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Wavin QuickStream PE Installation Manual

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J35 X719

June 2008

Wavin QuickStream PE Installation Manual Wavin QuickStream PE Installation Manual

Wavin QuickStream is part of complete rainwater

management systems.
In addition to the Wavin QuickStream system, Wavin, the leading
European supplier of plastic pipe systems, also offers a full range
of complimentary products.

These include:

Water management systems

Rainwater infiltration

Storm water attenuation

Rainwater drainage systems

Storm water drainage systems

Wavin and Wavin QuickStream are registered trademarks of the Wavin Group. Wavin operates a programme of continuous
product development, and therefore reserves the right to modify or amend the specification of their products without notice.
All information in this publication is given in good faith, and believed to be correct at the time of going to press.
However, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors, omissions or incorrect assumptions. Users should satisfy
themselves that products are suitable for the purpose and application intended.
06/2008 08-171

Wavin Overseas B.V.

Rollepaal 19, 7701 BR,
P.O. Box 158, 7700 AD,
Dedemsvaart, The Netherlands
Phone: +31/523-624911
Fax: +31/523-624600

The Optimal Solution for Siphonic Roof Drainage

Installation Manual Wavin QuickStream PE


1 General system information 2

1.1 Full-bore flow system 2
1.2 System components 2
2 General installation instructions 3
2.1 Installation to Wavin system design 3
2.2 Pipe installation according to Wavin’s instructions 3
2.3 No slope in horizontal pipes 3
2.4 No siphons in the system 3
2.5 No obstructions in the pipe system 4
2.6 Only use 45° bends and 45° tees 4
2.7 Use only eccentric reducers / increasers 4
2.8 Only install expansion joints where provided in the design 5
2.9 Fix roof outlets and pipe system according to Wavin’s instructions 5
2.10 Do not connect gravity pipelines to the Wavin QuickStream system 6
2.11 Connect to a gravity system of sufficient capacity 6
2.12 Use prescribed pipe materials and pipe classes 6
3 Transport, storage and handling 7
3.1 Pipes 7
3.2 Fittings and accessories 7
4 Recommended sequence of installation 8
4.1 General installation recommendations 8
4.2 Sequence of installation 8
5 Installation of the roof outlets 9
5.1 General installation recommendations for roof outlets 9
5.2 Installation of roof outlets of an emergency overflow system 10
5.3 Types of roof outlets 11
5.4 Moisture barriers 21
5.5 Wavin QuickStream outlets on green roofs and parking decks 21
5.6 De-icing electrical heating elements 21
6 Jointing the pipe system 22
6.1 Cutting polyethylene pipes 22
6.2 Principles of heat fusing polyethylene pipes and fittings 22
6.3 Butt-welding 22
6.4 Electrofusion welding 24
6.5 Installation of expansion joints 26
7 Fixing the Wavin QuickStream PE system 27
7.1 Fixing the horizontal collector pipe 27
7.2 Fixing the roof outlet connecting pipe 30
7.3 Fixing the vertical downpipe 31
8 Special constructions 33
8.1 Pipe systems embedded in concrete 33
8.2 Fire protection 33
8.3 Thermal insulation 34
8.4 Acoustic plus thermal insulation 34
9 Connection to the gravity system 35
9.1 Discharge systems and capacity 35
9.2 Buried pipe systems 36
10 Commissioning & Maintenance 37
11 Problem solving / technical support 38

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
General system information

1. General system information

1.1 Full-bore flow system A specially designed roof outlet with an The combination of elimination of air in
air baffle and anti vortex vane only allows the pipework and the increased flow
Wavin QuickStream is a siphonic roof the intake of water and prevents the velocities, result in a considerable
drainage system. Whereas in conventional ingress of air, so allowing full-bore flow to increase in discharge capacity, leading
gravity roof drainage systems gravity is be achieved (see figures 1 & 2). to a significant reduction of the pipe
the only driving force for discharge, in At full-bore flow, the difference in height dimensions.
siphonic systems a gravity induced between the roof outlets and the
vacuum will boost the drainage function. rainwater discharge level is utilised to
This is achieved by preventing air being gain the energy that will increase the flow
sucked into the roof outlets during heavy velocity of the water in the pipework.

Figure 1. Conventional roof outlet. Figure 2. Siphonic roof outlet.

1.2 System components

Figure 3. System components of the Wavin QuickStream system.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
General installation instructions

2. General installation instructions

Twelve basic rules 2.1 Installation to Wavin 2.2 Pipe installation

To ensure proper functioning of the system design according to Wavin’s
Wavin QuickStream siphonic roof drainage For each Wavin QuickStream system, instructions
system, some general requirements related Wavin will make a site-specific hydraulic A good quality installation depends upon
to the design and installation of the system design. Deviations from design might proper handling, jointing and fixing. Good
must be met. Therefore please note the impair design criteria and discharge workmanship is a key to success. In the
following important rules: capacities. following chapters 3 to 9 guidance is
1. Installation to Wavin system design Wavin uses dedicated software to design given to achieve the desired high level of
2. Pipe installation according to Wavin’s Wavin QuickStream systems. This means quality.
instructions that the installation should be made exactly
3. No slope in horizontal pipes according to the drawings supplied by 2.3 No slope in horizontal
4. No siphons in the system Wavin. Every deviation from design in pipes
5. No obstructions in the pipe system the installation might lead to an imbalance In horizontal pipes, no slope is required
6. Only use 45° Bends and 45° Tees of the system, resulting in incorrect to transport the water to the downpipe
7. Use only Eccentric Reducers / functioning of the system. All deviations since the system operates at high
Increasers from the supplied drawings should velocities due to the energy head, which
8. Only install expansion joints where therefore be discussed in advance with is equal to the height of the building.
provided in the design Wavin’s design department. Wavin shall A small slope is neither beneficial nor
9. Fix Roof Outlets and Pipe System always send a written reply to such a disadvantageous for the operation of the
according to Wavin’s instructions request. system. For ease of installation, we
10. Do not connect gravity pipelines to recommend to use no slope in the
the Wavin QuickStream system horizontal pipes. If a slope in the horizontal
11. Connect to a gravity system of pipe is desirable to improve emptying of
sufficient capacity the system after a rainfall, Wavin advises
12. Use prescribed pipe materials and to keep the slope below 1:200.
pipe classes
2.4 No siphons in the
A negative slope or an upward placed
bend into the flow direction will create
a siphon. In siphonic systems this is not
allowed since during the start-up of
the system air might be entrapped,
preventing a full-bore flow.

Figure 5. No negative slope.

Figure 4. Example installation drawing.

Figure 6. No upward placed bends.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
General installation instructions

2.5 No obstructions in the Reducers in the flow direction in horizontal

pipe system pipes are not allowed.
All pipe ends should be checked and
freed from burrs. Burrs, dirt and other
obstructions might influence the proper
functioning of the system. Preferably,
electro-fusion couplers should be
applied. However, butt welds are also Figure 8. Use only 45º bends, no 90º
allowed in the Wavin QuickStream bends.
polyethylene pipe system.

Figure 9. Use only 45º Tees, no 90º Tees.

Figure 7. Wrongly and properly cut pipe


2.6 Only use 45° bends and

45° tees
Bends of 90° have a higher flow resistan-
ce than two 45° bends. The design of the
system is based on using two 45° bends
instead of one 90° bend unless specified
differently. Installing 90° bends is
consequently not allowed unless specified
by Wavin (see figure 8).
For the same reason only 45° Tees are
allowed instead of 90° Tees unless
specified by Wavin (see figure 9).

