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PS SP 10 60KVA 3 3

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The document discusses a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) system called the μPS-SP Series that provides backup power for critical loads. It provides information about the product's features, specifications, installation instructions and safety guidelines.

The product being discussed is the μPS-SP Series UPS system, which is a 3-phase, 10-60 kVA uninterruptible power supply with parallel operation capabilities produced by Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Some of the technical specifications mentioned include input/output voltage ranges and frequencies, efficiency ratings, overload capabilities, communication/monitoring options, ambient temperature ranges, dimensions and weights for different models.

μPS-SP Series 3:3 Phase

10 TO 60 KVA


Release 2.3, December 2010

Har Hotzvim Industrial Park,

14 Hartom St., P.O.B. 45029, Jerusalem 91450, Israel
Tel: 972-2-588-8222 Fax: 972-2-582-8875
Email: Website:

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA (with parallel option)

Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Har Hotzvim Industrial Park
14 Hartom St., PO Box 45029, Jerusalem 91450 Israel
Tel: +972-2-588-8222 Fax: +972-2-582-8875
Email: Website:

The equipment described in this document is not intended to be used in connection with any
application requiring fail-safe performance, unless the application design includes appropriate
redundancy. This exclusion includes, but is not limited to, the direct operation of any life support
system or any other system whose failure could lead to serious injury, death, environmental damage or
mass destruction.

 Copyright 2010 by Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.
The information contained in this document is proprietary and is subject to all relevant copyright, patent and other laws protecting
intellectual property, as well as any specific agreement protecting Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. rights in the aforesaid
information. Neither this document nor the information contained herein may be published, reproduced or disclosed to third parties, in
whole or in part, without the express, prior, written permission of Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. In addition, any use of this
document or the information contained herein for any purposes other than those for which it was disclosed is strictly forbidden.
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. reserves the right, without prior notice or liability, to make changes in equipment design or
Information supplied by Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. for the use thereof nor for the rights of third parties which may be affected in any
way by the use thereof.
Any representation(s) in this document concerning performance of Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. product(s) are for
informational purposes only and are not warranties of future performance, either express or implied. Gamatronic Electronic Industries
Ltd. standard limited warranty, stated in its sales contract or order confirmation form, is the only warranty offered by Gamatronic
Electronic Industries Ltd. in relation thereto.
This document may contain flaws, omissions or typesetting errors; no warranty is granted nor liability assumed in relation thereto
unless specifically undertaken in Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. sales contract or order confirmation. Information contained
herein is periodically updated and changes will be incorporated into subsequent editions. If you have encountered an error, please
notify Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

ii Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA (with parallel option)


1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.......................................................................................1
1.1 Do’s...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Don’ts ...........................................................................................................1
2. GENERAL FEATURES ..........................................................................................2
2.1 Parallel Operation........................................................................................3
2.2 Major Subsystems .......................................................................................3
2.2.1 Rectifier ................................................................................................3
2.2.2 Batteries ...............................................................................................3
2.2.3 Inverter..................................................................................................3
2.2.4 Static Switch ........................................................................................4
2.2.5 Control System ....................................................................................4
2.3 Control Panel ...............................................................................................4
2.4 Power-on Self Tests ....................................................................................6
2.5 Measurement ...............................................................................................6
2.6 Real Time......................................................................................................6
2.7 Communications .........................................................................................6
2.8 Event Logs ...................................................................................................6
2.9 Ease of Use ..................................................................................................6
2.10 Battery Check ..............................................................................................6
2.11 Service Mode ...............................................................................................6
2.12 Connections.................................................................................................7
2.13 Parallel Operation (Option) .........................................................................7
2.13.1 Centralized vs. Decentralized Static Switch......................................7
2.13.2 Decentralized Parallel Mode of Operation.........................................7
3. CONTROL PANEL & INDICATORS ....................................................................10
3.1 The PC074 and PC075 control panels .....................................................10
3.1.1 Function Buttons on the PC074 and PC075 panels .......................11
3.1.2 Information Buttons on the PC074 and PC075 panels...................11
3.2 The PC085 control panel...........................................................................15
3.2.1 Function Buttons on the Larger Cabinet.........................................16
3.2.2 Information Buttons on the Larger Cabinet ....................................16
3.3 The LOG, SET, and HELP Buttons for All Models ..................................20
3.4 System Fault Diagnostics .........................................................................24
3.5 LED Indicators ...........................................................................................26
3.6 Terminal Connections...............................................................................28
3.7 Emergency Power-Off ...............................................................................30
4. OPERATING THE ΜPS SERIES UPS .................................................................31
4.1 Turning the UPS ON ..................................................................................31
4.2 Turning the UPS OFF ................................................................................31
4.3 Activating MAINTENANCE BYPASS ........................................................32
4.4 Deactivating MAINTENANCE BYPASS ....................................................32
4.5 After Use of the Emergency Power-Off Switch.......................................33
4.6 Setting the Real Time Clock .....................................................................33
5. COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................34
5.1 RS232 Interface..........................................................................................35
5.2 The Alarm Interface ...................................................................................36
5.3 Remote Monitor Box (Optional)................................................................37
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. iii
µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA (with parallel option)

5.3.1 Connecting the Monitor Box to the UPS .........................................38

6. TROUBLESHOOTING..........................................................................................39
7. SITE PREPARATION ...........................................................................................42
7.1 Installation Considerations ......................................................................42
7.2 Equipment Location ..................................................................................43
7.3 Electrical Wiring ........................................................................................43
8. INSTALLATION....................................................................................................44
8.1 Site Preparation and Considerations.......................................................44
8.2 Accessibility...............................................................................................44
8.3 Circuit Breakers.........................................................................................44
8.4 Installation of Standalone UPS ................................................................45
8.5 Parallel Start-Up.........................................................................................46
8.5.1 Centralized (2 – 10 UPSs)..................................................................46
8.5.2 Decentralized (2 UPSs only) .............................................................49
9. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................51


Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the UPS's operation ..........................................................2

Figure 2: The PC074 control panel .........................................................................................5
Figure 3: The PC075 control panel .........................................................................................5
Figure 4: The PC085 control panel .........................................................................................5
Figure 5: Decentralized Parallel µPS - cable connections ....................................................8
Figure 6: Centralized Parallel µPS - cable connections ........................................................9
Figure 7: The PC074 control panel .......................................................................................10
Figure 8: The PC075 control panel .......................................................................................10
Figure 9: The PC085 control panel .......................................................................................15
Figure 10: LOG Messages Structure ....................................................................................20
Figure 11: Accessing the Log on the standard cabinet .....................................................20
Figure 12: Accessing the Log on the large cabinet............................................................21
Figure 13: Active Current Sharing ........................................................................................25
Figure 14: Voltage Correction ...............................................................................................25
Figure 15: LED Indicators on the PC074 and PC075 control panels ................................26
Figure 16: LED Indicators on the PC085 control panel ......................................................26
Figure 17: CBs and terminal connections on the 10 kVA to 50 kVA models ...................28
Figure 18: Circuit breakers and terminals on the 60 kVA models ....................................29
Figure 19: Local direct connection between the UPS and a computer ............................34
Figure 20: Remote Monitor Box ............................................................................................37
Figure 21: Parallel UPS Schematic Diagram with Centralized Static Switch...................48
Figure 22: Parallel UPS Schematic Diagram with Decentralized Static Switch...............48

iv Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA (with parallel option)

Table 1: Log Variables ...........................................................................................................22
Table 2: LED Indicators .........................................................................................................27
Table 3: RS232 Connector Pin Assignment ........................................................................35
Table 4: LED Indicators on Remote Monitor Panel.............................................................37
Table 5: Control Buttons on Remote Monitor Panel...........................................................38
Table 6: Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving ................................................................39
Table 7: PC Board Check Points & Voltage Ranges...........................................................41
Table 8: Ratings and wiring requirements ..........................................................................43
Table 9: Technical Specifications * ......................................................................................51


This manual contains diagrams which include images of the LCD display screen of the UPS.
Unless otherwise indicated, the readings shown in the screen images are representational only,
and are not intended to match the readings on a specific system in a particular environment.

Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. v

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA (with parallel option)

This page left blank deliberately.

vi Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

1.1 Do’s
 Read this manual carefully before operating the UPS.
 Review the safety precautions described below to avoid damaging users or
 Install the UPS in a clean and well-ventilated location.
 Leave at least 20 cm of clearance space between the ventilation holes of the UPS
and other objects or walls.
 The UPS must be well grounded to the building’s grounding system with a
conductor that has a current carrying capacity that matches the rating of the UPS.
 If the unit contains an external battery cabinet, periodically check the grounding
connection between the external cabinet and the main UPS cabinet. (The battery’s
cabinet body must be connected with the grounding screw located on the
electronic cabinet or directly to the grounding circuit.)
 Use the UPS only for its intended purpose.
 Allow only qualified technicians to service the UPS. There are no user-serviceable
components. Do not try to repair it yourself!

Appropriate precautions should be taken during inspection and servicing; there
is a risk of lethal electric shock. The battery cabinet contains 12-Volt batteries
that provide high voltage even when the UPS is not connected to the mains.

1.2 Don’ts
 Do not open the cover under any circumstances.
 Do not insert any objects through the ventilation holes.
 Do not put objects on the UPS.
 Do not move the UPS while it is operating.
 Do not turn the UPS upside down during transportation.
 Do not connect or disconnect the cable to the battery cabinet before the battery
circuit breaker is turned off
 Do not turn on the battery circuit breaker when the battery cabinet is disconnected
from the UPS.

Do not touch the battery terminals of external batteries with bare hands.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Safety Precautions 1

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

The PS Series 3/3 Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) employs Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) and is controlled by a high performance RISC 1 micro-controller, to provide reliable,
sophisticated protection for every type of line fluctuation, including interruption of the ac input .

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the UPS's operation

Note: Maintenance bypass is available in models 20K and higher, or at customer request.
In the event of a power failure, the UPS provides backup power for a specific period of time.

The system is user friendly. Its operation is simple and requires no previous technical knowledge.
The UPS operates on-line and once activated, the unit provides voltages of 3 × 200, 3 × 208, 3 ×
220, 3 × 380, 3 × 400, or 3 × 440 V at a stabilized 50 or 60 Hz frequency—depending upon your
configuration—to any practical load.

When backup service is provided (when there is a power breakdown in the mains), the UPS is
powered by batteries and maintains a constant output voltage supply. The system informs the
operator, by means of LED indicators and audible signals, when a power failure occurs.

The UPS is equipped with a Static Switch that enables the load(s) device(s) to continue normal
operation when the inverter is unable to supply exceptionally heavy loads, such as during power
surges, or in case of inverter failure, for any reason.

An LCD display on the UPS front panel provides real time, current operational status of the UPS,
providing the user with complete up-to-date information.

Similar status information may be viewed on a computer monitor via an RS232 communications
port. The system can also be connected to the service center via a modem and a telephone line,
or to a computer network via an SNMP/WEB agent.

The unit consists of two major subsystems:

 Electronic Cabinet that contains all electronic components: rectifier, inverter, static
switch, microprocessor board, panel, etc.
 Battery Cabinets that contain batteries and circuit breaker.
Reduced Instruction Set Computing
2 General Features µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA
(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

The unit can operate in parallel with similar Gamatronic UPS units. In this case, the load is
shared between the units. The parallel UPS system is the most reliable energy source for any
critical load. If the system uses N+1 UPS units (the redundant parallel system), the output voltage
is not interrupted even if one of units is faulty. If the parallel system is equipped with a
Gamatronic Static Switch unit, the output voltage is not interrupted even if more than one UPS
unit is faulty.

The Gamatronic parallel UPS system contains the following features:

 Each UPS is equipped with its own battery set

 Each UPS can be equipped with an optional output choke

2.1 Parallel Operation

The PS Series 3/3 Phase UPS can accommodate parallel operation with either of two options,
centralized or decentralized.

With a decentralized parallel system, each UPS has its own static switch in which case two
systems can be connected in parallel, to provide full redundancy.

With a centralized parallel system, the static switch is external instead of inside each UPS. In this
configuration, two to ten UPS units may be connected in parallel.

2.2 Major Subsystems

The device consists of the following modules:

2.2.1 Rectifier
The rectifier supplies a stabilized dc voltage to the device at 432 V  2 V
(216 V  2 V optional).

2.2.2 Batteries
The batteries are always connected to the rectifier output, which provides the batteries' charging
current. The batteries supply voltage to the inverter during power failures. During normal
operation, the batteries are in standby mode. Batteries are housed in separate battery cabinets.

2.2.3 Inverter
The inverter receives a dc voltage from the rectifier or batteries and supplies a regulated,
frequency-stabilized, ac voltage (power). The inverter incorporates an IGBT transistorized bridge,
driver, (PC968 board), an L-C filter circuit, isolated output transformer circuit, current transformer,
PC906 board, and a PC801 control board.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA General Features 3

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

2.2.4 Static Switch

In case the inverter can't supply the load with the correct voltage (i.e. because of overload, inrush
current on connecting the load, inverter malfunction, etc.), the ST.SW/Bypass automatically
transfers the load from the inverter to the mains without voltage interruption or disturbance. When
the UPS is in BYPASS mode, the load draws power directly from the mains, bypassing the
inverter. The ST.SW automatically switches the load back to the inverter when inverter's output
voltage returns to normal.

The inverter is synchronized with the mains in both frequency and phase to ensure correct
operation of the static switch. The static switch includes PC690/PC920 boards and RA101 -
RA103 contactors.

2.2.5 Control System

The control system performs the following functions:

 Tests input, bypass, inverter, battery voltage, output current, input/output signal
frequency, and temperature.
 Controls the inverter and the bypass contactor—RA101—and manages the static
switch and rectifier voltage during battery tests.
 Controls the ALARM interface.
 Reads the panel keyboard and sends messages to the front panel LCD display.
 Communicates with devices via the RS232 interface.
The control system includes the PC801 control board, PC074/PC075 panel board, PC873 power
supply, current, and temperature sensors. Measured voltages and currents are connected to the
control board via the PC800 interface board.

2.3 Control Panel

The UPS is equipped with one of three models of control panels (PC074, PC075, or PC085). The
control panel includes an LCD display screen and a touch pad control panel that enables the user
to effectively manage the UPS. Once the UPS is installed, the control panel serves as the user’s
primary interface with the system. Messages, warnings and error conditions are relayed to the
user through the control panel’s LCD display and through audible alarms.

See Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 below.

4 General Features µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Figure 2: The PC074 control panel

Note: On the PC074 panel, the LED load bar-graph indicates integral load on all phases.

Figure 3: The PC075 control panel

Figure 4: The PC085 control panel

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA General Features 5

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

2.4 Power-on Self Tests

The UPS automatically performs the following series of diagnostic tests when initially powered on:

 LED test. All LEDs are lit individually for the operator to monitor.
 Real-time clock
 EEPROM. Memory (setup, calibration and events log) is tested.

2.5 Measurement
The user can receive real time information regarding the unit’s operation and condition simply by
pressing the appropriate status button. The real time results are displayed on the front panel.

2.6 Real Time

The system includes a real time clock and calendar that sequentially manage the log file and
provide historical data to the user. This information is accessible via the LCD display or,
optionally, through the RS232 communications port.

