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Operator & Parts Manual: Serial Numbers 1010-1070

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142657 v2.5

FA X 306.543.2140 P H 306.543.4447
M28 & M34
1.800.667.3545 DEGELMAN.COM Serial Numbers 1010-1070

Introduction 2

Overview 3

Safety 4

Hook-up / Unhooking 6
Tractor & Spreader Preparation 7

Operation Safety & Preparation 8
Loading / Unloading 9
Optional Material Trailer Use 10

Transporting & Storage 11

Service & Maintenance

Safety & Specifications 12-13
Service Intervals 14
Adjustments 15-16
Repair 17-19
Troubleshooting 20

Parts Section - Table Of Contents 22

Warranty 42-43


FA X 306.543.2140 P H 306.543.4447
1.800.667.3545 DEGELMAN.COM


CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations on your choice of a Degelman M28/M34 Manure Spreader to

complement your farming operation. It has been designed and manufactured to meet the needs of a discerning
agricultural market for the efficient and uniform spread distribution of manure. Use this manual as your first
source of information about this machine. If you follow the instructions given in this manual, your machine will
work well for many years.

Safe, efficient and trouble free operation of your Degelman Spreader requires that you and anyone else who
will be operating or maintaining the Spreader, read and understand the Safety, Operation, Maintenance and
Troubleshooting information contained within this Manual.

Keep this manual handy for frequent reference and to pass on to new operators or owners. Call your
Degelman Dealer if you need assistance, information or additional copies of the manual.

OPERATOR ORIENTATION - The directions left, right, front and rear, as mentioned throughout the manual, are
as seen from the tractor drivers’ seat and facing in the direction of travel.

Right Side


Left Side

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)



The Degelman M28 & M34 Manure Spreaders The Manure Spreader consists of a smooth walled
are designed to efficiently and uniformly spread material trailer with a floor chain drag system that
manure in widths of up to 60 feet in fields. Many pulls material steadily through a discharge gate
of the features incorporated into this machine are at the rear of the machine where the dual vertical
the result of suggestions made by customers like beaters process and distribute the material at high
you. speeds in a uniform spread pattern.

It is the owner’s or operator’s responsibility The dual rear beaters are directly driven by
to read this manual carefully to learn how to gearboxes that are connected to the tractor’s PTO
operate the machine safely and how to set it to through drivelines.
provide maximum efficiency. Safety is everyone’s
business. By following safe operating practices, a The floor chain drag system is hydraulically
safe environment is provided for the operator and controlled and incorporates a “Flow Control System”
bystanders. adjusted by an incremental dial located on an
in-cab control box. This controls the speed
The manual will take you step-by- of which the chains drag material towards
step through your working day. the rear beaters. The chain is driven by a
By following the operating hydraulic motor and gearbox located on the
instructions in conjunction rear right-hand side of the spreader.
with a good maintenance
program, your machine A rear gate is used to prevent material
will provide many years of from packing into the rear beaters
trouble-free service. while loading and to prevent material
from falling out during transport. It is
raised and lowered by two hydraulic

Spreader Components
1. Hitch Frame
2. Walking Axle
3. Material Trailer
4. Conveyor Chain/
Slat Assembly
5. Rear Gate
3 5
6. Beater Assembly 4
7. Chain Drive/Hyd.
8. PTO Driveline
9. Conveyor Axle
10. Chain Shield

8 8

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)


Why is SAFETY important to YOU?

3 BIG Reasons:
•Accidents Can Disable and Kill
•Accidents Are Costly
•Accidents Can Be Avoided


The Safety Alert Symbol identifies important safety The Safety Alert Symbol means:
messages applied to the Manure Spreader and in
this manual. When you see this symbol, be alert to
the possibility of injury or death. Follow the BECOME ALERT!
instructions provided on the safety messages. YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!

Note the use of the Signal Words: DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION with the safety messages.
The appropriate Signal Word has been selected using the following guidelines:

DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation
that, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury
if proper precautions are not taken.

WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation that, if not avoided, COULD result in death or
serious injury if proper precautions are not taken.

CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

CAUTION that, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate

injury if proper practices are not taken, or, serves as a
reminder to follow appropriate safety practices.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)



YOU are responsible for the safe operation and 1. Read and understand the Operator’s
maintenance of your Degelman Manure Spreader. Manual and all safety signs before
YOU must ensure that you and anyone else who operating, maintaining or adjusting
is going to operate, maintain or work around the Manure Spreader.
the Spreader be familiar with the operating and
maintenance procedures and related SAFETY 2. Install and properly secure all shields and
information contained in this manual. guards before operating. Use hitch pin with a
This manual will take you step-by-step through mechanical locking device.
your working day and alerts you to all good safety
practices that should be adhered to while operating 3. Have a first-aid kit available for use
this equipment. should the need arise and know
how to use it.
Remember, YOU are the key to safety. Good safety
practices not only protect you but also the people 4. Have a fire extinguisher available
around you. Make these practices a working for use should the need arise and
part of your safety program. Be certain that know how to use it.
EVERYONE operating this equipment is familiar
with the recommended operating and maintenance 5. Wear appropriate protective gear. This list
procedures and follows all the safety precautions. includes but is not limited to:
Most accidents can be prevented. Do not risk injury
or death by ignoring good safety practices. • A hard hat
• Protective shoes with slip resistant soles
• Manure Spreader owners must give • Protective glasses or goggles
operating instructions to operators or • Heavy gloves
employees before allowing them to operate • Wet weather gear
the Spreader, and at least annually
• Hearing protection
• Respirator or filter mask
• The most important safety device on this
equipment is a SAFE operator. It is the 6. Clear the area of people, especially small
operator’s responsibility to read and children, and remove foreign objects from the
understand ALL Safety and Operating machine before starting and operating.
instructions in the manual and to follow
these. All accidents can be avoided. 7. Do not allow riders.

• A person who has not read and understood 8. Stop tractor engine, set park brake, remove
all operating and safety instructions is ignition key and wait for all moving parts to
not qualified to operate the machine. An stop before servicing, adjusting, repairing or
untrained operator exposes himself and unplugging.
bystanders to possible serious injury or
death. 9. Review safety related items with all operators
• Do not modify the equipment in any way.
Unauthorized modification may impair the
function and/or safety and could affect the
life of the equipment.

• Think SAFETY! Work SAFELY!

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)


The Manure Spreader should always be parked on 10. Connect the Electrical Light plug.
a level, dry area that is free of debris and foreign
objects. Follow this procedure when attaching: 11. Connect the hydraulics. To connect, proceed as
1. Clear the area of bystanders and remove
foreign objects from the machine and working • Use a clean cloth or paper towel to clean the
area. couplers on the ends of the hoses. Also clean
the area around the couplers on the tractor.
2. Make sure there is enough room to back the
tractor up to the hitch pole. • Remove the plastic plugs from the couplers and
insert the male ends.
3. Start the tractor and slowly back it up to the
hitch point. NOTE: If the direction of motion is wrong,
reverse the couplers.
4. Stop the tractor engine, place all controls in
neutral, set park brake and remove ignition key 12. Raise the hitch jack and rotate it 90º to place in
before dismounting. its stowed position or relocate on jack bushing
located on the side frame (see detail below).
5. Use the hitch pole jack to raise or lower the pole
to align with the drawbar.
13. When unhooking from the tractor, reverse the
6. Install a drawbar pin with provisions for a above procedure.
mechanical retainer such as a Klik pin.
Install the retainer. NOTE: Occasionally air may become trapped
in the hydraulic circuit, making it necessary to
7. Install a safety chain between the tractor “bleed” the circuit.
drawbar and the hitch pole.
To perform this operation cycle the hydraulics
8. Connect PTO driveline to tractor. several times or especially on older tractors,
9. Connect the Flow Control cable plugs. temporarily loosen an easily accessible hose
fitting enough to allow any trapped air to escape
while cycling the hydraulics. Retighten fitting.

PTO: Connect the PTO Driveline

• Check that the PTO driveline
telescopes easily and the shield
Connect Flow Control rotates freely

• Connect the cable • Attach the driveline to tractor by:

plug ends from the - Retracting the locking collar
flow control - Slide the yoke over the shaft
box to the valve - Push yoke until lock collar clicks
assembly. into position
Connect Electrical
Lights Plug

Connect the Hyd. lines

• Clean off couplers on
hose & tractor with cloth
• Remove plugs & insert Turn jack sideways for field position or relocate on side.
- Ensure pressure & return Install a safety chain • Always park on a level surface
lines are matched up on between tractor drawbar clear of debris and obstacles.
same valve bank and the hitch pole.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)



Follow this procedure when selecting and preparing Although there are no operational restrictions on the
a tractor for use with the machine: Manure Spreader when it is new, there are some
mechanical checks that must be done to ensure the long
1. Use only a tractor of sufficient power and term integrity of the unit. When using the machine for
weight to adequately handle the machine. It the first time, follow this procedure:
is recommended that the tractor have at least
180 PTO horsepower for normal operating IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to follow
conditions. all of the procedures especially those listed in the
“Before using” section below to avoid damage:
2. It is recommended to pin the drawbar in its
centre draft position.
A. Before using:
3. Use only a drawbar pin with provisions for a
1. Read Safety Info. & Operator’s Manual. Do not
mechanical retainer such as a Klik pin. Always
operate the spreader until the safety precautions in
install the retainer.
this manual and the decals on the spreader have
4. Always attach a safety chain between the been read and understood by the operator.
tractor and the machine to prevent unexpected
2. Check for proper assembly and adjustment and
make sure all bolts are tight. All bolts were
5. The drawbar pin to 1000 PTO shaft end checked at the factory Recommended Wheel Bolt
dimension should be either: when assembled but Torque Specs:

16 inches for 1-3/8, 21 spline PTO models need to be checked 280-300 ft·lbs (380-405 N·m) -dry
220-240 ft·lbs (300-325 N·m) -lub.
again as vibrations in Note: Recheck torque on wheel
20 inches for 1-3/4, 20 spline PTO models.
shipment may loosen bolts after a couple of hours, and
following day.
them slightly.
1-3/8 - 21 Spline
3. Complete steps in “Pre-Operation Checklist”.
16 inches 4. Lubricate the machine completely. Refer to the
Lubrication section of this manual (p.14). The
initial grease was applied at the factory but
proper maintenance is the user’s responsibility and
must begin before the first use.
1-3/4 - 20 Spline NOTE: Ensure driveline is properly lubricated,
especially the driveline CV as it is not originally
20 inches lubricated from supplier.
5. Operate the machine slowly for a period of time to
run the chains in and confirm that all parts work
IMPORTANT: Do not use on a tractor equipped freely.
with a PTO shaft adapter to prevent
mismatching of PTO speeds and over B. After operating for 2 hours:
telescoping of the driveline. 1. Retorque wheel bolts.
2. Check torque on the driveline cut-out clutch
bolt (taper pin). Tighten to 75 ft-lbf (102 N·m)
3. Check all hardware. Tighten as required.
4. Check all hydraulic system connections.
Tighten if any are leaking.
5. Tighten chain.

