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P.E 01 Module 5 Week6

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Physical Education 01

(Self Testing Activity and Gymnastics)

1st Semester SY: 2020-2021
Module 4:

Lesson 1: Nutrition and Fitness

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the modules, you are expected:



What is Nutrition?
 Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you
need to be healthy. Understanding these nutrition terms may make it easier for you to make better food
 This field of study focuses on foods and substances in foods that help animals (and plants) to grow and stay
healthy. Nutrition science also includes behaviors and social factors related to food choices. The foods we
eat provide energy (calories) and nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Eating healthy foods in the right amounts gives your body energy to perform daily activities, helps you to
maintain a healthy body weight, and can lower your risk for certain diseases such as diabetes and heart
What is Calories?
 A unit of energy in food. Carbohydrates, fats, protein, and alcohol in the foods and drinks we eat provide
food energy or "calories."
What is Nutrients?
 Nutrients are chemical compounds in food that are used by the body to function properly and maintain
health. Examples include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Nutrients Vs Calories: The Importance of Nutrients in Your Daily Food Intake

Staying healthy is an effort that we must make all the time. However, today is a difficult task, because there is so much
information that might get you a bit confused. We’ve always heard that calories are all that matters. Burning or not more
calories than you eat is what will keep you in good shape. The problem is that this theory is not entirely correct. We know so
much little about the importance of nutrients and their impact on our health.
Importance of nutrients in our body

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Most of the people in the United States and around the world are overfed, despite this, they are malnourished. It is indicative
that food lacks nutrients, that they eat too many calories but not enough nutrients. In fact, malnutrition is a very serious
problem in the United States.
Part of the problem is due to bad eating habits. Junk food, preserved foods, low-fat, light, diet or even protein bars foods, are
very low in nutrients. The importance of nutrients in our body is to prevent dietary deficiencies, which is the cause of most
diseases today. Some of these meals are considered ‘healthy’ because many people don’t know what a healthy diet is. They
ignore the difference between nutritious-dense food and empty calories.
Lack of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) is a type of malnutrition, and the deficiency of any specific nutrient has
become a general health problem worldwide. Some scientists are beginning to refer to people that suffer from this type of
malnutrition as “skinny fats”. It may sound contradictory, but people who don’t have overweight are not necessarily healthy.
A total lack of nutrients can trigger all kinds of degenerative, involuntary and old-age diseases.
Calories have nothing to do with our health, nutrition, regeneration, body recovery or even keeping us alive. It is just an
energy unit to measure the amount of energy we could get from food. However, it seems that people only care about the
amount of calories contained in meals they eat and overlook the importance of nutrients in our body.
How to Help Your Body Absorb Nutrients

First, stay away from processed foods and cream or brown foods and add an organic supplement to your diet.
Organic supplements are ideal for this job, they will add extra nutrients required in daily food intake. For example,
an Eveliza sachet of approximately 20g contains more than 50 nutrients and it only has 70 calories, however, it
provides all kinds of nutrients needed to keep healthy. However, eating 100 calories of pasta or sweet bread doesn’t
give you almost any nutrients. In fact, these types of foods contain compounds such as phytates that make it
difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients you get from food.

As you can see then, it is not that difficult how to help your body absorb nutrients. It doesn’t matter how many
calories you eat, but the type of calories – nutritious calories or empty calories. Eveliza is developed in a left
molecular position and complementarily that allows its total absorption and non-competition of nutrients.

Develop healthy eating habits

If you’ve tried to lose weight by counting calories, it’s time to pay more attention to the importance of nutrients.
You should eat nutritious, fresh foods and if possible organic as well.

To be in good health you need to develop healthy eating habits, focusing more on nutrients than calories. Nutrients
are responsible for performing all the functions of the body, your health and the body’s resilience among many
other functions. You should indeed pay attention to the number of calories in terms of the energy you gain and
burn. But if those calories don’t contain nutrients, they won’t provide you with adequate cellular nutrition and
repair, which you do from Eveliza thanks to its nutritional content and form of elaboration. Ultimately, a healthy
eating habit is the first step to an ideal weight and revitalize.

