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Face Mask Detection System Using Mobilenetv2: Mayank Arora, Sarthak Garg, Srivani A

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-10 Issue-4, April 2021

Face Mask Detection System using Mobilenetv2

Mayank Arora, Sarthak Garg, Srivani A
incorporating convolution operators yields a generic output.
Abstract: In this pandemic, it is getting more and more difficult By the means of this project, we are trying to add a layer of
to keep a track of people who are wearing masks regularly or not. efficiency that will generate better output. We will be
It cannot solely depend on human efforts to take care of this task incorporating MobileNetV2 for the same. MobileNetV2 has
and therefore there is a need to develop software that can a faster rate of processing as compared to CNN. It uses few
automatically detect whether any given person is wearing a mask
or not. Face Detection has evolved as a really popular problem in
parameters as well, which simplifies our entire process
image processing and computer vision. Many new algorithms are altogether. Apart from novel MobileNetV2, we will also be
being devised using convolutional architectures to form the using an image data generator to augment our dataset. IDG
algorithm as accurately as possible. These convolutional will ensure that optimal output is generated because of the
architectures have made it possible to extract even the pixel presence of enough images in the training set. We will also be
details. Training is performed through Fully Convolutional using “Relu” activation function because of the presence of
Neural Networks to semantically segment out the faces present in non-linear test cases in our database, i.e images. “Relu”
that image. Feature detection and feature extraction techniques activation function is best suited for images theoretically. In
help us identify whether a person is wearing a mask or not. The the output layer, we will be including dual layers to identify
face mask detector will use a dataset of morphed masked images.
Therefore, the created model will be accurate and it will also be
whether or not a user is wearing a mask.
computationally efficient and easily deployable in embedded ABOUT CORE TECHNOLOGIES
systems since the MobileNetV2 architecture will be incorporated
(Raspberry Pi, Google Coral, etc.). This framework can also be A. Convolutional Neural Networks
used in real-time applications that, due to the outbreak of
Covid-19, require face-mask detection for safety purposes. This Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a form of
project can be merged with embedded application systems at deep, feed-forward artificial neural network used to analyze
airports, train stations, workplaces, schools, and public places to visual imagery. These networks' architecture was loosely
ensure compliance with the guidelines for public safety. The above influenced by biological neurons that interact with one
topic is very prominent in recent times as the identification process another and produce outputs based on inputs. Although work
will not only help us classify individuals but also will reduce the on CNNs began in the early 1980s, they have only recently
workforce required to do the same exponentially. gained popularity as a result of recent technological advances
Keywords: Face Mask Detection, Neural Networks, and computational capabilities that allow the processing of
MobileNetV2, Image Data generator, OpenCV
large quantities of data and the training of sophisticated
algorithms in a reasonable amount of time.
B. MobileNetV2
D ue to the Covid-19 pandemic, which requires people to MobileNetV2 is a major advancement over MobileNetV1
in terms of classification, object identification, and semantic
wear face masks, maintain social distance, and washes their
hands with hand sanitizers,[1] Face Mask detection is the segmentation for mobile visual recognition. MobileNetV2 is
need of the hour. Although other social distancing and available as part of the TensorFlow-Slim Image
sanitization issues have been discussed in the past, face mask Classification Library, or one can use Colaboratory to get
identification has yet to be properly addressed. Wearing a started with it right away [2]. It can also download the
mask during the whole pandemic is a crucial preventive notebook and use Jupyter to explore it locally. MobileNetV2
measure, and it is particularly important in times when is also available as TF-Hub modules, with pre-trained
maintaining social distance is difficult. A mask is required for checkpoints available on github. MobileNetV2 expands on
everyone who is at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 the concepts of MobileNetV1 [1], using depthwise separable
diseases, particularly those who are at higher risk. As a result, convolution as a cost-effective building block. However, V2
lowering the possibility of transmission of this deadly virus incorporates two new architectural features: 1) linear
from an infected person to a healthy individual will greatly bottlenecks between layers, and 2) shortcut connections
reduce the spread of the virus and the prevalence of the between bottlenecks.
infection. Training models through CNN and by C. Image Data Generator
The Image Data Generator class in Keras does not perform an
Manuscript received on April 05, 2021. "additive" process. It doesn't take the original data,
Revised Manuscript received on April 13, 2021. transforms it randomly, and then returns both the original and
Manuscript published on April 30, 2021. transformed data[3]. Instead, the ImageDataGenerator takes
* Correspondence Author the original data, transforms it randomly, and then returns the
Mayank Arora*, UG Student, VIT – Vellore, Tamil Nadu, transformed data. Data augmentation refers to a collection of
India. techniques for creating “new” training samples from existing
Sarthak Garg, UG Student, VIT – Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Srivani A , Assistant Professor (Sr.), VIT – Vellore, School of
Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE), VIT, Vellore, Tamil
Nadu, India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24040410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2404.0410421 127 & Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All Rights Reserved
Face Mask Detection System using MobileNetV2