2.7 Communications
The UPS relays all the measured data and events of the log file through an RS232
communications port to a host computer or, using a modem connected to a telephone line, to a
remote location, or via GMAC or GMACi, proprietary SNMP agents, for network access.

2.8 Event Logs

The system compiles a listing of up to 256 extraordinary events of the mains, unit and load during
operation. This data is written to the log file and can be accessed easily at any time through the
display panel or computer (optional). This information is very useful for maintenance and
analyzing performance statistics.

2.9 Ease of Use

The UPS includes an on-line help feature that explains the system’s features and describes each
of the LCD control buttons.

2.10 Battery Check

The unit automatically and continuously checks the battery status and the battery cabinet
connection with the UPS.

2.11 Service Mode

The UPS has a technician’s SERVICE MODE that is password protected. Access to the service
mode is only permitted after the technician successfully enters an assigned password.

6 General Features µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

2.12 Connections
For 60 kVA: All connections—connection panel, input, output, and ST. Switches—are accessed
via the lower portion of the front of the UPS. The user must unlock the door with a flathead
screwdriver to access these areas.

For 10-50 kVA: Switches and terminals are placed on the rear panel of the unit. To access the
connection terminals, open the screws and take out the protection cover.

2.13 Parallel Operation (Option)

Each UPS can optionally operate in parallel with similar units as part of a modular UPS system.
Up to ten units can be connected in parallel.

Special technical solutions are used to synchronize all the units of the system, to prevent
circulation of energy between the UPS units and to isolate the faulty unit from the common power
bus. In addition, an active current sharing circuit changes the output voltage of each UPS to
provide proportional load sharing between the units.

One of the system's units takes on the function of Master. This unit is synchronized to the mains
power. The other units are Slaves and follow the Master. The function of Master is not dedicated
to one of the units. Any normally functioning UPS can be the Master.

2.13.1 Centralized vs. Decentralized Static Switch

The UPS employs a Static Switch for functional override. In parallel mode there are two possible
options of Static Switch operation, centralized and decentralized.

In decentralized mode each UPS includes its own Static Switch which works independently.
However, if one UPS were to fail, the Static Switch would instantly be triggered and supply the
load directly from the mains. Two or more units would then be connected in parallel. This would
connect the inverter of the other UPS directly to the mains which could potentially damage the
other UPS. To avoid such a hazard in decentralized mode, the Static Switches are synchronized
using a 3-wire cable. Figure 5 on page 8 shows a cabling diagram for parallel decentralized
operation of multiple UPSs.

For additional security, a second option is available as a centralized Static Switch. As illustrated
in Figure 6 on page 9, in centralized parallel operation there is only one Static Switch (in a
separate housing) for the entire system. Local static switches are inhibited. This method
significantly increases system reliability, because the output voltage is constant even if both
UPSs are disconnected. Up to ten units can be connected in parallel.

2.13.2 Decentralized Parallel Mode of Operation

The PS SP UPS uses a simple “master/slave” hierarchy, where one unit at any given time is
designated as the Master UPS and the remaining parallel units are considered Slave UPSs.

The Master unit synchronizes its output voltage with the bypass phase and frequency, and
transmits the phase and frequency information to the Slave UPSs, which synchronize themselves

When the Master UPS fails, the next UPS in line becomes the Master, and is now responsible for
transmitting phase and frequency information to the Slave UPSs.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA General Features 7

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Special Cable for Parallel Operation

Gamatronic provides a special cable for connecting the PS SP units in parallel. It is a 15-pin
cable that includes

 Master/Slave logic path

 A path for the phase and frequency synchronization pulses
 Buses for active current sharing

Figure 5: Decentralized Parallel µPS - cable connections

8 General Features µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Figure 6: Centralized Parallel µPS - cable connections

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA General Features 9

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.


The control panel serves as an interface between the UPS and the user. Real time information is
displayed visually and audibly. Textual information is presented on the LCD display. These
messages are often reinforced with audible alerts to alert the user of extraordinary

Because the PC074 and PC075 control panels are quite similar, we discuss them together in
section 3.1 below. The PC085 control panel is discussed in section 3.2 beginning on page 15..

3.1 The PC074 and PC075 control panels

The control panel has 6 round function buttons for controlling the unit and 12 square
information buttons for reporting the status of the UPS.

Figure 7: The PC074 control panel

Figure 8: The PC075 control panel

10 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

3.1.1 Function Buttons on the PC074 and PC075 panels

UPS Pressing the UPS OFF button turns off the UPS. Confirmation of this action is
OFF required. Wait 2 seconds, and confirm it by pressing UPS OFF again.

UPS Pressing the UPS ON button turns on the UPS and sequentially displays the results
ON of the start-up diagnostic tests

ALARM Pressing the ALARM OFF button silences the alarm that sounds when there is a
OFF system fault. If another fault occurs, the alarm returns to active mode.
Note: The ALARM LED remains lit until the problem is resolved to notify users
about the continued existence of a system fault.
Pressing the BATTERY TEST button manually initiates a battery test. The unit also
TEST continuously checks the battery cabinet connection with the UPS. Battery checks
are automatically performed at the following times:
Upon start-up
Every 200 hours of accumulated operating time
After battery cabinet reconnection (following a disconnection)
INV Pressing the INV button connects the inverter to the output, manually taking the
UPS out of BYPASS mode.
Note: There is no display associated with this action.
Pressing the B/P button connects the mains to the output, putting the unit into
BYPASS mode. The unit requires confirmation of this action. Wait approximately 2
seconds, and confirm the selection by pressing the B/P button a second time.

3.1.2 Information Buttons on the PC074 and PC075 panels

The UPS continually monitors its operational status. The user can display real-time information
about this status by pressing the appropriate information button. If an alarm is triggered, the
information buttons (except for LOG and “?”) display information for approximately 10 seconds,
after which the LCD display reverts to the default STATUS display.

The UPS maintains an event history in its log. The log can be accessed by pressing the LOG
button or, alternatively, by a computer using the optional RS232 connection, or from a remote
location via a modem.

Where appropriate, the LCD display provides information for the R, S, and T phases and for
voltage and current.

Sample LCD displays are presented below.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 11

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

IN (Input)
Press the IN button to display
the unit’s Input Voltage.

NOTE: Input current current

display is available as an

B/P (Bypass)
Press the B/P button to display
the unit’s Bypass Voltage and

INV (Inverter)
Press the INV button to display
the unit's Inverter Voltage and

OUT (Output)
Press the OUT button to display
the unit’s Output Voltage and

12 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

FREQ (Frequency)
Press the FREQ button to
display the unit’s Bypass and
Inverter Frequency.

The operating inverter frequency is determined by the bypass frequency when operating
normally. Otherwise, the inverter frequency is determined by the quartz oscillator and should
be set at 50/60 Hz.

BATT (Battery)
Press the BATT button
to display the battery voltage.

Note: Battery current display is

also available as an option

Press the TIME button to
display the unit’s current
day/month (DD/MM), and
current time (HH:MM:SS).

To set the proper time or date

use the SET button, described
on page 22.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 13

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

STAT (Status)
Press the STAT button to
display the unit’s status and
accumulated working time

For status and fault analysis,


System Fault Diagnostics on

page 24.

Note: This is the default display.

TEMP (Temperature)
Press the TEMP button to
display the status of the unit's

The LOG, SET, and HELP buttons are described in section 3.3, which begins on page 20.

14 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

3.2 The PC085 control panel

The control panel has function buttons for controlling the unit and information buttons for
reporting the status of the UPS.

