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Brilliance CT 16/10/6-Slice Configuration (water)


Version 2.0.2

Mx8000 IDT 16/10-Slice Configuration

Version 4.0.2

Software Installation Instructions

4550 191 01231

Revision A

This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems (“Philips”) and may not be reproduced,
copied in whole or in part, adapted, modified, disclosed to others, or disseminated without the prior written permission of the Philips Legal Department. Use of this
document and the information contained in it is strictly reserved for current Philips personnel and Philips customers who have a current and valid license from Philips
for use by the customer’s designated in-house service employee on equipment located at the customer’s designated site. Use of this document by unauthorized persons
is strictly prohibited. Report violation of these requirements to the Philips Legal Department.
This document must be returned to Philips when the user is no longer licensed and in any event upon Philips’ first written request.

© 2006 Philips Medical Systems

Philips Medical Systems

Warranty Disclaimer

Limitation of Liability
Symbol Descriptions

Attention symbol Radiation warning symbol

Laser warning symbol Biohazard warning symbol

Magnetism warning symbol Projectile warning symbol

Electrical warning symbol

Revision History

ECO # Revision Date Comments

H2013271 A June 2006 New Release

This document was prepared by the CT PMG Haifa Service Innovation Department.
For any additions, corrections, or suggestions, contact:
CT PMG Haifa Customer Support Department
Safety Information
To the User of This Manual
The user of this manual is directed to read and carefully review the instructions, warnings and cautions contained herein prior to beginning installation or service activities.
While you may have previously installed or serviced equipment similar to that described in this manual, changes in design, manufacture or procedure may have occurred
which significantly affect the present installation or service.

Installation and Environment

Except for installations requiring certification by the manufacturer per federal standards, see that a radiation protection survey is made by a qualified expert in accordance
with NCRP 102, section 7, as revised or replaced in the future. Perform a survey after every change in equipment, workload, or operating conditions which might
significantly increase the probability of persons receiving more than the maximum permissible dose equivalent.

Diagnostic Imaging Systems - Mechanical-electrical Warning

All of the moveable assemblies and parts of this equipment should be operated with care and routinely inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
contained in the equipment manuals.
Only properly trained and qualified personnel should be permitted access to any internal parts. Live electrical terminals are deadly; be sure line disconnects are opened and
other appropriate precautions are taken before opening access doors, removing enclosure panels, or attaching accessories.
Do not under any circumstances, remove the flexible high tension cables from the x-ray tube housing or high tension generator and/or the access covers from the generator
until the main and auxiliary power supplies have been disconnected. Failure to comply with the above may result in serious or fatal bodily injuries to the operator or those
in the area.

Electrical-grounding Instructions
The equipment must be grounded to an earth ground by a separate conductor. The neutral side of the line is not to be considered the earth ground. On equipment
provided with a line cord, the equipment must be connected to properly grounded, three-pin receptacle. Do not use a three-to-two pin adapter.

Diagnostic Imaging Systems - Radiation Warning

X-ray and Gamma-rays are dangerous to both operator and others in the vicinity unless established safe exposure procedures are strictly observed.
The useful and scattered beams can produce serious or fatal bodily injuries to any persons in the surrounding area if used by an unskilled operator. Adequate precautions
must always be taken to avoid exposure to the useful beam, as well as to leakage radiation from within the source housing or to scattered radiation resulting from the
passage of radiation through matter.
Those authorized to operate, participate in or supervise the operation of the equipment must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with the current established
safe exposure factors and procedures described in publications, such as: Subchapter J of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, "Diagnostic X-ray Systems and Their
Major Components", and the national council on radiation protection (NCRP) no. 102, "Medical X-ray And Gamma-ray Protection For Energies Up To 10 Mev-
equipment Design and Use", as revised or replaced in the future.
Those responsible for planning of x-ray and gamma-ray equipment installations must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with NCRP no. 49, "Structural
Shielding Design and Evaluation For Medical Of X-rays and Gamma-rays of Energies Up to 10 Mev", as revised and replaced in the future. Failure to observe these
warnings may cause serious or fatal bodily injuries to the operator or those in the area.
Add additional safety information as needed
Only qualified and system trained Philips service staff is allowed to perform service (installation, maintenance, quality assurance) on the Brilliance CT systems. Make

sure that the latest version of the service instructions are available. Read the corresponding instructions carefully prior to working on the system. For your own safety and
for more detailed safety information, refer only to the current version of the documents.
Use only specified tools and auxiliary materials. After finishing any service activity, ensure that all covers of the Brilliance CT, including the mylar gasket, are closed

Precautionary Measures Regarding Electrical Voltage

Before you start the procedure outlined in this manual, make sure that you read and understand the warnings listed below.






CAUTION Always use an ESD protection wrist strap when servicing any component in the system.
Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02
Application Release Notes 1

New features in Brilliance V2.0.2/4.0.2 .................................................................................................................... 1

Issues fixed in Brilliance V2.0.2/4.0.2....................................................................................................................... 1
New Features in V.2.0.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Work Flow ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Easy protocols .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Bolus Tracking Enhancements ........................................................................................................................... 6
Pulmonary Gating Option.................................................................................................................................... 7
Cardiac Irregularities (R Tag Correction) in Retrospective Tagging ................................................................... 7
Cardiac Adaptive Filter........................................................................................................................................ 7
Adaptive Filter ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Recon Image Enhancement ............................................................................................................................... 7
Shifted CT scale.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Scanner Operation Cautions and Warnings ............................................................................................................ 9
Open Issues ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Guidelines and Operation Instructions................................................................................................................ 10
Common IRS (CIRS) Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 12
Extended Brilliance Workspace (EBW) Limitations ............................................................................................ 12

Service Release Notes 15

Syncronizing CANpro with Host Computer .............................................................................................................. 16

V2.0.2/V4.0.2 Software Installation Overview 18

V2.0.2 Software Installation Scenarios..................................................................................................................... 18

Safety ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
V2.0.2/4.0.2 Installation General Information ........................................................................................................... 20
............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Time Requirements............................................................................................................................................. 22

Host Software Installation Procedure 23

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover i
Before Beginning...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Backing Up System Files ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Host Software Installation Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 27
Before Installing the Host Software..................................................................................................................... 27
Host OS Installation CD ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Restoring Computer Domain / Workgroup.......................................................................................................... 30
Drive Letter Correction........................................................................................................................................ 31
Setting Time and Date ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Installing the Host Application Software ................................................................................................................... 33
Environment Creator Installation......................................................................................................................... 33
Installing COTS/Security Components and UPS ................................................................................................ 35
Installing Host Software ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Restoring System Files ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Host Configuration Registration and Restore........................................................................................................... 40
Configuring the Display Settings......................................................................................................................... 40
Setting the K2D Visa........................................................................................................................................... 42
Acrobat Reader and CesarFTP Initialization....................................................................................................... 43
Configuring Administrative Tools Security Features ........................................................................................... 43
Installing the Options License Key...................................................................................................................... 44
Installing License Key and Updating Protocols................................................................................................... 46
Preference Parameters Verification .................................................................................................................... 50

Installing the IRS Operating System 53

Setting the Boot Devices .......................................................................................................................................... 53

Windows NT Installation........................................................................................................................................... 54
Installing the Environment Creator and Test RAWs................................................................................................. 56
Installing the Environment Creator...................................................................................................................... 56
Installing the Test Raws...................................................................................................................................... 58
Installing the IRS Software ....................................................................................................................................... 59

Gantry Firmware Installation 60

Gantry Firmware Installation ............................................................................................................................... 60

IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade 62

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover ii
IBox Driver Verification............................................................................................................................................. 62
Installing the IBox Driver .......................................................................................................................................... 63
Programming IBox FPGA......................................................................................................................................... 64
Installing the FPGA Files to the Laptop .............................................................................................................. 64
FPGA File Programming..................................................................................................................................... 65
IBox Programming Procedure............................................................................................................................. 67
Final Steps .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
IBox Flash Upgrade.................................................................................................................................................. 75
IBox Software and FPGA Version Verification ......................................................................................................... 77

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover iii
Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02

