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Courage To Be Naked The Ultimate Guide To Presenting and Communicating

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“Fred has spoken for my staff a few times. Every time, with great
feedback. We are excited to share his book with our staff members.
If you are in a position where you need to communicate your message
to others, I highly recommend reading this book and bringing Fred
into your organization to speak.”

George De La Rosa
CEO, Toronto Star Credit Union

“Fred Sarkari has been speaking within our industry for many years.
As Canada’s largest mortgage Company, with annual originations
exceeding billions of dollars, we recognize the need for exceptional
trainers and leading experts within our field. Fred is one of the best on
the planet. He is passionate, dynamic, and his messages are inspiring
to all. I can’t wait to get a copy of Fred’s new book and we plan on
distributing it to our 2000 agents Nationwide!! It will no doubt be
ROCKET FUEL for our team!”

Gary Mauris
Owner / President, Dominion Lending

“I have been speaking professionally for over 10 years. This book

will forever change the impact of your presentations. By far the best
presentation book I have ever experienced in my career as a speaker.”

Andrea Thatcher
Pro Trainer, Canfit Pro
“We have all sat into Fred’s sessions, along with many in our industry.
His messages are inspiring and motivating. His model for presenting
and communicating your message to your audience will dramatically
impact your results. I enjoy reading and re-reading his books as I am
always learning something new that I can immediately apply to my
business and personal life. He has spoken in our industry numerous
times, and I highly recommend bringing him into your conference.”

Tamara Stone- Remax

Real Estate Professional, Magazine Top 100 in Canada
Speaker and Author

“As a past professor, consultant and speaker, I was extremely

impressed with Fred’s speaking style. He has the unique ability to
engage the audience, share relevant content and help the audience
create an implementation plan. My staff has attended Fred’s seminars
and I am very excited for all of them to have this book. This book is a
must read for anyone communicating a message.”

Sandy Pembroke - 2005 World Kickboxing Champion

Owner, Your Gym Bag

“I met Fred while transitioning my engineering career. Doing

coaching with him changed how I looked at my relationships in my
professional and personal life. Participating in Fred’s coaching and
workshops, I regained my focus and direction. I have attended many
of his sessions and was so excited to read this book. In my role as
manager and professional engineer, I have to communicate with
many different people in a fast paced environment. This book made
a great impact in how I communicate my message on a daily basis.”

Deanne Collinson
P.Eng - Civil Engineering Manager, Caltech Senex Oil & Gas group
“Fred has worked with my team on numerous occasions. We have
had such great feedback everytime. Fred has played a significant role
towards the 100% employee satisfaction results we achieved one year.
This result is unprecedented for the software industry. We are so
excited to get Fred’s new book in the hands of our team members and
look forward to working with Fred in 2011.”

Jo Chubb
GM, University Of British Columbia Technology Lead Project Manager

“The lawyers and staff in my office have attended Fred’s seminars.

We all loved them. I strongly recommend making the time to read
Fred’s book and attending his seminars - You will be entertained and

Richard Montgomery
Lawyer, Montgomery and Miles Law Firm

“Fred Sarkari is a fantastic teacher and trainer. We have worked

with Fred for a number of years and find him to be a great resource
for maintaining clarity and business focus. We appreciate Fred’s
continued assistance in our dynamic and ever changing environment.
All of our team are excited to receive his new book. This book is a
must read for anyone who does presentations or training of any kind.”

Rob Regan-Pollock
Broker-Owner, Invis

“I have been doing sales presentations for many years. The secrets in
this book has not only changed the effectiveness of my message to my
audience, but more so leave behind a lasting connection.”

Sarah deBoer
MAS - A.T. Cross
“Fred has helped me refine my speaking abilities, create clearer pre-
sentations, and become a better storyteller. His advice and coaching
have taken my comfort on stage to a whole new level empowering me
to deliver my message more effectively.”

Nolan Matthias
Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Business Owner

“We have known Fred Sarkari as a friend and a mentor. His greatest
gift is his sincerity, his passion and his ability to help others. We all
want happy productive employees. Fred has the uncanny ability to
reach and touch each participant through his seminars and his books
as if he was coaching them one on one.
I am a student of his powerful, inspirational and results oriented one
on one coaching programs. The last couple of years have proven that
only the strong survive. Let Fred show you and your company how to
thrive in the coming years! – This is a must read book.”

Cal DeSouza
CEO, Belleview Communities

“This book will change how you communicate your message, whether
to an individual or a group of thousands. This book consists of secrets
of successful presenters and reading it will give you principles and
tools to become a successful communicator on stage.”

James Malinchak
Featured on ABC’s TV Show, “Secret Millionaire”
America’s Top Big Money Speaker Trainer
Founder of

From the Best Selling Author of

“How The Top 5% Think!”

“Present with the passion of a child,

and your audience will be transported
from their seats to the playground.”

Fred Sarkari
Copyright © 2020 Fred Sarkari
All rights reserved worldwide
First edition: 2012

This book, or part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without signed written

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Sarkari, Fred
Courage to be naked : ultimate guide to presenting
and communicating your message / Fred Sarkari.

Issued also in CD and electronic formats.

ISBN 978-0-9738108-4-4

1. Public speaking. I. Title.

PN4129.15.S26 2011 808.5’1 C2011-900473-9

Dedicated To My Two Angels··········································································1
What is Courage?···························································································4
Why The Title Courage To Be Naked?·························································6
Michelangelo’s Greatest Gift To Humanity··················································7

2 Goals Of Any Communicator······································································9
Building Your Presentation··············································································11
The Invisible Man In The Hallway
Understanding Your Audience·····································································14
Why Did His Presentation Fail? – Due Diligence
What Happens In Vegas – Determine Objective
1 of 3 Reactions: Client’s Fears
Death Of A Wedding DJ - Working With Your Clients
Questions To Ask

Creating Content···························································································23
What’s Your Point?
You Are The Sole Survivor?
Drunken Statistics

Appropritate Technology···············································································29
Bedtime Story - Using Slides Effectively
Oops! Can Anyone Hear Me?

Alphabet Principle·························································································35
The Boxing Ring Never Lies - Confidence
An Olympian Will Crash If…
Ideas Flow When Speaking To Your Cat Timing Your Speech
Muhammad Ali Style – How To Practice
Cheat Notes
Check It Twice And Pack It Up
Wear Sexy Lingerie - Dress Code
What I Learned From A Monk·····································································54
Who Are You? - Your Bio

Audience Is Not Sympathic To...·································································59

Beginning Your Speech
Block Buster Movie - Presentation Formula
4 Types Of Audiences
Garbage Day - Secret Behind Starting Your Presentation
Ice Breakers

73% Of Our Communication Is...·································································71
Five critical elements - PRFES

Four Learning Styles - SERV·········································································77

Courage To Shed Your Armor - Storytelling···············································81

Emotion versus logic
Learning Styles
Audience Attention Span
The Life Of A Politician

Is she An Experienced Motorcyclist?···························································86
Make Dinner With The Kids
Cause and Effect

Effective Conclusions······················································································91

Post -Presentation···························································································96
Summary - Be Naked Again And Again
Courage to be Naked 1

The truth is I did not have to think twice before deciding how this
book was to be dedicated. Two very special people in this world have
been my inspiration and have taught me many things about business,
life, relationships, love, compassion and fun. They have also taught
me about one of the most valuable life lessons - the importance of
being authentic. As a result, I have learned more about myself than I
ever thought possible.

I began writing this book many years ago as a guide to presenta-

tion skills in order to help others in their journey.

Although I could never quite place my finger on it, I always felt

that there was something missing and the book was somehow incom-
plete. I decided to hold off on finishing the book until I found the
missing piece of the puzzle.

One day I was at a social gathering with my family. More than

one hundred of us had gathered, enjoying food and drinks, mingling
over clanging glassware and chattering. Suddenly the room fell
silent. I looked over to see my niece and nephew, Natasha and Zal,
on stage. As soon as they started speaking, the entire room was capti-
vated. These two precocious children captured and held the attention
of a room full of adults who listened to them intently, laughing and
agreeing – Why were they all fully engaged?

At the age of 8 and 10, what secret did they hold in order to
captivate an entire room of rowdy adults? Was it the funny things
they said; the power of their voices; or the topics they were talking

The answer I was looking for appeared like a ray of light through
the clouds. I knew exactly what was missing in my book. The missing
piece of my puzzle had revealed itself through my niece and nephew.

Natasha and Zal were able to tap into their authenticity and were
2 Fred Sakari

not fearful of being true to who they were – something that comes so
naturally to children.

Both of these wonderful young people had their distinct style and
they were authentic to it as they shared their message. There was
no doubt in anyone’s mind that these two were speaking from their
hearts. They had not come with a memorized and polished speech
- they were simply being authentic, and in turn, they were able to
share, connect and touch the hearts of all those present. To this day,
those privileged to have been in that room talk about that moment.
They cannot remember the exact words they heard, but they do
remember how they felt.

I truly believe that to be successful in this world as a presenter,

business owner, or even more so, as an individual, we need to be
more authentic as a person.

As Natasha and Zal went on with their presentation that day, a

second lesson became apparent to me. It was obvious to me and
everyone else in the room that they were up there to have fun and
they were thoroughly enjoying every moment.

In business, we too often see presenters so focused on their content

and information, that they forget the most critical element – to have
fun along the way.

We create magic when we learn to enjoy the opportunity to share

and connect with the audience instead of just trying to teach them
something. When you have fun, your audience will have fun and,
when they have fun… they will learn.

Natasha and Zal, the two brightest lights in my life, have reminded
me that we as speakers should never lose sight of two very critical
elements. First, be authentic; always be true to who you are and
ensure that both your message and your delivery are heartfelt.
Second, always remember to have fun along the way.
Courage to be Naked 3

This book could not have been possible without the unparalleled
support I have received from speakers throughout the years. Thank
you so much for your invaluable guidance. Your insights and secrets
have not only changed my career, but have made this book so much

I would also like to extend thanks to all of the people who have
supported me in my public speaking career. There is nothing more
gratifying for me than hearing stories about the impact my presenta-
tions have had on your lives, and I truly appreciate everyone who has
taken the time to share those stories with me. This type of feedback
always reminds me why I do what I do and continues to drive.

Most importantly, I want to thank those who have donated to

ongoing causes. Most of the funds raised from this book goes back to
supporting my causes to help others.
4 Fred Sakari

While this book is geared toward individuals who wish to improve
their public speaking skills, the heart of this book is really much more
than that. The Courage To Be Naked not only helps you onstage, but
helps you live a fuller and more vibrant life overall. After all, that is
what real courage is: whole-hearted people living their worthiness.

In fact, the word courage itself comes from the Latin word “cor,”
which means heart. People who have real courage are those who
are willing to open themselves up and reveal their heart – their true
self. They are willing to be imperfect and let go of who they think
they should be in order to become who they are truly meant to be.
People with real courage are essentially vulnerable; accepting that
what makes them vulnerable is actually, what makes them beautiful,
unique and special.

This type of courage seems like it comes naturally to some people.

They are ready to shed their skin and just open themselves up to the
world. For others, however, letting go of inhibitions and doubts is
much more of a struggle.

For me, I have fought with this my entire life. Being vulnerable
and exposed has never been second nature for me, even though I
have always known deep within my soul that I wanted to be like that.
Therefore, despite my developed inhibitions, I have spent many years
surrounding myself with people who do possess such courage.

These individuals are often regarded as odd. Mainstream culture

does not always understand or embrace the powerful quirks that
these individuals willingly let shine. It is their desire to be who they
are that makes them different. There is nothing more refreshing than
meeting someone that posses true courage: courage to be themselves,
no matter what situation they face in life.

I have seen no better example than in my niece and nephew.

Courage to be Naked 5

Children have the gift of honesty, plainly showing their feelings to

the world. When they hurt, they tell you. When they love, they show
you. My relationship with Natasha and Zal has been an important
awakening for me.

By being around these people, I have discovered that courage is not

simply something you are born with. It is something you cultivate. It
has taken me years to let go of my fears and I have fought with myself
countless times as I try to leave my skin by the door. It’s literally been

It is that courage that I want to share with you. It will not be easy,
and at times it will even be a lonely road, but ultimately, the rewards
are worth it.
6 Fred Sakari


When delivering a presentation I tell people to be authentic on
stage, be the real you, stop being someone you are not and share from
the heart. I am in essence, saying the only way to do that is to strip
away that protective shell - be vulnerable, trust your inner voice…
and be naked, exposing your heart and your message.

If presenters were to tap into the joy of why they do what they
do, and have more fun with it, they would all be well on their way
to being among the greatest speakers who ever walked on stage. In
short, strip away the armor and have fun with whatever you do.

