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ITS Global Page 1

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed - by Project Roles

Typical Project
Roles Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed
* Strategic alignment
* Project definition / priority
* Product success * Product and subject matter * Review mandatory deliverables
Business Owner * Project communication to non-
* Funding expertise promptly
ITSG areas
* Sign-off
* Project success * Project formation
* ITSG advocate * Review project management
ITS Sponsor/ Business * Resource allocation * Team motivation
* Make tactical decisions deliverables regularly and
Liaison * Balance ITSG / Business * Escalate business issues &
* Communicate with business promptly
interests risks
* Nearly on all project
* Integrate track leads' work
* Managing project-specific deliverables with focus on scope,
Project Manager * Manage internal project * Review mandatory deliverables
project processes cost, resource, and schedule

* Provide functional expertise

* Track specific deliverables * Review appropriate document
* Work with Project Manager and * Relevant deliverables from
Track Leads * Communication within the to evaluate change in their
other track leads (as other tracks
track functional area

* Active participation to
* Actively participate in relevant
understand dependencies
* Complete assigned work / project meetings * Review work products /
Project Team People affecting their deliverables
deliverables promptly * Constructively raise issues and deliverables related to their work
* Report any issues, risks, or

* Business analysis and * Review business oriented

* Provide business or content * Quality of business
Subject Matter Experts requirements gathering deliverables (e.g. requirements,
expertise requirements
* Solution design design, training materials, etc.)

* Facilitate project onboarding,

* Work with Project Manager / * Consistency project
esp. with members not familiar * Inform other project managers
PMO others to ensure compliance management processes on all
with GPLC of relevant changes
with ITSG GPLC ITS Global projects
* Develop reports & analysis

Filename: 55131976.xls, Project Roles Printed Date: 04/05/2011

ITS Global Page 2

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed - by GPLC

Role Responsibilities
Responsible Responsible for the completion of this deliverable
Accountable Provides sign-off of this deliverable and owns the accountability of the deliverable
Consulted Contributes to the development and/or review of this deliverable
Informed Actively reads the document to extract necessary information

Typical Project Roles

Sponsor/ Project Subject
* Require- Business Business Project ** Track Team Matter
Activity / Phase ment Owner Liaison Manager Leads People Experts PMO ** Track Name Track Lead Executed by Status Completed
Central Messaging Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Central messaging Doug Webster active
Mobile Services Track Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Central messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster active
Unified Messaging Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Central messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster not started
Archiving and Retention Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Central messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster started
E-2010 Fax solution Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Central messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster not started
E-2010 AntiVirus Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Antivirus Mike Manning Mike Manning not started
Adoption and Migration Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Adoption&Miagration
Raul Banales Raul Banales active
Support and Operations Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Support Klaas Wim BarneveldKW active
Information Rights Management Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I IRM Fahim Nasrollah Fahim Nasrollah started
Secure Gateway Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Secure Gateway Doug Webster Doug Webster completed February 2009
SMTP enhancement Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I SMTP enhancementDoug Webster Doug Webster completed July 2009
Exchange 2003 OS/NAV Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Exchange 2003 OS/NAV
Mike Manning Mike Manning completed March 2009
Outsourcing Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Outsourcing Klaas Wim BarneveldKW completed January-2010
Architeture standards Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Architecture Darren Lovell Darren Lovell started
Exchange 2010 Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning active
Infrastructure setup (Dev,QA, Prod, Black box) Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I
backup Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I
Testing Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I
Infrastructure setup Mandatory C,A C C,I A, R C,I C,I I
- Prioritized Pipeline Mandatory A R
- Business Vision Optional A R I
- Initiative Request Form Mandatory A R I
- Go / No-Go to Next Step Mandatory A C R

Completed in Feb-08
- Full Business Case Optional A, R C I C I Tim Ireland Rob Daalman
(workshop sessions)

- Impact Analysis Optional C A R C C C I

Completed for all

- Scope and Approach Mandatory A R C I C I All tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema
tracks (Aug-Oct 08)

- Scope and Approach (deferral of activities and New FY09-10 S&A,

A R C I C I Exchange 2010 Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema
rescoping) completed in Feb-09

