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Battlelords of The 23rd Century 7th Edition - OPEN PLAYTEST - V2 - COMBAT RULES ONLY

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We will be releasing the chapters for playtest piecemeal. That’s because they are in
various draft stages, and some of them still need more refining.

Release 2 focuses on revised and streamlined combat rules and Matrix rules.
Subsequent releases will focus on other areas of game play (Ultra Amor, space
combat, etc.).

This is not a final layout. Design is kept at a minimum for the playtest document.

All of the rules drafts will be made available as a free download on DriveThruRPG.
Make sure you tick the notification box, so you get notified when we update it with
new drafts.






Copyright © 2018, 23rd Century Productions, LLC.

Before we go into combat, we have to determine how so consulting the above is not typically required for
many Actions your character has to spend each new characters.
Combat Round.
Combat Skills include all weapons skills, Hand-to-
Determining Number of Actions hand Combatives, and Pilot: Ultra Armor.
Each character gets a set number of Actions
based on species, skills, and their Agility statistic. Lastly, Cizeracks receive an additional 2
Characters with an Agility of 75 or less get a total of Actions per Combat Round over what they would
2 Actions per round. Characters with an Agility normally obtain based on their Agility or skills. This
greater than 75 receive 4 Actions per round. is due to their unique physiology, which makes them
Activities that require ALL your character’s incredibly fast. Whether Cizeracks determine the
Actions would require 2 Actions, if your character has number of Actions they receive from their Agility or
an Agility of 75 or less, and 4 Actions, if your from their combat skills, they get an additional 2
character’s Agility was greater than 75. Actions added to that result. They are, however, still
limited to a maximum of 8 Actions per round.
NUMBER OF ACTIONS: Total Number of Actions Available in a Combat
AGILITY Round (ALL) Cizerack +2 Actions
1-75 2
76-150 4 For example, Hank the Human has an Agility
of 70. Consulting Number of Actions: Agility table
Characters who are trained for combat are we see that because Hank’s Agility is 75 or lower, he
typically better at delivering attacks in rapid would receive 2 Actions every Combat Round. Next,
succession. They’re also more accustomed to we consult Hank’s combat skills, which include his
responding to attacks. Trained combatants can use weapon skills and his hand-to-hand skills. We see
their Skill level in their highest level weapon skill or that his highest level combat skill is the Beam weapon
their hand-to-hand skill level to determine the skill that he has at 5 levels. Consulting the Number of
number of Actions they receive in a round instead of Actions: Combat Skill Level table we see that 5 levels
using their Agility statistic. of any combat skill will give the character 4 Actions
It does not matter what combat skill the per Combat Round. Hank’s player, smartly, opts to
character is using at the time or whether another use the higher value based on Hank’s Beam weapon
combat skill would have produced more or fewer skill rather than his Agility. This means that Hank
Actions per round. The character simply uses the starts the game with 4 Actions every Combat Round.
highest level combat skill they possess when Any Activity that requires ALL Actions will force
determining the number of Actions they receive. Hank to spend all 4 of his Actions that Combat
It’s assumed that benefits of combat training, Round.
reaction time, speed, timing, and precision extend
beyond the use of any one particular weapon or type The following table shows how many Actions
of hand-to-hand training. Once learned, they are a character needs to spend for ALL Actions, HALF
ingrained in everything the character does. Actions, and Single Action activities, based on their
Consult the table below. If the number of total number of Actions.
Actions you get when referencing your highest
combat skill is larger than the number of Actions Character Number of Actions Spent
from the Agility table, you may use the result from 's Number ALL Actions HALF Actions Single Action
of Actions Activity Activity Activity
this table instead. 2 2 1 1
4 4 2 1
NUMBER OF ACTIONS: Total Number of Actions Available in a Combat Round 6 6 3 1
(Highest Weapon Skill or Hand-to-Hand
1-4 2
9-12 6
The first thing that happens in the Combat
Note: Starting characters, other than Humans, Round is to determine Initiative. Initiative determines
usually don’t start with Combat Skill Levels above 4, who will act first during the Combat Round. The
character with the lowest Initiative acts first. The left to spend cannot act for the rest of the Combat
character with the second lowest Initiative acts Round.
second, and so on until every character has had their
chance to act during that Combat Round. The Single Actions
character having the highest Initiative score acts last. A character can spend Actions punching,
Remember in Battlelords, lower rolls are always shooting, or moving while spending single Actions.
better (except for damage). Characters declare how Single Actions are used in combat to keep track of
they’re going to spend their Actions during their attacks that occur over fractions of a second, like a
Initiative. punch or popping off a single shot with your gun.
Ninety percent of the time, Initiative will be
random. Your character will come upon another HALF Actions
character to whom you probably will wish to do Some activities utilize half of your total
bodily harm. Whoever is first to notice the other will Actions available for the round. The notation for tasks
act first. Even in rare cases where the characters have that require half of your total Actions is HALF. This
a standoff and wait for their opponent to make the does not mean half of a single Action. It means half
move, Initiative will be randomly determined. of your total Actions. If your character has already
spent more than half their total Actions, then they
Determining Initiative cannot perform a task with the HALF notation.
To determine the winner of Initiative, roll Actions that require HALF of all your Actions
2d10. The character with the lowest roll acts first. If typically require half of the Combat Round, which is
the initiatives are tied, attacks occur simultaneously. 1 second, to complete (GM Discretion).

ACTIONS Example: Erin the Eridani has six Actions per

Combat Round. In the current Combat Round, she
What are Actions has spent three Actions to take out an enemy. With
A character has a set number of Actions based her remaining three Actions, she can still perform a
on species, skills, and their Agility. Actions determine single HALF activity. If she uses one of her three
how fast you character is, both mentally and remaining Actions in the same Combat Round, she
physically. The more Actions your character can no longer perform any activity that requires
possesses, the more activities they can attempt in a HALF of her total Actions in this round. When the
single Combat Round. next round begins, Erin will have six Actions and
Most everything your character does could perform two activities that require HALF her
consumes some of their Actions. Moving, making total Actions.
Statistic Checks, making Skill Checks, attacking, or
defending all use up your character’s Actions. Some ALL Actions
activities consume multiple Actions. Once all of your Some activities use all of your Actions for the
Actions have been used up, you cannot do anything Combat Round. The notation for activities that use
else for that Combat Round. all of your Actions for the Combat Round is ALL. If
your character has already spent any of their Actions,
When do you spend Actions they can not perform a task with the ALL Actions
Players declare how their character(s) will notation.
spend their Actions during their Initiative. The Actions which require ALL of your Actions
exception to this rule is that players can spend their typically require the entire Combat Round, which is 2
character’s Actions to defend at any time. However, seconds, to complete (GM Discretion).
any other activity that a character can perform must
occur during their Initiative in the Combat Round. Example: It is a new Combat Round and Erin can
In other words, a player can only spend a choose to spend all six of her Actions on one ALL
character’s Actions to attack, make a skill check, Actions task. She could, for example, sprint for 3x her
make a statistic check, perform a Free Action, or do RUN score. Her move is normally 10 mps and with
anything else other than defending during their the sprint, she would move 30 meters this Combat
character’s initiative. Any Actions you have left after Round.
you have acted on your character’s Initiative can only
be spent on defending. Characters with no Actions
Actions return to the original number at the HAL An activity that requires half of your character's
beginning of each Combat Round. F total number of Actions.
At the beginning of each Combat Round, your ALL An activity that requires all of your character's
character’s Actions are returned to their original total, Actions. If any Actions have been spent, you can not
unless some condition or injury reduces their Action select this activity.
Action Table
Actions cannot be saved from Combat Round to The following table lists how many of a
Combat Round. character’s Actions various events will require.
It is not necessary to spend all of your Actions in Activities marked HALF consume half of the
the Combat Round, but unspent Actions cannot be character’s total Actions that Combat Round. If your
saved from round to round. character does not have half of their total Actions
available per Combat Round left, they may not
ACTION SUMMARY perform this activity. Activities marked ALL
Determining number of Actions consume all of the Character’s Actions. If the
Actions are determined by your AGL OR Highest combat character has spent any Actions that round, they may
Skill. not perform this activity. Activities marked FREE do
Cizeracks add 2 to the total number of Actions. not consume any of the character’s Actions.
Action Summary Non-combat skill checks that are capable of
Actions for all activities, other than defending, must be being made in a Combat Round typically take
spent during the character's initiative. ALL Actions. However, most non-combat skills
Actions can be spent to defend at any time. take longer than a Combat Round to perform. As
At the beginning of each Combat Round, your character’s always, the GM has the final word on how many
Actions are returned to their original total. Actions are consumed when performing a particular
Actions not spent during a Combat Round are lost. activity.
Multiple Action Activities
STR, MD, or AGL Attribute Check Varies GM Discretion
IQ, INT, CON, AGG check Varies GM Discretion
Skill Check for non-combat skill with STR, MD, or AGL as Link Varies GM Discretion
Skill Check for skill with IQ, INT, CON or AGG as Link Attribute Varies GM Discretion
Observation Skill Check - Quick FREE Quick scan of the area, glance, gut-check
Observation Skill Check - Thorough ALL Intensive & deliberate scan of the area.
Single strike (HTH & Hand Weapon) or Single Shot (Ranged 1 -20 cumulative penalty for each attack after the first (0,-20,-40,-60,
Weapon) etc.). D6 used for Hit Location. Called Shots Allowed. Bumping
Combo (HTH & Hand Weapon) or Burst (Ranged Weapon) HALF d10 (HTH & Hand weapon) or ROF-D (Ranged weapon) used for Hit
Location. Weapon must have Burst ROF. Called Shots Prohibited.
Chained Combo (HTH & Hand Weapon) or Full Auto Barrage ALL d10 (HTH & Hand weapon) or ROF-D (Ranged weapon) used for Hit
(Ranged Weapon) Location. Weapon must have Full ROF. Called Shots Prohibited.
* Some Ranged weapons are incapable of Semi-Auto, Burst, or Full-Auto Fire
ONE Defensive Bump (vs. HTH or Hand Weapon) HALF Character receives ONE Defensive Bump. Can modify a # of attacks equal
to number of Actions Spent.
Optional Rule: # of Bumps determined by Hand weapon or HTH skill level.
TWO Defensive Bumps (vs. HTH or Hand Weapon) ALL Character receives TWO Defensive Bumps. Can modify a # of attacks
equal to the number of Actions Spent.
Optional Rule: # of Bumps determined by Hand weapon or HTH skill level.
Actively Dodge (1/4 AGL as penalty) ALL Opponents suffer penalty equal to one quarter of the defender’s AGL on
all attacks made against the dodging character this Combat Round.
Dive for Cover 0 If you beat the attacker’s Initiative, you can reach cover within a radius of
MOV scores.
Draw Weapon HALF
Draw and Insert a Fresh Magazine/Power Pack HALF
Quick Draw Weapon 1 Must Make Easy AGL Check, Failure indicates item has been dropped or fumbled.
Quick Draw and Insert Magazine/Power Pack 1 Must Make Easy AGL Check, Failure indicates item has been dropped or fumbled.
Drop Weapon or held item FREE
Eject Spent Magazine/Power Pack FREE* *Characters who are unfamiliar with the weapon require ALL Actions to perform
this activity
Switch Fire Modes (Semi/Burst/Full) FREE* *Characters who are unfamiliar with the weapon make an observation check to
find the switch (HALF Actions)
Select ammunition in weapon with multiple ammunition HALF
Throw a grenade (or other object) HALF
Move ½ of any MOV score (RUN/JUMP/FLY) 0 Move 1/2 of RUN in meters. No Snap Shot Penalty.
RUN 0 Move a distance equal to your character’s RUN in meters. All other checks that
Combat Round suffering a Snap Shot penalty.
Sprint ALL Move a distance equal to your character’s RUN x3. No other Actions this Combat
JUMP 0 Move a distance equal to your character’s JUMP in meters. All other checks that
Combat Round suffer Snap Shot penalty.
Running Jump ALL Move a distance equal to your character’s JUMP x 2. No other Actions this Combat
FLY 0 Move a distance equal to your character’s FLY in meters. All other checks that
Combat Round suffer Snap Shot penalty.
Power-Fly ALL Move a distance equal to your character’s FLY x3. No other Actions this Combat
Drop to the ground HALF
Stand Up ALL
Push a button 1
Give a short command or order FREE
Give a hand signal FREE
ATTACKING If the hand weapon requires HALF of all
The rules for attacking in Battlelords are Actions to attack, the character can still choose
essentially the same whether you’re using fists, this option, but it costs HALF their Actions to
swords, or guns. make a single attack. If the hand weapon requires
ALL Actions to attack, the character can still
Are you in range? choose this option, but it costs ALL their Actions
Characters can only make hand-to-hand or to make a single attack.
Hand weapon attacks in Range Bracket 1, or by
moving into Range Bracket 1. Ranged combat • Single Shot (Semi-Automatic Ranged
weapons have eight different Range Brackets. Weapon)*
Characters may attempt to attack a target in any By spending a single Action, a character may
Range Bracket listed for their weapon that has an fire a single shot with a Ranged Weapon. The hit
accuracy value listed. This can occur even if that location is determined by rolling a d6.
value is negative if their skill and/or Combat
Modifiers raises their chance of success above zero If the weapon can fire on fully automatic
(GM’s discretion). mode only or in a stream, like machineguns and
fluid guns, the character may not choose this
Range option.
(RB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance 00- 06- 16- 26- 51- 151- 301- 851+ Once you spend your Action(s), make an
(m) 05 15 25 50 150 300 750 attack roll with the proper combat skill to see if the
target is hit. The Game Master may assign some
Select the proper skill Combat Modifiers to your roll – more on this later. If
If the character is attacking empty handed, the attack is successful, a d6 is rolled to determine the
they use their Hand-to-Hand skill. If the character is hit location of each attack. Remember to reduce the Q
using a Hand weapon, such as a knife or sword, then of the weapon for each shot fired.
use the Hand Weapon skill. If the character is When spending Actions individually, each
attacking with a ranged weapon, they should use the additional Action you spend in the same Combat
appropriate weapon skill for the type of ranged Round incurs a cumulative -20 penalty on your attack
weapon being fired. roll. This means the second Action you spend to
For example, if the character were using a attack will have a -20 to hit, the third a -40, the fourth
laser, then a Weapon: Beam skill would be used. If a -60, and so on. In addition, if the cumulative -20
the character were using a crossbow, then they would penalty drops the character’s chance of success to
use the Weapon: Archaic Ranged skill, and so on. zero or less, they are prohibited from making further
See the previous Skills Chapter for how to make attacks that Combat Round.
Skill Checks using weapon skills.
When attacking with a single Action, the
Choose how many Actions you want spend. character may make Called Shots, targeting a specific
The more Actions you spend, the more attacks Body Section, but may not Bump shots (See Combat
you can make against the target. Once a character has Rules – Advanced for more info on Bumping).
exhausted their Actions, they may not make any
additional attacks that Combat Round. However, a Klick the Keen decides he wants to attack
player is under no obligation to spend all their Floyd the Fott. Step one is to determine if Floyd is in
Actions making attacks. Some weapons may require range. Floyd is 30m away, which is firmly in the
multiple Actions to make a single attack. middle of Range Bracket 4. Klick’s weapon will
reach Range Bracket 4, so Floyd is in range. The
Single Action weapon has an Accuracy of 30 in Range Bracket 4.
Step two is select the proper weapon skill.
• Single Strike (HTH or Hand Weapon)
Klick is using a laser rifle, so he will need to use his
By spending a single Action, a character may
Weapon: Beam skill. Klick has a Manual Dexterity of
strike once in hand-to-hand (HTH) or with a hand
weapon attack. The hit location is determined by 40, and 6 levels of Weapon: Beam skill.
Step three is to determine how many Actions
rolling a d6.
Klick is going to spend. Klick has 4 Actions to spend.
He decides that he is going use all four Actions to fire equal to the weapon’s BURST value. The
four shots (semi-automatic) at Floyd. Klick has an weapon’s Q is reduced by the BURST value,
80% chance to hit Floyd. (40 AGL / 2 + (6 levels x whether the shots hit the target or not.
5%) + 30 ACC = 80%). The first shot Klick makes A single Skill Check is made for the burst. A
will have an 80% chance to hit. Since he is making Hit Location must be rolled for each shot in the
multiple single Action attacks, each following shot burst. Roll the ROF-D listed for the weapon to
will incur a -20 penalty, which is cumulative. That determine the hit location. Any result higher than
means his second shot will have a 60% chance to hit. a 6 misses the target.
His third shot will have a 40% chance to hit. His
fourth, and final shot, will have a 20% chance to hit If the character is using a ranged weapon that
poor Floyd. has a ‘-‘ listed for its BURST, then they may not
Klick’s player rolls a 57, 50, 82, and a 68, in choose this option.
that order. He hits with the first and second shots, but
misses the third and fourth shots. Klick’s player rolls The ROF Die (ROF-D)
a d6 to determine where the shots landed. He rolls a 2 The ROF die (ROF-D) replaces the standard hit
and a 2. Both shots hit Floyd in the torso. Klick has location die (d6) when rolling for the hit locations:
now expended four shots from the laser. when making attacks using the burst or full-auto
setting on ranged weapons. Because the ROF die is
HALF of all Actions usually larger than a d6, you can roll numbers that
don’t correspond to a Body Section. Those results that
By spending HALF of all their Actions, the are larger than a six (6) are considered misses.
character can launch a flurry of attacks or shots. The Typically, the ROF-D is a d8 or d10, though
downside of making so many rapid attacks in such a sometimes a d12 is used. The larger the full-auto die,
short time span is that they are less tightly grouped. the more the weapon jumps and kicks during fully
No matter how many attacks are made in the combo automatic fire, and the more likely you’ll miss your
or burst, a single skill check is made when making target when firing on fully automatic.
HALF Action attacks.
Klick the Keen is unhappy with the results of
The attacker may not make Called Shots when popping off individual shots. The next Combat Round,
making an attack that uses HALF of their Actions. he takes a Free Action to switch his weapon from
semi-automatic to burst mode and again shoots at
Floyd. Step one is still to determine if Floyd is in
• Combo (HTH or Hand Weapon)
range. Floyd is still in Range Bracket 4. Step two is
By spending HALF of all the character’s
to select the proper weapon skill. Klick is still using a
Actions, a character may make a number of
laser rifle, so Weapon: Beam skill it is.
attacks equal to the half of their total Actions in a
Step three is to determine how many Actions
hand-to-hand (HTH) combat or in a hand weapon
Klick is going to spend. This time Klick is going to
spend HALF of all his Actions, which is 2 Actions, to
A single Skill Check is made for the combo. A
fire a burst at Floyd. The laser he is using has a Burst
Hit Location must be rolled for each attack in the
value of 2. Klick has an 80% chance to hit Floyd in
combo. A d10 is rolled to determine the hit
Range Bracket 4. The weapon has a d8 for its ROF-
location of each hand-to-hand or Hand weapon
D. His chance to hit with both shots in the burst is the
attack. Any result higher than a 6 misses the
same. In addition, only one attack roll is made for the
burst, no matter how many shots are fired.
Klick rolls a 56 and hits with the burst. The
Hand-to-hand techniques and hand weapons downside to firing a burst is that the shots are less
that require HALF or ALL Actions can NOT be tightly grouped. Klick’s player rolls a d8, instead of a
used to make Combo attacks. These weapons and d6, to determine where the shots landed. Because
hand-to-hand techniques are too slow or unwieldy there are two shots in the Burst, Klick’s player rolls
to make combo attacks. for two hit locations. He rolls a 5 and an 8. The first
shot hits Floyd in the left leg. The second shot misses
• Burst (Ranged Weapon)* Floyd entirely because it is greater than a 6.
By spending HALF of all the character’s
Actions, a character may fire a number of shots
Klick decides to fire a second burst this By spending ALL of all the character’s
Combat Round with his remaining two Actions. He Actions, a character may make a number of hand-
still has an 80% chance to hit Floyd in Range Bracket to-hand attacks or Hand weapon attacks equal to
4 and rolls a 34, hitting with the burst. He rolls a d8 the total number of Actions the character
for both hit locations and gets 1 and a 7. The 1 strikes possesses.
the head, and the 7 misses Floyd. Klick has now A Hit Location must be rolled for each attack
expended a total of eight shots from laser. in the chained combo. A d10 is rolled to
determine the hit location of each hand-to-hand or
Kitty the Cizerack is in Range Bracket 1 and Hand weapon attack. Any result higher than a 6
wants to attack Fredd the Ram with her claws. Kitty misses the target.
has 6 Actions and spends HALF her Actions to attack
Fredd with a Combo. Kitty is successful in her single For hand-to-hand techniques or hand weapons
Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill check and must now that require HALF of all Actions, only two (2)
roll 3 hit locations using a d10. Any rolls that are 7 attacks are made during the Chained Combo.
or larger are a miss. Hand-to-hand techniques and hand weapons that
require ALL Actions can NOT be used to make
Chained Combo attacks.
Splitting Single Actions with a HALF Action.
Recall that the -20 cumulative penalty is applied to all • Fully Automatic Barrage (Ranged Weapon)*
single Actions, after the first, that occur in the same By spending ALL of all the character’s
Combat Round. Whenever HALF of all the Actions Actions, a character may fire a number of shots
activity occurs between the single Actions, the -20 equal to the weapons FULL value. The weapons
penalty is still in effect for the single Actions that Q is reduced by the FULL value, whether the
occur after the HALF Actions Activity. Moreover, the shots hit the target or not.
-20 cumulative penalty for the single Actions that A single Skill Check is made for the barrage.
occur after the HALF Actions Activity is calculated A Hit Location must be rolled for each shot in the
based on the total number of Single Actions already burst. Roll the ROF-D listed for the weapon to
spent that Combat Round. determine the hit location. Any result higher than
For Example: A character has 8 Actions, and a 6 misses the target.
they spend a single Action to make a hand-to-hand
attack at no penalty. Then they spend HALF of their If the character is using a ranged weapon that
Actions (4 Actions) to fire a burst from their pistol. has a ‘-‘ listed for its FULL, then they may not
Following the burst, they make three more hand-to- choose this option.
hand attacks, which suffer a -20, -40, and -60 penalty
respectively. Floyd’s armor is shrugging off the damage, so
Even though these last three single Action Klick decides to unload on Floyd. On the third
attacks were separated from the first single Action Combat Round, Klick switches his weapon from burst
attack by the burst, they still occurred in the same mode to full-auto using a Free Action. Step one and
Combat Round and are subject to the cumulative -20 step two are unchanged from prior attacks.
penalty after the first single Action. Step three is to determine how many Actions
Klick is going to spend. Because Klick is firing on
ALL Actions full-auto, he must spend ALL of his Actions to fire at
By spending ALL of all the character’s Floyd. The laser he is using has a Full value of 5.
Actions, a character may strike as fast as they are Klick has an 80% chance to hit Floyd, and the
capable in hand-to-hand combat, with a hand weapon weapon’s ROF-D is still a d8.
attack, or while firing their weapon on fully- Klick’s chance to hit with the full auto
automatic for the entire Combat Round. barrage is the same, even though he’s firing five shots
in the barrage. Only one attack roll is made for the
The attacker may not make Called Shots when barrage.
making an attack that uses HALF of their Actions. Klick rolls a 15, and hits with the barrage.
Just like the Burst, the full auto barrage uses the
• Chained Combo (HTH or Hand Weapon) ROF-D rather than a d6 when determining hit
locations. Klick’s player rolls the d8 a total of five
times to determine were the hits land. He rolls a 3, 7, Anytime you strike an opponent with an
1, 2, and a 6. Four of the five shots fired in the attack, you must determine where
barrage hit because the 7 is greater than 6, and it you hit them. The body is divided 1
misses Floyd. into multiple sections
Klick cannot make another attack this Combat called, appropriately
3 4
Round because the full auto barrage consumed ALL enough, Body Sections. 2
of his Actions. Klick has now expended a total of The Body Sections are
thirteen shots from laser. numbered, one to six, as shown
This round Kitty is going to turn Fredd into 5 6
mincemeat. She spends all 6 of her Actions to attack 1= Head
Fredd with a Chained Combo. Kitty is successful in 2 = Torso
her single Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill check and 3= Left Arm
must now roll 6 hit locations using a d10. Any rolls 4 = Right Arm
that are 7 or larger are a miss. 5 = Left Leg
6 = Right Leg
Single Strike or single Even numbers always represent the right side
# of Actions Spent 1
of the body, when they correspond to an appendage.
Penalty to Hit -20, Cumulative, to each attack after It is possible to roll higher than a 6 on many Hit
first Location rolls. You’ll notice there is no Body Section
Hit Die d6 with a number higher than 6, and so any Hit Location
Restrictions: No Bumping rolled higher than a 6 misses the target.
# of attacks made 1
Combo or Burst
# of Actions Spent HALF
Phentari and Keen arms: Rolling a 3 or 4 Hit
Penalty to Hit None Location on a Phentari or Keen means you hit an arm,
Hit Die d10 or ROF-D for ranged weapon obviously. To determine whether you’ve hit the upper
Restrictions: No Called Shots arms or lower arms, roll another d6. If you roll an
# of attacks made even number (2,4,6), then you’ve hit the upper arm on
Equal to number of Actions spent.
(HTH or hand weapon) the same side as your rolled hit location. If you roll an
# of attacks made
Equal to BURST for ranged odd number (1,3,5), then you’ve hit the lower arm on
(ranged weapon)
Combo or Burst the same side as your rolled hit location.
# of Actions Spent ALL
Penalty to Hit None
Hit Die d10 or ROF-D for ranged weapon
Restrictions: No Called Shots Unarmed HTH Damage
# of attacks made Unarmed HTH damage is always assumed to
Equal to number of Actions spent.
(HTH or hand weapon) be Temporary Damage (Temp) unless the attack
# of attacks made description specifically states otherwise. Hand-to-
Equal to FULL for ranged
(ranged weapon)
Hand attacks do one (1) point of damage plus the
character’s Damage Adjustment, from high or low
1. HIT LOCATIONS Strength.
Pythonians and Cizeracks can choose to do
The Hit Location Diagram Real damage in hand-to-hand attacks, but they may
do Temporary Damage instead if they wish.

Weapon Damage
Hand weapons and ranged weapons do the
amount of damage listed per successful attack. Any
special rules will be noted in the weapon description.

Temporary Damage suffers a Critical Hit, and all the Stat and Skill
A character has a number of Temporary Body Checks he makes will be more difficult until he
Points (“Temp BP”) equal to their normal BP. Only receives proper medical attention.
Temporary (Temp) damage reduces a character’s
Temp BP. Temp damage is caused by non-lethal Limb Loss and Max Damage Per Hit
weaponry and most hand-to-hand attacks. A character cannot lose more than half of their
When a character’s Temp BP reaches zero original, undamaged Body Points total in any attack
from taking Temp damage, the character is knocked that strikes an arm or leg. Once a limb (arm, leg,
senseless for 1d4 Combat Rounds and is unable to tentacle) suffers half of the character’s original Body
take any Actions. If the character’s Temp BP is 0 and Point total in damage, it takes no more damage.
they continue to take Temp damage, the damage is Unfortunately, at that point the limb is considered
treated as Real damage, reducing the character’s severed or mangled beyond saving. This rule does
normal Body Points. not apply to a weapon that strikes more than a Body
Section in a single attack or weapons that do damage
Critical Hits in Heavy Points or larger increments. Characters who
Each time a character loses one quarter (1/4) lose a limb lose 1 Body Point per Combat Round due
of their original Body Point total in a single hit or to blood loss, starting the Combat Round after the
they are reduced to zero Body Points, they have taken limb loss. Losing a limb is treated identically to a
a Critical Hit, also known as a Crit. When Critical Hit and requires the character to make a Con
determining what constitutes ¼ of a character’s total Check and reduce their Stat and Skill checks in the
Body Points, we ignore the “always round down” rule same manner as a Critical Hit. No part of this rule is
and use normal rounding rules. applicable to Mazians.
Each time a character suffers a Critical Hit,
they must make a Vistal Statistic check using their After getting out of the hospital, Klick again
Constitution, aka a “CON Check.” Failure indicates has his full 10 Body Points. Unfortunately, the
the character has passed out from shock or is dastardly assassin is waiting for Klick and shoots him
struggling so much with the pain of the injury that with a pulse weapon as he walks out of the front door.
they are unable to take any Actions. Success This time the plasma pulse strikes Klick’s right arm
indicates that the character remains conscious. causing 6 points of damage. Because this attack hits
Characters who fail their CON check may a limb, it can’t do more than half of Klicks original
attempt another each Combat Round, with the same Body Point total in damage. Once an attack does an
penalties, to work through the pain or come back to amount of damage equal to half the target’s Body
consciousness. Once successful, no further CON Points, that limb is destroyed. Klick ends up only
checks are made unless the injury is aggravated in losing 5 Body Points, rather than 6, but he does lose
some way. Moving or being moved is a good way to his upper left arm. Next Combat Round, Klick will
aggravate a critical injury, trigging another CON start to lose his remaining 5 Body Points at a rate of
Check. 1 per Combat Round. Fortunately for Klick, medical
care is nearby. Klick will need to make a successful
Stat and Skill Check penalties due to Critical Hits. CON Check or lose consciousness.
Due to the pain caused by the injury, the
character’s Stats are at ½ their full value when Body Points, Death, & Catastrophic Damage
making Stat Checks and ¼ their full value when
A character can fight until their Body Points
making Skill checks. This penalty continues until the
reach zero, at which point they lose consciousness.
character’s pain from the critical hit is alleviated. This
Characters regain consciousness when their Body
is often referred to as the “it’s difficult to concentrate
Points are increased to a positive number. If a
with that hole there” rule.
character continues to take damage after reaching
zero Body Points, their BP total is reduced to a
Klick the Keen has 10 Body Points. He is
negative value. When this negative value reaches the
struck by a plasma pulse strike in his left arm that
character’s Death’s Door rating, they die.
causes 4 points of damage. Klick normally has 10
A character’s Death’s Door rating is
Body Points before taking any damage. As a result,
determined by their Constitution. If a character
any reduction of 3 or more Body Points results in a
suffers an amount of damage equal to three times
Critical Hit. Since Klick lost 4 Body Points, he
their Death’s Door rating, they have taken
Catastrophic Damage and can not be revived by the left leg (5), using a single Bump you could move
the attack to 7, which is off the body. This is the case
even though adding 1 to 5 wouldn’t normally get you
to 7.
The defender can apply their Defensive Bumps to
all attacks made against them that Combat Round.
You can not use Defensive Bumps against ranged
combat attacks.

Adjacent Areas:

conventional means. If, however, their brain is still The Bumping Diagram shows how an attack may be
intact they may have a new body grown. bumped from one adjacent area to the next. The
following locations are adjacent to each other:
Damage Summary • Left Arm & Torso
Stunned Temp BP reduced to 0 • Right Arm & Torso
Critical Hit (Crit) Loss of ¼ total BP in singe attack or reduced • Torso & Head
to zero BP • Left Leg & Right Leg.
Limb Loss Loss of ½ total BP to single limb. Treat as • Left Leg & Torso
Unconscious Body Points reach zero • Right Leg & Torso
Dead Damage equals or exceeds Death’s Door
score Fredd strikes Henry in Body Section 6 and
Catastrophic Damage equals or exceeds 3x Death’s Door Body Section 2. Since Fredd wasn’t attacking with a
Damage score ranged weapon, Henry decides he is going to spend
HALF his Actions on a single Defensive Bump to try
DEFENDING AGAINST ATTACKS. and avoid being struck. Recall that a character can
spend remaining Actions to defend at any time, even if
Defending Against Hand-to-Hand & Hand it’s not their Initiative.
Weapon Attacks (Defensive Bumps) On the hit to Body Section 6, Henry can use
When defending against hand-to-hand and his Defensive Bump to move it to an adjacent Body
Hand weapon attacks, a character can choose to spend Section or to add or subtract 1 to the Hit Location.
HALF or ALL their Actions to defend using a Henry decides to add 1 to the Hit Location number
Defensive Bump. and changes it from a 6 to a 7. This pushes the hit of
• If the character spends HALF their Actions to Henry’s body and causes that hit to miss. Remember
Defend, they receive one Defensive Bump. that Hit Location values greater than 6 are misses.
• If the character spends ALL their Actions to For the second hit to Body Section 2, Henry
Defend, they receive two Defensive Bumps. could add or subtract one to the roll using his single
Defensive Bump, but he can’t push the hit off his
A Defensive Bump can be used to move the body. He can, however, move the hit to one adjacent
Hit Location of an attack to an adjacent Body Section, Body Section. Since the hit was to the torso, Henry
usually someplace less vital or better armored than could move the hit anywhere on his body with his
where it was originally going to strike. If you have single Bump. All Body Sections are considered
two defensive Bumps, you can move each hit to a adjacent to the torso. Henry remembers that he’s got
location away from the original hit location. The first a really nice helmet and decides to Bump the hit from
move must be adjacent to the original location, and Body Section 2 to Body Section 1. Here’s hoping
the second location must be adjacent to the first. Henry’s helmet is as nice as he thinks it is.
Instead of moving a hit to an adjacent
location, you can also add one (1) to the die roll result If using the Offensive Bump rules from the Combat –
for each Defensive Bump you have. Recall, that if Advanced Rules section, the defender can only
the Hit Location result is higher than 6, it misses the modify Hit Location rolls after the attacker is finished
target. You can choose to bump the shot from either modifying the rolls with their Offensive Bumps.
leg (Hit Location 5 or 6) or off the body (7 or higher).
In other words, if a shot hit either the right leg (6) or Actively Dodge
You cannot use Defensive Bumps against
ranged combat attacks. There is no way to block a
bullet, laser, or particle stream. Your best bet is to get
behind cover or have armor and/or a Flux Shield to
protect you if you’re caught out in the open.
However, targets of ranged combat attacks may
attempt to Actively Dodge, if they are aware of the
imminent attack. Characters can Actively Dodge
ranged combat attacks, hand weapon attacks, and
hand-to-hand attacks.
Actively Dodging basically entails running
around in an erratic manner hoping you don’t get
shot. It’s not terribly effective, unless you’re a
Cizerack or Fott who are inhumanly fast and agile.
Actively Dodging hand-to-hand or Hand weapon
attacks means your character looks like Hong Kong
the action movie star diving behind any available
obstacle and scrambling away from his attacker in an
attempt to avoid their blows.
To Actively Dodge, the defending character
must spend HALF of their total Actions. The attacker
receives a penalty to hit equal to one-quarter of the
dodging character’s Agility. If the character being
attacked does not have HALF of their total Actions
remaining, they may not Actively Dodge the attack.
You can spend HALF your character’s
Actions to Actively Dodge and HALF your
character’s Actions to purchase a single Defensive
Bump. This can be really effective if your character
is very agile, but sometimes spending ALL your
character’s Actions on two Defensive Bumps makes
more sense – especially for low Agility characters.

Dodging for Cover

If your character knows someone is about to
shoot at them and they beat the Initiative of that
attacker, they can always dive for cover. The cover
must be within a radius equal to or less than one of
the character’s MOV scores. If the cover is farther
away than that, you won’t be able to get behind cover
before the attacker acts. Your best bet in that case is
to Actively Dodge.
Inoperative for 4 Combat Rounds.

75- Inoperative for 8 Combat Rounds.