2.7 Use only eccentric

Diameter changes in horizontal collecting
pipes must be made with eccentric Figure 10. Use only eccentric increasers
increasers. In order to accelerate the in the flow direction with the
evacuation of air, the topside of the top side at the same level.
collector must remain on the same level
when an increaser in the flow direction
is installed.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
General installation instructions

Figure 11. Install eccentric reducers in a vertical pipe with the level side facing the wall.

Installation of eccentric reducers and In some countries, it is common practice 2.9 Fix roof outlets and
or increasers in vertical pipes should be to provide each 5-meter pipe-length in pipe system according
positioned with the level side facing the the vertical downpipe with an expansion to Wavin’s instructions
wall. This allows for ease of installation, joint, while in other countries no expansion One of the key elements in a Wavin
particular when fixing rails and clamps joints are used and fixing clamps are QuickStream system is the roof outlet.
are used. Furthermore, it is more effective directly installed to the wall. It is not good Detailed points of attention are presented
during priming of the system (see figure 11). practice to install an expansion joint in in chapter 5. Improper or incomplete
horizontal collector pipes. In those cases installation might cause condensation
2.8 Only install explansion where expansion joints are applied, and/or leakages. In most Wavin
joints where provided appropriate fixing is required. Guidance is QuickStream systems, long horizontal
in the design given in paragraph 7.3. pipes will be installed below the roof. For
Once installed, the Wavin QuickStream this part of the installation please follow
system is subjected to temperature Wavin does not in general advise the Wavin’s installation recommendations
changes and dynamic loads. Any practice of absorbing axial displacements mentioned in chapter 7. Wavin has
oscillation or vibration, originating from by expansion loops or flexible legs in a developed special brackets for an easy
partly filled pipes, must be effectively Wavin QuickStream PE system, unless and secure installation of the horizontal
damped. Wherever possible it is strongly provided in the design proposal. collector pipes.
recommended to make all joints tensile

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
General installation instructions

2.10 Do not connect gravity 2.11 Connect to a gravity 2.12 Use prescribed pipe
pipelines to the Wavin system of sufficient materials and pipe
QuickStream system capacity classes
Any open (gravity) connection to a Wavin In order to prevent future flooding in case As Wavin QuickStream siphonic systems
QuickStream system will allow the intake the design rainfall actually takes place, the are subjected to both under- and over
of air and thus can severely impair the installer should verify that the discharge pressures, as well as axial loadings, only
siphonic function. Therefore, such system, being either an open channel or Wavin’s recommended and quoted
connections cannot be allowed in the ventilated sewerage system, is capable of pipework materials, fixing materials and
design. Also, attention should be paid on discharging the design quantity. In case ancillaries should be used. In case of
not allowing extensions at a later date. the existing discharge system has a limited deviations, advice must be sought from
Extensions to the building will require its capacity, contact should be sought with Wavin’s technical team.
own dedicated rainwater discharge the project manager or local authorities.
system. Guidance on maximum discharge
capacities is presented in Chapter 9.

Figure 12. Only use Wavin recommended and quoted pipework.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
Transport, storage and handling

3. Transport, storage and handling

3.1 Pipes 3.2 Fittings and accessoires

Please take note of following points of Keep fittings clean by:
attention: - unpacking just before use,
- storage inside buildings or containers.
1. Prevent damage during handling and Store rubber ring fittings always in a
storage. cool place, free from direct sunlight
2. Store and transport pipes in bundles exposure.
as supplied
3. Store and transport loose pipes well
supported by using at least 5 supports
for a standard 5 meter pipe length.
4. Do not unload pipe bundles by sliding
each pipe over its length as this might
damage pipe ends. For the same
reason do not drag pipes across the
ground or other surfaces.
5. Prevent point loads in either storage
or lifting.
6. Use wide lifting belts.
7. Prevent excessive bending by using a
cross beam in lifting.
8. Do not store loose pipes over 1 Figure 14. Unpack fittings just before use.
meter in height.
9. Prevent pipes being exposed to
aggressive substances and high
10. Cover pipes in case of expected
long storage times, but allow for

When the above points have been

observed, installation will be easier and
the quality of the system will be optimal.
Working with dirty, bent and damaged
pipes is time consuming and affects
quality negatively.

Figure 13. Storage of pipes.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Recommended sequence of installation

4. Recommended sequence of installation

4.1 General installation 4.2 Sequence of installation Pipe sections located in either floor
recommendations In most cases the horizontal collector pipe and/or walls must be pressure tested
Until the Wavin QuickStream system is will be installed underneath the roof. In this prior to the casting of concrete. In order
required to deal with any water discharges, situation the following sequence is advised: to prevent any ingress of mortar into the
it is recommended to close the roof outlets Installation of the emergency overflow system, these pipe sections must be
on the roof. Otherwise, contamination of systems to prevent potential problems capped-off thoroughly. Open pipe ends
various kinds could penetrate into the of water on the roof and inside the must be well protected against possible
pipe system. Once the installation of the building. damage by using PE caps.
roofing materials has been completed Installation of the Wavin QuickStream
and the whole roof is cleared from loose roof outlets in the roof construction at
rubble, the plugs can be removed from the positions according to the design.
the roof outlets. Follow the installation instructions as
supplied with each product.
It is strictly prohibited to sweep dirt from Plug off the outlet to prevent
the roof into the roof outlets. Particular contamination of the system and
caution must be applied to remove all the water entering the system during the
cement waste. Once mixed with water construction works.
cement could set permanently in the Installation of the roofing material and
pipework, thereby severely reducing the fixing the outlet in the roofing material.
discharge capacity. Installation of the hanging rails and
brackets according to the design
If it is suspected that the system has (see chapter 7).
become contaminated during the building Installation of the horizontal collector
process, it is strongly recommended to pipe and the roof outlet connecting
clean the system before completion. pipes and then the vertical pipework
top-down according to the supplied
drawings. Use fix point brackets
where indicated in the design.
Check the bracketing system for
fixing and/or sliding.
Install discharge points.
Check if discharge can take place
unhindered and with sufficient
capacity (see table in chapter 9).
Commission pipework by pressure
testing (see chapter 10).
Clean roof surface.
Un-plug Wavin QuickStream roof
Dismantle temporary emergency


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5. Installation of the roof outlets

Figure 15. Location of the roof outlet at least 0.5 m from the eaves (0-3 degrees slope).

