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Software Engineering Notes1

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Software engineering

Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production
from the early stages of system specification through to maintaining the system after it has gone into use.
In this definition, there are two key phrases:

1. Engineering discipline Engineers make things work. They apply theories, methods, and tools where
these are appropriate. However, they use them selectively and always try to discover solutions to problems
even when there are no applicable theories and methods. Engineers also recognize that they must work
within organizational and financial constraints, and they must look for solutions within these constraints.

2. All aspects of software production Software engineering is not just concernedwith the technical
processes of software development. It also includes activities such as software project management and the
development of tools, methods, and theories to support software development.

Software engineering is important for two reasons:

1. More and more, individuals and society rely on advanced software systems. We need to be able to
produce reliable and trustworthy systems economically and quickly.

2. It is usually cheaper, in the long run, to use software engineering methods and techniques for
professional software systems rather than just write programs as a personal programming project. Failure
to use software engineering method leads to higher costs for testing, quality assurance, and long-term


Software Crisis

Software crisis is a term for the difficulty of writing useful and efficient computer programs in the required

• If software developers are asked to certify that the developed software is bug free, no software
would have ever been released. Hence, ‘‘software crisis’’ has become a fixture of everyday life.
Many well published failures have had not only major economic impact but also become the cause
of death of many human beings. Some of the failures are, for example, Y2K problem and Ariane-5
space rocket.
• The Standish Group (Industry analysis firm) classified software projects into three classes:

 Successful: All features within time and budget constraints

 Challenged: Late, over budget, and/or with reduced functionality
 Cancelled before completion or never used
 Software products:
 fail to meet user requirements.
 frequently crash.
 expensive.
 difficult to alter, debug, and enhance.
 often delivered late.
 use resources non-optimally.
Solution of Software Crisis:

Solution of Software Crisis:

• Reduction in software over-budget

• The quality of software must be high
• Less time needed for software project
• Experience working team member on software project
• Software must be delivered

1.2 Software Characteristics

 According to I. Sommerville [1], the software characteristics are:

 Maintainability: Software should be written in such a way so that it can evolve to meet the
changing needs of customers. This is a critical attribute because software change is an inevitable
requirement of a changing business environment.
 Dependability and security: Software dependability includes a range of characteristics including
reliability, security, and safety. Dependable software should not cause physical or economic
damage in the event of system failure. Malicious users should not be able to access or damage the
 Efficiency: Software should not make wasteful use of system resources such as memory and
processor cycles. Efficiency therefore includes responsiveness, processing time, memory utilization,
 Acceptability: Software must be acceptable to the type of users for which it is designed. This means
that it must be understandable, usable, and compatible with other systems that they use.

1.3 Software Quality Attributes

• Software quality is the degree to which software possesses a desired combination of attributes .

 Functionality: Functionality is the essential purpose of any product or service. It refers to the
product features or list of functions that the software is expected to perform
 Reliability: Once a software system is functioning, as specified, and delivered the reliability
characteristic defines the capability of the system to maintain its service provision under defined
conditions for defined periods of time.
 Maintainability: Software must evolve to meet changing needs
 Dependability: Software must be trustworthy
 Efficiency: Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
 Usability: Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed
 Portability: This characteristic refers to how well the software can adopt to changes in its
environment or with its requirements.

Software process

A software process is a set of related activities that leads to the production of a software system. , there are
many different types of software systems, and there is no universal software engineering method that is
applicable to all of them. Consequently, there is no universally applicable software process. The process
used in different companies depends on the type of software being developed, the requirements of the
software customer, and the skills of the people writing the software. However, although there are many
different software processes, they all must include, in some form, the four fundamental software
engineering activities :

