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NGO News Digest NESWSLETTER Issue No. 26-1

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26 02 September 2021





02 September 2021


A trial combining vaccinations and prevention drugs has

substantially lowered the number of children dying of malaria in
two African countries, according to researchers.

The results of the study, published in the New England Journal of

Medicine, have been hailed as “very striking”, especially at a time when
decades-long progress on combating malaria has stalled in some

Led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the
trial showed a 70% reduction in hospitalisation or death when young
children were given both seasonal vaccinations and antimalarial drugs
compared to using just one intervention.

Researchers believe the approach could prevent some of the 400,000

deaths from the mosquito-borne disease every year, most of them
children. In 2019, more than 90% of the estimated 230m cases of malaria
occurred in Africa.

Some countries, such as Eritrea, Sudan and Colombia, have seen a

significant resurgence of malaria in recent years.
The research was conducted with Burkina Faso's Institut de Recherche
The LSHTM research followed more than 6,000 children aged between en Sciences de la Santé and the Malaria Research and Training Centre at
five and 17 months over three years in Burkina Faso and Mali. They were Mali's University of Science, in Bamako.
given the world's first malaria vaccine, RTS,S and four courses of
antimalarial medications sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine, Pedro Alonso, director of the World Health Organization malaria
known as seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), during the rainy programme, has welcomed the “innovative use” of a malaria vaccine.
season, a time of high transmission.
“RTS,S is the first malaria vaccine that has already reached more than
The vaccine is being implemented in a large-scale pilot programme in 740,000 children through routine childhood vaccination in Ghana,
Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi. The SMC is the current intervention used in Kenya and Malawi in a landmark pilot implementation, through which
Burkina Faso and Mali. more than 2.1m malaria vaccine doses have been delivered.

“The results of the trial were much more successful than we had “The level of vaccine uptake by families over a relatively short period
anticipated,” said the study's co-lead author Daniel Chandramohan from shows strong community demand for the vaccine and the capacity of
LSHTM. “Our work has shown a combination approach using a malaria childhood vaccination programmes to deliver it.”
vaccine seasonally – similar to how countries use influenza vaccine – has
the potential to save millions of young lives in the African Sahel.
In July a separate study led by LSHTM found that more than 8 billion
Importantly, we didn't observe any new concerning pattern of side-
people could be at risk of malaria and dengue fever by 2080 if
greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at current levels, as global
temperatures would lengthen transmission seasons by more than a
A mosquito that has been infected with a bacteria to prevent it spreading
month for malaria and four months for dengue.
dengue, Zika and chikungunya at a laboratory in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The trial found that incidences of hospitalisation and death among those For daily updates on WhatsApp send ‘Hi’ to 0782217921
given a combination of the RTS,S vaccine and SMC reduced by 70.5% and
For contributions also use that number or email us on:
72.9% respectively, compared with when they were given SMC alone. A
similar improvement was found when the combination approach was
compared with using the vaccine alone.

Tapiwanashe Mangwiro: 0782 217 921

Tawanda Marwizi
Copyright 2021
Luther Marumuravana
Vimbiso Mafuba All pieces reproduced in this issue are under thecopyright of the
creators and publisher by contractual agreements. Nothing shown
Viviodiana Ncube
may be reproduced in any form without prior permission by the
publisher and any other person or organisation who may have
copyright ownership. All information is supplied without liability.
Magazine Design & Layout Although the publisher has taken all precaution to ensure that the
Munyaradzi Ndongwe: 0772 334 042
information is correct at the time of going to print, the publisher and
For more access to our work, you can click on the their agents do not accept any liability, direct or indirect for material
following link and be redirected to our website: contained herein.

02 September 2021

These interventions
fundamentally underpin
National Climate Change
Response Strategy of 2014, the
Nationally Determined
Contributions to climate change
mitigation and adaptation.
Essentially, these national
policies and its association
program interventions derive
from the United Nations Paris
Agreement for country-level
adoption and implementation
as global commitments by
Zimbabwe as a Member of the
United Nations.

