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Optimization of Cable Force Adjustment in Cable-Stayed

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 4527309, 20 pages

Research Article
Optimization of Cable Force Adjustment in Cable-Stayed
Bridge considering the Number of Stay Cable Adjustment

Han-Hao Zhang ,1 Nan-Nan Sun ,1 Pei-Zhi Wang ,1 Man-Hui Liu ,2 and Yuan Li 1

School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China
Zhejiang Scientific Research Institute of Transport, Hangzhou 310000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Han-Hao Zhang;

Received 20 December 2019; Revised 23 September 2020; Accepted 12 October 2020; Published 31 October 2020

Academic Editor: Daniele Baraldi

Copyright © 2020 Han-Hao Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Modern cable-stayed bridges are spatial, multicable systems. The cable force needs to be adjusted during the construction phase
and maintenance phase. The existing calculation methods of cable force adjustment mainly considered the rationality of structural
force, but only few research studies have been conducted on how to reduce the number of stay cables which need to be adjusted.
This study aims to propose an optimization calculation method including the optimization module with the sensitivity analysis
and updating design variable module (UDVM), which are used for cable force adjustment in cable-stayed bridges. Based on the
finite difference method, the sensitivity analysis is adopted in the optimization module, which can capture the response of
structures as design variables vary; the particle swarm optimization method is adopted for structural optimization. The proposed
method can dramatically reduce the number of stay cables which need to be adjusted and ensure the main girder stresses remain in
a reasonable state during stay cable adjustment progress by UDVM. Moreover, the proposed method can continuously update the
objective function, constraint conditions, and design variables. Finally, this proposed optimization calculation method is applied
to two different cable-stayed bridges to validate the reliability and feasibility of the method.

1. Introduction Both of the calculation methods proposed by Wang et al. [6]

and Liang et al. [7] can determine the cable force adjustment,
The number of cable-stayed bridges increased rapidly including the calculation method based on the requirement
around the world due to their highly evolved construction of vertical displacement or the distribution of bending
techniques, superior mechanical performance, and relatively moment of the main beam. These methods are mainly based
low costs of construction and maintenance. Cable-stayed on the influence matrix method to calculate the value of
bridge is a competitive structural form with span ranging cable force adjustment by establishing an unconstrained
from 200 m to 1000 m [1–3]. Notable examples of cable- mathematical optimization model. Martins et al. [8–10]
stayed bridges are the Skarnsund Bridge in Norway with a proposed a method for calculating the cable force of concrete
530 m main span and the Jingzhou Yangtze River Bridge in cable-stayed bridges as well as designed a discrete direct
China with a 500 m main span [4, 5]. The space dense cable sensitivity analysis module and a multiobjective optimiza-
system is a common structure system for modern cable- tion calculation program based on such method. By using
stayed bridges. However, the illogical adjustment of cable this method, the initial tension of the stay cables and the
force can easily lead to the overstress in the main beam. And optimal cable tension could be obtained as ensuring the
the implementation of conventional calculation method is forces of structures is reasonable during the construction
rarely used in engineering because the number of stay cables phase. Based on the minimum potential energy principle,
which need to be adjusted is large [5]. Qin [11, 12] established mechanical equilibrium models for
In recent years, researchers mainly focus on the calcu- different bridge construction stages. By introducing an
lation method of stay cable force adjustment in concrete unstressed state to the structural components, the rela-
cable-stayed bridges through the optimization theory [6–14]. tionships between construction phase and the finished phase
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

