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40 Ahadith Series

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40 Ahadith Series

Completion of Islam - Ghadeer

40 Ahadith
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1-898449-82-1
© Copyright 2005 the World Federation of KSIMC
Published by
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303
Islamic Centre - Wood Lane
Stanmore, Middlesex, United Kingdom, HA7 4LQ
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In the Name of All¡h, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Noble Prophet (prayers of All¡h be upon him and his family) has said:

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“The person from my nation who memorizes forty traditions pertaining to those issues
of religion which one is in need of, will be resurrected by All¡h on the Day of Judgement
as a person with deep insight into the faith and as a scholar.”
In following the above °ad¢th, The Islamic Education Board of The World Federation
of KSIMC (IEB - WF) has decided to publish a series of booklets of 40 A¦¡d¢th on
different subjects. The A¦¡d¢th that have been selected from various sources, are short
and simple and therefore easy to understand and memorize. It is envisaged that the
booklets will not only be useful for Zakireen, Madrasah teachers and students, but will
be of benefit to the Ummah at large.
The collection of the A¦¡d¢th and introduction of this present work was done by
Ma¶m£d Shar¢f¢ [as found on the InterNet at], while the translation in English was
carried out by Shaykh Saleem Bhimji. IEB - WF would like to thank Shaykh Saleem for
his efforts in the translation of this work. May All¡h (Glory and Greatness be to Him)
accept this work as a further attempt by IEB - WF to propagate Isl¡m.


1. The {E¢d of the Caliphate and Mastership ...................................17

2. The Best {E¢d of the Ummah........................................................18
3. The Great {E¢d of All¡h ................................................................19
4. The {E¢d of Wilayat......................................................................20
5. The Day of Renewal of the Oath of Allegiance ............................21
6. The {E¢d of the Heavens...............................................................22
7. An Incomparable {E¢d..................................................................23
8. A Very Beneficial {E¢d..................................................................24
9. A Luminous {E¢d ..........................................................................25
10. One of the Four Divinely Appointed {E¢ds.................................26
11. The Day of the Message and the Wil¡yat..................................27
12. The Day of Feeding Others........................................................28
13. The Day of Gifts ........................................................................29
14. The Day of Protection................................................................30
15. The Day of Thanks and Happiness ...........................................31
16. The Day of Doing Good to Others.............................................32
17. The Day of Joy and Happiness..................................................33
18. The Day of Congratulations and Felicitations ...........................34
19. A Day of Greeting and Disavowal.............................................35
20. The {E¢d of the Successors .........................................................37
21. The Day of Dedication and Prayers ..........................................38
22. The Day of Seeing the Leader....................................................39
23. The Day of Praising All¡h..........................................................40
24. The Day of Visiting and Doing Good ........................................41
25. ¯al¡t in Masjid al-Ghad¢r ..........................................................42
26. ¯al¡t on the Day of Ghad¢r........................................................43
27. Fasting on the Day of Ghad¢r ....................................................44
28. The Day of Congratulations and Smiling...................................45
29. The Prophet and the Wil¡yat of {Al¢ ..........................................46
30. Living the Life of a Prophet........................................................47
31. The Prophet and the Im¡mate of {Al¢.........................................48
32. The Pillars of Isl¡m....................................................................49
33. The Perpetual Wil¡yat...............................................................50
34. Wil¡yat and Taw¦¢d..................................................................51
35. The Day of the Cry of Despair of Sha¢§¡n..................................52
36. The Wil¡yat of {Al¢ is the Fortress of Taw¦¢d.............................53
37. The Successor of the Prophet.....................................................54
38. Isl¡m in the Shadow of Wil¡yat ................................................55
39. A Thousand Witnesses ..............................................................56
40. {Al¢ – The Commentator of the Qur}¡n.......................................57

n the tenth year after the migration to Mad¢nah, the year which
later became known as °ajjatul Wid¡{ [The (year of the) farewell
°ajj], the Muslims who had accompanied the Noble Prophet 
to Makkah were finishing their °ajj rites. Once the °ajj was
complete, the Prophet  and those with him were making their way
back to Mad¢nah and the other cities from which they had come.
When they reached R¡bigh - a spot three miles from Ju¶fah, one of
the miq°t for the Øujj°j - the order came from All¡h i to halt the
entire caravan.
At this point, the Truthful conveyor of the revelation, Jibr°}¢l  came
to the Prophet  who was stationed in the valley known as Ghad¢r
Khumm and revealed the following verse of the Qur}¡n to him:

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“O’ Messenger! Convey that which has been revealed to you from
your Lord and if you do not do so, it is as if you have not conveyed
His message at all, and All¡h will protect you from the people…”
(S£ratul M°idah (5), Verse 67)
Since this verse commanded the Prophet  to stop right where he
was, he himself and those with him, halted in the valley of Ghad¢r.
It was noontime, and as can be expected, the weather was extremely
hot. The Noble Prophet  performed ¯al¡tul Zuhr in congregation,
and then with multitudes of people around him, ascended to a small
platform built from camel saddles and other things that the Muslims
had with them.
In a loud voice, he gave a long speech and said to the people: “O’
people! Know that shortly I shall answer the call of The Truth (All¡h)
and will no longer be among you – I have a responsibility (to All¡h)
and you too have a responsibility (towards Him).”
The Prophet  then mentioned something very important to the
people and stated: “I am leaving behind two weighty things to you as
a trust – one of them is the Book of All¡h, and the other is my family,
the Ahlul Ba¢t. These two shall never separate from one another. O’
people! Do not attempt to supersede the Qur}¡n and my family, and
do not be negligent in your actions towards these two, because if you
do so, you shall be destroyed.”
After stating this, he took the hand of {Al¢ , raised it up and
introduced him to the multitudes of people and asked: “Who has
more of a right over the believers than their own selves?” Everyone
present proclaimed: “All¡h and His Prophet know better.”
The Noble Prophet  then said: “All¡h is my master and I am the
master of all the believers and I have more right and authority over
the believers than they have over their own selves.”
Then he continued:

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“Whomsoever I am his master, this {Al¢ is also his master. O’ All¡h!
Befriend he who befriends him ({Al¢) and oppose he who opposes him
The Angel of Revelation, Jibra}¢l  once again descended by the
order of All¡h i and this time, revealed the following verse of the

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“On this day have I completed your religion for you and perfected My
bounties upon you and am pleased with Isl¡m as being your religion.”
Therefore, this day was marked in history as a momentous and grand

The day of Ghad¢r was a day of epic proportions in history. It was a
day which would become known as the Day of Wil¡yat (Mastership);
the Day of Im¡mate (Leadership); the Day of Wi¥¡yat
(Successorship); the Day of Brotherhood; the Day of Valour; the Day
of Courage, Bravery and Protection (of the faith); the Day of Pleasure
for the Believers; and they Day of Candidness.
It was a Day of:
• (Divine) blessings;
• Showing thanks to the Almighty;
• Conveyance of the message;
• Congratulations and felicitations;
• Happiness, delight and gift giving;
• The pact and promise and renewal of the Pledge of
• Completion of the religion;
• Expression of the truth;
• Grief of Sha¢§¡n;
• Introducing the leader and the (true) path;
• Testing (the faith) of the Muslims;
• Despair for the enemies;
• Hope for the (true) friends.
In summary, it was the Day of Isl¡m, Qur}¡n, and the Ahlul Ba¢t .
It was the day which the followers of the true teachings of the faith of
Isl¡m mark with great esteem and a day when they congratulate one
It can be understood from the A¦¡d¢th that the A}immah  took this
day as one of celebration and used to hold special programs to
ccelebrate this event. It has been narrated from Fayy°§ ibne
Mu¦ammad at-∞£s¢ that, “I was in the presence of the 8th Im¡m on
the day of Ghad¢r (18th of Dhul Øijjah). I saw a particular group of
people serving the Im¡m and the Im¡m was (intentionally) keeping
them in his house until the time of sunset came so that he may give
them food to eat (and thus enable them to break their fast). The
Im¡m ordered that food, new clothes, shoes, rings, and other gifts be
sent for their families. In the house, I noticed that the state of all of
those present was something completely different than normal, and it
was from those people that I learned the greatness and magnitude of
this day.” (Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, volume 97, page 112, ¦ad¢th 8)
In another °ad¢th it has been mentioned that one day during the days
of the “open caliphate” of Im¡m {Al¢ , the day of Jumu{ah and {E¢d
Ghad¢r fell together. On this day, the Im¡m  delivered a long
speech and said, “This gathering shall soon come to an end and all of
you will go back to your homes and families – may All¡h shower His
mercy upon all of you.
On this day, you should be kind to your families and do good deeds
to your brothers. You should thank All¡h for the blessings which He
has granted you. You must also be sure to unite with one another so
that through this, All¡h may assist you.
Do good to others so that All¡h makes your friendship firm and
immovable. From the blessings which All¡h has given you, give gifts
to one another. On this day, All¡h will give rewards (to you) in
multiple folds compared to other days of celebration ({E¢d). This form
of reward cannot be attained except through this day (Ghad¢r). Doing
good to others and giving away much wealth to others increases the
life span. Being a host to others results in the mercy and love of All¡h
descending upon you.
On this day, as much as you are able to, give your brothers and family
a portion of the wealth which All¡h has granted you.
Always be smiling and in a happy mood when you meet one another;
and be sure to thank All¡h for the blessings which He has showered
upon you.

Go towards those people whose hope may lie in you and do good to
them. In regards to your food and drink (on this day), ensure that
between you and those who are under your care and supervision,
there is equality. This equality and equity must be displayed to the
extent of your ability (and you should know that) the reward of giving
one dirham of charity on this day is equivalent to giving 100,000
dirhams of charity (on any other day) and the Divine bounty of this is
in All¡h’s hands alone.
All¡h has also made it highly recommended to fast on this day and
has promised a great reward for one who observes it. If a person was
to look after the needs and necessities of his brothers, even before his
own wishes and desires (were expressed to All¡h), and if one was to
look after their requests in the best possible way, then one would be
granted such a reward that it would be equivalent to fasting the entire
day and spending the entire night in worship until the morning hours.
A person who feeds another fasting person on this day will be equal to
that person who went person by person and fed all of the fasting
people (with his own hands).
You must convey all that you have just heard to those who are not
here. The strong and able people must go out in search of the weak
people; the powerful must go in search of the oppressed, as these are
all things which the Prophet  has commanded me to do.”

Im¡m {Al¢  then read the Khu§bah for Jumu{ah and performed the
¯al¡t al-Jumu{ah (since there is no special ¯al¡t for this {Eid). He then
went with his children and Sh¢{a to the house of Im¡m °usain ,
where food was ready, and he distributed gifts to the Sh¢{a – both the
needy and the free from need - who had accompanied him, and then
instructed them to go home to their families.”1

Insh¡-All¡h, we hope that one day all Muslims of the world will mark
the day of {E¢dul Ghad¢r in such a great and magnanimous way and
celebrate it as it deserves to be celebrated.

Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, vol. 97, Page 117

Part One
The Status of {E¢dul Ghad¢r

°ad¢th Number 1
The {E¢d of the Khil¡fat and Wil¡yat
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It has been narrated from Ziy¡d ibne Mu¦ammad that he said, “I
went to see Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) and said to him, “Do the Muslims have an {E¢d other than
the day of Jumu{ah and al-Fi§r and al-A¤¦¡?” The Im¡m (peace be
upon him) replied to me, “Yes, the day which the Messenger of All¡h
(blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family) appointed Am¢rul
Mo’min¢n (peace be upon him) [as the leader of the Ummah after
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 736

°ad¢th Number 2
The Best {E¢d of the Ummah
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0  0 L  7  I  H  0 J 9  >  P 9 ' ) / 0 (>   GF E
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The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said: “The day of Ghad¢r Khumm is the best {Eid of my
nation. It is the day on which All¡h, the High, ordered me to mention
the appointment of my brother, {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib as the flag and
standard of my nation. People shall be guided by him after me and
this is the day in which All¡h completed the religion and perfected the
bounties upon my nation and on which He was pleased with Isl¡m as
their religion.”
Al-Am¡l¢ of as-¯ad£q, Page 125, °ad¢th 8

°ad¢th Number 3
The Great {E¢d of All¡h
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2  9 J ! ,   J & > Y X  >      6 D5 9 4 2' ) 
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It has been narrated from as-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad]
(peace be upon him) that he said, “This is the greatest {E¢d of All¡h,
and every Prophet appointed by All¡h celebrated this day as an {E¢d,
and knew the sanctity of this day. The name of this day in the
heavens is the Day of the Allegiance and Well-Known Pact, and on
the Earth this Day is known as the Day of the Promise which is taken
and the Day of the Gathering of those who witnessed (the event).”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 5, Page 224, °ad¢th 1

°ad¢th Number 4
The {E¢d of Wil¡yat
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>   # 5   $ 6 D5   # a   O  # R  # ' ( : 5 C@ ' ! ? 
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.#3L 7 > $4 c 0 [ Z;
“It was said to Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq]
(peace be upon him): “Do the true believers have an {E¢d other than
the two {E¢d (of al-A¤¦¡ and al-Fi§r) and the Jumu{ah?” The Im¡m
replied, “Yes, they have one which is even greater than these ones and
that is the day when Am¢rul Mo}min¢n (peace be upon him) was
designated by the Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him
and his family) with the Wil¡yah (at Ghad¢r Khumm) which rests on
the necks of all the men and women.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 325, °ad¢th 5

°ad¢th Number 5
The Day of Renewal of the Oath of Allegiance
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It has been narrated from {Amm¡r ibne °ar¢z that he said, “I went to
see Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) on the 18th of Dhul °ijjah and found him fasting. He said
to me, ‘This is a great day. All¡h has magnified the sacredness of this
day for the true believers and perfected the religion for them and
completed upon them the bounties and renewed the pledge which He
had taken from them (previously).”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 737

°ad¢th Number 6
The {E¢d of the Heavens
9 > $4 c    $ SE W : 5  J 0   Di0 h 42 Y  *  >L   5
 ! ;: 9 J  > R j  [ Z! ;
Al-Ri¤¡ [Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡] (peace be upon him) has said, “My
father related to me from his father (peace be upon them) that, ‘The
Day of Ghad¢r is more well known in the heavens than it is on the
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 737

°ad¢th Number 7
An Incomparable {E¢d
> A  ^ 5 J 9 DS ]k _ 2  # a    $ 6 D5 SE W :    5
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Im¡m {Al¢ (peace be upon him) has said, “Surely this is a highly
recognized day, on it the succor was brought, and the station (of the
one who was worthy of it) was elevated, and the proofs (of All¡h)
were made manifest. This is the day when from a pure station, words
were clearly and straightforwardly stated, and this is the day of the
completion of the religion and the (day) when the promise and pact
were taken…”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 97, Page 116

°ad¢th Number 8
A Very Beneficial {E¢d
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J &: : 1  9 o 2 X >    / 0  : T   H2   
9I8    ... p 3 >2  > _
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.3 4 ' 0 91=   J 9 >   !  / 0
As-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad] (peace be upon him) has
said, “I swear by All¡h that if people knew the true greatness of this
day, the Angels would shake hands with them ten times every day …
and All¡h would grant a person who recognizes (the greatness of this
day) what can not be enumerated.”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 737

°ad¢th Number 9
A Luminous {E¢d
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    "   0 > ! :  @ ' ! ?

Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said, “The Day of Ghad¢r, in comparison to the ({Eids
of) al-Fi§r, al-A¤¦¡ and the day of Jumu{ah, is like the moon in
relation to the rest of the planets.”
Iqb¡l of Sayyid Ibne ±¡w£s, Page 466

°ad¢th Number 10
One of the Four Divinely Appointed {E¢ds
9   2$ @ ' 0% 
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 > B A   $ :O % 4 7 9  o > '  X q d ) !  NE b  d2  / 0
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.#3L 7 > $4 =  $  @ ' ! ?  ;:  $
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said, “When the Day of Judgement comes about, four
days shall hasten towards All¡h, the Noble and Grand, just as a bride
hastens towards her bridal chamber: the day of al-Fi§r, the day of al-
A¤¦¡, the day of al-Jumu{ah, and the day of Ghad¢r Khumm.”
Iqb¡l of Sayyid Ibne ±¡w£s, Page 466

Section Two
The Worthy and Deserving Day of Ghad¢r

°ad¢th Number 11
The Day of the Message and the Wil¡yat
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3L  @ $  SE W  Dt  @ $  0 5 42 e  0   s   LK  " 
S  (>    0L% L    4 R2  .4R  D0L% @ $  &$   &$ 
. ! " cq 0
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “O’ assembly of Muslims – those who are present
must convey the following to those who are not, “I advise the person
who believes in me and has confirmed me (as being the final Prophet)
to accept the Wil¡yat (mastership of {Al¢). Now surely the mastership
of {Al¢ is my mastership, and my mastership is the mastership of my
Lord. This is a pledge from my Lord which He commanded me to
convey to all of you.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 37, Page 131, °ad¢th 35
°ad¢th Number 12
The Day of Feeding Others
 / 0  , %  5  GF E   J (2W  ... : /0 4 8 0   5
/ 0  .>" j  H  9 J 2e
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 9 J 9 S 0  .!  o  2  u
#  O ? @  e  3 ' Q W  3 e   J (2     
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2  @ ! = >   D *5 P
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.S B _  >  J 9 
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said, “…and surely this is the day when the Messenger
of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family) appointed {Al¢
(peace be upon him) as the flag for the people and made known his
greatness and successorship; and he fasted on this day as a sign of
thanks to All¡h, the Glorious and Noble. This day should be taken as
one of fasting, feeding others, establishing ties with brothers (in faith),
and on this day is the pleasure of the Most Merciful (al-Ra¦m¡n) and
the rubbing in the dust (humiliation) of the face of Sha¢§¡n.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 328, °ad¢th 12

°ad¢th Number 13
The Day of Gifts
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" VX  W, 
 =    C  " VA    6 D5 L) U * ' 2   % "
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   ]  ' G 98 7  [  " \ [ &  L 2,  Z '  " V C 
. 6M   / 0
It has been narrated from Am¢rul Mo’min¢n [{Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib]
(peace be upon him) that he said, “…when you meet each other (on
the Day of {Eid Ghad¢r), shake hands with one another with greetings
(of peace) and exchange gifts on this day and let those who are
present convey this to those who are not, and let the rich person give
something to the poor, and the powerful one to the weak, as the
Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family)
commanded me to (also) do this.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 327

°ad¢th Number 14
The Day of Protection
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 " 9 ... : 5  <   K !  >    
  #  ;: 9 ' % / 0 98 J  ! * (  p
  K !   <   K ! 
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It has been narrated form Am¢rul Mo’min¢n [{Al¢ ibn Ab¢ ±¡lib] (peace
be upon him) that he said, “…how shall the state of that person be
who has taken the responsibility upon himself for a number of the
believing men and believing women (on the Day of Ghad¢r) since I
personally have guaranteed that person protection from disbelief and
poverty, in the presence of All¡h, the Most High.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 327

°ad¢th Number 15
The Day of Thanks and Happiness
 / 0  >3 " j  `_ M K
  v3  8  $  O ...  / 0 4 8 0   5
q Y  (LW  D&$ L   # "   J 0 / 0 2  !  %3 > ,  DJ  43 ! Y
.  H
) S  # " 
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said: “…this is the day (18th of Dhul °ijjah) of worship
and prayers and thanks to All¡h and His praise, and is a day of
happiness due to the obligation which All¡h has laid upon all of you
in regards to our (the Ahlul Ba¢t’s) Wil¡yat, and surely I love to see
you fast on this day.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 328, °ad¢th 13

°ad¢th Number 16
The Day of Doing Good to Others
 (  7 - #3 O %  w
 ] 0 J 9 # O % 4   ... : T   H 2   
NE  J 9 >2 ,     6 D5 9 x  (  7 W 98 N M
 9 ] 9 D<  9% ' 
.@3  K   3  K 
It has been narrated from as-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad]
(peace be upon him) that he said, “…giving one dirham to a brother
in faith and who has cognizance (of the greatness and importance of
the day of Ghad¢r) is equal to giving 1,000 dirham (at any other time).
Therefore on this day, give to your brothers and make all of the
believing men and believing women happy and delighted.”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 737

°ad¢th Number 17
The Day of Joy and Happiness
3  e 3 > 9  43   $ J (2 : / 0 4 8 0   5
  $  %3 > ,  n
.9 ' % / 0  .>" j
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said: “Surely this day [18th of Dhul °ijjah] is a day of
festivity, joy and happiness and it is a day of fasting as a sign of
thanks to All¡h, the Most High.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 326, °ad¢th 10

°ad¢th Number 18
The Day of Congratulations and Felicitations
# " ' ! ?
  [ M  : ( 4 ' 0 / 0 # " ! Y %  L  : iq   5
NE b  d2  / 0  > " _ q  # " (  7 z0 >y 8 D# "  98 @ ' ,q  &20
 $ % 8)  D# " ! j / 0 ^ ! ?
N H  $  ' ! &b  D# " 1    98
   \E0 / 0 #  ] 2O !  / 0 @ ! ' ( K( R )  D# " &A  / 0
J 9 {
...J \ 9 E W  4 ' 0  J  85   |`  X
 ' *  98
Im¡m {Al¢ (peace be upon him) said: “When your assembly adjourns,
may All¡h have mercy on you, then show generosity towards your
dependants, kindness to your brethren, and gratitude to All¡h for
what He has bestowed upon you. Come together that All¡h may unite
you, do good to one another that All¡h may increase your mutual
love; and congratulate one another for All¡h’s favour as He has given
you the good tidings of a reward many times greater than previous or
future {E¢ds, except an {E¢d like it [when {E¢d falls on a Friday].”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 97, Page 117

°ad¢th Number 19
A Day of Greeting and Disavowal

 ' b :
 5 : 5  / 0 4 8 0   43 j %  0  ; 1   7" !
! ;  Y $ D# ' ( : 5 C $4 '  > = 4  <  ! ; !   D} 4 9
  $ : 5 C  O 3  $ Gq   :J 

 5 : 5 .! R 9> j   ! R ! a  

 ' b :J 
 5 .o 2 .!  J 9  <   K !  >   I  H  (
> \" )   ;
 Y $ J  H ) : 5 CJ 9 ^ H
 ( S   c 8$   } 4 9
D# R !    !  D/ 0 9   >2 8&)  J 9 J s  43 !2 1   98 ` 5 1
J 9 : $ S  GF E  0 b: aK  " ;: >  ] )

 ( b: aC;: S€ z9

..4 F   &2q$ S  q e   
It has been narrated from °asan ibne R¡shid from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h
[Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he

said, “May I be sacrificed for you! Do the Muslims have a festivity
other than the two {E¢d celebrations?” The Im¡m (peace be upon him)
replied, “Yes O’ °asan! (There is one) greater than these two and
much worthier than them.” The companion replied, “And what day is
that?” The Im¡m said, “The day upon which Am¢rul Mo}min¢n [{Al¢
ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib] (peace be upon him) was appointed as the flag (of
guidance) for the people.” The companion then asked, “May I be
sacrificed for you! And what should we do (on this day)?” The Im¡m
replied, “You should fast on it, O’ °asan, and recite many prayers
upon Mu¦ammad and his family and disavow yourself towards All¡h
from all of those who oppressed them; surely the Prophets (of the
past) also commanded their successors to consider the day of their
appointment a day of celebration and {E¢d.”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 680

°ad¢th Number 20
The {E¢d of the Successors
J 9  >  P d2  / 0 S >  F ) ... : 5  / 0 4 8 0  
/ 0  , % SE z9 D43 !2 1
   s  43 !2 1 !  >  FL  v  8'   H
L 0

 6M B  D.4      NM F  &2$ S  <  K ! ‚   9K"  

 6M  # R f e    S e $  (  DN ' A ) [ƒ 8(|` 
..4 J (F   &29
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “…(on the day of {Eid
Ghad¢r) you should remember All¡h, the Noble, on this day through
fasting and worship and through remembering Mu¦ammad and the
family of Mu¦ammad since surely the Messenger of All¡h (blessings of
All¡h be upon him and his family) had advised Am¢rul Mo’min¢n to
take this day as a day of {E¢d, and this is the same thing which the
(previous) Prophets also did; they too advised their successors who
took this day as a day of {E¢d.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 327, °ad¢th 1
°ad¢th Number 21
The Day of Dedication and Prayers
" V e
 d R  * c  Z '  / ) ( * '  " : S  / 0 Z C8 L  8
 L C2 98 ` 5 1
" V(+ g "  8 / 0
 B N / )
 f^  #  L, C2
./ 8 98 / ) ( g
h   "
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “The worth of (good)
actions performed on this day (18th of Dhul °ijjah) is equivalent to 80
months (of good deeds) and one is advised to frequently remember
All¡h, the Noble and Grand, and send prayers upon the Prophet
(blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family) and that a man be
generous to his family (by presenting them with gifts).”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 325, °ad¢th 6

°ad¢th Number 22
The Day of Seeing the Leader
 :T 3 1 , W 0|`  5  43 !2 1    0 L   ; 1
  0 (    
  g  W  o 2 !g   V  7   q 82  5  J 9 > $4 c   $
4 R j  Dp 4 H  5 
 6M  D} 4 9
 ' b
 5 42 e  :

 5 [ 5 ] . 4 ' 0
.J :  7 98 / 0 @ ?
2 Y x  (2
It has been narrated from our master, Ab£l °asan {Al¢ ibne
Mu¦ammad [al-H°d¢] (peace be upon him) that he said to Ab¢ Is¶°q:
“The Day of Ghad¢r is the day when the Prophet (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) appointed his brother {Al¢ as the flag (of
guidance) for the people and the Im¡m after him.” Ab£ Is¦¡q said,
“You have spoken the truth, may I be sacrificed for you. It is for this
reason (alone) that I came to see you. I bear witness that truly you
are the proof of All¡h over all of His creations.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 324, °ad¢th 3

°ad¢th Number 23
The Day of Praising All¡h
 > 85 / 0 N 7   . K  J 9 % /   : * >L  9   0 L   
  S ' 8, 3  $ NE   > 85 % d $   > 85 9 ^ ,L   .% ( <  ' 8,
.@ 2?
 0 J (> _
L 8 $ x
Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡ al-Ri¤¡ (peace be upon him) has said, “All¡h
will grant a person who visits a true believer on it (the Day of {Eidul
Ghad¢r) seventy types of Divine Light in his grave and will expand his
grave. Every day, 70,000 Angels will visit him in the grave and they
will grant him the glad tidings of Paradise.”
Iqb¡l al-ª{m¡l, Page 778

°ad¢th Number 24
The Day of Visiting and Doing Good
>L 80 9 ' % / 0 9   0 >2 : &) S  # "  c 8$ : T  H
2   5
[` Z8(|`  SE 9 D#  O ? @  e  # Y >  @  e   ` 5 1    H
.J 0 >    
 NM  ' 9 # O [` Ze
     5  P W  (  +
; 2  # R  
Im¡m as-¯¡diq [Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad] (peace be upon him) has
said, “It is advisable for you (on the day of Ghad¢r) to become close
to All¡h, the Most High, through good deeds, fasting, prayers,
establishing (and maintaining) family ties and establishing ties
between (your) brothers. The Prophets (peace be upon all of them)
did the same thing when they appointed their successors, and also
advised them to act similarly.”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 736

°ad¢th Number 25
¯al¡t in Masjid al-Ghad¢r
4 ?
;  9 ` 5 1
Iq 1  &;  ) J (2W : 5  / 0 4 8 0  
^ *    O   <   K !  ‚   J 9  5   2 82 SE |` > $4 c 
  J 9 NE b  d2  / 0 > R  
.†2 1
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h Im¡m [Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that: “Surely it is recommended to
pray inside Masjid al-Ghad¢r since verily the Prophet (blessings of
All¡h be upon him and his family) introduced the Commander of the
Faithful (peace be upon him) [as the Im¡m] to the people here and
this is the spot in which All¡h, the Noble and Grand, made known
The Truth.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 3, Page 549

°ad¢th Number 26
¯al¡t on the Day of Ghad¢r

3 5  G2  <  &'  % J 9 9+K     : 5  / 0 4 8 0  

>   R 9 # 5 &E @  ;
2   O    d2  {
 > 5 J M
 9   [` Zj
> M
 Y  !  S  ...  o  2 .!  #3L 7 > $4 c 0  <   K ! 
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that: “A person who performs a two
Rak{at ¯al¡t any time he wishes (during the Day of 18th of Dhul
Hijjah), though it is best that this (¯al¡t) be performed as close to the
time of Zawwal (mid-day when the sun begins its decline; this is when
the time for ¯al¡tul Zuhr beings) as possible because this is the time at
which Am¢rul Mo}min¢n (peace be upon him) was appointed at Ghad¢r
Khumm as the flag of the people and … (the reward for this ¯al¡t) is
as if the person had been present on the Day (of Ghad¢r Khumm)…”
Was¡{il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 5, Page 225, °ad¢th 2

°ad¢th Number 27
Fasting on the Day of Ghad¢r
  (4q  > !  e
  4 ' $ #3L 7 > $4 =   $ e : T  H
2   5
 NM {    h J  S "  (4q  p
 > !    e
 #2 h Sˆ ;
 (W ‡
It has been narrated from as-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad]
(peace be upon him) that: “Fasting on the Day of Ghad¢r is equivalent
to fasting the time span of the (existence of the) entire world –
meaning that if a person were to live a life of the entire existence of
the world and were to fast this whole time, the reward for this fasting
would be equivalent to fasting (this one day of Ghad¢r).”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 324, °ad¢th 4

°ad¢th Number 28
The Day of Congratulations and Smiling
VeG' $ ^ G '  j 2  U i2 .  A    D " ... : S  < 
  2' g m6 + / 0  Z * =   : [  l O   Q *  9[ N k)
A    D "  U * W;: " R  2 Q * 
   U n   R
 ^ T
 * .* 
...# * ? ( D    3  2 l g " L) $ T  C.
It has been narrated from al-Ri¤¡ [{Al¢ ibne M£s¡] (peace be upon
him) that: “…and this is a day of congratulations and felicitations in
which you should greet and congratulate one another. When a
believer meets another, one should say, ‘All praise belongs to All¡h
who has made us amongst those who hold firm to the Wil¡yat of the
Commander of the Faithful and the A’immah (prayers be upon all of
them); and this is a day of smiling at other people and those of true
Iqb¡l al-ª{m¡l, Page 464

Section Three
Wil°yat in Ghad¢r

°ad¢th Number 29
The Prophet and the Wil¡yat of {Al¢
 / 0  , % >   #3L 7 > $4 =  $ S  !2  : 5 43 ' , 0  
$  0  : 5   3L  4 0 F 7 ] 9 D@ˆ '  b ` 5 1  :7F2) g$ 
     D      $  0  D    ' 9   
It has been narrated from Ab¢ Sa{¢d that: “When the day of Ghad¢r
Khumm came, the Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him
and his family) commanded the caller to call out, ‘Gather for the
¯al¡t. Then he took {Al¢ (peace be upon him) by the hand and said,
‘O’ All¡h! Whomsoever I am his master, this {Al¢ is also his master.
O’ All¡h! Be a friend to that person who is a friend to him, and be an
enemy to that person who is an enemy to him.’”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 37, Page 112, °ad¢th 4
°ad¢th Number 30
Living the Life of a Prophet
 ! $  D)Y 9=
p   S  4 $> $   : / 0   !  S
 0 2  E  & 9 0L% (4   &E 4    @ 2b  " ;
 $ D)! 
9 # "  7 4 2$    D‰ g 4O   # " b >   q$   J (2z9  I 3 Q 0
.@3  +
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said: “A person who wishes to live the life that I lived and
wishes to die the way I die, and wants to reside in the perpetual
Paradise which has been promised to me by my Lord should accept
the Wil¡yat of {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon him), because he
will never drag you away from the path of true guidance and he will
never misguide you.”
Al-Ghad¢r, Volume 10, Page 278

°ad¢th Number 31
The Prophet and the Im¡mate of {Al¢
 / 0  , %

' ! , : 5 G  % H  (|`  / 0 4 8  0 > 0b  

 Le    7 

 ( !q  $  I 3 Q 0  0 L '   : $

x   .)9  4 ' 0  L%5 P 9 &2  98 &A 7  h% 
.GL 4  } q 4   M  c 8 x M c 8  8L1
It has been narrated from J¡bir ibne {Abdullah al-An¥¡r¢ that: “I heard
the Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) say to {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon him): ‘O’ {Al¢! You
are my brother and my successor and my executor and my caliph over
my nation both during my life and also after my death. Those who
love you, love me; and those who hate you, hate me; and your enemy
is my enemy.”
Al-Am¡l¢ of as-¯¡d£q, Page 124, °ad¢th 5

°ad¢th Number 32
The Pillars of Isl¡m
 ` M 1
 :Š 3 ! 7 98 A @   ? L 2 : 5  >3 A ' b 0  
   (  [3  _
 0   $ #   @ $    mq 1
    H 2   ` BM 
.> $4 c   $ @ $  0
It has been narrated form Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) that: “Isl¡m is built on five foundations:
¯al¡t, Zak¡t, Sawm, °ajj and Wil¡yat – and there was no call to any
of these resembling that which the people were called towards in
order to accept the Wil¡yah on the Day of Ghad¢r.”
Al-K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 21, °ad¢th 8

°ad¢th Number 33
The Perpetual Wil°yat
 1 e 9 @ˆ 0 & "   t  @ $  : 5   ; 1   0  
@ 2e   v 2 8  0 E W . , % / 0 U
   43 !2 1 ' 82$    b aC;: ^ ! b
. 3L 
It has been narrated from Abil °asan [{Al¢ ibne M£s¡ al-Ri¤¡] (peace
be upon him) that: “The Wil¡yat of {Al¢ (peace be upon him) has been
written in all of the books of the (previous) Prophets and All¡h did not
appoint a single Messenger except with a (pledge to the) Prophethood
of Mu¦ammad and the successorship of {Al¢ (peace be upon him).”
Saf¢natul Bi¦¡r, Volume 2, Page 691

°ad¢th Number 34
Wil°yat and Taw¶¢d
J 8qY  / 0 @ $  I 3 Q 0  0 L  @ $  : / 0  , %  5
 ‹ 4    / 0 [ƒ    ‹    / 0 @ M
 $> 9 J  8)L  / 0 v  8
.NE b  d2  / 0 #  , J !  ,  / 0 { > Y J 0 > Y  / 0 [ƒ 4  
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “The Wil¡yat of {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib is the Wil¡yat of
All¡h; love for him ({Al¢) is worship of All¡h; following him ({Al¢) is an
obligatory act from All¡h; his friends are the friends of All¡h and his
enemies are the enemies of All¡h; fighting with him is (like) fighting
against All¡h; and making peace with him is (like) making peace with
All¡h, the Noble and Grand.”
Al-Am¡l¢ of as-¯¡d£q, Page 32

