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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela


Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan



Barangay Health Workers(BHW), also known as Barangay Health Volunteers, are

one of the members of health care providers in the Philippines. They undergo a basic

training program usually provided by the Local Government Unit Health Service to pro-

vide basic, safe, and effective health care services to the community people, and give pri-

mary care services in the community. They provide basic maternal, newborn, and child

health services for the all members of the barangay. A BHWis one of the front-liners who

provide health care services for the barangay. BHW are vital in Barangay Health Centers

because they provide assistance and support to physicians, dentists, nutritionists, public

health nurses, and midwives. Collectively, they are considered guardians of the nation’s


BHW is qualified to provide primary health care services in the community it is

serving based on the guidelines given by the Department of Health. Here are just a few

responsibilities of a barangay health worker: first aid, equipment sterilization, assisting in

health center activities, collecting vital statistics, maintaining records and making reports,

participating in community meetings, assisting in nutrition education, monitoring and

feeding, assisting in immunization education, monitoring, and dispensing, assisting in

family planning services, assisting in sanitation and hygiene promotion and education.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

BHW’s are very important part of the community’s fight to the attainment health

for all, prevention of diseases, and giving basic nursing care. They are the future’s new

hero for their never-ending weariness just to keep the community healthy (Pineda, 2016).

Health services should be accessible to all citizens. The population growth

experienced after the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994 resulted in some

populations having limited access to health services in some parts of the country as there

was influx of migrants to urban areas who settled in informal settlements thus increasing

the population in these cities exponentially. These areas are populated mostly by people

who are often unemployed, live in poor living conditions and who have insufficient

access to health services (Taleshi, 2009).

The rural health midwife or the assigned midwife in barangay attends to medical

needs of of expectant of mothers-to-be as they go through their pregnancies, responds to

minor health concerns and immunizes children in her office in the barangay hall

R.A.7883 is The Barangay Health Workers’ Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995

which is an Act granting benefits and incentives to accredited BHWs for voluntary health

services rendered to the community.

The intention of this study is to identify the experiences and the problems

encountered by Health Care Providers.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Theoretical Framework

The researchers have learned that in order to make their study more valid and

reliable. They must use primary source which are supported with theory. The researchers

made used the Tannahill Model of Health Promotion (1980).

In the year 1980, Andrew Tannahill created a health promotion model consisting

of three overlapping subjects of activity: health education, prevention and health


Health education is designed to change the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and

behavior in a way that facilitates health. Disease prevention aims to decrease risk factors

and minimize the consequences of disease; it includes primary, secondary, and tertiary

prevention. Health protection focuses on fiscal or legal controls and policies and

voluntary codes of practiced aimed at preventing ill health and enhancing well-being.

Tannahill(2009) asserts that health promotion includes public policies that address fair

access to housing, employment, education, and health care.

The Tannahill model has been criticized as being clearly within the reductionistic,

medical model in that it pays insufficient attention to community-based factors. In

response to these critiques, Tannahill(2009) proposed a new definition of health

promotion as the sustainable fostering of positive health and prevention of ill-health

through policies, strategies, and activities in the overlapping action areas of: social,

economic, physical, environmental, and cultural factors; equity and diversity; education
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

and learning; services, amenities, and products; and community-led and community-

based activity.

Education in his definition includes health education and interventions designed

to promote empowerment, such as resilience, self-esteem, and life skills. Service and

amenities include preventative care, while products include those that enhance health

along with those that damage it

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the experiences of health care providers. Specifically it aims

to answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of health care providers?

2. What are the challenges experienced of health care providers?

3. What are the coping strategies of health care providers in overcoming these


Assumption of the Study

In conducting this study the following assumptions were made. It was assumed


1. The participant in the study freely provide the researcher with a response

regarding on their experiences of being a heath care provider.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

2. The researchers also assume the challenges of the participants at work and their

coping strategies in overcoming it.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is covered by healthcare providers only who were the barangay health

workers and midwife. The participants were limited to eight health care providers; seven

barangay health workers and one midwife. The general intent of this study is to identify

the experiences of healthcare providers.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be great benefit to the following:

Future Researchers- the ideas presented may bewill be use as reference data in

conducting new researchers or in testing the validity of other related findings.

Researchers- this refers to the students conducting the study. Researchers will find their

self-fulfillment in this study. This study will help and aspire more researchers to be more

innovative that will be beneficial.

Barangay officials- the result of the study will provide valuable information that they

must learn to value health volunteers in barangay and conduct more programs which are

health related.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Barangay Health Workers- the information that will derived from this study will be

very helpful in the improvement of their work, this will help to play the role and work

that is given to them. To make them realize that the experience of being a health worker

in barangay is challenging work.

Midwives- this study will help them to realize that working with barangay health

workers is not a cheap option.

City/Municipal Mayor To increase the moral and financial support for barangay health

workers and midwives.

Community Residents To inform them that being a health worker and midwife in a

barangay is not a profitable work but a volunteer work with a only insufficient allowance

and benefits.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding to the study, the researchers defined the following

terms conceptually and operationally:

Barangay Health Centers- used manual system in terms of implementing medical

services, health programs, health monitoring and profiling (

Community Health Centers- is a not-for-profit, consumer-directed health care

organization that provides access to high quality of, affordable, and preventive medical,

dental and mental healthcare (

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Directly Observe Treatment Short-cause(DOTS)- is a strategy used to reduce the

number of TB cases. In DOTS, healthcare workers observe patients as they take their

medicine (

Experiences- this refer to the lived and work experiences by health care providers.

Front-liner- this refer to the Barangay Health Worker who provide healthcare services in


Healthcare Providers- these refer to the Community or Barangay Health Workers and

the midwife assigned in a particular community or barangay.

House-to-house visitation- this refer to the part of work of health care providers during


Integrated Management of Childhood Illness(IMCI)- integral approach to child health

that focuses on the well-being of the whole child. IMCI aims to reduce death, illness and

disability, and to promote improve growth and development among children under five

years of age( World Health Organization).

Intervention- is a combination of program elements or strategies designed to produce

behavior changes or improve health status among individuals or an entire population.

Interventions may include educational programs, new or stronger policies, improvements

in the environment or a health promotion campaign. It may be implemented in different

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

settings including communities, worksites schools, health care organizations, faith-based

organizations or in the home (

Morbidity- refers to having a disease or a symptom of disease, or to the amount of

disease within a population. Morbidity also refers to medical problems caused by a

treatment (National Cancer Institute).

Mortality- the number of deaths in a given time or place (Meriam Webster)

PhilHealth Insurance- is a governmental health care program that has been established

since the early 1960s, when the Philippine Medical Assistance Association pioneered the

MARIA project which prioritized aid to communities in need of medical assistance


In the study this refer to the benefit for BHW must have.

Pinoma, Cauayan City, Isabela – refer a place where the study conducted.

Primary Health Care- is an approach to health and well-being centered on the need and

circumstances of individuals, families, and communities. Rooted in a commitment to

social justice and equity and in the recognition of the fundamental roght to the highest

attainable standard of health (World Health Organization).

World Health Organization- is an agency of the United Nations(UN). It mainly deals

with pubic heath matters of the people around the world. Also acts as a coordinating

authority on international public health (

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan


Foreign Literature

Thomson(2016) stated that CHW plays a huge role in promoting both health care

and social support in the communities in which they work, and indirectly in the

communities in which they live. The CHW role has been part of a broader labor context

within South Africa where the blur of boundaries of employment and volunteerism was

and still prioritized. The passion of the CHWs to help is something valuable to be

supported and nurtured.