Application Release Notes

New features in Brilliance V2.0.2/4.0.2

Version 2.0.2/4.0.2 includes the following changes relative to Brilliance 2.0:

• Scan angle parameter in the protocol:

— In Head scans, Scan angle of 360/420 can be selected in Generate Protocols mode. This applies to all Head
— Scan angle of 240 is automatically applied by the rules system to specific scans like locator and tracker.
• FOV for Surview may be set by the user.
• New cardiac factory protocols for the Cardiac option
• Report options are available
• Image quality for scanners: 10 slices in 8x3mm mode and for 6 slices in 6x3 mode, was improved – splay artifacts
were reduced.
• Remote Recon option can be used (EBW V2.0.52)

Issues fixed in Brilliance V2.0.2/4.0.2

The following corrections and improvements were implemented in version 2.0.2/4.0.2:

• Annotations in MIP MasterCut

• LNA option – volume calculation accuracy
• BolusPro reliability improvements
• Fix patient data improvements
• HIS/RIS window is no more hidden behind other windows
• Cardiac viewer fixes
• DLP (Dose-Length product) display for short spiral scans accuracy

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

• Split-study is a key-enabled option

• Long TC crash on arcing
• Bug in Irregularities (from V2.0.2 beta 2)
• Reconstruction with SP Off
The reconstruction with SP off is now allowed. Although Philips recommends reconstructing with the SP on, in some
cases where the speed of the scan is crucial for the success of the scan, the SP may be turned off.

This applies to the Ultra Fast mode where the DFS is not used, and as a result the in-plane resolution decreases when
the SP is on and/or the pitch is higher than 1.

Consequently, in order to optimize the reconstruction quality in these scans, you may wish to turn-off the SP. However,
if the scan mode is Ultra-Fast and the needed scan speed is so fast that the actual pitch is higher than 1, the SP should
be on since the in-plane resolution will anyway be low.

To summarize the recommended SP status, see the table below:

Pitch UF Std. HR UHR



New Features in V.2.0

Work Flow
• Integration of EBW 2.0 into the Scanner Console
• Enhanced Plan on Surview, including additional reconstructions and MPRs (new in beta 4.1).
• Enhanced graphic planning on Surview for easier and faster operation. Mouse cursor automatically changes its
shape according to the desired operation:
Move the Scan - move mouse cursor into the middle of scan plan box (not over one of the scan’s borders),
then click and drag the scan plan box to the desired position.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Change Start/End - move mouse cursor to beginning or end of scan, then click and drag the line up or
Change Field of View – move mouse cursor to the scans side borders, then click and drag the line left or
Rotate the Scan (Axial and MPRs only) – move mouse cursor over the Rotate icon above the scan
rectangle, then click and drag the mouse left or right.
Resize Plan – move the mouse is over a corner of the plan contour, then click and drag the corner to
change the corner position. This changes the start, end, length, FOV, or X/Y shift. When dragging the
corner, the FOV does not change symmetrically

MPR planning
• During the Plan Scan stage – after the reconstruction is complete, the CT Viewer is launched and the MPR images
are displayed.
— Add an MPR: click on a scan in Series list during Plan Scan stage and click “Insert MPR” button. The MPR is
inserted after the selected series. The MPR “RAW images” are derived from the recon before it.
— Set MPR parameters: Click on the MPR in Series list to view the MPR parameters.
— Change the MPR’s length and FOV: can be done graphically.
NOTE The middle of MPR must always be within the scan’s boundaries.

— Orientation: there are three ways of determining MPR orientation.

Orientation buttons: Sagittal / Coronal / Axial buttons sets the MPR direction and uses maximum scan
Sagittal angle and Coronal angle: parameter in scan protocol. Range is –90 to +90.
Graphic interface to Rotate the MPR: When using a Surview 180, the Sagittal angle can be rotated. When
using Surview 90, the Coronal angle can be rotated.
NOTE Using both angles on single Surview can be confusing and is not recommended.

NOTE When using both angles, the plan box (blue filled rectangle) is used to manipulate MPR (Move, change
F.O.V. etc.)

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

— Viewing MPR images: After all images are reconstructed MPR images are automatically loaded into the
CT Viewer.
— Batch: range can be edited by using the “insert” and “delete” buttons in the keyboard
Important To save the MPR series, right click on the series name, and select “save” or “film”. Images are not
automatically saved.

— Interactive series list (in the toolbox): controls both planning the scans on the Surview and viewing the images
on the Scan Viewer.
Click on a Series to plan it (in Plan Scan mode) or to View the images (in View Scan mode).
Copy, Paste and Delete scans and recons directly from series list during planning and viewing.

Split study
• Define a different Requested Procedure for each series of a study.
• Set Requested Procedure in the Auto Options tab of a scan or an Add-Recon.
• For multiple scan studies, select the new Requested Procedure to create a separate study in Archive with a
different Requested Procedure for each scan.
• Each archive study will have the selected Series for the Requested Procedure and all the studies will have the
Surview images.
NOTE Requested Procedures should be set up during installation.

Merge Two series

• Merge series into one, for PACS review
• Select “Merge with Previous Series” in the Auto Options tab of a scan or an Add-Recon.
• Select “Merge with Previous Series” to merge the selected Series with the preceding Series. Both Series will have
consecutive numbering; the 2nd Series number will start after the previous Series last image number.

Continue Last Study

• This option appears in Patient Data window and is available if Patient Parameters are identical to those of the
previous Patient.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

• Select this option if previous study was mistakenly stopped. New scans will have the same Study number in Archive.
• Select Last Exam Protocol: Click this button to use the last used Exam protocol of the last study.

Use Previous Surview Image

• This button appears on “Clinical tab” of Toolbox in Plan Scan mode of a Surview image.
• Click Use Previous Surview Image to use the last Surview performed on this patient.

Integrated HIS/RIS
• Modify patients’ details in HIS/RIS using Web Interface or Telnet Interface.
• Click the Direct HIS/RIS quick access button in the Home page to open the HIS/RIS window.
NOTE HIS/RIS should be defined once using Preferences

Auto Create Es Image as Secondary Capture (for Pacs Review)

In Preferences | Scanner, select Autosend ES images as secondary capture = Yes. ES images will be automatically
sent to PACs as a secondary capture.

Block Transfer of Certain Type of Images

This feature enables filtration of the images according to different flags or tags while exporting them from the scanner to
the PACS. This reduces the images load on the PACS by avoiding transfer of unnecessary images.

Import Procedure List From His/ris for Mapping

Required Procedure imported from His/Ris

New “Archived” Flag in Directory

This feature is configured in the system configuration. Images sent to the different media (except EOD) appear with

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Pulmo Instructions
• To plan two Pulmo Prospective scans using different scan modes (for instance "max inhale" and "max exhale")
perform the scans as follows:
1 Plan the first scan in the max. inhale mode and click Go.
2 When the scan is complete plan the second scan in the Max. Exhale mode.
3 Click Go.
NOTE Do not plan the two scans simultaneously.

• To avoid reconstruction failure due to invalid pitch, always keep the pitch values within 0.04 - 0.08 and the rotation
time 0.4 or 0.5 sec. The factory recommended values are: Pitch = 0.06 and RT = 0.5 sec.
• The Varian sensor is not supported. The only supported sensor is Bellows.
• Never edit the R tags on-line. After the scan and reconstruction are finished, end the study and only then perform R-
tag editing for the off-line reconstruction. If the peak is not identified use the "Add new tag" function. Editing the last
R-tag doesn't work.
• The message "Respiratory device is disconnected" may appear during the Pulmo scans, even when the device is
performing correctly. When this message appears make sure that the device is connected. If it is disconnected,
abort the scan.

Easy protocols
• Clinically oriented scanning: a new parameter called Scan Type is used to avoid erroneous parameters.
• Parameters that may result in bad image quality are not available.
• Automatic parameters: parameters are optimized automatically according to the scan type.
• Improved protocol interface: a new design offers more intuitive operation.

Bolus Tracking Enhancements

• Automatic vessel tracking for improved triggering when following the vessel movements.
• Improved tracker image quality: 512 matrix

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Pulmonary Gating Option

• Trigger a scan at a particular breath level: prospective scan at different breath phases.
• Improved image quality by reducing the motion artifacts caused by patient’s breathing.

