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Imaging Services Service Documentation

Document No: DD+DIS012.06E

CR Licensing

► Purpose of this Document

This document describes the Agfa HealthCare licensing workflow for the
Field Service Engineers (FSE).

► Document History

Edition. Release Changes

Revision Date compared to previous Version 3.0
3.1 01-2009 Adapted description about generating the Fingerprint File
(FPF). For details refer to section 6.

► Referenced Documents

Document Title
User Manual Licensing User Manual 0102
(Version B or higher)
Reference Manual Licensing Reference Manual 0101
(Version A or higher)


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Edition 3, Revision 1
01-2009 printed in Germany Document Node ID: 24522499-24
Agfa Company Confidential Copyright © 2009 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
DD+DIS012.06E CR Licensing

► Manufacturer
Agfa HealthCare N.V.

Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH
Tegernseer Landstraße 161
D - 81539 München
Copyright © 2009 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
All rights reserved.
Technical modifications reserved.
AGFA and the Agfa-Rhombus are trademarks of Agfa HealthCare N.V.

Improper operation or service activities may cause damage or injuries.

(1) Read the “Generic Safety Directions” document
(see MEDNET GSO => General Info => Agfa HealthCare => Publications =>
Service Manual) prior to attempting any operation, repair or maintenance task
on the equipment.
(2) Strictly observe all safety directions within the “Generic Safety Directions” and
on the product.


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1 SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................5

1.1 Referenced ELMS Documentation ...........................................................................................5

2 CONCEPTS AND POSSIBILITIES...........................................................................................5

2.1 License File is created and provided by the National Sales Organization (NSO) ....................6

2.2 License File is created by the FSE via Simplified ELMS ..........................................................6

2.2.1 Intended Use.............................................................................................................................6

2.2.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................................6

2.2.3 User Interface............................................................................................................................7

2.3 Prerequisites for using the (Simplified) ELMS ..........................................................................7

2.3.1 Internet Connection/License File Download .............................................................................7

2.3.2 (Simplified) ELMS User Account...............................................................................................7

2.3.3 Training for Simplified ELMS ....................................................................................................9

3 LICENSE FILE VIA NSO WORKFLOW....................................................................................9

3.1 Requesting to generate a new License File towards the NSO (for Product Upgrade) ..........10

3.1.1 How to obtain MAC address, Agfa Serial Number and Dongle ID .........................................11

3.2 Obtaining the pre-created License File from NSO..................................................................11

3.2.1 Downloading a pre-created License File from the ELMS based on the Config ID .................12

3.2.2 Receive a License File via E-mail ...........................................................................................13

4 LICENSE FILE VIA SIMPLIFIED ELMS WORKFLOW...........................................................14

4.1 Collecting site information depending on scenarios ...............................................................14

4.2 Creating a License File using Simplified ELMS ......................................................................16

4.3 Overview of Possibilities in the Simplified ELMS....................................................................17

4.3.1 Example for creating an License File for a new System.........................................................18

5 LOADING THE LICENSE ON THE AGFA HEALTHCARE PRODUCT..................................25

6 GENERATING THE FINGERPRINT FILE (FPF)....................................................................26
7 UPLOADING THE FINGERPRINT FILE TO THE ELMS .......................................................27
8 TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................................27
8.1 Licensing Flow for Dongle Problem ........................................................................................27

8.2 Licensing Flow for a new MAC Address .................................................................................28


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8.3 Reset of Grace Period ............................................................................................................29

8.4 General Restrictions when activating a License File ..............................................................29

8.5 Changing Date or Time on the Agfa HealthCare Product ......................................................30

8.5.1 Adjusting Time backwards ......................................................................................................31

8.5.2 Adjusting Time forwards .........................................................................................................31

8.6 Check if a License File matches an Agfa HealthCare Product...............................................31

8.7 Escalation................................................................................................................................32

8.7.1 Service License and preliminary License File (Simplified ELMS)...........................................32

8.8 Simplified ELMS Process cannot be continued ......................................................................33

8.9 Runtime error in Simplified ELMS...........................................................................................33

