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Health Safety and Environmental Management Plan - C01

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The document outlines a health, safety and environmental management plan for preparatory works and mobilization phase of the Akhalkalaki Hydro Power Plant Project in Georgia. It details the objectives, roles, risks, and mitigation measures.

The purpose of the document is to establish a framework for managing health, safety and environmental issues during the preparatory works and mobilization phase of the project (Section 1.1).

The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of the project manager, site manager, HSE site manager, HSE site supervisor/foremen, and workers (Section 2).





Infra Construction – TK Group LLC

Akhalkalaki Hydro Power Plant Project

Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan for

Preparatory works mobilization phase

This document is a controlled Document. Any changes to this document must be review and approve prior to use
and issue. Any documents not approved in this manner will be uncontrolled.

04 06/10/20 Approved for Construction SB IR VJ

03 30/09/20 Review and Approval SB IR VJ

02 18/09/20 Review and Approval SB IR VJ

01 31/08/20 Review and Approval SB IR VJ

Rev Date Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved Reviewed Approved Issue

Notes Disc. Eng. Snr Eng Proj. Mngr Disc. Eng. Proj. Eng Proj Mngr

Contract Disc Doc Sequence Rev

Area Code
Code Type Number No.

ICTK AKH10 HS PLN 0013 C01

Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Health, Safety and Environmental

Management Plan for preparatory works
mobilization phase

Infra Construction – TK Group LLC

Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Objectives..............................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Work description....................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Health and Occupational Safety System................................................................................................8
1.5 Laws and Regulations.............................................................................................................................8
1.6 HSE Policy...............................................................................................................................................9
2 Roles and Responsibilities............................................................................................................................10
2.1 Project Manager..................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Site manager........................................................................................................................................12
2.3 HSE Site Manager.................................................................................................................................13
2.4 HSE Site Supervisor and Foremen........................................................................................................15
2.5 Workers...............................................................................................................................................16
3 Risk Management........................................................................................................................................17
3.1 Risk assessment steps and methodology.............................................................................................17
3.2 Training and Instructions.....................................................................................................................18
3.3 General safety rules.............................................................................................................................18
4 Hazards related to construction site............................................................................................................20
4.1 Staff moving on the site.......................................................................................................................20
4.2 Moving and operating heavy technic on the work site........................................................................20
4.3 Excavation and soil works....................................................................................................................20
4.4 Steel and rebar fabrication and reinforcement works.........................................................................21
4.5 Formwork Installation and Concrete Pouring......................................................................................21
4.6 Electricity hazards................................................................................................................................21
4.7 Dangers associated with the use of hand tools....................................................................................22
4.8 Cargo handling.....................................................................................................................................22
4.9 Working at heights...............................................................................................................................23
4.10 Chemical hazards.................................................................................................................................23
4.11 Biological hazards.................................................................................................................................24
4.12 Extreme temperature..........................................................................................................................24
4.13 Waste generation and cleanliness.......................................................................................................24
4.14 Material management and storage......................................................................................................24
4.15 Covid-19...............................................................................................................................................25
5 Personal protective equipment...................................................................................................................26
6 Emergency situations and fire safety...........................................................................................................26

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7 First Aid........................................................................................................................................................26
8 Reporting / accounting on health and labor safety issues...........................................................................26
9 Accounting and reporting of dangerous incidents.......................................................................................27
Attachment 1: Risk assessment and register.......................................................................................................28

pg. 2

Abbreviations Definition

Accident Incident which has given rise to injury, ill health, fatality or damage to the
environment or to property

Agricultural area Area used for growing crops commercially (including areas temporarily out of
use); excludes land used exclusively for grazing

Client “AIS” LLC

Constraints Site condition (social, geographic or environmental) that could result in

potentially higher impact from Project activities. The areas identified as having
constraints should be avoided or mitigation measures applied.

Contractor “Infra Construction – TK Group” LLC

Corrective action Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non conformity or another
undesirable situation

Emergency Any departure from normal operating procedures which leads to situations that
pose a danger to people, the environment and property

Engineer “AIS” LLC

Environment Surroundings in which an organization operates including air, water, land,

natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation

Environmental An element of an organization’s activities, products or services that may interact

aspect with the environment

Environmental Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, whole or partially
impact resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects

Incident Work related event because of which an injury, ill health (regardless the
severity), fatality, or damage to the environment or to property occurred, or could
have occurred

Interested party Person or group, in or out of the workplace, concerned with or affected by the
HS and ES performance of an organization

Non conformity Non fulfillment of a specified requirement

Prevention of Use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control
pollution pollution, which may include recycling, treatment, process changes, control
mechanisms, efficient use of resources and material substitution

Project E&S A competent E&S Manager appointed by the Ecological Management

Manager CONTRACTOR to supervise and implement ecological surveys and
implementation of mitigation measures

Record Document providing evidence of activities performed

Red Data Book The IUCN maintains a global list of threatened species, published as the Red

pg. 3
Data Book. Red Data Book species are classified into different categories of
perceived risk. The Georgian Red Data Book deals with a specific group of
animals or plants (for instance, reptiles, insects or mosses).

Reinstatement The process of restoring the area to its prior state after pipeline laying (includes
installation of erosion control measures, replacement of topsoil, topography,
fences, etc. and preliminary seeding, to all disturbed areas associated with the
construction of the pipeline or pipeline facilities after their installation)Note the re-
instatement of vegetative cover and species diversity beyond the CONTRACT
warranty period is not included in this definition (see bio-restoration)

Seeding Initial seeding required to obtain Erosion Class 3, restore vegetative cover and
return areas to the condition which is visually similar to the surrounding area
during the CONTRACT Maintenance Period

Severity A statistical term used to define the degree of impact.

Site Operating base for performing the work

Staff A group of one or more people who do some work physically or through
equipment / machinery.

Supervision Control of working personnel in labor safety and environmental issues, carried
out by one or more persons group

Third party Private individual, enterprise or state organization, i.e. any person or
organization which is not the Client or Contractor

Third party land Land outside the RoW and other areas occupied by the Project for temporary
construction support or permanent facilities

Top soil Top soil is the top layer of soil on the surface which is suitable for sustaining
agriculture or natural vegetation growth

Vehicle Includes passenger vehicles, goods vehicles and tracked or wheeled plant and

Waste Materials produced during operational activities which are of no use or value to
the process that generated them

Workplace Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under the
control of the organization

Works Means the permanent works and the temporary works or either of them as
appropriate or, when the context so requires, any part thereof

Abbreviations Description

ASL Above Sea Level

CA Corrective Action

EHS Environmental, Health and Safety

EM Environment Manager

pg. 4
EMP Environmental Management Plan

EMS Environmental Management System

ES Environment and Social

ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans

HPP Hydro Power Plant

HS Health and Safety

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

HSM Health and Safety Manager

HSS Health Safety and Security

IAS Invasive Alien Species

IUCN The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
(also known as the IUCN Red List or Red Data List), founded in 1963, is the world's most
comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of biological species. The IUCN Red List
Assesses the extinction risk of species.
KP Kilometer Point

MHLSA Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs of Georgia

MoENV Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia

MoEPA Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NC Non-conformity

NCR Non-conformity report

PA Preventive Action

PM Project Manager

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

RoW Right of Way

SM Site Manager

SoW Scope of Work

WCP Waste Collection Point

pg. 5
1 Introduction
The present HSE Management Plan is an integral part of the Health and Safety and Environmental
Management System that has been developed to address the Health and Safety and the
environmental requirements of the Construction Project of Akhalkalaki HPPs which will be
implemented by the “Infra Construction – TK Group” LLC (9.1 MW installed capacity, including:
installed capacity of Akhalkalaki HPP 1 is 7.5 MW and installed capacity of Akhalkalaki HPP 2 is 1.6
MW). This particular revision is developed with emphasis to mobilization and preparatory works which
are necessary to be completed prior of commencement of the Main construction activities. Therefore,
this document presents the live document which shall be updated as project progresses.
Akhalkalaki HPP construction project is planned in Samtskhe-Javakheti region, on the territory of
Akhalkalaki Municipality.
Akhalkalaki 1 HPP will be constructed on Paravani River section between 1616 m and 1555 m
altitudes, and Akhalkalaki 2 HPP will be constructed on Korkhi River section between 1627.5 m and
1555.4 m altitudes.
This HSE Plan is a flexible document that is reviewed on periodically basis and is amended where
necessary changes are identified. Additionally, amendments will be incorporated if and when any
Project changes or other information requires inclusion. Any proposed amendments to this Plan will
be submitted to AIS LLC for approval prior to issue.

