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Introduction To Technology For Teaching and Learning: Module Overview

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Some key takeaways from the document include defining important terms related to educational technology, discussing the roles and benefits of technology in teaching and learning, and outlining concepts like digital literacy and digital learning.

Some terms and concepts defined include technology, educational technology, instructional technology, information and communication technology (ICT), digital literacy, digital learning, online and offline digital tools and apps.

According to the document, technology can serve as a tutor, a teaching tool, and a learning tool in supporting student learning.

Module 1

Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning

Module Overview
“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together
and motivating them, the teacher is most important.”
– Bill Gates –

Lessons in this Module

• Understanding the Basic Concepts Related to Technology

• Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning

Hello students! Welcome to Technology for Teaching and Learning 1- Module 1.

In this module, essential terms and constructs of getting the knack of technology for
teaching and learning are defined. You will encounter these terms as we go through in
this course. Also, this module introduces to students the roles of technology for teaching
and learning.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
• Define terms and concepts essential to the understanding of technology for
teaching and learning
• Use the concepts and terms in communicating with peers
• Explain the roles of technology in teaching and learning
• Portray the value of technology in supporting student learning

Are you ready? Then start the lessons now!

Lesson 1

Understanding the Basic Concepts Related to Technology

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• Understanding the Basic Concepts Related to Technology for
Teaching and Learning
• Use concepts and terms in communicating with peers.

Welcome to Lesson 1 of Module 1! This lesson will provide you a flavor of

essential ideas in technology for teaching and learning.

Write honestly the words you are familiar with. Write your idea on the
box below about the word/s you see from the picture.


• How useful is the technology for teaching and learning?

• What are the terms and concepts related to technology for teaching and learning?

The following terms and concepts are related to technology that you need to digest.

1. Technology refers to methods, processes, and devices used for practical purposes.
It includes instruments from pencil and paper to modern electronic gadgets and
tools for the practical task.
2. Information and Communication Technology and Literacy or ICT Literacy is
the use of digital technology, communication tools and networks to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information (Guro 21, 2011).

3. Educational Technology refers to the utilization of technology in teaching and

learning, which includes both the non-digital (flip charts, pictures, models, realia,
etc.). And digital (electronic tools: hardware, software, and connections, etc.).\

4. Digital Literacy refers to the ability to discover, assess, utilize, share, and generate
content with the use of information technologies and the internet (Cornell

5. Digital Learning is an instructional practice that utilizes technology to reinforce

students’ learning experience. It covers the use of a broad spectrum of processes
that comprises blended or virtual learning. It can come as online or off-line, which
utilizes digital technology.

6. Online Digital Tools and Apps use an Internet connection to access the
information needed, like Skype. It is a telecommunication application software
product that focuses on providing video chat and video calls between computers,
tablets, mobile devices via the Internet and to regular telephones.

7. Off-line Digital Tools and Apps can still be used even if there is no internet access.
Among these are Canary Learning, Pocket, Evertone, iBooks, KA LITE (Gupta,
Prinyaka, 2017).

8. Instructional Technology refers to the theory and practice of design, development,

utilization, management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning
(Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Seels, B.B.
&Richey, P.C. 1994).

9. Software refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation

stored on disks or tapes when not being used in the computer. By extension, the
term refers to audiovisual materials (Smaldino, 2005).
10. Multimedia is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a
given presentation or self-study program (Smaldino, 2005).

11. Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects

millions of computers globally, forming a network in which any computer can
communicate with any other computer as long as they are connected to the internet.
It is generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers

12. World Wide Web (www) is also called a Web, which is a graphical environment
on computer networks that allows you to access, view, and maintain documentation
that can include text, data, sound, and videos (Smaldino, 2005). It is a way of
accessing information over the medium of the internet. It is an information-sharing
model that is built on top of the Internet.

13. Web Access is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during
the lesson to take advantage of the array of available educational resources.

14. WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all information

that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various
programs, including simple word processing documents that include links to

15. Productivity Tools refers to any type of software associated with computers and
related technologies that can be used as tools for personal, professional, or
classroom productivity.

Examples: Microsoft Office, Apple Works – word processing, grade and

record-keeping, web page production, presentation) (KFIT-Unesco 2016).

