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Dragon Ball RPG Summed Up

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Combat Time: Each Phase is 3 seconds long. Each player

can do 1 thing at 1 Phase.
Physical: How strong and healthy you are. Every 4 Phases is a Round. At the end of each Round, all
Mental: How Smart and determined you are. Characters get back any hits they have lost, up to (2 x their
Combat: How well your hero fights. Physical) in lost hits, if the attacks have not been specially
Move: How far you move. 1 point is equal to 2 meters. lethal (Bullets, knives, lasers, etc). If the characters lost
more Hits than they recover, they are still hurt. They must
Your 2 derived characteristics are values calculated wait until the end of the next Round to get back more Hits.
from your basics:
Taking Turns (Initiative): The Character with the highest
Defense ( = 5 x Physical): How tough you are. Defense is Mental Characteristics gets their turn first. In a tie, the
subtracted from any damage done to you. highest Combat characteristic goes first, if they tie, both act
Hits ( = 10 x Physical): Hit points; life. at the same time.

SKILLS Modifiers:

Each skill is paired with a characteristics to figure out if Effect on Doing Task Modifier
you succeed at a task. Much easier………….………………………………………….……+4
Body Skills: Anything to do with physical stuff (Physical). Harder………………….…………………………….....................-2
Mind Skills: Mind, Will, Charm (Mental). Much Hard…………..………………………………………………...-4
Evasion Skills: Not getting hit (Combat). Almost Impossible………………………………………………….-6
Fighting Skills: Hitting with your body (Combat), or
Techniques. Actions: One action can be taken as follow:
Weapon Skills: Hitting with weapons (Combat).
Power Skills: Use of special powers (Physical or Mental), Attack: Attacks and powers.
or Energy Attacks. Block: The Difficulty is the attacker’s Combat +
(Fighting or Weapon) Skill + 10.
SKILL TESTS Dodge: Add +3 to your Evasion Skills for this Phase
against all attacks; you may not attack this Phase.
Get Up: You can take one other action, except Run or
 Roll 3D6 + Characteristics + Skills or Fighting
Technique to beat a Difficulty Value: Grab: Your Action Total is -2, and Evasion Skill is -3
this Phase.
Difficulty Level Difficulty Value Other Action: Any other single action.
No Problem…………………………………………………….……10 Move: Move up to half your Move stat, plus take one
Easy……………………………………………………………………..14 other Action, except Run or Sprint.
Hard…………………………………………………....................18 Run: Move up to your full Move stat.
Really Hard…………………………………………………………..22 Sprint: Move up to twice your full Move stat. Your
Mega Hard……………………………………………………………26 Combat Characteristics are at ½ normal and your
Evasion Skill is 0.
To beat the target value, you will roll the following Throw: Throw a person or object (-4 to Action Total if
combination, called an Action Total [AT] not made for throwing).
Power Up: Gather Power or use a non-attack Power.
Action Total = Characteristics + Skill +
3D6 dice
If your Action Total meets or beats the Difficulty Value, you Attacks are made as Opposed Action witch mostly Combat,
succeed. If you roll all 1’s, you automatically fail! with the Fighting, Weapon or Power Skills as follow:

Using Skills Against Each Other (Fighting) A T T A C K E R ’ S A C T I O N T O T A L

Characteristics + Skill + 3D6 dice

In Opposed Actions, your opponent makes his or her own
roll to determine a Difficulty Value to beat are as follow: D E F E N D E R ’ S A C T I O N T O T A L

