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Internet of Things in Healthcare: Architecture, Applications, Challenges, and Solutions

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Comput Syst Sci & Eng (2020) 6: 411–421 International Journal of

© 2020 Tech Science Press Computer Systems

Science & Engineering

Internet of Things in Healthcare:

Architecture, Applications,
Challenges, and Solutions
Vankamamidi S. Naresh1,∗ ,†, Suryateja S. Pericherla2,‡, Pilla Sita Rama Murty3,§ and
Sivaranjani Reddi4,¶
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh 534101, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh 534202, India
3 Department of Information Technology, Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh 534202, India
4 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Science, Visakhapatnam 530003, Andhra Pradesh, India

Healthcare, the largest global industry, is undergoing significant transformations with the genesis of a new technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT).
Many healthcare leaders are investing more money for transforming their services to harness the benefits provided by IoT, thereby paving the way for the
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), an extensive collection of medical sensors and associated infrastructure. IoMT has many benefits like providing remote
healthcare by monitoring health vitals of patients at a distant place, providing healthcare services to elderly people, and monitoring a large group of people
in a region or country for detection and prevention of epidemics. This paper provides a review of IoT in the healthcare domain by first describing the enabling
technologies for delivering smart healthcare, followed by some of the key applications of IoT in healthcare. Next, a fog-based architecture consisting of
three layers for IoT-based healthcare applications is proposed. Finally, we focus on some of the open challenges of IoT in healthcare, like fault tolerance,
interoperability, latency, energy efficiency, and availability. Existing solutions for these challenges are also discussed.

Keywords: IoT in healthcare, Internet of Things applications in healthcare, IoT challenges in healthcare, fault tolerance in IoT, wearable sensors

1. INTRODUCTION the IoT connected devices are expected to touch 75 billion by

2025. The IoT paradigm combines the advantages of cloud
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a modern technology encom- computing, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), edge
passing smart objects, which contain physical components like computing, fog computing, autonomic computing, advances
sensors and actuators for sensing the internal state of the object in communication technologies, and sensors to create new
or the external environment and perform some action based avenues and opportunities in different domains. Some of the
on the collected data. The data generated by sensors in the domains which are impacted by IoT are business/manufacturing,
smart objects can be further processed, and decisions can be healthcare, retail, and defense/security. There are many
made accordingly. These smart objects also contain software applications of IoT, among which smart parking, smart lighting,
embedded in them to control different parts and events generated waste management, forest fire detection, earthquake detection,
in those objects. According to a report published by statista [1], smart product management, and elderly care through remote
∗ Corresponding Author monitoring are only a few.
† email: IoT is gradually making its way into the healthcare and
‡ email: wellness sector. According to a recent report by Vodafone [3],
§ email: 77% of respondents from the healthcare sector said that they were
¶ email:
spending more on IoT than one year ago, and the scale of their