1. Software specification : The functionality of the software and constraints on its operation must be

2. Software development : The software to meet the specification must be produced.

3. Software validation The software must be validated to ensure that it does what the customer wants.

4. Software evolution The software must evolve to meet changing customer needs.

Software process model

A software process model (sometimes called a Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC model) is a
simplified representation of a software process. Each process model represents a process from a particular
perspective and thus only provides partial information about that process. For example, a process activity
model shows the activities and their sequence but may not show the roles of the people involved in these
activities. In this section, I introduce a number of very general process models (sometimes called process
paradigms) and present these from an architectural perspective. That is, we see the framework of the
process but not the details of process activities. These generic models are high-level, abstract descriptions
of software processes that can be used to explain different approaches to software development. You can
think of them as process frameworks that may be extended and adapted to create more specific software
engineering processes .The general process models that I cover here are:

1. The waterfall model : This takes the fundamental process activities of specification, development,
validation, and evolution and represents them as separate process phases such as requirements
specification, software design, implementation , and testing.

2. Incremental development This approach interleaves the activities of specification, development,

and validation. The system is developed as a series of versions (increments), with each version
adding functionality to the previous version.

3. Integration and configuration This approach relies on the availability of reusable components or
systems. The system development process focuses on configuring these components for use in
a new setting and integrating them into a system.

4. Integration and system testing The individual program units or programs are integrated and tested as a
complete system to ensure that the software requirements have been met. After testing, the software
system is delivered to the customer.
5. Operation and maintenance Normally, this is the longest life-cycle phase. The system is installed and
put into practical use. Maintenance involves correcting errors that were not discovered in earlier stages of the
life cycle, improving the implementation of system units, and enhancing the system’s services as new
requirements are discovered.

The waterfall model

The first published model of the software development process was derived from engineering process models
used in large military systems engineering (Royce 1970). It presents the software development process as a
number of stages, as shown in Figure 2.1. Because of the cascade from one phase to another, this model is
known as the waterfall model or software life cycle. The waterfall model is an example of a plan-driven
process. In principle at least, you plan and schedule all of the process activities before starting software
development. The stages of the waterfall model directly reflect the fundamental software development

1. Requirements analysis and definition The system’s services, constraints, and goals are established by
consultation with system users. They are then defined in detail and serve as a system specification.

2. System and software design The systems design process allocates the requirements to either hardware or
software systems. It establishes an overall system architecture. Software design involves identifying and
describing the fundamental software system abstractions and their relationships.

3. Implementation and unit testing During this stage, the software design is realized as a set of programs or
program units. Unit testing involves verifying that each unit meets its specification.

4. Integration and system testing The individual program units or programs are integrated and tested as a
complete system to ensure that the software requirements have been met. After testing, the software system is
delivered to the customer.

5. Operation and maintenance Normally, this is the longest life-cycle phase. The system is installed and put
into practical use. Maintenance involves correcting errors that were not discovered in earlier stages of the life
cycle, improving the implementation of system units, and enhancing the system’s services as new
requirements are discovered.

In principle, the result of each phase in the waterfall model is one or more documents that are approved
(“signed off”). The following phase should not start until the previous phase has finished. For hardware
development, where high manufacturing costs are involved, this makes sense. However, for software
development, these stages overlap and feed information to each other. During design, problems with
requirements are identified; during coding design problems are found, and so on. The software process, in
practice, is never a simple linear model but involves feedback from one phase to another. As new information
emerges in a process stage, the documents produced at previous stages should be modified to reflect the
required system changes. For example, if it is discovered that a requirement is too expensive to implement,
the requirements document should be changed to remove that requirement. However, this requires customer
approval and delays the overall development process. As a result, both customers and developers may
prematurely freeze the software specification so that no further changes are made to it. Unfortunately, this
means that problems are left for later resolution, ignored, or programmed around. Premature freezing of
requirements may mean that the system won’t do what the user wants. It may also lead to badly structured
systems as design problems are circumvented by implementation tricks. During the final life-cycle phase
(operation and maintenance) the software is put into use. Errors and omissions in the original software
requirements are discovered In reality, software has to be flexible and accommodate change as it is being
developed. The need for early commitment and system rework when changes are made means that the
waterfall model is only appropriate for some types of system:

1. Embedded systems where the software has to interface with hardware systems. Because of the inflexibility
of hardware, it is not usually possible to delay decisions on the software’s functionality until it is being
2. Critical systems where there is a need for extensive safety and security analysis of the software
specification and design. In these systems, the specification and design documents must be complete so that
this analysis is possible. Safety related problems in the specification and design are usually very expensive to
correct at the implementation stage.