Cardiac Irregularities (R Tag Correction) in Retrospective Tagging

• Improved image quality of cardiac scans by adding, deleting or adjusting the R tags on the ECG graph before final

Cardiac Adaptive Filter

• A new algorithm dedicated to Cardiac scans, replaces the regular Adaptive Filter for Cardiac scans.
• Activated from the Advanced tab of a Cardiac scan: same checkbox as normal Adaptive Filter.
• In order to control the adaptive filter in the scan protocol, in the Preferences window clear the Automatic Special
Filters selection.

Adaptive Filter
• Select to activate a special algorithm that improves image quality of Axial & Helical scans..
• Available in the Advanced tab of a scan.
• In order to control the adaptive filter from the scan protocol, in the Preferences window clear the Automatic Special
Filters selection.

Recon Image Enhancement

Recon Image enhancement may be set in the scan protocol. The enhanced image may be viewed on external devices
as it appears on the scanner viewer.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Shifted CT scale
• The CT scale is shifted down by 24 Hounsfield units as shown below.
• The upper 24 Hounsfield units are lost in favor of low-end 24 Hounsfield units.

Figure 1: CT Scale Shift

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

Scanner Operation Cautions and Warnings

• During Bolus tracking, pay attention to the CT values on images.
• To start the clinical scan manually, click the Start Clinical scan button.
• When using SAS injector — start the injection only after the message “Start Injection” appears on the scanner
• Perform daily and monthly scanner checks to ensure correct CT numerical values.
• Keep the Maylar clean at all times. Any contrast material left on the maylar surface, patient table, and accessories
will create image artifacts. (see instructions in the section Cleaning the System).
• When Automatic dose-right ACS is used — always review the mAs value before scanning.
• When a Decubitus position is used, review Surview scan angle. When using a Decubitus position use 90° for AP and
PA and 180° for Lateral.
• While working in the scanner room, be aware of cables that may be lying on the floor around the Gantry.
• A doctor must sign reports used for Interventional operations.


• The doctor must avoid infecting the patient; do not touch the panel or any other surface that is not sterile.
• Ask the assistant to operate the panel.
• Use disposable sterile gloves.
• Perform operations on the console according to the biopsy operator’s instructions.


• Don’t use 7.5 mm slice thickness in Additional or Off-line reconstruction if the scan was acquired with 6x3 mm or 8x3
mm collimation and the original slice thickness was 3.3 mm.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

CAUTION Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) will supply power to the console for approximatly
10 to 15 minutes when there is a power failure. To improve system security against
program viruses, the UPS does not send messages (time left on UPS power or shut
down) to the user. The user must quickly complete the reconstruction for the last scan
and then safely shut down the Host and IRS computers.

Open Issues

Guidelines and Operation Instructions

• When scanning without a Surview – Don’t use * as the start position; enter a number.
• If the Start Study button does not respond, wait 30 seconds. If still not responding, try clicking the Home button and
then click Start Study again.

Bolus Tracking
• Don’t move the patient table after clicking Go for the Locator scan.

Interventional CCT
• Lasers are not turned off automatically after clicking End Study. Turn Lasers off manually.
• In order to view previous CCT images – click on the series list.
• Start pressing the pedal only after “Press Pedal To Scan” message is displayed on the screen.
• When using CCT Single mode, move the bed only using the Gantry panel or the CT box.
NOTE If the table height & tilt are changed during the scan, image parameters will not be updated.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

• Do not use Continue Current Series option in Cardiac scans.
• Do not auto launch to cardiac viewer if cardiac viewer is already open.
• Do not use the ECG button on tool box
• Use Adaptive Filter in all cardiac scans as follows:
— Large protocol: Adaptive filter + CB filter
— Routine CCTA protocol: Adaptive filter + CC filter
— Stent protocol: Adaptive filer + CD filter

• The actual cycle time may differ from the planned cycle time up to 0.5 seconds.

Offline Reconstruction
• Sometimes it takes up to 20 seconds until the scan protocol is opened after selecting View Recon.

Archive – Sub Selection

• Split option in sub-selection window doesn’t work.
• Don’t use Sub-selection when mixed series are selected.
• If the reference surview appears gray, re-select the requested series in the archive without surview images.

• Restart the host console every day.
• Before using Generate Protocols or Air calibration, click Start Study and make sure the patient data fields are
• Make sure the EOD media is always inserted into the EOD slot, even if it is not used for backup.
• Stereotaxis: use only spiral protocols with SP reconstruction or Axial protocols. If you are using axial protocols,
select only the following collimations:

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

— For 16 and 10 slices configuration: 4x0.75, 4x1.5 or 4x3.

— For 6 slices configuration use 3x1.5mm or 3x3mm images obtained from 6x0.75mm or 6x1.5mm collimation
• “Unhandled Exception” error message– if this dialog box appears, click Quit and Logout. Do not continue
working after an Unhandled Exception appeared.
• Dental CT Application: only images with matrix 512x512 can be loaded to the application. In case the Dental images
have higher matrix, perform offline recon with matrix 512.
• Cursor coordinates value on Surview may not be accurate, don’t use them for measuring or positioning.

Common IRS (CIRS) Guidelines

• In order to shut down the CIRS servers: press and hold the Power button on each server for more than four
seconds – until the green light is turned off. Do NOT use the orange button.
• To turn on the CIRS servers: press the Power buttons on S3 and S2, wait for two minutes and then press the
power button on S1. Wait for two more minutes before starting a scan.
• The toolbox state messages might not be synchronized (messages such as: Scanning, Reconstruction, Acquisition
• The numbers of images left for reconstruction on the scan viewer might not be accurate.
• If CIRS was disconnected or turned off for any reason, Logoff and then Logon the console before scanning.

Extended Brilliance Workspace (EBW) Limitations

Quick Review
• Unable to open RF or CR modality images
Workaround: Open the images in the Viewer application

Lung Nodule Assessment (LNA)

• After segmenting a nodule it is impossible to edit the contours on the original images.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

State doesn't include the following features:

• User graphics including QCTA tool graphic elements

• Sculpting
• Bone removal
• Batch/cine
• Rendering parameters (protocols)
• User-defined stent measurements
• CCTA states containing multiple phases does not support loading bookmarks saved in scenes other than Cage
• AVA Stent Planning stage

Workarounds for Known problems

• When loading to the CCTA application, the window is gray.
Solution: left click the mouse on the window.
• In Archive manager it is impossible to access a remote EOD after formatting.
Solution: transfer data locally to the formatted EOD before trying to access the remote EOD.
• Archive manager gets stuck (does not respond).
Solution: Press keyboard Alt + Tab (Quick Review) and check if an open application or dialog box is hiding
behind the Archive Manager window.
• Loading large matrix images: the Preview application can open up to 1700 images at a resolution of 512x512. When
opening larger matrix images, a reduced number of images are allowed.
Solution: Open up to 850 images of 768x768 matrix and up to 425 images of 1024x1024 matrix.
• HIS-RIS hides is behind the main window
Solution: Click on home page
• If some series don't appear on the IRS archive
Solution: Select another patient and then reselect the previous patient series.

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Brilliance (water-cooled) Version 2.0.2 and Mx8000 IDT V4.02 Application Release Notes

• When reconstruction is stuck and does not proceed (for CIRS only) follow the following steps:
a Shut down the CIRS computer and wait approximately one minute
b Turn on the CIRS computer and wait untill the “IRS disconnected” message disappears.
c Reconstruct off-line the problematic Raw data by redefining as Start position the original start position plus at least
2 mm.
For example: if the original start position is 123.4 mm and the original increment is -0.5 mm then the new start
position will be 121 mm.
• On IRS systems, as in the previous software versions, the Raw Data on the IRS cannot be locked against automatic
delete when it is the oldest raw on the disk and a new scan is requested.
Solution: To reconstruct a study again, perform the reconstruction before the Raw Data is automatically
deleted from the IRS."

