works within ISIS.

To open up your library of books click the MM tab in the explorer tree:

If this is the first time you have opened your library of materia medicas in this session
ISIS needs to prepare them for your use. You will see the following progress window
displayed while ISIS is preparing:

Once ISIS has prepared the library of books the list of available books will be

Each book title contains the last name of the author of the book followed by the
book’s name. Apart from the My Notes listing (see later sections) all books are
ordered alphabetically by author.

Use the mouse to quickly scroll down the list of available books. The books in your
library reflect the version of ISIS you have purchased.

User Guide 61

In practice you will tend to use and reference certain books

more often than others.

If this is the case then you should consider changing the order of books from the
default alphabetical order into a personalised order that positions your favourites at
the top of the list. Refer to the section of this manual entitled Personalising ISIS for
information on this.

Opening a book
To open up a book simply click the little + symbol in front of the book’s name. ISIS
will then display all the chapters of the book for you to choose from.

Click your mouse on the desired chapter (or remedy name) and the text of the book
will be displayed in the main part of the screen, like so:

As always you can use the mouse to scroll down the displayed text.


If your mouse has a scrolling wheel you can use this to

quickly scroll down the displayed text.

Changing books
When you have finished reading the contents of a book you can close it by clicking
the little – symbol in front of the book name. Then you can scroll down the list of
available books and choose the next one you wish to open.

Learning about remedies

Often you will want to study a remedy or group of remedies. Let’s use an example
and work through how you could do this with ISIS.

62 User Guide
Many of you love learning about the more recently proven remedies. So let us try and
find information about one such, the remedy commonly known as Eagle.

Where to start?

All information about remedies within ISIS is ordered and accessed by the
abbreviation of the remedy. Ask yourself – do I know the abbreviation of the remedy I
want to study? In our current example that is Eagle. If you do know the abbreviation
of the remedy and are comfortable finding them you can skip the next two sections
and commence reading at Using Remedy Information

Finding remedy abbreviations

If you don’t know the abbreviation of a remedy how can you find it? Here are a few

1. Open the repertory to a rubric you know the remedy is present within. Browse
all the remedies in the rubric. Inspect likely candidates by clicking on them and
viewing any materia medica entries or remedy information until you find the
desired abbreviation.

2. Open the remedy list and scroll down alphabetically looking for likely
candidates (this is likely to take some time as there are thousands of

3. Search for remedies based on their family or classification.

The last option needs further explanation as it offers the best possibility for finding
remedy abbreviations.

Searching remedies
ISIS provides a search that works on the remedies themselves. Clicking the Search

or pressing the F7 key causes the Search screen to be displayed

Click the Remedies tab on the Search screen and this is what you will see:

User Guide 63
ISIS lets you search the list of remedies. You cannot search for words. The basic
idea is that you tell ISIS what kingdoms or families or miasms you want to search for
and ISIS will provide a list of remedies that match.

In our current example we want to find Eagle. Now, the one piece of information we
know for sure is that Eagle belongs to the Bird family. Therefore if we search for the
Bird family we are sure to find Eagle!

To search using any of the criteria provided you firstly click the desired criteria, in this
case Families. When you do ISIS will display an alphabetical list of all homeopathic
families for you to select. Use the mouse to scroll down the list and you will soon see
BIRDS. Double click the mouse on BIRDS to tell ISIS this is the family you want to
use. ISIS will move BIRDS into the selected column on the right:

64 User Guide

Whenever ISIS lets you search in this way you will always be able to choose multiple
criteria. In the above example you could select several families and ISIS will use
them all.

You can even select from different categories e.g. a Miasm and a Family. Thus you
could search for all Syphilitic Mammals and so on !

