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Application Enrichment Activity

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Western Mindanao State University

Normal Road, Baliwasan

Zamboanga City, Philippines
College of Teacher Education

Kaye-C M. Lopez
BEED 3 – A
Unit 1: Teaching Literacy in the Elementary Grades through Literature


1. What insights have you gained from the various concepts of reading? Explain thoroughly. (10 points)
Learning to read is one of the most critical skills acquired during a lifetime. There are three popular models related to the decoding and comprehension aspect
that describes how readers construct meaning from written text. First of all, we have the Bottom-up model by Gough wherein it emphasizes the material read and
often describes as text-driven. The second model is Top-down Model by Goodman. It highlights the reader and often describes it as concept-driven. The last model
is the Interactive Model by Rumelhart, which emphasizes both the reader and the material being read. As a future educator, it is essential to teach or follow the
Interactive Model. In this way, readers and the reading material will work together to elicit meaning and develop a love for reading. Other insights I have gained
are the factors that affect reading: physiological factors, Intellectual Factors, Psychological Factors, Linguistic factors, and Sociological Factors. Students indeed
face various learning barriers that come outside of the school. As a teacher, it is necessary to identify factors that affect my students' reading ability so that I will be
able to provide the right and best support possible.

2. Present the three models of reading and the factors that affect reading using canva app. (30 points)
Enrichment Activity

1. What is the importance of reading to you as a student? Explain thoroughly in

your own words. (10 points)

At a very young age, we must start developing reading skills and other literacies because it will

provide an enormous benefit as the child grows. As for me, reading is indeed vital as a student. First,

reading will help us build our self-esteem. When we know how to read, it assures us how to properly

communicate with other people and give us the confidence of an expanded knowledge base. In this

way, students will become more creative and open, and those who have read a lot will naturally be

asked to answer more questions – another confidence builder for a young student. Next, it develops

critical and analytical thinking skills. Students will not just merely read the story but learn how to

solve a mystery in his/her head before the book reveals it, for instance. It will also help them analyse

how you think and present evidence for your ideas, rather than simply accepting your reasoning as

sufficient proof. As we continuously read, it strengthens our memory and retention skills.

And most importantly, our vocabulary will expand. The more you read, the more words you

gain exposure to. We will not have difficulty expressing our ideas because we have a large vocabulary.

To sum up, reading is one of the life skills that a student must require to function in society.

Without this skill, we will encounter numerous challenges that would hinder our success. According

to Dr. Duffy, words- spoken and written - are the building blocks by which a child’s mind grows.

Reading is not only essential to a child’s verbal and cognitive development, but it also teaches the

child to listen, develop a new language, and communicate. Additionally, books open a child’s

imagination to discovering his or her world.

Unit 1.1: Learning Principles & Reading Process and
Reading as a Developmental Task

Create a concept map showing the parts of Developmental Reading.

Unit 1.2: Teaching Reading in a Second Language


Create a graphic organizer of the concepts about the Teaching Reading in a Second Language
Situation and its approaches.
Unit 2: Teaching Emergent Literacy


Make Venn a Diagram to show the differences and similarities of Reading Readiness and Emergent Literacy.

Reading Emergent
Readiness Literacy
Children must master a Reading and writing are
set of basic skills language processes and
before they can read. learned like spoken
Achieved through
practice and
Children should learn to activities
Young children have been
read before they write. actively engaged in
functional reading and
Reading is a subject to be writing experiences
taught, involving a Teacher and parents
sequenced of mastery are the key players Young children actively
skills. construct concepts
about reading and
Children’s progress
should be measured Reading and writing
with regular, are interrelated and
and formal testing.
develop concurrently
Unit 3: Teaching Beginning Reading


Create a slogan about the importance of Teaching Beginning Reading

Unit 4: Teaching Basic Comprehension Skills


1. What is reading comprehension?

➢ Yokan describes reading comprehension wherein it involves the correct association of
meanings with the word symbols, the evaluation of meanings which are suggested in context,
the selection of the correct meaning, organization of ideas, and their use in some present or
future activity.

2. What are the factors that affect the reader's comprehension?

➢ This pertains to the knowledge or experience the reader has. It includes what
The Prior
he has read about the subject and the particular/special vocabulary he knows
about a particular subject.
Interest in The ➢ When a reader has an interest to a certain subject, he will give his/her
Subject undivided attention to that certain subject while reading.
➢ A reader who exerts more efforts in reading a certain page or chapter in the
Purpose in
book he/she is reading, he will exert efforts because he wants to understand
the content of a particular chapter.
Ability to ➢ A reader who can attack new words with facility, will be able to better
Decode concentrate on getting the meaning of the reading selection.