°ad¢th Number 35
The Day of the Cry of Despair of Sha¢§¡n
:p3 (2% ^ 0%  SE % / 0 2 4  Š
 0W SE W : 5  J 0   >3 A ' b  
  q 82 U ' 0   $  DE  ! ;: 9  Π8O    $  D '    $
.> $4 c    $
It has been narrated from Ja{far [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-
¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) from his father [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne
{Al¢ al-B¡qir] (peace be upon him) that: “Ibl¢s, the enemy of All¡h,
cried out (in hopelessness) four times: The day when he was cursed
(by All¡h); the day when he was sent down to the Earth; the day when
the Prophet (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family) was
officially appointed (to convey the message on Earth); and on the Day
of Ghad¢r.”
Qurbul Isn¡d, Page 10

°ad¢th Number 36
The Wil¡yat of {Al¢ is the Fortress of Taw¦¢d
0  0 L  @ $  :9 ' %  } % 8) / 0  : $ : y 82  
.G% (      H
 Y N 7   ! 9 DH
 Y I 3 Q
It has been narrated from the Prophet (blessings of All¡h be upon him
and his family) that: “All¡h, the Glorious and High, has said, “The
Wil¡yat of {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib is My fortress, so whoever enters into
My fortress will be protected from My fire.”
J¡mi{ al-Akhb¡r, Page 52, °ad¢th 7

°ad¢th Number 37
The Successor of the Prophet
 (  #  '  @ $4  ( q  $ : / 0  , %  5
   R 0 0

&A 7  &2   W

 ( ... {  8 N 85   E W @ $4 !  9%Q %
   0%  D} H     : j  x   Q    4 ' , DG4 ' 0 R  
.}     > ;
 7  } E  )
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “O’ {Al¢! I am the city of knowledge and you are its
gate and no one can enter into the city except by going through its
gate … You are the Im¡m of my nation and you are my successor.
Blessed is the person who obeys you and depraved is the person who
disobeys you. One who follows you will succeed, while the one who
turns away from you will be in a loss.”
J¡mi{ al-Akhb¡r, Page 52, °ad¢th 9

°ad¢th Number 38
Isl¡m in the Shadow of Wil¡yat
 ` 5 B  ` 5 1
 :@ˆ h +
h A @
  ? 9)c : T  H
2   5
.R &8Y H
 0 E W 2 R  vˆ4 Y  q H
 ) D@ $  
Im¡m as-¯¡diq [Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad] (peace be upon him) has
said: “The fundamental pillars of Isl¡m are three: ¯al¡t, Zak¡t and
Wil¡yat. No one of these will be valid unless accompanied by the
other two.”
Al-K¡fi, Volume 2, Page 18

°ad¢th Number 39
A Thousand Witnesses
 0 `   :  !  Ž
 A Y $ I
 '   / 0 4 8 0   5
F 7  98 % 4 : $ #  .4O j w
 |`  v > _
  J  S  J (2 !!I 3 Q i0
. $4 O _ 0 J :E Y F 7 ] $ N b >2   J : Y
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) has said, “O’ °af¥a! I am surprised at what happened to
{Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib!! Despite having tens of thousands of witnesses he
could not claim his right when in reality a person needs only two
witnesses to claim what is rightfully his!”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 37, Page 140

°ad¢th Number 40
{Al¢ – The Commentator of the Qur}¡n
 D/ 0 {  & ‚ ;  A ) 98 > $4 c    $ J b ? &Y W 9  L 82  
 ! R H  Y  S    > \    > 1
    + 1   SE W   DJ  W   42 
D43 Y  3 :  9  > 1     9   + 1  0 >  Z9 D! R 9 >L  
  8 : 0 D# "  @ : A H 2   # "   @ ' 8 F 7 s S  p >  ]9
U * W;:  <  K !  >   t  9 NE b  d2  / 0   J 0
9 > a (  DJ )$s  ! R 9   > 024 ) o  2 > j '  . 4 ' 0  
 D > b  / # "   L8 $   / 0  9 DJ R 0_
 &  ' 8&2)  J )! " 1  
. 4 0 F 7 s ( GF E E W  > ;  A )   # "  ^ *   $
From the Prophet (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family), in
his address on the Day of Ghad¢r: “{Al¢ is the exegesis (Tafs¢r) of the
book of All¡h and the one who calls others to it. Verily, that which is
permitted and forbidden is more than what I can explain to you; what
I command you as permitted and forbid you as prohibited, is all from
one position. I was commanded to take your allegiance and your
pledge to accept what I brought from All¡h, the Exalted, regarding
{Al¢, the commander of the believers, and the Im¡ms after him. O’
People! Ponder and understand the verses (of the Qur}an), observe
those that are clear and do not follow those that are unclear; for by
All¡h no one can explain to you its limitations or clarify its meanings
except the one whose hand I am holding (meaning Im¡m {Al¢).”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 18, Page 142, °ad¢th 43

or the past 25 years, the Islamic Education Board of the World
Federation has been blessed to be able to translate and author
books in English (and other languages) to aide in the spiritual
development of the Muslim community. What follows is but a partial
list of our titles. For more information or to order these or any other
titles, please see our website at

1. Title: Islamic Laws - English Version of Taudhiul Masail

Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Ali al-Husaini as-Seestani
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
2. Title: A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims
Author: Marhum Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy
Translator: N/A
3. Title: Al Amaali - Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid
Author: Shaykh Muhammad ibne Muhammad al-Nu{man
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
4. Title: Nahjul Balagha Revisited
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
5. Title: The Role of Ahlul Bait in the Preservation of Islam
Author: Allamah Sayyid Murtada {Askari
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
6. Title: Fiqh and Fuqaha
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
7. Title: Pearls of Wisdom
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
8. Title: The Collection and Preservation of Qur}an
Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khoei
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
9. Title: Anecdotes for Reflection - Part I
Author: Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
10. Title: The Islamic Moral System: Commentary of Surah Hujurat
Author: Ayatullah Ja{far Subhani
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service []

11. Title: Tafsir of the Noble Qur'an : Suratul Jinn

Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service []

12. Title:
Title: 40 Hadith: Month of Ramadhan
Author: Shaykh Mirmanafi
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
13. Title: 40 Hadith: Tabligh
Author: Shaykh Mirmanafi
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
14. Title: 40 Hadith: Azadari
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
15. Title: 40 Hadith: Quran
Author: Sayyid Majid Adili
Translator: Arifa Hudda & Saleem Bhimji
16. Title: Islam and Religious Pluralism
Author: Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
Translator: Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Publishing House []

17. Title: Guiding the Youth of the New Generation

Author: Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
Translator: Saleem Bhimji

18. Title: 40 Hadith: Prophet Isa
Author: N/A
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
19. Title: Anecdotes for Reflection - Part II
Author: Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
20. Title: Jesus on Ethics
Author: N/A
Translator: Dr. Mu¦ammad Legenhausen
21. Title: Essence of Worship: ¯al¡t [40 Hadith]
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
22. Title: Lofty Status of Parents [40 Hadith]
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
23. Title: The Spiritual Journey – Hajj [40 Hadith]
Author: Mahmud Mahdipur
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
24. Title: Completion of Isl¡m – Ghadeer [40 Hadith]
Author: Mahmud Sharifi
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
40 Ahadith Series

The Spiritual Journey - Hajj

40 Ahadith
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1-898449-81-3
© Copyright 2005 the World Federation of KSIMC
Published by
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303
Islamic Centre - Wood Lane
Stanmore, Middlesex, United Kingdom, HA7 4LQ
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In the Name of All¡h, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Noble Prophet (prayers of All¡h be upon him and his family) has said:

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“The person from my nation who memorizes forty traditions pertaining to those issues
of religion which he is in need of, will be resurrected by All¡h on the Day of Judgement
as a person with deep insight into the faith and as a scholar.”
In following the above ¦ad¢th, The Islamic Education Board of The World Federation of
KSIMC (IEB - WF) has decided to publish a series of booklets of 40 A¦¡d¢th on
different subjects. The A¦¡d¢th which have been selected from various sources, are short
and simple and therefore easy to understand and memorize. It is envisaged that the
booklets will not only be useful for Zakireen, Madrasah teachers and students, but will
be of benefit to the Ummah at large.
The collection of the A¦¡d¢th and introduction of this present work was done by
Ma¦m£d Mahd¢p£r [as found on the InterNet at
Haj/Index.htm while the translation in English was carried out by Shaykh Saleem
Bhimji. IEB - WF would like to thank Shaykh Saleem for his efforts in the translation of
this work. May All¡h (Glory and Greatness be to Him) accept this work as a further
attempt by IEB - WF to propagate Isl¡m.
Introduction........................................................................................ 9
1. Importance of °ajj ....................................................................... 17
2. The °ajj and Focusing on All¡h ................................................... 18
3. The Talbiyyah and the Sacrifice ................................................... 19
4. The Major °ajj (°ajj al-Akbar) & The Benefits of the °ajj .......... 21
6. Dying While on the Way to °ajj.................................................. 22
7. The Sanctity of the Guests of All¡h............................................... 23
8 Preparing for the I¦r¡m ................................................................. 24
9. Looking at the Ka’bah .................................................................. 25
10 Intention for the °ajj................................................................... 26
11 Fasting on the Day of Tashr¢q in Min¡........................................ 27
12 °ajj or Jih¡d? .............................................................................. 28
13 Reward for the ±aw¡f .................................................................. 29
14 °ajj and the Renewal of the Pledge ............................................ 30
15. The Success and Perpetuity of Isl¡m .......................................... 31
16. Philosophy Behind the Name “Al-Ka{bah”................................. 32
17. Three Sacred Things ................................................................... 33
18. Donations to Maintain the Ka{bah ............................................. 34
19. The Safety of the Sanctuary (°aram) ......................................... 35
20. The Four Chosen Cities............................................................... 37
21. Performing the °ajj with °ar¡m Wealth.................................... 39
22. Etiquette of the °ajj ................................................................... 40

23. Exemptions for Women in the °ajj Rites ................................... 41
24. Spread of Mercy in the Vicinity of the Ka{bah............................ 42
25. °ijr (Wall) of Ism¡{¢l .................................................................. 43
26. Three Hundred and Sixty ±aw¡f of the Ka{bah .......................... 44
27. Rubbing the Corner of the °ajrul Aswad.................................... 45
28. ¯al¡t inside Masjidul °ar¡m...................................................... 46
29. Water of Zamzam....................................................................... 47
30. Supplication in {Araf¡t................................................................ 48
31. Importance of {Araf¡t ................................................................. 49
32. Rewards for Stoning the Sha¢§¡n ................................................ 50
33. Philosophy Behind Stoning the Sha¢§¡n ..................................... 51
34. The Sacrifice of an Animal in °ajj.............................................. 52
35. Burying the Shaved Hair in Min¡ ............................................... 53
36. Ziy¡rat of the Messenger of All¡h .......................................... 54
37. Bidding Farewell to the Ka{bah .................................................. 55
38. Importance of the Ziy¡rat of the Ahlul Bayt after °ajj ............... 56
39. Welcoming People who Return from °ajj.................................. 57
40. Wal¢mah - Feeding Others After Returning From the °ajj.......... 58

All¡h, the Most High, has said:


( ' & % $ 
“Surely the first House which was appointed for mankind (as a place
of worship) was that in Bakkah (Makkah), the blessed, and a source
of guidance for the entire universe.” (S£rat ªle {Imr¡n (3), Verse 96)
HUMANITY IS CONTINUOUSLY BEING overwhelmed by the problems of
day to day life in the quest for both their true and perceived material
needs; they are plagued with bureaucracy, their own daily
professions, and keeping abreast with the news of things happening
around them – in their own country and throughout the world.
All of these things prevent a person from enacting his Divinely granted
responsibilities and the lofty goals which he sets for himself.
Such a busy life keeps one negligent of one’s original identity and true
(eventual) abode. It is the °ajj which acts as a sacred migration from
all of the things which one is tied down with in one’s daily life and
also the habits which one becomes accustomed to. Thus, through the
°ajj, an individual evolves into a person who begins to travel back
towards All¡h i and towards his All¡h-given innate character and
By performing the °ajj, a person is able to be present in the general
yearly gathering of Muslims from the entire world, and one can
witness the Divine along with others who believe in the same religion,
have one aspiration and are all worshipping the Only Creator.
Being present in the Miq¡t (spot of wearing the I¦r¡m), chanting the
Talbiyyah (Labbayk All¡humma Labbayk…), performing the §aw¡f
around the House of All¡h i, performing the ¯al¡t, running between
the mountains of al-¯af¡ and al-Marwah, trimming the nails or hair,
then making the great move to {Araf¡t, Mash{ar followed by Min¡, and
culminating this great act of worship with the sacrifice of an animal,
and then finally shaving the head – all of these acts have thousands of
secrets and mysteries related to them which are obviously not possible
to explain in the light of forty short A¦ad¢th (as will be covered in this
However, it is important to note that a portion of the secrets behind
all of these acts of worship, which are both political and spiritual, is

that they actually pull a person towards a greater study and research
of the Isl¡mic texts and are actually the cause for the thirst towards
more knowledge and a stimulation to learn more about the faith.
The minute intellectual reflections and small goals which people have
for themselves, take on a much larger scale when they are engrossed
in the great universal gathering of Muslims. Without a doubt, it is
within such a venue that an individual wishes and desires the hopes
and aspirations not only for himself, rather for all Muslims.
The °ujjaj participating in this great Abrahamic journey, spiritually
link their actions with those done by the great prophets of the past
and open up the doors of the historical past to their own realm of
The Divinely taught sacred call of “Labbayk All¡humma Labbayk…”
brings to mind the ancient pledge, pact, and innate covenant which
mankind made with their Creator aforetime.
It is through putting on the white clothing of the I¦r¡m that a person
removes the spiritually dark traits of selfishness, pretentiousness, and
the rampant desire to fulfill one’s sensual pleasures, and puts an end
(hopefully not temporarily) to one’s evil habits and actions. Through

this clothing which one has now donned, one sees and understands
that all the praise, blessings, and power belong solely to All¡h i.
The etiquette related to being inside the Sanctuary (°aram) teaches us
the noble ethical traits and the sacred Divine morals which we must
enact at all times in our lives.
In the physical actions of the °ajj, we are taught the lessons of unity,
the importance of keeping the spiritual realm and politics together,
maintaining true faith, building alliances with other Muslims, and the
true meaning of freedom. At the same time, we are also taught to
stand up and fight against disbelief, polytheism, and other Satanic
forces as one firm unit of Muslims.
It is through the §aw¡f in the presence of one’s beloved and standing
at the Maq¡m of Ibr¡h¢m and performing the ¯al¡t that a person
becomes one with the Angels in the heavens who are performing the
same action!
Through the act of the Sa{¢ between the mountains of al-¯af¡ and al-
Marwah and then trimming the hair, a person is finally permitted to
once again circle the Ka{bah in the final §aw¡f known as the ±aw¡f an-
Nis¡ where he finishes off this entire °ajj by standing at the Maq¡m-
e-Ibr¡h¢m and performing one final two Rak{at ¯al¡t.
It is through greeting the °ajrul Aswad and even kissing it that a
person renews the pledge one made in the other world, as the Qur}¡n

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“And when your Lord brought forth from the children of ªdam, from
their backs, their descendants, and made them bear witness against
their own souls: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said: ‘Yes! we bear
witness.’ Lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: Surely we
were heedless of this.” (7:172)
It is only through drinking the delicious water of the well of Zamzam
that a person is able to once again, hear the whisper of life flowing
through one’s entire body and soul…
The momentary stops through the °ajj and the movements made from
one place to another by the command of All¡h i and with the
remembrance of All¡h i teach a person the Abrahimc way of life.
It is through the acts of the slaughtering of an animal that a person is
able to slit the throat of his negative trait of miserliness, and it is
through the act of shaving the head that one begins to prepare himself
once again to be able to enter into Masjidul °ar¡m, the house of his
However before this, one must make his way to the Jamar¡t to stone
the large, middle and small representations of the Satan. Through this
act, he announces his disavowal and disapproval from anything
Satanic and anything which has polytheistic undertones to it.
That which we have mentioned in this short booklet is a collection of
forty ¦ad¢th in regards to this great obligatory act – the °ajj. These
A¦¡d¢th go forth to elucidate and explain some of the etiquettes and
goals behind the °ajj.
The sacredness and sanctity of the sites of the °ajj and the role which
they have in the life of a person have also been alluded to in our
selection of narrations.
The short traditions which have come to us from the Infallible Leaders
of the faith  which we have quoted in this work open up a new

outlook to the beautiful visage of the °ajj which the visitors to the
sacred house of All¡h. For those that have a strong desire to make the
trip, but have not yet been blessed to, need to carefully study these as
‫ﺣﺠﻜﻢ ﻣﻘﺒﻮل و ﺳﻌﻴﻜﻢ ﻣﺸﻜﻮر‬
‘May your °ajj be accepted and may all of your efforts be

Ma¦m£d Mahd¢p£r

°ad¢th Number 1
Importance of °ajj
%  K <OG - ;@  N /+M
A L - + $! 
  6G K J K J :

.? C 1  A -  P C A
Im¡m {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon him) has said, “By All¡h, by
All¡h keep the House of your Lord in mind. Do not disregard it as
long as you remain (alive) because surely if it is ignored, then He shall
not look towards you (with His Mercy).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 16

°ad¢th Number 2
The °ajj and Focusing on All¡h
S A P !  A K J?
 / B 6G  C B ? C E & R 6  2 >
 T :
      K   - +  6<$ KJ? = ? C E G 
.K J? =
It has been narrated from Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢] al-
B¡qir (peace be upon him) that in regards to the words of All¡h, the
Glorious and High:

      K   - +  6<$ KJ? = ? C E G 

“So then hasten towards All¡h, surely I (Mu¦ammad) am a plain
warner to you from Him.” (S£ratul Dh¡riy¡t (51), Verse 50)

the Im¡m said, “Struggle towards All¡h (perform the °ajj).”

