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Bünyamin Is My True Friend in The Class. She

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Name-Surname:_____________________ 7-Sezen : What do you think about hiking?

Meltem : ____________I don’t like it.
A) It is boring B) I prefer it
C) It is funny D) It is very exciting

1- Esra : Would you like to go shopping with me 8-Dilek : ______________

this afternoon? Melike : I usually fry it.I sometimes grill it,too.
Hacer : ________________ I have to do homework.
A)Why do you make a pizza?
a) I am not going to do anything B) Do you usually cook a chicken?
b) Thanks for everything C) How do you cook a fish?
c) Why not ? D) Do you cook tomato soup?
d) I’m sorry, but I can’t
9-Meryem:How do you usually keep in touch with your
2-Dilek: I really………….Bahar. He always tells the truth. friends ?
Sıla : _______________
a) have something in common b) back up A) I usually make phone calls
B) I usually go home after school
c) get on well with d) count on
C) My mother always calls me
D) My sister broke my phone
3-Bünyamin is my true friend in the class. She - - - - .
A) always tells me a lie
B) is like a science teacher 10-Efe : Hello, Sait is speaking.
C) always gets on well with me Selçuk: : Hi, Sait it is Emrullah. Is your brother in?
D) never encourages me Efe : ___________, please.I will call him

A) I am sorry B) hang on a minute

4-Gülsüm : What about going for a walk ? C) No, he went out D) could you repeat
Hakkı: __________________ please
Gülsüm : OK. Maybe next time.
11-Hacer : ______________?
A) Sure,where are we going? Emine: I am sorry but I can’t because I have an
B) Certainly, I am bored at home. important meeting.
C) I’m sorry but I am really tired.
D) Yes, why not? A) What do you think about the new exhibition
B) Why don’t we go to Balıklıgöl
5-Kaan : Are you busy next Saturday? C) Does your father let you go to the concerts
Melike: - - - - . D) Do you like visiting science museums
Kaan : How about going to the cinema then?
Melike : Yeah, that would be great.
A) No, not at all 12-I don’t like technological devices and I prefer
B) Yes, I have my music course ______________communication with my friends.
C) Yes, I’ll go to my cousin
D) I think, I’ll help my father A)face-to-face B)e-mail
C)mobile phone D)social network

6-Hürriyet : _______________________? 13-Beyza : Hello, Beyza is speaking. Can I speak to

Selçuk : I go home and rest for a while. Bahar please?
Meltem: Hi, Meltem. I am sorry, - - - - Would you
A) What time do you go home like to leave a message?
B) When do you go home Beyza : No, thanks. I’ll call back later.
C) What do you do after school
D) Why don’t you go home A) She is not available at the moment.
B) can you hold on a moment?
C) one moment, please!

D) could you please repeat that?

14-Bayram : _________________? 21)Mustafa : Shall we watch “ Çukur” this evening?

Emirhan : Never. Raşit : - - - -
A) How often do you chat online Mustafa: Ok, I will watch it alone 
B) How do you do your homework
C) When will you see your new classmate A)Sorry,I mus1t sleep, I am so tired.
B)Yeah,I would love to.
D)What time will you meet your friend tomorrow
C)I don’t understand you.Could you repeat?
D)Great idea!
15-1. First, put the slices of bread in toaster.
2. Then take out the slices of bread when it is red
enough. 22) Recep : How do you usually keep in touch with your friends ?
3. Finally, slice the toast in half and enjoy it. Halit: - - - -
4. Next, spread butter or jam on the toast. A) I usually send text messages
B) I usually watch tv after school
5. After that, close the toast. C) My mother always calls me
Bu cümlelerin anlamlı bir şekilde sıralanışı hangi D) I usually play soccer
seçenekte doğru verilmiştir?
A) 2 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 3 (23-24-25. soruları paragrafa göre cevaplayınız)
B) 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 2
C) 2 - 3 - 5 - 1 - 4 Last week,we went to Yozgat and
we tried a new restaurant again.
D) 1 - 4 - 5 - 2 – 3
There were some special local dishes. For instance,
“Arabaşı”. It’s a special soup.It has chicken meat in it.
16-“Chop the onions and put it a pan.” Turkish people eat the dish with a special dough.
Cümlesini ifade eden görsel aşağıdaki şeçeneklerden It was tasty and they put chilly pepper in it.
hangisidir? My father liked it but my mother and my brother
didn’t like it much.