Figure 1-1: Layout Scheme of Akhalkalaki HPP

1.1 Purpose
The main objective of Project Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Plan is to provide
an overview of the structured approach to be used in the prevention and minimization of occupational
health, safety and environmental risks. This structured approach will also help to prevent unsafe acts

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and conditions, to eliminate the harmful physical and chemical working environment conditions and to
improve occupational health, safety and environmental awareness.
This Project HSE Management Plan applies to all activities associated with the Akhalkalaki 1 & 2
HPP, being undertaken by IC TK Group.
The Project HSE Management Plan has been prepared as per project HSE specifications, Georgian
laws, occupational health, safety and environmental legislations, regulations, geographical conditions
of areas, EIA, IFC EHS Guidelines and worker’s accommodation guidelines, ISO 14001 standard
This Project HSE Management Plan illustrates IC TK Group commitment with regard to the health
and safety of all personnel, and avoidance of any impact to the environment while involved in HPP
construction activities for the Akhalkalaki 1 & 2 HPP Project.
The IC TK Group Management team fully endorses the principles outlined in this Plan. IC TK Group
is fully committed to achieving following goals:
 No harm to people;
 No damage to the property; and
 No damage to the environment.
The HSE Management Plan identifies the guidelines for HSE control and shall act as the main
document for the co-ordination of HSE management during site preparation and construction activities
on the project and will be reviewed periodically or as necessary to incorporate changes in
requirements and make suitable provision for later stages of works.
The HSE plan will be supported by processes and procedures identified in the text and appendices of
this plan. Additional procedures will be developed and implemented as required and as work
All deviations to HSE Management Plan, procedures and standards will be subject to deviation
approval process.
The HSE Management Plan is “owned” and approved by the IC TK Group Project Manager. The
circulation and update of this HSE Management Plan is controlled by the HSE Site Manager. The
expectations of the HSE Management Plan will be rolled-out and explained to all project management
and supervision. The content of HSE Management Plan will be cascaded down to the workforce via
induction and trainings.
Regular assurance reviews will be undertaken by the IC TK Group to ensure conformance with the
HSE Management Plan.
IC TK Group Project Manager has overall accountability for implementation of this plan. He will lead
the project staff to ensure implementation and conformance with this HSE Management Plan. The
HSE Site Manager is accountable for providing support to the project staff for effective implementation
of this Plan.

1.2 Objectives
Contractor Project HSE objectives are based on Developer Goals and Contractor’s corporate goals. In
general, the objectives are:
 Maintaining an injury free workplace;
 Promoting personal health and wellbeing;

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 Ensuring a secure workplace;
 Maintaining a continued focus on ensuring a trained and competent workforce;
 Utilizing effective hazard identification and risk assessment as the principle approach to the
prevention of personal injury, occupational illness, damage to assets and the environment;
 Maintaining our Emergency Response arrangements to contain and de-escalate emergency
 Promoting Safety, Health and Environmental management as our prime Developer priority;
 Consolidating and improve our safety, health and environmental performance;
 Develop a culture of reporting with an environment of a “Just Culture”;
 Actively involving everyone in providing a safe and healthy environment through training
information and the general promotion of HSE issues;
 Taking ownership of our HSE responsibilities;
 Demonstrating to Developer the competence and commitment of our employees;
 To be compliant with all Developer requirements relating the HSE.
The input measures will be measured monthly and the outcome will be published in the form of a
matrix reflecting the monthly and cumulative achievements.

1.3 Work description

The construction process includes the following types of work:
 Contractor's camp, offices, parking areas, workshops, warehouses, storages etc.;
 Construction roads, improvements and extension to existing roads;
 Top soil removal and Tree cutting;
 Spoil areas, borrow, quarry and stockpile areas;

1.4 Health and Occupational Safety System

The system is fully based on Georgian legislation and IFC’s Performance Standards and meets all
legal requirements for health, environmental and labor safety regulations. The system and
documentation will be updated periodically, depending on the specification of the work.

1.5 Laws and Regulations

The IC TK Group will carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and in full
compliance with the requirements set by the regulations. The Health, Safety and Environmental Plan
is based on Georgian legislation and regulations:
 Law of Georgia on Labor Safety (Document Number: 4283-IIs)
 Technical regulations on fire safety (Document Number: 370)
 Technical regulations on safety requirements for working at heights (Document Number:

pg. 8
 Rules for risk assessment in the workplace (Order of the Minister of IDPs from the
Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia №01-15/n)
 List of heavy, harmful and hazardous works (Document Number: 381)
 Law of Georgia on Waste Management Code (Document Number: 2994-rs)

1.6 HSE Policy

It is the policy and the main component of the labor culture of the IC TK Group and which will ensure
the health, safety and environmental of each of our employees, as well as subcontractors, clients and
the community where we live and work during all works and activities carried out.
The company will implement and execute a labor safety management system in a way that maximizes
the involvement of each employee in the process, for the effective implementation of safety and
environmental principles, so that the company achieves the task of zero harm to staff, community,
property and the environment.
Implement a philosophy of pro-active HSE management with a focus on hazard identification and risk
assessment with the intent of elimination, mitigation or control of deficiencies as the most effective
method of loss control.
All the company's managers and the supervisor are obliged to constantly improve and raise
awareness, in HSE issues among the employees, in order to ensure proper and sustainable use of
environmental resources, and devices/machinery to create a culture in which all employees equally
share responsibility towards the well-being the staff and society in general.
Ensure that all employees, suppliers, sub-contractors involved in contract understand the importance
of both quality, occupational health, safety, security and the protection of the environment in their work
by the provision of suitable systems and controls. The IC TK Group will regularly review the state of
health and safety in the organization through the carrying out of statistics and individual surveys for
the purpose of continuous development.
Policy and plan will be implemented in accordance with Georgian regulations and laws and IFC’s
Performance Standards. Internationally recognized standards, procedures and practices for
strengthening health and occupational safety programs will also be used.

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2 Roles and Responsibilities
The contract is implemented by the AIS LLC and supervised by the same company. The Construction
works are conducted by IC-TK Group. The figure below reflects the structure of the project.
Figure 1: Parties involved in the contract

Client - “AIS” LLC

Consulting Engineers

Contractor – Ltd “Infra

Construction – TK”

Sub-contractors Suppliers

pg. 10
Figure 2: Infra - Tk Group Organization Chart

2.1 Project Manager

The Project Manager will:
 Plan, Organize, Lead and Control the Project Team in the provision of the full range of
contracted activities;
 Ensure that there is a sufficient budget for PPE, Plant and equipment and preventative
maintenance of such;
 Ensure that pre-planning and preparation of work procedures are undertaken in the correct
manner (including sub-contractors);
 Ensure systems are in place, whereby work-related hazards are identified, evaluated, and
controlled, prior to task commencement;
 Ensure appropriate staff (quality and quantity) are utilized for the fulfilment of agreed tasks
and operations in accordance with best practice, and with due regard to HSE issues;
 Ensure that all sub-contractors meet their obligations under national legislation, project
procedures and all conditions set out in contractual documents;
 Discipline those companies not complying with project rules;
 Support and progress the Project HSE Management system, and specifically encourage all
workforces with “Stopping unsafe work” mentality against unsafe acts and conditions;
 Ensure the HSE Plan is implemented throughout the project;

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 Monitor progress towards achieving the objectives and be responsible for making
arrangements to amend HSE Plan to achieve these objectives;
 Ensure security of the site is well maintained;
 Attend HSE Steering meetings, Site HSE meetings and Project HSE Management Review
 Keep abreast of current relevant HSE requirements relevant to Project work;
 With the assistance of the HSE Site Manager, review, collate and analyses HSE
documentation and statistics;
 Develop and comply with their personal safety contract;
 Lead by example to project personnel, in respect of HSE issues;
 Stop any work that is not being done safely, may affect the health of others, or may have an
impact on the environment;
 Convene Incident review panels.

