STAT15S - PSPP: Exercise Using PSPP To Explore Multiple Linear Regression
STAT15S - PSPP: Exercise Using PSPP To Explore Multiple Linear Regression
STAT15S - PSPP: Exercise Using PSPP To Explore Multiple Linear Regression
Author: Ed Nelson
Department of Sociology M/S SS97
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740
Goals of Exercise
The goal of this exercise is to introduce multiple linear regression. The exercise also gives you practice
We’re going to use the General Social Survey (GSS) for this exercise. The GSS is a national probability
sample of adults in the United States conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). The
GSS started in 1972 and has been an annual or biannual survey ever since. For this exercise we’re going
to use a subset of the 2014 GSS. Your instructor will tell you how to access this data set which is
called gss14_subset_for_classes_STATISTICS_pspp.sav.
In the previous exercise (STAT14S_pspp) we considered linear regression for one independent and one
dependent variable which is often referred to as bivariate linear regression. Multiple linear regression
expands the analysis to include multiple independent variables. In the first part of this exercise we’re
going to focus on two independent variables. Then we’re going to add a third independent variable into
the analysis. An important assumption is that “the dependent variable is seen as a linear function of more
than one independent variable.” (Colin Lewis-Beck and Michael Lewis-Beck, Applied Regression – An
Introduction, Sage Publications, 2015, p. 55)
In the last exercise we used tv1_tvhours as our dependent variable which refers to the number of hours
that the respondent watches television per day. In other words, we want to understand why some people
watch more television than others. We found that age was positively related to television viewing and
father’s education was negatively related. Older respondents tended to watch more television and
respondents whose fathers had more education tended to watch less television.
Let’s start by using FREQUENCIES to get the frequency distribution for tv1_tvhours. In the previous
exercise we discussed outliers and noted that there are a few individuals (i.e., 14) who watched a lot of
television which we defined as 14 or more hours per day. We also noted that outliers can affect our
statistical analysis so we decided to remove these outliers from our analysis.
PSPP will list the variables and you will select those variables you want to use. PSPP lists the variables
using the variable labels. However, it’s easier to find the variables if they are listed by variable names.
You can change the way PSPP lists the variables by right clicking anywhere on the list of variables and
selecting “Prefer variable labels” and that will list the variables by name. However, you will have to do this
each time you encounter a list of variables. There is no way to do this permanently.
To remove these outliers you will have to create a PSPP syntax file and then execute the file. Click on
“File” in the menu bar and then on “New” and then on “Syntax.” This will open a blank syntax file. In the
syntax file enter the following command. You can do this by cutting and pasting this command into
the PSPP syntax file. Once you have done this click on “Run” in the menu bar and then click on “All.”
Note that you have permanently removed these cases from your data file for this exercise. So when you
complete this exercise do NOT save the data file because you will want to use the entire data set for
future exercises.
To see your output click on the PSPP icon at the bottom of your screen (i.e., looks like a red circle with a
blue cutout at the top). This will open the output window where you will see your results.
Now use FREQUENCIES again to get the frequency distribution for tv1_tvhours and make sure that you
correctly removed the outlines. You should not see any cases with more than 13 hours.
In bivariate linear regression we have one independent and one dependent variable. So we are trying to
find the straight line that best fits the data points in a two-dimensional space. With two independent and
one dependent variable we have a three-dimensional space. So now we’re trying to find the plane that
best fits the data points in this three-dimensional space.
With two independent variables our regression equation for predicting Y is a + b1X1 + b2X2 where a is the
constant, b1 and b2 are the unstandardized multiple regression coefficients, and X1 and X2 are the
independent variables. As with bivariate linear regression we want to minimize error where error is the
difference between the observed values and the predicted values based on our regression equation. It
turns out that minimizing the sum of the error terms doesn’t work since positive error will cancel out
negative error so we minimize the sum of the squared error terms.[1]
The regression equation will contain the values of a, b1, and b2 that minimize the sum of the squared
errors. There are formulas for computing these coefficients but usually we leave it to PSPP to carry out
the calculations.
Click on “Analyze” in the menu bar of PSPP and then click on “Regression” which will open another
dropdown menu. Click on “Linear” in the menu. Your dependent variable will be tv1_tvhours. In the
previous exercise we ran two bivariate linear regressions – one with tv1_tvhours and d1_age and a
second with tv1_tvhours and d24_paeduc. In this exercise we’re going to use both independent variables
simultaneously. Enter both d1_age and d24_paeduc as your independent variables and click on “OK.”
The first box lists the variables you entered and reminds you which is your dependent variable.
