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Learning Module in Music 10: WEEK 1-2

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WEEK 1-2

The 20th century is described as the “age of musical diversity.” Twentieth
century music spanned between the ends of the nineteenth century to the earliest
part of the twentieth century. Composers were more creative and had freedom
to experiment with new musical forms or reinvent musical forms of the past.
They also took advantage of the resources and technology that were available to
Twentieth-century music has seen a great coming and going of various
movements. Four musical genres were seen during the period namely:
Impressionism, Expression, Electronic, and Chance Music.


⮚ Describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century style

⮚ Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers,
and audience) of 20th century music
⮚ Relates 20th Century music to other art forms and media during the same time period
⮚ Performs music sample from the 20th century
⮚ evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics


1 | First Quarter: 20th Century Music

Activity 1: Like and Dislike RE
Listen to some selected music of the 20th century.

Process Questions:
1. What can you say about the music you have heard?
I can say that the music I have heard gives me the feeling of 19th century. It kinda brings me back to the old days.I can also say that
music evolves, from having it in year 1902 until year 1999, The music becomes better and better. From the lyrics to the instruments
used. I saw how technology affects music. I also saw the evolution of the music videos, from people just singing it into people dancing
and creating stories based on their lyrics. I also noticed that most of the music created are simply inspirations from the music of the
past years. I also noticed that these music here came first from classical, jazz until it evolves into a louder kind of music like Rock and
Roll, Pop. It really makes me happy, seeing the people from 1902 making music until now. Music really been a huge part of our lives.
Not only in our generation but also in the past generations.

2. Which music do you like the best? Why?

I like the 1984 music. Michael Jackson's Thriller. I like it's tone, It makes me wanna dance. I also like this song
because it stands the test of time. Even if it was created on 1984, people on 2020 still loves it. I also like the lyrics
of the song because it is easy to memorize. It doesn't compose of such long lyrics. And lastly, I like it because
whenever I hear this song I feel more awake and alive.

3. Which music do you dislike the best? Why?

I dislike the song of 1992. The song I will always love you by Whitney Houston. I don't like this
song because I am not a big fan of romantic songs. I also dislike the fact that the song was
sung very slowly. I also don't like romantic lyrics. I also noticed that this song sounds very sad.
And therefore combining sad and romantic, those two are my most disliked genres.


Activity 2: Compare and Contrast Music

Listen to the musical pieces, Claire de Luna by Debussy and Bolero by Ravel. Compare and contrast the
two compositions by filling in the table.

Musical Describe the Emotions that were Setting you imagine

Compositions harmony invoked in you while listening to the
Claire de Luna The D-flat major in the This song made me feel calm, I imagine I am
song makes the relaxed and at ease. I once
harmony flow nicely. The thought that instruments doesn't standing at a grass
harmony is also very convey much emotions, but field in the calm and
calm and pleasing to the when I listened to this classical
ears. And also helps piece. I was suddenly flooded silent night,and just
reveal the meaning of with emotions. I also felt free of
stress, relieved and peaceful.
staring at the pond
the music. I also noticed This musical piece also lets me in front of me which
that Debussy used jazz
chords, which is an old
reminisce all my past memories,
and as a effect I feel somewhat
has a reflection of
way of harmonizing. sad too. the moon.
in this musical play, It started of
Bolero The harmony is very pleasant to portraying quiet, smooth and calm When I listen to this song,
one's ears. It is a combination of emotions but the longer you listen
many instruments, which was to it. The music becomes louder i imagine that I am in the
blended perfectly. From the flute to and stronger. But There is one Paris Opera or other
the clarinet to the bassoon. It all emotion that remains constant opera house, sitting down
sounded very well. The harmony through out the whole time. And in the middle row and
was also very exciting, It can that is happiness. Bolero made me
produce low intensities then rise feel natural and more awake. It waiting for the show to
up to higher intensities. kinda gives you an explosion of start.
2 | First Quarter: 20th Century Music
Process Questions:
1. Which of the two compositions do you prefer in terms of harmony? Why?
I prefer the Bolero because it is not that boring when you listen to it. The instruments give color to the
harmony of the composition. I also liked this better because It has different sounds. At the beginning it
will just sound smooth and light, but then the intensity rises and the sound suddenly grow louder and
stronger. And because of that I wouldn't be bored. That is why I like how Ravel harmonized the whole

2. Which of the two compositions perfectly reflect the core of impressionism? Why?
I ______________________________________________________________________________
think both of them perfectly reflect the core of impressionism. The only difference comes at who did it first. And
with this said we can say that Clair de lune is the first composition that composed of the core impressionism.
Regarding these two compostions, they both reflected impressionism by having orchestration or combining
instruments perfectly and therefore, producing the perfect harmony, another thing they did is they ave unusual
chord combinations. Since they wanted to think out of the box, they combine their chords unusually but still it
produces a perfect sound. Another thing is that these compositions doesn't really give out a lot of emotions. They
are like distant narratives, where they just tell the stories by their music. And therefore not getting their self into it.

Activity 3: CD or MR
Name the composer of each statement that being described. Write CD for Claude Debussy and MR
for Maurice Ravel.
MR He played music to please the audience no matter what his personal decision would
have been.
CD He walked to his own tone instead of playing what people wanted.
_________3. He had more of a French influence to his music no matter what style was considered in
at the time.
MR He grew with the times and adjusted his music to fit the changing times.
_________5. He put his all into his music while also expecting perfection.
MR He perfected his music but seemed to hold back when he wrote.


Activity 4: Unscramble Letters

Unscramble the words to answer the given descriptions.
1. The word originally used to describe the style of an entire group of Paris-based artist.
N I S M S S I O R E P I M ___________________________
2. The artist behind “Impression, Soleil Levant (impression, Sunrise).”
Claude Monet
N E T M O D E C L U A ___________________________
3. This is Claude Debussy’s most popular work.
Claire De Lune
D E N E L U C A L I R E ___________________________
4. This is Maurice Ravel’s most popular work.
O B L E R O ___________________________
5. The country that started Impressionism.
R A C E N F ___________________________
6. He was the link from the Romantic period to the twentieth century music.
Maurice Ravel
R U I C E M A V E L A R ___________________________
7. He was born to a Swiss inventor and Industrialist father.
Maurice Ravel
R U I C E M A V E L A R ___________________________
8. The preferred musical form during the Impressionist period.
C O N U T R N E ___________________________
9. The schools were both Debussy and Ravel studied.

3 | First Quarter: 20th Century Music

Paris Conservatory
R I S P A O N C E R S A V T R Y O ___________________________
10. The popular musical suite where “Claire De Luna” was from.
R E B G A S A M Q E U ___________________________

4 | First Quarter: 20th Century Music

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