INITIATIVE 100- Inoperative for 16 Combat Rounds & energy cell
Reflex-based Initiative 124 explodes. User and weapon are damaged by explosion.*ǂ
125+ The device explodes and is rendered permanently
For those realists out there, to determine the inoperable. User is damaged. Device is destroyed.ǂ
winner of Initiative, roll 2d10 and subtract your * Any damage done to a device reduces the MN on
character’s Initiative Modifier, which is determined a point for point basis.
by their Agility. Recall that your character’s ǂ Unpowered Device: If the device doesn’t have an
Initiative Modifier can be modified by the Alertness energy cell, ignore the explosion result.
skill and the Body Equilibrium skill (Eridani only). If
the initiatives are tied, Actions occur simultaneously. Combat Modifiers
Using this method, it is possible to get an Initiative Your GM will have you apply any appropriate
score that is a negative number. Characters act modifiers to your hand-to-hand skill check or weapon
proceeding, in order, from lowest to highest initiative. skill check that would affect the roll (GM Discretion).
Example: Erin the Eridani has Alertness skill COMBAT MODIFIERS
at level 3 and Agility statistic of 105. The Agility Aimed Shot (per HALF spent aiming, Max +20) +10
Braced Shot +10
statistic provides a bonus of 1 per 10 points Hard Cover 1 Section behind cover -15
(105/10=10). So, her total Initiative Modifier (IM) is 2 Sections behind cover -30
3 plus 10 for a total of 13. Erin rolls a 20 and 3 Sections behind cover -45
4 Sections behind cover -60
subtracts her IM of 13. So, her Initiative is 7. Hank 5 Sections behind cover -75
the Human has no Alertness skill (for 0 bonus) and an Completely Covered N/A
Using a 2-handed weapon with one hand -50
Agility statistic of 70, which yields an IM of 7. Hank Snap Shot (Cumulative) -40
rolls a 5. Hank’s roll of 5, minus his IM of 7 results in Jog (RUN in meters) -40
Hank’s Initiative being -2, which is lower than Erin’s Switch targets (in turn) -40
Surprised -40
7. Hank goes first. Actively Dodging -40
Target Prone (Beyond RB 1) -30
Target Prone (RB 1) +20
Initiative Reductions Target Dodging ¼ target’s AGL
The following conditions increase the character’s Target Stationary +10
Initiative Modifier, slowing down their reaction time Relative Speed (m/sec)*
01-10 0
(lower is better). 11-20 Lose 1 Bump -10
21-30 Lose 1 Bump -20
Initiative Reductions 31-40 Lose 1 Bump -30
41-50 Lose 2 Bumps -40
Moderately Encumbered +2 to Initiative Roll
51-100 Lose 2 Bumps -50
Heavily Encumbered +5 to Initiative Roll 101-200 Lose 2 Bumps -60
Suffered a Critical Hit May lower AGL. Base IM is 10% of AGL 201-500 Lose 3 Bumps -70
501-1,000 Lose 3 Bumps -80
1,001-2,000 Lose 3 Bumps -90
2,001-5,000 Lose all Bumps -100
ACTIONS Weather/Environmental Conditions
Lighting Dusk/Dawn -10
There are no advanced rules for using Actions. Dark Night -30
Total Darkness/Blind -90
Rain Light -10
Moderate -20
ATTACKING Downpour/Monsoon -30
Weapon Malfunctions Smoke/Fog Light -10
When attacking with your weapon, if your Thick -30
Wind Breezy -10
attack roll exceeds the weapon’s Malfunction Number Windy -30
stop the attack immediately and roll d100 on the Hurricane/Tornado -90
Target Silhouetted +10
malfunction table. Target Size
Size Class 1 -15
0-24 Inoperative for 1 Combat Round. Size Class 3 -5
25- Inoperative for 2 Combat Rounds. Size Class 4 0
Size Class 5 +5
Size Class 6 +10
Size Class 7 +15
Size Class 8 +20 more cover the target has the higher the penalty to hit
Size Class 9 +25
Size Class 10 +30 an exposed Body Section. Obviously, if the target is
Called Shots completely behind cover, then an attacker cannot
Arm -50
Torso -20 attempt to shoot exposed Body Sections.
Eye -90 If the shooter fires at the target without
Foot -60 attempting to avoid the cover, then any hit location
Groin -80
Hand -60 rolled by the attacker that corresponds to a location
Head -50 behind hard cover strikes the cover instead of the
Leg -20
Throat -80 target. Damage is applied to the cover, not the target.
Tail -30 If the hard cover is breached, then the remaining
Weapon (Rifle) -50
Weapon (Pistol) -70
damage is applied to the target. Certain weapons, like
Backpack/Missile Rack (From side) -50 Pulse Cannons, are designed to blow through Hard
Backpack/Missile Rack (From rear) -20 cover like it’s made of tissue paper. The GM will
indicate how much cover the object provides, and the
COMBAT MODIFIER DESCRIPTIONS target gets to choose which Body Sections they want
behind the cover.
Aimed Shot: If the character spends HALF their
Actions aiming, their chance to hit at all Range Cover Material Structural Integrity* TR
Brackets increases by 10% for the next shot they Brick Wall 250 3
Adobe Wall 250 2
make with a ranged weapon. If the character spends Concrete Wall 200 4
two consecutive HALF Actions aiming, they get a Flex Steel Wall 1000 7
20% bonus to the next shot they make with Ranged Plate Glass Window 10 -
Sheet Rock Wall 40 1
Weapon. A maximum bonus of 20% can be achieved Steel Plate 500 4
through aiming. The character must spend an Action Titanium Steel
or Actions to attack immediately after spending Plate 800 5
Sandbag Wall 300 5
HALF of all Actions to aim. Otherwise, the bonus is Wood Planking 150 2
lost. If the character spends Actions to do any other *Listed SI is for an area large enough to fully cover one Size Class 4
activity between aiming and attacking, the Aimed character.
Shot bonus is lost.
The aiming bonus applies only to the first shot Snap Shot: A Snap Shot penalty is a 40% penalty to
fired, even if the weapon is firing more than once you chance to hit and is incurred in the following
during that attack. After the weapon has been fired circumstances:
once, the Aimed Shot bonus ends. This bonus only • Anytime the character must rapidly bring a
applies to Ranged Weaponry. Hand-to-hand attacks weapon to bear on a target due to surprise,
and hand weapons do not receive the Aimed Shot ambush, or being unprepared for an attack.
bonus. • Attacking and moving faster than half
your MOV score (RUN/JUMP/FLY) in
Braced Shot: Bracing your weapon against a solid the same Combat Round.
and immobile object increases your chance to hit your • Attacking and Actively Dodging in the
target by 10%. Intimately bracing requires HALF same Combat Round.
your Actions. Once the weapon is braced, there is no • Switching targets in the same Combat
need to spend additional Actions to receive the Round.
Braced Shot bonus unless you move to a different The Snap Shot penalty is cumulative, so if
location or position (GM Discretion). Using a tripod your character is in mid-jog when they are surprised,
or bipod also counts as bracing your weapon. they would suffer a -80 penalty. One Snap Shot
penalty is for the movement and a second is for
Hard Cover: Hard cover may or may not actually reacting to a surprise. If a Snap Shot penalty is
conceal a target. For example, a sheet of bulletproof incurred, it is applied to every attack the character
glass will provide hard cover but no concealment. makes that Combat Round.
Hard cover only results in a hit penalty if the attacker
is trying to shoot at portions of the target that are not HIT LOCATIONS
fully behind cover. The penalty is determined by the
amount of the target that is not behind cover. The Introduction to Bumping Shots (aka
Offensive Bumps) from the original hit location. The first move must be
The downside to making a flurry of attacks by adjacent to the original location, and the second
spending HALF or ALL your Actions is that the shots location must be adjacent to the first.
tend to be less tightly grouped. You’re not making Bumps may be applied to each Hit Location
careful aim with each shot, and you can’t make roll you make, no matter how many Hit Location rolls
Called Shots. This is why the Hit Location die used are required in a single attack.
increases in size when spending HALF or ALL your
Actions to make multiple attacks. However, more Adjacent Areas:
skilled characters can obtain tighter groups when The Bumping Diagram shows how an attack may be
making attacks. This is represented by the game bumped from one adjacent area to the next. The
mechanic called Bumping. following locations are adjacent to each other:
• Left Arm & Torso
How many Bumps Do I get? • Right Arm & Torso
The number of Bumps you get depends on • Torso & Head
how skilled you are with the weapon you are using to • Left Leg & Right Leg.
attack or your hand-to-hand skill if you’re attacking • Left Leg & Torso

For example, Fredd the Ram has a single

Bump. He attacks Henry the Mutzachan with his
sword, and the first Hit Location roll is a 5. With his
single Bump, Fredd could move the shot that hit from
Body Section 5 into Body Section 6 or Body Section 2.
Fredd opts for Body Section 6.
The second Hit Location roll is to Body
Section 1. Henry has a really nice helmet, and Fredd
wants to move the shot to someplace less armored,
like an arm. We can see from the Bumping Diagram
empty handed. that using a single bump, Fredd can only move that
If the weapon or hand-to-hand skill the shot from Body Section 1(head) to Body Section 2
character is using is level 6-10, they get one (1) (torso) but not to Body Section 3 or 4 (arms). As we
Bump. If the weapon or hand-to-hand skill the saw above, the arms are not considered adjacent
character is using is level 11-15, they get two (2) areas to the head. A hit to the torso, Body Section 2,
Bumps. may be bumped to any other Body Section. If Fredd
As a result, the number of Bumps your had two bumps he could bump that hit to Body
character receives may change depending on what Section 1 then to Body Section 3 or 4 like he wanted…
weapon they are using. If they have 11 levels of Hand but alas, he does not have that many Bumps.
Weapon (Sword) skill and 6 levels of Weapon The last Hit Location roll is Body Section 6.
(Beam) skill, they would get two Bumps when using The legs are considered adjacent to each other, and
their sword but only one Bump when using their laser each leg is also considered adjacent to the torso. So
rifle. Fredd can move the hit on Body Section 6 to either
Body Section 2 or Body Section 5.
Weapon or HTH Skill Level No. of Offensive Bumps
0-5 0 Bumping shots that miss the target (“Off-the-Body
6-10 1 Hits”).
11-15 2 Instead of moving a hit to an adjacent
location, you can subtract one (1) to the die roll result
Bumping shots that land on the target (“On-the- for each Bump you have. When Bumping a hit back
Body Hits”). If you roll a 1 through 6 when making onto the body, you can choose to bump the shot onto
your attack roll, you’ve hit somewhere on the target’s either leg (Hit Location 5 or 6).
body. If you have a single Bump, you can move the In other words, if you bump a shot that’s off
hit location you rolled to any Body Section adjacent the body (7+) to a 6, you can have that shot hit either
to the location you rolled. If you have two defensive the right leg (6) or the left leg (5), even though the
Bumps, you can move each hit to a location away bump-reduced value is a 6. Once an attack has been
Bumped back onto the target, you may use any • You can Bump an on-the-body hit (Hit
remaining bumps to move the hit to adjacent Body Location 1-6) to any adjacent Body Section for each
Sections as described in the previous section. bump spent.
• You can subtract 1 from the die roll of an off-
For example, Henry the Mutzachan is the-body hit (Hit Location Die value of 7+) for each
shooting at Fredd the Python with his laser rifle and bump spent.
rolls an 8 on his Hit Location roll. Henry has two o When Bumping an off-the-body hit
Bumps. Normally an 8 would be a miss because it back onto the body, you can choose to bump the shot
does not correspond to any Body Section (1-6). onto either leg once the die value is reduced to 6.
However, with his two Bumps, Henry could subtract • Once the hit is back on the body, it can be
two from the roll of 8 and ends up with a 6, pushing moved to adjacent sections (see above).
the hit back onto the target. Recall that even though • The number of Bumps is determined by the
8 – 2 = 6, Henry has the option of pushing the shot weapon or HTH skill you are using.
back onto the body at either leg. So, he could move o Level 6-10 yields one Bump.
the shot to Body Section 5 or Body Section 6. o Level 11-15 yields two Bumps.
• You cannot Bump attacks that aren’t directly
Henry’s second Hit Location roll is a 7, which targeted. Grenade fragments, explosions, missiles,
is also a miss. He uses one Bump to move the hit artillery, etc.
back onto the body – either onto Body Section 6 or • You get one free Bump when using a Ranged
Body Section 5. Henry moves it to Body Section 5 this Combat weapon against a target in Range Bracket 1.
time. Henry then uses his remaining Bump to move This does NOT apply to Hand-to-Hand attacks or
the hit from the leg (Body Section 5) to an adjacent melee weapons such as swords, knives, etc.
Body Section. In this case, he Bumps it to the torso • You cannot Bump hit locations when
(Body Section 2).
attacking targets in RB4 through RB8.
Point Blank Bump
If you are in RB 1 with a ranged weapon, you
get an additional offensive bump per shot. When making hand-to-hand attacks, characters may
select from the hand-to-hand techniques below:
Is there anything I can’t Bump?
You cannot Bump the hit locations of attacks HTH
Damage Type Actions Notes
that are not directly targeted by the shooter. This Technique
includes attacks made with grenades, indirect fire Punch 1+DA TEMP 1
weapons, explosions, shrapnel, missiles, mortars, Kick 3+DA TEMP HALF
artillery shells, and area effect attacks including any Bite 1d4+DA REAL 1 2 per
attack that affects all Body Sections. Combat
In addition, a character has to be able to see Maximum.
where their shots are impacting on the target in order Cizerack,
to steer them to the desired location using Bumps. As Phentari,
a result, if the Target is at Range Bracket 4 or beyond only
no Bumps are allowed. The same holds true for Claw 1+DA REAL 1 Cizerack &
vehicle combat. If a vehicle is firing at another Pythonian
vehicle-sized target at Vehicle Range Bracket 4 or Head Butt 2 (3 for TEMP HALF
-20 to hit
beyond, no Bumps are allowed. Mutzachans)
The Game Master will be the final arbitrator
on whether a particular attack can have its hit Kicks do more damage than punches, but
locations Bumped. they are slower and require more Actions. Certain
species can use a bite as an attack. Characters are
Bumping Summary limited to two bite attacks per Combat Round. Bite
• Your Bumps may be applied to each Hit attacks always do Real damage.
Location roll you make.
Critical Hits Statistic and Skill checks using ¼ of their Link
When a character receives a Critical Hit, they Statistic, the Critical Hit chart will impose specific
must roll on the Critical Hit table. The table may penalties based on the nature of the injury.
provide additional modifiers for the required CON
Check, along with specific reductions in the Klick the Keen took a Critical Hit to his left
character’s Statistics. If the damage that triggered the arm. We move to the Left Arm section of the Critical
Critical Hit was to a specific Body Section, the player Hit table and roll a d8 to determine what type of
must roll on the section of the Critical Hit chart that Critical Hit Klick suffers and what penalties, if any,
corresponds to that Body Section. are applied to his CON check and Stats.
In addition, rather than reducing and forcing
the character to make Stat Checks using ½ of their
Head (1 on a d6)
d100 d10 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects Difficulty
Head Removed from
the Shoulders. You
can’t walk around like
1 1 N/A N/A SLAIN! - -
a chicken with its
head cut off. (Roll up
new character)
Top of Head Blown
Off! You're history
2 2 pal! There are all N/A N/A SLAIN! - -
kinds of neat stuff
oozing everywhere.
Concussion. -15 to all skill
3 3 Temple -80 -1 INT Paramedic -40
checks for 2d4 days
4 4 Forehead Unconscious for 2d4 rounds -10 IQ and INT Paramedic -30
Enters Eye and Exits Back of
5 5 N/A SLAIN! - -
Cannot eat or speak until
6 6 Jaw Shattered -40 N/A Physician -40
Face Partially
7 7 Unconscious 2d4 rounds -20 CHA Paramedic -40
Cannot eat solid foods until
8 8 Mouth -10 CHA Paramedic -40
9 9 Neck -40 -10 AGL N/A First Aid -80
10 10 Throat -30 Can't speak for 2 weeks N/A Paramedic -80
TORSO (2 on a d6)
d100 d20 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects Difficulty
-20 CON; Asphyxiation from
11-12 1 Lung Punctured -80 drowning in blood in 8d10 N/A Paramedic -40
13-14 2 Lung -30 -50 CON; RUN is halved N/A First Aid -40
15-16 3 Struck Spinal Cord -40 N/A SLAIN! - -
Spinal Cord Cut. Now -50 CON; 50% chance of
17 4 in two distinct N/A permanent paralysis if you N/A Physician -120
sections. move at all
Unconscious for 1d4 hours;
50% chance of
18 5 Heart N/A loss of 1d4 BP/rd. from blood Paramedic -120
19 6 Blows Heart Apart. N/A N/A SLAIN! - -
Multiple organs
struck. internals
20 7 N/A N/A SLAIN! - -
reduced to a jelly- like
Ribs Cracked. You got
21-23 8 0 -20 AGL N/A First Aid 00
-30 CON; Move and the chips
have a 50% chance of
24-25 9 Ribs Shattered -30 N/A Physician -40
puncturing a lung (see 11-12
above for effect).
Collar Bone. Clean -20 AGL and MD until healed;
26-27 10 0 N/A Paramedic -30
Break one arm useless until healed
28 11 Groin, Clean -30 -20 AGL N/A First Aid -80
RUN is halved, No sprinting,
29 12 Groin, Removed -80 -10 AGL Physician -120
JUMP = 0;-75 AGL
Lower Abdomen,
30-35 13 0 -10 CON N/A First Aid -80
36-37 14 Stomach Punctured -30 CHEM ECR or die in 1d4 days N/A Physician -80
CHEM ECR or die in 1d4
38 15 Stomach Ruptured -40 N/A Physician -40
39-40 16 Liver -30 -30 CON and BIO ECR N/A Paramedic -40
Liver. You are spilling
blood everywhere and -50 CON and BIO ECR. lose
41-42 17 -40 N/A Paramedic -80
making quite a 1d4 BP/rd. from blood loss.
CHEM ECR or lose 1d4
43-44 18 Intestines -30 -15 CON First Aid -80
-60 CON, -60 AGL, Death in
45 19 Multiple Organs -80 N/A Physician -80
1d4 min.
Lower Spine. Forget Paralyzed from waist
46 20 walking or doing the -40 N/A down, -80 AGL, MOV Physician -120
wild thing. =1
LEFT ARM (3 on a d6)
d100 d10 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects Difficulty
47 1 Left Hand Shattered 0 -50 MD; lose one digit -10 MD First Aid -80
47-49 2-3 Left Arm. Clean Break 0 -10 STR, MD, and AGL N/A First Aid -30
Left Arm. Messy -25 STR; -20 MD and AGL;
50-52 4-5 0 N/A Paramedic -40
Break Arm is useless
-25 STR, MD, and AGL; arm is
53 6 Left Elbow Shattered 0 -10 MD Paramedic -80
Left Shoulder, Clean
54 7 0 -10 STR; -20 MD and AGL N/A First Aid -30
-25 STR; -20 AGL; Arm is
55 8 Left Shoulder Broken 0 N/A Paramedic -40
RIGHT ARM (4 on a d6)
d100 d10 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects Difficulty
56 1 Right Hand Shattered 0 -50 MD; lose one digit -10 MD First Aid -80
Right Arm, Clean
57-59 2-3 0 -10 STR, MD, and AGL N/A First Aid -30
Right Arm, Messy -25 STR; -20 MD and AGL;
60-61 4-5 0 N/A Paramedic -40
Break Arm is useless
-25 STR, MD, and AGL; arm is
62 6 Right Elbow Shattered 0 -10 MD Paramedic -80
Right Shoulder, Clean
63 7 0 -10 STR; -20 MD and AGL N/A First Aid -30
Right Shoulder -25 STR; -20 AGL; Arm is
64 8 0 N/A Paramedic -40
Broken useless
LEFT LEG (5 on a d6)
d100 d10 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects DF
-35 AGL; RUN Score is
65 1 Left Foot Shattered 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -10 AGL Physician -80
-15 AGL; RUN Score is
66-67 2 Left Calf, Clean Break 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = N/A First Aid -30
Left Shin Bone 45 AGL; RUN Score is halved,
68-69 3 0 -5 AGL Physician -80
Shattered No Sprinting, JUMP = 0.
-60 AGL; RUN Score is
70 4 Left Knee Shattered 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -10 AGL Physician -80
-25 AGL; lose 1 BP/rd. from
71 5 Left Calf, Artery 0 N/A Paramedic -40
blood loss
-15 AGL; RUN Score is
Left Thigh, Clean
72-74 6 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = N/A First Aid +30
-25 STR and -60 AGL; RUN
Left Thigh Bone
75-77 7 0 Score is halved, No Sprinting, -10 AGL, -5 STR Physician -80
JUMP = 0.
Left Thigh, Artery -25 AGL; lose 2 BP/rd. from
78-79 8 0 N/A Paramedic -80
Struck blood loss
Left Hip Bone
80-81 9 0 -30 AGL -1 AGL First Aid 0
-60 AGL; RUN Score is
Left Hip Bone
82 10 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -5 AGL Physician -80
RIGHT LEG (6 on a d6)
d100 d10 Description Check TEMP Effects PERM Effects Difficulty
-35 AGL; RUN Score is
83 1 Right Foot Shattered 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -10 AGL Physician -80
-15 AGL; RUN Score is
84-85 2 Right Calf, Clean 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = N/A First Aid -30
Right Shin Bone 45 AGL; RUN Score is halved,
86-87 3 0 -5 AGL Physician -80
Shattered No Sprinting, JUMP = 0.
-60 AGL; RUN Score is
88 4 Right Knee Shattered 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -10 AGL Physician -80
-25 AGL; lose 1 BP/rd. from
89 5 Right Calf, Artery 0 N/A Paramedic -40
blood loss
-15 AGL; RUN Score is
90-92 6 Right Thigh, Clean 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = N/A First Aid +30
-25 STR and -60 AGL; RUN
Right Thigh Bone
93-95 7 0 Score is halved, No Sprinting, -10 AGL, -5 STR Physician -80
JUMP = 0.
Right Thigh, Artery -25 AGL; lose 2 BP/rd. from
96-97 8 0 N/A Paramedic -80
Struck blood loss
Right Hip Bone
98-99 9 0 -30 AGL -1 AGL First Aid 0
-60 AGL; RUN Score is
Right Hip Bone
100 10 0 halved, No Sprinting, JUMP = -5 AGL Physician -80
DEFENDING AGAINST ATTACKS. levels are too low. These poor souls may find
themselves at the mercy of a more skilled fighter and
Number of Defensive Bumps based on Skill Level. unable to defend themselves. There is, however, an
Instead of receiving a fixed number of Defensive option for these less than martial characters, which is
Bumps based on how many Actions you spend, under called an “All Out Defense.” A character who spends
the Advanced rules, the number of Defensive Bumps HALF their Actions on defense, receives 1 Defensive
is based on your character’s skill level. Bump, which they can apply to a number of attacks
If the character is defending themselves with a equal to the number of Actions they have spent.
Hand Weapon, use the Weapon: Hand skill to For Example, if a character possesses 4 Actions
determine the number of Defensive Bumps. If the and spends HALF their Actions on an All Out
Character is defending empty handed, use the Hand- Defensive, they can apply one Defensive Bump to
to-Hand Combatives skill. two attacks. The defending character gets to choose
If the Hand-to-Hand Combatives or Weapon: which attacks they want to use their Defensive Bumps
Hand skill the character is using is level 6-10, the against, but they must tell the attacker’s player (or
character gets one Defensive Bump. If the hand-to- GM) before any attack rolls are made. Since this
hand or Weapon: Hand skill the character is using is option only requires HALF of all the character’s
level 11-15, they get two Defensive Bumps. Actions, it can be combined with Actively Dodging.

Weapon or HTH Skill Level No. of Bumps Erin the Eridani is attacking Rigel the Zen
0-5 0 Rigeln. Rigel has 2 Actions and Erin has 4 Actions.
6-10 1 Rigel has no combat skills above level 5, but Erin has
11-15 2 6 levels of Weapon: Hand (Sword) skill. Erin is
attacking Rigel. Since Rigel has no Combat Skills
Defensive Bumps limited to Actions Spent above level 5, he has two options. He can Actively
Once the player determines how many Defensive Dodge Erin’s attacks or try an All Out Defense.
Bumps they receive based on their skill level, they Given that Rigel only has two Actions because of his
must determine how many Actions they want to atrocious Agility score, Rigel’s player opts to spend
spend using their Defensive Bumps. Each Action HALF of all his Actions on an All Out Defense. This
spent allows the character to apply their Defensive gives Rigel one Defensive Bump that he can apply to
Bump(s) to a single attack. one of Erin’s Attacks because he spent one Action on
For example, if the character spends 3 Actions the All Out Defense.
and has a hand-to-hand skill of 7, they can apply one Erin is going to attack Rigel 3 times. Rigel
Defensive Bump to three attacks. The defending gets to select which one out of Erin’s three attacks he
character gets to choose the attacks where they want wants to apply his single Defensive Bump against.
to apply their Defensive Bumps. They must tell the Rigel decides he’s going to take his chances with the
attacker’s player (or GM) before any attack rolls are first and second hit and apply his Defensive Bump
made. against Erin’s third attack. Erin hits with all three
attacks getting hit locations of 4, 3, and 3, in that
The advanced method of determining the order. Rigel can’t do anything about the 4 and the
number of Defensive Bumps based on skill gives the first 3, but he applies his single bump to the last hit
more skilled characters an advantage since they can location of 3. He bumps it to his thicker torso armor
spend single Actions to attack and defend. Less at location number 2.
skilled characters are limited to Actively Dodging Rigel uses his remaining Action to attack Erin.
and/or spending at least HALF their Actions to Erin can spend her last Action to defend herself
defend themselves. against a single attack. With her 6 levels of Weapon:
Hand (Sword) skill, she would be able to apply one
All Out Defense Defensive Bump against Rigel’s attack if she had her
“What if my character doesn’t have a high sword in-hand for defense.
enough skill level to get any bumps?”
Note: Under the basic combat rules, Erin
Under the advanced method of determining the would not have been able to defend herself against
number of Defense Bumps, some characters may not Rigel’s attack because she didn’t have enough
receive any Defensive Bumps because their skill Actions left to spend on a single Defensive Bump
This would cost HALF of all her Actions when using
the basic combat rules.

Optional INITIATIVE Rules

Holding Initiative
Characters can hold their Initiative and choose
not to act during their normal turn in the Combat
Round, as determined by their initiative roll minus
their Initiative Modifier (IM). Characters who are
holding Initiative can still defend against incoming
attacks but cannot attack until they choose to re-enter
combat. Characters who are holding Initiative can
choose to re-enter combat at any time, even when
they are being attacked. This is the only time a
character can interrupt another character’s
Action or attack.
If two or more characters are holding Initiative
and wish to enter combat at the same time, the
character with the lower Initiative score acts first. The
character with the second lowest Initiative score acts
second, and so on. Characters with tied scores act
simultaneously. Characters can NOT hold firing. The shooter can divide their ROF however
Initiative or Actions from one Combat Round to they wish, and there is no requirement to divide the
the next. If a character has not acted by the time all ROF evenly between targets. However, each target
other combatants have completed their initiative, they between (and including) your first target and last
can choose to act then – going last in the Combat target must be assigned at least 1 shot from your
Round – or forgo acting that Combat Round. ROF. You cannot skip targets between your first and
Characters can only hold their initiative once per last target, which makes Spray fire contraindicated
Combat Round. A character cannot hold their when there are friendly forces or civilians in the mix.
initiative, then act, then hold their initiative a second You must assign at least 1 of your ROF to any
time in the same Combat Round. friendly target between enemy targets in a Spray fire
Optional ATTACKING Rules The other caveat to dividing your ROF is that
that you lose 1 ROF for every meter between your
targets. This means, if your character’s weapon has a
Ranged Combat: Fully-Automatic Fire against
ROF of 6 and you want to shoot 2 targets that are
Multiple Targets (Spray Fire)
standing 2 meters apart, you will only have 4 ROF
One advantage of fully automatic weapons is
left to divide between them. The ROF does not have
that you can hold down the trigger and move the
to be evenly divided between the targets. You could
weapon laterally to spray bullets across an area
assign 1 ROF to the first target and 3 ROF to the
striking multiple targets and everything in between.
second target. Again, it is important to remember that
This is a lot like swinging a garden hose from side to
those lost shots that fall between the targets go
side to cover a wider area with the spray, only a lot
somewhere. Your GM will make sure to let you
deadlier. This type of shooting can also be used as
know, usually with sadistic glee, when you’re putting
suppression fire. This encourages enemies to keep
holes in something or someone important behind your
their heads down or risk being shot if they come out
from behind cover to try and counter-attack. The
Once you determine how you’re going to
other advantage of Spray Fire is there is no penalty
divide your ROF between your targets, you need to
for changing targets. Anyone caught in the spray of
bullets is fair game. shoot at them. You must make a single Skill Check
with the appropriate weapon skill to hit each target.
To fire at multiple targets using Burst ROF or
Full ROF the shooter must divide the ROF of the The GM may assign each target its own Combat
weapon between the targets before Modifiers, so just because you hit one target does not
mean you’ll hit the one next to it. For example, that Two-Armed Species
Size Class 1 Mutzachan hiding behind cover is going First Weapon Second Weapon
to be a lot more difficult to hit than that Size Class 8 -25 -50
Ram Python who is oblivious to your attack and
picking his nose. Your GM will let you know what Four-Armed Species
modifiers to apply. First Weapon Second Weapon
If you hit a target, start with the first target -25 -25
stuck and roll the appropriate ROF Die for the ROF Third Weapon Fourth Weapon
you allocated to that target. These Hit Location rolls -50 -50
can NOT be bumped. Apply damage for each hit.
Then repeat this process for each additional target you Optional HIT LOCATIONS Rules
successfully attacked.

Suppression Fire Intentionally Bumping a shot off-the-Body

If you’re trying to get your enemies to keep In some cases you may want to intentionally
their heads down, the process is the same as when miss the target. For example, when using a fluid gun
doing Spread Fire detailed above. Your GM will tell filled with glue, you may want to glue the target to
you how wide (in meters) the area is that you’re that wall behind him by getting a Hit Location of 7.
trying to cover. Next divide the number of shots you In these cases, if you’re sitting on a Hit Location 6,
fired into that area during the Combat Round by the you can increase the value by one for each Bump you
width of the area you’re trying to cover (round down). spend. To get the shot to area 6, you still have to use
If you have a ROF of 5 in an area that is 2 the normal Bumping rules for moving shots through
meters wide, you would divide 5 by 2 for a result of adjacent areas as described above. However, once
2.5. We always round down, so we get end up with 2. you’re on area 6, you can deliberately move the shot
Lastly, multiply your result by 10 to get the off-the-body. This is the identical game mechanic
percentage chance for an enemy to be struck by the used for Defensive Bumps when dealing with hand-
Suppression Fire. To continue our example, we to-hand and hand weapon attacks that we cover
multiply 2 by 10 and end up with 20%. below.
Any enemy who comes into the area covered
by Suppression Fire has a 20% to be struck by your Using improvised melee weapons
suppression fire. If they are struck, roll a number of An improvised weapon is an object that is
d12s equal to the number of shots fired into the area. dangerous but not intended to be a weapon. The
Any roll that is a 7 or higher is a miss. Any roll that classic example is a lead pipe. An improvised weapon
is 6 or lower hits the rolled location unless it is behind has the same stats as the nearest equivalent weapon, a
cover sufficient to stop the attack. These shots may club in the case of a lead pipe, but the Accuracy in
NOT be bumped. each Range Bracket is reduced by 10 (GM
Using Multiple Weapons Simultaneously
Characters may use two weapons Optional DOING DAMAGE Rules
simultaneously if they wish. Characters must divide
their Actions, as they desire, between the two Optional Close Combat Techniques
weapons. Two-armed characters suffer a negative These are optional techniques a character can
modifier to hit with both weapons. Four armed attempt when making hand-to-hand and sometimes
characters only suffer a negative to modifier if they when making hand weapon attacks. Because these
opt to use more than two weapons. This rule applies attacks require that you be in punching or stabbing
whether the character is engaged in ranged combat or distance of your opponent, the attacker must be able
combat with a hand weapon. to reach the other character. This means the
Phentari have brains and eyes that allow them defender must be a distance equal to or less than
to operate each side of their body independently of whatever MOV score the attacker is using
the other side. Phentari suffer no modifiers for using (RUN/JUMP/FLY) in order for the attacker to
two weapons simultaneously and only a -25 modifier reach them.
for the third and fourth weapon.
<INSERT Multiple Weapon Table>
Disarms: Disarms are the most difficult of all This triggers an Opposed check. The
hand-to-hand combat techniques. Only high-level attacker uses their Hand-to-Hand Combatives or
combatants will have any chance to perform this Weapon: Hand attack skill, but instead of using ½
maneuver. To attempt a disarm, the attacker must their AGL as the Link Attribute, they use ½ their
declare they are attempting a disarm and then INT for this attack.
spend the appropriate number of Actions to make The Defender does likewise, replacing ½
a hand-to-hand or Hand weapon attack. their AGL with ½ their INT when defending
This triggers an Opposed check. The against the attack using their hand-to-hand or
attacker uses their Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill Hand weapon skill.
or Weapon: Hand skill. The defender may use their If the attacker wins the opposed check, the
Hand-to-Hand Combatives score, half their Agility, feint reduces their initiative by 2-points the next
or half their Strength in the opposed check. Not Combat Round, gives them one additional
only must the attacker win the opposed check to offensive bump for a single attack, and the
succeed, but they must beat the Defender’s margin defender loses a Defensive Bump when defending
of success by at least 50. If the disarm is against the same attack. If the feint is
unsuccessful, the defender suffers no unsuccessful, the defender suffers no
consequences from the failed disarm attempt. consequences from the failed feint attempt.
If the defender wins the opposed check,
For example, Erin the Eridani attempts to then the attacker has over extended themselves.
disarm Phelonious the Phentari, who is holding a This gives the attacker two penalties in the next
knife. The player declares that Erin is going to Combat Round. The attacker receives a 4-point
attempt a disarm, and spends 1 Action to attack penalty to their Initiative and is unable to use
with her sword. Erin has a percentage chance of Defense Bumps against the first attack made by
success to hit with her sword of 100%. Erin rolls a the character who successfully defended against
40. Erin’s margin of success is 60 (100 – 40 = 60). the feint.
Phelonious has a percentage chance of
success to hit with his knife of 75%. Phelonious rolls Grappling: By spending HALF of all their Actions
a 25. Phelonious’s margin of success is 50 (75 – 25 = for the Combat Round, a character can attempt to
50). We subtract the Defender’s margin of success grapple with another character. If the attacker can
from Attacker’s margin of success. If the resulting reach the defender, an Opposed check takes place.
number is 50 or greater, Erin was successful. In this The attacker user their Hand-to-Hand Combatives
case we subtract Phelonious‘s 50 from Erin’s 60 and skill or half their STR. The defender may use their
end up with 10. (60 - 50 = 10) Even though Erin Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill, half their AGL, or
succeeded in making the opposed check, her margin half their STR in the opposed check
of success did not exceed Phelonious’s by 50 and the If the grapple is successful, the attacking
disarm is unsuccessful as a result (10 < 50 = FAIL). character may either damage the defender, hold
The next round Erin again attempts a them in place, or move them in a direction of their
disarm. Erin rolls an 05, and Phelonious rolls a 35. choice at a speed equal to half of their RUN score.
Erin’s margin of success is 95. Phelonious’s margin The attacker receives a +20 to all attacks that they
of success is 40. Erin again wins the opposed check, make against the defender for the remainder of the
but this time Erin’s margin of success is more than Combat Round. If the attacker opts to damage the
50 points larger than Phelonious’s margin of defender, they do an amount of TEMP damage
success. (95 - 40 = 55 > 50). Erin succeeds in equal to 1 plus their Damage Adjustment (DA).
disarming Phelonious.
Characters who are grappling, can not Actively
Feints: To feint is to fake an attack in hopes of Dodge or defend themselves against hand-to-hand
gaining an advantage by distracting your opponent and Hand weapon attacks by other characters.
during hand- to-hand or hand weapon combat. To Grappling characters are free to attack each other
attempt a feint, the attacker must declare they are during their respective Initiatives.
attempting a feint and then spend the appropriate
number of Actions to make a Hand-to-Hand An attacker who has successfully grappled
Combatives or Weapon: Hand attack. may disengage at any time as a Free Action.
However, this allows the defender to make a Tackle: By spending HALF of all their Actions for
Grapple against their former attacker if they have the Combat Round, a character can attempt to
the Actions available, even if it’s not their tackle another character to the ground. If the
Initiative. attacker can reach the defender, an Opposed check
During their initiative, a defender who has takes place. The attacker does not suffer a Snap
been grappled may attempt to break the grapple Shot penalty for moving while attempting a tackle.
by spending HALF of their Actions. This triggers an The attacker uses their Hand-to-Hand
Opposed check. The defender may use their Hand- Combatives skill or half their STR. The Defender
to-Hand Combatives skill, half their AGL, or half can use their Hand-to-Hand Combatives, half their
their STR in the opposed check. The attacker uses AGL, or half their STR. If the tackle is successful,
their Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill or half their both characters end up on the ground.
STR. If the defender is successful, the grapple is
broken. Knocked off your feet
Characters who are knocked off their feet cannot
MORE CRUNCH RULES: Choke Holds & Actively Dodge. In addition, their RUN score is
Submission Holds reduced to 1 and their JUMP score is reduced to 0,
Once an attacker has successfully grappled until they regain their feet, which requires HALF of
with an opponent, they can transition to a choke all their Actions.
hold or submission hold, which is sometimes
called a joint lock. This requires another opposed MORE CRUNCH RULE: Toppling a larger
check, which is treated identically to a Grapple opponent
opposed check. The attacker must make a called This optional rule can be applied when
shot against the target’s neck or limb at -50. attempting to Grapple, Tackle, Tail Swipe, Throw,
or Trip an opponent. When there is a discrepancy
Choke Hold: If the attacker gets a choke hold, the in size between combatants, the larger opponent
defender loses 2d10 CON per Combat Round for as usually has the advantage. It’s much more difficult
long as the choke is maintained. Maintaining the for a small attacker to grapple, throw, trip, or
choke requires ALL of the attacker’s Actions. A knock over a larger defender. Conversely, it’s
choke hold can be escaped by the defender in the relatively easy for a large attacker to grapple,
same way a grapple is escaped. If a choke hold is throw, trip, or knock over a small defender, once
escaped, the defender will still be grappled but no they get ahold of them. To represent this, subtract
longer choked. Mazians, Python Lizards, and the attacker’s Size Class from the defender’s Size
Raazet can not be put in choke holds, the latter Class. Next, multiply the result by 10 and apply
two due to their armored throats. the result to the penalty for the Defender’s check.
For Example, Fredd the Ram Python
Submission Hold: If the attacker gets a (attacker) successfully lands a tail swipe attack in
submission hold/joint lock, they can force the an attempt to knock over Henry the Mutzachan
defender to do as they command due to pain- (defender). Fredd is Size Class 8 and Henry is Size
induced compliance for as long as the submission Class 1. Normally Henry would have made an AGL
hold is maintained. Maintaining the submission Check with a -20 penalty, but in this case, the GM
hold requires HALF of the attacker’s Actions. If the decides that the size discrepancy merits the use of
defender refuses to comply, the attacker can break this rule. He subtracts the attacker’s Size Class
the limb, which causes an amount of REAL damage (Fredd, SC 8) from the defender’s Size Class
equal to 1 plus the Attacker’s Damage Adjustment (Henry, SC1) and gets -7 for his result (8 – 1 = -7).
(DA). This automatically releases the submission We multiply the result by 10 and end up with -70.
hold. Mazians cannot be placed in submission We add this result to the existing -20 tail swipe
holds, and Eridani may substitute their Body penalty and get a total penalty of -90. Poor Henry
Equilibrium skill for their Hand-to-Hand is doomed. If the roles are reversed, and Henry
Combatives skill when attempting to escape a attempts to throw Fredd a few Combat Rounds
submission hold. later, Fredd would end up reducing the penalty by
70 points, rather than increasing it. This rule only
applies to creatures that have a Size Class 0 to 10.
You’re not going to throw a suit of Ultra Armor, no 150 7.5
matter how big you are.
For example, Fredd the Ram (STR 150x2) grabs
Tail Swipe Henry the Mutzachan (SC1) and throws him as hard
The Python races have the ability to knock as he can. Fredd can throw Henry 13m! (150/20 =
opponents off their feet using a tail swipe. By 7.5m. 7.5 – 1 for Henry’s SC = 6.5. 6.5 x 2 STR
spending HALF of all their Actions for the Combat Strength multiplier = 13m).
Round, a Pythonian character can attempt to bash The Defender also suffers 2d4 damage, plus the
another character’s feet out from under them attacker’s Damage Adjustment. This damage is
using their tail, knocking them to the ground. divided between two locations of the attacker’s
If the Pythonian can reach the defender, an choosing. If the Defender has Defensive Bumps
Opposed check takes place. The attacker uses their available, they can use them normally. Characters
Hand-to-Hand Combatives skill or half their AGL to with the Acrobatics skill can also attempt to avoid
make the attack. The attacking Pythonian receives falling damage (see Acrobatic skill).
a -20 to this attack.
The Defender can use their Hand-to-Hand MORE CRUNCH RULE: Counter Attack
Combatives skill or half their AGL to defend If a character attempts one of the optional
against the attack. If the tail swipe is successful, techniques listed here and fails, the defending
the defender ends up on the ground. character may attempt the same optional technique
against their attacker, if they have the Actions
Throw: By spending HALF of all their Actions for available. They receive a bonus equal to the amount
the Combat Round, a character can attempt to by which the attacker ‘s character failed their check.
throw another character to the ground. The throw
can take the form of a foot sweep, leg reap, push,
or traditional Judo throw. If the attacker can reach
the defender, an Opposed check takes place. The
attacker users their Hand-to-Hand Combatives
skill or half their STR. The defender may use their
Hand-to-Hand Combatives, half their AGL, or half
their STR in the opposed check
If the throw is successful, the defender ends
up on the ground. The attacker can choose what
direction to throw the defender. The defender can
be thrown a distance, in meters, equal to the
1/20th of the attackers STR, minus the Defender’s
Size Class. There is a minimum distance of 1m. We
have provided a handy table so you don’t have to
do the math. If the attacker has a STR multiplier,
simply multiply the distance the defender is
thrown by the STR multiplier.

STR Throw Distance (m) before subtracting Defender’s Size Class

10 1
20 1
30 1.5
40 2
50 2.5
60 3
70 3.5
80 4
90 4.5
100 5
110 5.5
120 6
130 6.5
140 7
WOUND RECOVERY, There are some downsides to BRIs. First, a
massive dose BRI, called a mBRI, is required to heal
AGGRESSION & ECR critical injuries (anything on the Critical Hit table),
CHECKS though even a mBRI will not heal damage to a spinal
cord. mBRIs do not realign bones before healing the
wound, and very precise alignment of the spine is
Characters heal Body Points at a rate equal to
required to properly align both ends of a spinal cord
1/10th of their CON score (rounded down) per month.
before regeneration will fix the injury.
Critical Hits take four times as long as to heal as other
Second, because of the aforementioned
wounds. If a Critical Hit lists a specific recovery time,
inability to set bones, a mBRI will repair bones in
it trumps the rules listed here.
whatever position they happen to be in when it is
administered. For instance, if you have a compound
Heal Rate
fracture of the femur, and you take a mBRI, you’ll
(without Medical end up with a bone sticking out of your leg, which is
Recovery Rate (BP/month) Assistance) now completely healed. This can be inconvenient,
Non-Critical Injury CON/10 and is real pain in the ass for your medic to fix. That’s
Critical Hit CON/40 why it’s always a good idea to have your corpsman or
Modifiers Rate Increase Zen set broken bones or at least put them roughly
TL3 Hospital +4 BP/Month
where they’re supposed to be before administering a
TL4 Hospital +16 BP/Month
TL5 Hospital +32 BP/Month
TL6 Hospital +240 BP/Month
Pushing the pieces of a fractured bone into
Heal Rate proper alignment before administering a mBRI
Wound 2 10 12 15 (without medical requires manual manipulation of the bone. In other
Type 5 50 75 0 5 0 assistance) words, the medic grabs the broken limb and starts
2 5 7 10 12 15 BP/Month pushing things around. This is likely very painful for
Crit 0.5 1 1 2 3 3 BP/Month the injured party, who is required to make a CON
check at -30 for every Combat Round the medic is
Facility Wound repositioning the bones. Failure indicates the
Type Type CONSTITUTION character loses consciousness.
25 50 75 100 125 150
TL3 Non-Crit 1 2 2 3 4 4
Heal Rate (BP/WEEK.)