3. Large software systems that are part of broader engineering systems developed by several partner
companies. The hardware in the systems may be developed using a similar model, and companies find it
easier to use a common model for hardware and software. Furthermore, where several companies are
involved, complete specifications may be needed to allow for the independent development of different

The waterfall model is not the right process model in situations where informal team communication is
possible and software requirements change quickly. Iterative development and agile methods are better for
these systems. An important variant of the waterfall model is formal system development, where a
mathematical model of a system specification is created. This model is then refined, using mathematical
transformations that preserve its consistency, into executable code. Formal development processes, such as
that based on the B method (Abrial 2005, 2010), are mostly used in the development of software systems that
have stringent safety, reliability, or security requirements. The formal approach simplifies the production of a
safety or security case. This demonstrates to customers or regulators that the system actually meets its safety
or security requirements. However, because of the high costs of developing a formal specification, this
development model is rarely used except for critical systems engineering.

B) Incremental Development

Incremental development is based on the idea of developing an initial implementation, getting feedback from
users and others, and evolving the software through several versions until the required system has been
developed (Figure 2.2). Specification, development, and validation activities are interleaved rather than
separate, with rapid feedback across activities. Incremental development in some form is now the most
common approach for the development of application systems and software products. This approach can be
either plan-driven, agile or, more usually, a mixture of these approaches. In a plan-driven approach, the
system increments are identified in advance; if an agile approach is adopted, the early increments are
identified, but the development of later increments depends on progress and customer priorities. Incremental
software development, which is a fundamental part of agile development methods, is better than a waterfall
approach for systems whose requirements are likely to change during the development process. This is the
case for most business systems and software products. Incremental development reflects the way that we
solve problems. We rarely work out a complete problem solution in advance but move toward a solution in a
series of steps, backtracking when we realize that we have made a mistake. By developing the software
incrementally, it is cheaper and easier to make changes in the software as it is being developed. Each
increment or version of the system incorporates some of the functionality that is needed by the customer.
Generally, the early increments of the system include the most important or most urgently required
functionality. This means that the customer or user can evaluate the system at a relatively early stage in the
development to see if it delivers what is required. If not, then only the current increment has to be changed
and, possibly, new functionality defined for later increments.

Incremental development has three major advantages over the waterfall model:

1. The cost of implementing requirements changes is reduced. The amount of analysis and documentation
that has to be redone is significantly less than is required with the waterfall model.

2. It is easier to get customer feedback on the development work that has been done. Customers can comment
on demonstrations of the software and see how much has been implemented. Customers find it difficult to
judge progress from software design documents.

3. Early delivery and deployment of useful software to the customer is possible, even if all of the
functionality has not been included. Customers are able to use and gain value from the software earlier than is
possible with a waterfall process.

From a management perspective, the incremental approach has two problems:

1. The process is not visible. Managers need regular deliverables to measure progress. If systems are
developed quickly, it is not cost effective to produce documents that reflect every version of the system.

2. System structure tends to degrade as new increments are added. Regular change leads to messy code as
new functionality is added in whatever way is possible. It becomes increasingly difficult and costly to add
new features to a system. To reduce structural degradation and general code messiness, agile methods suggest
that you should regularly refactor (improve and restructure) the software.


• Based on software reuse where systems are integrated from existing components or application
systems (sometimes called COTS -Commercial-off-the-shelf) systems).
• Reused elements may be configured to adapt their behaviour and functionality to a user’s
• Reuse is now the standard approach for building many types of business system
• Although the initial requirements specification stage and the validation stage are comparable with
other software processes, the intermediate stages in a reuse oriented process are different.