“Courage To Be Naked” will undoubtedly teach you the skills

and psychology you need to be a proficient, effective and impactful
speaker - a speaker who will leave a lasting impression in the hearts of
any audience.
Courage to be Naked 7

When communicating your message, whether you are addressing
three people or an audience of thousands, you want to leave a lasting
impression. You will truly reach your audience if you are clear about
your purpose for being there, know the impact you want to make in
their lives and are sincere about the connections you want to create.
Most importantly, the more you are able to share your authentic self,
the more likely it is that your presentation will live on in the hearts
of your audience. To be able to connect fully with your audience you
must embrace certain aspects of authenticity.

You can be the most powerful, content filled, interesting and cap-
tivating personality but if your audience is not open to receiving from
you, none of that matters. In order for the audience to become open
to receiving you must establish trust. If you expect your audience
to be open to you and trust you, you need to be open and trust your

“The only way you can achieve mutual trust is by being authentic.
Most will see through the façade if you attempt to be someone you
are not.”

For most of us, trusting a group of strangers when we are in a

vulnerable situation would seem impossible. So it is important to
remember that when you are open and trusting others will feel safe
to trust you. When you establish that trust, the minds and hearts of
your listeners will be open to receive your message.

Being authentic is also connected to truly caring about your

audience - not judging them for how you see them or for how they
respond or react, but truly caring about them. Before you can truly
care about someone, you have to be open-minded and listen to one
another without judgment.
8 Fred Sakari

The most effective way of listening to your audience is to practice

mindfulness – this is where you have complete awareness of your sur-
roundings and those around you. There is a big difference between
being mindful and concentrating. Part of being mindful means that
you will never hold judgment of those around you.

Michelangelo was one of history’s greatest creative geniuses. In his

time, speaking your mind usually resulted in imprisonment or death.
How ironic, that in our time, what all people crave from others is that
they speak their truth and are authentic.

In addition to his art, Michelangelo wrapped his vast mind

around the great moral issue of all time: “How can we live a good
and meaningful life?” He believed that finding inner peace was the
key to creating a masterpiece that would live throughout history in
the hearts of all.

To find inner peace is to know your values, understand why you

are doing what you are doing and be true to it at all times. In short,
the authenticity Michelangelo applied to his life and his work is the
reason his creations have remained forever cherished through the

There is true power in having the courage to be authentic to our

values, to who we are and what we are trying to create, whenever we
have the opportunity to share a message to an audience of any kind.

Michelangelo sculpted David out of a “ruined” block of marble

rejected by others. He said the statue already existed within that
stone, he just needed to chip away the part of the stone that hid the
beauty of the statue.

As you read this book, you will gain a deep sense of understand-
ing about what it takes to shine on that stage, and if you are willing to
chip away at the shell and have the courage to reveal your authentic
self, you will in your own unique way, leave a masterpiece in the
hearts of your audience.
Courage to be Naked 9

“There is power in developing the
ability to entertain an audience.”

f you are reading this book, you are probably looking for a way
to improve your public speaking skills. The ideas and skills
presented in this book however, apply to a wide range of situ-
ations. After reading this book, you will be equipped with principles
to help you communicate better in all aspects of your life. You will
find yourself relying on these ideas during one-on-one conversations
with your employees, colleagues, friends, and family. Passages from
this book will come to mind when dealing with your family or your
friends. You will even discover that the principles explored in these
pages can transform your business partnerships and help you accrue
new clients. Ultimately, you can apply the sound communication
skills offered in this book in both your professional and personal life.

As with any successful communication, when you are delivering a

presentation, you should keep two variables in mind:

• What is your message?

• Does your message relate to your audience?

The goal of every presenter should always be to communicate

information in a way that connects with his or her audience. Your
presentation should engage your audience verbally and visually, and
most importantly, emotionally. You want to deliver messages that not
only excite the mind but also touch the heart, leaving an impression
that lasts long after your presentation is over.

Presenters should never lose sight of these two critical aspects:

• The best way for an audience to learn is to connect your

10 Fred Sakari

message to an emotion.

• People will always remember how you make them feel.

This book will cover the principles required to develop and

deliver presentations and communicate a message that will success-
fully engage your audience. Your purpose in any presentation is to
captivate your audience and stay true to your own philosophies and
ideas, and we will outline how to accomplish this.

Every book on presentations inevitably includes a section that

outlines what you should never do. The main thing to keep in mind
throughout this manual and course is that there is no such thing as
‘never’. Everything can serve as a guideline. You should not paint
everyone with the same brush and the same applies to presentation
styles – they are as individual as you are. If a specific style works for
you on stage, then build on it.

We will cover guidelines and strategies that will help you to shape
meaningful presentations and deliver them with powerful impact.
You will also learn how to come across as a polished, confident, influ-
ential speaker who will leave a lasting impression within their minds
and hearts.

Anyone can become a powerful presenter if they understand

the key components of successful presentations and know how to
implement them based on their individual style.

“They must feel that you genuinely care about them.”

Courage to be Naked 11

“People do not care how much you know,
until they know how much you care.”

ne of my proudest moments happened when I was
teaching College. One of my classes was a graduating
class of business students who were ready to face the real

One day, I held an open discussion on what it takes to succeed in

the business world. As we talked about the technical skills needed,
understanding the financials of a company, marketing and sales it
occurred to me that as educators, we at times are also missing what
are in fact the real priorities in life and business.

I decided to give them a short quiz. One of the questions was;

“What is the first name of the man who cleans the hallways at the
college each day?

Most thought it was a joke. They had all seen this man countless
times – they had passed by him every day they had attended college,
yet most could not describe him or even pick him out of a line up.

As I expected, when I reviewed the answers, the list included

almost every name you can imagine. Of course, everyone was hoping
to guess the right name. Finally one student asked the question I
was waiting for. “Does that question count in any way towards our
12 Fred Sakari

My answer to the class was “absolutely not, but it does count in

your career, the impact you will make and the kind of leader you can

Every person that crosses your path in life is equally as significant.

If you value people based on what you can get in return, you will live
a life lacking in fulfillment.

I was so proud of them all when we met for our next class together,
not only had everyone made a point of meeting Sam, the invisible
man in the hallway, they were sharing some of the things they learned
about him in their short conversation with him.

That exercise demonstrated one of life’s most valuable lessons,

something I always keep in mind. Rather than view members of your
audience as merely bodies taking up seats, you must learn to connect
with them, genuinely care about them and learn a little about who
they are as individuals.

When building your presentation, it is important to differenti-

ate between your personal goals and your purpose in presenting to
the audience. Once you truly care about your audience, you will be
better able to make this distinction.

For example, some of your goals in presenting may be to market

yourself, earn a living and practice your public speaking skills. Your
purpose, on the other hand, could be to touch, inspire and motivate
your audience; to plant a seed in everyone’s mind and heart that will
flourish in time to help them grow and realize their ideal lives. While
your goals and your purpose may not necessarily be that different,
it is important to focus on your purpose, rather than what your
personal goals happen to be at the moment you are communicating
your message.

Two main reasons for focusing on your purpose over your goals
during your presentation:

• Your audience is intelligent and intuitive and can discern if

you have a genuine interest in motivating them to be successful.
They will connect to the content and delivery of your speech
when they know you are sincere. If you are genuine and passion-
ate about helping the audience it will come across in your presen-
tation and the audience will be more receptive to your message.
Courage to be Naked 13

• Your purpose and intent during your presentation is directly

reflected in the strength and impact of your presentation. When
you focus on truly caring for the growth of your audience, your
presentation will have greater impact. This is the point where
you will be able to tap into speaking from your heart.

Just like Sam, the invisible man in the hallway, the audience will
be able to feel your sincerity and passion and, in turn, their minds
and hearts will open to receiving your message.

“Every person that crosses your path in

life is equally as significant.”
14 Fred Sakari

Human minds greatest need is to be understood.

remember sitting in the audience listening to a speaker who
had a beautiful presentation. He was a great presenter; full of
passion, great stories and analogies and had a great presence
on stage. The presentation, however, was a complete failure in the
eyes of the audience. How could that be?

The speaker did not do due-diligence with regard to the audience

he was addressing. He did not understand their specific needs and
concerns, nor did he understand the critical messages the organiz-
ers were trying to relay. As great as the presentation was, it did not
connect to the emotions, fears and concerns of the audience. As a
result, the audience did not feel a connection. In short, they felt that
they got a canned presentation.

Presenters need to link their message to the emotions that members

of the audience experience day to day and connect each presentation
to their specific experiences, fears, hopes and joys.

Due diligence can be done on endless topics, but when doing my

due diligence, there is always one constant that I focus on, regardless
of who the audience is or the topic I am presenting. That focus must
be to understand the issues, pains, concerns, problems that members
of the audience are facing on a daily basis. Unless we can connect
our message with our audience based on that, they will never feel that
we truly understand what they are going through. “Only when your
Courage to be Naked 15

audience feels heard and understood will they open their minds”, to
listening to what you are trying to convey to them.

Presenters need to link their message to the

emotions that the audience experience.

Understanding your audience will help you customize your presen-

tation so that it meets their needs. Gathering information regarding
audience expectations is critical to preparing for your presentation.

• Who are the audience members?

• What is their mindset?

• What are their goals and motivations for attending the


Use the client who hired you as a resource for learning about your
audience and their expectations. What does the client believe the
audience is hoping to gain from the experience?

At the same time, if you have access to the audience members,

take the opportunity to:

• Tap into their minds

• Find out what their expectations are

• Determine their needs

• Lean about their fears

Feeling understood is one of the human mind’s greatest needs, and

understanding your target audience will help you shape a successful

Your audience needs to feel that you were speaking to each of them
directly, something you can only achieve if you have done the appropri-
ate research and learned their specific concerns and daily emotions.
16 Fred Sakari

Las Vegas thrives on people who are willing to take a gamble. I
know people that still talk about the win they had years ago. How
they picked the right table, the right time and made the right
decisions in order to create that win. It is also amazing how others
tend to speak about how one of their friends won a large gamble.

Then there are the stories that last within people’s hearts forever,
they impact everyone involved. They are the stories about the times
when someone lost one of those gambles in Las Vegas, a large enough
amount that you can feel your heart stop for what feels like a lifetime.
That feeling of fear, disappointment, betrayal, stupidity or humilia-
tion is the exact feeling the organizer of any event or presentation is
trying to avoid. It is their job to pick the right table and play the right
game. As in Las Vegas where there are thousands of games to choose
from, there are also a thousand possible speakers they can hire. It is
an absolute gamble. They know that if they pick the wrong one it
will impact everyone involved and, more importantly, it will be talked
about for years to come; “Remember when John hired that speaker
for our event, I can’t believe it, what was he thinking hiring him…”

When you as the speaker determine the their objectives, all parties
involved in the communication will win. The positive emotions expe-
rienced by your audience will be remembered and result in a ripple
effect that will promote your name throughout the organization, their
industry and the many speakers’ outlets available to you.

This principle is the same whether you have been hired to deliver
a keynote presentation to 1000 people or your boss has asked you to
do a quick presentation to your co-workers.

You are responsible for ensuring the person who asked you to spea
has zero regrets, leaving them eager to bring you back again.
Courage to be Naked 17

Ask your client to tell you what they envision from the presenta-
tion. You can provide encouragement but, ultimately, you should
make sure your client explicitly describes their expectations and the
concept of what form the presentation should take.

This is important because it includes them in the process and

forces them to take some ownership of the outcome. They will feel
more comfortable with the process if they have some decision-mak-
ing power, and they’ll feel a sense of pride in the success of the event
if they are involved in its organization. Only once you are aware of
your client’s objectives will you be in the position to impart your
knowledge and guidance.

You might determine that the objectives your client initially

expresses may not be what their true objectives should be. Never
ask a client a question you would not be prepared to answer yourself
for them. Be ready to suggest possible objectives for your client to
consider, as they may be at a loss or need you to guide them down the
right path.

At one point I had an epiphany that I was going to start doing tri-
athlons, even though I had not been on a bicycle in a decade, could
not do much more than the doggy paddle and had never run more
than a 15km distance. I used to cycle a lot when I was younger so,
with a little research on-line, I figured I knew everything I needed to
in order to purchase a bicycle.

When I got to the bike shop, Mike, the sales person, started asking
me questions that I was not sure how to respond. Once Mike saw
that I was fumbling for answers, he offered suggestions that got me
thinking along the right path. I walked into that store believing I
knew everything I needed to know, it was not until I heard the right
questions that I learned what I really needed to know.

The same holds true when it comes to the organizers of events

or our leaders asking us to do a presentation on something particu-
lar. Never assume what they say they want is the right thing for the
audience. Learn to ask questions to confirm their thoughts and one
of two things will happen.

• You will have confirmed what they believed they wanted from
you as a speaker.
18 Fred Sakari

• They will realize that there were things they never thought
about, things that may require more thought.

Either way, you will not only look like a professional but they will
start relying on you as the expert.

“When working with a client/organizer of
an event, remember to keep their emotions
in mind throughout the process.”

Their reputation is on the line at the moment they agree to hire

you. Throughout the entire process, especially in the planning stages,
you will have to keep the fears they will experience in mind. You will
need to tap into their experience regarding similar sessions, since that
is where their positive and negative emotions arise when organizing
future sessions.