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Service Release Notes

Service Release Notes

Version 2.0.2/4.0.2 includes the following features relative to the previous software version (1.2.5/3.2.5):

• New logon user name and password for service and administrator:
— Logon for service is philips_service (password: service_only)
— Logon for administrator is administrator (password: install)
• Service logon no longer opens scanner application automatically. To launch scanner application click Scanner
Application icon on Host desktop.
• New 108 character Option License Key
• K2D Visa Service License Key
• UPS functionality changes:
— Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) will supply power to the console for approximately 10 to 15 minutes when
there is a power failure. To improve system security against program viruses, the UPS does not send messages
(time left on UPS power or shut down) to the user. The user must quickly complete the reconstruction for the last
scan and then safely shut down the Host and IRS computers.
— The UPS diagnostic procedure has changed. The new procedure is as follows:
a Logon as philips_service (password service_only).
b Double click the UPS Diagnostic icon on the Host desktop. The message below appears (see Figure 1).

Figure 1:
c Disconnect the Host computer from the Hospital network and click OK.
d When the UPS diagnostic application closes log off and then logon.
e Reconnect the Host computer to the Hospital network.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Service Release Notes

Syncronizing CANpro with Host Computer

Turing Off the Firewall to syncronize CANpro with the Host computer.

NOTE If the Laptop with the CANpro is connected

to the Host through the Hospital network,
switch to a direct connection via a
crossover cable to the Host directly during
the Syncronization procedure.

1 Disconnect the Host computer from the Hospital

network in order to prevent a software virus intrusion.
2 Press the Windows key and click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Windows Firewall.

Figure 2:

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Service Release Notes

4 Select Off (not recommended) and

click OK
5 Start the Canpro program
6 After the Canpro program opens the file
(Synchronizing done), repeat steps 1
and 2 and select "On (recommended)
and click "OK".
7 Re-connect the Host computer to the
Hospital network.
NOTE If the Laptop was connected to
the Hospital network you may
now reconnect to the Hospital

Figure 3:

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions V2.0.2/V4.0.2 Software Installation Overview

V2.0.2/V4.0.2 Software Installation Overview

IMPORTANT R e a d t h i s s e c t i o n f i r s t b e f o r e b e g i n n i n g t h e I n s ta l l a t i o n P r o c e d u r e .

This document details the installation procedures for Brilliance (water cooled) V 2.0.2 / Mx8000 IDT V 4.0.2 for systems
with IRS.

Read and understand this document in its entirety before proceeding.

• Host Software Installation Procedure

V2.0.2 Software Installation Scenarios

NOTE Read and follow the instructions below before beginning the software upgrade.
Make sure to save the images from the HOST before performing the software upgrade.

These procedures should be used in the following cases:

• If some problem exists in the Host or CIRS software
• When replacing Host or CIRS hard disk
• When replacing Host or CIRS or any server
Based on these possibilities some different scenarios for the software installation are possible:
• Host software installation after replacing/formatting hard disk.
• CIRS all servers software installation (after replacing/formatting hard disk or application only)
• Any of the individual servers software installation (after replacing/formatting hard disk or application only)
Appropriate chapters of the document may be skipped according to the scenario.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions V2.0.2/V4.0.2 Software Installation Overview




CAUTION Follow all guidelines for ESD Anti-static protection before performing any service

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions V2.0.2/V4.0.2 Software Installation Overview

V2.0.2/4.0.2 Installation General Information

NOTE Verify the kit received is suitable to your system (with IRS) configuration (Brlliance CT (water) or
Mx8000 IDT). Use the table suitable to your system configuration.

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Table 1: BrilianceTM CT (water, IRS) V2.0.2 Software Kit P/N 455011301361

P/N Description
1 4550-127-01691 Host OS V2.0.0.101
2 4550-127-01611 BR 16 Environment Creator V10.0.0
3 4550-127-01621 BR 10 Environment Creator V10.0.0
4 4550-127-01701 BR 6 Environment Creator V10.0.0
5 4550-127-01631 MX8000 IDT/BR Security/COTS CD
6 4550-127-01711 MX8000 IDT/BR Host CD V4.0.2.6080/
7 4550-128-01492 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS OS V3.1.0
8 4550-127-01721 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS SW V4.0.2.1065

Table 2: Mx8000 IDT (with IRS) V4.0.2 SW Kit P/N - 4550-113-01351

P/N Description
1 4550-127-01691 Host OS V2.0.0.101
2 4550-127-01591 MX8000 IDT 16 Environment Creator V10.0.0
3 4550-127-01601 MX8000 IDT 10 Environment Creator V10.0.0
4 4550-127-01631 MX8000 IDT/BR Security/COTS CD
5 4550-127-01711 MX8000 IDT/BR Host CD V4.0.2.6080/
6 4550-128-01492 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS OS V3.1.0
7 4550-127-01721 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS SW V4.0.2.1065

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1 Verify the kit contents according to the Kit Contents Check List.
2 Internet or phone access to CT Help Desk and authorization is required for obtaining the K2D Visa Entry.
(see Setting the K2D Visa ). This step must be done; the upgrade cannot be completed without K2D Visa Entry.
3 EOD drive should be available for backup storage.

Required Tools
• Standard FSE tool kit
• FPGA Download kit P/N 4535 670 12901

Time Requirements
The time required for the installation is approximately as follows:
• Host software installation: 2.5 hours
• IRS software installation: 2 hours

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

Host Software Installation Procedure

Before Beginning
1 Logon as Philips_service (password: service_only).
2 Double click scanner application icon on the desktop.
3 Perform a few scans in the different modes to ensure that the system is properly functioning.

NOTE Before proceeding, make sure that all patient images are backed up
onto an external storage device; any data left on drives C and D will
be lost during the upgrade.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

Backing Up System Files

Perform backup of the calibration and configuration files to an

EOD disk as follows:

NOTE This process will not overwrite

previously saved backups.

1 Insert a formatted EOD into the drive.

2 Click the Home | Utility | Calibration | Backup / Restore on
the Workflow Toolbar.
3 When the Backup/Restore Window opens click Browse,
navigate to drive F: (EOD), and click OK.
NOTE Make sure that all option
checkboxes are selected.

4 Click Start Backup.

5 When backup is complete, click OK.
6 Click Close in the Log window.
7 Click Exit on Backup/Restore dialog.
8 Eject the EOD.

Figure 4: Backup/Restore Window

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9 Obtain the system identification information as follows:

a On the keyboard, press the Windows button + D together to display the Desktop.
b Right-click My Computer and select Properties.
c Select the Computer Name tab. Write down the Computer Name and the Workgroup or Domain.

Computer Name Workgroup or Domain User Name Password

d Click Cancel to close the System Properties window.

10Obtain the network configuration as follows:
a Right-click My Network Places and select Properties.
b Right-click the Hospital LAN (integrated) network card and select Properties.
11 Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and write down the following information. If Obtain an IP address
Automatically is selected, proceed to the next step.

Proxy Setting Value

IP address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Preferred DNS Server
Alternate DNS Server

12Click Cancel twice and close all windows.

13Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options. Click the Connections tab.
14Click LAN Settings and write down the proxy server settings:

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Address Port

15Click Cancel twice and close all windows.

16Archive all Patient Image data to the external storage device.
17Record the Default Storage Devices from the scanner application as follows:
a Click Preferences on the Archive toolbox.
b Under Scanner Options, click Default Storage Device.
a Click Home|Utilities|Misc on the Workflow toolbar.
b Click on the Default Storage Devices icon.
c Record the devices selected:

† Local † CDR † _____________

† EOD † _____________

d Click Cancel when done.

18Record the Set Scanner Postion settings as follows:
a Click Home|Utilities|Misc and click Set Scanner Postion. The Customization window opens.
b Record the Scanner Postion setting.
19Record the Tube Information as follows:
a Click Home | Calibrations | New Tube Installation.
b Record the information contained in the New Tube Installation table.
20Log OFF.

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Host Software Installation Procedure

Before Installing the Host Software

NOTE Before proceeding, make sure that all patient images are backed up onto an external storage device;
any data left on drives C and D will be lost during the upgrade.


