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Siemens Assetguard

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Assetguard MVC

Medium Voltage Switchgear Monitoring · Reduction of risks for consequential

Monitoring & Diagnostics · Reduction of probability for unex-
pected outages;
· Reduction of intensive periodical and
manual measurements;
· Safe operation of monitoring system
guaranteed due to no change of
Introduction breakers have to be monitored, MVC
protectional wiring or concepts;
The reliability of MV circuit breakers is is provided as one master plus some
generally high, but, due to life time slave units. Each additional slave · Supports condition based
node unit can host monitoring up to maintenance;
extension trend and changed mainte-
nance policies, care should be taken to 60 circuit breakers on top. · Instant diagnosis and data for condi-
keep an acceptable reliability level also · Predefined or customized measuring tion assessments;
in those situations. This is a challenge kits are supplied to be installed in · Cost effective solution;
when the components, like the drives, each circuit breaker cabinet. · Low installation costs: suitable solu-
are exposed to hazardous and severe · Combined hardware and digital filter tion for retrofit & self installation.
environmental conditions. Especially for better noise immunity perfor-
when the circuit breakers are not oper- mances. The cutoff frequency of digi- Scope of Work / Deliverable
ated for a long time, mechanical parts tal filters can be configured to for all Each Assetguard MVC comprises:
can present bad behavior due to dirty environments.
· External sensors included (e.g. cur-
and stuck conditions. · Integration into SCADA (if required)
rent transducer, current transducer
· Base product can be enriched with hall effect);
Siemens Assetguard MVC takes care of
several options such as coils monitor-
the service reliability of the circuit · Optional external sensors on request
ing and channel redundancy
breakers monitoring also the tripping (e.g. for measurement of humidity or
and closing functionalities and main temperature and for SF6 Gas moni-
contacts wear. toring);
· Turnkey installation and communica-
· Supports circuit breakers to over-
Features tions services;
reach their assigned technical life;
The main features for Assetguard MVC
· Transmission of alarms in case of
anomalies and warnings in case the
switchgear needs maintenance, in-
forming if circuit breakers are losing
· All components integrated in a single
housing (power supply, data acquisi-
tion, fiber optic communication, data
storage and a webserver inside a
central node unit).
· Two versions (basic and extended) to
satisfy all customer needs.
· One Assetguard MVC node unit is
able to monitor up to 12 circuit
breakers. If more than twelve circuit
Assetguard MVC
· Expert analysis of monitoring data The MVC extended version offers addi- · Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
and customer support; tional software functionalities as coil according to EN61000 and EN 55011
· On-site training courses for operation current waveforms history and plotter - Level 3 electrostatic and
and maintenance of our systems; with zoom functionalities. In addition, electromagnetic immunity
· Design, installation and commission- also fast acquisitions can be exported
- 4 kV surge immunity
ing of all necessary equipment in excel.
· Environmental strength according to
Finally, optional extensions are availa-
The methods of Assetguard MVC EN 60068
ble for the rack extended version:
At each switching command, a measu- - Operating temperature -25°C
rement is started. The measurement · SF6 Gas density to 70°C
ends when the switching operation · Environmental temperature & humid-
- Humidity 10 - 95%
has been completed. Data are recorded ity data inputs
internally in the memory of Assetguard · Customizable digital inputs · Protection class IP 20
MVC node unit. Data are diagnosed by · Measurement resolution 12 bit at 10
comparing recorded data with custo- Technical data kS/s (16 bit version available upon
mer’s configured thresholds. Any alarm Assetguard MVC is designed to with- request)
is communicated via the integrated stand the harsh electrical, mechanical
web-server, via hard-wired contacts and climate environment at the sub-
and with the integrated protocols. station, while providing the necessary
demands of comprehensive hardware
Both Assetguard MVC versions (basic
and software for a monitoring device.
and extended) guarantee the monito-
ring of the auxiliary circuit voltage, the · Electrical safety according to EN
closing coil and the tripping coil cur- 60529, EN 61010-1 and EN 60255-5
rents by means of high resolution · Power supply port and each channel
waveforms. has a dielectric withstand capability
of 3 kVRMS for 60 s and
This info are elaborated within the
5 kV 1.2/50 µs impulse
Main Data Unit (MDU) using dedicated
Knowledge Modules in order to detect
defects in coils behavior, to suggest
maintenance needs in the mechanical
drive, to evaluate contact wear (Arcing
I2t) and incorrect operations due to
operating voltage problems.

Siemens AG
Energy Management
Humboldtstr. 59
90459 Nuremberg

Customer Support Center

Phone: +49(180)524 70 00*
Fax: +49(180)524 2471*
*(Charges depending on provider)

Siemens SpA
Energy Management
All rights reserved. Trademarks mentioned in this document Customer Service
are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their respec- Via Vipiteno, 4
tive owners in the scope of registration. 20128 Milano
Subject to change without prior notice. The information in
this document contains general descriptions of the technical
For more information please contact:
options available, which may not apply in all cases.
© 05.2017. Siemens AG, V 2.0

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