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Approaches To Learning in Secondary and Tertiary Students in Ong Kong: Some Comparative Studies

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~~HJf~~~1991 ,m~~.


Educational Research Journal 1991, Vol. 6, pp. 27-39

Approaches to Learning in Secondary and

Tertiary Students in ong Kong: Some
Comparative Studies
University of Hong Kong

Two seemingly conflicting stereotypes exist about Asian students: (i) they are committed to a low level,
rote-biased (or "surface") approach to learning; (ii) they achieve disproportionately well, particularly at
tertiary level. Evidence for the former view is mostly anecdotal, often extrapolated from what appear
to be unfavourable teaching environments; evidence favouring the second view comes from a variety of
sources. In the present study, students from Hong Kong portrayed a profile of motives and learning strategies
that suggested a more ''academic'' approach to learning and studying than that of Australian secondary
and tertiary students. Given also that Asians' attributions for academic success are more controllable,
and therefore more amenable to intervention, than are those of Western students, questions might be asked
about the "fit" of teaching methods to students' characteristic approaches to learning.

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Stereotypes Such observations fit those made of Asian

students studying in Australia (Ballard & Clanchy,
uThe Rote Learner'' 1984; Bradley & Bradley, 1984; Samuelowicz,
Following are some quotations from the 1987). In this last study, staff and student's
reports of some Hong Kong University external perceptions of problems facing overseas students
examiners: "regurgitative, with little insight and were obtained. Staff comments heavily endorsed
understanding of the subject in question'', the stereotype:
"differences between better and poorer students In my discipline they all want to rote learn material
being reflected in more effective recall than in rather than think. (Animal Science and Production)
qualitative factors," One examiner offered cold Students from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong appear
comfort: ''This approach to learning is a direct to be much more inclined to rote learning. Such an
consequence of pre-university education, and is approach does not help problem solving. (Dentistry)
(Samuelowicz, 1987: 123-5)
beyond the control of University teachers."
At home and abroad, then, Asian students are
A tertiary educator in Hong Kong remarks:
Hong Kong students display almost unquestioning perceived by some as relentless rote learners,
acceptance of the knowledge of the teacher or lecturer. syllabus dependent, passive, and lacking in
This may be explained in terms of an extension or initiative.
transfer of the Confucian ethic of filial piety, Coupled
with this is an emphasis on strictness of discipline and
proper behaviour, rather than an expression of opinion,
independence, self-mastery, creativity and all-round
uThe Brainy Asian"
personal development. At an Australian graduation ceremony, just
(Murphy, 1987: 43)
before coming to Hong Kong, I took particular
notice of the disproportionate number of Asian
Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference, Hong Kong names in the First Class Honours and University
Educational Research Association, 17-18 November, 1990, Medal lists in such Faculties as Science,
University of Hong Kong. Mathematics, Engineering, and Architecture.


The University of California recently announced into a string of rote-learned propositions or

negative discrimination against ethnic Chinese algorithms, or that Chinese students are dis-
applicants, whose numbers on campus would proportionately better academic learners than
otherwise become disproportionate. Chan Western students? Or can we have it both ways:
(reported in 1opson, 1990) surveyed 240 Chinese that rote learning is an effective way of maximi-
HSC ('A' Level) candidates in Australia and zing examination performance?
found over half in the top 200Jo. Bullivant (1988: The last is unlikely, at least at tertiary level.
241) refers to a common stereotype held by Several studies report negative correlations
Australian secondary students of the ''brainy between rote or surface learning and examina-
Asian", while Asian students for their part were tion performance (e.g. Biggs, 1987a; Ramsden,
"contemptuous of Anglo-Australians because they Martin & Bowden, 1989): none, so far, positive
lacked achievement motivation and parental correlations.
support" (ibid.). Carefully controlled inter-
national studies have consistently shown superior
performance by countries such as Hong Kong, Learning Processes in Context
Singapore, Korea, and Japan, in science (Comber
& Keeves, 1973; International Association for the
The 3P Model
Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 1988) Students (all students) learn for a variety of
and in mathematics (Garden, 1987; Husen, 1967), reasons; those reasons, and the contextual com-
with some variation according to curriculum ponents in which they are placed, determine how
differences. they go about their learning; and how they go
Which stereotype is right: that Asian students, about their learning will determine the quality of
and Chinese in particular, simplify academic work the outcome (Figure 1).


prior knowledge
conception of learning
orientation to learning
language competence

Student Teacher Surface quantitative

perceptions perceptions Deep qualitative
Achieving institutional
climate efficacy beliefs reteaching

FIGURE 1. Presage, process and product in student learning.