Figure 9: The PC085 control panel

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 15

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.2.1 Function Buttons on the Larger Cabinet

When the UPS is OFF, pressing the UPS ON/OFF button turns on the UPS and
sequentially displays the results of the start-up diagnostic tests
When the UPS is ON, pressing the UPS ON/OFF button turns off the UPS.
Confirmation of this action is required. Wait 2 seconds, and confirm it by pressing
UPS OFF again.
BATT Pressing the BATTERY TEST button manually initiates a battery test. The unit also
TEST continuously checks the battery cabinet connection with the UPS. Battery checks
are automatically performed at the following times:
Upon start-up
Every 200 hours of accumulated operating time
After battery cabinet reconnection (following a disconnection)
B/P When the UPS is in Inverter mode, pressing the B/P INV button connects the
INV mains to the output, putting the unit into Bypass mode. The unit requires
confirmation of this action. Wait approximately 2 seconds, and confirm the selection
by pressing the B/P INVbutton a second time.
When the UPS is in Bypass mode, pressing the B/P INV button connects the
inverter to the output, manually taking the UPS out of Bypass mode.
Note: There is no display associated with this action.
Pressing the ALARM OFF button silences the alarm that sounds when there is a
system fault. If another fault occurs, the alarm returns to active mode.
Note: The ALARM LED remains lit until the problem is resolved to notify users
about the continued existence of a system fault.

3.2.2 Information Buttons on the Larger Cabinet

The UPS continually monitors its operational status. The user can display real-time information
about this status by pressing the appropriate information button. If an alarm is triggered, the
information buttons (except for LOG and “?”) display information for approximately 10 seconds,
after which the LCD display reverts to the default STATUS display.

The UPS maintains an event history in its log. The log can be accessed by pressing the LOG
button or, alternatively, by a computer using the optional RS232 connection, or from a remote
location via a modem.

Where appropriate, the LCD display provides information for the R, S, and T phases and for
voltage and current.

Sample LCD displays are presented below.

16 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

IN (Input)
Press the IN button to display
the unit’s Input Voltage.

NOTE: Input current current

display is available as an

B/P (Bypass)
Press the B/P button to display
the unit’s Bypass Voltage and

INV (Inverter)
Press the INV button to display
the unit's Inverter Voltage and

OUT (Output)
Press the OUT button to display
the unit’s Output Voltage and

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 17

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

FREQ (Frequency)
Press the FREQ button to
display the unit’s Bypass and
Inverter Frequency.

The operating inverter frequency is determined by the bypass frequency when operating
normally. Otherwise, the inverter frequency is determined by the quartz oscillator and should
be set at 50/60 Hz.

BATT (Battery)
Press the BATT button
to display the battery voltage.

Note: Battery current display is

also available as an option

Press the TIME button to
display the unit’s current
day/month (DD/MM), and
current time (HH:MM:SS).

To set the proper time or date

use the SET button, described
on page 22.

18 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

STAT (Status)
Press the STAT button to
display the unit’s status and
accumulated working time

For status and fault analysis,


System Fault Diagnostics on

page 24.

Note: This is the default display.

TEMP (Temperature)
Press the TEMP button to
display the status of the unit's

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 19

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.3 The LOG, SET, and HELP Buttons for All Models
This section describes use of the LOG, SET TIME, and HELP information buttons, which operate
identically on all models of the UPS, from 10KVA to 60KVA.

LOG Figure 10: LOG Messages Structure

Pressing the LOG button displays the unit’s event log,
which contains a history of the last 256 important events
to occur to the UPS, or to the input AC power or the load,
while the UPS was operating.. Examples of logged
events include machine startup and shutdown, AC input
failure, AC input restore, a swich to Bypass or Battery
mode, or a return to Normal mode.

Each log entry is two screens long. The first window to

appear is the first part of the most recent fault. Press the
down arrow to view the second window of the event.

To view the 1st window of a previous event, press the up

arrow ; pressing the up arrow once again will show
the 1 window of the event previous to that. The down
arrow will show the second window. The display
cycle is illustrated in Figure 10.

1. To view the contents of the log:

2. Press the LOG button to enter LOG mode.
3. Press the arrow buttons to scroll through the information recorded in the log.

Figure 11: Accessing the Log on the standard cabinet

20 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Figure 12: Accessing the Log on the large cabinet

Each log entry requires 2 screens that can be navigated using the up and down arrows. The
first screen provides a description of the event with date and time. The second screen
shows the log number, variable values and fault results. The log variables include typical
UPS parameters for the event, listed in Table 1.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 21

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Table 1: Log Variables

Event LOG Variable

Overload Sum of currents in all phases
Inverter fault Vinv (average inverter voltage) in all phases
Bypass fault Vbyp (average bypass voltage) in all phases where
there is a bypass voltage fault
Hz (Frequency) where there is a bypass frequency
Input fault Average Vin on all phases
High temperature Temperature °C
Rectifier fault, battery low DC voltage
Other fault Average Vout for all phases

Faults are represented as a hexadecimal word comprising 16 bits:

Bit 0: 1 = Overload
Bit 1: Inverter
Bit 2: Bypass
Bit 3: Rectifier
Bit 4: Input
Bit 5: Phase sequence
Bit 6: Temperature
Bit 7: Battery test failure
Bit 8: Output
Bit 9: Load on bypass
Bit 10: Circulation (for parallel)
Bit 11: Slave receive failure (parallel only)

For example, fault 0009H = 0000000000001001 binary which translates as overload and
battery test failure.

SET (Time)
Pressing this button sets the unit’s real-time clock (see “Setting the Real Time Clock” on
page 33.

22 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

"?" (Help Button)

Pressing this button provides on-line configuration data for display purposes.
Note: Configuration can be modified in service mode only
1. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to scroll through the information.

The following messages are presented:

 Model type: True on-line UPS, model name etc.)

 Serial number
 Nominal power
 Number of phases in and out
 Nominal input and output voltage between phase and neutral
 Voltage range of input and bypass
 Nominal output current per phase
 Nominal output frequency
 Frequency tracking range when the inverter is synchronized to the bypass
 Number of batteries connected in series
 Nominal capacity of each battery (for use in calculating backup duration
where the battery current meter option is installed)
 DC shutdown voltage in battery discharge mode
 Bypass: YES for option with bypass, NO for option without bypass
 Rectifier: YES for UPS, NO for DC/AC inverter
 Distance shutdown: YES if EPO and shutdown via interface alarm and
RS232 are supported, NO if shutdown is inhibited
 Par. Operation: YES for parallel UPS, NO for stand-alone UPS
 Load LED bar: Triple for panel with 3 LED bars, Single for one integral bar
 Input current meter: YES for specified option, NO as standard
 Battery current meter: YES for specified option, NO as standard
 Date of manufacture: Format DD/MM/YY
 Date of last battery installation: Format DD/MM/YY
 Software version number

