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Total Parenteral Nutrition Guideline-4 - 2

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Clinical Guideline


SETTING Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

FOR STAFF Medical staff, Nursing staff, Dietitians, Pharmacists

PATIENTS Term neonates, infants, children and adolescents on inpatient wards at the
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children



Quick Reference Guide

Overview of PN process

Prescribing Guidelines
Administration Guidelines
Long Term Monitoring

Recommended nutritional content of PN
Managing PN associated complications
Constituents of PN and prefilled PN bags
Enteral nutrition
PSU insert sheet and PN prescription examples
Bespoke parenteral nutrition protocols


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 1 of 38

Parenteral nutrition (PN) is the administration of nutrition directly into the bloodstream. PN is usually indicated when
sufficient nutrient supply cannot be provided orally or enterally to prevent or correct malnutrition or sustain
appropriate growth. PN may provide the full nutritional requirements or partial nutritional requirements when it is
used in conjunction with oral/enteral nutrition. PN is invasive and associated with clinical risk. It should only be
used when there is no alternative method of feeding.

Examples of risks involved in the use of PN

Clinical Procedural
Fluid overload or dehydration Errors in dosage calculations
Venous catheter complications - line sepsis, Errors in administration – wrong rate, not giving all
thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, extravasation, line parts of PN, contamination, incorrect storage, mixing
breakage with other drugs
Metabolic disturbances, e.g. hypo- or Errors in manufacturing, potential for contamination
hyperglycaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia of bag
Electrolyte disturbances Errors in prescription writing
Liver disease associated with PN
Refeeding syndrome

The aim of this guideline is to provide clear, evidence based guidance and procedures for using PN in hospital.
This is to ensure safe and optimum management of parenterally fed infants, children and adolescents and minimise
the risks associated with this form of nutrition support.


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 2 of 38
2.1 Indications
• There are a number of indications for PN, such as:
• Neonates/infants with necrotising enterocolitis who need full gut rest
• Intestinal failure, e.g. short bowel syndrome due to gut resections or intestinal atresia, chronic intestinal
• Post-abdominal surgery or abdominal trauma if gut rest is required
• Hypercatabolic states, e.g. extensive burns, if enteral feeding fails
• Neonatal collapse with coarctation, unbalanced circulation, and chylothorax that cannot be managed with
specialised enteral feeds
• Inadequate enteral/oral nutritional supply due to severe/persistent vomiting, cancer treatment,
radiation/chemotherapy gut injury, severe persistent diarrhoea where tailoring enteral feeds is unsuccessful

2.2 Contraindications and cautions

PN should be used with particular caution in:
• Renal impairment (may be fluid-, protein-, potassium-, phosphate- and sodium-restricted)
• Liver disease (may be fluid- and sodium-restricted)
• Metabolic acidosis or alkalosis
• Patients with limited fluid volume available for nutrition
• Electrolyte disturbances (see prescribing guidelines, Y-site/extension sets and appendix 1, fluid)
• Refeeding syndrome (see appendix 2.5)

Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities should be corrected prior to starting PN if possible, particularly in the case
of refeeding syndrome (see appendix 2.5).
Allergies to fish, egg, soya, peanut protein and methylhydroxybenzoate may preclude use of some of the
constituents of PN (see prescribing guidelines, Allergies).

2.3 Initiation of PN

The decision to initiate PN should be made by a senior clinician. Unless it is contraindicated, prior to requesting PN
medical staff should liaise with the ward dietitian to ensure that the infant/child has an appropriate trial of enteral
feeding. A plan for PN should be made prior to initiation of treatment and documented in the medical notes. This
should include:
• Expected duration of PN
• Desired outcome of PN
• What IV access is available or will be inserted for the administration of PN – see administration guidelines
section 4.1
• Other oral/enteral/parenteral nutrition or fluids to be given alongside PN or whether the patient is nil-by-mouth

The following must also be considered:

• If PN is to be given via a peripheral cannula it will be unable to deliver total nutritional needs (see section 4.1),
insertion of a central venous line is strongly recommended.
• Carers and patients (where appropriate) should be informed of the reason for PN, likely duration, potential side
effects, likely impact on them and the family and what the procedure entails.
• Consideration should be given to the risk of refeeding syndrome (see appendix 2.5).

2.4 Monitoring
Monitoring is an essential component of successful PN therapy in order to ensure nutritional requirements are met,
measure the effectiveness of PN and minimise complications.
Patient monitoring
• Weight, height/length, head circumference, plotted on a centile chart prior to initiation of PN and repeated as
per table overleaf or as requested.
• Daily oral/enteral and intravenous input (including IV flushes and medications) and
urine/vomit/aspirates/stoma/drain output using fluid balance charts.
• Daily bowel output, recorded using fluid balance chart or bowel output chart.
• Daily CVC exit site and dressing check for redness, tenderness, swelling, leakage or inflammation.

Heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate and blood pressure every 4 hours until PN prescription is stable (i.e.
no further changes in ingredients on Parenteral Services Unit (PSU) insert sheet or volume/type of
standardised PN administered).

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 3 of 38
Prior to First Week Stable PN

Glucose monitoring
Increasing glucose dose
• Blood glucose should be checked once daily (whilst PN is running) for the first week of PN or other times the
amount of glucose is increased, to check for hyperglycaemia.
• PSU PN prescriptions show the glucose dose in g/kg per day. Specific standardised PN products have a fixed
glucose concentration per ml – the glucose dose increases as the volume administered increases.
• Measure blood glucose via hand-held meter or gas analyser and consider >11mmol/L as significant.
• If a patient has a level >11mmol/L, recheck result and if still high perform a urine dip for glucose. If dipstick is
positive for urine this suggests the patient has some difficulty handling the glucose load.
• Monitoring may cease when measurements are stable unless there is other advice from clinical team.
• Persistent hyperglycaemia may require adjustment of the carbohydrate content in PN and rarely co-
administration of insulin (see hyperglycaemia).
• Avoid stopping PN suddenly as it may precipitate hypoglycaemia. Seek advice from the ward dietitian or
nutrition support team (NST) before giving insulin.

Reducing duration of PN or stopping PN

• Blood glucose level should be taken via finger prick 30 – 60 minutes following cessation of PN in patients on
cyclical PN (i.e. infusion of aqueous phase is <24 hours).
• Check this for 1-2 days following a reduction in PN infusion duration.

Trace elements and vitamins

Monitoring for trace elements and vitamins is required only if on PN >4 weeks, or at baseline if there are suspected
pre-existing imbalances. See long term monitoring for further advice.

• Check triglyceride level weekly just prior to starting next day’s bag of PN.

More frequent monitoring is recommended if the lipid dose exceeds usual maximum doses, in sepsis , in the
3 3
catabolic or critically ill , or if there is unexplained severe thrombocytopenia. See lipids and
hypertriglyceridaemia for further information.

Routine biochemical monitoring should take place in all patients on PN. Baseline blood tests and measurements
should be taken prior to initiation of PN and periodically as per table overleaf. Those at risk of refeeding syndrome
may have significant metabolic abnormalities and may need monitoring more frequently (magnesium, potassium
and phosphate monitoring is particularly important) - seek advice from the ward dietitian or NST.

Do not order a full blood count (FBC) more than once weekly as part of routine PN monitoring. Patients are
vulnerable to anaemia secondary to repeated venesection.

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 4 of 38
Daily Twice Weekly Daily Twice Weekly Monthly
Weekly Weekly

Infusion Site  
Fluid balance   
Blood glucose  Only if glucose dose recently increased
Sodium   
Potassium   
Urea, creatinine   
Urine Sodium and  
Calcium   
Phosphate   
Magnesium   
Triglyceride*  
Transaminases   
Alk Phos   
GGT  Only repeat if LFTS are abnormal Only repeat if LFTS are abnormal
Albumin   
Bilirubin   
Acid base balance  
Full blood count   
Ferritin After 1 month, then every 3 months
Trace elements, After 1 month, then every 3 months
vitamin B12 and (Manganese annually)
Thyroid function Every 6 months

Parathyroid Every 6 months

Vitamin A, D, E After 1 month, then every 3 months
Weight   
Height or length  
Head   
(<2yrs old)
PN monitoring
* Sample directly prior to hanging the next PN infusion. CRP should be checked at the same time as copper, selenium,
manganese, zinc or ferritin.

Derangement from normal ranges should be discussed with the consultant, ward pharmacist or dietitian.
Who to contact if there is a problem with blood monitoring/results
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Clinical team, ward pharmacist, NST
Out of hours
Emergency duty pharmacist, on-call registered medical officer (RMO)

Overview of PN process
Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 5 of 38
NO Seek further advice from ward
Inadequate enteral intake or
enteral route contraindicated dietitian

YES Discuss with ward dietitian or refer

Baseline Assessment to refeeding guideline

• Senior decision to initiate PN Assess refeeding risk and nutritional

• Document reason for PN, desired outcome, expected complexity
duration and other nutrition/fluid/electrolytes via other
routes in notes
• Assess for contraindications and cautions Inform ward pharmacist and nurse
• Provide information to child/family Day prior to initiation or as soon as
• Insert suitable IV access practicable

Take baseline blood test, weight, height/length, head circumference (if <2yrs)
Day prior to initiation or by 10am in morning
If taking bloods in the morning, send to pathology urgently in red bag via POD or with porter

• Pharmacist and doctor/non-medical prescriber Continuation
(NMP) check baseline blood results • Follow guideline for frequency of monitoring
• Bespoke PN: use trust protocol for patient weight, • Take bloods night before prescribing or
tailor to dietetic advice and blood results OR urgently in the morning as above
• Standardised PN (insufficient PSU capacity): • Pharmacist and doctor/NMP check blood
supplemented bag (>30kg or at discretion of results prior to prescribing
nutrition team) or multi-chamber bag without Bespoke PN: tailor prescription to outcome of
additions monitoring, enteral intake, complications etc.
• Prescribe 1-3 days at a time (3 if starting on Fri) OR
• Daily blood monitoring as per guideline • Standardised PN: tailor volume
• Monitor physical status as per guideline, including administered/rate of administration, switch to
fluid in/output and blood sugar bespoke PN if necessary

Bespoke PN: Pharmacist sends prescription to PSU by Standardised PN: Doctor/NMP prescribe on fluid
12noon (mon-fri) prescription, pharmacist provides to ward

PSU make PN (mon-fri) and send direct to ward by

6pm with porter
• Sat and sun bags will arrive by Friday.