ones by introducing random jitters and perturbations (but at Due to the limited availability of data, the model showed a
the same time ensuring that the class labels of the data are not high accuracy of 99% on the training data set but a fairly low
changed). When we use data augmentation, we want to accuracy on the test data set, hence it was overfitted, and
improve the model's generalizability. hence not suitable [5]. It is also very important to know that
how face recognition techniques have evolved and improved
D. Evaluation Metrics
from the past. Various researchers and professionals have
Accuracy - The foremost intuitive indicator of success is recently concentrated on gray-scale face images.
accuracy, and it's merely a quantitative relation of properly Although some were based purely on pattern recognition
foreseen observations to total observations. One can assume models, with no prior knowledge of the face model, others
that our model is best if we've high exactitude. Therefore, to
relied on AdaBoost, an excellent classifier for training.
see the potency of your model, you have got to appear at
Real-time face detection became possible thanks to the
alternative parameters. Accuracy = TP+TN /
TP+FP+FN+TN Viola-Jones Detector, which offered a breakthrough in face
Recall (Sensitivity) - Recall is that the quantitative relation detection technology [6]. It had several issues, including the
of positive observations expected properly to all or any orientation and brightness of the face, which made it difficult
observations within the actual class-yes. Recall = TP / to intercept. So, in a nutshell, it didn't fit in dark or dim light.
TP+FN As a result, researchers began looking for a new alternative
Precision – Precision is that the quantitative relation of the model capable of detecting faces as well as masks on the face.
positive observations properly foreseen to the positive Many datasets for face recognition have been developed in
observations foreseen in total. the past to develop a perception of face mask detection
F1 Score - F1 Score is that the Precision and Recall weighted models. WiderFace, IJB-A, MALF, and CelebA are
average. This score conjointly takes into thought each false examples of recent datasets that were generated by taking
positives and false negatives. it's not as simple to grasp online photos. In these datasets, annotations are given for
intuitively as accuracy, however, F1 is usually a lot of helpful current faces, as opposed to earlier ones. Large datasets are
than accuracy, particularly if you have got associate degree far more needed for improved training and testing data, as
uneven distribution of categories. well as for performing practical applications in a much more
Accuracy functions well if there are unit equal prices for false straightforward manner.
positives and false negatives. If the expense of false positives This necessitates a variety of deep learning algorithms that
and false negatives area unit somewhat completely different, can read faces and masks directly from the user's data. Face
each Precision and Recall area unit easier to appear at. F1 Mask detection templates come in a variety of shapes and
Score = 2*(Recall * Accuracy) / (Recall + Accuracy)
sizes. These can be classified into many groups. The
Viola-Jones face detector, which was mentioned earlier in
this section, was used to accept boosted cascades with easy
This section provides an overview of the main human face haar features in boosting-based recognition. The Viola-Jones
recognition techniques that apply primarily to frontal faces, detector model was then used to build a Multiview face mask
as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. detector. In addition, decision tree algorithms were used to
Eigenfaces (Eigen features), neural networks, dynamic build a face mask detector model.
relation architecture, hidden Markov model, geometrical This category's face mask detectors were good at detecting
feature matching, and prototype matching are among the masks [7]. Another study employs deep learning techniques
methods considered. to discern facial recognition and determine whether or not an
The methods are evaluated based on the facial individual is wearing a facemask. The dataset collected
representations they employ [4]. The principal components includes 25,000 images with a resolution of 224x224 pixels,
of the distribution of faces, or the eigenvectors of the and the qualified model performed with a 96 percent
covariance matrix of the set of face images, are known as accuracy rate [8]. However, the test accuracy was also lower
eigenfaces in mathematics. The eigenvectors are arranged to in this case. Although it was put into practice in real life, it
reflect varying amounts of difference among the faces. A could be improved.
linear combination of the eigenfaces will accurately represent Many datasets for face detection have been created in the
each face. Only the “best” eigenvectors with the largest past to shape an understanding of face mask detection
eigenvalues can be used to approximate it. The appeal of models. Earlier datasets were made up of images taken in
using neural networks may stem from the network's supervised environments, while more recent datasets are
nonlinearity. made up of images taken online [9]. The MobileNetV2
As a result, the feature extraction stage could be faster than architecture classifier was an upgrade over the MobileNetV1
the linear Karhunen-Loève methods. A single-layer adaptive architecture classifier since it used a three-layer
network called WISARD, which includes a separate network convolutional layer as the initial layer, followed by 13 times
for each stored person, was one of the first artificial neural the previous building blocks. MobileNetV2 architecture, on
network (ANN) techniques used for face recognition. For the other hand, consists of 17 3X3 convolutional layers in a
efficient identification, the method for constructing a neural row, as well as a 1 × 1 convolution, an average layer of max
network structure is critical. It is largely determined by the pooling, and a classification layer [10].
intended application. Some of the other approaches use the
pre-trained state-of-the-art deep learning model,
InceptionV3. In this approach, the dataset used is Simulated
Masked Face Dataset (SMFD).