The model represents an integrated system, present context would include: tradi-
comprising three main phases (each begins tional conceptions of learning and
with "p": hence the "3P". model). teaching imbibed from early youth,
Presage factors exist prior to learning and language competence in the medium of
comprise: instruction, cultural values and expec-
tations concerning achievement, and
(a) The student context contains many orientations towards certain approaches
possible presage factors, which· in the to learning (see below).
Approaches to Learning 29

(b) The teaching context refers to factors components and with other tasks. The student
located in the classroom or the in- reads widely, discusses with others, and may
stitution: for example, course structure "play" with the task, theorising about it and
and content, methods of teaching and forming hypotheses about how it relates to other
assessment, and institutional rules and known or interesting items.
routines surrounding the management The achieving approach is based on the ego-
of learning. enhancement that comes out of visibly achieving,
The process by which the particular learning in particular through high grades. The related
task is handled derives from the way students strategies refer not to handling the content of
interpret this teaching context in the light of their learning, as do surface and deep, but to managing
own preconceptions and motivations, and the its context: organising time, working space, and
nature of the task in question. The extent to which syllabus coverage in the most cost-effective way
they use rote memorisation or higher cognitive ("study skills"). A student adopting an achieving
processes is located at this stage, as elaborated approach plans ahead, is neat and systematic, and
below. allocates time to tasks in proportion to their grade
The product of learning may be described earning potential.
quantitatively (how much is learned), qualitatively An approach to learning can be discussed at
(how well it is learned), and institutionally, which two levels of generality:
draws variously on both, in the form of the grades 1. An "approach" can refer to the way an
awarded. Affective outcomes relate to how stu- individual characteristically goes about
dents feel about their learning. most tasks. This meaning of approach is
an orientation, describing trait-like
Approaches to Learning qualities of a person, and is located at the
presage stage.
Students devise strategies to solve the
2. An "approach" can describe the
problems defined by their motives. This com-
strategies a student uses to handle a
bination of motive and strategy is called an
particular task at a particular time. These
"approach" to learning. Surface and deep
strategies are determined in part by the
approaches were identified by marton and Saljo
learner's orientation and in part by the
(1976) in phenomenographic case studies of
tertiary students. Biggs ( 1979) identified constraints of the immediate context, and
is located at the process stage.
approaches closely resembling these two, plus a
Usually, a degree of consistency between the
third (achieving, see below) with the quite different
two could be expected, but a characteristically
methodoloy of factor analysing questionnaire
surface student could be fired by enthusiasm on
responses; similar factors have been found many
a particular task to respond deeply; more likely,
times (Entwistle & Ramaden, 1983; Entwistle &
time or other pressures will paint a deep into a
Waterston, 1988; Speth & Brown, 1988; Watkins,
1983). surface corner. It is in fact easier to induce a
surface than a deep approach because a surface
The surface approach is based on extrinsic approach is a reaction to external controlled,
motivation, the student seeing university as a because with it, meaning is created by virtue of
means towards some other end, such as obtaining the structure the student can bring to the task.
a desirable job. Students adopting this approach A set of instruments developed to assess
need to balance avoiding failure against working students' approaches to learning, in the presage
too hard. The strategy appropriate to meeting that sense of orientations, include the Learning Process
intention is to limit the target to those essentials Questionnaire (LPQ), for secondary populations
that may be reproduced through rote learning. The (Biggs, 1987b), and the Study Process Question-
student focuses on the concrete and literal aspects naire (SPQ), for tertiary populations (Biggs,
of the task components, rather than on their 1987c). These are self-report questionnaires, in
meaning, and treats them as unrelated to each which students are asked to rate themselves on a
other or to other tasks. 5-point scale on items addressing surface, deep,
The deep approach is based on interest in the and achieving motives and strategies. Scores are
subject matter of the task. Deep strategies involve reasonably stable over periods of a few months
maximising understanding so that curiosity is (test-retest reliabilities are of the order of + .70).
satisfied. A student adopting a deep approach sees Thus, LPQ/SPQ scores give an indication of the
the task as interesting and personally involving, extent to which students are in general likely to
focuses on underlying meaning rather than on the rote learn, to seek meaning, or to maximise
literal aspects, and seeks integration between grades, or any combination of these (the scales are