The functional climate smart

village will cater for food and
non-food trees and vegetables
considered to be critical in the
project for landscape and
ecosystems restoration,
addressing food security and
n u t r i t i o n b y b roa d e n i n g
livelihood options and
leveraging the established
woodlands for carbon
sequestration. The later, being

A ccording to USAID, important for climate change

Zimbabwe has a mitigation and over time,
poverty rate of 63% and contributed to the generation of
faces recurrent food insecurity carbon credits.
due to a number of factors that
include political and economic Grow A Tree Foundation is a
instability, contentious land registered non-governmental
reforms leaving farmers without organisation in Zimbabwe
title to the land they work, rapid whose major thrust is to
population growth and climate mitigate and address the causes
change. Lately, this has been and effects of deforestation in
worsened by COVID-19, which Zimbabwe through an
has caused untold suffering to aggressive and holistic tree
several communities across the planting and sustainable agro-
country. forestry programs in industrial,
commercial, farming and rural
In Rushinga district of community settings.
Mashonaland Central province
of Zimbabwe, Grow a Tree GROW A TREE FOUNDATION
Foundation has equipped a
village with climate smart
infrastructure to mitigate the
impact of the pandemic on food
and nutrition security. The SMART VILLAGE IN RUSHINGA
Foundation was awarded a By Tapiwanashe Mangwiro
USD28,500 grant by the
Southern African Development c h i c k e n s , s o l a r- p o w e r e d 1. Enhanced food security and
Cooperation (SADC) to dehydrator to process dried nutrition for the beneficiary
implement the project and fruits and vegetables and a one households.
ensure sustainability through hectare plot with a variety of fruit 2. The establishment of a role-
e n g a g i n g m o re pa r t n e r s trees. model climate smart village
beyond the project time-frame. which will serve as a national
The smart technology driven This project envisages the learning Centre and practical
hub is equipped with two solar- adoption of a robust all-inclusive example of climate-smart
powered irrigation systems, a participatory approach that interventions for enhanced
bio-gas digester, an aquaponics integrates all relevant resilience and
system and fish pond, 100 stakeholders in its design and 3. Adaptation and
e f f i c i e n t- c o o k s t o v e s , 6 0 implementation process. To this establishment of world class
beehives and machinery for end, three out-comes are value chain systems of non-
honey processing, a solar- expected during and after the timber forest produce
powered hatchery for the implementation of the project (baobab fruit, marula and
production of road-runner and these are: honey processing center).

02 September 2021

sign of allegiance that identifies the bearer as loyal to the power
represented by the beast. Similar interpretations have been carried in
the church's Adult Sabbath School Lesson studies of 2002 and 2018
among others.

However, other prosperity gospel churches such as United family

International Church (UFIC) and Spirit Embassy initially said the COVID-
19 vaccination was the mark of the beast and that there was a chip in the
jab but later backtracked.

Llaguno said there is no scientific basis to qualify that there is a tracking

chip in the jab.

“Some people say, ok, there are nanoparticles, and when you are going
to get injected, the nanoparticles are just like small chips. And then they
can actually identify you. They can track you anywhere. Well I tell you, it
is true that that technology is present, but it is not in the vaccine,” he

Llaguno said the smallest tracking chip is the size of a rice grain and
“nothing of that sort can be found in the vaccine.”

SDA CHURCH URGES He went on to advise people to dispose of their traceable smart

COMMUNITY gadgets such as cell phone, smart watches and laptops if they are afraid
of being tracked.

TO BE VACCINATED It is against this Biblical and scientific basis that Llaguno said the church
took a position to encourage its members to be vaccinated.
By Tapiwanashe Mangwiro
“It is up to an individual to decide to be vaccinated or not. But it is
recommending and encouraging people to have a vaccination,” he said.

T he Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church has become one of the

leading religious groups to openly encourage its members and
the community to embrace the COVID-19 vaccination exercise.