Everyone who has engaged a speaker or facilitator for a presenta-

tion will have experienced one of three reactions:

• Indifference: the speaker really made no impact.

• Negativity: something the speaker did or said has made a long

lasting negative impression.

• Positive Optimism: something the speaker did or said that left

them feeling the presentation was positive and successful.

What you can learn from your client about previous speakers will
provide powerful insight. Find out what they liked, what they never
want to experience again and what they would like to repeat. Once
you know the answers to those questions, encourage your client to
Courage to be Naked 19

relive the emotions attached by bringing them back to that event that
caused those emotions. Once your client knows that you understand
the implications of those emotions they will tell you everything you
need to know in order for you to build the most relevant and powerful

“Their reputation is on the line at the

moment they agree to hire you.”


When working with clients it is important to keep in mind that, in
most cases, organizing the event is outside the scope of their daily job
duties and, in some cases, they may view the work it takes to organize
the event as an inconvenience.

Some clients will want you to keep them in the loop throughout
the entire process; others may only require a summary at the end.

Be sensitive to what works best for the individual.

To minimize the hassle, be prepaed, flexible and sensitive to your

client’s preferences. Your client’s time is valuable, so do not waste it.
Bring a prepared set of questions for them; gathering as much infor-
mation as possible up front will save time for you both.

Besides ensuring they are actively involved in the planning of the

event, you should also encourage clients to express any concerns they
may have so that you can address them and offer reassurances. This
will provide you with valuable information on what scenarios to
avoid and give you a chance to reassure the client of your competence
and make them feel comfortable.
20 Fred Sakari

No matter how much presentation experience you have compared

to the client, you should always involve them in the planning process.
It is crucial for making them feel comfortable and ensuring the
outcome meets their expectations.

I recently attended the wedding of a close friend. The bride had

arranged the best of the best for every element of her wedding so I
was surprised when just a few days before the big day I heard her say
“I am going to kill the DJ we hired.”

When I asked if the problem was that he was not as good as she
expected, she told me that he was the best for what she was looking
for but he just would not keep her in the loop. I suggested that if she
told me what was missing or what it was that she needed to know I
would contact the DJ and have it taken care of. “There is nothing
wrong and I believe he will do a great job” she replied, “I just need
him to keep in touch and reassure that he will be doing what I am
expecting. I don’t need you to bring me confirmation; I just need to
hear it straight from him.”

Her reply made perfect sense to me, the terms of her relationship
with her DJ are consistent with the terms of a relationship between a
speaker and an organizer.

Being involved gives your client ownership, they will feel more
confident when they know what to expect. By keeping your client in
the loop, you will eliminate the greatest fear an organizer has about
hiring a speaker; the fear of the unknown.

To be or not to be: that is the question. At least, that is the question
according to Shakespeare. This passage from Hamlet is often quoted,
but not nearly considered enough. The beauty of Shakespeare’s
soliloquy in Hamlet is not so much about the answers it gives, but the
questions it asks.

Effective questioning is an entire course, and an art in itself.

“Asking the right questions of your client will bring out the true
Courage to be Naked 21

concerns”, issues and messages that you need to cover in the session.
Once you have deciphered this critical information you can tailor a
presentation, customizing it for the audience at hand.

Here are some examples of questions to ask your client:


• How many people will attend?

• What are the roles of the attendees in the organization?

• What is the general age group?

• What is the gender breakdown?

• How much experience do they have in their positions?

• Where are they from (different cities/countries)?


• When was the last time they attended a course/seminar?

• Who was the presenter?

• What was the topic?

• What was the best part?

• What part, if any, would you change?

• What is the conference theme?

• What message do you want the audience to retain?

22 Fred Sakari

• What would make you say it was a successful session?

• Do you require a workbook/handouts/summaries etc.?

• Do you want more of a ‘hands on’ approach or a theoretical


• How and when do you want me to keep you in the loop as we

build the session?

• What is the objective of the session/presentation?

Courage to be Naked 23

“You need to make sure that you are
clear and certain in your message.”

n the movie Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carey’s character Lloyd
pines for Mary, played by Lauren Holly. Although it is clear
that Lloyd is out of his league with Mary, he pursues her
anyway. At one point, Mary tries to make her lack of interest very
clear. When he asks her what his chances are with her, she tells him
they’re about one in a million.

This rejection is clear and to the point, but Lloyd says, “So you’re
tellin’ me there’s a chance.” This classic line is one of the most famous
from the movie, because we can all laugh at how completely and
thoroughly Lloyd has missed the point of what Mary is trying to say.

While Lloyd is a silly character in a raucous comedy, his ability to

listen to someone trying to tell him one thing and walk away hearing
something different is not a problem limited to fiction. People mis-
interpret things every day, from simple conversations to large media
stories. While some of this failure certainly rests with the person
digesting the information, most often it is the person that is sharing
the information that needs to be more clear with their message.
24 Fred Sakari

In presentations, you need to make sure that you are clear and
certain in your message in order to ensure that the audience walks
away with the intended thoughts and feelings.

Establish one to three main points you want to convey to the

audience and ensure they are Principle-Based. Any principle-based
message will be relevant to all aspects of their lives, including both
business and personal situations.

Create stories and analogies to get the message

across in an entertaining and meaningful way.

Do not merely put words to your message or your audience will

leave feeling that they might as well just read it in a book. The best
way to keep your audience emotionally engaged and interested in
what you have to say is to provide real-life examples and some enter-
tainment value.

We have all heard the saying that people may not remember what
you told them, but they will always remember how you made them
feel. As a presenter, if you can make your audience feel an emotion
associated with your message, they will remember it forever. That
is what the term Principle-Based refers to, connecting your audience
to a principle is relevant in any communication and any area in their


Determine with your client one to three main points they would
like the audience to grasp. Ensure the messages are universal and
principle-based so they can apply to any, and all, aspects of their lives.
Courage to be Naked 25



“Starting the message with an impactful analogy

gets their attention.”

You have a message, story, philosophy you would like to share. Yet,
your client has hired you to communicate a message they want to

Select stories and analogies that are consistent with your client’s
message and your own philosophy, and shape these in a way that
demonstrates to your audience how they relate to their personal and
professional lives.

I was speaking to a group of people working in the medical pro-

fession focusing on heart attack patients and prevention. One of the
messages I wanted to share was about the number of people that die
of heart attacks every year so, instead of just verbalizing that statistic,
I told a story, an analogy about the very city where the presentation
was taking place. Coincidently, the population of that city was close
to the number of people who die of heart attacks every year.

This is how I shared my message: “Imagine waking up tomorrow

morning to discover that you are the sole survivor in the city where
you live. Would you think you have an epidemic on your hands?”

When you are preparing the content of your presentation, keep in

mind that if you got to your message immediately, spouting statistics
and spelling details out for your audience without any anecdotes or
metaphors, the presentation would be no more relevant than if they
were to read a book. There is little likelihood that your message will
have meaning or relevance to them , they would retain very little.
26 Fred Sakari

It is through stories and anecdotes that you can really reach

listeners and give them something to think about. When you are
writing your stories and anecdotes, keep them relevant to each
message and structure them so that they build up to the message you
want to convey.


Once you have learned the message your client would like
delivered, and have thought about how to combine it with your own
approach and message on the subject, you should do some additional
research on the topic so that you are up to speed.

You do not want the audience to catch you by surprise. Increase

your knowledge about your client’s topic and industry you are

Best way to do this is through different discussions. By discussing

your topic, you will encounter some of the different objectives and
viewpoints that the audience could potentially throw your way during
your presentation. This process will help you refine your message
and make you aware of any questions your audience might through
your way.

Make use of whatever information you can get your hands on.
Even if you do not end up using it specifically in your presentation, it
may come in handy for the Q&A sessions with the audience.
Courage to be Naked 27

Telling someone that working out is good for them is true.
However, for most people, hearing that truth isn’t usually enough to
make a difference in their life. On the other hand, if you tell someone
that working out can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 50
percent and can reduce your risk of premature death by 40 percent,
then they are far more likely to make a lifestyle change.

Any quotations, facts and statistics used should be current and

relevant to the audience, market, industry and demographics. Always
link them to a story, situation or example to emphasize the point you
are making. Do not bombard your audience with charts or graphs;
use quotations, facts and statistics sparingly and select only the ones
that highlight your message

Bring some life to statistics by connecting them to something that

your audience can visualize or experience through emotion, as in the
example about the number of deaths due to heart attacks, so that
your audience feels the impact at an emotional level.

Bring some life to statistics by connecting them to something that

your audience can visualize or experience through emotion.

As a speaker, you must be very clear in your mind and heart when
it comes to your principled messages.
28 Fred Sakari

Link the messages to your client’s messages through:

• Stories

• Analogies

• Statistics

• Quotes

Always be fully aware of the impact each of these will have on your

“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-

posts… For support rather than illumination.”

— Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

Courage to be Naked 29

“Technology can be your best
friend, or your worst enemy.”

any years ago when I was first starting out and was still
developing the process of creating my presentations,
I stumbled upon a new software program that would
greatly impact the growth of my business. It promised to make the
time I spent creating my presentations so much more productive,
easier and less time consuming and I was so excited to get my hands
on a product that was going to help me create phenomenal presenta-
tions. It truly was the best software at its time; the output of visual
presentations it could create was like watching a CSI agent delivering
a presentation to his colleagues.

Now came the time to use the technology. As it turned out, there
were parts of the software that I was very comfortable using and
I found it to be quite effective. Then there was the rest of it; after
hours, weeks and months, I realized I was trying to use technology
that I was not comfortable with and, in the end, it did nothing but
waste more of my time.

My point here is that when you use the right technology for you it
can do wonders for your business, but when you use technology that
might be right for your business but not you as a person than it can be
a disaster – wasting time, energy and causing frustration.
30 Fred Sakari


Visual aids heighten retention of infor-

mation by up to 70%.

Using visual aids through technology is like taking vitamins for

your body, enhancing performance while maintaining the essential

Technology and visual aids should never replace the dynamic

power of you, the presenter; they should serve to heighten your pre-
sentation skills.

“Memorable presenters will engage As many of the audience’s

senses as possible, and encourage audience participation.”

— Tony Buzan

Following are Tony Buzan’s figures on the subject of retention of

information as it pertains to how we receive information:

• Read 10%

• Heard 20%

• Seen 30%

• Heard and Seen 50%

• Said 70%

• Said and Done 90%

Following are aids you would use in most presentations and a few
essentials you should keep in mind.
Courage to be Naked 31

“People are visual so slides should relay the
message you are trying to get across.”
As far as design is concerned, focus on what is audience appropri-
ate. Keep it simple but do not be simplistic.

People are visual so slides should relay the message you are trying
to get across, for example with a picture or a simple graph. Refrain
from visual aids that are particularly flashy as they may be distract-
ing and could potentially divert attention from you and what you are

Do not use PowerPoint as a teleprompter to read your speech.

The audience is not there to have a bedtime story read to them

nor are they there to read a book pasted on your PowerPoint presen-
tation. Keep visual content to a minimum. Remember, the slides are
there merely to complement your stories and messages. Whenever
possible try to use pictures to complement your presentation. When
you need to use content, do not exceed 5 to 6 lines of text. Short
bullet points work best.

For the sake of the audience’s sanit avoid using every function
available in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Tips:

• Keep it simple but do not be simplistic

• Refrain from flashy visual aids

• Keep slides simple, clear and short

32 Fred Sakari

• Use bullet points instead of sentences

• PowerPoint is not a Teleprompter

• Keep content to a minimum

• Use pictures

• Do not exceed 5 to 6 lines of text

• Do not over use transitions

My 9 year old nephew made a Power-

Point. He used clipart, and it was cute.


Flip charts are a great way to get people off their seats and moving.
Remember, movement creates energy and energy ignites thought.
If I am doing small hands-on break out sessions, I prefer flip charts
to eraser boards as you can give the audience the content on the flip
chart at the end of the presentation. Flipcharts can also be taped
anywhere in the room or, more importantly, they can be taken to
different breakout sessions.


Lapel microphones are great for those presenters who are very
energetic and rely on a lot of movement on stage. You will want to
keep your hands free whenever possible during your presentation
and will find that a lapel microphone is preferable to a hand held
Courage to be Naked 33

Make sure there is someone there that knows how to control the
volume just in case you need it changed in the middle of the presen-
tation. You do not want to be the one going back and forth playing
with the technology.

I remember listening to one particular presenter, she was amazing.

She had the crowd engaged and energized. I was taking pages of
notes, not only on her content but also what made her such a great
presenter. Suddenly her microphone began cutting out, stalling the
momentum she had built. It was her responsibility to control the
microphone and she had no choice but to stop her presentation, fix
the problem and then attempt to build momentum all over again.

I recently faced a similar situation where my microphone cut

out, fortunately, I had arranged for someone to handle the technical
aspects of my presentation and was back on track within seconds.