orthogonal). In particular, the scores would the students, and there is evidence that second
appear to reflect the kinds of things referred to language usage may actually encourage a deep
in various stereotypes of learning: "rote learners" approach (Biggs, 1990).
would be expected to have high scores in the
surface related scales; "academic types" on deep Traditional conceptions of learning and
and achieving. teaching. What of culturally-specific factors,
such as Confucian conceptions of teaching and
learning? Confucius himself saw learning as deep:
The Hong Kong Context ''Seeing knowledge without thinking is labour lost;
While instruments such as the LPQ and SPQ thinking without seeking knowledge is perilous"
index students' characteristic orientations towards (quoted in Cleverley, 1985: 6); his methods were
learning, they are affected by context. ~or individual and socratic, not expository; his aim
example, students in a problem-based ~ed1cal was to shape social and familial values in order
school showed significantly higher scores m deep to conserve a particular political structure. These
and achieving, and lower surface, than students do not appear particularly conducive to surface
in a traditional school (Newble & Clarke, 1986). learning. However, Confucius did inspire several
The particular point at issue is the extent to which themes and variations, ranging from the rational
Hong Kong students' typical approaches to morality of Mencius, through the Rousseausque
learning reflect the local context. What contextual naturalism of Mozi, to Xunzi's salvation-through-
factors might be expected to play a part? pain, and some of these derivations may play some
role in the educational processes in ''Confucian
The teaching context. Typically in Hong heritage" cultures (Ho, 1991). However, it seems-
Kong, classes are relatively large, comp~ising 40 rather tenuous to attribute the classroom be-
plus in primary and lower secondary, curncula are haviour and learning styles of modern tertiary
centralised external examinations are important, students in Hong Kong to a transfer of filial piety,
if not dom'inant in determining what goes on in with the lecturer as father-substitute (Kember &
classrooms. Teaching methods are almost exclu- Gow, 1989; Murphy, 1987).
sively expository, with students' listening and The motivational context. It is said that the
taking careful notes of the teacher's best bets as Chinese are traditionally harsher in child-rearing
to the exam content (usually very accurate);
and education than Western countries: "Physical
teachers believe that an expository teaching style,
punishment in the school such as hitting the pupil's
in which they lecture and provide notes, is the
hand is still practised ... ridicule or shaming of the
most efficient way (whatever they might privately
child, such as making him stand out before his
prefer) of meeting what the examination syllab~s
classmates, remains a common technique of
requires of them and of the students (~orr!s, control" (Ho, 1981: 89). Praise is believed to be
1985). The curriculum is geared to the mmonty
harmful, and criticism necessary, for character
(less than 10 per cent) who proceed to post- building (Salili, Hwang & Choi, 1989).
secondary education. There is emphasis on school
However, teachers in many countries have
spirit and morale raising ceremonie~, c~mpulsory similar beliefs. Physical punishment was banned
school uniforms, and a very authontanan school
in New South Wales seven years ago, re-
climate. Content, method, assessment, and climate
introduced by the Greiner Government two years
seem inevitably to maximise surface learning, later. Winter (1990) used a rating schedule in 86
given what we know about effects on approaches
secondary Hong Kong classrooms and found that
to learning (Biggs, 1987a; Crooks, 1988;
teachers blamed more than they praised only in
Ramsden, 1984).
the case of social/moral behaviour. In the case
In the tertiary sector, change is foreshadowed
of academic behaviour, positive comments were
but hitherto teaching methods have been tradi-
twice as frquent as negative; and teachers were
tional (mass lecture followed by tutorial) a.nd ~he twice as likely to focus on academic than on social
general ethos considerabl~ more au~hontanan behaviour. Only 27o/o of individual teachers
than is currently the case m Australia, UK, or
followed Xunzi in being more disapproving than
North America.
approving, and only 19% were Confucian in
The language context. The effect of using responding more frequently to social than
English as the medium of instruction on ap- to academic behaviour. But then Wheldall,
proaches to learning is problematic. Intuitively one Houghton and Merritt (1988) used the same
would expect that English usage would encourage instrument as did Winter in 130 British
a surface approach through learning key words, classrooms, and found very similar results. There
but much depends on the language competence of are teachers the world over who are as convinced
Approaches to Learning 31