Nurse(s) administer PN
As per Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 2 Nurse Technique Checking and Administration OR
Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 1 Nurse Technique Checking and Administration


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 6 of 38
3.1 Constituents of PN
PN is historically provided in 2 parts due to physical/chemical instability which may occur when all components are
stored in a single bag, particularly for regimens used in infants. In this case there is an aqueous bag and a lipid
bag or syringe. Sometimes the whole PN product is presented in one bag (‘all-in-one’), including SMOFKabiven,
SMOFVen or Nutriflex products (being rebranded as Lipoflex during 2019) and most home PN (HPN). ‘All-in-one’
bags are sometimes provided as 3 separate chambers (1 cloudy, 2 clear) which require mixing on the ward prior to
See appendix 3 for examples of constituents that may be present in PN. PN may be prescribed as a ‘bespoke’
regimen, meaning the constituents of the PN have been prescribed at the specific amounts required for that patient
on that day, or a standardised regimen (see below 3.4).

3.2 Allergies
Contra-indications on the basis of allergy
(x = contra-indicated)

Type of allergy
Fish Egg Soya Peanut protein Methylhydroxy-
SMOFLipid, x x x x
Intralipid x x x
Solivito N x
SMOFVen range x x x x x
Vitlipid infant and x x x
Supplemented x x x x
range *
*Supplemented Nutriflex lipid special/Lipoflex special or Nutriflex lipid plus/Lipoflex plus

If a patient who requires PN is allergic to egg, soya or peanut protein seek advice from NST regarding
management of lipids.

3.3 Prescribing bespoke PN

The prescription should be completed by the clinical team caring for the patient in conjunction with a pharmacist
and dietitian (if possible) or NST after physical assessment of a patient’s clinical condition and review of blood
results. It is generally advisable to prescribe 1 day at a time for the first 3-4 days, taking the PN ordering schedule
with PSU into account (see below) or up to the first 3 days at once if starting PN on a Friday. Note that daily
monitoring and results should be reviewed over weekends. See appendix 1, fluid for advice on giving part of a PN
bag or giving PN over a longer period of time to adjust for unexpected blood results.
Patients should be monitored frequently when PN is first initiated and less frequently once monitoring parameters
are stable (see monitoring). The frequency of PN prescribing is often dictated by the frequency of monitoring.
Bespoke PN prescribing:
• Use Paediatric PSU prescription.
• PSU prescription must reach PSU by noon on the day of manufacturing. PN for Thursday/Friday and
Saturday/Sunday must be ordered by noon Thursday and Friday respectively.

There are standard regimens based on the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology And
Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guidelines which may assist prescribing (see BRHC protocols), although advice should be
sought from a dietitian or NST for these patients:
• intestinal failure
• patients in intensive care
• patients expected to have high energy needs (e.g. burns, cystic fibrosis, other pulmonary disease or cardiac
• patients at high risk of refeeding syndrome or if catch-up growth is desired

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 7 of 38
• patients who are particulary overweight

Actual weight should be used unless the patient is grossly oedematous or thought to be acutely dehydrated, in
which case the best estimate of body weight should be used. If the patient is very overweight ideal weight for
height should be used (discuss with dietitian). For neonates, birth weight should be used until actual weight
exceeds birth weight . See appendix 1 for guidance on the nutritional content of PN.
If an alteration to bespoke PN prescription is required after the product has been made, contact the NST or ward
pharmacist (inside working hours). Outside working hours seek advice from the emergency duty pharmacist. The
constituents can’t be changed but it may be appropriate to reduce the amount of PN which is administered or
increase the hours it is given over in this manner:
• PSU prescription - prescriber to amend volume or infusion duration (or both) by completing section at bottom of
prescription with new aqueous and lipid flow rates.

3.4 Prescribing pre-filled or standardised PN and home PN

Pre-filled or standardised PN is commercially available PN containing fixed ratios of components, including:

• unlicensed aqueous bags containing nitrogen, glucose and electrolytes e.g. Babiven products (separate lipid to
be used alongside). Since summer 2019 Babiven products are temporarily named ‘ITH concentrated and ITH
• licensed multi-chamber bags (MCBs) containing glucose, nitrogen, lipid and electrolytes which need to be
mixed together by ‘rolling’ prior to administration e.g. SMOFKabiven products
• unlicensed premixed all-in-one bags containing nitrogen, glucose, electrolytes, fat-soluble and water-soluble
vitamins and trace elements. Some products are referred to as ‘supplemented’ due to the vitamin and trace
element content, e.g. SMOFVen, supplemented Nutriflex/Lipoflex. Nutriflex is being rebranded as Lipoflex
during 2019.

HPN is made by an external company for a specific patient and usually contains the specific amount of nitrogen,
glucose, electrolytes, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins and trace elements appropriate for that patient.

Supplemented Nutriflex/Lipoflex, SMOFVen, SMOFKabiven and Babiven (+lipid) products may be prescribed in
certain situations, such as:
• Out of working hours, in accordance with Use of Parenteral Nutrition Pre-filled Bags (standard babiven and
smofkabiven bags). Since summer 2019 Babiven products are temporarily named ‘ITH concentrated and ITH
• If PSU capacity for making bespoke PN has been exceeded or a request for PN has come outside of PSU
manufacturing hours – at pharmacist discretion.
• Other situations at pharmacist discretion, if they and/or a dietitian have deemed the content of the product to be
appropriate for a specific patient.

Standardised regimens for children are usually but not exclusively:

• <10kg - an aqueous PN bag (e.g. Babiven/ITH concentrated or term) run alongside lipid.
• <30kg - MCB (short term only as they contain no vitamins or trace elements), or supplemented product (if
advised by NST).
• >30kg - ‘supplemented’ product or MCB (short term).

Standardised PN prescribing:
• Always specify the full name as there are multiple SMOFKabiven and Babiven products available which
are not equivalent, e.g. ITH/Babiven concentrated, ITH/Babiven maintenance, SMOFKabiven peripheral,
SMOFKabiven central. Check carefully whether the product you have prescribed is suitable to be administered
via central or peripheral routes by referring to the prefilled PN bag guideline or the label on the bag.
• The name of the product, volume and flow rate must be prescribed on a fluid chart as in appendix 5.

HPN prescribing:
• This is possible if the patient brings in their own HPN or NST arranges for it to be delivered to the hospital.
• Patients may not receive the same constituents every day or may receive PN on only some days of the week -
refer to a copy of the HPN prescription and keep a copy in the bedside folder. The most common variation is
for some days to be fat-containing (cloudy bag) and some days fat-free (clear bags).
• Parents may carry a copy of HPN prescription or it can be obtained by contacting a member of NST or your
ward pharmacist.
• When the HPN prescription is not available check carefully with a parent what bag(s) are usually given on each
day of the week. The product label shows the volume to be infused and the hours it should be infused over.
• The name of the product, volume and flow rate must be prescribed on a fluid chart as in appendix 5 for up to

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 8 of 38
three days at a time at weekends or for stable patients during the week. HPN bags are labelled with a code
consisting of numbers and letters – use this and the words ‘Home parenteral nutrition’.

3.6 Compounding, delivery and storage

Bespoke PN is made in PSU based in the Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre (BHOC). PN will be delivered to
the ward usually by 6pm. Multiple bags may be delivered during the week if the patient is stable and prescriptions
have been written in advance. Saturday and Sunday bags are generally delivered on Friday, or sometimes earlier
in the week. PN must be stored in a suitable fridge on arrival to the ward (between 2-8 C) unless it is due to be
given within an hour.
See section 4.2 administration for further information.


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 9 of 38
4.1 Venous Access

Central lines
PN should run through a central venous catheter (CVC) wherever possible to reduce the risk of extravasation and
thromboplebitis. The line tip position should be confirmed by x-ray. Ideally there should be a dedicated nutrition
line or lumen (if multi-lumen line), if in any doubt about which line to use discuss with the ward pharmacist or NST.
The type, size and lot number of the CVC inserted should be documented in the patient’s notes . Nurses should
have completed central line and PN administration training before handling PN as per Total Parenteral Nutrition
TPN Setup 2 Nurse Technique Checking and Administration. Refer to Central venous catheter guidelines for
paediatrics for advice on performing weekly bung and dressing changes.

Suitable CVCs
• CVCs may have single, double or triple-lumen. Single lines are more common in long-term PN.
• Percutaneously inserted central catheters (PICCs) and tunnelled catheters, e.g. Hickman lines for long-term

Temporary central lines inserted via internal jugular, subclavian or femoral routes

Subcutaneous implantable ports for short term use – bear in mind if ports get infected they are difficult to treat
(discuss with specialist oncology nurse or NST)

Appropriately sited umbilical venous or arterial catheters (neonates) for short term use

Accessing the line and blood sampling

• Syringes of 10ml or greater should be used to access a CVC as the high flush pressure generated by syringes
smaller than 10ml can rupture the line.
• Avoid taking blood samples from the PN lumen/line if possible to reduce the risk of line infection and catheter
occlusion. However this should be balanced against: 1.) discomfort of peripheral venepuncture and 2.)
expected frequency of PN blood sampling. Smaller children may require peripheral sampling to avoid
• Check with the clinical team for the patient, NST or ward pharmacist if unsure whether blood should be
sampled out of the PN line.
• For triple- or double-lumen lines accessing a lumen other than that used to administer PN is not considered to
be using the PN line.
If there is any difficulty aspirating blood or blood samples are observed to be dilute, there is increased swelling
around the line site, significant pain or the patient’s condition deteriorates stop using the CVC and seek advice from
the clinical team as soon as is possible. If there is a suspected or actual occlusion, or for information on CVC
replacement or repair see Central venous catheter guidelines for paediatrics.