In the end, find your own style and use the kind of microphone
that suits you best on stage.

“A great presentation is the result of the momentum

built throughout. Stopping the momentum stops
the energy within the presentation.”
34 Fred Sakari


List 3 Critical Messages you want to take away from this

Courage to be Naked 35

“It takes one hour of preparation for
each minute of presentation time.”

— Wayne Burgraff


“Knowing, rather than memorizing, your topic
will strengthen your confidence.”

onfidence is nothing more than trusting in yourself and
feeling good about what you are doing. Having confidence
does not mean you will not be nervous, it means even
though you are nervous you will do it anyway. You either let the
nervous control you or you let it drive you.

There are a few key ways to build confidence when it comes to

doing presentations.

Increase your knowledge about the topic you are presenting by

researching it as much as you can. Practice speaking about your
topic, discuss it with other people, you might even try taking different
sides and explore a different point of view.

Go through different scenarios and discussions to prepare for

anything an audience member may throw your way.
36 Fred Sakari

• Know your topic rather than memorizing your speech

• Continuously research your topic

• Discuss your topic with others

• Take different viewpoints of your topic during discussions

• Most importantly, just go ahead and speak

Speak with more confidence than you may actually feel. If your
audience believes you are confident they will be less likely to challenge
you, in fact they will listen to you intently.

In order to build confidence at the beginning of a presentation,

talk to your audience, have a casual discussion, tell a story… interact-
ing in this way will help you connect with them and feel relaxed.

Confidence ultimately comes with real-life practice, after all, there

are only so many hours you can spend rehearsing in front of the
mirror; the best practice takes place on stage.

A great presentation is the result of the momentum built throughout.

Sandy, a good friend of mine, and a former professional fighter,

once shared an important philosophy with me. “The boxing ring
never lies.” What he was saying is that you can practice all you want
on a punching bag and in front of a mirror but until you actually step
into the ring, you will never know what skill level you are at, you will
never know who you are as a fighter.

That message is so very relevant to presenters. We can practice all

we want in front of a mirror and our pets, but until we are willing to
step out on that stage, we will never know who we are as presenters.
Courage to be Naked 37


“Great presenters are not slaves of their

fear, they are masters of their fear.”

When we are afraid, we put up walls to protect ourselves. This is

instinctual but it does not mean we cannot learn to adapt and deal
with our fears in other ways. The protective walls erected by fear
inhibit us from being our authentic selves. While stress and fear will
undoubtedly plague every speaker from time to time, it is important
to remember that it is in those moments that we must be most
conscious of being our true self.

The greatest detriment to any speaker is doubt.

A negative thought is more powerful and can cause more

damage than a positive thought. You can overcome doubt by visual-
izing a flawless delivery and train your mind to eliminate any sense of
uncertainty from your heart and mind.

A creative acronym for FEAR is:

• False

• Evidence

• Appearing

• Real
38 Fred Sakari

You are not alone if the thought of speaking in public scares you.
Giving a presentation to an audience regularly tops the list in surveys
of top fears. Even experienced speakers feel their heart thumping
when they step on stage.

In the beginning, you may fear:

• Your topic

• Your presentation

• Your audience

Initially these three items are unknown and you will not have had
enough experience with these variables to feel comfortable. As you
become more familiar with your presentation and topic, your fear in
relation to them will lessen. A bit of fear however, will always remain
when it comes to the audience, as it will always be an unknown to

We all have fear of standing in front of people. The term ‘fear of

public speaking’ is in fact one of the biggest fallacies. People are not
afraid of public speaking, people are simply experiencing one of the
greatest fears of the human mind that is linked to public speaking, the
fear of the unknown, the greatest fear of the human mind.

For an experienced speaker, their presentation, style,

message etc. are no longer the unknowns.

What you will not know is your audience’s state of mind,

what kind of a day they are having… This is where, as experi-
enced speakers, “we have to believe in our message and we have to
be authentic.” The principle is the same for both experienced and
novice speakers.

The fear felt by speakers and presenters results from the

unknown. Even experienced speakers have no idea how a particular
audience will react and respond to them as a presenter. The most
important strategy to overcome fear is to start presenting. Do not
Courage to be Naked 39

allow fear to hold you back. Do not wait until you think you will be
perfectly ready because that time will never come. With every pre-
sentation you deliver, you will grow and refine your style.

The fear of the unknown [is] the greatest fear of the human mind.

If you are apprehensive about delivering a presentation, change

your state of mind, visualize a perfect presentation and you will turn
any sense of fear to excitement.

You have to believe in you

If Olympian bobsledder’s focus on crashing or missing a turn,

they will crash. If they visualize every corner and straight sections of
the track and, make a mental plan, they know exactly how the race
will go. A downhill skier plans their exact path down the hill, every
edge carved into the snow before pushing off. Similarly, as a great
presenter you will need to visualize the emotions your audience will
experience and ‘see’ their positive responses to your message.

Change how you look at people and the

people you look at will change.

I practiced my first presentation for months, I knew the presenta-

tion inside out and backwards, yet I found every excuse to convince
myself I was not ready. Then the day came when I had to step up to
the plate.
40 Fred Sakari

The presentation should have lasted anywhere from 45 min to 1

hour depending on the interaction of the audience. I was so prepared
that I knew I was going to blow the mind of everyone in the room, I
was going to make an impact they would talk about for years.

When I got up to speak, I opened with a great introduction. Then

I immediately lost all recollection of the content of my entire presen-
tation, except for the conclusion. So that is what I did, I concluded
with a summary.

I lasted for 7 minutes in front of what at the time seemed like a

large audience of 10 people! It was fortunate for me that someone got
up, covered for me by saying that I was only giving them an overview
and finished off the presentation.

In the end, no matter how much you practice in front of the

mirror, you have to be willing to just step up to the plate. My greatest
fear hit me flat in the face, that night I had a decision to make, get out
and speak again tomorrow or let the fear over-take my DNA and most
likely never speak again. My fear was greater than most of you will
experience but I knew that if I did not get on stage to do something
within the twenty-four hours, I probably never would again. The
next day I introduced another speaker to a group of 15 people and I
rebuilt from there.

My destiny evolved from my greatest fear.

Always plant the seed of positive thought in your mind prior to

each presentation. Do not discourage yourself by thinking of all the
things that might go wrong.

The best way to prepare your mind for success is to visualize your
perfect presentation.

Visualize your style, your movement, your speech and the response
of your audience. If you are positive about your presentation it will
Courage to be Naked 41

help you work toward a exponential improvement.

You have to be willing to just step up to the plate.


• Your Style

• Your Movement

• Ideal response from your audience

• Your speech

• Your Body Language

• Smiles in the audience

• Laughter and enjoyment in the audience

Effective preparation is the key to achieving confidence, which, in

turn, is a key element to your success. Effective preparation consists
of many components and is more than just good content.

Effective preparation and rehearsal will reduce your nervousness

by 75% and increase the likelihood of avoiding errors to 95%. (Source:
the Fred Pryor Organization - a significant provider of seminars and
open presentation events)

Fear is an emotion generated by your thoughts at a particular

moment in time. Change your language in your mind and you will
42 Fred Sakari

change your state of mind, and in turn, you will change the emotions
that you are feeling.

Visualizing success will bring you a step closer to achieving success.

You likely have heard many elaborate tips for overcoming the fear
of public speaking. The best tip I can give you is very simple: practice,
practice and practice some more. When I say practice, I am not
saying look in the mirror and hit the punching bag. Step over those
ropes and step on the stage.

Then, when you think you have practiced enough, practice again.
Your presentation skills will be continually evolving; practice is what
facilitates that evolution.

“The best way to improve your public speaking

skills is to face your fears head on.”


Remember that you will inevitably speak faster on stage than
during your practice runs. That might change as you gain more

You might practice at home and find that your ideas flow for a
full ten minutes, but on stage that flow might last only three minutes.
That is because at home, you are usually speaking to yourself or to
a non-threatening audience, your cat for example. When we speak
without inhibition or fear our thoughts flow best.
Courage to be Naked 43

Two things can happen on stage; you can speak too fast and not
connect your message to your audience or, you can go to the other end
of the spectrum and babble on without ever getting to the message.

The best way to practice is to tape your practice and live sessions.
In doing so, you can imagine yourself on stage as you listen to your
own voice. You will hear where you need to lengthen your story or,
at times, shorten it. To overcome the timing challenge, break things
down. If you have twenty slides with three main messages, time each
message separately. It is always better to have more than less; you
might not use it all but your audience will be none the wiser!

The most crucial thing is to never exceed your allotted time. If you
are to finish at 5 pm then you should be completely done and walk off
the stage at 5 pm. If people expect to finish at a certain time they will
make plans and have appointments.

More importantly, your audience will start shutting down their

minds to you toward the end of the presentation, they start thinking
about what lies ahead, the reality of what they have to get back to; be
it work related or personal. If you run on too long, you run the risk
that your audience will miss out on your concluding message.

If you hold them longer than the committed time, they are also
likely to get antsy, stop listening and even feel resentful. Respect other
people’s time and honor your commitment to be done by the allotted
time, and you will retain your credibility.

“Never exceed your allotted time.”

44 Fred Sakari



“Great presenters are created; this creation

evolves through consistent practice. The more pre-
sentations you give, the more you will develop
your own personal presentation style.”

— Fred Sarkari

I must say that I sometimes get tired of hearing the word visualize,
visualize your way to success, now you have created your path to
success… Wow, if only it really was that easy! Visualization is merely
the most basic first step.

In order for visualization to work, you must understand the

science behind it. The greatest athletes in the world win their gold in
their heads before the start of the race. A big part of their training is
comprised of mental preparation.

Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer of all time, was famous for
playing mind games with himself, yes with himself. He had such
control over his thoughts that, before ever stepping into the ring,
every molecule in his body had already won the fight.

Of course, he did the obvious things that most of us do; words of

affirmation, telling ourselves we are the best, we will rock the crowd,
visualize your audience having a great time. Ali went beyond that;
he visualized every second of that fight, every movement, each blink
of the eye and shift of the head.

Speakers often make a big mistake by thinking they just need to

visualize a successful presentation. Some will go as far as seeing
the audience clapping, laughing and enjoying themselves. They
then enter the danger zone where they visualize the positive minor
Courage to be Naked 45

responses and reactions of the audience when, in fact, that does

nothing but hinder their performance.

When visualizing the audience you should only go as far as an

Olympic Gold medalist visualizing the crowd in order to get excited
during training. When they step out on the competitive field, all their
focus is on themselves, first. Once that is etched into their minds, then
they will visualize the crowd.

Before ever stepping into the ring every molecule

in his body had already won the fight.

Instead of typical audience visualization, as a presenter you need to

think of yourself as an athlete and focus on self-visualization. Visual-
izing your audience without first focusing on yourself will do nothing
but hinder your performance since you will be reacting to anything
and everything your audience does. All athletes know that, to play
your best game, you must direct all your focus on your performance.

Practice needs to simulate the actual event in your mind’s eye.

This is where the practice comes into play, you will need to
rehearse not merely the words, but the feelings we want the audience
to experience. You will also need to get a sense of what you will be
feeling while you are on stage.

As speakers, we ourselves need to be able to feel

every emotion we want our audience to feel.

We need to know first-hand, in every molecule of our body, the

feelings of pain, hurt, love, happiness, anger etc. before we can expect
46 Fred Sakari

our audience to do so.

Your brain does not know the difference between thinking about
doing something and actually doing it. Remember this very critical
fact! It does not know the difference between practice and the actual
event. This is why it is imperative that your rehearsals duplicate your
actual events precisely as you intend to have them occur on stage.
You will need to know every word and every feeling behind those

You can practice your speech, your style, body language, tone of
voice… but you cannot practice authenticity, you just are. When you
practice, visualize and live the actual event in your mind.

Visualizing your audience without first focusing on

yourself will do nothing but hinder your performance.

Imagine giving a speech to your dog or cat. You are not concerned
in the least about hecklers or criticism and you can fully trust that
they will not find fault or judge what you believe or whom you are,
you are free to share openly and passionately. This is being authentic,
and authenticity is what will connect you to your audience.

It is quite simple really. To be your best, you just need to be yourself.

Novice speakers who try to imitate a speaker who has impressed

them in the past are usually disappointed and left trying to figure out
what went wrong. Instead of trying to be the next Anthony Robbins,
stop faking it and build on your own strengths, connect to who you
are, and let that authenticity lead you to become the best speaker you
can be.
Courage to be Naked 47

Your brain does not know the difference between thinking about
doing something and actually doing it.

Great presenters with great messages who do not come across

as being authentic are perceived by their audience as calculating or
insincere, regardless of the fact that they may have rehearsed to the
point of perfection and planned on duplicating what they achieved in
the living room when they step on stage. Like the best-laid plans of
mice and men, the best-rehearsed speeches often go awry. Once an
audience’s perception is established, no amount of preparation can
counter it.

