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听力文字稿和参考答案 青浦高三 二模 202104 分享

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青浦区 2020 学年高三年级第二次学业质量调研测试

英语学科 试卷

Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end
of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the
questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read
the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question
you have heard.

1. W: I reviewed my lessons for that test for 6 hours and Mary did for 4 hours.
M: I reviewed for twice as much as Mary did.
Q: How long did the man review for the test?
2. W: Hello, Ocean Point Bed &Breakfast. This is Jane speaking. How may I help you?
M: Hello. I’m calling about a booking I made for this weekend from Saturday to Sunday. We
actually want to stay for two nights.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
3. M: See the long lines outside. I’ve just decided to leave work late to beat rush hour traffic.
W: I wish I could do that. I have to pick up my son before the daycare closes.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
4. M: Does the invitation to Tom’s wedding ceremony say anything about clothes?
W: No, it doesn’t. But I’m thinking of wearing a spring dress for this formal occasion.
Q: Why does the woman want to dress formally?
5. M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we’d gone to the school dining hall.
W: But the food isn’t everything. Isn’t it nice just to get away from all the noise?
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
6. M: I just received an e-mail from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, for I hadn’t
heard from him for ages.
W: Well, I’ve been out of touch with most of my old friends. Only one or two still drop me a line
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
7. W: I used my phone to send money to a friend’s bank account. I can’t wait to recommend it to
my parents.
M: That’s why this kind of app is popular. But it took a long time to connect your account.
Q: How does the man like this app?
8. M: When people visit Rome, they throw coins into the Trevi Fountain. Do you know why?
W: The story goes that if you do so, you will return to Rome. But actually they go to help Rome’s
Q: What will people do with the coins in the fountain?
9. W: You know Frank’s appearance seems to be neater these days. I wonder why.
M: Maybe he just decided it was time to turn over a new leaf.
Q: What can be inferred about Frank?
10. M: You look worn out. Are you feeling unwell?
W: Not at all. But I have been in the chemistry lab for five hours.
Q: What does the woman mean?

Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you
will be asked several questions on each of the short passages and the longer conversation. The
short passages and the longer conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken
only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide
which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

The year 2020 has been a crazy one for educators. Hundreds of thousands of teachers across
the globe had to use online platforms to deliver their lessons. Millions of students were stuck at
home doing their lessons via websites. This has created a transformation in education as
technology has taken centre stage. The quality of education differed around the world according to
the quality of Internet connections, the level of preparedness of teachers and their capability of
engaging with the technology. It also depended on what kind of devices students had at home.
Many students couldn’t learn lessons because they had no computer, tablet or smartphone.
The Education Ministry in Malaysia has launched a new initiative to help poor children.
Around 150,000 eligible pupils from 500 schools will receive a device to enable them to
participate in online lessons. The Education Minister hopes to build on the success of this initial
rollout to expand the programme. He said: “Apart from assisting pupils and schools in need, this
pilot project is to find the best implementation method before it is proposed for expansion.” The
plans include enhancing educational television programming for students with no Internet access,
and employing sign language interpreters to help the hard of hearing. A teacher said she was
happy her government was prioritizing students’ needs.

Now listen again, please.

11. What may influence the online education?
12. How many schools may take part in the initiative?
13. What is the passage mainly about?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Mountains taller than 8,000 meters are rare and exceptionally challenging to climb, purely for
the lack of oxygen at such height. Above 8,000 meters, it becomes so difficult to breathers that
climbers call it the “death zone”.
The Himalayas contain all 14 of the world’s 8,000 meter-plus peaks, which are among Nepal,
China, India and Pakistan. Among those, Everest is not only the tallest. It’s also accessible by
hiking for about a week and a half after flying into Lukla. From there, the mountain is loaded with
equipment, including a cell phone tower and local people who fix ropes for Western climbers.
That makes the climb far less technical than it otherwise would be.
One emerging alternative to Everest is K2, the world’s second tallest mountain—at 8,611 m
to Everest’s 8,848 m. But for every four or so people who have climbed up to K2, one person has
died trying.
On Everest, by comparison, the rate of successes to deaths is about 24 to one. K2 is a “loose”
mountain with lots of rock fall and snow slide. Its main route also goes up the east side, making
climbers get affected by incoming storms.

Now listen again, please.

14. Which of the following is TRUE of the Himalayas?
15. Why is K2 more challenging to climb than Everest?
16. What is the passage mainly about?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: Hey John, got any plans for tonight?

M: Hi, Jane. No, I don’t think so. Why? Got any suggestions?
W: In fact, I do. I just got two tickets for the opening of the exhibition of the reprints by Julia
Margaret Cameron. I would have mentioned it earlier, but I was on the waiting list for these tickets
and I wasn’t sure I’d even get them.
M: An exhibition, huh? I like such things. But I don’t know who Julia…
W: Margaret Cameron! She was a photographer in the 1800s. She is interesting to art-historians in
general and students of photography in particular because she…how should I say, kind of changed
the photography.
M: What do you mean?
W: Well, her specialty was portraits and instead of just making a factual record of details like most
photographers did, you know, just capturing what a person looks like. She, like a portrait painter,
was interested in capturing her subject’s personality.
M: Interesting! How did she do that?
W: She invented a number of techniques that affect the picture. One of these things she did was to
make images slightly unclear by using a soft focus on the subject. That’s pretty common now.
M: Yeah, seen that. Who did she photograph?
W: Famous people of her day, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Charles
Darwin, I don’t know who else. We’ll see at the exhibition.
M: You really pick my curiosity. I am going to enjoy this.

Now listen again, please.

17. What is the conversation mainly about?
18. What did Julia Margaret Cameron emphasize about the subject?
19. According to the conversation, how did Julia Margaret Cameron’s picture look?
20. Why didn’t Jane invite John earlier?

That’s the end of listening comprehension. 听力部分到此结束。

青浦区 2020 学年高三年级第二次学业质量调研测试
英语学科 试卷
I. Listening Comprehension
1-5 ADCBD 6-10 DBBCC 11-13 CAD 14-16 DCC 17-20 ABDC

21. that/which 22. being understood 23. despite 24. that
25. to make 26. but 27. can 28. younger
29. before 30. have demonstrated

31-40 I A K B G C J E H D

56-59 CDBA
60-62 BCB
63-66 CCDA
67-70 FDBA

IV. Summary writing

Endurance sports do harm to people for the high demand. First, extreme sports like marathon and
cross-country skiing tend to cause damage to human organs. Second, drinking too much water
while working out may result in health risk. Finally, excessive exercise may pose threat to life.
Thus, Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health. (54 words)

V. Translation
72. Rainy days add more appeal to the scenery around us.
73. With the flu not completely under control, many netizens are giving a like / thumb(s)-up /
thumb(s) up (in praise) to the human-based/humanized management of the local government.
74. As is planned / As planned, a number of literary and artistic works that encourage students to
inherit the revolutionary tradition will be performed in different colleges and universities
75. Everyone has come to an agreement that a noble personality as well as a strong body and a
sharp mind is one of the requirements that young people today should meet to become talents.

VI. Guided writing(略)


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