vol 35 no 6 November 2020 411


projects also had increased. Around 60% of respondents were 2. ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR
using sensors to monitor people by reading blood pressure, sugar SMART HEALTHCARE
levels, etc., for providing appropriate health aids. The focus
is shifting towards wellbeing and preventive care. Due to the The standard and widely used technologies in most of the IoT
adoption of IoT, people are living longer, and it also enabled self- healthcare applications are sensors for sensing the data, cloud
reliance over extended periods, and the emphasis now moved computing for long-term data processing, fog computing for
towards chronic care. IoT is a major contributor in transforming short-term data processing, and wireless body area networks
healthcare into smart healthcare. Smart healthcare requires the for providing communication between the sensors which are on
following: i) Treatment should be delivered to the appropriate or near the patient and the communication or data processing
person at the proper time. ii) It allows clinicians to diagnose devices like routers and gateways. In this section, we will look
people and treat their illnesses with accuracy. iii) Allows at each one of these technologies.
all stakeholders to exchange information and communicate
efficiently. iv) Availability of data in a readily accessible place,
v) Notify patients appropriately to involve them in their treatment
process. vi) Make healthcare reach remote locations due to 2.1 Sensors
its cost-effective models. vii) Improves efficiency by reducing
waste and operational costs [4]. The worldwide network of interconnected medical devices
The healthcare market functions through five segments: and applications is known as the Internet of Medical Things
i) Hospitals, ii) Pharmaceutical iii) Diagnostics, iv) Medical (IoMT). The core components in IoMT are sensors. IoMT
equipment and supplies, v) Telemedicine [5]. The healthcare has applications in both clinical and non-clinical scenarios.
industry size is expected to touch US$ 372 billion by 2022. In a clinical context, IoMT is being used to monitor patient
About 50% of spending on in-patient beds is for lifestyle- vitals such as temperature, ECG, blood pressure, blood oxygen
related diseases in urban areas. Most lifestyle-related diseases saturation, etc. This allows for continuous monitoring of
are caused by obesity, alcohol consumption, poor diet, high health vitals related to patients and helps physicians with
cholesterol, and high blood pressure. IoT in telemedicine is dashboards to visualize the data. Sensors can be deployed
a sector that is rapidly growing due to advances in Internet and monitored remotely, thereby allowing for remote healthcare
and telecommunication related technologies. Telemedicine can services. In a non-clinical context, IoMT can be used for
bridge the gap between rural and urban healthcare. It provides asset tracking, tracking physician’s location, compliance with
low consultation costs, remote diagnostic facilities, and can hygiene standards, locating ambulances during emergencies,
reach the remotest of areas. Another application of IoT is home and operational efficiency by tracking assets, people inside the
healthcare. The developments in Information Technology (IT) hospital, and providing real-time information for logistics.
and integration with medical devices made it possible to provide Sensors/things in healthcare can be classified broadly into two
high-quality healthcare at home at low prices. Customers can types: i) Clinical and ii) Non-clinical, as shown in Figure 1. The
nearly save 20–50% of the costs. IoT encompasses many clinical sensors can be further classified into wearable sensors
technologies, among which one is mobile computing. In and implantable sensors. The non-clinical sensors can be further
healthcare, due to advances in mobile technologies like 4G classified as asset/equipment tracking sensors, location-based
and 5G, customers can avail of the facilities at affordable sensors, and sensors for legacy devices. In this paper, we focus
rates. As per PwC’s 2017 survey, 64% of the respondent on wearable sensors as the real value of IoT in healthcare is
healthcare Indian organizations said that they were investing in leveraged by using them.
IoT [6]. Due to the profound impact of IoT on the healthcare
sector and its applications, the major contribution of this paper 2.1.1 Wearable Sensors
is in reviewing the following aspects with respect to IoT in
healthcare: Wearables or wearable devices are smart electronic devices
which contains different sensors that can be used to monitor
i. Enabling technologies for smart healthcare health vitals. The sensors that are used in wearables to collect
data are known as wearable sensors. These wearables can
ii. IoT in healthcare applications be worn on the body or incorporated into clothing. Some
of the examples for wearables are Fitbit, Apple Watch, and
iii. Minimal and straightforward architecture for IoT-based Samsung Galaxy Gear. The uses of wearables are manifold. In
healthcare applications healthcare, wearables can be used mainly for activity monitoring
and health monitoring, where several health vitals of a patient are
iv. Challenges and existing solutions monitored, and the data is transmitted to remote physicians or
doctors for making appropriate decisions. Some of the wearable
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 sensors used for tracking health vitals are: i) Pulse sensors,
investigates enabling technologies for smart healthcare. Sec- ii) Respiratory rate sensors, iii) Body temperature sensors, iv)
tion 3 examines the state-of-the-art of IoT in healthcare appli- Blood pressure sensors, v) Pulse oximetry sensors [7].
cations. Section 4 explores existing architectures and proposes Pulse sensors read the pulse of a human being, which
a new architecture for IoT healthcare applications. Section 5 can be used to monitor emergency conditions like vasovagal
concludes the paper, by summarizing the key findings and syncope, cardiac arrest, and pulmonary embolisms. Pulse can
reiterating the areas where further research is required. be read from the wrist, earlobe, chest, fingertips, and more.

412 computer systems science & engineering


Figure 1 Classification of sensors in healthcare.