When you are authentic with your intentions, the indi-

viduals in the audience mirror that authenticity.

Minds, hearts, stories and journeys become one, creating the

opportunity for them to live your presentation. Remember that when
you practice, do so with as much passion as possible. Select a message
and work on it until you have refined it so it is not too long yet still
makes the point; then keep repeating it until it flows naturally and
without hesitation, like reciting the alphabet.

“Let that authenticity lead you to become

the best speaker you can be.”


Remember key words for your stories and messages. Those key
words should link you to the entire message in your mind. Have your
48 Fred Sakari

PowerPoint slides printed out and practice frequently with them in

front of you. When you are on stage and you see the slide on the
screen you want that recognition to occur immediately, you want
your memory triggered without a moment’s hesitation.

Tap into your voice. Try speaking with energy when you are at
home, using different parts of your voice and, in time, you will know
which one works for you.

When you practice, do so with as much passion as possible.

Go to a place where no one can hear you, pick a story you want to
share, turn on a tape recorder and pretend you are presenting. As you
play it back, listen to one section at a time and ask yourself if there
is life behind your words, is your tone of voice appropriate etc. Try
it again with more life and energy. Repeat this process until you feel
there is life behind your story and you are certain your audience will
feel and live your analogy.

Great athletes always have a coach. Great presenters should always

have a coach as well. In order to be your best you have to work with
the best. One thing every Olympian has in common is that they
work with a coach; they know a coach will see things they never will.

Once you have developed a reasonable amount of comfort with

your presentation, ask a friend or a family member to listen to it and
provide constructive feedback.

The amount of time and work you will have to put in to make your
presentation a success may seem overwhelming but, if the success of
one presentation is not sufficient to validate the work, consider this:
when you learn to speak well, you will sell your ideas and, in turn,
be a better communicator and a better leader. Developing excellent
communication skills is one of the cornerstones of becoming success-
ful in many aspects of life at work and even at home.
Courage to be Naked 49


“I use many props. The props act as cue

cards reminding me of what to say next.”

— Tom Ogden

When an athlete takes to the field, it is his time to put all of his/
her hard work and practice into performance. With everything on
the line, there are no second chances and the stakes are always high.
However, even the best athletes don’t go into situations blind. They
have fallback cues to help them stay on track. Base coaches provide
insight for runners. Football linemen look for movement on the line
of scrimmage to figure out which areas to cover. Basketball players
call different plays to set up their offense more effectively.

These small cues serve as prompts to help keep athletes focused

and on the path for success. Public speakers can incorporate similar
cues, or cheat notes, into their presentation, in order to build confi-
dence and keep the presentation on track.

Great athletes always have a coach. Great pre-

senters should always have a coach.

There are a few ways to make cheat notes:


• Use pictures on your slides that represent the story or

message you want to share. Pictures are a lot easier to connect
to the message you intended to share; they alleviate the need to
memorize a story.
50 Fred Sakari


• Your cue cards should only have one or two words, in large
font that will trigger your memory for what you want to say.
Never write out sentences unless you plan to read your speech.


• Write down one word that will trigger what you want to say
below each slide. If possible, have a table beside you where you
can lay out your cheat notes. Write the words in large letters so
you can see the word from a distance, at a quick glance.

In carpentry, expert builders know to measure twice and cut
once. When working with wood, making a mistake wastes time and
materials, which can ultimately jeopardize the integrity of the entire
project. Presentations are much the same way. Leaving materials
behind or bringing items that malfunction can significantly impede
your focus and negatively affect your overall performance. Have a
checklist of everything that you need for the presentation. Take a
complete inventory, check it twice and, most importantly, pack it up
the night before.

Checklists are the key to preparing in advance and avoiding

glitches and delays, we use them for all major events, from the
expected birth of a child to preparing for a vacation. When we are
excited or anxious, the likelihood that something might be forgotten
goes up significantly.

You will have other things to concentrate on the day of the presen-
tation. Prepare a list of the things that you will need both before and
during your presentation in finite detail so you are free to focus and
stay in the moment when you are delivering your presentation.
Courage to be Naked 51


“They expect a professional presentation, so they

expect to see a professional.Dress appropriately
for the occasion, but don’t be one of the crowd.”
— Wess Roberts

People like to say that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. While
there is truth to this, people unfortunately do judge us by our dress.
There are a few ways to look at a dress code. If you feel comfortable,
you will look comfortable no matter what you wear. I have met pre-
senters who show more confidence and command the stage in shorts
and T-shirts than those wearing a custom fit $2000 suit.

If you are able to captivate your audience, then it does not matter
what you wear. But do keep in mind that people get distracted very
easily. You want them to focus on your presentation over your clothes.

Overall, it is a good idea to mirror the

audience to which you are speaking.

Anything you can do as far as your appearance goes will boost

your confidence. For women, there are studies that have proven that,
regardless of how she chooses to dress on the outside, wearing new,
sexy lingerie boosts her confidence by 40%.

Most critical aspect of your dress code is to make sure you feel
comfortable and confident in what you wear.
52 Fred Sakari

Courage to be Naked 53


Write 3 Critical Messages you want to take away from this

54 Fred Sakari

“Ask a heckler to identify himself and his company.
They usually prefer to be anonymous.”

— Judy Moreo


ene Descartes was a 17th century philosopher who changed
the course of modern thought with one simple sentence: “I
think, therefore I am.” Known widely in Latin as cogito
ergo sum, this concept puts a focus on the power of thought to define
ourselves and the world around us. Though years have passed, we
would all do well to remember Descartes’ theory, especially when it
comes to giving a presentation.

Your thoughts will undoubtedly affect your reality and, more

importantly, they will affect the reality of those in your audience.
The best tool you can have as a speaker is power over your thoughts,
before, during and after your presentation.

When you implant authentic thoughts, your entire reality

and the reality of your audience will transform.

Every thought you have is a physical energy that reveals itself

through your physical self on stage, therefore, your thoughts are more
effective than words when it comes to influencing others. One inter-
pretation of the power of thought is a flow of energy between objects.
Just as energy exists in nature, connecting each molecule to another,
Courage to be Naked 55

your thoughts, when pure and authentic, will connect you to each
audience member. When you achieve this, you will have attained
the power of a collective, the power of your intention on stage will
multiply and flow throughout the entire room and every individual
in it.

Everyone has heard the adage people may not remember what
you say, but they will never forget how you make them feel. Science
shows that a focused thought has the ability to change the molecular
structure of an object. Imagine how your thoughts can affect the
thoughts of others in the room. You can alter their state of mind and
change how they feel.

In everything we do, even before entering the room, our thoughts

and intentions precede us. We have already started to influence
others’ state of mind before ever uttering a word. Although every
movement we make might not necessarily make sense or fully com-
prehended by everyone else, they will undoubtedly feel it.



I remember studying with a monk for a few months. He had

the ability to heat water with his thoughts. When I asked how he
did that, his simple answer was “this is truly the power of authentic
thought, I focus on how I want that water to feel.”

Your thoughts are and will always be your greatest tool on stage.
It is imperative that we maintain full awareness and consciousness of
the feelings we want to project while on stage. Since your intention
has such an effect on your audience, you cannot fake this. You have
to be authentic with your intentions to make a difference in the minds
and hearts of your audience.
56 Fred Sakari

When someone has bad news to share, they might preface it by
reminding the audience to not shoot the messenger. Have you ever
thought about what that saying means? Just think about when you
hear bad news. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, your immediate
response is to lash out at the person giving you the information,
whether or not they are responsible. The saying actually derived from
ancient times, when news often had to be relayed by a human envoy.
Because of the risk these individuals faced on a daily basis, many
towns and countries made it treason to harm the town crier.

Fortunately, when giving a presentation, you are not likely to face

death, even if people don’t like what you have to say. However, any
time you stand in front of a group of people, it really is a little bit
about you. No matter what your message is, the audience needs to
engage with you as a presenter and as a person. While prepping the
heart of your content is critical for overall success, it is important to
remember that the messenger matters, too.

At some point, you will likely need to provide your bio, so it is best
to have a few prepared in advance. Your audience needs to know who
you are, what have you done and why are you standing there? Create
several bios, each one intended for a different purpose. Having them
ready beforehand will save you the trouble of scrambling to produce
one in a hurry when you need it.

Recommended types of bios:

• Main Bio

• Media Friendly Bio

• Introduction by a client

• Self-Introduction
Courage to be Naked 57


Your main bio should be no longer than one page and should
include the details of your accomplishments as well as what you have
to offer clients. You are your product, so the aim of the bio should be
to create confidence in your credibility and experience.


Create a bio for media that clients can download; it should be

a snapshot of what you do. The structure should consist of short,
concise sentences and should include your contact information. Your
media-bio should be just enough to capture the viewer’s interest with
a quick browse.

Your media bio should address the following:

• Any tangible results you have created for yourself and others

• Your main topic/area of expertise

• Companies you have worked with

• Your presentation style

• What makes you different

• What are the benefits of working with you


Prepare a bio for use by those who will be introducing you;

it should be short and describe your relevant accomplishments.
It should speak to your credibility and give substance to why the
audience should listen to you.

List some of the clients with whom you have worked. You should
58 Fred Sakari

also mention facts about your presentation style, for example if you
have an interactive style or if you require the audience to take notes.

It is a good idea to use larger font with extra spacing between lines
so the person introducing you can easily read the information.


Ideally, it is better to have your client introduce you, but it is a good

idea to prepare a bio for introducing yourself in case it is required.

State your qualifications, but do so modestly. Focus less on

promoting yourself and more on setting the stage and tone for your

Prepare the audience members for your expectations of them

during the session, be sure to let them know what you would like
them to consider and the behavioral guidelines they are to follow.
For example, save questions to the end, ask questions at anytime,
challenge my ideas, keep an open mind, laugh, have fun etc.
Courage to be Naked 59

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

ost people can identify the source of this line without
even being literary scholars. This opening line from
Charles Dickens’ classic “A Tale of Two Cities” is so
iconic that it has become part of a worldwide lexicon.

This is the power of a strong beginning. As a presenter, it is

important to know that the first word you utter will set the tone for
the rest of the presentation, for better or for worse.

As the time to start your presentation nears, it is important to pay

attention to your state of mind. This is the point in time where most
presenters focus on what could go wrong. What you need to concen-
trate on is visualizing your perfect presentation: how you will sound;
how you will look; how the audience will respond; and the impact
you will make in their hearts and minds.

A lot of books and courses state that the audience is sympathetic

and wants to hear what you have to say. A few are, but most in the
audience are not, they are there because either it is mandatory to
attend or they are hoping that this speaker will be different from the

Most people in your audience have sat through so many sessions

60 Fred Sakari

that they have lost their sympathy and empathy and are more
concerned with their return on time invested. Their mentality is that
if you are willing to step up on stage you are an expert, not only on
your topic, but as a presenter and communicator as well. Audience
expectations have risen to new heights and it is up to you not to just
meet but exceed those expectations.

Most attendees enter the room with a negative state of mind.

Thoughts such as:

• What will he or she teach me that I do not already know?

• Not another presentation!

• What makes the speaker an expert in my field?

They will remember being disappointed with past presentations.

It is imperative to ensure that you connect with their emotions in a
different way. You can accomplish this by using appropriate jargon,
technical terms, emotions, life experiences, their experiences and,
most importantly, knowing when to use each of the above.

A child-like passion will transform a presenta-

tion from informational to inspirational.


“Avoid the Typical Presentation Model”

Back when I was working in the corporate sector, like most of you,
I attended many presentations. One particular conference for the
financial industry always comes to mind when I think of energy in a
Courage to be Naked 61

presentation. Before even arriving we had already been talking about

how boring the topic and speakers would be.

The first speaker, a lawyer, started with his presentation with an

introduction that sounded as if he was asking us to prepare for a long,
boring hour. Throughout the presentation he stuck to his commit-
ment to be boring and during his conclusion, he reminded us of how
boring he was by summarizing it to us.

The topic had nothing to do with the poor impact of the presenta-
tion. I have heard the same topic in the past by presenters who made
it engaging, fun and memorable; it was the delivery and model that
killed it.

Once the presenter understands the Presentation Formula, which

I will review with you soon, any topic can leave a lasting impression.

When it comes to the majority of presenters, the introduction,

body and conclusion of the presentation provide a triple opportunity
to bore the audience completely.



• Your introduction tells them you are going to bore them.