of bridges can be established. The unstressed state control 2.1. Design Variables. This study is conducted on the
method could rapidly calculate the cable adjustment force by premise that the bridge dimensions, exterior loads, and the
the unstressed cable length. Dan and Yang [13] and Yuan sequence of stay cables adjustment are predetermined.
[14] presented a calculating method for the cable adjustment Therefore, the adjustment difference values of each cable that
of cable-stayed bridges based on particle swarm optimiza- needs to be adjusted are used as design variables, as shown in
tion calculation method. For specific situation of adjusting the following equation:
cable force, an optimization model for solving the cable force
was established, and the particle swarm optimization x � 􏼂 x1 , x 2 , . . . , x n 􏼃 T , (1)
method with global search capability was used to achieve the where xi is the adjusted amount of cable force for cable i.
optimization calculation.
Nevertheless, these proposed calculation methods
regarded all the cables as adjustment variables, and only the 2.2. Objective Function. Objective function defines the op-
force condition of main beam and cables during the cable timization direction for the design variables. The first ob-
adjustment phase or finished phase of bridges were analyzed jective function is the total amount of work undertaken in
[6–15]. The number of adjustment cables was not taken into the adjustment of all the cable forces (equation (2)), aiming
account during the cable adjustment process. Sometimes, a to minimize the energy consumption [17]. The second
large number of stay cables need to be adjusted, which may objective function is the maximum absolute value (as shown
lead to large construction cumulative errors and compli- in equation (3)) of the cable adjustment force of each cable,
cated operation. Hence, this paper proposes an innovative so as to avoid overlarge adjustments for individual cables
calculation method to reduce the number of cables while [13]. By the weighting method, all objective functions are
ensuring that the structural stress and cable force of the combined into one function to solve the problem, namely,
cable-stayed bridge do not exceed the limits during the cable the multiobjective optimization issue is transformed into
adjustment process and after construction. This method several single objective optimization issues in sequence (as
minimizes the number of stay cables which need to be shown in equation (4)) [18].
adjusted on the premise that the order of adjustments is 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
xi 􏼌􏼌Δli 􏼌􏼌⎠ n 2
determined. min f1 (x) � min⎛􏽘⎝ ⎛ 􏽘 xi l i ⎠
⎞ � min⎝ ⎞, (2)
For cable-stayed bridges, the cable forces need to be i�1
2 i�1
adjusted during both the design phase and maintenance
phase [4, 5]. The single-time tension of cables in design 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
min f2 (x) � min max􏼐􏼌􏼌x1 􏼌􏼌, 􏼌􏼌x2 􏼌􏼌, . . . , 􏼌􏼌xn 􏼌􏼌􏼑, (3)
phrase often leads to overstress in the main beam and the
reduction of load capacity. During routine maintenance,
the real cable force often deviates from the design value, min f3 (x) � min f1 (x) + αf2 (x)􏼁, (4)
resulting in unbalanced force in bridge. The calculation of where Δli is the deformation of cable i under the action of the
the cable force adjustment in concrete cable-stayed bridges cable adjustment force xi ; li and Ai refer to the unstressed
is more difficult than that in steel main girder cable-stayed length and section area of cable i; E is the elastic modulus of
bridge, since the stress redundancy of the main girder in the steel wire; and α is the weighting factor of f2 (x), varying
concrete cable-stayed bridges is less than that in steel main in different cases.
girder cable-stayed bridges. Therefore, this article takes
concrete cable-stayed bridge as an example to carry out the
analysis of the proposed cable force adjustment calculation 2.3. Constraint Conditions. Constraint conditions were de-
method. The proposed method was applied to two concrete fined in order to avoid the unreasonable force state of the
cable-stayed bridges (case A and case B), which correspond bridge structure during the cable adjustment process and the
to the calculation of adjustment cables in design phase (case finished stage. Concrete main bridge alignment can be
A) and in maintenance phase (case B), respectively. The adjusted by precamber [19]. Moreover, concrete cable-
structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the stayed bridge should regard main girder stress as primary
optimization plans; Section 3 analyzes the calculation constraint condition because of the relatively low capacity of
method to reduce the number of adjustment cables; Section concrete main girder section with applied stress. When
4 verifies the feasibility and reliability of the proposed minimizing the number of cable adjustment, the rationality
method by combining finite element models with two of structure stress is considered to be the main factor. Thus,
specific engineering examples; and Section 5 summarizes vertical displacement is not considered as the constraint
the paper, drawing some conclusions. condition. The design calculation of the pylon is controlled
by dynamic conditions because the section stress redun-
2. Optimization Plans dancy under static load is larger than that under dynamic
load. As a consequence, the section force of the pylon is not
The application of the optimization method is necessary for constricted under static load. In addition, the allowable
the investigation of the optimal cable adjustment for con- safety factor (2.0) of the stay cable during construction is
crete cable-stayed bridges, including defining the design lower than the allowable safety factor (2.5) during the
variables and determining their objective functions and completion stage [20]. Therefore, the limit value of the stress
constraint conditions [16]. in the main beam is defined during the cable adjustment
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

process as well as the completion state, and the limit value of d d d d T

􏽨xm 􏽩 � 􏽨xm,1 , xm,2 , . . . , xm,n 􏽩 ,
the cable force is defined for the completion state.
During the cable adjustment process, the main control
sections in the main beam are usually fully compressed; where [xdm ] is the optimal solution (or initial value) of the
therefore, it is sufficient to only consider the restriction of design variables; d is the number of optimized calculations in
the maximum compressive stress in the main beam section. the sensitivity module, which is reset to zero after complete
In the Chinese code “Specifications for Design of Highway the update module of design variable for one time; and m is
Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Bridges and the number of calculation steps. Each time the UDVM is
Culverts” (JTG3362-2018), the stress value on the section completed, calculation steps increased by one, which means
should not exceed the limit value [21]. In order to reduce the the number of design variables reduced by one; i is the
number of constraints, some specific conditions of stay number of the cables.
cables adjustment can be chosen to constrict the stress value
of main girder. xdm,t � min􏼐xdm,i 􏼑, (9)
0 < σ ai ≤ 0.5 · fck , i � 1, 2, . . . , m; j � 1, 2, . . . , k, (5) where xdm,t is the minimum value (min(xdm,i )) of the optimal
j solution [xdm,i ] obtained by the sensitivity analysis module.
where σ ai is the maximum compressive stress in the ith stress
control section of main girder for the jth condition of cable
adjustment; fck is the standard value of axial compressive 3.1. Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization Module. It is
strength of the concrete; m is the total number of stress difficult to formulate the accurate structural response ex-
control sections; and k is the total number of cable pressions for design variables in complicated structures such
adjustments. as cable-stayed bridges [22]. In equations (5)–(7), the re-
After all of the cable adjustments have been finished, the sponse of the stress and the cable force corresponding to the
stress value of stress control section in the main beam in varying design variables are obtained by the finite difference
completion stage should be close to the design value, as method. If the design variables vary slightly approaching to
shown in the following equation: the initial value (Δx � [Δx1 , Δx2 , . . . , Δxn ]T ), then the
􏼌􏼌 􏼌 structural response value should be expanded by using the
􏼌􏼌σ ci − σ di 􏼌􏼌􏼌 ≤ s, i � 1, 2, . . . , m, (6)
first-order Taylor series near the initial value, as shown in
where σ ci is the stress value for the ith stress control section equations (10)–(12).
of the main girder following the completion of the cable
n j
adjustment; σ di is the stress design value for the ith stress j zσ ai
0 < σ a01 + 􏽘 Δxl ≤ 0.5fck ,
control section of the main girder in its bridge finished state; l�1 zxl (10)
S is the allowable stress error; and m is the total number of
stress control sections. i � 1, 2, . . . , m; j � 1, 2, . . . , k,
The cable force value in the bridge finished phase should j
where σ a01 is the stress value for the ith stress control section
be close to the design cable force value, and the error range is
in the main girder for the jth cable adjustment condition
generally controlled within 5%, as described in the following j
when the design variable is the initial value and (zσ ai /zxl ) is
equation: j
the value of sensitivity about σ ai to xl , which is estimated by
0.95 ≤ i ≤ 1.05, i � 1, 2, . . . , n, (7) the finite difference method.
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
􏼌􏼌 n
zσ ci 􏼌􏼌
where Ti is the cable force of cable i after the completion of 􏼌􏼌 􏼌
􏼌􏼌σ c0i + 􏽘 Δxl − σ di 􏼌􏼌􏼌 ≤ s, i � 1, 2, . . . , m, (11)
cable adjustment; Tdi is the design cable value of cable i in 􏼌􏼌 l�1
zx l 􏼌􏼌
the completion stage; and n is the total number of cables.
where σ c0i is the value of stress for the ith stress control
3. Optimization Calculation Method section of the main girder in the completion stage while the
design variable is the initial value and (zσ ci /zxl ) is the value
The optimization calculation method consists of a module of sensitivity about σ ci to xl .
for sensitivity analysis and optimization as well as an update n
module for design variables. The flowchart of the optimi- zTi
0.95Tdi ≤ T0i + 􏽘 Δxl ≤ 1.05Tdi , i � 1, 2, . . . , n,
zation calculation method is illustrated in Figure 1. The value l�1 zxl
of optimized adjustment cables force can be obtained by the (12)
sensitivity analysis and optimization module, which meets
the limit value of main girder stress and cable force. This where T0i is the cable force for the ith cable in bridge finished
paper innovatively proposes an update module of design phase when the design variable is the initial value or the
variable, which reduces the number of cables requiring iterative value and (zTi /zxl ) is the value of sensitivity about
adjustment. The meanings of the parameters in the flowchart Ti to xl .
are described below. The detailed flow of the two modules is Corresponding objective function could be rewritten as
described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. follows:
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Initial value
xdm = [xdm,1, xdm,2,…,xdm,n]
d = 0, m = 1