Earlobe and fingertip readings are highly accurate but are not is a significant challenge. Based on several research works, an
comfortable to wear. Wrist sensors are generally considered accurate estimate for BP is Pulse Transit Time (PTT), which is
as a long-term wearable system. Some of the commercially the time taken for the pulse at the heart and pulse at another
available fitness-related wearable devices that support pulse location in the body like the ear lobe or wrist. Some of the
monitoring functionality are HRM-Tri by Garmin, H7 by previous works tried to measure PTT between ear and wrist,
Polar, FitBit PurePulse, and TomTom Spark Cardio. But, all palm, and fingertip. PTT can be determined by placing an ECG
the manufacturers of these devices announced that they are sensor on the chest and a PPG sensor on the ear, wrist, or another
not suitable for detecting health conditions. Other sensors location. PTT measured between the chest and wrist was found
that can be used to measure the pulse are pressure sensors, to be accurate so far under ideal conditions. The system for
photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and measuring PTT between the chest and other locations is found
radio frequency (RF) sensor. Based on the research done by to be obstructive. So, a system for measuring the readings
several researchers, it is recommended to use PPG sensor for between ear lobe and wrist was designed, and the results were
measuring the pulse. Several existing algorithms can reduce the quite satisfactory. As there are no accurate BP measurement
impact of noise on the pulse signal quality [7]. systems for continuous monitoring, it is suggested to develop
Respiratory rate sensors read the respiratory rate or the a system that contains two PPG sensors that can be placed at
number of breaths a patient takes per minute, which can aid different positions on the arm [7].
in identifying critical conditions such as apnea episodes, asthma Pulse oximetry sensors read the level of oxygen in the blood,
attacks, tuberculosis, hyperventilation, lung cancer, and more. which is another vital parameter that can help in diagnosing
Several sensors were developed for measuring respiratory rate conditions such as hypoxia. These sensors measure blood
such as a nasal sensor based on a thermistor, ECG Derived oxygen by retrieving PPG signals. The PPG sensor generally
Respiration (EDR), microphone, fiber optic sensor, pressure contains two LEDs, one red and another infrared, which are
sensor, stretch sensor, sensor made from ferroelectric polymer focused on the skin. Most of the light is absorbed by the
transducer. All these sensors suffer from noise introduced hemoglobin in the blood. The oxygen in the blood is calculated
through motion. For compliance with WBANs, the stretch by the photodiodes by measuring the light,which is not absorbed.
sensors are strongly recommended [7]. Based on how the photodiodes are aligned, PPG sensors are
Body temperature sensors are used to read the temperature divided into two types: 1) Absorbance-mode and 2) Reflective-
of a human body, which can be used to detect fevers, heatstroke, mode PPG sensors. Generally, pulse oximeters are placed on
hypothermia, and more. Most of the current research works show the finger as a clip. There are two techniques that can be used to
that thermistor-based sensors are commonly used. These sensors reduce power consumption. One is “minimum SNR tracking,”
can read a suitable range of temperatures for monitoring the which calculates Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) and adjusts the
temperature of the human body, with acceptable levels of error. LEDs on state appropriately. The second technique is “PLL
Using thermistor-based sensors for developing future healthcare tracking”, which estimates the likely occurrence of peaks and
monitoring systems is strongly recommended [7]. The accuracy troughs in the PPG signal. These two techniques give a 6x power
of a temperature sensor depends on how close it is placed reduction with a marginal 2% error. A complementary pulse
concerning the human body. Past research works considered oximeter that can be placed inside the ear to read blood oxygen
sensors that were printed on flexible polymers and looked like levels was developed, which acts as an improvement over the
a tattoo; in some other works, embedded the sensor into the fingertip oximeter in certain scenarios. A wearable wrist sensor
texture of the cloth fabric. Among these sensor implantable in is also designed for measuring blood oxygen, which is more
the clothes is generally preferred over the tattoo-like sensor due preferred by the people. Additionally, it can also measure pulse
to the inconvenience of adhesive coating on the backside of the and temperature as well. It is suggested that the focus should be
polymer. on making pulse oximetry sensors more wearable[7].
Blood pressure sensors are used to read the commonly and Data collected from the sensors is primarily processed by the
frequently monitored health vital, the Blood Pressure (BP). The devices in fog layer, which provides support for emergency care
measurement of BP can lead to detecting hypertension, which and is then stored in the cloud for long-term data storage or
leads to cardiovascular diseases like a heart attack. Designing a further processing. In the next section, we will look at cloud
wearable sensor for reading BP continuously and non-intrusively computing as an enabling technology.

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Figure 2 Five Layer Architecture of IoT.

