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Phytochemicals and Biological Activities of Fagoni

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Pareek Anil et al.

IRJP 2012, 3 (6)

Review Article


Pareek Anil*, Batra Nikhil, Goyal Manoj, Nagori Badri Prakash
Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology (Pharmacy Wing), Jodhpur- 342 003, Rajasthan, India
Article Received on: 18/04/12 Revised on: 20/05/12 Approved for publication: 28/05/12

Fagonia Indica (family Zygophyllaceae) is a small spiny under-shrub, mostly found in the deserts of Asia and Africa. It is widely used is Ayurvedic system of
medicine to treat vitiated conditions since this plant was antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, febrifuge and prophylactic against
small-pox agents.
There are reports providing scientific evidences for antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of this plant. These activities were
attributed to the presence of a variety of active ingredients including triterpenoidal saponins , flavonol glycosides, ursolic and oleanolic acids either alone or
with their derivatives. A comprehensive account of the morphology, photochemical constituents, ethanobotanical uses and pharmacological activities reported
are included in this review for exploring the immense medicinal potential of this plant.
Keywords : Fagonia Indica, zygophyllaceae, antioxidant, saponins, flavonoids

INTRODUCTION Specific epithet: indica - Burm.f.

Herbal medicines have been the main source of primary Botanical name: - Fagonia indica Burm.f.
health care in many nations. The plants as medicine are used MORPHOLOGY
in different system of medicine such as Ayurveda, Allopathy, Fagonia indica is prfused branched, pale-green, glandular,
Unani, Homeopathy and even in other system. About 80% of annual or perennial shurblets upto 60 cm high; internodes
the world’s populations are still dependent on traditional 2.5-5.0 cm long. Leaves all uni or lower ones trifolicates;
medicine. From ancient times, plants have been a rich source leaflets 8-16X3-4 mm, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, mucronate,
of effective and safe medicines. Due to their safe, effective distinctly articulate at the base; stipular spines suberect, equal
and inexpensive nature, indigenous remedies are popular to or shorter than leaves. Flower ca. 12 mm across, pinkish
among the people worldwide. Fagonia indica (family ca. 6X3 mm, spathulate, obtuse. Stamens ca. 6 mm long.
Zygophyllaceae) is a small spiny under-shrub, mostly found Capsule ca. 4X4 mm, softly hairy; pedicels reflexed, equal to
in in the deserts of Asia and Africa.1 It is reputed to be a the length of the fruits (Figure 1.).14-16
medicinal plant in scientific and folkloric literature and its MICROSCOPIC CHARACTER
medicinal values are well documented.2-5 The medicinal Pollen description
properties of the plant were attributed due to its variety of Pollen type is psilate, tricolpate. Shape in paler view is
active phytochemical constituents. Although the plant had circular and in equatorial is spheroidal to prolate to apple
received a great interest for the phytochemical investigation shaped. Polar diameter is 26.2 µm (25 - 27.5) while
since many years, yet the chemical structures of most of its equatorial is 24.12 µm (22.5 - 32.5 µm). P\E ratio is 3.
constituents were established during the last 15 years. Length and width of colpi is 2.5 µm both. Exine thickness is
Genus Fagonia includes about 35 species that are distributed 1.25 µm. Percentage fertility is 80.48 (Figure 1. C and D).17
in the deserts and dry areas in India, tropical Africa, Chile Leaf description
and South West USA. Many of the species are spiny herbs or Types of epidermal cells are tetra, penta to polygonal and
sub-shrubs. Fagonia species are reported to be medicinal in irregular to less undulating. Diameter of epidermal cell is
the scientific literature as well as in folk medicine.3 Species 48.335 µm (33.34 - 63.34 µm). Length of stomatal complex
of Fagonia have been found to contain saponins6, alkaloids7, is 46.25 µm (35 - 55 µm). Both sides of the leaf are same.
terpenoids8, sterols9, flavonoids10, proteins and amino acids11, Type of stomata is staurocytic. Diameter of stomata is 13.34
coumarins12 and trace elements13 µm (12.5 - 15 µm)X5.417 µm (5 - 6.25 µm) (Figure 1. E). 17
COMMON NAME Branch description
Dhamasa, Kanti A transverse section of the branch is cordate to kidney-
TAXONIMIC CLASSIFICATION shaped in outline. The epidermis consists of small rectangular
Kingdom: Plantae uniform cells with thick cell wall covered by a thick cuticle.
Subkingdom: Viridaeplantae The outer layer of the cortex consists of round to polygonal
Phylum: Tracheophyta cells followed by several layers of oblong cells. Scattered in
Subphylum: Euphyllophytina the cortex are many vascular bundles with annularly
Infraphylum: Radiatopses thickened vessels and many short compactly packed fibres
Class: Magnoliopsida with markedly thick walls. The pith consists of hexagonal
Subclass: Rosidae cells with different sizes and slightly thick cell walls; those
Superorder: Geranianae existing at the centre are larger. Crystalline and amorphous
Order: Zygophyllales substances are frequent in the cortex and pith (Figure 1. F).17
Suborder: Zygophyllineae
Family: Zygophyllaceae
Genus: Fagonia