Structural analysis
Finite element formal analysis

Analytical results
σaj01 σc01 T0i

Sensitivity analysis
Update initial value
σ jai σci T i xd+1m = xdm
x l x l x l
analysis and
optimization Composition optimization functions
module (including equations (8)–(10), and (13))


xdm value after optimization calculation


d=0 f3(xdm,1, xdm,2,…,xdm,n)≈ No Exceeded maximum

d–1, xd–1,…xd–1)
f3(xm,1 m,n
number of iterations


Recording xdm

Next calculation step


Searching for xdm,t in xdm,i Yes

Updating design given xdm,t =0
variable module

Updating design variable [x] = [x1,…,xt–1, xt+1,…,xn]

Updating initial value
xdm+1 = [xdm,1, xdm,2,…,xdm,t–1,0,xdm,t+1,…,xdm,n]
Updating objective function and constraint condition
(equations (8)–(10), and (13), not including xdm,t)

Output the optimal solution

of the previous step xdm = xopt

Figure 1: The flowchart of optimization.

n 2
x0i + Δxi 􏼁 li min f3 (x) � min􏼂f1 (x) + 0.1f2 (x)􏼃. (15)
min f1 (x) � 􏽘 , (13)
i�1 2EAi
It can be seen from equation (14) that the objective
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌 function is an implicit expression of the design variables [x].
min f2 (x) � max􏼐􏼌􏼌x1 + Δx1 􏼌􏼌, 􏼌􏼌x2 + Δx2 􏼌􏼌, . . . , 􏼌􏼌xn + Δxn 􏼌􏼌􏼑, Currently, large quantities of methods can be adopted for
(14) optimization, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO),
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

genetic algorithm (GA), bidirectional search, and Java al- optimization function is established by combining equations
gorithm. Previous research studies regarding cable force (10)–(12) and (15), and the optimal solution
optimization revealed that the PSO featured high accuracy [xdm ] � [xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n ]T is obtained by the optimiza-
and low convergence error. According to references [13, 23, tion calculation method. Take this optimal solution as the
24], the maximum convergence error is approaching 5% for initial value of the design variable and repeat the above steps;
optimization despite processing PSO 100 times. Thus, PSO is then, the updated optimal solution
d+1 T
adopted in this paper and the convergence error is set as 5%. [xd+1 d+1 d+1
m ] � [xm,1 , xm,2 , . . . , xm,n ] can be obtained subse-
Previous research studies demonstrated that the number quently. The process of iteration would be stopped when the
of iterative steps should not exceed 100 when structure size termination criterion is met, and then the next module starts
and the values of cable forces are used as design variables and the optimal solution is recorded.
with sensitivity analysis processing structural optimization
[10, 22, 25]. And the requirement of iterative steps needs to
be fewer for structural optimization, when only the value of 3.2. Updating Design Variable Module (UDVM). The optimal
cable force is used as design variable with sensitivity analysis cable force values are obtained by the sensitivity analysis and
[26]. The maximum number of iterative steps is set as 100, optimization module. However, in order to reduce number
which means the number of iterative steps could satisfy the of cables needed to be adjusted, an innovative updating
optimization calculation of cable-stayed bridges. If the design variable module (UDVM) is proposed. For the op-
number of iterative steps exceeds 100 without optimal so- timal solution [xdm ] � [xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n ]T of the mth
lution, the result of previous step should be adopted directly. calculation step, the minimum value xdm,t � min(xdm,i ) is
It means within the allowed number of iterations (100 sought and set as xdm,t � 0. Because xdm,t is the minimum
times), when the error of the value of objective function value of [xdm ], it should have little influence on the value of
between two adjacent iteration points is less than 5% objective equation (4). For constraint conditions (for ex-
(equation (15)), the calculation will stop. ample, constraint expressions equations (5)–(7)), Taylor
As shown in the flowchart of the sensitivity analysis and expansion is derived for the optimal solution [xdm ], and then
optimization module in Figure 1, for one given initial value the value of the neighborhood [xdm ] � [xdm,1 , . . . ,
([x01 ] � [x01,1 , x01,2 , . . . , x01,n ]T ), the finite element analysis xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , xdm,n ]T was substituted, as shown in the
results and sensitivity analysis results could be obtained. The following equations:

zTi 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 z2 Ti 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑

Ti 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 � Ti 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 − xdm,t + xd2
m,t − ···,
zxdm,t 2xd2

j j
j j zσ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 z2 σ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑
σ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 � σ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 − xdm,t + xd2
m,t − ···,
zxdm,t zxd2

zσ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 z2 σ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑

σ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 � σ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 − xdm,t + xd2
m,t − ···,
zxdm,t zxd2

In equations (16)–(18), the values of second-order When xdm,t is relatively small:

partial derivative and higher order partial derivative are
Ti 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 ≈ Ti 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑,
relatively small, which have small influence on subsequent
calculation when nonlinearity of structure system is not (19)
high. Equations (19)–(21) are easier to establish when xdm,t
j j
is relatively small. That is, it is easier to satisfy constraint σ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 ≈ σ ai 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑,
condition by eliminating the design variable corresponding (20)
to the minimum xdm,t value than eliminating other design
variables. And it is easier to satisfy constraint condition
σ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑 ≈ σ ci 􏼐xdm,1 , xdm,2 , . . . , xdm,n 􏼑.
(optimal solution) by optimizing the remaining design
variables. (21)
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

In other words, it is easy to satisfy or approximate con- analysis, the proposed calculation method is used to cal-
straint conditions compared with eliminating other designed culate the cable force.
variables when xdm � [xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , . . . , xdm,n ]T . In case A, the main span of the bridge is 250 m, the two
Based on the above analysis, the entire analysis sequence side spans are 119 m, and the height of the main pylon is
of the optimization calculation method is described in the 98.1 m. To accommodate uneven geological conditions, the
flowchart of Figure 1: pile foundation’s depth is 37.8 m at the north side and 78.7 m
at the south side. The bridge contains 160 stay cables, which
Step 1: determine the initial values
consist of parallel steel wires with a standard tensile strength
[x01 ] � [x01,1 , x01,2 , . . . , x01,n ]T . Then, the initial values are
of 1770 MPa. Among the cables, the cable types of M1–M3
substituted into the sensitivity analysis and the opti-
(S1–S3), M4–M8 (S4–S8), M8–M12 (S8–S12), M13–M16
mization module for iterative calculations. The iterative
(S13–S16), and M17–M20 (S17–S20) are PES7-163, PES7-
calculations would be stopped if the termination cri-
199, PES7-223, PES7-283, and PES7-313, respectively. The
terion is met, and then the next module starts and the
main girders are made of C55 concrete with fck � 35.5 MPa
optimal solution is recorded (detailed steps have been
(fck means the standard value of axial compressive strength).
described in Section 3.1).
Figure 2 illustrates the layout of this bridge and the number
Step 2: proceed to the next calculation step (the next of the cables. The two shortest cable and the two longest
module) and set m � m + 1. cables of each pylon in the north side span are denoted by
Step 3: search for xdm,t � min(xdm,i ) in [xdm ] and set NS1 and NS20, respectively. For the 20 stay cables in the
xdm,t � 0. north side span, they are notated as NS1 to NS20 according
Step 4: update the design variables as to the length of cables. The two shortest cables and the two
x � [x1 , . . . , xt− 1 , xt+1 , . . . , xn ]T . Then, the objective longest cables of each pylon in the north midspan are
function (equation (4)) and constraint conditions denoted by NM1and NM20, respectively. For the 20 stay
(equations (5)–(7)) are changed corresponding to the cables in the north midspan, they are notated as NSM1 to
updated design variables. NSM20 according to the length of cables. The method of
notation of stay cables of the south side span and midspan is
Step 5: update the initial values as
the same as that on the north side. The cross sections of the
[xdm+1 ] � [xdm,1 , . . . , xdm,t− 1 , 0, xdm,t+1 , xdm,n ]T . Then, re-
main structural components are shown in Figure 3. The
peat step 2.
characteristics and the limit stress value of the cross sections
Step 6: repeat steps 2 to 5 if the optimal solution exists; are listed in Table 1 (the x-axis is the longitudinal direction of
output the result of the final calculation xdm if the it- the bridge, the y-axis is the transverse direction of the bridge,
erations exceed the maximum iteration set in the and the direction of gravity corresponds with the z-axis).
sensitivity analysis module. The result xdm can be ver- The cable force is adjusted from the short cable to the long
ified by the finite element model. cable by referring to the previous study and several cases re-
garding sequence of stay cable adjustment [9]. In order to meet
4. Case Studies the construction conditions and guarantee the load balance of
the single-sided main pylon during the cable adjustment
Two actual engineering cases, case A and case B, are selected process, the cable adjustment scheme is designed as follows:
for the calculation of the cable force adjustment in the design firstly, the forces of the two stay cables on the north side span
phase and the completion phase, respectively. (NS1) are adjusted, and then the forces of the two stay cables on
the north midspan (NM1) are adjusted. The sequence of the
stay cables adjustment of the north side is NS1-NM1-NS2-
4.1. Case A NM2-· · ·-NS19-NM19-NS20-NM20; secondly, the sequence of
stay cable adjustment of south side is the same as that of north
4.1.1. Overview. Case A is a two-pylon, three-span, pre- side, namely, SS1-SM1-SS2-SM2-· · ·-SS19-SM19-SS20-SM20.
stressed reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge. During the
bridge’s preliminary design stage, the cable force of the
bridge is determined according to the minimum sum of the 4.1.2. Finite Element Model. The three-dimensional finite
bending energy of the main pylon and the main beam under element model of this bridge was established in ANSYS.
the dead load equilibrium state, and the area of the stay cable Although the superstructure is symmetrical, the whole
is determined based on the cable force. In order to optimize structure of the bridge was modeled due to the large dis-
the structural stress state, the cross section size of the main crepancy between the pile foundation depths on two sides.
girder is designed to be comparatively small. And the initial The Beam 4 element (Beam 4 is three-dimensional elastic
cable tension is low (the vertical component of the initial element) is adopted to simulate the main girder and pylon,
tensile force is close to the deadweight of the corresponding and the Link 10 element (Link 10 is three-dimensional elastic
section, ensuring that the cross section of the main beam is bar element only considering tension and compression) is
under pressure during the construction stage). Therefore, used for the stay cables [18, 27]. The materials’ constitution is
after the closure of the main girder, it is necessary to increase set as linear elastic, and the influence of geometric non-
the cable adjustment condition and adjust the cable force to linearity and pile-soil interaction are taken into account. The
the design value. In this section, combined with an example elastic modulus of the stay cable varies with the change of the
Advances in Civil Engineering 7