Peripheral lines
Peripheral venous catheters should be avoided for routine administration of PN. Full nutritional needs will usually
not be met due to the low osmolarity tolerated via this route.
Limitations of peripheral lines:
• Maximum glucose concentration 12.39% and maximum osmolarity 900 mOsm/L , higher than this increases

the risk of extravasation and thrombophlebitis.

• Hourly IV cannula assessment (PIPA) must be undertaken and documented .

• Thrombophlebitis often limits tolerance.

PN not suitable to be administered via peripheral lines is labelled by PSU with ‘to be given via central line only’.

4.2 Set-up and practicalities of managing PN

Prior to infusion
PN products should be stored in a temperature-monitored fridge (between 2-8 C). If bags have been refrigerated
on the ward prior to infusion, they should be left to stand at room temperature for 1 hour to minimise the risk of
hypothermia. If bags have arrived from PSU that day they do not need to be left to stand prior to administration.

Volume of PN product and overage

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PSU and other manufacturers of named-patient PN provide an overage to account for priming with giving sets or
syringe connectors. PN which is obtained off the shelf, e.g. Nutriflex/Lipoflex, SMOFVen, SMOFKabiven, and
ITH/Babiven concentrated or term are available in set volumes and overage must be added to the volume the
patient requires,
e.g. baby weighing 6.1kg requires 80ml per kg of ITH/Babiven term = 488ml
Available bag size is 500ml
Assume 25ml volume required for giving set = 25ml overage
Patient would require 2 x 500ml bags, or dose to be rounded down to 77ml/kg at clinical discretion of prescriber
(77ml/kg x 6.1 = 469.7ml)

Light protection
PN is supplied with/in a light-resistant bag to minimise light-induced lipid peroxidation and/or vitamin degradation
whilst in use. These bags should be used to protect all parts of PN during the infusion.
How to light-protect during infusion:
• Orange bag - PSU Lipid bags, intralipid bags.
• Blue and/or silver bag – PSU aqueous PN, ITH/Babiven concentrated or term, HPN fat-containing ‘all-in-one’
bag, SMOFKabiven bags), Home PN fat-free/clear bag, SMOFVen bags.
• Other products may come with their own light-protecting bag, e.g.Nutriflex/ Lipoflex products.
Some light-protective bags are kept in the Children’s Hospital emergency cupboard.

Giving sets and filters

PN giving sets and filters must be changed every time a bag is changed (maximum PN aqueous bag duration 48
hours). Change lipid giving sets every 24 hours. Lipid bags or all-in-one PN should be infused using a 1.2 micron
filtered giving set. Aqueous PN (from PSU or standardised bags) is not currently routinely filtered. If the child is
requiring additional IV therapy, e.g. antibiotics, an administration set should be connected below the filter .

Pauses and disconnections

If the PN administration set is disconnected from the patient at any time the PN and giving set must be discarded.
A PN infusion should never be restarted if disconnected. If there is an accidental disconnection discard the PN,
flush and lock the line as usual, seek medical advice in case replacement fluids or emergency PN is required.
Contact the ward pharmacist if in working hours. It is appropriate to pause the PN infusion if required when the
patient is in theatre provided the giving set is not disconnected. PN can also be paused for blood sampling or for
the administration of medication (see Y-site/extension sets).

Checking procedure
PN should be administered in accordance with the trust guideline Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 2 Nurse
Technique Checking and Administration or Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 1 Nurse Technique Checking and
Administration (as appropriate to ward area) following the principle of aseptic non-touch technique.
Prior to commencing PN the product should be checked for leakage and precipitate and the PSU insert sheet
checked for glucose concentration to ensure it is compatible with the patients vascular access. The table below
indicates what needs to be checked when setting up PN:
Product Original Prescription Insert sheet from PSU
Patient name, number,   
date of birth
Day number of TPN   
(i.e. Day 2)
Expiry  

Rate  

Total volume to infuse  Estimated ml/kg 

Number of hours to   

Any discrepancies must be discussed with pharmacy or medical staff before administration. At all shift changes
nursing staff should recheck the aqueous and lipid infusion rates are correct against PN bag/syringe labels and
infusion pump setting and that IV lines are secured.
Sign and document the start time of PN on the relevant PN prescription.
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Use of Y-site/double and triple extension sets and intravenous medicines
If possible give additional electrolytes, fluids or medications through a separate intravenous line to PN or a
separate lumen to PN (for multi-lumen line). Repeated manipulation of the PN line to give other drugs increases
the risk of infection. When use of another line is impracticable, other IV products may need to be given via a Y-site
on the same line or lumen that PN runs through. PN may not be able to provide all the electrolyte replacement
needs if there are electrolyte disturbances, particularly if PN has been made in advance of recent blood results or
or standardised PN is used, and additional electrolytes may be required.
General guidance:
• Standard pre-made fluid and electrolyte bags, such as plasmalyte, sodium chloride 0.45% and sodium chloride
0.9% are generally suitable to be given via Y-site while PN is running.
• Avoid running medications via a Y-site at the same time as PN if possible.
• If there is difficulty deciding which medication to give via each line then refer to Medusa, the IV medication
folder on the ward, the BRHC guideline Y-Site compatibility of Intravenous Infusions or the ward pharmacist for
information on compatibility. Medusa is available through the pharmacy homepage or the list of apps on
• Products containing calcium, phosphate or sodium bicarbonate should never be given through the same line
as PN while the PN is running as there is a high risk of incompatibility with the PN.
• PN may need to be paused for the administration of boluses or infusions via the Y-site. For patients on 24-
hour PN or for patients receiving relatively long drug infusions consideration should be given to how this
reduces the volume of PN administered.
• Seek advice from the clinical team, ward pharmacist or NST if there are concerns that the necessary volume of
PN cannot be given due to access concerns.
Ceftriaxone and PN :
• Neonates up to 28 days: Do not administer PN and ceftriaxone on the same day even if via different lines or
PN is paused during ceftriaxone administration due to the risk of calcium-ceftriaxone precipitation.
• Children >28 days: Avoid ceftriaxone if possible. If no other antibiotic is appropriate ceftriaxone and PN may
be administered one after the other, provided different IV lines are used or there is a flush between them. If
pausing PN long enough to give ceftriaxone is not clinically appropriate for the patient it may be given whilst PN
is running provided a separate infusion site is used.

All additions to PN bags can only be made in PSU – additions must NEVER be made at ward level
Line locks (also see ‘suspected line sepsis’)
Lock solutions used should be as Central venous catheter guidelines for paediatrics for the specific type of line
inserted, unless the patient usually receives HPN or has been recommended a specific line lock by infectious
diseases or NST. HPN patients may already be receiving alternative lock solutions, such as Taurolock® or ethanol
(see appendix 2.1) due to a previous CVC infection or occlusion, in which case that lock should be used.

4.3 Infusion rates, wind-down, weaning off PN and titration

Aqueous PN solutions should run over a maximum of 48 hours and infusions containing lipid should be changed
and infused over a maximum of 24 hours.
Infusion rates
PN should not be given at a faster rate than the prescription or PSU insert sheet except for when wind-down is
occurring (see below). It is common for the volume and nutritional content of PN given to reduce slowly over a
period of days or weeks in conjunction with increasing oral/enteral feeds (titration or weaning), usually with the aim
of transitioning to full food/feeds and discontinuing PN altogether.
Some patients may require a wind-down of PN to prevent or manage rebound hypoglycaemia once PN is stopped.
This is most likely needed for infants requiring PN for months or transitioning to HPN. The initial infusion rate is
higher than the PSU insert sheet rate by 2-3% (maximum 3%), and the rate for the last hour is approximately half
the initial rate. Wind-down rates should be prescribed on the bottom section of the PSU PN prescription as follows:
1. Aqueous PN at xml/hour for first (total duration-1) hours, then ½ xml/hour for the last hour. This should
be calculated to ensure they receive all/most of the PN volume required.
2. Lipid at usual rate
e.g. Patient having 22 hours of aqueous PN at 6.2ml/hour requires 22 x 6.2ml = 136.4ml. As a wind-down
they need 6.3ml/hour x 21 hours then 3.3ml/hour x 1 hour (total infused = 135.6ml).

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 12 of 38
Weaning and titration

Weaning from PN is the general principle of progressively reducing the nutrition given via PN. Titration of PN is
usually carried out by maintaining the same total fluid volume between IV and oral/enteral routes and recalculating
the PN volume to be administered each time the oral/enteral volume increases. This only works from a nutritional
perspective if both the enteral fluid and PN have the same energy content in kcal/ml. It is rare that this is the case
and may be inappropriate in most patients particularly those who are eating solid food. Also, protein and energy
taken by enteral routes are not 100% absorbed into the systemic circulation like PN. PN can usually be safely
discontinued in infants and children when the patient reaches two-thirds of their target oral/enteral intake or once
75% of target oral/enteral target is reached in neonates . Please consult the NST or ward dietitian for advice on
weaning PN without compromising nutritional intake.