Is Calorie Counting Bad? Why You Should Focus On Nutrition, Not Calories

If you’ve read a Nutrition Facts label before, you’ve seen the footnote that states, “Percent Daily Values are based
on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.” The 2,000
calorie diet is a standard set by the FDA to give Americans a reference for their calorie intake. Percent Daily Values
refer to our intake of important nutrients, including fats, fiber, vitamins, and sodium. Factors such as age, sex,

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activity levels, and overall health affect the amount of food you need on a daily basis to maintain a healthy weight
and immune system.

While the FDA’s nutritional guidelines have helped set a standard for our modern diets, it’s important to understand
that calorie counting isn’t the only way to achieve a balanced, healthy diet. First, let’s define what a calorie is
before we discuss its implications. The USDA defines the calorie as a “measurement tool” that measures the energy
a food or beverage provides. Foods and beverages can vary in calories based on the nutrients they contain. How do
you know how many calories are in your food? The easiest way is to check the Nutrition Facts label on a product,
or use helpful online tools such as the USDA’s SuperTracker database.


It gives you a tangible, numerical way to monitor You can become obsessed with
food intake keeping track of the numbers
You may overthink your food
It helps you stay accountable for your food choices choices and ignore your body’s
nutritional needs
It motivates you to reduce your calorie intake as a You may opt for lower calorie
means to lose weight foods that are less nutrient-dense

It helps you control portion sizes It’s tedious and time consuming

It can give you exercise goals to burn off excess It’s difficult to keep track of calorie
calories count in non-labeled meals

But what do you do when you are unsure of calorie count? When you cook a homemade meal, dine out
at a restaurant, or visit a friend’s house for a potluck dinner, it’s difficult to know the exact calorie
count. In reality, it’s nearly impossible to track every calorie consumed and to know exactly how many
calories your body needs in order to stay healthy. Oftentimes, food cannot be neatly segmented into
calories and pre-designated portions. This is where mindful eating plays a large role in helping us
listen to our bodies instead of basing all our choices off a standardized number.

When we focus on nutritional value instead of calories, we make smarter, healthier choices. According
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to the FDA, most Americans do not get enough dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron
in their diets, which contribute to an increased risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and other chronic
illnesses. A diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain naturally
occurring nutrients that our bodies recognize as good, healthy forms of energy.

How can you evaluate the nutritional value of a product instead of focusing on calories? Ask yourself
the following questions next time you take a snack break or sit down for a meal:

 Is this food processed? A processed food is commercially prepared to have a long shelf life
with no need for preparation. While a processed bag of chips might be lower in calories than an
avocado, the avocado packs a powerful punch of healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin C, and
dietary fiber, and is the healthier choice.

 Am I eating too much added sugar? Added sugars do not provide any additional nutritional
value to your diet.

 What colors are my foods? A vibrant food palette is a healthy one, as long as you are focusing
on unprocessed ingredients.

 How does this food make me feel? Do you feel energized? Is your stomach settled? Or do you
feel groggy and maybe even have a headache? Pay attention to these side effects from food. 
 Am I allowing enough variety in my diet? Variety is the key to a well-rounded diet. No single
food supplies all the necessary nutrients you need for the day.

When you take the time to evaluate the nutritional value of your food rather than focusing solely on
calories, you will find yourself making more informed decisions about your diet. So as an alternative
to complementing the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of nutrients, Eveliza is a good balanced
source of concentrated organic food supplement.


