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Unit - II Research Problem Question Research Problem Question

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Unit – II

Research Problem Question

Mrs. S. Andal, M.Sc(N).,

Professor cum Research Co-ordinator
Faculty of Nursing
It is a question that a researcher wants to
answer or a problem that a researcher wants to
Selection of a research problem depends
on several factors such as researcher’s
knowledge, skills, interest, expertise,
motivation and creativity with respect to a
subject of inquiry.

A problem is a interrogative sentence

or statement that asks what relation exists
between two or more variables. The answer
to questions will provide what is having
sought in the research.

- Kerlinger

A situation for which we have no

ready & successful response by instinct or
by previous acquired habit. We must find
out what to do.
– R.S. Woodworth
Sources/IDENTIFICATION of Research
Problem AREA

• Personal experiences
Day to day personal experiences of the
researcher may serve as good source of ideas
to formulate a research problem.
• Practical experiences
Nurses get plenty of ideas to formulate
research problem from their clinical
• Critical Appraisal of Literature
When we critically study books and articles
relating to the subject of our interest, including
subject reports, opinion articles and summaries of
clinical issues. These may strike readers mind
indirectly by stimulating imagination and directly
by stating what additional research is needed.
• Previous Research
A body of knowledge should be developed on a
sound foundation of research findings. Further
refinement of the previous studies by made in the
experimental treatments or more appropriate
outcome measures may be identified.
• Existing Theories
Research is a process of theory development and
theory testing. The testing of an existing theory
is definitely needed in nursing, to testing in the
clinical situation.
• Social issues
Sometimes, topics are suggested by more global
contemporary social or political issues of
relevance to the health care community. An idea
for a study may stem from a familiarity with
social concerns or controversial social issues.
• Brainstorming
It is a good techniques to find new questions,
where an intensified discussion among interested
people of the profession to find more ideas to
formulate a good research problem.
• Intuition
Intuitions are believed that the reflective mind is
a good sources of knowledge/ideas to find new
research problems.
• Folklores
Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a
particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions
common to that culture, subculture or group. Researchers
can conduct a research study to find more ideas about
• Exposure to field situation
During field exposure, researchers get variety of
experiences , which may provide plenty of ideas to
formulate research problem.
• Consultation with experts
Experts may help in finding a current problem of discipline
for formulation of research problem.
Criteria for Selecting Good
Research Problem
• Significance to Nursing Profession
• Original
• Feasible to time, cost, equipment and supply,
administrative support, peer’s support,
availability of subjects, Researcher’s
competence and ethical consideration.
• Solvable / Researchable
• Current
• Interesting
Formulation of Research Problem

• Selection of Research Area

• Reviewing Literature and Theories
• Delimiting Research problem
• Evaluating Research Problem
• Formulating final statement
• Selection of Research Area
Formulation of research problem begins with
selection of board research topic from personal
experience, literature, previous research and
theories in which researcher is interested.
• Reviewing Literature and Theories
Literature is reviewed to know what has
already been done I this selected area of
research. Therefore researcher can plan a
research topic to further expand the existing
body of knowledge in respective area of
• Delimiting Research problem
In this researcher proceeds from a general
research area of interest to more specific
topic of research to conduct a study.
• Evaluating Research Problem
Once researcher is clear about the specific
research problem that must be carefully
evaluated for its significance,
researchability and feasibility.
• Formulating final statement
After establishing significance, researchability and
feasibility, the researcher finally formulates a final
statement of a research problem. A statement of
research Problem could be in declarative or
interrogative format.
Formulation of research problem is preferable if it
fulfills the following features
 Research Problem is clearly, precisely and
concisely articulated.
 It clearly states the variables, population and
research settings under study.
 Variables are expressed in measureable terms.
 The type of study also may be included in the
statement of research problem.
Problem statement

• Evaluate the effectiveness of structured

teaching program [STP] on knowledge
regarding effects of psychoactive substance use
among adolescent patients in selected
psychiatric hospital at Chennai.

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