3. What are the four categories of comprehension?

a. Translating text into mental images
b. Following sequence of events, ideas, or cause-effect
c. remembering significant ideas.
a. making predictions
b. reading between lines
c. recognizing main ideas
a. distinguishing fact from nonfactual
b. detecting author bias
c. evaluating according to criteria
a. inventing flexible alternatives to author's ideas or characters
b. applying old ideas to situations
c. translating ideas to an artistic medium

4. What are the different comprehension skills?

a) Identify main ideas
b) recognize details
c) develop mental images
d) make inferences
e) predict outcomes
f) follow directions
g) recognize author's organization
h) read critically
• make judgement
• draw conclusion
• weed out irrelevant ideas
• recognize propaganda
Unit 5: Teaching Literature to Students

Give at least 10 examples of literature in the Philippines.

Noli Me Tángere Florante at Mga Ibong Mandaragit Jan, the Curious

Dr. José Rizal Laura Amado V. Hernandez Sea Turtle
Francisco Balagtas
Jomkie Tejido

The Ant and the The Story of Piña The Man with the The Legend of the
Grasshopper Coconuts Guava

The Legend of Mt. The Monkey and the

Maria Makiling Tutrle
Unit 6: Teaching Rate and Study Skills

Answer the following focus questions:

1. What is the relationship between rate and comprehension in reading?

✓ The relationship between rate and comprehension in reading is that, to discuss of reading
adequately, it should be emphasized that it means rate of comprehending printed or written
materials. Although comprehension thus remains of primary importance, and rate has no
meaning apart from comprehension, sate of reading is worth considering.

2. What are the three types of reading rate? Explain each type
Reading Rate Explanation
It is the slowest reading speed and is used for material that requires
Study Speed
careful reading owning to the reader’s purpose
It is mostly applied to adult readers and it is normally use for easier
textbooks, novels, newspapers and so on. It can be used for most prose
material, whether factual, descriptive or narrative.
Average Speed
Though termed “average”, this reading speed actually varies
considerably from individual to individual and from occasion to
Fast and Selective This is actually a method of reading selectively, of reading only those
Speed materials that are necessary for the readers. Reading selectively is one of
the most important skills of the nature.

3. What are the factors on which reading rate is based?

a. Limited perceptual span or excessive fixation (word-by-word reading, pointing)
b. Regression: Needless or unconscious rereading, habitual and signals lack of
c. Vocalization: Moving your lips while reading
d. Physical habits: Tapping foot, pencil
e. Distractors: Watching TV, eating, interruptions, etc.
f. Lack of reading practice.

4. Cite at least 3 strategies to improve reading rate.

a. Adjust your reading speed according to your purpose and the nature and type of reading
b. Read difficult materials faster to get an overview of the work. Then re-read certain portions
afterwards to augment the general picture you have already obtained.
c. When skim-reading, take note of the significant sections, the structural constants of the
material being read; the headlines and the lead paragraphs of newspapers; the letter writer
and action words in correspondence; the titles, sub-titles, initial and final paragraphs in
books and periodicals.
Unit 7: Teaching Reading Methodologies


Among the different

methodologies, chose What have you learned about the How will you apply the teaching
Give a short summary about the
one method that you teaching methodology that you methodology that you chose in teaching
teaching method:
prefer to use in teaching chose? your future students?
reading to your
I have learned that children love stories. It
Story telling remains to be fascinating
creates magic and a sense of wonder in the
to children despite the many books I always ponder on how will I be able to apply
world. Storytelling is a unique way for
available and the variety of stories that this method. We can try to incorporate
students to develop an understanding,
they see on TV. Parents and other storytelling as a part of your lesson so that
respect, and appreciation for culture and
family members are the children’s best your students stay engaged and focused
Among the different promote a positive attitude towards diverse
storytellers. throughout the discussion. For this success to
teaching methodologies, I people. Children love listening to their
That is why parents, despite their busy happen, I need to utilize various costumes and
would prefer to use Story teachers telling stories. While they listen,
schedule, would always find time to tell props to catch their attention and curiosity,
Telling in teaching reading they begin to focus and follow the story
their children stories just to quench and it can also be enriched with the use of
to my students. through until its end. Furthermore, it
their curiosity and their desire for pictures. Another way to apply this method is
encourages active participation, increases
enjoyment. when we would like to share a story, introduce
verbal proficiency, and enhances listening
Teachers need to be a skillful a lesson, illustrate a concept, nurture listening
skills. Storytelling is also one of the
storyteller if she is to foster love for skills and attracts less motivated students.
classroom activities wherein children tend
reading and literature in the children.
to retain more knowledge.
Unit 8: Diagnosis and Remediation