8.10 Unable to log out from ELMS..................................................................................................34

9 SPARE PARTS.......................................................................................................................34
10 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................35


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1 Scope of this Document

This document aims at those parts of the licensing workflow, in which the
Field Service Engineer is involved:
• Activating licenses on a new system
• Activating additional licenses on a system
• Upgrading a system and reactivating the existing licenses
• Troubleshooting:
o Replacing a broken or lost dongle
o Re-activating after having changed MAC address
o Resetting the Grace Period

1.1 Referenced Licensing Documentation

A complete description of all licensing topics can be found in

MedNet HealtCare library:
• Licensing User Manual 0102 (Intranet Link / For non Agfa employees:
Please contact your local Agfa partner.)
• Licensing Reference Manual 0101 (Intranet Link / For non Agfa employees:
Please contact your local Agfa partner.)
These documents contain the main licensing flow and detailed screen descriptions
of all modules needed during the license flow.

2 Concepts and Possibilities

New license files are required for:

• New Installations or
• Upgrades or
• Updates procedures

There are two possibilities to create and receive the license file:
• The license file is generated and provided by the
National Sales Organisation (NSO).
• The license file is created by the FSE, using the Simplified ELMS.


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2.1 License File is created and provided by the National Sales Organization

Using this option, the GSO Service dispatcher or the FSE initiates the request to
generate a new license file towards the NSO. This process is defined by local
The license file is created in the ELMS by the ELMS coordinator in the NSO and
provided to the FSE via ELMS or e-mail.
For a detailed description refer to section 3.

2.2 License File is created by the FSE via Simplified ELMS

ELMS = Electronic License Management System

2.2.1 Intended Use

Simplified ELMS is a process that can be used during an installation or upgrade activity
of Agfa HealthCare products. It provides the possibility to retrieve a license file file
regardless of the current location of the FSE, as long as an internet connection (fixed
or wireless) is available. The process requires information of the Sales Order.
It can be used by every authorized stakeholder (CCC, RSN, FSE, TPM, Dealer etc.).
Business rules, up-selling scenarios and upgrade strategies are implemented in the
Simplified ELMS.

2.2.2 Limitations

Simplified ELMS cannot be used to:

• Upgrade or update a system that contains trial licenses (even if it has expired!).
• Create trial licenses.
• Create a license file file to perform a downgrade of a product version.
(E.g. you cannot retrieve a license file file for software version 2.0.6805 if already
the license file file for software version 3.0.70XX has been retrieved before).
• Change the base license of a product
(E.g. change NX Lite EL into NX Premium SP).
• Troubleshoot:
o Replacing hardware
o Replacing dongle
o Resetting grace period
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2.2.3 User Interface

The Simplified ELMS process is driven by a web based tool that is designed as
a wizard based interface which guides the user trough workflow driven screens,
depending on the provided input data.
It can be accessed via internet browser (web based access).

2.3 Prerequisites for using the (Simplified) ELMS

2.3.1 Internet Connection/License File Download

• To use and access the (Simplified) ELMS, access to the internet is required.
• For using the (Simplified) ELMS on site, your service laptop has to be equipped
with a mobile GPRS internet connection since it might not be possible to access the
internet via the network of the site. This can be a GPRS card or a (wireless)
connection to a mobile phone providing GPRS networking.
For more information about GPRS, contact your local IT support call center or
hardware manufacturer.
• The required bandwidth for using the Simplified ELMS: approx. 115 Kb/s
• A removable medium (e.g. USB memory stick) is required to store the downloaded
license file on.

2.3.2 (Simplified) ELMS User Account Defining the Simplified ELMS workflow type (by local organization manager)

Licenses that have been ordered are stored in the ELMS Sales Offices and linked to
the sales order number. When creating a license file, Simplified ELMS differentiates
between two workflow types for obtaining ordered licenses from the Sales Office:
• "Sales Order Flow": To create the license file using Simplified ELMS you will have
to enter the sales order number and only the ABC codes on the sales order will
be selectable.
• "Sales Office Flow": You can select all ABC codes that are available in your
Sales Office(s) to be included in the license file.