2 During the installation, drive D: will be formatted. Verify that all important images have been
backed up.
3 Press and release the Emergency Stop button on the Scan Control Box.
4 Eject any EOD cartridges that may be in the EOD drive.
5 Disconnect any USB/Firewire storage devices (USB memory drive, external hard drive, etc.)

Host OS Installation CD
Host OS installation procedure takes approximately 50 minutes.

1 Verify correct CD is used for this installation.

Part Number Description

4550-127-01691 Host OS V2.0.0.101

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2 Insert the CD labeled: Host OS V2.0.0.101 into the CD-ROM drive and restart the system; the boot menu appears.
3 Select: Option 1 (Typical Installation); type 1 (see Figure 5).

Figure 5:
The next Installation menu opens.

Patient data will be lost!!!.

1) Proceed with full installation and loose
patient data.
2) Go to Custom Installation and preserve
patient data.

Figure 6:
4 Select Option Proceed with full installation and loose patient data.1 (Format drive C and D) or 2 (Format drive
C only); (see Figure 6). All
Drives C and D will be formated; all data will be lost and Windows XP installation will copy the installation files to the
hard drive. This takes approximately 10 minutes. The system automatically reboots when complete.
5 When prompted, eject the Host OS V2.0.0.101 CD from the drive. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the computer.
The Host computer restarts and the Windows XP installation continues automatically for about 40 more minutes.
During this process, the Host computer is automatically restarted several times.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard or mouse before the message “Windows XP has completed” appears.
6 Be patient and wait for the message “Windows XP has completed; please proceed according to the Installation
Instructions”, and then click OK.

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8 Manually configure the Network identification information as follows:
a On the Desktop, right-click My Network Places and select Properties.
b Right-click the “Hospital Lan” network card and select Properties.
c Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and type the information recorded on page 25.
— IP Address
— Subnet Mask
— Default Gateway
— Primary DNS
— Secondary DNS
9 Click OK and click OK again.
10Close the Network Connection window.

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Restoring Computer Domain / Workgroup

1 Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
2 Select the Computer Name tab. Click Change.

CAUTION When typing the computer name, verify you are not using any of the logon names as a
computer name. This will result in installation failure.
The following names not allowed are:
• ct
• cts
• philips_service
• LAN_config
• administrator
• olevel
• md
Any change in the computer name must first be coordinated with the institute’s network

3 Type the computer name as stored on Step c on page 25.

4 In the Member of box, choose Domain or Workgroup. Type in the Domain or Workgroup name that you recorded
earlier and click OK.
5 Click OK to close the Message dialog box. Click OK again to close the Properties dialog box.
6 Click OK to restart the computer.
7 If you joined a Domain, do the following:
a Enter user and password supplied by the hospital administrator. Wait until you are admitted into the local domain.
b Restart the computer.

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Drive Letter Correction

In certain circumstances, the drive letters of the EOD, CD-R, and CD drives become mixed up. Check if your drives are
defined properly as listed below.
1 Double-click My Computer.
2 Check that your drives are defined as shown as follows:
— Drive A:
— Drive C: Local Disk (C:)
— Drive D: Local Disk (D:)
— Drive E: CD/DVD
— Drive F: Removable (EOD)
— Drive G: CD-R (if exists)
3 If your drives are defined properly, close the window; if your drives are not defined properly, perform the following
a Right-click My Computer and select Manage; the Computer Management window opens.
b Select Computer Management | Storage | Disk Management.
c Right-click the button for the drive you want to change and select Change Drive Letter and Paths....
d Click Change..., select the correct letter, and click OK.
NOTE The system does not allow two drives with the same letter. This means that if you want to exchange
the drive letters of two or more drives, you should give one of the drives an alternate letter
4 From the File menu, select Exit.

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Setting Time and Date

CAUTION It is critical that the time is set correctly at this point and not modified after the
application CD has been installed. Under certain conditions, modifying the date and
time after the application CD has been installed will result in damaging the Option and
Service keys. The only way to correct this corruption is a full reinstallation.
Follow these steps:

1 Double-click the Time in the System Tray (bottom right-hand corner of the Desktop); the Date Time Properties
dialog box opens.
2 Verify the following settings are correct:
— Time zone
— Time and date
3 Select the Internet Time tab and verify that the Automatically Synchronize with an Internet Time Server Marker
is unchecked.
4 Click OK to close the dialog box.

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Installing the Host Application Software

Environment Creator Installation

Environment Creator installation procedure takes approximately 1 minute.
NOTE Choose the appropriate CD for your system configuration.

1 Insert the correct CD for your system (see Table 3). A menu opens automatically.

Table 3: Brilliance CT Environment Creator CD

Part Number Description

4550-127-01611 Brilliance CT 16 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01621 Brilliance CT 10 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01701 Brilliance CT 6 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01591 Mx8000 IDT 16 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01601 Mx8000 IDT 10 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM

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2 Click the Install Environment Creator icon; the Philips

Install Supervisor window opens.
3 Click Start.
4 When the Installation completed message appears at
the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
verify that all the items are “Done, (exit code:
0x00000000)”. Click Close in the Philips Install
5 Eject the CD.
6 Click X to close the Philips Installation window.

Figure 7: Installation Window

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Installing COTS/Security Components and UPS

NOTE Security Components and COTS installation procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

1 Insert the correct CD into the CD-ROM drive (see Table 4). The Philips Installation dialog box automatically opens.
Insert the CD labeled Brilliance_40_Enviroment_Creator. The Philips Installation dialog box opens automatically.

Table 4: Mx8000 IDT/Brilliance CT Security/COTS V2.0.0.24

Part Number Description

4550-127-01631 Mx8000 IDT/Brilliance CT Security/COTS V2.0.0.24

2 In the Philips Installation window click Install COTS/Security Components. The Philips Install Supervisor opens.
3 Enter install in the password field, and then click Start.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard or mouse until
installation is complete! All component installation
confirmations are made automatically.
During the installation process, the computer
restarts automatically, and automatically logs on.
4 When the Installation Completed message appears at
the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
verify that all the items are “Done, (exit code:
5 Click Close to close Philips Install Supervisor.

Figure 8: Security Window

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NOTE Ensure the LAN cable is disconnected in the next step.


7 In the Philips Installation dialog box click the Install UPS
icon. The Philips Install Supervisor opens.
8 Enter install in the password field, and then click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message

Installation Completed appears at the bottom
of the Philips Install Supervisor window.
The computer will restart automatically.

9 When the message Installation completed appears at

the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window, scroll
through the list of Installed Components and verify that
the Status for all components is Done with exit code =
0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other
value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
10 Click Close to close Philips Install Supervisor.
11 Eject the Installation CD from the CD-ROM drive.

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Installing Host Software

Host Installation
Host Software installation procedure takes approximately 10 minutes.
1 Insert the correct CD into the CD-ROM drive (see Table 5). The Philips Installation Menu opens automatically (see
Figure 9).

Table 5: Mx8000 IDT/Brilliance CT Host CD

Part Number Description

4550-127-01711 MX8000 IDT/BR Host CD V4.0.2.6080/

2 Click the Install Host icon.

3 Enter install in the password field, and then click Start.
NOTE During the installation process the computer
restarts automatically, and automatically
logs on. Do not touch the keyboard or
mouse until the "Date and Time Properties"
window appears.
In case the installation program seems
frozen for a few seconds during installation,
move the mouse in order to continue the
4 When the Installation completed message appears at
the bottom of the "Philips Install Supervisor" window,
scroll through the Install Supervisor and verify that all
the items are “Done, (exit code: 0x00000000)”. Click
Close in the window.
5 Close all windows
6 Eject the CD.
Figure 9: Install Host Window

7 Wait for the autoplay to be complete and click Cancel to close the Content Type dialog box.

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8 If the Browse for Folder dialog box appears click Cancel.

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Restoring System Files

Perform restore of the calibration and configuration files from an EOD disk as follows:

NOTE If LAN Restore is selected, restart the computer at the end of the Restore procedure.

1 Insert the EOD containing the backup data into the drive.
2 Click the Backup/Restore icon on the Desktop.
3 When the Backup/Restore window appears, select the Restore tab.
4 Navigate to drive F: (EOD) and click OK.
5 In the Restore dialog do as follows:
NOTE Ensure that other check boxes are checked.