The development comes at a time government eased lockdown, Level 4

“You have to realise that when you get vaccinated, the body is prepared
for a viral attack. For instance, if you know somebody is going to come
to your house to steal, what you do is prepare the house so that when
the thief comes, you are well prepared. And this is exactly what happens
when we have this vaccination,” he explained in layman's terms.
to allow vaccinated members only to attend sit-in church services. This
was expected to trigger a spike in vaccinated citizens considering that Llaguno said the church governing body actually made a statement in
70% of Zimbabwe's population is religious with the majority being 2014 on vaccination, which “still continues to be utilised and it is more
Christians. so important during this period of the pandemic.”

SDA General Conference (GC) which is the governing body of the The statement on vaccination states that “… the church encourages
church through its Health Ministries distanced the vaccination exercise responsible immunisation, and as such we have no religious or faith-
from the much talked of end-time prophecy. based reason not to encourage our adherents to responsibly

“One of the rumours going on out there is that this vaccine is the mark participate in protective and preventive immunisation programs.”
of the beast. Now I don't know what Bible you are referring to or whose
authority you are getting it from but according to the statement of the According to 2016 statistics from the Zimbabwe Union Conference,
Seventh Day Adventist Church, you see what we actually understand is which provides administrative oversight for the country, the SDA
that the mark of the beast is really whom you give your allegiance to - church had a membership of 885,000 congregants then.
your loyalty. It is not a vaccine,” said SDA-GC Health Ministries Director
Alexis Llaguno in a video communique that was shared with its The SDA church is widely known and respected for its extensive Biblical
churches globally. research and sound doctrine.

The SDA church in its Adventist Review magazine published 170 years
ago also indicated that the mark of the beast is not a literal mark but a

• NGO/Donor deposits US$ cash in the EcoCash Trust
1 Accounts, or
• Deposits USD Nostro value via an electronic transfer.

2 3 4 5

EcoCash credits EcoCash sets up a NGO Beneficiary Beneficiary

NGO/Donor FCA USD Cash Pick up receives USD cash withdraws cash at
Bulk Payer line point at the NGO in their FCA wallet. the Econet Mobile
with the prefunded disbursement point Shop or any of the
amount in US$. or at Econet Shops.
Econet Shops.
02 September 2021

OPINION: A s the term implies,
steaming or kunatira in
Shona and ukufutha in
Ndebele, is just inhalation of
steam. It came up as a result of a
patients cough blood-stained