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Which workflow is applied, is defined in the user account. All users of a single
Sales Office must use the same workflow type.
Therefore, the manager of the local Agfa organization or of the dealer organization
must decide which workflow type will be implemented in the organization, before user
accounts are created.

The Sales Order Flow is the default workflow and it is advised to use this flow
as it prevents licenses from different orders to be mixed up. Requesting a user account

To be able to access the (simplified) ELMS you require a “user name” and
password protected ELMS user account:

(1) Collect following information:

First name:

Last name:

Sales office(s): *

Workflow type: ** Sales order Sales office

Authorization to define Yes No
new customers: **

* Sales office(s) you'll be working for. A Sales office corresponds to a local Agfa organization or to a
dealer organization.
** Ask your local organization (see also section

(2) Send this information via e-mail to:

• (in case of Agfa employees)
• (in case of non Agfa employees)


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2.3.3 Training for Simplified ELMS

Users of the Simplified ELMS must be trained. The training is available on the
Agfa Learning Platform (ALP):

(1) Open the internet browser.

(2) Go to this address:
(3) Log in.
(4) Navigate to
>>> "Tools/Software" in Course Catalogue
>>>> "Electronic License Management (ELMS)".

3 License File via NSO Workflow

Step Action Reference

1 The GSO Service dispatcher or the FSE New Installation/ Product Upgrade:
initiates the request to generate a new license Additional License:
file towards the NSO. The process is defined Section 3.1
by local procedures.
2 Obtain the license file from NSO. Section 3.2
3 Load license file on Agfa product. Section 5
4 Generate the Fingerprint File (FPF). Section 6
5 Upload FPF to ELMS. Section 7


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3.1 Requesting to generate a new License File towards the NSO

(for Product Upgrade)

A license file is linked to a product version and to product hardware. Any change of
the product version requires a new license file to be created and loaded, even if the
licenses contained by the license file don't change.

(1) Collect the required information depending on the following scenarios:

Scenario 1 Upgrade of a product that is already licensed and known on the ELMS.

Required • Identification of the customer

• Identification of the system (e.g. Agfa Serial Number)
• Product release version to which the system will be upgraded
(indicated in the product upgrade installation instructions)

Scenario 2 Upgrade of a product that is not yet licensed and not known on the ELMS.

Required • Customer data

• Identification of the system
o MAC address of the product hardware and
o Agfa Serial Number
(Identify the Agfa serial number on the Agfa label attached to the
product hardware)
• Identification of the dongle contained in the upgrade/installation kit
o Dongle ID (printed on the dongle)
• Product release version to which the system will be upgraded (indicated in the
product upgrade installation instructions)
* How to obtain this information is described in section 3.1.1

(2) Provide the information to your NSO ELMS coordinator.

The NSO ELMS coordinator will use this information to create the license file that
is required to activate licenses after the product upgrade.


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3.1.1 How to obtain the MAC address

The MAC address is also written on the manufacturer's label attached to the PC, but if
the network adapter has been replaced, this data is not accurate anymore and will not
deliver a working license file!
(1) On the respective PC go to Start Æ Run…

(2) Type cmd and press enter. A DOS prompt opens.

(3) Type ipconfig /all into the DOS prompt.

(4) Find the Mac address: The MAC address is the 'Physical Address' field of the
'Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection':

Figure 1

3.2 Obtaining the pre-created License File from NSO

• For each NX System there is a customer specific license file.
• Whenever a new dongle is to be activated, a new license file should be provided
with the new dongle.

The license file can be obtained from the NSO in different ways:
• The NSO send an e-mail only providing a configuration ID to download the license
file from the ELMS via the Support Manager module (see section 3.2.1).
• The NSO sends an E-mail with the license file attached (see section 3.2.2).