Ma{¡niul Akhb¡r, Page 222

°ad¢th Number 3
The Talbiyyah and the Sacrifice
C  9 ' Z   ) :
 @ G  6$ ? => Y+ XC  R
 W < :
 B  6V > 2 >
\ % ]?  % ;  `
 ?/ [
_S ?  G! \ & %G ^\ % ]? \$ & %  7
Z [ 
. 9  %? C Z
It has been narrated from {Al¢ [ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib] (peace be upon him)
that he said, “Jibra}¢l descended to the Prophet (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) and said to him, ‘O’ Mu¦ammad!
Command your companions al-{Ajj and al-Thalj. The {Ajj is to raise
your voice in pronouncing the Talbiyyah (Labbayk All¡humma
Labbayk) out loud, while the Thalj is to slaughter an animal (on the
day of {E¢d).”
Ma{¡niul Akhb¡r, Page 224

°ad¢th Number 4
The Major °ajj (°ajj al-Akbar)
and the Minor °ajj (°ajj al-A¥ghar)
\$ Z
%? 3 / ) 2 >  K J? 9  >     % ba :
 B ! ' > 2  )  &  2 >
.d+ C ' & %? C c [
_S ? C Z
 %? 3 / ) / . :
 @ G C  #% _S ?
It has been narrated by Mu{¡wiyah ibne {Amm¡r that he said, “I
asked Ab¡ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace
be upon him) in regards to the day of the major °ajj (°ajj al-Akbar)
and he said, ‘This is the day of the sacrifice ({Eidul Qurb¡n), while the
minor °ajj (°ajj al-A¥ghar) is the {Umrah.”
Ma{¡niul Akhb¡r, Page 295

°ad¢th Number 5
The Benefits of the °ajj
C @% E %  =E<  L  e
C a  "b : 
 )S!  :
 B   C$ ? 2 >
.\$ Z
%? +  4  2 
It has been narrated from al-Ri¤¡ [Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡] (peace be
upon him) that he said, “I have not seen a single thing which makes a
person free from want (financially secure) quicker, nor which is more
effective in removing poverty, than continuously performing the °ajj
(year after year).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 74, Page 318

°ad¢th Number 6
Dying While on the Way to °ajj
 ". ?,   g )C f 6G `  2 :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
.  @ %? 3 / ) C  #% _S ? h
 W E %? 2  2   "XR
It has been narrated form Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “A person who dies while
proceeding towards Makkah or while returning back (from Makkah)
will be protected from the great distress of the Day of Resurrection.”
Mal¡dhul Akhy¡r, Volume 7, Page 223

°ad¢th Number 7
The Sanctity of the Guests of All¡h
N /+ja %  K J? 9 G% C ' ; & ' %? i Z
% :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
?/; a %  - 0 & E : ?/& E: %  - 0 R  N /> 4 %  - . k > 
.- . ! 4 l % l
% - . ! 9$    /
 / & ) - . ?9 ; 
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “Those who perform the
°ajj and the {Umrah are the guests of All¡h. If they ask Him for
something, He will grant it to them; if they call upon Him then He will
answer them; if they intercede (for others), their intercession will be
accepted; if they remain quiet, then He will begin to speak to them; for
every dirham which they spend (in their trip to the °ajj), they will
receive one million dirhams in return.”
Mal¡dhul Akhy¡r, Volume 7, Page 223

°ad¢th Number 8
Preparing for the I¦r¡m
m 0 ;%? 2 >  K J? 9  >     % ba :
 B =D> 2 4 ' T 2 >
. < & %? g % T p
 ! o
 ?    ! E 1% _S ? - @% A :
 @ G 3 ?C T n
It has been narrated from °im¡d ibne {Is¡ that he said, “I asked Ab¡
{Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon
him) on how to prepare for the (wearing of the) I¦r¡m? The Im¡m
replied, ‘(One should prepare for wearing the I¦r¡m) by cutting the
nails, trimming the moustache and shaving the pubic hair.”
Mal¡dhul Akhy¡r, Volume 7, Page 307

°ad¢th Number 9
Looking at the Ka{bah
  K  r
; % )
% W ) -    &  %? = C q < 2 : C B %? 2 >
.0  > N C s t
 C s
) =;T !%$#" K  > =Z' )
It has been narrated from al-B¡qir [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢]
(peace be upon him) that: “As long as a person is looking at the
Ka{bah, good deeds will be written (in his record) and one’s evil deeds
will be erased until one turns away one’s glance (from the Ka{bah).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 65

°ad¢th Number 10
Intention for the °ajj
 K J &
 ^ U
 T \ Z % :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
  \ T 2 + U %? K J? => K ?/ u  # K J \ T 2 ' G
.  @ %? 3 / ) 
 ? => K ?/ u
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that, “°ajj is of two types: °ajj for the
sake of All¡h and °ajj for the sake of people. A person who performs
°ajj for All¡h, surely his reward will be with All¡h - Paradise; and a
person who performs °ajj for people, surely his reward will be with
people (to give him) on the Day of Resurrection.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 24

°ad¢th Number 11
Fasting on the Day of Tashr¢q in Min¡
)$ (' :
 @ G wg )C o
;? 3 ) 6G 3  s
$ ? N C #+ -  : v  4 s  ? Y ba
3 /s  ) %  l
  y  6c   ) L K ;G 
 6G - . K J? ! ?  x 3 / @ %?
.K G
 N ! ?x 2 9  >
As-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad] (peace be upon him) was
asked, “Why is it discouraged to fast on the days of Tashr¢q (11th,
12th, and 13th of Dhul °ijjah)?” The Im¡m (peace be upon him)
replied, “Since people are visiting All¡h and are His guests (during
these days), it is not advisable that a guest should fast in the presence
of the One whom he is visiting.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 34

°ad¢th Number 12
°ajj or Jih¡d?
2  Y+ y
G%  K J? Y a 2  *#"  :
 B K <  v  4 s
 ? 2 >
=;T K J? Y a 6G 9 . U G K E  D
 C M
) *, + L  \$ Z %?
.9 0 o
; D
It has been narrated from as-¯¡diq [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad]
(peace be upon him) who said, “There is no path from the paths of
All¡h which is greater than °ajj, except when a person comes out
with his sword and strives in the way of All¡h until he is martyred.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 49

°ad¢th Number 13
Reward for the ±aw¡f
   %? ? 0F  t
f 2 :
 B K <  6$ ? 2 >
.K  C E H+ K  ; & #% ! d z
[ 2 D
The Noble Prophet (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family)
has said, “A person who circumambulates this House (the Ka{bah)
seven times and performs the two Rak{at ¯al¡t (of ±aw¡f) in the best
form possible will have his sins forgiven.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 49

°ad¢th Number 14
°ajj and the Renewal of the Pledge
 &   %# K  z ;a  v
 ]' %# C U
Z %? : C E & R / 
K A 9 . & A 6B] 0 ; )4  6;<   - 0 J :
 B K ' ; a  ?,   #
z   %  P 9  > 69 0 o
Ab£ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir] (peace be upon him)
has said, “The °ajr (°ajrul Asw¡d – the Black Stone) is like the
pledge (of All¡h) and rubbing the hand over it is like making a pledge
of allegiance (to All¡h).” Whenever the Im¡m (peace be upon him)
would rub his hand over the °ajrul Asw¡d he used to say:

z  %  P 9  > 69 0 o
  K A 9 . & A 6B] 0 ; )4  6;<   - 0 J
“O’ All¡h! I have fulfilled my trust and have renewed my pledge so
that it (the °ajr al-Aswad) can bear witness that surely I have fulfilled
my responsibility.”

°ad¢th Number 15
The Success and Perpetuity of Isl¡m
.+  &  %? 
 B  "'XB 2 )9$ ?
+ ?W ) L :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) who said, “As long as the Ka{bah is
standing, the religion (of al-Isl¡m) will remain standing.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96 Page 57

°ad¢th Number 16
Philosophy Behind the Name “Al-Ka{bah”
wg ;& %? 
   %?  .- " -  :K   % B+ :
 B  C E & R 6  2 >
.   K + ' ) -  
 ? 2  gF ;> C{ T 0 /(' :
It has been narrated that Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) was asked, “Why is it (the Ka{bah) named
Ba¢tul {At¢q (the Emancipated House)?” The Im¡m replied: “Because
this house is free and emancipated from people and was never under
the ownership of anyone.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 59

°ad¢th Number 17
Three Sacred Things

  ~ } z  u `
F  C T Y R S W| > K J   :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
"  B K & R  ? K ; N ! /< K ' % T / . K ; # :43 2 2 0 ]%
.- + $< d C ; > N C  H = 0 R / A 9 T  2  Y+  @% ) L 
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) who said, “Surely All¡h, the Noble
and Grand, has made three things sacred and there is nothing else
equivalent to them: His Book (the Qur}¡n) which is His Command and
Divine Light; His House (The Ka{bah) which He has made as the focal
point (Qiblah) and He will not accept from anyone facing any other
direction; and the family of your Prophet.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 60

°ad¢th Number 18
Donations to Maintain the Ka{bah
 " y
 G ". ,  z
 )   )4 ? 6  # /  :
 B  6V > 2 >
 4   U
%? = € s  ) 0 /(' "b :   &  %? =  )9 . 
# D ' %?
It has been narrated from {Al¢ [ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib] (peace be upon him)
who said, “If I were to possess two valleys flowing with gold and
silver, I would not donate a single thing to the Ka{bah because it
would reach the (unworthy) people who maintain the Ka{bah – and
not to the poor and deserving people.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 67

°ad¢th Number 19
The Safety of the Sanctuary (°aram)

)!  :  % B+
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >   a 2 K J? 9  > 2 >
 B w3 C Z
%?   =>     %  " 5  # K 8 4 2  K / B
Y 8 4 2 7  6 / 0 G K  ?"€U  ; D
  ? 2  3 C Z
%? Y 8 4 2
2 K J?  M a 2  7  6 /0 G K  ?"€U  ; D
(  m ' %? 2     %?
%  2  7  6 / 0 G C  k ? e   D
$ ? ‚ T / %? 2  3 C Z %? Y 8 4
.3 C Z
%? 2  i
) =;T ƒ, m )  i 0 )
It has been narrated from {Abdull¡h ibne San¡n from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h
[Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he
asked, “What is the meaning of His words:

 "   #
 K 8 4 2 
And whosoever enters into it (the °aram), does so in safety?

Does this refer to the Ka{bah or the entire Sanctuary (°aram)?”

The Im¡m (peace be upon him) replied, “A person who enters into the
Sanctuary (°aram) seeking protection, shall remain protected;
whoever from amongst the true believers enters into the Sanctuary
(°aram) seeking protection from the wrath of All¡h shall be protected
from it; and whichever wild and domestic animal or bird enters into
the Sanctuary (°aram) will be protected from being disturbed and
bothered until it leaves the Sanctuary (°aram).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 74

°ad¢th Number 20
The Four Chosen Cities
W >
 @ G !9 8+   ?9 % %? 2  ! ; 8 ? K J?   : K J?
+ /a !
 (  _S ? 9  %? ? .F ( a ! /f+„  /; )W ? 2  ;*?  :Y R
+ G/ + %? ( a ! /f+   9 @% ' %? 
 + /; )W ? +  )9 ' %? 2  ;*?
.  (
 _S ? 9  %? ? .F
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “Surely All¡h has chosen four cities from amongst all
others, just as He, the Noble and Grand has said (in the Noble

( a ! /f+„  /; )W ? 2  ;*? 

 _S ? 9  %? ? .F (
“I swear by ‘the fig’ and ‘the olive’ and the ‘Mountain of Sinai’ and by
this protected city.”

‘The fig’ is the city of Mad¢nah; ‘The olive’ is the city of Ba¢tul Maqdas
(in Jerusalem); ‘The Mountain of Sinai’ is Kufah; and the protected
city is Makkah.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 77

°ad¢th Number 21
Performing the °ajj with °ar¡m Wealth
2  d" C ' > L  U
… T Y R W > K J? Y+  @% ) L : C E & R / 
.3 ?C T
Ab£ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir] (peace be upon him)
has said, “All¡h, the Noble and Grand shall not accept the °ajj or
{Umrah of a person who performs them using ¦ar¡m wealth.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 120

°ad¢th Number 22
Etiquette of the °ajj
2 + ) -  ?,  
   %? ? .F 3 m ) 2 '  m  & )  :
 B  C E & R 6  2 >
 ' ) = <  K J? 6[  & 2 > N W U Z ) ;
 + : :
8 ~ + z  u K G
.K  Z
[ 2 '   Z s ? 2 D T K  y
H K 
It has been narrated form Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) that he said, “It does not matter if one
visits this House if he does not possess three traits: Cautiousness
(Wara{) which prevents him from sinning; forbearance which helps
him rule over his anger; and good interaction with those who are with
Al-Khi¥¡l, Volume 1, Page 97; Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 121

°ad¢th Number 23
Exemptions for Women in the °ajj Rites
L  % ;? ! 0 R  † D
$? =>    :
 B  C E & R 6  2 >
L 4 / a _S ? C U Z %? 3 z
 ; a  L d C ' %? E s  ? 2    C 0 %?
.2 . ! /& : 2   C s$ @ ) ' < g % Z
%? L   &  %?
+ /8 4
It has been narrated from Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) that he said, “The following things are not
necessary for women to perform in the °ajj: women do not have to
pronounce the Talbiyyah (Labbayk All¡humma Labbayk) out loud;
nor do they have to perform the Harwalah (act of briefly running)
between the mountains of al-¯af¡ and al-Marwah; the rubbing of the
hand on the °ajral Aswad; entering into the Ka{bah; and the shaving
of the head; instead, they only cut some of their hair.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 189

°ad¢th Number 24
Spread of Mercy in the Vicinity of the Ka{bah
  &  %?
 / T =& A P !  A K J :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
2 $s '   /& !  (
E Xk   /;a 0   " ' T !  X  C o >
.2 )C 1   C o
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “For All¡h, the Noble and
Grand, there are 120 parts of Mercy around the Ka{bah. From these,
sixty are for the those performing the §aw¡f around the Ka{bah; forty
are for those performing the prayers; and twenty are for those just
looking (at the Ka{bah).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 202

°ad¢th Number 25
°ijr (Wall) of Ism¡{¢l
Y & R C U
%? 6G K  + 2 G4 Y > ' a    : K J? 9  > / 
.. C  B f / ) z
 b "kXT K 
Ab£ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq] (peace be
upon him) said, “Ism¡{¢l buried his mother (Hajrah) in the (area) of
the °ijr and then built a semi-circle shaped wall over it so that people
would not step upon her grave.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 204

°ad¢th Number 26
Three Hundred and Sixty §aw¡f of the Ka{bah
 X ~  z
 u t /k+ A %  r  Z ; D ) :
 B  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
2  K  > `
! 9 B ' G  k ; D
A -  % OG   D
 ? 3 ) 4 9 > ">/a + (
.t ?/ k ?
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) who said, “It is recommended that a
person does the §aw¡f of the Ka{bah three hundred and sixty times -
the number of days in a year and if one is unable to do so, then one
should perform the §aw¡f as much as possible.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 204

°ad¢th Number 27
Rubbing the Corner of the °ajrul Aswad
 ' ) K <OG 2 #% C ? ?/' % ; a ? 
   %  ?/G+/f+ : K J?
+ /a !
.K @ % 8 0  ‡ Gs
) K 
 !  = > K J?
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “Perform the §aw¡f of the House and rub your hand
over the Corner which has the °ajr al-Aswad because this is the right
hand of All¡h on His Earth which He shakes with His creations.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 202

°ad¢th Number 28
¯al¡t inside Masjidul °ar¡m
 X 2  Y+ y
G%  3 ?C Z
%? 9 U
' %? 6G @? >  :
 B  C B %? 2 >
.9 R D
' %? 2  N C  H 6G d z
[ l
Al-B¡qir [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢] (peace be upon him) has said,
“¯al¡t inside Masjidul °ar¡m is greater than 100,000 ¯al¡t performed
in any other Masjid.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 241

°ad¢th Number 29
Water of Zamzam
.K  p
C : '  43 BA 2 3 W x †„  : K J?
+ /a !
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “The water of Zamzam is a cure for whatever
(ailment) it is taken for.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 245

°ad¢th Number 30
Supplication in {Araf¡t
L C$  2   :
+ /@+ )  C E & R /   # :
 B   C$ ? 2 >
  .K  K J? p U ;a ? L  K J? /> 9  G `  GC >
  U   l  @ ) C R G
. < 9 ? C  6E G C R E %?   d C 8 _S ?  < 9 ? \ X?/ T 6E G C %?
It has been narrated from al-Ri¤¡ [Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡] (peace be
upon him): “Surely my father, Ab£ Ja{far (peace be upon him) used to
say, ‘There is not a single righteous person or sinner who makes a
sojourn at the Mountains of {Araf¡t and calls upon All¡h there, except
that All¡h answers his call. For a righteous person (his call is
answered) in regards to the needs and necessities of the life of this
temporal world and the next life; while a sinner (is answered) in
regards to the affairs of the temporal world (only).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 251

°ad¢th Number 31
Importance of {Araf¡t
/ . t
C s
<  2 " C R `
GC > Y+ .  - q >  :
 B  6? 6>
.K C E c ) 2  K < 2 q+ )
The Noble Messenger (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family)
has said, “The greatest sin of a person who goes to {Araf¡t and then
leaves is to think that he has not been forgiven of his sins.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 248