Body of the presentation:

• You actually bore them based on your promise to do so in the



• In the end, you remind them by telling them how you bored

Most of the presentations I have seen, I would rather

have watched two men fish. And I don’t even fish.
62 Fred Sakari


A dynamic presentation taps into the minds of your audience but,

more importantly, touches their heart, creates fun and leaves a lasting
impression. The following presentation model will help you achieve

Introduction: Movie Trailer

• Entice their minds

• Create curiosity and excitement

Body: Emotional Roller Coaster

• Play the movie

• Exceed the expectations of the trailer by connecting to their


• Engage all spectrums of their emotions

Conclusion: Crystallizing the Close

• Summarize the content in relation to the audience’s situation

• Crystallize the main messages into their heart

“A dynamic presentation not only taps into the minds of your

audience but, more importantly, touches their heart.”
Courage to be Naked 63


The introduction of a presentation is like a trailer of a new block-

buster movie. It excites the audience to want to see the movie, the

When the trailer comes out it catches your attention, stopping

your mind from whatever it was thinking, drawing all your attention
to what is on the screen. The trailer or introduction for your pre-
sentation needs to engage the minds and curiosity of your audience,
exciting them with a greater value than any other thoughts in their
mind at that moment in time.

When preparing your introduction, remember to appeal to your

audience both mentally and emotionally. Create curiosity and excite-
ment about what they are about to hear so that they are eager to sit
and listen.

As with an exciting trailer for a movie, your goal is to give your

audience a jolt that will get their attention and clear their minds of
whatever stray thoughts they were entertaining before you begin to
speak. A good introduction will capture the audience’s attention and
imagination, setting the tone for what is to come. If you capture your
listeners’ attention with your introduction, you will have a better
chance of keeping them on board as your presentation continues.



Whereas your introduction is comparable to the trailer of a

movie, the body of the presentation constitutes the movie itself. The
body of the presentation should exceed the expectations set by the

The best blockbuster movies engage audience emotions at all

times, taking them on an emotional rollercoaster or sensory adventure
where they laugh, feel love, pain and live within the movie itself, often
envisioning themselves as the lead character!
64 Fred Sakari

The same holds true for a blockbuster presenter, you need to

take your audience on a roller coaster ride of emotions; love, pain,
laughter, hurt, empathy and vision, allowing them to live within your
presentation. Then and only then will they have a lifetime connec-
tion with your presentation, leaving a lasting impression not only in
their minds but in their hearts as well.

A good introduction will capture the audi-

ence’s attention and imagination.

To do this effectively, your content must reach the emotions of the

audience members, such that they can visualize and identify with
what you have to say. The key to the presentation is to engage as
many emotions within your audience as possible.

“Appeal to your audience, both mentally and emotionally”


Your conclusion is your final chance to make an impression.

Whatever you deliver at the end will be freshest in the minds of your

The conclusion of a blockbuster movie touches the audience

within their own lives. They feel the conclusion of the movie;
be it love, pain, hurt, conquest or loss. Those are the same results
you should achieve with the summary of your presentation. Your
summary needs to make a connection to your audience, leaving them
wanting more.

Your content must reach the emotions of the audience members.

Courage to be Naked 65

As you conclude, remember to maintain the same emotional

impact you delivered in your presentation. Summarize your content
in the context of how it relates to the audience members in their
personal and professional lives. Never turn it into a dull repetition of
everything you have already discussed in your presentation.

Regardless of your topic, or whether you are appearing in front of

a large audience or communicating your message to an individual,
always remember that whatever information you are sharing is only
useful to people if they can apply it in some way to solve problems,
improve their lives or to give them perspective. At all times, connect
your information to them as individuals.

“Crystallize your main messages into their heart.”


You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole. No matter how hard
you try and how much time you spent on it you would be foolish
to think it will work. The same is true when giving a presentation.
Giving a speech that does not match up with the personality of the
audience members is an exercise in futility, but a presentation that is
geared to the audience will fit perfectly for all parties involved.

Always be the first one there, it will give you the opportunity to
scan and analyze the audience members as they show up. There is
a lot you can learn from audience analysis. Take mental notes and
group the audience members into four categories of personality type
then consider which category describes the majority of the audience.

The four personality types you are looking for are the following:

• Strong Minded: an audience that would like you to get to the

point. They will have an interest in learning but would prefer to
66 Fred Sakari

have your message delivered in shorthand rather than drawn out.

They view themselves as busy and short on time and appreciate
an efficient approach to presenting.

• Analytical: they would like the speaker to slow down and

provide detailed information. Analytical types prefer to know
that all your information and content is authenticated and

• Energetic: they are a highly interactive and a high-energy

group. This group tends to move around a lot, cannot sit still,
and wants to have influence, be able to share their thoughts and
interact throughout the presentation.

• Loving: caring, supportive individuals make up this group.

Their priority is to look after one another.


Though it is hard to measure, most experts estimate that any given
person will have about 60,000 thoughts per day. With this much
going on in someone’s head, it is no wonder that many presenters
have a hard time grabbing their audience’s attention and holding
onto it. Overall, presenters have an uphill battle each time they stand
up to talk to an audience.

Keep in mind that when audience members walk in, they are
generally thinking about their situations at work or at home; they will
also be thinking about the work they will have to catch up on after
the presentation is over. They are thinking of vacations, the weekend,
children, clients etc. Whatever you start your presentation with will
have to stop them in their tracks. Replace their present thoughts with
something that has an emotional impact, a thought that has greater
value to them then their previous thought.
Courage to be Naked 67

In order to change a person’s immediate thoughts,

you will need to replace those thoughts with
thoughts that are of greater value to them.

Starting your presentation strong means connecting emo-

tionally to your audience. The goal of your introduction should be
to trigger emotions, shifting their mindset from the private thoughts
that will be distracting them to what you want them to feel and think.


Starting strong does not necessarily mean you have to create an

impact with the first words you speak; it is a principle of changing
their mind frame. You may want to start small conversations and
create a little bit of interaction to loosen everyone up and then share
a gripping story or message that will involve them emotionally right
from the start. How you start strong will depend on you tapping into
your personal style.

The best way to shift a thought process in someone is to connect

with them emotionally, and the best way to do that is by relaying a
message through a story that they can relate to in other aspects of
their lives.

I recall a particular presentation where one of the messages I

wanted to impress upon the group was awareness and patience in
understanding of how others treat us. I could have gone straight to
the point, laying out the message like the title chapter in a book…
“Understand that they could have had a bad day, they are not really
mad at you, they just have a lot on their mind and need someone to
68 Fred Sakari

take it out with. Don’t take it personally, smile, move on, don’t let it
ruin your day and do not pass on the negativity” How boring is that?

You cannot run a marathon without some prep work, you don’t
kiss your date goodnight before dinner. Every message needs a story
to connect the dots and in the case of a presentation, to connect the
emotional dots. All the logical facts are great, but your audience
needs to feel the message before they can visualize it.

You can help your audience feel, visualize and live your message
through a poignant and relatable story that touches them in some
way. The difference may sound something like this…“I would like to
share a story with you about a seemingly small event that opened my
eyes, I call it ‘Garbage Day’.

Replace their present thoughts with something

that has an emotional impact.

I was cycling downtown with a friend when suddenly a car sped

around the corner and almost hit me. I slammed on my brakes,
barely managing to keep my bike upright. Although it was obvious
that the driver of the car was at fault, he started yelling at me.

I put a big smile on my face and waved at him. The person I

was cycling with asked me “Why did you just do that? The driver
could have seriously injured you, not to mention almost damaging
your bike!”

“Well,” I said, “as in most neighbourhoods, we collect our garbage

all week in order to dump it all on collection day. People run around
full of garbage, frustration, pain, misunderstanding, stress and
anger and as their ‘garbage’ piles up, they need a place to dump it,
sometimes they dump it on you. “

So next time some one dumps their garbage on you, do not take it
personally. Smile, wave and understand that it is their day to dump
that garbage, wish them well, and move on.
Courage to be Naked 69

Your audience needs to feel the message before they can visualize it.

Most importantly, do not take their garbage in, compile it in

your bin and spread it to other people at work, at home with your
family, your kids, friends or a cyclist on the street. The bottom line
is that respected and trusted leaders do not let garbage, their own or
someone else’s, take over their day.

Love the people who treat you right. Also love

the people that do not treat you right.

If you provide a means for people to live your message and truly
experience it; they will always remember what you had to say. When
the time comes that they personally experience the situation you
shared with them, they will remember your story.

We all remember being in school when the teacher asks the first
question. There is a long pause and silence fills the room while the
seconds tick by. No one wants to speak first, and everyone is acutely
aware of themselves in the group. A good teacher will know how to
overcome this block of silence in order to promote a positive learning
environment. A good presenter will also know how to handle this
initial discomfort and apprehension in order to better reach their

‘Ice breakers’ are a great way to influence the mindset of your

audience and should be relevant to the message you are trying to
convey. By taking time to allow the audience to get to know each
other you will find that they will feel comfortable with each other,
making it easier for them to interact.
70 Fred Sakari

Timing is crucial when introducing the use of icebreakers. Make

sure there is enough time to allow for relevance of the exercise but
ensure that it does not exceed a time of effectiveness, as you will lose
the participants interest. The question arises, what is effective time
for an icebreaker. Remember the purpose of an icebreaker, to get
their mindset to where you want it to be, get them to stop thinking
about all the aspects of their day and start thinking about what you
will be covering during the session.

If you are delivering a two-day workshop, you will have time to

do an icebreaker that could take thirty minutes. For a three-hour
workshop, your icebreaker might be about 5 minutes. Your icebreaker
for a one-hour keynote presentation will, more times than not, turn
into a critical message that gets your audience’s attention away from
their daily activities and onto your topic.

The point is that icebreakers have a specific purpose for each

instance. Keep that purpose in mind and you will incorporate a useful
and relevant piece into your presentation.

“The purpose of an icebreaker is to get their

mindset to where you want it to be.”
Courage to be Naked 71


he movie Toy Story tells the tale of a group of toys that
belong to a young boy. Led by the practical and much
loved cowboy doll Woody, the toys tentatively welcome
newcomer Buzz Light Year to the room after a birthday party. Unlike
the other toys; who are aware of their role and purpose in life, the
new Buzz Light Year does not realize he is a toy and instead believes
he is in fact a space ranger, as his box says he is.

Determined, Buzz works to prove his status. At one point, to

convince any doubters, Buzz insists he can fly and attempts to prove
it by flying around the room. Through a series of creative mishaps,
Buzz flies off a car ramp and circles the room on a model plane
hanging from the ceiling. When he lands back on the bed, Buzz
proudly boasts of his accomplishment. Woody, frustrated at Buzz’s
growing popularity, argues that what Buzz accomplished wasn’t
flying, but “falling with style.”

While Woody may have been right, Buzz’s flash and flair was
enough to convince the other toys, earning him instant credibility
and popularity, much to Woody’s chagrin. Clearly, style counts for
a lot.

No matter what we have to say, it is often how

we say it that really makes a difference.

Understanding how to develop and harness your personal style

can make all the difference in the success of your presentations.
72 Fred Sakari


Your body language is more powerful than the actual words

you speak; in fact, body language is the source of 73% of all our

Body language conveys two of the most valuable parts of your


• You care about being there and you care about the audience.

• You are passionate about your topic and, you not only care
about what you say, but that you adhere to the messages and
values you discuss in your presentation.

Mix up your body language to make the most of this unspoken

mode of communication:

• Move around

• Stand still

• Use calm hand gestures

• Switch in and out of dynamic movement

Your movements should have intent. Select movements and

gestures that are appropriate for the tone of the story you are telling.
For example, if you are telling an exciting story, use energetic gestures
and move briskly. If you are telling a sad story, then stay relatively still
and use slower, more relaxed gestures.

Your body language is more powerful than

the actual words you speak.

Avoid having items in your pockets, such as loose change as you

Courage to be Naked 73

may inadvertently end up playing with it and rattling it, to the distrac-
tion of the audience. Speakers often inadvertently exhibit annoying
gestures. You will need to figure out what gestures you might be
making that could distract your audience.

Make a video of yourself and study your gestures and movements.

Once you know what you need to control and change, you can put
‘memory builders’ into place to rebuild your habits. For example, if
you have a habit of walking around too quickly you can strategically
position some tape on the stage to remind you as you cross over it.

I once coached a speaker who had a habit of waving his arms

around. A thick elastic band on his wrist was the perfect solution; it
would catch his eye as his arm moved, reminding him to slow his arm
movements. Another speaker I worked with had a habit of pointing
his finger at people. He found it helpful to draw a smiley face on his
finger as a reminder.

“The principle is simple: find the habit you want to break,

and create a reminder to reform it little by little.”


While email and texting have revolutionized the way people com-
municate, these forms of electronic communication have been criti-
cized for their limitations. After all, it is very hard to convey emotion
electronically. In normal speech, we change our tone of voice or the
intensity of our speech. These small changes go a long way to commu-
nicating how we feel or what our intentions are. While these factors
are difficult to produce in electronic mediums, they can be harnessed
to their full potential when giving a presentation.

Modulate the tone and volume of your voice accordingly for each
of the stories you are sharing. If you are discussing a profound and
emotional story, stand still and keep your hands in front of you in
a gentle position. Calm both your voice and movements and speak
slowly and softly.
74 Fred Sakari

On the other hand, if you are recounting an exciting anecdote,

move around, use expressive hand gestures, speak faster and modulate
your voice in both high and low tones. By adjusting the tone of your
voice according to the story, you will heighten the emotional impact
on the audience.