6 Click Start Restore.

7 When restore is complete, click OK.
8 Click Close in the Log window.
9 Click Exit on the Backup/Restore dialog.
10Restart the computer if LAN was selected.

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Host Configuration Registration and Restore

NOTE If you have a single monitor skip to Step 4 on page 41.

Configuring the Display Settings

Configure display settings as follows:

1 From the Start menu, click Settings | Control Panel and double-click the Display icon.
2 Select the Settings tab.
3 Set Dual Monitor configuration as follows:
a If the left (1) monitor is not highlighted as primary, click on the 1 monitor and then select the “Make this the primary
display” check box.
b Click Advanced.
c Click the Quadro4 980 XGL (Figure 10) tab. A menu opens on the left.
NOTE Choose the Horizontal Span setting in the next step; this is the only allowed option. Other options will
cause system instability.

d Click nView Display Settings. Select Horizontal span from the nView Display Mode drop-down list.

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e Click OK.
f In the Display Properties dialog, click the 1a icon
(Monitor 1). Click Advanced.
g From the Monitor tab, set the Refresh rate to 75 Hz.
Click Apply.
h In the Display Properties dialog, click the 1b icon
(Monitor 2). Click Advanced.
i From the Monitor tab, set the Refresh rate to 75 Hz.
Click Apply.

Figure 10: nView Display Settings - Quadro4 980 XGL

4 Fix Monitor Flicker as follows:

a On the Settings tab select Advanced.
b Select the Troubleshoot tab.
c In the Hardware acceleration area move the
Hardware acceleration slider to the third line from left
(see Figure 11).
Click OK twice to close the Display Properties dialog.

Figure 11:

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5 Log off administrator.

6 Logon as philips_service (password: service_only).
7 Proceed with the following procedures.

Setting the K2D Visa

NOTE If you are not connected to the Internet at this time you can skip this step and return to it after
completing the entire installation. This key is required for activation of all features of the service,
calibration, and diagnostic tools.

1 Obtain the Visa K2D form the Philips website. Refer to the latest
newsletter posted on the InCenter on details how to obtain the
Service License Key.
2 Verify that you are logged on as philips_service (password:
3 Double-click the VisaEntry icon located on the Desktop.
4 Obtain the machine ID (needed to get the visa key).
5 Obtain a visa (the K2D key).
6 Enter the visa in the K2000 Visa Entry dialog and click Apply.
7 Click Done.
8 Log off and logon as philips_service (password service_only).
9 To verify that the Visa is enabled, double-click the VisaEntry icon
located on the Desktop and view the Status: Visa Valid.
10Restart the Host computer. Figure 12: Visa Entry Window

11 Logon as philips_service (password: service_only).

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Acrobat Reader and CesarFTP Initialization

Initialize Acrobat Reader as follows:

1 On the Desktop, double-click the Acrobat Reader icon.

2 In the software license agreement window, click Accept.
3 Close Acrobat Reader.

Initialize CesarFTP as follows:

1 On the Desktop, double-click the CesarFTP icon.
2 Click Control and select Exit.
3 Click OK.

Configuring Administrative Tools Security Features

1 Go to Start | Settings | Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools.
2 Configure Event Viewer as follows:
a In the Administrative Tools window, double-click on Local Security Policy.
b From the left side menu tree, open Local policies | Audit Policy.
c Double click on Audit logon events and check the Success and Failure options. Click OK and close the Local
Security Policy dialog.
d Go back to the Administrative Tools window and double-click Event Viewer. Right-click on Security (in either
right or left panes) and click Properties.
e In the Log Size area, change the Maximum log size to 2048.
f Click OK and close the Event Viewer window.
g Close the Administrative Tools window.

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Installing the Options License Key

The procedure below are used for the current option key installation during software re-installation (when the option
license key is lost) or for a new option key (when a new option is purchased) installation.

NOTE Both the Philips Medical website and the Options License Key CD contain a file that you can print for
installing the license key manually as described in section Installing the License Key Manually and
Updating Protocols.

Obtaining the License Key

You can obtain the license from the Philips Medical Systems website at:
1 In the Search Options dialog (see Figure 13),
select the your system configuration and in the
S/N text box type the System Serial Number.
2 Click Search.
When the
Options/Service Key Search Results page
opens, information regarding one or more
system details may be displayed.
3 Select the required system type and click
all details.
4 At the bottom of the page, click
Key Code Auto Installation Tool link. The file
download dialog appears (see Figure 14).

Figure 13: Search Options Window

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5 Click Save and save the file to the directory of your

choice (saving to the Desktop is convenient).
6 Burn the file to a blank CD and install the license key
according to the procedure in section Installing the
License Key from the CD and Updating Protocols.

Figure 14:

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Installing License Key and Updating Protocols

Use one of the following procedures:

• Installing the License Key from the CD and Updating Protocols on page 46
• Installing the License Key Manually and Updating Protocols on page 48

Installing the License Key from the CD and Updating Protocols

1 Install the Options License Key as follows:
a Insert the Options License Key CD into
the Host computer prepared in section
Obtaining the License Key.
b Open My Computer and navigate to the
CD drive.
c Double-click on the xxxxx.bat file for
your system (where xxxxx is the system
S/N); a command window opens (see
Figure 15) and indicates that the license Figure 15:
key is installed.
d Press any key to continue.
e Eject the CD.

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2 Update the Protocols as follows:

a Double-click the Update key icon on the Desktop.
b Select the mode as follows:
For Current Key installation select the Install mode
For New Key installation select the Upgrade mode.
c Click Update Protocols (see Figure 17); a message appears: “Update
Protocols will change the Protocols of the system, are you sure?”
d Click OK and wait until the following message appears: “Update Protocols
finished successfully”.
NOTE Disregard messages similar to Figure 16 . This message relates to
scan protocols for options not installed on this system.

Figure 16:
e Click OK and then click Exit. Figure 17:

f Log OFF and restart the Host computer.

g Continue to section New User-Defined Protocol Restore Procedure on page

CSIP Level 1 © 2006 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover 47
V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

Installing the License Key Manually and Updating Protocols

1 Logon as administrator (password: install).
2 On the Desktop double-click the Update key icon; the Update Key window
NOTE When copying the key, use ALL CAPS for letters.
3 Copy the key from the key printout by typing it into the Update Key window
four digits at a time.
4 Select the Install mode and click Update Key; the message “Update Key
will change the key of the system, are you sure?” appears.
5 Click OK and wait until the following message appears: “Update Key
finished successfully”.
6 Select the mode as follows:
For Current Key installation select the Install mode
For New Key installation select the Upgrade mode.
7 Click Update Protocols (see Figure 17); a message appears: “Update
Protocols will change the Protocols of the system, are you sure?”
8 Click OK and wait until the following message appears: “Update Protocols
finished successfully”.
NOTE Disregard messages similar to Figure 18 . This message
relates to scan protocols for options not installed on this

Figure 19:

Figure 18:
9 Click OK and then click Exit.
10Log off and restart the Host computer.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

11 Click OK to close the dialog box.

12Click X in the top right corner and close the Protocol Conversion Utility window.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

Preference Parameters Verification

1 Verify Image Threshold as follows:
a On single monitor systems click Processing on the Workflow toolbar to open the
Processing window (see Figure 20).

Figure 20:
b Click Preferences in the Archive (see Figure 22). The Preferences window opens
(see Figure 21).
c Under Scanner Options, click Reconstruction.
d Verify that the Image Threshold value is 0. Correct setting if necessary.

Verify Value = 0 Figure 22:

Figure 21:

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

2 Update the Gantry Position.

a Select Scanner Options. Select Set Scanner Position.
b Verify that the selected devices are the same as the saved device list during Step 18 of
Backing Up System Files on page 24 . Correct the selection if necessary. See Figure 23.