2.2 Site manager

Site Manager will:
 Ensure the practical implementation of the HSE Plan;
 Assist the Project Manager, Construction Engineers and Supervisors in promoting HSE and
providing a safe working environment for all personnel involved in the Project;
 Arrange for the pre-planning and preparation of work procedures where required, including
the involvement of Subcontractors;
 Review resource requirements and monitor HSE performance for subcontractors;
 Full accountability & responsibility for all HSE aspects and performance relating to the
 Keep abreast of current relevant legislation, codes of practice and industry standards, by
working with the project HSE Site Manager;
 Ensure risks are identified, controls are in place and that these controls are assured and
impacting the workface;
 Participate in and promote the ongoing development of effective relationships between all
parties involved in the Project;
 Ensure that Lessons Learned are appropriately considered in the construction of the
 To ensure that workers are trained before using, handling and storing any hazardous
 Encourage all workforces with “Stopping unsafe work” mentality against unsafe acts and
 Assist / support in the investigation of any accident / incident or near miss and make any
arrangements necessary to allow the project / Developer to fulfil its statutory obligations;

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 Lead by example/set a positive example to project personnel, in respect of HSE issues;
 Stop any work that is not being done safely, may affect the health of others, or may have an
impact on the environment;
 Chair the Site HSE Committee Meetings;
 Ensure that suitable and sufficient plant and equipment to be resourced and available for
their activities and that adequate preventative maintenance is carried out;
 Participate in Incident review panels where required;
 Review with HSE Site Manager results from Incidents/Audits and statistics.

2.3 HSE Site Manager

HSE Site Manager will:
 Provide advice, coaching and support to Project Manager and executives in implementing
and monitoring the Project HSE Plan;
 Lead the development of a health and safety culture that delivers excellence in HSE
performance by developing coaching and training plans and supervising the preparation of
materials and delivery of programmes for the Project;
 Maintain the effectiveness and continued development of the Contractor HSE management
system and provide direction and support to its application on the project, its facilities and
 Maintain the Project HSE Plan which should reflect a commitment to achieve the highest
possible international standards;
 Review and update if necessary the HSE Plan at least on a yearly basis;
 Ensure that Project HSE targets and objectives are visible and that Contractors HSE Policy
and Project HSE Procedures are effectively implemented during project;
 Assist and advise the Project Manager, Heads of Departments in meeting the project HSE
 Ensure that all Heads of Departments are conversant with their obligations relating to HSE
in accordance with both the Project HSE Plan and their individual HSE Responsibilities;
 Be aware of all current occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Legislation,
codes of practices and HSE procedures to be operated by Contractor;
 Monitor compliance with the Project HSE Plan and relevant HSE procedures, arrange
regular audits/inspections and prepare detailed reports of site performance. Copies of such
reports and inspections will be sent to Project Manager and HODs;
 Establish a working relationship with Heads of Departments and where appropriate consult
with them on aspects of HSE;
 Ensure an adequate interface with local HSE enforcing authorities and local fire officers, to
ensure compliance with all legislation and approved codes of practice;
 Ensure that all statutory reports are compiled and forwarded to the appropriate

pg. 13
 Where appropriate identify, in conjunction with the Project Manager/Training Department,
any necessary HSE Trainings, and if required assist the Training Department with the
development of training programmes that meet the requirements of the project;
 Examine HSE trends and propose actions to prevent recurrence of incidents, accidents and
near misses;
 Advise Project Management on current and future legislation that may affect the contracted
 Liaise with subcontractor counterparts and attend meetings as required;
 Ensure that the subcontractors adequately audited and are HSE competent and compliant.
Evaluate level of training and briefing required and ensure that the organization on site is
set up to promote and implement safe working practices;
 Establish and participate in regular HSE meetings with Project Management and other
interested parties with respect to safe working;
 Organize the evaluation of potential hazards on new types of equipment or processes, and
assist in the preparation and implementation of new policies and procedures;
 Advise on precautions to take against physical and chemical working environment hazards;
 Participate in the incident investigations as required;
 Manage the collation and analysis of accident, incident and near miss reports and other
HSE information relating to Contractor employees and subcontractors on the project;
 Highlight HSE issues, make recommendations and/or issue instructions (based on reports,
audits and accident analysis) that will be implemented in order that HSE performance may
be enhanced;
 Ensure the maintenance of the Site HSE Induction scheme;
 Identify suitable Contractor HSE personnel for further development, identify training
requirements, and establish a development plan;
 Maintain HSE records;
 Maintain HSE equipment lists concerning HSE Project specifications;
 Monitor and manage the site Medical service, report on continuing performance, and
compliance to agreed standards/procedures;
 Encourage all workforces with “Stopping unsafe work” mentality against unsafe acts and
conditions, and make sure by the Toolbox system that “Stopping unsafe work” is
understood well by all workforces;
 Lead by example/set a positive example to project personnel, in respect of HSE issues;
 Stop any work that is not being done safely, may affect the health of others, or may have an
impact on the environment;
 Collate review and analyse HSE Documents, Statistics and results from Incidents/Audits
with Project manager and Head of Department;
 Participate in Incident Review Panels;
 Regularly review and report to Project management on Action Tracking and advise
specifically regarding any actions that are overdue to ensure close out as soon as possible;

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 Ensure review of monthly statistics.

2.4 HSE Site Supervisor and Foremen

Supervisors and Foremen in charge of work teams have the day-to-day responsibility for HSE within
their area of operations. They will:
 Be familiarized with project HSE Plan, as well as other relevant HSE Plans, Site Emergency
Response Arrangements, site HSE standards and relevant Procedures, and check each
member of their teams understanding;
 Actively participate and contribute personally to the project goals and ensure the
contribution of the personnel under their control;
 Attend training and instruction as identified for their position and HSE Responsibilities;
 Request additional specific HSE training for the employees under their control as required;
 Conduct task risk assessments once they have received training;
 Ensure the hazards associated with the work that they are supervising have been identified
and appropriate controls implemented prior to the start of work;
 Assess the risks involved with the daily tasks, to talk it within the workforce by taking
required precautions;
 Conduct a minimum of one toolbox talk a day, focusing on the hazards and control
measures associated with the task being undertaken, and check the understanding of each
team member;
 Fully comply with permit to work controls and arrangements;
 Actively monitor their team’s compliance to the control measures to ensure work is being
conducted safely;
 Take advice and comply with any instruction given to them by a HSE Advisor and/or
Environmental Advisor in respect to working safely, in a healthy, secure and environmental
compliant manner;
 Implement new working practices that improve the health, safety, security and
environmental factors relevant to their work activities, and take advice from HSE team on
these matters;
 Ensure that personnel under their supervision are competent and adequately trained in the
use of machinery, equipment and processes which they may be required to use and they
are fully aware of any associated or potential hazards;
 Ensure that all personnel under their control wear the appropriate personal protective
equipment in accordance with Contractor policy and requirements, and prior to each shift
commencement ensure that PPE worn by operatives under their control is correct and
 Ensure that potential HSE hazards which cannot be immediately resolved are reported to
their supervisor, line manager or relevant Health & Safety and Environmental teams so
appropriate arrangements can be made to deal with them;
 Ensure good housekeeping is maintained at all work sites, and all tools and equipment are
correctly certified, maintained, and inspected to the required standard;