2.2 Cloud Computing the Internet and then reach the cloud for data analysis and
again, the analyzed data must be sent through Internet and
Cloud computing is a new computing model that provides an then reach physician devices. This process takes a significant
autonomic pool of configurable resources that can be accessed amount of time, which might not be feasible for emergency
from anywhere and anytime through the Internet. The usage healthcare services. One way to reduce this latency is by using
of resources is monitored and is billed on a pay-per-use fog computing and/or edge computing. In the next section,
basis. Cloud computing provides various types of services such we will look at fog computing and its use in IoT healthcare
as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), applications.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and Database-as-a-Service
(DBaaS). Through cloud computing, small organizations that
cannot make significant capital investments can purchase virtu- 2.3 Fog Computing
alized resources like computing, networking, storage, and other
necessary elements necessary for the operational proficiency of Fog computing allows data processing to be moved away from
their business. Cloud can also be deployed in various modes the cloud towards the sensors. This reduces latency and will
like private cloud, public cloud, community cloud, and hybrid enable physicians and clinicians to provide emergency health
cloud. Further advances in cloud concepts and technologies care. Originally coined by Cisco, fog computing makes sensors
led to new types of clouds like multi-clouds and federated and network gateways or local gateways to store and perform
clouds. Cloud computing offers significant benefits to business preliminary data processing. A fog node provides monitoring,
organizations such as rapid elasticity, self-healing and self- preprocessing, storage, and security facilities. The monitoring
configuration, ubiquitous access, and others. facility allows the node to monitor resources and services being
Cloud computing is one of the enabling technologies for offered. The preprocessing functionality allows the fog node to
IoT. It is employed at the processing layer, also called the perform basic data analysis, which might be critical to providing
middleware layer in the five-layer IoT architecture [8], as shown emergency healthcare. The storage element allows the data to
in Figure 2. In IoMT, the multitude of sensors generates a huge be replicated or segregated, and the security feature provides
amount of data that can be stored and analyzed with the help of security services like data confidentiality, data integrity, and data
cloud infrastructure. Cloud computing provides nearly infinite privacy. Due to its inherent advantages, fog computing can be
silos of resources at data centers, using which the healthcare employed at the perception layer and networking layer of the
stakeholders can gain helpful insights from the data which is IoTs layered architecture. In fact, fog computing is a standard
analyzed and stored for later use. The physicians can monitor a that defines how edge computing should work, and it facilitates
patient’s health, whose information is collected through various the operations of computing, storage, and networking services
sensors, and is stored in the cloud. Using this data, physicians between end devices and cloud computing data centers.
might suggest appropriate medication and or advice manually Further, one can use fog computing as a jumping-off point
or let the application do it automatically. Although the cloud for edge computing. In essence, fog is the standard, and the
provides many benefits, one challenge with it is latency. The edge is the concept. We can use this combination effectively in
data collected by the sensors have to be forwarded through IoT.

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Figure 3 Categorization of IoT Applications in Healthcare.

As sensors sense data from the patient, it needs to be personal device can also be called as body gateway, sink, or a
transmitted to the nearest data gathering or processing node. One Body Control Unit (BCU) in some cases. Sensors read specific
of the technologies that are useful for transferring data from the parameters in a human body internally or externally and forwards
sensors to the closest processing node is Wireless Body Area the data to the personal device. Actuators interact with human
Networks (WBANs). We will look at this in the next section. beings based on the data from sensors or the personal device. For
example, after reading the data from sensors, processing it in a
personal device, a physician might send a message informing the
2.4 Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) type of medication for a patient by activating a display connected
to an actuator. Based on the implementation, the different types
The technology that serves as the heart of communication at of nodes are implant node, body surface node, and external node.
the transport layer in IoT architecture is probably WBAN. Based on the role of a node in the network, the different types
It makes use of IEEE standards like IEEE 802.15.6 and of nodes are coordinators, end nodes, relays. The coordinator
IEEE 802.15.4j, which are standardized for medical WBANs. node acts as a gateway between the WBAN and Internet, other
WBANs offer speed, accuracy, energy conservation, and reliable WBANs, or serves as a center of trust. The end nodes are
communication among sensors and actuators within, on, or typically sensors without any communication capability. The
anywhere close to a human body. WBANs can help to reduce relay nodes are generally used to forward messages between
healthcare costs and improve its quality by using different sensors and the gateway if they are far apart.
sensors to read the health vitals of a patient. It supports All these enabling technologies can be used to serve several
multiple data rates from narrowband communication, 75.9 Kbps, patients in different settings. IoT has many applications in
to the ultra-wideband, 15.6 Mbps. WBANs are compatible healthcare. In the next section, some of the applications of IoT
with other wireless technologies like Wireless Local Area in healthcare are discussed.
Networks (WLANs), Zigbee, mobile networks, Bluetooth,
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), and Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs). The most important application of
WBANs in healthcare is an improvement in the patient’s quality 3. IOT IN HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS
of life.
A WBAN node is an independent device that has communi- In this section, we present a state-of-the-art on different
cation capability. Based on functionality, implementation, and applications of IoT and related technologies in the healthcare
role in a network, WBAN nodes are classified into three groups domain by studying various research articles in journals and
[9]. Nodes in the functionality group are Personal Device (PD), conferences published/indexed in IEEE Xplore, Springer Link,
sensor, and actuator. The responsibility of a personal device ScienceDirect, and public repositories like Google Scholar.
is to gather data from sensors. After processing the data, the Many applications were identified, as shown in Figure 3.
unique device can communicate with other devices or persons Applications having similar scope and themes are grouped into
through an external gateway or by activating an actuator. A categories, and they are as follows: i) Real-time monitoring