°ad¢th Number 32
Rewards for Stoning the Sha¢§¡n
= C) d s
T Y$ +  K  :
 B ! ' U
 %? 6 ! 6G  K J? 9  > 6  2 >
.!E G 8F  @E D C K  > 
ˆZ A 0 
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) in regards to the stoning of the Sha¢§¡n
that he said, “For every stone that a pilgrim throws, a major sin, which
would have led to his destruction, is averted from him.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 273

°ad¢th Number 33
Philosophy Behind Stoning the Sha¢§¡n
6 ! 2 > K ;% ba :
 B  =a/ K 8  2 > C E & R 2 6* > 2 >
= # I 8H Ġ5C;)  # ( & ? 
  )$ (' :
 B wY & R -  ! ' U  %?
}  + D
 ? ` C U
G  - . ?C  K ' R C G .! ' U
 / 6G 
It has been narrated from {Al¢ ibne Ja{far from his brother M£s¡ [ibne
Ja{far al-K¡¤him] (peace be upon him) that he said, “I asked (my
brother) in regards to the philosophy of the stoning of the pillar and
why this was enacted.” He replied to me, “Because Ibl¢s, the
despised, appeared to Ibr¡h¢m (peace be upon him) in the place
where the pillar is and Ibr¡h¢m (peace be upon him) threw stones at
him and thus, this act became a Sunnah (practice) in the °ajj.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 273

°ad¢th Number 34
The Sacrifice of an Animal in °ajj
 # i
 %? ‡ , ?,  :K  ‰
 )9 T 6G  (
Z %? 2 6 >
.! ? 2  N ?9 G
In a tradition, {Al¢ ibnil °usain [Im¡m Za¢nul {ªbid¢n] (peace be upon
him) has said, “When a person performing the °ajj slaughters an
animal, it saves him from the fire of hell.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 288

°ad¢th Number 35
Burying the Shaved Hair in Min¡
< # (
Z %? 2 D
Z %?   :
 B  K   2 >  C E & R 2 >
.='  ' . ! /& : 2 G% 9   ?C  j% )
It has been narrated from Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) from his father [Im¡m {Al¢ ibnil °usain
Za¢nul {ªbid¢n (peace be upon him)] that he said, “al-°asan and al-
°usain used to ask that their hair (shaved on the {Eid day in °ajj) be
buried in Min¡.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 302

°ad¢th Number 36
Ziy¡rat of the Messenger of All¡h 
6;> E : K  
T C  B [! ?x ] ƒ?! 2 :
 B K <  6$ ? 2 >
.…T 6<! ?x ' <j G ";$ 6<! ?x 2
It has been narrated from Prophet Mu¦ammad (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) that he said, “A person seeing (visiting) my
grave deserves my intercession. And a person who visits me after my
death is like a person who visited me during my lifetime.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 334

°ad¢th Number 37
Bidding Farewell to the Ka{bah
' G    %? e 4   C$ ? 
 )! :
 B 4 /' Z 2 - . ?C  2 >
Y  @% ; a G 3 B - u+ ?"9R a C 8 9 U D ' %? p   2  i C M
) %  4 ?! 
.K J? L  K }  L} %  => r  @ <  6<$ - 0 J :
 B   &  %?
It has been narrated from Ibr¡h¢m ibne Ma¦m£d that he said, “I saw
al-Ri¤¡ [Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡] (peace be upon him) bid farewell to
the House and when he intended to make his way out from the
Masjid, he fell into prostration (Sajdah), stood up, faced the Ka{bah
and then said:

.K J? L  K }  L} %  => r

 @ <  6<$ - 0 J
“O’ All¡h! I have reinforced my belief that there is no entity worthy of
worship except All¡h.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 370

°ad¢th Number 38
Importance of the Ziy¡rat
of the Ahlul Bayt after °ajj
! U T _S ? N  .F ?/Aj% ) %  
 ? C  + ' < :
 B  C E & R 6  2 >
  > ?/  C & ) - 0 ; )L /  < C M
G < /Aj% ) - u+ 0  ?/G+/k+  G
.- . C s
It has been narrated from Ab¢ Ja{far [Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-
B¡qir] (peace be upon him) that: “People have been commanded to
come and perform the §aw¡f around these rocks (the Ka{bah) and then
come to us (the Ahlul Ba¢t) and declare their submission and offer
their help to us.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 374

°ad¢th Number 39
Welcoming People who Return from °ajj
- ; a  2 ' #  # K Z
G R… T 6 @  2 : K J? 9  > 6  2 >
.C U
Z %?
It has been narrated from Ab¢ {Abdill¡h [Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad
as-¯¡diq] (peace be upon him) that: “A person who meets one who
has returned from °ajj and shakes his hand (welcomes him back) is
like a person who rubbed his hand on the °ajrul Aswad.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 384

°ad¢th Number 40
Wal¢mah - Feeding Others
After Returning From the °ajj

 C 8  
 C > 6G :  ' 8 6G L   '  L : K J?
+ /a !

 C M %? ^\ )  W ;G   C & %?  jG x # !  ! #   ! ? > 
! ?9 ? C ; o
) Y+ R C ? ! # / %?  ; M
 %? ! ? & %? 9 / %  
 E $?
.  2  3 9 @% )  ? x # C$ ?
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his
family) has said, “Wal¢mah is only in five occasions: in the {Urs,
Khurs, {Idh¡r, Wik¡r and the Rik¡z – {Urs is when a person gets
married; and Khurs is when a child is born; and {Idh¡r is on the
circumcision of a baby boy; and Wik¡r is when a person purchases a
house; and Rik¡z is when a person returns from °ajj.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 96, Page 384

or the past 25 years, the Islamic Education Board of the World
Federation has been blessed to be able to translate and author
books in English (and other languages) to aide in the spiritual
development of the Muslim community. What follows is but a partial
list of our titles. For more information or to order these or any other
titles, please see our website at

1. Title: Islamic Laws - English Version of Taudhiul Masail

Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Ali al-Husaini as-Seestani
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
2. Title: A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims
Author: Marhum Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy
Translator: N/A
3. Title: Al Amaali - Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid
Author: Shaykh Muhammad ibne Muhammad al-Nu{man
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
4. Title: Nahjul Balagha Revisited
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
5. Title: The Role of Ahlul Bait in the Preservation of Islam
Author: Allamah Sayyid Murtada {Askari
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
6. Title: Fiqh and Fuqaha
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
7. Title: Pearls of Wisdom
Author: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
Translator: N/A
8. Title: The Collection and Preservation of Qur}an
Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khoei
Translator: Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
9. Title: Anecdotes for Reflection - Part I
Author: Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
10. Title: The Islamic Moral System: Commentary of Surah Hujurat
Author: Ayatullah Ja{far Subhani
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service []

11. Title: Tafsir of the Noble Qur'an : Suratul Jinn

Author: Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service []

12. Title: 40 Hadith: Month of Ramadhan
Author: Shaykh Mirmanafi
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
13. Title: 40 Hadith: Tabligh
Author: Shaykh Mirmanafi
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
14. Title: 40 Hadith: Azadari
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
15. Title: 40 Hadith: Quran
Author: Sayyid Majid Adili
Translator: Arifa Hudda & Saleem Bhimji
16. Title: Islam and Religious Pluralism
Author: Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
Translator: Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Publishing House []

17. Title: Guiding the Youth of the New Generation

Author: Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
Translator: Saleem Bhimji

18. Title: 40 Hadith: Prophet Isa
Author: N/A
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
19. Title: Anecdotes for Reflection - Part II
Author: Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
20. Title: Jesus on Ethics
Author: N/A
Translator: Dr. Mu¦ammad Legenhausen
21. Title: Essence of Worship: ¯al¡t [40 Hadith]
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
22. Title: Lofty Status of Parents [40 Hadith]
Author: Shaykh Ray Shahri
Translator: Shahnawaz Mahdavi
23. Title: The Spiritual Journey – Hajj [40 Hadith]
Author: Mahmud Mahdipur
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
24. Title: Completion of Isl¡m – Ghadeer [40 Hadith]
Author: Mahmud Sharifi
Translator: Saleem Bhimji
40 Ahadith Series
Noble Qur’an
40 Ahadith

Compiled by Sayyid Maj¢d {ªdil¢

Translated by Arifa Hudda & Saleem Bhimji
First Published in October 2004 by:
The Isl{mic Education Board of
The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303
Islamic Centre - Wood Lane
Stanmore, Middlesex

In Co-
Co-operation with:
Isl{mic Publishing House
37 Vanier Drive, Suite 1008
Kitchener, ON, Canada, N2C 2P6

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Printed in Canada
By Webcom Limited ·

For other Isl{mic Publications, write to:

Islamic Education Board
Dar al-Tableegh
Jackets Lane
Harefield, Middlesex
Tel: 44 1923 823 606
Fax: 44 1923 823 132 

Copyright © 2004 The World Federation of KSIMC

Supplication Which Should be Read
Before Reciting the Noble nur}¡n

 $ #  

76 543 2  1 0  '  .-%/ 
 , +   () *('& %
.* (  * &  *   -: 9  1% 8 0  
  / ?>  * +    =  +  *     <;  

  *C(? ; %  *. B   = A @  18  +
%  C  L
 . F   = 
K  7J  I H
 # F3 G
#  D E3 D
%  Q PJ   I  8O   B * 'C  N B * M  
.R   .%   %   < H
 (    %  F PJ  % . PJ 
’ All¡h! Surely You have
revealed it (the nur}¡n)
with Truth and surely You
always reveal (with Truth).
O’ All¡h! Increase my attraction to it
(the nur}¡n); and place it as a divine
light for my eyes; and an intercession for
my (spiritual) chest; and make it (the
nur}¡n) that which removes my grief,
sorrow and worries. O’ All¡h! Through
the nur}¡n, beautify my tongue (that
which I speak), and beautify my face,
and strengthen my body, and make my
scale of (good) deeds weighty, and grant
me the ability to recite it as it should be
recited in Your obedience - in the
darkness of the night and the ends of the
day, and raise me up with the Prophet,
Mu¦ammad and his family members -
the chosen, glorified, the purified, by
Your mercy. O’ the Most Merciful of
those who are able to show mercy.
@bi@ˆÈn bÏ@æeŠÔÛa@pcŠÓ@a‡hÏ
“So when you (O’ Mu¦ammad) recite
the nur}¡n, seek refuge with All¡h from
the accursed Satan.”
S£ratul Na¦l [16], Verse 98
@éÛ@aìÈàn bÏ@æeŠÔÛa@õðŠÓ@a‡g@ë
“So when the nur}¡n is being recited,
listen to it attentively and keep quiet so
that perhaps mercy may be shown to
S£ratul A{r¡f [7], Verse 204
Hadith Number 1

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 + PJ  *)  ( Y N  (     X I A>  1
 % (?3
. . /S
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “The one
who recites the nur}¡n and the one who listens
to it have an equal share in the reward.”
Mustadrakul Wasa}¢l, Volume 1, Page 293

Hadith Number 2

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! 3?
G(( Y  (
K#  X I A>  
K, D  B  Z> %  (Q
.[  &
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “The best of
those amongst you is the one who learns the
nur}¡n and then teaches it to others.”
Al-Am¡l¢ of Shaykh at-±£s¢, Volume 1, Page 5

Hadith Number 3

# ) ^ _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
 4 c
 D b   0    *) X I A>  a> 7J . ? :(\ E
.  < )Z3  Z3 /    <8 ./   # e .d3 , 
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said that: “Reciting the
nur}¡n from the pages of the nur}¡n (meaning
to look at it and recite it - not for memory)
lightens the punishment of one’s mother and
father, even if they are both disbelievers.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 613

Hadith Number 4

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! 3?
G( 7O * 2 =K Z>  (   4 (f   < X I A>  
K, B
 '  *) g  /  
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Everything
in existence prays for the forgiveness of the
person who teaches the nur}¡n - even the fish in
the sea.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 3, Page 301

Hadith Number 5

# ) ( i  G(S/B   *h
# \  B]  ! 3?
j3  [ ;  ( kD j3  (
 \ E 3 (Z :(\ E 3 
 ) [  & *) m8  ./'(
>(l D
Im¡m {Al¢ ibne M£s¡ al-Ridh¡ (peace be upon
him) has said: “Do not disregard the Words of
All¡h, and do not seek guidance from other than
Him, for then (surely) you will go astray.”
{Uy£nul Akhb¡r ar-Ridh¡, Volume 2, Page 57

Hadith Number 6

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 8 <8 (   >8 0
 <  Z >8 0    e  /
>A>  [ d : XK Y
.X I A>  a> 7J . ?  pE
3 + XK Y
The Messenger of All¡h (prayers of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “These
hearts - just like iron - become rusted, and the
way to remove this (the way to clean the rust
from the hearts) is through the recitation of the
Irsh¡dul Qul£b; Page 78

Hadith Number 7

# ) ^  _ 0`  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
8 (A)  A
 Q G( Y 
 8  # X> I A>  :(\ E 3   
 [ 8  # *)  $> C< X  
  *f '(C(<
.qO <I R    Q \O / < = Z> *) X I A>   B > A < X Y
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “The nur}¡n is the trust
of All¡h (given) to His creations, therefore it is
desirable for every Muslim to look at this trust
and to recite (a minimum of) 50 ¡y¡t (verses) of
the nur}¡n everyday.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 609

Hadith Number 8

# ) u
O F3 *   *t
# R  CB s   r B  ! ?3
 X I (>A   () > A < 1d K v '(  :(\ E 3   
  (Z    x>((wD  () =K +   # 
  Z d <
7h *n <  R  F  M
  [  k  D  q> w pE
3   [  n  D
= (:PJ u  (Z./ w  7h *n  D  Z 7 5    = : PJ
 % PJ 
Am¢rul Mo}min¢n {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be
upon him) has said: “The house in which the
nur}¡n is recited and All¡h, The Noble and
Grand, is remembered will receive numerous
Divine blessings (barakah), the Angels will be
present, and the Satans will be distanced from
there. In addition, that house will shimmer for
the people of the sky, just like the stars shimmer
for the people on the Earth.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 610

Hadith Number 9

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
*t (
# (( < :(\ E 3 
# ) *z
,  [  <U
.!O  = Z> *) X I A>  a  E 3  H
In his last testament to {Al¢ (peace be upon him),
the Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) told him: “O’ {Al¢! I
advice you to recite the nur}¡n in every state
(which you may find yourself in).”
Man L¡ Ya¦dhuruhul Faq¢h, Volume 4, Page 188

Hadith Number 10

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! 3?
# 8t 2     {
*() a 7J . A   B X l3 M   
..-$  b
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Nothing is
harder for Satan to bear than a person who
recites the nur}¡n by looking at the pages (of
the nur}¡n).”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 231

Hadith Number 11

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! 3?
: d> (cD j3  X I A>  a  E 3   w> D/ . % / 
.m%0 C   _ /   v
, )  Z .-%/'?>
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Brighten up
your houses through the recitation of the
nur}¡n, and do not make them (your homes)
like graves, similar to what the Jews and
Christians have done (by not performing the
prayers and worship of God in their house and
limiting this to the Synagogues and Churches).”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 610

Hadith Number 12

# ) ^
 _ 0
`  8O  
 B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
 (A) j3  
/  ) X I A>   ?  B :(\ E3  
| &    B j Y  [ 8 , 
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “One who recites the
nur}¡n will be free from need (of everyone), and
thereafter will not be in need of anything. But as
for the one (who does not recite the nur}¡n),
nothing at all will make him needless (and he
will always be in need of others).”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 230

Hadith Number 13

KS   I   
KU ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 (B u  (w <   qO
  *) g O  <I  M  #  ?  B
 (B u  (Z> qO <I R     Q  ?  B  R 
) f 
 3A   B u
 Z> qO <I q pB  ?  B   <Z . d 
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “One who
recites ten verses (¡y¡t) of the nur}¡n every
night will not be counted amongst the negligent
ones (Gh¡fil¢n); and one who recites fifty verses
(¡y¡t) will be written as those who remember
All¡h (Dh¡kir¢n); and one who recites one
hundred verses (¡y¡t) will be written down as
the obedient and worshipper of All¡h
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 232

Hadith Number 14

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
    ~) .-rxZ 
  Z 9  X I A>  a  E
3  H
 % PJ  *) H       7 5    *) H  
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “I advise you
to recite the nur}¡n and remember All¡h much,
for surely the nur}¡n will remember you (do
your dhikr) in the Heavens and it will be a
Divine Light (n£r) for you on the Earth.”
Al-Khis¡l, Page 525

Hadith Number 15

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! 3?