Hospital Critical 1 1 1 1 1 1 If a mBRI is administered before aligning

TL4 Non-Crit 4 5 5 6 7 7 fractures, any TEMP Effects listed for the bone-
Hospital Critical 4 4 4 4 4 4 related Critical Hit become permanent, until the bone
TL5 Non-Crit 8 9 9 10 11 11
Hospital Critical 8 8 8 8 8 8 is rebroken and properly healed.
TL6 Non-Crit 60 61 61 62 63 63
Hospital Critical 60 60 60 60 60 60 Clean Break: A clean break requires a successful
First Aid or Paramedic skill with a -20 penalty to
properly set. Failure indicates the bone was not
Body Rehabilitation Injection: The unofficial motto properly aligned when the mBRI was administered,
of the infantry corpsman is “Blessed be the BRI.” and the character loses 1d4 AGL until the bone is
Perhaps the greatest piece of medical technology rebroken and properly repaired. Re-positioning the
every developed by any species, the Body bones requires 2 Combat Rounds after a wound
Rehabilitation Injection (BRI) can rapidly regenerate inspection has been made.
and repair lost or damaged tissue. It can’t regrow
new limbs or set broken bones, but that is about the Messy Break: A messy break requires a successful
extent of their limitations. Massive doses of BRIs can Paramedic skill with a -50 penalty to properly set.
even be used to jumpstart a recently killed soldier Failure indicates that the bone was not properly
from the dead. Usually the first thing a resuscitated aligned when the mBRI was administered, and the
grunt hears is his sergeant yelling, “I did not give you character loses 1d6 AGL until the bone is rebroken
permission to die!” and properly repaired. Re-positioning the bones
requires 4 Combat Rounds after a wound inspection same day, the chance increases by 5%. Each
has been made. additional mBRI increases the chance by 10%. If the
character overdoses, they begin to lose 1 point of
Shattered: A shattered bone requires a successful Constitution per day as their Body begins to
Paramedic skill with a -80 penalty to place the deteriorate. The character also begins to suffer
fragments in a close approximation of their original tremors, vomiting, chills, weakness, and muscle
location. A Shattered bone cannot be properly spasms. In addition to the CON loss, the character’s
repaired in the field. Even a successful Paramedic MD and STR all drop by 25 points until the character
skill check results in the character losing 1d4 AGL undergoes rehabilitation procedures.
until the bone is rebroken and properly repaired. A Taking an additional BRI or mBRI after an
failed skill check indicates the bone fragments were overdoes has occurred, will eliminate the MD an STR
poorly repositioned when the mBRI was penalties for one day, but increase the CON loss by an
administered, and the character loses 2d4 AGL until additional 1 point per day, which is permanently lost
the bone is rebroken and properly repaired. Re- and can not be recovered in rehab.
positioning the bones requires 6 Combat Rounds after Rehabilitation costs between 4,000-8,000
a wound inspection has been made. credits per week and requires a number of days equal
to the CON lost before treatment. CON is regained at
If a field surgery kit or combat support hospital is the rate of 1 point per day during rehab.
available and there is time to perform surgery, the
Physician skill may be used instead of Paramedic. A AGGRESSION CHECKS
successful skill check using the Physician skill means 101: Berserking, Suicidal, and Fleeing in Terror
no AGL penalties are incurred when successfully Whenever there is a chance a character may
repairing a shattered bone. panic or fly into a rage, the GM may require that they
make an Aggression check. Typical situations where
LESS CRUNCH RULE – BRIs Heal Broken a GM may require an Aggression check include:
Bones & Spinal Cords • Being taunted by an opponent;
If the GM doesn’t want to mess around with • Sustaining injury (loss of BP or a critical hit);
setting broken bones before administering BRIs, then • Facing what the character would perceive as a
just assume a mBRI will heal bone fractures and suicidal situation;
spinal injuries properly when administered.
• Witnessing something traumatic to the
Finally, taking too many BRIs can begin to
• Severely frustrated;
have negative effects on your body. Soldiers who
have taken too many BRIs in a short period can • Facing down an enemy charge;
develop the shakes. Tremors are just one of many • Other circumstances determined by your
symptoms of BRI overdoses, but they are usually the Game Master.
first to occur.
Because taking additional BRIs after you have Failing an Aggression Check – Panic, Flee, or
overdosed exacerbates the deterioration of the Freeze
soldier’s body, getting the shakes is grounds for When the GM decides that a character is faced
removal from combat duty on medical grounds. with a situation where they panic or flee, they must
There is too great a risk that the solder might be make an Aggression check. Characters who fail their
injured in combat duty, necessitating another BRI, Aggression check will panic or flee and are unable to
which would further degrade their condition. In take any Actions that don’t involve running away or
addition, some soldiers have been known to continue gibbering like an idiot. The player gets to choose
taking BRIs to mask their symptoms rather than whether the character panics or flees. A character who
abandon their comrades in arms. As a result, the first fails their Aggression check and rolls a 95 or higher
sign of the shakes will have your corpsman pulling freezes and can not even spend Actions to defend
you off the line and to the nearest M.A.S.H. themselves.

BRI Overdose: If a character takes 2 BRIs, or 1 Succeeding by a Large Margin – Berserk &
MRI, in a single day they have 10% chance to Suicidal
overdose. For each additional BRI they take in the
Characters who have a very high Aggression character to incur a higher penalty for their AGG
score may react in the opposite way to something that check.
frightens, harms, angers, or frustrates them. They rush In addition, characters with the Military
headlong toward the source of the agitation (berserk), Leadership skill may attempt to rally timid characters,
sometimes with no regard for their own safety rein in aggressive characters, and talk down
(suicidal). characters who have panicked or become enraged.
When the GM decides that a character is faced See the Military Leadership skill for more
with a situation where they become enraged, they information. Similarly, characters with Persuasion
must make an Aggression check. When making an may attempt to reason with aggressive characters to
Aggression check, if a character’s margin of success prevent them from going Berserk or Suicidal. See
is 80 or more, they go Berserk. If a character’s Persuasion skill.
margin of success is 110 or better, they become
enraged to the point of being Suicidal instead of going Effects of Going Berserk & Suicidal
berserk. Suicidal always trumps Berserk. What happens when a character goes Berserk
or Suicidal? The enraged character will attack in the
Example: Henry the Mutzachan has an Aggression most “hands on” and direct manner available, without
score of 35. Fredd the Ram has an Aggression score thought of injury or death. There is no thought or
of 130. Henry and Fredd are facing down a charging cleverness involved. Typically, this means bashing
horde of hostile aliens. The GM decides that Henry something repeatedly with a hand weapon, but the
needs to make a panic check, and Fredd needs to character will use whatever they have in hand. The
make a Berserk/Suicidal check. They both make an effects of going Berserk or Suicidal are listed below.
Aggression check. Henry rolls a 65. Because that’s
above his Aggression score of 35, Henry fails his Effects of going Berserk or Suicidal
check, and Henry’s player decides that he’s going to • If an opponent incited the character's rage, the
babble incoherently about their chances for survival. enraged character will attack that opponent first.
If Henry had been a combat veteran, he would have • If the opponent that incited the character's rage is
received a +40 bonus to his Aggression, raising it to unreachable, the character will attack the nearest
75 when making panic checks. In that case, the roll of target, friend or foe.
65 would have been sufficient for Henry to keep his • Berserk and Suicidal characters will attack a target
cool. until it is dead or unconscious. They may attack
Fredd has a 130 AGG, so if he rolls under 50 other characters that come into their field of vision
(130 - 80 = 50), he goes berserk. If he rolls under 20 if they are in reach of the weapons the character has
(130 – 110 = 20), he goes suicidal. Fredd’s player in hand. If there is only a single available target the
rolls a 15. Fredd rolled lower than a 50 so he would character will attack it until it is dead or destroyed.
definitely go Berserk. Because Fredd also rolled low • Berserk and Suicidal characters attack with
enough to go Suicidal, he goes Suicidal instead of whatever they have in hand at the time they become
Berserk. Fredd bellows in rage and charges directly enraged.
at the alien horde wielding poor Henry as a club. • Actions: The character’s number of Actions
increases one level. For example: 1/2 becomes 2/4,
Becoming combat hardened, getting psyched up, 2/4 becomes 3/6, 3/6 becomes 4/8, and 4/8
or talked down. becomes 5/10.
Characters who have been exposed to a • Hand Weapons: If using a hand weapon or
similar situation or opponent before and survived the fighting empty handed, the character’s Damage
encounter may lower the difficulty of the Aggression Adjustment is doubled.
check by one level. Combat veterans rarely panic in • Ranged Weapons: A Berserk or Suicidal character
combat. Since most Aggression checks are using a ranged weapon will fire it as fast as possible,
performed with an Average (0%) modifier, lowering with no regard for ammunition or power
the difficulty results in an Easy (+40) modifier. consumption.
Characters who have been in combat before • If the character has a weapon capable of fully
and have Aggression scores of 60 or higher are automatic fire, they will attempt to hose down as
incapable of panicking under normal many targets as possible (Full Auto – Spread fire)
circumstances (unless they roll 00). Some Matrices until they are out of ammo.
and chemical/biological weapons can cause the
• Matrices: Berserk or Suicidal characters that have Once someone has gone Berserk, they will not
matrices will only use matrices that directly stop until they are unconscious or dead. If there are no
damage opponents and can be completely living targets left to attack, the character will continue
generated in a single Combat Round or less. to pummel the lifeless corpse of the last person they
• Skill Checks: Skill checks, other than physical killed. Characters will not listen to reason or logic and
skills or combat skills, are usually not possible probably won’t even hear most attempts at
(GM Discretion), though repeatedly driving a communication with them.
vehicle back and forth over an enemy is not If there was a single source of agitation that
unheard of. drove the character into a Berserk or Suicidal state
• Fighting past zero Body Points: When a and the character kills or destroys it, they may make
Character goes Berserk or Suicidal roll a d6. The an INT to realize this. Success indicates the character
character remains conscious and continue to fight understands they have vanquished the target of their
into negative Body Points, until they reach the rage, and they character will calm down in 1d4
value rolled on the d6. So, if you rolled a 5, your Combat Rounds.
Berserk or Suicidal character will fight until they Characters who are Berserk or Suicidal can be
reach -5 Body Points. talked down by characters using the Military
Leadership skill, if the Berserk or Suicidal character
The following effects apply only to characters who are is or was in the military. The ingrained training to
Suicidal and are in addition to the above-listed effects. follow orders of a superior officer is strong.
If there are any contradictions, the effects listed below Each round the Character is Berserk or
always trump the effects listed above for Suicidal Suicidal, they must make a Constitution check.
characters. Failure indicates they have exhausted themselves.
They continue to attack in their exhausted state, but
Effects of going Suicidal their number of Actions is reduced by one level (4/8
• Characters who are Suicidal are incapable of becomes 3/6, 3/6 becomes 2/4, and 2/4 becomes 1/2
blocking attacks or Actively Dodging. etc.) to a minimum of 1/2, and any Damage
Adjustment is reduced by half.
How Long Does Berserk Last?
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION RESISTANCE ROLLS failed ECR check. Only if the damage exhausts the
(ECR): protection the armor offers will the character suffer
Vital Statistics tell us a lot about a particular damage.
species. We know Ram Pythons are stronger than For attacks with Damage Type S (Chemical
humans. We know Cizeracks are more agile than Ram and biological attacks & matrix-based attacks), a
Pythons. We can tell that Mutzachans are very smart. failed ECR means the character will suffer the effects
What they don’t tell us is how each of the unique of the attack, and the armor will be unaffected.
species fares in certain environments or when dealing
with specific conditions that goes beyond a purely ECRs denoted as Immune (I)
physical injury. A lifeform or armored suit with the immune
Environmental Condition Resistance (ECR) symbol (‘I’) next to its ECR will be unaffected by any
values determine a species’ resistance or vulnerability attack or condition that requires the target to make an
to specified environments or conditions. Do ECR of that type. In addition, the creature or armor is
Pythonians like cold? No, they don’t. Are also immune to weapon attacks that do damage
Mutzachans easily harmed by electrical shock? No, through a mechanism that would be covered by that
they aren’t. ECR type, whether the attack requires an ECR or not.
For example, a creature with a COLD ECR of
ECR Checks & Armor ‘I’ would suffer no damage from frost weaponry. Nor
If you are wearing armor when struck by an would it have to make a COLD ECR anytime an
attack that requires an ECR, you may always environmental condition would require other
substitute your Armor’s ECR for the character’s characters to make a COLD ECR… say from being
identical ECR, unless specifically stated otherwise. trapped naked on the arctic tundra. Similarly, a
You have to substitute the same ECR. You could not, creature with a FIRE ECR of ‘I’ could gleefully stand
for example, substitute your armor’s ELE ECR for in hot lava all day long and never have to make a
your character’s BIO SMR. You could, however, FIRE ECR check. Nor would it take any damage from
substitute your armor’s ELE ECR for your character’s flamethrowers, beam weaponry, and plasma-based
ELE ECR. attacks.
For example, your character has an ELE ECR
of 50. Your character is currently wearing armor with ECR Rechecks
its own ELE ECR of 75. If you’re hit by a weapon Characters that fail their initial ECR can still
that requires you to make an ELE ECR check while recover before the end of the effect’s duration by
wearing your armor, you would have to roll under 75 making an ECR re-check. An ECR re-check allows
to succeed - assuming there was no penalty to the the character to reroll their ECR as a Free Action.
check. Success indicates that the effects and penalties
imposed on the character by the initial ECR check
ECR Checks & Armor with Zero Integrity: If failure cease.
any armor section has its Armor Integrity The higher the ECR, the more resistant the
reduced to zero, the character may no longer character has to those types of attacks and the more
substitute the Armor’s ECRs for their own. This likely they will be able to break free of any lingering
is for attacks that strike the section with zero effects. Consult the table below to determine the
integrity or against attacks that are frequency of re-checks:
environmental in nature (exposure to extreme
temperatures) or area affect (gas attacks). ECR Value ECR Re-Check Frequency
01-50 Once every THREE Combat Rounds
ECR Check Failure when in Armor 51-100 Once every TWO Combat Rounds
What happens if your character fails an ECR 101-150 Once per Combat Round
check while wearing armor? For the vast majority of
attacks (Types A, T, T.A., & P), the armor will still Re-checks are only allowed for effects where
provide protection for the character, with the suit the listed duration is not "Instant." All ECR re-checks
taking the damage instead of the character from the suffer the same penalties as the initial ECR check.
Any damage caused by an ECR check failure, which Penalty: The Penalty is the number subtracted from
occurred prior to a successful recheck, is not undone. the specified ECR before you roll. If the Penalty
Failure to make an ECR re-check means the character listed is positive, it is actually a bonus, which is added
is still under the effects triggered by the initial ECR to your character’s ECR before rolling.
check failure and must wait until their next If the ECR check penalty says “-Dam,” then
opportunity to make an ECR re-check to try again. the penalty for the ECR check is the amount of
damage done in the initial attack.
Checks Damage: This is the damage caused by a failed ECR
This rule replaces the ECR Re-Check rules. check. This need not be a loss of Body Points.
Rather than allowing a Re-check to completely negate Damage from failed ECRs can also result in lowered
the ill-effects of a prior failed ECR check, some Statistics or other similar reductions. Sometimes the
Game Masters may opt to have the character break damage listed is per increment of time (Example: 1d6
free from a long duration effect only momentarily. BP/hr.) if the effect has a Duration. Common Damage
Just like Re-checks, this rule only applies if effects include;
the character fails their initial ECR against an ECR • Loss of Body Points
effect where the listed duration is not "Instant." • Lowering or Statistics
However, under the Continuous ECR Check rule, the • Lowering or ECRs
character is allowed to make an ECR check every • Reduction of MOV scores
Combat Round during their Initiative. Success • Reduction or loss of Actions
indicates that the character shakes off the effects of • Stat or Skill Check penalties
the initial failed ECR check for the remainder of the
Combat Round, though any prior damage caused by Delay: Sometimes a certain amount of time will pass
the failed ECR check is not undone. At the end of the before the character feels the ill effects of failing their
Combat Round, the effects resume and continue until ECR check. Only in the movies does a victim
the duration elapses. Each Combat Round the immediately feel the effects of being poisoned or
character successfully makes an ECR, they shake off catching a disease. Sometimes hours or days will pass
the effects. This allows the character to experience before the character suffers the damage listed for
moments of lucidity or consciousness, depending on failing the ECR check.
the ECR Effect. In addition, if the damage is triggered by some
event, it will be listed in the Delay column. For
ECR EFFECT NOTATION example, your character may not suffer any physical
When an attack calls for an ECR check, we damage until they pull that mind controlling slug off
use a short hand notation to describe the check. ECR the side their head.
Effect notations will list effect name first, followed by
information in parentheses that summarizes the check, Duration: This indicates the how long the ill effects
including which ECR to use, penalties, and results of will last for failing an ECR. Characters will continue
failure. to suffer the listed damage for the Duration listed. If a
For example, an ECR effect of Duration is listed, the Damage will specify how often
“UNCONSCIOU (BIO@+25; May take no Actions)” it is applied to the target.
would indicate the target must make a Biological For example, an effect with a Duration of
ECR, with a +25 modifier (bonus). Failure to make 1d10 minutes might indicate the damage is 1d8
this ECR check indicates the character has been BP/min. This means the character would suffer 1d8
rendered unconscious and is unable to take any Body Points worth of damage every minute until the
Actions. effect’s duration ends. If no Duration is listed or if
The summary information will always be the Duration is “Instant”, no additional damage is
listed in this order: applied to the target after the initial attack.
EFFECT NAME (ECR@Penalty; Damage, Delay; Note: It is important to note that not all of those
Duration of effect)[Additional Helper Text or effects will be present in every ECR summary. For
Damage Type] example, many failed ECRs do not result in the
character taking damage. In addition, it important to skin-to-skin contact, inhaled, or by consuming
note that that many ECR checks are triggered after a contaminated foods. Poisons typically have a
successful physical attack. Duration, Delay, and Damage listed per unit of time


The list of common ECR effects below is not Duration; ECR Frequency): Venoms are treated
exhaustive. Other effects not listed below may be identically to poisons, except that they are always
triggered by a failed ECR check, and your GM may injected. If the target did not have their Body Points
come up with effects not listed. However, we have reduced in the attack this effect is associated with,
attempted to list the most common effects for ECR then there is no need to make an ECR.
checks. It is important to note that the same effect can
be associated with more than one ECR. For example,
a PARALYSIS effect might be caused by failing a Chemical ECR Effects
CORROSIVE (CHEM@ECR Penalty; Damage,
Biological ECR Effects Delay, Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type
T.A.]: The target is exposed to a strong acid. Victims
CONTROL (BIO@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, must make a CHEM ECR check at the listed penalty.
Duration; ECR Frequency): A character that fails a If the ECR check penalty says “-Dam,” then the
BIO ECR with this effect loses their free will and is penalty for the check is the amount of damage done in
subject to control by an outside force or individual. the initial attack. Failure indicates that the target
Unlike the MEN (Enslave) effect, this effect is the suffers the damage listed directly to Body Points
result of a physical rewiring of the victim’s body or (BP), or Integrity (IN) if they are wearing armor.
an invasion by a controlling organism. Threshold is ignored. A successful CHEM ECR
Failure of the ECR Check indicates the victim indicates that the target suffers no damage. Exposure
will do whatever the controller commands, including to highly caustic substances is treated identically to
suicide. The method used to communicate with the the manner detailed above, though typically the
victim will be described in the attack description. Damage Type is S.
Victims are entitled to make another BIO ECR check
to break free each time they are given a new TOXIN (CHEM@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,
command if no ECR Frequency is listed. Duration; ECR Frequency): The target must make a
Due to the invasive nature of this type of Chemical ECR if they come into contact with the
control, victims are often damaged during the control source of this effect. Toxins can be delivered via
and/or when the source of the control is initiated, skin-to-skin contact, inhaled, or by being consumed.
removed, or both. Targets who fail their ECR feel the effects after an
Victims may be freed from control if they amount of time equal to the listed Delay. The toxin
receive proper medical treatment at a TL4 or higher causes the amount of damage listed in the
hospital facility, are affected by certain Zen and parenthetical. Typically, toxins cause damage per unit
Chatilian matrices (GM Discretion), or are moved out of time if the target fails their CHEM ECR.
of the area of the effect (if any).
DISEASE (BIO@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, Damage, Delay, Duration; ECR Frequency):
Duration; ECR Frequency): This effect is identical Usually triggered by a Matrix-based attack, this effect
to the POISON effect (see below) only it’s caused by forces the target to make a Chemical ECR at the listed
exposure to a living micro-organism. In addition, the penalty or drift off into a semi-comatose state.
delay tends to be much longer, and the damage Affected persons are rendered immobile and can take
usually results in a lowering of Statistics. no Actions until the duration elapses. It is nearly
impossible to rouse the affected individuals without
POISON (BIO@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, taking them out of the area of effect (if any).
Duration; ECR Frequency): The target must make a Victims may be revived if they receive proper
Biological ECR if they come into contact with the medical treatment at a TL3 or higher hospital facility,
source of this effect. Poisons can be delivered via are affected by certain Zen and Chatilian matrices
(GM Discretion), or are moved out of the area of
effect. Fire ECR Effects

Cold ECR Effects BURN (FIRE@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,

Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type T]: The
FREEZE (COLD@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, character is exposed to an extreme, but localized,
Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type T]: The temperature increase. BURN effects typically have
character is exposed to an extreme, but localized, their penalty listed as “-Dam,” which indicates the
temperature drop. FREEZE effects typically have penalty for the ECR check is the amount of damage
their penalty listed as “-Dam,” which indicates the done in the attack. Failure on the ECR check indicates
penalty for the ECR check is the amount of damage that the target suffers the listed damage. BURN
done in the initial attack. attacks usually affect multiple Body Sections and
Failure on the ECR check indicates that the have a Duration. Damage is either to Body Points or
target suffers the listed damage. Typically, damage is Absorption, if armor is worn.
both a loss of Agility, as things freeze solid, as well a
physical damage, either to Body Points or Absorption, Mental ECR Effects
if armor is worn.
CATATONIA (MEN@ECR Penalty; Damage,
Delay, Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type
Electrical ECR Effects S]: Persons who fail their Mental ECR become
catatonic for the listed duration, unable to move or
SHORT (ELE@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, take any Actions. Affected persons who do not
Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type T]: receive medical attention may expire from lack of
SHORT effects typically have their penalty listed as food and water. Damage is usually a total loss of all
“-Dam,” which indicates the penalty for the ECR Actions and a reduction of all MOV scores to 0 for
check is the amount of damage done in the initial the Duration of the effect.
attack. Victims may be revived if they receive proper
If the character fails their ELE ECR check, medical treatment at a TL4 or higher hospital facility,
Damage is applied to Absorption in the section struck are affected by certain Zen and Chatilian matrices
on armored characters or directly to Body Points on (GM Discretion), or are moved out of the area of
unarmored characters. effect.
Each time a weapon or device is struck by
SHORT effect, it must make an immediate ENSLAVE (MEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,
Malfunction roll, with the ECR Penalty listed added Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]: This
to the die roll result. Failure indicates the device is is usually the result of a Matrix-based attack. Victims
rendered non-functional until repaired. Success of the ENSLAVE effect must make a Mental ECR
indicates the device is unaffected. with the listed penalty. Failure indicates the victim
When an armored suit fails its ELE ECR check, will do whatever the attacker requests, short of
the target must immediately roll on the armor option suicide. The method used to communicate orders to
table for the section struck. The option indicated by the victim will be described in the attack description.
the roll, if any, is destroyed. Victims are usually entitled to make another
Mental ECR check to break free each time they are
LIFE SAP (ELE@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, given a new command. Victims may be freed from
Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]: This the control if they receive proper medical treatment at
attack literally sucks the electrical energy right out of a TL4 or higher hospital facility, are affected by
your body. Since the bodies of most living creatures certain Zen and Chatilian matrices (GM Discretion),
rely on some form of electrical impulse to function, or are moved out of the area of effect (if applicable).
this does bad things to most organic and artificial
beings. MESMERIZE (MEN@ECR Penalty; Damage,
The character must make a successful ELE Delay, Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type
ECR with the listed ECR Penalty or suffer Damage S] This is a lesser version of the CATATONIA effect.
listed. Those that fail their Mental ECR are stupefied, unable
to do anything but stand there slack jawed in avoid hearing loss. Failure indicates your Hearing
astonishment. The damage is typically an increase in Modifier is reduced by the listed amount for the listed
the difficulty of all Statistic checks and Skill checks, Duration. If the duration is listed as ‘Perm,’ then the
rather than a loss of Actions. Typically, skill check Hearing Modifier reduction is permanent. Rolling a
difficulty is increased by two levels (Easy becomes “double zodd” (00) on your ECR check also indicates
Difficult, Difficult becomes Nearly Impossible, etc.), the loss is permanent.
but the exact penalty will be listed in the description. Optional: A character’s current Hearing
Though a reduction of MOV scores to 0 is also modifier is added to the listed ECR penalty.
common. Characters with better hearing are more likely to be
Victims may be freed from the effect if they affected.
receive proper medical treatment at a TL3 or higher
hospital facility, are affected by certain Zen and FLASH (SEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,
Chatilian matrices (GM Discretion), or are moved out Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]: Any
of the area of effect (if applicable). bright light or flash that blinds the target calls for
Sensory ECR Check at the listed penalty to avoid
PARALYSIS (MEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, blindness.
Delay, Duration; ECR Frequency). Victims of the Failure indicates your Vision Modifier is
PARALYSIS effect must make a Mental ECR with reduced by the specified Damage amount for the
the listed penalty. Failure indicates the victim is listed Duration. If the duration is listed as ‘Perm,’
paralyzed and unable to move. Damage is typically then the character’s Visual Modifier reduction is
listed as a reduction of Actions and/or AGL, and a permanent. Rolling a “double zodd” (00) on your
reduction of MOV scores. ECR check also indicates the loss is permanent.
This effect can require a BIO ECR rather than Optional: A character’s current Visual modifier is
a MEN ECR. Always be sure to check the added to the listed ECR penalty. Characters with
description. better vision are more likely to be affected.

Radiation ECR Effects NAUSEA (SEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,

Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]:
RADIATION SICKNESS (RAD@ECR Penalty; Nausea is essentially a STUN effect that makes it
Damage, Delay, Duration; ECR more difficult for the character to successfully attempt
Frequency)[Damage Type S]: Characters who fail skill checks and attribute checks. Victims who fail
their Radiation ECR will develop radiation sickness. their Sensory ECR at the listed ECR Penalty develop
Radiation sickness typically causes the character to headache, dizziness, and vomit violently for the
lose two points of Constitution and one point of duration listed. Damage for the Nausea effect is
Strength per day. typically an increase in the difficulty of all Statistic
checks and Skill checks by two levels.
Treating radiation poisoning requires a Physician skill Those who roll double-zodd (00) when
check at a Difficult (-50) penalty. The difficulty making their ECR heave until they pass out,
increases by 10% for every two days that the radiation remaining unconscious for a length of time equal to
sickness has gone untreated. Alternatively, a player 4d10 Combat Rounds minus Constitution ECR
may attempt to treat the condition using Rad Serum. Bonus.
If successful, Rad Serum stops the further effects of Optional: A character’s current Hearing or
the radiation sickness but does not heal prior damage Smell modifier is added to the listed ECR penalty.
the character sustained. Mutzachans are immune to Characters with better hearing (sonic attacks) or a
radiation sickness. better sense of smell (noxious gas) are more likely to
be affected. It is the GM’s discretion on which
Sensory ECR Effects Sensory Modifier to use as a penalty.

DEAFEN (SEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, STUN (SEN@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay,
Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]: Any Duration; ECR Frequency)[Damage Type S]:
very loud noise can potentially deafen characters who Some frequencies of sound at sufficient amplitude can
must make a Sensory ECR at the listed penalty to have concussive effects, physically stunning
characters in the vicinity. Victims of these types of not sure what ECR to use, just have the target make a
attacks are entitled to a Sensory ECR. Those that fail BIO ECR check. Keep in mind that this check is for
their Sensory ECR are physically stunned, unable to physical damage to the eyes of the target. If the target
move or take any Actions for the Duration of the is being blinded by a bright flash of light, that’s the
effect. Stunning attacks may also do damage if the ‘Flash’ effect and requires a SEN ECR.
ECR is failed. Sometimes this damage is per unit of The ECR penalty for this effect is always
time, and in other instances the character only takes equal to the damage done in the attack. The more
damage once, after an ECR is failed. damage the attack does, the more likely it is to
This effect can require a MEN ECR rather damage the eyes. The Damage is always a reduction
than a SEN ECR. Always be sure to check the of your character’s Visual Modifier equal to the
description. amount of damage done by the attack. The Duration
Optional: A character’s current Hearing is always permanent.
modifier is added to the listed ECR penalty.
Characters with better hearing are more likely to be A Visual Mod. of -30 to -50 indicates your
affected. character is legally blind and is unable to read, drive,
or pilot vehicles. They can still move about without
difficulty. A Visual Mod. of -50 to -99 indicates your
Other ECR Effects character is severely visual impaired and will have
difficulty even walking around without running into
BLIND (varies@ECR Penalty; Damage, Delay, objects. A Visual Mod. of -100 or more indicates your
Duration; ECR Frequency): Any attack that makes character is completely blind.
a called shot at the target’s unprotected eyes in an A Hearing Mod. of -30 to -50 indicates your
attempt to physically damage them may require an character is hearing impaired, and you may have to
ECR check to avoid the ‘Blind’ effect. The Blind repeat yourself or speak loudly when talking to them.
ECR effect is unique because the ECR used for the A Hearing Mod. of -50 to -99 indicates your character
check is dependent on the attack type used. If a mob is severely hearing impaired and can not hear without
boss throws acid in your eyes, you’ll need to make a the aid of assistive technology. The character will still
CHEM ECR to avoid blindness. If an alien creature be aware of very loud noises, like gunfire, but will not
spits venom in your eyes, you’ll need to make a BIO be able discern anything beyond the fact something
ECR to avoid blindness. If you get hit in the face very loud is nearby. A Hearing Mod. of -100 or more
with a blast of electricity, you’ll need to make an ELE indicates your character is completely deaf and can
ECR to avoid blindness, and so on. If your GM is not hear at all.
THE BASICS: THRESHOLD RATING, Threshold Rating Summary:
ABSORPTION, AND STRUCTURAL 1) Represents the “hard outer shell” of an armored
2) Threshold Rating not usually reduced during
Hit Locations combat;
A suit of armor is broken down into sections 3) Threshold Rating the same for each section of the
that mirror the Body Sections of a character: head, armored suit;
arms, legs, and torso. Attacks that would strike a 4) Helms often have a higher Threshold Rating than
specific area of character, instead strike the armor a single section equivalently priced suit of armor;
worn over that area, if any is present. The neck is 5) Can be bypassed by some weapons.
considered part of the head section. Open face 6) If Integrity in a section is reduced to 0, Threshold
helmets don’t protect your face!" Rating in that same section is also reduced to 0.

THRESHOLD RATING (THR) Example: Henry the Mutzachan is wearing a suit of

Think of an armored suit’s Threshold Rating AKMB armor that has a Threshold Rating of 4. A
as representative of the hard, outer shell of the armor. bullet strikes the armor. Damage is rolled with a
The higher the Threshold Rating, the tougher the result of 3 points. The bullet ricochets off the armor.
outer shell. Suits with high Threshold Ratings are
good at deflecting attacks designed to punch holes in Example: The same AKMB suit, with its Threshold
armor, like bullets and laser beams. Rating of 4, is struck by another bullet in the right
arm. The bullet does 6 points of damage. The bullet
How does the Threshold Rating work? penetrates the armor. All penetration damage is
The Threshold Rating is the amount of reduced by the value of the Threshold Rating before
damage that the armor stops per attack when dealing being applied. Thus, the bullet fired did 6 points of
with attacks that try to punch through the damage only does 2 points of damage (6 – 4 = 2)
armor. Each time a suit sustains a hit from a after passing through the suit's armored shell, which
weapon that functions by piercing the armor, the is represented by the Threshold Rating.
wearer must determine whether the attack bounced
off the armor or penetrated the armor. ABSORPTION (ABS)
Any attack that does an amount of Absorption represents the ability of an
damage less than or equal to the Threshold Rating of armored suit to cushion its wearer from impacts and
the armor is deflected, and this generally means no attacks. Absorption also helps insulate the wearer
damage is sustained by the armor or the wearer. If the from the effects of high and low
damage done by an attack exceeds the Threshold temperatures. Absorption in modern armors is
Rating of the suit, then the Threshold Rating is composed of high-tech polymers that functions like
subtracted from the damage before it is applied to the padding, dampening impacts by rapidly hardening
Absorption and/or the suit's occupant. As we'll find and increasing density at the point of impact. The
out later, some weapons that get through a polymers also serve to insulate the user from the
suit's Threshold Rating are reduced by the suit's effects of rapidly changing temperatures. In antique
Absorption (see below) and others strike the wearer. armored suit absorption represents actual padding.

Threshold Rating values rarely change. How does the Absorption work?
A suit’s Threshold Rating is subtracted from After subtracting the Threshold Rating from
damage done to the suit. A suit's Threshold Rating is the damage done by an attack, the remainder, if any,
not used up as the suit is damaged. Unless damaged, is subtracted from the Absorption in the section hit.
the Threshold Rating is same for each section of the
suit. Helmets can, and usually do, have Example: In the last example, Henry’s AKMB suit
different Threshold Ratings than the armored suit was hit in the right arm by a bullet that did 6 points of
they're used with. Some weapons and attacks can damage. The suit had a Threshold Rating of 4, which
reduce a suit's Threshold Rating, but these are rare. In means 2 points of damage are applied to the
most combat a suit's Threshold Rating won’t change. Absorption in the arm section of the suit. The AKMB
suit has 5 points of Absorption in the arm, which is
now permanently reduced to 3 points (5-2=3).
that dramatically reduce Structural Integrity.
Absorption is used up as the suit takes damage If the Structural Integrity in a section is
Damage is subtracted from Absorption. This is reduced to zero, the armor no longer provides
the opposite procedure used for Threshold Rating, protection and the Threshold Rating (THR) and
which is subtracted from the damage. As a result, Absorption (ABS) in that section are reduced to zero.
Absorption is used up as the suit takes damage that
exceeds the Threshold Rating. Structural Integrity values vary from section to
Absorption values vary from section to section Like Absorption, a suit’s Structural
Unlike a suit’s Threshold Rating, which is the Integrity varies from section to section. Structural
same for the entire suit (but not the helm), the amount Integrity in various sections will drop throughout
of Absorption varies from section to section in an combat at as the suit takes damage from
armored suit. disintegrators, metal guns, pulse weapons, and
Generally, the helmet and the arms have the missiles/rockets.
lowest amounts of Absorption, with the torso, and
legs having significantly more. Structural Integrity Summary:
1) Represents the material of the armor itself.
Absorption Summary: 2) Functions to hold the armor and its systems
1) Represents the cushion between the hard outer of together;
layer of the armor and the wearer. 3) Structural Integrity is reduced by certain types of
2) Functions to absorb impacts and insulate the user weapons that are designed to tear up armor;
from extreme and rapid temperature changes; 4) Structural Integrity values may not be the same
3) Absorption is reduced by certain types of damage for each section of the armored suit;
and by extreme temperatures; 5) Helms usually have more Structural Integrity than
4) Absorption values may not be the same for each a single section of an equivalently priced suit of
section of the armored suit; armor;
5) Helms usually have less Absorption than a single 6) When Structural Integrity is reduced to 0 in a
section of an equivalently priced suit of armor; section, that section falls to pieces and no longer
6) Can by bypassed by some weapons. provides any protection to that area. All Threshold
7) When absorption is reduced to 0 in a section, Rating and Absorption in a section with zero
other armor stats are unaffected. Structural Integrity are also reduced to zero.

STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY (SI) Example: Henry’s opponents get tired of taking pot
Structural Integrity represents the amount of shots at him and decide to pull out the big guns.
material in the armor, and how well a suit holds Targeting Henry with a disintegrator the hit his
together as it takes damage. Every time you punch a AKMB suit in the left arm for 12 points of Structural
hole in a suit of armor, you lose some of that material Integrity (SI) damage. The suit has a Threshold
and thus Structural Integrity in that section drops. Rating of 4, and 5 points Absorption in the left arm.
When Structural Integrity in a section reaches zero, The disintegrator ignores all of that, and chews away
that section of armor literally falls apart and no longer at the metal of the suit itself. The AKMB suit has 16
protects that body area underneath. points of Structural Integrity in the arm, which is now
permanently reduced to 4 points (16-12=4). If Henry
How does Structural Integrity work? takes another hit from that disintegrator in that left
When using the basic rules weapons that only arm, the armor there is likely to evaporate. Not good!
make small holes in armor are ignored when
determining Structural Integrity loss. Players only
need to reduce the Structural Integrity in a section of
armor when hit by disintegrators, metal guns, pulse
weapons, corrosives, and missiles/rockets. These
weapons eat away at the armor or tear off large
chunks of material. Specialized grenades and
ammunition need to be looked at on a case by case
basis, though we will do our best to point out the ones
Damage to Structural Integrity (by Weapon System)
Weapon System SI Damage
MORE CRUNCH RULE: “Death By 1000 Paper Arm Rocket 10
Cuts” - Tracking Structural Integrity Reduction Ballistic (Non-HMG) vs Body Armor ǂ 1
for ALL weapon hits. Ballistic Cannon 50
Normally, during game play you only record a Ballistic HMG 3
Disintegrator Damage
reduction in Structural Integrity if a weapon designed Explosive Damage
to do significant damage to Structural Integrity hits it. Flamethrower 0
Things like disintegrators and Pulse weapons. Fluid Gun By payload
Flux Interference Generator 0
However, even a single bullet is taking a chunk out of Frost Gun 0
your Structural Integrity with each hit. Anytime you Gauss weapon 1
get a hole poked in your suit there is less of your suit. Grav Sheer Damage
These tiny losses can accumulate and lead to a failure Grenade 1/fragment
Heavy Missile 100
of an armor section when its Structural Integrity Laser 1
reaches 0. Not everybody wants to keep tracks of the Laser HMG 4
Structural Integrity loss from every single bullet or Mag Grenade See Description
Metal Gun Damage x5
laser strike and that’s fine. However, if you’re so Melee Weapon vs Body Armor ǂ 1
inclined to track the Structural Integrity from even Mine See Description
penetrating hit we have provided an Integrity Omega Combat System * 20
Reduction chart in the back of the book that details Omega Weapon * 2
Phosphorous Grenade 2/fragment
the amount of integrity lost from hits by each weapon Plasma Grenade 4/fragment
system. It’s called “death by 1000 paper cuts” for a Plasma Seduction Grenade 8/fragment
reason. The rules are below. Plasma Sword 8
Plasma, non-pistol/SMG 8
Each time damage exceeds the Threshold Plasma, Static Pistol/SMG 4
Rating of the armor from a weapon that punctures or Pulse Automatic Weapon System 20
tears the armored suit, Structural Integrity is Pulse Combat System 50
reduced. A hit that doesn’t penetrate the armor does Reflex Missile 25
Reflex Missile XL 50
not reduce the Structural Integrity. As the suit takes Scrambler 0
damage integrity in various sections may be lost. The Super Plasma Grenade 4/fragment
amount of Structural Integrity lost when a hit Thunderbolt Generator 0
Ultra Armor Hand Weapon By Weapon
penetrates an armored suit is determined by the *Omega weapons do additional Structural Integrity damage to fixed and
weapon system that struck it. rigid structures. The damage listed is for attacks against armor.
Certain weapons rip large holes in body armor
ǂ Melee and Ballistic weapons do no damage, structural or otherwise, to
when they strike, while others inflict only minimal Heavy or Mechanized Armor.
damage. It all depends on the size of the hole. A
larger hole means more Structural Integrity is lost. WHEN YOUR ARMOR TAKES DAMAGE
Bullets and lasers usually reduce armor Structural Most weapons are designed to pierce armor
Integrity by one (1) point per hit, pulse and leave inconvenient holes in the organism wearing
weapons usually cause eight (8) points of damage per the suit. Apparently most living creatures don't react
hit to Structural Integrity. Some weapons like well to having holes punched in them, though
disintegrators and metal guns reduce the Structural Mazians don’t seem to mind too much. As a result,
Integrity directly, by eating away at the armor itself armor is designed to stop attacks from penetrating the
rather than by blowing holes through it. The damage suit.
done by these weapons is subtracted directly from Attacks must first penetrate an armored suit's
the Structural Integrity of the section hit. Threshold Rating and then get through the high-tech
Different weapon systems do different polymers that make up the suit's Absorption before
amounts of damage to the Structural Integrity per they can injure the armor's occupant. Attacks that do
penetration. There may be some unique weapons that enough damage to exceed the Threshold Rating are
deviate from the standard Integrity Reduction done by called Penetrating Hits.
their class, but the number given below is the amount
of damage to generally done to Structural Integrity
(SI) by a given weapon system.
TAB = Threshold, Absorption, Body Points
The rule of thumb for applying the armor’s
statistics to damage as described above is referred to ARMOR SPACE, WEIGHT, AND OPTIONS
as TAB. TAB is an acronym for Threshold, Armor Weight
Absorption, Body Points. TAB describes the order in The armor's Actual Weight (Act. WGT) value
which the armor’s attributes affect damage. represents the weight and bulk of the armor when
Threshold Rating reduces the damage first. worn. Since Encumbrance has a direct effect on the
Damage that exceeds the Threshold Rating is ability to move, players should carefully choose their
subtracted from the suit’s Absorption in the section armor so as not to weigh down their characters.
hit. If the Absorption in the section hit is reduced to Mechanized battle armor has actuators that
zero, any remaining damage is applied to the support the weight of the armor allow the wearer to
character’s Body Points. move around, relatively unhindered by the weight of
the armor. When in Mechanized armor, characters
1) Threshold Rating reduces damage. only feel the Effective Weight (Eff. WGT) of the suit
2) Remaining damage reduces Absorption. when calculating their Encumbrance loads. If the
3) If Absorption is reduced to zero, remaining actuators are disabled or damaged that section is
damage reduces wearer’s Body Points rendered immobile. If the actuators in the torso are
disabled or damaged the entire suit is rendered
Example: Unlucky Henry gets shot in the right arm of immobile.
his AKMB suit again. This round does 9 points of
damage. Using the TAB method, we first subtract the ARMOR SIZE CLASS
Threshold Rating from the damage as we have done Effects of Size Class on Armor
previously. 9 minus a THR of 4, reduces the damage The bigger the character, the bigger the armor
to 5. they wear. A Mutzachan can not wear armor made
The next step in the TAB method is subtract for a Ram Python and vice-versa. As a result, most
the remaining damage to the Absorption in the armor comes in a variety of Size Classes. The default
section hit. Henry only has 3 points of Absorption left Size Class is 4, which fits your average human.
in the right arm. We subtract the 5 points of damage Armor that is larger than Size Class 4 is more
from the 3 remaining points of Absorption in the right expensive, heavier, and has more structural material
arm. This reduces the Absorption to zero and leaves (higher Structural Integrity). Armor that is smaller
us with 2 points of damage left unallocated. The final than Size Class 4 is less expensive, lighter, and has
step in the TAB method is to apply any damage after less structural material (lower Structural Integrity).
Absorption in section is reduced to zero to the The same holds true for helmets. To determine the
character’s Body Points. In this case poor Henry has Structural Integrity change per section, Encumbrance,
his Body Points reduced by 2 points. Henry is and cost for your suit, simply multiply each value by
wounded! the wearer’s Size Class and then divide by four (4).
Note: A Cizerack is always considered Size Class 7
TAB is the default damage mechanic in for armor size values, and Mazian can purchase
Battlelords. Anytime something does damage the GM whatever size armor it wants if it wants to assume the
and the players can generally assume, that unless general shape and size of the armor’s intended user.
stated otherwise, the Threshold Rating (THR) and
Absorption (ABS) of the character's armor will Size Class Modifier
provide protection, before the character’s Body Points The stats on Armor and helmets vary with
can be reduced. However, certain weapon systems Size Class. This table tells you the multiplier for the
are designed to bypass the protection offered by SI (in each section), weight, and cost of an armored if
armor (see below). it is not Size Class 4. The stats listed in the armor
table are for a Size Class 4 suit.