5.1 General installation Each delivery of roof outlets is provided Clamping type roof outlet
recommendations for with detailed installation instructions If required, the roof outlet can be
roof outlets related to type and size. Below the most fixed into the roof by using 4 screws
One of the key components in a siphonic important general steps are noted. or nails. The sealing with the roof
roof drainage system are the roof outlets. membrane is achieved by pressing
The roof outlets should be located exactly Check the correct position of the flat the membrane between the clamping
according to Wavin’s supplied Roof sealing ring at the end of the screw ring and the sump pan. Carefully
Outlet Plan. thread of the roof outlet connector. check on correct positioning of the
All roof outlets need to be placed at the Screw the roof outlet connector to sealing rings (if present) and the
lowest points of the roof but at least 0.5 the threaded outlet. Firmly tightening absence of dirt in the sealing area.
meters from the eaves. If the eave roof by hand will be sufficient to achieve If a joint of two roof membranes is
level is lower than the level of the roof a watertight connection. In case located at the position of the roof
outlets the roof surface between the roof de-icing heating is required, place the outlet, a square piece of roof
outlets and the eaves needs to be filled-up heating element prior to screwing on membrane of size 0.6 to 1 m should
to realise a slope of 0 to 3 degrees the roof outlet connector. The Wavin first be clamped into the outlet. At the
toward the outlets. All low points of the QSPE 75 roof outlet has a 75 mm location of the outlet a piece of the
roof must have an outlet. outlet pipe so no additional roof outlet roof membrane smaller than the
connector is required. square fixed into the roof outlet needs
All Wavin QuickStream roof outlets have Cut a piece from the insulation where to be cut out. Finally the roof
air baffles to prevent air entrainment into the roof outlet will be positioned (note: membrane fixed in the outlet can be
the pipe system. Any removal of baffles size of insulation blocks might differ!). fixed to the roof membrane positioned
or cleaning caps will reduce the drainage Use the insulation block as a gauge. on the roof.
capacity tremendously. Place the insulation block in the free Bitumen type roof outlet
In case insulation is required, either space made in the roof insulation. Place the roof outlet on the bitumen
existing insulation of the roof can be used The insulation block may be positioned sub-layer if present. If required, the
or special insulation blocks that can be about 10 mm lower than the roof outlet can be fixed to the roof by
sourced from Wavin. surrounding insulation but in any case using 4 screws or nails. Degrease
In specific climatic situations, it may be not higher. If required some insulation the stainless steel parts using an
required to install additional de-icing material may be added below the appropriate solvent. Heat weld the
heating on the roof outlet (see paragraph insulation block to achieve the right bitumen top layer to the stainless
5.6) height. steel plate of the roof outlet. Take
In all cases, movement and vibrations Dismantle the top part (clamping care to use sufficient heat to establish
must be prevented from being transferred ring / leaf separator) and store all a bond between the top layer and the
to the tail pipes of the roof outlets by dismantled parts properly for later sub layer via the holes in the plate of
effective fixing. Guidance is given in reassembly. the roof outlet.
chapter 7. Install the roof outlet.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

Gutter type roof outlet A standard Wavin QuickStream roof

The gutter type of roof outlet will be outlet can be installed at the required
fixed to the metal gutter by use of a higher level by using, for example, an
backing flange and bolts. insulation block or a ring of the
Sealing is performed by rubber required height placed around the
gaskets, on both surfaces of the gutter outlet. Wavin has special plastic rings
compressed between the backing for its QSMP 75 and QSPE 75 outlet,
flange and the outlet part. which are easy to cut at the correct
The gutter version roof outlet with height by using the guidelines on the
metal sheets can be directly welded outside of the ring (see figure 16).
to the gutter material. The emergency overflow outlet
Place the plastic cap provided with Figure 16. Wavin emergency overflow should preferably not be located at
the outlet firmly in the outlet to prevent ring to convert a standard the lowest roof level, in order to avoid
dirt entering the system during further outlet into an emergency pollution and to secure a free flow of
construction works. overflow outlet. water between the roof outlets of the
Make the connection to the horizontal standard Wavin QuickStream rainwater
collector pipe according to the design. system.
Clean the whole roof properly prior to The designer of the roof or the building
commissioning of the system. 5.2 Installation of roof outlets designer should supply the height of
Remove the caps from each roof of an emergency the inflow of the emergency overflow
outlet and reassemble the top part. overflow system system. Wavin will supply the minimum
Nuts or screws should be tightened When a Wavin QuickStream siphonic level of the emergency overflow system
hand-tight. Nuts should be system has been designed for an when located next to the Wavin
subsequently tightened with a torque emergency overflow system the following QuickStream roof outlets to secure a
spanner, set on 5 to 10 Nm. installation rules should be considered. proper functioning of the Wavin
QuickStream system. Usually the
height is approx. 30 to 55 mm higher
than the roof outlets of the standard
rainwater system.
The discharge of the emergency
overflow pipe system should be
above ground level at a visible location.

Figure 17. Figure roof outlet in slope of the roof and placed at an insulation block.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3 Types of roof outlets Type 3: Gutter type A wide range of accessories is available
Wavin QuickStream roof outlets are These outlets are designed for installation for specific situations like:
available in different materials. in metal gutters. Sealing is performed by Foamed polystyrene insulation blocks
Additionally there are three different EPDM rubber gaskets, on both surfaces Moisture barriers
constructions for sealing to different of the gutter compressed between the De-icing electric heating elements
roofing materials and gutters. backing flange and the outlet part. Straight threaded roof outlet
Upon request, a gutter type outlet can be connectors and 90 degree bended
Type 1: Clamping type supplied with a contact sheet of the connectors.
Compressing the roofing membrane same metal as the gutter, so that the
between two flanges performs the outlet can be welded / soldered into the Detailed assembling instructions are
sealing. This outlet type can be directly gutter. supplied with each Wavin QuickStream
installed on the most common roofing outlet.
membranes such as PVC, EPDM and

Type 2: Bitumen type

This type is supplied with a stainless
steel flange on which the bitumen roofing
membrane can be heat welded directly.

Diameter range
Roof outlet type vertical tail pipe

Product Outlet Outlet Clamp Bitumen Gutter

code materials connection version version version Min. OD Max. OD

Siluminium /
QS 75 stainless 21/2” A A A 40 mm 90 mm

Plastic /
QSMP 75 stainless 21/2” A A A 40 mm 90 mm

QSPE 75 Plastics / PE PE 75 mm A A A 40 mm 90 mm

Table 1. Overview of Wavin QuickStream roof outlets: A = Available.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3.1 Wavin QSPE 75,

Plastic roof outlet –
clamp version
The Wavin QuickStream universal plastic
roof outlet QSPE 75 has a bottom part
made from PE, enabling direct welding to
the PE-pipe system using an electrofusion
socket. This outlet has an inspection cap
with a bayonet catch to enable a quick
and easy inspection of the pipe system.
The integrated clamp flange makes it
possible to fasten various types of roofing
membranes to the outlet.

The outlet is always supplied including an

insulation block. For roofs that require a
damp or moisture barrier, a version
including a moisture barrier can be The Wavin QuickStream universal plastic
supplied. roof outlet QSPE 75 consists of the
following components:
1. Inspection Cap
2. Top Part
3. Clamping ring and Leaf separator
4. Rubber Seal
5. Sump pan and outlet (PE)

Figure 18. Wavin QSPE 75.

Figure 19. Installation example Wavin QSPE 75 clamp version.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3.2 Wavin QSPE 75,

Plastic roof outlet –
gutter / bitumen
The Wavin QuickStream QSPE75 roof
outlet used for a heat bonded installation
on bitumen roofs and installation in metal
gutters is supplied with a special metal
contact sheet. This contact sheet is
clamped between the bottom part and
clamping ring.
The roof outlet consists of the following
1. Inspection Cap
2. Top Part
3. Clamping ring and Leaf separator
4. Metal contact sheet
5. Rubber Seal
6. Sump pan and outlet (PE)

When installing the outlet in a metal gutter,

the metal sheet should be made of the
same metal as the gutter, so that the
outlet can be welded / soldered into the
gutter and electrolytic or bi-metal corrosion
can be avoided. Figure 20. Wavin QSPE 75 with metal sheet.

Figure 21. Installation example Wavin QSPE 75 in a gutter.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

Figure 22. Installation example Wavin QSPE 75 with a stainless steel contact sheet on a bitumen roof.

For heat-welded bonding with a bitumen

roof membrane, a stainless steel contact
sheet will be used. The bitumen top layer
should be cut out and heat welded up to
approx. 100 mm from the outside of the
outlet. During the heat welding, the top
parts of the outlet need to be dismantled
and stored properly.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
???????? of the roof outlets

5.3.3 Wavin QS 75,

Metal roof outlet –
clamp version
The Wavin QuickStream QS75 clamp
version roof outlet consists of the
following components:
1. Leaf guard / air baffle (epoxy coated
2. Clamping ring (stainless steel)
3. Sump pan/outlet flange (stainless
4. Roof outlet connector with sealing ring
(supplied in a separate packaging)

Figure 23. Wavin QS 75 clamp version.