When the Search button is clicked ISIS will scan the database of remedies and
create a list of remedies that match the search criteria. In the current example this
would be all of the Bird remedies:

Now the task is much easier! All that is needed is click on each remedy in turn
reading the details until Eagle is found:

Using Remedy Information

The remedy information contained within ISIS is split into four quarters:

Top left : Naming and categorization of the remedy

Bottom left : Any keynotes available for the remedy
Top right : Any relationships recorded for the remedy
Bottom right : Any image, audio lecture or video available for the remedy

Using the current example of Eagle you can see that :

User Guide 65
Top left
Its abbreviation is Halia-leu and its full name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Its
common name is American Bald Eagle

The lines below show you the kingdoms and families the remedy belongs to. Note
that these are blue and underlined which means they are ‘clickable’. If you do click on
a kingdom or family ISIS will display a list of other remedies which are members of
the category you clicked on.

You can also see the Miasmatic association of any remedy. In this case Eagle is
categorized as a Syphilitic remedy. If Rajan Sankaran has associated a remedy with
his definition of miasms this is displayed next to the word State.

ISIS uses the word State throughout to denote a miasmatic association defined by
Rajan Sankaran. We have not mixed these in with the traditional tri-miasmatic
definitions – these have been kept separate.


Using families and kingdoms is a great way to compare and contrast remedies. In our
experience it is better to learn the characteristics of a small group of remedies then
trying to commit a single remedy to memory.

Selecting a small list e.g. the Birds and studying each in turn and any family
characteristics as a whole is more likely to be remembered.

66 User Guide
Bottom Left
If ISIS contains keynotes they will be displayed here. You can amend any keynotes
supplied or add completely new keynote information. Please refer to the section
Researching homeopathy with ISIS for more information.

Top right
If ISIS contains relationships they will be displayed here. You can amend any
relationships supplied or add completely new information. Please refer to the section
Researching homeopathy with ISIS for more information.

Bottom right
This contains any photograph or audio lecture or even video presentation for a
remedy. In the current example you can see a nice photograph of the Bald Eagle.
You can also see that the ‘player’ controls are highlighted in black. This means there
is a lecture available for the current remedy.

When studying remedies listening to a teacher explain a remedy to you is invaluable!

In this example what could be better than the proving supervisor, Jeremy Sherr,
sharing his thoughts on this remedy with you?

You can add your own image, audio or even video file for any remedy within ISIS to
build up your own homeopathic resources. Please refer to the section Researching
homeopathy with ISIS for more information.

Why photographs and lectures? Because many people learn best this way. Also
because there is the possibility that we may become remote from the substances we
use as homeopaths. Homeopathy is an energy medicine which uses the energy from
living creatures and plants. What better way to stay in touch with our remedies than
by knowing what they look like?

Enlarging remedy information

To examine an image more closely left click the mouse onto the image and ISIS will
expand the display for you in the centre of the screen.

Repeated left clicks will expand the image until it is displayed full screen. Right clicks
of the mouse will shrink the image down in size.

Good quality images look quite beautiful displayed full screen – lesser quality images
do not!

So now you already know quite a bit of information about Eagle!

Reading books and articles about a remedy

To take your studies further you may find it useful to read anything contained within
the ISIS library of books and materia medicas. You could access each of your

User Guide 67
favourite materia medica in turn looking for Eagle. This would take quite some time
and prove frustrating. Fortunately ISIS provides a much easier way for you!

On the extreme right of the screen ISIS provides a convenient way to access the
library of books. Simply click the word Materia Medica that is blue and underlined
(remember this means it is clickable) and ISIS will scan every volume in its library
looking for the currently displayed remedy.

If you only have the basic ISIS system then doing this for the current remedy, Eagle,
will not reveal any entries. However if you have the full ISIS library then clicking this
link will reveal 2 entries. The first is an article from Homeopathic Links magazine
describing a case of Eagle while the second is the actual proving contained in
Dynamic Provings volume 1.

Remedy Extraction from the Repertory

A further way to study a remedy is by looking at the rubrics it occurs in. ISIS
provides a helpful way for you to do this.

However a cautionary note is warranted here!

Newly proven remedies will very often not be added into the repertories. Whether a
remedy exists in the repertories also depends on which edition of a repertory you are
using within ISIS. So please bear this in mind if you decide to try and study a remedy
with the repertory.


