Jhajjar Report
Jhajjar Report
Jhajjar Report
G o v e r n me n t o f I n d i a
Ministry of MSME
MSME-Development Institute,Karnal
(Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India,)
Brief Industrial Profile of Jhajjar District
Jhajjar is one of the 21 districts of Haryana state. Jhajjar district was carved out of Rohtak district
on July 15, 1997. The district headquarter is situated in Jhajjar town at a distance of about 65 km
from Delhi. The town is said to have been founded by one Chhaju and Chhajunagar was changed
to Jhajjar. It is also derived from Jharnaghar, a natural fountain. A third derivation is from
Jhajjar, a water vessel, because the surface drainage of the country for miles around runs into the
town as into a sink. Other towns in the district are Bahadurgarh and Beri. Bahadurgarh was
founded by Rathi Jats and formerly known as Sharafabad. It is situated 29 km from Delhi and
had developed into an important of industrial centre.
Inhabited about eight hundred years ago, Jhajjar city has many pages of history engulfed in it,
Historical buildings, mausoleums, water-pools having at their banks give the reflection of the
historical tradition of this city. At the time of Gori 's attack on the king Prithvi Raj in 1191 A.D.,
the area of Jhajjar was a deserted forest. There was a town named Malokan in the east of present
Jhajjar city, mostly inhabited by Jats. Delhi and its adjoining were affected worst in the battle
between Gori and Prithvi Raj. Most of the villages were deserted adjoining area of Delhi by the
devastation of war. Malokan was also among there ill-fated villages. Having left their homes and
belongings, the residents of Malokan started living here and there. The rule of Gori was well
established in Delhi. Villages started inhabiting again.
In the due course of time, Appa Kandi Rao offered the area of Jhajjar, Beri, Mandothi, Patoda to
George Thomas. George Thomas made Jhajjar his headquarter and in view of security
constructed a fort at some distance and named it Georgy garh (modern Jahazgarh). Feeling happy
at his military services, Marathas offered the area of Panipat, Sonepat and Karnal to him.
Intoxicated with the increasing power, he declared himself independent of Scendhias.
The area of Rohtak, Beri and Meham was given to the Nawab of Dujanas Abdusamad Khan. The
area of Jhajjar was given to Nawab Nijabat Alikhan and the area of Bhadurgarh was given to his
brother Nawab Ismail Khan Lohari, Patoda and Kheri village were given as feudatory of Faiz
Muhammed Khan, the son of Ali Khan. The Nawab of Dujana could not hold this large area
under control consequently his control contracted to Dujana and Meharana village only. For the
proper administration of the area left by him, district Rohtak was a constituted which consisted
of Gohana, Kharkhoda, Rohtak, Meham and Bhiwani tehsils.
In this way after the struggle of 1857, Jhajjar came under the direct British Rule, after that the
provinces and districts were reconstituted and Jhajjar was reconstituted as a new district which
consisted of the area of Narnaul and Dadri. But after sometime, its status as district was forfeited
and as a tehsil it was annexed to district Rohtak.
1.1 Location & Geographical Area.
The district lies in the south east of Haryana state. Jhajjar District is one among the important
districts of Haryana State and the district Headquarter lies on the National Highway No. 71 and
is situated at a distance of 65 km from Delhi, the national capital of India. The District lies
between 28 o 33‟ N and 28 o 42‟ S latitude and 76o 28‟ 45” W and 76 o 84‟ 15” E longitude. On
its north lies the Rohtak Subdivision of Rohtak District and in the South lies the Subdivision
Rewari of Rewari District. In the East lies Tikri border of National Capital of India and in the
West lies Charkhi Dadri Sub Division of Bhiwani District. The altitude of the Distt. is about 715
above mean sea level (MSL) and a slope from South to North from Rewari towards Jhajjar is
around 40 feet. In the eastern part of district, the area is considerably even. Some area is uneven
and also suffers from inundation and water logging during Monsoon season. The district falls
within the classified arid and semi-arid zones. Broadly four types of soil are available in the
District viz. clay, loamy clay, and loamy sandy. It is alluvial in nature and fertile. However, the
soil is deficient in Nitrogen. Hot summer, cold winter and meager rain fall are the main climatic
characteristics of Jhajjar District.