Cable NM1-NM20

19 × 1.6
7 SM1-SM1





119 2×
(no 9 Pile foundation 34.6
r th
side 6×
span 19

250 19
dsp 2× Riverbed
an) 9

119 6×
(sou 4.5
th s 5

Figure 2: General layout of the bridge (m). Note: NS means north side span, NM means north midspan, SS means south side span, and SM
means south midspan.

95 809 241 1360 241 809 95

100 × 32 100 × 28 100 × 32



50 × 50
Cable centerline Cable centerline

90~150 220 90~150

Longitudinal bridge direction

20 × 100
30 × 30


(b) (c) (d)

Figure 3: Cross sections of main stress components (cm). (a) Girder. (b) Pile foundation. (c) Stay cable of parallel wires. (d) Tower
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Characteristics of cross sections.

Control section A (m2) Iy (m4) Iz (m4) E (MPa) L (MPa)
Main girder 24 21.7 3571.4 35500 17.8
Main pylon (top) 15.4 59.7 27.3 33500 16.2
Main pylon (bottom) 38.1 254.9 165.9 33500 16.2
Pile foundation 3.8 1.15 1.15 30000 10.05
PES7-163 0.006
PES7-199 0.008
Steel wire PES7-223 0.009 0 0 205000 708
PES7-283 0.011
PES7-313 0.012
Note: A � cross-sectional area; Ix � moment of inertia for the x-axis; Iy � moment of inertia for the y-axis; E � elastic modulus; L � limit value of the stress.

section stress, and thus it is corrected according to the Ernst cable forces at these 13 control sections are adjusted. The
formula [4]. stress constraints of the section do not need to be defined
E when the cable force is not carried to the 13 stress-controlled
Eeq � (22) main beam s sections.
1 + 􏼐(c · L cos α)2 E/􏼐12σ 3 􏼑), j
σ ai ≤ 0.5 × 35.5 � 24.85, i � 1, 2, . . . , 13;
where Eeq is the equivalent cable modulus of elasticity; E is (23)
j � 10, 20, 30, . . . , 80.
the effective cable material modulus of elasticity; c is the
specific weight of the cable material; L is the length of the For constraint equation (6), the allowable error is set to
chord; α is the angle between the cable chord and the be 2 MPa, as shown in the following equation:
horizontal direction; and σ is the tension stress in the cable. 􏼌􏼌 􏼌
􏼌􏼌σ ci − σ di 􏼌􏼌􏼌 ≤ 2, i � 1, 2, . . . , 13. (24)
The finite element model simulates the construction
process by using the element birth and death method [28].
And for equation (7), the error of cable force at the
The prestressed tendons of the main girder are simulated by
completion of cable adjustment is limited to be lower than
truss elements, and prestress is applied by means of tem-
5%, as indicated in the following equation:
perature loads. Cable force is also applied by means of
temperature loads [27, 29]. The shrinkage and creep effects Ti
of concrete should not be considered due to the short du- 0.95 ≤ ≤ 1.05, i � 1, 2, . . . , 80. (25)
ration of the adjustment process. Node coupling is used as
connection of pylon to stay cables, pylon to stay cables, and Two optimization object functions are proposed as
pylon to main girder in longitudinal direction, but no f1 (x) and f2 (x). f3 (x) is proposed subsequently as a new
coupling is used as connection of pylon to main girder in optimization object function by the linear weighting
transverse direction. The diagram of the three-dimensional method. Generally, the weighted factors need to be defined
finite element model is shown in Figure 4, and the boundary for each object function according to both magnitude and
conditions of the model are listed in Table 2. Only constant importance degree. The importance degrees for both two
load is considered in this model without live load (wind, optimization object functions as f1 (x) and f2 (x) are
earthquake, and truck loads): self-weight (26 kN/m3), sec- considered as the same, and thus the weighted factors are
ondary load (110 kN/m), and prestressed load. determined according to the magnitudes of the two func-
tions. The weighted factors are obtained by the following
equation [30]:
4.1.3. Optimization. Similar to Section 2, the specific pa-
rameters in this case study are selected as follows. wk � X∗ 􏼁, k � 1, 2, (26)
The design variables are the adjusted value of each cable fk
force [x1 , x2 , . . . , x80 ]; x1 ∼ x20 represents cable 20 to cable 1 where fk (X∗ ) is the optimal solution of single objective
on the northern side span; x21 ∼ x40 represents cable 1 to optimization problem composed by the first and the second
cable 20 on the northern middle span; x41 ∼ x60 represents subobjective functions.
cable 20 to cable 1 on the southern middle span; x61 ∼ x80 In the first optimization calculation including overall
represents cable 1 to cable 20 on the southern side span. In design variables: only f1 (x) or f2 (x) is chosen as the object
order to verify the reliability of the calculation method, the function to obtain the first optimal solution, and the other
initial value xi is randomly selected within a certain range one is selected as the object function to obtain the other
because the optimal solution may be influenced by the initial optimal solution. The optimal solutions of f1 (x) and f2 (x)
value. In this case, xi ∈ [− 1000, 1000], i � 1, 2, . . . , 80. are 53 kJ and 635 kN, respectively. And w1 ≈ 0.018,
As for constraint equation (5), quarter point on the two w2 ≈ 0.0016, and w2 /w1 ≈ 0.1 (dimensionless method).
side spans and one eighth point on the middle span (total 13 Then, the weight α is set as 0 and 1.0, and the optimal
sections) are selected as stress-controlled sections. The stress solutions are substituted into f3 (x), which is 115.1 and
constraints of the section need to be defined when the stay 116.5, respectively. Hence, the weighted factors have little
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Boundary 1