CHWs serve as a person who helps organization and provide information between

health or social services and individuals in their communities. These are the people on the

frontlines, providing advocacy, information and education to community members in

order to help them improve their lifestyle and link them to their healthcare option. Jobs

for CHWs are expected to increase 25% through 2022. In order to become a CHW,

education requirement is required vary depending on the type of CHW you decide to

become, important skills and characteristics are also a requirement to become (


According to Elrick(2017), CHW impact individual lives by improving public

health and it’s a very important task. CHW do their part in this important feat by

connecting marginalized communities to health sources, furthering education about

healthy living, acting as an advocate for the community, providing informal counseling
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

and social support, making home visits and providing health services, and improving


Many low- and middle-income countries face a shortage qualified health

personnel (WHO,2006). This worsen the problem of poor access to health services

particularly in rural areas. The use of CHWs to address human health resources crisis is

gaining popularity in these countries (Haines et al.,2007). In sub-Saharan Africa

Countries, CHWs are increasingly required to act as front-line clinicians, notably in

efforts to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria ( Druetz et al., 2014, Scheinder et al.,2008).

CHWs plays an essential role in the task-shifting policy promoted by the World

Health Organization (WHO,2008).

CHWs are usually defined as individuals who received basic health training and

work in the community where they live. The range of activities now entrusted to CHWs

is broad; they are used to disseminate health messages, support immunization campaigns,

facilitate referrals to health centers or administer treatments for the most widespread

diseases namely malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea (Liu et al.,2011, Standing and


Using CHWs to administer treatments in remote areas and reduce the burden of

diseases has been an ongoing strategy since the selective primary healthcare policy was

established in the 1980s. It is suggested that this strategy is effective in reducing

morbidity and mortality (Lewin et al.,2010, Winch et al.,2005).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Foreign Studies

Patients who are at high at risk for unfavorable medical outcomes because of

poverty, poor education and poor health habits was taking care of community health

centers. Health centers are placed to implement systems-level changes affecting many

patients because of their population focus. They report there on a successful quality

improvement initiative focusing on patients with diabetes in Holyoke,Mass. In 1999, to

track the patients of Holyoke Health Center they adopted and electronic registry and

their clinical data as part of a bigger effort to apply an integrated approach to chronic

disease management. In 2003, CHWs were added to the diabetes care team to enhance

the capability to engage and support patients who were not succeeding in managing their

diabetes( Liebman & Hefferman,2008)..

As (Haines et al.,2007) stated, there is new interest in potential contribution of

CHWs to child survival. CHWs can undertake various tasks. Several trials express

important reductions in child mortality, particularly through case management of ill

children by these types of community interventions. However, CHWs are not a cure for a

weak health systems and will need focused tasks, tolerable salary, training, supervision,

and the active involvement of the communities in which they work. The important

programs for CHWs requires evaluation to document the impact on child survival and

cost effectiveness and to clarify factors associated with success and sustainability.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

According to (Abdel-all et al.,2017) CHWs are increasingly being appointed to

prevent and manage cardiovascular disease and its factors in underserved populations in

low-income and middle-income countries. However, petite is known about the required

training necessary\for them to accomplish their role. The results of the eight included

studies suggests that CHWs can be trained effectively for cardiovascular disease

prevention and management.

CHWs were deemed to be impacting negatively on their work experiences: the

lack of career pathing process; sufficient career guidance; and inadequate employment

process such as staff retention, succession planning, and promotion (Vissagie and


CHWs can take an active role in the delivery of community based primary

healthcare intervention linked to the health facility. CHWs have demonstrated that they

can effectively manage health and family planning information and distribute

commodities that were once regarded as functions of formally-trained health workers

(Haver et al.,2015)

CHWs are recognize in the patient protection and affordable care act as important

members of the health care workforce. Evidence prove that they can help improve health

care access and outcomes, strengthen health teams and enhance quality of life for people

in poor and diverse communities (Rosenthal et al.,2010).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Training of CHW is an integral part of Iranian primary health system and

considerable attention has been made to make sure that the training content, duration and

approaches matches with educational qualification of CHW students as well as

community health needs. However, the length of the training course and its content raise

questions about how far the Iranian Behvarz can be compared with the CHW in other

developing countries where the community health workers typically receive very little

initial training and are more akin to lay workers than professionals (Javanparast et


CHWs are key bridge between communities and the health system. For them to

be able to empower communities they must themselves be empowered. They must

involve themselves with health services which empowers them in many ways. However,

many CHW program aspects undetermined this empowerment they need to be better

supported with the health services (Kane et al.,2016).

Emergency department health care worker are at risk of experiencing workplace

violence and should have specific training and support in the management of violent

situations focused on early identification communication strategies, and de-escalation

techniques (Cannavo et al.,2017).

According to Hatzler(2018), CHWs have the capability to enhance primary care

access and quality, but remain underutilized. Table 1 shows the community health

workers-in primary care function such as health coaching, care coordination, providing
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

social support, health assessment, resource linking, case management, medication

management, remote primary care, follow-up, and health literacy report while the Table 2

depicts the community health worker-in primary health care roles. It was concluded that

CHWs in primary care focus core functions that cluster CHWs’ role.

According to (Hill et al.,2017), Table 2 summarized that most CHWs delivered

the intervention activities and facilitate the group sessions. These included developing

and organizing activities to promote healthy diets and physical activity such as weekly

senior citizen walking club, diabetes awareness and prevention events. They are also

healthcare providers. Table 3 shows that diabetes prevention programs that targeted

vulnerable communities highlighted the importance of CHWs in contributing their

accessibility and appropriateness.

Tsolokille et al.(2014), shows that CHWs fulfill a different roles in the

management of non communicable diseases. As such they have important role in

community level of non communicable disease public healthcare in South Africa. Playing

the role as health educator meant that CHWs are expected to act as source of information.

The study also highlighted the the short falls in CHWs knowledge, in that information

provided was not accurate. The inability to clarify certain nutrition concepts emphasize

the need for training and continuous education that is tailored to the context that

addresses the everyday realities of CHWs, as well as the need for teaching aids to further

enforce and standardize the health information give to clients. Indeed it has been
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

suggested that the community’s perception of CHW’ knowledge, skills and ability to

assists communities with their health need is important in inspiring respect and

acceptance of CHW services.

According to BMC International Health and Human Rights (Perez et al.,2009),

every year an estimated 11 million children in developing countries die before they reach

their fifth birthday. 73% of these deaths are because of diarrhea, malaria, acute

respiratory infection, measles, and malnutrition. But these deaths could be prevented by

the presence of CHWs that are trusted to implement in resource-poor setting. But because

of the poor access to health services, insufficient resources at household level, poor

knowledge and practice among care givers and inadequate quality od facilities which

leads to low intervention in Sub-Sahara, Africa.

According to US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health(

Kash, May & Tai-seale,2006), CHW programs in United States seem to have been

initiated mainly due to lack of access to health care services in culturally, economically,

and geographically isolated communities. But if CHW are trained and certified they

would have a great potential for new and skilled healthcare workforce that could help

improve healthcare access and utilization among undeserved population in the US.

Reliance on CHW for HIV care continuous to increase particularly in resource-

limited settings. CHWs can improve HIV service use and adherence to treatment, nut

effectiveness of these programs relies on providing and enabling work environment for
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

CHWs, including reasonable workload, supportive supervision and adequate training and

supplies( Busza et al.,2018).

Local Literature

The Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) have a tour duty in assisting midwives

and Municipal Health Office staff in operating the birthing stations. The BHWs training

in maternal and child health care aimed to enhance local capacity particularly on

women’s health and safe motherhood which an important component in reducing

maternal and child morbidity and mortality (Flores, 2011).

BHWs undergo training programs under accredited government and non-

government. They are accredited by the local health board in accordance with the

guidelines set by the Department of Health(DOH). BHWs voluntarily act as health

educators, community organizers, and primary healthcare providers in their local

communities. BHWs are also in the frontline of providing maternal, newborn, and child

health care ( Rodriguez,2014).