Completed for all

- Project Authorization Mandatory I I C I I I A, R All tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema
New S&A was
- Approve Charter Mandatory I A R C I I Exchange 2010 Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema
created in Feb-09
Completed for all
- Integrated Project Schedule Mandatory I C A R I C I Program Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema
Completed for all
- Track Plan Mandatory I R A I I Program Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema

- Detailed Requirements Mandatory I R C *A C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld Klaas Wim Barnveld Completed in July-09

Several iterations
- Resource Plan Optional I I A R C I I Program Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema

- Steering Group Optional C A R I I I Program Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema Completed in Oct-08

Outsourcing Track

RFI with HP and IBM Mandatory I C A, R C C Outsourcing Klaas Wim Barneveld Michael Dielissen completed January-2010

BPOS proposal with Microsoft Mandatory I C A, R C C Outsourcing Klaas Wim Barneveld Rita completed January-2010

Track plans Mandatory I I C R C C All tracks All Track leads All Track leads underway Apr-10

Mobile Services Research Doug Webster

Windows Mobile & Active Sync Doug Webster

- Mobile Services standard Mandatory I I C R I C,I Central Messaging Doug Webster Xavier Spence

- Survey / Requirements Gathering Mandatory I A,I C R I C,I Central Messaging Doug Webster Xavier Spence

Klaas Wim
- Investigate Orange solution Mandatory I A,I C R I C,I Central Messaging Doug Webster June-2010
Klaas Wim
- Investigate Vodaphone solution Mandatory I A,I C R I C,I Central Messaging Doug Webster June-2010
Klaas Wim
Monitoring and Reporting
Klaas Wim
- Research and agree approach Mandatory I C R I C,I Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld
Archive, Rentention and Preservation
Mandatory Central Messaging Martin Hilger Martin Hilger

- Research retention requirement Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Martin Hilger Martin Hilger

- Research discovery/legal preservation Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Martin Hilger Martin Hilger

- research archiving Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Xavier Spence Xavier Spence

Environments Planning & Preparations Mandatory Mike Manning

- Overall planning Mandatory I I A,C R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema completed
- HP/FCS Development SDR/Server ordering Mandatory I I A,C R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning completed
- Global QA SDR/Server Ordering Mandatory I I A,C R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning planned GET decision
- Blackbox ordering Mandatory I I A,C R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning planned GET decision
- Global Production SDR/Server Ordering Mandatory I I A,C R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning planned GET decision

Design activities Exchange Program Darren Lovell

- Creation of SMTP architecture Mandatory I A C R C,I C,I SMTP Enhancement Doug Webster Doug Webster Completed Apr-09

Information Rights
- Creation of ADRM blue print Mandatory I A C,I R C,I C,I Robert Hilger MS Consultant Completed October 09

- Creation of Messaging position paper KPMG (existing

Mandatory I A C,I R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Xavier Spence MS Consultant completed Sep-09
environment vs best practices)
Exchange 2010 Design Darren Lovell
- Creation of Exchange 2007 design Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Darren Lovell MS Consultant completed Feb-09
- Creation of Exchange 2010 design Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Darren Lovell MS Consultant Completed Feb-10

- Create MOM design Mandatory I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Klaas Wim Barneveld Mike Manning

Central Messaging Design Darren Lovell

- Creation of Exchange backup architecture Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Darren Lovell Doug Webster

- Creation of Exchange Storage architecture Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Darren Lovell Doug Webster

- Creation of Exchange Archive architecture Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Darren Lovell Doug Webster

- Creation of Retention architecture Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Darren Lovell Doug Webster

- Creation of E-2010 Fax architecture Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster

Filename: 55131976.xls, GPLC Printed Date: 04/05/2011

ITS Global Page 3

Sponsor/ Project Subject
* Require- Business Business Project ** Track Team Matter
Activity / Phase ment Owner Liaison Manager Leads People Experts PMO ** Track Name Track Lead Executed by Status Completed
- Creation of Exchange Discovery and Legal
Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Central Messaging Darren Lovell Doug Webster
Preservation architecture
AntiVirus Mike Manning
Create testing Plan Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Antivirus Mike Manning Mike Manning