To help clear the clogging up of

lungs, we need to understand
poor understanding of how the how treatments that prevent
COVID virus enters the human
MISCONCEPTIONS ON body. Science literature informed
us that the COVID-19 virus is
clogging of lungs work. Who, in
their normal mind would think if
KUNATIRA/UKUFUTHA (STEAMING) weakened or destroyed by you steam-up, all that pus
temperatures above 60 degrees. would clear away?
This is the same temperature you
are expected to wash your People who get COVID-19,
clothes to clear the COVID-19 often develop a temperature. If
virus in high-risk situations. they don't drink enough water,
By Dr. Fanuel Mamvura they go into dehydration and
So, the assumption from those can get kidney injury due to
who advocate 'Kunatira' is that dehydration.
steaming up kills the virus in the
nose, throat, and sinuses. If one You also need to remember that
manages to get steam at 60 one of the symptoms of COVID-
degrees, into your lungs, one
19 is loss of sense of smell or
would be dead in a short space of
taste which results in most
time. When people can't breathe,
they call for “fresh air” and that's people not drinking enough
not steamed air. water. So, if these people
'steam', they sweat, thereby
When breathing normal air, it losing more water. ‘
goes straight to the most distal
part of the lung called the Alveoli. So, three things causing
This is the part of the lung which dehydration are temperature,
gets oxygen into the lung and 's t e a m i n g ' , a n d re d u c e d
carbon dioxide out. drinking of fluids and water. All
this contributes to a feeling of
As you breathe in and out, there moderate to severe weakness
is no way that you can stop the which a lot of people who
COVID-19 virus from reaching
'steam' feel, especially after the
this part of the lung. So, if you
steaming exercise.
'steam' even 20 times per day, if
you get in contact with a
coughing or sneezing person They comfor t themselves
with COVID-19, you will still psychologically thinking the
inhale the virus, that's the reason sweating is evidence of viral
WHO recommends wearing of clearance.
My fellow Zimbabweans please
Putting on a mask reduces your please, don't be blinded by
chances of inhaling the COVID- ignorance. We have seen this
19 virus from an infected person. blind following in many spheres
Therefore, 'Kunatira' or of our lives.
'ukufutha' does not stop the
Virus from entering your airways.
Therefore, do not steam
'Kunatira' or 'ukufutha' has long
thinking you are treating or
been known to decongest the
sinuses and throat. Yes, this gives preventing COVID-19.
a sense of relief that one can
breathe better. Traditionally this If you decide to use steaming
helped a lot during winter. The because you have a blocked
eucalyptus is contained in nose or sinuses, I recommend
medicines and tablets called you 'steam' for up to 10minutes
Sinutab. That's for sinuses and at a time and not more than six
not for COVID-19. times per day. This is only as a
nasal decongestant and not
Most people with COVID-19, do COVID-19 treatment.
not have nasal congestion or
sinus congestion, so why are they
'steaming'. Ignorance has no
defence. Now let me take you
through how COVID-19 attacks More information on Dr. Mamvura's
the lungs. remedies can be found on his website:, where material used
The lung surface area damaged for this article first appeared
by COVID-19 cannot be cleared
by 'steaming'. There is thick pus
and blood, that's why COVID-19

OPHID/TASQC Fortunately Pridegirl was taken to
one outreach conducted by the
idea of lifting Pridegirl who has
now grown heavier into the
scotch-cart. My back is always
REACHES OUT TO PEOPLE program, 2km from their aching”.
homestead, where she was For continuity of care, Pridegirl
LIVING WITH DISABILITIES received by Ian Moyo, one of the has been registered in a
USAID funded OPHID/TASQC database improvised by the

P ridegirl is a 19-year-old double orphan who lost her parents in

her infancy and lives with her grandmother, Mawan Ncube. Now
wheelchair bound, Pridegirl could not walk since the age of five.
She had been referred for physiotherapy sessions at Plumtree District
hospital but her condition did not change for the better.
Community Outreach Agents of
that catchment area. It is through
Mr Moyo that she was linked to
the OPHID/TASQC Community
Community Health Service
Nurse for his cluster for people
living with disabilities and he
will be working with Community
Health Services Nurse (CHSN) of Outreach Agent, Ian Moyo, to
that catchment area as well, make sure she gets her routine
They would both visit the clinic regularly as Pridegirl was having
Bonani Sibanda. ser vices on time. USAID
recurrent infections that Gogo Ncube would struggle to understand.
s p o n s o re d O P H I D / TA S Q C
Gogo Ncube would carry Pridegirl on her back and walk 9km to the
A few days later, Bonani visited CHSN, Bonani, will be visiting on
nearest health facility, Nswanzwi clinic. Nurses at the health facility
the homestead where he initiated appointment dates and as per
resorted to testing her for HIV and she was found to be HIV positive and
Pridegirl on TB preventive their request and assured the
was put on ART medicines.
therapy and collected her viral caregiver of this.
load sample. Gogo Ncube was
As she grew older, she became heavier, and Gogo Ncube had to look for
delighted to have viral load and Going forward, a district wide
alternative ways to carry her to the health facility for routine check-ups.
TPT services done at their database of people living with
Being a caring grandmother, firstly, she engaged their neighbours who
doorstep and could not hide her disabilities and those that are
stayed about 200metres from their homestead to borrow their scotch-
relief, “I am delighted to have not able to navigate to the
cart to ferry Pridegirl to the clinic. Coincidentally, there was another
visitors from OPHID to assist me, I healthcare facility will be
neighbour who got ill and his children got him a wheelchair which he
am so happy and may it be so developed so that they get
never used because he had already passed on when the wheelchair
even in the future, I was cracking continuous support from the
arrived. Gogo Ncube then gave them a goat in exchange for the
my head and shuddering at the program.
wheelchair which is now old and worn out.