If the PN infusion rate is changed always ensure both the aqueous and lipid phases (where relevant) change
proportionately by calculating the ratio of aqueous volume to lipid volume.
Titration: Double check rate calculations and physical rate change (2 healthcare professionals), document and sign
for on titration chart. Further guidance is available in A Guide to Calculating Parenteral Nutrition when Titrating with
Feeds and charts for documenting volumes/rates are available here.
Weaning by prescribing new flow rate on PSU PN prescription: Double check physical rate change (2 nurses) and
sign on prescription.
If there is any doubt as to the method of titration or weaning check with the patient’s clinical team or ward

4.4 Cyclical PN

Cyclical PN means the PN is given over less than 24 hours per day. It may be suitable for infants who would
otherwise be sleeping through most of the night (when on milk) and children providing they are already tolerating
full PN and are clinically and biochemically stable . Providing a break in provision of PN may allow children to
experience hunger, which may be suppressed by continuous PN and may reduce the incidence of Intestinal
Failure Associated Liver Disease (IFALD) . Occasionally a child may be prescribed PN over less than 24 hours to
allow all of their PN to be administered over a 24-hour period when the same line is being used for PN and IV
drugs – breaks of >60 minutes off PN may require blood glucose monitoring as below.
Sudden discontinuation of a high glucose infusion increases the risk of hypoglycaemia, particularly in children <2
years so blood glucose should be checked 30-60 minutes after the end of the infusion until results are stable. If
blood glucose is between 3 and 2.5mmol/L it should be tested again in 20-30 minutes. If blood glucose is
<2.6mmol/L it should be treated as hypoglycaemia as per BRHC guideline Hypoglycaemia guideline: investigation
and management of acute presentation (unless there is a different plan documented in the notes).
Potential strategies to prevent low blood sugars include:
• Giving enteral feeds, snacks or milk up to 15-20 minutes before the end of the PN infusion (unless nil-by-
• Winding down (as above).

4.5 Parent administration of Home PN

Some parents/carers are permitted to administer HPN to their child whilst in hospital at the discretion of
gastroenterology and the specialist nutrition nurse. This is particularly useful in the process of training prior to
going home on PN for the first time.
Ideally parent/carers own infusion pumps and giving sets should be used.
When parents/carers are administering HPN it should be prescribed as detailed in section 3.5 but nurses do not
need to sign on the prescription for putting it up.


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 13 of 38
5.1 Trace elements and vitamins
If on PN long term i.e. >4 weeks check every 3 months:
• Trace elements (copper, selenium and zinc), ferritin and CRP. Check trace elements prior to initiation if there
are suspected pre-existing imbalances.
• Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and INR to check for vitamin K deficiency)
• Vitamin B12 and folate

Check every 6 months:

• Parathyroid hormone
• Thyroid function tests

Check annually:
• Manganese (take CRP at same time)
Some patients may require additional tests at the discretion of NST such as urinary calcium excretion
Specific conditions that increase the risk of trace element abnormalities
Condition/disease Copper Zinc
Burns Risk of deficiency Risk of deficiency
Cholestasis Risk of toxicity
Prolonged diarrhoea, large Risk of deficiency Risk of deficiency
fistula/intestinal drain output
Severe skin disease Risk of deficiency

Any derangement from the normal range should be discussed with the consultant, ward pharmacist or dietitian.

5.2 Blood sampling

Specialised blood sampling advice (personal communication Department of Clinical Biochemistry Jul 2019)

Nutrient Collection Tube Volume of plasma Volume of blood Tube appearance

Selenium Lithium heparin sample 1ml N/A

Zinc Lithium heparin sample 1ml N/A

Copper Lithium heparin sample 0.5ml N/A

Vitamin D Lithium heparin sample 0.5ml N/A

Vitamin A + E Lithium heparin sample 0.4ml N/A

Manganese Dark Pink N/A 0.3ml


Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 14 of 38
1. Recommended nutritional content of PN

ESPGHAN guidelines include estimated energy requirements for age and degree of illness (see table below),
which are generally appropriate as a starting point. Other methods which are more specific include giving a
proportion of the estimated average requirement (EAR) for age (i.e. 90 – 100%), or using resting energy
expenditure (REE) with/out factors which either increase or decrease REE . Conditions which may increase
energy requirements include cystic fibrosis, other pulmonary disease, cardiac disease, trauma, burns and biliary
atresia . Conditions associated with lower energy requirements include mechanical ventilation/sedation and
immobility . Children with growth failure may require higher than usual calories if catch-up growth is desired.
Critical illness
The authors of a multicentre trial comparing delayed versus early introduction of PN in paediatric intensive care
suggest that PN should avoided in the first week on PICU. NST do not support this approach due to poor study
design – PN may be started during the first week on PICU provided the patient has undergone initial interventions
to stabilise them and there is sufficient fluid allowance.
In the table below ‘acute phase’ can be considered as the early days of an intensive care admission whilst fully
ventilated and sedated, and the period of weaning off these interventions and preparing for transfer to a ward or
high-dependency unit (HDU) as ‘stable phase’. REE is a more precise measure of energy requirement during the
acute phase, and can be calculated using Schofield’s equation.
Schofield’s equation

Energy requirements
3 3 3
Total energy 0-1 yrs 1-7 yrs 7-12 yrs 12-18 yrs
(kcal/kg/day) including
Ward or HDU 75-120* 65-75 55-65 30-60
Acute phase 45-50 40-45 30-40 20-30
Stable phase 60-65 55-60 40-55 25-40
*Term neonates are likely to need in region of 100kcal/kg/day

Energy requirements per kg decrease with age and therefore, for example, even within the 12-18 year age range
the older the child the lower the energy provision per kg should be.

Nitrogen dose (minimum-maximum)
Nutrient Unit Neonates 1 month - 3 3-12 yrs Adolescents

Nitrogen g/kg/ 0.21-0.42 0.21-0.4 0.16-0.32 0.16-0.32


Amino acid converted to nitrogen based on using Vaminolact or Vamin 18 (>3 years): bespoke PN for <10kg uses
Vaminolact and PN for >10kg uses Vamin 18. Lower threshold for neonates and children up to 3 years is 1.5g
amino acid/kg/day .

• Protein is prescribed as grams of nitrogen

• Each gram of amino acid = 0.89g protein or 0.14-0.16g nitrogen (nitrogen content can vary depending on the
amino acid solution used)
• Utilisation of protein depends on having enough energy. 30-40kcal energy is required per 0.14g-0.16 of
nitrogen .

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 15 of 38
• The protein requirements in PN are less than enteral requirements as the intestine is bypassed.

Conditions where there is a need to consider increasing protein requirements: sepsis, thermal injury, surgery,
1 1
trauma, and high stoma losses, primary renal disease . Steroids and diuretics may increase protein loss .
Conditions in which to consider lower protein dose: renal disease, hepatic failure, and certain inborn errors of
metabolism e.g. maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), urea cycle defects and phenylketonuria (PKU). Liaise with
relevant specialist clinical teams, i.e. renal team, metabolic team.

As described in ‘energy’ above the amount of carbohydrate in PN may need to be lower in intensive care, as it
contributes a lot of energy to PN, and there are two distinct phases with different energy requirements within an
intensive care stay. ESPGHAN 2018-recommended doses are low compared to historic practice, necessitating a
significant proportion of energy to come from lipid. There should be consideration of the maximum doses in the
table below, however these may need to be exceeded sometimes (including some BRHC PN protocols) to provide
enough energy. The absolute is 17.3g/kg/day in neonates as this approximates maximal glucose oxidation rate .
Ensure glucose is monitored via urine or blood as in monitoring when high doses are used.
Carbohydrate dose range (minimum-maximum)
Acute Stable Ward or
Nutrient Unit phase phase HDU
Age and/or weight (PICU) (PICU) patient
Glucose g/kg/day Target 7.2 - 14.4
Term neonate (3.6 - 17.3)
28 days-10kg 2.9 - 5.8 5.8 - 8.6 8.6 - 14
11-30kg 2.2 - 3.6 2.8 - 5.8 4.3 - 8.6
31-45kg 1.4 - 2.2 2.2 - 4.3 4.3 - 5.8
>45kg 0.7 - 1.4 1.4 - 2.9 2.9 - 4.3

• Carbohydrate is prescribed as glucose and should provide 50-75% of non-protein energy.

Glucose dose in PN should start low and increase up to the target amount over 3-4 days in neonates and
more quickly in infants and children.
• Excessive glucose may cause increased CO2 production and minute ventilation, lipogenesis, increased fatty
tissue and liver steatosis .

Glucose oxidation may be reduced in critically ill children . Monitor blood sugar closely.

Lower maintenance doses should generally be used in hyperglycaemia, sepsis, liver disease or cholestasis .
Consider reducing dose in a septic neonate to the ‘day 1’ dose .
• Glucose dose may need to be modified if medications that alter carbohydrate metabolism are prescribed, e.g.
steroids, somatostatin analogues, tacrolimus . Consider referral to NST for advice on management.
• In cyclical PN the maximum glucose rate is 1.2g/kg/hr.

• Lipid is needed to ensure appropriate energy and essential fatty acid (EFA) provision. It should provide 25-50%
of non-protein energy in PN .

Maximum lipid dose 4g/kg per day in infants (including pre-term infants) and 3g/kg/day in older children .

There is no evidence that gradual increments of lipid improve tolerance and the British Association of Perinatal
Medicine advises pre-term and term neonates can start on 2g/kg/day, although initiation of 2-3g/kg/day from
birth is linked to a higher rate of hypertriglyceridaemia in pre-term neonates (no data in term babies).
• Intralipid® consists of pure soya-bean emulsion.
• SMOFLipid® is a complex mixed lipid emulsion using soya-bean, medium chain triglyceride, olive oil and fish
• Other mixed lipid emulsions include Lipofundin®, which is contained in supplemented Nutriflex Lipid Special
(Lipoflex Special) and Nurtriflex Lipid Plus (Lipoflex Plus).
• Intralipid has been widely used for decades in children but is now recommended only for short-term use as
3 3
mixed lipid emulsions are possibly associated with less adverse effects . Avoid intralipid in cholestasis .