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3.2.1 Downloading a pre-created License File from the ELMS based on the Config ID

For more information about the ELMS screens, click on the <?> "question mark" in the
top right of the screens.
(1) Log on to the ELMS:
(2) In the navigation pane go to Support manager Æ Valid Config - Find .
(3) Fill in the known search criteria and click <Find Config>.

Figure 2

(4) You will see a list of configurations corresponding to your search criteria, or only
one if you selected a specific Config ID. In the column Config ID click the link of
the configuration you need.

Figure 3


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(5) In the Configuration Ticket screen click the corresponding link to download
the license file.

Figure 4

(6) Click <Save>:

Figure 5

(7) Browse for the location where you want to keep the license file and click <Save>
(additional dialogs to guide the download may pop up).
(8) Copy the license file to a portable medium (floppy disk, USB memory stick),
allowing you to copy it to the installed Agfa HealthCare product.

3.2.2 Receive a License File via E-mail

The e-mail explains clearly where to install (hospital address) the license, the customer
information, and other information required for this site.
Detach the license file from the e-mail message to a portable medium (floppy disk,
USB memory stick), allowing you to copy it to the installed Agfa HealthCare product.


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4 License File via Simplified ELMS Workflow

Step Action Reference

1 Collect required site information. Section 4.1
2 Create license file. Section 4.2
3 Load license file on Agfa product. Section 5
4 Generate the Fingerprint File (FPF). Section 6
5 Upload FPF to ELMS. Section 7

4.1 Collecting site information depending on scenarios

The Simplified ELMS provides workflows for different scenarios. To be able to create
the license file on-site via simplified ELMS you will have to provide information to the
Collect the required information depending on the given scenario:

4.1.1 Create license file for new system (from production)

Example Installation of a new NX 2008 Workstation

Required • Sales Order (SO) Number(s)

• Agfa Serial Number
• Product Version
• Ordered Licenses (Base License + Optional Licenses)
• Customer contact information

4.1.2 Create license file for new installation Agfa hardware not known on ELMS

Examples • Installation of a new AutoQC2 on customer hardware

• Upgrade of CR QS to NX

Required • Sales Order (SO) Number(s)

• Agfa Serial Number
• Fingerprint Data
• Product Version
• Ordered Licenses (Base License + Optional Licenses)
• Customer contact information


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4.1.3 Create license file for new installation on non-Agfa hardware

Example Installation of the Agfa SE software

Required • Sales Order (SO) Number(s)

• Agfa Serial Number
• PC identification (Mac address)
• Product Version
• Ordered Licenses (Base License and Optional Licenses)
• Customer contact information

4.1.4 Create license file for product update

Example Update NX 2.0.6805 to NX 2.0.6805 SU2

Required • Agfa Serial Number

• Product Version

4.1.5 Create license file for product upgrade

Example Upgrade NX 2.0.6805 to NX 2008 (3.0.7000)

Required • Sales Order (SO) Number(s)

• Agfa Serial Number
• Product Version
• Upgrade License
(product upgrades are licensed, e.g. NX 3.0 Features license)

4.1.6 Add an optional license to an installed product *

Example Add RIS connectivity to an NX workstation

Required • Sales Order (SO) Number(s)

• Agfa Serial Number
• Product Version
• Additional Optional Licenses
* Only the licenses contained in the new license file that you will create will be activated. Licenses that
were available in the old license file but not in the new license file, will not be active anymore after loading
the new license file!


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Scenarios can be combined. E.g. adding new license during upgrade.

4.2 Creating a License File using Simplified ELMS

Using the Simplified ELMS is self-explanatory if the correct input information
is available. For further assistance read the explanations given on the input pages
of the simplified ELMS.


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4.3 Overview of Possibilities in the Simplified ELMS


Select the Product.

Serial Number Upload FPF

is known in or
ELMS Enter MAC address and Dongle ID.


Serial Number from Sales Office. Enter Sales Office and

Serial Number.

Customer Web ID Create

is known in No new Customer.


Select the Customer.

The hardware code Hardware Code

is entered is known in Select Hardware Code.
in ELMS by production. No

Select the Software Version.