16. Technology Tool is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything that
helps you accomplish your goal with the use of technology. These technology tools
can be classified as:

a. Data/Calculation Tools. Examples: spreadsheets, Excels, Sketchpads,

probability constructor
b. Design Tools. These are used to make models and design, creating, and
building. Included here are Family Tree Maker, GollyGee, and Crazy
Machines, among others.
c. Discussion Tools. Four different approaches utilize discussion and interaction
on the Internet. These are threaded discussion forum, Blogging, Live chat, and
Video Teleconferencing, Netiquette, and Safety on the Net.
d. Email Tools. Emails are great communication tools for sending messages,
photographs, videos, and other files. It allows you to reach out to others around
the world. Examples are google mail, Ymail, Yahoo mail, and many more.
e. Handheld Devices. Handheld devices have become popular among learners.
These include Personal Digital Assistants, global positioning system, (GPS)
and Geographic Information system (GIS) in the classroom, Portable electronic
keyboards, Digital cameras, Mobile phones, Palm, Handheld computers.

17. WebQuest is a teacher structured research experience for the students that are
primarily based on the use of the World Wide Web and typically takes one or more
instructional periods (Bender & Waller, 2011).

18. Blog is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and students
is arranged. There are three kinds of blogs: blogs used for communication, blogs
used for instruction, and blogs used for both (Ferriter & Garry, 2010).

19. Wiki, an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to
collaboratively create and post written work or digital files, such as digital photos
or videos. Wikipedia is one of the most widely recognized of all the wikis (Watters,

20. Flipped classroom utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is
required to use the web resources as homework or out of class activity as initial
instruction of the lesson, which will be discussed during class time.

21. Podcast is a video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in the
format of the radio talk show. The two essential functions of a podcast are to
retrieve information to disseminate information (Eash, 2006).

22. Google Apps is a cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in the Google server
and is available for students both at home and in school. It includes the Gmail, a
free-mail for all; Google calendar – a tool used for organizational purposes; Google sites
that provide options for developing blogs and wikis; and Google docs are used for
sophisticated word processing and editing for the document.

23. Vlog is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.

24. Facebook is a popular social networking site used by students and adults
worldwide to present information on themselves and the world.

25. VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a category of hardware and software that
enables people to use the Internet as a transmission medium for telephone calls by
sending voice data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission.

1. Make a wordlist of terms of at least 20 ICT-terms with definitions or descriptions.

Write in your references (APA Format) to the sources of your explanations.

2. Identify three (3) concepts that you learned in this lesson. Write your ideas about
the idea.
Lesson 2

Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• Explain the roles of technology in teaching and learning
• Portray the value of technology in supporting student learning

Time Frame 2 days


Welcome to Lesson 2 of Module 1. Now that you have unpacked yourselves

with the terms and concepts in technology for teaching and learning, you are now
going to learn about the roles of technology for teaching and learning, which are
divided into two: For teachers and teaching and for students and learning. The three
domains of educational technology will also be tackled in this lesson.


• Go back to your learning experiences in school. Recall specific ways

by which the use of educational technology helped you learn.

• Write a short paragraph on how helpful technology is in your life as a learner.


• What are the roles that technology plays in the work of a teacher?

• What are the roles that technology plays in the learning of students?
• Many college students are presently required to take computer courses
including word processing, spreadsheet preparation, presentation techniques,
etc. How do you think this will help application of skills in teaching?

• How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?


Roles of Technology for Teaching

According to Stosic (2015), educational technology has three domains:

1. Technology as a tutor. Technology can support the teachers, tutors and other
professionals to help students learn better.
2. Technology as a teaching tool. Technology can be used as an instrument in
3. Technology as a learning tool. Technology makes learning easier and
more effective. use these tools for learning for life.

A. For Teachers and Teaching

1. Provides essential support to teachers.

2. Modernizes the teaching-learning environment.
3. Enhances teaching-learning methods and strategies in teaching.
4. Opens opportunities for educational research.
5. Improves the capability of teachers and inculcates scientific attitude.
6. Serves as an avenue for teacher professional development.
7. Encourages scientific attitude.