vol 35 no 6 November 2020 415


and alerts generation, ii) Telemedicine, iii) Chronic disease et al. [15] developed a remote monitoring system by leveraging
detection and prevention, iv) Home and elderly healthcare. Each web services and cloud computing. An Android app called ECG
of these healthcare application categories and the role of IoT and Android App was developed, which provides a visualization of
associated technologies is discussed in detail below. ECG readings collected from patients. The data gathered is
sent to the Microsoft Azure cloud service for further processing.
Authors suggested a hybrid cloud, where patients’ sensitive data
is stored in a private cloud, and other general information is
3.1 Real-time monitoring and alerts generation
stored in the public cloud.
Continuous monitoring of various health vitals like temperature,
heartbeat, blood oxygen continuously plays a significant role in
providing real-time healthcare services. Through IoT, sensors 3.3 Chronic disease detection and prevention
can be deployed on a human body, and different parameters can
be measured. This data can be analyzed for suggesting the Many people in the world suffer from chronic diseases like
necessary medication to the patients in emergencies. Shanin cancer, diabetes, asthma, obesity, etc. These diseases lead to
et al. [10] developed an e-health system for continuous depression, which is one of the most common complications
monitoring of ECG, temperature, foot pressure, and heart rate. of chronic illness. Sundhara Kumar et al. [16] developed a
This system is flexible and needs low power. GPS location health monitoring system for patients suffering from autism.
of the patients is tracked for providing emergency healthcare, This system reads EEG waveforms using data collected through
and RFID is used for identifying individual patients. Arduino neurological sensors automatically, and notifications are sent
Uno was used as the Microcontroller Unit (MCU) and the to caretakers in case of any abnormal readings are detected.
Thingspeak as the middleware for performing data analysis. Notifications in case of emergency are sent through email to
Swaroop et al. [11] designed a real-time health monitoring doctors who monitor the patients remotely. Onasanya and
system using Raspberry Pi 3 and sensors like the DS18B20 Elshakankiri [17] proposed different types of architectures and
digital thermometer sensor and Sunroom blood pressure/heart frameworks for supporting IoT based healthcare solutions for
rate sensor. Health vitals like temperature and blood pressure cancer patients. The focus is on cloud services, which uses
were measured, and the data is transmitted through multiple big data technologies for data analysis, and on the Wireless
modes like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), GSM, and WiFi. Sensor Networks (WSN), which is a communication technology
It was observed that BLE offers less latency, and WiFi has that supports sensors at a large scale. Security and operational
a latency of nearly 5 mins as there are multiple stages for challenges concerning IoT healthcare systems are also discussed.
the data to be routed. Rathore et al. [12] proposed a real- Sood and Mahajan [18] proposed a healthcare system utilizing
time emergency response system that employs Apache Spark both IoT and fog computing for detecting the chikungunya
and Hadoop ecosystem for processing massive volumes of data outbreak. Data from sensors is collected by a fog node and is
generated by sensors to reduce the latency. The proposed system analyzed by fuzzy c-means to detect possible infection of users
was tested against three UCI datasets, and the results indicate that and generates alerts immediately for users and doctors. The
it can scale successfully to the requirements of a city or a nation. patient’s general and health-related sensitive data is stored in the
cloud whose security is of utmost importance. Further, social
network analysis is utilized to detect outbreaks across a region.
Alerts are generated and notified to government and healthcare
3.2 Telemedicine
agencies in case any chikungunya outbreak is detected, which
helps to improve the quality of service and curb the disease at
Telemedicine refers to providing healthcare to people remotely
the initial stage itself.
by utilizing the Internet and Communications Technology (ICT)
facilities. This significantly reduces the operational costs
incurred by the medical personnel and improves the patient’s
health efficiency. Zouka and Hosni [13] proposed a smart 3.4 Home and elderly healthcare
healthcare monitoring system that uses neural networks and
fuzzy systems for analyzing the data collected by sensors like IoT and related technologies can be deployed at homes for
temperature, ECG, heartbeat, pressure, and pulse oximeter. The continuous monitoring of elderly patients who cannot move
data collected by the sensors are forwarded through the GSM quickly and take more time to reach hospitals for regular
module and is processed by Azure IoT Hub and the Fuzzy- or emergency healthcare services. Abdelgawad et al. [19]
based Inference System (FBIS). This system allows doctors to proposed a system for health monitoring systems for active and
provide emergency healthcare using a remote health app and assisted living, where different types of sensors collect data
M2M patient monitoring system. Rohokale et al. [14] proposed and transfer it to the cloud for data analysis. A prototype
a healthcare monitoring system for rural people by monitoring was created to demonstrate their system, which contains six
vitals like blood pressure, sugar levels, and abnormal cellular types of sensors, BLE enabled indoor positioning module,
growth. The patients wear an RFID tag for identifications. sensor interface circuits, Raspberry Pi 2 as a microcontroller,
When there is any abnormality in health parameters, alerts are WiFi transceivers, and cloud server. The efficiency of the
sent to a remote healthcare center, and staff will take necessary prototype is measured by conducting a performance evaluation.
actions. The proposed system was simulated using NS2, and Yang et al. [20] proposed a personal healthcare system
significant enhancement in through was observed. Mohammed for wheelchair users who are alone at home. This system