 = n
 4 Z \ E
 w   p S G(
# X I A>  =>J n  )
. A
 Q G
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “The
superiority of the nur}¡n over the rest of words,
is like the superiority of All¡h over His
Mustadrak al-Was¡’il, Volume 4, Page 237

Hadith Number 16

# ) ^
 _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
qO (<5  B .39Y X I A>  > A <    *f'C< :(\ E
! (< X            
   ) X I A>   B
 (B q ) ,   
 <  ./+ <  B H  93 8 C# 

.e .3d,   B  % C̀ 
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “It is advisable for the
person who is reciting the nur}¡n that when he
reaches to a verse from the nur}¡n in which
there is a request for something that he ask All¡h
for that thing, or when he reaches to a verse of
the nur}¡n in which there is talk about the
punishment, that he ask All¡h for protection
from the fire of Hell and the punishment.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 3, Pages 1-3

Hadith Number 17

# ) ^  _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
:=K (+  # 
 G( Y X />wM  < q> @E
3 @J :(\ E3   
 ( #   #  
>:   ) *
0  < j3 " . Q !   
j3 %  'f   
# N ? 8 ? ) ('&  
$ %    !O `+
. ) > A <
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “Three things will
complain to All¡h, The Noble and The Grand,
(on the Day of Judgement): A deserted Masjid in
which the people of the town did not recite ¯al¡t
(in it); an {ªlim who was among the ignorant
ones (however the people did not make use of
him); and the nur}¡n which was not read and
was left for dust to collect on it.”
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 613

Hadith Number 18

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
q <I  a  A '  a % / S !    B g O  <I N %   ?  B
 (B g O ( <I €  E 3 @   :8 ,   <  * S  w> 
j3   :  w < -2   B    4  *)  <    : Q IJ
.X I A>  GC< j3  X> 3l2 <A<
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Whoever
recites the first four verses of S£ratul Baqarah,
Ayatul Kurs¢ (verse 255 of S£ratul Baqarah)
along with the two verses which follow it (verses
256 and 257 up to Wa Hum ‘F¢ha Kh¡lid£n’),
and the last three verses (of this same S£rah)
will not see any bad or sorrow in his life or his
wealth; Satan will not come near him; and he
will not forget the nur}¡n.”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 234

Hadith Number 19

KS   I   
 !> /S% ! ?3
 / (0  X I (>A  q> 
    *( + 7O * 2 = w> 

The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “For every
thing there is an embellishment (or a
decoration), and the embellishment of the
nur}¡n is a good voice.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 92, Page 190

Hadith Number 20

KS   I   
U ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 '  % /tC  / :  
 => ' / : X I A>  .d: XK Y
=K (+  #  (
 XK ~) [ ‚  ? ) N )C̀  7h 34M   
 (M# L O  ( = (>w   D E 3 D G
#  Z>  + s <
.gO  C 
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Surely this
nur}¡n is the rope of All¡h, and a manifest Light
(n£r), and a beneficial cure. Therefore, busy
yourselves with the recitation of it, for All¡h -
The Mighty and Glorious – grants the reward of
ten good deeds to you for every letter which is
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 92, Page 19

Hadith Number 21

# ) u O F3 *   *t
# R  CB s   r B  ! ?3
 ƒ  <8          ~) X I A>  ./
, D:(\ E3   
[ % /C ./4> M  S   e  /
>A>  N %  ~)  ) ./ AK 4 D
N (4  ~)  D E
3 D ./C    % 8 0 t  7h 43 2  ~)

 0  A 
Am¢rul Mo}min¢n {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be
upon him) has said: “Learn the nur}¡n for it is
the best of narrations, and understand it
thoroughly for it is the best blossoming of the
hearts. Seek cure with its’ Light for it is the cure
of the hearts. Recite it beautifully for it is the
most beneficial of narrations.”
Nahjul Bal¡gha, Sermon 110 (109 in some books)

Hadith Number 22

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?

$   = 
K  N l A Z  4   w> 
# v
   '  .93 ~)
32 1+( B  - 0' /   - , 2  ~) X I A>   w> 
, )
 q Ck  G( Y [ _ ?3  B B  
, +  B  5 4 %  
.% C̀  G( Y  ?S  4
, +  B
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Whenever
the waves of calamities encompass you like the
dark night, seek refuge with the nur}an - for it is
an intercessor whose intercession will be
accepted. One who takes it as a guide, All¡h
will lead that person into Heaven; and whoever
disregards it or goes against it, will be lead into
the Hell fire.”
Fadhlul Qur}¡n, Page 599

Hadith Number 23

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 j3   w> /
# v  4
p B X I A>  . ‚  ? Y
)  ((4
Q  .93 ~()  Z> _ /
.  ‚  A D
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Recite the
nur}¡n in such a way that your hearts develop a
love for it and your skin becomes softened by it.
However as soon as your hearts become
indifferent to it (meaning that the nur}¡n has no
effect on you), then stop reciting it.”
Mustadrakul Was¡}¢l, Volume 4, Page 239

Hadith Number 24

# )  ?( '  *z (
#   8    B \  B] Y ! 3?
qO (, +  (B q wK   X I A>   Q  B :(\ E 3 
q ,  k
  \ / < *)   Q   xZ    qO ,  + G( Y
!    B g  C 
    + PJ   B   
 u  Z
qO (, +  (QI G( Y  8t  *) v  Z3 qO ,  +
. ) X> /w> D
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be
upon him) has said: “One who finishes the
recitation of the entire nur}¡n in the noble city
of Makkah within the time span of one Jumu{ah
(Friday) to another Jumu{ah or more than this
(more than one week), but completes the nur}¡n
on the day of Jumu{ah, All¡h will write for that
person the reward of good deeds from the first
Jumu{ah that one came into the world, until the
last Jumu{ah that one will remain alive in it.”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l Page 225

Hadith Number 25

# ) ^  _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
   [ 8 : , D  .-rxZ X I A>   ?  B :(\ E 3 
.R D B .d :  +  
 [ 3 l#   $ 4  a 8 2  B
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “All¡h will reward the
person who recites the nur}¡n a great deal and
makes a promise with it to try and memorize it
even though it may entail great difficulty, a
double reward.”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l Page 227

Hadith Number 26

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 # N )8 <   8t  t 2 X I A>  N   B  # N )8 <
 B q- <I N  
    a  Q PJ  m/
  X I A>  7J 1% ?3
.-': 9 r '(@  B  *6 
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “One who
listens to the nur}¡n (while it is being recited)
will be kept away from the evils of this world;
and one who recites the nur}¡n will be kept
away from the trials of the hereafter. And the
person who listens to even one verse of the book
of All¡h - this is better (for him) than possessing
a mansion of gold.”
Bih¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 92, Page 19

Hadith Number 27

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
(†‡ˆ†) X I A>  g   <I _ 8 # q Ck   … % _ _ 8 #
: ( = ? q Ck
  X I A>  u
  U = Q _ .93 ~) qO <I
 / () X> /(>wD E 3 )  8  7 qO <I = w>   ?   ?% Y
. 8  7 X I A>  ‰
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “The number
of levels (stages) in Heaven is (equivalent to) the
number of verses in the nur}¡n (6236). Thus,
when a recitor of the nur}¡n enters into Heaven,
it will be said to him: ‘Go up one level for every
verse that you can recite.’ Thus, no one will be
in a higher level than the one who has
memorized the entire nur}¡n.”
Bih¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 92, Page 22

Hadith Number 28

# ) uO F3 *   *t
# R  CB s   r B  ! ?3
 XK ~) [   $ S  X I A>  . ‚  ? Y :(\ E3   
.X I A>  * #  -
? e
 d , < j3 G( , D
Am¢rul Mo}min¢n {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be
upon him) has said: “Recite the nur}¡n and seek
assistance from it for surely All¡h, the Most
High, will not punish one who has memorized
the nur}¡n (and has it within one’s heart).”
Bih¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 92, Page 19

Hadith Number 29

# ) u O F3 *   *t
# R  CB s   r B  ! ?3
1   (B X I A>   B qO <I q pB  ?  B :(\ E 3   
) ((
  <)) :g O .` B N 'S ! ?3  @> 7J 2 X I A> 
 7J M
Y  ,
A  a  c
0  G(
# # _
Am¢rul Mo}min¢n {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be
upon him) has said: “A person who recites 100
verses from anywhere in the nur}¡n and then
says: ‘Y¡ All¡h’ seven times, if he wanted to
remove a huge boulder (from the ground), he
would be able to do so with the permission of
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 233

Hadith Number 30

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
 7 .8  (tM  g  / B  7 .8 ,  t  Š  #  D_ %  .93 Y
 %  (  \ / < =K $   a     \ / < a k C 
\ E
3 Z  ~) X I A>  ./S % _ ) q E
3 n
  \ / < m8 
*() :  + %  X l3 M    B 9  +      
.X .  
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “If you want
ease and success in this world, the death of a
martyr, to be saved on the Day of Loss, a shade
on the Day of the burning niy¡mat, and
guidance on the Day of going astray, then take
lessons from the nur}an. Surely it is the word of
the Merciful, a protection from the Satan, and
one of the most weightiest of things for the scale
of (good) deeds (on the Day of Judgement).”
J¡mi{ul Akhb¡r, Page 78

Hadith Number 31

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
*()  <=  e  /do
 ; %  4Z X I A>  a 7J . ? XK Y
# !>  ((C<  e  .3d,   B :  B  % C̀ 
 q> (wpE 3    (  4 f 
 <  q>      '  U
.G( /   C# * i  %  q> Ck    Y v
 ? 2 
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Surely the
recitation of the nur}¡n is an atonement for the
sins, a covering (protection) from the Hell Fire,
and a safety from the punishment. Mercy will
descend upon the recitor, the Angels will seek
forgiveness for him, Heaven will long for that
person, and his Master (All¡h) will be pleased
with him.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 93, Page 17

Hadith Number 32

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
( B R  B _ ‹  B qO + % _ G
#  *) X I A>  => : 
= (: ./4> , n   D E 3 ) .R 
S     R  'C  E
3 Q
  B    XK ~)  ?/A>   X I A> 
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “The
people of the nur}¡n (those who recite and
those who memorize the nur}¡n) will be in the
highest level (in Heaven) from amongst all of the
people with the exception of the Prophets and
Messengers. Thus, do not seek to degrade the
people of the nur}¡n, nor take away their rights,
for surely they have been given a high rank by
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 224

Hadith Number 33

# )  ?(`'  8O (  B   *t
# \  B]  ! 3?
 ƒ  <8(  ^  8 U
  Z XK Y :(\ E 3 
.39Y  b :G((  ,D 
 ! 3?  „  0  A   
K,  ./(0    ./, S ) X> I A>  Π ?>
aX /  D
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be
upon him) has said: “Surely the Book of All¡h is
the most truthful of all narrations, and the best
of all stories, and All¡h has said: And when the
nur}¡n is being recited, then listen to it and
remain silent so that perhaps mercy may be
shown to you.” [S£ratul A{r¡f (7), Verse 204]
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 3, Page 422

Hadith Number 34

# )  ?( '  *z (
#   8    B \  B]  ! 3?
 Z  DE 3 U *) -p3? X I A>   ?  B :(\ E 3   
*) [  ?  B  qO C
  q pB L O   = w>    

LO  ( = (>w  ( 
 u  Z -  +  DE 3 U 
 Z  DE 3 U  & *) [  ?  B  qO C
  R     Q
O C    M  # L O   = w>    

Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be
upon him) has said: “Anyone who recites the
nur}¡n while standing in his ¯al¡t, All¡h will
record one hundred good deeds (in that person’s
book) for every letter that is recited; and anyone
who recites the nur}¡n while sitting in his ¯al¡t,
All¡h will record fifty deeds (in that person’s
book) for every letter recited; and one who
recites it (the nur}¡n) in other than his ¯al¡t,
All¡h will record ten good deeds for every letter
that one recites.”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 227

Hadith Number 35

KS   I   
U  ) 
 !> /S% ! 3?
v '  XK ~) >X I A>   B -'0  w> D/'  ./>
, + Y
 xZ  >
:  G(
#    D X I A>   )  ? 1d K
.a _  <; *)  w S X 3Z  [  Q
The Messenger of All¡h (blessings of All¡h be
upon him and his family) has said: “Place a
portion (of goodness) from the nur}¡n in your
homes, for surely ease will come to the people
of that house in which the nur}¡n is read,
goodness will increase, and the inhabitants
(of that house) will be given excess bounties.”
Was¡}ilush Sh¢{a, Volume 4, Page 85

Hadith Number 36

:(\ E
3 (   
# ) R        *
# \  B]  ! 3?
*f 'C<  . Q v  ) 
Kw> ) @ ? . Q X I A>  g
. )  B  $> CD X  H
Im¡m {Al¢ ibne al-°usain (peace be upon him)
has said: “The verses of the nur}¡n are
treasures, and every time a treasure is opened
up, it is desirable that you look at what is inside
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 609

Hadith Number 37

# ) ^  _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
a  4 
  N B   => B  ,  X I A>
> )   :(\ E 3   
.a %  '  \ . w 
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “One who protects the
nur}¡n and acts upon it as well, will be with the
noble, devoted Angels on the Day of
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 2, Page 603

Hadith Number 38

# ) ^  _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
@  A 1 "  2 / :  X I A>   ?  B :(\ E 3  
, +   B _     
 X> I A>   
X> I A>  X 3Z  a %  '  \ . w  a  4    N B =K + 
.q B  A  \ / <  C# .-k
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “One who recites the
nur}¡n and is a believing youth, the nur}¡n
becomes mixed with his flesh and blood, and
All¡h - The Noble and Great - will place him
with the noble, devoted Angels. In addition, the
nur}¡n will act as a barrier (between him and
the Hell Fire) on the Day of Judgement.”
Thaw¡bul A{m¡l, Page 226

Hadith Number 39

# ) ^  _ `0  8O    B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
=> D <  w 3  q- B % d :  A < j3 X I >A  XK Y :(\ E 3   
 (A) q Ck    Z 9  ) qO <5 g  %  B .39~) E - D D
.39Y  >(q (Ck  ) =K (+  # 
 = S   :8 C#
  :8 (C# b  (A) % C̀   Z 9  ) qO <5 g  %  B
.% C̀   B 
 [ 9 / , D
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “Surely the nur}¡n is not
to be read in a rush or very quickly. Rather, it
should be recited in slow, measured portions.
Whenever you reach a verse which talks about
Heaven, then stop (at that verse) and ask from
All¡h (the bounties of) Heaven. And whenever
you reach a verse which speaks about the Hell,
then stop (at that verse) and seek protection
from All¡h from the Hell Fire (and the
U¥£lul K¡f¢, Volume 3, Page 301

Hadith Number 40

# ) ^
 _ `0  8O  
 B    4 , + \  B]  ! 3?
v '  *) X />w< X  *(C('(k,   :(\ E 3  
 _  l < 
.X 3lM $
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace
be upon him) has said: “I would like to see a
nur}¡n in every house so that through this,
All¡h would repel the Satan (from that house.)”
Fa¤hlul Qur}¡n, Page 669

Supplication Which Should be Read
After Reciting the Noble nur}¡n

  Z  B v  n ? B g  ? 8 ? *Y  

# H
 H ' G
#     1d K
 E3  =o  <  B 
 , +   
 .C % 8    H

  M B    w     B s <   B .  \   < 
1 M  *) ->  1 '? *) -> *  
 , + 
*) q- + % _ :  ? qO <I = w>  G? <   B 
 , + 
   .`    %   < H
# E3 # 

’ All¡h! Surely I have
recited that which You have
decreed for me to recite
from Your Book which You
sent upon Your Prophet, may Your
prayers be upon him and his family so
then (all) praise belongs to You, our
Lord. O’ All¡h! Place it (the nur}¡n)
amongst those people who keep
permitted that which You have made
permissible, and who forbid that which
You have made forbidden and who
believe in the clear and apparent verses
and the ambiguous verses and make it
(the nur}¡n) an instrument of love in our
grave and an instrument of love when
we are raised up and raise the person
who recites the verses, a stage from the
highest of the high, through Your Mercy,
O’ You who are the most Merciful of
those who are able to show mercy.

40 Ahadith Series

The Awaited Savior of Humanity

al-Mahdi in the Eyes of the Ahlul Bayt

40 Ahadith
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1-898449-75-9
© Copyright 2006 the World Federation of KSIMC
Published by
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
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In the Name of All¡h, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Noble Prophet (blessings of All¡h be upon him and his family)
has said:

<Ýÿ łç{ÿè<₣ ]<Łäÿn{{ÿÃeÿ <^{ÿãeŽ <ÿáçŁÃËŽ jÿ łß{{ÿè<^⁄n莂{ÿu<ÿ°{ŽÃeÿ ł…_ş <ê{{ŽjÚĆ _₣ <î{×{ÿÂ<şÀËŽ u

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< <J^ğ Û{ŽÖ^ÿÂ<ğ^ãéÏŽ Êş <ŽíÚÿ ^ÿéÏŽ ĞÖ]
“A person from my nation who memorizes forty traditions pertaining
to those issues of religion which one is in need of, will be resurrected
by All¡h on the Day of Judgement as a person with deep insight into
the faith and as a scholar.”
In following the above ¦ad¢th, the Islamic Education Board of The
World Federation of KSIMC (IEB - WF) has decided to publish a
series of booklets of 40 a¦¡d¢th (traditions) on different subjects. The
a¦¡d¢th that have been selected from various sources are short and
simple and therefore easy to understand and memorize. It is
envisaged that the booklets will not only be useful for Zakireen,
Madrasah teachers and students, but will be of benefit to the Ummah
at large.

The collection of the a¦¡d¢th and introduction of this present work

was done by {Abdul-Rahim Mugahi in his compilation, ‘The Heart of
Hearts’, while the translation in English was carried out by Shaykh
Saleem Bhimji.

IEB - WF would like to thank Shaykh Saleem for his efforts in the
translation of this work. May All¡h (Free from Imperfections and
Exalted is He) accept this work as a further attempt by IEB - WF to
propagate Isl¡m.