Figure 23:
3 Verify Default Storage Device selections.
a Under Scanner Options choose Default Storage Device.
b Click Default Storage Device.
c Verify that the selected devices are the same as the saved device list during Step 17 of
Backing Up System Files on page 24 . If the device settings are correct continue with Step 4.
d To correct the Device List logoff and logon as lanconfig (password: mxconfig)
e On the Network/Exit window click Network
f Click OK to continue.
g On the Network Devices window double-click on one of the devices.
h On the Device window that opened click OK.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Host Software Installation Procedure

i Click OK on the Main Network Devices window.

j Click OK to continue.
k On the Network/Exit window click Exit.
l Click OK to exit.
m Logoff and logon as CT.
n Return to Step 3 and verify connected device list.
4 Click OK to accept all Preference changes.
5 On single monitor systems click Scanning on the Workflow toolbar to return to the Scanning window (see Figure 24).

Figure 24:

Restoring the Tube Information

Restore the Tube information as follows:

1 Click Home | Calibrations | New Tube Installation.

2 Restore the information contained in the New Tube Installation table recorded before the software installation. See
section Backing Up System Files on page 24.

CSIP Level 1 © 2006 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover 52
V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

Installing the IRS Operating System

Setting the Boot Devices

The following procedure enables the setting of boot devices during restart. Verify that the devices are set in BIOS in the
order that appears below. If it is not in that order, change it to the order of the procedure below.

1 Insert the correct CD into the CD-ROM drive (see Table 6). Restart the IRS computer.

Table 6:

Part Number Description

4550-128-01492 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS OS V3.1.0

2 When the Intel screen appears with a message saying F2-setup in the bottom left-hand corner, press F2 and wait for
the BIOS setup screen to appear.
3 Use the keyboard arrow keys to highlight the Boot menu. Press <ENTER>.
4 A menu appears. Highlight the CD-ROM Drive. Use the keyboard ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys and move the CD-ROM Drive to
the top of the list. The list should appear as follows:
• CD-ROM Drive
• Removable Devices
• Hard Drive
5 Highlight the Hard Drive and press <ENTER>.
6 A sub-menu appears. The list should appear as follows:
• ST340016A- (PM)
• Bootable Add-in Cards
• PCI RAID Adapter (bus 03 dev 00)
In case the order is different, use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys to change the devices’ order.
7 Use the keyboard arrow keys to highlight the exit button. Click Enter and save changes.

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover 53
V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

Windows NT Installation
NOTE On the IRS computer with a Pentium 4 CPU there is a Pentium 4 sticker on the front of the computer:

1 When prompted Ready to begin ghost process select the option according to your system configuration.
1 for Pentium 3 IRS computer
2 for Pentium 4 IRS computer.
The Ghost installation starts automatically.
2 When the installation is complete, a dialog box appears with the message:

Eject CD-ROM and press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the computer.

Eject the Installation CD from the CD-ROM drive, and press CtrL+Alt+Del to restart the computer.
3 Logon as user administrator (password: mxroot).

Drive Letters Modification

1 From the windows Start menu, select Programs | Administrative Tools | Disk Administrator.
2 At the message prompt click OK. A dialog box opens. Click Yes.
3 The Disk Administrator window opens (see Figure 25 —proper drive labelling). If two drive letters must be switched,
do the following:
a Change the first incorrectly-labelled drive letter to an unassigned letter (see Figure 26). Highlight the disk to
b Right-click and select Assign Drive Letter.
c The Assign Drive Letter window opens. From the pull-down menu (see Figure 25) assigning the disk an
unassigned drive letter.
d Click OK to close the Assign Drive Letter window.
e A confirmation window opens. Click Yes to confirm the change and close the window.
f Repeat steps b to e and change the second drive letter to the correct disk letter.
g Click OK to close the Assign Drive Letter window.

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NOTE The volume of Drive C: and Drive D: may slightly vary.

However, the total volume must be 38 GB for a 40-GB hard disk.

4 Verify that the drives are correctly assigned as follows:

• Drive C: Local Disk, total size 4.1 GB
• Drive D: Local Disk, total size 34 GB
• Drive E: Local (RAID) Disk, total size 104 GB
• Drive F: Compact Disk

Figure 25: Disk Administrator Window Figure 26:

5 Close the Disk Administrator window.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

Installing the Environment Creator and Test RAWs

Installing the Environment Creator

NOTE Choose the appropriate CD for your system configuration.

1 Insert the correct CD for your system (see Table 7 ). The Philips Installation dialog box opens automatically.

Table 7: Brilliance CT Environment Creator CD

Part Number Description

4550-127-01611 Brilliance CT 16 Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01621 Brilliance CT 10 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01701 Brilliance CT 6 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01591 Mx8000 IDT 16 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM
4550-127-01601 Mx8000 IDT 10 slice Environment Creator V10.0.0 CD-ROM

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

2 Click the Install Environment Creator icon (see

Figure 27). The Philips Install Supervisor opens.
3 Click Start.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the
message Installation Completed appears
at the bottom of the Philips Install
Supervisor window.

Figure 27:

4 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window, scroll
through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit code =
0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
5 Click Close to close the Philips Install Supervisor dialog box. (Do not close the Philips Installation dialog box).

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

Installing the Test Raws

NOTE Ensure that there is at least 700 MB free space available on Drive E:\. Release the required disk space
using the Archive Manager.
Ensure not to delete IRS_START_UP.raw when cleaning the Drive E:\.

1 In the Philips Installation dialog box, click the Install Test Raws icon (see Figure 27). The Philips Installation
Supervisor opens. Click Start.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.

2 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window, scroll
through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit code =
0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
3 Click Close.
4 Double-click My Computer and navigate to Drive E:/.
5 Verify that a folder Raws exists.
6 Close all windows.
7 Eject the CD.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Installing the IRS Operating System

Installing the IRS Software

1 Insert the correct CD for your system into the CD-ROM drive (see Table 8). The Philips Installation dialog box opens

Table 8: Application Software CD Part Numbers

Part Number Description

4550-127-01721 MX8000 IDT/BR IRS SW V4.0.2.1065

2 Click Start. Do not touch the mouse or the keyboard before the Date and Time Properties window appears.
3 In the Time Zone tab set the correct time zone and click Apply.
4 Switch to the Date & Time tab and enter the correct time and date. Click OK.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.

5 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window, scroll
through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit code =
0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
6 Click Close.
7 Eject the CD.
8 Reboot the IRS and log on as mx (password not needed).

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover 59
V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Gantry Firmware Installation

Gantry Firmware Installation

Gantry Firmware Installation

1 Logon as philips_service (password: service_ only).
2 Switch the Gantry ON.
3 On the Scan Control Box, press the emergency STOP button.
4 Click Home and from the Calibration menu, click Gantry and Couch Calibration.
5 From the Flash menu, select Load.The Flash Load
dialog box appears (Figure 28).
6 Select the specific firmware controller.
7 Ensure that the Flash Load Firmware option is selected,
and click Select File. The Select Controller dialog box
appears (Figure 28).
8 Select the required Firmware Version from the
Available Firmware Versions list (Table 1), and click
The Flash Load dialog box reappears (Figure 28).
9 Click OK again.The Flash Loading message appears.
Wait until Firmware loading is complete.
Figure 28: Flash Load Dialog Box
10 In the next window click Yes.
11 Repeat Step 6 to Step 10 for all of the remaining controllers as needed.
12 Select Exit from the File menu to close the Gantry and Couch Calibration window. Click OK.
13 Turn the Gantry OFF and then turn it ON.
14 Log off from the Host and then logon again as philips_service (password service_only).

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions Gantry Firmware Installation

Check the Firmware Versions

Check the Firmware Versions as follows:

1 From Home | Calibration run Gantry and Couch Cal.

Table 1: Controller Firmware
2 From Simulation select Load | List Fw Ver. Versions
3 From Simulation select Start.
Controller Firmware Version
4 From the list of frames, double click on each of the fist line after
"## xxx FW ID". The CANpro Telegram Interpretation dialog box ACU VA00G
appears. For details see Figure 29

MCU E0050

Figure 29: MCU E0050

5 Use Table 2 and convert the numbers in the number lines to ASCII (30 = 0, 35 = 5 Etc…).
Table 2:

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6 Verify the list in Table 1 is the same as the values in the CANpro Telegram Interpretation.