Due to a lack of barangay health station and facility in Bag-ong Dalaguete, one

midwife who is a Local Government Unit employee is assigned to monitor the health and

the nutrition status of the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters

four other barangays and is scheduled to visit every Tuesday of the month. Aside from

midwife the barangay has also one BHW who monitors and tracks pregnant woman in the

barangay (Belcina and Selisina, 2018).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

According to The Daily Guardian(2017), the annual training for BHWs is one of

the activities under Global Business Power Corporation(GBP) adopted a health center

program. GBP is aware of the very important role of BHWs and the Kagawads in charge

of the health committee in the delivery of health services in the community. This role has

to be taken seriously because it is ultimately the life of the human individual that is at

stake. GBP help to complement their skills through the BHW training to capacitate them

and be more than ready to deliver to the community health services that are expected

from them.

BHWs will bring the healthcare system through the casual conversation, they give

an information regarding on birth spacing and family planning. Because of their training

receive from DOH and other health care organizations, the BHWs can give advice on

childcare like vaccination and deworming (Santos,2015).

BHWs part of their daily tasks have included implementing nutrition programs,

monitoring children’s weights and heights, assisting the midwife and accompanying

researchers and anything that is related to health-care. They only get a monthly allowance

of Php1,150 from the local government, being officially classified as volunteer.

Challenges of being a BHWs are often dragged into local politics, they need to participate

in a political activities to support the party of their barangay captain in order for not to be

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

In 1995, Republic Act 7883( Barangay Health Workers and Benefits and

Incentives Act of 1995) sought to provide incentives to them in recognition of their

services. Is is specified that BHWs are entitled to hazard and subsidence allowance

trainings, civil service eligibility, free legal services, and access to loan services. But

according to Panay News(2017), it did not provide fixed rate allowances and local

government units vary in the rates and benefits they provide. Consequently, many BHWs

become underpaid and receive far less than what their other counterparts get.

Araneta(2017), BHW is voluntarily give primary health care services. BHW must

be given a training on the use of a medical tools, diagnostic instruments and blood testing

kit, which help them in the diagnostic prevention monitoring, treatment and alleviation of

disease in a community.

Primary Health Care Service Providers is fitting for the government of Bacolod

City to provide PhilHealth Insurance benefit to all the BHWs. But in order to avail the

insurance benefit, the BHW shall get and submit his/her assigned tasks which shall be

issued to by the barangay health station where the concerned BHW is assigned.

BHW in Atok, Benguet often climb up mountainous barangays just to visit

families in need of health and nutrition assistance. BHWs not only stay in the barangay

health stations, but also go out to the field. During home visits, BHWs meet parent who

lack knowledge and on proper nutrition and child care( Rodriguez,2014).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Other public health programs and health workers were also greatly

affected in the post-Dengvaxia scandal. After the dengvaxia scare, parents were afraid of

any kind of intervention, not only for vaccination( Tomacruz,2018).

Local Studies

According to Ateneo De Zamboanga University (Aipichi,2007), Barangay Health

Workers (BHWs) are essentially the frontline health service providers of the community

health centers. They serve as the assistant ego of the barangay health nurse if present.

These BHWs therefore has to equipped with knowledge and health teaching skills. In this

study, the researchers found out that film viewing and with the combination of health

teaching training session are effective in improving the knowledge and health-teaching or

competency of the BHW.

As eloquently stated by Itturalde(2010), BHW serve as community volunteers

serving community health centers without fixed salary compensation. They often serve as

added workforce serving as extension work by doing manual such as helping in

maintaining the cleanliness of the center, guiding and controlling patients’ record and

patients flow in the clinic, and inviting community individual to attend health educational

activities. BHWs are also effective in motivating lactating mothers through group

counseling toward exclusive breastfeeding practices.

Ampong(2006), in her study revealed that enhancing the knowledge and skills of

the BHWs improve the hypertension case finding and compliance of community
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

residents to visit the healthcare centers to blood pressure monitoring service. But through

education and training should be done by BHWs to ensure knowledge retention and

accurate blood pressure taking practice. As studied by Juhan(2014), BHWs are effective

in increasing the knowledge and improving the blood pressure monitoring compliance

among hypertensive individual in Barangay of Diplahan Municipality, Zamboanga

Sibugay Province

With the proper training of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness(IMCI)

algorithm to the BHWs in identifying common skin conditions. BHWs underwent

exposure to the full course of IMCI which includes both interventions-lecture on common

skin conditions and training intervention on the use of the IMCI algorithm(Aquino,2016).

The actual demonstration with corrective feedback and repetitive video on breast

self examination (BSE) skills are both approaches equally in enhancing the skills among

BHWs. The researchers found out that corrective feedback would be more advantageous

because it requires less cost and effort although more time consuming that the video

group which showed an early improvement of BSE skills among BHW (Bolodo,2014).

Credo(2009), in her study concluded that the establishment of modified DOTS

sites with performance-based incentive program among the BHWs can motivate BHWs

on strict enforcement of DOTS strategy thus contributing to the improved treatment

adherence and compliance by the TB patients

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Human health resource is a problem that evidently exists in the Municipality of

Diplahan. BHWs in the grassroots level would be valuable in addressing these problems

on high incidences of pneumonia. In the municipality, considering that pneumonia

remains in the top ten morbidity cases of the said municipality. The lecture with the

demonstration as a form of intervention in improving the skills of the BHWs in

assessment referral of Acute Respiratory Infection is effective (Madamba,2014).

Diarrhea especially among children is common and usual and one of the top 3

morbidity and mortality in rural areas. BHWs are the one in charged in healthcare system.

Further trainings for the BHWs could improve their competency in terms of detection and

first-line management common diseases i the community(Alfaro,2008).

Llagas(2008)stated that trauma has the leading cause of mortality in Sergio

Osmena due to mode of transportations and unconstructed highways which leads to

accidents. It is the reason in conducting health education through lecture, demonstration

and bandaging where BHWs are in charge to provide emergency healthcare in their

barangay. The health education on basic life support and bandaging is useful in

increasing the knowledge and skills of community residents.

The deliver and success of health strategies like the Control of Acute Respiratory

Infection program greatly depend on the end implementators like the BHW. The training

and competency which include the knowledge and skills for the BHWs are important to

be assessed and monitored (Caniete,2005).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Taburnal(2017) in her study revealed that healthy living in the community is

affected by many factors with the presence of BHW who inspires and motivate

community people to live in a healthy lifestyle, which are competent, committed a having

the relevant as BHW can provide quality healthcare services to their constituents. The

personal, political, and environmental factors affect the level of competence of BHWs.

The continuous attendance to seminars and trainings are highly recommended to enhance

their performance.

Communication strategies used by barangay health workers in promoting

reproductive healthy among Iraya-Mangyan communities. It was revealed that the Iraya-

Mangyan comnmunities strong prefered inmdividual channels(i.e.,home visits and

counseling) in communicating rewproductive health information. When it comes to the

approach used in communicating RH information , the respo9ndents’ preferred the

entertaining approach.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan


This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary
data and information that will be used in the entire study. It describes who will be the
participants and focus of the research. This also shows the procedure of data collection
and instruments used; these chapters also discuss the type of research, research method,
and the research local where the study will be conducted.

Research Design

The study made used of qualitative research design. This study aimed to
determine and identify the experiences of Healthcare Providers in Barangay Pinoma,
Cauayan City, Isabela.

The researchers employed a phenomenological research design and methodology

to achieve the objects of the study.

Population of the Study

The participants needed in the study were the Health care Providers who were the
Barangay Health Workers and assigned midwife in Pinoma, Cauayan City, Isabela. The
following participants consists eight Health Care Providers: seven Barangay health
workers and one midwife.

Sources of Data

The researchers made use an interview as the source of data. According to

McNamara(1999), interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a
participants experiences.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Instrumentation and Validation

The instrument used in the study was semi structure questions. The developed
questions underwent validation by the experts in the field and research. After the
corrections and suggestions were incorporated in the questions made, it was used in
gathering the needed data for the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a letter address to the Barangay Captain of Pinoma,

Cauayan City, Isabela, to ask permission to conduct an interview to the Health Care
Providers. The researchers conducted the interview in Pinoma, Cauayan City, Isabela;
after the permission granted by the Principal.

