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Brief Industrial Profile: Ludhiana

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Brief Industrial Profile



Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Development Institute

Govt of India, Ministry of Ministry of MSME

Industrial Area- B, Pratap Chowk
Ph 0161-2531733-34-35, Fax: 0161-2533225
Web Site: E-mail:
S. No. Topic Page No.
1. General Characteristics of the District
1.1 Location & Geographical Area 3
1.2 Topography 3
1.3 Availability of Minerals. 3
1.4 Forest 4
1.5 Administrative set up 4
2. District at a glance 5
3. Industrial Scenario of District 7
3.1 Existing status of Industrial Area in the District 7
3.2 Industry at a Glance 7
3.3 Year Wise Trend Of Units Registered 7
3.4 Details Of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises & Artisan Units In 8
The District
3.5 Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings 8
3.5.1 Major Exportable Item 12
3.5.2 Growth Trend 12
3.5.3 Vendorisation / Ancillarisation of the Industry 12
3.6 Medium Scale Enterprises 12
3.6.1 List of the units 12
3.6.2 Major Exportable Item 13
3.7.1 Service Enterprises 13
3.7.2 Potentials areas for service industry 13
3.8 Unregistered Sector 13
3.9 Potential for new MSMEs 13
4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise 14
4.1 Detail of Major Clusters 14
4.1.1 Manufacturing Sector 14
4.1.2 Service Sector 14
4.2 Details of Identified cluster 14
5. General issues raised by Industrial Association 20
6. Prospects of Training Programs (2012-13) 20
7. Action Plan for MSME Schemes (2012-13) 21
8. Institutional Support 22

Brief Industrial Profile of Ludhiana District

1. General Characteristics of the District:

The district is named after Ludhiana city which forms its headquarters. Ludhiana city
was founded during the rule of Lodhi on the site of a village called Mir Hota in year
1481. The founders were two army generals namely Yusaf khan and Nihang Khan
Lodhi, who settled down to restore peace & order due to disturbances caused by
Bilochis. It is general belief that the Ludhiana in the changed form of lodhiana meaning
thereby a town of Lodhies.

1.1 Location & Geographical Area.

Ludhiana district falls in central part of Punjab. The district is bounded between
north latitude 300 –33’, 310-1’ and east longitude 750-25’ and 760-27’.It is bounded on
the north by the District Jalandhar & SBS Nagar. To the east it adjoins Rupnagar and
Fategarh Sahib District and to the west by Moga District while to the south it is bounded
by Branala & Sangrur District.

1.2 Topography
Ludhiana district is centrally located in the Punjab plain region. The Punjab plain is the
product of the depositional work of the rivers Satluj, Beas and Ravi. This plain is marked
for its flatness and featurelessness. However, a microscopic study reveals considerable
intra-regional physiographic diversity to which the district is no exception.

The topography of the district is a typical representative of an alluvial plain and it

owes its origin to the aggravational work of the Satluj. The alluvium deposited by this
river has been worked over by the wind, giving rise to a number of small sand dunes and
sand mounds in this otherwise level area. The summer monsoons with their south-
westerly direction have played an important role in determining the direction of these
sand dunes which mostly run in south – west north – east direction.

In the Ludhiana plain, the elevation ranges from about 268 metres in the east to
about 216 metres in the west. Thus the lies of the land are from east to west at a gentle
gradient of about 2 feet in a mile. Some notable heights in the district are Machhiwara
(264 metres), Samrala (265 metres), Khanna (263 metres), Ludhiana (246 metres), Satluj
Bridge (242 metres) and Jagraon (233 metres).

1.3 Availability of Minerals.
1.3.1 Kankar:
The district is very poor as regards mineral wealth. The only mineral product of the
district is Kankar, which is quarried in many places, and is to be found in sufficient
quantity and at so convenient sites that there is no difficulty in obtaining a supply for all
the metalled roads and for lime. Saltpetre used to be made in a few villages, but the
manufacture has been stopped under new regulations.
The area under regular forests in the district is about 10000 Hectares. The process of

consolidation of holdings has further led to the cutting of trees in large

numbers. Indiscriminate cutting of trees has been the main cause of scarcity of fuel in
the country side. The rural population has perforce to meet their domestic fuel needs
with cow dung cakes which, if used as manure, would increase the fertility and
productivity of soil. The reserved forests, covering an area of 1 square kilometer, are
situated near Ludhiana. These are mainly of scrub type and are maintained for the
supply of fuel wood to meet the demands of local population. The protected forests
cover an area of 41 square kilometers and include all rail, road and canal strips in the
district. Shisham is being raised for the supply of timber and fuel wood.

1.5 Administrative set up.

The district is divided into seven tahsil, viz. Ludhiana East, Ludhiana West, Samrala,
Jagraon, Khanna, Payel, Raikot and seven Sub-tahsil Kum Kalan, Dehlon, Mullanpur
Dakha, Sahnewal, Sidhwan Bet, Machhiwara and 12 Blocks namely Ludhiana-I,
Ludhiana-II, Samrala, Sudhar, Machhiwara, Pakhowal, Dehlon, Sedhwan Bet, Jagroan,
doraha, Khanna, Raikot for administrative purposes.