2. To quit the help, press the “?” button once again.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 23

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.4 System Fault Diagnostics

Select the STAT button and press the down arrow . The display will show 2 bytes
representing the FAULT (see LOG on page 20) followed by two bytes (each of 8 bits) are now on
display, each representing the STATE and the INSTRUCTION.
To use the hexadecimal indicators, make a note of the bit representations.
The STATE byte indications are as follows:
Bit 0: UPS power 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
Bit 1: Load supply 1 = On bypass, 0 = On inverter
Bit 3: Audible alarm 1 = Disabled, 0 = Enabled
Bit 4: Load transfer 1 = In progress, 0 = Pending
Bit 5: Battery check 1 = In progress, 0 = Pending
The INSTRUCTION byte indications are as follows:
Bit 0: UPS power 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
Bit 1: Load supply 1 = On bypass, 0 = On inverter
Bit 5: Battery check 1 = In progress, 0 = Pending
To view fault condition details, press the down arrow , and 9 bytes are displayed on the panel:
Byte 1 shows input diagnostics. Indications are as follows:
Bit 0: 1 = Fault is in phase R
Bit 1: 1 = Fault is in phase S
Bit 3: 1 = Fault is in phase T
Bit 7: 1 = Fault exists
Byte 2 shows the result of bypass symptoms analysis.
Byte 3 shows result of inverter symptoms analysis.
Byte 4 shows output voltage diagnostics. Indications are as per byte 1.
Byte 5 shows DC voltage diagnostics. Indications are as follows:
Bit 0: 1 = Battery is currently discharging
Bit 1: 1 = Battery is discharged
Bit 2: 1 = Battery is disconnected
Bit 3: 1 = Battery check failed
Bit 4: 1 = Excessive current difference in battery sets. (Option)
Bit 6: 1 = Rectifier failure
Bit 7: 1 = Fault exists
Byte 6 shows measured temperature diagnostics. Indications are as follows:
Bit 0: 1 = Shutdown limit exceeded
Bit 1: 1 = Alarm limit exceeded
Bit 2: 1 = Fault detected by bi-metal temperature sensor
Bit 7: 1 = Fault exists
Byte 7 shows bypass frequency diagnostics:
Bit 0: 1 = Bypass frequency incorrect
Byte 8 shows over-current diagnostics. Indications are as follows:
Bit 0: 1 = Over-current detected in phase R
Bit 1: 1 = Over-current detected in phase S

24 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Bit 2: 1 = Over-current detected in phase T

Bit 7: 1 = Fault exists
Byte 9 shows load transferring diagnostics. Indications are as follows:
Bit 0: 1 = Transferring started
Bit 1: 1 = Inverter is OFF
Bit 2: 1 = Inverter restarting
Bit 3: 1 = Inverter under diagnosis
Bit 4: 1 = Switching to inverter – SRSW SCR is ON
Bit 5: 1 = Switching to inverter – SRSW SCR is OFF
Bit 6: 1 = System in wait state
To view the active current sharing status, press the down arrow .

Iact IaR IaS IaT

Iavr IavR IavS IavT

Figure 13: Active Current Sharing

I and Ia in Figure 16 show the results of active average current measurements on phases R, S
and T using a half-scale offset. Zero current is presented as 128. With positive current this value
increases, with negative current, this value decreases.

To view the register used for inverter voltage correction, press the down arrow .


Figure 14: Voltage Correction

R in Figure 14 shows the contents of the correction register, depending on the load, DC votage abd active
current sharing conditions. Initial value of the correction registers is zero.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 25

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.5 LED Indicators

LED indicators provide at-a-glance information regarding the status or operation of the UPS. They
are color coded so that the user can easily and quickly identify areas for concern. Red indicates a
fault or abnormal status (usually associated with an audible alarm), and green indicates normal
status and operation.

Figure 15: LED Indicators on the PC074 and PC075 control panels
Note: The PC074 has only 1 column in the load bar-graph.

Figure 16: LED Indicators on the PC085 control panel

The meaning of each of the LEDs is explained in Table 2.

26 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Table 2: LED Indicators


BYPASS Bypass Normal Green
B/P Output Connected to the Bypass Red
OVERLOAD Overload Red
BATTERY Battery Not Normal Red
SYNC Synchronized Inverter Green
CHARGER Rectifier Operating Green
INVERTER Inverter Normal Green
INV Output Connected to the Inverter Green
LOAD LEVEL Load Level Green
LOAD LEVEL Load Greater Than 100% Red

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 27

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.6 Terminal Connections


Figure 17: CBs and terminal connections on the 10 kVA to 50 kVA models

Note: appearance and location of the terminals and circuit breakers on your unit may differ from those
shown in Figure 17.

28 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Figure 18: Circuit breakers and terminals on the 60 kVA models

Note: appearance and location of the terminals and circuit breakers on your unit may differ from those
shown in Figure 18.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Control Panel & Indicators 29

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

3.7 Emergency Power-Off

An Emergency Power-Off switch can be installed to enable immediate shutdown of the UPS. Use
of a large mushroom-type NC (normally closed) pushbutton rated at 25 Vdc, 0.1A minimum, is

Instructions for restarting the UPS after use of the Emergency Power-Off switch can be found in
section 4.5 on page 33.

30 Control Panel & Indicators µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide


4.1 Turning the UPS ON
To turn the UPS ON:
1. Turn on the RECTIFIER and AC BYPASS SW circuit

2. Wait 1 minute and then turn on the BATTERY circuit

breaker. (Note: in the case of an external battery
cabinet, there may also be a circuit breaker on the
battery cabinet itself.

3. The UPS performs a self-test that takes

approximately one minute. Verify that the UPS OFF
message is displayed on the LCD display after the ''UPS OFF''
test is completed.

4. Press the UPS ON button on the front panel and wait

approximately 40 seconds. The message UPS ON
PLEASE WAIT appears as the unit turns on.

5. When the UPS is completely turned on:

 the "UPS OK" message is displayed.
 TIME indicates how long the inverter has been "UPS OK"
 Only green display lights are lit.

6. Turn on OUTPUT circuit breaker. "TIME XXXXXXXX"

4.2 Turning the UPS OFF

To turn the UPS OFF:
1. Turn off all the loads connected to the UPS.
2. Press twice on the UPS OFF button on the display panel.
3. Turn OFF all the circuit breakers.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Operating the μPS Series UPS 31
(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.


MAINTENANCE BYPASS allows the UPS to be shut down for servicing without affecting the

To activate the MAINTENANCE BYPASS mode:

1. Verify that the SYNC and BYPASS lights are lit. (If they are not lit, the UPS can’t go into
BYPASS mode.)
2. Press twice on the B/P button to put the UPS in BYPASS mode.
3. Verify that the B/P light is lit.
4. Turn on the MAINTENANCE BYPASS circuit breaker.
5. Turn off the OUTPUT circuit breaker.
6. Press twice on the UPS OFF button on the display panel.
7. Turn off the Rectifier Input CB, the Bypass Input CB, and the Battery CB.
If there are no lights lit on the display panel, the UPS can be serviced after waiting 5 to 10
minutes to ensure that any high-voltage capacitors have discharged.

1. The MAINTENANCE BYPASS mode cannot be serviced when it is activated.
2. Do not turn the ST.SW off or on if there is galvanic insulation on the ST.SW.
3. Any special, non-standard instructions are on the UPS by the circuit breakers.


To deactivate MAINTENANCE BYPASS and restart the UPS:
1. Verify that the OUTPUT circuit breaker is turned off.
2. Turn on the Rectifier Input, Bypass Input and Battery (optional) circuit breakers.
3. Verify that the message SELF-CHECK OK appears on the LCD. It is automatically followed
by the message UPS OFF.
4. Press the UPS ON button and wait 40 seconds (approximately) until the UPS OK message
appears on the LCD.
5. Press twice on the B/P button to put the UPS into BYPASS mode.
6. Verify that the B/P light is lit.
7. Turn on the OUTPUT circuit breaker.
8. Turn off the MAINTENANCE BYPASS circuit breaker.
9. Press on the INV button on the display panel to put the UPS in INVERTER mode.
10. Verify that the green INV light is lit on the display panel.
The loads are now supplied by the UPS.

NEVER lift the MAINTENANCE BYPASS circuit breaker without first putting
the UPS in BYPASS mode (the red BYPASS light must be lit).