B. For Learners and Learning

1. Supports learners on learning how to learn on their own.

2. Develops the communication skills of learners through social interactions.
3. Augment’s learners ‘higher-order-thinking skills: critical thinking,
problem solving and creativity.
1) ICT as object, it refers to learning about ICT, mostly organized in a specific course.
What is being learned depends on the type of education and the level of students.
Education prepares students for the use of ICT in education, future occupation and
social life.
2) ICT as an ‘assisting tool’. ICT is used to as a tool, for example, while making
assignments, collecting data and documentation, communicating and conducting
research. Typically, ICT is used independently from the subject matter.
3) ICT as a medium for teaching and learning. This refers to ICT as a tool for teaching
and learning itself, the medium through which teachers can teach and learners can
4) ICT as a tool for organization and management in schools.
UNESCO (2002), “Teacher education institution may either assume a leadership role in the
transformation of education or be left behind in the swirl of rapid technological change.”
UNESCO (2002) provides guidelines for introducing ICT in Teacher Education. The two
important points related to changing roles of teachers and students are:
1.The ICT curriculum should facilitate change toward a more inclusive approach that
promotes positive and supportive interdependence between teachers and students.
2.Plan curriculum to promote inter-cultural collaboration and develop a learning
community within and between schools and countries using shared and
complementary approaches with languages and cultures.
Although teachers consult each other more frequently, the teacher more eventually
decides on educational practice in his classroom. He is responsible and has the opportunity,
if results are satisfactory to teach in the way he pleases. However, in practice due to some
constraints on the part of the teacher, the teacher educators rely on the chalk and talk
A component of ICT in some form or the other, and to different extents, is now an
integral part of the teacher education curriculum for all students, either at the degree level
(B.Ed.) or the master degree program in education leading to M.Ed. degree have also
started introducing a component of ICT in the curriculum. Most of the teacher training
institutions are equipped with an “education technology labs” and a computer lab with some
or all of the following items of essential ICT hardware and software like.
• TV
• Projector
• Camera
• Multimedia PC Systems with Monitor
• Printer
• Wifi, Internet Connections
Impact of ICT on Teacher Education in the era of globalization
1. Faster learning:
With the use of ICT students still learn up to twice as much in the half time that they
would in classroom teaching. This is because the course progress as fast as the
students can without worry for other student or an instruction.
2. Consistent instruction:
Every instructor has his or her own style, which may not the best for students. There
are days that the instructor is on top form and delivers a great class. Other day he or
she may be bored, tired or simply unmotivated. With ICT the course is software
driven and each student receives the same high-quality content.
3. Higher level of retention:
ICT can increase the retention over instructor led training up to 40% according to
4. Greater level of assessment:
With an ICT learning solution student activity can be tracked down to the finest
level. Every student response to quizzes, simulations and exams can be tracked and
fed into customizable reports.
5. Up to date knowledge:
Globally, educational systems are under great pressure to adopt innovative
methodologies and to integrate Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) in the teaching and learning process, to prepare students with the knowledge
and skills they need in the 21st century. Today a verity of ICTs can facilitate not
only delivery of instruction but also learning process itself.
6. Critical thinking and systems thinking:
Exercising sound reasoning in understanding and making complex choices,
understanding the interconnections among systems Problem identification,
formulation and solution: Ability to frame, analyze and solve problems.
7. Social Responsibility:
Acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind,
demonstrating ethical behavior in personal, workplace and community contexts.
There is a need for students to develop learning skills that enable them to think
critically, analyze information, communicate, collaborate, and problem-solve, and
the realize the essential role that technology plays in realizing these learning skills in
today’ knowledge-based society. Representative of the ICT literacy skills are the
following six arenas critical to student’s success in the workplace.
8. No need for classroom:
Through ICT learning there is no actual classroom, no teacher or no textbooks, but it
gives the impression of studying in a classroom.
9. Incredible saving of time and money:
ICT means no travel, no schedule conflicts, no equipment issues, consistent
instruction, higher retention and less money than instructor led training.

Write a paragraph on how you are going to use technology when you become
a teacher.


Congratulations for you have completed Module 1-Introduction to Technology for

Teaching and Learning.

• Important terms and concepts related to technology were defined and

discussed like technology, educational technology, instructional technology,
information and communication technology, digital literacy and digital
learning, digital tools, technology tool, and other terms related to modern

• In addition, educational technology has three domains: tutor, a teaching tool,

and a learning tool. Educational technology is useful for teachers for it
augments their performance in teaching. It is also beneficial for students
because it supports learning, improves communication skills, and enhances
higher-order thinking skills.

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