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Agric Sceince J S S 3

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Agric science

J ss 3


Objective question

1. All of the following are examples of foreign exchange except one

a. Oil palm b. cashew c. cotton d. dappoly
2. Nigerian is one of the country that produce cassava in a very large quantity

True or false

3. Nigeria sells its produce to another country it is called

a. Trade b. trans c. exporter d. marketing
4. Agriculture produce food foe the following
a. Donkey b. monkey c. man d. loin
5. Ginger is one of the agriculture product produce in
a. China b. india c. Nigeria
6. The following are the state that produce cocoa except
a. Ogun b. ekiti c. gambia d. delta
7. Oil palm are extracted from
a. House b. oil three c. oil bank
8. Palm kernels good are used in extracting
a. Wood b. oil c. red oil d. blue oil
9. The following are the state that produce cotton except
a. Gamji b. niger c. Bauchi d. oyo
10. H I v and malana affect the production of crops in Nigeria

True or false
Class jss 3


Answer any 3 three question

1. A define export promotion

b. List 4 importance of export promotion in Nigeria
2. Explain the following
1. Cocoa
2. Cassava
3. Palma oil
4. Ground nuts
5. Cotton
6. Rubber
3. Explain on how major human heath problem affect agriculture production in Nigeria
4. What are the three major difference between h I v/aids and malaria
B . how is the malaria diseases transmitted
Basic science
J ss 3
Answer all question
Objective section b
1. The following are examples of ray of light except
a. Beam b. an incident ray c. reflected ray d. refracted ray
2. Light travel in a straight line true or false
3. One of the following is not a rain bow colour
a. Brown b. red c. violet d. green e. yellow
4. All of the following are eye defact except
a. Bad sight b. long sighteness c. past sight
5. Shadow is an area where light from a light source obstracted an object

True or false

6. Reflection is regular when light strikes

a. Sheet of papar b. cloth c. mirro d. stone e. nothing
7. Energy is the ability to do work true or false
8. Sound is produced when an object _______________________________
a. Vitratas b. shine c. translates d. rotates
9. Magnetism comes from the world ________________________________
a. Magnesia b. magnetia c. magnesium d. magenete e. non
of the above
10. Low of magatism state that bring the two magrets near each other

True or salse
Basic science

Answer all question

1a. define light energy

B explain the following terms

1. Beam of light
2. An incident ray
3. The reflected ray
4. Divergent beam
5. Convergent beam

2. a. explain how shadow formation occur

B define sound energy

C draw a diagram of divergen beam

3a. define hearing

Explain the following terms

1. The oure ear

2. The middle ear
3. The inner ear
Basic technology
Objective question
1. The following are all used in sheet metal work except
a. Sheet metalwork b. folding c. landing work d. bending
2. The following are tools used in bending except
a. Straight b. curved c. soldering s. Hand lever
3. Shape development is the making of various patterns or shapes of an object

True or false

4. The following are operation used in bending and folding process except one
a. Former which can be round bar for cicular b. a bench vice to hold c. hold bar not
5. Folding machine is used in a very large work sheet

True or false

6. Brazing are tool used in soldering work

True or false

7. The following are tools used in soldering except

a. Flux b. solder c. banbom soldering
8. Holes and apertures can be cut by using
a. Socissors b. blad snips c. punch and die d. hand lever shears
9. __________________________ is used for clearing the metal surface of the join
a. Files b. solder c. flux d. tinner
10. These are methods of joining metal pleces together except
a. Tanning b. welding c. riveting d. soldering
Basic technology

J s s3

Answer all question

1a. list 4 terminologires used in sheet metal works

B draw a diagram of any 3 bending tools you know

2a. list any 4 bending and folding proceses you know

3 . describe the development of box shaped object

4. List any 3 metal work project you know


J ss 3

Answer all question

1. Mention three circumstance when a Muslim child may disobey his parents

B list 5 five importance of obedience to parent

2. List 30 names of Allah

3. What are the duties of a Muslim child to do
b. What is shirk
Basic technology
J ss 1
1. Energy can be destroyed
True or false
2. Atom is the smallest particles

True or false

3. Election have the following change

a. Positive change b. negative change b. no change
4. All the following are forms of energy except energy
a. Heat energy b. mechanical energy c. compound
5. Heat energy is that from of energy that lead rise in temperature

True or false

6. Which of these is not a measuring tools

a. Divider b. calipers c. metric rule d. bradow
7. Energy is used when jumping

True or false

8. Chemical energy is the change stored in chemical substance such as

a. Kerosine b. atom c. mounted d. hand
9. Work is done when energy is used ____________________

True or false

10. Notron election and proton are used in

a. Power b. distance c. generating electricity d. travelling
1. What is energy
b. List 5 form of energy you know
2. When a force of zon move a body thought a distance of 50m

B . define power

3. Draw the structure of hydrogen a tom

B explain the following term

1. Atom
2. Matter
3. Solar
4. Sound energy
5. Proton
Agaric science

Jss 1

Objective section b

1. Wood is used for making

a. Paper b. bench c. ruler d. pencil e. all of the above
2. Which of the following does not reared in agriculture
a. Fish b. sheep c. rabbit d. duck e. lion
3. Which of the following does not belong to the group
a. Cattle b. oil palm c. turkey d. duck e. pig
4. Which of the following does not contain leather
a. Shoe b. bag c. wallet d. car seat e. non of the
5. Agriculture is the cultivation of
a. Money b. crops c. uncle d. cup e. demes
6. Which of the following is food crops
a. Yam b. maize c. crow pea D. rubber e. cassava
7. The following are all examples of crops except
a. Yam b. soughum c. fish d. maize
8. Which of the following is not animal produce
a. Meat b. eggs c. fish d. fruits
9. All of the following are agricultural maternal except
a. Latex b. petroleum c. wood d. cotton e. wool
10. Photosynthesis place in the
a. Roots b. stem c. fruits d. flower e.
green leaves
Agric science

J ss one

Answer any three question

1a. define weed

B list any 5 of weed to our crops

2a. draw any diagram of insect or pest that dramage our crops

3 explain the following tems

1. Biological method
2. Chemical control
3. Mechamical control
4. Cultural control

4a. draw any 5 common farm weed

B define pest
Basic science for j ss 1

Objective section b

1. Which of those is not correct a force

a. Causes movement of a body
b. Change direction of body
c. Change shape of a body
d. Is the ability to work
2. Which of those is not an examples of non contact force
a. Light force
b. Gravitational force
c. Electrical force
d. Magnetic force
3. Trication is when two bodies come in contact

True or fasle

4. All following are ways of reducing friction except one

a. By lubrication b. by reshaping the body c. by balancing
5. Which of those is not an examples of renewable energy
a. Wing b. water c. sunshine
6. Which of the following is not example OF non renewable energy
a. Petrol b. kerosene c. wood d. sunshine
7. What is energy
a. Ability to do work
b. Running
c. Stilting
d. Standing
8. Natural source of energy are _________________________
a. Man –made
b. Non man made
c. Both god made
d. Neither man-made nor god made
9. All of the following are forms of energy except one
a. African energy b. chemical energy c. heat energy d. light energy
10. We reduce friction by lubrication

True or false
Basic science

J ss 1

Answer all question

1a. list any 4 source of any you know and explain them

B write the meaning of energy

2a. explain the following

a. renewable energy
b. Force
c. Magnetic force
d. Gravitalional force
e. Friction
f. Electric force

3a. calculate the gravitational force of man whose mass is 150kg given that gravitational acceleration

b. List any 5 types of energy your know and explain any 3 three

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