C. After operating for 8 hours:

1. Repeat Step B.
2. Go to the service schedule as outlined in the
“Service & Maintenance” section.
142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)
1. Read and understand the Operator’s Manual It is important for both personal safety and
and all safety signs before using. maintaining the good mechanical condition of
the machine that this pre-operational checklist
2. Stop tractor engine, place all controls in neutral, be followed.
set park brake, remove ignition key and wait
for all moving parts to stop before servicing, Before operating the machine and each time there-
adjusting, repairing or unplugging. after, the following areas should be checked off:

3. Keep hands, feet, hair and clothing away from 1. Lubricate the machine completely. Refer
all moving and/or rotating parts. to the schedule outlined in the “Service &
Maintenance Section” of this manual.

2. Use only a tractor of adequate power (180hp

minimum) and weight to handle the spreader.

3. Ensure that the machine is properly attached

to the tractor using a drawbar pin with
provisions for a mechanical retainer. Make sure
that a retainer such as a Klik pin is installed.

4. Ensure the safety chain on the hitch is installed.

4. Do not allow riders on the Manure Spreader or 5. Check tires and ensure that they are inflated
tractor during operation or transporting. to the specified pressure: 65 psi (450 kPa) or
58 psi (400 kPa) for large tire option.
5. Keep all shields and guards in place when
operating. 6. Check oil level in the tractor hydraulic
reservoir. Top up as required.
6. Clear the area of all bystanders, especially
WARNING: Use extreme care
children, before starting.
when working around a high
pressure hydraulic system. Make
7. Be careful when working around or maintaining
sure all connections are tight
a high-pressure hydraulic system. Ensure all
and all components are in good
components are tight and in good repair before
repair. Wear hand and eye
protection when searching for suspected leaks.
8. Clean all reflectors, lights and the SMV sign (if
7. Inspect all hydraulic lines, hoses, fittings and
applicable) before transporting on a highway
couplers for tightness. Tighten if there are leaks.
or public road. Be sure to check with local
Use a clean cloth to wipe any accumulated
highway authorities and comply with their
dirt from the couplers before connecting to the
lighting requirements.
tractor’s hydraulic system.
9. Stay well back from machine when operating 8. Inspect all moving and rotating parts.
to prevent being hit by flying rocks and debris. Remove any debris that has become entangled
Keep others a minimum of 500 ft (150m) away. in them.

9. Make sure that all guards and shields are

installed and secured in position.

10. Check the oil level in the gearboxes. Top up

as required.

11. Insure that the PTO driveline is securely

attached on both ends and can telescope easily.
Check that the PTO driveline shield rotates

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)



IMPORTANT: When parking the spreader for NOTE: Before starting the table, the operator
loading, put the tractor in PARK or NEUTRAL and should get the beaters up to speed and fully
apply the parking brake. open the rear gate. This prevents the spreader
from overworking itself from material being
1. Fully Close Rear Hydraulic Gate pulled up against the rear gate.
NOTES: - It is unlawful to allow any manure spillage 3. Start the Table Floor
to occur on public roadways. Do not heap load such
Turn on power switch
that manure is allowed to fall off spreader during
on the Control box.
transporting on roadways.
Turn on the hydraulics
- Always check the floor drag chain and slats to make
used to start the table
sure they are not frozen to the bottom of the bed.
floor moving. This
Operating the spreader when the slats or chain are
speed is adjusted with the “Flow Control Dial”.
frozen to the bed may cause damage. Also make sure
there are no lumps of manure frozen to the floor. The flow control dial adjusts the “table speed”
at which material is being pulled towards the
- It is recommended to make sure chains and table floor
rear beaters. The slower the speed - the finer
are operating properly before loading the spreader.
the spread as the rear beaters have more time
2. Load the Spreader - The moisture content to “process” the material. The typical starting
will determine how full it can be loaded. Refer speed on the flow control dial is 40 (based on
to the Specifications for capacity. Solid manure spreading cattle manure). Operators may wish
can generally be loaded level to slightly heaped. to slow this down a depending on preference or
High moisture materials are heavier and may limit material being spread.
loading. Note: At the end of the day it is recommended
- Use front mesh cover when loading wet, slurry to turn off the power switch on the “Flow
materials. Remove mesh cover for visibility, if desired, Control Box” to prevent possibility of battery
when spreading for coarser material. drain.
4. Travel Speed - A suggested starting speed
UNLOADING is between 4-5 mph. This can be adjusted to
operator preference.
The effective spread is roughly 60ft (although
thinned out material may cover distances of up
to 100ft).
5. Lower Gate as Load Decreases

DANGER: If, at any time, abnormal vibrations

occur, shut down machine, wait for all moving parts
to stop, inspect machine, drivelines, and rear beaters
for missing, jammed, or damaged components.

IMPORTANT: Ensure all items under Operating

Safety are followed and ensure all bystanders are a DANGER: Normally, the load itself blocks
minimum of 500 ft (150m) away before operating! manure and loose materials from being
thrown towards the front. As the load/pile gets
1. Start up the Rear Beaters - Start the PTO and get reduced, the rotation of the rear beaters can
the beaters running up to speed. throw some material forward, therefore it is
strongly recommended to lower the rear gate
2. Fully Open Rear Gate - Fully extend the cylinders about 1/3 of the way down to prevent debris
so the gate is fully open all the way to the top. from being projected towards the front.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)


WARNING: Stop tractor engine, place all controls OPTIONAL MATERIAL TRAILER USAGE
in neutral, set park brake, remove ignition key and
wait for all moving parts to stop before servicing, This manure spreader may also be used as a
cleaning, adjusting, repairing or unplugging. material trailer by removing the rear beater/frame
WARNING: Stop tractor engine, place
The following is a recommended procedure that all controls in neutral, set park brake, remove
may help if the manure spreader becomes plugged ignition key and wait for all moving parts to
or the PTO disengages: stop before servicing, adjusting, repairing or
1. Stop the Table Floor unplugging.
Disengage the hydraulics on that run the table
1. Disconnect/Remove rear Driveline
floor chains and turn off the flow control box.
Before removing the rear frame assembly,
2. Lower RPM
the rear driveline must be disconnected and
After the PTO clutch dis-engages, the RPM has removed. Store in a safe location.
to be lowered below 500 RPM in order for it to
3. Reverse the Table Floor Direction
Reverse the hydraulics used to start the table
floor moving in order to back material away
from beaters. Stop table after material is backed
away from beaters or if pile doesn’t move.
4. Re-start Beaters
Bring beaters back up to regular speed.
5. Start Table Floor Chain 2. Disconnect (4) bolts on both sides (8 total).
Re-start the table floor moving again by turning
the hydraulics on in the proper direction.
If this above procedure does not solve the situation,
closer inspection and possible manual unplugging
may be required. Make sure to stop tractor and
wait for all moving parts to stop before servicing or


• Before loading in freezing weather, make sure the
apron chains and slats are not frozen to the floor,
the spreader beaters are free to rotate and the rear
gate moves freely up and down.
• At end of use, completely empty the last of the
spreader contents. Clean any remaining debris from 3. Securely wrap a chain around rear beaters
the spreader, the main drive, and the rear gate. (above center of gravity).
• Ensuring area is clear, slowly engage the PTO
& run the spreader for a few minutes to clean out 4. With the aid of a front end loader, the “Rear
manure debris and to allow any remaining manure Frame Assembly” will then lift off. Store in a
and the spreader to freeze dry. suitable, safe location.
• Run rear gate up and down to clean the gate
slides. Park spreader with the gate halfway open. 5. The unit should now be ready to use as a
material trailer/wagon.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Transporting & Storage