Ships are designed to sail, but when their anchors are dropped,
they’re not going anywhere. While this immobility is important
in certain situations, such as in dock or for fishing ventures, it can
be harmful to try to take to the open sea with the anchor down.
Therefore, any sailor will always lift the anchor in order to set to sea.

Just like a boat trying to set sail, a presentation needs to be unfet-

tered in order to achieve its true potential. Because of this, it is crucial
as a presenter to avoid anchoring yourself in any way, which means it
is time to put away the fallback podium that has been so popular in
traditional speech-giving. The use of podiums is ill advised unless you
are planning to read a speech or if you are introducing someone and
reading their bio. If you are in a position where you have to read a
speech, a podium is the best tool.

Standing behind a podium has several negative effects:

• Constricts your gestures

• Prevents you from moving around

• Creates a barrier between you and your audience

• Hides the energy and expressiveness of your body language

It is said that when you smile, the whole world smiles with you.
This is more than a cute quote; it actually has major basis in fact. It
has been proven that one smile can trigger smiles in others, instantly
improving the mood in any situation.

If something as simple as a smile can make a difference, presenters

Courage to be Naked 75

should be conscious of every little thing they do. Style is developed

not only in your inflection and movement, but in the way you carry
yourself and your subtle connections with the audience.

Five CRITICAL elements to remember during any and every


• Pause

• Relax

• Fun

• Eye Contact

• Smile

The most critical moment of any presentation is the start. Most

presenters want to get the ball rolling the moment they step in front of
their audience, jumping right in without allowing audience to adjust
their mindset and catch up. Remember, it is okay to breathe, take a
second to take in the audience and smile. This in turn slows down
your heart rate, calms you and creates anticipation in the minds of
the audience, allowing them to turn their focus on you.

The five elements mentioned above can be used in any combina-

tion, together, separately, or one before the other. The key is to use
at least one of them with every breath, every connection and message
you send to your audience. Mix it up. At times, smile, at others pause
more between some critical words in a sentence, or connect using eye
contact with an individual. When you make strong eye contact with
a relevant message to one individual in your audience, everyone will
feel connected to you.

When you smile, the whole world smiles with you.

The main principle behind using these five elements is the power
they have in connecting you, your message and your audience.
76 Fred Sakari


It is crucial that you enjoy your presentation; if you enjoy it, your
audience will enjoy it. The more you smile, relax and have fun, the
more you will go with the flow, appearing and feeling natural in your
role as presenter.

A smile will mask any nervousness you may feel.

Smiling and having fun has a contagious effect, you can lighten
the mood of your audience with your own cheerfulness, which in turn
relaxes you. Once you know your audience is enjoying themselves you
will automatically relax as well.

“It is okay to breathe, and take a second to

take in the audience and smile.”


Eye contact is important as it enables you to capture the attention

and the focus of your audience. Some speakers take this too far by
staring too long and direct at an individual, thinking that connects
them, yet actually makes them uncomfortable. Take care not to
stare too long or you will make the recipient of this attention feel

As a rule of thumb, cast brief glances at members of the audience.

Eye contact is important because it communicates to your audience
that you notice them. If you make direct eye contact with your
audience, you will enforce the fact that you believe in and stand by
what you are saying and can be trusted.
Courage to be Naked 77


Learn the power of the pause if you want your audience to absorb
what you are saying. Use pauses during the moments where you are
looking to impart the most impact to your last statement or right after
in order to give time for them to feel and connect to your message.

“Enjoy your presentation.”

78 Fred Sakari


extbook companies have made a science out of commu-
nicating content to a wide range of learners. While older
textbooks employed extensive blocks of text to make their
point, newer models are better geared to all types of learners. In
addition to straightforward text, modern textbooks will use pictures,
graphs, creative narratives, quotations, and more. Why? Because
textbook companies know that people learn in different ways, and the
best way to reach all learners is to appeal to all learning styles.

Unlike reading a book, your audience has one chance to listen

to you, they do not have the option of re-reading a passage if they
miss something or do not understand your message. Because of the
necessity for immediate audience retention, you need to keep things
simple and interesting.

Using different presentation styles will give your audience the

variety they require to stay interested and connected to you and your
message. Use as many of the following presentation styles as possible
for maximum effect: visual, emotional, logical and theoretical.

Your audience has one chance to listen to you, they do

not have the option of re-reading a passage.

In order to reach each person in your audience you should focus

on each of the four learning styles in a sequential flow:
Courage to be Naked 79

• Visually

• Emotionally

• Statistical

• Relevance


Add any facts, theory and statistical information relevant to your

message to lend authenticity. When using statistics make sure you
connect them to something meaningful for audience members and
their situation.

You need to keep things simple and interesting.


Telling a story will trigger the emotional response you require in

your audience. To elicit an emotional response, you must first ensure
the story is one to which your audience can relate.

They need to feel like the story is about them and their life situations.
80 Fred Sakari

I gave a presentation to a group of Psychologists and Psychiatrists

and one of my messages was about the importance of staying aware
of the state of mind of our patients while walking them through the
process of self-awareness. The emotional response that I wanted to
trigger within this group was how they had felt in situations when
others did not understand their state of mind.

First we emotionally took their minds to a time where they did

not feel understood, a situation most would encounter on a daily
basis. Once they recalled a particular incident, we talked about the
emotions they felt and the impact that had on them. Helping them
re-live that experience allowed me to drive home the importance of
being aware of the same situation with their clients.


State the obvious; tell the point of your story, including what it
illustrates and how that tidbit of information relates to your audience
as individuals, in their personal and professional life. No matter
how obvious and basic the point may seem to you, you still need to
mention it.


To reach them visually, display a PowerPoint picture slide that

represents the story that will connect them to your message. People
do not remember content, but they can implant the visual into their

“The power of the stories you share lies not in the

words, but in the feelings behind them.”
Courage to be Naked 81

rom elaborate wedding proposals to comic covers of hit
songs, people all around the world have utilized youtube.
com to become instant celebrities. is a video
streaming site, which allows users to upload personal videos for
worldwide viewing. In this medium, some people have discovered
internet fame, with their performances going viral, earning thousands
or millions of hits.

State the obvious; tell the point of your story.

Why do these videos become so popular? The individuals putting

them up are not professionals and most of the videos are poor quality.
However, the people in them are real people. It is this authenticity
that attracts people, creating a resonance that can take an average
person and turn them into a viral celebrity. This goes to show that
you don’t have to be an expert to open yourself up to others.

“When people see the real you, they are more likely
to be engaged with what you have to say.”


We base every decision on some level of emotion directly
linked to experience, which is then justified by logic. That is why, for
82 Fred Sakari

every message you communicate, you must first open the minds of
your audience with emotion and then, once they are receptive, tell
them specifically the message you intend to get across.

One of the best ways to make your audience feel

emotion is for you to display emotion.

The power of the stories you share lies not in the words, but in the
feelings behind them. Allow yourself to feel the emotional weight of a
story as you share it with your audience. The best stories to draw on
are your own, you will be more passionate about something you have
actually experienced and as a result, your audience will relate to your
message with deeper emotion.

I once spoke to a youth group. As I spent time getting to know

them, it became apparent to me that each one of them had become
victims of the negative circumstances they had learned to focus on.
What I wanted them to understand is that we are all on our own
journey; our own circumstances that help us base our choices; we can
choose to be victims of those circumstances, allowing them control
our lives or we can tap into the potential in them and to create our
own destiny.

One tactic I use to impress my point on an audience like this is to

talk about people who have come from harsh circumstances similar
to theirs and have gone on to accomplish great things. I also balance
that information with some of my own journey. I talk about some of
what I went through, how, when told I would end up in a wheel chair
I refused to believe it. I share how I dreamed of one day running
again and all the emotions I went through at the time. I go on to
explain how facing the challenges I had come up against head on
rather than becoming a victim of them also created a multitude of
other joys in my life, opened so many new doors and built the lasting
relationships I now hold so dear.

“Have the courage to shed your armor, and

share part of you to your audience.”
Courage to be Naked 83


In creative writing courses, many students are taught the power
of appealing to all the senses. Exercises are designed to help students
successfully incorporate all the senses into their storytelling in order to
better reach their audiences. This varied approach not only enriches
the story but is more likely to resonate with readers.

There is more than one way to tell a story. The best way to
reinforce your message is to use the presentation model to relay your
message; the more you can implement visual, emotional, statistical,
and relevance presentation styles, the greater the impact you will

At times, you might not be able to use all aspects of the model
due to your environment, i.e. the absence of technology for visual
aids. Whatever limitations you may encounter, remember to follow
the principles of the different learning styles and connect your stories
through them.

“There are more ways than one to capture

your audience’s imagination.”


When most people go to the grocery store, they are sure to take
a list in hand. Why? Because without a list, it is likely that you will
forget something that you need. For some people, even making a list
isn’t enough, since they manage to forget where they put it when they
walk into the store.
84 Fred Sakari

Many researchers believe that the human attention span has

actually dwindled in recent years. With TV and the internet, people
are constantly distracted, making it difficult to stay focused on any
one thing for a period of time. This is why after receiving explicit
instructions; many people still have to ask, “What was that you said?”

People, in general, have short attention spans so it is important

to stimulate them, do not engage in long-winded tangents. Keep
your anecdotes and messages short. Tailor your stories to stimulate
emotions and never let things drag on to the point that you lose
emotional immediacy. Keep your audience engaged, but also get to
the point. Most importantly make sure your message is clear.

“People never forget moments of laughter.”

If you can make people laugh then you will be the hit of the
show but be very careful when using humor in your presentation.
Comedians should be the only ones telling jokes on stage, it is their
job. Of course, if you are specializing in comedy as a presenter that is
a different story. Otherwise, you have to be very careful how you use
jokes and make fun of others.

I once observed a speaker who truly wanted to be a comedian. The

first half of his presentation was amazing, he captivated the crowd,
had strong stories and a relevant message. Then he said something
that made the audience laugh and he took that as an invitation to
continue as a comedian. His entire presentation began to change as
he directed his energy toward making people laugh, as soon as he lost his
authenticity and tried to be something he was not, people lost connec-
tion to him and that was the point at which his presentation began to go
quickly downhill.

Humor in any presentation should relate to real life scenarios and is

most effective when used within your stories. Use your own experiences
in your stories and do not be afraid to laugh at yourself. Humor at the
Courage to be Naked 85

expense of others will alienate your audience rather than warm them.

Anyone in business knows that you have to put in a lot of time and
effort to get new clients. Some estimates suggest that it takes up to
eight conversations with a potential client before they will even agree
to sit down face to face with you for a professional meeting. It takes a
great deal longer to secure a sale.

This should remind us that it takes a lot of work to convince

someone to believe in what you say. However, just one misstep can be
enough to undermine all your hard work, no matter how thorough or
convincing you may have been. This is why in business and in presen-
tations, it is essential to always keep yourself in check or you run the
risk of alienating your audience with one wrong word.

Take care to be politically correct in all aspects of your presen-

tation, do not offend anyone, particularly in your choice of humor.
Once you have offended someone, it will not matter how well you
present, the negative impression your audience will have of you will
blind them to everything positive you may do on stage.

When you are telling a story, keep the following in mind:

• Emotion vs. Logic

• Connect to the learning styles of people in your audience

• Audience attention span

• Humour

• Political correctness

Once you have offended someone, it will

not matter how well you present.
86 Fred Sakari

hen most people are asked about their favorite sport,
they usually need to have the question clarified. After
all, someone’s enjoyment of a sport will vary drastically
depending on whether they are playing or watching. While many
people may enjoy playing a round of golf, there are far fewer who will
take the time to watch a golf tournament on TV. The reason why is
pretty simple: doing something is often more engaging than simply

Interaction with your audience creates energy and relaxes people

so that they are encouraged to interact. Getting a healthy level of
interaction going with the audience will have many positive effects:

• It will help audience members to stay energetic

• Prevent them from losing focus

• Create a bond between audience and presenter.

• It helps them to feel involved and enjoy themselves.

At the same time, as the presenter, you have to be careful to

control your crowd. Every interaction should be relevant to everyone

Action creates emotion.

The best way to engage the mind is to get the audience to move
about. Movement creates energy within the mind as well as the
Courage to be Naked 87

There are many ways to get your audience to engage. Physically

move around or stand, verbally respond, to even simply raising their
hands as a response to your question. The key is to keep them moving
physically and emotionally.


I remember when I was new to riding motorcycles. One day I

was having a coffee with a friend I used to race with. If you drive
a motorbike you know the joy the sound of engines roaring in the
distance brings, that sweet sound was what we heard coming nearer
as we sat on the patio.

As a handful of motor bikes raced by us my friend asked “Fred,

looking at them drive by, can you tell the difference between a novice
and an experienced rider?” My reply was the most technical and
complicated answer I could come up with, but his focus was more on
the power of the basics.