Figure 24. Installation example Wavin QS 75 clamp version for PVC, EPDM or bitumen
roof membranes.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3.4 Wavin QS 75,

Metal roof outlet –
bitumen version
The Wavin QuickStream QS75 bitumen
version roof outlet consists of the
following components:
1. Leaf guard / air baffle (epoxy coated
2. Sump pan/outlet flange (stainless
3. Roof outlet connector with sealing ring
(supplied in a separate packaging)

Figure 25. Wavin QS 75 bitumen version.

Figure 26. Installation example Wavin QS 75 bitumen version.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
???????? of the roof outlets

5.3.5 Wavin QS 75,

Metal roof outlet –
gutter version
The Wavin QuickStream QS75 gutter
version roof outlet consists of the following
1. Leaf guard / air baffle (epoxy coated
2. Sump pan/outlet flange (stainless steel)
3. EPDM gaskets & aluminium backing
4. Roof outlet connector with sealing ring
(supplied in a separate packaging)

Figure 27. Wavin QS 75 gutter version.

Figure 28. Installation example Wavin QS 75 gutter version with backing flange and EPDM gaskets.
If possible deform the gutter around the outlet downwards by 3 to 4 mm.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3.6 Wavin QSMP 75,

Metal-plastic roof
outlet - clamp /
bitumen version
The Wavin QuickStream QSMP 75 clamp
/ bitumen version roof outlet can be used
to clamp PVC, EPDM or bitumen roof
membranes or for heat welding bitumen
roof membranes directly to the stainless
steel bottom part. This roof outlet
consists of the following components:
1. Inspection cap
2. Top part
3. Clamping ring and Leaf separator
4. Rubber seal
5. Sump pan
6. Roof outlet connector with sealing ring
(supplied in a separate packaging)

Figure 29. Wavin QSMP 75 clamp / bitumen version.

Figure 30. Installation example Wavin QSMP 75 clamp version for PVC, EPDM or
bitumen roof membranes.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
???????? of the roof outlets

When the bitumen roof membrane is

directly heat welded to the Wavin QSMP
75, no rubber gasket should be installed
between the bottom part of the outlet and
the bitumen roof foil.

Figure 31. Installation example Wavin QSMP 75 heat welded bitumen roof foil.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Installation of the roof outlets

5.3.7 Wavin QSMP 75,

Metal-plastic roof
outlet - gutter version
The Wavin QuickStream QSMP 75 gutter
version roof outlet is supplied with a
backing flange and two EPDM rubber
gaskets. It consists of the following
1. Inspection cap
2. Top part
3. Clamping ring and Leaf separator
4. Sump pan
5. EPDM gaskets & stainless steel
backing flange
6. Roof outlet connector with sealing ring
(supplied in a separate packaging)

Figure 32. Wavin QSMP 75 gutter version

Figure 33. Installation example Wavin QSMP 75 gutter version with backing flange and EPDM gaskets. If possible, deform the gutter
around the outlet downwards by 3 to 4 mm.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
???????? of the roof outlets

5.4 Moisture barriers

On request, Wavin can supply moisture
barrier flanges that will secure a vapour
tight seal between the tail pipe and the foil
in the roof, which is used as a moisture
barrier. A rubber ring will secure the
vapour tight seal with the tail pipe while
the foil will be clamped between the
flange parts.

Figure 36. Shaft and cover for installation on a green roof.

transferred to these parts of the roof Each heating element consumes 3 Watt
Figure 34 and 35. Moisture barriers. construction. For parking decks a similar in stand-by mode and takes 18 Watt
construction can be supplied. Please when heating. Voltage is single phase
consult Wavin for further details. 230 VAC.
5.5 Wavin QuickStream
outlets on green roofs 5.6 De-icing electrical
and parking decks heating elements
Wavin has developed special perforated Wavin QuickStream roof outlets can be
shafts DN 315 wrapped with geotextile provided with an automatic electric heating
that can be placed around standard system. A heating system prevents
(QuickStream) roof outlets. The shaft can blockage of the outlet in case of ice-rain,
be easily cut to the required height with a freezing melt water or snow.
minimum height of 200 mm. The cover A built in temperature probe will
should be positioned not higher than the automatically switch-on the heating plate
adjacent surface. Depending on the load when ambient temperature drops below
situation, various covers with gratings can + 4 °C. Figure 37. Heating element.
be supplied. The maximum load on the The heating element (see figure 37) is
shaft should not exceed 15000 N. Prior placed between the external surface of
to installation, the installer needs to check the sump pan and the thermal insulation
whether the roof construction and the pack. See also chapter 8.3; “Thermal
roof foil can withstand the loads to be insulation”.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Jointing the pipe system

6. Jointing the pipe system

6.1 Cutting polyethylene The butt-welding procedure 4. Check temperature heater plate
pipes incorporates the following 15 steps: on 210 ºC.
Best practice in cutting PE pipes is to use 1. Check environmental conditions.
a rotary pipe cutter designed for plastic When the outside temperature is below
pipes. In case a saw is used, ensure that 5 ºC and/or during rainy and windy
the cut is square to the pipe axis. This conditions, special precautionary
can easily be achieved by using a pipe measure have to be taken to ensure
clamp as sawing guide. Always remove dry and sufficiently warm welding
burrs and flashes! conditions.

6.2 Principles of heat 2. Check welding machine is in good

fusing polyethylene functional order. Figure 40.
pipes and fittings At least the following issues should
The Wavin QuickStream range contains be checked: temperature, alignment, 5. Cut pipe to required length.
pipes, spigot fittings and electrofusion play of the moving parts, smooth Note: take into account that in the
sockets. Pipes and fittings (both electro movement of the moving parts, welding process a few millimetres
fusion couplers and spigot fittings) are electrical connections, cutting pipe will be consumed. Best practice
provided with external marking ribs or machining plane (sharpness). is to use a rotary pipe cutter. The pipe
marking stripes enabling easy alignment ends are then square and free from
particularly in pre-fabrication. burrs. If a saw is used, it is advised to
Note: polyethylene pipes and fittings use a spare clamp as a sawing guide.
cannot be joined using solvent cement! Such cut pipe ends must be de-burred
before placing in the welding machine.
For correct heat fusion of polyethylene,
following basic requirements must be met
in order to obtain good quality joints.
1. Sufficient heat
2. Sufficient pressure
3. Sufficient welding & cooling time Figure 38.
4. “Clean to clean” material
3. Clean heater plate with PE cleaner
In the two most common applied welding and a soft cloth.
techniques, electrofusion and butt-welding, Prevent any damage of the Teflon
these parameters are dependent on the coating. Figure 41.
design of the electrofusion socket and/or
in the welding procedure. 6. Clamp both pipe-ends in the
welding machine and ensure
6.3 Butt-welding correct alignment.
Butt-welding is a very economical jointing Eliminate any bending forces if present.
technique. Correctly made butt-welds
reach the strength of the pipe. Well-trained
personnel are recommended for making

In butt welding, two pipe ends, two fitting Figure 39.

ends or a pipe end and a fitting end are
bonded by melting the circular pipe faces
simultaneous and pressing these together.
Butt-welding can only be performed using
a butt-welding machine. Figure 42.


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7. Trim both pipe-ends using the 10. Reduce force until nearly zero, 14. Inspect weld bead for evenness.
planer. assuring contact with heater plate Uneven weld beads indicate incorrect
Keep planer running while slowly so that heat is soaked into both alignment or out of roundness. Large
reducing pressure. Do not stop pipe ends. weld beads could be caused by either
planer when still in contact with pipe too high a heater temperature and/or
ends in order to prevent uneven 11. Maintain heat soaking till a bead is too high a welding force. A small
surfaces. formed of approximate 1 mm for weld bead could be caused by a too
diameters 40 up to 200 and 1.5mm low a heater temperature and/or too
for diameters 250 and 315mm. low a welding force. In both cases
Use the figures mentioned in table 2 the weld should be rejected due to
as guidance for the heat soaking reduced strength.