The benefit of interviewing is that the researchers can gather raw and more
reliable data that is directed to their study.

After gathering data and information, the researchers interpreted the responses
from the participants. The results would hopefully helpful to the researchers.

Ethical Considerations

Ethics are the norms or standards in conducting research that distinguish between
right and wrong. Ethical standards prevent against the fabrication or falsifying of data and
therefore, promote the pursuit of knowledge and truth which is the primary goal of
research. Using the ethical consideration, the participants may give their opinions about
the research.

Researchers will present the consent to the participants. Research participants

should not be subjected to harm in anyways. Respect of the participants should be
prioritized. Protection of the privacy for the participants has to be ensured. Any type of
communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty and transparency.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

These ethical considerations should be followed.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

The gathered data from audio recordings and interview forms were transcribed.
The researchers began to analyze after the gathered data with transcribed process.
Through the use of thematic analysis, all the responses of the participants were critically
analyzed by the researchers.

The data were presented through the phenomenological presentation. The

researchers were objective in analyzing the data, setting aside personal perceptions, for
reliability and validity of the study.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan


The purpose of this study was to determine the life and work experiences of

health care providers. The process in interviewing the participants was utilized by the

researchers to gather a necessary information about the participant views, experiences,

and perspectives. The interviews were conducted among seven (7) barangay health

workers and one(1) midwife.

The researchers asked four main questions and some follow up questions which

are related to the main questions. The participant answers by the researchers found

four(4) purposes in the study.

Life Experiences of Health Care Providers

The first purpose was about their life experiences. Five out of eight health care

providers stated that they really want to help community residents and to serve as a

public servant.

“Yes of course. Sa tagal ko na kasi dito sa serbisyo hindi lang 30 years na, kaya lang nag

ano ako nung umalis ako. Father-in-law kasi yung matagal na naging kapitan wala pang

incentives noon kasi volunteer lang itong BHW. Ang incentive lang namin noon eh yung

pamsahe lang pero totally na wala. Hindi naman yung incentive ang kailangan namin or

yung mga kwan. Ang benefits lang namin dito is yung makatulong kami sa mga parents

lalong-lalo na sa mga bata. Minsan dina direct to the poin ko yung mother “anlaki laki
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

nng katawan mo tapos yung anak mo malnourish” ang dapat na I feed mo diyan ganito


“Meron na rin konti pero okay lang. kasi hindi naman namin kailangan yung talagang

malaki. Ako talagang ang purpose ko pa lang noon ay makatulong ako sa mga parents.

Kaya ang sinasabi nila nung may ano na kami sa cauayan kay maam Beth Africano bakit

ko ginusto ang volunteer na BHW e teacher pala ako. Ayaw ng asawa ko maging teacher

ako kasi, baka ako daw ang bubuhay sa kanya yun ang reason ng mga kapatid ko. Ang

purpose ko naman gusto ko makatulong sa mga tao.”(Participant A)

Yes of course. I have been working as a health worker for 30 years but then I decided to

leave. My father-in-law used to be the Barangay Captain for how many years, there are

no incentives during that time for volunteers of BHW. The only that we have is the

transportation allowance. I don’t really need the incentives or anything. The only benefit

that we gain is to help the parents especially the children. We pointed out that some

mothers have big bodies but their children are malnourished. The children should be fed

with nutritious food

There is a little bit incentives, but it is okay because we really are not after the incentives.

My real purpose is to help parents. That is why people kept saying me that, why I still

want to volunteer as a BHW if I am a teacher. My husband and siblings do not like me to

become a teacher because they thought that I would become the bread winner of the

family. My purpose is to help the people.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

This statement of Partcipant A resembles to the article of Lasco(2018) he stated

that barangay health workers only get a monthly allowance of Php1,150 from the local

government, being officially classified as volunteer.

It also resembles to the study of Itturralde(2010). As eloquently stated by

Itturalde(2010), BHW serve as community volunteers serving community health centers

without fixed salary compensation. They often serve as added workforce serving as

extension work by doing manual such as helping in maintaining the cleanliness of the

center, guiding and controlling patients’ record and patients flow in the clinic.

“Para makatulong din naman sa aming purok dun sa nagbibigay ng vitamin

ganun…kung may problema dito sa bara barangay sinasabi naman namin…kung wala

kaming trabaho tuwing lunes kami nagduduty, kahit hindi namin duty pumupunta pa rin

kami…schedule ng mga bakuna.”(Participant B)

In order to help our barangay specifically my assigned purok where in we distribute

vitamins. If something bad might happen we usually say it to barangay officials. If we are

free on Monday even we are not dutied to be at work we used to came because of the

schedule of vaccination.

“Incentives opo hindi naman kaya after incentive eh, masaya kami kasi…kasi kapag

matagal ka na sa serbisyo at mahal mo yung trabaho mo hindi importante yung

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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

incentives basta ano lang kapa nakakapaglingkod ka ayy…ano ka sa serbisyo…sa

barangay ganun.” (Participant C)

It is okay even our incentives are insufficient. We are happy…because if you’ve work for

a long time and you love your work it is not important to have a greater value of

incentives as long as you serve in your barangay.

This statement resembles the Republic Act 7883( Barangay Health Workers and

Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995) sought to provide incentives to them in recognition

of their services. Is is specified that BHWs are entitled to hazard and subsidence

allowance trainings, civil service eligibility, free legal services, and access to loan

services. But according to Panay News(2017), it did not provide fixed rate allowances

and local government units vary in the rates and benefits they provide. Consequently,

many BHWs become underpaid and receive far less than what their other counterparts


“Para tumulong sa aking barangay kahit mahirap kakayanin ko.” (Participant F)

In order to make help for my barangay even it is hard I will make a way to survive.

“Gusto kong makatulong naman kahit papano magamit ko naman yung experience ko

kung yung mga kaalaman kong konti para makatulong naman dito sa barangay”

(Participant G)
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

I really want to help in our barangay even merely on my experience and little knowledge

I had.

Different case with Participant D and Participant H but have the same reason with

the 5 participants. The Participant D said that it is their assigned kagawad who brought

her to the position while the Participant H is her sister choice.

“Inalok kasi ako ng kagawad nun dito na ako na lang ang ipapasok bilang BHW eh

pumayag naman ako kasi gusto ko namang makatulong sa mga bata ganun na pag may

bakuna ako yung taga…assist.” (Participant D)

I was chose by the kagawad here for Barangay Health Worker position and then I agreed

because I want to help especially the children in completing their vaccination and to


“Choice ng siter ko, kaya ako naging midwife ngayon, pero ginusto ko na rin, masaya sa

pakiramdam ang maktulong sa kapwa as public servant”(Participant H)

It was a decision made by my sister why I became a midwife. After a year, I became to

love and like it. I am happy to serve as a public servant.

On the other hand, Participant E has different case where in it is not her passion

totally to become a health worker because her mother-in-law need to take care her sister-

in-law who given birth.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

“Ano, kasi hindi ko naman totally gusto yung biyanan ko ang dating BHW yun yung

unang-unang BHW…nung nanganak na yung hipag ko siya na yung nag-alaga ng anak

niya kaya ako yung pinalit.”

I totally didn’t want to be a barangay health worker. My mother-in-law was a former

health worker but then she decided to take care her child(my sister-in-law) who suddenly

give birth. And she decided to take me and fill up her position.

Work Experiences of Health Care Providers

The second purpose was all about their work experiences. Six out of seven health

care providers (BHW) stated that they are not allowed to make an injection.