He smiled back at me, “Fred, you can always tell an experienced

sport bike rider because they have the ball of their foot rather than
the middle of their foot on the foot pegs.”

Every time I sit in on a presentation, I look for one indicator

to determine the experience of a speaker, his/her ability to field
questions. The art of instantly answering any question without going
into too much detail and the ability to connect that answer to the
entire audience is one that can only come with experience.

The best way to build this skill is through experience; the second
best way to build this skill is to take the time to predict any question
an audience can throw your way and know how you would answer
it. The audience will test you in order to establish your credibility.
You can be a great presenter but as soon as you start dancing around
questions, you become the equivalent of a typical politician in their
eyes and lose their trust.

Answer questions confidently but carefully, taking care not to

offend anyone. Blunt answers can save time and have more impact,
but the blunt approach is only advisable after you have built a good
88 Fred Sakari

rapport with the audience.

If you are asked an inappropriate question or one that requires

too lengthy an answer or is irrelevant to the crowd, etc., advise them
that you would love to answer that but it would be more appropriate
and respectful of others’ time if you answered it one on one after the

Above all, respond to all questions confidently in order to inspire

trust and confidence in your answers.


Stay focused when presenting and do not allow the audience inter-
action to spin out of your control. If the discussion becomes irrelevant
to the topic or theme, you must jump in and steer it back to the topic.
Also, be careful not to allow audience banter to drag on for too long.

These rules as well apply to you as the presenter:

• Stay focused on your topic.

• Do not run off on a tangent or stray too long from your topic.

It is your job as the presenter to control every aspect of your pre-

sentation, the stage, and the audience. Keeping control of the pre-
sentation is not to say there is no room for improvisation or audience
participation. On the contrary, you should make your audience feel
that they have freedom and flexibility in the presentation to take it in
any direction they require.

This reminds me of making dinner with my niece and nephew.

They just want to be a part of the action, they want to experience it
all and be responsible for everything with you. When kids know they
Courage to be Naked 89

are a part of the result, they are proud, appreciative and engaged. It
is completely irrelevant to them that you, as the adult, still ultimately
have control of what and how much goes into the recipe. We, as
adults, feel the same satisfaction when we are involved in creating

“Allow the audience to change the recipe of the presentation.”


Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying, “To expect the unexpected shows

a thoroughly modern intellect.” This quote has endured the test of
time for its simple truth. No matter how well we plan and no matter
what contingencies we put in place, there will always be something
we cannot account for. Whether in life, business, or a presentation,
the only guarantee we have is that there are no guarantees at all.

Be aware that there will always be unexpected issues during a pre-

sentation, no matter how much foresight you have or how much you
prepare. The most important thing to keep in mind is to stay focused
and do not let unexpected issues throw you off course. Laugh about
it; work through it and/or around it. Your audience will follow your
response to the situation. If you show stress, they will feel stressed; if
you are relaxed, they will stay relaxed; if you laugh, they will laugh…

“Do not let unexpected issues throw you off your presentation.”
90 Fred Sakari


Presenter Audience

Stressed = Stressed

Relaxed = Relaxed

Laugh = Laugh

Energetic = Energetic

Presenter Emotions = Audience Emotions

Courage to be Naked 91

uring its run on NBC, the sitcom Seinfeld was a rating’s
powerhouse. People tuned in week after week to watch the
random and often pointless antics of Jerry, George, Elaine,
and Kramer. So when the show came to a close, the finale was widely
watched and hotly anticipated. However, the show’s offbeat conclu-
sion ended with the four main characters in jail, and people around
the world were left dissatisfied.

Endings can make or break. From TV to books to movies, a bad

ending can sour an otherwise enjoyable experience. The same is true
for any presentation you give. The right ending can make all the dif-
ference, but a bad one can undo all the work you put in.

To conclude your presentation simply summarize your main

message points, what you would like your audience to take away from
this event.

• Remind them of your three key points

• With each message point, add a sentence that is relevant to

their lives

It is not necessary or advisable to run through the entire presenta-

tion; your audience will have heard it the first time. Besides summariz-
ing your main points, have your audience commit to what they have
gained and absorbed from the presentation. Writing creates clarity
and reaffirms knowledge. To facilitate this commitment, instruct the
audience to write down the main points they have gleaned from the
92 Fred Sakari

Have your audience commit to what they have

gained and absorbed from the presentation.

If the size of the crowd allows, ask the audience members to

share what they have written. Sharing verbally creates conviction
and allows everyone to hear each person’s individual interpretation
of what others have learned or experienced which in turn reinforces
learning and often provides inspiration.

“Writing your thoughts creates clarity in your mind.

Speaking your thoughts creates conviction in your heart.”


Question and answer sessions are a great way to interact but most
people do not like asking questions in a crowd. To make it easier for
them, create an atmosphere where they can ask questions throughout
the presentation if circumstances allow.

Leave time for Q&A but ensure you have something that can
effectively fill the gap if no one has questions. I always have more
content than I can possibly get through in the time allotted to ensure
I will never run out of things to share.

If people ask questions that are inappropriate for the entire

audience it is best to advise them that, out of respect for others’ time,
you will discuss the answer to their question privately, following the

I always have more content than I can possibly get through.

Courage to be Naked 93


I often see presenters tarnish a great presentation by ending it

with heavy promotion of themselves, their books, products and
future courses. If you delivered a great presentation, then you have
already done the best self-promotion possible. It is appropriate to ask
the client that hired you to add a brief thirty-second plug of your
products at the end of your presentation, but beyond that, limit self-
promotion activities to the giveaways and handouts with which you
provide to the audience.

The only time you should promote yourself strongly is if you are
giving a presentation to potential clients, in order to introduce them
to who you are and the services and products that you offer.

“If you delivered a great presentation, then you have

already done the best self-promotion possible.”
94 Fred Sakari

Courage to be Naked 95


Write 3 Critical Mesages you want to take away from this

96 Fred Sakari

“The Top 5% are successful because
they follow-through, whereas the
remaining 95% just get excited.”
— Fred Sarkari


lthough most great performers live for the stage, most of
them grow when the lights go off. All performers from
athletes to actors to musicians will spend time reflecting on
their performances after the fact. While this reflection will certainly
include self-evaluation, it also will take into account the reviews and
comments from others who watched the performance. Presentations
require the same kind of scrutiny, not only from our own point of
view, but from audience members as well.

There are four great reasons to ask your client and your audience
for feedback:

First, seeing yourself through the eyes and experiences of others

is a great way to learn what you can improve. Look for consistency
in feedback, which can indicate things of which you were not aware.
It will also reinforce what you are good at and how you may want to
refine your style.

Second, always ask for feedback so that you can use it for future
credibility. Collect a roster of testimonials for your website and publi-
cations. Written and video.
Courage to be Naked 97

Third, asking for feedback has the added benefit of demonstrating

to the client or audience that you care about their experience.

Forth, giving feedback further connects your client to you. They

are more committed to spreading and connecting your name.

A great way to improve is by seeing ourselves

through the eyes and experiences of others.


Silver is considered a precious metal throughout the world,

and it is commonly used in jewelry, flatware, decoration, and more.
However, silver doesn’t start out shiny and smooth. To the contrary,
silver that has been freshly mined is often rough and mixed with
other rocks and minerals. To produce the sleek silver we are so used
to seeing, it must be carefully refined again and again. Our style as
presenters is no different. Most presenters start out rough around
the edges, but with time and diligence, we can refine our style into
something that will truly shine.

After every presentation, ask yourself two critical questions:

• What parts of the presentation went really well?

• What parts of the presentation need to be improved?

Always keep refining your skills, style and content. The best way
for you to improve is to ask yourself critical questions immediately
after every presentation.

“You always need a starting point for improvement,

and every presentation is a new starting point.”
98 Fred Sakari


There are two reasons to provide handouts

First, handouts are a great way to promote your name, allowing

you to circulate your name and brand throughout offices and homes.
As a service provider the handouts and brochures you give out are an
extension of your business card, your name and y your brand.

Second, an extra benefit of handouts is that they are very effective

at reaching people with learning styles that favor reading. Some
people like to go through the information after the presentation is
over; their true learning begins when they can review the information
in their own time and space.


It is critical that you are the first to follow-up after the presentation.
The first follow-up is as simple as a thank you message. A follow-up
e-mail is a good way to stay fresh in the minds of clients and audience
members. Remember to maintain your high level of professionalism
and do not lose sight of the fact that everyone’s inbox is flooded with
spam. This is not your opportunity to send fifteen messages in a week.

When people watch a professional musician play, they are often
awed by what they see, hear, and feel. What the audience often fails
to understand; is that a performer’s job is much more than giving a
performance on stage. In fact, for performers who are the very best in
music or sports or acting, real success is far more than natural talent.
It’s about practice and dedication. It’s about time and effort. It’s
Courage to be Naked 99

about facing your fears and overcoming them.

The same is true for presenters. The best speakers are not neces-
sarily the ones with the most innate talent. Rather, those who excel
in public speaking are the ones who have conquered their inhibitions
and put themselves out there. In short, to become a presenter that
can affect change and create a lasting impression, you simply have
to identify your fear and just face it dead on. Once you do that, the
courage to be naked gets easier and your abilities as a speaker will
continue to grow.

Those who excel in public speaking are the ones who have
conquered their inhibitions and put themselves out there.

To summarize, the key to developing a powerful presentation is to:

• Concentrate on specific clear messages

• Tailor those messages to your clients’ needs

• Build your entire presentation around those messages

• Always be aware of your audience’s state of mind

• Include visual, emotional, statistical and relevant presentation


• Conquer your fear and build confidence by researching your

topic and your audience

• Visualize success

• Practice your presentation until it flows naturally

When it comes to presentation day:

• Have your bios ready for your introduction

100 Fred Sakari

• Focus on your audience

• Analyze your audience and use ‘ice breakers’ to build rapport

• Above all, connect with your audience emotionally

• Tell stories that entertain but also get your point across

• Interact with your audience in a meaningful way

• Keep your audience engaged and guide interactions

Keep your style dynamic by modulating your voice and using the
power of the pause; finish on time and remember to follow up so that
you retain credibility; and finally, solicit feedback and use it to refine
your style so that you can continuously build on your success as a

Keeping all these principles in mind will be the key to unlocking

your authenticity as a speaker. Great skill as a speaker comes with
practice, and the more presentations you give, the more you will
develop your own personal presentation style.

Overall, while the step-by-step techniques and principles presented

in this book are sound building blocks for success, it is important that
you never forget the quintessential emotions that should drive any
presentation. Passion and authenticity are essential. A presentation
guided by these two principles can make a difference that no amount
of planning or posturing can achieve.

Just think of Zal and Natasha, two children who were able to
captivate an audience. Training and forethought are important, but
a child-like passion will transform a presentation from informational
to inspirational.

Therefore, in all you do, be true to your audience and be true

to yourself. If you are, you will be surprised to discover how much
courage you find to be naked again and again.

“Passion and authenticity are essential.”

Courage to be Naked 101


Write down the most critical message you want to take away from
each of the Chapters. Which one has the greatest impact to you and

Building Your Presentation:

102 Fred Sakari


Post Presentation:
Courage to be Naked 103



Fred Sarkari has a background in Psychotherapy, with a focus

around emotional engagement in personal and professional rela-
tionships. He has been dubbed by the media as a human behavior
expert. He coaches, teaches and provides management consulting
services to a broad range of organizations from start ups to some of
the world’s largest organizations.

He empowers people around the world to be more effective in

their professional and personal lives by creating a deeper sense of

As a presenter, Fred’s unique approach combines vision with

practical application, delivering a customized and personally tailored
message to each audience member. This approach provides a com-
pelling and practical message to audiences regardless of size and
translates through to the programs he creates.

Fred remains highly active in providing individuals with ongoing

1-on-1 coaching from goal setting to execution.

Fred has facilitated numerous workshops for employees of

various companies including: Microsoft, Wells Fargo, BMW,
Scotia Bank, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, CIBC, Royal Bank, North
West Mutual Funds, Ceridian, Promotional Products Associa-
tion, BMO Bank of Montreal, Genworth Financial, Hilton Hotels,
Midas, Four Seasons Hotels and many more.

If you are looking for a professional speaker to inspire, educate and help
your audience execute their ideas, Fred is the perfect person for your conference.

Fred Sarkari provides services to organizations internationally.

For more information please feel free to visit or
contact Fred Sarkari personally at
104 Fred Sakari


The benefits of coaching are truly endless, as a coach helps you to

achieve your personal desired state. The most impactful benefits are
linked to our coaching process for it is customized to each individual
and focuses on their specific needs. Most times we our selves are not
aware of what it is that we truly need, nor are we always aware of our
present situation.

Through our assessment system we will help you to become aware

of your specific needs and create a strategy that would benefit you.

Fred only takes a few coaching clients at a time. Coaching with

Fred is all about results and implementation.

Please contact for more information.

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