Miccant’s Combined Repertory is often the most up to date in terms of newly proven
remedies. This repertory may not be as big or as large as other repertories but it is
often the most up to date when it comes
to newer remedies.

Extracting information about Eagle from the repertory is started by clicking the mouse
on this icon:

and ISIS will display this screen:

68 User Guide
This is a very busy screen with lots of choices and options. Don’t forget to consult
the online help provided with ISIS to learn all about these options.

At the simplest level extracting from the repertory requires you to specify which
repertory you wish to use and which remedy or remedies you want to extract. The
default repertory set each time you enter this screen is the Complete Repertory. This
is because the Complete will be the repertory you use most often, especially if you
have recent editions of it installed in your ISIS system.

However if you have the default Complete Repertory within your ISIS this will be
edition v4.5. In our current example, Eagle, we can save some time by knowing that
Eagle, being newly proven, was not added into this edition of the Complete (it was in
a subsequent edition).

So we will use the Combined Repertory for this purpose. Towards the top left of this
screen you need to select Combined in the box labeled Source. By default ISIS is
set to extract rubrics from all chapters of the repertory. Notice that you can select just
the Mind chapter or you even specify specific chapters to extract from. Selecting
single chapters makes the results easier to work with and is quicker to run (important
if your computer is not the fastest!).

In this example we will choose to extract from only the Mind chapter – so this should
be selected.

Finally ISIS needs to be told which remedy should be extracted. You can choose to
work with Families of remedies or you can manually select individual remedies. As
we only wish to extract Eagle only this remedy should be chosen from the list of
remedies provided. Eagle should be selected from the box marked Type Remedy
Here. This can be achieved either by scrolling down the alphabetic list of remedy

User Guide 69
abbreviations provided or by typing in the abbreviation (as you type ISIS will position
automatically). When you see the abbreviation for Eagle double click the mouse on it
to move it into the selected list.

Just in passing please note that you can select as many remedies for extraction as
you like. In fact you can select entire families in this way and have ISIS extract them
from the repertory for you. This is a great way to look for patterns in remedies in the
same family.


What if you select the wrong remedy or family by mistake?

How do you remove wrong selections?

All you have to remember is that if you double click to place an item in a selected list
anywhere in ISIS you can always double click on the selected item to remove it from
the selected list.

Another caution when performing remedy extractions! The more remedies you select
and the more chapters you use the more work ISIS has to perform. If you have a
slower machine exercise care otherwise you will be waiting quite some time for ISIS
to perform the extraction.

When you have selected the repertory, chapter and remedy to extract the screen will
look like this:

Leaving all the settings as shown above and clicking the Compare button starts the
extraction. This may take some time depending on the speed of your machine (as a

70 User Guide
guide it takes 3 seconds to perform this search on a computer with a Pentium chip
speed of 550 Mhz).

When ISIS has finished extracting all the rubrics in the Mind chapter for Eagle they
will be displayed as follows:

You can see that there are a total of 213 Mind rubrics that contain Eagle – the above
example shows the first 21. The grade of the addition to the repertory is shown next
to each rubric extracted.

Repertory additions for newly proven remedies should always be added into the
repertory with a grade of 1. Higher grades are only permissible if a remedy has been
confirmed in clinical practice. Of course that is our view. The various repertory
authors may have their own criteria when making additions. We have followed this
rule (originated in Kent) in our Combined Repertory.

As a final pointer – when reading this list of rubrics containing Eagle you can quickly
see the other remedies contained in the rubric by selecting any rubric by clicking on it
with the mouse. Then clicking the right mouse button and selecting the Show option
provides a display of all remedies in the rubric selected.

User Guide 71
You have seen how to obtain and read basic remedy information, quickly open any
books that have entries for the desired remedy, and have used the repertory to
extract all rubrics for the desired remedy.

What if you want to type in your own notes and observations about remedies? Read

Recording your own notes

As mentioned previously ISIS allows you amend or add your own information into the
Keynotes, Relationships and Multimedia sections of the remedy information screen.

ISIS also provides an area for you type or copy in any notes or comments about any
remedy or topic at all. Please read the following section for more information.