SC Mod* SC Mod*
1 0.25 6 1.5
2 0.5 7 1.75
3 0.75 8 2
4 0 9 2.25
5 1.25 10 2.5
suit once installed. Options that are installed into
slots, however, can be transferred by any competent
Threshold Rating and Absorption Rating armorsmith. The cost of the option includes the fee
are not affected by changes in Size Class. Additional for its initial installation.
Absorption can be added as an armor option if you The number of slots available in an armored
have the free spaces to hold the additional Absorption suit depends on the Size Class of the wearer. The
and the credits available to purchase it. larger the wearer, the larger the armor, and the more
slots for options it will possess. Each section of armor
The stats listed for a Cub armor are for a contains a specified number of spaces into which
standard Size Class 4 suit. It has a Threshold Rating options may be added. You can never mount more
of 3, 36 points of Structural Integrity in the torso, 24 armor options than you have space for.
SI in each leg, and 12 in each arm. The suit has 15
points of Absorption in the torso, 10 in each leg, and Armor Size Classes Greater than 8
5 in each arm. The suit weighs 13 kilograms, and Even though characters can not exceed Size
costs 3100 credits. Class 8, some heavy armor and all mechanized armor
Let’s say your character is Size Class 6 is treated as being one or two Size Classes larger than
though. We see from the table above that we need to its occupant. This means if you get a Size Class 8
multiply the listed values by 1.50 to determine the Ram Python in a high-end suit of Mechanized Armor,
Size Class 6 numbers. Let’s start with the Structural he is treated as being Size Class 9 or 10 in the armor.
Integrity. The torso in a Size Class suit would have An intimidating sight indeed!
50% more SI, so our new torso SI value is 54 (36 x
1.50 = 54). Similarly, the SI in the legs would
increase to 36, and the SI in the arms would increase
to 18. The weight increases to 19.5, rounded down to
19 kilos, and the cost becomes 4,650 credits. The
Threshold Rating and Absorption values do not
change with Size Class.

Armor options are devices that are added to an
armored suit to enhance the survivability or lethality
of the soldier. Armor options are normally mounted
inside the armor, under the protective outer shell
represented by the armor’s Threshold Rating.
Modern armor has industry standard expansion
chambers, called slots, built into the suit to hold a
variety of standard sized-options. However, there are
some that are must be built into the armor itself,
making them difficult to install and remove. These
"built-in" options are often protective coatings or
linings that must be applied to the armor's surface or
sandwiched between the exterior shell and the
absorption polymers. Built-in options are difficult or
impossible to remove or transfer to a new armored
SIZE CLASS SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4 SC 5 SC 6 SC 7 SC 8 SC 9 SC 10
Location Die 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d10 1d12 1d12
Head 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
Torso 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
L. Arm 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
R. Arm 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
L. Leg 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
R. Leg 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
RECORDING ARMOR OPTIONS However, without a specific indication that an armor
When purchasing armor options for your option’s spaces can be spread across multiple Armor
armor you must record the location of each option in Sections all the spaces must be allocated to a single
the armor diagram on your character sheet. First, Armor Section.
check to see which sections can hold the type of
armor option you’ve purchased. Some armor options OCCUPIED ARMOR OPTION SLOTS IN
must be mounted in specific locations so be sure to HEAVY ARMOR AND MECHANIZED BATTLE
check the Armor Options table or the description for ARMOR.
the option your placing. Heavy armor has one armor option slot in
Second, make sure you have enough empty each section occupied by the Actuators that allow the
spaces in that section to hold the armor option. user of the armor to move easily despite the weight.
Remember that many armor options use up more than As a result, heavy armor always has one less slot
one space. Unless otherwise noted in the armor available in each section than body armor of the same
option description, the spaces utilized by an armor Size Class.
option must all be in the same section. You can not Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA) can be one
divide an armor option across multiple sections of or two size classes larger than the user, which gives it
your armor unless the option’s description two additional slots in each section. Unfortunately,
specifically allows for it. two slots in each section of MBA armor are occupied
Third, once you decide where your armor by the Actuators and strength enhancing components
option should be sure to mark it on the Armor Option of the armor, so you don’t actually get any additional
Diagram on your character sheet. This is important space for options.
because weapon hits that penetrate an armor section
can damage or destroy armor options in that section. BEYOND THE BASICS: TAB EXCEPTIONS AND
There are weapons and attacks that are
exceptions to the TAB rule. Most of these exceptions
are weapons that were specifically designed to bypass
the protective aspects of modern armor. Omega
weapons that ignore the Threshold Rating of an
armored suit. Laser weapons whose beams are so hot
they cut through Absorption before it has a chance to
protect the wearer. Despite all their modern features
armored suits still have their design origins in
stopping projectiles. Weapons that can exploit these
inherent limitations in armor design can do an end
round around some of the protections they offer.
We have grouped these TAB rule exceptions
into categories, which are called Damage Types. A
weapon that follows the TAB rule does not have a
Damage Type. Weapons which are exceptions to the
TAB rule will have one or more Damage Types.

Generally, you cannot divide the spaces of an Damage Types are labeled based on the armor
armor option across multiple Armor Sections, unless statistic they ignore. For instance, the A in Damage
the description requires it or allows it as an option. It Type A if for Absorption, which is ignored by
isn’t uncommon for some armor options, like hostile Damage Type A weapons.
environment packages, to take us space in every
section of a suit. Similarly, some options like Sensor
Systems allow players to install the option in
additional spaces across the suit for redundancy.
from Hank’s Body Points. Ouch.
- Weapon is affected by armor normally. Damage Type T (Ignores Threshold Rating)
A Ignores Absorption Weapons that have a 'T' after the listed
damage ignore the Threshold Rating of armor. The
T Ignores Threshold Rating
damage from these weapons and attacks are
P Ignores Personnel. These weapons are subtracted directly from the suit's Absorption in the
designed to debilitate armor and do
no damage to the wearer or section hit, without being reduced by the suit's
unarmored characters. Threshold Rating first. The most common type of "T-
S Ignores Suits of armor. These class" or Threshold-ignoring attacks are Omega
weapons do not damage armor.
Chemical weapons and biological weapons and attacks that damage through concussive
weapons. Will not usually damage force, including falls.
suits or armor and will only damage
the character. These attacks usually
require that the character fail an ECR Phelonious the Phentari sees Hank go down in
roll before the character is affected. a barrage of laser fire. Phelonious decides that Hank
F Ignores Flux Shields. might be dead or dying and his corpse could provide
some valuable salvage, or at least an after-dinner
snack. Unfortunately for Phelonious, as he
T.A. Ignores Both Threshold Rating and approaches Hank’s body he is struck in the helmet by
Absorption – Damage subtracted from
Structural Integrity. Excess damage is an Omega weapon, which does 15 points of damage.
applied to Body Points. Phelonious is wearing a TDA helmet with a
T.A.P. Ignores Threshold Rating, Absorption, Threshold Rating of 8, a Structural Integrity of 8, and
and Personnel. – Damage subtracted
from Structural Integrity ONLY. These 10 points of Absorption. Normally we would apply the
attacks do not reduce Body Points. TAB rule, but we see that Omega weapons have a
Damage Type T. They ignore Threshold Rating. As a
T.F. Ignores Both Threshold Rating and
Flux Shields. result, we skip the T in TAB and subtract the damage
S.F. Ignored armored Suits and Flux from the helm’s Absorption. 15 points of damage
Shields. reduces the Helm’s Absorption to zero, leaving 5
NOTE: Recall that you can still substitute your armor’s ECR for the
identical character ECR if you wish, even verses attacks with a Damage points unallocated. Under the TAB rule those 5 points
Type of S. are next subtracted Phelonious’s Body Points.

Damage Type P (Ignores Personnel)

Damage Type A (Ignore Absorption)
Weapons that have a 'P' after the listed
Weapons that have an 'A' after the listed
damage do not affect living beings. These weapons
damage ignore Absorption. If the damage done by
are designed specifically to damage or disable
one of these weapons exceeds a suit's Threshold
armored suits and weapons. If the weapon hit
Rating, then the penetrating damage is subtracted
penetrates or disables the armor there are no ill effects
directly from the Body Points of the wearer. Lasers
applied to the wearer, beyond the potential loss of
are the most common type of "A-class" or
their armored suit. The most common type of "P-
"absorption-ignoring" weapons.
class" or Personnel-ignoring attacks includes
Example: Hank the Human is wearing Welch Armor,
which has a Threshold Rating of 4, and 21 points of
Dazed from the head wound he took from the
Absorption in the Torso. Hank is hit in the Torso with
Omega weapon attack Phelonious fires his Metal Gun
a laser, which does 10 points of damage. Applying
at the enemy combatant, Floyd the Fott. Floyd is
the TAB rule, we first subtract the Threshold Rating
wearing Cruiser armor, but no helmet. The Metal
from the damage done by the attack. 10-4=6. 6
Gun strikes Floyd right between the eyes doing 12
points of laser damage get past the Threshold Rating
points of Structural Integrity damage.
of the suit. Normally under the TAB rule that 6 points
Unfortunately for Phelonious Metal Guns are
of damage would be subtracted from the 21 points of
anti-armor weapons and they have a ‘P’ in their
Absorption Hank has in the Armor Section hit.
Damage, which means they ignore Personnel. The
However, in this case we see that lasers are Damage
attack does absolutely no damage to Floyd.
Type A and ignore Absorption. So, we skip the A in
the TAB rule, and subtract the 6 points of damage
Damage Type S (Ignore Armored Suits) laser hit, but he’s not dead yet! Hank sees an enemy
Weapons that have an 'S' after the listed combatant who is walking through the battlefield like
damage do not damage armor. Damage Type S he doesn’t have a care in the world. Hank’s sensor
weapons include poison gasses, mental attacks, system can tell from the ultraviolet glow this enemy is
biological weapons, chemical weapons, and many emitting that he has a Flux Shield up. This probably
Matrix-based attacks. explains why he’s not behind cover, like any sane
It is important to note that just because these solider would be. Hank’s not worried though. He
attacks do not damage armor, does not mean that the raises his Grav Sheer and fires. Because the Grav
armor provides no protection. In many cases you can Sheer has a ‘F’ in its Damage Type the enemy’s Flux
still substitute the Armor’s ECR for your own if the Shield provides no protection from the Hank’s Grav
attack calls for an ECR check. For example, many Sheer.
helmets provide protection from mental and sonic
attacks, and armor with the environmental Damage Types and the TAB Rule
containment armor option protects the user from Damage Types indicate what defense mechanism the
chemical and biological attacks if the armor’s attack bypasses. They don’t indicate what parts
containment is intact. aspects of the target (ABS, SI, BP) are damaged.
Fortunately, we can fall back on the TAB rule to
Floyd thinks things are really going his way figure out what’s getting damaged. Recall that TAB is
after getting shot in the head but suffering no an acronym for Threshold, Absorption, Body Points.
damage. Chatty the Chatilian sees Floyds celebrating The TAB rules states Threshold Rating is
and decides that just won’t do. Chatty targets Floyd subtracted from damage. If there is excess damage it
with a Mind Strangle Matrix. Most Matrices, is then subtracted from Absorption. If Absorption is
including this one, have a Damage Type of S. That exhausted, and excess damage if finally applied to
means this Matrix totally ignores Floyd’s suit of Body Points. Damage Type just tells you which
Cruiser armor. Floyd must make a Mental ECR or step in the TAB rule to skip.
suffer the effects of the Matrix. For example, weapons with Damage Type T
ignore Threshold Rating. So, we skip in the T in TAB
Damage Types with a Threshold Rating Limit and subtract the damage directly from Absorption. If
Weapons that only ignore Threshold Ratings Absorption is exhausted, then we subtract the remain
or Armored Suits below a certain level will damage from Body Points.
sometimes have their Damage Type listed as
“Damage Type S, <#” or “Damage Type T, <#”, Damage Type T:
where the # symbol is replaced by the value of the TAB Rule: TA B (Red is ignored)
Threshold Rating which cancels out the Weapons
Damage Type. Weapons with Damage Type A ignore
Absorption. So, we skip in the A in TAB and subtract
For Example, many Magnetic Grenades are the Threshold Rating from the damage. Any excess
capable drilling though armor with a Threshold damage is subtracted from the target’s Body Points.
Rating of 15 or less. Their Damage Type will often be
listed as Damage Type T, <16. This indicates the Damage Type A:
Mag Grenade’s ability to Ignore Threshold ceases TAB Rule: TA B (Red is ignored)
when encountering a target with a Threshold Rating
of 16 or higher. Damage Type T.A. is the exception to the
TAB rule. Weapons that ignore both Threshold
Damage Type F (Ignores Flux shields) Rating and Absorption are always designed to attack
Weapons that have an 'F' after the listed ignore the armor directly. Weapons with the Damage Type
Flux Shields. Damage Type F some mental attacks, T.A. do not ignore armor! If they ignored armor
some Matrix-based attacks, and Grav Sheers. Though entirely, they would be Damage Type S (S = Ignores
Grav Sheers are technically Damage Type T.F., as Armored Suit). With a Damage Type T.A. weapon,
they reduce the armor’s Absorption, Structural Threshold Rating and Absorption are ignored, but the
Integrity, and the wearer’s Body Points. Grav Sheers damage is applied to the armor’s Structural Integrity
are nasty. first. If the Structural Integrity is exhausted, then the
Hank the Human is staggered after taking that remaining damage is subtracted from the target’s
Body Points. Rating of 4, 12 points of Absorption in the torso, and
60 points of Structural Integrity in torso.
Damage Type T.A. The disintegrator is a Damage Type T.A.
TAB Rule: TASIB (Red is ignored) weapon. It ignores the Threshold Rating and
Absorption of the armor. It also has any damage
The shorthand notation we use for this is as follows: done subtracted from the suit’s Structural Integrity,
rather than the wearer’s Body Points. So, we subtract
Shorthand Rule the 20 points of damage done by the disintegrator
Type T goes to BP if it exceeds A. from the 60 points of Structural Integrity in the torso.
Type A Goes to BP if it exceeds T. This reduces the Structural Integrity in the torso
Type TA Goes to BP if it exceeds SI. section to 40. Because there is still Structural
Integrity remaining in the Torso, nothing is
You can see from the shorthand that Damage subtracted from Hank’s Body Points.
Type T.A. is unique as it wedges SI into the TAB
equation, and you end up with TA-SI-B when dealing Example: Just when Hank thinks his luck is going to
with Damage Type T.A. weapons. change he again blasted with a Disintegrator, which
does 50 points of damage to the left leg of his Welch
Structural Integrity reduction from Damage Types Armor. Welch armor which has a Threshold Rating of
other than T.A.? 4, 8 points of Absorption in each leg, and 40 points of
In general, weapons that are not Damage Structural Integrity in each leg.
Type T.A. must do enough damage to exceed the The disintegrator is still a Damage Type T.A.
Threshold Rating of the target before it can reduce the weapon, so we ignore Threshold Rating and
target’s Structural Integrity. Recall, that not all Absorption of the armor and subtract the damage
weapons reduce Structural Integrity, and for the most from the suit’s Structural Integrity. The 50 points of
part you can ignore Structural Integrity reductions the 40 points of Structural Integrity in the left leg.
unless they’re large. Pulse weapons, disintegrators, This reduces the Structural Integrity in the left leg to
metal guns, missiles, and rockets do large amounts of zero and leaves 10 points unallocated. Those 10
Structural Integrity. points are subtracted from Hank’s Body Points. Hank
is having a really bad day.
HYBRID DAMAGE TYPES If Hank had been hit by a Metal Gun rather
Hybrid Damage types simply combine two or than a disintegrator he would have taken no damage,
more of the above listed Damage Types. Common since Metal Guns are Damage Type T.A. and Damage
damage types are covered below. Type P, which means they never do damage to
Damage Type T.A. (Ignore Both Threshold Rating
& Absorption) Damage Type T.A.P. (Ignores Threshold Rating,
Weapons that have ‘T.A.’ after the listed Absorption, and Personnel)
damage ignore both Threshold Rating and Weapons that have ‘T.A.P’ as the damage
Absorption, and their damage is subtracted from type function identically to T.A. weapons and ignore
Structural Integrity (SI). These attacks don’t ignore both Threshold Rating and Absorption. Damage from
armor entirely. these weapons is subtracted from Structural Integrity
Damage Type T.A. weapons apply any (SI). The difference between T.A. and T.A.P.
damage they do to the Structural Integrity of the suit weapons is that T.A.P. weapons ignore personnel.
first. If, and only if, the Structural Integrity of an That means if the damage done by a T.A.P. weapon
Armor Section is reduced to zero then the remaining exceeds the Structural Integrity of the section of
damage is applied to the character’s Body Points. armor hit, that no damage is applied to the character’s
The most common Damage Type T.A. weapon is the Body Points. T.A.P. weapons cannot harm characters.
Disintegrator. The most common Damage Type T.A.P. weapon is
the Metal Gun.
Example: Just when Hank thinks things are starting
to go his way he gets blasted with a Disintegrator, Metal Guns have a T.A.P. Damage Type.
which does 20 points of damage to the torso of his That’s why Floyd was uninjured when Phelonious
Welch Armor. Welch armor which has a Threshold shot him in the head with his Metal Gun. Now let’s
assume that Floyd the Fott had been wearing a Poor Hank.
helmet with a Threshold Rating of 5, 10 points of
Absorption, and 8 points of Structural Integrity when LOSING ARMOR OPTIONS
Phelonious shot him with the Metal Gun. We know SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4 SC 5
the Metal Gun did 12 points of Structural Integrity 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8
The Metal Gun ignores the Threshold and SC 6 SC 7 SC 8 SC 9 SC 10
Absorption of the helmet, subtracting its damage 1d8 1d10 1d10 1d12 1d12
directly from the helmets Structural Integrity. So, we Whenever an attack that is reduced by the
subtract 12 points of damage from the 8 Structural Threshold Rating of an armored suit does enough
Integrity. This reduces the Structural Integrity of the damage to exceed the Threshold Rating there is a
helmet to zero with 4 points of damage remaining. chance an armor option has been destroyed. This is
Floyds helmet would crumble to dust, but he would referred to as a Penetrating Hit. This rule only applies
still be unharmed. Unlike, the Disintegrator to attacks that do Real damage and that are reduced
(Damage Type T.A.) that hit Hank, the Metal Gun by Threshold Rating.
that struck Floyd does not subtract excess damage You’ll notice that on the Armor Size Class
from the target’s Body Points. So even if Floyd had table each Size Class has a die associated with it. For
been wearing a helmet when Phelonious shot him, he example, Size Class 1 and 2 have a four-sided die
would still be unharmed, though his helmet would (d4) noted in the “Location Die” row of the Armor
have been destroyed.

Damage Type T.F. (Ignores Threshold Rating and

Flux Shields)
Weapons that have ‘T.F’ as the Damage Type
ignore both Threshold and Flux Shields. The most
common Damage Type T.F. weapon is the Grav
When Hank shot the Flux Shielded enemy
combatant with his Grav Sheer, the sheer would have
ignored the target’s Flux and passed through the
protective field. Once the sheer reached the target’s
armor, it would have also ignored the Threshold
Rating of the section hit.

Damage Type S.F. (Ignores Armored Suits and

Flux Shields)
Non-damaging Matrices usually have a
Damage Type of S.F. A Matrix is not affected by
either a Flux Shield or a suit of armor. As with most Size Class table. In contrast, Size Class 7 and 8 have
Damage Type S attacks the character can still a ten-sided die (d10) listed.
substitute the armor’s identical ECR for their own, Below is an example of an armor options
unless the attack specifically forbids it. Offensive sheet for a Size Class 1 or 2 armor. Note that each
Matrices that do damage to a target (i.e. are capable section has only 4 slots for options. If this were
of reducing Structural Integrity and/or Body Points) heavy armor it would only have 3 slots available in
will almost always have a different Damage Type. each section as the Actuators would take up Slot 1 in
Zebula the Tza generates the Negate BRI each section.
matrix on Hank the Human. Hank has his Flux Shield
up and is wearing armor. Zebula’s Matrix passes PENETRATING HITS
right through Hank’s Flux and Armor, forcing Hank Whenever an armor section suffers a
to make a BIO ECR check. Normally Hank could use Penetrating Hit roll the appropriate die for the armor’s
his Armor’s ECR in place of his own, but armored size class and consult the Armor Option Diagram on
suits don’t have BIO ECRs and Hank is forced to rely your character sheet. Look at the section of the armor
on his body’s innate resistance to hostile alterations. that was hit. If the number you rolled corresponds to a
space number with an armor option for that section, include ‘T’ exceeds the Threshold Rating of the
then that armor option is destroyed. If the roll target.
corresponds to a space number with no armor option b) When an attack that does have ‘T’ in the Damage
listed, then the Penetrating Hit did not strike an armor Type reduces the Absorption in the section hit to
option in that section. zero.
Chatty the Chatilian in her Size Class 1 Cub
armor is struck by a bullet fired from a light Similarly, weapons that attack the Structural
machinegun. It strikes her in the left arm doing 11 Integrity directly, like Disintegrators and Metal Guns
points of damage. Since this ballistic weapon has a can destroy armor options. If the Structural Integrity
Damage Type of ‘-‘ it is affected by the Threshold in a section is reduced to zero, that entire armor
Rating of the suit. We subtract 3 points from the section is destroyed, including all armor options in
damage for the armor’s Threshold Rating, leaving 8 the section. An armor section with zero Structural
points of damage. Integrity provides no protection all to that section,
We have a Penetrating Hit. A weapon whose which is assumed to have a 0 Threshold Rating and a
damage is reduced by Threshold Rating has done 0 Absorption.
enough damage to exceed the Threshold Rating of the Chatty is blasted by a Disintegrator that does 10
suit. We look at Chatty’s armor and see that because points of damage to her left arm. The Disintegrator
she is Size Class 1 a d4 is used to roll for armor has a Damage Type of T.A. and ignore the Threshold
option locations. We roll 1d4 and get a 3. Looking Rating and Absorption of her armored suit. It does
at the armor sheet, we see there are no options damage directly the Structural Integrity to the left
installed in Slot 3 of the left arm. Chatty still has all arm of her armor. The left arm has a Structural
her armor options. If we had rolled a 2, rather than a Integrity of 8. (Note: It only has 7 if you’re using the
3, Chatty would have lost her Search Light. optional “Death By 1000 Paper Cuts” More Crunch
rule, due to the prior light machinegun bullet hit.)
Sometimes non-penetrating hits can also This hit reduces the Structural Integrity in the left
destroy armor options. If a concussive or Omega arm section of Chatty’s armor to zero, with the two
weapon attack (Type T damage) reduces the remaining points of damage being applied to poor
Absorption in an armor section to 0, you should roll Chatty’s Body Points. Since there is not Structural
for the section hit to determine which armor option, if Integrity left in that section of armor it crumbles to
any, has been destroyed. Odds are, that if all the pieces and all off the armor options housed in that
Absorption in that section is gone, the wearer has section, which includes a shield and a search light,
more pressing matters to attend to than their armor are destroyed.
Chatty is hit again, but this time she is by an
Omega weapon doing 20 points of damage. Omega
weapons have a Damage Type of T and ignore
Threshold Rating. The Omega weapon strikes her in
the right leg, which has 15 points of Absorption. The
Omega weapon damage is not reduced by the
Threshold Rating of the suit, and the 20 points of ELECTRONIC WARFARE: ECM, ECCM, &
damage is more than sufficient to reduce the STEALTH
Absorption in the right leg to 0, which 2 points of
damage going to Chatty’s Body Points. LESS CRUNCH RULE: Simplified EWS
Since the Absorption in the right leg has been The following section is filled with acronyms
reduced to zero by an attack, there is a chance that an and concepts that may seem a bit daunting at first, but
armor option has been destroyed by an attack. We are really quite simple. We’ve done our best to
roll a d4 and get a 1 for our result. Consulting the simplify them and explain them both pictorially and
armor sheet for Chatty we see that Slot 1 is occupied with written examples. That being said, if you don’t
by an armored storage compartment. The want to mess with ECM, ECCM, jamming, and
compartment and its contents are destroyed. sensor strengths we have an easy workaround.
Firstly, you can ignore ECM and ECCM
Penetrating Hits: entirely. Just keep in mind will make K-Sats and
a) When an attack with a Damage Type that does not automated weapons far more dangerous. It may also
tend to shift the focus of the game away from the system in range. If the Active % is reduced to zero
skills of the characters and onto their gear. Don’t say or less, then active scans may not be made using that
we didn’t warn you. sensor system. Active scans reveal more information
Secondly, when dealing with Sensor Systems to the sensor system user, but also reveal their
ignore everything but Stealth Systems. Furthermore, presence any enemies in the area. If the Passive % is
you can use a simple shortcut when dealing with reduced to zero or less, then passive scans may not be
those. If the Stealth Rating doesn’t exceed the made using that sensor system. Passive scans usually
percentage of the Sensor System then you have been reveal less information than active scans, but they
seen. This will lead to an all-or-nothing arms race don’t give away the user’s position.
when it comes to Sensor Systems and Stealth If the Active % and Passive % are both
Systems, where you’re either invisible or not. reduced to zero or less, then sensor system is rendered
Lastly, you can leave communication inoperative until the ECM is deactivated (or
jamming decisions in the hands of your Game Master. destroyed). However, if your ECM does not reduce
If they decide your commos are jammed, then you’re the enemy’s Active % and Passive % to zero or less,
out of luck. For simplicity sake, we suggest using the then the enemy makes a Sensor System skill check
same all-or-nothing rule proposed above for sensor with their remaining Active % or Passive % to
systems, only this time it will involve ECM and determine the location of the ECM user if they are in
Signal Strength. range of the Sensor System.

Hank the Human has a Sensor System with an

Active % of 125, a Passive % of 25, and range of
2km. Zebula the Tza has an electronic warfare suite
with an ECM rating of 35 and a range of 25km. The
two are roughly 1km apart. Zebula activates her
ECM. This reduces Hank’s Active sensor percentage
to 95% (125 – 25 = 95). It reduces his Passive
Sensor % to -15, which is treated as a zero (25 – 35 =
Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)
When we start throwing around acronyms like -15  0). You can’t have a negative sensor
ECM, ECCM, and military terms like “Electronic percentage.
Warfare Suites” it can be a little daunting. It’s not as Hank has no chance of locating Zebula with
complicated as it sounds. Electronic Counter his passive sensors, but he still has a 95% chance to
Measures, which is abbreviated ECM, uses active spot her with his Active sensors.
electro-magnetic and optical jamming to interfere
with communication systems and sensors systems. In ECM vs. Guided and Automated Weaponry
layman’s terms ECM interferes with enemy sensors ECM works against the tracking and homing
and communications, making it more difficult for the systems of sophisticated weapons like missiles and
enemy (and their weapons) to detect you and automated gun turrets, both offensive and defensive.
communicate. In layman’s terms, electronic warfare systems
broadcast signals that interfere with the sensors used
to guide missiles and aim automated weapons. These
included optical sensors (aka optically guided), which
can be blinded using a laser directed at the optical
In game terms you can subtract your ECM
from Accuracy of any weapon that uses sensors to
find you. These include Missiles of all types,
automated weapons that aren’t aimed by characters,
and K-Sats.
ECM vs. Sensors Hank spots Zebula with is sensors and decides
ECM interferes with the sensor systems used in to fire a Reflex missile at her. The missile has a 75%
armored suits just as well as those in the nose cones chance to hit. Hank doesn’t aim or steer the reflex
of missiles. You can subtract your ECM score missile. It uses its own onboard sensors to find and
from the Active % and Passive % of any sensor track the target. Zebula still has her 35% ECM
running. This will reduce the accuracy of Hank’s kilometer. He sees Zebula’s armor shrug off the
missile to 40% (75% - 35% = 40%). Hank’s player missile hit and he knows he’s in trouble. He attempts
rolls a 05! That’s a hit! to call for help using his commo.
The two combatants are still 1km apart.
ECM reduces the accuracy of the following Though Hank couldn’t call Zebula to plead for mercy
weapons a point-for-point basis. – she’s too far away for his commo to reach her – she
1) Reflex Missile can definitely reach him with 25km range of her
2) Reflex Missile XL electronic warfare suite. Her 35% ECM reduces the
3) Heavy Missile signal strength of Hank’s radio to zero (35 – 35 = 0).
4) SAMS All Hank hears in his helmet is static, and no one will
5) Anti-tank missiles receive his call for help.
6) Automated weapons Hank waves at Phelonious, who is nearby, and
7) K-Sats via hand signals communicates to him that he should
8) Projectile Defense Systems call for help. Phelonious has a Commo with a Signal
Strength of 50%. Phelonious is also well within the
You’ll notice the list is not that long. With the 25km range of Zebula’s electronic warfare suite. This
availability and effectiveness of Electronic Counter Signal Strength of Phelonious’s Commo is reduced
Measures on the modern battlefield, there is a marked from 50% to 15% (50 – 35 = 15). Phelonious
preference for weaponry that it aimed by a soldier. attempts to call for help. His player rolls a 74. No
Admittedly, the modern soldier cheats a little when good. He can’t get a signal out through the jamming.
they use target acquisition devices, gyro-stabilized Phelonious climbs a nearby building, to get higher.
weaponry, and gunnery computers but the soldier is He also selects a building that will put a berm
still aiming the weapon. between him and Zebula. The GM rules that this is
sufficient to give Phelonious a second chance at
Example: If your character is targeted by a missile communication. This time Phelonious’s player rolls a
with an accuracy of 110% and you have an ECM 11! Jackpot. The signal gets through and Phelonious
system rated at 20%, the GM must now roll under a can request reinforcements.
90% (110 – 20 = 90) to hit your character with the
missile. Pretty simple, right? It is.

ECM vs. Communications

ECM works equally well to jam
communication systems. You can subtract your
ECM score from the Signal Strength of any
communication system in range. If the signal
strength is reduced to zero or less that communication
system is jammed and unusable for as long as the Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM)
ECM is running. If the Signal Strength is still a The extra ‘C’ is important. Electronic Counter-
positive number, communication may still be Counter Measures or ECCM is a system that is
attempted, but the player using the communication designed to counteract and defeat ECM. ECCM
system must roll under the, now reduced, Signal works in a variety of ways, but in game terms it’s
Strength of the system when making a pretty simple. Every point of ECCM cancels out
Communications Skill check. one point of enemy ECM in range, before applying
Success indicates that they have contacted any ECM.
their intended recipient. Failure indicates that the
transmission is garbled and unintelligible. The
character using the communication system may only
attempt to contact that recipient again if they change
their location (find higher ground, move farther from
the source of the jamming, etc.).
Hank’s armor is equipped with a
Communication package (aka commo) that has a
signal Strength of 35% and a range of half a
then the attack has struck the decoy. This destroys the
If the attack fails by an amount greater than
the ECM of the decoy, then it still misses but the
decoy survives. In this case the attack successfully
bypassed the decoy but fell victim to the other ECM

Kitty the Cizerack has an electronic warfare

suite with an ECM of 35, and a decoy k-sat drone
with an ECM of 20. In this case Kitty is treated as
Hank and Phelonious receive reinforcements having an ECM of 55 (35 + 20 = 55). Zebula the Tza
in the form of Kitty the Cizerack. Kitty’s electronic shoots a reflex missile at Kitty. The missile has a
warfare suite has an ECCM of 40% and a range of 100% accuracy.
500km. Kitty’s ECCM is subtracted from Zebula’s Just like we do under the standard ECM rules,
ECM before it is applied. This reduces Zebula’s we subtract the ECM value from the accuracy of the
ECM score to -5, which is treated as a zero, self-guided weapon. Kitty’s ECM score of 55 is
rendering it inoperable as long as Kitty is in the area. subtracted from Zebula’s missile accuracy of 100 and
(35 – 40 = -05  00). Hank and Phelonious can get 45% (100 – 55 = 45%). The missile has a 45%
communicate normally, and Hank’s reflex missiles chance to hit Kitty.
are also unaffected by Kitty’s ECM. Just like the standard rules, if Zebula’s player
rolls under a 45 the missile hits Kitty. If Zebula’s
You can not Stack ECM or ECCM player rolls over a 45, the missile fails to hit Kitty.
“My helmet has some ECM capability, and Bob’s got Here’s the one difference. If Zebula misses, but
an ECM suite, and I’ve some decoy drones with ECM misses by a margin of 20 or less, that means the
capability, and…” missile struck Kitty’s drone. So, in this case, if
There are multiple sources of ECM and Zebula’s player rolls a number equal to or between
ECCM available to characters. Drones, electronic 46 and 65 the missile struck and destroyed the drone.
warfare systems, some helms and armored suits have If Zebula’s player rolls higher than 65 the missile still
ECM systems built in as a feature. Even some misses, but the drone is spared.
weapons have ECM/ECCM emitters built into them if
they’re likely to draw indirect fire from guided Stealth Systems
weaponry. So, we inevitably get the question, “Do Stealth Systems function almost identically to
they stack? Can I add them all up?” The answer is ECM, in that they reduce the effectiveness of enemy
No. ECM systems do not “stack.” ECCM systems sensor systems and guided/smart weaponry. You can
do not “stack.” You can not add up all your ECM or subtract your Stealth Rating from the Active %
ECCM systems to get a larger number. If you have and Passive % of any sensor system that attempts
multiple ECM, you must pick one to use; usually with to locate the user of the Stealth System.
the highest rating. The same goes for multiple ECCM If the Active % is reduced to zero or less than
emitters. You use the one with the highest ECM the Stealth System user can not be detected by that
rating. sensor system. If the Passive % is reduced to zero or
less than the Stealth System user can not be detected
by that sensor system. However, if your Stealth
MORE CRUNCH RULE: Decoy Stacking System does not reduce the enemy’s Active % and
There is one exception to the rule that you can’t stack Passive % to zero or less, then the enemy may a
ECM. Decoys. A decoy’s ECM adds to your highest, Sensor System skill check with their remaining
currently operating, ECM score. No matter how many Active % or Passive % to determine the location of
decoys you have running, you can only add the ECM your character if they are in range of the Sensor
score of one decoy to your other, non-decoy, ECM System.
When making an attack against a target using There are some important differences between
an automated or self-guided weapon if the attack fails Stealth Systems and ECM.
by an amount less than or equal to the decoy’s ECM
1) A Stealth Systems have no effect on to pinpoint the location of the user. Only Active ECM
communication systems. interferes with communications, and only ECM is
2) Stealth Ratings are not reduced in ECCM. reduced by ECCM. ECCM has no effect on Stealth
3) Stealth Systems only hide the user from detection Systems.
and can not protect other friendly parties.
4) The Stealth Ratings of multiple Stealth Systems In our earlier example when Hank the Human
on the same suit of armor can be added together, attempted to spot Zebula he had a Sensor System with
whereas with ECM you can only use the highest an Active % of 125 and a Passive % of 25. Zebula the
single ECM value on a suit. Tza was using her ECM of 35 to jam his sensors,
5) Lastly, Stealth Systems are passive systems, reducing his Active % to 95 and his Passive % to 0.
whereas ECM is an Active system (see below). ECM is an active countermeasure. It reaches
out and messes with sensor systems. Because Zebula
Orin the Orion is running around in his Spy is using her ECM to jam Hank’s sensors, Hank knows
Master armor. The armor has a Stealth Rating of 50. that someone is in the area jamming his sensor
Hank the Human knows Orin is in the area, but he’s systems. He doesn’t know where yet, but he knows
not sure where so he activates his passive sensors, someone is actively trying to prevent him from
which have a 25% chance to detect Orin if he’s in detecting their presence. This is the downside to
range. Orin’s Stealth Rating is 50, which means Hank ECM. It advertises your presence, without giving
has no chance to detect Orin. (25 – 50 = -25  0). away your location.
Stealth Systems have no range like ECM. They don’t Hank’s passive sensors are totally jammed
have to reach out and scramble a sensor system, so and useless, so to find Zebula he must use his Active
the only limiting range is the range of Hank’s Sensor sensors. He turns them on and spots Zebula.
Systems. If they can reach out to Orin, then Orin’s Unfortunately for Hank, because he is using his
Stealth Rating applies. Active Sensors to search for Zebula, her sensors
immediately know exactly where Hank is at. In a
Active (ECM) vs. Passive (Stealth) Counter- metaphorical sense, Hank is searching through the
Measures darkness with an infrared flashlight. Anyone hiding in
ECM is considered an “Active” system the dark with a pair of night vision goggles can see
because it emits electromagnetic waves to scramble the flashlight beam. Only in this case the flashlight is
enemy sensors and communication systems, and these actually a combination of RADAR, LIDAR, SONAR,
emissions are easily detectable. Active systems are acoustic and optical camera systems running
automatically detected by sensors systems when silhouette recognition routines and the night vision
they are being used, revealing the user’s presence googles represent Zebula’s sensors.
generally in the area, but not their precise Zebula’s sensors will see Hank whether he
location. It’s difficult to hide when you’re shooting detects her or not, because his Active Sensors are
optics blinding lasers and emitting more radio waves sweeping the area like a beam from a lighthouse. If
than a 20th century TV station. Hank’s Active Sensors had not spotted Zebula he
Make no mistake, anytime your character opts would have been in unfortunate situation where he
to use ECM they’re using an active system, and the still didn’t know where she was at, but she knew
enemy will know your character is around. If your exactly where he was.
ECM reduces the enemy’s Active % and Passive % to Later when poor Hank attempts to locate Orin
zero or less, then they ECM user’s exact location can the Orion, it’s a different situation. Orin is using
not be determined, but they’ll know someone is out Stealth Systems, which are passive. They hide Orin
there jamming their systems. from sensor scans, rather than interfering with the
Stealth Systems are passive systems that hide sensors themselves. As a result, they do not reveal
the user from the enemy’s sensors, rather than Orin’s presence when in use.
attempting to directly interfere with the enemy Hank has the same problem as before though.
sensors. Stealth coatings and heat dampening Orin’s counter-measures are sophisticated enough to
systems that hide your body heat are examples of render Hank’s Passive Sensors useless. This means if
passive systems. Passive systems do not reveal your he wants to find Orin, he’s going to have to switch on
position to the enemy. his Active Sensors.
Both systems reduce the effectiveness of an Hank’s Active % is 95%. If he turns the Active
enemy’s Sensor Systems and smart weapon’s ability Sensors on and they Orin is in range of the sensors,
they will reduce the percentage by 50, reducing Hank activates his own ECM to jam Orin’s sensors,
Hank’s chance of success to 45% (95 – 50 = 45). If Orin will -at the minimum- know Hank is in the area.
Orin has a sensor system, he will know Hank’s Hank must risk revealing his location to Orin in order
location the minute he activates his Active Sensors. If to find him using his sensors.
Types of Armored Suits black coating anyone looking for this wearer of this
Before we start, it is important to note that suit receives +30 to their visual Observation checks
only one suit of armor may be worn at a time, though at all ranges.
a single sonic suit may be worn underneath other suits
of armor. Furthermore, the terms "armor," "armored 5 THRESHOLD
suit," and "suit of armor" are used interchangeably in Bear: The suit that made Bear Armor Systems
this book. famous, is renowned for its good all-around
There are four classes of armor: Body Armor, specifications and competitive price. A great choice
Heavy Armor, Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA), and when starting out in your mercenary career.
Ultra Amor. Each class has its advantages and
disadvantages. Combat 2: A vast improvement over the AKM’s
Note: Armored suits with mechanized speed prior offering, the Combat 1 defense suit. The
are assumed to have their JUMP score equal to half Combat 2 was marketed to compete directly against
their RUN score (round down), unless otherwise BAS’s Bear armor. Though it doesn’t enjoy the
stated. All RUN, JUMP, and FLY scores are listed in popularity of the Bear suit, it does hold the advantage
meters per second. in durability.