A T T A C K E R ’ S A C T I O N T O T A L Characteristics + Skill + 3D6 dice

If you equal or exceed your opponent’s Action Total, you
Characteristics + Skill + 3D6 dice succeed! If you roll all 1’s, you automatically fail!
D E F E N D E R ’ S A C T I O N T O T A L Damage: Damage is done by rolling for example Physical +
Characteristics + Skill + 3D6 dice Fighting Skill, or Physical + Weapon Skill. The total is the
If you equal or exceed your opponent’s Action Total, you damage done taking the Defense away from the number of
succeed! If you roll all 1’s, you automatically fail!
hits. When using a weapon, add the dice for the weapon as DERIVED CHARACTERISTICS
well. DEFENSE = Physical x 5
HITS = Physical x 10
Dice to Fighting/ Physical Totals Dice Spend 50 points to distribute between your Skills. Not
Club……………………………………………………………………….1 every skill must have points.
Creating a Technique works as follow:
1- Description;
Ranged weapons Range in move Dice 2- Damage: = 1D6 for each point of Physical +
Bow & Arrow..…………………..….70….……………………….4 Fighting Skill + Extra Dice;
Spear………………………………….…50…………………………..3 3- Skill Cost: For each extra die of damage, subtract 1
Gun……………………………………….25…………………………..2 point of Fighting Skill when using it.
Big Gun……………….………………..25..…………………………3 4- Name the Technique;
Really Big Gun………….……………25….……………………….5 5- FIGHTING TECHNIQUES WORK AS
Huge Gun/Rifle……..…………….350.………………………..10 MELEE ATTACKS!
INITIAL KI (ENERGY): Roll 2D6, the first for the 100’s
Subtract the number of Attack Dice from the Target place, the second for the 10’s place, the final value is zero.
Physical Characteristic + 1 Die, witch is the MOVE This will be the POWER LEVEL. You may only gather
distance of knockback, witch occurs whether or not you take and use Power in multiples of 10.
damage, except for Deflection or force fields.
You are Knocked Down if the Move Exceeds your physical RAISING ENERGY: Every Phase (3 seconds), you gather
Characteristic. only as much energy as Mental + Physical x 10. This will be
POWER SKILLS: Roll Combat + Power Skill + 3D6,
If knockbacks leads to collisions, the target takes 1 Die Dificulty Value is = Energy Spent /10 (ex: 100 energy /10 =
damage for 3 MOVE travelled, if it is less than 3, use the Dificulty 10). In a fail, you still spend the energy.
next higher level.
RULE OF Z: Stunts gain -10 difficulty on the roll.
(Shock, Poison, Drugs, Burns, Disease, Asphyxiation) ENERGY SPECIAL EFFECTS
Points Effect
Severity Mild Intense Deadly 100….....You glow
Dice per Phase 1-4 5-10 11-20 200……..Winds howl, ground shakes, skies turn dark
Effect Painful, dangerous Intense pain/ Can Can kill almost 400……..Stones rise from the ground
over some time kill over a few phases instantly 800……..Earthquakes, hurricanes, rocks split
1600……Huge rocks erupt from the ground
3000+….Mountains crumble in lava
Each Round resting or being healed, you get back as many
Hits as your Physical Characteristic.
For each hour you spend resting (doing nothing), you’ll
CHARACTER CREATION recover Power at a rate equal to your Power Up rate. Senzu
RACE Beans recover instantly.


NAMEKUSEIJIN: Limb Regeneration – Spend 100 Improving each of the follow with experience points:
points of energy.  The amount of energy you can generate;
 The amount of energy you can gather;
SAYAJIN:  The amount of energy you can control.

Spend 40 points to distribute between Physical, Mental,
Combat and Move. At least 1 point in each. A normal human will gain 10 points of experience for every
year of practice.
Trainig under multiple gravities: Multiply the level of
gravity by 10 for every year of training. Normal humans
may only go up to 2 gravities per year, and can only
withstand a maximum of 6 gravities. Sayans can jump to 10
gravities per year and have no limit of withstanding.

The pendulum room at Karins tower: Large amounst of

time pass in a single pendulum stroke.

Magic, cybernetics or mutations: Never be more than 100

or 200 points.

Kaio Sama: Get 30 XP points a day. Must be dead and

granted permission by Emma Daio.

Master the Kaio Ken: You trade endurance for Energy,

burning out for more Power Level. Once this extra power is
used up, it doesn’t regenerate naturally.
Level Multiplies Power by Cost in Hits
Kaio Ken x2 60
Double Kaio Ken x3 120
Triple Kaio Ken x4 240

Use the Dragon Balls: The Dragon can give no more than
5000 XP points.

Fighting: Divide the opponent’s power level by your own

(rounding up to the nearest whole value). Then multiply the
result by 10. That’s the XP points gained.


You can apply up to 10 XP points on either Power Level,

Power Up, Defense, Skills or Hits, in any combination.


Determine how far you are reaching out, and multiply the
fighter’s Power Level and Power Ups by the table:

How many lifeforms Multiplier

Several thousand people………………………….……….x2
Small city (10’s thousands)……………………………….x5
Large metropolis (a couple million)……………………..x10
Small country (10’s of millions)…………………….….x100
Large country (100’s of millions)………………….…x1.000
Small planet (billions)………...…………………….x10.000
Solar system (100’s of billions)…………………….x10.000
Several systems (trillions)…………………...…..x1.000.000

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