1. The Lineage of Imam al-Mahd¢ ...............................................1

2. The City of Qum and the Helpers of the Im¡m  .......................2
3. Women in the Im¡m’s  Army ...................................................3
4. The Most Beloved to the Prophet  .............................................5
5. None Shall be Saved, Except… ....................................................6
6. Absolute Obedience to the Im¡m ............................................7
7. Back to the True Path ....................................................................8
8. Tears of Separation .......................................................................9
9. The House of Praise.....................................................................10
10. People with the Highest Rank ...................................................11
11. Greeting Im¡m al-Mahd¢  ....................................................12
12. Perfection of the Intellect and Moral Traits ...............................13
13. Testimony to Isl¡m over the Entire Earth ..................................14
14. Anticipate the Advent of the Im¡m  .....................................15
15. The Ornament of Paradise.........................................................16
16. Power and Authority .................................................................17
17. The Completion of Knowledge ..................................................18
18. Ruling with Justice .....................................................................20
19. A Short Prayer for al-Mahd¢ ................................................21
20. Felicitations are for… ................................................................22
21. When Will the Time Come?.......................................................23
22. Brotherhood During the Im¡m's Advent .....................................38
23. Tranquility and Ease in the Era of the Im¡m  ......................25
24. Acting by the Command of All¡h i ..........................................27
25. No Oppression or Tyranny ........................................................28
26. Do Not Despair of All¡h’s i Mercy ..........................................29
27. Awaiting the Advent ..................................................................30
28. Financial Equality .....................................................................31
29. A Servant of the Im¡m  for Life ............................................32
30. Preparing the Groundwork ........................................................33
31. Completion of Wisdom .............................................................34
32. The State of a Believer During the Occultation..........................35
33. Having a Deep Knowledge of the Im¡m  .............................36
34. The Perpetual Servant of the Im¡m  ....................................37
35. How to Guarantee that One will See the Im¡m  ..................38
36. Death of the Period of Decadence .............................................39
37. The First Ranked Soldiers of the Im¡m  ...............................40
38. Prepare for the Im¡m  ..........................................................41
39. Traits of Those in Waiting for the Im¡m  .............................42
40. How to Die while on the Path of the Im¡m .........................43

he time period we are currently going through is one in which
the Divinely appointed Im¡m (representative of All¡h i) is
not amongst us – at least ‘apparently’ he is not. From the
traditions of the Prophet , we know that the Im¡m  has
not distanced himself from his followers, nor is he in some mystical
land or in another time realm. Rather, he lives among the people, sees
what we are going through and feels the hurt and grief at the state of
affairs of the world. In addition, to show us that he is indeed with us,
the traditions tell us that he is present in various gatherings
throughout the year – such as the °ajj – on an annual basis.

This period which has been going on for the past 1,200 years is
known as the ghaybatul kubrah or the major occultation of Im¡m al-
°ujjah , and is one in which we are all in a state of inti¨¡r or
‘active anticipation’ for his advent.

During this time, one of the responsibilities for those who want to
follow the Im¡m  is to know as much about him as possible. This
knowledge of the Im¡m  is not limited to merely the incidental
characteristics of the Im¡m  - such as his date of birth, place of
birth, his mother and father’s name and other such things. Rather, as
the traditions, narrated in all of the books of ¦ad¢th tell us that, “The
person who dies and does not have a deep understanding (Ma{rifat) of
the Im¡m of his time, dies the death of those of the period of
decadence (the pre-Islamic era).” Thus, even if we were to follow all of
the dictates of Islam such as praying, fasting, going for °ajj and even
struggling in Jih¡d against ourselves and an external threat, however if
we do not know and acknowledge the Im¡m of our time, all of our
actions would be in vain!

It is with this thought in mind that we need to proceed forward in life,

seeking to better understand our living Im¡m  – and what better
way than through what his noble fore-fathers have said about him!

The traditions mentioned in this booklet offer us glimpses of the Im¡m

 which should instill a sense of hope in us – a hope for a better
future of the world and one in which the rule of All¡h i is established
over the entire globe. It is only at this time - through the support and
guidance of Im¡m al-Mahd¢ , that all forms of corruption and evil
will be removed from the Earth, paving the way for the utopia which
the Islamic narrations speak so vividly about – the kingdom and rule
of All¡h i.

One of the ways in which we can attain the deep understanding of the
Im¡m , which we must strive for, is to hold firm to the true scholars
who are serving the cause of the faith during the period of the
occultation of our awaited Im¡m . It is by following them and
adhering to their orders, which in reality is nothing other than
following the Qur’¡n and the Sunnah, that we can safeguard our
position with the Im¡m .

The worth of the scholars during the occultation has been emphasized
in a beautiful tradition that has reached us from the 10th Im¡m,
Mu¦ammad b. {Al¢ al-H¡d¢ :

( $ & *#  ) ( ' &

 %$ #  " !  

  ( 2 -  $ " 4  3 
 ,  .   ) ( 2 1 0
/   ( .% -
 $ &  % *,+  )

 $ # 9@  2 '    ?     > =   .# <
  ) ( 9- 8  ) 7   ' 6  #5
 I   H
*  " 4  G
 F %  # E D C  B   
 , +  A .#  ) ( 2
) S# $ ( 2  .$ C 3  : RQ   P J
 O ) D .A M+ L  .4 B
#  >  K =  J  B   
.U+ T

“If there were not to remain after the occultation of your Q¡}im from
among the scholars, a person from among the proofs of All¡h who
would call (others) towards him (the Im¡m); represent him (the
Im¡m); defend his (the Im¡m’s) religion; grant safety to the
downtrodden servants of All¡h from the evils of Ibl¢s and the
wickedness of the enemies (of the Ahlul Bayt), then there would not
remain a single person (on Earth) except that he would have left the
religion of All¡h. But rather, these people (the {Ulam¡) take it upon
themselves to be the protectors of the hearts of our downtrodden Sh¢{a,
just as the captain of a boat takes control of the lives and safety of
those on his ship. Thus, these (the {Ulam¡) are the people who are the
best in the sight of All¡h, the Noble and Great.”1

Was Sal¡m {Alaikum

Saleem Bhimji

Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 2, Page 6, Section 8, °ad¢th 12

‫أَﻟﻠ َّﻬَُّﻢ ُﻛْﻦ ِﻟَﻮ ِﻟِّﻴَﻚ اﻟُْﺤَّﺠِﺔ ا ْﺑِﻦ اﻟْ َﺤَﺴِﻦ َﺻﻠََﻮاﺗ َُﻚ ﻋَﻠ َْﻴِﻪ َو ﻋَﻠـﻰ آَابﺋِِﻪ‬
‫ َو ِﻟﻴًّﺎ َّو َﺣِﺎﻓًﻈﺎ َّو‬.‫ﰻ َﺳﺎﻋٍَﺔ‬ ِّ ُ ‫اﺴﺎﻋَِﺔ َوِﰲ‬
َّ ‫ِﰲ َﻫِﺬِﻩ ﻟ‬
‫ﻴﻼ َّو َﻋ ْﻴﻨﺎ ً َﺣَّﱴ ﺗ ُ ْﺴ ِﻜﻨَُﻪ‬
ً ‫ﻗَﺎﺋِداً َّو َانِﴏاً َّو َد ِﻟ‬
‫أَْرَﺿَﻚ َﻃْﻮﻋﺎً َو ﺗ ُ َﻤﺘَِّﻌُﻪ ِﻓ ْﳱَﺎ َﻃِﻮﻳًﻼ‬
O’ All¡h, be for Your deputy, al-°ujjat ibnil °asan, may
Your blessings be upon him and his fore-fathers, now
and at all times, a master and protector and guide and
helper and proof and guard, until he resides
peacefully on Your Earth and let him
enjoy (his rule on the Earth)
for a long time.

°ad¢th Number 1

The Lineage of Imam al-Mahd¢ 

8   I ( A T ) Y
X  A  %: ( 2 V L @ V 
.Y* @* X 
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“Al-Mahd¢ is from my progeny; his face is like the brightly illuminated
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 85; Kashful Ghammah

°ad¢th Number 2

The City of Qum and the Helpers of the Im¡m 

*) (' & % $ # "
 ! :   

       [   Z  

5 - !  * 1!16% . 5  !
   4 & 3
! 2  * 1   0!/ . - ,+ 
.- 5 ! : . 5 - 8 ,9 * 1 86 0!7 .
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon them both)
has said: “The city of Qum has been named so3 because its
inhabitants will gather with the Q¡}im from ªle Mu¦ammad [lit. one
who will rise up from the progeny of Mu¦ammad] and will stand
alongside him, will strive to be hold firm to (their belief and
assistance) of him and will assist him.”
Saf¢natul Bi¶°r, Volume 2, Page 446

In {Arabic, the word Qum is the imperative verb meaning to stand up. (Tr.)
°ad¢th Number 3

Women in the Im¡m’s  Army

& 3
6 = 2  *% 1<% . : 

       [   Z  

.BC    B%  A
9 @
% ?
Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯°diq (peace be upon them both)
has said: “There will be thirteen women alongside al-Q°}im [when he
makes his advent].”
Al-Mufa¤¤hal [the narrator of this tradition] asked the Im°m:

E D  2 :!
“And what will their role be?”
The Im°m replied:

\  C I  I G8   % $

    ) %K8 0
.( 2 V L @
“They will treat the injured and look after the sick just as the [women
did] at the time of the Messenger of All¡h [during the battles].”
Ithb¡tul Hud¡t, Volume 7, Page 150

°ad¢th Number 4

The Most Beloved to the Prophet 

) ? ^%%  U P D   6 @ - D
   % ] : ( 2 V L @ V 
) _ )*  $
  D8# ^ ( #%) %+ ^ .(  % U  (   06=   P
) Y
 -* ) )` ) ?  :@ J  O )D .(  
    - A   # RQ  + ^
.?# %$ ? ^ # D [ 8 I D ) ? 9-#  
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“Congratulations to the person who meets the Q°}im [one who will
rise] from my Ahlul Bayt and has firm belief in him before his advent.
He will have love for his friends, and will distance himself from his
enemies and will have love for the leaders of guidance (the Im¡ms)
who came before him. Indeed these are my true friends, those whom I
have love and affection for and (they) are the noblest of people from
my nation.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 129; al-Ghaybah of Shaykh ±£s¢

°ad¢th Number 5
None Shall be Saved, Except…
 J8I 8 ( 2 5 ... : H G  < 7
 = $F ,9    7   = [   Z  

Q)  5 P 9 ( 2 O  J!>   M)  L < ,D =  
D 8N 1 /  : . M LC J!8 K
.-   N Q 8/
 0 U
9 G , (
D 8N) - 6 N)5 5 - 0
 R  1 6 = % $
Im°m «asan ibne {Al¢ al-{Askar¢ (peace be upon them both) has said:
“… I swear by All¡h that he (Imam al-Mahd¢) shall go into an
occultation such that none shall be saved [during that period] from
destruction, except the person whom All¡h, Glorious and Grand is He,
makes firm on the belief of his Im°mate [of Imam al-Mahd¢] and
whom He grants the Divine ability (tawf¢q) to supplicate for his
speedy advent.”
Kam°l ad-D¢n, Volume 2, Page 384

°ad¢th Number 6

Absolute Obedience to the Im¡m 

1 +
: & 3
6 = *)  ... :  1 /  = $F ,9     
  [   Z  

] \ 1D [% $N Z 
Y . 5 - 0J!8 K $N  X 0!: . *=  W
 /  . HV ) H G  D  =
... H =5   _ % 
^) 1 + 5
Im°m Mu¶ammad ibne {Al¢ al-Jaw°d (peace be upon them both) has
said: “… Indeed al-Q°}im is from among us (the Ahlul Bayt) and he is
al-Mahd¢ - the one whom it is obligatory to wait for during his
occultation and obey during his advent, and he is the third from my
progeny …”
Kam°l ad-D¢n, Volume 2, Page 377

°ad¢th Number 7
Back to the True Path
` ' cA   $ cA  b  a   : W  
` $    $G ,9 

` ' C d8    $ Y
 D8#  b
 a   ) cA   $ cA  4 a $
 D8#   $ C d8   4 a $
Im¡m {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon both of them) has said:
“[When Im¡m al-Mahd¢ makes his advent] the following of the lower
desires will be transformed into the following of guidance (of All¡h)
after the following of the guidance (of All¡h) had been transformed
into the following of the lower desires; and the thoughts and opinions
(of the people) will be in line with the Qur}¡n after the Qur}¡n had
previously been put in line and accordance with the people’s thoughts
and opinions.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 120; Nahjul Bal¡gha

°ad¢th Number 8
Tears of Separation
& <% 
   J8I 8 ( 2 5 : f  - #g e # /  
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
.a  : c  =  8!9  - 8 ,9  b
 8 0 5 ...  +     a :"
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “I swear by All¡h that your Im¡m will go into an occultation for
a number of years … [during that period] the eyes of the true believers
shall be filled with tears [due to being separated from him].”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 147; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 9
The House of Praise
8  RQ  W

  *)  : f  - #g e # / 
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
%'  5 e 1 . V% :   + P . d
  " - 8N .  
 = O
 8  :-  
6 .
.%4a  M f  8 7  
 e 16% . e 1 .
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Indeed the possessor of the command (Im¡m al-Mahd¢) has a
house which is referred to as, ‘The House of Praise’. In this house
there is a lamp which has been glowing since the day he was born and
will continue to do so until the day he makes his advent with the
sword, and it will not be put out.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 158; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 10
People with the Highest Rank
- 0J!8 K *
 g Q +  *)  : 
/ 7   a  7   =   $G ,9 [   Z  

*) (' *
 g QF h% Q +  Q% b  N=  ] \ 1D X%   . X 0!:  = - 0
 R a
6 =

 L N  = 5 [ A : RQ  5  16%  =   & +

Y 9  ]  h= i % 9 ( 2
.B  +
  = L P !:   & +  : 9 L% J!8 I = -  k \
Im¡m {Al¢ ibnil °usain al-Sajj¡d (peace be upon both of them) has
said: “Indeed the people who live during the time of his occultation,
have firm belief in his (the 12th Im¡m’s) Im¡mate and are awaiting his
advent are the best people of every age since All¡h, Great is His
Mention, has granted them from the intellect, understanding and
cognizance needed which would permit them to live during the period
of the occultation, as if they were living during the time of his advent.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 122; al-I¦tij¡j

°ad¢th Number 11

Greeting Im¡m al-Mahd¢ 

A man once asked Im¡m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be
upon both of them) how he should send his salutations upon Im¡m
al-Q¡}im (may All¡h hasten his advent) and the Im¡m replied:

.( 2 L 86 

. & <% 8 ,9 e ?
7  : % 16% l
”Say: Greetings be upon you, O’ Remnants of All¡h [As-Sal¡mu
{Alaykum Y¡ Baq¢yatull¡h]!”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 373, Tafs¢r Fur¡t ibne Ibr¡h¢m

°ad¢th Number 12
Perfection of the Intellect and Moral Traits
]  . 2 m 5
: 3
 i  :  
J= $F ,9        [   Z  

.& D ?
 p  -  Q  h=  5 & D 1 6% 9 -  2  /
J!  = o
 5 n \ % $
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Ali al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “When our Q¡}im makes his advent, he will place his hand
over the heads of the servants and their intellects will join together
and their ethical traits will be perfected.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 336, Khar¡ij of al-R¡wand¢

°ad¢th Number 13
Testimony to Isl¡m over the Entire Earth
    [  ` ' : f  - g #  e # / 
  8 4  T [   Z  V 
C+ D ) ( 2 + ' (  '  C D h - A 5 A : Y - M + ' q  \  % 
.( 2 V L @ i# /  
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “When al-Q¡}im makes his advent, not a single place of land will
remain except that the call to the testimony of, ‘There is no creature
worthy of worship except for All¡h and indeed Mu¦ammad is the
Messenger of All¡h’ will be given (there).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 340; Tafs¢r al-{Ayy¡sh¢

°ad¢th Number 14

Anticipate the Advent of the Im¡m 

1  )1 0N
+  :  N ... : f
 - #g e # /
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
... Ur
!!7   5
Jj  d    =
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “ … During that time (the period of the occultation), await the
advent (of the Im¡m) every morning and evening … ”
U¥£l al-K¡f¢, Volume 1, Page 323

°ad¢th Number 15
The Ornament of Paradise
.L :/
 = Q +  o
 5 5
` H
G  D  != : ( 2 V L @ V 
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“Al-Mahd¢ is the peacock [ornament] of the people of Paradise.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 105; ±ar¡}if

°ad¢th Number 16
Power and Authority

: 3
 :  . 
 =  .g a  7   =   $F ,9  9
 P h & D 1,%% Q   5 L +
:0  8s  9 Q)  5 P 9 ( 2 W  + i= 
* 11<% . 5 ? C  \ a   \  B1 % & D :  Q    B 1 % Q   5  .   =
:" 5 j  @ RQ  e
It has been narrated from {Al¢ ibnil °usain, the Ornament of the
Worshippers (peace be upon both of them) that he said: “When our
Qa}im makes his advent, All¡h, the Noble and Glorious, will remove
all maladies from our Sh¢{a (followers) and will make their hearts [as
firm] as pieces of iron. He will make the physical strength of one man
equal to that of forty men, and they will be the rulers over the entire
Earth and its sovereigns.”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 737

°ad¢th Number 17
The Completion of Knowledge
5 Lt  J " & ,=  = : f  - #g e # /  
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
& ,N *
N  Q% " G  -  O 3
 2 8 /  N
CN  * 5 A 9
 i RN .a  N 
 =  8 K e 1 8= ^#K o 
: u  .