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 Ensure all personnel under their control are aware of, and understand all actions necessary
in the event of emergency;
 Encourage members of their teams to be open and honest, provide them with clear
instruction on their responsibilities to ensure correct working methods are adopted;
 Not allow the workforce to take shortcuts to benefit progress, or at a cost to safety, and not
put undue pressure on them to achieve progress at cost to safety;
 Report all hazardous conditions, incidents and near misses immediately to their supervisor
and relevant Health & Safety and Environmental team members;
 Lead by example to project personnel, in respect of HSE issues;
 Stop any work that is not being done safely, may affect the health of others, or may have an
impact on the environment;
 Ensure that their personnel are trained and competent to carry out the duties assigned to

2.5 Workers
 Shall perform their activities in compliance with the environmental rules they are made aware
 Contribute with Project Manager, Site Manager, HSE Site Manager and the other subjects
responsible for Health & Safety and environmental protection in the Project in the
implementation of measures and cares to protect the employees’ health and environment;
 Respect all the dispositions given by Project Manager, Site Manager and HSE Site Manager in
terms of health & safety and environmental protection;
 Signal immediately to Site Manager and/or to their Supervisor any deficiency or damage of
tools, equipment, vehicles and plant, as well as any act or condition which may lead to
potential health & safety or environmental impacts they are aware of, striving to eliminate or
reduce situations of immediate danger, in case of emergency, limited to their own skills and
knowledge, and report these dangerous conditions to their Supervisor;
 Participate to training courses organized by the IC TK Group, as well as to all IC TK Group
meetings they are invited to attend;
 Request clarifications to their Supervisor if they have doubts related to any health & safety and
environmental procedure.

pg. 16
3 Risk Management
The most important aspect of the HSE management of the project is the identification of hazards
related to health, safety and environmental aspects, the understanding and evaluation of the hazards
and assessment to establish the magnitude of the risks to the project assets (personnel, equipment,
environment, etc.) and to the others who may be affected by our activities. This process then leads to
the identification of the control measures required to protect company personnel and other parties
from harm during construction activities.
“Risk assessment” is the key tool that is used to facilitate the controls to avoid, minimize or otherwise
mitigate significant health and safety and environmental risks. From the carrying out of risk
assessments, the important issues that must be managed are identified, and appropriate control
measures are selected and implemented.
These measures include:
 Prevention of occupational risks;
 Provision of information to workers;
 Provision of training to workers;
 Organization and means to implement the necessary measures.

A summary of the General Principles of Prevention:

1. Avoiding risks;
2. Evaluating the risks, this cannot be avoided;
3. Combating the risks at source;
4. Adapting the work to the individual, especially as regards:
 The design of workplaces;
 The choice of work equipment;
 The choice of working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to alleviating
monotonous work and work at a predetermined work-rate and to reducing their effect on
5. Adapting to technical progress;
6. Replacing the dangerous by the non-dangerous or less dangerous;
7. Developing a coherent overall prevention policy, which covers:
 Technology;
 Organization of work;
 Working conditions;
 Social relationships;
 The influence of factors relating to the working environment.
8. Giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures;
9. Giving appropriate instructions to employees.

3.1 Risk assessment steps and methodology

Risk Assessment involves five steps:
1. Look for and identify the hazards;
2. Decide who might be harmed and in what circumstances;
3. Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards and decide whether the existing precautions are
adequate or more should be done;

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4. Record the significant findings (Risk assessment form);
5. Review the assessment if there is a significant change or evidence that the original
assessment was inadequate;
6. Risk assessment is prepared by HSE Site Manager.
Risk assessment is presented as an attachment at this plan. (Attachment 1).

3.2 Training and Instructions

Competency of the individual person is determined by the combination of:
 Knowledge, including academic, vocational and other official qualifications;
 Experience doing similar work or job-tasks;
 Training.
A person is deemed competent if his/her education, experience and training is sufficient for satisfactory
performance of work tasks with a thorough understanding of its health and safety hazards and risks, and with
work carried out in full compliance with health, safety and environmental requirements.
Training comprises:
 Information on conditions at the job-site, work activity (e.g. Method Statement), health, safety
and environmental hazards and other relevant considerations related to the job;
 Instructions on how to carry out work, including use of work equipment, working procedures,
health, safety and environmental precautions and other relevant directions;
 Classroom and theoretical training;
 “On-the-job” demonstrations, apprenticeships, trials/exercises and drills.
Training of personnel is managed by Training matrix. This provides the foundation for the training of
personnel, by defining the training requirements for each job role/position. The training subjects
considered are presented in IC TK Group’s training matrix.
Personnel shall be provided with training as defined by the Training Plan free-of-charge and,
wherever practicable, during normal working hours.
All persons are required to participate in training in accordance with the annual Training Plan.

3.3 General safety rules

The safety rules listed below apply to all employees:
 Get to know with the area where he/she will work;
 Before starting work, be sure that you are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment;
 Always check your PPE before starting work. It is not allowed to use damaged equipment;
 Keep the workplace clean. Clean up your work tools. Do not leave garbage after work;
 Staff working in dusty environments should wear appropriate masks, safety glasses and
 Do not enter places with prohibitive signs;

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 Do not cross someone else's work area, especially where heavy technic is operating;
 Do not use equipment that you do not know and that is not inspected;
 Do not approach to the heavy technics unless you are sure that you are seen by the operator;
 Tell your supervisor about dangerous conditions and dangerous circumstances;
 When driving, make sure you know the road you are on. Tell your supervisor about your route;
 Tools and materials should not be left in an unprotected elevated place;
 All openings and holes where a person can get a trauma must be fenced or covered and there
must be a special mark;
 The dining room (if exist) should match the number of staff working. Hygiene standards must
be observed;
 There should be a rest area for staff;
 There should be an adequate amount of drinking water;
 In case of light damage on the body (light wound, scratch), consult a first aid specialist at the
main office of the facility.

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4 Hazards related to construction site
In this section, the general hazards, risks and mitigation measurements will be described which are
related to current project.

4.1 Staff moving on the site

As part of the project, one of the most important issues related to safety is the movement of workers
on foot in the work area, due to the fact that heavy technic works in parallel mode in the area, there
are uneven roads. Also significant threat are potholes and ditches, where there is a risk of falling. In
order for the staff to work and move around the facility safely, the following rules must be followed:
 As far as possible pedestrian paths should be separated from the area of operation of heavy
 Roads should be free from obstacles such as waste, temporary material warehouses and
temporary electrical wiring;
 If electrical wiring intersects pedestrian paths, they should be marked with warning signs, or
with high visibility objects (ribbons) so that they can be easily seen to prevent falling;
 Operators of heavy technics should give pedestrians warning signals if the technics are
crossing a footpath;
 In the case of wet surfaces, staff are required to move carefully to prevent foot slipping and
 Excavations and ditches should be fenced with warning tapes or barricades to ensure that the
shores are fixed.

4.2 Moving and operating heavy technic on the work site

Heavy machinery should be mobilized on the work site so as not to damage the asphalt pavement
near the work area, which means that the heavy equipment will be brought to the site by a lantern and
the equipment will be unloaded on the ground.
In the work area of heavy technic, staff will be restricted or prohibited from moving and working until
the technic has stopped working. Operators of heavy technic are required to issue warning signals if
they notice a person approaching a dangerous area on foot.
In case of intensive traffic, an additional person will be assigned to give stop / move signals to technic
operators and pedestrians with special signs.
If the work surface leaves the ground surface, vehicles will be washed to prevent asphalt from
damage by ground solid waste tires.

4.3 Excavation and soil works

Prior to excavation, the dimensions and volume of the trench should be known in advance. Prior to
excavation work, temporary and structural electrical and hydraulic wiring must be identified, which
may be spread over the land surface but not sufficiently visible to the excavator operator. The edges
of the excavation should be bounded with warning ribbon or barricades. Slopes, terraces or

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reinforcing railings should be made to prevent the walls of the trench from collapsing.
Vibration and noise are generated during the crushing of solid ground and concrete structures with a
pneumatic hammer. The area where the hammer works will produce bullets, which pose a threat to
staff working in the surrounding area. Therefore, during the specific period when the above-mentioned
works are completed, the movement and work of the staff in the surrounding area should be limited.
Also, the work should be done during the part of the day that is allowed to perform noisy work. If the
noise level in the personnel work area exceeds 85db, personal protective equipment must be used.