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PHYTOCHEMISTRY leaves, flowers and fruits have high amounts of cardiac
Preliminary phytochemical screening on shoot systems of glycosides; stems are devoid of irodoids; the remaining
Fagonia indica constituents are found in the remaining parts of the four parts
Fagonia indica stems and fruits have high amounts of of shoot systems of the plant in week to moderate amounts.17
saponins; leaves and flowers have high amounts of tannins;
Table 1: Preliminary phytochemical screening on shoot systems of Fagonia. indica (Stems/Leaves / Flowers/Fruits)
S. No. Experiment Stems Leaves Flowers Fruits Shoot
1. Carbohydrates and / or Glycosides + + + + +
2. Saponins +++ ++ + ++++ ++++
3. Tannins ++ ++++ +++ + ++++
4. Sterols and / or Triterpenoids + + + + +
5. Alkaloids + + + + +
6. Cardiac glycosides + +++ ++ ++ +++
7. Flavonoids + + + + +
8. a- Chlorides + + + + +
b- Sulphates + + + + +
9. Anthraquinones - + + + +
10. Irodoids + + + + +
11. Cyanogenic glycosides + + + + +
12. Coumarins + + + + +
- = The active constituents were not found.
+ = Weak to moderate amounts of the active constituents were found.
++, +++ and ++++ = High amounts of active constituents were found.