“Yes of course kasi kailangan lalo na pag marami ang bata at pagka talaga kung kwan

kailangan talaga naming mag inject dahil hanggang dito lang naman(braso) kaya

kailangan sa mga bata yung full na hawakan mo at saka hindi pwedeng maging strong

siya dahil talagang hindi basta-basta mag inject kailangan yung parang relax na relax

lang yung bata saka mo lang injectan”

Of course, we need to inject especially when there are a massive group of children. It’s

important for the child to handle it tightly and they should not let them be strong because

it is not easy to inject, it is necessary to relax the child before injecting it.

“Wala, saka hindi kami pwede mag-inject, midwife lang ang nag-iinject. Nag-aassisst

lang kami sa mga bata.”

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

We are not allowed to inject only the midwife can. We are only assisting children.

“Hindi po kasi bawal po kasi sa amin kasi wala laming seminar. Hindi po advisable na

mag-inject pwede mag-assist lang po kami.”

No, we’re not allowed because we don’t underwent a seminar. It is not advisable to

inject, we only assists.

“Hindi, hindi pa na try kasi wala namang training mag-inject…yun kwan lang mag bp”

No, we didn’t try yet because we don’t have a proper training. We only do a checking of

blood pressures.

Particpant D statement reflects to the study of Ampong(2006), in her study

revealed that enhancing the knowledge and skills of the BHWs improve the hypertension

case finding and compliance of community residents to visit the healthcare centers to

blood pressure monitoring service. But through education and training should be done by

BHWs to ensure knowledge retention and accurate blood pressure taking practice.

This stamenent also resembles to the study of Juhan, as studied by Juhan(2014),

BHWs are effective in increasing the knowledge and improving the blood pressure

monitoring compliance among hypertensive individual in Barangay of Diplahan

Municipality, Zamboanga Sibugay Province.

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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

“Ay hindi pa hindi pa kami pwedeng mag-inject kasi hindi kami naka undergo ng

training ng mag-inject ng tao…pwede kung nak undergo ka ng training pero kung hindi,

hindi po pwede, bawal.”

We are not allowed to inject because we didn’t undergo training to inject people. It is

possible if you underwent training but if not it is prohibited

“Hindi po kami allowing kasi BHW po, nursing lang tsaka midwife ang pwede”.

We are not allowed. Nurses and midwife only can do.

“Ay hindi pa bawal kasi sa amin na hindi naman kami na training hindi naman kami

pinag-aralan yun hindi naman kami pwede mag-inject.”

Not yet it is restricted because we don’t undergo further trainings and studies.

On the other hand, Particpant A shared her trainings and seminars about breast


Nagte-training kami about nestle kasi kailangan naming isuggest sa mga bata at sa mga

nanay na dapat kung mix ang feeding nila, breastfeeding and then bottle feeding ay

kailangan naming isuggest sa kanila about nestle product. Yun ang purpose ng seminar

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Of course anak nagtraining kami, seminars hindi naman totally na training. First timer

kasi ako rito year 1980. I’m already 67 yearsd old gusto ko ng mag quit pero ayaw nila

akong payagan kasi maganda ang performace ko and then magaling akong mag

approach ng mga bata na mag pa inject even mga parents na ayaw mag breastfeeding.

Ang pinaka dabest kasi kailangan ang yung hindi dapat na mix mix. Okay lang pag ang

mother ay may trabaho pero pag nandito ka lang sa bahay ang talagang sinaSuggest

namin sa mga parents full na breastfeeding hindi na kailangan ang mix pero syempre

yung mga kwan gaya nung nestle and then yung gaya nitong may nag seminar na naman

sa amin about sa kailangan kasi ang zinc sa mga bata na tamad kumain lalo na pag

gulay eh kailangan ang bear brand na gatas kailangan na namang isuggest namin sa

mga bata na mag take ng bear brand once a day.

We are having our trainings about nestle because we need to suggest to those children

and mothers that if their feeding is mixed, bottle feeding and breast feeding. We need to

suggest those nestle products. That is the purpose of our seminar. Of course we are

trained, seminars can be but not tottaly training. I am first timer way back 1980. I am 67

years old I wanted to quit but they do not want to allow me because my performance is

very promising and I know how to approach the children very well to get injected. Even

the parents does not want to breast feed. The most needed is not the mixed. It is okay if

the mother is working but if the mother is just staying in their house we really suggested

that they do not have the mixed but of course the nestle products. And then just like our

recent seminar it is all about the needed zinc for the children that are lazy to eat
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

especially vegetables. That is why we suggested that they need to take bear brand milk

once a day.

This statement resembles to the study of Aipichi, according to Ateneo De

Zamboanga University (Aipichi,2007), barangay health workers are essentially the

frontline health service providers of the community health centers. They serve as the

assistant ego of the barangay health nurse if present. These BHWs therefore has to

equipped with knowledge and health teaching skills. In this study, the researchers found

out that film viewing and with the combination of health teaching training session are

effective in improving the knowledge and health-teaching or competency of the BHW.

Contrarily, Participant D in her statement that she had learn in her work and get

enhanced in her working skills.

“Yung experience ko as a health care provider(bhw) doon na enhance yung knowledge

ko kung paano maki cope up ng sa mga bata, yung nakilala, naalam mo na mapag-

aralan mo ang ugali ng mga bata. Yung kasi sakop naming is 0-59 months, ngayon

noong hindi pa ako health…BHW parang wala akong paki sa surroundings ko ano, pero

noong nag BHW na ako doon ko nalaman ang kahalagahan ng pagiging health worker

yung pagiging pag-aalaga sa kalusugan una sa mga bata.”

My experience as a health care provider(BHW) where I enhanced my knowledge on how

to interact with the children and how to orient towards to the behavior of children. We are

subject to assist 0-59 months old children. When I am not yet in the position I act as if I
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

don’t care but when i became as a BHW I made to realize the importance of having a

good health for children.

Different case with Participant D stated that sometimes they are not trusted by

their fellow residents, the struggles in house-to-house visitation and vaccination problem.

“Ay marami ah…kasi may nae-experience kami pa kami na pag nagtitimbang kami

ganun nay nagsasabing panay naman ang timbang namin ganun…wala naman kaming

nabibigay daw pero meron kahit papano naman kaming nabibigay na kwan Vitamin A

dalawang beses sa isang taon.

Pag nagha house to house kami…nung nag house to house kami met keta jay lang

panggep met ti ubbing ti kwakwaen mi agited ti purga kasjay, nu adda ti naganak mapan

mi lang kitaen ikkan mi ti vitamin A ajay mother…Last October ata yun nung naghouse

to house kaming magbakuna may mga ayaw ipabakuna mga anak nila kasi sabi nila baka

daw dengvaxia yun… pero sinasabi naman ng midwife naming na hindi kasi kwan lang

naman kasi anti measles lang naman yun.”

When it comes to experience, I experienced a lot. I’ve experience people who used to say

words that we weight children over and over again…they also say that we don’t give

anything like medicine but we do had Vitamin A twice a year. During our house-to-house

work we give purge laxative for children. Last October during our house-to-house there

are those who do not want their children to be vaccinated because of dengvaxia rumored

issues. However, the midwife always trying to convince them that it is for anti measles.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Similar statement with Participant E who experienced also house-to-house

problem and delayed vaccines.

“Sa experience marami…kasi…bukod sa hirap na magtawag pagdating sa pagbabakuna

dahil takot silang magpabakuna ng anak dahil simula nung lumabas yung dengvaxia

diba?. Tapos nung una malayo masyado kasi sitio na yung iba masyadong malayo

parang purok dito hanggang health center hindi talaga sila makapunta pag walang

sasakyan. Sa seminars, training naman dati kasi pero nitong lately wala masyado pero

okay naman lahat ng trainings naming saka seminars naming.”