416 computer systems science & engineering


leverages IoT and Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs) for layer, ii) event classification layer, iii) information mining layer,
providing efficient healthcare to wheelchair patients. Sensors iv) decision making layer, and v) cloud storage layer. The event
for measuring heart rate, ECG, pressure, environment sensing classification layer was implemented using a smart gateway at the
nodes, and actuators are deployed around and on the patient for fog layer. Azimi et al. [25] proposed a hierarchical fog assisted
real-time monitoring of health. The gateway in WBAN was computing architecture that consists of three layers, namely,
a mobile phone, and the communication protocols used were i) sensor layer, fog layer, and cloud layer for IoT-based health
Zigbee and Bluetooth for gathering data from the patient and monitoring systems. The authors extended and implemented
the environment. This system also addresses the mobility of Microsoft’s MAPE-K computation model into their hierarchical
the patient in a wheelchair in the sense environment sensors can architecture. Some of the data analytics tasks are offloaded onto
track the wheelchair while it is moving from one location to fog nodes.
another location. Yang et al. [21] presented a new method for Kumar [26] proposed architecture for healthcare applications
monitoring the health vitals of patients using IoT. The patients using IoT. The architecture consists of different sensors for
were equipped with multiple ECG sensors, which were used to measuring health vitals, which transmit the data to the Intel
monitor the physiological parameters of a patient. The sensors Qurie hardware platform. The author didn’t explicitly mention
collect data and transmit that to the cloud through a wireless any layers and whether the computing is performed at the fog or
channel. The IoT cloud consists of powerful servers that can cloud. Plageras et al. [27] proposed an IoT-based surveillance
process and analyze the data to extract meaningful information. system for ubiquitous healthcare monitoring. The architecture
A web-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) was provided for proposed was cloud-based, and hence there is a problem of
visualizing the information available in the cloud. latency for time-critical applications. The authors suggested a
IoT healthcare applications, as described above, will have mesh topology for connectivity between sensors. Villalba et al.
different requirements. Some applications may have relaxed [28] analyzed the security of IoT architecture for healthcare. The
deadlines, while others may have stringent deadlines. The archi- proposed architecture consists of a cloud where the computing
tecture chosen will directly affect the application performance. is performed, and no fog devices were present. The security
Some of the already existing architectures and new proposed analysis considered FitBit Flex as the health vital measuring
architecture are discussed in the next section. device. Mahmud et al. [29] focused on the interoperability
between the services provided by the cloud and fog in the
healthcare scenario. The proposed architecture contains one
or more clusters at the fog layer. The resources like compute,
4. ARCHITECTURE FOR storage, etc. can be virtualized in the fog clusters, like done in
Debauche et al. [40] presented an IoT based health monitoring
Certain healthcare applications need the immediate attention system that employs fog, which contains a smart gateway for
of medical personnel like in diseases related to the heart or storing data locally and cloud for processing the data and storing
while providing healthcare for patients met with life-threatening it. Their architecture consists of three layers, namely, i) sensors
accidents. Such situations need a real-time and critical response layer, ii) fog layer, and iii) cloud layer. A smart gateway is
with significantly less latency. In a general cloud environment, placed at the fog layer, which performs data acquisition and
the latency for data to be transmitted to the cloud, processing visualization. Paul et al. [41] proposed a fog based solution
in the cloud, and getting a response involves significant latency, for monitoring the health of patients suffering from chronic
which is not acceptable. To overcome or limit the latency issues, diseases. The authors proposed a three-layer architecture that
we can use fog computing, which brings the computing and comprises of i) sensors tier, ii) fog computing tier, and iii) cloud
storage resources to the edge of the network, i.e., closer to the computing tier. The fog computing tier performs data analysis
sensors. Most of the existing healthcare solutions use a cloud and data aggregation, which is quite computation-intensive and
environment for decision making. In recent years, more and adds to the latency. The security of data and reliability of data
more solutions being proposed are considering fog computing are not properly addressed. Awaisi et al. [42] presented a fog
for time-critical healthcare applications. Some of the existing based architecture for healthcare applications. Their architecture
architectural solutions are discussed here. consists of three layers, namely, i) IoT devices network, ii) fog
Cerina et al. [22] proposed a multi-level architecture layer, and iii) cloud layer. An identity management solution has
leveraging fog computing and context awareness. The authors also been provided for user authentication, which mitigates some
used the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as a fog node. of the security breaches. Abdelmoneemet al. [43] proposed
The architecture consists of four layers, namely, i) interaction a cloud-fog based architecture that supports multiple types of
layer, ii) mesh layer, iii) fog layer, and iv) cloud layer. The healthcare applications. Their proposed architecture consists
authors suggested the removal of the mesh layer in the case of four layers, namely, i) things layer, ii) sink layer, iii) fog
of time-critical healthcare applications. Nandyala et al. [23] layer, and iv) cloud layer. The fog layer contains complex
proposed a 4-tier architecture for real-time ubiquitous healthcare functionality, and the sink layer adds to the latency of data.
monitoring. The four tiers are. Namely, i) smart devices tier, ii) Here we propose a minimal and simple fog-based architecture
fog tier, iii) core tier, and iv) cloud tier. This architecture was for IoT-based healthcare applications. The proposed architecture
heavily influenced by the CISCO’s fog architecture. The task addresses the latency issues present in cloud-based solutions.
of the core tier is to provide security services. Verma et al. The architecture contains three layers, as shown in Figure 4,
[24] proposed a five-layer fog-based architecture for remote namely, i) sensing layer, ii) fog layer, and iii) cloud layer. This
patient health monitoring. The layers are i) data acquisition architecture supports both time-critical healthcare applications