32 Operating the μPS Series UPS µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA
(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

4.5 After Use of the Emergency Power-Off Switch

After use of the optional Emergency Power-Off switch, the UPS must be restarted as follows:

1. Return the Emergency Power-Off switch to its normal position (N.C.).

2. Turn off all of the ciruit breakers:
 Rectifier Input
 Bypass Input
 Output
 Battery (may be located on the battery cabinet

3. After turning off the circuit breakers, wait for 30 to 60 seconds.

The UPS can now be turned on as described in Section 4.1, “Turning the UPS ON”, on page 31.

4.6 Setting the Real Time Clock

The real time clock is composed of the date and time fields and may be set by the user. The date
field contains three subfields (DD/MM/YY) and the time field contains two subfields (HH:MM).

To set the real time clock:

1. Press the TIME button to enter the time mode.
The normal TIME display is shown on the LCD panel.
2. Press the SET button to initiate setting mode.
The year is presented as 2 digits.
3. Press the SET button to increase the value.
4. Press the up arrow to continue with the settings, setting month [1-12], day [1-31], hour
[0-23] and minutes [0-59].

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Operating the μPS Series UPS 33
(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

The UPS is connected to a computer or a modem using a shielded cable, with an RS232-type 9-
pin female connector. Maximum allowed cable length is 15 meters. There are two types of UPS

 Directly to a host computer with dedicated software.

 Remote monitor through a SNMP/WEB management programs for communication
with a computer network (optional).

Figure 19: Local direct connection between the UPS and a computer

34 Communications µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

5.1 RS232 Interface

The UPS supports standard UPS protocol. Full information about the status of the UPS, the value
of its parameters, and the memory events log is displayed on a user-friendly graphic interface.
The graphic interface also allows you to use the host computer to execute a set of instructions for
the UPS that includes shutdown, restart, battery check, etc.

Communication parameters: RS232

 2400 Baud rate
 No parity
 1 stop bit
5 1
 No flow control
9 6

RD 2
TD 3

Table 3: RS232 Connector Pin Assignment

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Communications 35

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

5.2 The Alarm Interface

The following diagram describes the Alarm Interface

36 Communications µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

5.3 Remote Monitor Box (Optional)

The remote monitor box can be located a maximum distance of 50m from the UPS. It is directly
connected to the UPS with a 4-wire cable connected to the REMOTE MONITOR interface of the

Figure 20: Remote Monitor Box

The monitor panel on the front of the monitor box displays audio and visual information about the
condition of the UPS, the mains, and the load. Its LEDs are color coded. The meaning of each of
the LEDs is explained in the following table:


BYPASS Bypass Normal Green
BYPASS Fault in Bypass Red
B/P Output Connected to the Bypass Red
OVERLOAD Overload (Load more than 100%) Red
BATTERY Battery Faulty Red
BATTERY Battery Normal Green
CHARGER Rectifier input voltage is OK Green
CHARGER Rectifier input voltage is not OK Red
INVERTER Inverter is OK Green
INVERTER Inverter is faulty Red
INV Output Connected to the Inverter Green
LOAD LEVEL Load Level Green
LOAD LEVEL Load Greater Than 100% Red
UPS ON UPS is activated Green
ALARM OFF Fault in the system Red
Bypass voltage is synchronized

Table 4: LED Indicators on Remote Monitor Panel

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Communications 37

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

The monitor panel also contains buttons for controlling the UPS which are described in the
following table:

UPS ON Not in use
UPS OFF Not in Use
INV Manually switches the load from the bypass to the inverter
B/P Manually switches the load from the inverter to the bypass
BATTERY TEST Manually starts a battery test
ALARM OFF Silences the audible alarm

Table 5: Control Buttons on Remote Monitor Panel

5.3.1 Connecting the Monitor Box to the UPS

1. Attach the back of the monitor box to the wall.
2. The UPS PC908 board in the monitor box is connected to the
PC021 board on the rear panel of the UPS with a 4-wire cable
connected to the appropriate 1-4 Pin male or female DB9
connector terminal in the UPS’ row of terminals.
3. The cable is attached to the side of the monitor box with two


Row of Terminals

The measurements of the Monitor box are: Length - 265mm, height -135 mm, and distance
between the screws on the back of the box - 200mm.

38 Communications µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

If unit stops operating normally, a red alarm light (ALARM) flashes, a warning beep sounds, and
one of the following emergency messages appears on the LCD:


BATTERY LOW Battery is low
Input voltage is too low.
Corrects itself automatically when the
INPUT FAULT Input voltage is too high.
input voltage stabilizes or returns.
No input voltage
Bypass voltage is too
Corrects itself automatically when the
B/P FAULT Bypass voltage is too
bypass voltage stabilizes or returns.
No bypass voltage
The unit goes to bypass and stays that
way as long as there is an overload. The
load transfers from bypass to inverter
when the load is corrected.
Make up to 7 attempts to reconnect to the
INVERTER FAULT Malfunctioning inverter
Over 90° paralyzes the inverter’s action
OVER and transfers the load to bypass. It returns
Over temperature
TEMPERATURE automatically to normal operation only
after the temperature goes below 55°.
BATT. NOT Check the status of the battery switch and
Battery is not connected
CONNECT the connections to the batteries.
A slow beep indicates that the battery is
starting to discharge.
BATTERY UNDER Power failure. Inverter
LOAD operating on batteries. A fast beep and a TEST BATT light
indicates that the battery has almost
finished discharging.
The frequency bypass Works on an independent frequency of the
exceeds the allowable inverter and will synchronize back when
limits. the frequency will return to normal.
FAULT CONDITION Self-test has a negative
Call service technician

RECTIFIER FAULT Dc voltage is faulty Call service technician

Table 6: Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving

Note: The following procedures are relevant in cases where the unit is not operating normally and
there are no LCD display panel messages.
These procedures are to be performed ONLY BY A TRAINED TECHNICIAN.

In the event that the unit has stopped operating in a normal manner, and the display panel is not
functioning, the technician should perform the following:

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Troubleshooting 39

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.


Check all board

1 Turn ALL UPS
switches OFF 10 connectors are

Wait 5 minutes Check IC2 on

2 and restart the
11 PC901 is securely
seated in socket

UPS operating
properly? 12 Problems?

Correct the problem


Turn all UPS and Connect UPS to

4 battery cabinet
switches OFF
13 AC input and turn
charger switch ON


Disconnect UPS Check voltages

5 from the AC input

14 between UPS
chassis and points
on voltage chart

Wait 5 minutes

6 and make sure no

control panel
indicators are lit 15 YES
Voltages within
Replace PC901 Replace PC921 or PC971

Remove UPS
7 cabinet right and
left panels

Connnect DC

8 voltmeter across
C101 and wait for 16 Is there a display
on the LCD?
discharge to 5V
Replace PC950 LCD

Check for burned

9 or damaged


40 Troubleshooting µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Table 7: PC Board Check Points & Voltage Ranges

PC 801 TP10 5 V  5%
PC 800 P13/1 12 V  5%
PC 800 P13/2 12 V  20%

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Troubleshooting 41

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

Electrical codes may vary according to location. Observe all local, state, and
national electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.

7.1 Installation Considerations

The UPS is designed to operate under varied environmental conditions. To ensure long-term
trouble-free operation, note of the following:

1. Select a well ventilated and dust-free site that is conveniently located to both the electrical
closet and the desired load.
2. Verify that there is a minimum of 20 cm clearance space around the UPS.
3. Verify that the air vents are not obstructed.
4. Make sure that the room temperature does not exceed 40ºC. Both UPS operation and
battery charging generate heat. Battery life can be extended by ensuring a cool operating
5. Place electrical equipment (load, computer monitor, etc.) at least 1 meter from the UPS.
6. Use the shortest possible output distribution cable runs at the installation site, consistent
with logical equipment arrangements and in compliance with NEC and local electrical codes.
Allow space for future equipment additions.
7. The recommended ambient temperature for operation is 20-30◌C ْ (68-86 ◌F).
ْ Humidity must
be less than 95% non-condensing. In altitudes above 2000 m. (6560 ft), the UPS rating will
be reduced.
8. The route and foundation to the installation site must be capable of supporting the weight of
cabinets and moving equipment. Plan the route to ensure that the unit will pass through all
elevators, corners, and doorways to prevent damage. Refer to Table 9 on page 51 for
specific information about cabinet size and weight.
9. Heat output of UPS equipment is significant. Make sure that environmental conditioning
systems can accommodate this heat load, even during utility outages.