SMTP Developments Doug Webster
Klaas Wim
- SMTP Operational Handover requirements Mandatory I A,R C C C SMTP Enhancement Doug Webster completed Apr-09

- SMTP Go-live checklist Mandatory I A,R C C C SMTP Enhancement Doug Webster Martijn Veltema completed Apr-09

- SMTP Configuration guide Mandatory I C A C C SMTP Enhancement Doug Webster Doug Webster completed July-09

- SMTP Operational guide Mandatory I C A C C SMTP Enhancement Doug Webster Doug Webster completed July-09

Vendor & contracts Mandatory I C A, R C C Rita Rita

Mobile Services Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld Rita

Mobile Services Mike Manning

Portal setup Mandatory Central Messaging Doug Webster Mike Manning

Creation of Support documents Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld Doug Webster

Creation of operational processess Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld Doug Webster

Create Test plan Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster

Setup of Test environment Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Doug Webster Vendor

Antivirus Mike Manning

Develop Runbook and Installer Antivirus Mike Manning Mike Manning

- Support and Operations Model Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging

- Fax solution plan Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Doug Webster Doug Webster

- Migration plan Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Migration Raul Banales Raul Banales

- Mobile Services testing Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Xavier Spence Doug Webster

- Trained Support & Deployment Staff Mandatory I C A, R C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld TBD
Antivirus Mike Manning
Test Forefront and SMSE Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Mike Manning Mike Manning
Fax solution
Test Fax solution Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Mike Manning Mike Manning

Environments Deployment Mandatory Mike Manning
Overall planning Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema completed
HP/FCS Development SDR/Server ordering Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning completed
Global QA SDR/Server Ordering Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning planned
Blackbox deployments Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning not started
Global Production SDR/Server Ordering Mandatory I I C,I A,R C,I C,I Exchange 2010 Mike Manning Mike Manning not started

Klaas Wim
- Update SMTP Support Materials Mandatory I C *A, R C C SMTP Enhancement Klaas Wim Barneveld Completed July-09
Central Messaging

- Migrate GO1 countries Mandatory I I C,I A,R C C Central Messaging Raul Banales Raul Banales not started

- Migrate all countries Mandatory I I C,I A,R C C Central Messaging Raul Banales Raul Banales not started

- Deploy Monitoring and Reporting services Mandatory I I C,I A,R C C Central Messaging Klaas Wim Barneveld Mike Manning

- Signed SLA (Internal) Optional C C *A, R I C All project tracks

- Signed SLA (External) Optional C R *A I C GSM
- Operational Runbook Optional I I C *A, R C C I All project tracks
- Go Live Checklist Mandatory I A R C C
- Gateway Solutions Customer Sign Off Mandatory A R C C I Gateway Solutions Rob Daalman Rob Daalman February 2009

- Ex2003 OS/NAV Customer Sign Off Mandatory A R C C I SMTP Enhancement Rob Daalman Rob Daalman completed March 2009

- SMTP Customer Sign Off Mandatory A R C C I SMTP Enhancement Rob Daalman Rob Daalman completed Sep-09

- Antivirus Selection Vote & Close Mandatory A R C C I Antivius Mike Manning Mike Manning not started
- Outsourcing RFIs Mandatory A R C C I Outsourcing RFI Rita Dunphy Michael Dielissen completed February 2010
- Customer Sign Off Mandatory A R C C I

- Issue Migration Optional I A *R I I All project tracks

- Post Project Review Mandatory I I A, R C C I
Project Management - Ongoing
- Status Reports Mandatory I I A, R C C I I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing
- Issue Log Mandatory I A R C C I I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing
- Risk Log Mandatory I A R C C I I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing
- Project Change Requests Mandatory I A R C C I I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing
- Deliverable Checklist Mandatory A R C I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing
- Document / Collaboration Mgmt Mandatory I A R C C I I All project tracks Martijn Veltema Martijn Veltema ongoing

* Reqirement: Mandatory = The deliverable is a MUST for all projects. Optional = This deliverable is situational, but if it deemed important
for a project, it should still be mandatory for that project.
** Check the Track Name column for the specific track

Filename: 55131976.xls, GPLC Printed Date: 04/05/2011

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