as Xunzi that blame fortifies the adolescent spirit ''face'' than is the case in the West (Holloway,
but praise enervates it. 1988).
The crucial cultural difference is not What, then, are effects of these complex
frequency of blame, but the attribution structure contexts on students' approaches to learning?
surrounding blame for failure, which in Asian Simply taking those factors that research nomi-
cultures leads to attributions not of low ability, nates as leading to surface learning, we would
but of lack of effort (Holloway, 1988; Salili, predict that the teaching context in Hong Kong
Hwang & Choi, 1989). Unlike Westerners who would lead to high levels of surface learning, and
attribute success primarily to ability, many Asian low of deep (Crooks, 1988; Ramsden, 1984).
cultures emphasise effort and endurance as not Looking at the wider cultural context,
only the major factor in achieving success, but as however, the individual is strongly motivated to
intrinsically good. Students are encouraged to put achieve, to attribute success to internal and
in a lot of effort even where they perceive a low controllable factors such as effort, to know how
probability of success. Hong Kong secondary to study effectively, to create interest and the
students rated the five most important causes of "right mood", to develop collaborative relations
academic success, out of a potential of 13 (in with peers, and to develop "cue-seeking" skills
order): effort, interest in study, study skill, mood, (Miller & Parlett, 1974). Under the influence of
and only then, ability (Hau & Salili, 1991). such factors, the predicted effects of expository
Given what we know of efficacy beliefs, teaching, heavy external assessment, punitive
attributions, and performance (Nicholls, 1984; methods of control (if this is indeed so), and even
Schunk, 1985), we can see some reasons why of being taught in a second language, might be
Chinese achieve so well. Chinese attributions tend quite different.
to be internal and controllable (success follows Some evidence is presented below.
effort and skill), the Western internal and
uncontrollable (success follows from ability); a
crucial difference, surely favouring the Chinese as Asian-Western Comparisons on the
far as the successful management of learning is LPQ/SPQ
concerned in the case of potentially good students.
The downside is when the problems of the learning Several data sets using the LPQ/SPQ throw
disabled are attributed to laziness; that can only some light on how Hong Kong Chinese compare
result in heartache and frustration. to students from other cultures in their orienta-
Another significant difference is the social tions and approaches to learning.
framework surrounding performance and motiva-
tion (Hoiloway, 1988). Salili and Mak (1988) Australian and Hong Kong Secondary
found that both high and low achieving students students
related career success to ''friendship and wide A bilingual version of the LPQ was
acquaintance'', quoting in support a Chinese administered to 1,500 ethnic Chinese students
proverb: "At home, you depend on parents; in the attending Anglo-Chinese (English-medium)
outside world you have to depend on your government schools in Form 4 and 630 Form 6
friends" (p. 135). This network begins in student students (Biggs, 1989). The data, which were
days, with special interest classes forming strong selected to be as representative as possible, were
bonds. Students tend to cooperate on assignments, compared to the original Australian norming
despite the drive for individual high achievement samples of 1300 randomly selected students of Age
(Tang, 1990). 14 and 970 students in Year 11 (post Form 5, pre
In fact, achievement motivation in Chinese is Form 7). The comparisons are given in Figure 2;
related to both collective and individual frame- the Hong Kong means are subtracted from the
works (Holloway, 1988). Standards of excellence equivalent Australian mean, and divided by the
and of what constitutes success may be competi- larger of the two standard deviations to yield a
tive and norm-referenced, determined by the conservatively estimated effect size. In Figures 2
individual, or "determined by significant others, to 6, the five per cent hand is drawn, so that if
the family, the group, or the society as a whole" an effect size exceeds that band it is significant at
(Yang, 1986: 114). Further, the "pressure on or beyond the .05 level.
students to study hard and do well in examina-
tions, which is notorious in Hong Kong, may be There is no support here for the stereotype of
present regardless of the educational level of the the rote learner. Hong Kong students of both sexes
parents" (Ho, 1986: 30). As in Japan, individual and at both middle and upper secondary are
achievement is much more a matter of family significantly lower on surface approach, and the