➢ Write a short essay about the importance of Diagnosis and
Remediation in reading

Several teachers complain that their students are weak in reading. The

real difficulty may lie in the poor reading of the pupils, and they fail to

recognize their thoughts properly. If a teacher could not determine the

problem, he/she may not be able to find out proper diagnosis and remedial

to correct his pupils in reading. As for diagnosis, it is necessary because the

strategies depend on the needs of an individual. Disorders on reading

cannot be cured; however, they can overcome with appropriate instruction.

On the other hand, remediation is a process to improve deficient skills in

a specific subject. As a teacher, we should know how to identify best learning

strategies to help students succeed. When the teacher can recognize the

particular diagnosis, they will provide the specific nature of the appropriate

remedial treatment.
Unit 9: Assessment in Reading


1. What are the three domains of learning? Briefly explain each domain.
a. Cognitive Domain of Learning
- It aims to develop the mental skills and the acquisition of knowledge of the individual. Fixed-
response instruments, Free-response instruments, and Performance tests are some of the
instruments to assess the cognitive learning of learners.

b. Affective Domain of Learning

- These includes the feelings, emotions, and attitudes of the individual. Creativity tests,
Attitude inventory, Interviews, and Case studies are some of the instruments to assess the
affective domain of students.

c. Psychomotor Domain of Learning

- These includes utilizing motor skills and the ability to coordinate them. Performance test,
Records of observations, and Achievement Testing are the instruments to assess the
psychomotor domain of learning.

2. List down the different types of naturalistics or authentic assessment. Explain each.
a. Projects/Exhibitions
- Students complete project in content area, working individually or in pair. It is also an
alternative to tests that allow students to engage with their learning in more concrete ways.
Instead of merely studying theory, a hands-on project asks students to apply what they've
learned to an in-depth exploration of a topic.

b. Experiments/Demonstrations
- Students complete experiment or demonstrate use of materials. It involves collecting
observations or observing actions to try to answer a question or solve a problem

c. Portfolios
- Focused collection of student work to show progress over time. This long-term perspective
accounts for student improvement and teaches students the value of self-assessment, editing
and revision.

d. Story or Test Retelling

- Students retell main ideas or selected details of text experienced through listening or reading.
This will help students develop their reading comprehension, strategies and language

e. Debates
- Using debates in the classroom provide students the opportunity to work in a collaborative
and cooperative group setting. Classroom debates help students learn through friendly
competition, examine controversial topics and “strengthen skills in the areas of leadership,
interpersonal influence, teambuilding, group problem solving, and oral presentation.
Unit 10: Teaching Rate and Study Skills


As a future teacher, what game would you like to utilize in teaching vocabulary to your students.
Justify your answer.

Vocabulary is an integral part of every subject. There are words that students need to learn to

understand better the concepts being taught. Unfortunately, many students struggle to remember

what unfamiliar vocabulary words mean or feel intimidated by the idea of simply memorizing

definitions. No matter your subject material, you can help students learn complex vocabulary using

various vocabulary games. Games can make the students more focused on learning because they do

not feel they are forced to learn. Games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition of input more

likely. They are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity

to express their opinion and feelings.

As a future teacher, I will utilize Word Games and Classifying Games. There are a lot of ways

on how to play word games. For instance, if you would like to let the students give as many words to

describe a thing, tell the root words, correctly pronounce the words, use the word in a sentence,

provide meaning, and spell the word correctly and the like. We help our learners focus on sounds and

letters and develop skills they need for reading, writing, and spelling through word games. On the

other hand, classifying games is a game wherein all the team members help in looking for the words

that belong under each category from the word cards on the table. These activities can help children

develop a range of thinking skills and build the foundations for later problem-solving.

Classroom vocabulary games are some of the many fun teaching games and a great way to

motivate students to study the words. As teachers, we should always be mindful to clearly explain the

goals, rules, and rewards as we employ games in teaching vocabulary. Vocabulary skills are essential

to building students' confidence in reading and writing, and practical activities can help get students

excited about language learning.

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