vol 35 no 6 November 2020 417


Figure 4 Proposed Fog-based Architecture for IoT-based Healthcare Applications.

like applications that require an emergency response, mobile support is chosen based on the existence of the fog layer and the
ambulance healthcare applications as well as applications that amount of work done at this layer. The value for security is
are not hard on deadlines. The sensing layer contains different chosen based on the no. of layers. Most of the previous work
sensors for monitoring the health vitals of patients and elderly didn’t emphasize the security of the architecture.
people. These sensors transmit the data to nearby application The use of IoT as a technology in the healthcare domain is
devices or hardware platforms like mobiles, Arduino, Raspberry still in its nascent stage. As such, many challenges need to be
Pi, etc. These application devices, in turn, forward the raw addressed by the research communities and the industry. Some
data to the next layer, which is the fog layer. The fog layer of the challenges and the existing solutions are discussed in the
contains a local gateway and one or more transient storage next section.
servers where data can be filtered or analyzed based on the
application requirements. Security and privacy policies can also
be implemented at the local gateway. After the required data
transformation, it is forwarded to a border gateway, which will 4.1 Challenges and Solutions
forward the data to the cloud layer. A firewall can be placed
either at the local or border gateway to filter malicious traffic. We A lot of research is being carried out for addressing various
assume that the communication between entities in the network concerns in the application of IoT and related technologies for
is carried out through secure channels. At the cloud layer, the healthcare. Still, there are many open challenges that need to be
data can be stored on the permanent storage servers, or it can be addressed [30]. In this section, some of the significant challenges
analyzed for decision making by the medical personnel. like fault tolerance, latency, energy efficiency, interoperability,
Our proposed architecture is compared with the existing and availability, along with the solutions in the existing literature,
proposed architectures, and the summary of the comparison is are described.
shown in Table 1. The parameters considered for comparison
of different architectures are no. of layers in the architecture, Fault tolerance
the complexity of the architecture, data reliability at fog layer,
real-time application support, and security. The possible values The reliability of an IoT healthcare system is affected by the
for the chosen parameters can be any one of the following: low, functioning of sensors and communication nodes that transfer the
moderate, or high. The value for complexity is chosen based on data to the cloud or processing layer. Their functioning is crucial
the no. of layers and the functionality or modules carried out at for the reliable and credible functioning of healthcare services
each layer. The value for data reliability at the fog layer is chosen during emergencies. In the existing literature, the only possible
based on the availability of clusters or distributed computing at solution for fault tolerance proposed was an IoT architecture [31]
the fog layer. None of the existing architectures emphasized that uses backup nodes for communication failures. The gateway
the data reliability at the fog layer, which is a major concern for in this solution conducts the diagnosis of sensors by observing
emergency care applications. The value for real-time application the data patterns periodically and takes appropriate actions.