A) Middle Secondary


Surface Deep Achieving Surface Deep Achieving

0.5 0.5


-0.5 -0.5

B) Upper Secondary

Surface Deep Achieving Surface Deep Achieving


-0.5 - Motive ~ Strategy

FIGURE 2. Differences between Australian and Hong Kong (A-C) Secondary Students on motives and strategies for
learning (Z-scores) (above axis, A US > HK; below axis, HK > A US; P < .05 where graph crosses dotted

surface strategy of rote learning in particular, than sexes. From middle to upper secondary, Aus-
the Australian sample. Likewise, deep strategy tralian boys adopt less "academic" LPQ profiles,
favours the Hong Kong students, except that in while Chinese boys move towards the academically
upper secondary, girls show no difference. desirable deep-achieving composite approach. The
Differences on achieving motive are small in Australian girls' profile improved from middle to
middle secondary and have sharpened by upper upper secondary, Chinese girls' remaining
secondary, favouring Hong Kong students; stationary. There is, however, a difference
likewise, Chinese boys in upper secondary are between the two countries in the retention rate at
higher on achieving strategy than Australians. upper secondary, which might account for these
The cumulative effect of school context data (Hong Kong students being much more
differs between the two systems, and between highly selected).
Approaches to Learning 33

Expatriate and ethnic Chinese Secondary English Schools Foundation) (Biggs, 1989). The
students in Hong Kong ESF system caters principally for expatriate
students, and many Asian (both expatriate and
Another comparison is between Asian and local) groups are represented. Figure 3 presents
nonAsian students in the same school system (the comparisons equivalent to those in Figure 2:

A) Middle Secondary

Surface Deep Achieving Surface Deep Achieving

0.5 0.5

.31 ------------------- .24 ---------------------



B) Upper Secondary

Surface Deep Achieving Surface Deep Achieving

0.5 0.5

.23 --------------------



I) Motive ~ Strategy

FIGURE 3. Differences between Expatriate (ESP) and Chinese (A-C) Secondary Students on motives and strategies
for learning (above axis, ESP> A-C; below axis, A-C > ESF; P < .05).

In middle secondary, the Chinese students motive and strategy. By Form 6, ESF boys are
are more achievement motivated; by end of higher on surface strategy, Chinese boys on deep
secondary, they are higher on both achieving strategy. Chinese girls in Form 6 are high on

surface motive. In progressing from middle to incoming students (N = 4,000) of the two
upper secondary, ESF boys behave like Australian polytechnics, Hong Kong Polytechnic and City
boys, becoming more surface, whereas Anglo- Polytechnic of Hong Kong (Gow, Kember, Chow,
Chinese boys become more deep. Biggs & Balla, i 989). These data were pooled and
ESF schools contain a high proportion of compared to the Australian CAE Science norms
bilinguals, including Chinese/English bilinguals; (N = 470}, the nearest equivalent group, along the
all bilinguals, whatever their particular languages, same lines as before (Figure 4(a)). Next, Hong
turned out to be lower on surface and higher on Kong University Postgraduate Certificate of
deep than the English-speaking monolinguals. Education students (N 330) were compared with
This finding reinforces a previous finding that Australian University Education norms (N = 200)
bilingual students in an immersion context have (Figure 4(b)). Finally, Hong Kong University
high scores on deep approach (Biggs, 1987a). Psychology (Social Science) (N = 290) were
compared with Australian Arts norms (N = 400)
Australian and Hong Kong tertiary students (Figure 4(c)):
In 1988, the LPQ was administered to all

A) CAE/Polytechnic B) Education (Uni.)

Surface Deep Achieving Surface Deep Achieving


.17 ---------------------

-0.5 -0.5

C) Arts/Soc. Sci. (Uni.)

Surface Deep Achieving

B Motive ~ Strategy

FIGURE 4. Differences between Australian and Hong

Kong (A-C) Tertiary Students on motives
and strategies for learning (above axis,
A US > HK; below axis, HK > A US;
P < .05 where graph crosses dotted line).
Approaches to Learning 35

The Polytechnic-CAB comparisons are approach profile is low surface, high deep and
significant on all subscales and recall the achieving.
secondary school findings: Australians high on
surface, Hong Kong on deep and achieving. In Problem-based versus traditional medical
Education, Australians are lower on achieving students
strategy, otherwise no difference. In Arts/Social
Science, Australians this time are higher on deep Finally, to show that present teaching context
and achieving strategy, but lower on achieving is important, Figure 5 gives comparisons between
motivation. a problem-based medical school (N = 640) (Note
The bulk of these comparisons reinforce the 1), and a highly traditional medical school (N =
secondary data: the Hong Kong Chinese learning 250) (Note 2).