Mixed lipid emulsions should be used for patients with sepsis or those who are critically ill .
• SMOFLipid is recommended for patients who are likely to require PN >4 weeks.
• The manufacturer of SMOFLipid recommends a maximum infusion rate 0.125 g fat/kg /hour neonates and
infants and 0.15 g fat/kg/hour children . As this rate is exceeded for doses >3g/kg/day in neonates/infants,
patients should have serum triglycerides monitored regularly.
• Critical illness or sepsis – metabolism of lipids may be impaired, but lipid is needed as an energy source as
glucose metabolism may also be impaired . Always provide at least enough lipid to prevent essential fatty acid
Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 16 of 38
deficiency (see below) .
• Monitor serum triglycerides more frequently for patients during critical illness or catabolic states, sepsis or
patients with a high glucose or lipid dose and adjust lipid dose if levels are high . See hypertriglyceridaemia for
interpreting levels.
• The minimum dose to avoid essential fatty acid deficiency in term neonates/infants/children is 0.1g/kg/day
linolenic acid (equivalent to approximately 0.6g/kg/day as SMOF or 0.18g/kg/day intralipid).

Monitor triglyceride levels in severe thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy and consider decreasing lipid dose –
see hypertriglyceridaemia. Overly-rapid infusion or high doses of lipid may present as ‘‘fat overload syndrome’’
with headaches, fever, jaundice, coagulopathies, hepatosplenomegaly, respiratory distress and
thrombocytopenia .


Total fluid requirement is dependent on many factors including age, weight, urine output, transepidermal losses
and renal function. Maintenance fluid requirement may be calculated using the rule of thumb:

Neonates* and infants up to 160ml/kg3 *Neonatal fluid homeostasis in the first few weeks of life
<10kg 100ml/kg naturally undergoes various changes including initial
diuresis and weight loss, consolidation until birthweight is
10-20kg 1000ml + 50ml/kg for each kg >10kg regained followed by stable growth above birth weight .
Fluid allowance on day 1 of life should be in the region of
>20kg 1500ml + 20ml/kg for each kg >20kg 60ml/kg/day
and increased each day as tolerated.

In calculating the fluid volume for PN consideration should be given to:

• Oral/enteral fluid intake
• Intake from medications (particularly those given IV)
• Losses, e.g. insensible, urine, from stoma, vomiting, diarrhoea
• Current fluid balance
Insensible losses may be increased by fever (5 mL/kg/day lost for each degree of temperature >38 C), extensive
burns or a rapid respiratory rate . Fluid may need to be restricted in cardiac disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
head trauma, renal failure , sepsis, meningitis, the first 48 hours postoperatively and in intensive care.

Some infants <10kg may require >100ml/kg to achieve nutritional goals, especially those <3 months of age and/or
patients with intestinal failure. Maximum osmolarities for safely administering PN or a paucity of stability data may
limit the amount by which PN can be concentrated. The ward pharmacist and NST will liaise with PSU regarding
minimum suitable fluid volumes.

Sometimes only part of a PN bag should be administered when giving all would compromise fluid balance or cause
problems with electrolyte balance. See section 3.3 ‘alterations’ for information. For example, over the weekend
serum potassium is high, the RMO prescribes 75% of the original PN volume over 24 hours along with 0.9% saline
making up the other 25%.

Electrolytes and minerals
ESPGHAN guidelines suggest the following:
Electrolyte Unit
0-6 mths 7-12 mths 1-18 yrs
Sodium mmol/kg/day 2-3 1-3 1-3
Potassium mmol/kg/day 1-3 1-3 1-3
Calcium mmol/kg/day 0.8 - 1.5 0.5 0.25 - 0.4
Phosphorus mmol/kg/day
(phosphate) 0.7 - 1.3 0.5 0.2 - 0.7
Magnesium mmol/kg/day 0.1 -0.2 0.15 0.1

The balance of calcium to phosphorus is important for optimal bone accretion – avoid providing large amounts of
phosphate without also considering the need for extra calcium. Adolescents who have completed the teenage
growth spurt may not require as much calcium or phosphate as the period of rapid bone accretion is over - ‘adult’
electrolytes may be appropriate. Girls are likely to have completed puberty by 16 years and boys by 17 years
(RCPCH growth charts), however take care in cases of delayed onsert puberty. ESPEN guidelines suggest these
electrolytes for adults on home PN, which may also be appropriate for older adolescents (at clinical discretion):

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 17 of 38
Electrolyte Unit
Sodium mmol/kg/day 1-1.5
Potassium mmol/kg/day 1-1.5
Calcium mmol/kg/day 0.1 – 0.15
Phosphorus mmol/kg/day
(phosphate) 0.3 – 0.5
Magnesium mmol/kg/day 0.1 – 0.2

Some provisos apply:

• Take into account that some drugs contain significant amounts of sodium, e.g. IV antibiotics .

• When PN is first initiated in neonates, particularly if giving low calories, there is a tendency for phosphate to be
drawn into cells and good amounts of phosphate are required, e.g. Ca:Phosphate ratio of 1 or less .
• Sodium requirements are likely to be higher in some types of intestinal failure. Urinary electrolytes should be
used to aid decision-making around sodium dose when intestinal losses are high or malabsorption is
• Some chemotherapy leads to shedding of magnesium via the kidneys necessitating higher than usual doses of

Before changing the electrolyte levels the following should be considered:

• How long has the previous change been in effect?
• How much of the PN bag has been administered?
• What is the trend or serial change in electrolytes rather than individual results?
• What are the urine electrolytes?
• Are there other factors e.g. excess fluid losses or sodium from drug infusions?
Make gradual rather than large changes to avoid dramatic shifts in levels

Metabolic bone disease, characterised by incomplete bone mineralisation and manifesting with problems such as
osteopenia or fractures may arise as a result of insufficient supply and/or utilisation of calcium, phosphate .
Increases in alkaline phosphatase in a child on long-term PN should be scrutinised in case it indicates mineral
resorption from bone. Parathyroid hormone may need to be checked - refer to NST for advice.

Acetate and chloride

The sodium in PN may be ordered as the acetate or chloride salts, or a combination of both. Other components of
PN, such as other electrolytes solutions and nitrogen-containing solutions may contribute acetate and chloride.
The PSU insert sheet will display the overall mmol amounts of acetate and chloride. Children who are acidotic
should be given a chloride/acetate ratio of 1:2 or less. For children with alkalosis consideration should be given to
minimising the acetate content of PN.

Vitamins and trace elements

An adequate supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is essential for growth and development. Vitamins
should generally be given daily. All vitamins, minerals and trace elements in bespoke PN are added to PN bags by
the PSU and must not be done at ward level. Supplemented standardised PN also contain vitamins and trace
elements. Trace elements may be given to neonates from day one of PN .
Iron is not routinely added to bespoke PN for children <40kg and iron-deficiency anaemia may develop after
prolonged PN. Anaemia may also commonly result from excessive venesection. Iron is contained in additrace®,
which is used for children >40kg (and sometimes >30kg in supplemented PN off-label).
If iron deficiency develops, enteral iron is preferred to parenteral iron if it is tolerated /likely to be tolerated. Do not
give iron in the first 3 weeks of life or for PN duration < 3 weeks . If enteral iron is contraindicated or fails to
correct anaemia, parenteral iron is indicated either via periodic iron infusions or adding iron to PN although adding
iron to PN may lead to stability problems and carries a risk or iron overload . Seek advice from NST before adding
iron into PN.
Zinc is provided in peditrace® or additrace®. Sometimes serum zinc is found to be low – usually in situations where
there are increased losses eg in intestinal failure, fistulae and exudate in burns patients. Additional zinc can be
given within PN by adding zinc sulfate injection. Seek advice from NST.

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 18 of 38
Nutrient Estimated requirement per day (per kg or Product used and dose

Infants Children
(per kg or total (total dose or per kg
dose where where indicated)
Trace Selenium 2-3 µg/kg 2-3 µg/kg max 100 µg Peditrace® up to 40kg
Elements Zinc <3mth 250 µg/kg, 50 µg/kg/day max 5 1ml/kg, up to 15ml/day (does not
>3mth 100 µg/kg mg contain iron).
Manganese 1 µg/kg 1 µg/kg max 50 µg
Copper 20 µg/kg 20 µg/kg max 0.5mg Additrace® for >40kg 10ml per day
Iodine >1 µ/kg >1 µg/kg
Iron 50-100 µg/kg max 50-100 µg/kg max Nutreylt® also contained in Braun
5mg 5mg supplemented products
Soluble Ascorbic acid 15-25 mg 80 mg Solivito N®
vitamins Thiamine 0.35-0.5 mg 1.2 mg 1ml/kg, up to 10ml per day.
Riboflavin 0.15-0.2 mg 1.4 mg
Pyridoxine 0.15-0.2 mg 1 mg
Niacin 4.0-6.8 mg 17 mg
B12 0.3 µg 1 µg Nutratain® also contained in Braun
Panthothenic acid 1.0-2.0 mg 5 mg supplemented products
Biotin 5.0-8.0 µg 20 µg
Folic acid 56 µg 140 µg
Fat soluble Vitamin A 150-300 µg/kgRE* 150 µgRE* Vitlipid N® infant up to 11 years.
vitamins Vitamin D 1 – 3.75 µg (40- 10-15 µg (400-600 <2.5kg 4ml/kg, >2.5kg 10ml per day
150 IU)/kg IU) total.
Vitamin E 2.8-3.5 mg/kg 7 mg Vitlipid N® adult for >11 years
10ml per day total.
Max 1 mg/day
Nutratain® also contained in Braun
Vitamin K 10 µg/kg 200µg supplemented products.
*Retinol equivalents

2. Managing PN associated complications

2.1 Suspected Line Sepsis

Possible signs and symptoms of line sepsis include episodes of fever, chills, flu’-like symptoms, a rise in c-reactive
protein (CRP), metabolic acidosis, thrombocytopenia, glucose instability, tachycardia or shortness of breath .
o o
Fever of > 38.0 C on > one occasion > least 30 minutes apart or > 38.5 C on one occasion is considered as
significant. There may or may not be localised signs of an exit site infection . However, patients on PN
undergoing major surgery are likely to have post-op fever and raised inflammatory markers. This may not therefore
be line sepsis; senior review may be indicated to decide about the need for antibiotics.