S. Particular Year Unit Statistics
1 Geographical Features
(A) Geographical Data
i) Latitude North 300 33’and 310 01’
ii) Longitude East 750 25’ and 760 27’
iii) Geographical Area Hectares 368000
(B) Administrative Units
i) Tehsils /Sub divisions 2011 Nos. 7
ii) Sub-Tehsil 2011 Nos. 7
iii) Blocks 2011 Nos. 12
iv) Panchayat Simitis 2011 Nos. 12
v) Nagar nigam 2011 Nos. 1
vi) Nagar Palika 2011 Nos. --
vii) Gram Panchayats 2011 Nos. 908
viii) Inhabited villages 2011 Nos. 896
xi) Assembly Area 2011 Nos. 14
2. Population:
(A) Sex-wise
i) Male 2011 Nos. 8076056
ii) Female 2011 Nos. 1370115
(B) Rural Population
i) Male 2011 Nos. 712593
ii) Female 2011 Nos. 626585
I Urban Population
i) Male 2011 Nos. 950123
ii) Female 2011 Nos. 743530
3. Land utilization
i) Total Area 2010-11 Hectare 368000
ii) Forest cover 2010-11 “ 10000
iii)Barren and uncultivable land 2010-11 “ --
iv) Non Agriculture Land 2010-11 “ 58
v) Misc. ( Cultivable waste & 2010-11 “
Fallow land)
vi) Net area sown 2010-11 “ 301000
vii) Area sown more than once 2010-11 “ 298000
viii) Total cropped area 2010-11 “ 599000
4. Forest
(i) Forest 2010-11 Hectare 10000
5. Livestock & Poultry
A. Cattle
i) Cows 2007 Th Nos. 154.48
ii) Buffaloes 2007 Th Nos 505.10
Other livestock
(a) Horses & Ponies 2007 Th Nos. 2.42
(b) Donkeys 2007 Th Nos 0.13

(c )Mules 2007 Th Nos 1.45
(d) Sheep 2007 Th Nos 4.76
(e) Goats 2007 Th Nos 13.79
(f) Pigs 2007 Th Nos 4.82
C Poultry 2007 Th Nos. 2836.51
6 Transport
(a) National Highway 2010-11 Kms 68
(b) State Highway 2010-11 Kms 5508
(c) Roads maintained by local bodies 2010-11 Kms 7171
7 Communication
(a) Telephone connection 2010-11 Nos. 178215
(b) Post offices 2010-11 Nos. 391
(c) Telegraph office 2010-11 Nos. 2
(d) Telephone Exchange 2010-11 Nos. 129
(e) Public Call Offices 2010-11 Nos. 1938
8 Public Health
(a) Allopathic Hospital 2011 Nos. 5
(b) Beds in Allopathic hospitals 2011 Nos. 550
(c )Ayurvedic Institutions 2011 Nos. 36
(d) Homoeopathic Institutions 2011 Nos. 11
(e) Community health centers 2011 Nos. 9
(f) Primary health centers 2011 Nos. 33
(g) Dispensaries 2011 Nos. 120
9 Banking Sector
(a) State Bank of India 2010 Nos. 58
(b) State Bank of Patiala 2010 Nos. 49
(c)Punjab National Bank 2010 Nos. 69
(d) Other Commercial Banks 2010 Nos. 390
(e) Co-operative Banks 2010 Nos. 54
10 Education
(a) Primary school 2010 Nos. 1129
(b) Middle schools 2010 Nos. 322
(c) High schools 2010 Nos. 367
(d) Senior Secondary Schools 2010 Nos. 361
(e) Colleges 2010 Nos. 61
(f) Universities 2010 Nos. 1
(g) Polytechnic Institutions 2010 Nos. 5
(h) Tech. Ind. Art & Craft School 2010 Nos. 10
(i) I.T.Is 2010 Nos. 5

3. Industrial Scenario of District Ludhiana

3.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in the District Ludhiana

Sl Name of Ind. Area Land No. of Sheds / Plots

NO Acquired
Developed Allotted Vacant
In Acre

1. Focal Point , Phase I to VIII 1322.46 1996 1989 7

2 Focal Point , Khanna 102.29 130 130 0

3 Focal Point , Raikot 70.13 187 19 168

4. Industrial Area – A, Ludhiana - 482 482 0

5. Industrial Area – B, Ludhiana - 978 978 0

6. Industrial Estate, Ludhiana - 228 228 0

Source DIC, Ludhiana

3.2 Industry at a Glance (2010-11)

Sr. Head Unit Particulars

1. Registered Micro & Small Unit No. 39091
2. Registered Medium & Large Unit No. 116
3. Employment in MSE Sector No. 335741
4. Employment in Large and Medium Industries No. 79832
5. No. of Industrial Areas No. 6
6. Turnover of MSE Sector (In Lakh) Rs. Lakh 2442841
7. Turnover of Large & Medium Sector Rs. Lakh 13160.05
Source DIC, Ludhiana

3.3 Year Wise Trend of Units Registered:

YEAR No. of Registered Units Employment (No.) Investment (Lakh Rs.)