Surface Deep Achieving

-1.0 I] Motive ~Strategy

FIGURE 5. Differences between Problem-Based and Traditional Medical School Students on

motives and strategies for learning (above axis, Problem-based> Traditional; below
axis, Traditional > Problem-based; P < .05 where graph crosses dotted line) .

The differences here are huge, and in the way suggested so far: the problem-based school is in
one would expect if teaching context was to play the University of Newcastle, Australia, the tradi-
a part (the problem-based data are averaged all tional school in the University of Hong Kong. As
years, but in fact the deep approach increases from we would expect from student learning theory
first year on; see also Newble & Clark, 1986). This (Ramsden, 1984), teaching in a problem-based
time, the data do not replicate any cultural trend context encourages the development of deep and

achieving approaches, and discourages a surface when working in L2, and partly to a transfer of
approach. Confucian ''filial piety'' to the teacher or lecturer.
If teaching context can be so influential, how The last suggestion aside, the question arises
do we account for the previous comparisons? whether reducing processing load in this manner
involves the strategic use of a deep approach, or
Are Cross-Cultural Comparisons it warrants postulating a different approach.
Valid? Some light on this is shed by Tang (in
progress) who obtained some qualitative data
Most of these effects cannot be attributed to from physiotherapy students at Hong Kong
chance- in some cases, we would be dealing with Polytechnic in the course of a study on the effects
probabilities of one in ten thousand and more - of two modes of assessment on students' ap-
and they cannot easily be put down to artefacts proaches to studying. Each student was inter-
like response set, because the differences go all viewed twice, once for each mode of assessment;
ways (it's not that Chinese always tend to rate interviews were conducted in the mother tongue
themselves highly on deep items and low on (Cantonese) although teaching and assessment are
surface). A more fundamental question is whether conducted in English.
instruments like the LPQ/SPQ can be presumed Three broad conclusions may be drawn from
to measure the same constructs when applied to Tang's data.
different cultures. 1. Deep and surface approaches were used
''Etic'' research compares different cultures here in much the same way as they are
on universal categories, while "ernie" re- in Sweden, UK, or Australia. While some
search deals with culture-specific categories; "deep" students stressed the importance
"pseudoetic" research imposes the ernie categories of both understanding and memorizing,
of one culture, usually Western, onto another as Kember and Gow (1989) also found,
culture as if they were universals (Triandis, 1972). the memorizing was not in conflict with,
The constructs of "deep" and ''surface" were or as a substitute for, understanding.
derived in Sweden, and have since been widely Cognitive psychologists would agree with
used on many Western countries. They may these students that application requires
however take on different meanings in cultures ready access, and both application and
where the prevailing conceptions of learning and recall are best embedded in meaning.
teaching are different from Western conceptions. 2. Her students showed a marked sensitivity
Two possibilities arise: (i) that different items to context - to the format of assess-
might be necessary to define "deep" and ment, to the emphases and cues displayed
"surface" in an instrument like the LPQ; or (ii) in class by the teacher - and were willing
that different constructs might better replace the to adapt their approach to the contextual
the existing ones of surface and deep. requirements. Whether Hong Kong
In the first case, the internal consistencies of students are more sensitive than other
the scales would be low in the exotic culture. students in this respect is not evident
Hattie and Watkins (1981), for example, found from these data.
weak factor structures on the LPQ in Filipino 3. Collaboration in planning the assignment
samples, and the scales did have low internal was very common. Analysis of the proto-
consistencies, suggesting that indeed one should cols of the 39 students interviewed
not use the LPQ in that culture. The Hong Kong showed that, for the assignment, only
Cronbach alphas, on the other hand, were good; 5 studied alone, 34 collaboratively. In
at the tertiary level, they ranged from .56 to .80 the absence of similar data in Australia,
(in Australia the same range was . 51 to . 77). casual observations would suggest that
As to the second possibility, Kember and nothing like 870Jo of a class would
Gow (1989) suggest that a "narrow" approach spontaneously form groups to work
characterizes Hong Kong tertiary students, on the collaboratively over an assignment.
basis of a second order factor analysis of a group The collaborative aspects of this work, and
of Hong Kong Polytechnic students' responses to their significance in student learning, are
the ASI (Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983), which has developed elsewhere (Tang, 1990).
aspects of both deep and surface. This approach
is characterised by the sequence ''understand- Implications for Teaching
memorise-understand-memorise ... " on tasks that
are clearly defined by the lecturer. They attribute Thus, while teaching context has an effect on
this partly to the need to reduce processing load orientations to learning (Figure 5 especially),
Approaches to Learning 37