W ithin half a century,

the world has
experienced two
elusive and deadly viral diseases
responsible for pandemics.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infection caused by a novel
strain of coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). People with COVID-19 can develop mild to
very severe respiratory illness and a number of other possible symptoms.
talking, or in some cases,
contaminated surfaces.

Pandemic similarities

While there are many The viruses During the early days of both
similarities between the on- pandemics, aside from shock,
going HIV pandemic and the HIV is a Lentivirus, which is a genus of retroviruses. These types of viruses most of the world's
current pandemic resulting are known to have long incubation periods that can cause chronic and governments responded with
from SARS-CoV-2 infection, deadly diseases. HIV has two types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. Learn more about denial, downplaying, delayed
there are also noticeable their differences here. responses, and neglect. Both
differences. pandemics have instilled great
HIV attacks the immune system by infecting immune cells called CD4 fear in the population, caused
In this article, we discuss the cells. After infecting these immune cells, HIV uses it to produce copies of disruption of everyday life, and
SARS-CoV-2 and HIV viruses, itself then kills the CD4 cells, which weakens the immune system. HIV led to the deaths of many
the similarities and differences spreads through the exchange of various bodily fluids, such as blood, people.
of the illnesses and their semen, and vaginal fluids.
pandemics, and future outlooks. Another similarity is the
SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that comes from a large family of viruses called necessity of public compliance.
Definitions coronavirus that have characteristic crown-like projections on their With COVID-19, containing the
surfaces. Other notable coronaviruses include severe acute respiratory SARS-CoV-2 virus largely
HIV attacks a person's immune syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory depends on people following
system, rendering their bodies syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). guidance and protocols, such as
unable to fight off illnesses. Left physical distancing, using face
untreated, a person with HIV can While illness due to SARS-CoV-2 may often be mild to moderate, in some coverings, maintaining hygiene,
develop AIDS. This refers to the cases people can become seriously ill. In this situation, the body performing contact tracing, and
final phase of HIV infection, produces an intense immune response after detecting the virus, which monitoring.
where damage to the immune can result in damage to the lungs and other vital organs.
system is so severe that it results Similarly, people with HIV, or
in an increasing number of SARS-CoV-2 is primarily an airborne infection, meaning the virus may be those who suspect exposure to
opportunistic infections. transmitted through respiratory droplets via coughing, sneezing, or the virus, test for an infection