Boundary 2 Boundary 4

Boundary 3

Figure 4: Three-dimensional finite element model.

Table 2: Boundary constraint conditions of finite element model.

Position Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz
Intersection node between girder and tower (boundary 1) Free Coupled Coupled Coupled Free Free
Bottom of the tower (boundary 2) Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Bottom of the tower (boundary 3) Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Side span (boundary 4) Free Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Fixed
Intersection node between cable and girder Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled
Intersection node between cable and tower Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled Coupled
Note: the unit of Dx, Dy, and Dz is kN/m; the unit of Rx, Ry, and Rz is kN·m/rad.

influence on the object function. The weight α is set as 0.1 for when taking part of the stay cables as design variables. At
the second object function. this time, although the work required to adjust the cable
force increases and the cable force to be adjusted in-
creases, the number of cables to be adjusted decreases
4.1.4. Optimization Results. The distribution of cable forces dramatically, which is very important in practical
prior to adjustment is presented in Figure 5. Some cable application.
forces deviate significantly from their design values; there- The results of the 20 optimization calculations are
fore, the additional adjustment is necessary. different, and the cables that need to be adjusted in each
In total, 20 optimization calculations are conducted. result are also different. Table 3 shows the number of
For each optimization process, the optimal result is ob- occurrences for each stay cable in the results of 20 opti-
tained after approximately 40 to 50 calculation steps. After mization calculations (for example, “ZBS1:20” indicates
completing one calculation step, the number of design that cable ZBS1 appeared in the result of all 20 optimization
variables is reduced by one. The change of objective calculations). Figure 7 presents the values of six heavily
function value (equation (4)) during the first 20 opti- adjusted cables from the results of 20 optimization cal-
mization calculation steps is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 culations. The blue lines represent the mean value of the
illustrates that fewer number of stay cables need to be results of 20 calculations and the red lines are the 68.3%
adjusted with calculation steps increasing (the value of the confidence interval (mean ± standard deviation). From
objective function increases gradually with the number of Figures 5 and 7, it is clear that the results of 20 optimization
calculation steps, indicating that as optimization pro- calculations remain similar and have a low level of dis-
gressed, the number of cables that need to be adjusted creteness, suggesting that the proposed calculation method
reduced). After the 20th calculation step, due to differ- is reliable and stable, and the calculation results afterwards
ences in the design variables of each optimization process, are credible [13].
the gap between the various objective functions has It can be seen that the number of stay cables which need
gradually increased. The total work is less and the values of to be adjusted for the 14th optimization result is the least
stay cable forces which need to be adjusted are indeed (only 27 pairs of cable need to be adjusted). On the premise
relatively low when taking the whole stay cables as design of satisfying the constraint conditions, the adjustment
variables. The optimal solution can be also conducted amount required for the 14th optimization result is the least,
10 Advances in Civil Engineering



Cable force (kN)





Number of stay cable
The cable force before adjustment
The cable force after adjustment
The cable force design value



Cable force (kN)







Number of stay cable

The cable force before adjustment

The cable force after adjustment
The cable force design value
Figure 5: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 11


Error (%) 0




Number of stay cable


Error (%)




Number of stay cable
Error before cable adjustment Upper limit
Error after cable adjustment Lower limit

Figure 5: Cable forces before and after adjustments. (a) Cable force value of stay cable. (b) Cable force error of stay cable.