 Component analysis: Given the requirements specification, a search is made for components to
implement that specification.
 Requirements modification: During this stage, the requirements are analyzed using information
about the components that have been discovered. They are then modified to reflect the available
 System design with reuse: During this phase, the framework of the system is designed or an
existing framework is reused.
 Development and integration: Software that cannot be externally procured is developed, and the
components and COTS (commercial off-the-shelf systems) systems are integrated to create the new

Advantages of Reuse Oriented Software Engineering

 Reuse-oriented software engineering has the obvious advantage of reducing the amount of software
to be developed and so reducing cost and risks.
 It usually also leads to faster delivery of the software

Disadvantages of Reuse Oriented Software Engineering

 Requirements compromises are inevitable and this may lead to a system that does not meet the real
needs of users.
 Some control over the system evolution is lost as new versions of the reusable components are not
under the control of the organization using them

1.5. Process Iteration

• System requirements ALWAYS evolve in the course of a project so process iteration where earlier
stages are reworked is always part of the process for large systems
• Iteration can be applied to any of the generic process models
• Two (related) approaches
– Incremental development
– Spiral development

Incremental development

• Rather than deliver the system as a single delivery, the development and delivery is broken down
into increments with each increment delivering part of the required functionality
• User requirements are prioritised and the highest priority requirements are included in early
• Once the development of an increment is started, the requirements are frozen though requirements
for later increments can continue to evolve
Define outline Assign requirements Design system
requirements to increments architecture

Develop system Valida te Integrate Valida te

increment increment increment system
System incomplete

Incremental development advantages

• Customer value can be delivered with each increment so system functionality is available earlier
• Early increments act as a prototype to help elicit requirements for later increments
• Lower risk of overall project failure
• The highest priority system services tend to receive the most testing

Extreme programming

• New approach to development based on the development and delivery of very small increments of
• Relies on constant code improvement, user involvement in the development team and pair wise

Spiral development

• Process is represented as a spiral rather than as a sequence of activities with backtracking

• Each loop in the spiral represents a phase in the process.
• No fixed phases such as specification or design - loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what is
• Risks are explicitly assessed and resolved throughout the process

Spiral model of the software process

Determine objectives
Evaluate alternatives
alternatives and identify, resolve risks
constraints Risk
analysis Opera-
Prototype 3 tional
Prototype 2 protoype
REVIEW analysis Proto-
type 1
Requirements plan Simulations, models, benchmarks
Life-cycle plan Concept of
Operation S/W
requirements Product
design Detailed
Requirement design
plan validation Code
Design Unit test
and test plan V&V Integr ation
Plan next phase test
Service test Develop, verify
next-level product

Spiral model sectors

• Objective setting
– Specific objectives for the phase are identified
– Constraints on the process and the products are identified and a detailed management plan
is drawn up
– Project risks are identified
– Alternative strategies, depending on these risks, may be planned
• Risk assessment and reduction
– Risks are assessed and activities put in place to reduce the key risks
• Development and validation
– A development model for the system is chosen which can be any of the generic models
• Planning
– The project is reviewed and the next phase of the spiral is planned

Spiral Model Application

 For medium to high-risk projects (risk evaluation is important)

 Users are unsure of their needs (i.e., requirements are complicated and require continuous
 Suitable for new product line
 Significant changes are expected (research and exploration)

Advantages of Spiral Model

 High amount of risk analysis hence, avoidance of risk is enhanced.

 Good for large and mission-critical projects.
 Strong approval and documentation control.
 Additional functionality can be added at a later date.
 Software is produced early in the software lifecycle

Disadvantages of Spiral Model

 Can be a costly model to use; spiral may go infinitely
 Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.
 Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.
 Doesn’t work well for smaller projects

1.6. Process Activities

Real software processes are interleaved sequences of technical, collaborative, and managerial activities with
the overall goal of specifying, designing, implementing, and testing a software system.