The user account type Sales Order Flow or

defines Sales Office Flow
the flow type. Sales Office Flow
In the Sales Office Flow
Sales Order Flow the user will be able
to select ABC codes from
Enter one or more the available receipt codes
Sales Order Numbers. in the entire Sales Office.

There is
Yes an old License File No
(upgrades or for the Device (new install)
additional licenses) on ELMS.

Confirm the existing

Select Base License.
Base License.

Select additional
Licenses Options.

Select Software Versions

of Sub Products.

Confirm all Data.

Make License File.

Figure 6


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4.3.1 Example for creating an License File for a new System

The following process represents an example of a typical workflow to create

a license file for a new system:

(1) Open the internet browser.

(2) Go to:
(3) Enter user name and password and click <OK>.

Figure 7: Example

(4) The ELMS welcome page opens.

Figure 8: Example


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(5) On the Product Selection screen select the Product you are installing and
click <Next>:

Figure 9: Example

(6) On the Agfa serial number entry screen enter the Agfa Serial Number and
click <Next>.

Figure 10: Example


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(7) On the Agfa serial number selection screen, select the serial number and
click <Next>.

Figure 11: Example

(8) On the Find a customer screen enter the available customer reference(s) and
click <Next>:
This screen is only displayed it the serial number is not linked to a
customer yet.

Figure 12: Example


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(9) On the Customer Selection screen select the Customer ID in the first column:
This screen is only displayed if the customer could not be identified by
a unique search criteria in step (8).

Figure 13: Example

(10) On the Select Software Version screen select the software version you will be
installing and click <Next>:

Figure 14: Example


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(11) Enter the Sales Order Number(s) for the device or software you're installing
and click <Add to list> to make them appear in the List of Order Numbers.
Click <Next> after adding all Sales Order Numbers.
Depending on your user account type, this screen may not be
displayed and you cannot enter Sales Order Number(s). You will have
access to all Sales Orders in the current Sales Office.

Figure 15: Example

(12) In the Select base license screen select the base license (Starter Pack) for the
device or software you're installing and click <Next>:
• In the "Sales Order Flow", only the base licenses of the
Sales Order are listed here.
• In the "Sales Office Flow", all Base ABC codes that are available
in the current sales office are listed here.
• In case of product upgrade or adding additional licenses you only
have to confirm the existing base license.

Figure 16: Example


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(13) In the optional licenses screen check the optional licenses for the device or
software you're installing and click <Next>.
• In the "Sales Order Flow", only the optional licenses of the
Sales Order will be listed.
• In the "Sales Office Flow", all optional licenses that are available
in current sales office are listed.

Figure 17: Example

(14) Select the version number of the Sub-product you're installing and
click <Next>.
The Select Sub-Product Software Version screen is only displayed if
Optional Licenses have been selected that enable sub-products
(e.g. XRDI as sub-product of NX).

Figure 18: Example


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(15) Check If all data are correct on the Confirm License File Request screen and
click <Confirm>:

Figure 19: Example

(16) Click the hyperlink on the Download License File screen to download the
license file:

Figure 20: Example

(17) Store the downloaded license file on a portable medium to be able to load it on
the Agfa Product.


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5 Loading the License on the Agfa HealthCare Product

Licenses may become invalid.
Activating a license file on a system with wrong date, time or time-zone can cause the
licenses to become invalid!

To load the license, follow these steps:

(1) Copy the license file from the portable medium on to the Agfa HealthCare product
into the designated license file folder.
(2) Connect the USB dongle provided with the Agfa HealthCare product.
(3) Open the License Manager Tool installed on the Agfa HealthCare product.
(4) Click <Add license...>.

Figure 21

(5) Browse to the license file folder.


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(6) Select the license file and click <Open>.

Figure 22

If the license file was not created for this system, the License Manager will
pop up a dialog box (see section "8.6 Check if a License File matches an
Agfa HealthCare Product”). Click <No> and open the proper license file.