BODY ARMOR Flex Suit: Electrical-based attacks do double damage

Body Armor is the standard defensive gear in to the absorption polymers of this suit.
Battlelords. Body Armor ranges from an archaic
“bullet proof” vest to advanced, low-intensity, armor Generation: Mutzachans can not use their Drain
for support personnel and light infantry. This type of ability without removing at least one of the armored
armor is comparatively affordable and is ubiquitous gauntlets on the suit. Mutzachans can handle any
throughout Alliance space. Modern body armor does uninsulated weapon or device while wearing this
not significantly impede mobility or freedom of armor and not drain it. The Generation Friendly
movement, though it can be bulky. It is relatively armor option is included in the price of this suit.
lightweight and does not require motivator systems to
help the wearer move or support the weight of the Opticon: The suit has a Threshold Rating of 8
armor. As a result, this type of armor can not be against beam weapon attacks.
immobilized by Scramblers or electrical discharges
since it is the wearer's muscles that do all the work of Spy Master: The unit's proprietary camouflage
moving the armor. Body Armor may be customized system has a Stealth Rating of 50, and provides a
by adding Armor Options to it. 75% penalty to observation checks. The sound
dampening system provides a 45% Penalty to
The following armor reviews are copyright of Observation Checks made using Hearing Modifier.
Madd Mike’s Mercenary Catalog and reprinted here These are passive countermeasures. The suit can not
with their permission. use the Full Spectrum Cloak, standard Camouflage
Unit, improved Camouflage Unit, or Sound
IT.] Heavy Armor provides more protection than
Body Armor, but it is much heavier and requires
Beta Suit: The mechanized speed uses one armor motivator systems that help the wearer support the
option slot in each leg. Destruction of either option weight of the armor. The suits are powered by small
slot that houses the mechanized speed equipment ultrahigh efficiency fuel cells attached to each servo,
results in the users AGL being reduced to 0. with a sophisticated internal power-recycling system
that permits the suits to go for long periods before
Protecon: The amount of Structural Integrity lost requiring recharging (up to 6 months of typical
from kinetic attacks is reduced by half (round down). combat duty).

Reflection Suit: The suit has a Threshold Rating of 8 These systems are susceptible to attack from
against beam weapon attacks. Without the matte Scramblers and electrical-based weapons, which can
knock out the motivator systems leaving the user houses the mechanized speed equipment results in the
immobilized or greatly slowed by the weight of their users AGL being reduced to 0.
own armor. In addition, all Heavy Armor is
environmentally contained, which protects the user MECHANIZED BATTLE ARMOR
from gas attacks and many hazardous environmental Mechanized Battle Armor, as a class of armor,
conditions. is often referred to simply as MBA. Mechanized
Heavy armor is not affected by certain weapon battle armor is really nothing more than beefed-up
types. Most archaic powder weapons and melee heavy armor. In fact, it provides all the same benefits
weapons do no damage to Heavy Armor. as heavy armor. The defining characteristic of
Mechanized armored suits are their strength
7 THRESHOLD augmentation systems. Unlike the LIFT systems in
CD-2 Commando: The mechanized speed uses one heavy armor, the strength augmentation systems in
armor option slot in each leg. Destruction of either MBA actually helps support the weight of the suit. In
option slot that houses the mechanized speed most cases the motivators in the suit are so powerful
equipment results in the users AGL being reduced to that the suit feels weightless to the user. In addition,
0. Mechanized Battle Armor allowed the user to hit and
kick with superhuman strength. Lastly, many suits of
Hansen: The PDS on the Hansen functions identically Mechanized Battle Armor allow the user to move
to the ABM-type PDS, only it has a range of 100m, with super human speed. Like heavy armor, MBA is
and an accuracy of 105% against reflex missiles. The self-contained and environmentally sealed.
accuracy is reduced to 55% to hit any other type of While wearing a suit of MBA you can run as
large projectile capable of being engaged by a PDS. fast as a Cizerack, walk through masonry walls like
Q:12, ROF: 1. they’re constructed of tissue paper, and rip doors and
hatches off armored vehicles with you gauntleted
Soaker: After reducing the damage by the suit’s hands. If you have the means, I highly suggestion
Threshold Rating, damage to the suit’s Absorption is you get a suit.
doubled if the attack was a Pulse weapon,
flamethrower, or fire. Replacement Sponge polymers 48 THRESHOLD.
are half the listed cost for normal Absorption AeroShield: FLY score becomes 110 in armor. The
Polymers. flight systems for the suit occupy two spaces in each
section of armor. Range is 500km.
Timar: This suit includes the Generation Friendly
Armor Option. 42 THRESHOLD.
Nightshade: The unit's proprietary camouflage
8 THRESHOLD system has a Stealth Rating of 75 and provides a
Belligerence: When the Omega-Dampener is 100% penalty to observation checks. The cloaking
activated all damage from concussion and Omega system increases the Stealth Rating and Observation
weapons is reduced by half (round down). After check penalty by 50 points but prevents the occupant
applying the reduced concussion/Omega damage, roll from seeing anything outside the suit, whether using
to determine if there is a failure. There is a 25% the ole’ Mk I eyeball or sensors. The cloaking system
chance (75-00) that all the remaining absorption can run for a maximum of 3 minutes.
polymers in the section hit are destroyed. The sound dampening system provides a 55%
Penalty to Observation Checks made using Hearing
Velocity: The mechanized speed uses one armor Modifier. These are passive countermeasures. The
option slot in each leg. Destruction of either option suit can not use the Full Spectrum Cloak, standard
slot that houses the mechanized speed equipment Camouflage Unit, improved Camouflage Unit, or
results in the users AGL being reduced to one-quarter Sound Cancellation Device.
it’s normal value (rather than the usual one-half) The Displacement Device has a range of
when making Stat checks of AGL-based Skill Checks. 1000m, and enough the molecular phase device can
pass through 30m of material and a has 30 second
12 THRESHOLD recharge time between uses. The Displacement
CD-7: The mechanized speed uses one armor option Device has enough power for 10 uses.
slot in each leg. Destruction of either option slot that The displacement device occupies 2 spaces in
the Torso and molecular phase system occupies 1 • Hearing: All Helms that are TL3 or lower
space in the Torso of the suit. The phase sword impart a -40 to any observation check that
occupies 3 spaces in the right or left arm. The sound uses the Hearing modifier.
dampening system requires one space from each leg.
LESS CRUNCH RULE - Video Killed the Radio
HELMETS Star: If players don’t want to get all nitty-gritty with
Helmets made by manufacturers within the Alliance transmission strengths and ranges, just assume all
all use an industry standard attachment collar, that TL3 or better helms have a Commo % of 100% and a
allows the helm to be secured to the collar of a suit of range of 10km.
heavy armor or mechanized battle armor. With most
suits of body armor the helmet doesn’t attach directly Bell SS: All residual damage from this type of attack
to the suit, but still provides head and neck protection. is halved.
In addition, all helmets use the same industry
standardized slot system that’s utilized in armored Bite Helm Plus: The Bite Helm Plus does 3d4 points
suit for the addition of options to the helm. of damage and affects Heavy Armor normally. A bite
Typically speaking, helms are usually lighter on is usually considered a single Action attack. However,
absorption polymers than an armored suit with the the number of times a character may bite per Combat
same level of penetration protection. You can only Round is determined by species, and is usually limited
stuff so much polymer in a helmet before you to two bites per Combat Round.
silhouette looks like a melon on a stick and it
becomes unwieldy. High end helmets get around this ARMOR OPTIONS:
problem by using resonance fields to increase the ARMOR MOBILITY SYSTEMS
durability of the polymers you’ve got, rather than The cost, weight, and space requirements of all
adding more, but they aren’t 100% effective. Armor Mobility Systems are modified by Size Class
All helms that are TL3 or better have a Head’s in the same manner as armored suits. The “Always
Up Display (HUD) on the inside of the visor/faceplate Round Down rule” still applies. Mobility systems list
to superimpose information into the user’s field of their capabilities as either RUN, JUMP, or FLY; All
view. The visor on all TL3+ helmets can of which are listed in meters per second.
automatically tint or become opaque to block out
bright lights. Most helmets with flash suppression Climbing System: Provides +50 to Climbing skill
technology leave the visor opaque and rely on checks.
shielded visual sensors to relay a view of the outside
world to the wearer via the HUD. Flight System (MARS): FLY score becomes 55 in
Some helms have manufacturer installed armor, and the character can move in any direction.
communication systems (aka commo), while others Requires Personal Flight Device skill to use. The
allow the user to install an off-the-shelf system of system includes the Environmental Containment
their choice. In addition, all TL3 helms also feature armor option.
external speakers allowing the wearer to speak those
nearby without having to open or remove the helmet. Jump Pads: JUMP score becomes 10 when making
Most helms allow the user to modulate their voice, to jumps in armor. Requires Personal Flight Device skill
make it sound more or less intimidating, or to to use.
disguise it.
Limited Flight Pack: FLY score becomes 40 in
• Heavy Armor Helmets: All Helmets with a armor, and the character can move in any direction.
Threshold Rating over 7 are treated It takes a full Combat Round to reach maximum
identically to Heavy Armor. They are speed. Requires Personal Flight Device skill to use.
environmentally sealed, and immune to
damage from most ballistic and melee Skimmer System (R.A.M. Package): FLY score
weapons. becomes 15 in armor
• Open Face Helmets: When the head is hit,
roll a d10. On a roll of 6 or higher, the helm Thrust Assisted Jump Unit: JUMP score becomes
offers no protection. 75 when making jumps in armor. Characters will
need to make Personal Flight Device Skill checks to
aim their jump. Failure indicates the user may have one to use.
missed their jump or slammed into a wall at high
speed. Area is the arc the sensors function in when
operating. Often this is 180 degrees in an arc
Mechanized Speed: RUN score becomes 18 in directly in front of the operator, or 360 degrees (in
armor. JUMP score becomes 9. If this armor option all directions, including up).
is partially or totally destroyed the user of the suit
can not walk or run. Range is how far away from the operator the sensor
can detect objects, persons, or threats.
The LIFT value listed for Lift Systems is Penetration value is the number of meters of solid
subtracted from the total Weight (WGT) of any gear material the sensor will detect objects through.
carried while wearing the armor. The remaining
Weight (WGT) must be borne by the character and MORE CRUNCH RULE: TL Advantage
affects their Encumbrance normally. A lift system Sensor systems are half as effective against
does not reduce the weight of the Armor or helmet cloaking and stealth systems that are one (1) TL
worn by the character. higher than the Tech Level of the Sensor System
being used, and one quarter as effective against
ARMOR OPTIONS: cloaking and stealth systems that are two or more
SENSOR SUITES Tech Levels higher than the Tech Level of the
Sensor packages include a wide variety of sensor Sensor system being used.
system, depending on the Tech Level of the system
purchased. They feature both active and passive Note: Sensors systems are incredible pieces of
sensors, and many include RADAR, LIDAR, technology, but they don’t replace the ole’ Mark I
SONAR, optical sensors with pattern and silhouette eyeball. Characters can still make Observation
recognition routines, acoustic sensors, millimeter checks using their Vision, Hearing, or Smell modifiers
wave scanners, thermal imaging, UV optics, and a to detect the presence of an enemy or trap, regardless
host of other detection gear. State-of-the-art systems of whether they have sensor systems or not.
utilize quantum fluctuation detectors, gravimetric
monitors, and dimensional flux analysis. Sensors can Scout System: The Scout System increases the Active
detect enemy combatants, friendly combatants, non- % of a Sensor System by 20, and the Passive % by 40.
combatants, weapon’s fire, incoming projectiles, and It also increases the Penetration rating of the system
booby traps. Sensors that actively scan a target not by 20 meters. It increases the cost of the system it is
wearing armor or using a flux shield can reveal the added to by 20%. The Scout System can not be used
location of the target’s internal organs to the operator. in isolation. It must be added to an existing sensor
Active % is the percentage chance of the sensor
system detecting what the operator is searching for Basic Sensor Package: This system is entirely
when in Active mode. Recall that Actively scanning passive. It has a 90% chance to detect sensor
will increase you chance of success but advertise emissions, communication signals, and natural
your presence to the enemy. Your Active phenomena that come into direct contact with the suit
percentage is reduced on a point-for-point basis by (light, heat, gas composition, magnetic fields,
enemy ECM. You can not stack Active %. If you radiation, air pressure, etc.).
have multiple sensor suites you must pick a single
one to use.

Passive % is the percentage chance of the sensor

system detecting what the operator is searching for Threat Detector: This system is entirely passive and
when in Passive mode. Passive mode does not it has a 75% chance to detect emissions and
advertise your presence to the enemy. Your Passive phenomena that come into direct contact with the suit
percentage is reduced on a point-for-point basis by (RADAR, lasers, radio waves, electronic jamming,
enemy ECM. You can not stack Passive %. If you etc.)
have multiple sensor suites you must pick a single
The omnipresent nature of these devices is one
ARMOR OPTIONS: reason soldiers have taken to painting their armor
ONBOARD POWER SUPPLY outrageous and garish colors. They know with the
Connecting a weapon to the battery port using flick of a switch the onboard camouflage unit will
a cable requires ALL Actions. Cables can stretch up convert every square centimeter of surface area into a
to 2 meters in length and have a Threshold Rating of terrain-matching camouflage pattern.
4 and a Structural Integrity of 8. The units are incredibly reliable and battle-
proven. In the unlikely event of a failure the units are
EU Slots Equivalent sized e-mag designed to “fail-on,” which means the armor will be
15 1 Standard pistol e-mag
stuck in the last camouflage pattern that was being
25 1 Extended pistol e-mag
50 2 Standard e-mag for rifle-sized weapon used – even if the armor’s original paint scheme is
75 3 Extended e-mag for rifle-sized weapon some ostentatious Orion favorite, like dayglow
200 6 Small pack e-mag orange, the camo unit is still likely allow the soldier
400 12 Medium pack e-mag
to blend in.
Camo Units automatically changes color and
Grip Charge: Modifying the grip of any energy pattern on the surface of the armor to match the
weapon increases the cost of the weapon by 10%. terrain features. It does not make you invisible.
This cost in an addition to the Grip Charge system This is a passive countermeasure. Stealth
itself. Rating: 15. Penalty to Observation Checks: 30%
Snake Cable: Snake Cables save the character time Smoke Generator: Penalty to Observation Checks
when connecting weapons to onboard batteries. After made to locate or identity persons or objects within
receiving the “connect” command, which is a Free the smoke: 30%. Though this is not technically an
Action, the cable will automatically connect to active counter-measure it is easy to detect when in
whatever weapon the character has in hand. This use.
reduces the connection time from ALL Actions to
HALF of all Actions. Sound Cancellation: This is a passive
countermeasure. Stealth Rating: 15. Penalty to
Observation Checks made using Hearing Modifier:
Missiles are considered inert until armed. One rack
per any character Size Class 4 or under. ARMOR OPTIONS:
A communication system or “commo” allows the
ARMOR OPTIONS: soldier to communicate to other units in range who
A-GRAV SYSTEMS also have a commo.
Only one Anti-Grav Belt may be active at a given If your commo is being jammed by ECM a
time. You can not “stack” A-Grav reductions. Communications Skill check is required, after the
Activating an A-Grav belt immediately reveals your reducing the Signal Strength by the enemy’s ECM
position to any Sensor System in range that has line- Value, to use your commo. Failure indicates that your
of-sight to your position. commo is being jammed by the enemy’s ECM and you
can not make contact.
You can not make another attempt at a
Communication’s skill check until the situation
changes enough to warrant making another attempt
ARMOR OPTIONS: (GM Discretion). This usually involves disabling the
PHYSICAL COUNTER MEASURES ECM, activating friendly ECCM to counter the enemy
Camouflage Unit: Camouflage units are ubiquitous ECM, moving to higher ground, or putting a solid
on military and paramilitary gear. You’re unlikely to structure between you and the source of the ECM.
find a suit of armor or vehicle anywhere in Alliance Individuals that have line of sight to each
space that doesn’t have a “Camo Unit” installed other or line of sight to a friendly communications
unless you’re truly in the backend of the galaxy. relay (k-sat) can communicate without revealing their
presence to the enemy, otherwise communication run for 10 rounds before requiring a recharge. The
using a commo reveals your presence on the unit requires 20 EU to fully charge, and may be
battlefield. recharged in 20 minutes. The unit will not reactivate
until fully
Commo Booster: The Signal Strength Booster can be
added to any Commo, space permitting, to give a 20- EM Converter 4: This unit can convert 17 points of
point bonus to the Signal Strength. It also increases laser damage (Damage Type A) per round into
the range by 10%. You can not use more than one concussion damage (Damage Type T). This unit can
Signal Booster. run for 15 rounds before requiring a recharge. The
unit requires 20 EU to fully charge, and may be
recharged in 20 minutes. The unit will not reactivate
ARMOR OPTIONS: until fully
Only one field generator may be in operation at a EM Converter 5: This unit can convert 22 points of
time. Activating any Field Generator immediately laser damage (Damage Type A) per round into
reveals your position to any Sensor Systems if you are concussion damage (Damage Type T). This unit can
inside their range. run for 20 rounds before requiring a recharge. The
If field generators have two values listed for unit requires 30 EU to fully charge, and may be
Size this indicates that the Spaces they required may recharged in 30 minutes. The unit will not reactivate
be divided up between multiple Armor Sections. The until fully
Second number indicates the number of spaces, which
must be allocated to the Torso section of the armor. Flux Shields
For instance, the Flux Shield 10 has Size of 5(3), The Flux shield generator is the most powerful
which indicates it requires a total of 5 spaces in the protective device available in the 23rd Century. A
armored suit, and three of those must be allocated to flux shield surrounds the wearer a few millimeters
the torso. above the surface of their armor. The flux shield
completely stops low power kinetic attacks, and can
Anti-Plas Generator: This device reduced the sacrifice some of its field strength to stop all other
damage done by Pulse weapons or plasma attacks by attacks.
10 points. Radiation going in and out through the flux
shield above a certain energy level is also blocked.
EM Converter 1: This unit can convert 3 points of This allows light, sensor scans, and communication
laser damage (Damage Type A) per round into signals to pass back and forth through the shield
concussion damage (Damage Type T). The normally, while still stopping beam weapon attacks.
conversion is applied before the attack strikes the All hand-to-hand attacks, melee weapons, and
armor. If the unit takes more laser damage than it ballistic weapons that do not affect heavy armor do
can convert, then the excess damage is treated as no damage to a flux shield. All other weapons reduce
laser damage. This unit can run for 5 rounds before the field’s strength on a point-for-point basis, with
requiring a recharge. The unit requires 10 EU to each point of damage eliminating one point of field
fully charge, and may be recharged in 10 minutes. strength. When the field strength hits zero it offers no
The unit will not reactivate until fully charged. more protection to the user until it is recharged.

EM Converter 2: This unit can convert 7 points of

laser damage (Damage Type A) per round into Flux Shield 1: The unit will not reactivate until fully
concussion damage (Damage Type T). This unit can charged. Charging requires 30 minutes.
run for 5 rounds before requiring a recharge. The
unit requires 10 EU to fully charge, and may be Flux Shield 3: The unit will not reactivate until fully
recharged in 10 minutes. The unit will not reactivate charged. Charging requires 1 hour.
until fully
Flux Shield 5: The unit will not reactivate until fully
EM Converter 3: This unit can convert 12 points of charged. Charging requires 1.5 hours.
laser damage (Damage Type A) per round into
concussion damage (Damage Type T). This unit can
Flux Shield 7: The unit will not reactivate until fully Armor P-AIs have 4 Actions. P-AIs are
charged. Charging requires 2 hours. assumed to go first in every Combat Round. For
convenience, we suggest resolving P-AI Actions
Flux Shield 10: The unit will not reactivate until fully starting on one side of the table, with the GM working
charged. Charging requires 3 hours. their way to the opposite side.
P-AIs can act on their own as they were
Flux Shield 13: The unit will not reactivate until fully another living being, though they can only control the
charged. Charging requires 4 hours. automated systems in the armor and always follows
orders. In suits of mechanized armor the P-AI is
Flux Shield 17: The unit will not reactivate until fully capable of “driving” the armor should the wearer be
charged. Charging requires 5 hours. incapacitated.
Giving a P-AI a simple command is a Free
Flux Shield 20: The unit will not reactivate until fully Action. Giving a more specific command requires
charged. Charging requires 6 hours. ALL actions. However, the advantage of using a P-AI
over a standard armor computer is that the P-AI has
Kinetic Energy Shield: This field reduces damage probably already done what you want it to do before
from kinetic attacks by five points per you even ask it.
projectile/attack. It is immediately visible to anyone
looking in the user’s direction and to any sensor ARMOR OPTIONS:
system if the Kinetic Energy Shield is within the ARMOR COMPUTER PACKAGES
system’s operating range. Auto-Weapon Control: The armor computer in the
suit with the CNC determines how automated
Magnetic Disruptor: This system is effective against weapons and PDS are utilized throughout the squad,
Charged Particle Weapons (CPWs), which include: unless there is a P-AI armor computer available,
Disintegrators, Metal Guns, Particle weapons, Pulse which can override standard armor computers. In
weapons, and Scramblers. The damage from any of either case, the Game Master can assume the system
these weapons is reduced by half (round down) when will make the correct determination for who needs
using a Magnetic Disruptor. fire support or PDS coverage based on the sensor
data the squad has available.
Turbulence Generators: Anyone shooting at in, out, The system’s choices can be over-ridden by
or through an active Turbulence generator using a any member in the squad. This requires ALL Actions.
ballistic weapon applies a -40 modifier to their shot, If there is a conflict the system will always follow the
and increases the size of any ROF-D by two levels to orders of the highest-ranking squad member. The
a maximum size of d12 (d6  d10, d8  d12, d10  GM determines how the CNC reacts in any given
d12, d12  d12). The shooter can not Bump shots Combat Round.
made through a Turbulence Generator vortex. A CNC can only control automated systems it
Anyone shooting at in, out, or through an can reach via the armor’s Commo, though commands
active Turbulence generator using a beam weapon can be relayed from Commo to Commo.
applies a -20 modifier to their shot, and increases the
size of any ROF-D by one level to a maximum size of
d12 (d6  d8, d8 d10, d10  d12, d12  d12). Damage Control (Aka Systems Analyzer): This
The shooter can not Bump shots made through a system has a 50% chance to repair a disabled or
Turbulence Generator vortex. destroyed armor option. This may only be attempted
once per option. A repair attempt takes a number of
ARMOR OPTIONS: Combat Rounds equal to the number of spaces of the
ARMOR COMPUTERS & P-AIS option occupies.
Armor Computers
Giving an Armor Computer a simple command is a Displacement Calculation: This module reduces
Free Action. Giving a more specific command displacement to a HALF of all Actions activity once
requires ALL actions. Armor Computers have 2 the destination is specified. Verbally specifying a
Actions, and act during the user’s Initiative. destination requires ALL actions and is the least
efficient manner to communicate with the module.
Armor P-AIs Simply putting the X on the spot in your field of view
(1 Action) is the most efficient way to specify a ARMOR OPTIONS:
destination. Selecting a destination on the battlefield MISC. OPTIONS
map (1 Action) can also be done if the destination is
within range of the sensor system (given battlefield Absorption Polymers: The listed cost and weight are
conditions). The system will automatically orient the for 10 points of Absorption.
character’s facing towards any prior threat they had
been engaged with or towards any other object or Air Supply: Requires the Environmental
person the soldier specifies to the computer. Containment option. This option may be distributed
across multiple sections of the armor. For more
Drone Control: Substitute the Armor Computer’s IQ realistic air supply usage the GM may use the table
for the character’s MD, and assume this package below.
provides 10 levels (+50) of Aircraft Pilot skill. Thus,
a standard Armor Computer would have 2 Actions Size Class Air Supply Duration (Hrs.)
1 11
and a 90% chance of making Personal Flight Device 2 10
skill checks, and an P-AI would have 4 Actions and a 3 9
110% chance. 4 8
5 7
6 6
Hostile Identification Computer (HIC): Requires 7 5
Sensor Package. 8 4
CNC interaction with HIC: Keep in mind that
without a HIC in the squad the PDS units will still Anti-Surge Kit: Normally, if an armored suit fails its
target the closest threat to the squad member being ELE ECR the player rolls to see if any armor options
defended, rather than the most dangerous threat. In are destroyed. However, with this option installed the
addition, the CNC will not how dangerous an player only must roll to see if an armor option was
opponent is without an HIC in the squad and will destroyed if they rolled 00 during their ELE ECR
base allocation of automated fire solely on the check. This armor option does not bypass any of the
number and size of the enemy combatants engaging a standard rules for destruction of armor options under
squad member. The assumption being that more other conditions.
opponents constitute a bigger threat, and physically
larger opponents (like tanks or Maelstrom Generals) Armored Storage/Holster: When building an
are usually a more dangerous threat than smaller Armored Storage compartment, the player must
enemy units. decide how many spaces in that section of the armor
will be dedicated to the storage compartment. The
Tac-Net: When the Tac-Net functions are active and cost to install the armored compartment is equal to
there are other team members on the network sharing 500credits multiplied by the number of spaces the
data, the users receive a -30 to all Observation storage space occupies in the suit. If an armored
checks and a -3 to Initiative rolls. Requires Commo storage compartment is destroyed by a penetrating hit
System. If a unit’s commo system is jammed or out of its contents are also destroyed.
range of other party members they can not update the For storage spaces that function as holsters
team’s Tac-Net. the cost is identical. The table below shows what size
weapon can be placed in given size storage space. *A
Jump & Flight Control Package: Substitute the given Size Class can accommodate the weapon show,
Armor Computer’s IQ for the character’s AGL, and or any weapon shown for a smaller Size Class.
assume this package provides 10 levels (+50) of # of Slots Object or Weapon
Personal Flight Device skill. Thus, a standard Armor Grenade, Knife, pistol magazine, any pistol e-mag,
concealable e-mag for rifle-sized weapon
Computer would have a 90% chance of making 2 Pistol, rifle magazine, standard e-mag for rifle-sized weapon
Personal Flight Device skill checks, and an P-AI 3 Extended e-mag for rifle-sized weapon
would have a 110% chance. 4 SMG-sized weapon
6 Rifle-sized weapon, Small pack e-mag, Short sword
Target Acquisition Package: Requires a Sensor 7 Small pack e-mag
Package. This system provides a +10% to hit at all 8
Range Brackets. 9
11 Light Machinegun-sized weapon
12 firing. Clarifying what you want for the system
requires ALL Actions.
Automated Weapon Mount: An automated weapon The weapon will continue to engage that
mount functions similarly to look-and-shoot body target until the user tells it to stop or specifies
mount harness for a Cizerack. The articulated mount another target. The target will not engage a target if
is affixed to the shoulder of the armored suit and a it has detectable friendly IFF Beacon. The mount is
weapon of the user’s choice is attached to the mount. assumed to have 2 Actions, and a percentage chance
Wherever the user looks the articulated mount will to hit of 50%.
point the weapon at that same spot.
The mount can have the weapon permanently BMH (Basic): Because the cat must turn their body
installed in the mount or equipped with a quick- to aim the weapon, a +2 Initiative penalty is applied
release attachment. The quick release allows the whenever the Cizerack changes targets. Weapons in
soldier to unlock the weapon from the mount and use Body-Mount Harnesses are automatically considered
it as their primary weapon if they wish. braced but weapon-mounted scopes cannot be used.
The mount can reach far enough forward that When using a weapon mounted to a BMH the
the user can reload the weapon as if it were in their Cizerack uses one quarter of her Agility rather than
hands. In addition, when not in use the mount can half of their Manual Dexterity when making a weapon
retract to a position low on the user’s back, with the Skill Checks. A BMH can hold a rifle-sized weapon or
weapon in a muzzle-up position. This minimizes the smaller.
chance of the weapon to get in the way of the user The cat can adjust the weapon mount’s
when moving in tight spaces or through low elevation setting which requires HALF of all her
doorways. Actions. Only one BMH can be used on a single
The larger the character, the larger the individual and the BMH can only be used by
weapon an automated weapon mount can hold Cizerack. The cat must remove the BMH to reload the
without the weapon becoming cumbersome and weapon. It takes 4 Combat Rounds to remove a BMH.
unwieldy. Consult the chart below to determine the
maximum size weapon that your character can mount BMH (look & shoot): Unlike the basic BMH, this
in an Automated Weapon Mount. *A given Size Class mount has no IM penalty. When using a weapon
can accommodate the weapon shown, or any weapon mounted to a BMH the Cizerack uses half of their
shown for a smaller Size Class. Agility rather than half of their Manual Dexterity
when making a weapon Skill Checks. This BMH can
Size Class # Slots*
1-2 Pistol or SMG-sized weapon
hold a rifle-sized weapon or smaller.
3-4 Shotgun-sized weapon The weapon pivots down on command to
5-6 Rifle-sized weapon facilitate reloading (magazine-fed only). Only one
7-8 Light Machinegun-sized weapon BMH can be used on a single individual and the BMH
9-10 Heavy Machinegun-sized weapon
can only be used by Cizerack.
To fire the weapon the user must specify a
BMH-Ultra: The primary weapon must be light
target and give the command to fire, which typically
machinegun-sized or smaller, while the secondary
takes a single Action (see below).
weapon is limited to a pistol or SMG-sized weapon.
Verbally specifying a target (“Shoot the
Both weapons point at the same target.
Arachnid in red armor!”) requires ALL Actions and
is the least efficient manner to communicate with your
Combat Shield: A combat shield has a Threshold
automated weapon. If you have a helm on you can
Rating of 7 points, and a Structural Integrity of 15.
simply look at the target if it’s in your field of vision
The shield automatically protects the arm it is
and say “fire!” which requires one (1) Action.
mounted to from attacks with its Threshold Rating.
Selecting a target on the battlefield map
The shield may be placed over any other Body
shown on your helm’s HUD can also be done and
Location (Head, Torso, etc.) automatically providing
requires one (1) Action. This assumes the target is
that area with the shield’s Threshold Rating.
within range of your sensor system given battlefield
However, holding it anywhere other than in front of
the torso is awkward and reduces the number of
If there is some ambiguity in your order or the
Actions the character has by half. Also holding it
target you specified can not be detected by your
front of your head makes it difficult to see.
sensors, the system will request clarification before
If the character wishes to actively block elevation. If the user wants to change their facing
hand-to-hand or melee attacks to multiple locations (was facing North, now facing South), change their
with the shield, they can spend HALF their total elevation, or change their orientation (“I want to
Actions and the shield provides one additional arrive with my feet on the ceiling.”) the check is more
Defensive Bump. difficult. When characters arrive at their destination
they are required to make a INT check (free Action)
Defoliator: This unit sprays a powerful defoliation to get oriented. If they have changed their elevation,
agent that kills vegetation in minutes. facing, or orientation the penalties applied to their
The spray from this unit kills plant life in skill check are also applied to their INT check. A
1d4/2 minutes. It can spray a 2m radius area every character who fails their INT check requires a
Combat Round (ALL Actions). There is enough Combat Round to re-orient themselves – though they
herbicide to be sprayed for 10 Combat Rounds before can still react to threats that are obvious and in front
the unit is empty. Refills cost 500cr. of them.

Detachable Armored Pack: Similar to an Armored Goal Penalty (Cumulative)*

Storage Compartment, the Armored Pack is an Changing Elevation -25
armored backpack that attaches to the suit. Unlike the Changing Facing -25
Armored Storage compartments the Armored Pack Changing Orientation -25
does not take up space in the suit. Instead it attaches
* Characters must also make an INT check with a modifier equal to
to the back of the suit and is armored to match the the total applicable penalties above.
protection rating of the suit is attached to. Because the
pack isn’t limited by internal space of the armor it can If the character fails their Trans-Location
hold a lot more gear. In addition, the pack can be Device (TLD) skill check, they still displace to a new
detached with a command from the wearer, dropping location, but it’s not where they intended to go. Roll
to the ground for later retrieval. a d12 to determine the clockwise direction they went.
This allows a soldier to carry all the gear they Roll 1d100 and multiply by 2 to determine how far the
might need for camp or for a prolonged march but character traveled. Characters who fail their Trans-
drop all that weight at a moment’s notice if they must Location Device (TLD) skill check are automatically
engage in combat. The packs are lockable and have a disoriented for one Combat Round, and unable to
locator beacon that can be turned on or off remotely. take any actions.
This allows the soldier to find his pack after the chaos Device can only be used once per Combat
of battle so he can dig those well-deserved MREs out Round and requires one half Action to activate.
of it. Since it’s lockable it also keeps his buddies Displacement devices can not displace though flux
from swapping out the good MREs for those awful shields.
ones that nobody likes.
Armored Packs cost 10% the total cost of the Displacement Scrambler: Anyone attempting to
suit and have a matching Threshold Rating. They teleport or displace into the area affected by a
have an amount of Absorption equal to the Arm Displacement Scrambler automatically suffers 2d6
section of the suit they’re matched with. The pack can points of damage (Damage Type FS) directly to the
be locked and unlocked manually with a code or with body. Armor and flux are ignored. Ouch!
a signal from the user’s commo. The locator beacon
can be set to activate when the pack is dropped or Environmental Containment: Armor with the
when it receives an activation command sent from the Environment Containment Option allows the
commo of the armored suit the pack is matched with. character to substitute the Armor’s CHEM ECR
Armored Packs hold 60 Kilos or 10 Spaces worth of against gas-based Chemical weapons and makes the
gear. character immune to airborne biological weapons
and biological weapons/diseases that must inhaled or
Displacement Device: Using the displacement device come into contact with the character’s skim.
requires the user to make a Trans-Location Device In addition, Environmental Containment
(TLD) skill check. Programming the device before allows the character to substitute the armor’s COLD
making the skill check requires ALL Actions. or FIRE ECR for their own when dealing with
Normally a displacement device just moves a environmental conditions.
character from point-A to point-B at the same
Gyro Stabilizer: Hand-held weapons on armored Ram could mount on the hardpoint. Therefore,
suits equipped with a Gyro Stabilizer are treated as anytime the Ram’s right arm is hit by weapon’s fire
being Braced when fired. there is a 20% chance the hard point will be hit
[(50% - (3 * 10%) = 20%]. The same size weapon on
Hard Point: Weapons mounted on hard points are a Size Class 2 Chatilian is struck 50% of the time.
always considered “drawn.” Hard point weapons can
be mounted in other locations on your armor than the IFF Beacon: The IFF Beacon has three modes:
arms, but since they’re in a fixed position, the broadcast, respond, and off. When in broadcast mode
character must move their body rather than just their the IFF Beacon broadcasts the user’s affiliation and
arm to aim. This imparts a –40 accuracy penalty and unique ID number to everyone in range of the user’s
a +3 initiative modifier. Don’t forget that the commo system. In respond mode the IFF Beacon
weapon’s ENC is now added to the ENC of your identifies the user’s affiliation and unique ID number
armor! when scanned by a sensor system in Active mode.
For double the price of a standard hard point When turned off the IFF Beacon will not broadcast
you can get a quick-change hard point that allows the user’s information or respond when struck by a
you to remove the currently mounted weapon and sensor scan.
replace it with another weapon equipped for hard- IFF Beacons help to eliminate “friendly fire”
point use. Modifying weapons for hardpoint use costs incidents, by identifying friendly combatants to each
150 credits and removes the hardware needed to fire other. Unfortunately, enemy sensor systems that scan
the weapon using your hands, rendering the weapon the user will identify the user an enemy combatant if
inoperable when off the hardpoint. Changing the IFF beacon is not turned off. This means your
weapons requires two (2) Combat Rounds. IFF also identifies you as hostile to enemy
The larger the character, the larger the combatants.
weapon the hardpoint can support without the The IFF Beacon requires a commo to work in
weapon becoming cumbersome and unwieldy. broadcast mode. The IFF Beacon is limited to the
Consult the chart below to determine the maximum range of the suit’s commo when in broadcast mode. If
size weapon that your character can mount in an the commo is jammed, the IFF Beacon will no longer
Hardpoint. *A given Size Class can accommodate the function in broadcast mode. Information the IFF
weapon shown, or any weapon shown for a smaller provides can be tailored by using an armor computer
Size Class. The weight (WGT) of the hard point is or P-AI. In certain situations, turning off or
determined by the heaviest weapon it is capable of modifying an IFF Beacon’s information on non-
mounting. military IFF beacons is a criminal offense.
Impact Gel: This device is capable of negating 10d4
Size Class WGT # Slots* points of damage from falls, collisions with moving
1-2 1 Pistol or SMG-sized weapon
vehicles, or impacts from being thrown or blown by
an explosion into a wall or other solid object. It is
3-4 1 Shotgun-sized weapon
also capable of negating damage from a failed
5-6 3 Rifle-sized weapon TOPPLE AGL effect check. It is not effective at
7-8 4 Light Machinegun-sized weapon negating damage from explosions, Omega weapon or
9-10 5 Heavy Machinegun-sized weapon
other types of impacts other than those specifically
stated above. The cost of this armor option is
Anytime the section of armor where the affected by Size Class. See Size Class Multiplier table.
hardpoint is located there is chance that the A replacement aero-gel cylinder and rocket cartridge
hardpoint and weapon on it is hit first. If the costs 5cr multiplied by the character’s Size Class.
character is mounting the largest weapon they can
attach to the hardpoint based on their Size Class (see Internalized Weapon: Internalized weapons are
below) the chance of the weapon/hardpoint being treated like armor options and take up space inside
struck first is 50%. For each weapon size smaller the the armor. The number of slots required by the
chance decreases by 40%. weapon is shown in the chart below. The weight of the
For illustration, let’s assume we have a Ram weapon is added to the weight of the armor.
Python mounting a SMG-sized weapon on his right Characters never have to draw an internalized
arm. The Ram is Size Class 8, so the SMG-sized weapon.
weapon is 3 sizes smaller than the largest weapon the
Reloading an internalized weapon requires Phase Lock System: This system prevents phased
two (2) Combat Rounds. As a result, most players weaponry from passing through the armor. The
will opt to install energy weapons and use batteries weapon can still be used normally, though it is no
installed in the armor to run the weapon to minimize longer treated as phased when attacking an armored
reloading. suit equipped with a functioning Phase Lock System.