Extracting information from ISIS

Occasionally you will need to extract information from ISIS to use in presentations or
written work.

ISIS allows you to selectively copy or print information.

From the repertories

When browsing the repertory you can highlight any rubric by clicking on it. Clicking
the right mouse button on the rubric and then Copy Windows causes the rubric data
to be copied onto the Windows clipboard. The data may then be pasted into any
other program.

To illustrate: If the rubric ABRUPT, affectionate yet in the Complete Repertory Mind
chapter is highlighted and then pasted it into another system (for example Microsoft
Word) this is what will be pasted:

Complete, Mind; ABRUPT affectionate, yet, aur-m162, lyc30, nux-v30, puls30

Although ISIS allows you to highlight several rubrics at the same time to support
other functionality only the last rubric selected will ever be copied to the Windows
clipboard. This is a deliberately introduced security feature.

Please note that certain repertories may prohibit copying in this way altogether.

From materia medica

While viewing materia medica you can copy and/or print portions of the text
displayed. The easiest way to do this is to click the right mouse button on the text
being viewed and the copy and print choices will be available.

You can only copy or print one remedy or chapter of information in one copy or print

72 User Guide


Modern books do not allow you to freely copy and print information. There are
restrictions built into ISIS that reflect the wishes of each author. Each author’s wishes
may be different. Some are happy to let you copy text, some may let you print, so
long as you respect their work, and do not violate copyright and credit the source.
Some authors will not permit either.

ISIS fully respects the wishes of each author

From remedy information

As keynotes, relationships and multimedia are under your control you may add to
them and copy and print as you wish. You may copy or print the default-supplied data
unmodified provided credit is given to ISIS and for the sole purpose of supporting
other written information.

Accessing the OLNE web resource

Discussion Groups
Frequently while studying it would be nice to be able to ask someone else for their
insight and help. As ISIS has links to the OLNE homeopathic web resource you may
freely ask questions and receive answers via the OLNE discussion groups as an ISIS

You can access the OLNE discussion groups from the Miccant Control Centre. Once
connected this is what you will see:

This screen is the entry point for all the OLNE discussion groups. Each section here
is called a Board. So in the above example there are three boards, General
Discussion, Using OLNE and Students.

User Guide 73
To see all the postings for a board you simply click its name. Clicking on the General
Discussion board will display all the postings made like so:

Each subject is listed along with the number of replies made so far.

If you want to start a new discussion subject, possibly to ask a question that’s on
your mind click the POST button and then type away!

To read any subject simply click on its name and you will see all of the individual

74 User Guide
If you want to participate in any discussion all you need to is click the REPLY button
and type away!

Chat Rooms
You may also access the OLNE chat rooms as an ISIS guest at any time. Other
homeopaths may be present to answer your questions. However we are such a
small, busy community that leaving this to chance will not be very fruitful. Far better
to organise a live group discussion at a pre-arranged time!

You can access the OLNE chat rooms from the Miccant Control Centre. Once
connected you will be asked to type in a ‘nickname’ to use within the chat rooms:

Type in any nickname (this allows you to be anonymous) and after a few seconds
you will be taken to the Foyer of the OLNE chat rooms.

User Guide 75
Here you will see a list of users present and be able to chat away in real time!

Do please bear in mind when using OLNE that you are an ISIS guest. Appropriate
language and respectful behaviour is expected.

You will not be able to access articles, web resources or participate in arranged live
chats with teachers unless you subscribe and take out membership of OLNE.

76 User Guide
Researching Homeopathy and Expanding your ISIS system

Much, if not all, of the previous section applies should you plan to use ISIS for
research purposes.

So in what additional ways could you research homeopathy within ISIS? How would
you add into or expand the system?

Here are some ways (you will think of more)

Pattern recognition
Adding remedy multimedia
Recording your notes
Making repertory additions
Making repertory connections for future use
Enhancing the synonyms file to aid searching

Pattern Recognition

The practise of homeopathy can be thought of as pattern matching i.e. matching the
pattern of a patient’s disease to pre-determined patterns produced by our remedies.

