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Integrative Approach Handouts

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INTEGRATIVE APPROACH • Abstraction (Encourage listening to others)

• Integrative approach is cutting across subject • Application (Promote autonomy/lifelong

matter lines bringing together various aspects learning)
of the curriculum into meaningful association
to focus upon broad areas of study.
Suggested form of Assessment:
• The learners will realize that subjects being
taught to them are not separate and isolated • Group Work Presentation
field of knowledge, but are linked to each
other in order to achieve understanding and • Project Exhibits
concept attainment.

Content-Based Instruction
Focus of Integrative Approach ● Focuses on the topic or subject matter using
The focus of Integrative Approach is the mastery of the language they are trying to learn as a tool
learning standards in different learning areas and for developing knowledge.
how students could use what they learned from these ● Develop their linguistic ability in the target
learning areas as they face issues/concerns/problems language with the content of a particular
in their day-to-day world. subject way of developing.
Types of Integrative Approach Six T’s Features
 Scaffold-Knowledge Integration ● Themes - central ideas that organize major
 Content-Based Instruction curricular units.
 Thematic Teaching
● Text - content resources which derives the
basic planning of theme units.
Scaffold-knowledge Integration
● Topics - subunits of content which explore
● Make thinking visible. specific aspects of the themes.
● Models scientific thinking. ● Threads - linkages across themes which
create greater curricular coherence.
● Promotes autonomy and lifelong learning.
● Tasks – instructional activities and
● Helps students learn from others.
techniques utilized.
● Encourages listening to others.
● Transitions – explicitly planned actions
● Encourages monitoring. which provide coherence across topics in a
theme unit and across tasks within topics.
Ex. The teacher begins sharing to students how the
new information can be used. The teacher then
guides the students as they use the new information.
The Six T’s provide the means for developing a
The teacher lets the students use the new information
coherent content-based instruction. In this
approach, the themes become primary source for
Suggested Activity: curriculum planning. A variety of relevant and
interesting texts leads to topic selection. A
The 4 A’s Activity coherent set of topics is expected to stimulate
• Activity (build on students ideas) student interest and create connections that
maintain student involvement. Specific tasks are
• Analysis (Make thinking visible)
designed to teach the language knowledge and Value of Integrative Approach
content information central to the texts for a
● Allows students to engage in purposeful
given theme unit, meeting student needs and
relevant learning.
achieving curricular priorities. Transitions and
threads create additional linkages throughout the ● It encourages students to see the
curriculum, creating a sense of coherence and interconnectedness and interrelationships
seamlessness. between the curriculum areas.
Suggested Activity: ● Students are able to use their prior
experiences to consult learning.
The 4 A’s Activity
● Since integrated units are child-centered, they
• Activity (build on students ideas)
provide opportunities for cross-cultural
• Analysis (Make thinking visible) sharing.
• Abstraction (Encourage listening to others) ● Opportunities for students are given rather
than relying on a written or oral test.
• Application (Promote autonomy/lifelong
Suggested form of Assessment: Conclusion
• PowerPoint Presentation Success in the teaching process is always
attributed to the creativity of the teacher. Learners
• Action Research
vary greatly in terms. Integrative Approach involves
combining the idea that students will learn more
when they see how the topic connects to different
Thematic Teaching areas in curriculum.
● Integrates basic discipline of all subjects.
● Seeks to put the teaching of cognitive skills References
such as reading, mathematics, science and
writing in the context of a real world subject • Bago, A. (2008). Curriculum development, the
Philippine experience. C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon
that is both specific enough to be practical
Ave., Philippines
and broad enough to allow creative
exploration. • Wynn, M. (2009). Strategies for teaching in the
content areas. Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey,
Suggested Activity: USA.

The AACE Activity • Wortham, S. (2009). Early childhood curriculum

developmental bases for learning and teaching.
• Apply (Being creative) Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey, USA.

• Analyze (Being critical) •

• Conceptualize (Design Theory)
• Experience (New concept with celebration) •
Suggested form of Assessment:
• Bulletin board display
• Culminating Performance
Discussant: Karen Joy O. Depon (BSEd Math 4)

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