4.4 Steel and rebar fabrication and reinforcement works

Iron fabrication includes welding and cutting works, as well as special deformation of the special
machine. Due to the specifics of the listed works, there are such dangers as the formation of sparks,
projective particles, hot surfaces, stretched potential energy. There is a risk of burns, bodies injury
and fire. Therefore, hot work should be carried out in a safe environment where there are no
flammable and explosive materials. Staff must have the appropriate personal protective equipment
and the equipment used for the work must not be artificially made and installed. Due to the fire risk,
portable fire extinguishers of the appropriate type should be available to the working group.

4.5 Formwork Installation and Concrete Pouring

Formwork installation is related to electrical hazards, working at height and fallen objects. To avoid
and mitigate accidents during the formwork material preparation and installation, staff will be trained
and supported with proper tools and devices.
Wood material will be fabricated on site to provide necessary sized parts for proper formwork
installation. Prior to commencing the formwork activities, staff will be instructed regarding the hazards
related to use of hand tools and sharp objects.
Equipment with factory made guarding only will be used for formwork installations. Materials will be
lifted safely, according to Lifting Operations procedure.
Concrete pouring is related to chemical hazards which can cause serious work related illness and
injuries. Personnel working on the concrete pouring works will be provided with coveralls or clothing to
cover all the body to prevent contact with hazardous chemicals.
Concrete trucks will be washed on the construction site to avoid environmental pollution.

4.6 Electricity hazards

Temporary and structural electrical equipment and wiring will be provided during the construction and
installation work. Electrical appliances and installations will be used, which, depending on the
specifics, will involve electrical risks, such as electric shock and fire.
To prevent this, electrical equipment and wiring must be installed securely, which means that the
wiring is located in a safe area, in particular:
 Where heavy equipment is not moving and there is no likelihood of underground or overhead
cables being broken and damaged by contact with heavy equipment parts;
 Electrical distributors used for outdoor use must be of the hermetic type to prevent moisture
from entering, which can lead to shortening and electric shock;

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 Electrical wiring, headlights and distributors must be grounded;
 Warning signs should be located next to electric headlights;
 Electrical tools and extensions should be tested by color coding method;
 It is unacceptable to use tools with damaged or broken or tied cables;
 In rainy weather, the use of electrical appliances in the open air should be limited;
 When connecting to electrical equipment distributors, technical specifications for amperage
and voltage must be taken into account by a manufacturer.

4.7 Dangers associated with the use of hand tools

Staff working in the construction process use both mechanical and electric hand tools that have the
potential to cause severe damage to the body in the event of damage or misuse. The basic rules for
using hand tools are:
 Tools should be used for their intended purpose.
 It is not allowed to use damaged (having or not stable / unstable physical condition) tools.
 Tools should be stored in a safe place to prevent damage from external influences and
 Electrical appliances must be manufactured. It is not allowed to use artificially assembled
 Electrical appliances must have factory protection mechanisms.
 Electrical appliances should be stored in a dry and safe environment.

4.8 Cargo handling

Crane installations are used to dismantle, load and move various cargoes to the construction site.
Misaligned crane installations, loaded cargo, movement of a lifted cargo, faulty crane and traction
devices, crane contact with high voltage cables, and incompatibility of cargo weight with crane load
capacity may cause such incidents, which are a serious threat to the health and life of staff and
property and facilities in the surrounding area.
In order for the cargo operation to be performed safely, the following principles must be considered:
 The mobile and static crane unit must be located on a solid surface of the ground;
 The cranes for mobile cranes should be located on a solid surface of the ground and the
pallets should be arranged underneath or on the surface;
 The area covered by the cargo operation should be barricaded so that pedestrians will not
 Hooks, earrings, cranes and belts must be in full and in good condition;
 Adjacent temporary and structural electrical cables should be identified to prevent contact with
 The cargo place should be cleaned and ready to place the object;
 For communication between the crane operator and the loader / loader, hand-displayed signs

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must be used, or if there is a large distance - radio transmitters;
 The center of gravity of the object must be taken into account when attaching the lifting object;
 It is not allowed to carry the cargo in the area where people are moving or working; In
populated areas and road sections;
 It is not allowed to stand under the load;
 Lifting loads should be managed remotely, with support ropes;
 Weather conditions and wind speed should be taken into account (allowed speed up to 12.8 m
/ s).

4.9 Working at heights

Falling from a height is one of the major risk factors on construction sites. In order to prevent incidents
related to work at heights, the working group and the construction site must be equipped with
equipment to protect against falling from a height. This includes personal and collective means of
protection, such as - belts fitted around the body with straps; Clamps, scaffolding and railings
attached to solid anchors.
The requirements of the Government of Georgia No: 477 provided for in the technical regulations shall
be taken into account when carrying out works at heights.
Edge protections should be set up at all stores and balconies at a maximally early period of the work.
Railings should be of solid material (iron, wood) and have the following details:
 Upper railing (common parking space at a height of 90-120 cm from the surface);
 Intermediate railing (located 50-60 cm from the total parking area);
 Lower horizontal pole (a 10 cm high borough designed to prevent objects from falling from a
Fall protection products must be factory-made (protective belts, pull-out ropes and hooks). It is not
allowed to use handmade equipment. Clinging ropes shall be installed on solid anchors and shall be
inspected by test weight before use.
It is not allowed to be performed alone by one person at height. There must be one or more additional
members of the working group on site. In case of falling from the edge of the worker and hanging it on
the support belt with a seat belt, it should be possible to remove / remove it safely for an average of 4-
6 minutes.
Work platforms such as static, removable and hanging - should be inspected by a specialist before

4.10 Chemical hazards

Consumption of materials such as paints, concrete and various paving materials should take into
account the risks of contact with chemicals. Various diseases can be caused by chemicals entering
the body, swallowing or inhaling.
The manufacturer must provide information on safety precautions for certain chemicals. During the
instruction, the staff should be informed about their safe consumption and in case of contact with the
acceptable measures.

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Chemicals should be stored in an isolated and safe place where there is no likelihood of damage to
their storage. The storage area should be shaded and protected from the sun.

4.11 Biological hazards

Insects and reptiles pose one of the most serious health risks. Working personnel should be careful in
areas where materials are stored and remain unchanged for a long time. There are frequent cases of
reptile nesting under containers and materials warehouses where there is physical space to access
them. Working staff might get in touch to physical objects when approaching a risky area to alert
Prior to the commencement of the works, the places where insect nests are fixed the staff should be
warned about this. This should be identified during the inspection of the facility.
If a reptile bites a working person, the victim should be taken to a hospital immediately by ambulance.

4.12 Extreme temperature

Staff who work outdoors during the hot season of the year are at the risk of heat-related illnesses. In
order to avoid diseases caused by high temperatures, it is necessary to provide the work site with a
cool and shady shelter. The working group should rest regularly when working at high temperatures.
The work area should be provided with drinking water to prevent dehydration. Working staff should
wear season-appropriate cool clothing.

4.13 Waste generation and cleanliness

Inert (construction and soil waste), household and hazardous waste should be managed in
accordance with state regulations and Topsoil management plan. Waste generated at the
construction site must be disposed of in a timely and safe manner at the destination (waste disposal
areas). There is a high probability that the following dangers will arise at the unclean facility:
 Suppression of pedestrian and evacuation routes;
 Dangers of falling and tripping;
 Waste, as sharp forms as possible (wire waste, nail planks);
 Oil and chemical waste that could locally contaminate soil and air.
There is currently no separate working group in the company that will sort the facility completely.
Therefore, it is the responsibility for all employees to sort the waste generated by their work, except
for the inert waste, for the collection and disposal of which heavy technic is used.