Diameter 40 50-110 125 160 200 250 315

Time [s] 30 40 60 80 100 140 170

Figure 43. Table 2. Guidance of the heat soaking duration (in seconds) for butt-welding.

8. Check that pipe ends are matching.

If not correct either re-clamp pipes 12. After heating time is elapsed,
(alignment) and/or repeat trimming. quickly open the welding machine,
After re-clamping it is necessary to remove the heater plate and close
trim the pipe-end again with a planer. immediately.
This part of the welding operation
must be kept as short as possible in
order not to loose too much heat!

Figure 47.

15. Remove welded joint from the

welding machine after cooling time
Figure 44. is elapsed.
The joint need to be kept free from
9. Insert heater plate and press both any loads within 5 minutes after the
pipe ends during a few seconds Figure 46. cooling time is elepsed.
with a higher force on the plate for
ensuring full contact. 13. Slowly apply welding force and If the above steps are followed correctly,
maintain for required cooling time the above mentioned four basic
according to table 2a. requirements should be fully met.

Diameter 40-75 90 110 125 160 200 250 315

Time [s] 60 70 80 100 120 200 280 340

Table 2a. Guidance of the minimum cooling time (in seconds) for butt-welding at 20º C.

Figure 45.

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Installation manual
Jointing the pipe system

6.4 Electrofusion welding 4. Always cut pipe-ends square! 6. Chafe pipe ends over its insertion
Electrofusion sockets are provided with If this is not the case, melt cannot be depth using a clean emery cloth
an electric resistance wiring embedded in kept encapsulated between pipe end (-lint) of a roughness 40 or lower or
the internal surface. When connected to and socket, resulting in a loss of a dedicated PE pipe scraper.
an electric power source, heat is supplied melt-pressure! Best practice is to use
directly in the fusion zones. During the a rotary pipe cutter (see photo). The
melting of polyethylene, its volume pipe ends are then square and free
increases. This expansion creates the from burrs. If a saw is used, it is
necessary welding pressure. The Wavin advised to use a spare clamp as a
welding equipment automatically doses the sawing guide. Such cut pipe ends
exact required energy for making a good must be de-burred before inserting
joint. There are two welding machines: the pipe end in the electrofusion
one for the sizes 40-160 and one for the socket.
dimensions 200, 250 and 315 mm.
Figure 51. Chafe pipe end with emery lint
In order to meet the four basic of roughness 40 or lower.
requirements for making a sound
joint, special attention should be paid
on the following 12 points:
1. Check environmental conditions.
When the outside temperature is
below 5 ºC and/or during rainy and
windy conditions special precautionary
measure have to be taken to secure Figure 49. Preferably use a pipe clamp.
dry and sufficient warm welding Figure 52. Clean pipe end with
conditions. 5. Clean and de-burr pipe ends PE cleaner.

2. Secure proper power conditions.

Check the stability and the height of
the voltage especially when using a
generator or using long cables.
When the voltage is not stable,
connecting for example a
construction lamp to the generator
might solve the stabilisation problem.

3. Only use correct Wavin welding

equipment. Figure 50. De-burr pipes when a saw is Figure 53. Scrape pipe end with hand
used. scraper.

Figure 48. WaviDuo electrofusion



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7. Always insert pipe ends till the 9. In case pipe ends are too oval, 11. Inspect welded joint for correct
internal register in the socket, so re-rounding is required by using a alignment, insertion depths and
that full insertion is reached. temporary pipe clamp, fixed close weld indicators.
Mark the insertion depth on the pipe to the socket. The weld indicators indicate that the
ends so that any slippage can be This temporary clamp can be joint has been energized; they are not
detected in time. In case the internal removed after elapsed cooling time. linked to weld quality, as quality is
register (pipe stops) have been cut only reached by following above
away so that the electrofusion socket steps and requirements.
can be used as a sliding socket,
correct marking of the insertion depth
is essential. Improperly inserted pipe
ends also lead to a loss of melt

Figure 56. Install a temporary pipe clamp

for re-rounding close to the
Figure 58. Inspect insertion depth and
10. Always prevent any loading or weld indicators.
bending on a joint during welding
and subsequently cooling. 12. Demount temporary pipe clamp
Figure 54. Mark insertion depth. Ensure that installed pipe sections are (if used).
properly fixed before starting to make
8. Clean internal socket surfaces the electrofusion joints.
with a clean cloth and Wavin PE
Ensure proper drying of cleaner
before assembling joint.

Figure 59. Demount temporary pipe


Specific points of attention in

Figure 57. Proper fixing before welding. electrofusion operation:
1. Pipe ends must be cut square.
In case the jointing procedure is 2. Pipe ends must be chafed properly.
interrupted, first correct the cause of 3. Pipe ends, electrofusion sockets and
Figure 55. Clean internal socket with PE the interruption, then allow the joint to welding equipment must have same
cleaner. cool completely before re-welding. ambient temperature before starting
welding (if not, energy might be too
high or too low).
4. Joint must not be subjected to
axial- and bending loadings during
welding and cooling.
5. Pipes and fittings need to be
completely dry.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Jointing the pipe system

6.5 Installation of For a good functioning of the expansion 4. Apply silicone oil on rubber seal
expansion joints joints, follow these instructions: and sparsely on spigot end.
Expansion joints are push-fit sockets with 1. Prepare positions of fix- and
a rubber seal. sliding brackets.
Expansion and contraction in the pipe Expansion sockets must always be
system is absorbed by axial displacements configured as a fixed-point. That
in the sockets. Normally expansion joints means that all other fixing points
are mostly located in the vertical must be sliding brackets
downpipes. In special circumstances, if (see figure 87).
no other options remain to absorb
thermally induced displacements, 2. Chamfer pipe end.
expansion joints can be positioned in Chamfer angle should be
horizontal collector pipes. approximately 15° and chamfering Figure 63.
length should be minimum 4 mm.

Figure 64.

Figure 61. 5. Install pipe and fix with a

fixed-point bracket on the socket
3. Mark insertion depth. side and sliding brackets over the
Use the insertion depth for the rest of the pipe length.
ambient temperature during
installation according to the values
mentioned in table 3.

Figure 65.

Figure 60. Installation of an expansion joint. Figure 62. 6. Check depth of insertion.

Pipe diameter
≤ 50 63 75 90 110 125 160 200 250 315
Ambient temperature Insertion depth in [mm] for pipe length of 6 meter
- 10° C 65 70 70 80 85 90 100 140 140 140
0° C 75 80 80 90 95 100 110 150 150 150
+ 10° C 85 90 90 100 105 110 120 160 160 160
+ 20° C 95 100 100 110 115 120 130 170 170 170
+ 30° C 105 110 110 120 125 130 140 180 180 180

Table 3. Insertion depth of pipes into an expansion socket, max. pipe length 6 meter.


