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(Not So) Legendary Actions

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(Not So) Legendary Actions

(Not So)

All the text from this ebook is released under OGL 1.0
written by Igor Moreno
Illustration by Dan Ramos

glenn vanhove (Order #24954406)
(Not So) Legendary Actions

New Legendary Action Options

Legendary Actions are one of the best-re- Tier Legendary Actions Hit Points
garded mechanics of the 5th Edition of (per round) and Increase
Dungeons & Dragons, providing DMs the Resistance (per day)
tools to accurately portray the deadliness of
Elite 1 +20
higher-level creatures. You know you are in
trouble when the dragon simply retaliates Boss 2 +30
your sword slash with a tail sweep without Legendary 3 +40
even waiting for its own turn. Epic 4 +50
This feature along with Legendary Resis-
tance however is restricted to very powerful Modified creatures can perform the fol-
monsters, those we call - quite appropriately lowing Legendary Actions after another
- legendary. But what if there was a way to creature’s turn, provided they can “pay” the
incorporate such mecanics to lesser threats, action cost for them. For example, an elite
making them more dangerous albeit not as creature will not be able to perfom Legend-
deadly as the ones described in the rules? ary Actions that cost 2 actions because they
So here it is: four “monster tier” templates can only take 1 such action per round. The
to be added to existing creatures to give creature regains spent Legendary Actions
your players a harder time! at the start of its turn. The Legendary Resis-
tance trait is also reproduced below for ease
What is Legendary? of access.

One of the first things to consider is the fact Attack. The creature makes a single melee
that not all creatures that receive some Leg- or ranged attack.
endary Actions need to be stuff of legends.
Move. The creature moves up to its speed
It is perfectly fine to imagine an immense-
without provoking attacks of opportunity.
ly powerful goblin (for goblin standards, that
is) who is feared by all goblinkind, justifying Cast a Cantrip. The creature casts a can-
the acquisition of such Legendary Actions, trip, provided it is able to cast spells.
but it is also possible that what you need is Special Ability (Costs 2 Actions). The
simply a better specimen who can pose a creature uses one of its special abilities
higher challenge to adventuring groups. that require an action, provided that it has
Therefore four tiers are presented: elite, such an ability.
boss, legendary and epic. These tiers are Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The crea-
relative - an epic goblin might still be an ture casts a spell, provided it is able to
easy kill for a group, but an elite troll will cast spells.
probably prove a worthier foe. Multiattack (Costs 2 Actions). The crea-
ture uses its multiattack, provided it
Action Time! already has such an action option.
Modifying a creature to one of the four tiers All-Out (Costs 3 Actions). The creature
is rather simple. Each of them becomes ca- moves up to its speed without provoking
pable of taking Legendary Actions (or Elite, attacks of opportunity and uses its mul-
Boss or Epic Actions if you will) a number tiattack, provided it already has such an
of times as shown in the following table. action option.
The creature also acquires the Legendary Legendary Resistance. If the creature fails
Resistance trait, usable a number of times a saving throw it can choose to succeed
per day, also expressed in the table. instead.

glenn vanhove (Order #24954406)
(Not So) Legendary Actions
Increasing Hit Points
A creature with the tier templates may
Goblin Boss (Boss Tier)
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
still run low on hit points to make a stand
Armor Class 17 (chain shirt, shield)
against prepared adventurers, so its hit Hit Points 51 (6d6+30)
point maximum increases by a number Speed 30 ft.
expressed in the table. As an example, an
elite goblin would have an average of 27 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
(7+20) hit points.
Skills Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9
Challenge Rating Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
It may be important to estimate a creature’s
challenge rating while applying the tier Legendary Resistance (2/day). If the goblin fails a saving throw it
templates, but that’s easy: increase the CR can choose to succeed instead.

by the number of Legendary Actions the Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide
action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
creature can take per round. Consider any
creature of CR 1/2 or lower as having a Actions
CR of 0 for the purpose of this calculation. Multiattack. The goblin makes two attacks with its spear.
Therefore an elite kobold becomes a CR 1 Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft. or
opponent, while a legendary kobold turns range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
into a CR 3 challenge. Reactions
Redirect Attack. When a creature the goblin can see targets it
with an attack, the goblin chooses another goblin within 5 feet
of it. The two goblins swap places, and the chosen goblin beco-
mes the target instead.

Legendary Actions (2/round)

Attack. The goblin makes a spear attack.
Move. The goblin moves up to its speed without
provoking attacks of opportunity..
Multiattack (Costs 2 Actions).
The goblin uses its multiattack.

glenn vanhove (Order #24954406)
(Not So) Legendary Actions
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glenn vanhove (Order #24954406)

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