“Marami din, unang una pag pumunta ka sa isang bahay, diba magha house-to-house

kami magbabakuna kami with midwife, tapos minsan magpapatak, magtitimbang kasi

yun yung lagi naming inaano. Challenges naming madalas is yung pumunta ka tapos di

ka haharapin, pumunta ka tapos pag maraming aso hahabulin ka pa, pag pumunta ka

sapilitan mo pang kailangan mo pang ipaliwanag na kailangan nilang magpa-inject,

ultimo Vitamin eh mahirap pa mabigay”

There is a lot of experiences…besides it is hard to call them since they are afraid of their

children to get vaccinated since the dengvaxia came out. Some could not be able to attend

because of the distance from their house to the health centers and vice versa. In seminars,

we have a training before but lately there is not that much training but our trainings and

seminars are actually good.

During our house-to-house visitation, we are assisting miwife during our vaccination and

monitoring childrens’ weight. Our frequent challenges duriong home visits are not get
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

involve with the patients, chased by dogs, and you need further expalnations why it is

necessary to have their child vaccinated and also vitamins.

The first statement of Participant E resembles the findings of Tomacruz, other

public health programs and health workers were also greatly affected in the post-

Dengvaxia scandal . after the dengvaxia scare, parents were afraid of any kind of

intervention, not only for vaccination( Tomacruz,2018).

Participants F supported this statement

“Uhmmm…my challenge is as matigas ang ulo ayaw nalang pumunta sa mga

papagsasabihan mo mag-inject sa mga measles natatakot sila pero iniexplain naming

kung anong ibig sabihin ng measles pumupunta din naman sila kahit matigas ang ulo.”

One of my challenges are the people who do not want their child to be vaccinated about

anti measles but when we clearly clarify the agreement now is okay.

Participant G has also same cases with Participant D because in her earliest time

at work she is not been trusted by the people.

“Nung una na ano BNS pa lang ako eh yung mga tao parang ayaw nmaniwala na

magampanan mo yung trabaho mong ganun eh nagtata nagtatawag ka sa kanila prang di

sila naniniwala para ma…don sa ano batay sa mga exs..makikita mong reaksyon nila

dun mo huhugutin yung lakas ng loob mo para mahatak mo sila kasi pag pag hindi mo i-

pwer..ipursigi hindi mo rin magagawa, mag pursigi ka lang maaa ahh parang ano sila
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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

ng ano maipapangaral mo sa kanila para… malaman nila na kay mo rin gampanan yung

trabaho mo na ano pinasok mo.”

When I am still BNS the people does not want to believe that I can handle my work. You

are calling them but they do not believe in you. You can see their reaction and that is

when you will pull up your confidence to prove them that you can really do your job well


Particpants H has different case among the seven participants but the dedication to

work and to the people are alike.

“My challenges, nung nag enroll ako sa midwifery school sabi ko dapat makagraduate

ako, after grad, makapasa dapat ng board at makahanap ng trabaho. Everyday iba iba

challenge, example kung may 4 na patient kang dumating iba iba sila ng case or health

problem, kailangan mo talaga I assess one by one para sa cure ng sakit nila. After

passing the board of midwifery naghanap na ako ng trabaho, nag-volunteer sa mga clinic

kay Dra. Aquino, Dra.Caballero at nagging clinician din ako ng medi rx company. 1998

natanggap ako sa district 1 bilang barangay midwife hanggang October 2017, October

2017 to present sa Pinoma ako…nagtagal ako sa profession na to kahit maliit ang sahod

kasi minahal ko at enjoy ko ang trabaho ko. Nagpapa anak kami noon sa bahay, breech

delivery, circumvission na experience ko, kahit anong oras ka tawagin 24/7 on call kami

noon basta may tumawag pupuntahan namin…I attended convension, seminars like

IMAP(Integrated Midwives association of the Philippines) at plgmi.“

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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

My challenges are, when I enrolled midwifery in school I told my self to graduate first,

after the graduation make sure that I will pass my board exam and find a job. There are

different challenges every day, example is that if there are 4 patients and they have

different health problems, I need to assess them one by one so that I can cure the health

problems. After passing the board I immediately find a job. I volunteered to the clinics of

Dra. Aquino and Dra. Cabellero and I laso become a clinician of medi rx company. It is

1998 when I got hired as barangay midwife in district 1 until October 2017, octeber 2017

to present I went to Pinoma…soon after this profession of mine even if the income is

little I still love and enjoyed this job. We are assisting the mothers to give birth to their

house, breech delivery, and circumcision. Everytime someone call us asking for help we

will go and assist them 24/7. I attended conventions, seminaras like IMAP( Integral

Midwives Associations of the Philippines) and plmi.

This statement resembles the finding of Belcina and Selsina, due to a lack of

barangay health station and facility in Bag-ong Dalaguete, one midwife who is a Local

Government Unit employee is assigned to monitor the health and the nutrition status of

the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters four other barangays

and is scheduled to visit every Tuesday of the month. Aside from midwife the barangay

has also one BHW who monitors and tracks pregnant woman in the barangay (Belcina

and Selisina, 2018).

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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Common Health Problem in a Community

The third purpose talk about on the health problems in barangay. Participants

stated mostly about cough, cold and fever are frequently diseases.

“Kadalasan eh kwa lang met ubo kung minsan lagnat, sipon”

Frequent diseases such as cough, fever and cold.

Participant F support the statement.

“Ay mostly dito mga ubo’t sipon, mga measles, saka sa mga boils maraming boils

ngayon eh sa panahon na ito. Alam niyo ba nga boils? Littig, hindi yung boil na

kumukulo. Nagtatae tapos lagnat nga.”

Mostly boils nowadays are the common health problem. Diarrhea and fever.

Participant C also support the statement.

“Yung iba naman na may sakit na kwan TB ganun ayaw nilang magpakwan di nila

kinukumpleto yung mga gamutan nila…Ubo, sipon ganun…humihingi sila ng gamot

minsan wala namang gamot na galing sa bayan.”

Others who had Tuberculosis(TB) they usually not made to finish their medication.

People who had cough and cold are making a request for a free medicine yet there is no

stock from city health office.

This statement resembles to the study of Credo(2009), in her study concluded that

the establishment of modified DOTS sites with performance-based incentive program

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Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

among the BHWs can motivate BHWs on strict enforcement of DOTS strategy thus

contributing to the improved treatment adherence and compliance by the TB patients.

Participant D statement is about the problems in vacinnating babies and also

stated about the frequently diseases.

“Yung common health problem namin dito sa Pinoma yung hindi kami ano lalo na sa

vaccine doon kami nahihirapan yung iba kasi hindi nagpapabakuna kaya dapat I follow

up mo siya kung talagang schedule na ng vaccine niya tapos yung mga, kasi yung cover

namin pregnant tsaka yung mga bata na 0-59 months tapos kadalasan sakit ng mga bata

ubo, sipon, tyaka lagnat yun yung common na sakit ng mga bata minsan may nagtatae

din ganun pero kulang lang sa supply ng gamot yun yung common na problema.”

Our common health problem here in Pinoma, we are having difficulties in vaccination

some did not attend so you need to follow up them especially the pregnant woman and

mothers with 0-59 months old children. And then the frequent diseases such as cough,

cold and fever.

Particpant A also support the statement of problem in vaccination and highlighted

the scarcity of nutritious food for children.

“Yun nga lang yun diba gusto mo man bilhin yung mga gustong pagkain ng mga bata

they can’t afford. Yung iba naman inuuna yung ibang pangangailangan kaysa sa mga

bata kaya maraming bata dito na pagala gala ohh diba nakikita mo naman na marami
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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

paring mga bata na di nakakapasok sa school at inuuna dun sa pagtatanim naiiwan yung

mga bata na kwan kaya doon. Alam mo ang sinasabi namin sa mga parents na hindi pa

nagpapabakuna na kung minsan dahil house to house dalawang beses kaming nag house

to house december tsaka ngayong march lalo na yung Japanese na naman na i-inject

namin this coming ahh maybe ahh mga last week of march or aabutin ng april.