• Read and understand ALL the information in the • Store unit in an area away from human activity.
Operator’s Manual regarding procedures and
• Do not permit children to play around the
SAFETY when operating the spreader in the
stored unit.
field/yard or on the road.
• Check with local authorities regarding machine
transport on public roads. Obey all applicable
laws and regulations. STORAGE
• Always travel at a safe speed. Use After the season’s use, completely inspect all
caution when making corners or RIDERS major systems of the machine. Repair or replace
meeting traffic. any worn or damaged components to prevent
unnecessary down time at the beginning of next
• Make sure the SMV (Slow Moving
Vehicle) emblem and all the lights and reflectors
that are required by the local highway and Since the unit can be used in extremely adverse
transport authorities are in place, are clean conditions during the season, the machine should
and can be seen clearly by all overtaking and be carefully prepared for storage to ensure that all
oncoming traffic. dirt, mud, debris and moisture has been removed.
• Clean off machine to ensure loose debris/ Follow this procedure when preparing to store:
materials do not fall from spreader while in
1. Wash the entire machine thoroughly using a
water hose or pressure washer to remove all
• Keep to the right and yield the right-of-way to dirt, mud, debris or residue. Manure is acidic
allow faster traffic to pass. Drive on the road and will damage paint and cause rusting of
shoulder, if permitted by law. metal components.
• Always use hazard warning flashers on tractor 2. Inspect all moving or rotating parts to see
when transporting unless prohibited by law. if anything has become entangled in them.
Remove the entangled material.
• Always use a pin with provisions for a
mechanical retainer and a safety chain when 3. Lubricate all grease fittings to remove any
attaching to a tractor or towing vehicle. moisture in the bearings.
4. Run the machine slowly for 1 minute to
TRANSPORT HEIGHT distribute lubricant to all surfaces.
5. Inspect all hydraulic hoses, fittings, lines,
WARNING: Always check local transport couplers and valves. Tighten any loose fittings.
height restrictions and confirm clearances before Replace any hose that is badly cut, nicked or
transporting. abraded or is separating from the crimped end
We recommend lowering and securing the front of the fitting.
guard assembly before transport: 6. Touch up all paint nicks and scratches to
prevent rusting.
7. Oil the exposed rams on the hydraulic
cylinders to prevent rusting.
8. Select an area that is dry, level and free of

1. Remove top hardware (both sides). Swing down

front guard and re-attach hardware.
2. Secure front guard as required.
3. IMPORTANT: Properly re-install front guard
before use.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


• Review the Operator’s Manual and all safety 1. Always place all tractor hydraulic controls in neutral
items before working with, maintaining or before dismounting.
operating the Manure Spreader.
2. Make sure that all components in the hydraulic
• Stop the tractor engine, place all controls in system are kept in good condition and are clean.
neutral, set park brake, remove ignition key
and wait for all moving parts to stop before 3. Replace any worn, cut, abraded, flattened or
servicing, adjusting, repairing or unplugging. crimped hoses and metal lines.
• Keep hands, feet, clothing and hair away from
all moving and/or rotating parts. 4. Do not attempt any makeshift repairs to the
hydraulic lines, fittings or hoses by using tape,
• Clear the area of bystanders, especially clamps or cements. The hydraulic system operates
children, when carrying out any maintenance under extremely high-pressure. Such repairs will
and repairs or making adjustments. fail suddenly and create a hazardous and unsafe
• Place safety stands or large blocks under the
frame before removing tires or working beneath 5. Wear proper hand and eye protection when
the machine. searching for a high-pressure hydraulic leak. Use a
• Be careful when working around or maintaining piece of wood or cardboard as a backstop instead
a high-pressure hydraulic system. Wear proper of hands to isolate and identify a leak.
eye and hand protection when searching for
a high-pressure hydraulic leak. Use a piece 6. If injured by a concentrated high-pressure stream of
of wood or cardboard as a backstop when hydraulic fluid, seek medical attention immediately.
searching for a pin hole leak in a hose or a Serious infection or toxic reaction can develop from
fitting. hydraulic fluid piercing the skin surface.

• Always relieve pressure before disconnecting or 7. Before applying pressure to the system, make sure
working on hydraulic system. all components are tight and that lines, hoses and
couplings are not damaged.
• When a guard is opened or removed for
servicing, be sure to install or close it before • Think SAFETY! Work SAFELY


1. Grease: Use an SAE multi-purpose grease with 1. Use only a hand-held grease gun for all greasing.
extreme pressure (EP) performance or an SAE
2. Wipe grease fitting with a clean cloth before
multi-purpose lithium base grease.
greasing, to avoid injecting dirt.
2. Gearbox Oil: Use SAE 85W90 gear oil.
3. Replace and repair broken fittings immediately.
3. Storing Lubricants: Operate at top efficiency
by using clean lubricants. Use clean containers for 4. If fittings will not take grease, remove and clean
all lubricants. Store them in an area protected from thoroughly. Also clean lubricant passageway.
dust, moisture and other contaminants. Replace fitting if necessary.
5. Inject grease until you see grease being expelled
from the bearing or bushing areas.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


1. Failure to follow proper procedures when mounting
a tire on a wheel or rim can produce a blow out
The tables shown below give correct torque values which may result in serious injury or death.
for various bolts and capscrews. Tighten all bolts to
the torques specified in chart unless otherwise noted. 2. Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the
Check tightness of bolts periodically, using bolt torque proper equipment and experience to do the job.
chart as a guide. Replace hardware with the same
strength (Grade/Class) bolt. 3. Have a qualified tire dealer or repair serviceman
perform required tire maintenance.
(based on “Zinc Plated” values)


SAE-5 SAE-8 Wheel Nut/Bolt Torque 10 8
3 5
Size Grade 5 Grade 8 Size lb.ft (N.m)
lb.ft ( N.m ) lb.ft ( N.m ) 3/4 280-300 (380-405) 6 4
7 9
1/4” 7 (10) 10 (14) 2
5/16” 15 (20) 20 (28) Wheel Tightening Procedure
3/8” 25 (35) 35 (50)
1. Install and hand tighten nuts/bolts.
7/16” 40 (55) 60 (80)
1/2” 65 (90) 90 (120) 2. Tighten to approx 20% Torque value using the
9/16” 90 (125) 130 (175) 10 Bolt Star or CrissCross pattern shown above.
5/8” 130 (175) 180 (245)
3. Tighten to Full Torque value using the Star or
3/4” 230 (310) 320 (435)
CrissCross pattern.
7/8” 365 (495) 515 (700)
1” 550 (745) 770 (1050) 4. If applicable, install Rear Locknuts using Wheel
1-1/8” 675 (915) 1095 (1485) Torque Values.
1-1/4” 950 (1290) 1545 (2095)
1-3/8” 1250 (1695) 2025 (2745)
1-1/2” 1650 (2245) 2690 (3645)

Hydraulic Fitting Torque*

(based on “Zinc Plated” values) Size lb.ft (N.m)
1/2 34 (46)
3/4 75 (100)
8.8 10.9
7/8 90 (122)
Size Class 8.8 Class 10.9 * The torque values shown are based on
lb.ft ( N.m ) lb.ft ( N.m ) lubricated connections as in reassembly.
M6 7 (10) 10 (14)
M8 16 (22) 23 (31) Tightening Flare Type Tube Fittings
M10 30 (42) 45 (60)
1. Check flare and flare seat for defects that might
M12 55 (75) 80 (108)
cause leakage.
M14 90 (120) 125 (170)
M16 135 (185) 195 (265) 2. Align tube with fitting before tightening.
M18 190 (255) 270 (365)
3. Lubricate connection and hand tighten swivel
M20 265 (360) 380 (515)
nut until snug.
M22 365 (495) 520 (705)
M24 460 (625) 660 (895) 4. To prevent twisting the tube(s), use two
M27 675 (915) 970 (1315) wrenches. Place one wrench on the connector
M30 915 (1240) 1310 (1780) body and with the second tighten the swivel nut
M33 1250 (1695) 1785 (2420) to the torque shown.
M36 1600 (2175) 2290 (3110)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


Initial & after every 8 Hrs.
CAUTION: Machine may be shown with
guard(s) opened for illustrative purposes only. - check for hydraulic fluid leaks
Close all guards before using. and damaged hoses
- check tire pressure (65 psi) /Optional Tires (58 psi)
- initial wheel bolt torque (recheck - 2 hrs/8hrs):
Dry: 280-300 ft·lbs Lube: 220-240 ft·lbs
- grease front driveline:
• CV Joint - drive end (15 pumps)
40 Hrs. (Important: Ensure CV is greased before first use!)
Shaft/Tube • Over running clutch - (5 pumps)
• slider shaft/tube - center
40 Hrs.
Cross Joints
• cross joint fittings - both ends
(both ends) • guard bearings - both ends
8 Hrs. • front hitch - both sides
8 Hrs.
Over Running
Clutch 40 Hrs./ Weekly
8 Hrs. Shaft/Tube
Guard Bearings - grease rear driveline:
(both ends) • cross joint fittings - both ends
8 Hrs. • slider shaft/tube - center
Cross Joints
- grease chain axle endcaps - front/rear
(both ends)
8 Hrs. - check gearbox oil levels - 2 gearboxes
CV Joint
(*15 pumps) 8 Hrs. Hydraulic Motor Gearbox - Rear right hand side
(both sides) • Oil should be level with middle of sight glass.
• Add as required through top plug.
8 Hrs.
Rear Beater PTO Gearbox - Rear, under beaters
8 Hrs. - 5 pumps
CV -15 pumps • Oil should be level with middle of sight glass.
• Add as required through top plug.
8 Hrs. • Oil may take awhile to distribute in casing,
8 Hrs. Slider recheck level after 30-40 min. and repeat if
Cross Shaft/Tube
Joint 8 Hrs.
8 Hrs. Guard
CV Joint Bearings Annually
(*15 pumps)
• check general hardware/bolt tightness
• check/adjust chain tension

8 Hrs. Over running 8 Hrs.

Clutch Cross
(*5 pumps) Joint

Axle Support

40 Hrs. 40 Hrs.
40 Hrs. Check
Grease Chain Axle Caps (front/rear)
Check Gearbox
Annually Check/Adjust Chain Gearbox Fill if required
tension (both sides) Fill if required