4.14 Material management and storage

Listed below are the safety procedures that must be followed for the safe transportation and storage
of materials. Those rules should be considered with all representatives of the facility staff who have
direct contact with the transport, layout and consumption of materials:
 Never overload and use equipment / devices to carry weights that are not intended for them
(depending on the volume of the load crane).
 Allocate a special area to accommodate large volumes of cargo so that it is should not restrict

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the evacuation route and the movement of work equipment.
 Do not stack materials on top of each other in a way that the object with less density and mass
is standing / lying on the object of less density and mass.
 Resistance to the gravity of the surface / platform must be taken into account when storing
 Do not stack materials on top of each other in such a way that the height of the layout is
formed, during which the probability of collapse of the stored materials increases.
 If the cylindrical objects are placed in a horizontal shape, the object must be installed at the
base (at the bottom) to protect against rolling.
 It is not allowed to place lubricants and fuel in the open air. They should be placed in a safe
place where no high temperature can be generated by sunlight and there is no possibility of
unforeseen physical action on them.
 Flammable materials should be stored at a safe distance from the area where hot work is
being carried out to avoid spreading flames.

4.15 Covid-19
When working in the construction industry, the following tips can help reduce the risk of exposure to
the coronavirus and all recommendations issued by the Government will be strictly followed:
 Encourage workers to stay home if they are sick;
 State requirements and regulations shall be strictly followed;
 Allow workers to wear masks over their nose and mouth to prevent them from spreading the
 Continue to use other normal control measures, including personal protective equipment
(PPE), necessary to protect workers from other job hazards associated with construction
 Advise workers to avoid physical contact with others and direct employees/contractors/visitors
to increase personal space to at least six feet, where possible. Where work trailers are used,
all workers should maintain social distancing while inside the trailers;
 Train workers how to properly put on, use/wear, and take off protective clothing and
 Encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes;
 Promote personal hygiene. If workers do not have immediate access to soap and water for
handwashing, provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol;
 Use Environmental Protection Agency-approved cleaning chemicals from List N or that have
label claims against the coronavirus;
 To the extent tools or equipment must be shared, provide and instruct workers to use alcohol
based wipes to clean tools before and after use. When cleaning tools and equipment, workers
should consult manufacturer recommendations for proper cleaning techniques and restrictions;
 Keep in-person meetings (including toolbox talks and safety meetings) as short as possible,
limit the number of workers in attendance, and use social distancing practices;

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 Clean and disinfect portable jobsite toilets regularly. Hand sanitizer dispensers should be filled
regularly. Frequently-touched items (i.e., door pulls and toilet seats) should be disinfected;
 Encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns.

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5 Personal protective equipment
To reduce such risks, which cannot be prevented by neutralization, replacement, administrative and
engineering control methods, personal protective equipment is used. PPE Transferred to all
Mandatory personal protective equipment:
 Helmets for self-defense;
 Glasses for eye protection;
 Shoes with metal elements (front of iron);
 High visibility vests.
Special personal protective equipment will be used when performing specific tasks when the use of
standard / mandatory PPEs is not sufficient. these are:
 Refractory and temperature-resistant gloves during welding working;
 The plastic shield of the face which is completed for protection when performing wound work,
which is completed with a rotary cutting disc tool;
 Ear plugs when working in areas where noise levels exceed the allowed.

6 Emergency situations and fire safety

The work carries out the risks of fire and accidents. The purpose of the IC TK Group is to reduce the
harmful effects on working staff and the environment, in emergencies such as fires, earthquakes,
floods, health damage and more. The company will prepare a plan for emergency action.
During hot work and in the event of an accident caused by a malfunction of electrical equipment, there
must be an evacuation plan, a drawing of the evacuation route, a safe area of assembly, and portable
fire extinguishers at the work site.
The evacuation routes must be permanently free from obstacles and the meeting place must be in a
safe place, at the entrance or outside of the facility.

7 First Aid
There should be a first aid kit at the work site. A medical box containing essential medicines and
supplies such as bandages, antiseptic solutions to clean the wound, eye wash station, etc. The
person who has undergone the relevant training has the right to provide first aid.

8 Reporting / accounting on health and labor safety issues

The HSE Site Manager is obliged to record the violations and incompatible conditions identified during
the work processes in order to take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

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The report will be written and the report will provide information to supervisors - the head of
construction, construction / facility manager. The directors of the company should be aware of the risk
The report will be made daily through a special electronic form, which will describe the number of staff
and equipment working, the primary inspection of the facility and its results, will identify dangerous
cases and incidents and environmental issues.

9 Accounting and reporting of dangerous incidents

Dangerous incidents or accidents placed during the work process must be recorded and a database
therefore created and note a notification should be sent to the developer ASAP. There must be a
mean of reporting the facts in writing.
The following information should be indicated at the time of accounting and reporting of accidents or
dangerous incidents:
 Time of the incident / accident;
 People involved in the incident / accident;
 The specific location of the accident;
 Witnesses (if any);
 What type of case occurred;
 What type of health or property damage occurred in the event of the incident;
 In case of damage to health, what type of medical care was provided to the victim.
Development of permanent incapacity for work due to an accident or severe damage to health and /
or the development of temporary incapacity for work for more than 40 calendar days; Death in the
workplace of a person (employee or other person) due to an accident or death within 1 year after the
accident; Injuring 3 or more people due to a mass accident, including 1 serious accident or 1 fatal
accident during which investigation is being conducted by the competent authorities, at which time the
company's representatives are obliged to keep the working space of the accident place protected and
to maintain it in untouched before competent investigative bodies come, except when it is necessary
to take measures to protect the life and health of a person or to avoid serious economic damage. If
the situation at the scene of an accident changes in the workplace to avoid further threat to the life
and health of the person or to avoid serious economic harm, the employer must compile a relevant
description of the situation at the workplace to help investigate the causes of such state.

pg. 28
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Attachment 1: Risk assessment and register

Name and surname of assessor Mose Baghdinovi Position HSE Site Manager Signature:

Name of facility/Company/Site Location: Akhalkalaki 1& 2 HPP Mobilization Date: 03.09.2020

Akhalkalaki 1& 2 HPP
and preparatory works

Task description: Construction of HPP

Head of Company (Name): Signature: Date:

Consequence Probability Consequence

1 = Very Likely To happen 1 = Insignificant
5 5 10 15 20 25 2 = Likely to happen 2 = Low
3 = Possible 3 = Moderate
4 8 12 16 20 4 = Maybe 4 = Serious
4 5 = Defined 5 = Severe
3 3 6 9 12 15
“L” Likelihood X “C” Consequence = “R” Risk Rating
2 2 4 6 8 10
Critical 20-25
1 1 2 3 4 5 Very High 10-16
1 2 3 4 5 High 5-9
Probability Moderate 3-4

pg. 29
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Low 1-2

Consequence 20-25 5 - 16 3-4

Critical Medium Acceptable

Required Measures Work must be halted Procedures and instructions must be provided before work and Work process must be monitored and risks to be
work process must be monitored Risk control measurements mitigated
must be planned and implemented.