The district is having an area of 1834 square Kms which is 3.77 % of total area of the state. The
total population of the District is 956,907, (514,303 Males and 442,604 Females) as per the
Census 2011. Rural population is 74.60% of the total population. Population density is 522
person per sq. km. Population of Jhajjar town is 48447. The other towns are Bahadurgarh with
population of 170426 & Beri with population of 16162.
1.2 Topography
The overall Topography of the area is marked by alluvial plain and at some places by undulating
dunes. The average plain elevation of the Distt is about 222 meters above mean sea level. There
is a gentle slope from North South. The Hydraulic gradient of ground water is very gentle.
Ground water movement in the North Western part is from S.E. to N.W. in the South Western
part is from S.W. to N.E.
PRODUCTION OF MINERAL (w.e.f. April 2010 to JUNE 2012) :-
Production from brick Earth is not mentioned in M.T. due to the royalty is fixed (yearly basis) on
the BKO,s. Hence, year wise royalty collected is given below.
Year Royalty Collected
2010-11 4533248.00
2011-12 11646491.00
April 2012- June 2012 5928765.00
Jhajjar District was curved out of Rohtak District of Haryana on July 15, 1997 and Jhajjar
division came into existence in 2004. Jhajjar Forest Division comprises of entire revenue district
of Jhajjar. For better administrative purpose the entire forest division is divided in to three ranges
namely, Jhajjar, Bahadurgarh and Matanhail, further ranges have been divided in to ten blocks
and 36 beats. All the forest areas in the district are managed by the territorial staff of this
Although, the divisional forest officer of the territorial division is acting as wild life warden, but
the main responsibility for preservation of wild life is entrusted with wildlife wing of the
department. The district wild life officer of wildlife wing headquartered at Rohtak is responsible
for the execution of works under wildlife scheme.
The total area of the district is 1834 sq.KM. Most of the area in the district has been brought
under cultivation with the use of latest agricultural techniques and implements. The total area
under forest is 3902.68 Hectare. The forests in this district are situated on both sides of the
roads, canals, distributaries, bunds and railway lines. These are called strip forests. Forest
department is the designated agency for maintenance, protection and development of the forests.
The ownership of the strips vests with the parent department and are shown as such in the
revenue records. The forests are not recorded as Forest lands in the revenue records. There is no
natural forest in the district under the control of forest department. Other forms of forests are
those, which are under the control of Panchayat. In past lot of Panchayat lands were taken up by
Forest Department for undertaking plantations under Social Forestry Schemes (SFS) and
extensive a forestation was done. The Panchayat land plantations are not declared to be
„protected forests‟ or „reserved forests‟ under provisions of Indian Forest Act, 1927.
1.4.2 Main Activities of the division
The main objective of the division is to manage the existing forest resources of the
district to ensure overall ecological balance of this region. To ensure the said objective the
fallowing activities are under taken:-
1. A forestation : - Plantation will be carried out an forest land, government land and
community lands in the district.
2. Protection of Forests :- All forest recourses in the district are protected as per the
provisions of India Forest Act. 1927, Punjab Land Preservation Act. 1900, Wild Life
(Protection) Act. 1972 & Forest Conservation Act. 1980.
3. Free Distribution of Seedling :- To increase the tree cover in the district, seedlings are
distributed to the public at free of cost.
4. Community Development Activities :- Under JICA Scheme, FDA Scheme and State
Sponsored Schemes nearly 110 village forest committees have been made, through
which various community development activities, like rehabilitation of village ponds,
community halls, roods etc have been executed in the district.
5. Monitoring of Wood Based Industries:- All wood based Industries in the district have
been monitored as per the existing provision of Indian Forest Act. 1927 and State Govt.