Five Reasons the Body Needs Energy

Asleep, awake, eating, bathing, grooming, working or engaging in passionate pursuits,
you need energy, which is supplied from your diet in the form of calories. Energy fuels your
body’s internal functions, repairs, builds and maintains cells and body tissues, and supports
the external activities that enable you to interact with the physical world. Water, your body’s
most important nutrient, helps facilitate the chemical reactions that produce energy from

Basal Metabolism
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Basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the minimal amount of energy needed to keep your
body functioning and alive while at rest. BMR uses about 60 to 65 percent of daily energy
stores, according to the University of Maryland School of Medicine. In the resting state,
energy supports circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion and other functions performed
by vital organs. Seven percent of your total energy supply keeps your body warm. Energy
needs differ according to age, gender, body composition, health status, diet and activity

Body Composition

Body composition is one determinant of energy requirements. Muscle is the body’s

most metabolic tissue, which means it requires more energy than other body tissues to
maintain itself. Because they are naturally more muscular, men need more energy – calories
– than women do. Children and young adults undergoing developmental changes in height,
weight and body composition have greater energy needs. Energy requirements change as
people age, because muscle tissue atrophies, causing a reduction in basal energy

Digestion and Absorption

Digestion and absorption of the nutrients in food use 5 to 10 percent of your daily
energy stores to produce more energy, according to the University of Maryland School of
Medicine. Diet composition also determines energy requirements for food metabolism.
Carbohydrates, protein and fats are digested at different rates. Digesting protein uses the
most energy, or about 20 to 30 percent of the calories in the food. Carbohydrates use 5 to 10
percent of calories and fat uses 0 to 3 percent.

Physical Energy

External functions supported by energy include exercise, work and play. If you are
active and have a high lean body mass to fat ratio, your energy needs are greater than
someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle or has a high body fat composition,

Mental Energy

Your brain needs a constant supply of energy to continuously maintain, support and
protect your life. Mental activities, such as work, hobbies, reading, studying, homework,
doing crossword puzzles, learning a new language, any mentally challenging endeavor,
including daydreaming, requires energy. According to the Franklin Institute, brain cells
require double the amount of energy needed by other cells.

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Worry and stress drain mental and physical energy. Problems with finances,
employment, school, health, relationships, family and friends can increase susceptibility to

Why Is Energy Important?

Energy is essential to life and all living organisms. The sun, directly or indirectly, is the
source of all the energy available on Earth. Our energy choices and decisions impact Earth's natural
systems in ways we may not be aware of, so it is essential that we choose our energy sources
carefully. The true cost of energy is more than just dollars and cents; there are important economic,
political and social factors and consequences to consider as well.


What is a BMR calculator?

You Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is equivalent to the amount of energy (in the form of
calories) that your body needs to function if it were to rest for 24 hours.

How can you calculate your BMR?

Calculating your basal metabolic rate is easy; all you need to measure is your weight and
height, although your age and sex also come into play. The calculators for both sexes are as

For men: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5

For women: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161

What is the Harris-Benedict equation?

The Harris Benedict Equation is a formula that uses your BMR and then applies an activity factor to
determine your total daily energy expenditure (calories).

How to determine the Harris-Benedict equation?

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

 Sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2

 Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
 Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
 Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
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If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & a physical job) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
For more on BMR, check out the Mifflin St Jeor equation and the Katch-McArdle formula

Keeping a healthy diet and using the Harris-Benedict calculator to keep an eye on your BMR will make it easier for
you to stay in good health. Thanks to the Harris-Benedict calculator and Harris-Benedict equation you can know the
perfect amount of calories to eat if you want to keep your body weight as it is. If you are looking to gain or lose
weight, you can also use this number as a point to eat more or less then, respectively. Please remember to consult a
medical expert if you are looking to gain or lose a lot of weight.

ACTIVITY: (Do not search your answer on the internet; I already have the answer of it)

1. How does nutrition and fitness work together? Explain your answer.
2. What is importance of learning nutrients and calories?
3. Why do you need to know, How many calories do you need a day?
4. Why fitness and nutrition is is important? Explain your answer.

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