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the Wavin QuickStream PE system

7. Fixing the Wavin QuickStream PE system

7.1 Fixing the horizontal QuickStream rail connectors that can ded to the roof construction at a maxi-
collector pipe transfer thermally induced axial loads mum distance of 2 meters between the
A controlled absorption of thermal axial from one rail to the next one. The rail suspension elements, taking into account
pipe stresses in rigid suspension systems connector for the rail 30 x 45 mm can the weight of a fully filled pipe, the weight
by making use of galvanised steel rails is also be used for connecting a 30 x 30 of the suspension rail and the load ability
most commonly applied in PE siphonic mm rail to a 30 x 45 mm rail. of the roof construction.
rainwater discharge systems. It is not possible to make a connection
The benefits are ease of installation and between a 30 x 45 mm rail and a 41 x 62 4. Anchoring of the steel rails.
no unexpected displacements. The mm rail, or between a 30 x 30 mm rail All rails can be suspended relatively easily
thermally induced axial loads are and a 41 x 62 mm rail. In cases where it using threaded rods to the roof. The
completely absorbed by the suspension is not possible to use a rail connector, length of the threaded rods is of no
and bracketing system. Once the then the extreme brackets on each rail importance as these only bear the
suspension rails have been installed, pipe must be of the fixed type. This is only the weight of the pipe, pipe clamps and rail
segments can then easily be placed in case at bends and at a diameter change construction. Wavin recommends
the brackets. In-lays can be placed in the between 315 mm and 250 mm pipe size. anchoring the steel rails to the roof every
brackets to create a strong and cost 12 meters and at every change of
effective fix of the pipework against axial 2. Install the bottom side of all types direction. The anchors need to be fixed
displacement. of rail on the same level. to the wall structure or alternatively
The bottom side of the different types of installed lateral to the rails and approx.
All Wavin QuickStream brackets are rail always needs to be installed on the 45º to the roof.
designed to enable fast and easy placing same level. Special attention to the height
of pipe segments and additional closing of the rail needs to be paid when 5. Check weight limitations, which
of the brackets. See picture 68-82. installation of the rail is started at the can be suspended to the (roof)
upstream side of the horizontal collector construction.
Installation of the steel rails pipe and when the pipe size at the Care should be taken that the roof
The Wavin QuickStream system downstream side of the horizontal constructions have sufficient strength to
compromises three types of suspension collector pipe is larger than 160 mm. In bear the whole piping construction. The
rails: this situation, the 30 x 30 rail needs to be total weight per meter of a fully filled pipe
1. Wavin QuickStream rail 30 x 30 mm installed 15 or 30 mm lower to allow a and the suspension system can be taken
for pipes 40 – 160 mm bottom level connection to a 30 x 45 or a from table 4.
2. Wavin QuickStream rail 30 x 45 mm 41 x 62 mm rail. When the rail is fixed at When the rail system is suspended every
for pipe 200 – 250 mm the top side to e.g. steel beams, a 30 x 2 meters, the design strength of each
3. Wavin QuickStream rail 41 x 62 mm 15 or a 30 x 30 rail can be fixed between suspension point to the roof should be at
for pipe diameter 315 mm the 30 x 30 rail and the steel beam to least 2 times the total weight/m
adjust the height of the 30 x 30 rail to the according to table 4. The weight of
Special attention needs to be paid to height of the 30 x 45 or 41 x 62 mm rail. insulation blankets can be found in
the following 5 points: chapter 8.4.
3. Maximum intermediate distances
1. Wavin rail connectors. of the suspension elements.
The suspension rails must be mutually All Wavin QuickStream rail types 30 x 30,
connected with the specific Wavin 30 x 45 and 41 x 62 should be suspen-

Pipe diameter [mm] 40 50 56 63 75 90 110 125 160 200 250 315

Weight/m [kg/m] 3.4 4.2 4.7 5.4 6.7 8.8 12.1 15.0 23.3 35.8 54.6 86.9

Table 4. Weight of the pipe including suspension and 100% filled with water.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Fixing the Wavin QuickStream PE system

Installation of the brackets Fix the next rail to the rail connector and 4. Click fixed-point inlay in the bracket
To avoid potential sagging of the pipes, fasten the 4 screws (it is not required to and insert the pipe.
the horizontal maximum supporting / place the rails against the previous one).
bracketing distances from table 5 should Click one stainless steel inlay into the back
be applied in a Wavin QuickStream PE part of the bracket
pipe system.

The photos below show the installation

of the rail suspension element, the rail
connector and a fixed-point bracket.

1. Install suspension element and fix

the rail.
Figure 69. Figure 72.
Install the suspension element at the right
height using a M10 threaded rod. 3. Fix the bracket to the rail. Click the PE pipe into bracket. The pipe
will not fall out.
Click the bracket at the right location on
the rail (see table bracketing distance).

Figure 66.

Fix the rail into the suspension element

and fasten the two screws.
Figure 73.

Figure 70. 5. Close bracket and fasten the screw.

Fix the bracket to the rail by clicking the Click the front part of the bracket into the
front part into the rail and fasten the screw. hook and fasten the screw.
Figure 67.

2. Installation of the rail connector.

Insert the rail connector approx. half way

into the rail.

Figure 74.

Figure 71. Installation completed.

Figure 68.

PE pipe diameter [mm] 40-75 90 110 125 160 200-315

Maximum bracketing
0.8 0.9 1.1 1.25 1.6 2.0
distance [m]
Figure 75.
Table 5. Maximum horizontal bracketing distances in meters.


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Installation manual
the Wavin QuickStream PE system

Location of the fixed-points The photos below show the installation of 2. Fasten the screws.
As a minimum, a fixed-point bracket the sliding bracket.
must be placed on the largest side of Click the front part of the bracket into the
every increaser / reducer. If a Tee piece 1. Click the sliding bracket on the rail hook and fasten the bottom screw.
is located at an increaser, then the and put in the pipe.
fixed-point brackets can be situated
directly next to the Tee piece. Click the sliding bracket at the right
Fixed-point brackets should also be location on the rail (see table bracketing
installed directly before and after a change distances).
in direction, e.g. at a bend and at each
interruption of the rails. The maximum
distance between two fixed-point brackets
may not exceed 10 meters. The fixed
points need to be located within a maxi- Figure 80.
mum distance of 0.3 meters from a sus-
pesion element. Fasten the upper screw.

Figure 78.

Click the PE pipe into the bracket.

The PE pipe will not fall out.

Figure 81.

Figure 76. 3. Installation completed.

Location of fixed-point brackets just
before and after a bend (top view).

Figure 79.

Figure 82.

Figure 77. Fixed point within 0.3 meters

from a suspension element.

Figure 83. Location of fixed-point brackets in the horizontal collector pipe.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Fixing the Wavin QuickStream PE system

7.2 Fixing the roof outlet

connecting pipe
To prevent the roof outlet being pushed
out of the roof due to thermal expansion
of the tail pipe, the first bracket should be
positioned no less than 0.5 meters from
the outlet. Under no circumstances
should sagging be allowed in the
horizontal part of the tail pipe. The
maximum vertical pipe length directly
below the roof outlet is 1.2 meters.

Also in this pipe section, no bracket is

allowed. The vertical tail pipe needs to be
installed without tensions. Under no
circumstances, bending of this part is Figure 84. No horizontal support brackets if the horizontal tail pipe <0.8 meters.
allowed. No vertical brackets if the vertical tail pipe < 1.2 meters

Figure 85. Install horizontal support brackets if the horizontal distance between roof
outlet and collector pipe is 0.8 to 1.2 meters.


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Installation manual
the Wavin QuickStream PE System

7.3 Fixing the vertical


Rigid fixing of the vertical downpipe

The vertical downpipes can be fixed by

the use of Wavin QuickStream rails in a
similar way as with the horizontal collector
pipes. Most commonly however, the
pipework can be installed directly on the
wall structure so that for this part of the
system the suspension rails can be
omitted. This is why it is standard in the
quotation to include fixed-point brackets
enabling a fix to a wall instead of using
rails. A fixed-point needs to be positioned
at the top end of the vertical downpipe,
as close as possible to the elbows.