The four basic activities are :

 Software specification
 Software design and implementation
 Software validation
 Software evolution

• In the waterfall model, they are organized in sequence, whereas in incremental development they are
interleaved. How these activities are carried out depends on the type of software, people, and
organizational structures involved.

Software specification

• The process of establishing what services are required and the constraints on the system’s operation
and development
• The process of understanding and defining what functional and non- functional requirements are
required for the system and identifying the constraints on the system’s operation and development.
• There are four main phases in the requirements engineering process:
– Feasibility study
– Requirements elicitation and analysis
– Requirements specification
– Requirements validation

The requirements engineering process

 Feasibility study: In this study an estimate is made of whether the identified user needs may be
satisfied using current software and hardware technologies. The study considers whether the
proposed system will be cost-effective from a business point of view and whether it can be
developed within existing budgetary constraints.
 Requirements elicitation and analysis: This is the process of deriving the system requirements
through observation of existing systems, discussions with potential users, requirements workshop,
storyboarding, etc.
 Requirements specification: This is the activity of translating the information gathered during the
analysis activity into a document that defines a set of requirements. Two types of requirements may
be included in this document: user (functional) requirements and system (non-functional)
Feasibility Requirements
study elicitation and
 Requirements validation: It analysis
is determined whether the requirements defined are complete. This
activity also checks the requirements for consistency.
Requir ements
Feasibility The requirements engineering process
report validation
User and system

Software design and implementation

• The process of converting the system specification into an executable system

• Software design

– Design a software structure that realises the specification

• Implementation

– Translate this structure into an executable program

• The activities of design and implementation are closely related and may be inter-leaved

1.7. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

• CASE means development and maintenance of software projects with help of various automated
software tools. The goal of introducing CASE tools is the reduction of the time and cost of software
development and the enhancement of the quality of the systems developed.

• Software development tools (sometimes called CASE tools) are programs that are used to support
software engineering process activities. These tools therefore include design editors, data dictionaries,
compilers, debuggers, system building tools, etc.

Examples of activities that can be automated include:

 The development of graphical system models as part of the requirements specification or the software

 The generation of code from these graphical models

 The generation of user interfaces from a graphical interface description that is created interactively by
the user

 Program debugging through the provision of information about an executing program

 The automated translation of programs written using an old version of a programming language to a
more recent version

Tools may be combined within a framework called an Interactive Development Environment

(IDE). This provides a common set of facilities that tools can use so that it is easier for tools to communicate
and operate in an integrated way. The ECLIPSE IDE is widely used and has been designed to incorporate many
different types of software tools.

A prototype is an early version of a software system that is used to demonstrate concepts, try out design options,
and find out more about the problem and its possible solutions. Rapid, iterative development of the prototype is
essential so that costs are controlled and system stakeholders can experiment with the prototype early in the
software process. A software prototype can be used in a software development process to help anticipate
changes that may be required:

1. In the requirements engineering process, a prototype can help with the elicitation and validation of system

2. In the system design process, a prototype can be used to explore software solutions and in the development of
a user interface for the system. System prototypes allow potential users to see how well the system supports
their work. They may get new ideas for requirements and find areas of strength and weakness in the software.
They may then propose new system requirements. Furthermore, as the prototype is developed, it may reveal
errors and omissions in the system requirements. A feature described in a specification may seem to be clear and
useful. However, when that function is combined with other functions, users often find that their initial view
was incorrect or incomplete. The system specification can then be modified to reflect the changed understanding
of the requirements. The final stage of the process is prototype evaluation. Provision must be made during this
stage for user training, and the prototype objectives should be used to derive a plan for evaluation. Potential
users need time to become comfortable with a new system and to settle into a normal pattern of usage. Once
they are using the system normally, they then discover requirements errors and omissions. A general problem
with prototyping is that users may not use the prototype in the same way as they use the final system. Prototype
testers may not be typical of system users. There may not be enough time to train users during prototype
evaluation. If the prototype is slow, the evaluators may adjust their way of working and avoid those system
features that have slow response times. When provided with better response in the final system, they may use it
in a different way.

1.8. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

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