Weapon Type # Slots Cost Portable Fusion Generator: This unit provides 50
Pistol 1 1,500
EU per Combat Round, and can run for 20 rounds at
SMG-sized weapon or Shotgun-sized weapon 3 3,000
Rifle-sized weapon 5 7,500 peak output.
Light Machinegun-sized weapon 10 12,000
Protection (Actuators): Backup actuators take up
More Crunch Rule: Oversized Internalized Weapons half of the total space available in each section, and
and Hardpoint Weapons: the entire system costs 10% of the cost of the armor,
• If the number of slots required by the weapon is after adjusting for Size Class.
larger than the character’s Size Class the
character incurs a 2 point Initiative penalty. Protection (Armor Option): When this option is
• Mounting a weapon with a weight larger than the installed the first penetrating hit that would normally
character’s STR divided by 10 decreases the require a roll to see if any armor options are
character’s Agility by 20 when wearing the destroyed instead automatically hits the Protection
armor. (Armor Option). The player puts an X in the box at
• Mounting a weapon anywhere but on an the top of the Armor Option list for the section,
arm/tentacle decreases the weapon’s accuracy by indicating that this option has been expended. This,
40 at all Range Brackets. unfortunately, renders the plating useless and it
provides no additional protection after that first
Laser Shield: The Laser Shield has Threshold Rating penetrating hit. Protection (Plating) must be
of 10 versus laser attacks. Beam weapon attacks that purchased for each section of armor the player wants
do less than 10 points of damage bounce off the shield to protect.
and are reflected back in the general direction of the
attacker. In all other respects it functions the same as
the Combat Shield. ARMOR OPTIONS:
Auto Doc: The Auto Doc is treated as having a IQ of
Molecular Phase System: The unit allows the 50, and 10 levels of Physician skill. In addition, it
individual to pass through walls and other solid can administer BRIs, mBRIs, anti-viral drugs,
objects up to 3m thick as if they were a ghost. The antibiotics, anti-fungal drugs, and drugs to combat
device will not allow the user to pass through Flux shock. It is also designed to work with any Cyro
shields. The device has a cool-down time of 30 Injection Systems or Limb Loss Systems built into the
minutes and may only be employed for 1-minute Armor. An Auto Doc can administer cryo-prep
intervals. injections immediately before a Cryo Injection, which
This device will not pass through material increases the chance for resuscitation by 20%.
objects equipped with a Phase Lock System or flux
shields. If the device is destroyed while passing Cryo Injection System: The Cyro System
through a solid object, characters suffer an amount of automatically places the character in suspended
damage directly to their Body Points equal to the animation when they are near death or dead. The
Structural Integrity of the structure or object they Cyro will keep the character suspended for up to 6
were passing through. Damage is divided evenly months. Their condition will not degrade, their body
across 1d6 Body Sections. The same damage is will not rot, and they do not require sustenance of any
applied to the Structural Integrity of their armor. kind while Cryo’d, nor do they need to breathe. A
Damage is divided evenly across 1d6 Armor Sections. Cryo does not protect the character from further
Sections that are damaged are assumed to be damage from weapons or exposure to hostile
permanently fused with the object or structure and environmental conditions.
must be cut free or cut off.
Combat Performance Upgrade: Once activated the
effects of the system last for 2d4 Combat Rounds. The than the Tech Level of the ECM Systems being used.
system increases the character’s Initiative Modifier
by 4 points. In addition, character’s may use their
full CON value rather than half their CON value ARMOR OPTIONS:
when rolling to see if they remain conscious after PROJECTILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS (PDS)
taking a critical hit. The character’s AGL, MD, STR, Projectile Defense Systems can shoot down
are all increased by 20 points for the duration of the grenades, mortar shells, artillery shells, RPGs,
system’s effects. RUN is also increased by 1 point. missiles, rockets, parasite disks, and any projectile
Once the system’s effects have ended, all the baseball sized or larger. There are a wide variety of
beneficial effects are lost and the character becomes PDS types available and each type has its advantages
very fatigued. The character’s CON score is treated as disadvantages. Longer range systems can engage
as half its normal value, RUN is reduced by 1, and incoming threats from father away and give you more
their Initiative Modifier is reduced by 2 points for 1d4 opportunity for follow-up shots against a target if the
minutes. first few miss. Systems with higher rates-of-fire can
engage more targets simultaneously.
Limb Loss Control: Anytime a character loses a By default, a PDS will always engage
limb or appendage when this system is installed they incoming targets from closest to farthest, targeting the
may continue to function normally, other than for the nearest threat first. Once the closest threat is
inconvenience of having one less limb/appendage. dispatched the system will then focus its attention
The character feels no pain from the loss, and there is (and fire) on the next closest threat. The assumption
no need to track blood loss or make a CON check to being that the system will have less time to engage
avoid shock. closer targets before they hit, and therefore closer
targets should be prioritized over more distant ones
Pain Manager: Character’s do not need to make The ROF can be spread across multiple
CON checks when they suffer a Critical Hit. In targets but incur the Snap Shot penalty for any target
addition, the effects of all non-bone Critical Hits can engaged after the first in the same Combat Round.
be ignored. Bone Critical Hits still reduce the
character’s AGL. MORE CRUNCH RULE: PDS Range Limits
Sleep & Stim Management: Characters do not need The maximum range on any Projectile Defense
to make CON Checks when sleep deprived for Systems is equal to the range of the system or the
fatigued, but their CON will continue to decrease range of the Sensor Package, whichever is lower.
until they rest. In addition, the character can ignore
any penalties from fatigue or sleep deprivation. If the
character does not rest before their CON reaches
zero they will collapse in exhaustion.

Active (sensors) and Signal Strength (Commos) on a
point-for-point basis. These ECM/Jammers are
ACTIVE Systems when being used and automatically
These systems including a myriad of jamming
technologies, including blinding lasers to foul the
optics of laser guided or optically guided weaponry.


ECM Systems are half as effective against Sensor
Systems and Commos that are one (1) TL higher than
the Tech Level of the ECM Systems being used, and
one quarter as effective against Sensor Systems and
Commos that are two or more Tech Levels higher
















Cruiser MkII 2 24 16 8 24 16 8 7 10 20 5 20 0 0 3 3,420
Bio-1 3 24 16 8 24 16 8 9 20 5 30 5 15 0 3 6,290
Combat 1
Cub 3 36 24 12 27 18 9 12 20 15 20 15 20 0 3 5,130
Deflection 3/6 36 24 12 12 8 4 12 15 5 20 10 20 0 3 4,570
Beta Suit 4 48 32 16 24 16 8 13 20 5 20 5 20 20 4 30,970
Ceramic 4 24 16 8 33 22 11 10 30 5 65 50 0 0 3 13,010
Protecon 4 36 24 12 33 22 11 11 85 10 50 25 30 0 4 15,450
Combat 2
Flex Suit 5 60 40 20 21 14 7 14 60 15 5 20 50 0 4 13,830
Generation 5 48 32 16 24 16 8 15 25 5 50 15 50 0 4 33,440
Opticon 5/8 36 24 12 15 10 5 13 20 5 30 35 45 0 4 16,150
Combat 3
Coral 6 24 16 8 39 26 13 10 30 5 80 25 10 0 4 39,200
Electrolyte 6 48 32 16 39 26 13 14 20 30 95 5 50 0 4 38,600
Kodiak 6 60 40 20 60 40 20 13 30 25 30 25 25 0 5 42,460
Spy master 6 36 24 12 39 26 13 8 10 20 5 20 0 0 6 80,590


















CD2 7 60 40 20 48 32 16 8 33 35 20 35 40 25 20 0 20 5 91,100
Epsilon Suit
Hansen 7 84 56 28 81 54 27 10 40 35 60 40 10 40 35 0 0 5 137,050
Soaker 7 48 32 16 105 70 35 9 30 35 20 85 10 35 20 0 0 5 61,900
Belligerence 8 60 40 20 120 80 40 10 36 40 25 25 65 25 20 0 0 5 110,600
Velocity 9 108 72 36 81 54 27 15 52 55 25 25 30 55 40 0 30 5 266,700
Combat 4
Grizzly 10 48 32 16 144 96 48 10 36 40 45 40 35 35 40 0 0 5 135,550
Inferno 11 132 88 44 99 66 33 18 62 55 40 55 80 35 60 0 0 5 515,250
CD7 12 144 96 48 51 34 17 19 67 65 30 65 50 60 65 0 20 5 704,850
Warrior 13
Tarsh 15






SC +






Hercules 14 180 120 60 126 84 42 24 83 65 65 65 65 65 2 215 0 0 5 0 1.65

CD12 20 216 144 72 90 60 30 0 107 80 45 80 70 70 2 195 100 14 5 +1 4.5

Assault 22
Omicron 24
Suit Mil
Bear 25
Gargantuan 25 300 200 100 375 250 125 0 147 90 80 90 80 90 3 305 2 20 5 +2 11.0
Heavy 28
T-Rex 32

Battle Mesh 35 396 264 132 210 140 70 0 156 90 55 50 55 95 4 445 150 12 5 +1 11.3
AeroShield 36 300 200 100 195 130 65 0 126 95 70 95 50 60 2 175 150 8 6 +2 18.8
Nightshade 42 288 192 96 150 100 50 0 109 95 85 80 70 95 2 190 2 30 6 +2 70.0
Argus 50

Titan 75
Dreadnought 100 408 272 136 390 260 130 0 203 95 85 80 70 95 5 545 2 15 6 +2 26.5
Ursa 100
Omega Suit 150

Exo-Sheath 200 2400 1600 800 1800 1200 600 0 742 80 90 90 110 110 5 110 150 8 6 +2 97.5


Leather Armor
Bullet Proof Vest BP-1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 10 0 0 40 0 80
Chain Mail
Banded Mail
Bullet Proof Vest BP-2 3 20 0 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 0 40 0 510
Plate Mail


Street 1
Street 2
Infiltrator 4 24 16 8 33 22 11 7 10 25 40 35 20 5 20,800
Street 3

Battle Suit 1 12 8 4 24 16 8 5 0 5 5 5 0 3 60 2,110
Econo Master 3
AKMZ 4 48 32 16 39 26 13 16 0 30 20 25 15 3 85 8,040
Fortune 4
AD1 "Prayer" Suit 4
Advantage 5
Cheat Suit 5 24 16 8 39 26 13 9 35 10 5 10 15 4 70 9,590
Savior 6 60 40 20 60 40 20 11 40 30 40 30 30 5 85 30,700
Hack Suit 6
KJR Battle Suit 7 84 56 28 72 48 24 14 60 20 35 60 45 5 80 66,580
Range (km)







ON (m)








Leather Cap
Metal Helm
Visored Helm
Ceramo-Master 4 8 11 1 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 3 4,760
Kevlar 3 4
Tri-Lar 5
Absorbix 6 8 10 1 0 0 0 50% 15 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 3 4,200
Brain Bucket 8
TDA 8 8 10 3 0 0 0 0% 0 15 0 0 25% 25% 180 2 0 4 10,900
DH-1 9 8 5 1 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 3 12,500
Aron TH-90 "Conehead" 10 12 10 3 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 5 3,900
Bell SS 10 8 5 5 0 80 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 4 15,100
DH-6 "Punkin Head" 10
MOH 11 16 25 2 75 0 0 0% 0 20 0 0 25% 50% 380 50 5 5 23,100
Shalkon H1 11
Survivor 1 11 16 25 2 0 0 0 75% 25 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 5 121,800
DH-2 12
MOH 3 12 36 72 3 95 0 90 85% 100 20 0 0 35% 70% 180 70 5 5 58,300
Range Master 12
Function + 13 28 56 4 0 0 100 85% 50 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 5 68,300
S-2 13
Dancerz 14
TDA-2 14 12 12 3 0 0 0 0% 0 20 0 0 35% 35% 180 3 1 5 29,600
Function 15
MOH-2 15
S-1 15 28 45 2 10 20 0 70% 50 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 5 141,000
Illuminary 16
Deshard 18
Deshard S 18 12 25 4 0 80 90 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 268,000
Shalkon MS 19 8 25 4 0 20 85 65% 25 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 225,000
Dome 20
Jousen 3 22 8 15 4 0 0 100 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 109,000
Tri Mesh 24
Deshard X 25 12 20 5 0 50 100 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 138,000
Skull 28
Shalkon MSEF 35 52 200 5 135 20 85 90% 50 0 -30 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 574,000
Bear MBA Helm
Bear MBA Helm PLUS 32 36 80 9 95 75 45 110% 45 0 -30 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 940,000
Goliath 50
Cranium Monster 55
Brain Shield 60
Shalkon Hornet 68 128 200 8 145 80 30 150% 65 20 -55 -25 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 14,770,000
Defender 75
Black Visor 80
Skull 2 90 180 300 11 140 50 95 145% 80 20 -35 -55 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 16,530,000
Juggernaut 100
Protector 125
Shalkon Guardian 150 300 400 17 140 90 95 145% 80 20 -35 -55 0% 0% 0 0 0 6 25,950,000
Agility Enhancements SIZE LOC WGT TL Cost
100 1 1 per Section 5 4 150,000
150 1 1 per Section 7 4 500,000
150 X2 1 1 per Section 10 5 1,000,000
150 X3 1 1 per Section 15 6 20,000,000


Anti-Grav Belt 2 -40 Torso 6 75,000
Heavy Belt 1 -75 Torso 6 125,000
Xtra Heavy Belt 2 -125 Torso 6 325,000

Armor Computers IQ INT Actions SIZE WGT LOC TL COST

Patrol (Computer) 40 0 2 1 1 ANY 4 800

Integron (Computer) 80 0 2 1 1 ANY 4 2,500

SAL (P-AI) 100 25 2 1 1 ANY 6 1,000,000

Phoenix (P-AI) 125

Armor Computer Packages SIZE WGT LOC TL Notes Cost

Auto-Weapon Control 0 0 - 4 Requires Sensor Package 50,000
Basic Info 0 0 - 3 300
CNC (aka Tac-Net) 0 0 - 3 Requires Commo 25,000
Damage Control 1 3 - 4 15,000
Displacement Calculation (Reduces time, increases accuracy) 0 0 - 6 Requires Sensor Package 75,000
Drone Control
HIC 0 0 - 3 Requires Sensor Package 50,000
Jump & Flight Control 0 0 - 3 Requires Sensor Package 12,000
Target Acquisition (+10%) 0 0 - 4 Requires Sensor Package 21,000

Coatings (Non-Stealth) SIZE WGT LOC TL COST

Laser Reflective Coating (+3 THR vs. Lasers) B 1 - 4 7,500
Radiation Shielding (+20 to RAD ECR) B 1 - 4 4,000
Non-Reactive Anti-Chemical Coating (+20 to CHEM ECR) B 1 - 4 4,000
Tactile Response B 0 - 5 2,500
NBC Shielding (+20 to CHEM & RAD ECRS B 1 - 3 9,500

Commo Packages (Includes IFF) Signal STR (%) RANGE (km) SIZE WGT LOC TL COST
Commo Booster 20% 10% 1 1 ANY Varies 100
Commo 1 - Local
Commo 2 - City 50% 50 1 1 ANY 4 500
Commo 3 - State
Commo 4 - Planetary 75% 5000 4 5 ANY 6 25,000
Commo 5 - Orbital
Emergency Transmitter 85% 200 1 1 ANY 4 5,000

Electronic Warfare ECM/ ECCM RANGE (km) SIZE WGT LOC TL COST
ECM Package 1 15 10 0.5 4 15 Any 3 60,000
ECM Package 2
ECM Package 3 35 35 25 1 3 Any 5 175,000
ECM Package 4
ECM Package 5 40 40 500 1 1 Any 6 500,000

Field Generators SIZE WGT LOC TL RATE/RD FIELD STR Run Time Battery Size COST
Anti-Plas Generator 3 2 Torso 4 10 N/A 840 40 60,000
EM Converter 1 1 1 ANY 5 3 N/A 5 10 13,500
EM Converter 2 2 2 ANY 5 7 N/A 5 10 31,500
EM Converter 3 3 3 ANY 5 12 N/A 10 20 108,000
EM Converter 4 4 4 ANY 5 17 N/A 15 20 229,500
EM Converter 5 5 5 ANY 6 22 N/A 20 30 396,000
Flux Shield 1 2 (1) 2 ANY 5 N/A 100 420 20 150,000
Flux Shield 3 3 (1) 2 ANY 5 N/A 300 240 60 500,000
Flux Shield 5
Flux Shield 7 5 (3) 5 ANY 7 N/A 700 150 140 1,000,000
Flux Shield 10
Flux Shield 13 8 (3) 9 ANY 7 N/A 1300 90 260 2,000,000
Flux Shield 17
Flux Shield 20 12 (6) 14 ANY 7 N/A 2000 60 400 3,000,000
Kinetic Energy Shield
Magnetic Disrupter
Turbulence Field 1 per section 5 Torso 4 N/A N/A 60 100 13,500

Hostile Environment Packages SIZE WGT LOC TL COST

Cold Weather
Extreme Heat
Dive Package
Deep Water Dive Package
EVA Package


Assistive Lift System (20kg) 1 per section All but Helm -20 3 2,000
Standard Lift System (40kg) 2 per section All but Helm -40 4 5,000
Combat Lift System (60kg) 3 per section All but Helm -60 4 9,000
Deployment Lift System (80kg) 4 per section All but Helm -80 4 14,000


Auto Doc 1 Leg 4 5,000
Combat Performance Upgrade 1 0 Any 4 5,000
Cryo System 1 1 Leg 5 25,000
Injection port 1 1 Leg 3 3,500
Limb Loss Control 1 per section 1 per section ALL 4 7,500
Pain Manager 1 0 Helm 5 3,500
Sleep & Stim Management 1 0 Helm 4 4,500
Sustenance Management 1 35 Any 3 1,000


Absorption Polymers (10 ABS) 1 0.5 ANY 4 1,000
Air Supply 1 1 Torso 2 750
Anti-Surge Kit 1 per section 1 ALL 4 20,000
Armored Storage/Holster Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies
Auto Minelayer
Automated Weapon Mount Varies Varies Arm 3 15,000
BMH (basic) 3 2 Torso 3 1,500
BMH (look and shoot) 3 3 Torso 4 35,000
BMH-Ultra 3 2 Torso 5 60,000
Breaching & Cutting Tools
Carrying Case 0 4 - 3 Varies
Combat Shield 0 0 Arm 3 5,000
Detachable Armored Pack +20% to torso 3 Torso 3 10% of Armor Cost
Displacement Device 3 2 Any 6 75,000
Displacement Scrambler 1 1 Torso 6 500,000
Drone Compartment
Emergency Exit
Environmental Containment B 1 ALL 3 1,400
External Flotation Systems
Fire Extinguisher
Generation Compliant Armor 0 4 - 5 X1.5 Armor Cost
Grappling Hoist 2 3 Torso 3 1,500
Gyro Stabilizer 1 1 Arm 4 2,000
Hard Point 1 2 Arm 3 500
IFF Beacon 1 3 Torso 3 3,500
Impact Gel 3 0 Torso 3 5,000
Integrity Repair Unit
Internalized Weapon Varies Varies Varies 3 Varies
Laser Shield 1 3 Arm 4 10,000
Mental Targeting system
Molecular Phase System 2 3 Torso 6 2,000,000
Phase Lock System 1 1 Torso 6 750,000
Planar Explosive
Polymer Dispenser
Portable Fusion Gen. 1 3 Any 5 80,000
Protection (Actuators) 1 per section 3 ALL 3 Spec
Protection (Armor Options) 1 per section 2 ALL 3 Spec
Quick Draw Unit
Search Light
Suicide Bomb
Systems Repair Unit

Missile Racks Arm Rockets Reflex Missiles BURST FULL SIZE WGT LOC TL COST
Held Held ROF ROF
Striker 2 0 2 N/A 1 2 Arm or Leg 3 200
Triple Threat
Armband 4 0 2 4 1 2 Arm or Leg 3 200
Mycroline 12 0 N/A 12 1 4 Arm or Leg 3 1,000
Partisan 0 10 2 4 2 12 Torso 4 8,000
Ripple 0 12 8 12 2 15 Torso 4 9,000


E T (m/s) (m/s^2) (km) L
Skimmer System (Rapid Armored Maneuver 1 2 All but 15 15 50 4 35,000
Package) Helm
Limited Flight Pack 8 13 Torso 40 20 250 4 150,000
Jump Pads 1 5 Legs 10 10 - 4 10,000
Thrust Assisted Jump Unit 1 12 Legs 75 50 200 4 20,000
Climbing System 1 3 Arms/Leg - - - 4 2,000
Mechanized Speed 1 2 Legs 18 18 - 4 15,000
Flight System (MARS) 12 80 All but 55 55 2000 5 2,000,00
Helm 0


E-Pack 15 (Std. Pistol) 15 1 1 Any 5 30
E-Pack 25 (Ext. Pistol) 25 1 1 Any 5 50
E-Pack 50 (Std. Rifle) 50 2 1 Any 5 100
E-Pack 75 (Ext. Rifle) 75 3 2 Any 5 150
E-Pack 200 (Small Pack)
E-Pack 400 (Medium Pack)

Physical Counter Measures SIZE WGT LOC Stealth Observation TL COST

Holograph Generator 2 1 Torso 120* N/A 5 25,000
Smoke Generator 2 5 Torso 30 30 3 3,250
Camouflage Unit B 1 B 15 30 4 3,500
Anti-Sensor Coating 1 per section 0 B 40 N/A 3 1000
False Sensor Image Generator 1 1 Any 120* N/A 5 30,000
Full Spectrum Cloak 1 per section 7 B 75 100 6 650,000
Camouflage Unit, Improved B 1 B 25 50 5 10,000
Sound Cancellation 1 per Leg 1 Leg 15 30 4 5,000

Projectile Defense Systems (Was LAMS) ACC ROF RNG (m) SIZE WGT LOC TL COST
Anti-Ballistic Threat Missiles (ABM) 30 1 200 1 3 Torso 3 2,500
Ballistic Anti-Threat System (BATS) 60 4 1200 4 10 Torso 3 150,000
Disintegration Anti-Threat System (DATS) 70 1 50 2 12 Torso 5 1,500,000
Laser Anti-Threat System (LATS) 80 6 1500 1 5 Torso 3 500,000
Omega Anti-Threat System (OATS) 90 2 100 6 15 Torso 5 2,000,000

% % (km) (m)
Basic - 90 - - 0 0 0 Head 3 200
K-Sat Sensor Drones
Local Area Proximity Alert 80 25 360 20 0 1 (min), 1 per 0 Head 4 1,000
System section
Mine Detector
Scout Systems Add-on +20 +40 - - +20 1 3 Head 4 20%
Sensor Package 1 75 35 180 0.5 0 1 (min), 1 per 1 Head 3 5,000
Sensor Package 2

Sensor Package 3

Sensor Package 4 100 45 360 20 2 4 (min), 1 per 3 Head 5 70,000

Sensor Package 5

Sensor Package 6 150 60 360 500 25 5 (min), 1 per 2 Head 7 5,000,000

Threat Detector - 75 360 - 0 5 (min), 1 per 1 Head 3 1,000

Strength Enhancements LIFT DA SIZE WGT LOC TL Cost

100 100 5 1 per Section 2 All but Helm 3 20,000
150 150 10 2 per Section 4 All but Helm 3 50,000
150 X2 300 20 3 per Section 8 All but Helm 4 150,000
150 X3 450 30 4 per Section 16 All but Helm 4 300,000
150 X4 600 40 5 per Section 32 All but Helm 5 600,000
150 X5 750 50 6 per Section 64 All but Helm 5 1,200,000
For our purpose a kinetic attack or kinetic WEAPON HAS RULES ASSOCIATED WITH IT.]
weapon is one which causes damage to a target by
striking it with a solid object or projectile. If increasing The following weapon reviews are copyright of
the size or speed of the solid object or projectile would Madd Mike’s Mercenary Catalog and reprinted here
increase the damage it causes, then you’re dealing with with their permission.
a kinetic attack.

Kinetic attacks include: hand-to-hand attacks, archaic KINETIC WEAPONS [Damage Type ‘-’]
melee weapons (clubs, swords, knives, etc.), archaic Empty ammunition magazines for all magazine
ranged weapons (spears, arrows, etc.), archaic powder using Kinetic Weapons can be purchased for 5 credits.
weapon, gauss guns, non-plasma grenade/mine Kinetic weapons are affected by Threshold Rating and
fragments and shrapnel. by Absorption. Most Kinetic weapons can’t affect
anyone in Heavy Armor. Exceptions will either be noted
Kinetic attacks do NOT include: concussion, in the weapons section or the weapon description.
explosions, plasma, Pulse weapons, beam weapons, Kinetic Weapon skill or Gunnery (Kinetic) skill is
energy weapons, flame throwers, fluid guns, or Omega required to fire these weapons.
APW - Pistols
Kinetic Attacks/Weapons (Kinetic) T .38 Cal.: Each additional 3cm of barrel adds 1 to the
Archaic Powder Weapons existing Accuracy in each Range Bracket and costs 75
Gauss Guns credits.
Melee Weapons (No plasma or Omega effects)
Hand-to-Hand attacks Wolf Pup .357: Each additional 3cm of barrel adds 1
to the existing Accuracy in each Range Bracket and
CHARGED PARTICLE WEAPONS (CPWS) costs 75 credits. Effective Range: 220m.
These weapons are all effected by Magnetic
Disruptor armor option. Wolf Hellhound: Anyone with less than 60 Strength
must hold the Hellhound with 2 hands when firing it or
Charged Particle Weapons (CPWs) take a -20 penalty to hit. Each additional 3cm of barrel
Disintegrators adds 1 to the existing accuracy numbers and costs 75
Metal Guns credits.
Particle weapons
Pulse weapons
Scramblers APW - Rifles
Zk .50 Caliber Courier: Affects Heavy Armor. The
A Note about Size, Batteries and Range Brackets Courier comes with built in bipod and it uses .50 BMG
There is a method to our madness. We promise. ammunition for you types who are interested in overkill.
• Weapons in the Pistol configuration may be used It can affect Heavy Armor normally.
one-handed. All other ranged weapons require two
hands to use. APW- Shotguns
• Pistol sized energy and pulse weapons use the pistol If bird shot or buckshot is used, double the Threshold
sized e-mags unless otherwise noted. Rifle sized Rating of the target’s armor before reducing the
energy and pulse weapons use the rifle sized e-mags damage by the Threshold Rating. Doubling of
unless otherwise noted. Threshold Rating doesn’t apply to slugs.
• Weapons that use Vehicle Range Brackets usually
have a penalty against personnel. Reflex Missiles Example: Henry the Mutzachan fires shotgun loaded
are the exception. with buckshot at a Floyd the Fott. Henry rolls 8 points
• Heavy weapons usually affect Heavy Armor. Heavy of damage. Floyd is wearing AKM armor, with a
machineguns and anything with “cannon” in the Threshold Rating of 3, which we would normally
name is probably a heavy weapon. subtract from Henry’s damage. However, since Henry
used buckshot, we double Floyd’s Threshold Rating.
[ALL WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS ARE OMITTED This reduces Henry’s damage by six points, which
means Floyd’s Absorption reduced by 2 points. that can be towed or a more permanent installation in a
Shotgun hits reduce Structural Integrity by two points. fortification. These cannons are all variants of super
Shotguns may also be sawed off. Sawed off conducting gauss guns. They produce very high
shotguns add a +20 to hit in Range Brackets 1 and 2, velocities from the rounds.
but can’t be fired beyond range bracket 2. This also Cannons require the use of Gunnery (Kinetic)
reduces encumbrance by 3 (Minimum 1). skill in order to operate them. When firing standard
rounds, Cannons incur a -40 penalty when used against
Wolf Sledge 12g: It takes an ALL Actions to completely personnel smaller than SC9. The standard round is a
reload to internal tube magazine. depleted uranium penetrator rod encased in a petal leaf
sabot. Because of the high velocities, the penetrator
round gets a Threshold Rating Reduction (THR-R).
APW- Light Machineguns When a hit occurs subtract the Threshold Rating
Light machine guns (LMGs) can be fired from a Reduction from the target’s Threshold Rating and then
standing position and can be operated by a single apply damage as normal using the TAB rules.
person. For example, a MARS 120 is fired at a tank with
6HP threshold. The tanks effective Threshold Rating is
APW- Heavy Machineguns reduced to 2HP (e.g., 6HP becomes 4HP) for purposes
Heavy machine guns require a tripod or mount and of calculating damage from this attack. The MARS 120
must have a crew to operate them. gunner rolls 5, doing 5HP of damage with this attack.
All machine guns must be fired in burst or fully- The tank takes 1HP of damage. Note that without
automatic fire mode. Semi-automatic fire is not Threshold Rating Reduction, the round would have
possible. Light machineguns typically reduce Structural failed to do damage.
Integrity by 1 point per bullet strike. Heavy It is also possible to fire a Reflex missile from the
machineguns reduce Structural Integrity by 3 or 6 barrel. Reflex missiles don’t get the benefit of
points per bullet strike. Threshold Rating Reduction (THR-R) but they do get an
All heavy machine guns can affect Heavy Armor extra 10km range.
normally, as they are considered vehicular weapons,
and require Gunnery (Kinetic) skill to operate. Heavy BEAM WEAPONS [Damage Type A]
machine guns use the Vehicle Range Brackets. Heavy
Machineguns are vehicular weapons and suffer a -40 Laser Weapons
penalty engage personnel, or objects smaller than SC 8. Lasers do half damage to Heavy Armor. Shooting
Apply the -40 penalty and then apply standard Size through or into concentrated smoke reduces laser
Class modifier. damage by half. Beam Weapon skill or Gunnery (Beam)
Field setup and teardown time for a Heavy skill is required to fire these weapons. Lasers are
machinegun is 2d4 minutes. Subtract one minute from Damage Type A weapons. Once a laser beam exceeds
the setup time for every 5 levels of Gunnery (Beam) the Threshold of an armor suit, it does straight body
skill possessed by the most skilled gunner damage. Exceptions to these rules will be noted in the
assembling/disassembling the weapon. Assembly time weapons section or the weapon description.
can not be reduced below 2 minutes.

BC-Testament (HMG): This weapon does 3 damage

Laser Rifles and Carbines
to Structural Integrity because of the .50 BMG Arrow LOSN: The Arrow LOSN comes with a bipod.
ammunition it fires.
Shalkon Carbine: The weapon can absorb enough
Chainsaw Lightning (HMG): This weapon does 6 light hour on sunny days to restore four shots worth of
damage to Structural Integrity because of the 20mm power to the battery. It can generate two shots worth of
ammunition it fires. power an hour with partial overcast, and one shot an
hour with heavy overcast.

Alpha 2: The variable settings do 1d8 and 2d6 points

Gauss Cannons of damage respectively. The high output setting uses up
These must be mounted to a vehicle or cannon 2 charges.
mount. A cannon mount may either be a large tripod
CPW-Pulse & Gunnery CPW-Pulse skill is required to
Beta 3: The variable settings do 1d8 and 2d6 points of fire these weapons.
damage respectively. The high output setting uses up 2
Pulse “Recoilless Rifles”
These are effectively a one-shot, large, Pulse
Laser Machineguns weapons that are designed to be fired from the shoulder.
Laser machineguns are the Heavy Machinegun They can be reloaded.
(HMG) configuration of laser weapons. Laser rifles
with a high rate of fire fill the LMG niche effectively. One-Shot: Fires a standard plasma round.
Laser machineguns require a tripod or pintel mount and
must have a crew to operate them. Little Dickens: This weapon does 20 damage to
All laser machineguns must be fired in burst or Structural Integrity the damage exceeds the target’s
fully automatic modes. Semi-automatic fire is not Threshold Rating.
possible. Laser machineguns go through energy units
faster than a horde of hungry Mutzachans! They do 4
points of damage to Structural Integrity per hit if the Pulse Rifles and Carbines
damage exceeds the Threshold Rating of the target. All M-20 Blaster Cannon: The tripod takes 2 Combat
laser machineguns affect Heavy Armor normally, as Rounds to set up.
they are considered vehicular weapons, and require
Gunnery (Beam) skill to operate well. RP-4 Masher Cannon: Increasing the power output
Field setup and teardown time for a Laser doubles damage yield (10d6), but Q is reduced by 10
machinegun is 2d4 minutes. Subtract one minute from with each shot.
the setup time for every 5 levels of Gunnery (Beam)
skill possessed by the most skilled gunner BC-Terminator: The three settings allow the user to
assembling/disassembling the weapon. Assembly time choose 4d6,5d6 or 6d6 points of damage. These settings
can not be reduced below 2 minutes. use up 1, 2, and 4 shots of Q respectively.

RKM 10G: Field setup time is +2 minutes.