Jhajjar 3 4 5 3 1
Block Diagramme of administrative Set up
2. District at a glance
(B) Administrative Units
i) Sub divisions No. 3
ii) Tehsils No. 4
iii) Sub-Tehsil No. 1
iv) Patwar Circle No.
v) Panchayat Simitis No. 5
vi)Nagar nigam No. 1
vii) Nagar Palika No. 2
viii) Gram Panchayats No. 250
xi) Revenue villages No. 263
x) Assembly Area No. 4
2. Population
(A) Sex-wise
i) Male 2011 No. 5,14,303
ii) Female 2011 No. 4,42,604
(B) Rural Population 2011 No. 7,13853
3. Agriculture
A. Land utilization
i) Total Area 2010-11 Hectare 1,89,750
ii) Forest cover 2010-11 “ 3,902.68
iii) Non Agriculture Land 2010-11 “ 29,493
v) cultivable Barren land 2010-11 “ 16,090
4. Forest
(i) Forest 2010-11 Hectare 3902.68
5. Livestock & Poultry
A. Cattle
i) Cows 2007 Nos. 40001
ii) Buffaloes 2007 Nos. 237963
B. Other livestock
i) Goats 2007 Nos. 13848
ii) Pigs 2007 Nos. 6056
iii) Dogs & Bitches 2007 Nos. 17576
iv) Railways
i) Length of rail line 2010-11 Kms (The railway
prepares the
railway statistics
division wise and
not station wise or
section wise. On
the reorganization
of the Punjab state,
about 1220 Km of
the rail length came
to the share of
Haryana state.)
V) Roads -
(a) National Highway 2010-11 Kms 19.4
(b) State Highway 2010-11 Kms 117.4
(c) Main District Highway 2010-11 Kms 138.91
(d) Other district & Rural Roads 2010-11 Kms 834.22
(e) Rural road/ Agriculture 2010-11 Kms 747.46
Marketing Board Roads
(f) Kacha Road 2010-11 Kms 46
(VI) Communication
(a) Telephone connection 2010-11 Nos. 12399(BSNL)
(b) Post offices 2010-11 Nos. 140
(c) Telephone center 2010-11 Nos. 35
(Tel. Exch.)
(d )Density of Telephone 2010-11 Nos./1000 12.96(BSNL)
(e) Density of Telephone 2010-11 No. per KM. 6.76(BSNL)
(f) PCO Rural 2010-11 Nos. 84(BSNL)
(h) Mobile 2010-11 Nos. 7,20,000(BSNL)
(VII) Public Health
(a) Allopathic Hospital 2010-11 No. 3
(b) Beds in Allopathic No. 250
(c) Beds in Ayurvedic Nil
(d) Ayurvedic Hospital No. 29
(e) Unani hospitals No. 01
(f) Community health No. 06
(g) Primary health centers No. 22
(h) Dispensaries No. 08
(i) Sub Health Centers No. 128
(j) Private hospitals No. 35
(VIII) Banking commercial 132 nationalized
(a) Commercial Bank Nos. 84
(b) rural Bank Products Nos. 20
(c) Co-Operative bank . Nos. 24
(d) PLDB Branches Nos. 5
(IX) Education
(a) Primary school Nos. 342
(b) Middle schools Nos. 56
(c) Secondary & senior Nos. 171
secondary schools
(d) Colleges Nos. 8
(e) Technical University Nos. 09
2.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in the District Jhajjar
4 HSIIDC 273 acre 273 acre 7500/- per 251 251 Nil 130
Sector-17 sq. yd
5 HSIIDC 177 acre 177 acre 7500/- per 26 26 Nil 3
Sector-4B sq. yd
4. Estimated average no. of daily No. 16082
workers employed in small scale
5. Employment in Large & Medium No. 1000
6. No. of Industrial Area No. 3
7. Turnover of Small Scale Industries In lacs Rs. 13800/-
8. Turnover of Medium and large Scale In lacs Rs. 34000/-
2003-04 19 206 168.00
2004-05 34 370 690.00
2005-06 26 371 823.00
2006-07 24 564 1413.00
2007-08 108 1803 3264.00
2008-09 92 2417 4372.00
2009-10 79 1588 4926.00
2010-11 97 1559 3834.00
Total 1583 17882 29307.00
36. Electrical machinery and 60 900.00 700
transport equipment
97. Repairing & servicing 50 500.00 200
01. Others 1146 16405.00 9376
Kachori Making