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance

WARNING: Stop tractor engine, place all controls SAFETY - DECALS

in neutral, set park brake, remove ignition key and
wait for all moving parts to stop before servicing, • Keep safety decals and signs clean and legible
adjusting, repairing or unplugging. at all times.
• Replace safety decals and signs that are missing
GENERAL MAINTENANCE or have become illegible.
1. Regularly remove buildup of manure/debris. • Replaced parts that displayed a safety sign
should also display the current sign.
2. Vibration during operation may cause fasteners
to loosen. Periodically, check all hardware and • Safety decals or signs are available from your
retighten if necessary. Dealer Parts Department. Safety decals will be
available upon request.
3. Keep the rear beater paddles and driveline
clean. Remove all twine, wire, or other material
that may wrap around the beaters or drivelines.
4. On occasion, pressure wash the spreader.
Manure is acidic and will damage paint and PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY.
cause rusting of metal components. Use touch 143303 Decal, Important-Grease CV 1
up paint on any chips or scratches. 143304 Decal, Important-Grease Driveline 1
143305 Decal, Danger-Rotating Parts 1
BEATER PADDLE/PIN REPLACEMENT 143306 Decal, Danger-Thrown Objects 3
Removing/inspecting the rear Bolt 143315 Decal, Danger-Excessive Vibration 1
beater paddles: 143316 Decal, Danger-Lower Gate 1
Pin 142658 Decal, Keep Back 500 ft 2
1. Remove and inspect pin
142383 Decal, Caution - 1-6 Point Safety 1
bolts and lock nuts. Lock Nut
143204 Decal, Degelman - 11” x 48-3/16" 3
2. Remove pin and inspect for 143288 Decal, M28 2
damage and/or excessive 143277 Decal, M34 2
3. Remove paddle. Inspect
bushing & seals for damage Seal DRIVELINE REMOVAL
and/or excessive wear. Bushing
Note: It is recommended to The front main driveline is secured onto the
replace all three paddles from a driveshaft by tightening a special “Cone-Clamp”
row at the same time to maintain bolt located on the Cut-Out Clutch. There is a
proper balance of beater certain procedure for loosening that bolt described
assembly. below:
4. Replace damaged components Head Paddle 1. Insert a punch in the
and hardware as needed. hole opposite the bolt to
Reverse procedure for re- make contact with the
installation. Bottom
bolt end. Use a hammer
Paddle to strike the punch
5. When installing/replacing seals, approx three times
lightly lubricate the seal lips with before loosening bolt.
a bit of grease before insertion.
2. Try removing the bolt
as usual, if hard to
WARNING: If installing/replacing complete beater 3. Remove driveline from shaft.
assembly, ensure bottom plate timing mark positions
of both beater assemblies are 4. When re-installing driveline. Retorque this bolt
opposite (180°) to avoid paddle to 75 ft-lbf (102 N·m). Check and retorque
contact and damage. again after 2 hrs.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


1. Occasionally check the Drag Chain for any bent
or damaged slats. It is important to straighten or
replace any damaged slats immediately.
2. The drag chain tension should be checked and Conveyor
adjusted on occasion. Axle Front
Center Support Shield
Block Chain
1) Loosen 2) Hold
Side Tightener
To remove and replace one or more chain slats,
follow this procedure:
3) Tighten
(clockwise) 1. Fully loosen the chain tightener bolts on both
side tightener and center support blocks to
allow maximum slack in chain.
If drag chain has slack, tightening is required: 2. With slackened chain, skew/offset existing
1. Loosen the jam nut. (Both sides of machine) damaged chain slat to allow slat holder plates
to be removed from the slat ends.
2. When tightening, hold middle nut with wrench
and tighten rod end in a clockwise direction.
3. a) Start on one side and tighten the threaded Chain Slat
Holder Plate
rod a few turns.
b) Repeat on opposite side of machine to evenly Chain Slat
tighten chain tension.
c) Repeat this procedure 2-3 times until
moderate chain tension is achieved.
d) After advancing the chain with this
3. Place end of new slat onto existing slat holder
procedure, measure the distance from the
plate and skew/offset into position.
round capscrew to the end of the slot. Compare
this measurement with the opposite side 4. Repeat with remainder of damaged slats.
measurement. Ensure the difference is less then
5. When finished replacing slats, fully re-tighten
1/2” MAX to prevent excessive skewing of
the side tightener blocks and firm up center
chain slats.
support block against front conveyor axle.
4. Re-tighten jam nut securely against middle nut.
6. Ensure front shield is closed.
5. Repeat on other side.
7. Check chain tightness after operating and
6. Re-adjust center support on front conveyor axle. tighten as required.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


When cylinder repair is required, clean off unit,
disconnect hoses and plug ports before removing

1. Loosen lock ring and turn off end cap. 1. Reinstall rod through end cap.
2. Carefully remove piston, rod and cap 2. Secure piston to rod with lock nut.
combination. Torque to 225 ft-lb (305 N·m).
3. Disassemble piston from rod by removing lock 3. With cylinder body held gently in a vise, insert
nut. piston and rod combination using a slight rocking
NOTE: DO NOT clamp rod by chrome surface.
4. Thread lock ring fully onto barrel.
4. Slide off end cap.
5. Turn end cap fully against lock ring then back off
5. Remove seals and inspect all parts for damage. end cap to align ports.
6. Install new seals and replace damaged parts with 6. Tighten lock ring against end cap using a punch
new components. and hammer.


Lock Nut
Lock Ring

O-ring End Cap

Piston Seals
(5 part)

Wear Ring
Rod Seal Rod
Rod Wiper Seal Assembly

Shoulder Bolt Pin

Flat Washer Assembly

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


IMPORTANT: Be sure to block up unit securely

before removing tires.


1. Carefully pry off dust cap.
2. Remove cotter pin from nut.
3. Remove nut and washer.
4. Pull hub off spindle.
5. Dislodge the inner cone bearing and dust seal.
6. Inspect cups that are press fitted into hub for pits
or corrosion and remove if necessary.
7. Inspect and replace defective parts with new


1. If cups need replacing, be careful to install

Inner Cone
them gently and evenly into hub until they are
fully seated.
Inner Cup
2. Apply a thick wall of grease inside hub. Pack
grease in cones.
3. Install dust seal as illustrated, and inner cone.
4. Position hub onto spindle and fill surrounding
cavity with grease.
5. Assemble outer cone, washer and nut.
6. Tighten nut while rotating hub until there is a
slight drag. Outer Cup

7. Turn nut back approximately 1/4 turn to

Outer Cone
align cotter pin hole with notches on nut.
Note: Hub should rotate freely. If not, repeat Washer
step 6. Slotted Nut

8. Install cotter pin and bend legs sideways over Cotter Pin
Dust Cap
9. Fill dust cap half full of grease and gently tap
into position.
10. Pump grease into hub through grease fitting
until lubricant can be seen from dust seal.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Service & Maintenance


SPHERICAL BEARING COMPONENTS 117195 - Bearing Housing, c/w Retaining Rings

117197 - Bearing Adapter Sleeve, 117196 - Bearing

c/w Lock Nut and Lock Washer


Adapter Sleeve.
Lock Nut Lock
Washer Snap Ring Bearing Snap Ring
(Note: Do NOT grease spherical bearings)

1. Support and secure beater. Ensure the beater assembly is in the correct position - timing marks rotated
180° opposite to the second beater’s timing marks. Fixed Configuration

2. IMPORTANT: Check the position of the snap rings in the assembled bearing unit. They should be Correct
located in the “fixed” position (See fig.1). On occasion they have may been sent in the default Snap Ring
“floating” position from the supplier but must be relocated to the ”fixed” position before installation. Locations

Note: Appropriate eye protection should be worn when handling snap rings.

3. Loosen the locknut almost all the way, with the exception of a few threads to keep it on the sleeve.

4. Push the locknut/sleeve firmly inward against the bearing and hold. While holding, slide the assembly
onto the shaft until the bearing housing is in position against the frame (holding the locknut is
important so the sleeve doesn’t tighten between the bearing and the shaft while sliding into position).

5. Install the bearing mounting hardware loosely then tighten mounting hardware.

6. Hand tighten the locknut and ensure adapter sleeve no longer rotates.

7. Tighten the locknut 1/3 of a rotation or 120º. A hook spanner or a hammer and punch are
commonly used. Torque to 140 lb.ft (190 N .m) if possible.

8. Bend one of the tabs on the circumference of the lockwasher into the nearest notch on the rim of the
locknut. If no tabs line up, tighten the locknut slightly. The locknut should not be loosened in order to
align the tab with a notch.
Bearings come pre-lubricated with Shell Alvania #3 and require no lubrication upon initial Figure 1
9. After final assembly of machine, spin beaters to ensure they spin freely.

Note: Do NOT grease spherical bearings - even if grease fitting is present.


1. Support and secure beater.

2. To remove the bearing unit from the shaft, raise the bent lockwasher tab, loosen the locknut two or three turns, then
tap the nut over its entire circumference with a hammer and punch. Ensure sufficient threads remain engaged as to not
damage them. Continue tapping until the adapter sleeve can be moved.

3. Loosen and remove the mounting hardware. Clean outer shaft for easier removal. Slide complete bearing unit off.

3. To remove the bearing insert from the housing, remove one of the snap rings and slide the bearing out.

Appropriate eye protection should be worn when handling snap rings.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)



In the following section, we have listed some of the problems, causes and solutions that you may encounter. If
you encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, even after having read through this troubleshooting section,
please call your local dealer or distributor. Before you call, have this manual and the serial number from your
unit ready.


Freezing conditions. Always check to make sure chain is not frozen before

Chain came off Bent drag chain slat. Replace bent or damaged slats.

Loose chain. Tighten chain. (Refer to Maintenance Section)

Oil accumulation on External hydraulic leak. Disconnect & blow out lines with compressed air.
cylinder shaft.
Hydraulic cylinder leak. Repair as needed.