D 8  & m
 5 o 
: $N
D ^)J!N
CN   . !A  = 5 L 7  v =
CN   . !A 9 5 LC  J "
D ^)J!. %^#K a  N 
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Knowledge is contained in twenty-seven letters (parts) and
everything which all of the (previous) messengers brought was merely
two of these letters and until the day (when al-Mahd¢ makes his
advent), the people will not be given knowledge except of these two
letters. So then when our Qa}im makes his advent, he will bring with
him the other twenty-five letters (of knowledge) and he will spread
these among the people and add these to the previous two letters
(parts) such that he will have imparted the twenty-seven letters (of
knowledge) to them.”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 326, °ad¢th 10

°ad¢th Number 18
Ruling with Justice
 8 J!w  Q +  & 3
 i  :  
J $F ,9        [  Z  

5 ( 2 Z

`   6 N - 9
`    N L 8!9   $N   9 5 L .1 7
 & 7 
H D . - (' H   D  = $ # "
  5 ( 2 g$  6 N ]
.$F p    %'
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
said: “When the Qa}im of the Ahlul Bayt makes his advent, he will
divide (the riches) with equity and will show justice among the
people. So whoever obeys him, has obeyed All¡h; and whoever goes
against him, has gone against All¡h. Indeed al-Mahd¢ was named as
such because he will guide to the hidden affairs.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 97, Page 117

°ad¢th Number 19

A Short Prayer for al-Mahd¢ 

?% * D ) ? k  ... :  
J $F ,9        [  Z  

  \ B
#  .?^%%%.  %.#   ) ? L   %# B   %%
... Y  
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “… May my father and my mother be sacrificed for that
person whose name is the same as my name, and whose title of
appellation is the same as my title of appellation and he is the seventh
person (from my progeny) after me …”
Mi¥b¡¦ul Mutahajjid, Page 680

°ad¢th Number 20
Felicitations are for…

   % ] ) (  
   % ] ... : ( 2 V L @ V 
... (  V 
   % ] ) ( #K D
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“… Paradise is for that person who meets him (al-Mahd¢), and
paradise is for to that person who loves him, and paradise is for that
person who has belief in him (and his Im¡mate).”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 327, °ad¢th 1

°ad¢th Number 21
When Will the Time Come?
: xF 
 = & 3
 e 16% . ^#K L% 9
7   e 16% l M : ( 2 V L @ V 
- : 9 f
 l   5
/   -  Jl   N .Q)  5 P 9 ( 2 *% i y= . a
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“The appointed time (of the Day of Resurrection) will not come until
the one from among us (the Ahlul Bayt) will rise with the truth and
make his advent [Im¡m al-Mahd¢], and this will take place when
All¡h, the Noble and Grand permits. So whoever obeys him shall be
saved, and whoever goes against him will be destroyed…”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 325, °ad¢th 6

°ad¢th Number 22
Brotherhood During the Im¡m’s Advent
& 3
6 = e
 i  ... :  
J $F ,9        [  Z  

- 8p  { 8h %' Q%    $ly= !. 5 (L% ,.P  =) L% , P  = O
!-  :! !. M - 0 
 V p y= 8!N
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “ … When al-Qa}im makes his advent, at that time,
friendship and unity will be established to such a degree that a person
will be able to put his hand in his brother-in-faith’s pocket and take
whatever he needs without his brother preventing him from doing so!”
Was¡}il ash-Sh¢{a, Volume 7, Page 324, °ad¢th 3

°ad¢th Number 23

Tranquility and Ease in the Era of the Im¡m 

: 3
   1  5 : W  
` $   $G ,9 a  : c  = }   

 J+ V  5
D l
J j  @ RQ  O   p (' 5
+  Y=  U ~ 7   O  P ! ('
& 3
D J= 5 Z
J!7 F  O   ,Y j
J  = €  1,%!%   U
: A  
D 8    2 b
 l M e
A   %'     =  8  B%   = $A   l ^#K
M 5 2 J"
D /  8FD . M (
D ,%8Fg
D " =\  $ 5 k 
J:  $
.- N%
v l
The Commander of the Faithful, {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon
both of them) said: “When our Qa}im makes his advent, the skies will
send down their rain; the Earth will bring forth its produce; enmity will
be removed from the hearts of the servants; wild animals and beasts
will live [in peace] with one another and will not stampede each other;
[and life will be such that] if a woman wanted to walk from {Iraq to
Sham (Syria), then every step that she took will be on luscious, green
grass and she will be able to display her adornments (jewelry, etc…)
[and not a single person will try and steal them from her] – no animal
will attack her, nor will she have any fear about them [the wild
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 316; al-Khi¥¡l

°ad¢th Number 24
Acting by the Command of All¡h i
Q%  8N - 8  %K  :  
J $F ,9     
  [  Z  

.( 2   y $   1 =

Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “Revelation (from All¡h i) will come to him (Im¡m al-
Mahd¢) and he will act according to the revelation by the command of
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 390

°ad¢th Number 25
No Oppression or Tyranny
O  s  d  p i RN ... :
m  F  L    $G ,9 [   Z  

& ,X= . ?
 N o
:  8     = *% P 8 2 m 5 5
D !F\ \ 1: j @ RQ 
... C    
Im¡m {Ali ibne M£s¡ al-Ri¤¡ (peace be upon both of them) has said:
“ … So when he [Im¡m al-Mahd¢] will make his advent, the Earth
with radiate with the celestial illumination of its’ Lord and the scale of
justice will be positioned among mankind such that not a single
person will oppress another individual … ”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 321; Kam¡l ad-D¢n

°ad¢th Number 26
Do Not Despair of All¡h’s Mercy
5 d   = 5 X 0!  : W  
` $   $G ,9 a : c  = }   

Q)  5 P 9 ( 2 %' V  $ RQ  W
   *) RN ( 2 
 5 \   1 " y8 l M
.d   = \
X 0 
The Commander of the Faithful, {Al¢ ibne Ab¢ ±¡lib (peace be upon
both of them) has said: “Await the relief and do not despair from the
mercy of All¡h, because indeed the most beloved of actions with
All¡h, the Noble and Grand, is awaiting the relief.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 123; al-Khis¡l

°ad¢th Number 27
Awaiting the Advent
J9  J 
   = \
X 0  : ( 2 V L @ V 
The Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family) has said:
“Awaiting the relief with patience is (a form of) worship.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 145; Da{wat of R¡wand¢

°ad¢th Number 28
Financial Equality
...   % 8 A l ` ' :  
J $F ,9     
  [  Z  

... h I S#  %' iT^%/   c89  %^#%K n  .#
   Ym B 
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “When al-Q¡}im makes his advent … wealth will be
distributed among the people in such an equitable manner that not a
single person will be seen in need of zak¡t... ”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 390

°ad¢th Number 29

A Servant of the Im¡m  for Life

 h= \   1  $!F ... :  
J $F ,9        [  Z  

.8  RQ  , Po W

  $ 7
 =  O
 8 6  (' J
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “ … Indeed if I were to live to see that (the advent of Im¡m
al-Mahd¢), then I would have availed myself to serve the S¡¦¢b al-Amr
(for life).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 234; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 30
Preparing the Groundwork
Y A    C  O]*  : f   
 8 H 
% p
 8 ;
  : ( 2 V L @ V 
.( Ma  L
The Messenger of All¡h (peace of All¡h be upon him and his family)
has said: “A group of people will rise up from the East and will
prepare the groundwork for the government of al-Mahd¢.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 87; Kashful Ghammah

°ad¢th Number 31
Completion of Wisdom
$N L  <= 
 = * 1!lc . ... :  
J $F ,9     
  [  Z  

( 2 €
D 08  $N $ !b
 6= 0 B   = *)  %^#%K - 
. ( 2  1" \ L :" 5 % 9
Im¡m Mu¦ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B¡qir (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “During the period of his [Im¡m al-Mahd¢’s] government,
wisdom shall be disbursed among the people such that a woman
sitting in her house [with no ‘formal’ religious training] will be able to
pass judgement by the Book of All¡h, the High, and the Sunnah of the
Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 352; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 32
The State of a Believer During the Occultation
, Po W  

  *)  : f  - #g e # /  
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
.- :!!.  z 7   08=5 - 0J!8 K  : 9  J 9 ( 2 x 08,= N Lt J!8 K 8  RQ 
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Surely the possessor of this command (Im¡m al-Mahd¢) will go
into an occultation. So the servant should have consciousness
(Taqw¡) of All¡h during the period of the occultation and should hold
firm to his religion.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 135; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 33

Having a Deep Knowledge of the Im¡m 

 RN z
 9  : f  - #g e # /  
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
.]  pG yl 5  8  RQ  , Po e G 6 l ‚  b
 . &  - 0N=  9 i 
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Know your Im¡m because indeed if you have a deep
cognizance of him and this command (his advent) is brought close or
delayed, then it will have no effect upon you [and your faith].”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 135; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 34

The Perpetual Servant of the Im¡m 

- 0!h= \   1 5 M : f
 - #g e # /
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
!8 e
. - 0!  v  
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Indeed if I were to live to see him (al-Mahd¢) then I would have
been his servant for the duration of my life.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 148; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 35

How to Guarantee that One will See the Im¡m 

B ?
   : f  - g
#  e # / 
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
 4 5   
  % $ QF j  # A 2D : D Xƒ  B ? j    5  /  =
 4   & 3
6 = ‚ \  . %^#%K O  . &  & D   N Q= /
F 9 5     
.e ?
7   & D 8 ,9   
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
has said: “A person who says:

.& D   N Q= /
F 9 5   
   4 5   
  % $ QF j
 # A 2D
‘O All¡h! Send your blessings upon Mu¦ammad and the family of
Muhamamd and hasten their succor.’
after his ¯al¡tul Fajr and ¯al¡tul Zuhr will not die until he sees al-
Q¡}im from the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them all.”
Saf¢natul Bi¦¡r, Volume 2, Page 49
°ad¢th Number 36
Death of the Period of Decadence
&  5 k

   ... : H
F  < 7
  $F ,9    7
 = [   Z  

... LC 8!,+
 LC 0!8 k 
 - N=  .
It has been narrated from Im¡m °asan ibne {Al¢ al-{Askar¢ (peace be
upon both of them) that “ … One who dies and does not have a
cognizance of him (Im¡m al-Mahd¢) dies the death of the period of
decadence (pre-Isl¡mic times) … ”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 51, Page 160; Kam¡l ad-D¢n

°ad¢th Number 37

The First Ranked Soldiers of the Im¡m 

% ? > ( 2 5 U $ / . 5 ... :  
J $F ,9     
  [  Z  

* 1   0!/ . BC    * 17
  p & D 8N ?
C  \  A
9 L%  b
 5 L% 3

... L <) !! 
Im¡m Mu¶ammad ibne {Al¢ al-B°qir (peace be upon both of them)
said: “ … Indeed he (al-Mahd¢) will come and I swear by All¡h that
there will be three hundred and ten and some odd number of men
with him and among them there will be fifty women who will all
gather together in Makkah (to help him) ... ”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 223; Tafs¢r of al-{Ayy¡sh¢

°ad¢th Number 38

Prepare for the Im¡m 

& h%    *)   8 : f
 - #g e # /
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
 ` & ,9 i %9 ( 2 *) RN
C D" 1  5
J  & 3
6= d
.]   9 $N %B
 . *= (' k
 1  \ - 08!  
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “Each one of you must prepare (your weapons) for the advent of
al-Q¡}im (peace be upon him), even if it be (as little as) an arrow,
because when All¡h the High, knows that a person has this intention,
then He will give him a longer life.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 366; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 39

Traits of Those in Waiting for the Im¡m 

* 1%<. *=  ]  "   : f
 - #g e # /
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
 5 Z
 \ 1 =
 Q=  8= 5  X 0!: 8,= N & 3
6= €

  -  *
h ]   & 3
6 = e
 5 k

 *= RN . X 0!:  1 + 5 f
q r RQ 
.- h \       Q% ^= 8 T RQ 
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “A person who would like to be among the companions of al-
Q¡}im should be in a state of (active) waiting (Inti¨¡r), and perform all
of his deeds with Wara{ [a level higher than Taqw¡] and with the most
beautiful etiquette and then one will be counted as being in a state of
(true) waiting (Inti¨¡r). Then if such a person was to die and al-Q¡}im
was to make his advent after this, then that person would receive the
reward as the one who witnessed his (al-Mahd¢’s) advent.”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 140; al-Ghaybah of al-Nu{m¡n¢

°ad¢th Number 40

How to Die while on the Path of the Im¡m 

5 & <% :  k

   : f  - #g e # / 
  8 4  T [  Z  V 
... - `
Y 7
N $N & 3
6 = 2  1 +   h 8  RQ  , Ao   !X 0!:  1 +
 D A
0!"    h M)  ( 2 5 M ... -  8 7   -   Z  \
   h Q=  M
. ( 2  1" \ 2 
Im°m Ja{far ibne Mu¦ammad as-¯¡diq (peace be upon both of them)
said: “The person from amongst you who dies while awaiting this
command [the advent of Im¡m al-Mahd¢] is like a person who was
with al-Q¡}im in his tent … no rather, he would be like a person who
was fighting along-side him with his sword … no rather, by All¡h, he
would be like the person who attained martyrdom along-side the
Messenger of All¡h (peace be upon him and his family).”
Bi¦¡rul Anw¡r, Volume 52, Page 126; al-Ma¦¡sin

Also published by Islamic Education
Board of the World Federation
1. Islamic Laws - English Version of Taw~¡|ul Mas{`il by ¤yatull{h al-
˜U£m{ al-«{jj as-Sayyid ˜Ali al-«usayn| as-S|st{n|; translated by the late
Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
2. A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims by the late Sayyid
Ali Asghar Razwy
3. al-Am{l| - Dictations of Shaykh al-Muf|d by Shaykh Mu¡ammad ibne
Mu¡ammad al-Nu˜man; translated by the late Mulla Asgharali M.M.
4. Nahjul Bal{gha Revisited by the late Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
5. The Role of Ahlul Bayt in the Preservation of Islam by ˜All{mah
Sayyid Murta~{ ˜Askar|; translated by the late Mulla Asgharali M.M.
6. Fiqh and Fuqah{ by the late Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
7. Pearls of Wisdom by the late Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer
8. The Collection and Preservation of Qur`{n by ¤yatull{h al-˜U£m{ al-
«{jj as-Sayyid Ab}l Q{sim al-Kh}`|; translated by the late Mulla
Asgharali M.M. Jaffer

9. Anecdotes for Reflection - Part I by Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat; translated by
Shahnawaz Mahdavi
10. The Islamic Moral System: Commentary of S}rah «ujur{t by
¤yatull{h Ja˜far Sub¡{n|; translated by Saleem Bhimji Published in co-
operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service []
11. Tafsir of the Noble Qur`{n: S}ratul Jinn by ¤yatull{h al-˜U£m{ al-«{jj
ash-Shaykh N{#ir Mak{rim Sh|r{z|; translated by Saleem Bhimji
Published in co-operation with the Islamic Humanitarian Service
12. 40 «adith: Month of Rama~{n by Shaykh Mirmanafi; translated by
Shahnawaz Mahdavi
13. 40 «adith: Tabl|gh by Shaykh Mirmanafi; translated by Shahnawaz
14. 40 «adith: ˜Az{d{r| by Shaykh Ray Shahri; translated by Shahnawaz
15. 40 «adith: Qur`{n by Sayyid Majid Adili; translated by Arifa Hudda
and Saleem Bhimji
16. Islam and Religious Pluralism by ¤yatull{h Murtadh{ Mu¢ahhar|;
translated by Sayyid Sulayman Ali «asan Published in co-operation
with the Islamic Publishing House []

17. Guiding the Youth of the New Generation by ¤yatull{h Murtadh{
Mu¢ahhar|; translated by Saleem Bhimji
18. 40 «adith: Prophet ˜Is{; translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
19. Anecdotes for Reflection - Part II by Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat; translated
by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
20. Jesus on Ethics - compiled by the Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation; translated by Dr. Mu¡ammad Legenhausen
21. Manifestations of the All Merciful by Abu Mu¡ammad Zainul
22. A Short Treatise on the Divine Invitation by Mu¡ammad Khalfan
23. Essence of Worship: ªal{t [40 «adith] by Shaykh Ray Shahr|;
translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
24. Lofty Status of Parents [40 «adith] by Shaykh Ray Shahr|; translated
by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
25. The Spiritual Journey – «ajj [40 «adith] by Ma¡mud Mahd|p}r;
translated by Saleem Bhimji
26. Completion of Isl{m – Ghadeer [40 «adith] by Ma¡mud Sharif|;
translated by Saleem Bhimji

27. 180 Questions – Volume 1 by ¤yatull{h al-˜U£ma al-«{jj ash-Shaykh
N{#ir Mak{rim Sh|r{z|; translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
28. Anecdotes for Reflection - Part III by Sayyid Ali Sadaaqat; translated
by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
29. Jesus on Ethics [Second Edition] - compiled by the Islamic Education
Board of the World Federation; translated by Dr. Mu¡ammad
30. Islam and Religious Pluralism [Second Edition] by ¤yatull{h
Murtadh{ Mu¢ahhar|; translated by Sayyid Sulayman Ali «asan
31. Introduction to the Science of Tafsir of the Qur`{n by ¤yatull{h
Ja˜far Sub¡{n|; translated by Saleem Bhimji
32. Faith and Reason by The Porch of Wisdom Research Institute;
translated by a Group of Muslim Scholars
33. 180 Questions – Volume 2 by ¤yatull{h al-˜U£ma al-«{jj ash-Shaykh
N{#ir Mak{rim Sh|r{z|; translated by Shahnawaz Mahdavi
34. The Savior of Humanity: Im{m al-Mahdi in the Eyes of the Ahlul
Bayt [40 «adith] by Abdul Rahim Mugahi; translated by Saleem Bhimji
35. From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path; compiled by
Abbas and Shaheen Merali


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