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Personnel Working staff Damage to The routes for The residues generated Personnel movement hazards and road HSE Site Manager
movement on and visitors health due to personnel movement during the work process obstacles occurring during construction
site - slip and trip slips and falls will be plain and free of (waste, scrap metal and process, must be observed and detected. During the work process
hazards. (bone obstacles; Excavations etc.) must be gathered Supervisors and managers must be informed and to do induction for all
Unguarded fractures and and pits will be guarded and arranged in the regarding arising risks to prevent them ASAP. new hired stuff.
openings body with hard and soft designated areas.
damage) barriers. Warning signs Additional barriers and
1 2 4 8 2 2 4
will be placed at the warning signs must be
hazardous territories. arranged at the newly
created pits and Hazardous areas (Pits and trenches) will be Construction Supervisor
excavations. Along the guarded with barriers. Pits with depth more than
trenches and pits deeper 2m must be guarded with hard barriers. Prior to
than 2m hard barriers guarding the openings, temporary signs will be
must be provided. arranged

2 Caught in and Personnel, Health and To avoid on site traffic, 3 4 12 During the enter and exit 2 2 4 Working staff and supervisors must be informed HSE Site Manager
collision due to visitors, drivers property there is the possibility of trucks from construction regarding the occurring hazards and issues of
heavy equipment and operators damage. to temporary stop the site, additional person equipment movement to avoid and minimize For newly hired drivers
movement on the at the trucks at the entrance (flagman) must assist risks. and operators.

pg. 30
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

construction site construction of site before another driver to safely move Additional and assisting personnel must be Construction Supervisor
caused by site. one leaves the transport. Drivers and provided (flagman) for safe driving. Cluttered
damaged foundation. Hazardous operators must obtain safe areas (roads) must be cleaned immediately to During the construction
machinery or areas for movement distance from pedestrians, avoid traffic and accidents caused by poor process
incompetent drivers (pits and adjacent adjacent equipment and housekeeping on site.
/ operators. excavations) will be installations; When
barricaded and signed. entering in the city roads,
Drivers and operators flagman must stop the
will have competence road traffic to
(driving licenses) approximately 10 seconds
to let the transport leave
site safely; Pedestrians on
site must walk carefully
and maintain safe Construction Equipment must be in good Construction Supervisor
distance. condition. Hired operators must have sufficient
competency. During the construction

Dump trucks owned by contractor must be in Head of contractor

good condition. Damaged and malfunctioning company
equipment is restricted on site.
During the work process.

3 Works inside Personnel, Serious Underground properties 3 4 12 Construction materials 2 2 4 Excavation walls must be observed for cracks. HSE Site Manager
excavation – visitors and damage to are identified and there must be stored no closer If there are tension cracks, construction
Underground equipment health due to is no existing piping or than 2m to excavation supervisors must be informed to apply Before the excavation
installations; operators. cave-in power lines edges; Heavy equipment engineering solutions to avoid or minimize
Collapse of accidents and underground; Sloped movement is restricted excavation collapse risks. Working staff and
excavation edges/ falls inside entrance and exit is near the edges of supervisors must be instructed for safety tips
walls; Person and excavation. provided for personnel excavation (min 2m during storing materials or moving along the
Material fall inside and equipment; distance must be edges of excavations.
excavation; Electric Excavated ground is obtained); In case of
Backfilling of Shock immediately loaded and accumulation of water
excavation; caused by disposed from inside the excavation,
unidentified foundation; water must be discharged
underground in the

pg. 31
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

power cables; In case of possibility of any excavation wall Site engineer and
damage to collapse, ground must be reinforced physically construction supervisor
underground by ground surface reinforcement, protection grid
properties; arrangement or manual removal of damaged During the excavation
sections prior to automatic collapse; and before backfilling

Storing materials near the edge of excavation

must be restricted. Safe access must be
provided in the excavation;

Electricity and Personnel, Electric Electrical distribution Electric equipment and Electrical equipment must be chosen by quality Construction manager and
use of electric visitors and shock; boards are covered and tools must be checked for and demand on the construction site for supply Electrical Engineer;
equipment – electrical body/skin protected from external damages and defected the enough and appropriate power; Electrical
damaged engineer; burns; Fire physical impact; equipment must be equipment and distribution boards must have Prior to beginning the
electrical cords Warning signs are removed from service and appropriate safety systems; Energy must be construction and during
and cables; placed on the electrical taken for maintenance; isolated during the changes or maintenance in the construction process;
Improper use of boxes; Electric Electric supply network electrical system;
electric tools; Use distribution boards are must not overwhelm by
of electric tools at grounded and high demand electrical Work activities and use of power tools must be HSE Site Manager
the humid/wet supported by automatic tools and equipment; observed and if damage is detected, user of
area; circuit breakers and During the removal or electrical equipment and electrical responsible During work process
leakage current installation of extra person must be informed.
4 detection interrupters; 2 4 8 equipment in the network, 2 2 4
Outdoor electric wires electricity must be
are covered with isolated;
additional insulation
materials (Corrugated
plastic pipes); For
providing electric Working staff must inform supervisors and Working Staff
supply outdoors, electrical engineer about the damaged
special type of equipment and report. Staff is restricted to use During the work process;
extension cords with damaged tools;
hermetic cover caps
are used;

pg. 32
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Severe weather Staff and Health Accommodation areas Weather forecast must be In case of severe weather condition, the order
condition - visitors; issues will be available for checked prior to start must be given about restricting or stopping
Extreme rains and caused by personnel as shelters working activities; The work process; Site must be inspected and HSE Site Manager;
floods; Extremely heat or cold during severe weather items, which can be blown objects, which can be blown away or dropped Construction Supervisor
high or low stress; conditions; Containers and dropped by the wind, by the fast wind, must be fixed; In case of
temperature; Traumas will be equipped with must be tied on the stable emergency, personnel must be evacuated In working process;
Storm; Restriction caused by heating and ventilation structures temporarily; from hazardous areas;
of movement for fallen systems; In the areas, Personnel must wear
personnel and objects; where there is a seasonal working clothing;
equipment; Fallen possibility of flood – In case of extremely cold
5 objects; wide entrance and exit 3 2 6 or hot conditions, work 2 2 4
will be provided for fast must be stopped;
evacuation of
In case of accumulated water in the Construction Supervisor /
excavations, liquid must be discharged and
removed from area to avoid issues during use During the work process;
of electrical equipment;

Manual Handling Working staff Occupational Storage area will be The areas designed for Work process must be observed and staff must HSE Site Manager
– Hazards related diseases clean and accessible storing objects must be be instructed to avoid carrying heavy objects
to carrying heavy caused by for safely storing and free from obstacles and and use mechanical aid. During work process
objects with carrying and taking items; ready for storing objects;
restricted visibility handling Mechanical equipment
heavy used for carrying loads Work place must be supported with mechanical Construction Supervisor
weighted (carts) must be in good
6 objects; 2 3 6 condition; Stuff members 2 2 4 equipment for carrying loads. Mechanical
equipment (e.g. Cranes, loaders, carts must be During work process and
must support each other prior to placing the
in good condition). Storing heavy objects on
and assist when carrying materials
high shelves or weak supports is prohibited.
heavy loads; Load landing areas must be

7 Lifting Operations Working staff Serious Site personnel have 3 3 9 Standing under the lifted 2 2 4 Unauthorized personnel must be removed from HSE Site Manager
– Damaged lifting and visitors; injuries sufficient competency load is prohibited; Cranes the area affected by lifting operations; Violations
equipment; caused by to maintain safety must be arranged on the and unsafe acts/conditions regarding lifting Prior to commencing the
Overweighed loads; heavy object during the operations; plain and stable ground; works must be reported to staff and lifting works.
Improper rigging; hit on the Riggers and crane Outriggers must be supervisors.

pg. 33
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Fallen objects; body by operator will be extended at full length and Equipment used for lifting works must be Construction Supervisor
Contact with power collision or instructed regarding the crane body must be in appropriate to lifted load weights and types; All
lines; Incompetent falling from lifting and load rigging horizontal position; Lifting landing areas for the lifted items must be Prior to start of the lifting
personnel; height; safety. Rigger and area must be isolated with prepared for safe placement of the loads; works
Electric shock crane operator visual barriers to avoid
caused by communication signs unauthorized personnel
contact with will be posted on site. entry; Placing items or collapsible materials (sand, Crane Operator / Prior to
power lines; cement) on the lifted objects is prohibited due to lifting works
Property fall hazards if lifted object is not designed to
damage; carry mentioned types of materials.