Assume and treat as a line infection whilst investigating other causes. Take blood cultures samples from all
catheter lumens and a peripheral vein, ideally before initiating antibiotics . If there is no Y-site connector to enable
blood sampling, PN should be disconnected and that bag discarded. Label samples clearly to indicate which site
they were taken from. Urine MC&S, bloods including FBC, CRP, U&E, LFTs and other tests should be taken as
indicated (e.g. stool culture, LP).

Distinctions should be made between patients expected to be on long-term PN for intestinal failure and those who
are receiving PN more short-term. Any patient receiving HPN who presents with fever with no clear source should
be presumed to have line sepsis and started on antibiotics as below immediately once blood cultures have been
taken. For other patient groups empiric IV antibiotics should be initiated as per Antibiotic guidelines for paediatric
surgery, or Management of infections in Haematology and Oncology patients.

Long-term intestinal failure patients

Patients will be under the care of a paediatric gastroenterologist and receive PN at home or will be discharged on
PN. Running out of accessible line sites and overwhelming sepsis are potentially fatal.
The following general principles apply:

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 19 of 38
• Each patient will have a plan for managing sepsis. Parents/carers should carry a copy and it may be available
on their evolve notes under ‘special information’.
• Management is focused on salvaging the PN line as the patient is dependent on the line for a significant
proportion of their fluids/nutrition.
• PN should be paused during the initial assessment of sepsis/suspected sepsis to enable blood cultures to be
• Systemic antibiotics should be initiated as soon as possible and administered down the PN-line/lumen(s), and if
there are multiple lumens they should be alternated through each lumen.
• The empiric choice is Piperacillin/tazobactam 90mg/kg q8hour with gentamicin (see Aminoglycoside
guideline in children for dosing advice), provided the patient is not penicillin-allergic. Antibiotics may need to be
altered as per sensitivities once blood culture results are back.
• If the patient is penicillin-allergic seek advice from microbiology on suitable alternatives.
• Clear fluids may be administered IV through the affected line or another suitable catheter if necessary until PN
resumes – contact the paediatric gastroenterology team or on-call doctor to review.
• PN should not be withheld for >24 hours.
• A paediatric gastroenterology SpR, consultant paediatric gastroenterologist or the NST will decide when to
resume PN. PN should be given via the usual PN line or lumen.
• Duration of antibiotics will be determined on an individual basis by the paediatric gastroenterology team or NST
in conjunction with microbiology.
• Microbiology may recommend antibiotic line locks. These must be prescribed on a drug chart. Refer to
Intravascular related sepsis protocol for paediatrics (suspected and documented infection) for information.
• Antibiotic line locks should be used on all lumens of the CVC regardless of which lumen was infected.
• Lack of adequate response to systemic antibiotics after 48-72 hours, severe sepsis, clinical relapse after initial
improvement, suppurative complications, endocarditis,fungaemia and infections involving S aureus or
Pseudomonas may be an indication to remove the PN line . Do not remove PN line without discussing first
with a paediatric gastroenterologist or the NST.

Other patient groups

• PN should be paused during the initial assessment of sepsis/suspected sepsis to enable blood cultures to be
• Initiate broad spectrum IV antibiotics through the affected line as soon as possible after taking blood cultures
(refer to Antibiotic guidelines for paediatric surgery or specialist guidance for haematology/oncology patients in
Management of infections in Haematology and Oncology patients) Antibiotics may need to be altered as per
sensitivities once blood culture results are back.
• If the affected line has multiple lumens antibiotics should be alternated through each lumen.
• PN may be replaced with clear fluids for up to 24 hours. If considering withholding PN >24 hours, discuss first
with the NST.

Strategies to minimise line sepsis

• Strict hand hygiene
• Chlorhexidine 2% and 70% alcohol application at line insertion and dressing change

• Promptly remove any unnecessary venous catheters

• Use maximum sterile barriers during line insertion
• Consider reassessing the parents/carers for their aseptic technique as required

Locking lines with Taurolock®

HPN patients with recurrent sepsis may be prescribed Taurolock® rather than heparin sodium to lock the PN line.
Taurolock® contains anticoagulant and antimicrobial substances. The active ingredients are taurolidine and citrate.
Instil the necessary line lock volume as per below (depending on the line type and size) and withdraw prior to
initiating the next treatment. Taurolock® must be prescribed on an inpatient medication chart. Accidental flushing
through is not harmful to the patient and does not interfere with blood results.

Catheter Broviac Single lumen Double lumen Implantable ports

type/volume 2.7 Fr - 6.6 Fr Hickman Hickman
6.5Fr, 9.5 Fr 7.0Fr, 9.0Fr,
10Fr, 12Fr
Lock volume 0.5ml 1ml 1ml 2ml

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 20 of 38
2.2 Extravasation

For general advice on extravasation management see guideline Extravasation and infiltration – identification and
management in neonates and paediatric patients. PN solutions are acidic due to glucose and amino acid content,
with electrolytes also contributing some osmolar load . Extravasation should be suspected if there is swelling, pain
or discomfort, discolouration of infusion site or infusion pump alarming for an occlusion.

2.3 Line occlusion

For general advice on unblocking CVCs, see guideline Central venous catheter guidelines for paediatrics
Methods to prevent line occlusion include:
• Minimising blood sampling
• Use a push/pause technique for line flushing
• Flushing with sodium chloride between all therapies and blood sampling
• Flushing CVCs with heparin at least weekly when not in use (see 1.2 ‘Lock solutions’ within Central venous
catheter guidelines for paediatrics for volume and strength of heparin)
• Avoiding syringes of <10ml volume

If the above is not successful seek advice from the NST or ward pharmacist.

Locking lines with Ethanol

Ethanol at 70% concentration may be helpful for dissolving lipid deposits in CVCs or as an antimicrobial agent to
prevent line infections. Ethanol is usually obtained as 90% or 100% (absolute alcohol) concentration which
requires further dilution with water for injection to obtain 70% concentration.
General advice:
• See volumes above under ‘Locking lines with Taurolock’ for volume to instill.

Avoid mixing ethanol with heparin as this may form a precipitate .
• Aspirate the lock don’t flush through.
• Avoid in severe liver disease.
• Adverse effects, particularly but not limited to ethanol being flushed through, include flushing, nausea, altered
taste, visual blurring or feeling faint . Transient liver function test changes have been reported.
• Do not use in polyurethane catheters, which includes many short-term lines used at BRHC, e.g.Vygon
multicath triple lumen lines and Bard power PICCs. Groshong and Cook tunnelled catheters are made of
silicone which is compatible with ethanol.

There have been reports in literature of catheter occlusion or fracture associated with ethanol locks, which may
theoretically be worsened by longer dwell times and use in polyurethane catheters. There is a paucity of evidence
regarding the most appropriate technique for either occlusions or antimicrobial prophylaxis/treatment. The
approaches below may be followed but seek further information from NST.

For CVC occlusion:

A dwell time of 1-2 hours, followed by aspiration has been suggested with a second dose administered shortly
afterwards if the line is still sluggish .
As an antimicrobial:
3 20
It can be used regularly - from once weekly to once daily . The minimum effective dwell time is 2 hours .

2.4 Venous thromboembolism

Thrombosis relating to CVCs can involve the catheter tip, length of the catheter or the blood vesel . Symptoms may
range from difficulty drawing back blood from the line/flushing line to symptoms associated with the occlusion of a
major vessel such as swelling of the head/neck/lower limb . See ‘line occlusion’ above for management of lines
which are difficult to bleed or flush. Guidance should be sought from the haematology team before initiating any
treatment for suspected thromboembolism of a vessel.

2.5 Refeeding syndrome

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Specialist advice should be sought from the NST/ward dietitian as soon as practicable before or just after initiating
PN for patients at high risk of refeeding syndrome. It is more likely to occur in malnourished patients who have lost
more than 10% of their body weight over the previous 2 months. Patients can become at risk after more than 72
hours without nutrition. If hypophosphatemia is present, it should be corrected before starting PN as the glucose in
PN may cause phosphate to move intracellularly and reduce serum phosphate further . Symptoms of refeeding
include oedema, confusion, resting tachycardia and low serum phosphate . See guideline Management of
Refeeding Syndrome for full guidance.

