Competency Based Questions
Competency Based Questions
Competency Based Questions
2. Cu+ and Na+ are of same size but CuCl is insoluble while NaCl is
soluble in water. Explain.
5. Explain the observations that the bond length in N2+ is 0.02Å larger
than in N2 while the bond length in NO+ is 0.09Å less than in NO.
1-Butene or 1-Butyne
9. Bond angle in PH4+ is higher than PH3 .Why?
10. BeF2 is linear while SF2 is angular though both are tri-atomic. Why?
11. Explain why the melting point of NaCl is higher than AlCl3 ?
14. Why does PCl5 exist as [ PCl4 ]+[ PCl6 ]- in the crystalline state?
16. Which of the following has the higher dipole movement and Why?
NH3 or NF3