Skilful homeopaths learn to do this in different ways. When such practitioners can
communicate how they do this then their approach to pattern matching becomes
clear. When they can’t it is often referred to as ‘intuitive prescribing’.

Skilful communicators such as Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran are renowned for
formulating pattern matching by use of the periodic table and such concepts as
‘central delusions’, ‘ vital sensation’ and so on.

ISIS provides tools that allow you to look for patterns – and lets you see what only
you are able to see.

Patterns will often be seen by comparing and contrasting data between groups of
remedies. This is why the concept of homeopathic remedy families has grown in
popularity. It is easy to see that if you learn the common traits of, for example, the
Spider family, you are more likely to consider such remedies when you see these
traits presented in patients.

To support such use ISIS carefully categorizes remedies. Wherever possible each
remedy has been grouped according to the following criteria:

Homeopathic Family

User Guide 77
Size (i.e. Frequency of use)

This is the botanical and taxonomic classification of the natural world. ISIS divides
remedies as belonging to the Plant, Mineral or Animal kingdoms. Those remedies
that fall outside these categories are grouped into a special category called Other
energies. The old fashioned term for these is ‘Imponderables’. We have discarded
that term as, in fact, many of these remedies are perfectly ponderable and in fact
simply do not categorize quite so easily.

Each kingdom is further divided into sub-kingdoms. And each sub-kingdom is divided
once more. To illustrate consider the Animal kingdom. This is divided as follows:

Using the ISIS Kingdoms filter screen as an example you can clearly see that the
Animal kingdom is divided into Amphibians, Arthropods, Cnideria and so on.
Furthermore the Molluscs sub-kingdom is divided into Bivalvia, Cephalopods and

Homeopathic Families
These are looser groupings of remedies into relationships. Often they are exactly the
same as the Kingdoms classification e.g. sub-kingdom Ranunculacea is the same as
the Buttercup family.

Other times 2 or 3 sub-kingdoms are grouped by homeopaths into one family as they
appear to have similar patterns.

Some families bear no relation to the strictly scientific classification as reflected in

their kingdoms but are related together due to their similar patterns.

Relates strictly to the tri-miasmatic approach, i.e. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis.

78 User Guide
This Is the Sankaran definition of miasms and permits such definitions as Cancer,
Leprosy and Ringworm. These are kept apart from the Miasm category to avoid

Each remedy is classed either as a Polycrest, Frequent, Infrequent, Small or Tiny
remedy. This does not denote the importance of a remedy but simply reflects its
historic usage in practice as evidenced by its appearance in the repertories and
materia medicas.

Looking for patterns

You can use ISIS to look for new patterns throughout the system.

Here are some examples :

The repertories can be searched by Kingdom or Family. To illustrate : You could

use ISIS to search all of the repertories for rubrics containing the word HIGH that
have 2 or more Tree remedies in them.

The repertory can be used to chart groups of rubrics. To illustrate: You can
select the rubric Harshness and all its sub-rubrics and quickly produce a chart of the
most represented families which looks like this :-

So until you saw this chart were you aware that Mammals were the most harsh
remedies? And Buttercups the next?

ISIS provides marvellous tools like this that you can use, easily and quickly.

You are limited only by your imagination. We want you to be inspired by ISIS to
improve your homeopathic knowledge and practice rather than you simply following

User Guide 79
the theories of someone else. For far too long homeopathy has been in the grip of
‘guru worship’. Take control of your own knowing with ISIS!

Adding remedy multimedia

Although ISIS comes supplied with a large number of photographs and audio
lectures the system is expandable!

You can add new entries to remedies that have no information or you can replace
pre-supplied data with your own.

Think of the possibilities this offers! You could prepare your own audio files on
computer and associate this with any remedy (you just need a microphone plugged
into your computer). Alternatively you could even shoot your own video about a
remedy, either the substance itself, an illustrative case snippet or yourself talking
about the remedy. Or you could build up a personal collection of remedy photos. In
this digital age these things are not only possible they are simple and easy to do.