Chinese Asians have a motivational and social what has been learned by rote learning
infrastructure that appears to mediate contextual the deeply processed product. This results
effects, giving orientations to learning that are in learning that is focused and easily
unexpected given the teaching context. Two accessible. Elaborative processes, such as
questions arise: application to other areas, or establishing
1. What are Hong Kong students' orienta- links with related knowledge, may well
tions to learning? be handled in L 1, with input and output
2. Do the common teaching methods in mediated by L2, depending on the thres-
Hong Kong provide a good fit to these hold of language competence (Cummins,
orientations? 1979). The strategy of collaborative
learning, which is handled in L1, may
Typical orientations to learning well be the means by which deep pro-
cessing occurs (Tang, 1990).
In comparison to Western students,
Hong Kong students display the following The fit with teaching methods
a) Approaches to learning. Deep and How well does the local teaching context fit
achieving approaches appear to be widely this orientation to learning? This is a very large
used. These approaches are endorsed question, and is not just a matter of language
on LPQ and SPQ, and most of Tang's medium of instruction. The general impression is
students emphasised in interview the need that education proceeds on two levels: the formal,
to seek meaning and to understand. which is conducted in English, and the informal,
Memorisation is also emphasised in pre- which is conducted in the mother tongue.
paration for tests, but that is an entirely Formally, we have a system which is expository,
sensible strategy to ensure retrieval after examination dominated and one-way: teachers
the event; it rarely appears to be used expound selectively and students respond
as a substitute for meaning, as in the accordingly, with the norm-referenced exam
surface strategy itself. The achieving system seemingly encouraging individualistic
strategy is also used, which reflects self- competition. This formal level would seem likely
management of studying. to lead to high surface, low deep, orientations to
b) Cue-seeking. Students tend to be very learning but it apparently does not.
watchful of cues that' could be important Informally, there is an inter-student network,
for assessment or other purposes. This based on cultural factors particularly emphasising
strategy is widely used by secondary high motivation, but also high collaboration. It
teachers, in preparation for the external is not conducted in the official language of
assessments, and is carried over into the instruction, and could well instantiate what
tertiary sector by student themselves. McKeachie et al:
This is an adaptive strategy where there The best answer to the question, "What is the most
is heavy emphasis on testing, and it is effective method of teaching?", is that it depends on
quite likely that it is used more rigorously the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher. But
the next best answer is, "Students teaching other
when instruction is in L2, in order to ease students." There is a wealth of evidence that peer
memory load (Kember & Gow, 1989). teaching is extremely effective for a wide range of
c) Collaboration. Chinese students appear goals, content, and students of different levels and
to work far more collaboratively than do personalities.
Westerners, despite the excessively com- (McKeachie et al, 1986: 63)
petitive and norm-referenced context of It is possible that this informal level has more
local assessment systems, and the reli- effect on students' approaches to learning than the
ance on teacher-dominated, expository, formal one. How schools and tertiary educational
teaching methods. This is probably has institutions could make best use of the possibilities
a cultural basis (Salili & Mak, 1988), as thus opened up seems to me to be a vitally im-
well as a linguistic one (see below). portant question for Hong Kong educators (see
d) Coping with L2 medium of instruction. also Winter, 1987). As a first suggestion, schools
Much no doubt depends on student's and tertiary institutions might make far more use
competence in L2, but in general students than they do of group work: small group learning,
tend to restrict the range of what is to be peer-teaching, problem-based learning, and the
studied, but to study deeply within that like. The present purpose, however, is to raise
range, and ensure the accessability of questions not to answer them; certainly the present

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1. B. BIGGS, Head, Department of Education, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

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