418 computer systems science & engineering


Table 1 Comparison of the Proposed with the Existing Architectures.

Reference No. of Complexity Data Reliability Real-time Security
Layers (at Fog Layer) Application Support
[22] Cerina et al. 4 Moderate Low Moderate High
[23] Nandyala et al. 4 Moderate Low Moderate High
[24] Verma et al. 5 High Low Moderate Moderate
[25] Azimi et al. 3 Less Low Moderate High
[26] Kumar N 2 Less Low Low Low
[27] Plageras et al. 3 Less Low Low Moderate
[28] Villalba et al. 2 Less Low Low Moderate
[29] Mahmud et al. 3 Less Moderate Moderate Moderate
[40] Debauche et al. 3 Moderate Low Moderate Moderate
[41] Paul et al. 3 Moderate Low Moderate Moderate
[42] Awaisi et al. 3 Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate
[43] Abdelmoneem et al. 4 Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate
Proposed Architecture 3 Less High High High

Latency Availability
The network latency at the transport layer and the commu- In IoT healthcare applications like real-time monitoring and
nication layer plays a crucial role in the efficiency of the emergency care services, the data of a patient should be available
healthcare application. Also, the effect of latency depends 24/7 for appropriate measures to be taken by the physicians
upon the type of healthcare application [32]. In the case of and doctors [37]. The absence of node availability or network
emergency services and multimedia healthcare applications like availability at the perception layer or the processing layer
live surgeries, latency will have a drastic effect. A fog-driven causes the non-availability of critical data, which may lead to
IoT healthcare architecture was proposed [33] that reduces the a patient’s death. VICINITY, a European Union (EU) funded
communication latency by performing data preprocessing close project, provides high availability and performance guarantees,
to the sensors at the gateway instead of transmitting data to the which enables the system to scale-up and scale-down the
cloud, which involves more latency. communication load based on the requirements [38]. Further
research is needed to secure the infrastructure at the processing
Energy efficiency layer, which includes technologies like cloud computing, big
data, etc. Cloud computing encompasses many threats and
The sensors at the perception layer are more or less battery
vulnerabilities [39], which should be mitigated for the high
powered. The depletion of the battery implies the shutdown of
availability of an IoT healthcare system.
sensor nodes, which are critical for the working of the system in
case of emergency healthcare applications [32]. An autonomous
WBAN implementation for healthcare was proposed, which
utilizes solar energy instead of battery-powered nodes [34]. 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
Maximum solar power was extracted from the panels, and
24 hour working of the system was demonstrated through IoT is being incorporated into many healthcare applications and
experimentation. services at a moderate pace. Though IoT has many applications
in the healthcare domain, many healthcare organizations are
Interoperability still hesitating to fully deploy it in their operations as IoT
is still in a nascent stage and is not fully standardized. In
IoT spans different domains and thereby covers a wide this paper, we provide an overview of the IoT technology
range of disciplines with conflicting standards that raise the in the healthcare domain. First, enabling technologies like
problem of interoperability. This problem is alleviated in the sensors, cloud computing, fog computing, and WBANs for smart
healthcare domain as the existing regulations and standards healthcare were described briefly. A specific focus was given
demand stringent requirements to be satisfied [33]. A real- to wearable sensors as they are non-intrusive and due to their
time health monitoring system was proposed, which uses popularity among people. Wearable sensors like pulse sensors,
6LoWPAN, an open standard built on top of IEEE 802.15.4, respiratory rate sensors, body temperature sensors,blood oxygen
and addresses the interoperability issues among communicat- sensors, and pulse oximeter sensors were discussed. Second,
ing nodes [35]. Another solution suggested to solve the some of the key healthcare applications utilizing IoT were
interoperability issues is by abstracting the complex details discussed like real-time monitoring and alerts, telemedicine,
through middleware [8]. An IoT semantic interoperability model chronic disease detection and prevention, and home and elderly
was proposed to addresses the issues between heterogeneous healthcare. Then, we proposed a minimal and simple three-
devices in the IoT infrastructure. This model leverages layer architecture for IoT-based healthcare applications, which
Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL for leverages the benefits of fog computing. Finally, some of the
associating the things and querying them for extracting infor- important challenges of IoT in healthcare like fault tolerance,
mation [36]. latency, energy efficiency, interoperability, and availability,

vol 35 no 6 November 2020 419


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