2001 02 42570 270234 105525.41
2002 -03 42704 273593 112113.42
2003 -04 42923 277702 118577.41
2004 -05 43125 285504 122569.00
2005 -06 43321 288504 126518.17
2006 -07 **42210 291903 132795.10
2007 -08 38504 303773 139989.12
2008 -09 38393 308713 144341.60
2009 -10 39091 335741 176096.45
Source: DIC, Ludhiana
** Drop down value due to deregistration of units.

3.4 Details of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises and Artisan Units in the District:
NIC Types of Industry Units Employmen Investment Production
Code (No.) t (No.) (Rs. Lakh) (Rs. Lakh)
15 Mfg. of Food Products Beverages 918 8226 8214 59653
17 Mfg. of Textiles 6750 93065 44668 483257
18 Mfg. of Wearing Apparels 1133 13126 7779 286543
19 Leather & Leather Products 2460 11036 1753 8318
20 Mfg. of Wood Products 467 3470 1566 5849
21 Mfg. of Paper & Paper Products 412 3587 2754 16475
22 Printing / Publishing 324 1700 805 2302
23 Coke & Refined Petroleum Prod. 12 97 186 789
24 Chemicals & Chemical Products 606 4124 3465 19484
25 Rubber & Plastic Products 744 5361 4126 18436
26 Other Non-Metallic Products 226 2490 941 8839
27 Basic Metals 1156 16210 13978 304658
28 Fabricated Metal Products 3547 25106 11392 93689
29 Machinery & Equipments 3200 28852 14775.10 181521
30 Analog Data Processing Machinery 6 85 33 1271
31 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus 179 1744 1261 6961
32 Radio TV Communication Equip. 314 2222 725 14515
33 Medical Precision & Optical etc. 28 403 117 791
34 Motor Vehicles Trailers etc. & Parts 1245 11320 9002 62765
35 Mfg. of other Transport Equipment 3105 55540 28500 637878
36 Mfg. of Furniture Mfg. N.E.C 933 3834 1368 11294
50 Maintenance & Repair of Motor Veh. 895 2200 660 1612
52 Maintenance & Repair Household 3271 7059 1602 6155
55 Paper & Paper Board 1 54 55 25
63 Cold Storage 20 112 1145 3152
72 Computer & Relating Activities 43 165 156 122
74 Other Business Activities 27 44 16 57
80 Computer Education 1 1 15 28
93 Other Service Activities 10 30 6 49
Sub Total 32033 301263 161063.10 2236488
Artisan Units (Non-SIDO) 7058 34478 15033.35 206353
Grand Total 39091 335741 176096.45 2442841

Source: DIC, Ludhiana

3.5 Large Scale Enterprises / Public Sector Undertakings:

3.5.1 List of Large & Medium Scale Enterprises/PSUs:


1. M/S Malwa Industries Ltd. (A unit Malwa Processing Kohara Machhiwara Vill Haria
House )
2. M/S Mills (Worsted Cotton Division ) -Do-