Pulse Machineguns
Valley Green: Field setup time is +4 minutes. Pulse machineguns are the Heavy Machinegun
(HMG) configuration of Pulse weapons. Pulse rifles
Valley Green Express: This weapon mounts a 3HP with a high rate of fire fill the LMG niche effectively.
Flux shield. Pulse machineguns require a tripod or pintel mount and
must have a crew to operate them.
The plasma rounds for PMGs are larger than
PULSE WEAPONS [Damage Type ‘-’] those used in Pulse rifles and require a larger amount
Pulse weapons are short range, high shock value of energy. All Pulse machineguns must be fired in burst
instruments, primarily used by Assault Groups of the or fully-automatic modes. Semi-automatic fire is not
Galactic Defense Forces (GDF). They fire accelerated possible. Pulse machineguns typically do 20 Structural
plasma pulses surrounded by a magnetic bottle to keep Integrity per shot if the damage exceeds the Threshold
the energy from dissipating. Pulse weapons are heavier Rating of the target. All Pulse machine guns can affect
than lasers and are much more expensive. They do, Heavy Armor normally and require Gunnery (Plasma
however, reduce things to rubble at close range. Pulse & Particle) skill to operate well.
weapons are the preferred weapon of Pythonians. Field setup and teardown time for a Pulse
Infantry Pulse weapons typically do 8 points of machinegun is 2d4 minutes. Subtract one minute from
damage to Structural Integrity if the damage exceeds the setup time for every 5 levels of Gunnery (Beam)
the Threshold Rating of the target. Pulse weapons use a skill possessed by the most skilled gunner
double magazine system. One magazine is for the assembling/disassembling the weapon. Assembly time
plasma “slugs” and the other magazine is the energy can not be reduced below 2 minutes.
clip used to accelerate the “slug” down range. The
magazine for plasma has an adaptor to hold the energy Valley Red PMG: Field setup time is +2 minutes. The
cell next to it. It is, in effect, a double thickness unit includes a 2HP Flux shield.
magazine. Pulse cannons affect Heavy Armor normally.
Wicked Crimson: Field setup time is +2 minutes. The malfunctions were worked out. The Balshrom Flux
unit includes a 5HP Flux shield that covers the gunner. Cannon uses a 15kg A-Grav field to reduce its weight.
The improved camouflage generator and a thermal
dampener yields a Stealth Rating: 35 and 70% Penalty Valley Green Ox: The High Tech Weapons
to Observation Checks. Manufacturing subsidiary of Able Corporation came up
with this gem decades ago and it is still in use. Key
Cataclysm War Gun: The unit includes a 7HP Flux factors in its longevity are the range and damage output.
shield for the gunner. The Valley Green Ox uses a 15kg A-Grav field to
reduce its weight.
BC- Apocalypse: Field setup time is +8 minutes. The
unit includes a 7HP Flux Shield for the gunner. The Able 3: The Able 3 uses a 25kg A-Grav field to reduce
BC-Apocalypse uses twice the amount of PMG its weight, and like all A-Grav systems will show up
ammunition per shot as a normal PMG. The additional like a signal flare to sensor systems and UV optics.
energy usage is already factored in to the stats. Due to When used with a neural port, the operator receives a
the extra plasma and energy, this weapon does 40 1-point bonus to their Initiative Modifier.
points to Structural Integrity per round if the damage
exceeds the Threshold Rating of the target. Viper XM1: The Viper XM1 uses a 15kg A-Grav field
to reduce its weight.
Pulse Combat Systems
Pulse Combat Systems are the Heavy Cannon Cobra XM2: The Cobra XM2 uses a 15kg A-Grav
configuration of Pulse weapons. Pulse Combat Systems field to reduce its weight. When used with a neural
are typically mounted on vehicles and in permanent port, the operator receives a 2-point bonus to their
fortifications. Initiative Modifier.
PCS incur a -40 penalty when used against
personnel smaller than SC9. PCS do 50 Structural Python XM3: The Python XM3 uses a 15kg A-Grav
Integrity per shot, if the damage exceeds the Threshold field to reduce its weight. When used with a neural
Rating of the target. All Pulse Combat Systems can port, the operator receives an additional 2-point bonus
affect Heavy Armor normally and require Gunnery to their Initiative Modifier.
(CWS-Pulse) skill to operate well.
E.g., Fredd is firing his PCS at Mudd the Devastator: The Devastator uses a 15kg A-Grav field
Mazian, who is SC 1. Because Fredd is using a PCS, to reduce its weight. When used with a neural port, the
which is designed to engage vehicles, against personnel operator receives an additional 4-point bonus to their
he incurs a -40 penalty. In addition, he is further Initiative Modifier.
penalized for shooting at a target smaller than Size
Class 4. The Mazian’s Size Class modifier for being Abomination: The Abomination uses a 30kg A-Grav
SC1 is -20. This results in Fredd having a -60 to hit a field to reduce its weight. When used with a neural
Mazian. port, the operator receives an additional 4-point bonus
to their Initiative Modifier.
Using these weapons requires Omega weapon Omega Combat Systems (OCS)
skill. The weapons ignore Threshold Rating. Powerful Omega Combat Systems are the Heavy Cannon
Omega cannons can do limited Structural Integrity configuration of Omega weapons. Due to their power
damage as the impact severely warps the metal. All requirements, they are usually vehicle mounted or
Omega weapons use an A-Grav system to manage the emplaced at a semi-permanent encampment. They can
recoil from the counter pulse and all Omega Weapons be hooked up to pack sized e-cells, they’ll drain them
larger than pistols use A-Grav to manage weight. quickly.
Because of their large size and design
OC-1: The OC-1 uses a 15kg A-Grav field to reduce its parameters, Omega Combat Systems use Vehicle Range
weight. Brackets. OCS incur a -40 penalty when used against
personnel smaller than SC9. PCS do 50 Structural
Balshrom Flux Cannon: The Balshrom Flux Cannon Integrity per shot, if the damage exceeds the Threshold
is an affordable system overall. It features an improved Rating of the target. All Pulse Combat Systems can
targeting system and most of the kinks that caused affect Heavy Armor normally and require Gunnery
(CWS-Pulse) skill to operate well. armor’s ECR. The damage done by the Scrambler is
Due to the loud thunderclap with each shot, added to the roll. If the check fails (die roll +
Observation checks made with the Hearing Modifier Scrambler damage > ECR) the Armor Option is
get a +80 to hear them when firing. Note that sound disabled for 2d6 Combat Rounds. If you rolled 00 for
travels much slower than the Flux Shield so chances your ECR check the Armor Option is destroyed. A
are that by the time you can hear it, the target is disabled Armor Option can be re-enabled in half the
already pounded flat. All Omega Combat Systems rolled downtime, if an ALL Action Skill Check is
require Gunnery (Omega) skill to operate. successfully made using the Repair (Armorsmith) skill
at Average difficulty.
SCRAMBLERS [Damage Type S.P.F] Using a Scrambler against a Weapon: Once
Scramblers are midrange weapons. Lower end and attack has been successfully made against a
models are designed as an under barrel attachment on a weapon, the target must make a Malfunction roll,
primary weapon to add tactical options for a squad. adding the damage done by the Scrambler to the roll. If
Scramblers fire an exotic mix of electromagnetic the roll, plus the damage, exceeds the weapons
radiation and unstable neutrinos. I think? I’m pretty Malfunction Number, then roll on the appropriate
that’s what the melon head said. Safety tip: don’t ask a Malfunction Table and add the damage done by the
Mutzachan how something works; you don’t really Scrambler to the roll. A disabled weapon can be re-
want to know that badly. Anyway, when the beam hits enabled in half the rolled downtime, if an ALL Action
the target the electronics go haywire, causing whatever Skill Check is successfully made using the Repair
they hit to malfunction. Usually. (Weaponsmith) skill at Average difficulty.
Bottom line, scramblers fill a unique niche.
Their ability to disable weapons, armor and equipment MORE CRUNCH RULE: Scrambled and Fluxed Up
provides a non-lethal option for law enforcement, and a Flux shields can reduce the effectiveness of Scramblers.
force multiplier for militaries. They are popular with every 2HP of field strength (round down) a target’s
Zen, who don’t consider them to be a weapon, as they Flux shield possesses remove a damage die when
are designed to disable or debilitate weapons or armor, rolling damage for a Scrambler. If the Flux reduces the
and not directly injure a living being. Thought some number of damage Die to 0 or less, the Scrambler has
very zealous Zen consider the possibility of causing an no effect on the target. The damage done by the
overload to be an unacceptable risk to life and are Scrambler is not subtracted from the Flux shield’s field
pushing the Zen religious leaders to ban these weapons. strength.
Scramblers are available in under-barrel or
carbine configuration. For an additional 200cr, a frame Example: Zebulas’s scrambler hits a pirate’s using a
can be purchased to use under-barrel models as 5HP Flux shield. The damage listed for the Scrambler
standalone weapons. Unless otherwise noted under is 6d10. Zebula loses one die from her roll for every
barrel weapons use the Standard Pistol E-Mag. 2HP of Flux the pirate has. So, we divided 5 by 2 and
Using these weapons requires energy weapon get 2.5 Rounding down, we get 2. Zebula loses 2 die out
skill. The weapons ignore Flux shields, Threshold her damage roll, reducing it to 4d10.
Rating, Absorption and Structural Integrity. Scramblers The next Pirate Zebula shoots at with her
are used to disable weapons and armor. Consult the Scrambler has a 20HP flux shield. Using the More
Combat Modifiers table to determine the Called Shot Crunch rule we divide 20 by 2 and get 10. Zebula loses
penalty for targeting specific armor sections or 10 damage dice from her roll. Since this reduces her
weapons. Scramblers do not harm personnel, affect number of dice to zero (or less) her Scrambler is
archaic powder weapons (APWs), or affect devices that ineffective against the second pirate.
do need electrical power to function.
Using a Scrambler against Armor: After an Using Scramblers against other devices.
attack has been successfully made against an armored The GM can determine the effect of a Scrambler attack
target, determine the Armor Section you hit. Next roll on more devices beyond armor and weapons. The GM
the appropriate die noted on the target’s Armor Option will make an ELE roll for the device, adding the
Diagram to determine if an Armor Option in that damage done by the Scrambler to the roll. If the roll
section has been hit. If no option is present in the slot plus damage exceeds the ELE listed for the device then
number, you rolled the Scrambler had no effect. If you consult the table below. The GM will, as always, be the
roll a slot number which contains an Armor Option, the final arbitrator of what happens if you disable a
target must make an ELE ECR check using their
particular device with a Scrambler, but for most items
the table below will suffice. The current missile systems in use were created
in a cross-branch effort by the Alliance military to
ROLL RESULT standardize a wide variety of incompatible delivery
0-24 Inoperative for 1 Combat Round. systems, into a handful of launch vehicles (aka missiles
25-49 Inoperative for 2 Combat Rounds. and rockets) that could be used to deliver whatever
50-74 Inoperative for 4 Combat Rounds. payload (warhead) the service needed. The program
75-99 Inoperative for 8 Combat Rounds. was called SAPLaDS, which was an acronym for
100-124 Inoperative for 16 Combat Rounds Standard Alliance Payload Launch and Delivery
& energy cell explodes. Treat as a Systems. As a result, rockets and missiles in the
grenade doing 1d8/1d4 Alliance, regardless of type or size, have come to be
(concussion/fragmentation)* known as “Saps” or “Sappies.” The standardized
125+ Energy cell explodes as above and missile platforms reduced the number of missiles types
target is damaged. The device down from 26 to 6. One of the new requirements was
will not function until repaired. each delivery vehicle (i.e. missile or rocket) could carry
*If the device doesn’t have an energy cell, ignore the a variety of warheads, warheads ranging from anti
grenade result. infantry all the way up to anti-spacecraft roles. Though
the military still a stockpile of some older, dedicated,
Messy Muddler: After an all night design session anti-tank (AT) and surface-to-air missile (SAMS)
someone joked about adding insult to injury and the systems.
result was a combined scrambler and paralyzing neuro In addition, the military specified that smaller
cannon. This weapon is best used to attack the armor. missiles have the capability to be stacked into larger
PARALYSIS (MEN@-20; -100 AGL, 1d4 launcher systems if the need arises. For example,
min)[Damage Type S.F.] Reflex Missiles can be stacked in a Heavy Missile tube
When the target is struck, the target is also and Heavy Missiles can be stacked into Long Range
impacted by the neuro cannon beam. The target must Heavy Missile tubes. However, Arm Rockets can not be
make a MEN ECR to avoid the paralyzing effects of the stacked into Anti-ship Missile launcher tubes, though
Neuro weapon. that didn’t stop the development team from seeing if it
could be done. One gunnery sergeant on the team
Chaos Cannon: When using automatic fire, the described the experience as, “trying to stack
opponents weapon can’t be targeted. Any time a roll of matchsticks in 50-gallon drum.”
7 or above is made using the ROF-D, make a All rockets and missiles, regardless of size,
percentiles roll. A roll of 01 through 15 indicates a require a launcher/rack. The racks kick the missile out
weapon held by the target, if any, was hit instead. of the tube and clear of the rack, before the engine
ignites so the shooter is not hit by rocket exhaust.
Missiles (and Arm Rockets) can be fired in two
OVERVIEW Automated Mode: In the automated mode,
Since the dawn of time, the ability to reach farther than which is the default, the user simply designates a
your enemy has always been an advantage. On the target and fires the missile. The missile then locks
modern battlefield, rockets and missiles can provide onto the target and steers itself to its destination.
this edge. Missiles and rockets come in multiple sizes.
From smallest to largest: Direct Fire Mode: In direct fire mode, the
user manually aims the missile at the target, which
Type Size Range SI Penalty must be in line-of-sight, and fires. The advantage
Bracket Dmg vs. of firing the missile in direct fire mode is that the
Arm Rocket 40mm x Personnel 10 0
soldier is aiming the missile, which means the
80mm missile is not using its onboard sensor systems. As a
Reflex Missile 100mm x Personnel 25 0 result, the direct fired missiles are immune to
Reflex Missile XL 100mm x 1m Personnel 50 0
enemy electronic countermeasures (ECM) designed
Heavy Missile 200mm x 2m Personnel 100 -40 to scramble their sensors. Missiles are usually far
Long Range Heavy 200mm x 3m Vehicular 100 -40 less accurate and have much shorter effective
Missile ranges when used in Direct Fire Mode.
Anti-ship Missile 250mm x 5m Vehicular 100 -40
through 5 are all marked with a 1. This means Orin’s
Automated Mode: When fired in automated Arm Rocket will reach Erin in a single second.
mode, use the AUTO ACC listed for the missile when Erin is unfazed by Orin’s attack and Orin
rolling to hit, regardless of what range bracket the retreats until the two are approximately 725 meters
target is in. The Maximum Range will be listed next to apart. Erin retaliates by firing a Reflex Missile at Orin.
the AUTO ACC. For short ranged rockets and missiles Under the standard Range Brackets 750m would be
it will list “RB MAX,” which is the farther Range Range Bracket 7 but recall that Reflex Missiles use
Bracket the weapon is capable of reaching. For longer Vehicle Range Brackets (VRB), which are much longer.
range rockets and missiles, it will list “km MAX,” Orin’s player consults the chart and sees that 725 falls
which is the maximum number of kilometers the missile in the middle Vehicle Range Bracket 5. The travel time
is capable of traveling. When fired in automated mode, for a non-SAM Reflex Missile to Vehicle Range Bracket
missiles are affected by enemy ECM and ECCM. 5 is 3-4 seconds. The GM consults the Vehicle Range
Missiles fired in automated mode will not target Bracket chart and sees that VRB 5 is 500-1000m. Since
anything broadcasting “friendly” on an IFF. This can 725 meters is in the first half VRB 5, the GM decides
be overridden and takes 1 Action to activate the that missile will take 3 seconds to reach Orin.
Direct Fire Mode: When firing missile in direct ROCKET & MISSILE FLIGHT TIMES (In Seconds)
Type RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB6 RB7 RB8
fire mode, the user must make a Direct Fire skill check Arm Rocket 1 1 1 1 1 1-2 2-4 4+
using the percentage for the Range Bracket that the
target occupies as the Accuracy for the attack. In direct Type VRB VRB VRB VRB VRB VRB VRB VRB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
fire mode the missile not affected by enemy ECM or Reflex, 1 1 1 2 3-4 5-8 9-14 15+
ECCM. To fire in direct fire mode the user must have a Reflex
clear line-of-sight to the target. Missiles can be shot XL, or
down by PDS systems in either mode. Missile
Arm Rockets use standard Range Brackets. (other
Missiles use Vehicle Range Brackets. than
Surface 1 1 1 1 1 2 3-4 4+
Flight Times Missile
Unlike beam and energy weapons, missile weapons can
Recall that Arm Rockets use standard Range
take a while to get to their target. Why do we care?
Brackets (RB), whereas missiles use the longer Vehicle
Arm Rockets and Missiles are big enough that
Range Brackets (VRB). Missiles with the SAM
Projectile Defense Systems (PDS) can track them and
designation are surface-to-Air missiles and are faster
shoot them down. The longer the rocket or missile takes
than the Surface-to-Surface (SSM) counterparts.
to reach you the more chances your PDS will have to
shoot it down. The table below lists the number of
seconds it takes each rocket or missile to reach the
specified Range Bracket. The time values listed are not
MORE CRUNCH RULE: Calculated Travel Time
cumulative. Every Range Bracket with a 1 listed is
The Rocket & Missile Travel Time tables are
crossed in the first second. In other words, if multiple
approximations to speed up game play. If you’re the
Range Brackets have a 1, they are ALL crossed in that
type of person who enjoys math, you can calculate
first second. If the entry shows a time range, this
exactly how long it will take a missile or rocket to reach
means it takes more than one second for the missile to
a target. Arm Rockets and missiles move 100m/s in the
cross that Range Bracket. In these cases, the Game
first second, and 200m/s after that. If the target is
Master will decide how long it takes the missile to
farther than 100m away, subtract 100 from the total
reach the target, based on how far the target is into the
range and divide it by 200. Add one to the resulting
Range Bracket.
number and that’s how long it takes, in seconds, to
reach the target. You can do the same thing for SAMS.
Example: Orin the Orion fires an Arm Rocket at Erin
Assume a surface to air missile moves 500m/s and 1000
the Eridani. The GM tells Orin’s player that Erin is in
m/s thereafter.
Range Bracket 5. Orin looks at the Travel Time chart
for Arm Rockets and sees that Range Brackets 1
Often a missile is fired at a target beyond the shooters Threshold Rating. Due to their relatively slow speed,
line-of-sight. In these cases, the missile will start Reflex missiles can only engage aircraft that are at or
looking for the target once a clear line of sight is near Nap of Earth (NoE) altitude; no more than 200m
acquired. However, if friendly sensor systems can see altitude. The aircraft must either be approaching the
the enemy, and the missile is in range of their commos, target head on or in very slow flight (less than 100m/s)
they may relay the position of the target to the missile.
This is commonly done by placing a K-Sat on the top of Ordinance-10: If the payload consists of different types
a hill with the target on one side, and the missile rack of grenades the GM will randomly determine which
on the opposite side. The K-Sat can see the target, and target is hit by which grenade. In a situation where the
radio its position to the shooter. The missile knows missile prematurely fires the grenades due to imminent
where the target is for half its journey without actually PDS attack each grenade only has an Acc:60 (roll for
being able to see the target, because the K-Sat tells the each grenade).
missile where the target is. In combat, Alliance
military teams often use multiple K-Sats to form a relay Mirv-System: Each of the four (4) warheads does 20d6
chain back to the shooter. Team members equipped damage (10 SI). This weapon carries multiple warheads
with their own sensor systems can also serve as relays within the nose cone of the missile. When the weapon
or in a relay chain. nears the designated target, the nose cone breaks open
The advantage to using a sensor relay is that the and warheads separate from the missile. The warheads
enemy can not use a Projectile Defense System (PDS) then proceed independently, on a ballistic trajectory,
to shoot down a missile that’s behind cover. This allows towards the originally designated target. Once
the missile to “close the gap” between the shooter and deployed, any PDS will have to engage and destroy
the target unmolested. It also means when the missile each warhead to eliminate the threat posed by the
does become visible to the target, that their PDS will attack.
have much less time to deal with it before it strikes. The missile can detect sensor lock from a
The other, obvious, advantage is that the guy you’re Projectile Defense System (PDS) and will preemptively
shooting at can’t shoot back at you with weapons that launch the warheads if it is within 1km of the target. In
require line-of-sight. this situation, each warhead has a -40 penalty to hit the
In order to use a sensor relay the sensor system target (roll for each warhead using the missile’s
serving as the “target spotter” must be able to see the accuracy).
target. If ECM or Stealth Rating prevents the sensor
system from seeing the target, it can not serve as a Sabot: This missile has Threshold Rating Reduction
relay. The second requirement is that the “target 4HP (THR-R: 400) to a minimum of 0.
spotter” have a commo with sufficient range to
communicate with the missile or another friendly party Reflex XL Missiles
or parties who can relay the information back to the When Reflex XL missiles are loaded into an
missile. If the target spotter’s commo is out of range of armor option missile rack, the wearer of armor has to
the missile or jammed it can function as a sensor relay. take care not to bang the missile around. No explosion
If using a relay chain, and break in the chain of will result but the missile can get hung up causing the
communication (i.e. jamming or losing a relay) will operator to lose balance. Game Masters should require
prevent the sensor relay from working. AGL checks when operating in tight spaces where make
having a missile project in front of you (shoulder
Arm Rockets mount) or above your head (back mount) would be
Dragonfire-7: The Arm Rocket weighs 1Kg and take 2 awkward.
rocket spaces on an arm rocket rack. Due to their relatively slow speed, Reflex XL
missiles can only engage aircraft that are at or near
Dragonfire-8: This Arm Rocket weighs 1Kg and take 2 Nap of Earth (NoE) altitude; no more than 200m
rocket spaces on an arm rocket rack. altitude. The aircraft must either be approaching the
target head on OR in very slow flight (less than
Reflex Missiles 100m/s). Reflex XL SAM missiles are designed to
Missiles that have the HP notation in their achieve speed and altitude and will include mission
damage listing do 50 Structural Integrity damage to the parameters regarding aerial target launches.
target, if they do enough damage to exceed the target’s
Bonoir-2: If this missile hits a Flux shielded target, roll
percentiles. On a 15 or lower, the Flux shield of the Disintegrators require the Energy Weapon skill.
target is ignored. Disintegrators do damage directly to the Structural
Integrity of anything they hit, including equipment,
Gyrfalcon (SAM): This missile can engage targets at weapons, armor or anything else they are used on. If
up to 3.5 km altitude and 5km in range. used on unarmored living targets the damage is
subtracted from the target’s Body Points.
Heavy Missiles Americas: This weapon requires so much power it
Heavy missiles do 100 damage to Structural Integrity if comes with a small pack e-mag, rather than the standard
they do enough damage to exceed the Threshold Rating rifle-sized e-mag.
of the target.
Rommel: This is LMG-sized weapon and uses a small
Overload: This missile does 1HP in Structural e-mag pack. The A-Grav system glows brightly in the
Integrity Damage to each section of an armored UV spectrum. If you turn it off, it adds 45kg to the
infantry person or 6HP to a vehicle sized target. weight of the weapon.
Anything within 10m of the impact location takes 30d6
in concussion damage and 4 fragments that each do
10d4 damage. The fragments do 4 Structural Integrity Metal Guns [Damage Type T.A.P.]
each. These weapons are unique in that their damage
is permanently subtracted from the Threshold Rating of
the armor section hit. Metal Guns do an amount of
Missile Launchers Structural Integrity damage equal to five times their
These launchers allow personnel to fire missiles and listed damage.
rockets without the aid of armor mounted rack. Missile For example, Fredd shoots his Parabellum at
launchers are either on-the-shoulder tube affairs or free- Hank the Human, who is wearing Heavy Armor with a
standing launchers. Free-standing launchers may be Threshold Rating of 9 and 108 points of Structural
mounted to vehicles. On-the-shoulder launchers can Integrity in the Torso section. Fredd hits the melon
not be used if the shooter is moving. head in torso, doing 8 damage. Hank’s Threshold
Missile Launchers have a Burst ROF and Full Rating of 9 is permanently reduced down to 1 point in
ROF listed just like automatic weapons. The Burst ROF the Torso! The Structural Integrity of Hank’s torso
is for firing a small volley and the Full ROF is for firing armor is reduced by 40 points. Remember that if
a full volley of rockets. What constitutes a small and Structural Integrity reaches zero for a section of armor,
full volley varies from launcher to launcher. If the size that section is long protected by the armor. Two more
of the volley exceeds the number of missiles available, hits to the torso from Fredd’s Metal Gun and Hank
the launcher will simply fire however many missiles won’t be wearing armor anymore!
Unlike automatic weapons, firing a Burst ROF
or Full ROF with a missile launcher (and ONLY a GRAV SHEARS [Damage Type T.F.]
missile launcher) requires a single Action from the These weapons require Energy Weapon skill. Grav
shooter. The shooter only has to hit the ‘FIRE’ button Sheers ignore Threshold Rating. The rolled damage
and then he can walk away from the launcher as it from a Grav Sheer is applied to Absorption, Structural
spews missile after missile. This leaves the shooter free Integrity, and Body points. The damage is not divided
to use the rest of their Actions on other activities. up. Absorption, Structural Integrity, and Body Points
However, the launcher requires half a Combat all are reduced by the same amount, which is the rolled
Round (1 second) to fire the Burst ROF volley, and an damage. The weapon reaches out until it dissipates at
entire Combat Round (2 seconds) to fire a Full ROF the end of its last range bracket.
volley. The launcher can not be used again until it
completes the Burst Volley or Full Volley. MORE CRUNCH RULE: A-Grav cancels Grav
It takes two people 2 Combat Rounds to load a Sheer.
launcher. If a single person is firing and loading the For extra crunch, consider Grav belts as providing a
launcher it takes 4 Combat Rounds. Threshold Rating against Grav Sheers equal to their
weight reduction (in kg) divided by 20 (round down).
For example, a standard A-Grav belt reduces felt
DISINTEGRATORS [Damage Type T.A.] weight by 50kg. Therefore, it would provide a
Threshold Rating of 2 against Grav Sheer attacks. (50 / augmented by the fact that modern magazine fed
20 = 2.5, rounded down to 2). If multiple A-Grav grenade launchers allow the user to select the specific
devices are operating, use the weight reduction of the grenade in the magazine they want, regardless of its
strongest unit. position in the magazine.
Grenades come in two main types, standard and
Conflict: This is a rifle sized weapon and uses a rifle e- “magnetic.” The so-called magnetic grenades or mag
cell. grenades are a variety of grenade designed to stick to
the target. The mechanism for adherence was originally
Conflagration: This is a rifle sized weapon and uses a an electromagnet, but as the technology improved
rifle e-cell. alternatives were developed allowing the grenades to
stick. Modern mag grenades use a combination of
BC-Sparkler: This is a rifle sized weapon and uses a molecular bonding glues and other exotic methods to
rifle e-cell. permanently adhere to the target, irrespective of
whether it’s made of metal or not.
The order of grenades in the magazine should
FLUX INTERFERENCE be noted by the player. It takes 1 Action to select the
GENERATORS (FIGS) [Damage Type grenade in the magazine you wish to fire. If no grenade
S.P.] is specified, the launcher will fire the grenades in the
These weapons require Energy Weapon skill. The order they sit in the magazine. Damage is always done
weapon only damages Flux Shields. Some can be per grenade damage type. It requires HALF of all
purchased in an under-barrel configuration. Any Flux Actions to load a single-shot grenade launcher.
Shield reduced to 0 output will require double the time
to recharge. Hand WEAPONS
Hand Weapons includes anything used to stab,
slice, or bludgeoning your opponent with, including,
FIG CANNONS (FIG-Cs)[Damage but not limited to swords, knives, axes, and the like. and
Type: S.P.] are They are generally used for up close attacks
All Weapons in this category use the Vehicle Range although some do have range. Archaic hand weapons
Brackets. aren’t effective against Heavy Armor. They’re not great
against Body Armor that’s edging close to the Heavy
Victimizer: This weapon ships with a small pack sized Armor class. The biggest advantage with hand weapons
e-mag. The weapon is designed for field emplacement is that they are quiet, don’t set off sensors when used,
and includes the tripod. Set up time is 1 minute. and many are lightweight and easy to conceal They also
carry light fines if you’re caught carry one in the wrong
Achilles: Set up time is 6 minutes. place.
Unless otherwise noted, these don’t affect Flux
Victimizer-G: Set up time is 10 minutes. shields, Heavy Armor, or anything with a Threshold
Rating above 6.
Interfon: Set up time is 12 minutes. Hand Weapons with a Size of Small (SML)
require a single Action to use. Characters who are Size
GRENADE LAUNCHERS [Damage Class 3 or larger receive a 2-point bonus to their
Initiative Modifier when using these weapons and only
Type: varies] need one hand to use the weapon. Characters who are
Grenade launchers are designed to propel Size Class 1 or 2 require two hands to use these
grenades down range, father and faster than you could weapons. Characters who are Size Class 8 can not use
throw them. Grenade launchers generally come in two Small Hand Weapons.
types: under barrel and carbine configuration. Hand Weapons with a Size of Standard (STD)
Typically, the under barrel weapons are single shot, and require a single Action to use. Character who are Size
can be converted to standalone weapons by purchasing Class 1 or 2 require HALF of all Actions to attack with
a 200cr. frame. these weapons.
Because of the wide variety of grenade types Hand Weapons with a Size of Large (LRG) can
available (explosive, acid, strobe, etc.) these weapons not be used by characters who are Size Class 1 or 2.
provide a lot of flexibility. This flexibility is further These weapons require HALF Actions to use and
typically require two-hands to use properly. Characters LRG
who are Size Class 8 can attack with Large Hand
Weapons by spending 1 Action, and only need one hand Club: A spike can be added to increase damage by 2
to use the weapon. points. SML
Size Class 2 Small (SC2 SML) weapons are
treated as Small weapons when used by characters who Crossbow (light): The ammunition used affects the
are Size Class 1 or 2, requiring only a Single Action damage. Requires an ALL Actions to draw and an
and a single hand to Use. IN addition they provide a 2- Action to load. LRG
point bonus to the character’s Initiative Modifier. All
characters who are larger than Size Class 2 are unable Crossbow (heavy): The ammunition used affects the
to use these tiny weapons. damage. Requires a two Combat Rounds to reload.
Size Class 8 Large (SC8 LRG) weapons are LRG
treated as Large weapons when in the hands of Size
Class 8 character, requiring HALF of all Actions and Dagger (throwing): May be thrown using Throwing
both hands to use. These weapons can not be used by skill. SML
characters smaller the Size Class 8.
Doka: An ancient Phentari weapon which is composed
of a 1m stick with six chains. Each chain ends in a ball.
Hand Weapon Action Table The weapon is whirled in a circular motion before
Size Class
SIZE 1 2 3 4 5
1 Action 1 Action This weapon is unwieldy and reduces
SC2 +2 IM +2 IM (penalizes) your Initiative Modifier by 3. Parrying is
Small 1-Hand 1-Hand - - -
more difficult as the chains wrap around weapons or
1 Action 1 Action 1 Action
1 Action 1 Action +2 IM +2 IM +2 IM cover. LRG
Small 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand
HALF HALF 1 Action 1 Action 1 Action Dossien: Uses Throwing skill. SML
Standard 2-Hands 2-Hands 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand
Large - - 2-Hands 2-Hands 2-Hands Flail: This weapon is unwieldy and reduces (penalizes)
SC 8 your Initiative Modifier by 2. This weapon ignores the
Large - - - - -
first Defensive Bump used against it. LRG

Ioken: The ammunition used affects the damage. The

Size Class z weapon fires three bolts at one time. Requires two
SIZE 6 7 8 9 10 Combat Rounds reload. Requires at least 100 x2
SC2 Small - - - - - Strength to draw. SC8 LRG
1 Action 1 Action
+2 IM +2 IM
Small 1-Hand 1-Hand - - - Muardig: This was an ancient Eridani hunting weapon.
1 Action 1 Action It is comparable to the bola of earth but has 4 spiked
1 Action 1 Action 1 Action +2 IM +2 IM
Standard 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand balls attached to each other. The weapon is used to
HALF HALF 1 Action 1 Action 1 Action entangle an opponent’s limbs.
Large 2-Hands 2-Hands 1-Hand 1-Hand 1-Hand Uses Throwing skill. Treat as a hand grenade
HALF 1 Action 1 Action
SC 8 Large - - 2-Hands 1-Hand 1-Hand for determining whether the weapon hits and the
distance it can be thrown. If the weapon hits the
target’s legs must make the following Statistic check:
HAND WEAPONS, ARCHAIC TOPPLE (AGL @-20; Fall). If the weapon hits any
[Damage Type: ‘-‘] other limb the character must following Statistic check:
ESCAPE (AGL @-20; 2d20 AGL; Until free; 1/rd.).
Axe (throwing): This weapon uses throwing skill. SML STD

Bow (long): The ammunition used affects the damage. Ptfang: If the weapon has reduced the target’s Body
LRG Points with the initial hit, pressing the button (1 Action)
on the weapon opens the blades causes an additional
Bow (short): The ammunition used affects the damage. 1d4 points of damage, which ignores the target’s
Threshold Rating. It takes ALL Actions to reset the normally. STD
Quabal [Damage Type T]: Uses Throwing skill. Treat
as a hand grenade that can be thrown 1/3 of the
HAND WEAPONS, MODERN wielders Strength in meters. Can only be purchased on
[Damage Type: varies] an Eridani planet or the black market. They are
frequently illegal do to their explosive nature. SML
Bow (compound): The ammunition used affects the
When purchasing modified powder cartridges, apply the multiplier
Chainsaw: This weapon is unwieldy and reduces to the base price. E.g., hollow point is x2 and .22 cal. is 6 for a
(penalizes) your Initiative Modifier by 5. The weapon box. To get .22 cal. hollow point, the cost is 12.
carries enough fuel for 2 hours and can be used to cut
down tree-equivalents. STD
Energy Mace [Damage Type T]: The Flux shield used Type of Round Encumbrance
by this weapons means all damage ignores Threshold Belts of ammo can be linked together. The weight of 50
Rating. This weapon also damages Flux shields round cases/belts are given below.
normally. STD Type of Round WGT (kgs)
5.56mm 3
Phase Knife [Damage Type: S]: 7.62mm 5
Designed a weapon of last resort for those in .50 BMG/20mm 10
heavy and mechanized armor and large bank account 180mm 20kg
balances. When Activated the blade of the Phase Knife 220mm 30kg
will pass through solid matter. The user activates the PMG 10kg per 50 rounds. 50
blade and thrusts it at their opponent. If they’re lucky rounds fit in a 10-liter
and their opponent doesn’t have a phase nullification ammunition can. I.e.,
system or a Flux Shield, the knife will pass through the slightly larger than an M2
target up to the hilt. Once the sensors in the hilt make ammunition can. The
contact with a material object, the phase system cans are designed to
deactivates and the blade solidifies inside the target. direct feed rounds into a
Needless to say, this does bad things to the armor and PMG.
body tissue that’s suddenly forced to share the same PCS Round 20kg. Each round is about
space with the matter in the blade. These weapons are 15 liters. They are
only good for one use, as once they de-phase inside a frequently fed from
target they’re permanently stuck and has to be cut free. automatic systems.
Opponents who recognize the blade will often strike at
it with a solid object in an attempt to get it stuck into Arrow (normal): Does 1d4 damage.
something less vital than their internal organs. The
automatic de-phase system can be deactivated, and the Arrow (armor piercing): Does 1d4 damage, THR-R: 1
set so the user must manually push a button to de-phase
the weapon once it’s inside the target. Arrow (explosive tipped): Does 3d4 damage and 3 to
The weapon ignores armor once it is Phased. If Structural Integrity
rephrased inside a solid object, the listed damage is
applied to Absorption, Structural Integrity, and Body Bolt (normal): Does 1d4 damage.
Points. The weapon will not penetrate Flux Shields.
Manually activating the de-phase button requires 1 Bolt (armor piercing): Does 1d4 damage, THR-R: 1
Action. SML
Bolt (explosive tipped): Used in a crossbow.
Plasma Sword: The weapon is powered by a special Does 3d4 damage and 3 to Structural Integrity
energy cell that lasts one hour and refreshes the plasma
supply continually. Whenever the weapon does ½ of the Solid Slug: Doesn’t suffer from the typical Threshold
target’s body points in damage, it slices through Rating penalty like buck shot.
whatever it hit. Affects Heavy Armor and Flux shields
Incendiary Round: Permanently the targets it goes off is blinded. Beyond 5m +10 to ECR per 1m
Threshold Rating by 1 and adds +1 damage. Works in distance. Note that Cizerack will be susceptible to a
any Kinetic weapon except Gauss Guns and cannons. much greater distance due to their excellent vision.
ECR Check: RAD (Blinded, -10, Visual Mod Reduction
Hollow Point: Increase the targets Threshold Rating -200, Duration: 2d4 minutes)
by 1 and adds +1 damage.
Riot (Gas): TOXIN (BIO@-30;-25 to stat and skill
Mercuric Round: Causes mercuric poisoning. checks; 30 seconds). Environmentally contained armor
Phentari and Eridani take an BIO ECR at -10. Any negates any effects.
Kinetic weapon except Gauss Guns and Cannons.
Smoke: Observation checks made with the Visual or
GRENADES Smell modifiers to locate or identify anything in or
Most Grenades can be thrown a distance equal to half through the smoke are made at -30.
throwers Strength in meters, though some heavier
grenades have shorter throw distances. When choosing Omegaton: Throwing range is reduced to 1/4 Strength
how far to throw a grenade using the Grenade rules on in meters.
page XX of the Combat chapter, you can not select a
distance that is longer than the grenade allows. The MAG GRENADES
farther your character attempts to throw a grenade the Mag Grenades (AKA Magnetic Grenades) are
less accurate the toss will be. magic! They stick to your target. They function as
Throwing skill is used to improve hitting the standard launched grenades except they stick to the
target for thrown grenades. Direct fire skill is used for target on impact. Most are armed right after they are
launched grenades. Most thrown grenades are targeted thrown or leave the barrel and trigger on impact, though
for the center of a 2m circle for maximum effectiveness. some have timed detonations.
See combat rules for throwing ranges and other details. Law enforcement Mag Grenades can be set so
A standard fragmentation grenade has 8 fragments. that if they do not strike a metal target they will
Fragmentation grenades usually do 1 damage to permanently deactivate. Military models can be set to
Structural Integrity per fragment, if the damage done lay dormant if they do not strike a metal target;
by the fragment exceeds the Threshold Rating of the automatically attaching to the next metal object that
target unless the description states otherwise. The passes within 3m of the grenade. If the grenade does
concussion damage always ignores Threshold Rating not find a new target within 1 galactic day it will
and affects Flux shields normally. permanently deactivate as a safety precaution. Unspent
Mag Grenades laying on the battlefield are readily
Plasma: Does 4 damage to Structural Integrity per apparent to anyone who is paying attention, so setting
fragment, if the damage done by the fragment exceeds the military versions to find the next closest target when
the Threshold Rating of the target. they miss the original target is best used when the
enemy is grouped together.
Super Plasma: Range is reduced to 1/4 Strength in Mag grenades have a wide variety of payloads.
meters. Does 5 damage to Structural Integrity per Be sure to read the description of the grenade for
fragment, if the damage done by the fragment exceeds additional details.
the Threshold Rating of the target. Mag Grenades are treated as normal grenades,
except they permanently bond to the target they strike,
Plasma Seduction: Range is reduced to 1/4 Strength in making them very difficult to remove. Strength Check at
meters. Does 8 damage to Structural Integrity per -220 (-100 for Pythonians). Magnetic Grenades can be
fragment, if the damage done by the fragment exceeds shot off, but this requires a Called Shot at -60 under
the Threshold Rating of the target. combat conditions, where other situational modifiers
are likely to apply. A miss means the shooter has hit the
Phosphorous: THR-R: 2. Does 2 damage to Structural target the Mag Grenade was stuck to instead of the
Integrity per penetrating fragment, if the damage done grenade. Mag Grenades with timer will be specifically
by the fragment exceeds the Threshold Rating of the noted in their descriptions.
target. Changing the safety settings on a Magnetic
Grenade Launcher to force one or all grenades in the
Blinder: All creatures within 5m of the grenade when
launcher to deactivate or go dormant if no metal target example, if you were hit in three locations and you
is struck requires HALF of all Actions. wished to pull all three locations free with the same
STR check in a single Combat Round, the penalty for
Absorption Destroyer [Damage Type T, <16]: If the the Strength Check would be -75 (3 sections x -25 = -
target has a Threshold Rating of 15 or less, the grenade 75).
does 2 damage to SI and 4d6 damage to Absorption.
This grenade does no damage to targets with a Hellfire [Damage Type T]: BURN (FIRE @-40; 1d4
Threshold Rating greater than 15. damage to 1d6/2 locations; 2d6 sec.)[Damage Type T].

Acid [Damage Type T.A.]: CORRISIVE (Acid@- Med Mag: If the target has a Threshold Rating of 15 or
30;4d4) [Damage Type T.A.]. This grenade does 4d4 less, the grenade injects a MBRI into the target, healing
damage to SI to the armor section struck if the armor 3d6 Body Points including Critical Hits. This grenade
fails its ACID ECR. has no effect on targets with a Threshold Rating greater
than 15.
Bad Bug [Damage Type S, T<16]: DISEASE (BIO@-
20;lose 1d8 per day from STR, AGL, CON; 4d6 Neuro Tox [Damage Type S]: TOXIN (BIO@-20; -
days)[Damage Type S]. 100 MD, AGL; 1 day; 30 min)[Damage Type S]. If the
If the target has a Threshold Rating of 15 or target has a Threshold Rating of 15 or less, the grenade
less, the grenade does 2 damage to SI and requires the does 2 damage to SI and requires the armor’s wearer to
armor’s wearer to make a BIO ECR to avoid being make a BIO ECR to avoid paralysis. This grenade does
infected. This grenade does no damage to targets with a no damage to targets with a Threshold Rating greater
Threshold Rating greater than 15. Targets who fail than 15.
their ECR can infect others within 3m, requiring them
to make an ECR once per day to avoid catching the Parasite: If a beam, Pulse, Omega, or energy weapon
disease. This grenade does no damage to targets with a is hit, it loses 2d6 from its Q every Combat Round for
Threshold Rating greater than 15. the next 5 Combat Rounds. If an armored suit is hit,
roll on the Armor Option table for the section hit. If
BZ Mag [Damage Type S]: TOXIN (CHEM@-20; 8d6 there is an armor option in the slot you rolled it is
MD, AGL, INT; 30 min; 2 min)[Damage Type S]. If the disabled for 5 Combat Rounds. If there is a Motivator
target has a Threshold Rating of 15 or less, the grenade in the slot, that hit location is immobilized for 5 Combat
does 2 damage to SI and requires the armor’s wearer to Rounds. In an event the parasite round’s effects can be
make a CHEM ECR. This grenade does no damage to cut short if it is destroyed or removed. If you shoot the
targets with a Threshold Rating greater than 15. parasite it does 1d8 points of damage for every Combat
Round it has spent draining power. Damage is applied
Freezy Pop [Damage Type T]: FREEZE (COLD@- to the location where the parasite was attached.
Dam; 6d6 damage, 1d10 AGL) [Damage Type T]. Damage Type ‘-‘.

