Annual Report
Annual Report
Annual Report
An annual publication that public corporations must provide to shareholders to describe their operations
and financial conditions. The front part of the report often contains an impressive combination of
graphics, photos and an accompanying narrative, all of which chronicle the company's activities over the
past year. The back part of the report contains detailed financial and operational information.
Directors Report: Section 217 of the Company law makes it mandatory on the part of directors to
make out and attach to every balance sheet laid in an annual general meeting of the company, a report,
known as directors report.
Auditors Report: Section 227 of the Companies Act says that the auditors shall make a report to the
members of the company. It is the obligatory duty of the directors to get the accounts of company audited
every year by qualified auditors.
Balance Sheet: Balance sheet which is also known as position statement provides a birds eye view on
companys financial position as well as condition. This statement indicates whatever company has and
whatever company owes. The excess of assets over liabilities is known as owners equity/shareholders
Profit and Loss Account: The profit and loss account which is also known as Income Statement
indicates net profits earned by company during current financial year. Income statement also indicates
profits available for distribution and appropriation after meeting tax liabilities. Profit and Loss
Appropriation Account or Retained Earnings Account is also submitted with profit and loss account
which indicates appropriations made during the period.
Schedules: An average annual report generally contains some schedules forming part of balance sheet
and others forming part of profit and loss account. These schedules are attached with financial statements
for giving detailed information regarding items concerned.
Cash Flow Statement: The accounting standard AS-3 (Revised) cash flow statements issued by ICAI
in March 1997 has made obligatory on the part of companies for reporting its cash flows as per the
requirements of the standard. Detailed discussion has been made in chapter 5 entitled cash flow statement
regarding preparation of cash flow statement as per provisions of AS-3.
Accounts of Subsidiary: Section 212 of the Companies Act 1956 requires companies to provide
statement pursuant to section 212 regarding informations about subsidiaries duly signed by directors and
company secretary on behalf of the board of directors along with detailed information regarding directors
of different subsidiaries along with secretary auditors and bankers. An information about the addresses of
registered offices is also to be attached.
Accounting Policies: It has been observed that an average annual report in India use to contain a
statement of disclosure on accounting policies followed by the company while preparing financial
statements. It may be due to the mandatory compliance of AS-1.Accounting policies are the specific
accounting principles and the methods of applying those principles.