Loads must be rigged safely by considering Crane Operator / Prior to

weight center and geometric shape of the lifting works

According to environmental and weather Lifting operator

conditions, lifting work must be restricted or
cancelled. In case of severe weather
and environmental or
equipment issues

Working at height Working staff Severe Warning signs will be The platforms with more Work process must be monitored and staff and HSE Site Manager
– Fall from height, and visitors injuries arranged near the deep than 2m height must be supervisors must be informed regarding non-
fallen objects; caused by fall excavations. guarded with handrails compliance and violations. Proper PPE and During the work process
from height Excavation edges with according to national collective protective equipment must be chosen and when high structures
more than 2m depth regulation (477). On the for project with competent personnel; are erected;
are secured with hard structures, where there is
barriers partially; no possibility to mount
Personnel will be handrails or hard barriers,
trained about WAH and Lifelines or anchors must
8 3 4 12 2 3 6
fall protection PPE be installed and safety
belts (safety harnesses
must be used); Personnel
must wear and equip full Sufficient amount of collective protective Construction Supervisor
body harnesses; equipment (handrails lifelines and etc.) must be
installed in time where needed. During the work process
and when high structures
are erected;

pg. 34
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Company must provide sufficient amount of HSE Site Manager and

PPE and monitor proper use of equipment Construction Supervisor
during work process; During the installation of
fall protection systems, safety harness must be During the work process
used and lanyard must be tied off on the and when high structures
anchorage or stable structure. are erected;

Platforms and fall arresting systems (lifelines, Installers

scaffolds and etc.) must be inspected and
documentation must be kept by HSE or After installation
provided in place by the form of signage (e.g.

9 Bio Hazards – Work Infections, Accommodation areas 3 3 9 Workplaces must be 2 2 4 Staff and supervisors must be informed HSE Site Manager
Poor hygiene, personnel and Diseases and will be cleaned cleaned permanently. regarding lack of hygiene and cleaning
reptiles and visitors allergies periodically by Leaving the doors and resources on site. During work process
insects. employees; All windows unattended is
Pandemics accommodation areas prohibited; Toilets must be
(COVID 19) can be locked with cleaned; Due to pandemic
doors to avoid situation in the world and
accidental enter of also in the country –
unwanted bio agents. workplaces must be
Personnel will be disinfected; personnel Hygiene products must be provided with Project Manager
trained regarding must wear face masks to chemical cleaning materials and hygiene
COVID-19 spread prevent virus from spread; products (hand sanitizers and soap); Weekly
prevention. Hygiene Personnel with symptoms Disposable utensils must be provided for
products will be of virus not allowed to working staff to avoid sharing same glasses for
provided to site. enter site and must leave drinking water.
if they are on the job
immediately; Workplace Personnel must clean their own used areas. Working personnel/
must be supported with Personnel must wear facemasks during the
works to prevent virus from spreading; Regularly
sufficient amount of hand
sanitizers and hygiene

pg. 35
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

products (soaps and etc.) Surfaces, where work is commenced, must be Housekeeper
cleaned properly and appropriate PPE must be
used by housekeeper. Person responsible for During cleaning works.
housekeeping must register timesheet of
cleaning periods. HSE Site Manager can advise
for proper form filling techniques

Chemical hazards Work personnel Occupational Used chemicals will be For each material, safety Personnel must be instructed regarding the safe HSE and Construction
– corrosive, and visitors diseases, mostly fuel (diesel) and data sheets must be use of chemical materials and personal Manager
flammable and skin irritation paints; information obtained; Staff must wear protective equipment;
toxic materials; and allergies regarding those efficient personal Regularly
damaged vessels materials are known; protective equipment to
and containers of Vessels and containers avoid negative impact
chemical materials; of chemical materials from chemicals to their Flammable liquids must be stored far from Storage keeper and
will be undamaged and health; electric devices construction supervisor
will be kept in safe
10 areas which will be 2 3 6 1 2 2 During the work process
secured from external

MSDS must be obtained for materials used for HSE Site Manager
coating concrete surfaces
Prior to use of material

11 Physical hazards Working staff, Occupational Noise and vibration 2 2 4 Personnel working on 2 1 2 Proper PPE must be chosen for personnel and HSE Site Manager
– noise, dust, visitors and diseases and generating works will vibrating equipment must they must be instructed for proper use of PPE;
vibration nearby living health issues be conducted during make regular breaks; Prior to start of specific
people/ locals; due to daytime. Dust Personnel working on works;
negative generation will be noise equipment with
physical controlled by watering higher than 85db must
impacts the surfaces to reduce wear hearing protection
dust emission in equipment; Damaged and
environment; malfunctioning equipment,
which are causing extra

pg. 36
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

vibration and noise must Personnel must be supported with sufficient Construction Manager
be removed from service amount of PPE. In case of working on
and maintained; Personnel pneumatic hammer, personnel must wear During the work process;
must wear dust masks vibration resistant gloves;
when working in dusty

Physical factors must be measured and Project manager with

documented. In case of inappropriate levels of assistance of HSE Site
physical conditions will be detected, proper Manager
measurements must be implemented
During the work process;

Storing materials Working staff Injury and Laydown area will be Storing heavy objects on Workplace must be controlled on improperly HSE Site Manager and
– Fallen, dropped and visitors property separated and unstable and weak stored objects. If unsafe storage is observed, Construction Supervisor
and overturned damage prepared on the structures, where there is Manager and working staff must be informed to
objects. construction site. a possibility of break of remove unsafe storage immediately
holders and fall/overturn of
stored objects - is not During the work process;
allowed. Objects, which
must be lifted, must be
12 2 3 6 stored on the high level 2 2 4 If unsafe storage is observe, where there is a Working staff
form the ground, above possibility of collapse of bundled materials,
wooden beams; Personnel must leave hazardous area and During the hazardous
unsafe storage must be disassembled condition
mechanically by maintaining safe distance
(excavator can be used)

pg. 37
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Rebar Works Staff Physical Staff will be instructed Area, where rebar Work process must be monitored and working HSE Site Manager
damage of regarding safe work fabrication is commenced staff must be instructed regarding the safe
(Sharp objects, body parts practices during rebar must be clean from debris. means of material storing, safe distance from During work process
moving equipment due to fabrication and Personnel must wear PPE moving parts and use of PPE.
parts, caught in caught in installation. Factory
between moving and sharp made equipment will be
machinery and objects used for rebar
parts, fallen (fractures fabrication. Warning
13 objects). and signs will be posted on 2 4 8 2 2 4
abrasion) site.

Personnel must visually inspect equipment prior Working staff

to use and inform supervisors regarding issues.
Personnel must wear PPE During work process

Formwork Staff Health Platforms used for Working at height safety Stability and durability of the formwork must be Construction Manager
fabrication and damage – concrete pouring will be rules must be obeyed checked by engineer or competent person.
installation fractures equipped with standing during the installation of During installation of
and platforms and access formwork. Formwork must Storing materials at the unguarded areas formwork.
(Caught in between cuts/scars; ladders. Personnel will be installed by using without fixation must be prevented.
moving lifted Concrete be provided with appropriate means of
formwork and static burns appropriate PPE to
14 structure, Fallen 2 3 6 access (e.g. scaffolds, 2 2 4
protect body and eyes standing devices and etc.).
objects, Formwork from concrete Equipment and materials Staff must wear PPE and properly use hand Working staff
collapse, Awkward splashes. Personnel in good condition must be and power tools. In case of exhaustion, staff
access, Concrete will be trained used for installation of members must take regular breaks. During work process
burns, Arm and regarding formwork formwork.
back strains. Falling installation safety rules.
from height.

pg. 38
Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

Persons Type of Initial Additional Control Residual Responsible persons

Hazard Existing control Additional Activities
No exposed to Injury and Risk measurements Risk and deadlines
Identification measurements
hazards loss L C R L C R

Tree cutting Working staff Health Tree cutters will be Equipment and materials Personnel must visually inspect equipment prior HSE Site Manager and Site
damage; equipped with must be used in a proper to use and inform supervisors regarding issues. supervisor
Severe appropriate PPE to way. Plan and make the Staff must be trained regarding tree cutting
injuries protect body from cuts carefully. Identify all procedure. During work process
damage. electrical lines in area.
Clear the area of people
and vehicles

15 3 3 9 2 2 4

Communication Regarding Risks


Name Company Position Sign Date/Time

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Infra Construction – TK Group LLC Health, Safety and Environmental Management Plan

pg. 40

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