Glue [Damage Type T]: Roll 4 Hit Locations using a Super Sonic [Damage Type S]: STUN (Sonic @ 00*;
d8. Hit Locations may not be bumped. Treat a roll of 7 No Actions; 10min; 1min)[Damage Type S]. *ECR
as attaching the target to the nearest convenient surface penalty is -20 for Mazians, Chatilians, and Cizeracks.
rather than a miss. I.e., the target is glued to the
ceiling/wall/floor. Treat a roll of 8 as a not affecting the Zapper [Damage Type T]: SHORT (ELE@-20; 2d4
target. ABS.)[Damage Type T]. If the armor fails its ELE ECR
ESCAPE (STR@-25; -50 AGL & MOV = 0 if leg is the user must immediately roll on the Armor Options
struck)[Damage Type S], Table for the section hit to see which Armor Option is
It takes one Combat Round per section hit to cut disabled. If a weapon or device it is hit, it must make an
or pull yourself free. Cutting requires access to a knife MN roll, adding 20 to the die roll result.
and a successful AGL check. If the arm you’re doing
the cutting with was struck the AGL check is at -50. MINES
Pulling yourself free requires a STR check at -25. If Mines are an explosive trap which are placed to damage
you wish to pull multiple hit locations free vehicles or personnel. They are typically used to
simultaneously, an additional -25 is added to the ambush the enemy, though they can also be used funnel
penalty for each section you attempt to free. For attackers into a clearing where other weapons can be
brought to bear, to protect a temporary base or for those in RB1. 2 fragments automatically hit each leg
equipment (booby traps), to delay or evade a pursuing for targets in Range Bracket 1. Increase the size of the
force, or even to booby trap other mines to prevent Hit Location die by one size for each Range Bracket
tampering. Though mines were designed to cripple beyond the first out to Range Bracket 3. Example: 1d8
rather than to kill, but with the advent of armor what for RB2, 1d10 for RB3. All targets within the area take
might be a debilitating blast to an armored target would appropriate concussion and fragmentation damage to
likely be lethal to an unarmored target. all exposed sections. Stealth Rating: 30
Alliance rules of warfare require that mines,
other than those in permanent, readily marked Zweihaender 2: Targets within the area take
installations, deactivate automatically after one month. appropriate concussion and fragmentation damage to
This safety timer can be deactivated, but doing so all exposed sections. Does 2 damage to Structural
without strict compliance with the rules risks the user Integrity per penetrating fragment, if the damage
being tried for war crimes. Tech Level 4 and higher exceeds the Threshold Rating. Stealth Rating: 45
mines are self-burying. The user simply activates and
throws the mine down and they automatically dig into Tank Killer: Designed to take out vehicles (and
the soil. Tech Level 4 or higher mines can also form Pythonians). It takes 450kg to set off the mine.
self-healing mine fields. 20 damage to Structural Integrity per fragment,
When the mines are deployed they communicate if the damage exceeds the Threshold Rating. Stealth
with each other and move through the soil until they are Rating: 60
evenly distributed, using one of several dozen patterns.
When a mine detonates, the remaining mines estimate Blinder Mine: All creatures within 10m looking in the
where the explosion occurred and slowly migrate direction of the grenade when it goes off are blinded.
through the soil fill in the gap created in the minefield. Beyond 10m +10 to ECR per 1m distance. Note that
Mines are like grenades in that they have Cizerack will be susceptible to a much greater distance
concussion and fragments. Demolition skill helps with due to their good vision. ECR Check: RAD (Blinded, -
ensuring successful placement. Concealment skill is 10, Visual Mod Reduction -200, Duration: 2d4
used to hide them so that they are not discovered until minutes)[Damage Type S]. Stealth Rating: 35
they explode. It takes 1d4+1 minutes to set up
A typical mine will deliver 8 fragments to its Plasmore: Does 4 damage to Structural Integrity per
target. 2 Fragments are assumed to each leg (GM’s fragment, if the damage exceeds the Threshold Rating.
discretion). Roll 1d8 to determine the remaining 4 Hit Stealth Rating: 70
Locations, with a roll of 7 and 8 indicating a miss.
Each fragment does 1 damage to Structural Integrity Sonic Mine: STUN (Sonic@-25; 2d6 damage, No
per fragment, if the damage done by the fragment Actions; 10min; 1min)(Diminishing*)[Damage Type S].
exceeds the Threshold Rating of the target unless the *Targets between 6-10m away take no damage, but
description states otherwise. Concussion affects Flux must still make an ECR check. Targets beyond 10m are
shields normally. unaffected. Stealth Rating: 45
Self-burying mines are treated as having 10
levels of Concealment skill with a Link Statistic of 25%, Tangler Mine: ESCAPE (STR@-100; RUN=0, -100
for a total Percentage Chance of Success of 75%. AGL, 3 Combat Rounds)[Damage Type S]. Anyone
Characters can always choose to bury the mines within 10m is automatically ensnared. It takes 3
themselves by making their own Concealment skill Combat Rounds of cutting or straining against the
check. tangler-vines to free oneself from a Tangler Mine. The
tangle vines have a Threshold of 5 and are immune to
Jumping Jack (360°): Concussion and fragments are cutting attempts if the weapon can not do enough
distributed across the whole body. Roll 1d6 to damage to exceed the Threshold Rating of the tangler-
determine 8 Hit Locations for those in RB1 and vines.
increase the size of the Hit Location die by one size for After 3 Combat Rounds of cutting with a
each Range Bracket beyond the first out to Range suitable weapon the character can make an AGL check
Bracket 4. Example: 1d8 for RB2, 1d10 for RB3, 1d12 at -100, with success indicating they have cut
for RB4. Stealth Rating: 20 themselves free. Alternatively, after 3 Combat Rounds
of attempting to struggle free of the tangler-vines a
Zweihaender: Roll 1d6 to determine 4 Hit Locations character may make a Strength check at -100, with
success indicating they have pulled themselves free of Dialomatic: This weapon is designed to be concealed
the restraining tangler-vines. Stealth Rating: 25 and smuggled. When broken into component parts, it
has a Stealth Rating: 90.
EXPLOSIVES Pool Filler: Uses a backpack and hose assembly.
Explosives require a detonator of some type. Match the
DET column with the abbreviation from the Detonator F Cannon: Due to the large amount of goo, this
list. Damage is Structural Integrity if the explosive is weapon gets a stronger effect. In addition to the effects
placed for demolitions work. Damage is typically of the goo, it generates a knockback.
concussion if the explosive is a trap for personnel.100%
damage at 1m, 50% at 2m, 25% at 4m and 10% at 6m.
A double zodd (00) when setting explosive(s) Fluid Cannon [Damage Type: varies]
means that they go off immediately while being set. To These can only be used when attached to a
determine the skill check, add the penalty for the vehicle or a permanent mount on a building/structure.
explosive and the detonator. As usual, adding a All Fluid Cannons use vehicle Range Brackets (RB-V).
negative number means subtract. I.e., adding -30 is the All Fluid cannons create knockback when used against
same as subtracting 30. See Demolitions skill for rules targets smaller than Size Class 9. When personnel (SC9
regarding setting the explosives. or smaller) are hit by a Fluid Cannon they must make
the following AGL ECR check: TOPPLE (AGL @-40,
Dynamite: Can be a dud, roll under a 97 for the 1d4)
dynamite to go off.
Nitro-7: If exposed to a shock (e.g., shot or any form of These are used for the personal sized weapons.
a concussion from an explosion), there’s a 10% chance
When a target is hit in the face, sighting modifiers get
of detonation. If exposed to an explosion that does 8
a -40 penalty until the goo is removed.
damage, the nitro-7 will go off automatically. Safety tip,
don’t stand too close when shooting it with that Omega
cannon you’re thinking about. MORE CRUNCH RULE: Here’s mud
in y’er eye!
Villanite: ECR FIRE:20. If exposed to temperatures The target is blind if hit in the eyes. If the faceplate on
above 100F, make a FIRE ECR. Don’t get hit by a a helmet is hit then the target suffers a -100 penalty
flamethrower or Pulse cannon while carrying this. to Observation checks made with the Visual Modifier,
while the facemask is closed. Chances are it is glued
FLUID GUNS/CANNONS shut too. Strength check at the listed penalty to pull
These weapons started from firefighting equipment open the faceplate.
throwing water to a number of interesting applications.
The payloads are variable now depending upon the
goal. There is “glue” which is used to immobilize a Acid: Corrosives are useful in defeating armor.
target and “lava” which is used to immobilize and cook Damage is applied directly to the target’s Structural
a target. Regardless of payload the general approach is Integrity. CORRISIVE (Acid@-100;6d8;
to “hose down” the target which results in the target Instantaneous) [Damage Type T.A.].
getting coated in the goo and they tend to be removed
from combat. Blue Goo Glue: Contains Kayson, which freezes the
Empty fluid reservoirs can be purchased for 20 target after the glue makes contact.
credits. Chemical Weapon skill or Gunnery (Chemical) This attack hits 3 hit locations. Each location hit is
skill is required to fire these weapons. immobilized. Roll a d8 to determine Hit Locations.
Treat a roll of 7 as the nearest convenient surface
rather than a miss. i.e., the target is glued to the
Fluid Guns ceiling/wall/floor. A roll of an 8 is a miss. Hit
Lil Goop: Under-barrel single shot weapon system. Locations may not be bumped. Each location struck
Requires ALL Actions to load a special round. Uses a suffers the following effects:
Pistol micro magazine. [ROF: 3; ROF-D: d8]
ESCAPE (STR@-20; -100 AGL & MOV = 0 if leg
is struck)[Damage Type S], is struck)[ROF: 3; ROF-D: d8; Damage Type S]
FREEZE (COLD@-20; 3d6, Escaping from Neuro Tox Goo is handled in
instantaneous)[Damage Type T]. exactly the same was as detailed above for the Blue
It takes one Combat Round per section hit to cut Glue.
or pull yourself free. Cutting requires access to a knife
and a successful AGL check. If the arm you’re doing FLUID CANNON AMMUNITION
the cutting with was struck the AGL check is at -100. Ammunition used for the vehicle sized weapons.
Pulling yourself free requires a STR check at -20. If
you wish to pull multiple hit locations free Defilade Goo: Goo that expands and then solidifies
simultaneously, an additional -20 is added to the to a rock-like hardness. Each shot creates a 3m tall x
penalty for each section you attempt to free. For 3m wide wall, that’s about 10cm thick. Additional
example, if you were hit in three locations and you shots can increase the height, width, or thickness of
wished to pull all three locations free with the same the wall. Great for instant fortifications, blocking
STR check in a single Combat Round, the penalty for doors and windows, or impromptu sculpting.
the Strength Check would be -60 (3 sections x -20 = - Each 1m x 1m x 10cm section has 100 SI and
60). provides THR of 10.
Glue Goo: Plain old expanding goo glue. A favorite of Explosive Goo: This goo is laced with a chemical
Zen everywhere. explosive. Once it’s applied any hard contact with
This attack hits 3 hit locations. Roll a d8 to determine the glue causes it to explode. A lot of fun to spray on
Hit Locations. Treat a roll of 7 as the nearest floors and streets.
convenient surface rather than a miss. i.e., the target Treat as Nitro 7. Does 40d10 damage if it gets
is glued to the ceiling/wall/floor. A roll of an 8 is a struck, shot or concussed.
miss. Hit Locations may not be bumped. Each location
struck suffers the following effects: Fire Suppression Goo: Goo laced with fire
ESCAPE (STR@-50; -100 AGL & MOV = 0 if leg suppressants and is used to extinguish fires.
is struck)[ROF: 3; ROF-D: d8; Damage Type S] Reduce damage from fire by 1d4 HP. If this
Escaping from Glue Goo is handled in exactly reduces the damage to zero or less, then the fire goes
the same was as detailed above for the Blue Glue, only out. GM Note: Although the suppression goo will put
the Strength Check penalty is -50 per section, rather out a fire, where may be situations where the fire will
than -20. restart once the goo is cleaned off.
Hellava Goo: Releases a napalm like goo, that Glue Goo: Plain old expanding goo glue is not
adheres to the target and ignites on contact. available in Super Size!!!
BURN (FIRE @-20; 3d4; 1d6 Combat Rounds This attack hits 4 hit locations. Roll a d8 to determine
or until extinguished)[Damage Type T]. Hit Locations. Treat a roll of 7 as the nearest
convenient surface rather than a miss. i.e., the target
Neuro Tox: The goo is laced with a contact is glued to the ceiling/wall/floor. A roll of an 8 is a
neurotoxin. The effect is to paralyze the target and miss. Hit Locations may not be bumped. Each location
glue it in place. It has been used on occasion by the struck suffers the following effects:
more liberal members of the Zen community. ESCAPE (STR@-50; -100 AGL & MOV = 0 if leg
This attack hits 3 hit locations. Roll a d8 to determine is struck)[ROF: 4; ROF-D: d8; Damage Type S]
Hit Locations. Treat a roll of 7 as the nearest
convenient surface rather than a miss. i.e., the target Holy Hellava Goo: Releases a napalm like goo
is glued to the ceiling/wall/floor. A roll of an 8 is a This attack hits 3 hit locations. Roll a d8 to
miss. Hit Locations may not be bumped. Each location determine Hit Locations. Rolls of 7 or 8 set nearby
struck suffers the following effects: objects ablaze. Hit Locations may not be bumped.
[ROF: 3; ROF-D: d8] Each location struck suffers the following effects:
PARALIZE (CHEM@-40; No Actions; 4min; FIRE(Burn, FIRE@-40, immediate, 3d6
1/Combat Round)[NO EFFECT if armor is damage; 1d6 rounds or until extinguished) ROF: 3;
environmentally contained]. ROF-D: d8, Damage Type T].
ESCAPE (STR@-20; -100 AGL & MOV = 0 if leg
Immobilizer Goo: Releases a taffy-like foam that Observation checks made with the Visual Modifier.
expands rapidly to fill roughly 5 cubic meters of The first shot of this glue can cover a Size Class 9
volume. The foam is tough but flexible, allowing it to object, with each additional shot increases the
hold targets in place without totally immobilizing coverage by +1 Size Class.
them. The foam is also porous, allowing targets who
are completely covered to breathe normally. It also Slick Shoes Goo: Releases thin, sprayable goo of
allows unscrupulous individuals to deliver gas incredibly low viscosity. The goo runs like melted
attacks against targets immobilized in the foam. wax, quickly covering the ground before solidifying
Everything within 5m of the target is covered and turning completely transparent. Once solidified
in immobilizing foam. ESCAPE (STR@-50; -75 AGL & the glue is nearly frictionless and very slippery. A
MOV =0.5)[Damage Type S] “shot” of the glue covers 30 square meters of
Escaping from Immobilizer Goo is handled in surface. Grapples are typically used to pull vehicles
exactly the same was as detailed above for the Blue and personnel out of the slip-zone.
Glue, only the Agility Check penalty is -75, and the Ground vehicles that encounter the glue while
Strength Check penalty is -50 per section. moving instantly spin out of control, requiring a
Scrim Goo: Releases lightweight goo that envelops Challenging (-75) Driving/Piloting check to avoid the
the target, expanding in random patterns to disguise spin. Humpties & characters suffer the following
the silhouette of the object covered. It is designed to effects: AGL (Topple, Challenging, recheck required
camouflage targets and reduce sensor signature. The each time a character moves or attempts to
goo is filled with smart-dyes that create random, stand)[FLY is unaffected; Damage Type S].
terrain matching, camouflage patterns. If the object
is moved the lightweight goo breaks up and falls
away from the concealed object.
Anything covered in this goo receives the
following bonuses. Stealth Rating: -50, Penalty to
Range Bracket (RB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 851+

Vehicle Range Brackets (VBR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Distance (m) 00-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+
Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVG DMG Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
GAR 56
Fu Fu Gun 45 25 10 -15 -35 - - - 92 N/A N/A 8 1 2 8 5 Rifle 2d4 1 .55 ball 2 1,000
BC-76 40 30 20 -5 -30 -40 -55 - 99 N/A 3 8 31 3 12 7 Rifle 3d4 1 7.62 mm 3 450
Wolf L-16A5 45 35 25 5 -5 -30 -55 - 97 N/A 3 8 31 3 8 5 Rifle 2d4 1 5.56mm 3 500

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
T .22
T .38 40 35 30 -15 -50 -85 - - 99 N/A N/A 8 6 1 - 3 Pistol 1d6 1 .38 2 100
Wolf Pup .357 35 25 20 -10 -30 -65 - - 99 N/A N/A 8 6 1 - 5 Pistol 2d4 1 .357 2 130
Derringer .44 35 20 5 -30 -65 - - - 98 N/A N/A 8 2 0.5 - 5 Pistol 2d4 1 .44 2 120
T .44 Magnum 35 25 15 -15 -45 -70 - - 100 N/A N/A 8 6 1 - 5 Pistol 2d4 1 .44 2 245
Wolf Hellhound 30 20 0 -15 -25 -55 - - 100 N/A N/A 8 14 2 - 7 Pistol 2d4+2 1 .48 3 425
MARS 9mm 45 35 25 0 -10 -50 - - 98 N/A 2 8 16 1 - 4 Pistol 1d6+1 1 9mm 2 400
Zk Cudda


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
Zk .50 Courier 70 60 55 40 0 -10 -20 -40 97 N/A N/A N/A 12 8 - 14 Rifle 4d6 3 .50 Cal 3 15,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG GAUGE TL Cost
Hammerless 10g

Wolf L-880 12g 65 35 -30 -70 - - - - 97 N/A N/A 8 6 5 - 7 Shotgun 3d4 1 12g 3 200
(slug) 50 25 0 -20 - - - - 97 N/A N/A 8 6 5 - 5 Shotgun 2d4 1 12g 3 200
MARS 12g 60 30 -45 -80 - - - - 95 N/A 2 8 6 5 - 7 Shotgun 3d4 1 12g 3 550
(slug) 50 15 -5 -45 -65 - - - 95 N/A 2 8 6 5 - 5 Shotgun 2d4 1 12g 3 550
Wolf Sledge 12g 55 40 5 -15 -55 - - - 100 N/A 3 8 12 5 - 7 Shotgun 3d4 1 12g 3 4,000
(slug) 55 30 15 -5 -25 - - - 100 N/A 3 8 12 5 - 5 Shotgun 2d4 1 12g 3 4,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
BC-Zipper 45 35 25 -25 -65 - - - 99 2 4 8 30 3 - 4 Carbine 1d6+1 3 9mm 2 350
Torvald .45
Heartbreaker 40 30 20 5 -15 -30 -55 - 96 2 4 8 30 3 - 4 Carbine 1d6+1 3 9mm 3 600


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT Type DAM Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
L-76 45 25 15 5 -10 -25 -40 -60 97 2 6 8 50 8 - 7 LMG 3d4 1 7.62mm 3 5,000
Zk A90 50 25 10 0 -10 -30 -45 -55 95 3 7 8 500 5 - 7 LMG 3d4 1 7.62mm 2 5,250
LTX-311 45 30 20 0 -25 -40 -55 -75 100 4 12 8 500 11 - 5 LMG 2d4 1 5.56mm 3 9,000


Model V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG CALIBER TL Cost
BC-Testament 55 50 35 20 10 0 -25 -45 98 4 8 8 50 19 - 14 HMG 4d6 3 .50BMG 3 50,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Neutralizer 55 -15 -75 - - - - - 95 N/A N/A N/A 1 15 2 T.A. 4 Pistol 2d8 Dam 5 25,000
K-4 Proton Cannon 55 5 -25 -65 - - - - 99 N/A N/A N/A 2 25 4 T.A. 7 Rifle 6d4 Dam 5 50,000
Majestic 60 10 -30 -60 - - - - 98 N/A N/A N/A 2 25 3 T.A. 10 Rifle 6d6 Dam 5 70,000
Majestic-2 60 15 -20 -55 - - - - 99 N/A N/A N/A 2 25 4 T.A. 10 Rifle 6d6 Dam 5 80,000
BC-Duster 55 45 -5 -40 - - - - 93 N/A N/A N/A 5 10 4 T.A. 25 Rifle 20d4 Dam 5 125,000
Gashil 70 5 -30 -85 - - - - 98 N/A N/A N/A 5 10 4 T.A. 25 Rifle 20d4 Dam 5 180,000
Matter Obliteration Cannon 55 25 5 -35 -85 - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 10 20 5 T.A. 50 Rifle 40d4 Dam 6 700,000
Rommel 55 15 -35 -85 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 20 10 11 T.A. 100 LMG 80d4 Dam 6 2,500,000
Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Charges Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Fly Swatter 80 60 10 - - - - - 98 3 N/A 10 5 20 60 Varies 0 HMG Varies Varies 4 20,000
Goo Gun 85 70 20 -30 - - - - 98 8 N/A 10 1 100 40 Varies 0 HMG Varies Varies 4 24,000
Goo Gun 2 90 70 30 -10 - - - - 99 4 N/A 10 5 20 60 Varies 0 HMG Varies Varies 4 30,000
Pool Filler Extreme 90 70 50 -20 - - - - 99 6 N/A 10 5 20 80 Varies 0 HMG Varies Varies 4 40,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Charges Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Lil Goop
Dialomatic 70 45 20 -20 -70 - - - 96 4 N/A 8 1 100 7 Varies 0 Pistol Varies Varies 4 2,500
Splash Master 85 65 25 5 -55 - - - 94 4 N/A 8 1 10 7 Varies 0 Rifle Varies Varies 4 4,000
Pool Filler 65 55 25 5 -30 - - - 100 4 N/A 8 1 100 8 Varies 0 Rifle Varies Varies 4 7,000
Splatter Cannon 80 70 30 0 -55 - - - 100 5 N/A 8 1 100 6 Varies 0 LMG Varies Varies 4 10,000
F Cannon


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Henderson 45 25 -5 -35 -55 - - - 100 N/A 2 8 2 7 2 S.P. 22 Pistol 8d10 0 5 30,000
Emissions 45 30 10 -30 -70 - - - 98 N/A N/A N/A 3 5 2 S.P. 27 Pistol 10d10 0 5 25,000
AFR-1 50 35 20 -10 -40 -75 - - 99 N/A 2 8 4 12 5 S.P. 44 Rifle 16d10 0 5 95,000
Quasar 45 35 20 0 -25 -35 -45 -65 100 N/A 2 8 4 12 50 S.P. 52 LMG 16d12 0 5 275,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Victimizer 65 25 0 -25 - - - - 97 N/A N/A N/A 50 4 45 S.P. 250 HMG 1d4HP 0 6 1,000,000
Achilles 75 35 20 5 -15 - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 100 2 70 S.P. 500 HMG 2d4HP 0 6 3,000,000
Victimizer-G 60 20 -5 -30 - - - - 98 3 6 8 50 4 180 S.P. 250 HMG 1d4HP 0 6 4,200,000
Interfon 70 20 15 -5 -30 - - - 99 N/A 2 8 200 1 225 S.P. 1250 HMG 5d4HP 0 6 6,000,000

Model V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG THR-R TL Cost
MARS 180 50 50 45 40 30 15 -5 -35 100 N/A N/A 10 50 2800 - 500 Cannon 2d4HP 50 4HP 4 8,000,000
MARS 190 55 55 50 45 35 20 0 -30 100 N/A N/A 10 50 2400 - 750 Cannon 3d4HP 50 4HP 4 12,000,000
BC-Bell Ringer 55 55 55 50 45 35 15 -15 100 N/A N/A 10 50 2600 - 1400 Cannon 4d6HP 50 4HP 4 14,000,000
Foe Hammer 60 55 50 45 40 30 20 0 100 N/A N/A 10 50 3800 - 2100 Cannon 6d6HP 1HP 10HP 4 28,000,000
Big Bertha 65 65 60 60 55 50 45 35 100 N/A N/A 10 50 4400 - 2700 Cannon 6d8HP 1HP 10HP 4 50,000,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Conflict 55 45 30 -5 - - - - 95 N/A N/A NA 2 25 5 T.F. 1 Rifle 1 ABS, 1 BP 1 5 30,000
BC-Sparkler 60 60 45 20 10 0 -15 - 92 N/A N/A NA 3 16 8 T.F. 8 Rifle 8 ABS, 8 BP 8 6 200,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
M-79 40 40 20 -5 -25 -40 - - 96 N/A N/A 8 1 3 Varies Varies UB Varies Varies 3 250
Bloop Gun 40 40 15 -15 -35 - - - 99 N/A N/A 8 1 1 Varies Varies UB Varies Varies 3 400
Stick on 45 40 20 -10 -35 - - - 100 N/A N/A 8 6 3 Varies Varies UB Varies Varies 4 3,500
Long Ranger 50 50 25 -5 -35 -80 - - 100 N/A N/A 8 1 2 Varies Varies UB Varies Varies 4 5,000
Turbo Plus 45 45 30 -10 -40 -85 - - 98 N/A 2 8 12 7 Varies Varies Carbine Varies Varies 4 30,000
Deliverance 45 35 20 5 -25 -40 -60 - 97 N/A N/A 8 10 4 Varies Varies Carbine Varies Varies 4 49,000
Joker's Choice 50 40 25 20 0 -20 -35 -55 99 N/A N/A 8 10 5 Varies Varies Carbine Varies Varies 5 70,000
Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Size DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Axe (hand) 20 - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 0.5 - 3 Small 1d6 1 1 10
Axe (throwing) 25 15 -35 - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 1 - 3 Small 1d6 1 1 24
Bow (long) 35 25 15 -15 -15 -45 - - 100 N/A N/A 4 Varies Varies Large 2d4 var var 70
Bow (short) 35 25 0 -30 -65 - - - 100 N/A N/A 2 Varies Varies Large 3d4 var var 25
Club 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 4 Small 1d6+1 1 1 1
Crossbow (light) 40 30 20 -10 -30 -55 - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 3 Large 1d6 var var 55
Crossbow (heavy) 40 30 20 -5 -20 -40 -65 - 100 N/A N/A 5 - 4 Large 1d6+1 var var 110
Dagger 15 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 0.5 - 2 Small 1d4 1 1 4
Dagger (throwing) 30 10 -45 - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 0.5 - 3 Small 1d6 1 1 15
Doka 30 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 4 - 5 Large 2d4 2 2 12
Dossien 25 -5 - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 1 - 3 Small 1d6 1 1 10
Flail 30 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 6 Large 2d4+1 2 2 20
Ioken 35 20 -10 -40 -60 - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 9 - 7 SC 8 Large 2d6 2 2 85
Muardig special - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 2 - 7 Std 2d6 2 2 700
Ptfang 50 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 5 - 4 Std 1d8 3 3 70
Skil 45 25 -10 -35 - - - - 100 N/A N/A 0.5 - 2 Small 1d3 1 1 200
Spear 45 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 5 Std 1d8+1 1 1 3
Sword (broad) 30 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 5 Std 2d4 2 3 30
Sword (long) 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 4 Std 1d8 2 2 56
Sword (short) 25 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 2 - 3 Std 1d6 2 2 40
Sword (two-handed) 50 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 7 - 7 Large 2d6 4 4 80
Toma 60 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A - 3 - 7 SC 8 Large 3d4 3 3 500


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Size DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Bow (compound) 35 25 15 5 -15 -35 -45 - 100 N/A N/A 1 5 Varies Varies Large 3d4 var 2 150
Chainsaw 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 1 - 7 Std 3d4 2 3 450
Energy Mace 30 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 2 T 7 Std 3d4 0 5 50,000
Phase Knife 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 1 0.5 S Varies Small 3d4 1 7 50,000
Plasma Sword 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 3 - 7 Std 2d6 4 5 60,000
Quabal 35 30 5 -45 - - - - 100 N/A N/A 1 0.5 T 7 Small 2d6 2 2 350
Thwackem stick 40 - - - - - - - 100 N/A N/A 11 - 9 SC8 Large 2d6+2 0 2 500

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Mirchaum SSLU
OLC-Pistol 40 35 35 25 -10 - - - 93 N/A N/A 8 1 15 1 A 3 Pistol 1d6 1 3 400
BS-2 45 35 25 10 -15 - - - 98 N/A 2 8 1 15 1 A 4 Pistol 1d6+1 1 3 800
Savage B 40 40 35 25 20 -10 -55 - 99 N/A 3 8 1 15 2 A 5 Pistol 2d4 1 4 12,225

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Wolf L16-R
M18-R 40 40 35 30 25 -10 -35 -50 95 N/A 2 8 1 50 4 A 5 Rifle 2d4 1 3 5,570
RKM 40 40 35 30 25 5 -20 -35 99 N/A N/A 8 2 25 5 A 7 Carbine 3d4 1 5 18,500
Tagert-6 35 35 25 20 15 -5 -25 -40 96 N/A 2 8 2 25 5 A 7 Carbine 2d6 1 4 25,000
Arrow LOSN
Shalkon 45 40 35 30 -15 -35 - - 99 N/A 2 8 2 25 5 A 7 Rifle 2d6 1 5 30,000
Alpha-2 50 50 45 40 35 15 -15 -25 98 N/A N/A 8 1 50 5 A 4 Carbine 1d8 1 4 24,000
Alpha-2 Setting 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 25 A 7 - 2d6 1 - 0
Beta 3 50 50 45 45 40 15 -5 -15 99 N/A 2 8 1 50 7 A 4 Carbine 1d8 1 5 55,000
Beta 3 setting 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 25 A 7 - 2d6 1 - 0
Falcon XR-7 55 55 50 45 40 5 -10 -25 97 2 5 8 2 25 9 A 7 Rifle 2d6 1 4 200,000
Calsham-4 55 55 55 50 45 40 15 0 100 2 4 8 2 25 6 A 10 Rifle 4d4 1 5 450,000


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Tagert 10 35 25 20 15 10 -10 -25 -45 96 4 8 8 20 10 36 A 7 HMG 2d6 4 5 125,000
RKM 10G 35 35 30 30 25 5 -20 -35 97 5 10 8 20 10 41 A 7 HMG 3d4 4 5 160,000
BC-Flayer 55 55 55 55 55 50 5 -25 98 3 7 8 20 10 31 A 10 HMG 3d6 4 5 1,250,000
Valley Green
Valley Green Exp 60 60 60 60 55 55 35 5 100 10 20 8 30 6 64 A 14 HMG 4d6 4 6 9,000,000
Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Charges Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Balshrom FC 40 5 -25 -75 - - - - 97 N/A N/A 12 3 16 7 T 14 Rifle 4d6 2 5 42,000
Valley Green Ox 35 10 -20 -65 -85 - - - 97 N/A N/A 12 4 12 9 T 17 Rifle 5d6 2 5 55,000
Able 3 50 20 -5 -45 -75 - - - 97 N/A N/A 12 4 12 8 T 21 Rifle 6d6 2 4 100,000
Viper XM1 55 20 -5 -30 -65 -85 - - 98 N/A 2 12 3 16 9 T 13 Rifle 3d8 2 5 275,000
Cobra XM2 60 35 -10 -40 -65 -80 - - 99 N/A 3 12 3 16 9 T 14 Rifle 4d6 2 6 325,000
Python XM3 45 5 -15 -55 -85 - - - 97 N/A N/A 12 4 12 11 T 21 Rifle 6d6 2 6 1,000,000
Abomination 80 25 55 40 5 -55 - - 100 N/A 3 12 10 40 25 T 55 LMG 10d10 10 7 8,500,000


Model V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Big Hammer 80 50 10 -30 - - - - 100 N/A N/A 10 50 220 T 500 Cannon 2d4HP 20 7 4,000,000
BC-Masher 90 60 30 0 -30 - - - 100 N/A N/A 10 50 270 T 1000 Cannon 4d4HP 20 7 8,000,000
Blackout in a mag bottle 100 80 40 0 -30 - - - 100 N/A 2 10 50 550 T 2100 Cannon 6d6HP 20 7 12,500,000
Hurt Locker 2000 105 95 70 40 10 - - - 100 N/A N/A 10 50 680 T 2100 Cannon 6d6HP 20 7 15,000,000
Migraine maker 110 100 75 45 15 - - - 100 N/A N/A 10 50 820 T 2800 Cannon 8d6HP 20 7 22,000,000
BC-Chomper Masher 120 110 80 40 0 -35 - - 100 N/A N/A 10 100 910 T 3500 Cannon 10d6HP 20 7 30,000,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
BC-Render 55 55 45 5 -65 - - - 99 N/A N/A N/A 1 50 5 T.A.P. 1 Rifle N/A 5 4 20,000
BC-Shredder 50 45 35 -20 -75 - - - 99 N/A N/A N/A 1 50 4 T.A.P. 2 Rifle N/A 10 4 40,000
Parabellum 55 53 42 -10 -40 -65 - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 50 5 T.A.P. 8 Rifle N/A 40 4 220,000

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DMG Config DMG SI DMG Cost
Hole card
Back up plan 45 25 -5 -35 -55 - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 3 5 2 S.P. 13 UB 6d8 0 5 50,000
CP-Assurance 55 30 10 -10 -35 - - - 98 N/A N/A N/A 4 6 2 S.P. 22 UB 8d10 0 5 60,000
Confuser Carbine 65 55 35 15 -5 -35 - - 97 N/A N/A N/A 3 16 6 S.P. 16 Rifle 6d10 0 5 100,000
Messy Muddler 75 65 25 -15 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 5 10 8 S.P. 18 Rifle 8d8 0 5 150,000
Chaos Cannon

Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
1 Shot Wonder 45 25 -5 -55 - - - - 96 N/A N/A 10 3 1 11 - 14 Launcher 4d6 8 4 2,000
Little Dickens 60 50 25 -25 - - - - 98 N/A N/A 10 10 1 18 - 55 Launcher 10d10 20 5 15,000
PC-3 50 -20 -65 - - - - - 98 N/A N/A 10 2 25 8 - 10 Rifle 3d6 8 4 14,000
PC-6 30 -5 -35 -85 - - - - 98 N/A N/A 10 2 25 10 - 10 Rifle 3d6 8 4 16,000
M20 Blaster 40 20 -15 -35 -65 - - - 97 N/A N/A 10 3 16 9 - 14 Rifle 4d6 8 4 20,000
Mentar 40 10 -10 -45 -75 - - - 95 N/A 2 10 4 12 18 - 17 Rifle 5d6 8 4 25,000
RP4 Masher 45 35 -25 -55 -90 - - - 97 N/A N/A 10 3 16 10 - 17 Rifle 5d6 8 5 50,000
Setting 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 7 - - 33 - 6d10 8 - -
Vector 1 50 30 5 -15 -35 -55 -75 - 95 N/A N/A 10 2 25 6 - 10 Rifle 3d6 8 4 80,000
Vector 4 55 35 15 -10 -30 -20 -65 -85 99 N/A 2 10 3 16 8 - 14 Rifle 4d6 8 5 200,000
Mentar A3L
BC-Terminator 55 35 10 -10 -30 -55 - - 100 1 4 10 3 16 9 - 14 Rifle 4d6 8 6 600,000
Setting 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 12 - - 17 - 5d6 8 - -
Setting 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 10 - - 22 - 5d8 8 - -
M-80 Defender Cannon 45 30 15 5 -20 -60 -80 - 99 1 4 10 5 10 9 - 22 Rifle 5d8 8 6 800,000


Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
Valley Green PAWS 50 40 20 0 -25 -45 -65 -80 99 N/A 3 10 50 250 34 - 22 HMG 5d8 20 5 2,000,000
Climax 55 45 25 5 -15 -35 - - 95 1 5 10 50 250 45 - 21 HMG 6d6 20 5 2,250,000
Valley Red PAWS 50 40 20 0 -25 -45 -65 -80 99 2 6 10 50 500 60 - 22 HMG 5d8 20 5 4,500,000
Wicked Crimson
Cataclysm War Gun 65 45 35 15 -10 - - - 100 3 10 10 80 1000 100 - 35 HMG 10d6 20 6 11,000,000
BC- Apocalypse 65 55 30 0 -10 -25 - - 99 1 4 10 120 250 160 - 63 HMG 6d20 40 6 16,000,000
Model V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D E Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI DMG TL Cost
S&M Weapon 65 55 35 15 -5 -15 - - 100 N/A N/A 10 100 50 220 - 500 Cannon 2d4HP 50 6 7,500,000
BC-Incinerator 70 60 55 25 -15 - - - 100 N/A N/A 10 100 50 270 - 1000 Cannon 4d4HP 50 6 7,500,000
TM 1200 70 65 50 5 -15 -30 - - 100 N/A N/A 10 150 50 550 - 2100 Cannon 6d6HP 50 6 17,000,000
Champion 70 70 55 45 35 25 -5 -15 100 N/A N/A 10 150 50 680 - 2100 Cannon 6d6HP 50 7 30,000,000
Grave Digger 75 70 55 40 20 -5 -25 -45 100 N/A N/A 10 150 50 820 - 2800 Cannon 8d6HP 50 7 45,000,000
Mortician 70 65 60 45 35 15 -5 -25 100 N/A N/A 10 250 100 910 - 3500 Cannon 10d6HP 50 6 60,000,000


Model AUTO RB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
Interfon - - 45 35 15 -25 - - - - 100 1 0.5 - 10 Rocket 3d6 10 4 1,000
Yo Momma - - 40 25 -5 -15 - - - - 100 1 0.5 - 21 Rocket 6d6 10 5 3,500
Dragonfire-7 - - 65 40 15 -5 -25 - - - 100 1 0.5 - 24 Rocket 7d6 10 5 6,000
Dragonfire-8 - - 65 45 25 5 -15 - - - 100 1 0.5 - 24 Rocket 7d6 10 5 6,500
Balistex 90 5 65 50 40 10 -5 - - - 100 1 0.5 - 17 Rocket 5d6 10 5 7,000

Model AUTO RB V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
Narc 50 8 60 20 -30 -50 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 21 Rfx 6d6 25 4 10,000
Mini MIRV-10 60 7 60 20 -30 -50 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - Varies Rfx Varies 25 6 15,000
Tracker 105 7 60 20 -30 -50 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 28 Rfx 8d6 25 5 18,000
Digiton 60 7 60 20 -30 -50 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 45 Rfx 1d8 25 5 20,000
Whistler 75 7 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 25 Rfx 1d4 25 6 25,000
Jackrabbit 65 8 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 70 Rfx 2d6 25 6 30,000
Horizon 85 8 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 135 Rfx 3d8 25 6 35,000
Mirv-System 65 8 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 70 Rfx 2d6 25 6 60,000
Saylon 95 8 80 40 -10 -30 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 3 - 1400 Rfx 4d6HP 50 7 75,000

Model AUTO km V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
Death Strike (AT) 55 5k 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 1 5 - 450 Rfx XL 1d8HP 50 6 20,000
Bonoir-2 (AT)
HAW 4 (AT) 105 5k 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 1 5 - 2800 Rfx XL 8d6HP 50 6 55,000
Gyrfalcon (SAM)

Model MN Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
Single Tube
Quad Tube

Model AUTO km V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 MN Burst Full ROF-D Q WGT DMG Type AVE DAM Config DMG SI Dmg TL Cost
Strike Eagle 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 700 Hvy Msl 2d6HP 100 6 55,000
Strike Eagle - 3 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 1050 Hvy Msl 3d6HP 100 6 65,000
Load-1 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 2800 Hvy Msl 8d6HP 100 6 60,000
Load-4 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 3500 Hvy Msl 10d6HP 100 6 65,000
Cobalt Tensor 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 1050 SAM 3d6HP 100 6 65,000
Overload 70 30 70 30 -20 -40 - - - - 100 N/A N/A N/A 1 10 - 4500 Hvy Msl 10d8HP 100 6 75,000

GRENADES Pressure (P) 99 2 2 75

Model Frag DMG Concussion DMG WGT # Frags TL Cost Cost Radio (R) 90 2 3 200
Damage Type T Throw Launch Sonic (S) 92 2 4 500
n Tripwire (T) 100 1 1 20
TK-2 1d6 2 0.3 8 2 75 300 BALLISTIC AMMUNITION
TK-3 2d4 2 0.3 8 3 100 400 Model Q WGT TL Cost
Plasma 4d4 3 0.6 8 3 1,000 4,000 APW Magazine (Empty) - - 2 5
Super Plasma 4d6 1d4 1 8 4 5,000 20,000 Arrow (Normal) 20/quiver 2 3 5
Plasma Seduction 6d6 1d8+1 1.3 10 5 20,00 80,000 Arrow (Armor Piercing) 20/quiver 2 3 20
Arrow (Explosive Tipped) 20/quiver 2.5 3 100
Phosphorous 2d4 1 0.3 8 3 150 600
Blackpowder (premeasured) 50/Horn 1 2 10
Bolt (Normal) 20/quiver 1 2 10
Riot chemical N/A 0.3 8 3 75 300
Bolt (Armor Piercing) 20/quiver 1 3 35
Smoke smoke N/A 0.3 8 2 50 200
Bolt (Explosive Tipped) 20/quiver 2 3 120
Bang 1d4 3 0.3 8 3 150 600
Hollow Point - - 3 x2
Annihilation Bead 1d4 5d6+5 0.03 8 5 100,0 NA
Incendiary Round - - 3 x7
Mercuric Round - - 3 x20
Omegaton 3d4 10d6+10 1 8 6 50,00 200,00
.22 cal 50/Box 1 3 6
0 0
.38 cal 50/Box 1 3 7
.357 cal 50/Box 1 3 12
MAG-GRENADES .44 cal 50/Box 1 3 8
Model DMG DMG WGT TL Cost Cost .45 cal 50/Box 1 3 12
Type Thrown Launch .48 cal 50/Box 1 3 25
Absorption .55 cal. Ball 50/box 1 2 5
Destroyer 4d6 T (<16) 0.3 4 200 800 5.56mm 50/Box 1 2 6
Acid 4d4 T.A. 0.3 4 75 300 7.63mm 50/Box 2 3 7
Bad Bug 1d8 STR, AGL, CON S 0.3 4 500 2,000 .50 BMG 50/Belt 5 3 60
BZ Mag 8d6 MD, AGL, INT S 0.3 4 500 2,000 30mm 50/Belt 25 3 200
Freezy Pop 6d6 T 0.3 5 425 1,700 10g 00 Buck Shot 25/Box 2 3 20
Glue -80 AGG, MOV = 0 S 0.3 4 125 500 10g Slug 25/Box 2 2 20
Hellfire 12g 00 Buck Shot 25/Box 1 2 20
Med Mag +3d6 BP T (<16) 0.3 4 500 2,000 12g Slug 25/Box 1 2 20
Neuro Tox 180mm 1 9 2 10000
Parasite -2d6 Q T.S. 0.3 6 1,125 4,500 220mm 1 14 4 15000
Super Sonic No Actions S 0.3 4 1,375 5,500 Pulse Pistol
Zapper 2d4 ABS T 0.3 3 500 2,000 Pulse Pistol - Extended
Pulse Cannon
Pulse Cannon - Extended
MINES PAWS 50/can 10 4 500
Model Frag DMG DMG CON DMG WGT # Frags TL Cost PCS 1 20 4 10,000
Type Type T
Jumping Jack
Zweihaender 2d6 - 3 0.6 8 2 150 EMAGS
Zweihaender-2 3d6 - 3 0.6 8 2 500 Model Q WGT TL Cost
Tank Killer 4d6 - 4-16HP 7 N/A 3 17,000 Pistol - Micro 5/magazine 0.2 5 10
Blinder Mine Visual Mod -200 S N/A 0.6 N/A 3 450 Pistol 15/magazine 0.5 5 30
Plasmore 4d6 - 1d4 1 8 4 5,000 Pistol - Extended 35/magazine 0.8 5 50
Sonic 2d6, No Actions S N/A 0.6 N/A 3 3,000 Rifle 50/magazine 1.75 5 100
Tangler -10AGL, MOV = 0 S N/A 1 N/A 4 500 Rifle - Extended 75/magazine 2.6 5 150
Small backpack 200/pack 7 5 400
Medium backpack 400/pack 14 5 800
EXPLOSIVES Large backpack 800/pack 28 5 1600
Dynamite E,F,N Stick 2d12 1 2 400
C-4 E,N,P,R,T Block 4d12 1 3 2,000 FLUID GUN RESIVOIRS
Jellnite E,N,R,S Tube 10d10 1 5 8,000 Model Q WGT TL Cost
Nitro-7 E,N,R Vial 40d4 0.5 4 10,000 Pistol Reservoir - Micro 5 0.2 3 10
Villanite E,N,R,S Block 50d6 0.5 6 8,000 Pistol Reservoir 15 0.5 3 30
Pistol Reservoir -Extended 35 0.8 3 50
Rifle Reservoir 50 1.75 3 100
DETONATORS Rifle Reservoir - Extended 75 2.5 3 150
Model MN WGT TL COST Small Backpack Reservoir 200 7 3 400
Electronic Timer (E) 95 1 2 100 Medium Backpack Reservoir 400 14 3 800
Fuse (F) 90 1 1 1 Large Backpack Reservoir 800 28 3 1600
Multistep 95 3 3 100 Goo Cannon Reservoir 50/keg 25 3 10,000

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