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Project Proposal

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Project Proposal

Project Title: Locally Golden Health

Social Inequality Problem: Low Quality
Healthcare and Awareness
Community health education is an important part of our
world today. In fact, if the year 2020 has taught us anything,
it is that community health education is a vital part of our
society. The outbreak of COVID-19 – a pandemic that has
infected millions of people around the world — crippled the
global economy and changed the way we live. However,
there have also been great strides made in preventing the
spread of the novel coronavirus, thanks to infectious disease
experts and public health educators who work diligently to
keep the public informed.
Community health is a medical specialty that focuses on the physical
and mental well-being of the people in a specific geographic region.
This important subsection of public health includes initiatives to
help community members maintain and improve their health,
prevent the spread of infectious diseases and prepare for natural
disasters. Improving community health is a huge undertaking that
involves cooperation between public health workers, local
government, volunteers and average citizens alike—and the end
products of their work can take a lot of forms. Today, in this
catastrophic pandemic it is important for local sectors to spread
awareness and action specifically the significance of sanitation.
Communities that have good health resources in place and
healthy community members can often recover after a
disaster more quickly and with less negative health issues.
Individuals who are in good physical shape, have proper
vaccinations, have access to clinical services and
medications, and know where to get critical health and
emergency alert information, can better recover from a
disaster and are more likely to be able to contribute to a
community’s recovery efforts.
After a natural disaster people may be displaced or may
be gathered or taking shelter in crowded group settings.
When there is a large number of people gathering or
living in these crowded areas, it is imperative that people
are up-to-date on their vaccinations in order to reduce the
spread of disease. Unhealthy communities often have a
large number of individuals that are more vulnerable
before, during, and after a disaster. Factors that lead to
poor health in communities such as high rates of chronic
diseases like diabetes and heart disease, limited access to
general medical care, and low levels of health education,
can cause substantial difficulties for a community
recovering from an emergency event. People who already
have poor health are usually more susceptible to disease
during a public health emergency and cannot get the
normal day-to-day medical care they need. Communities
that are attentive to public health can even reduce
inequality among their residents. Community health also
helps to reduce health gaps caused by differences in race
and ethnicity, location, social status, income and other
factors that can affect health.
1. Aim to improve the health and wellbeing of local
residents by: Encouraging people to actively participate
in their own health care.
2. To prevent and control communicable and non-
communicable diseases
3. To overall improve healthcare, awareness and services
towards community members regardless of socio-
economic status
Proposed Solutions:
1. Initiate meetings with local officials concerning the
aforementioned agenda, conduct seminars especially
to community health workers for them to be properly
educated thus, channeling efficient services to
members of the community. Give out pamphlets
containing informative health awareness to every
household and mandatory forms to keep track in
regards to health record.
2. Inspection of Community Health Centers on whether
it needs renovation. Provide adequate supplies and
financial support. If possible, conduct free monthly
check-ups especially to young children, elderly, and
pregnant mothers.
3. Weekly community clean up drives, (cleaning of
streets, nooks, canals and backyards to maintain
cleanliness of every barangay also serving as a
prevention for diseases.
Activity Persons Time Resources Success
involved Frame indicators
Giving of Health Probably Bondpapers, If effectively
health workers and 1 month computers distributed
awareness officers and printers

Renovation Local officers 6 months Construction If properly

of Health Construction materials built
Centers Workers without any

Giving of Health Monthly Vitamin If

vitamins or professionals packs successfully
supplements and workers distributed
and used

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