How do you do this? While viewing any remedy click the mouse in the bottom right
quarter (where any multimedia would normally be displayed). ISIS will offer a choice
of Adding or Deleting a multimedia file.

If you choose to Add ISIS will offer you a screen in which you can indicate the file you
wish to appear for the current remedy. You may use a variety of file formats. For
photographs your image could be in JPG, DIB or BMP format. Audio files can be in
the WAV or MP3 format. Videos can be in AVI or MOV format.

If you do associate new information and replace what ISIS pre-supplied ISIS does
not lose its default information. Should you subsequently decide to delete a file you
associated with a remedy ISIS will revert to the default information.

Recording your notes

ISIS provides a special feature in the Materia Medicas section of the system. This is
called My Notes.

If you choose to browse the materia medicas you will observe that the very first book
position is always a special section called My Notes. This is an area reserved for
your use. You can type or copy in any information you desire all in one central
location for you to reference in the future.

As default ISIS provides 4 sections to get you started. To use one of these pre-
supplied areas just click your mouse on it and start typing!

80 User Guide
You may also add an unlimited number of discrete areas into My Notes.

To add another book (or section or area) click the right mouse button in the My Notes
section of the left explorer tree as above, type in a name and voila!

You may also change the position of any book by moving it up and down the list.

When typing in new information you have full control over the appearance and size of
the text. To vary the style of text click the right mouse button on it and choose Font or
Color as desired.

Similarly you may copy into any ‘book’ text or graphics from any other source e.g.
Microsoft Word.

Each book slot in My Notes is actually a Microsoft Word document. You can use
each book slot exactly as you would any Word document.

Just imagine how your personal collection of notes, seminar and lecture reports will
grow over the years!

Making repertory additions

Although ISIS provides 7 repertories for you to work with you can also create your
own repertory of additions. This is called My Repertory in ISIS.

User Guide 81
You may copy rubrics from any other repertory into My Repertory. You may amend
any rubric by changing its name and you may add or delete remedies and their
grades. You may create brand new rubrics. However you cannot add new remedies
into the ISIS database of remedies.

There is only 1 chapter position in My Repertory to contain all your rubric additions.

Adding a brand new rubric into My Repertory

Click the menu Edit and choose item My Repertory. This will display:

Type the name of your rubric in the first line. We recommend the very first word you
type in represents the part of the body related to the rubric. As My Repertory is
sorted alphabetically this will ensure all similar rubrics are displayed together for easy

Choose the remedies to be included in the new rubric from the Available list in the
left side using the mouse to scroll the list as needed. Double click a remedy to move
it into the Selected list. Each remedy selected will be allocated a default grade of 1.
To vary this highlight a remedy in the Selected list by clicking it once with your mouse
and use the left and right arrow grade incrementor to set the appropriate grade.

If you make a mistake and select a wrong remedy double click it with your mouse to
remove it from the Selected list.

82 User Guide
When the rubric is as desired click the Save button. ISIS will then record the new
rubric and will take a few seconds to re-order all of the additions alphabetically.
Please be patient! If you have made a large number of additions it can take a while
for ISIS to sort them alphabetically.

Copying a rubric from another repertory

You may want to add more remedies into a rubric that exists in another repertory. Or
you may want to amend grades of existing remedies.

This is done by identifying the rubric concerned and copying it into My Repertory
ready for changes. You cannot amend any repertory data pre-supplied – you must
first copy it into My Repertory.

Browse the desired repertory and chapter and have the desired rubric visible on the
screen. Click your mouse on it to highlight it. Then click the right mouse button and
choose My Repertory like so:

ISIS will open up the rubric ready for you to make your changes:

User Guide 83
You may amend the rubric description itself (we suggest you always add the body
part or chapter name in front of the rubric) and you may amend the remedies
currently present (selected) in the rubric. You may also add new remedies into this

When the rubric is as desired click the Save button to record this in My Repertory.

