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Gateway Test - Young Leaders

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Name .......................................................................
Name ........................................... Class ..............................................
Unit 5 Test A Class .......................................................................

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Write these words in the correct 4 Reorder the letters to find the names of
columns. foods.

 packet chair water burger milk rice 1  SITIBUC __________

 banana butter 2  DEALNOME __________
3  RBRESWARTY __________
4  TRETUB __________
Countable Uncountable
5  ESHECE __________


5 Complete the sentences with the

correct words.

 /8 1  I’d like a cup of hot c__________ before I go

to bed, please.
2 Choose the correct alternatives to 2  I’m really hot. Could I have a drink of
complete the sentences. l__________?
3  Can we have some ice c__________ with the
1  They are building some/any new flats in our
4  My mum drinks three cups of t__________
2  How many/much cups of tea do you drink every
every morning!
5  We must buy some orange j__________ at the
3  I don’t eat many/much cheese because my mum
shops today.
never buys it.
4  Have you got a/any book in your bag?  /5
5  My sister eats a lot/a lot of  burgers, and that’s
not good for her. 6 Choose the correct alternatives to
complete the phrases.
1  a ___ of water

3 Complete the sentences with should   or A slice B bottle C carton

shouldn  t  .
’    2  a ___ of cola

1  You __________ watch a lot of TV because it’s A can B packet C cup

not good for your eyes. 3  a ___ of cake
2  You __________ read this book. It’s fantastic! A cup B carton C slice
3  You __________ walk to school. It’s good for 4  a ___ of biscuits
you. A packet B carton C bottle
4  You __________ spend all your money. Put
some in the bank.  /4
5  You _____ go to bed early. You’re tired.


Gateway A2 Tests © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 1 of 3 

Name ........................................... Class ..............................................

Listening (Tests CD, Track 6) 

7 Read the adverts for three restaurants. 8 You are going to hear four people talk
Decide which restaurant (A –C) is good about eating out. Listen and match the
for which people (1 –4). One restaurant speakers A –D with the questions 1 –4.
matches to more than one person. 1  Which person likes the food of a particular
Speaker ___
Green Eating is a new vegetarian sandwich bar
and restaurant next to the bank in the town centre. 2  Which person would like more food for a cheap
Our chef is famous and often prepares food on TV.  price?
He makes amazing food (but without any meat, of Speaker ___
course). He always uses delicious fresh ingredients 3  Which person doesn’t plan where he/she has
for our very interesting and unusual sandwiches! lunch?
The food here at Green Eating is not expensive,
Speaker ___
and you can eat in the restaurant or take the food
away. Are you feeling hungry? Come in and try! 4  Which person is not unhappy if the restaurant
is a long way from his/her house?
Speaker ___
Do you want food that is really BAD for you,
 but really delicious? You shouldn’t eat our food
every day, but it’s perfect for children’s (or  /4
adults’) special days, like birthdays or other
 parties! Here at our restaurant, Really Bad!, Use of English
children can find everything they love! Fast food,
 burgers, chips, cakes, chocolate, ice cream ... and 9 Complete the email with one word in
more! (There is NO salad on our menu!) Pay £5 each gap.
and eat everything you want. See you soon!
Hi Becca!
Peaches Country Restaurant can give you a Karen and I are having a party (1) ___ the
wonderful meal. We are not cheap, but our food is weekend for our birthdays. Would you like to
very special, and we have three of the top chefs in come? I’m not sure how (2) ___ people are
the country here! Our restaurant is in the country coming, but it’s a lot! It’s at Karen’s house. Her
near a quiet river and is very romantic. We are not  parents have got an enormous house with a really
a family restaurant. Young children can’t come,  big living room and a kitchen (with a cook!) too.
 but we have another restaurant in the next town We’re making lots of different plates of food. I’m
which is good for families. We’d love to see all of making some sandwiches, and Karen ’s cook is
you! cooking some chicken and hot food. We’ve got
lots of cakes and (3) ___ of crisps, so you don’t
1  David Thomas doesn’t eat meat. ___ have to bring any food, but we haven’t got any
2  Sheila Wilson is arranging a birthday for her drinks. Can you bring some cans of cola? Or
five-year-old and some friends. ___ maybe some cartons of orange juice? The party
3  Peter Banks wants to eat at his office. ___ starts at 8.30 on Saturday, but tell Brian that he
shouldn’t park his car in the road. He (4) ___ put it
4  Dan and Jackie are getting married soon. They
in front of the house. There’s a big parking area.
want a good meal, even if it costs a lot of
Oh yes, and you should definitely wear that new
money. ___
 black dress. It’s great! I’ve got to go now  –  we
haven’t got (5) ___ time to get things ready!
See you Saturday!


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Name ........................................... Class ..............................................

10 Write an email to an English friend and
tell him or her about a new restaurant in
your town.

Write 35 –50 words.



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