42 Site Preparation µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

7.2 Equipment Location

Casters are provided on the unit to aid in final positioning. As with all electrical equipment,
installation and serviceability will be easier if access is provided on all sides of the equipment.

1. Verify adequate clearance around cabinet to allow unrestricted exhaust air to flow, at least
30 cm (12”).
2. Verify that the UPS system is installed in a clean, cool, and dry location.

7.3 Electrical Wiring

1. Verify that power wiring is run in an individual, separate conduit or cable tray. Verify that
control wiring is run in an individual, separate conduit.
2. For minimum conductor size, refer to Table 8, which has been prepared in accordance with
NEC requirements. (If your local or national electrical codes are stricter, they must be
Table 8: Ratings and wiring requirements
Rectifier Input
Power Battery CB Output and
Bypass Input

10 kVA 2 x 6 mm2 5 x 4 mm2 5 x 4 mm2

15 kVA 2 x 10 mm2 5 x 6 mm2 5 x 6 mm2
20 kVA 2 x 10 mm2 5 x 10 mm2 5 x 10 mm2
30 kVA 2 x 25 mm2 5 x 10 mm2 5 x 10 mm2
40 kVA 2 x 35 mm2 5 x 16 mm2 5 x 25 mm2
50 kVA 2 x 50 mm2 5 x 25 mm2 5 x 35 mm2
60 kVA 2 x 70 mm2 5 x 25 mm2 3 x 35 mm2

Note: Values in Table 8 relate to the 3×400 VAC 432 VDC model only.

For the Emergency Power-Off switch (see page 30), use 2 wires of 1 mm2 cross-section each.
This applies to all models of the μPS-SP Series 3:3 Phase UPS.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Site Preparation 43

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

8.1 Site Preparation and Considerations
The UPS is designed to operate under varied environmental conditions. To insure long-term,
trouble-free operation, please take note of the following points:

 Select a well-ventilated and dust-free site that is conveniently located to both the
electrical closet and the desired load.
 Make sure that there is a minimum of 20 cm clearance space around it.
 Make sure that the air vents are not obstructed.
 Make sure that the room temperature does not exceed 40 ºC. Both UPS operation
and battery charging generate heat. Battery life time may be extended by insuring
a cool operating site.
 Place electrical equipment (load, computer monitor, etc.) at least one meter from
the UPS.

8.2 Accessibility
On the 60 kVA cabinet, all terminals are located inside the front door, towards the bottom of the

On the 10 –50 kVA models, the terminal connections are located on the rear panel of the UPS.

8.3 Circuit Breakers

The UPS's main circuit breakers are:

 Rectifier AC Input
 Bypass AC Input
 Output
 Battery (optional)

On the 60 kVA cabinet, the main circuit breakers are located inside the front door.

On the 10 –50 kVA models, the main circuit breakers are located on the rear panel of the UPS.

The battery circuit breaker may be on the UPS or on the battery cabinet.

The UPS may also have a Maintenance Bypass switch. This switch must only be operated by
qualified technical personnel according to the special procedures described in 4.3 and 4.4.

Installation of a parallel UPS system shall be performed by qualified, trained technical personnel
authorized by Gamatronic. A signal cable and software EPROM chip are required for this
installation (Contact Gamatronic for details).

44 Installation µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

8.4 Installation of Standalone UPS

To prepare the UPS for initial power-up:
1. Open the front access door or back protection cover using a flathead
screwdriver to turn the lock.

2. Remove the lower access panel or protection cover.

3. Turn off ALL the circuit breaker switches:

 Rectifier AC Input
 Bypass AC Input
 Output
 Battery (optional)

4. Connect the unit to the mains (electrical) cabinet using the grades of wire
suitable for the currents as described in Table 8: Ratings and wiring
requirements, on page 43.

5. Connect the battery cabinet to the UPS, on page 10.

6. Turn ON the
OUTPUT circuit breakers.

7. WAIT one minute, then turn on the BATTERY circuit


8. The UPS performs a self-test (that takes approximately one

minute). Verify that the UPS OFF message is displayed on ''UPS OFF''
the display panel after the test is completed.

9. Press UPS ON.

10. The UPS is ready for use and begins charging the batteries.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Installation 45

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

8.5 Parallel Start-Up

To start up parallel UPSs refer to sections 8.5.1 "Centralized (2 – 10 UPSs)" and 8.5.2
"Decentralized (2 UPSs only)" below. For a technical description of the different parallel
scenarios, please refer to section 2.13.1 on page 7.

8.5.1 Centralized (2 – 10 UPSs)

To start-up the UPSs, after performing all UPS installation instructions, including connecting the
input cables (to the rectifier, bypass reference, bypass to the external static switch module) and
output cables (from each UPS to the external static switch modules from UPS1 through UPSn), to
the load or the electrical distribution board and batteries, perform the following steps:.

1. Make sure that all circuit breakers are turned OFF in all UPSs.
2. Make sure that the parallel communication cable is securely connected to the D15 female
connector labeled as PAR. COM.
3. Make sure that the batteries are correctly connected to the UPS (observe polarity), and
Normally Open (NO) contacts of the circuit breakers of the battery cabinets are connected to
the test terminals in the bottom of both UPSs.
4. Make sure that the output terminals of all UPSs are connected to the external static switch
module in the same order.
5. Turn ON the circuit breaker/s in the electrical distribution board that feed the rectifier inputs.
6. Measure the voltage at the rectifier input terminals of all UPSs and verify that it is
120/127/220/230/240V ±5% 50/60Hz between each phase (R, S, T) and Neutral, and
208/220/380/400/415 V ±5% 50/60 Hz between phases.
7. Turn ON the circuit breaker/s in the electrical distribution board that feed the bypass
reference input for all UPSs and the bypass input to the external static switch module.
8. Measure the voltage at the bypass reference input terminals of all UPSs and at the bypass
input terminals of the external static switch module; verify that it is 120/127/220/230/240 V
±5% 50/60 Hz between each phase (R, S, T) and Neutral, and 208/220/380/400/415 V ±5%
50/60 Hz between phases.
9. Make sure that the bypass reference input voltage is connected to all UPSs and external
static switch module in the same order and from the same source.
10. Turn ON the rectifier circuit breakers of all UPSs, wait for about one minute until the UPS
completes a self-check.
11. Make sure that “UPS OFF” message appears on the LCD of all UPSs.
12. Turn ON the bypass reference circuit breakers of all UPSs.
13. Turn ON the circuit breakers of the battery cabinets.
14. Press the UPS ON button on the front panel of the first UPS, wait for about 40 seconds.
The inverter will start up and the UPS will perform an automatic battery test for one
15. Make sure that the test completed successfully and make sure that a “MASTER MODE”
message appears on the LCD.
16. Repeat steps 14-15 for the other UPSs. Make sure that “MASTER MODE” message
appears on one UPS, while “SLAVE MODE” appears on others.
17. Keep the output circuit breakers of all UPSs turned off as well as the output circuit
breaker of the external static switch module (option).