3. M/S Markfed Modren Rice & Gen Mills Vill Machhiwara
4. M/S S. T. Cottex Exports Pvt. Ltd. Vill Iraq Machhiwara
5. M/S Malwa Industries Limited. Vll Haria
6. M/S Shiv Tex Feb Ltd. Iraq Machhiwara
7. M/S Vardhman Spining & General Mills Unit -1, (A unit Chandigarh Road Ludhiana
of Vardhman Textile Limtied )
8. M/S Vardhman Spining & General Mills Unit -1, (A unit Chandigarh Road Ludhiana
of Vardhman Textile Limtied )
9. M/S Vardhman Polytex Ltd. 341-K-1 Mundia Khurd
10. M/S Vallabh Fabrick Ltd. B- XXIV- 4700 Sunder Nagar
11. M/S Anshupati Textile Limted Chandigarh Road Ludhiana
12. M/S Kanin (India B-XXX-6754, Focal Point
13. M/S Kangaroo Tools (A unit of Kangroo Industries Ltd. ) -DO-
14. M/S Kangroo Industries Ltd. Do- (Fac. Vill Kanech)
15. M/S Oswal Cotton Spining Mills Ltd. (Prop Oswal G. T. Road Doraha
Spining & Wvg Mills Ltd. )
16. M/S Sporting India Ltd. Vill Meharban Rahon Road
17. M/S Bhandari Hosiery Exports Ltd. Rahon Road Ludhiana.
18. M/S AST Paper Mills Vill Gaunspur
19. M/S Budhewal Co. Op, Sugar Mills VPO Budhewal
20. M/S Mukesh Udgog Ltd. VPO Budhewal
21. M/S Punjab Worsted Spining Mills Mangarh
22. M/S KSM Spining Mills Vill Mandiala
23. M/S Auto International. Vill Machhiwara Road
24. M/S Ludhiana Beverages P Ltd. 185 G. T. Road Ludhiana.
25. M/S OPK Woolen Mills 185/1 G. T. Road Ludhiana.
26. M/S Hero Cycle Ltd. G. T. Road Ludhiana.
27. M/S Turbo Industries (P) Ltd. Surjit Cinema Road Dhandari
Kalan Ldh.
28. M/S Freeman Measures (P) Ltd. G.T. Road Near Cival Air Port
29. M/S Raj Agro Mills Ltd. VPo. G.T. Road Jugiana.
30. M/S Sharma Woolen Mills Ltd. G.T. Road Jugiana
31. M/S Sharma Spining Mills Pvt. Ltd. Vill. Khagat G. T. Road
32. M/S Greatway (P) Ltd. G. T. Road Opp. Military
Camp, Lud.
33. M/S Vardhman Industreis (Steel Unit) Pawa G. T. Road Ludhiana.
34. M/S Jindal Cootex Limited G. T Road Ludhiana.
35. M/S Avon Ispat & Power Limited G. T. Road Dhandari Kalan,
36. M/S Avon Tubes Limited G. T. Road Dhandari Kalan,
37. M/S Eveline Inernational G. T. Road Ludhiana.
38. M/S Hero Cycle Ltd. (C. R. Division) Hero Nagar G.T. Road

39. M/S New Cycle Division (Hero Unit Cycle ) Focal Point Phase VIII,
40. M/S Poddar Tyres Limited VPO. Jugiana. G.T. Road
41. M/S Gobind Rubber Limited VPO. Jugiana. Focal Point
42. M/S Ralson India Limited Ralson Nagar G.T. Road
43. M/S Ralco Exports Limted G. T Road Jugiana Ludhiana.
44. M/S Garag Funance Unit No. 1 Kanganwal Road Jugiana
45. M/S Garag Funance Unit No. 2. -Do-
46. M/S Garag Acrylic Limited Unit No 1 Kanganwal Road
47. M/S Garag Acrylic Limited Unit No 2. -Do-
48. M/S Happy Forging Limited B- XXiX -2254/1 Kanganwal
Road Ludhiana.
49. M/S Mukesh Steels Limited Giaspura Road Ludhiana.
50. M/S Geminy Industrial Corporation G.T. Road Ludhiana.
51. M/S Avon Cycle Limited. G.T. Road Ludhiana.
52. M/S Vardhman Textile Components Bholapur Chd. Road Ludhiana.
53. M/S Arisudana Industrial Limited . B- XXIX- 143 Giaspura Road
54. M/S Arisudana Industrial Limited. (Unit At Vill Jaspalon)
55. M/S G. S Auto International Limited. G. S Estate G.T. Road
56. M/S SEL Mfg. Company Ltd. 274 G.T. Road Ludhiana
57. M/S Oswal Woolen Mills Limited G. T. Road Sherpur Ludhiana.
58. M/S Satlej Ropes (P) Dhandari Kalan Opp. Rly
Station, Ludhiana.
59. M/S Arisudana Spinning Mills Ltd, B-XXIX -143 Giaspura Road
60. M/S Shivaliya Spinning Mills Ltd. Dhandari Kalan IAC,
61. M/S G.S Radiators Limited G.T. Road Ludhiana
62. M/S Hindustan Cycle & Tubes Pvt. Ltd. IAC Dhandari Kalan Ludhiana
63. M/S JVR Forging Pvt. Ltd. IAC Dhandari Kalan
64. M/S Milkfed Cattle Feed Plant Bhattia P.B. No.8 Khanna
65. M/S Markfed Vanaspati & Allied Industries Ltd. Focal Point Khanna
66. M/S Mehta Engineers Ltd. D-118-119 Phase –V Focal
Point Ludhiana
67. M/S United Breweries ( Unit Punjab) C-60 Focal Point Ludhiana
68. M/S Bajaj Sons Unit No. 1 C-103 Phase –V Focal Point
69. M/S Metro Tyres Ltd. B-27 Focal Point Ludhiana.
70. M/S Majestic Auto Limited C- 48 Focal Point Ludhiana.
71. M/S Rico Casting Ltd. C- 26 Focal Point Ludhiana.
72. M/S Rockman Industries A-& Phase –V Focal Point