23. Arabaşı is - - - - .
A) a sports activity
B) a Turkish local dish
C) a delicious tomato sauce
17- D) a popular English meal

24. According to the text, which is true?

A) Furkan’s mother and brother liked Arabaşı
B) Furkan’s father didn’t like Arabaşı.
C) Arabaşı is tasty tomato sauce.
Görselde eylem aşağıdaki seçeneklerden
D) They eat arabaşı with a special dough.
hangisinde doğru ifade edilmiştir?
A) Put a glass of milk into the pot.
25. Furkan tried Arabaşı with - - - - .
B) Mix pudding with water into the pot.
A) his father, mother and sister
C) Put two glasses of sugar into the pot.
B) his friends
D) Mix pudding with butter into the pot.
C) his aunt and uncle
D) alone
18)Burcu : Hello, Burcu is speaking. 26))Ümmü Gülsüm : Hello, Ümmü Gülsüm is speaking. Can
Ravza : Hi, Burcu, it is Ravza. Is your sister in? I speak to Sıla please?
Burcu:: - - - - , please. Sude : Hi, Ümmü Gülsüm. I am sorry, She is not available
A) Contact in a minute B) Wait a minute at the moment. ………………………?
C) Speak in a minute D) Talk in a minute Fuat: No, thanks. I’ll call back later.
19) If your friend calls you, he/she is - - - - . A)would you like to leave a message?
A) receiver B) caller B)can you hold on a moment?
C) note D) sender C)one moment, please!
D)could you please repeat that?,
20)Ali : - - - - ?
Mehmet : I am sorry but I can’t because I have an
important meeting. 27)If you spend too much time on the Internet,
A)What do you think about the new exhibition you can be an Internet - - - - .
B)Would you like to go to the exhibition A)connection
C)Does your father let you go to the concerts B)social
D)Do you like visiting science museums C)addict
D)habit C) 2 - 3 - 5 - 1 - 4
D) 1 - 4 - 5 - 2 – 3

28)Mustafa : Hello, Mustafa speaking.. How is it going?

Ertuğrul : Everything is OK, thanks.What about you? (34-35-36. soruları metne göre cevaplayınız).
Mustafa: I am trying to connect to the Internet on my
tablet but I can’t. ____________? Dear Derya
Ertuğrul: Of course. I’ll be there in ten minutes.
A) Who found the problem I’m going to join a Kayseri tour next month.I really want
B) Can you come and help me
to see there, you know.
C) Can you tell me your problem
Would you like to come with me?
D)Who can use the Internet best
I know you are also interested in Kayseri.The tour is
really cheap.I hope you can come with me.
Take care
29). Sinan : - - - - ?
Ömer: I do it it twice a day Saniye

A) Do you have a tablet 34)Yukarıdaki mailde aşağıdaki sorulardan hangisinin

B) Did you go over your project
cevabı yoktur?
C) How often do you check your emails
D) How did you learn to use computers that fast A) When is the tour?
B) Who is the sender?
C) Does Derya want to join the tour?
D) Does Saniye want to go to Kayseri?
30)İbrahim doesn’t use any cables to connect to the
Internet because he has a- - - - . 35)What is the letter about?
A) a tour invitation
A)wireless modem B) a birthday party
B)system unit C) a pyjama party
C)desktop D ) a barbecue party
36)According to the e-mail,- - - -
A) the tour is expensive
31) Hasan : - - - - B) Saniye is the sender
Büşra : I usually boil it. I sometimes fry it,too. C) Derya can’t join the tour
A) When do you make a cake? D ) Kayseri is really cold
B) Do you usually cook a chicken?
C) How do you cook egg? 37)Saniye - - - - .
D) Do you cook tomato soup?
A) isn’t interested in Kayseri
B) joins school trip every month
32.Tolga:There is something wrong the internet C) is the best friend of Derya
D) invites Derya to Kayseri tour
38) Please ……… to my youtube channel
Tolga:I don’t know exactly but I cant see connection sign
on my screen A)subscribe B)confirm
C)like D)log out
A)When did you buy your Net
B)Who broke your computer 39)……………….is a computer program to find information
C)Where is your computer on the internet.I always use GOOGLE.My friend uses
D)What’s the problem? YANDEX
A)search erngine B)attachment
C)email D)processor
33) Aşağıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir şekilde sıralanışı hangi
seçenekte doğru verilmiştir? 40) I usually ……….. music from the internet
A)reply B)ignore
1.First, crack two egss into a bowl. C)download D)log in
2. Then ,cook it two minutes.
3. At last, add some red pepper and enjoy your meal.
4. Next, mix it well Each question is 2,5 pts.
5. Pour it into the pan. Duration is 40 mins.
A) 2 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 3
B) 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 2
Salih Çivi
English Teacher

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