46 Installation µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

18. Make sure that the front LED panel of the external static switch is lit, and its graphic user
interface shows that load is fed from bypass.
19. Make sure that the SYNC LED green on the front panel of all UPSs, is lit
20. Turn ON the Output circuit breaker of MASTER UPS. Wait for about 1 minute, and check
that the external static switch is transferring load to UPS’s output. The external static
switch front panel should be all lit green, and the SYNC LED should also be lit.
21. Measure the voltage at the output voltage terminals of first UPS (the output circuit breaker is
already turned ON) and check that it is 120/127/220/230/240V 50/60Hz ±2% Phase to
22. Measure the voltage difference between the output terminals and the bypass reference input
terminals of the MASTER UPS as follows:

23. Carefully turn ON the output circuit breaker of another UPS. Press the OUT button
on the front LCD and check that the output current is less that 3A (circulation current).
24. Repeat step 23 for all UPSs.
25. Press the BYPASS-INV button of the external static switch module, and check that it is
transferring load to bypass.
26. Press the same button again in order to transfer load back to UPSs.
27. Turn ON the output circuit breaker of the external static switch module.
(Note: the output circuit breaker is optional).
28. Start to connect loads to the system’s output verifying that the UPSs are sharing load

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Installation 47

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.



UPS 1 K1
INPUT ~ = 4

= ~ 1 1

- - -


UPS N+1 K1

INPUT ~ = 4
= 1
- - -


Figure 21: Parallel UPS Schematic Diagram with Centralized Static Switch

Figure 22: Parallel UPS Schematic Diagram with Decentralized Static Switch

48 Installation µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

8.5.2 Decentralized (2 UPSs only)

To start-up both UPSs, after successfully completing the installation procedure, connecting the
cables to the rectifier input, ST.SW input, maintenance bypass output and batteries, perform the
following steps:

1. Make sure that all circuit breakers are turned off in both UPSs.
2. Make sure that the parallel communication cable is securely connected to the D15
female connector labeled as PAR. COM.
3. Make sure that the three PAR ST.SW terminals in both UPSs are connected to each
other in the correct order (1 to 1, 2 to 2 and 3 to 3). The PAR. ST.SW terminals are
located on the bottom of the UPS adjacent to other terminals.
4. Make sure that the batteries are correctly connected to the UPS (observe polarity), and
Normally Open (NO) contacts of the circuit breakers of the battery cabinets are
connected to the test terminals in the bottom of both UPSs.
5. Turn ON the circuit breaker/s in the electrical distribution board that feeds the rectifier
inputs of the UPSs.
6. Measure the voltage the rectifier input terminals of both UPSs and verify that it is
120/127/220/230/240 V ±5% 50/60 Hz between each phase (R, S, T) and Neutral, and
208/220/380/400/415 V ±5% 50/60 Hz between phases.
7. Turn ON the circuit breaker/s in the electrical distribution board that feeds the ST.SW
input of both UPSs.
8. Measure the voltage the ST.SW input terminals of both UPSs and verify that it is
120/127/220/230/240 V ±5% 50/60 Hz between each phase (R, S, T) and Neutral, and
208/220/380/400/415 V ±5% 50/60 Hz between phases.
9. Make sure that the ST.SW input voltage is connected to both UPSs in the same order
and from the same source.
10. Measure the voltage difference between phase R on the ST.SW input terminals of the
first UPS and phase R of the ST.SW input terminals of the second UPS and verify that it
is not more that 0.5Volts.
11. Repeat step 10 for phases S and T and for the Neutral.
12. Turn ON the rectifier circuit breakers of both UPSs, wait for about one minute until the
UPS performs a self-check.
13. Make sure that “UPS OFF” message appears on the LCD of both UPSs.
14. Turn ON the ST.SW circuit breakers of both UPSs.
15. Turn ON the circuit breakers of the battery cabinets.
16. Press the UPS ON button on the front panel of the first UPS, wait for about 40 seconds,
the UPS will start-up its inverter.
17. The UPS will perform an automatic battery test for one minute, verify that the test is
performed successfully and verify that a “MASTER MODE” message appears on the LCD.
18. Repeat steps 1617 for the other UPS. Make sure that “MASTER MODE” message appears
on one UPS’s LCD, while “SLAVE MODE” appears on the other.
19. Keep the output circuit breakers of both UPSs turned off.
20. Press the B/P button (the round one) of one UPS, twice.
21. Make sure that both UPSs transfer to ST.SW Bypass.

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Installation 49

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

22. Press the inverter button (the round one) and verify that both UPSs transferred back to
inverter mode.
23. Turn ON the output circuit breaker of one UPS, and then carefully turn ON the output circuit
breaker of the other UPS.
24. Make sure that there is no high circulation current between both UPSs.
25. Measure the voltage at the output voltage terminals of both UPSs and verify that it is
220V/50Hz ±4 volts.
26. Start to connect loads and verify that both UPSs are automatically sharing the load equally.

50 Installation µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. User Guide

Table 9: Technical Specifications *
MODEL 10K 15K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K
3 Phase X 3 x 380 / 400/415 / 440 (208 / 220 optional)
Voltage range +10 %, −15 %
Frequency 47-53Hz (57-63Hz)
Power walk-in 12 sec.
Power factor (PF) standard 0.80, 0.92~0.94 with optional filter)
Voltage (V) 3 X 380 / 400 / 415 (208 / 220 optional)
Power (kVA) 10 15 20 30 40 50 60
(KW) 8 12 16 24 32 40 48
Efficiency ac – ac 91 91.5 91.5 92 92 92.5 93
Dissipation (W) at full
load (1W = 3.4 BTU) 791 1114 1486 2086 2782 3242 3612
Inverter efficiency at
100% load (%) 93 93.5 94 94 94.5 94.5 94.5
Regulation 2%
Frequency tracking
range  1,  2,  3 Hz (selectable)
Slew rate 1 Hz/sec.
Overload 125 % : 10 min.; 150 % : 30 sec.; 1000 % - 1 cycle
Load P.F. 0.8
Waveform sinusoidal
Crest factor 3:1
Total harmonic
distortion Less than 2% (at linear load)
Protection Overload and short circuit
Dynamic response to
100% load change 2%
Transition time:
to and from line Less than 0.5 msec.
Phase deviation:
Balanced load Balanced load  1
Unbalanced load
Rejection ratio More than 100 dB
Backup time As per customer specifications
Dc voltage 432 Vdc for standard models
Batteries (12 Vdc
each) Sealed Lead-Acid, external
Battery recharge time Approximately 6-8 hours 4-6 hrs
Expected battery life 5 years
RS232 Shutdown, monitor

µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA Technical Specifications 51

(with parallel option)
User Guide Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.

MODEL 10K 15K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K

Alarm Shutdown software
Remote indication
panel Optional
SNMP Optional
Speech dialer Optional
Input Voltage (current – optional)
Output & Inverter Voltage, Current, Frequency
Bypass Voltage & frequency
Batteries Voltage
Temperature Heatsink
Log (events memory) Last 200 events
Ambient temperature: o
Operating -10 to 40 C
Storage -20 to 60 C
Relative humidity 95 % max., non-condensing
Altitude 1500 m w/o derating
UPS Standard
General & EN50091-1
Safety EN50091-2
EMC ENV50091-3
MTBF 100,000 hours, 250,000 hours with static switch
Audible noise (dB) at
60 61 62
Height (cm) 75 95 130
Width (cm) 24 40 55
Depth (cm) 80 84 80
Weight (kg) w/o
batteries 125 145 190 250 300 450 500

* All specifications given are typical and subject to change without notice.
** The dimensions are for standard models and may vary according to technical requirements.

52 Technical Specifications µPS-SP Series, 3-3 phase, 10 to 60 kVA

(with parallel option)

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