Hydraulics are on Control box not Flow control box must have power and be “on” in order to
but floor chain won’t properly connected or operate the floor chain.
engage. turned on.

PTO disengaged Rear beaters were PTO must be slowed to under 500 RPM before clutch will re-
and beaters stopped jammed, plugged, or engage. Refer to “unplugging” procedure found on page 10 for
working. stalled causing driveline more info.
clutch to disengage.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)
Parts Section


Overview 22
Frame Components 23
Walking Axle & Wheel Components 24
Hitch Pole Components 26
Rear Gate Components 26-27
Front Shield Components 28
Chain & Tightener Components 29
Rear Axle & Gearbox Components 30
Rear Beater Gearbox Components 31
Rear Frame & Beater Components 32-34
Driveline Components 35-37
Hydraulic Routing 38-39
Electrical Components 40-41

Warranty 42-43

Rear Gate Assembly

& Cylinders (pg. 24-25)

Rear Frame & Beater

Components (pg. 30-32)
Chain & Components
(pg. 27)

Lights & Electrical

Components (pg. 38-39)
Frame Components
Front Shield (pg. 21)
Components (pg. 26)

Rear Beater Gearbox

(pg. 29)
Chain Tightener
Components (pg. 27) Rear Axle & Gearbox
Components (pg. 28)
Driveline Front
Shield (pg. 26) Driveline Components
Driveline Components (pg. 33-35)
(pg. 33-35)

Hydraulic Routing Walking Axle

(pg. 36-37) & Wheel
Hitchpole Components (pg. 22)
(pg. 24)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Frame Components

FRAME COMPONENTS New Models - Plastic Floor Strips

246894 - Floor Strip, Box - M28 (3)
246895 - Floor Strip, Box - M34 (3)

249031 - Main Frame

Assembly, M28 (1)

502026 - Bushing (2)

249041 - Main Frame Assembly,

M34 (1)
246601 - Main Frame Assembly,
M28 - previous model (1)

246651 - Main Frame Assembly,

M34 - previous model (1)

118405 - Nut, 1/2 (4)

118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (4)
118009 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/4 (4)
246385 - Ladder, Upper Assembly (1)
245187 - Ladder,
Lower Assembly (1)
246783 - Front Upper Guard Assembly (1)

118447 - Lock Nut, 5/8 -Unitorque (4)

118537 - Flat Washer, 5/8 F436 (8)
143108 - Spring, External
118026 - Bolt, 5/8 x 2 (4)
1 x .125 x 3-1/2 (2)
118420 - Lock Nut, 1/2 -Unitorque (2)
246763 - Front Mesh Cover Assembly (1) comes with...
118292 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-3/4 (2)
(cover located on front 118403 - Nut, 3/8 (12)
inside of main frame) 118503 - Lock Washer,
3/8 (12) 118483 - Lock
246737 - Cover,
Nut, 1/4 (4)
Front Mesh (1)
118555 - Flat 118555 - Flat
118005 - Bolt, 3/8 Washer, 1/4 (4) Washer, 1/4 (4)
x 1 (12)
118123 - Bolt,
117527 - Flat Washer, 1/4 x 1 (4)
3/8 x 2 OD (12) 133100 - Manual
Holder (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Walking Axle & Wheel Components


246391 - Threaded rod Assembly (1)

246735 - Plug Assembly (1)

246725 - Walking Wheel Assembly (2)

246734 - Disc, Wear-Nylon (2)

131206 - Flat
Washer, 1-1/4 (1)
118445 - Lock nut,
1-1/4 (1)
246735 - Plug Assembly (1)


131398 - Wheel Assembly,

650/55R 26.5 (4)
comes with...

131394 - Rim, 26.5 x

20.0 DC - 10H (1)

131399 - Tire, 650/55R 127015 - Valve Stem,

26.5 - I-380 (1) TR618A (1)

Recommended pressure:
65 psi (450 kPa)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Walking Axle & Wheel Components

131396 - Hub/Spindle Assembly (4) comes with...

118158 - Bolt, 131397 - Spindle, S1020 (2)

3/4 x 7 (2) 118422 - Lock Nut, 3/4 (2) 131358 - Hub (1)
comes with Bearing Cups
131359 - Bearing, Cup - Inner (1)
131363 - Dust Seal, CR43771 (1) 131360 - Bearing, Cup - Outer (1)
131361 - Bearing, Cone - Inner (1)
131362 - Bearing, Cone - Outer (1)
118586 - Flat Washer, 2-1/8 ID (1)
131366 - Gasket, Dust Cap - 4 Hole (1)

117551 -Roll Pin,

3/8 x 3 (1)
118711 - Slotted Nut, 2-12 UNF (1)
131365 - Dust Cap, DC28 - 4 Hole (1)
118641 - Bolt, 5/16 x 1/2 (4)
118712 - Nut, Wide Base
3/4 UNF GR8 (10)
Recommended Wheel Bolt
Torque Specs:
280-300 ft·lbs (380-405 N·m) -dry
220-240 ft·lbs (300-325 N·m) -lub.
Note: Recheck torque on wheel
bolts after a couple of hours, and
following day.


Note: Larger wheel option replaces the walking
axles and tires only. All other items are the 246981 - Walking Wheel Assembly (2)
same as the standard tire option (Spindles,
wear washers, rod assembly and hardware.)

Recommended pressure:
58 psi (400 kPa)
131567 - Wheel Assembly, 131568 - Wheel Assembly,
750/60 R26 - LH (2) 750/60 R26 - RH (2)
comes with... comes with...
131566 - Tire, 750/60 R26 (1) 131566 - Tire, 750/60 R26 (1)
131565 - Rim, 26 x 25.0 DC - 10H - STR (1) 131565 - Rim, 26 x 25.0 DC - 10H - STR (1)
127015 - Valve Stem, TR618A (1) 127015 - Valve Stem, TR618A (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (01-September-2020)

Hitch Pole Components
118050 - Bolt, 3/4”x 3” (1) 246503 - Pin, Hitch Pole (2)
118775 - Flat Washer, 118845 - Roll Pin, 5/16”
246700 - Hitch Pole Assy (1) 3/4” SAE (1) x 2-1/2” (2)
246507 - Bushing, 240286 - Bushing, Mach
124044 - Hitch Assy, CAT.3 with 2” Ball (1) 1-3/16” (1) 1-1/2” NOM (2)
124045 - Ball, Insert 2” (1)
124046 - Ball, Insert 1-1/2” Optional (1) 118634 - Bolt,
118911 - Lock Nut, 1” (2) 1”x 12” (2)

118266 - Bolt,
1” x 8” (2)

133131 - Spring, Rubber (5)

118422 - Lock nut, 246506 - Washer, Support 1/2” (2)
3/4” (1) 118456 - Lock nut, 1” (2)

132036 - Jack, 118005 - Bolt, 3/8” x 1” (2)

Sidewind, 118511 - Flat washer, 3/8 (2)
12,000 lbs (1)
246723 - Lid, Electrical (1)

246526 - Light Enhancing Module (1)

mounts with...
116255 - Safety Chain, Bundle (1) 117499 -
comes with... Nut, #6-32 (2)
118073 - Bolt, 1” x 3-1/2” UNC GR8 (1) 118588 -
118615 - Flat washer, 1” x 3-1/8” x 1/4” (1) Washer,
116256 - Safety Chain Assembly, 20,200 lbs (1) Rubber (2)
118520 - Flat washer, 1” (1) 117498 -Screw,
118510 - Lock washer, 1” (1) Mach #6-32 (2)
118464 - Nut, 1” UNC GR8 (1)
246515 - Valve Assembly (1)
c/w Valve, Hydraulic Fittings, & Wiring
141121 - Valve, EFC (1)
118402 - Nut, 1/4 (2) 141618 - Adaptor, 3/4
118533 - Lock Washer, 1/4 (2) JIC-m x 1-1/16 ORB (1)
118125 - Bolt, 1/4”x 2-1/2” (2) 141617 - 90° Elbow, 3/4
JIC-m x 1-1/16 ORB(1)

Rear Gate Cylinders


122570 - Cylinder, Dump - 2 x 72 x 1-1/4 (2)

141633 - Port Plug, 9/16 ORB (2)

122572 - Barrel (1)

(comes with Port Plugs)

118441 - Lock nut, 7/8” 122508 - Lock Ring (1)

UNF unitorque (1)
122581 - Piston (1)

122577 - Rod & Pin Eye (1)

122506 - Open Cap (1)

122521 - Seal Kit (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Rear Gate Components

788601 - Pin, 1-1/4 x 3-5/8 (1)

810280 - Retaining Ring, 1-1/4 (2)
141518 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 3/4 JIC-f-sw (1)
141501 - Tee, 3/4 JIC-m x m x m (1)
141583 - Adaptor, 3/4 JIC-f-sw x 9/16 ORB (1)

246375 - Rear Gate Assembly (1)

(comes with lower flap assembly)

788601 - Pin, 1-1/4 x 3-5/8 (1)

810280 - Retaining Ring, 1-1/4 (2)

141613 - 45° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m

x 9/16 ORB (1)

118129 - Bolt, 3/8 x 1-1/4 (4)

246513 - Cyl Support, 3/8 (2)
118503 - Lock Washer, 3/8 (4)
118403 - Nut, 3/8 (4)

122570 - Cylinder, 2 x 72
- 1-1/4 (2)

141633 - Plug, Port

- 9/16 ORB (1)
141501 - Tee, 3/4 JIC-
m x m x m (1)

141518 - 90° Elbow, 3/4

JIC-m x 3/4 JIC-f-sw (1)

141583 - Adaptor, 3/4

JIC-f-sw x 9/16 ORB (1)

788599 - Pin, 1-1/4 x 4-3/8 (1)