The small scale units are engaged in the manufacturing of fine quality shoes, Black / Galvanised
Steel Tubes, Food Colours & Flavours, Lead Pencil, Petro Chemicals, Poly bags, Auto Parts,
Pesticides Formulations, Brass hardware, Plywood, Glass, Ampules, Ultramarine blue, Deep
Fridge, Corrugated Cartoons & Allied Packing material, Plastic Toys, Medical Disposables,
Mustard Oils, Pharmaceutical, Ammunition Boxes, Paints & Chemicals, Bullet Proof helmets &
On the Industrial front, Jhajjar district is now witnessing Industrial growth at faster pace by
providing good infrastructure to the Industries. At present 1510 small scale industrial unit are
working besides it,37 large and medium units also exist in the district. The list of the units under
large and medium are given below:
S.No. Name & Address of the unit (M/s) Products
1 Relaxo footwear ltd., Tikri Border, MIE, Footwear & Compounds
Unit IV, Bahadurgarh
2 Schablona India Ltd. Kassar Decorated tiles and ceramic
3 Advantec Coils Pvt. Ltd., 1120, MIE, Coated paper
4 Shri Krishana Paper Mills & Ind. Ltd., Old Coated paper
Indl. Area, Bahadurgarh
5 Relaxo footwear Ltd.,327, MIE, Bahadurgarh Mfg. of rubber footwear
and allied products
6 Relaxo footwear Ltd.,Unit – II,326, MIE, -do-
7 Hindustan Petroleum Corpn. Ltd., Near Storage and bottling of LPG
Asoudha Railway Station, Bahadurgarh in 14.2/19/35/47.5 kg Cyls.
8 Somany ceramics ltd., kassar Ceramic tiles
9 Swastik pipes ltd., 41 Km stone, Rohtak GI & BK Pipes and CR
Road, Asoudha strips coil/sheet
10 Hindustan Coals ltd., Delhi Rohtak Road, Bitumen Emulsion,
Bahadurgarh Modified Bitumen cutback
11 Parle biscuits Pvt. Ltd., Delhi rohtak Road, Biscuits
12 S.R.Continental Ltd., Kassar Manufacturer Refractories
13 Surya Roshni Ltd., Parkash Nagar, MSERW Pipes and Tubes
Bahadurgarh and Cols Rolled steel strips
14 Hindustan sanitary wares & Industries Ltd., Sanitary ware
15 Hindustan National glass & Industries Ltd., glass & Glass wares
16 Glass Equipments (India) Pvt. Ltd., Manufacturer of IS Glass
Bahadurgarh Forming machine and its
17 M/Mills Pvt. Ltd., 35, MIE, Bahadurgarh Embroidery (Job work)
18 Marino Panel products ltd., rohad Cecorated laminated sheet
19 Akon Electronics, Jakhoda Electronics goods
20 J.V.Strips, Rohad Strips
21 Allied strips Ltd., Asoudha CR Strips
22 Rishab farms & Industries Ltd., Gurgaon PP Woven bages, PP fabrics
Road, Jhajjar
23 ARCEE Ispat Udyog, 47 Km Stone, Delhi Black and galvanized steel
Rohtak Road, Rohad tubes
24 Zeco Aircon Industries Pvt. Ltd., )-1 & O-5, Air handling unit and its
Indl. Area, Bahadurgarh parts
25 Sumanglam Footwear Pvt. Ltd., 42 Km. footwear (leather shoes)
Stone, Delhi – Rohtak Road, B/garh
26 Garg Inox Ltd., CH-9, Old Indl. Area, Stainless steel wire,
B/garh stainless steel bright bars,
aluminium alloy wire, CCA
wire & zinc wire
27 Akhil Ribbons (P) Ltd., MIE, B/garh Manufacturing of oven
28 Austentic creation Pvt. Ltd., Rohad Utensils and other than
29 Bhomia button Pvt. Ltd., Rohad Button
30 Special Refractories Ltd., Kassar Refractors
31 Brighter Hosiery Products Pvt. Ltd., 339, Socks
MIE, B/garh
32 Perfect strips ltd., B-37, MIE, B/garh CR strips
33 Tan Print India Pvt. Ltd., Rohad Bookprinting, book binding
Medium and Large units are mainly, like M/s Surya Roshni Ltd., M/s Somany Ceramics Ltd.