Furthermore, fixed-points also need to be

installed at a maximum spacing of every
10 meters. Be aware of expansion and
contractions loads transferred to the wall
structure. In table 6 guidance is given for
the thickness of the threaded metal pipe
for the fixed-points in relation to the
distance to the wall and Wavin Figure 86. Ridid fixing of the vertical
QuickStream pipe diameter. downpipe.

Distance pipe Pipe diameter [mm]

to wall
[mm] ≤ 90 110 125 160 200 250 315
50 1/ 1/ 1/
2” 2” 2” - - - -

100 1/ 1/
2” 2” 1” 1” 1” 1” 1”

Table 6. Minimum diameter of the threaded metal pipes for the fixed-points.

Bracketing distance in the vertical


For vertical installed pipes following

maximum bracketing distances must be

PE Pipe diameter [mm] 40 50 56 63 75 90 110 125 160 200 250 315

Maximum bracketing
distance [m] 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0

Table 7. Maximum bracketing distance (in meters) for the vertical downpipe.

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Installation manual
Fixing the Wavin QuickStream PE system

Flexible fixing of the vertical


Most commonly in the vertical downpipes

expansion sockets are used. As there will
be always some friction in the sealing
system of an expansion joint, it is absolute
required to anchor the expansion socket
(see figure 87). At the top of a vertical
downpipe, always a fixed-point bracket
should be installed. All other brackets
should be “sliding brackets”.

Fixed-points can either be created by

placing an electrofusion socket
underneath the bracket fixing the
expansion socket (see figure 87) or by use
of a stainless steel insert in the bracket.

FIgure 87. Fixing of expansion sockets.

Figure 88. Location of fixed-points in the vertical downpipe.

Distance pipe Pipe diameter [mm]

to wall
[mm] ≤ 90 110 125 160 200 250 315
50 1/ 1/ ” 1/ 1/
2” 2 2” 2” - - -

100 1/ 1/ ” 1/
2” 2 2” 1” 1” 1” 1”

Table 8. Minimum diameter of the threaded metal pipes for fixed-points when using expansion sockets.

Bracketing distance in the vertical


For vertical installed pipes following

maximum bracketing distances must be

PE Pipe diameter [mm] 40 50 56 63 75 90 110 125 160 200 250 315

Maximum bracketing
distance [m] 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0

Table 9. Maximum bracketing distance (in meters) for the vertical downpipe.


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Installation manual

8. Special constructions

8.1 Pipe systems In order to prevent buoyancy during

embedded in concrete concrete casting, the pipework must
Pipe sections embedded in concrete be positioned and fixed properly.
must be adequately fixed against thermal Pipework, especially in vertical walls,
movements. can be subjected to high external
This can be achieved by welding into the pressures during concrete casting and
pipe segment electrofusion sockets or curing. It is strongly recommended to
“puddle flanges”. Fixing is also achieved fill these pipes with water in order to
when a branch or elbow is present in the prevent collapse and/or local buoyancy.
embedded pipe segment. However if a To avoid buckling of the class SDR
branch is of a smaller diameter than the 26 Wavin QuickStream PE pipes, the
main pipe, additional fixing must be maximum concrete height above the
installed in the main pipe close to the pipe should not exceed 3.2 meters.
branch connection (see figure 89 and 90). When the pipe is filled with water
equal to the concrete casting level,
the maximum concrete height can be
increased to 5.3 meters. These
maximum concrete heights are used
in case the concrete is not heated up Figure 91. Installation of fire collars
to enable a faster curing. through ceilings.

8.2 Fire protection

In case local safety regulations or project
Figure 89. Fixing in concrete by using an design specifications require measures to
electrofusion socket. prevent fires spreading to adjacent rooms
or floors fire collars must be installed.
Wavin offers a comprehensive range of
fire collars that meet local regulations.
The functioning of these fire collars is that
in the case of direct heat the material in
the fire collar will expand and will
completely close the floor or wall passage.

For more information, please contact

Figure 90. Fixing in concrete by using a
puddle flange.

Please pay attention to the below issues:

Prior to concrete casting, the pipe
section must be tested for leak Figure 92. Installation of fire collars
tightness. through walls.
Pipework crossing a wall through a
protection sleeve cannot be seen as
a fixed-point.
As all thermally induced pipe stresses
have to be resisted by the concrete
around the pipe, the thickness of the
concrete surrounding the pipe should
be at least 30 mm.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Special constructions

8.3 Thermal insulation With one layer the sound level can be
In humid environments there can be the reduced between 15 and 22 dB, depen-
need to insulate the pipe system to ding on the type of installation and the
prevent condensation and subsequent location of the measurement.
water dripping from it. Condensation can
happen when the relative humidity is Installation of acoustic insulation
above 40%. Commonly the temperature sheets
in the top of buildings is rather high. The material is very flexible and is easy to
To prevent condensation on the pipe apply.
surface, it is necessary to use sufficient The Wavin acoustic insulation sheets can
insulation thickness and a vapour sealed be easily cut to size and shape with a
foil on the outside. The thickness of the knife or industrial scissors.
insulation sheet depends on the ambient
temperature, the humidity and of course Cut to required shape.
the medium temperature. Be aware that Fix to pipe and fittings using double
a high ambient temperature is more sided Wavin adhesive tape or a con-
critical for condensation than a low tact cement/glue. The layer with the
ambient temperature. A risk assessment high specific gravity needs to be
by the designer shall reveal the need for located on the outside.
thermal insulation. For most situations, a It is of utmost importance to avoid
15 mm thick insulation sheet can be gaps.
taken as a guideline. Close seams with 50 mm wide
adhesive tape.
8.4 Acoustic plus thermal

When to install acoustic insulation


Like any rainwater system, siphonic roof

drainage systems generate noise when
transporting rainwater. In sensitive areas
within buildings such as offices, concert
halls, courthouses and hospitals where
noise should be kept to a minimum level,
it is recommended to wrap the Wavin
QuickStream system in the relevant areas
with Wavin acoustic insulation sheets. In
addition to acoustic insulation, these
insulation sheets also provide a thermal

The sheet is built-up around a layer with

a high specific weight acting as a sound
barrier. On the outside there is a water
resistant layer and on the inside a foam
layer provides thermal insulation. The
material can be easily bent and wrapped
around pipes and fittings.


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???????? to the gravity system

9. Connection to the gravity system

9.1 Discharge systems and storm water or combined sewer systems Wavin engineers have adapted the last
capacity a lower rain intensity is usually used pipe length to the appropriate diameter to
The discharge should be above water compared to the calculation for the reduce the flow speed. In any case the
level in gravity discharge systems of rainwater system of a building. When the adjacent gravity discharge system must
sufficient capacity. To guarantee the discharge of the Wavin QuickStream be able to cope with the design flow of
evacuation of air in the pipework and that system is in the building, the overflow the Wavin QuickStream roof drainage
the attainment of siphonic action is not relief chamber should be installed outside system. The provided design of each
retarded, the discharge point should be the building in the gravity system. If the Wavin QuickStream system indicates the
installed at a higher level than the water discharge of the Wavin QuickStream maximum discharge flow. It is the
in the gravity drainage system. It is always system has been extended to outside the responsibility of the contractor to
recommended to install an overflow relief building, Wavin can supply a special investigate if the existing ventilated
chamber. This inspection chamber overflow relief chamber with an inlet drainage system has sufficient capacity.
should have a cover with an open grating connection to the Wavin QuickStream As guidance table 10 presents the
to allow water overflow when the gravity system and a bigger outlet diameter maximum flow in [l/s] of 100% filled pipes
system is not able to cope with the connection towards the gravity sewer. dependending on the gradient. For a
discharge capacity of the siphonic system. If the discharge takes place directly in ventilated drainage system, a larger pipe
For the calculation of the capacity of open water or in a sewer system, the diameter should be selected.