810280 - Retaining Ring, 1-1/4 (2) 141560 - 90°
Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x
9/16 ORB (1)
118403 - Nut, 3/8 (13)
118503 - Lock washer, 3/8 (13)
118511 - Flat washer, 3/8 (13) 788599 - Pin,
1-1/4 x 4-3/8 (1)
246371 - Rubber Flap (1)
810280 - Retaining
246370 - Bolt Bar (1)
Ring, 1-1/4 (2)

141633 - Plug, Port -

9/16 ORB (1)

118136 - Bolt,
3/8 x 1-1/2 (13)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Front Shield Components

FRONT SHIELD COMPONENTS 246409 - Front Shield, Assembly (1)

comes with handle and latches...
133092 - Handle (1) 133094 - Nut, M8 x 1.25 (2)
133093 - Capscrew, SH M8 x 1.25 x 30mm (2) 118998 - Mach Screw, #10-24
x 1/2”(4)
118999 - Lock Washer, #10 (4)
118000 - Nut, #10-24 UNC (4)

129085 - Latch,
Draw (2)

118403 - Nut, 3/8 (13) 118407 - Nut, 5/8 (4)

118503 - Lock washer, 3/8 (13) 118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (4)
118511 - Flat washer, 3/8 (13) 118026 - Bolt, 5/8 x 2 (4)
246371 - Rubber Flap (1)
246370 - Bolt Bar (1) 246404 - Shield Pin Assy
LH (shown) (1)
246403 - Shield Pin Assy
RH (opposite) (1)

118136 - Bolt,
3/8 x 1-1/2 (13)

246748 - Hose Holder, Assy (1)

118420 - Lock Nut, 1/2 (4)

118009 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/4 (4)

246456 - PTO Holder (1)

118929 - Lock Pin, 3/8 x 1-1/2 (1)

118011 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/2 (4)

118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (4)

160352 - Driveline, Slider Shaft (1) 118047 - Bolt, 3/4 x 2-1/2 (2)

Optional: 160374 - Driveline, 160004 - Shield, Cone (1)

Slider Shaft (1)
118410 - Nut, 3/4 (2)
118509 - Lock Washer, 3/4 (2)
117210 - Bearing Assy, Flange-2H (1)
246511 - Clutch Guard
118110 - Bolt, 5/16 x 1 (4) Bracket (1)
118731 - Flat Washer, 5/16 SAE (4)
118530 - Lock Washer, 5/16 (4)
118427 - Nut, 5/16 (4)
IMPORTANT: After nut is
properly tightened, bend tab(s)
of lock ring onto nut.


driveline onto shaft, tighten cut-out When installing, ensure
clutch bolt to to 75 ft-lbf (102 N·m). tapered collar is locked onto
Check and retorque again after 2 hrs. shaft and is not slipping.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Chain & Tightener Components


246449 - Center Tightener Block (2)

comes with...
118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (2)
118405 - Nut, 1/2 (2)
118336 - Grease Fitting (2)
117402 - Capscrew, SHCS 1/2 x 1 (2)
246441 - Bushing, 5 OD (1)
246448 - Scraper (1)
118011 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/2 (2)

118474 - Nut, 1-1/4 (4)

246451 - Rod, Chain Adj. (2)

118972 - Nut, Jam 1-1/4 GR2 (2)

246742 - Rod, Center Adj. (1)

246424 - Conveyor Front Axle (1)

246743 - Center Support Block Assy (1)

246436 - Wear Pad,

118121 - Bolt,
Nylon (1)
5/16 x 2 (1)
118511 - Flat
Washer, 3/8 (2)
118417 - Lock
Nut, 3/8 (2)
118136 - Bolt,
3/8 x 1-1/2 (2) 118703 - Lock
Nut, 5/16 (1)


246415 - Chain Assembly - 24 Slat Holder (2) - M28 246425 - Conveyor Slat
246541 - Chain Assembly - 28 Slat Holder (2) - M34 (24) M28 Model
(28) M34 Model

246413 - Connector Link Assembly (1) 246410 - Replacement Chain/

118839 - Pin, Cotter, 1/4 x 2 (1) Slat Holder Plate (1)
246412 - Connector Plate, 3/4 (1)
246411 - Connector Rod, 3/4 (1)
(weld to connector after installation)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Rear Axle & Gearbox Components


810282 - Retaining
Ring, Ext 2-3/4 (1)

246429 - Gearbox/Hyd. Motor Assembly (1)

118011 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/2 (12)
118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (12)
118405 - Nut, 1/2 (12)

246649 - Conveyor
Drive Axle (1)
246802 - Holder Assembly,
Rear Axle - LH (1)
comes with...
246441 - Bushing, 5 OD (1)
246442 - Holder Assembly,
118514 - Flat washer, 5/8 (1)
Rear Axle - RH (1)
118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (1)
comes with...
118645 - Bolt, 5/8 x 1-1/4 (1) 246441 - Bushing, 5 OD (1)

246429 - Gearbox/Hyd. Motor Assembly (1)

comes with...
170436 - Gearbox Reducer, 38.7:1 Berma (1) 246427 - Bracket, Gearbox Stop (1)
141541 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m 246428 - Key, 16mm x 20mm x 6” (1)
x 7/8 ORB (2) 117602 - Capscrew, FHCS
118504 - Lock Washer, M16 x 2 x 35 (4)
1/2 (2)
118181 - Bolt, M12 x 118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (3)
1.75 x 40 P8.8 (3)
118148 - Bolt, M16 x 2 x 40 P8.8 (3)

226650 - Hyd Motor (1)

comes with...
246651 - Key, 10 x 8 x 45mm (1)

170436 - Gearbox Reducer, 38.7:1 Berma (1) comes with...

118197 - Bolt, M8 x1.25 170439 - Cover Plate, 10H (1)
170442 - Gear, Output x25mm (10) 170440 - Gasket, Cover Plate - 10H (1)
170443 - Bearing, Ball - 61 Tooth (1)
100x150mm (2) 170441 - Retaining Ring, 170437 - Gearbox Housing (1)
170444 - Retaining Ring, Ext. - 110mm (1) 170426 - Plug, Vent/Fill 1 NPT (2)
Int. 150mm (2) 170438 - Bushing,
170445 - Oil Seal,100 Keyed 70mm (1)
x150x12mm (2)

170427 - Plug, Sight

Glass 1 NPT (2)
170415 - Key,18x11x40mm (2)
170411 - Shaft, Pinion Gear - 12 Tooth (1)
170414 - Gear, 50 Tooth (1)
170416 - Bearing, Ball 60x110mm (2)
170412 - Retaining Ring, Int. 110mm (2)
170417 - End Cap, 110mm (2)
170424 - Key,
10x8x40mm (1)
170418 - Bearing, Ball 30x80mm (2) 170422 - Pinion, Input
170413 - Retaining Ring, INT 80 (2) 25 Tooth (1)
170425 - Bearing, Ball
170419 - End Cap, 80mm (2)
50x80mm (1)
170428 - Gasket,
170423 - Retaining Ring, Hyd Motor-2H (1)
170420 - Shaft, Pinion Gear - 10 Tooth (1) External - 50mm (1)
170421 - Gear, Bevel - 38 Tooth (1) 170413 - Retaining Ring, Int. 80mm (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Rear Beater Gearbox Components

170460 - Ring, Threaded (1)
170447 - Complete Gearbox Assembly (1) 170454 - Washer, Notched (2)
170455 - Gear, Pinion
- 13 teeth (2)
170485 - Output Hub 170456 - Bearing,
Assembly (2) 32212 (2)
(See Detail Below) 170459 - Ring, Retaining -
Ext. 70mm (1)
170453 - Ring,
Threaded (1)
170452 - Shaft,
Horizontal (1)
170458 - Gear, Crown
- 23 teeth (1)
170457 - Bearing, 6413 (1)
170479 - Flange Spacer,
Right (1)
170478 - Oil Plug,
1” NPT (1)
170477 - Oil Level
Plug, 1” NPT (1)
170475 - Flange Spacer, Left (1)
170487 - Gasket (4)

170484 - Input Hub

170472 - Spacer Assembly, Complete (1)
Flange, Outer (2) (See Detail Below)
170476 - Oil Plug,
1/2” NPT (1)
170450 - Gearbox Housing, 170474 - Gasket,
Inner (1) Inner (2)
170451 - Gearbox Housing, Outer (2)
170473 - Bolt, M14 x 40 (48)

170485 - Output Hub Assembly, Complete 170484 - Input Hub Assembly, Complete
170461 - Spacer (1) 170453 - Ring, Threaded (1)
170462 - O-Ring, 2300 (1)
170454 - Washer, Notched (1)
170463 - Bolt, M14 x 35 (6)
170480 - Gear, Pinion - 17 teeth (1)
170464 - Cover, Output (1)
170456 - Bearing, 32212 (2)
170465 - Gasket (1)
170466 - Oil Seal, 95/120/12-DL (2)
170463 - Bolt,
170467 - Bearing, 6315-2RS (1) 170465 - Gasket (1) M14 x 35 (6)

170481 - Hub, Input (1)

170468 - Output Shaft, 72mm - 8 (1)
170482 - Input Shaft, 1/3/4” - 20 (1)
170483 - Oil Seal, 70/110/12-DL (1)
170469 - Spacer (1)

170470 - Gear, Crown - 22 teeth (1)

170471 - Bearing, 33113 (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (01-September-2020)

Rear Frame & Beater Components


246617 - Frame,
Beater LH Side (1)

246616 - Frame,
Beater RH Side (1)

Top & Bottom

118024 - Bolt, 5/8 x 1-1/2 (1)
118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (1)
WARNING: When installing/replacing 118407 - Nut, 5/8 (1)
complete beater assembly, ensure bottom plate
timing mark positions of
both beater assemblies are
opposite (180°) to avoid Top & Bottom
paddle contact and damage. 118024 - Bolt, 5/8 x 1-1/2 (3)
118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (3)
118407 - Nut, 5/8 (3)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Rear Frame & Beater Components


246620 - Shield, Top

Beater Bearing (1) 118302 - Capscrew, Self-Tap - 3/8 x 1 (4)

117215 - Bearing Unit, Assembly (2) comes with...