suggesting that 54/160 cables require adjustment. The values standard value of the axial compressive strength of
of stay cable adjustment are shown in Table 4, which were concrete).
obtained based on a predetermined sequence of cable In addition, attempts are made to eliminate several
adjustments. design variables corresponding to the least optimal solution
The cable force and the stress on the main girder in the simultaneously in each optimization circulation progress. It
completion stage, as shown in Figures 5 and 8, are cal- is revealed from the final results that 32, 34, and 37 design
culated using the adjustment cable forces listed in Table 4, variables are obtained when eliminating 3, 5, and 8 design
indicating that after adjusting the stay cable forces, the variables corresponding to the least optimal solutions si-
cable forces are relatively close to their design values, with multaneously in each optimization circulation progress,
only a 5% difference in magnitude. The stresses of main respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that if only the design
girder after cables adjustment are within the range of error, variable corresponding to the least 1 optimal solution in each
with a maximum stress of 14 MPa. The maximum com- optimization circulation progress is eliminated, the number
pressive stress produced by live load of this bridge is ap- of design variables will be the minimum in the final result.
proximately 3 MPa during the maintenance phase
according to previous design experience [4, 5]. Therefore,
the maximum compressive stress the bridge is approxi- 4.2. Case B. Case B is a single-pylon, three-span, prestressed
mately 17 MPa during the maintenance phase, which reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge located in an urban
satisfies the design requirement (i.e., for a bridge in op- transportation hub, which has been in service for 20 years.
eration, the maximum compressive stress is 0.5 times the During the service stage, the cable force values have deviated
12 Advances in Civil Engineering


Objective function value (kJ)

180 14th
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Calculation step

1 6 11 16
2 7 12 17
3 8 13 18
4 9 14 19
5 10 15 20
Figure 6: Objective function varying with calculation step.

Table 3: Number of occurrences for each cable.

Cable Occurrence
NS1 20
NM1 20
NM2 20
NM3 20
NM7 8
NS8 19
NS9 20
NM9 19
NS10 18
NM10 12
NM12 4
NS13 18
NM13 9
NM14 5
NM15 5
NM16 7
NM18 19
NS19 20
NM19 20
NS20 20
NM20 20
SS1 20
SM1 20
SM2 20
SM3 19
SM4 3
SS5 4
SM5 2
SS6 8
Advances in Civil Engineering 13

Table 3: Continued.
Cable Occurrence
SM6 6
SS7 16
SM7 12
SS8 17
SS9 20
SM9 19
SM10 8
SS12 20
SS13 20
SM13 15
SM17 3
SM18 18
SM19 20
SS20 20
SM20 20
Note: cables which do not require force adjustment (zero occurrence) are not listed in the table.


Cable force (kN)

Cable force (kN)



360 660


340 620
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Computation times Computation times
(a) (b)

1140 400
Cable force (kN)

Cable force (kN)


1080 360

1050 340


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Computation times Computation times
(c) (d)
Figure 7: Continued.
14 Advances in Civil Engineering

800 1060
760 1000
Cable force (kN)

Cable force (kN)

720 940
680 880
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Computation times Computation times
(e) (f )

Figure 7: Optimization results of cable force. (a) Cable force distribution, ZM1. (b) Cable force distribution, ZM19. (c) Cable force
distribution, ZM20. (d) Cable force distribution, YM1. (e) Cable force distribution, YM19. (f ) Cable force distribution, YM20.

Table 4: The adjusted values of cable forces (14th calculation) (kN).

The sequence of stay cable adjustment Cable The adjustment value of cable force The force of stay cable after adjustment
1 NS1 316 2645
2 NM1 376 2658
3 NM2 174 2632
4 NM3 95 2835
5 NS8 − 78 4161
6 NS9 − 174 4251
7 NM14 176 5308
8 NM17 354 5600
9 NM18 684 5715
10 NS19 681 5694
11 NM19 751 5726
12 NS20 948 5854
13 NM20 1134 5711
14 SS1 428 2762
15 SM1 343 2628
16 SM2 173 2633
17 SM3 48 2788
18 SS4 276 3484
19 SS6 159 3766
20 SM6 251 3845
21 SS9 − 171 4220
22 SS12 − 84 4790
23 SS13 − 263 4597
24 SM18 591 5682
25 SM19 779 5650
26 SS20 286 5233
27 SM20 1031 5602
Note: the sequence of stay cables is predetermined.

from the original design values, and the deviations of several cables in side span and main span are S1 to S26 and P1 to
cable forces are severe. Case B aims to verify applicability of P26, respectively, with length of a pair of stay cable in-
the proposed method during the maintenance phase. creasing. For instance, the shortest pair of stay cables in
The main span of the bridge in case B is 180 m, the side side span is denoted as S1, the longest pair of stay cables is
span is 150 m, the height of the main pylon is 111 m, and denoted as S26, the shortest pair of stay cables is denoted as
the depth of the pile foundation is 42 m. Each side span P1, and the longest pair of stay cables is denoted as P26.
(S1–S26) and each main span (P1–P26) contain 26 pairs of Detailed information is demonstrated in Figure 9. The
cables (104 cables in total). The notation of the pairs of stay cables are made of parallel steel strands with a standard
Advances in Civil Engineering 15

Upper edge stress of main girder (MPa)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500
Distance along bridge’s longitudinal axis (m)

Upper limit
Lower limit
14th calculation
Bottom edge stress of main girder (MPa)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500
Distance along bridge’s longitudinal axis (m)

Upper limit
Lower limit
14th calculation

Figure 8: Stress state of the main girder at the completion of bridge. (a) Upper edge stress of the main girder. (b) Bottom edge stress of the
main girder.