The second box tells you the value of the Pearson Multiple Correlation Coefficient (R) and the
Squared Multiple Correlation (R2) which is usually referred to as the Coefficient of Determination. How
does this differ from the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) and r squared. The Multiple R squared tells
us that d1_age and d24_paeduc together explain or account for 8% of the total variation in the number
of hours per day that respondents watch television. In the previous exercise we saw that d1_age by
itself explained 4% of the variation in tv1_tvhours and that d24_paeduc by itself explained 5%. Why
can’t we just add 4% and 5% and say that 9% of the total variation is explained by these two variables
together. We see from the PSPP output that this is not true. In fact, 8% of the total variation is
explained by these two variables together. Why is that? It’s because the variation explained by these
two independent variables overlap and because of this overlap they only account for 8% of the total
variation in the dependent variable.
The second box also gives us the Adjusted R squared which “takes into account the number of
independent variables relative to the number of observations.” (George W. Bohrnstedt and
David Knoke, Statistics for Social Data Analysis, 1994, F.E. Peacock Publishers, p. 293) The
standard error is an estimate of the amount of sampling error for this statistic.
The third box is the analysis of variance table that tests the null hypothesis that the Squared
Multiple R in the population is 0. In this example we reject the null hypothesis since the significance
value is less than .05 (or whatever level of significance you’re using which is usually .05 or .01 or .
001). This means that age and father’s education together explain more than 0 percent of the
Recall that the equation for predicting Y is a + b1X1 + b2X2. The fourth box gives you more
o The constant (a) is 2.70.
o The unstandardized multiple regression coefficient (b1) for d1_age is .02. This means
that an increase of one unit in d1_age results in an average increase of .02 units in tv1_tvhours after
statistically adjusting for d24_paeduc. Or, to put this in more easily understood terms, an increase of
one year in the respondent’s age results in an average increase of .02 hours of television viewing
after statistically adjusting for father’s education.
o The unstandardized multiple regression coefficient (b2) for d24_paeduc is -.08. This
means that an increase of one unit in d24_paeduc results in an average decrease of -.08 units in
tv1_tvhours after statistically adjusting for d1_age. Or, to put it another way, an increase of one year
in the father’s education results in an average decrease of .08 hours of television viewing after
statistically adjusting for the respondent’s age.
o So what does it mean to statistically adjust for something? Suffice it to say that it means
that b1 tells us the effect of X1 on the dependent variable after taking into account the other
independent variables (i.e., in this case X2). The other regression coefficient, b2, would be similarly
o The standard error of these coefficients which is an estimate of the amount of sampling
o The standardized multiple regression coefficients (often referred to as Beta). You can’t
compare the unstandardized multiple regression coefficients (b1 and b2) because they have different
units of measurement. One year of age is not the same thing as one year of education. The
standardized multiple regression coefficients (Beta) are directly comparable. You can see that the
Beta for d24_paeduc is -.18 and for d1_age is .17 which means that father’s education is slightly
more important in predicting hours of television viewing than is age.
o The t test which tests the null hypotheses that the population constant
and population multiple regression coefficients are equal to 0.
o The significance value for each test. As you can see, in this example we reject all three
null hypotheses. However, we’re usually only interested in the t test for the population multiple
regression coefficients.
So our multiple regression equation for predicting Y is 2.700 + .02X1 - .08X2. Thus for a person that is 20
years old and whose father completed 12 years of school, the predicted number of hours that he or she
watches television 2.700 + (.02) (20) - .08 (12) or 2.700 + 0.4 – 0.96 or 2.14 hours.
It’s important to keep in mind that everything we have done assumes that our dependent variable is a
“linear function of more than one independent variable.” (Colin Lewis-Beck and Michael Lewis-
Beck, Applied Regression – An Introduction, Sage Publications, 2015, p. 55)
Use the same dependent variable, tv1_tvhours, but this time add d4_educ to your list of independent
variables. Now you will have three independent variables – d1_age, d24_paeduc, and d4_educ. The
variable d4_educ is the years of school completed by the respondent. Use PSPP to get the regression
Multicollinearity occurs when the independent variables are highly correlated with each other. If one of
your independent variables is a perfect linear function of the other independent variables, then you would
not be able to determine the regression coefficients. But this is not typical. What is more likely is that
some of the independent variables might explain a large portion of the variation in another independent
variable. For example, in Part 3 what if father’s education and age explained a very large portion of the
variation in respondent’s education? Then you would have high multicollinearity. The problem that
multicollinearity creates is that it tends to make your regression coefficients less reliable. The standard
errors of the regression coefficients increase which makes it harder to reject the null hypothesis in your t
There are several ways to determine if multicollinearity is a problem in your analysis. You can start by
looking at the Pearson Correlation matrix for your independent variables.
Use BIVARIATE CORRELATION in PSPP to get the bivariate Pearson Correlation matrix for the three
independent variables you used in Part 3 – d1_age, d24_paeduc, and d4_educ. If any of these
correlations is really high, then you would have a problem but in this example it doesn’t appear that is the
case. There are other ways to detect multicollinearity but for this exercise we’ll stop here.