IMPORTANT: After nut is properly

tightened, bend tab(s) of lock ring
118703 - Lock Nut, 5/16 (3) onto nut.
117478 - Bolt, 5/16 x 4-1/2 (3) 117197 - Adapter Sleeve (1)
(comes with nut & lock ring)
118795 - Bolt, 5/8 x 2-1/4 (8) IMPORTANT: When installing,
ensure adaptor sleeve is locked onto
118537 - Flat Washer, 5/8 F436 (8) shaft and is not slipping.
Note: Ensure Bearing Bolts are installed in
the direction shown in this diagram.
118403 - Nut, 3/8 (16) 117195 - Housing - 4 hole (1)
(comes with retainer rings
118503 - Lock Washer, 3/8 (16)
117198 - Retainer Ring)

246618 - Frame, 117196 - Bearing, Insert

Top Beater (1) - 2-7/16 (1)

Snap Ring

246274 - Bearing Guard Assembly (4)

118129 - Bolt, 3/8 x 1-1/4 (16)


246880 - Frame,
Beater Deck (1)

118026 - Bolt, 5/8 x 2 (4)

118514 - Flat Washer, 5/8 (4)
118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (4)
118407 - Nut, 5/8 (4)

170447 - Gearbox Assembly (1)

(Part Breakdown
on pg. 29)

Note: Models with a Serial Number from

1000-1009 require 2” thick spacers
between Gearbox ends and deckframe.
117483 - Nut, M14 (16)
(246684 - Spacer Kit)
117484 - Lock Washer, M14 (16)
118098 - Bolt, M14 x 50 P8.8 (16)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Rear Frame & Beater Components


246628 - Pin, 2 x 7-3/4 (15) Note: Previous paddle design used a 5-1/8”
118027 - Bolt, 5/8 x 2 (30) bushing and single-lip seals:
118447 - Lock Nut, 5/8 (30) 246279 - Seal, Wiper - Single Lip (2)
Updated design uses a slightly shorter 5”
246623 - Beater Core bushing to accomodate new dual-lip seals.
Assembly (2) The dual-lip seals will not fit properly with the OPTIONAL COMPONENTS:
(without paddles) previous 5-1/8” bushing. 246691 - Paddle Assembly,
Hammer Head - Carbide Tip (12)
246625 - Paddle Assembly,
246782 - Seal, Wiper
Hammer Head (12)
- Dual Lip (2)
246782 - Seal, Wiper
- Dual Lip (2)
117179 - Bushing (1)
117179 - Bushing (1)

246693 -
Wear Tip (4)
117581 - Lock Nut,
NOTE: It is recommended 5/8 Flanged (8)
to replace all three paddles 118935 - Bolt, 5/8
from a row at the same time x 2-1/2 GR8 (8)
to maintain proper balance
of beater assembly. NOTE: Wear tip
paddles must be installed
with tips facing rotation.
246805 - Paddle,
Bottom Row (3)

246279 - Seal, Wiper (2)

Beater Timing Mark Location 117179 - Bushing (1)

Beaters should be timed 180°
opposite each other to avoid
damage caused by paddle contact.

WARNING: When installing/replacing

complete beater assembly, ensure bottom plate
timing mark positions of
both beater assemblies are
opposite (180°) to avoid
paddle contact and damage.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Driveline Components


246736 - Driveline Shaft, 1-3/4 x 135 (2) 160310 - Driveline,

Slider Shaft (1)

246508 - Coupler, 117494 - Bolt, Carriage,

Driveline, CV/ Assembly - Line Shaft, 5/8 x 1-1/2 (2)
Slider Shaft M28, Qty - (1)
M34, Qty - (2) 117205 - Bearing, Assembly
comes with... Pillow Block, Wooden -1-3/4
M28, Qty - (7)
118087 - Bolt, M34, Qty - (9)
3/8 x 2 (6)
118256 - comes with...
Allen Setscrew 117208 - Base (1)
5/8 x 5/8 (2)
117206 - Half Shell (2)
117207 - Cap (1)
246509 - Key,
1/2 x 5-3/4 (1)

118417 - Lock Nut, 3/8 x 2 (6)

118009 - Bolt, 1/2 118514 - Flat Washer, 5/8 (2)
x 1-1/4 (4)
M28 - Qty (2) / M34 - Qty (3) 118508 - Lock Washer, 5/8 (2)
118407 - Nut, 5/8 (2)
117220 - Bearing
Assembly (1)

246738 - Bracket,
Bearing Holder (1)
118026 - Bolt,
5/8 x 2 (2)
118512 - Flat Washer,1/2 (4)
118537 - Flat
118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (4)
Washer, 5/8 (4) 160310 - Driveline,
118405 - Nut, 1/2 (4)
118447 - Lock Nut, 5/8 (2) Slider Shaft (1)

246736 - Driveline Shaft, 1-3/4 x 135 (2)

246582 - Driveline Shaft, 1-3/4 x 45 (1)

Driveline, CV/
Slider Shaft
IMPORTANT: When attaching driveline onto shaft, tighten cut-out clutch
bolt to to 75 ft-lbf (102 N·m). Check and retorque again after 2 hrs.

IMPORTANT: When installing,

ensure tapered collar is locked
onto shaft and not slipping
117210 - Bearing
Assembly (1)

IMPORTANT: After nut is properly

tightened, bend tab(s) of lock ring onto nut.

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Driveline Components

160352 - DRIVELINE SLIDER SHAFT, 37-48 - (Standard on models produced after June 2011)

160328 - Cut-out Clutch (1)

160312 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160327 - Overrunning Clutch & S4 (1)

160361 - Guard Kit,

Complete (1)

Note: CV is typically shipped

without grease. Ensure CV and
driveline are properly lubricated
before first use and every 8hrs.
(refer to maintenance section)
160326 - Slider Outer (1)
8 Hrs.
CV Joint
(*15 pumps)
160356 - Yoke, Inboard S5 (1)
160329 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160355 - Double Yoke (1)
160322 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160353 - Yoke, 1-3/4 x 20 Spline (1)


(Models produced before June 2011)
160328 - Cut-out Clutch (1)
160312 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160327 - Overrunning Clutch & S4 (1)

160331 - Guard Kit, Complete (1)

160326 - Slider Outer (1)

160324 - Yoke, Inboard S5 (1)

160329 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160323 - Double Yoke (1)
160322 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160321 - Yoke, 1-3/4 x 20 Spline (1)

160328 - CUT-OUT CLUTCH 160362 - Cam (4) Note: Cut-out Clutch bolt/taper pin
needs to be checked and re-torqued to
75 ft-lbf (102 N·m) after first 2 hrs. of
160359 - Hub (1) operation (to loosen or replace, refer
to instructions in maintenance section
on driveline removal)

160363 - Bolt, Clamp-Cone (1)

160358 - Spring Pack (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Driveline Components

160374 - DRIVELINE SLIDER SHAFT, 36-49 - (Optional)

160380 - Cut-out Clutch (1)

160376 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)
160379 - Yoke Inboard S5 (1)

160378 - Spring Pin (1)

160384 - Guard Kit,

Complete (1)

160378 - Spring Pin (1)

160377 - Yoke Inboard S5 (1)

160375 - Overrunning Clutch (1)


160312 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)

160315 - Slider Outer (1)
160313 - Spring Pin, 10 x 90 (1)

160311 - Yoke IC, 1-3/4

x 20 Spline (1)
160314 - Yoke, Inboard S5 (1) 160316 - Slider Inner (1)
160311 - Yoke IC,
1-3/4 x 20 Spline (1)
160317 - Yoke, Inboard S4 (1)
160313 - Spring Pin, 10 x 90 (1)
160312 - Cross & Bearing, Kit (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Hydraulic Routing - Hose Clamps & Shields
HOSE CLAMPS & SHIELDS Hose Clamp Assembly A Hose Clamp Assembly B
780278 - Hose Clamp
Set, 3/8” (1) 117517 - Bolt, 5/16 x
118503 - Lock 3-1/4 (1)
washer, 3/8 (8) 780279 - Top Plate, 3/8” (1) 780279 - Top Plate,
118403 - Nut, 118144 - Bolt, 5/16 3/8” (1)
118005 - Bolt,
3/8 (8) x 1-1/2 (1) 780278 - Hose Clamp
3/8 x 1 (8)
118121 - Bolt, 5/16 Set, 3/8” (1)
246609 - Hose
x 2 (1) 780332 - Hose Clamp
Shield (2)
Set, 1/2” (1)
780333 - Top Plate, 1/2” (1)
780332 - Hose Clamp
Set, 1/2” (1)

M28: 6- A & 4- B



“B” PORT - From “CF” PORT “CF” PORT - To Hyd Motor

“A” PORT - Back To Tractor “IN” PORT - From Tractor

M34: 9- A & 4- B



Previous Model
Hose Shields
Typical Shield
Mounting Hardware
(as required)

249112 - Hose Shield,

- Front M28 (1) 246512 - Hose
249111 - Hose Shield, - Rear M28 (1) Shield, M28 (1)
118026 - Bolt,
5/8 x 2
118508 - Lock
Washer, 5/8
118514 - Flat
Washer, 5/8

249128 - Hose Shield,

Front -M34 (1) 246581 - Hose Shield,
249127 - Hose Shield, Rear -M34 (1) Front -M34 (1)
246580 - Hose Shield, Rear -M34 (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (01-September-2020)