(7) If the license file is loaded successfully, the License Manager will pop up a dialog
box telling that the licenses have been updated.
You will be back in the License Manger Tool Start Screen.
(8) Exit the License Manager Tool.
(9) Additional configuration steps on the Agfa HealthCare product may be required to
enable the activated licenses. Refer to the Agfa HealthCare product Service

6 Generating the Fingerprint File (FPF)

(1) Go to Start Æ AGFA Æ Service Æ License Manager.

(2) Click on <Generate Fingerprint>.
(3) Adapt file name and location e.g. external memory stick and click <OK>.
(4) Check the status bar of the License manger until the remark “creating …”
(5) Wait until the License manger is on status ready.
(6) Close the License Manager.
Result Generating the Fingerprint File is complete.


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7 Uploading the Fingerprint File to the ELMS

After performing the installation of the upgrade, the system configuration data on the
ELMS have to be updated. This data is contained in the Fingerprint File (FPF).
(1) Send the FPF created in section 6 to the ELMS coordinator in the
National Sales Organisation (NSO).
(2) The ELMS coordinator in the NSO uploads the FPF to the ELMS.

8 Troubleshooting

Typically, troubleshooting is required when the system is running in Grace Period

because the license check has become invalid.

This can be for numerous reasons:

• Missing dongle
• Dongle mismatch
• Mac address mismatch

During Grace Period, the licenses remain active.

• In some cases, the Grace Period can be ended e.g. by reconnecting the dongle
and restarting the system. The active licenses are valid again. Nevertheless, it is
to reset Grace Period after the system has run in Grace Period for a while;
see section 8.3 “Reset of Grace Period".
• In other cases, the active licenses cannot be made valid again (e.g. because the
dongle is lost). In that case, activating a new license file is required;
see section 8.1 “Licensing Flow for Dongle Problem” or 8.2 “Licensing Flow for a
new MAC Address”.

8.1 Licensing Flow for Dongle Problem

Always keep in mind the Grace Period of 30 days. If no new dongle was installed
when the period ends, the Agfa HealthCare product can not be operated further.


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A dongle problem can be temporary:

• The dongle has been disconnected or temporarily lost, but can be reconnected
(the Agfa HealthCare product may have run in Grace Period. For details refer to
section 8.3 “Reset of Grace Period“).

A dongle problem can be permanent:

• The dongle is missing on delivery of the Agfa HealthCare product.
• The dongle is lost (the customer will be charged for the
replacement dongle).
• The dongle becomes defect (broken dongle; the old dongle is still available and
is exchanged with a replacement dongle).

The procedure to solve a permanent dongle problem is similar for all situations:
(1) Order a new dongle (For order number refer to section 9 Spare Parts).
In case of stolen dongle, the NSO orders the new dongle.
(2) Inform RSN/GSC about the new dongle ID.
(3) Receive the new license file generated by RSN or GSC helpdesk.
(4) Receive the new dongle from the Spare Part Centre (warehouse).
(5) Install the new dongle and load the received license file (see sections 5-7).

8.2 Licensing Flow for a new MAC Address

After replacement of network interface card or of complete PC hardware, the Agfa

HealthCare product will run in grace period.
A new license file is required.
(1) Inform RSN or GSC of new data (MAC address and/or serial ID); this
communication should at least contain the Agfa Serial Number or Vendor Serial
Number of
the configuration.
(2) Receive new license file from RSN or GSC.
(3) Load the new license file (see sections 5-7).
If the PC hardware has been replaced and the original dongle is lost, both procedures
8.1 “Licensing Flow for Dongle Problem” and 8.2 “Licensing Flow for a new MAC
Address” have to be combined.


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8.3 Reset of Grace Period

To guarantee operability of the Agfa Healthcare Product, a licensed system is not

disabled when the product runs in grace period.
This can happen
• If the dongle is disconnected,
• If a wrong dongle is connected,
• If the MAC-address has changed,
• If a wrong license file is loaded (e.g. not intended for this machine).