The general principles of management are

• Prescribe and administer thiamine prior to starting PN

• Give at least the age-recommended amounts of phosphate in first day of PN (see appendix part 1)
• If potassium, magnesium and/or phosphate levels reduce once the child is on PN but there are no clinical
signs of refeeding keep on the same calories per day until electrolytes are replaced and normalised
• If there are clinical signs of refeeding return to the day 1 calorie provision and only increase once the patient
is clinically stable

2.6 Hyperglycaemia

Before amending PN rate or prescription consider:

• Are there are any reasons for impaired glucose metabolism e.g. sepsis, stress response, steroids, tacrolimus
• Glucose intake from fluids, reconstitution of IV drugs, dietary intake (sweets, fruit juice etc)
• Accuracy of glucose measurements e.g. finger prick technique, contamination of samples
Address non-PN causes of hyperglycaemia where possible and ensure samples are valid – repeat samples if any

Definition of hyperglycaemia (neonates , infants, children):
Blood glucose > 11mmol/L, although there is some evidence that levels >8mmol/L are associated with worse
outcomes in neonates, infants and children in an intensive care setting so thresholds in PICU may be lower.
• Check for glycosuria by dipping urine for glucose. If positive, some action needs to be taken, if negative
continue to monitor blood glucose (and dip urine for high results).
• Seek advice from NST.
• Reduce glucose dose in bespoke PN or amount of standardised PN administered, but note this leads to lower
calories. Minimum glucose dose 3.6g/kg/day in neonates (although more is usually required to prevent
hypoglycaemia), for other age groups refer to section on carbohydrate. It may be appropriate to halve the
amount of glucose and gradually increase to 75% of the original dose followed by 100% if blood glucose is
satisfactory and there are no clinical signs of hyperglycaemia e.g. glycosuria, polyuria, polydispsia.
• Co-administer insulin alongside PN only under consultant advice. Seek advice from endocrinology.

2.7 Hypertriglyceridaemia

It is not well defined in literature whether triglyceride levels should be taken whilst lipid is being infused or not - for
practical purposes levels can be interpreted when lipid is running provided measures are taken to avoid frank
contamination with PN. There may be an association between acute pancreatitis and serum
triglycerides >11.4mmol/L.
Lipid dose should be adjusted (or glucose if relevant – see below) if marked hyperlipidaemia occurs (>3mmol/L in
neonates/infants or >4.5mmol/L in older children) . The risk of hypertriglyceridaemia is greater in malnourished
patients as they have a reduced clearance of triglycerides .
Management of a high triglyceride level:
• Check whether the line was flushed prior to the sample being taken.
• If the sample was lipaemic repeat either on or off lipid.
• In other cases repeat after a 4-hour break off lipid as this helps demonstrate whether the patient can clear lipid
adequately or not. This requires lipid to be infused over 20 or less hours.
• Seek advice from NST or ward pharmacist on the next working day regarding amendments to PN. Do not
withhold lipid unless the patient is clinically unwell or the level is >10mmol/L.
• Considerations for prescribers and ward pharmacists:
• If glucose dose is high (refer to carbohydrate above) reduce the amount of glucose given before altering
lipid dose as excess carbohydrate can lead to hypertriglyceridaemia . Consider glucose load from other

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infusions and reconstitution of IV drugs.

Generally reduce lipid dose rather than stopping lipid altogether unless the patient is clinically unwell or
the level is particularly high (check validity of sample first).
• Check whether the patient has recently had propofol which may elevate triglyceride levels, or if there is a
clinical reason for impaired lipid clearance such as sepsis or familial hypertriglyceridaemia.
• Consider halving the lipid dose or reduce to the last dose associated with normal triglyceride levels.

Recheck triglycerides 1-2 days after dose change of lipid and/or or glucose

2.8 Intestinal Failure associated liver disease (IFALD)

IFALD may affect children with IF receiving long-term PN, and can present as early reversible disease or end-stage
20 20
liver failure . Diagnosis is often made in the presence of long-term PN-dependency, IF and cholestasis . There
are various theories as to the cause of IFALD. Risk factors include :
• prematurity
• recurrent infections
• lack of enteral feeding
• longer total exposure to PN
• small bowel bacterial overgrowth
• surgical interventions, e.g. ileal resection
• having continuous PN over 24 hours
• imbalance of PN constituents
• use of antibiotics
Measures to prevent IFALD or other adverse effects of PN on hepatobiliary function :
• Initiate and maximise enteral/oral feeding
• Use cyclical PN as soon as the patient is clinically stable (see cyclical PN)
• Avoid excessive intake of glucose and/or fat in PN
• Avoid over-feeding
• Avoid intralipid in the presence of cholestasis

• Specialist advice should be sought from a paediatric gastroenterologist
• Isolated raised ALT or AST, GGT up to 150IU/L in a child with IF is unlikely to be IFALD

• If total bilirubin is >20 micromol/L in a patient on long-term PN, retest and refer to gastroenterology if bilirubin
does not decrease

• Promoting oral/enteral feeding and reducing reliance on PN is the mainstay of treatment.
• In patients on HPN strategies such as reducing the average daily dose of lipid and/or calorie intake and the
number of hours PN is infused over are often utilised to prevent and treat IFALD.
• Medications that reduce small bowel bacterial load (e.g. metronidazole) may be indicated if intestinal stasis and
signs of bacterial overgrowth are present.
• Ursodeoxycholic acid may be helpful in the presence of biochemical signs of cholestasis .

• Pure fish-oil containing lipid is not currently recommended for initiation in inpatients.

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3. Constituents of PN
General PN constituents Contained in Examples of constituents Examples of products
Macronutrients Carbohydrates Aqueous solution or Glucose
Amino acids all-in-one PN solution Vamin 18, Vaminolact
Lipid Lipid solution or all-in- Soya bean lipid emulsion, Intralipid 20%, SMOFLipid
one PN solution medium chain triglycerides, 20%
olive oil, fish oil, alpha-
Micronutrients Vitamins Aqueous solution or Water soluble vitamins (C, B Solivito N, Vitlipid
all-in-one PN solution group, folic acid), fat soluble
vitamins (A, D, E, K)
Trace elements Aqueous solution or Selenium, zinc, copper, Peditrace, Additrace
all-in-one PN solution manganese, iodine, fluoride
Electrolytes Aqueous solution or Potassium, phosphate, calcium,
all-in-one PN solution sodium, magnesium
Other Aqueous solution or Water, acetate, chloride, iron
all-in-one PN solution

PN additions Nutrient Quantity per ml Quantity per ml
(conventional) (other)
Peditrace® Paediatric trace Selenium 2 µg 25.3 nmol
elements Zinc 250 µg 3.82 µmol
Manganese 1 µg 18.2 nmol
Copper 20 µg 0.315µmol
Iodine 1 µg 7.88 nmol
Fluoride 57 µg 3.00 µmol
Solivito N® Water soluble Ascorbic acid 10 mg
vitamins Thiamine 0.25 mg
Riboflavin 0.36 mg
Pyridoxine 0.4 mg
Nicotinamide 4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.5 µg
Panthothenic acid 1.5 mg
Biotin 6 µg
Folic acid 40 µg
Vitlipid N Infant® Fat soluble Vitamin A (as retinol) 69 µg (230 IU)
vitamins Vitamin D 1 µg (40 IU)
Vitamin E 0.64mg (0.7 IU)
Vitamin K 20 µg
Additrace® Adult trace Chromium 0.02 micromoles
elements Copper 2 micromoles 127 µg
Iron 2 micromoles 111 µg
Manganese 0.5 micromoles
Iodine 0.1 micromoles
Fluoride 5 micromoles
Molybdynem 0.02 micromoles
Selenium 0.04 micromoles 3.1 µg
Zinc 10 micromoles 653 µg
Vitlipid N Adult® Adult fat soluble Vitamin A (as retinol) 99 µg (330 IU)
vitamins Vitamin D 0.5 µg (20 IU)
Vitamin E 0.91 mg (1 IU)
Vitamin K 15 µg
Nutratain® Adult vitamins Ascorbic acid 20mg
Thiamine 0.6mg
Riboflavin 0.36mg
Pyridoxine 0.6mg
Nicotinamide 4mg
Vitamin B12 0.5 µg
Panthothenic acid 1.5mg
Biotin 6 µg
Folic acid 60 µg

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Vitamin A (as retinol) 100 µg (330 IU)
Vitamin D 0.5 µg (20 IU)
Vitamin E 0.91 mg (1 IU)
Vitamin K 15 µg
Nutreylt® Adult trace Chromium 0.02 micromoles
elements Copper 0.47 micromoles 30 µg
Iron 1.8 micromoles 100 µg
Manganese 0.1 micromoles
Iodine 0.1 micromoles
Fluoride 5 micromoles
Molybdynem 0.02 micromoles
Selenium 0.09 micromoles 7 µg
Zinc 15.3 micromoles 1 mg

Prefilled PN / Standardised PN

For the contents of SMOFKabiven peripheral and ITH/Babiven concentrated or ITH/Babiven term see Use of
Parenteral Nutrition Pre-filled Bags (standard babiven and smofkabiven bags).

