CC 2 Multiple Regression 0
CC 2 Multiple Regression 0
CC 2 Multiple Regression 0
At the start
Log on to the University Network. Go to WebCT and get the Word Document CC 2 Multiple Regression and save
this to your Z Drive as CC2 Report. While you are there upload a copy of the statistical tables as we will use these
later. To Launch Eviews 7.0 go to the Start menu and follow links from All Programs/UoN Software/_School
Economics/Eviews 7.0. We are going to use the workfile that we saved in your Z: Drive at the end of last week so
go to the File menu/Open/Eviews Workfile to obtain it. A copy is also available on ‘Public on
‘Apps2\Apps2\Sys’ (Y:)/Eviews Data/L12306/bwght1.wf1 When the workfile has been loaded it will appear
on the screen. Click and drag it to expand it across the screen beneath the command line.
The Model
Health specialists suggest that birthweight (a measure of a baby’s health) is determined by a wide range of
biological, social and economic factors. Among these are the income of the family in to which the baby is born
(faminc), the birth order of the child (order) and the smoking habits of the mother during pregnancy (cigs).
Today we will estimate a regression model using these variables. We will suspend reality for the moment and
assume that these are the only variables that affect birthweight. Clearly, this is untrue (so we are likely to violating
MLR4 of the CLM, the other variables in the workfile are other potentially important factors that you could explore
in your own time). For simplicity we’ll formulate the model of birthweight as:
Data Description
Click on Details+/- to get a description of each of the variables in the workfile. Click on each of the four objects
(birthweight, cigs faminc, order) in turn. Graph the variables and familiarise yourself with what the data
actually mean, making sure you understand the units each is measured in. Select all four at the same time (with the
control key) and click View/Open Selected/One Window/Open Group. Having got the four series together go to
View/Descriptive statistics/Common sample to see summary statistics. Name this group Key_variables
with the description Variables used in Equation 1,. Copy the table and paste it below.
Computer Class 2: Multiple Regression
We will also create a permanent record of the results from this equation, that we can return to later, so with the
results open as the active window, click Name and call it Equation_1 with the description:
To get a description of the model in equation form rather than as a table double click on the Latest _Equation
Object, click on View and select Representation. Also note that an alternative way of exporting results in to a Word
document is simply to use Select All and Copy with the results in the active window..
Note that in the list of objects in the workfile these two objects have the equation icon. We could have saved
the results as a table by clicking on Freeze and then naming it. This produces a fixed record (graph, table etc) with
the icon. Objects with the icon are probably more useful as they allow you to change the view (output,
graph etc) whereas icons cannot be viewed as anything else.
(ii) Explain in words the literal interpretation of each coefficient that has been estimated? Do the signs
concur with your a priori expectations?
(iii) Test the null hypothesis of ‘no relationship’ for each coefficient using the t statistics
(v) Interpret the standard error of the regression, R 2 and the F statistic for the significance of the
regression from this model.
Computer Class 2: Multiple Regression
Conducting F tests
We have already used the F test to calculate the ‘the significance of the regression’, which in our case was a test of
the joint null hypothesis .that H 0 : β1 =β2 =β3 =0 against the alternative that at least one of the coefficients is
different from zero. This is such a common use of the F test that it is reported automatically as in the regression
output here. However, the F test is a very flexible test and can be used in all manner of situations.
Let’s say we want to test the significance of a subset of the variables in a model, for example the income and
cigarette variables i.e. H 0 : β1 =β2 =0, (Given that they are individually significant, they will also be significant as a
group, but we will test them anyway). We could test this null by estimating a (so-called restricted) model in which
the two variables are excluded (by restricting β 1∧β 2 to zero) and comparing the model fit (as given by Sum of
Squared Residuals) with the original unrestricted model. We could form the F statistic of this null hypothesis,
which is distributed as an F variate on q and n-k-1 degrees of freedom if the null is true, i.e.
Large values of the test statistic is evidence against the null (implying that the null is false and the variables are
jointly significant). Rather than calculate the F statistic ‘by hand’ using the SSR from the two models, note that
Eviews computes the F Test automatically. With the Latest_Equation results window active, go to View,
Coefficient Diagnostics/Wald test– coefficient restrictions and type:
Interpret the result from this F test. To make sure that understand what Eviews has done, try calculating the F
statistic manually and compare the result with the F distribution at 5% significance. You should get an identical F
Statistic to that obtained using the automated procedure.
View, Coefficient Diagnostics/Confidence Intervals gives a table of the confidence intervals of the estimate.