Hydraulic gradient / slope

[mm/m] 1 2.5 5 7.5 10
slope 1:1000 1:400 1:200 1:133 1:100
Du Di
100 1.9 3.1 4.4 5.4 6.3
110 2.1 3.4 4.8 6.0 6.9
125 2.9 4.8 6.8 8.4 9.7
150 5.5 9.1 13.0 16.1 18.6
160 5.8 9.3 13.2 16.2 18.7
200 10.6 16.8 23.9 29.4 34.0
200 12.4 19.8 28.1 34.5 39.7
250 19.2 30.4 43.2 53.1 61.4
250 22.6 35.7 50.7 62.3 72.0
315 35.5 56.1 79.6 97.7 113.0
300 36.6 57.9 82.1 100.0 116.0
400 66.9 105.0 149.0 183.0 212.0
400 78.5 123.0 175.0 215.0 248.0
450 91.3 144.0 203.0 250.0 289.0
450 107.0 168.0 239.0 293.0 338.0
500 120.0 190.0 269.0 329.0 381.0
500 141.0 222.0 315.0 386.0 446.0
630 221.0 348.0 493.0 605.0 699.0
600 228.0 360.0 509.0 624.0 721.0
800 487.0 765.0 1,082.0 1,326.0 1,532.0

Table 10. Maximum flow in [l/s] of 100% filled pipes at various gradients of drainage pipes.

Note: Above table is based on a friction factor kb = 0.40 suitable for plastic pipes and a water temperature of 10°C. The Du reflects a
PVC SDR34 pipe class. Other pipe materials such as concrete might have a higher friction factor and consequently the above
table cannot be used for these materials.

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Connection to the gravity system

9.2 Buried pipe systems

The general installation rules for
underground plastics pipes are
applicable. In short these rules are:
Keep trench widths as narrow as
practicable, but not less than 300
mm wider than the pipe.
Trench bottom must be flat and free
from stones or other hard obstacles
that might exert a point load on the
pipe later on.
PE pipe systems are normally welded
by either butt fusion or electro socket
Underground PVC systems should
always be jointed by rubber seal Figure 93. Excavation, bedding and
joints and never be solvent cement backfill.
Loosen the trench bottom.
Install pipe and check gradient.
Side-fill with non-cohesive soil, like
sand and compact especially to the
side of the pipe.
Complete side filling with non-cohesive
backfill material till approximate 0.3 m
above pipe crown.
Compact side-fill on both sides of the
pipe, preferably with a mechanical
Complete back filling of the trench.
For this native soil may be used,
unless project specification indicate

Alternatively the EN1610 guidelines on

the installation of buried pipe systems
can be followed.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
Installation manual
???????? & Maintenance

10. Commissioning & Maintenance

Commissioning Maintenance
As a Wavin QuickStream roof drainage Inspect in spring en autumn
system operates at both over and under Roof drainage systems will mostly be
pressures, it is necessary to carry out a inspected in spring and autumn. The
leak tightness test: best moment is directly after the trees
have dropped their seeds and after
Close the discharge of each Wavin leaf fall. In geographical areas having
QuickStream system and fill-up the predictable rainy seasons, inspection
system with water to roof level. and maintenance should performed
Check all connections for leakages. just before rainy season starts.
Unplug the discharge on completion
of the inspection. Clean roof en gutters
Roof and gutters must be cleared of
If the building is over 40 meters high, deposits, whereby it is not allowed to
the pipe system needs to be split-up in flush the dirt through the Wavin
sections not higher than 40 meter. QuickStream roof outlets.

After initial commissioning of the system, Inspect roof outlets

a further inspection should be performed All Wavin QuickStream roof outlets
as part of the total commissioning after must be inspected and checked on
the first heavy rainfall, or at the latest proper functioning by letting water
within the first half year of use. run into the outlets. When water runs
away, the outlet is OK. Eventually a
small contamination in the system will
be flushed down with the first rainfall.

Inspect emergency overflow chamger

As accumulated dirt in the system will
be flushed into the emergency
overflow chamber or the reception
chamber, at least once a year this
part of the system must be inspected
as well.

If the emergency overflows have been
discharging during a rainfall, the roof
outlets need to be inspected for
obstructions. It is recommended to
record details of any such incidents
and the measures taken to rectify the

TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE

Installation manual
Problem solving / technical support

11. Problem solving / technical support

If after commissioning, water is observed The water level in the discharge

to regularly discharge through the chamber at the start-up of the
emergency overflows it can be concluded rainwater flow from Wavin
that the system is not functioning QuickStream system is too high so
according design. Possible causes for that the escape of air is hindered.
this are listed below. Solution: reinstall the gravity sewer
pipe to a lower level or contact Wavin
Solutions related to improper to discuss the implications of instal-
installation and/or maintenance: ling the discharge point of the Wavin
Accumulated dirt can hinder the flow QuickStream system at a higher level.
towards the roof outlets. Due to high negative pressure air
Solution: clean the roof and the roof cavities might occur, reducing the
outlets. maximum flow capacity.
Construction debris in the system Solution: Wavin verifies all designs on
reduces the flow capacity. the maximum allowable negative
Solution: clean the pipe system. pressure and adapts the design to
There has been a violation with the such an extent that cavitation will not
design, e.g. a wrong pipe diameter occur. Compare the installed system
(too big or too small), wrong pipe to the installation drawings made by
lengths (e.g. tail pipes or distances Wavin and correct differentiations.
from outlet to collector pipe) or the The emergency overflows have been
pipe layout is changed. constructed too low. In that case the
Solution: change the pipe layout to build-up of a sufficient water level on
the design made by Wavin or contact the roof enabling good priming of the
Wavin for a new design. system will not take place. The system
In violation of the design, an additional cannot reach its design drainage
small roof or soil and waste discharge capacity while water is flushed away
is connected to the system, through through the emergency overflows.
which air is sucked into the system. Solution: increase the heights of the
Solution: change the pipe layout to emergency overflows in consultation
the design made by Wavin or contact with the building designer and Wavin.
Wavin for a new design.
Advice can be sought from the Wavin
Solutions to problems caused by technical team.
operating outside the prescribed
design parameters or design criteria:
The main gravity sewer in which the
roof drainage system discharges is
over-loaded or blocked and no
emergency overflow chamber with
sediment catchments has been
Solution: install an emergency
overflow chamber between the
discharge point of the Wavin
QuickStream system and the main
gravity sewer system.


+31(0)523-624911 +31(0)523-624600
TEL. Wavin QuickStream PE
J35 X719

June 2008

Wavin QuickStream PE Installation Manual Wavin QuickStream PE Installation Manual

Wavin QuickStream is part of complete rainwater

management systems.
In addition to the Wavin QuickStream system, Wavin, the leading
European supplier of plastic pipe systems, also offers a full range
of complimentary products.

These include:

Water management systems

Rainwater infiltration

Storm water attenuation

Rainwater drainage systems

Storm water drainage systems

Wavin and Wavin QuickStream are registered trademarks of the Wavin Group. Wavin operates a programme of continuous
product development, and therefore reserves the right to modify or amend the specification of their products without notice.
All information in this publication is given in good faith, and believed to be correct at the time of going to press.
However, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors, omissions or incorrect assumptions. Users should satisfy
themselves that products are suitable for the purpose and application intended.
06/2008 08-171

Wavin Overseas B.V.

Rollepaal 19, 7701 BR,
P.O. Box 158, 7700 AD,
Dedemsvaart, The Netherlands
Phone: +31/523-624911
Fax: +31/523-624600

The Optimal Solution for Siphonic Roof Drainage


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