02 September 2021

and receive treatment to lower days and can be around others 10 days after they first developed 1.1% of people in low-income
their viral load to reduce symptoms if testing negative or symptoms are improving. countries have received at least
symptoms and the risk of one dose of a COVID-19
transmission. Behaviours such One stark difference between the two viruses is that SARS-CoV-2 is very vaccine.
as proper condom use and not easily transmittable due to it being an airborne infection, whereas HIV
sharing needles can also reduce transmission relies on contact with infected bodily fluids. Furthermore, Currently, there are three
vaccines available in the United
transmission. people may develop symptoms of COVID-19 2–14 days after exposure to
States, and more have received
the virus, while it typically takes 2–4 weeks after infection for people to
approval for full use globally.
Additionally, both viruses are present with primary symptoms of HIV. Scientists are continuing their
examples of zoonosis, as they research on developing new
have animal origins and are now Deaths and infections and more effective vaccines.
capable of infecting humans.
Furthermore, most research also Based on the WHO's coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard, there have Meanwhile, due to the nature of
suggests that both viruses been over 200 million confirmed COVID-19 cases, including over 4 HIV, it is more difficult to
b e c a m e t r a n s m i s s i b l e to million deaths due to the disease. Meanwhile, since the beginning of the develop an effective vaccine.
humans following the However, research is ongoing.
HIV pandemic, there has been almost 80 million cases of HIV infection. Of
consumption of animals with Currently, research efforts
these, nearly 37 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses.
the original infection. include two late-stage,
multinational vaccine clinical
Notably, a 2021 study mentions that more than 95%Trusted Source of trials called Imbokodo and
Pandemic differences people with HIV who do not receive treatment die, while only 1–4% of Mosaico.
people with COVID-19 who do not receive treatment die.
A significant difference between Additionally, researchers are
the two pandemics is their Treatments and preventions working on developing broadly
timelines. While positive cases neutralizing antibodies (bNabs),
and deaths from HIV and AIDS which may be able to stop a
There are currently no effective cures for the illnesses caused by either
continue worldwide, the spread wide range of HIV strains. A
virus. However, treatments to reduce symptom severity and prevent or
of HIV since its discovery in the 2020 study suggests the
reduce the risk of transmission exist. potential of using adeno-
1980s is slow compared with
COVID-19's millions of cases associated viruses and monkeys
In some cases, people may be able to manage and relieve mild to produce monoclonal
since its recognition in late symptoms of COVID-19 at home. For more severe cases that require antibodies that may offer
2019Trusted Source. hospitalization, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source lifelong protection against HIV.
has approved Remdesivir (Vekclury) and has issued Emergency Use
Public health has largely Authorization for several monoclonal antibodies. Summary
managed to contain COVID-19
within several months through Additionally, many safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19 are COVID-19 and HIV are diseases
rigorous testing, contact available. These vaccines can reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 caused by two contagious
tracing, and stringent health and can prevent a person from becoming seriously ill if they develop viruses that are responsible for
measures. Meanwhile, despite COVID-19. global pandemics. The viruses
the world adopting the World share certain similarities like
Health Organization's (WHO) Individuals with HIV receive antiretroviral therapies (ART), which are their origin, but they also have
strategic guidelines to control stark differences in their
treatment regimens consisting of two or more drugs that suppress the
the disease, the HIV pandemic symptoms, mode of
virus from replicating. This can help a person to reduce their viral load to transmission, and disease
remains a major global health such an extent that it is undetectable. This means that a person can no
issue. course.
longer transmit the virus to another person, helping them to live a full,
healthy life. Due to these differences, public
Also, while there are already Preventive measures are still in place to prevent the spread of both health measures vary in the
several successful vaccines that viruses. preventive measures they
can provide sufficient immunity employ. At present, there are no
against COVID-19, there is still vaccines against HIV, but
Future outlooks
no success in creating a vaccine treatment options exist that can
for HIV or AIDS. help manage the condition. As
COVID-19 vaccine rollouts are continuing across the globe, aiming to
for COVID-19, safe and effective
reach herd immunity as soon as possible. Based on Our World in Data,
Similarities and vaccines are available that can
roughly 29% of the world population have received at least one dose of a
differences between reduce viral transmission and
COVID-19 vaccine, and approximately 15% of the population are fully
symptom severity.
transmission vaccinated.

Both viruses can spread from However, there is still a disparity between wealthy and low-income
people who unknowingly have countries when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Currently, only
the infection but present with
no symptoms. However, while
HIV is most contagious during
its acute phase, it remains
contagious in people not
receiving any treatment.

In comparison, the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC)Trusted Source state that
following possible exposure to
SARS-CoV-2, people are likely
to only be contagious for 14

02 September 2021


OPPORTUNITY 1 - USAID: Development Innovation Ventures Annual Program Statement

Deadline: 30 September, 2021

The United States Agency of International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for its Development Innovation Ventures Annual Program
Statement to improve the lives of people living in poverty in the developing world.

DIV provides tiered funding to pilot, test, and transition to scale those innovations that demonstrate evidence of impact, cost-effectiveness, and the
potential to scale.

DIV accepts applications from anyone, including businesses, not-for-profit organizations, researchers, faith-based entities, and governments. DIV
supports innovations across all countries and development sectors in which USAID operates, including health, education, water, energy, economic
development, and other sectors.