73. M/S Jai Gears (P) Ltd. E-162,E 165,E345,E346, PH.
IV F. P. Ldh.
74. M/S Emm Son Tools Mfg Cprph. Nicks tools D-2 Focal Point Ludhiana.
75. M/S Ashok Dyeing & Finishing Mills Ltd. A-8 A Phase –V Focal Point
76. M/S Stelco Strip Ltd. Unit 1&2 C-132 -133 Phase V Focal
Point Ludhiana.
77. M/S Sangam Weavers (P) Limited D- 44 Phase V, Focal Point
78. M/S Sportking Processors. Vill Brmail Pur Near Dorha
79. M/S Sportking Synthetice Vill Kanech Near Sahanewal
80. M/S Ram Lubhaya & Sons G. T. Road Malhi Pur Near
81. M/S Vallabh Steels Limited Vill Pawa G. T. Road
82. M/S DFL International Ltd. Vill Jaspalon
83. M/S Arti Steels Limited Mundian Klaan Nr. Mangal
Nichi Ldh.
84. M/S Bansal Spinning Mills Vill Bilga
85. M/S Aradhana Fabrics Vill Kaddon
86. M/S Bonn Food Industries 217-A Vill Hiran Chd. Road
87. M/S Supreme Agro Food Pvt. Ltd. C- 189 Phase Focal Point
88. M/S B. P Alloys Limited B- 52/D52 Phase VII. Focal
Point Ludhiana.
89. M/S Kaur Sain Spinning Mills A-17 Phase VIII, Focal Point
90. M/S Upper India Steels Mfg. Eng. Dhandari Kalan Focal Point
91. M/S Vinayak Textiles Mills D- 295 Phase VIII, Focal Point
92. M/S OPT Steel Rolling Mills Dhandari Khurd Phase VII<
Focal Point Ludhiana.
93. M/S New Auto Rim Divison Phase VIII. Focal Point
94. M/S Bajaj Sons Ltd. Unit No.2 C-88 Phase VII. Focal Point
95. M/S Pundrik Textiles Mills E- 463 Phase VI, Focal Point
96. M/S Suvidha Cotsyn Ltd. E- 459-C 189 Phase Focal
Point Ludhiana.
97. M/S Delux Fabrics (Dyeing Unit) HB-1 & 2, Phase VI Focal
Point Ludhiana.
98. M/S Suvidhi Weavers Ltd. E- 458 Phase VI Focal Point
99. M/S Turbo Tools D-172 -173, E 433. E435 Focal
Point Ludhiana.
100. M/S New Swan Auto Comp C-241 Phase VIII Focal Point

101. M/S Mukand Industrial (P) Ltd, B-XXX-2185/c 203/1 Nr.
Phase VII Focal Point
102. M/S The Ludhiana Didtt. CVO Op. Milk Products Ferozepur Road Ludhiana.
Uniopn ( Verka Milk Plant)
103. M/S Oswal Yars Limited Industrial Area –A, Ludhian.
104. M/S Venus Cotsyn (India) Limited G.T.Road Jalandhar Byapass.
105. M/S Oswal Knit India Limited 230 Indl Area –A. Ludhiana
106. M/S Oswal Garments Limited -Do-
107. M/S Oswal Knitting & Spinning Mills Ltd. 229 –Do-
108. M/S Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd. 373 IAA, Ludhiana.
109. M/S R.K. Machine Tools 854 IAA Ludhiana.
110. M/S Oswal Woolen Mills Unit No.5 IAA, Ludhiana
111. M/S Hotel Majesticltd. Ferozepur Road Ludhiana.
112. M/S Nagesh Knitwears Pvt. Ltd. G.T. Road West Ludhiana.
113. M/S Bharti Teletech Limited. Rural Industrial Complex
114. M/S Megma Mettcast Limited VPO. Hambran
115. M/S Yoginder Worsted Spinning Mills Ltd. Vill Lal Kalan Near Neelon
116. M/s Rishal Spinning Mills Ltd Vill Jadhau

3.5.2 Major Exportable Items:

1. Textile Product 2. Garment & Apparel 3. Cycle Parts

4. Fasteners 5. Electronic Items 6. food Products
7. Milk Products 8. Agriculture Implements 9. Auto Parts
10. Hand Tool 11. Machine Tools 12. Electronic items

3.5.3 Growth Trends:

The new investment in large scale sector was observed in the field of textiles and food
products, cycle parts and Fastener during the 2009-10 year. In 2009-10, there was a growth of 790
persons in employment, Rs. 1183.78 Lakhs in production and Rs. 705.04 lakhs increase in

3.5.4 Vendorisation/ Ancillarisation of the Industry:

The Large Scale/PSU Units located in the district viz. Vardhaman Polytex, Vadhaman Spinning
unit 1 & 2; Harman Milk Foods etc. procure the services of local Micro & Small Scale Units. The
more investment in large sector shall provide more opportunities for vendorisation in MSE sector.

3.6 Medium Scale Enterprises

3.6.1 List of Medium Scale Enterprises/PSUs:

Please see 3.5.1 for details.