CSIP Level 1 © 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V All Rights Reserved Refer to Front Cover 61
V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

NOTE Verify that the USB cable between IBox and Host is connected and the IBox is ON (Gantry ON) before

IBox Driver Verification

Verify that the IBox driver is installed properly as follows:

1 On the Host computer keyboard press the Windows key. The , click Start | Settings | Control Panel.
2 Select System and in the Hardware tab, click Device Manager. The Device Manager window opens (see Figure 30).

Figure 30: Computer Management Window

3 Click the + next to the Universal Serial Bus controllers to view all the installed drivers; the Philips Medical IBox
Device should appear in the list.
4 Close all the windows.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

If the driver is installed, continue to Programming IBox FPGA on page 64. If not, install the IBox driver as detailed in
Installing the IBox Driver.

Installing the IBox Driver

1 Reboot the Host computer.
2 After boot-up, the Found New Hardware Wizard opens (see Figure 32) to direct you in IBox installation.

Figure 31: Hardware Wizard Figure 32: Driver Selection Dialog Box

3 Select the Install the Software Automatically option and click Next.
4 In the next dialog box, select the first option; c:\drivers\ibox.inf (see Figure 32).
5 The driver is automatically installed. Click Finish to close the Wizard.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

Programming IBox FPGA

Installing the FPGA Files to the Laptop

1 Insert Host CD.
2 When the Philips Installation dialog box appears click X in the top right corner of the dialog box to close the dialog
3 Open My computer.
4 Right click the CD device and select Explore.
5 Navigate to the folder E:\Host_scanner\Disk1\IboxFPGA.
6 Double click IboxFPGA.msi. The IboxFPGA Setup wizard starts.
7 Follow these instructions to install the firmware files on the laptop computer:
a Click Next
b Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
c Select Anyone who uses this computer and click Next.
d Select Complete and click Next.
e Click Install and when the installation process completes click Finish to close the wizard.
NOTE The files for IBox FPGA programming are located in the laptop folder

8 Remove the CD from the CD tray.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

FPGA File Programming

1 Remove the Gantry left column upper and lower covers.
2 On the CT Box, turn the power switch OFF.

CAUTION Follow all guidelines for ESD Anti-static protection before performing any service procedure.
3 Connect the JTAG plug with the leads to the
JTAG adaptor (see Figure 33).
NOTE If JTAG lead colors do not match
those displayed in Figure 33, match
up the JTAG adapter leads to the
board connector by pin names.

JTag Adapter Plug with Leads

Figure 33 JTAG Adapter and Plug

4 Locate the P2 JTAG connector on the IBox (see Figure 34).

5 Connect the JTAG cable leads to P2 according to Table 3.

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P2-JTAG connector 1 2

9 10
Figure 34: P2 IBox Connector

Table 3: JTAG Connections

P2 Connector Pin Number Pin Name JTAG Lead

1 TDI/DIN Green Lead
2 VCC Red Lead
3 TMS/PROG Yellow Lead
5 TCK/CCLK Blue Lead
7 TDO/D/P Purple Lead
10 GND Black Lead

6 Switch ON the power to the Gantry by turning the CT Box power switch ON.

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IBox Programming Procedure

Launch the Xilinx JTAG programmer software as follows:
1 Click Start/Program/Xilinx ISE 6/Accessories/Impact.
2 The Operation Mode Selection dialog box opens
(see Figure 35). Click Cancel.

Figure 35: Operation Mode Selection

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3 Right click in the iMPACT window and

choose Initialize Chain or click on
the Initialize Chain button on the
toolbar (see Figure 36).

Figure 36: Initialize Chain Button

4 When the message 3 Devices

Detected appears (see Figure 37)
click OK.

Figure 37: Boundary-Scan Chain Summary

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

5 When the Assign New Configuration

File dialog (see Figure 38) appears
click Cancel All.

Figure 38: Assign New Configuration File Dialog Box

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6 The window opens showing the IBox

Prom chain (see Figure 39)

Figure 39: IBox Chain

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

7 Define the chain and load the files for programming as

a Double click on the device #1 icon from the beginning
of the chain
(see Figure 39). The selected device number appears
in the lower window (in blue) of the iMPACT.
b The Assign New Configuration File window opens
(see Figure 40).
c Navigate to the C:\usr\diamond.root\IBoxFPGA
folder and select the appropriate firmware file for the
first device in the chain (refer to the table below for
the correct firmware versions). Click Open.
d Repeat the procedure for the third device in the chain.

Figure 40: Assign New Configuration Program for


Device # on chain File Name SW FPGA
1 I_BOX_FPGA_VER1_5.mcs 2.28 1.5
2 Not for programming
3 72050021.jed

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8 Verify the chain is defined correctly by

comparing the file names under each
device (see Figure 41) and the
appropriate file names.
9 Click on the Device #1 icon and then
press and hold down the Ctrl-key and
click on the Device #3 to select the
devices for programming (see
Figure 41). They will become green.
10Verify that in the lower window a
message appears stating that the
devices #1 and #3 have been selected
(see Figure 41).

Example Only, Data may Differ

Selected device

Figure 41: Chain Selection For Programming

(For Example Only, Data may Differ)

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

11 From the Operations menu, click Program (see Figure 42); the Program Options window opens.
12Select the Erase Before Programming and Verify check boxes and then click OK (see Figure 43).

Figure 42: Program Menu

Figure 43: Program Option Window

13The Operation Status window opens. Wait for “Programming Succeeded”

message to appear. You can see the status of the programming in the
window below. The programming takes approximately 1 minute.
14To verify successful programming again, select the chain according to step 9
or the device you want to verify and then select Verify from the Operations
menu. Wait for the “Verify Succeeded” message to appear.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

Final Steps
1 Select Files from the main menu and click Exit and then click No to exit the IMPACT application.
2 On the CT Box, turn the power switch OFF.
NOTE Turn off the Laptop.

3 Remove the Xilinx JTAG Programming cable.

4 Mount the Gantry left column lower and upper covers.
5 On the CT Box, turn the power switch ON.

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

IBox Flash Upgrade

1 Restart the computer and logon as

philips_service (password: service_only).
2 On the Desktop, double click the IBox Diag
icon. The IBox Diagnostic window opens
(see Figure 44).

NOTE The IBox diagnostic wizard dialog

can be minimized on the
Windows Taskbar.
Press Alt-TAB to shift between
the open applications to select
the IBox Diagnostics.
3 Select IBox program upgrade (Flash
4 Click Next to load the program in the
IBox flash memory; the Backup Current
Program dialog opens.
5 Click Skip.
6 In the next dialog, click Browse.

Figure 44: Welcome to IBox Diagnostics - Program Upgrade

7 Navigate to c:\usr\service.root\IBoxDiag\PromVersion\IBox.bix, click Open and then click Next (see Figure 45).
The flash programming starts.
8 If an error message appears, click Exit to close the IBox Diagnostic application and start the procedure from Step 2
9 After successful flash programming, the following message appears (see Figure 46)
“Flash burn terminated successfully. IBox reset is needed. Do You want to reset the IBox?”
Click Yes.

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Burn in progress may still appear underneath

“success” message.

Figure 45: Path for Flash Programming

Figure 46: Flash Programming Success

10Click Next and then click Exit to close the IBox Diagnostic wizard.
11 Verify the correct IBox and FPGA software versions as described in IBox Software and FPGA Version Verification).

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V2.0.2/ V4.0.2 Installation Instructions IBox Software and FPGA Upgrade

IBox Software and FPGA Version Verification

Perform the IBox software and FPGA Versions verification as follows:

1 On the Desktop, double-click the IBox Diag icon; the Welcome to IBox Diagnostic window opens.
2 Select the Manual Test option box and then click Next; the IBox Diagnostic Wizard opens (see Figure 47).
3 From the IBox Diagnostic Wizard, click Get Version.

Figure 47: Welcome to IBox Diagnostics Window Figure 48: Manual Test

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The IBox version and FPGA version appears in the Test in Progress window (see example in Figure 49).

Figure 49: Test in Progress Window

4 Click OK to close the Test in Progress window. Then click Exit to close the IBox application.

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