Hydraulic Routing - Hoses & Fittings
Note: Hoses run through top tube
HOSE ROUTING 258 to second cylinder. Cylinder shown
separated for illustration purposes only.
Required Hoses for Gate Cylinders 6
Gate Cylinders:
Hoses for M34 Only 9 7 122570 - Cylinder, 2” x 72”
510 126654- Hose, 3/8 x 510 (2) 8
x 1-1/4” (2)
466 126619- Hose, 3/8 x 466 (2)
Hoses for M28 Only
466 126619- Hose, 3/8 x 466 (2)
420 126663- Hose, 3/8 x 420 (2)
Hoses for both Models
258 126080- Hose, 3/8 x 258 (2)
104 126512- Hose, 3/8 x 104 (2)
M28 Hoses - or - M34 Hoses
Required Hoses for Hydraulic Motor 466
420 510
Hoses for M34 Only 438 486
306 354
486 126686- Hose, 1/2 x 486 (2)
354 126685- Hose, 1/2 x 354 (2) 11 11
Hoses for M28 Only 8 6
438 126684- Hose, 1/2 x 438 (2)
306 126097- Hose, 1/2 x 306 (2) 5
Hose for both Models
169 126572- Hose, 1/2 x 169 (2)

Hydraulic Fittings Required

1 141581 - Quick Coupler-m - 3/4 ORB (4)
2 141515 - Connector, 3/4 JIC-m x ORB (4)
3 141617 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 1-1/16 ORB (1)
4 141618 - Adaptor, 3/4 JIC-m x 1-1/16 ORB (1)
5 141541 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 7/8 ORB (2)
6 141518 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 3/4 JIC-f-sw (2)
7 141501 - Tee, 3/4 JIC-m x m x m (2)
8 141583 - Adaptor, 3/4 JIC-f-sw x 9/16 ORB (2)
9 141613 - 45° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 9/16 ORB (1)
10 141560 - 90° Elbow, 3/4 JIC-m x 9/16 ORB (1)
11 141633 - Plug, Port - 9/16 ORB (2)

2 1

M28 Hoses - or - M34 Hoses

466 510
420 466
438 486
306 354

169 3

Note: Located on inside of

141121 - Valve, EFC (1)

246515 - Valve Assembly

- c/w Valve, Hydraulic
Fittings, and Wiring (1)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Electrical Components - Lights
Note: Wire runs through
top tube to LH Light.
LH Light
Wire Harness
for Lights
RH Light

Wire Harness
with Plug

Note: Attach electrical

wiring to hydraulic lines
with plastic tie straps.


246528 - Clearance Lights Wiring Harness Kit (1)

comes with... 246526 - Light Enhancing Module (1)
mounts with... 117499 -
Nut, #6-32 (2)
118588 -
Rubber (2)
117498 -Screw,
246525 - Wire Harness, Mach #6-32 (2)
Lights (1)

246527 - Wire Harness,

Plug (1)

118756 - Bolt, 1/4 x 1-1/4 (4)

246500 - Light Bracket - RH (1)

246501 - Light Bracket - LH (1)

246457 - Lamp, Dual - RH (1)

246458 - Lamp, Dual - LH (1)

118483 - Lock Nut, 1/4 (4)

118011 - Bolt, 1/2 x 1-1/2 (2)

118504 - Lock Washer, 1/2 (2)
118405 - Nut, 1/2 (2)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)

Electrical Components - Flow Control Valve
Control Box
Note: Install control box
inside of tractor and
Note: Attach connect tractor cable
electrical wiring to connector.
hydraulic lines with
plastic tie straps. 246808 - Hose Wrap, Spiral (2) Tractor Cable
Note: Wrap hydraulic hoses in pairs with
hose wrap (2), include electrical cable.

133009 - Hose Tie (2)

Note: Attach spiral wrapped hoses to
hose holder assembly with two hose ties.

Flow Control

246514 - Flow Control Valve & Electrical Control Box Assembly (1) comes with...

246519 - Electrical Control Box & Wiring Cable Assembly (1)

comes with... 141122 - Electrical 246524 - Wire, 16 x 24”- RED (1)
Control Box (1)

129100 - Plug,
246523 - Wire, 16 Main Body -3P (1)
x 24”- BLK (1)
129102 - Connector, FM
Black -AMP #F -A4200 (2)
129043 - Crimp, Butt
Blue Splice - 16 GA (4)
246522 - Cable Connector
Assembly - Tractor (1)

246517 - Tube, Heat Empty Red

shrink - 1/2 x 4 (2)

246520 - Wire, 16/2 - 60” (1) 129078 - Seal,

Weather Pack (2)

129074 - Terminal, 16-14 GA (m) (2)

129076 - Connector, Weather Pack - 2 Pin (m) (1)

246515 - Flow Control & Wiring Assembly (1)

comes with...
129077 - Connector, Weather Pack - 2 Pin (fm) (1)
129075 - Terminal, 16-14 GA (fm) (2)
129078 - Seal, Weather Pack (2)

246517 - Tube, Heat

shrink - 1/2 x 4 (1)

246516 - Wire, 16/2 - 15ft (1) 246515 - Valve Assembly

- c/w Valve, Hydraulic
129043 - Crimp, Butt
Fittings, and Wire Plug (1)
Splice - 16 GA (2)

142657 - Manure Spreader (17-March-2016)


2 Year
Limited Warranty - Agricultural Products

Degelman Industries LP (“Degelman”) warrants to the original purchaser of any new Degelman equipment, purchased
from an authorized Degelman dealer, that the equipment will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a
period of two (2) years from the date of delivery, for non-commercial use (including farm, institutional, government, and
municipality) and (1) year from the date of delivery for commercial use. The obligation of Degelman to the purchaser
under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective parts in the first year and to the provision, but not
the installation of replacement parts in the second year. Degelman reserves the right to inspect any equipment or parts
which are claimed to have been defective in material or workmanship.

This warranty limits its replacement or repair coverage to what is consistent with the warranty of Degelman’s suppliers of
purchased components.

Replacement or repair parts installed in the equipment covered by this limited warranty are warranted for ninety (90)
days from the date of delivery of such part or the expiration of the applicable new equipment warranty period, which ever
occurs later. Warranted parts shall be provided at no cost to the user at an authorized Degelman dealer during regular
working hours. Warranted replacement parts will either be replaced or rebuilt at Degelman’s discretion.
Disclaimer of implied warranties & consequential damages
This warranty shall not be interpreted to render Degelman Industries LP liable for injury, death, property damage or
damages of any kind, whether direct, consequential, or contingent to property. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, Degelman shall not be liable for damages resulting from any cause beyond its reasonable control, including,
without limitation, loss of crops, any expense or loss of labour, supplies, rental machinery or loss of use.

No other warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied is made with respect to this sale; and all implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which exceed the obligations set forth in this written warranty are
hereby disclaimed and excluded from this sale. This exclusion shall not apply in any jurisdiction where it is not permitted
by law.

This limited warranty shall not apply:

1. If, in the sole opinion of Degelman, the unit has been subjected to misapplication, abuse, misuse, negligence
accident or incorrect off-site machine set-up.

2. To any goods that have sustained damage or deterioration attributable to a lack of routine maintenance (eg. Check
and Re-torque of fastening hardware, Hydraulic fluid purities, drive train alignments, and clutch operation)

3. If parts not made or supplied by Degelman have been used in the connection with the unit, if, in the sole judgement
of Degelman such use affects its performance, safety, stability or reliability.

4. If the unit has been altered or repaired outside of an authorized Degelman dealership in a manner which, in the sole
judgement of Degelman, affects its performance, safety, stability or reliability.

5. To expendable or wear items such as (eg. Harrow tines, Rock Picker and Rock Rake wear teeth and replaceable
bushings and pins.) and any other items that in the company’s sole judgement are a wear item.

No employee or representative of Degelman Industries LP is authorized to change this limited warranty in any way or
grant any other warranty unless such change is made in writing and signed by the Degelman Service Manager.

This limited warranty is subject to any future availability of supply, which may directly affect Degelman’s ability to obtain
materials or manufacture replacement parts.

Degelman reserves the right to make improvements in design or changes in specifications at any time, without incurring
obligations to owners of equipment previously delivered.

This limited warranty is subject to compliance by the customer to the enclosed Retail Customer’s Responsibility Under
Degelman Warranty.

142657 - Manure Spreader (01-September-2020)


Retail Customer’s Responsibility Under Degelman Warranty.

It is the retail customer and/or Operator’s responsibility to read the Operator’s Manual, to operate, lubricate, maintain
and store the equipment in accordance with all instructions and safety procedures. Failure of the operator to read the
operators manual is a misuse of this equipment.

It is the retail customer and/or operators responsibility to inspect the product and to have any part(s) repaired or replaced
when continued operation would cause damage or excessive wear to other parts or cause safety hazard.

It is the retail customer’s responsibility to deliver the product to the authorized Degelman dealer, from whom he purchased
it, for service or replacement of defective parts, which are covered by warranty. Repairs to be submitted for warranty
consideration must be made within forty-five days of failure.

It is the Retail Customer’s responsibility for any cost incurred by the dealer for hauling of the product for the purpose of
performing a warranty obligation or inspection.

Make certain the warranty registration card has been forwarded to: Degelman Industries LP
Box 830 -272 Industrial Dr.
Regina, SK, Canada
S4P 3B1

Always give your dealer the serial number of your Degelman product when ordering parts or requesting
service or other information.

The serial number is located on the machine as shown in the diagram below. In the space provided record the
model number, the serial number and the date of purchase to assist your dealer in providing you with prompt
and efficient service.




Serial Number Plate Location

142657 - Manure Spreader (01-September-2020)


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