3.6.2 Major Exportable Items
1. Textile Product 2. Cycle Parts 3. Auto Parts
4. Hand Tools Milk Products 5. Agriculture Implements 6. Fastener
7. Milk Product. 8. Food Product 9. Electronic Items
10. Vehicle Parts 11. Sewing Machine 12.Knitting Machine
13. Yarn & Textile 14. Sport Goods

3.7 Service Enterprises

3.7.1 Existing Service Sector:

The service industry of Ludhiana mainly includes repair & servicing of motor vehicles, motor
cycles / scooters, household goods, foot wear and leather goods, TV, Radio, Refrigerator, bicycle,
cycle rickshaws,. Watches & clocks, house hold electric, agricultural products refrigerator, cold

3.7.2 Potential Areas for Service Industry:

1. Motor Vehicle 2. Cycle repairing 4. Agricultural implements

4. Electrical Goods 5. Auto mobile repairing 6. Printing
7. Engineering Workshops 8. Computer Education 9. Designer Boutique
10. Beauty & Health Care 11. Coaching Centers 12. Tiffin Service
13. Transportation 14. Mobile Repairing

3.8 Unregistered Sector:

The data on unregistered sector in Ludhiana was not readily available with DIC. However, it
is informed that the unregistered MSME sector in the district is dominated by service enterprises
which has majority of proprietary units. The unregistered sector in the district produces cycle &
bicycle parts, Readymade Garments & Hosiery goods, woollen product & services pertaining to
different industrial groups such as agricultural implement, Food & Beverages, Wooden Products,
Paper Products & Printing, Leather Goods, Rubber & Plastic Products, Chemical & Chemical
Products, Non-metallic Mineral Products, Mechanical Products, Electrical Machinery & Apparatus,
Machinery & Parts, Repair & Services and Transport Equipment & Parts etc.

3.9 Potential for New MSMEs

1. Auto Parts &Components 2. Agriculture Implements 3. Fastener

4. Cycle parts 5. Hosiery Item 6. Leather Shoes
7. Wooden Furniture & Fixtures 8. Wooden Electrical Accessories 9. Book Binding
10. Generator Sets 11. Steel Furniture 12. Tissue Paper Napkins
13. Pipes & Collars 14. Paint & Varnish 15. Parts of Industrial Machinery
16. Tyre Retreading 17. Oil Expellers 18. Building Hardware Items
19. Milk Products 20. Confectionery Items 21. Rolling Shutters
22. Glazed Tiles 23. General Engg Workshop 24. Cosmetics
25. Wires And Cables 26. Rice & Dal Mill Machinery 27. Paper Bags
28. Packaging Materials 29. Cement Bricks & Blocks 30. Biscuits And Bakery Products
31. Ice Cream & Ice Candy

4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise

4.1. Detail of Major Clusters

4.1.1 Manufacturing Sector:

The following probable cluster may be taken up for development.

1. Agricultural Implements, Ludhiana
2. Food Products, Ludhiana
3. Steel Furniture, Ludhiana

4.1.2 Service Sector:

1. Electro Platting , Ludhiana

2. Auto Repairing, Ludhiana

4.2. Details of Identified clusters:

4.2.1 Auto Parts Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured Drive transmission,& steering parts, Engine Parts,

in the Cluster Body & Chassis parts, suspension & breaking
2 Name of the SPV Gems Auto Cluster, C -26, Focal Point, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 200
4 Turnover of the Clusters (Rs 400
5 Value of Exports from the 100
6 Employment in Cluster 25000
7 Major Issues / requirement Common testing along with R& D department.

8 Presence of capable institutions ITI

8 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization,
trained man power
10 Problems & constraints High Rate of Electricity & unavailability of raw
11 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
Institute of Auto Parts, MSME Tool Room

Present status of the cluster:-

DPR submitted to SIDBI for appraisal for setting up of CFC.

.2 Machine Tool Manufacturers , Ludhiana
1 Principal Products Manufactured Lathe Machine , Milling , shaper, vertical Turning
in the Cluster lathes, Planers & Plano Millers, Grinding Machine,
Presses & Hammers, Forging Machinery, Hacksaw &
Brandsaw, Slotting, Radial Drilling, Plastic Machinery,
Wood Working Mechinery
2 Name of the SPV Machine Tools Cluster
14325, Near Dholewal Chowk, GT Road, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 250
4 Turnover of the Clusters 250 Crore
5 Value of Exports from the 150 Crore
6 Employment in Cluster 15000
7 Thrust Area Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained
man power
8 Problems: High Rate of Electricity & unavailability of raw
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,

Present status of the cluster:-.

Cluster approved for soft interventions. Sanction for Rs, 7.19lakh as a 1st installment
released to Udyog Sahayak, Department of Industries, Punjab.

4.2.3 Sheet Metal parts Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured in Sheet metal parts

the Cluster
2 Name of the SPV Sheet Metal Parts Cluster ,
622 Industrial Area B, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the clusters 700
4 Turnover of the Clusters (RS Crore) 3750
5 Thrust Area Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained
man power
6 Problems High Rate of Electricity & unavailability of raw
7 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
Institute of Auto Parts, MSME Tool Room

Present status of the cluster:-

Approved in 29th Steering Committee Sanction for Rs. 1, 12,500 issued to Udyog sahayak,
Department of Industries, Punjab as a First installment.