In any of these situations, the licenses will stay active for a period of 30 days, called
‘grace period’ and the user will receive warnings.
Once the system has been operated for 30 days in grace period, all licenses
are deactivated.
If the problem situation is made undone by reconnecting the right dongle or reinstalling
original hardware, after restarting the system, the Grace Period will end.
The period of 30 days is not restored, even after successfully ending the problem
situation. A new license file must be activated to reset the grace period:
(1) Request RSN or GSC to generate a new license file; this communication should at
least contain the Agfa Serial Number or Vendor Serial Number of the configuration.
(2) Receive new license file from RSN or GSC helpdesk.
(3) Load the new license file (see sections 5-7).

8.4 General Restrictions when activating a License File

It is very important to note these restrictions:

• You cannot activate a license file with a ‘Date Generated’ that is older than the
currently active license file’s ‘Date Generated’. In this case the system generates
a warning:

Figure 23


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• When in Grace Period, you cannot activate a license file with a ‘Date Generated’
indicating a date before the Grace Period was last started. In this case the system
generates a warning:

Figure 24

• You cannot activate a license file with a ‘Date Generated’ indicating a date that
is younger than the current system time. In this case the system generates a
warning (no screenshot available).

• You can check the loaded license file’s ‘Date Generated’ by opening it in the
License Manager Tool and viewing the tab ‘License File Info’.
• You can also check the ‘Date Generated’ of any license file file by opening it in a
text editor or xml editor and looking into the element ‘LicenseKeyFile’:

Figure 25

The license file is encrypted. This implies that any change to the contents of the file will
cause an error and it cannot be activated anymore.

8.5 Changing Date or Time on the Agfa HealthCare Product

Stop all Agfa applications that are running on the system, before changing date or time.


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8.5.1 Adjusting Time backwards

The license system strictly limits changing date / time to a correction of maximum
minus 3 hours (e.g. adjusting clock from 15 h to 12 h).
Extended time adjustments will result in deactivated licenses.

8.5.2 Adjusting Time forwards

Corrections in the other direction are not restricted

(e.g. changing date from November 11th to November 15th).
When your system is in grace and you set your system date forwards, the
RemainingDays of the Grace Period is subtracted with the number of days you move
the system date forwards.
If the RemainingDays becomes negative, it is set to 0 days and the
Grace Period expires.

8.6 Check if a License File matches an Agfa HealthCare Product

A license file matches an Agfa HealthCare Product if

• The MAC address it refers to is that of the Agfa device and
• The serial number of the dongle matches the dongle that is attached to
the device.
When loading a license file, this check is done automatically. If the license file was
not created for this system, the License Manager tool will pop up a dialog box.


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Figure 26

If you select <No>, the license file will not be activated. If you select <Yes>,
the license file will be activated.

Activating a license file on a system for which it was not created, will cause the system
to run in Grace Period and may activate different licenses, not matching the expected
customer configuration.

8.7 Escalation

Problems that occur when connecting to the ELMS or using the Simplified ELMS can
be reported to the normal RSN or GSC helpdesk.

8.7.1 Service License and preliminary License File (Simplified ELMS)

In exceptional situations, it may not be possible to retrieve the correct license file, e.g. if
the order information is not correct (wrong license) or incomplete (missing license).
In order to be able to continue the ongoing installation you can ask for a preliminary
license file (including one or more Service Licenses) that is valid for 40 days:
(1) Inform RSN about the problem on the site and requests ‘Service Licenses’ for the
affected Agfa product. This communication should at least contain the Agfa Serial
Number or Vendor Serial Number of the configuration and the ABC codes for the
missing licenses.
(2) RSN creates the Service License(s). One Service License is created for each
missing ABC code (base license or optional license).
(3) Create the preliminary license file using the Service Licenses, e.g. ES82S NX
LITE-EL (SERVICE LICENCE) of the Simplified ELMS (see section 4.3.1).
(4) Finish the installation (see sections 5-7).


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• The license file contains now one or more service licenses that are valid for 40
days after creating the license file. During this period,
o The ordering problem must be solved.
o The final license file must be created via Simplified ELMS
o The final license must be activated on the system (the service licenses must
be replaced with the sales licenses).
• Once a base Service License has been created, it is mandatory to make a
license file including this license.
• A Service License cannot be renewed nor extended.