Amending My Repertory
By browsing My Repertory and selecting a rubric you may amend or edit it. The
process for doing this is exactly as just described above. The only additional feature
that will become active is the Delete button. This allows you to remove a rubric you
previously created in My Repertory.

Making repertory connections

ISIS provides different ways to search the repertories. You can search for words and
synonyms. You can search using Theme words.

84 User Guide
ISIS also lets you search the repertories using words you setup. This is called My

Essentially you input words or terms that describe groups of rubrics. Then you tell
ISIS which rubrics are connected to which words. Once this is done you can search
the repertories using these connecting words.

Creating new connection words

While browsing the repertory either click the right mouse button or click the Edit
menu. Then choose the option My Connections. ISIS will display a list of current
connection words:

Click the Add new word button and type in your new word or term:

Click Save to store this as a new connection word.

Associating a rubric with a connection word

You may associate any rubric in any chapter of any repertory with any connection
word. Rubrics can be associated with up 10 different connection words.

User Guide 85
To make a connection browse the repertory and locate a rubric. Highlight the the
rubric and click the right mouse button and choose My Connections.

ISIS will display the My Connections screen. If the selected rubric has already been
associated with a connection word then this word will be displayed in the Selected
Connections list.

To associate the rubric with a connection word first highlight the desired word in the
Available connections list and then click the Connect button. The new connection will
be listed under Selected connections.

You may use this screen to add new words and to remove or create new

Search using My Connections

Once you have set up some connections of your own searching with them is a

Using the normal search screen click the For My Connections option and ISIS will
display a list of available connection words to search with:

86 User Guide
Select the connection word or words you wish to search with by double clicking the
mouse on them. You may select up to 10 connection words to search with at any one

Click the Search button and ISIS will quickly find all rubrics connected to your
selected connections and display them for you.

Your imagination and creativity are the only limits on what you can connect!

Enhancing the synonyms file to aid searching

To help you search the repertories and materia medicas more effectively ISIS uses
cross-references and synonyms of words. This is very helpful. If you type in the word
ALONE as a search word and tell ISIS to use Synonyms then ISIS will not only
search for all entries of the word ALONE but it will also look for the words

This is because ISIS contains a huge list of repertory and materia medica words and
a list of possible cross-references for each word.

ISIS allows you to expand the list of cross-references and synonyms and build up
your own super-efficient search engine!

You can do this from the Search screen. There is a button provided labelled
View/edit synonyms.

Clicking this provides access to the long list of words ISIS knows about:

Known words are listed in the left column. Clicking on a known word displays its list
of cross-references and synonyms in the right column.

Interpret this screen as follows:

User Guide 87
If I type a search word into ISIS that exists in the left column of known words
ISIS will also search for all the words listed in the right column.

Therefore you may add completely new words into the left column. And for each
known word you can add to or amend the list of its cross references in the right

You can improve and personalize your repertory search technique by setting up
terms you use all the time! You could include modern medical terminology and cross
reference these to rubric words saving yourself lots of time and energy!

88 User Guide
Taking Care of your ISIS

ISIS is a very expandable system. Should you take advantage of this and make your
own additions and amendments then you need to make secure copies on a regular

If you do not take backup copies of your changes and your computer crashes you
may lose all your work. Don’t take a chance – backup regularly!

Taking a backup
ISIS helps you take backups. All you have to do is click the File menu and choose
the Backup/Restore option

ISIS expects you to take backups of everything that may have changed – that is why
everything is ticked in the top half of the screen. You may uncheck any box you like
to make ISIS only backup specific items.

When you click the Backup button ISIS will take a copy of all items that have
changed and compile them into a special archive file. This special file is called a ZIP
file and is a computer industry standard format.

ISIS prompts you for a location on your computer to store this archive file. It also
allocates the file a default name. You may save the archive file to your hard disk,
floppy disk, or any other removable media (e.g. CD drive) that is present on your
computer. If you do save to your computer hard disk please ensure you take a
regular backup copy of the file so it is stored safely.