Hindustan Sanitary wares & Industrial Ltd. Merino Panel Products Ltd. Relaxo Footwear Ltd.,
Austentic Creations Pvt and IUP Jindal Metal & Alloys Ltd are prestigious industrial units in the
These units are mainly engages in manufacturing of Steel Pipes & C.R Strips, Biscuits, Glazed
Tiles, Glass Bottles & Tumblers, Sanitary ware, Decorated Laminated Sheets, Refractories,
Bottling of L.P.G. Cylinders, Rubber Footwear, Coated Papers, Coated Cotton Fabric, Woven
Labels, Embroiders Fabric & Motifs, HDPE Woven Fabrics, Atta & Maida, Steel Wires, Ball
Bearing, Socks, Bituminous & Stainless Steel utensils.
3.5 Major Exportable Item
Through the export forms this Distt. has not been very good initially, but in recent years there
has been encouraging take of in export also. Mains items being exported by the unit here are
Pharmaceuticals, Lathers Footwear, Hallow Glass Wares, Electronic Microwave Components
used in Aircraft. Missiles & Radars, Ultra Marine Blue, Ceramic Glazed Tiles, Sanitary Wares,
Brake Lining, harrow Discs, Brass fitting Papers Board Laminated Sheets, Lead pencils.
4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise
There is only one cluster of M/s Footwear Park Cluster Development (Pvt.) Ltd., Bahadurgarh at
the initial stage of implementation. DPR prepared and submitted to the O/o DC( MSME) , New
There is no major cluster in manufacturing and service sector in Jhajjar.
5. General issues raised by industry association during the course of meeting
Requirement of infrastructure,
Excise and Taxation
Roads, etc.
6. Steps to set up MSMEs
Following are the brief description of different agencies for rendering assistance to the
S. No. Type of assistance Name and address of agencies
1. Provisional Registration Certificate Joint Director, District Industry Centre.
( EM-1) & Permanent Registration Bahadurgarh
Certificate ( EM-II) (Jhajjar)
2. Identification of Project Profiles, MSME-DI,11-A, Near ITI Chowk,
techno-economic and managerial Kunjpura Road, Karnal
consultancy services, market survey
and economic survey reports.
3. Land and Industrial shed HSIIDC, Bahadurgarh
4. Financial Assistance Lead District Bank, PNB, Bahadurgarh
5. For raw materials under Govt. NSIC, New Delhi
6. Plant and machinery under hire / NSIC, New Delhi
purchase basis.
7. Power/ Electricity -
8. Technical Know –how. MSME-DI, 11-A, Near ITI Chowk,
Kunjpura Road, Karnal
9. Quality & Standard BIS, Nothern Region Office, SCO335-336,
Sect. 34-A, Chandigarh.
10. Marketing /Export Assistance Provided with the help of different
promotional agencies i.e. DGFT( Director of
General Foreign Trade), Panipat( Haryana),
EIC( Export Inspection council), III floor-
NDYMCA Cultural Centre Building 1,
Jaisingh Road, New Delhi etc.
11. Other Promotional Agencies