Funding Details

-Maximum funding period is 3 years

-Proposals for funding are accepted at the following stages:
STAGE 1: Pilot (up to $200,000)
STAGE 2: Testing and Positioning for Scale (up to $1,500,000)
STAGE 3: Transitioning to Scale (up to $15,000,000)
Evidence Generation (up to $1,500,000)

Link to opportunity:

OPPORTUNITY 2 - Call for Applications for 2021 Environmental Education Programme

Deadline: 15 October, 2021

The International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) is implementing the Environmental Education Programme (EEP) to
empower African youth to leverage the high enthusiasm, technology savvy, resilience, and exploratory spirit of the youth in conceptualising and
implementing innovative local environmental solutions in Africa.

Link to opportunity:

OPPORTUNITY 3 - Halcyon Fellowships for Early-Stage Social Entrepreneurs

Deadline: 8 October, 2021

Are you ready to join a community of global impact innovators? If yes then, Apply for a Halcyon Incubator Fellowship! Halcyon Fellowships equip
early-stage social entrepreneurs with tools and relationships they need to achieve scalable, lasting impact.

Link to opportunity:

OPPORTUNITY 4 - Grants for Implementing Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV in Low and Middle-Income
Deadline: 15 December, 2021

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and National Institutes of Health is inviting applications for Implementation Science for
Cancer Control in People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) to accelerate the integration of evidence-based
cancer control interventions for PLWH by leveraging existing HIV treatment and prevention infrastructure.

Link to opportunity:

02 September 2021


COVID-19 Deaths Trendline 1 August 2021 to Date

02 September 2021


Mimosa Mining Company donated 15 laptops to help JA Zimbabwe to deliver online

programs to young people across the country. These call centers will remotely support
teachers and students without physically visiting schools.

Murehwa girls club discussing on menstrual hygiene. SYS together with

My Future Matters indulging on what it means to have a healthy period.

Images from a Round Table Discussion held & convened by YetTrust. Youth voices are leader’s voices. The youth shall not lead in the future but now. We need to
listen and amplify them. “Nothing for us without us!”

02 September 2021

Enumerators: Musasa
Deadline: 8 September 2021

VACANCIES Duty stations: Mazowe x 5, Gweru x 5, Bulawayo x 5, Matobo x

5, Insiza x 5

CORNER To apply
Send your application letter and CV with three (3) traceable
references to

Field Officer: Musasa

Deadline: 8 September 2021
Reporting to: Programme Officer
Location: Mberengwa

To apply
Send your application letter and CV with three (3) traceable
references to

Legal Consultant for Media Toolkit Production: Local NGO

Executive Director: Transparency International Zimbabwe
Deadline: 5 September 2021
(TI Z)
Deadline: 17 September 2021
To apply
Interested parties should send their CVs and proposed work plan
To apply
and outline of proposed toolkit to:
Interested candidates please should submit updated CVs and
cover letter to the Chairperson TIZ,
Program Accountant (D1): Oxfam Zimbabwe
Deadline: 10 September 2021
Location: Harare
Chapter Coordinator / Volunteer: Women's Coalition of
Zimbabwe (WCoZ)
To apply
Deadline: 5 September 2021
Interested individuals should send CVs through the following:
Location: Gweru
Internal Candidates:
To apply
Send your application and CV with at least two reachable
External Candidates:
referees to:

Development of Youth Electoral and Political Reform

Position Papers (6): Youth Forum Zimbabwe (YFZ)
Programme Officer: Christian Aid Zimbabwe
Deadline: 10 September 2021 (COB)
Deadline: 7 September 2021
Duration of assignment: 6 Months
To apply
To apply
Access the full application package and apply online here
If you are interested in undertaking this assignment, submit
detailed curricula vitae (CV), 2 page maximum proposal that
For enquiries regarding this vacancy, email: Zimbabwe-
includes a budget, and 1 sample of recently written work. The
requested documents should be sent by email to


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