tensile strength of 1670 MPa. The main girders are made of adjustment progress, the scheme for the cable adjustment is
C50 concrete with fck � 32.5 MPa (fck is the standard value an alternating predetermined adjustment between the side
of axial compressive strength). This bridge has been in and the middle span just as case A. Firstly, adjust the force of
service for 20 years and has experienced the shrinkage and the shortest pair of stay cables in the side span (S1) and then
creep of the concrete, the retraction of the anchor head, and adjust the force of the shortest pair of stay cables in the main
the relaxation of the steel wire. The actual forces of the stay span (P1). Secondly, adjust the second shortest pair of stay
cables have deviated from the design values. And the value cables in the side span (S2) and then adjust the second
of stay cable forces obtained from the field test is shown in shortest pair of stay cables in the main span (P2). Subse-
Figure 10. quently, repeat the adjustment with the above method. The
In order to meet the construction conditions on site and stay cable adjustment sequence of side span and main span is
ensure the load balance of the main pylon during the cable presented as S1-P1-S2-P2-· · ·-S25-P25-S26-P26.
16 Advances in Civil Engineering

Side span Main span

Cable: Cable:

S26-S1 P1-P26
6 × 2 19 × 1.5




Pile foundation

Auxiliary pier


6 11 × 4 14 × 6 2 × 16 25 × 6 14
56 94 180
Figure 9: General layout of the bridge (m).



Cable force (kN)






Number of stay cables

The cable force before adjustment
The cable force after adjustment
The cable force design value
Figure 10: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 17




Error (%)



Number of stay cables

Error before cable adjustment Upper limit

Error after cable adjustment Lower limit

Figure 10: Cable forces before and after adjustments. (a) Cable force error of stay cable. (b) Cable force error of stay cable.

Table 5: The adjusted values of cable forces (kN).

The sequence of stay cable adjustment Cable The adjustment value of cable force The force of stay cable after adjustment
1 S2 − 259 2581
2 S4 − 350 2582
3 P4 − 541 2512
4 P5 − 367 3398
5 S8 159 4189
6 S9 − 556 4300
7 S10 − 536 4410
8 S11 215 4328
9 S13 247 5571
10 P13 379 4331
11 S14 − 518 5634
12 P14 − 428 4315
13 P15 281 4294
14 S16 237 5670
15 P19 − 499 5679
16 S20 116 6194
17 P20 − 639 6084
18 P21 406 6180
19 P22 − 623 7245
20 S23 − 856 7686
21 P23 668 7495
22 S24 352 7273

The finite element model was established for analysis by results indicates that only 44 (44/104) stay cables need to be
ANSYS program, and the measured cable force is used as the adjusted. The cable force value after adjustment is dem-
initial cable force before the bridge cable is adjusted. The onstrated in Figure 10. The maximum error value of cable
optimal design and calculation method of the bridge are the force after adjustment is about 5%. The stress value of the
same as those in the previous section (case A). Only dead main beam after the adjustment is shown in Figure 11.
loads are considered in this model without live loads (wind, Two engineering cases of concrete cable-stayed bridges
earthquake, and truck loads): self-weight (26 kN/m3), sec- (case A and case B) revealed that the proposed method for
ondary load (110 kN/m), and prestressed load. Then, the best calculating the cable adjustment force regarding the cable-
set of optimal cable from the 20 calculation results (6th stayed bridges satisfies cable-stayed bridges in the design
calculation) is directly given, as shown in Table 5. This set of phase (case A) and in the maintenance phase (case B).
18 Advances in Civil Engineering

Upper edge stress of main girder (MPa)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325
Distance along bridge’s longitudinal axis (m)
Upper limit
Lower limit
6th calculation
Bottom edge stress of main girder (MPa)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325
Distance along bridge’s longitudinal axis (m)
Upper limit
Lower limit
6th calculation

Figure 11: Stress state of the main girder at the completion of bridge. (a) Upper edge stress of the main girder. (b) Bottom edge stress of the
main girder.

Table 6: Summary of cable adjustment in engineering case.

Number of Proportion of
Case Bridge state Bridge type Structure type Total stay cables
adjustment cables adjustment cables (%)
A Design stage Double pylons with three spans 160 54 34
B Operation stage Single pylon with three spans 104 44 42
Advances in Civil Engineering 19

Besides, the proposed method significantly reduces the adjusted. The follow-up research aims to find an optimal
number of stay cables which need to be adjusted. The sequence of cable adjustment corresponding to the mini-
number of stay cables which need to be adjusted is 34% of mum number of stay cables which need to be adjusted
the total stay cables in case A and 42% of the total stay cables automatically.
in case B. The detailed data are shown in Table 6.
5. Conclusions Data Availability
In this study, an innovative optimization method of stay The data supporting the conclusions in the manuscript come
cable adjustment is proposed for cable-stayed bridges from numerical analysis.
considering the minimum number of adjustment cables. The
following conclusions can be drawn:
Conflicts of Interest
(1) This paper proposed an original calculation method
for reducing the numbers of cables while ensuring The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
that the structural stress of the cable-stayed bridge regarding the publication of this paper.
does not exceed the limit value during the cable
adjustment progress and the completion stage. The Acknowledgments
proposed optimization calculation method includes
a sensitivity analysis and optimization module and The help of engineers and technicians in the Key Laboratory
an updating design variable module (UDVM). The of Bridge Detection Reinforcement Technology Ministry of
sensitivity analysis and optimization module is used Chang’an University is highly appreciated. The authors
to optimize the mechanical performance of the ca- gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Natural
ble-stayed bridge structure, and the updating design Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi (program no.
variable module (UDVM) can really optimize the 2020JQ-377) and the Special Funds for Fundamental Re-
number of stay cable adjustment. search Business Fees of Central Universities of Chang’an
(2) It can be seen from case A and case B that the University (program no. 310821161012).
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