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Introduction Contents

Dark Day of the Destructo Ray is a cam- Episode 1: Crash Landing! pg. 1
paign for Fistful of Lead: Galactic Heroes. Episode 2: In Search of Prof. Argo pg. 4
The campaign is a series of 7 linked scenari- Episode 3: Rockets Away pg. 6
os to be played in order. The outcome of Episode 4: Death Planet pg. 8
each scenario has a direct effect on the next Episode 5: Arena pg. 9
game. The player with the most Renown at Episode 6: Tunnels of Doom pg. 11
the end of the campaign wins. Episode 7: Storm the Palace pg. 13

The scenarios have been play tested, but if Each Scenario will have the same basic set
you find they seem unbalanced or just not to up.
your liking, feel free to adjust them to your

taste. Just make sure everyone involved is Terrain- Unless otherwise specified, all 2
agreeable to any changes. player scenarios are played on a 3’ x 3’
sized area. Each scenario should tell you
If you don’t have the miniatures or terrain where and how many suggested terrain
mentioned in the scenario, feel free to pieces should be placed. Of course, please
substitute. Don’t have a giant worm? A feel free to adjust based on your own collec-
space dragon works just as well. e tion.

The scenarios themselves are designed for Place Crews- Each scenario will tell you
multiple players, and as so, are scalable. where to deploy your models. Unless other-
The suggested table size of 3’ x 3’ listed in wise indicated in the scenario, miniatures
the scenario assumes 4 players. This size put Out of Action may try to return for the
allows players to get into the action right next scenario following the rules set out in
away. If playing with less players, the 3’ x 3’ the Fistful of Lead Core rules, page 39, or
size still works, but 5 or more players will Galactic Heroes page 47.
require a larger 4’ x 4’ table.
Turn Limit- Scenarios will either have a
The setting, as well, can be changed to fit specified turn limit or give you another
your needs. The campaign is written with a mechanism for how long the scenario lasts.

Retro Sci Fi genre in mind, but that doesn’t

mean you can’t change it to take place in a Special Rules- Some scenarios will have
galaxy far, far away or a grim dark future. special rules attached to them to add flavor
to the story.
Please enjoy Dark Day of the Destructo
Ray. Victory- How much Renown you earn.

Published by Wiley Games A Group receives 1 Renown Point just

Copyright Jaye Wiley 2019. All rights for playing a scenario.
Welcome to the world of tomorrow! The Campaign will involve a search for
Since man first hurled himself into the allies around the galaxy, searching for X
depths of space, he has been watched. Matter to power the terrible Destructo Ray,
Alien powers both benevolent and malign and pieces to finish it.
plot to help or harm mankind as he strug-
gles to find his place among the stars. During the campaign, you can follow the
rules for spending Renown, Wounded or
One such enemy is self proclaimed Galactic Out of Action group members set out in the
Emperor Xorg-Khan, who has been spying Fistful of Lead Core or Galactic Heroes

on Earth and knows about the development rules. Or, you may elect to ignore them and
of something called the Destructo Ray by, have each player “reset” their Crews
the some say mad, Professor Argo. between games.

Is your Crew here to help the vile Galactic
Empire, or possibly save the Universe?

Episode 1: Crash Landing!

While tracking an enemy spaceship you are Terrain- Crash Landing is played on a 3’x3’
hit by a freak meteor storm. Your ship is
severely damaged and forced to make an
emergency landing on the desolate, and
e table. Two players should each roll a d10
and add the results. This is the number of
pieces of terrain they should alternate
uninhabitable planet, known for it's toxic placing. Terrain should include wreckage,
atmosphere and highly destructive storms. junk, rocks and rock outcroppings. These
numbers can be adjusted to fit your own
You land only to discover the planet is a terrain collection setting and preferences.
veritable space junkyard of crashed ships The planet could as easily be an ice planet,
and debris. Somewhere amongst the piles a desert planet or jungle asteroid.
of scrap are the parts you need to fix your

Other plot entries:

• Bounty Hunters - You receive an S.O.S. A
call and rush to the planet to see if there is B
anything left to salvage. These Crews may
begin the campaign unaligned but must

select a “side” at the end of the first scenar-


• Rocket Rangers - You were en route to

meet Xorg-Khan’s daughter, the princess
Layalla and escort her back to Earth.
• Xhorgian Troopers or Mercenaries - You
were sent to capture the princess and
return her to Xhorg-Khan at all costs.

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