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24040410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2404.0410421 & Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All Rights Reserved
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-10 Issue-4, April 2021

III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS was gathered from a variety of other sources and the images
used in the dataset were manually cleaned to improve the
Before conducting the experiment, an image data generator
accuracy of the results, the issue of multiple incorrect
was used to augment the dataset. IDG ensures that multiple
predictions would be successfully eliminated from the model.
variations of any given image are taken into account while
Real-world implementations will be a much more difficult
training the model. Post that, the entire input was passed
problem in the future. The new proposed model should,
through MobileNetV2 architecture which makes the entire
ideally, assist the concerned authorities in dealing with this
model unique and novel. After that, the regular CNN process
massive pandemic that has spread across most of the globe.
continued, ranging from feature enhancement, flattening,
pooling, and finally displaying whether the person standing
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Sustainable Cities and Society, 102600.

Mayank Arora, UG Student, School of Computer
Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Figure 1: With Mask Demo (VIT), Vellore. Core Interests: Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, Natural Language Processing, Neural
Networks Mail ID-

Sarthak Garg, UG Student, School of Computer Science

and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
Vellore.Core Interests: Machine Learning, Augmented
and Virtual Reality, Automation Mail ID-

Prof. Srivani A, Assistant Professor (Sr.) School of

Figure 2: Without Mask Demo Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of
Technology (VIT), Vellore. Core Interest: Image
Processing, Machine Learning, IoT Mail ID –
Both the training and implementation of the image dataset in
the proposed face mask detection model will be split into two
categories: people with masks and people without masks. The
OpenCV deep neural network technique should produce
positive results. The proposed method is special in that it uses
the MobilenetV2 image classifier to classify images,
resulting in more accurate performance. Many previous
studies had issues with their findings, although others were
able to improve accuracy with their dataset. Since the dataset

Published By:
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24040410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2404.0410421 129 & Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All Rights Reserved

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