Restoring data
Should you need to restore any file data we suggest you use ISIS to do this for you.
Use the Backup/Restore screen as described above. Check the items you want to
restore and click the Restore button. When prompted by ISIS locate the desired

User Guide 89
archive file you want to restore from and ISIS will take care of the rest for you making
sure files get restored and copied into their correct locations.

Caution! If you restore you will overwrite files currently in your ISIS system.

Archive Files
The archive files ISIS creates are standard ZIP files. You may use other zip software
e.g. Winzip to inspect or modify the contents of an ISIS archive file.

Exchanging information with other ISIS users

Any changes or additions you make to your ISIS system can be shared with other
ISIS users.

Here are some brief ideas for sharing and exchanging information with other ISIS

One person may attend a lecture and type some notes. These can be stored
in the My Notes section of ISIS and shared.

A teacher may create a set of remedy keynotes or remedy information that

replaces those supplied within ISIS. These can easily be shared with other
ISIS users.

An enthusiastic repertory user may create a set of My Connection words to

search the repertory with and share this with colleagues.

Another may create a set of rubric additions in My Repertory and share this
with others.

Someone may expand and refine the cross references and synonyms used
within ISIS and share it with colleagues.

A school or college may compile a set of remedy teaching videos and

distribute these to their students who use ISIS.

There are many additional ways of creating and sharing information with other ISIS

Having created new information within ISIS the best way to share this information
with others is to take a backup using the facility provided within ISIS (see previous
section). This will create an archive (zip) file. This file can be supplied to any other
ISIS user.

The recipient simply uses the restore function within ISIS to load the new information
into their system.


If you do create information you think other ISIS users may wish to share why not
advertise this by making a posting into the ISIS Discussion Group on

90 User Guide
Converting Cara Data

Converting a Cara Case

If you were previously using Cara Professional v1.4, v1.4r2 or v1.4r5 ISIS provides a
means of converting saved repertorization files for use with ISIS.

ISIS contains an import utility that will convert the rubrics in a Cara case into ISIS
format. The utility can be started by clicking the File menu and choosing the option
Import Cara Case.

Click the Browse button to start. ISIS will display a screen asking you to choose the
Cara case to be converted.

Select the Cara case to be converted by clicking the Open button. From the Cara
Convertor screen clicking the Import button will then convert the Cara case to the
ISIS format and save the case in the \Isis\Cases folder ready for use.

User Guide 91
Once a case has been converted you may then open the case within ISIS in the
usual way.

Each Cara case must be converted in this way.

Copying over your Cara user defined repertory

If you have made additions into Cara’s User defined repertory these must be
manually copied into ISIS.

The files to be copied are located in Cara’s \data folder and are named:


Simply copy both of these files into the \isis\data folder using Windows Explorer. (or

In order for the Import utility to run correctly the Cara data files must still be present
on your computer. If you have deleted Cara the Import utility will not work. Re-install
Cara from CD if you wish to import cases into ISIS.

It is not necessary for your Cara to be activated and working – all that is required is
that the Cara system is installed onto the same computer as ISIS and that all the
repertory data files are present.

It is not possible to convert the following Cara files for use in ISIS:

Patient database records

Annotations and bookmarks

as ISIS contains different functionality to Cara and a like for like conversion is not

Should you wish to copy this data into ISIS it must be done manually by copying data
out of Cara onto the Windows clipboard and then pasting it into an appropriate
location in ISIS. For example Annotations may be copied into a section within My

92 User Guide
”One by one my leaves fall
One by one my tales are told”


”I have been given an eye Divine

in which to behold Thy power. Therefore I watch””

Emma Curtis Hopkins

”We don't stop playing because we grow old;

we grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw

"Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine."

Lord Byron

“No one is too old if they have a passion to learn.

To absorb new ideas is to live anew, to see the world with fresh eyes."

Beth Chatto

"That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch

of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder."

William B. Watterson II

"He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to
change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress."

Anwar al-Sadat

"I like to have quotations ready for every occasion. ...They give one's ideas so
pat, and save one the trouble of finding expression adequate to one's feeling."

Robert Burns
(and David Witko)

User Guide 93
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94 User Guide

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