Kailangan kasi mga parents meron din kasi yung kwan kaya nga wala kayong

makukuhang barangay clearance sabi namin para pang ano lang kung ayaw ninyong

ipabakuna yung mga bata hindi para sa inyo yun para sa mga anak niyo yun ang suggest

ko. Walang bayad. Meron isang tatay na ayaw talaga kaya nga gumawa kami ng ahh

waiver para lang pirmahan niya yun at pero ngayon yung first na nagbakuna at

naghouse to house kami pero ayaw talaga pinagawa gumawa kami ng waiver

pinirmahan then ngayon eto nung isang araw lang kami nag ano nag house to house nag

pabakuna rin sa wakas. Diba natakot sila dun sa Dengvaxia ohh diba pero yung

dengvaxia na yun dun lang sa maynila hindi nakarating dito sa probinsya. Kaya sabi

namin kilala niyo naman kami once na may nangyari sa bata di kami ang sisisihin niyo

ganun kami mag explain. Kaya marami na rin totally 100% na kahapon ang

nabakunahan dito sa Pinoma.”

Even though how much parents really wanted to buy food for the children but they can’t

afford, the other parents prioritize more their self needs rather than to their children so

that many of them can found at street. As we can see there’s a lot of children who doesn’t

be able to go to school because of child laboring. We are saying to those parents who did
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

not vaccinated their children, thus sometimes we perform house-to-house visits atleast

twice a month. There is a father who does not want to get his child vaccinated so we

made a waiver just for him to sign in, it does mean that the barangay is not responsible

if something might happen to the child. Last time we had a hopuse-to-house and for the

first time they agreed. But then, they were afraid because of dengvaxia but it is onl;y in

Manila it does not reach to province areas. Thus, we usally says that once something

happen in the child we are the one you could blame for. Yesterday its completely 100%

got their children vaccinated.

Participant E statement is about malnutrition for children.

“Malnourish na rin sila ditto…kung sa sakit naman ditto sa bata, ah…

malnourish,oo,meron sa sakit…kung ano kasi yung uso yun yung meron…,kung

ubo,sipon ganyan kung…wala pa namang break out ng tigdas ditto, meron na

siyang…meron ng nagkaroon pero naagapan naman siya”

Most children here are having a malnutrition. If cough and cold is the trend the diseases

then that woul be. There is none yet break out of measles here, one had but it was easily


Participant G support the statement.

“Kadalasan yung ano uhh halimbawa sa mga magulang na may anak na severely

underweight hindi sila ano hindi sila gaanong ajay hindi gaanong marunong na
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

magbigay ng mga sapat na pagkain ng mga bata yung dun sa sana sa ano masustansya

na pagkain mas gusto nilang ipakain sa ka kanilang mga anak yung junkfood na

madalian lang hindi kagaya sa ano mga iba na pipiliin nilang ipakain sa mga anak nila

na yung mga masusustansyang kasi sila karamihan pa kung sino pa yung mga may anak

na ganun eh sila pa yung tamad magpakain.”

Sometimes those parents having children that are underweight doesn’t know the proper

food for their children. Parents should be able to prepare or cooked nutritious or healthy

foods most especially those parents whose children is underweight.

On the other hand, Participant H stated about the high blood pressure and people’s

unhealthy lifestyle.

“Madaming hypertensive patient sa Pinoma siguro dsa lifestyle nila diet nila”

The ratings of hypertensive people in Pinoma is getting higher because of their unhealthy


This statement resembles to the study of Taburnal(2017), in her study revealed

that healthy living in the community is affected by many factors with the presence of

BHW who inspires and motivate community people to live in a healthy lifestyle, which

are competent, committed a having the relevant as BHW can provide quality healthcare

services to their constituents. The personal, political, and environmental factors affect the

level of competence of BHWs. The continuous attendance to seminars and trainings are

highly recommended to enhance their performance.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Strategies in Dealing with Challenges

The fourth purpose was all about the strategies or techniques in coping challenges

at work. Two out of eight health care providers answered that your good relationship to

people would help to convince individuals to trust you.

“Adda met ajay maallukuy mi met garud nukwa ket nu maybaga mi jay rasonen nu apay

anya ti gapu nga agit-ited ti midwife ti kasjay adda met jay pumayag nukwa adda met ti

saan…ajay ngay kasla kwaen mi isuda maam…ibaga mi nga agpabakuna …na dapat nga

mabakunaan jay ubing idi pay lang kayyanak na dapat napabakunaan kuman…ti BCG

tapos after 6 weeks agbakuna kuma isuna iti penta kasjay…pero adda met inang nga

mapmapan pero adda latta met iangan nga han mi nga mapilit nga mapan pero nu

danunen mi metten kayat nantu mettten nga ipabakunan maam…ta ittuy lang purok kon

ket talaga adda ti kasjay ket madi nga mismo nga mapan jay health center pero nu

mapan ni midwife kayat da met lang.”

There are times that we convince them when we clearly explained to them the reason

why we are having a vaccination program. We used to say that a newly born baby need to

be vaccinated with BCG then after six weeks Penta must be vaccinated. There are

mothers who volunteer to came and some are really not but when we get through their

house, they agreed for the vaccination and this usually happened in my designated purok.

Participant A supported this statement.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

“Ehhh syempre yung dika ma PR kung masungit ka ay masungit yung pupuntahan mo

tapos masungit kang nakikipagapproach talagang walang mangyayare dapat talagang

iconvince mo sa magandang usapan ganun hindi dapat na ayaw na nga lang tapos

magagalit kapa kahit saan kapa ... pag wala kang PR yun din ang mahirap kaya nga sabi

nila ako daw malaking ano dahil malakas ang convincing power ko. Kukunware lang

sinasabi namin na walang record tatawanan lang naman kami nun pero ang pinakadabes

kase sabi namin para sa kalusugan ng mga anak niyo. PR yung Public Relation. Yun ang

talagang kailangan naten sa kapwa natin kung...gaya nung sa tindahan namili ako nohh

pag masungit ka hindi nako bibili ganun lang yun. Kailangan ang talagang pakikisama.”

If you don’t have the public relationship and if you’re rude and you don’t know how to

approach nothing would happen. You should convince them in a good way of

conversation. And if she didn’t really want it, do not be mad at her. Wherever you go if

you don’t have the public relationship that’s also hard. They say I have the convincing

power. Let’s just say we don’t have a record but they just laugh at us but the best that we

can say is that for your child’s health. Just like if I am in canteen if you’re rude I am no

longer buy to your canteen that’s why we really needs fellowhip.

These statements resembles to the study of Beranrdo, in her research focused on

the communication strategies used by barangay health workers in promoting reproductive

healthy among Iraya-Mangyan communities. It was revealed that the Iraya-Mangyan

comnmunities strong prefered inmdividual channels(i.e.,home visits and counseling) in

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

communicating rewproductive health information. When it comes to the approach used in

communicating RH information , the respo9ndents’ preferred the entertaining approach.

Participant C has the same statement with Participant A and D but she stated

mainly about humility.

“Ayy yung mga strategy ko? Minsan strategy ko yung kasi sa amin ano mga bata

sasakupin mo pa yun mga designated purok mo ano, yung mga yung mga common

problems ko minsan yung lalo sa may mga relief aawayin ka ng kapurukan mo kung bakit

hindi sila nabigyan , misan ang strategy ko mag pakumbaba, misan meron pang na-

encounter na akong ganun masam yung loob ng tao sakin minsan kung hindi ko siya

ay…gagawin ko siya kung paano ko I approach ulit minsan eh diba pag ano kami pag

may nasabi siyang hindi maganda tapos sasagutin ko ng medyo may ganun-ganun na edi

hihingi na ako sorry, pinagpe-pray ko na lang siya na at the following day mag-kabati

kami kung ano pwede kong gawin na basta gawin lang yung trabahong maayos kung sino

talagang dapat mabigyan ng tulong sa purok mo yun lang ang bibigyan.”