SMOFKabiven Central denoted with numbers for bag sizes: 4 = 493ml, 8 = 986ml, 12 = 1477ml, 16
= 1970ml
Per kg quantity 60ml/kg 50ml/kg 45ml/kg 40ml/kg 35ml/kg 30ml/kg 25ml/kg
Nitrogen (g) 0.49 0.41 0.37 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20
Glucose (g) 7.61 6.35 5.71 5.08 4.44 3.81 3.17
Fat (g) 2.28 1.90 1.71 1.52 1.33 1.14 0.95
Na (mmol) 2.44 2.03 1.83 1.62 1.42 1.22 1.02
K (mmol) 1.83 1.52 1.37 1.22 1.07 0.91 0.76
Ca (mmol) 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.06
Mg (mmol) 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.13
Phosphate (mmol) 0.76 0.63 0.57 0.51 0.44 0.38 0.32
Chloride mmol) 2.13 1.78 1.60 1.42 1.24 1.07 0.89
Acetate (mmol) 6.37 5.30 4.77 4.24 3.71 3.18 2.65
Total energy (Kcal) 67.01 55.84 50.25 44.67 39.09 33.50 27.92

Supplemented Nutriflex Lipid Plus = Lipoflex Plus. Contents listed from 1250ml bag,
supplemented by addition of 10ml each of Nutryelt and Nutratain. Total volume 1266ml.
Per kg quantity 60ml/kg 55ml/kg 50ml/kg 45ml/kg 40ml/kg 35ml/kg 30ml/kg
Nitrogen (g) 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.22 0.19 0.16
Glucose (g) 7.20 6.60 6.00 5.40 4.80 4.20 3.60
Fat (g) 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20
Na (mmol) 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20
K (mmol) 1.68 1.54 1.40 1.26 1.12 0.98 0.84
Ca (mmol) 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10
Mg (mmol) 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10
Phosphate (mmol) 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.54 0.48 0.42 0.36
Chloride mmol) 2.16 1.98 1.80 1.62 1.44 1.26 1.08
Acetate (mmol) 2.16 1.98 1.80 1.62 1.44 1.26 1.08
Total energy (Kcal) 60.72 55.66 50.60 45.54 40.48 35.42 30.36

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Supplemented Nutriflex Lipid Special = Lipoflex Special. Contents listed from 1250ml bag,
supplemented by addition of 10ml each of Nutryelt and Nutratain. Total volume 1266ml.
Per kg quantity 55ml/kg 50ml/kg 45ml/kg 40ml/kg 35ml/kg 30ml/kg 25ml/kg 20ml/kg
Nitrogen (g) 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16
Glucose (g) 7.92 7.20 6.48 5.76 5.04 4.32 3.60 2.88
Fat (g) 2.2 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80
Na (mmol) 2.95 2.68 2.41 2.14 1.88 1.61 1.34 1.07
K (mmol) 2.07 1.88 1.69 1.50 1.32 1.13 0.94 0.75
Ca (mmol) 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.08
Mg (mmol) 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.08
Phosphate (mmol) 0.88 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.40 0.32
Chloride (mmol) 2.64 2.40 2.16 1.92 1.68 1.44 1.20 0.96
Acetate (mmol) 2.64 2.40 2.16 1.92 1.68 1.44 1.20 0.96
Total energy (Kcal) 64.9 59.00 53.10 47.20 41.30 35.40 32.45 29.50

SMOFVen 11. Contains 10ml additrace, 1 ampoule (equivalent of 10ml) solivito and 10ml vitlipid
adult. Total volume 2053ml (SMOFVen 8 = 1540ml volume).
Volume 60ml/kg 55ml/kg 50ml/kg 45ml/kg 40ml/kg 35ml/kg 30ml/kg
Nitrogen (g) 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.21 0.18 0.16
Glucose (g) 5.85 5.36 4.87 4.38 3.90 3.41 2.92
Fat (g) 2.37 2.17 1.97 1.78 1.58 1.39 1.19
Na (mmol) 1.87 1.72 1.56 1.40 1.25 1.09 0.93
K (mmol) 1.40 1.29 1.17 1.05 0.94 0.82 0.70
Ca (mmol) 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
Mg (mmol) 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12
Phosphate (mmol) 0.58 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.39 0.34 0.29
Chloride (mmol) 2.70 2.47 2.25 2.02 1.80 1.57 1.35
Acetate (mmol) 1.84 1.69 1.54 1.38 1.23 1.07 0.92
Total energy (Kcal) 54.45 49.91 45.37 40.91 36.36 31.76 27.27

4. Enteral Nutrition

Where ever possible, patients on parenteral nutrition should also receive oral/enteral nutrition, even if only minimal
amounts are tolerated.

Any enteral feeding promotes gut growth, function and normal bowel flora. It encourages normal gut hormonal
secretion and encourages entero-hepatic circulation which is likely to reduce IFALD. Furthermore, children can
develop food avoidance behaviour if oral motor skills are not continued while receiving parenteral nutrition. Milk fed
infants can be offered non-nutritive feeds by dummy dips even if no other volume of feed can be tolerated. Older
children should be offered small volumes of milk based feeds or bites of dissolvable solids provided they are not
contraindicated. Please refer to the ward dietitian or NST for advice.

For further information on enteral nutrition refer to the Enteral Feeding (Paediatric).

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 26 of 38
5. PSU insert sheet and PN prescription examples
PSU insert example

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Home PN prescription examples

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Fluid chart examples (Top – Off-shelf PN, Bottom – Home PN)

Patient T111135 2/1/18

Apollo ADoctor

3/1/18 1800 Supplemented 1266 53.0 A. Doctor SpR

Lipoflex Lipid Plus

12345 bleep 1234

Patient T1111111 8.6



Penguin ADoctor

3/1/18 1800 Home PN 919 76.6 A. Doctor SpR

12345 bleep 1234

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7 Bespoke PN protocols

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1. Motil Kathleen J (editor) October 2018. UptoDate:Parenteral nutrition in infants and children [online].Available
[Accessed 24/12/18].
2. Simchowitz V, Hill S, Hughes A, Macdonald S June 2015. Parenteral nutrition clinical guidelines [online]. Available
from: [Accessed 4/9/19].
3. The ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN working group on paediatric parenteral nutrition 2018. Guidelines on Paediatric
Parenteral Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition Volume 37, Issue 6, Part B, p2303-2430. Available from [Accessed 10/12/18].
4. MHRA Jan 2019. SMOFLipid summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from: [Accessed 4/9/19].
5. MHRA August 2018. Intralipid 20% summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 4/9/19].
6. MHRA May 2019. Solivito N summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from: [Accessed 9/9/19].
7. MHRA September 2016. SMOFKabiven central summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20/12/18].
8. MHRA December 2016. Vitlipid N Infant Summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 20/12/18].
9. MHRA December 2016. Vitlipid N Adult Summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 20/12/18].
10. MHRA May 2015. Nutriflex lipid special Summary of product characteristics [online].NB: Nutriflex rebranding as Lipoflex
summer 2019. Available from:
[Accessed 6/12/18].
11. MHRA Sep 2018. Available from Nutriflex Omega special Summary of product characteristics [online]. NB: Nutriflex
rebranding as Omeflex summer 2019. Available from: [Accessed 5/9/19].
12. British Association of Perinatal Medicine, April 2016. The Provision of Parenteral Nutrition within Neonatal Services - A
Framework for Practice. Available from
neonatal-services-a-framework-for-practice-2016. [Accessed 4/9/19].
13. Saegenschnitter W, Sep 2017 review Sep 2019. Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Central venous catheter guidelines.
14. Corkins MR 2013. A.S.P.E.N Standards for Nutrition Support: Pediatric Hospitalized Patients. Available from: [Accessed 02/05/18].
15. Saegenschnitter W, Apr 2015 review Nov 2018. Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and St Michael’s Hospital Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit. Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 2 Nurse Technique Checking and Administration.
16. Medusa August 2018. Ceftriaxone paediatric intravenous monograph. Available from: [Accessed 4/9/19].
17. ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) in adult patients [online]. Available from: [Accessed 10/6/19].
18. Saunders J, Sept 2018 review Sept 2021. University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Intravascular related sepsis protocol
for paediatrics (suspected and documented infection).
19. Kerner J, Garcia-Careaga M, Fisher A, Poole, R 2006. Treatment of Catheter Occlusion in Pediatric Patients. Journal of
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 30 (1) pS73-81.
20. Z. Zhang P, Jun-Hao L, Xin-Ju S, 2018. Ethanol locks for the prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infection: a meta-
analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Anaesthesiology, 18(93).
21. Mermel L, Alang N 2014. Adverse effects associated with ethanol catheter lock solutions: a systematic review Journal of
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 69 (10), p. 2611–2619
22. McVeigh L, March 2016 review March 2018. Refeeding Syndrome – Management of paediatric inpatients. Bristol Royal
Hospital for Children.
23. P Cairns, Z Price, H Norris, January 2018 review January 2021. St Michael’s Hospital. Parenteral nutrition on the neonatal
24. Lacaille F., Gupte G., Colomb V., D’Antiga L., Hartman C., Hojsak I., Kolacek S., Puntis J., Shamir R., 2016. Intestinal
Failure–Associated Liver Disease: A Position Paper of the ESPGHAN Working Group of Intestinal Failure and Intestinal
Transplantation. Journal of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 60(2), p. 272-283.
25. MHRA March 2016. Peditrace Summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 05/09/19].
26. MHRA May 2016. Additrace Summary of product characteristics [online]. Available from: [Accessed 02/05/18].
27. B Braun March 2019. Nutritain Summary of product characteristics.
28. B Braun July 2014. Nutreylt Summary of product characteristics.

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 37 of 38

RELATED Aseptic non touch technique policy

DOCUMENTS Central venous catheter guidelines for paediatrics
Antibiotic guidelines for paediatric surgery
Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 1 Nurse Technique Checking and
Total Parenteral Nutrition TPN Setup 2 Nurse Technique Checking and
Y-Site compatibility of Intravenous Infusions
Intravascular related sepsis protocol for paediatrics (suspected and
documented infection)
Hypoglycaemia guideline: investigation and management of acute
A Guide to Calculating Parenteral Nutrition when Titrating with Feeds
Use of Parenteral Nutrition Pre-filled Bags (standard babiven and
smofkabiven bags)
Management of Refeeding Syndrome
Enteral Feeding (Paediatric).

AUTHORISING BODY Paediatric Nutrition Governance Group


QUERIES Contact Nutrition Support Team: Amy Phipps Ext 27864/ Bleep 6819 or
Lizzie Hutchison Ext 22801 or Alison Dinning or Lauren McVeigh Ext
22801, Bleep 2780 or 1024.

Version 4.2 From: Nov 19 – To: Nov 21 Author(s) Paediatric Nutrition Team, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Page 38 of 38

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