4.2.4 Ludhiana Hand Tool Cluster

1 Principal Products Hand Tools

Manufactured in the Cluster
2 Name of the SPV Hand Tool Manufacturers Cluster, Ludhiana
E-184, Phase IV, Focal Point, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 106
4 Turnover of the Clusters 65000
5 Value of Exports from the 25000
6 Employment in Cluster 9000
7 Thrust Area Labor along with modernization in first is very
urgent requirement.
8 Problems High Rate of Electricity & unavailability of raw
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
MSME Tool Room

Present status of the cluster:-

Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited.

4.2.5 Wire Drawing Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured H B Wire and wire product.
in the Cluster
2 Name of the SPV Wire Drawing Acid Treatment Society, Ludhiana,
7911, st. No. 1, Ranjeet Nagar, Back Side ATI, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 250
4 Turnover of the Clusters 100000
5 Value of Exports from the
6 Employment in Cluster 4300
7 Thrust Area Labor along with modernization in first is very urgent
8 Problem of Cluster Cluster member of micro and small manufacturing
enterprise which have resource constrains.
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College

Present status of the cluster:

Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited.

4.2.6 Printing & Packaging Cluster

1 Principal Products Manufactured in Printed boxes, books, Catalogues and stationery,

the Cluster wedding cards, price tags, calendar, folding cartons,
Corrugated Boxes.
2 Name of the SPV Printing & Packaging Cluster Development
B XX/ 2051 Gobind Nagar Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the clusters 600
4 Turnover of the Clusters in Lakh 100000
5 Value of Exports from the Clusters in 5000
6 Employment in Cluster 12000
7 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained
man power
8 Problems & constraints Raw Market is underdevelopment, sufficient testing
facility, marketing channel, skill labor, conventional
technology, absence quality control technique.
9 Presence of Capable Institution Engineering College

Present status of the cluster:-

Soft Interventions Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited.

4.2.7 Oil Expeller & Parts Cluster

1 Principal Products Manufactured Complete oil expeller machinery and parts, Helical
in the Cluster Gears, Double helical gears, Nut Bolts, Shafts and
2 Name of the SPV Oil Expeller & Parts Manufacturing Society
Nirankari St No. 3, GT Road Miller Ganj, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 150
4 Turnover of the Clusters 15000
5 Value of Exports from the 1500
6 Employment in Cluster 3450+ 360 Indirect
7 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained man
8 Problems & constraints Power shortage along with conventional technique & un
skilled labor, high competitive market.
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
Institute of Auto Parts, CMERI ( MERADO)

Present status of the cluster:-

Soft Interventions Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited .

4.2.8 Ludhiana Tractor Parts Manufacturer Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured All types of fastener, Nuts, Hubs, Break Drums, Pins,
in the Cluster Top Link & Lev Assy, Lower Link Chains, Shafts,
Gears, Check Nuts, Spacers
2 Name of the SPV Ludhiana Tractor Parts Manufacturers Association
Kalsian Street Gill Road, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 200
4 Turnover of the Clusters 15000 Lakh
5 Value of Exports from the 3200 Lakh
6 Employment in Cluster 1500 + Indirect 700
7 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained
man power
8 Problems Cluster member comprise of micro & small
manufacturing enterprises which have resource
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
Institute of Auto Parts, MSME Tool Room

Present status of the cluster:-

Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited.

4.2.9 Ludhiana Bicycle & Engg Parts Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured in Manufacturing of Bicycle part & Engg. Goods.
the Cluster
2 Name of the SPV Ludhiana Bicycle & Engg Parts, 536/21 D Industrial
Area C, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 27
4 Turnover of the Clusters 270 Crore
5 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained
man power
6 Problems & constraints Power shortage along with conventional technique &
un skilled labor, high competitive market.
7 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique College, Engineering College,
Institute of Bicycle & sewing machine, MSME
Tool Room

Present status of the cluster:-

Approved in 29th Steering Committee Sanction for Rs. 1, 25,000 issued to Udyog Sahayak,
Department of industries, Punjab as a first Installment.

4.2.10 Knitted outwear cluster

1 Principal Products Manufactured Manufacturing of textile & knitwear goods

in the Cluster
2 Name of the SPV Bahadur Ke Textiles & Knit Wear Association,
Industrial complex, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 14000
4 Turnover of the Clusters 5000 Crore
5 Value of Exports from the 1000 Crore
6 Employment in Cluster 4,00,000
8 Major Issues / requirement Common effluent treatment plant, Testing lab, Training
10 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained man
11 Problems & constraints Power shortage along with conventional technique & un
skilled labor, high competitive market.
12 Presence of Capable Institution Institute for Textile chemistry and knitting Technology,
NIT Jalandhar, Engineering College

Present status of the cluster:-

DPR prepared and submitted to SIDBI for appraisal.