I am in-charge to children. My common problem is about relief goods. Your own

designated purok will rebuke you because they were not given a relief goods. Sometimes

my strategy is to humble at all. One time, I encountered a person that has uncomfortable

feeling on me and I will be the one to approach first. Then if she says rumors about me I

will talk to her and say sorry at the end. I will pray for her and at the following day I
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

make sure that we’re already in good terms. I’ll do my work with the best of my best to

help my purok.

Aside from the statement of Participant C, A and D, Participant E gave her

statement also about convincing people but if not made, a waiver from barangay officials

will be given to the parents who would not be able to made the vaccination for their


“Isa’t isa lang naman strategy namin eh para…ano kausapin at puntahan lagi, palaging

ganun puntahan lagi namin, sila I house-to-house sila, pilitin lalo yung measles…diba

nagka measles out break? Yung measles out break kailangan lahat mabakunahan, 6

months to 5 years old…59 months magfa-five pala marami pa ring hindi pumupunta kaya

ginagawa naming in house-to house na lang talaga, binabahay-bahay naming sila para

matapos, kasi pag hindi mo sila, kasi pag hindi mo sila pupuntahan hindi rin sila

pupunta, yun yung nagyayari kasi dito pero yung iba talagang ayaw hindi na naming

inaano talagang waiver na ang ihaharap naming ganun. Yun na lang kasi strategy namin

yun lang.”

One of our common strategy is to talk and visit them. Insist them to get their child

vaccinated with anti measles because of the measles out break today. During the

vaccination day those who didn’t bring their child we would be able to visit them and for

those who refused, the waiver from the health center would be signed through them that

no matter what happens the barangay is not responsible for it.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

On the other hand, Participant F and Participant G made their convincing power

through the presence of medical missions in barangay.

“Eh…ginagawan naming ng paraan kungggg marami namangg nag ahh…memedical

mission dun naming sila hinihkayat na pumunta naman sila para kompleto ang kanilang

binibigay na gamot para inumin ng mga bata na may sakit, matatanda” (Participant F)

We are making techniques and strategies to convince them to have an avail of free

medicines for children and adults like if a medical team conducting a medical mission.

“Ang mga ginagawa namin ah nag cocondu… ay humihingi ako dun sa bayan ng ano

uhh pinupursige ko sa mga Barangay Official na makiusap sila kay Mayor para maka

avail kami ng mga gamot. Halimbawa may mga gamot makakahingi kami dun tatawagin

namin yung mga tao lalo na sa pag may medical mission ipinupursige namin na pupunta

sila para kahit papano kahit karamihan eh puro nalang ano umaasa naman na hihingi

nalang dun sa bayan puro sa bayan. Kung may medical mission naman hindi rin sila

pumupunta kaya pinupursige kami na pumunta sila yun ang ginagawa namin.”

(Participant G)

What we are doing is we are asking for a request to barangay officials to beg for City

Mayor in order to make a reservation of medicines. For example if we got an avail we

will call for people for free medicines especially if ther is particular medical mission,

with that we are trying to convince them.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

Different case with Participant H, patience and love is indeed for long duration of


“Need ko talaga dito mahabang pasensya, love and enjoy yung work para makatagal sa

trabaho, pakikisama, tapat sa sarili may takot sa Diyos at may word of honor.”

I really need a long patience in my work. You should love and enjoy your work in order

to get lasts on the job. Dealing with people is needed and fear to God and had word of

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan


This chapter was composed of three main parts. The first part gave the most

important information. The final discussion of the study was presented. The last part was

the recommendation for research. Moreover, this chapter is the compilation of conclusion

and recommendation.

Summary of Findings

The researchers presented and analyzed all the data gathered and found the four


The first purpose was all about the life experiences of health care providers. There

are five out eight health care providers in their statement that they really want to help

community residents and serve as a public servant. The salaries simply the incentives are

not important if you have used to love your work. The rest three participants stated that it

is not their choice, but then the two realize and learn to loved their work.

The second purpose of the study was all about the work experiences of health care

providers. There are six out of seven health care providers (midwife not included) said

that injecting is not allowed to them because they did not undergo trainings. They usually

have a trainings regarding on feeding babies. They became more skilled health worker.

However, they seem to be disrespected because people are not usually trust them. They
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

also struggle in house-to-house visitation because of delayed vaccination and could not

convince people.

The third purpose in the study was all about the common health problems in a

particular community. Cough, cold, fever and diarrhea are usually the frequent health

problems. Malnutrition and lack of food are added as the common health problems.

Hypertensions are usually with adults.

The fourth purpose of the study was all about the techniques and strategies in

dealing with challenges. Two out of eight health care providers said that the public

relationship is a must to be a health worker. Your convincing power are really helpful

during house-to-house day. The humility and your love to your work is indeed a required.


The researchers defined barangay health workers and midwife as health care

providers. All health care providers not only in Pinoma, Cauayan City, Isabela but in

every corner and even mountainous barangay or sitio in the Philippines have been

through many challenges in life and work. Health problems and home visitation in a

particular community have been to become the common mentioned challenges. That is

why they used to have public relationship and humility to the patient residents and

convicing power as well.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

The more trainings and health related seminars for health care providers

especially the barangay health workers would be very beneficial. These could be used to

level up and enhance more the skills and startegies of barangay health workers. Every

health center is equipped to provide primary level of health care. Its goal would be

beneficial to all. Barangay health workers serve as the chage agents in their

communities. They often assist midwife in immunization and vaccination program and

usually provide assistance in house-to-house visitation.

Nevertheless, nowadays, health care providers continue to work as one

and work together for every child get vaccinated and immunized.

Life Experiences of Health Care Providers

Being a barangay health worker and assigned midwife with a cheap salary and

insufficient allowance is really challenging. You used to become a public servant and a

volunteer as well. If helping and volunteering are really your passion as if no matter how

higher the value of the salary you have, the point system is that you are happy at your

work and looking forward for the positive outcome for the hardships and sweats spent.

Work experiences of Health Care Providers

Before becoming a barangay health worker, it is required to undergo trainings and

attend necessary health related seminars. BHW and assigned midwife when combined is

health care workforce. During house-to-house day midwife serve as the convincer in
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan

order to get parents agreed with the injection. Professionals like midwife are only allowed

to make the vaccination but for the barangay health workers that are not underwent

trainings related to the said process are strictly prohibited.

Common Health Problem in a Community

Cough, cold, fever, diarrhea, measles and malnutrition are usually frequent

diseases. However, these diseases are the leading cause of child mortality and morbidity.

Hypertension are also the leading cause of death of most Filipinos due to un

health lifestyle and bad body habits. Tuberculosis patients must be finished its medication

with the help of health care providers through TB DOTS.

But through the help of health care providers in a particular community towards

to a certain health problems, these deaths could be prevented by the presence of health

care providers that are trusted to implement in resource-poor setting.

Strategies/Ways in Dealing with Difficulties

Different strategies, techniques and ways are usually implied in overcoming those

challenges. As a health care provider in a community which deals to different kind of

patient, the public relationship is highly recommended. Convincing power should always

wear on a house-to-house day. Humility must be still remains at all times.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Biñan Calamba GMA Isabela Las Piñas Manila Molino Pangasinan


1. The community of Barangay Pinoma is actived enough in terms of Health Care

Providers but the researchers would recommend that only the midwife and well-

trained Barangay Health Workers will have the authorization to inject.

2. For the Barangay Health Workers, the researchers noticed that the salary given to the

BHW a month is not enough. They should have sufficient salary excluding the

incentives given by the government.

3. For the Barangay Officials, they should conduct a barangay health awareness

seminar for them to have information about health of everyone.

4. For City/Municipal Mayor, they should have support health care providers


5. For the future researchers, if you were conduct a similar study, include the schedule

of check ups to know more information regarding the time schedule and know more

information on how do they handle the patients.

6. For the Barangay

 Put a public number for them to contact the health care providers

 They should have cooperation with the district hospital

 They should have a knowledge and skills as a BHW in their barangay.

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