Sapogenins of extract obtained from the fresh aerial parts of Fagonia

Three sapogenins named nahagenin18, hederagenin19 and indica, fresh leaves and stem of Aloe vera and fresh branches
ursolic acid20 have been isolated from aerial part of Fagonia of Tylophora hirsuta L. is very effective to lower the blood
indica. glucose level of diabetics.30 Fagonia indica is used by the
Saponins women folk for menstruation problems, to regulate the
Several saponins or triterpenoid glycosides have been menstruation cycle and inducing abortion.31, 32 Whole plant
isolated from Fagonia indica. They were characterized as without roots is crushed and extract is taken for pimples and
23,28-di-O-β-D-glucopyranosyltaraxer-20-en-28-oic acid20 , acne problem of face. Dried plant is crushed, mixed with
3β,28-di-O-β-D-glucopyr acid20, 21,22α-epoxy-23-O-β-D- black salt and powder is taken for gas trouble.33
glucopyranosyl-nahagenin21, 3-O-{[β-d-glucopyranosyl- The powder made up of whole plant is dusted on boils and
(1→2)]-[α-l-arabinopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-l- skin eruptions. Whole plant is boiled in water and its bath is
arabinopyranosyl}-ursolic acid-28-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl] taken for allergies and other skin disease. The decoction of
ester (indicasaponin A)22 and 3-O-{[β-d-glucopyranosyl- plant is given orally for skin eruption. 34,35
(1→2)]-[α-l-arabinopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-l- PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITY
arabinopyranosyl}-oleanolic acid-28-O-[β-d-glucopyranosyl] Antimicrobial activity
ester (indicasaponin B)22. The ethanolic extract of Fagonia indica showed
Flavonoid antimicrobial activity against some bacterial and fungal
Four flavonoidal compounds identified as quercetin, strains.36-38
isorhamnetin-α-3-O rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-β-D- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity
glucopyranosyl -(1''-6''')-β-D-glucopyranoside and quercetin The analgesic activity of the alcoholic extract of Fagonia
3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl -(6''-1''')- α-L-2''' acetyl rhamnose- indica Burm F. was tested by the writhing and the hot-plate
(3'''-1'''') β-D-glucopyranoside were isolated from the tests using acetyl salicylic acid (200 mg kg-1, i.p.,) and
alcoholic extract of Fagonia indica.23 morphine (10 mg kg-1, i.p.,) as reference drugs. The alcoholic
PART USED extract of the whole plant possesses analgesic action which is
Whole plant probably mediated through both central and peripheral
ETHANOBOTANICAL CLAIM mechanisms and does not seem to involve opioid receptors.39
Fagonia indica has been a rich source of effective and safe Acute and sub-acute anti-inflammatory activity of the 10%
medicines. It is astringent, antiseptic, blood-purifier, ethanolic extract of Fagonia indica in rates were assessed. A
febrifuge and prophylactic against smallpox. The plant is promising anti-inflammatory activity of this plant was shown
bitter and used for the treatment of fever, thirst, vomiting, in rats.40
dysentery, asthma, urinary discharge, liver trouble, typhoid, Antioxidant activity
toothache, stomach troubles and skin diseases.[14,15] In Powdered sample of shoot of Fagonia indica was estimated
Barmer district of Rajasthan, the natives prepare a powder of for antioxidant activity using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)
this plant mixing with fruits of Terminalia chebula and instrument. 16 The extract Fagonia indica effectively reduced
leaves of Casisa italic (Goral, Gharawal) and take it orally to free radical levels by mechanisms involving increased
cure abdominal pain and as a tonic against weakness.24-28 expression of Cu-Zn SOD, decreased expression of iNOS
An aqueous decoction of the aerial parts of the plant is a and simultaneous scavenging of the free radicals such as O2-,
popular remedy in the indigenous system of medicine for OH., NO and ONOO.41
cancer in its early stages and for the treatment of various CONCLUSION
other diseases of digestive and blood vascular system.29 Fagonia indica is a plant distributed in the deserts of Asia
According to the rural inhabitants of the area, equal quantity and Africa. F. indica was extensively studied by many
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three Egyptian species of Fagonia. A. Acad. Arena 2011;3:18-27.
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17. Zafar M, Khan MA, Ahmad M, Sultana S, Qureshi R, Tareen RB
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agents. This plant is also used for the treatment of cancer in Pakistan. J. Med. Plant. Res. 2010;4:1584-93.
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19. Atta UR, Ansari AA, Kenne L. Hederagenin, ursolic acid and pinitol
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properties of this plant were attributed to its variety of active characterization of two saponins from Fagonia indica. Phytochemistry
phytochemical constituents. Although the plant had received
21. Ansari AA, Kenne L, Atta UR, Wehler T. Isolation and
a great interest for the phytochemical investigation since characterization of a saponin from Fagonia indica. Phytochemistry
many years, yet the chemical structures of most of its 1988;27:3979–82.
constituents were established during the last 15 years. 22. Shaker KH, Bernhardt M, Elgamal MH, Seifert K. Triterpenoid
saponins from Fagonia indica. Phytochemistry 1999;51:1049-53.
Fagonia Indiga was investigated mainly for the presence of 23. Shehab NG, Mahdy A, Khan SA, Noureddin SM. Chemical
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glycosides and saponins or triterpenoid glycosides. J. Med. Plant. 2011;5:531-46.
The pharmacological studies reported in this review confirm 24. Ghazanfar S. A., Hand Book of Arabian Medicinal Plants, CRC Press
the therapeutic value of Fagonia Indiga Linn. However, less 1994: 126.
25. The Wealth of India, Vol. IV, C.S.I.R., New Delhi, pp. 1.
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phytoanalytical properties of this plant. Several community in Rajasthan. Asian J. Tradit. Med. 2010;1:19-31.
phytochemical studies have been reported but still it needs to 27. Patel YS, Joshi EP, Joshi PN. Ethnobotanical Study of Tapkeshwari
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evaluated, then it can provide good remedies and can help MS. Effect of Ardhabilva Kvatha Curna, an ayurvedic formulati on,
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Figure 1. A- Flower of Fagonia indica, B- Aerial Parts, C- SEM of pollen polar view, D-SEM of pollen equatorial view, E- Stomata, F- TS of branch

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