4.2.11 Foundry Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured CI casting for machine tools, oil expeller parts, ingot
in the Cluster moulds , rolling machine, coupling , tractor parts, auto
parts, agricultural implements, sanitary pipes & fitting
and sewing machine.
2 Name of the SPV Ludhiana foundry cluster
E-333, Ph.IV,Focal Point, Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 125
4 Turnover of the Clusters Rs 200 Crore
5 Value of Exports from the A few Exports takes place.
6 Employment in Cluster 15000 (Approx)
7 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained man
8 Problems Power shortage along with conventional technique & un
skilled labor, high competitive market.
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique , Engineering

Present status of the cluster:-

Proposal approved in 30th Steering committee, Sanction Awaited

4.2.12 Fasteners Cluster, Ludhiana

1 Principal Products Manufactured Nuts, Bolts, screw, Hubs, Pins, Gears, Check Nuts,
in the Cluster Spacers.
2 Name of the SPV Fasteners Manufacturers Association, Ludhiana
8, Guru Nanak Market Focal Point Ludhiana
3 No. of functional units in the 1000
4 Turnover of the Clusters 1500 Crore
5 Value of Exports from the 900 Crore
6 Employment in Cluster 1,80,000
7 Thrust Areas Upgrading technology , waste minimization, trained man
8 Problems Power shortage along with conventional technique & un
skilled labor, high competitive market.
9 Presence of Capable Institution ITI, Polytechnique , Engineering

Present status of the cluster:-

Soft interventions going on.

5. General issues raised by Industrial Associations of Ludhiana

(a). Charges of electricity are too high and erratic supply.
(b). Unavailability of skilled labor.
(c). There should be a common effluent treatment plant.
(d). Modern infrastructure is not available.
(e). Sale Tax is on higher scale.
(f) There should be more Industrial Area, Focal Points, Industrial Estate with proper infrastructural
facilities. .

6. Prospects of Training Programs (2012-13)

Sr. Programs Subject
1 ESDP IT, Fashion Designing, Beauty & Health Care

2 MDP Computer Accountancy, Working Capital Management, Modern Business

Concepts, Export Procedures & Documentation etc
3 EDP General

4 IMC Self Employment Opportunities

7. Action Plan for MSME Schemes (2012-13)
S. Name of the Scheme Proposed activity on the scheme
1 ISO – 9000 / 14000/ Reimbursement of funds to the ISO – 9000 / 14000/ HACCP
HACCP certified units
2 MSE-MDA MSE units shall be motivated to participate in international
exhibitions and receive assistance under the scheme.
3 CLCSS Initiative will be taken as per the guidelines of headquarter
regarding the scheme
4 International The industrial associations shall be motivated to participate in
cooperation international trade fairs, explore international markets and receive
the benefits under the scheme
5 National Awards The competent MSME units shall be motivated to apply for
National Awards for their outstanding performance
6 NMCP schemes
a Lean Manufacturing The awareness & implementation of scheme in Mini Clusters on
lean manufacturing practices shall be launched
b Design Clinic MSEs shall be persuaded to obtain assistance for making
improvements in their product & process design needs in their
c Marketing MSEs shall be motivated to explore new markets through
Assistance & Tech. State/District level local exhibitions / trade fairs. Reimbursement
Up gradation to the approved proposals shall be provided accordingly.
d QMS/QTT The awareness on the QMS/QTT shall be created
e Tech. & Quality Up The MSEs shall be motivated to go for quality certification. The
-gradation support units having national/international certification shall be
reimbursed under the scheme
f Bar Code The MSEs shall be motivated to Bar Code system. The
reimbursement of funds to the MSEs obtaining Bar Codes shall
be made.
g IPR The awareness on the scheme shall be created in different clusters
h Incubator scheme The proposals from technical institutions seeking nurturing of
ideas from professional beyond traditional activities of MSMEs
shall be persuaded.

8. Institutional Support

Name of agencies Type of assistance

1. District Industries Centre (DIC) Provisional Registration Certificate
(EM-1) & Permanent Registration
Certificate ( EM-II)

2. District Industries Centre, Identification of Project Profiles, techno-

MSME-Development Institute economic and managerial consultancy
services, market survey and economic
survey reports.

3. Punjab Small Industries & Export Land and Industrial shed

Corporation (PSIEC)

4. Banks, District Industries Centre (DIC), Financial Assistance

Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB),
Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI)

5. National Small Industries Corporation For raw materials under Govt. Supply
(NSIC), Steel Authority of India (SAIL),
Punjab Small Industries & Export
Corporation (PSIEC)
6. National Small Industries Corporation Plant and machinery on hire/purchase

7. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. Power/ Electricity

8. District Industries Centre (DIC), Technical Know –how

MSME-Development Institute

9. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Quality & Standard

10. National Small Industries Corporation Marketing /Export Assistance

(NSIC), District Industries Centre (DIC),
Director General of Foreign Trade
(DGFT), MSME-Development Institute


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