8.8 Simplified ELMS Process cannot be continued

In specific situations, the Simplified ELMS process cannot be continued to the end and
no license file file will be generated:
• If a license file file already exists for the system (e.g. in case of upgrade) and
it contains a Trial License (Base License or Optional License).
• If a Service Licenses was created for the system which has expired in the
meantime and no valid Sales License has been created yet to replace the
Service License.

8.9 Runtime error in Simplified ELMS

(1) If a runtime error occurs, click <No> to continue.

Figure 27

(2) Modify the Internet Options to disable script debugging.


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Figure 28

The error will still be displayed, but now as a warning message, which only is
displayed once by default.

8.10 Unable to log out from ELMS

ELMS has no function to log out. Close the Internet Explorer completely, to disconnect
from the ELMS Server.

9 Spare Parts

A dongle can be ordered via spare part number*: CM+3540660

* The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of
this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered.


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10 Glossary

ABC code The base ABC code defines the Base License that is ordered
for the product.
The optional ABC codes define the Optional Licenses that are
ordered for the product.
The hardware ABC code defines the hardware that is ordered.
Agfa Serial Unique code that identifies a system.
ALF An Application License File (ALF) is generated by the ELMS.
The license file should be loaded into the HealthCare application.
The base license and all the product options from the purchase
order are then activated.

When troubleshooting licensing issues, it is useful to look inside

the license file. It is an XML-file, so it can be opened with an internet
browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). It consists of a number of parts that
can be collapsed or expanded for convenient reading.
All information in the license file is protected by a CheckSum and
cannot be edited.
Base License Only one Base License can be ordered for a product.
Also known as "Starter Pack".
Base Product The main licensed software product installed on a system.
The Base Product can be extended wit additional Sub-products.
CCC Customer Care Center
Customer ID Automatically generated identification code of a customer in ELMS.
Digital See Sales Office.
Dongle Hardware that protects the Agfa product from
unauthorized duplication.
ELMS Electronic License Management System
FPF The Fingerprint File uniquely identifies the hardware and software of
a system. It is an encrypted file that contains:
• The WIBU dongle serial number,
• The unique hardware identification reference (MAC address)
• Configuration data used for registration and support of the
product (e.g. Vendor Serial#).
• Installed software version.
You can generate the FPF using the License Manager tool.
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FSE Field Service Engineer

Global ELMS account type intended for ELMS administration, that has no
Account authorization to retrieve license files.
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
Grace Period Period of time in which a licensed system remains operable,
although the preconditions of the license have expired (e.g. broken
or lost dongle).
GSC Global Support Center
Hardware The Hardware Code is the ABC code that specifies the hardware
Code that is ordered.
Multi-account ELMS account type that authorizes to retrieve license files based on
orders from on or more sales offices.
Optional Depending on the Base License, a set of Optional Licenses can be
License ordered for a product.
RSN Agfa’s Regional Support Network (helpdesk)
Sales Office Reserved area on ELMS where licenses are stored. Users have
access to the Sales Office(s) linked to their country, dealer or
OEM organization.
Sales Order Sales Order Number that identifies the order of a customer,
(SO) number containing one or more products and/or licenses.
Service License created by RSN that can be used to create a preliminary
License temporary license file via Simplified ELMS to resolve problems
creating the final license file.
SO Sales Order
Starter Pack See Base License.
Sub-product Licensed Software that is not a product on its own, but a component
(product of a product. Sub-products can require an optional license to be
component) added to the product license file (e.g. the XRDI software on the
NX Workstation). See also Base Product.
Trial License Trial licenses are also making use of the licensing system, and
activation is following the same rules.
The CR/DR Cluster Marketing Manager will coordinate the
distribution of the demo or trial licenses.
TPM Third Party Maintenance
UAT Agfa internal User Administration Tool on the
Agfa intranet main page
Web-ID User defined Identification code of a customer record in ELMS


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