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3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation From A Single RGB Image

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3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image

Liuhao Ge1∗, Zhou Ren2 , Yuncheng Li3 , Zehao Xue3 , Yingying Wang3 , Jianfei Cai1 , Junsong Yuan4
1 2
Nanyang Technological University Wormpex AI Research
3 4
Snap Inc. State University of New York at Buffalo,,,,,,
arXiv:1903.00812v2 [cs.CV] 20 Apr 2019

This work addresses a novel and challenging problem
of estimating the full 3D hand shape and pose from a sin-
gle RGB image. Most current methods in 3D hand anal-
ysis from monocular RGB images only focus on estimat-
ing the 3D locations of hand keypoints, which cannot fully
express the 3D shape of hand. In contrast, we propose a
Graph Convolutional Neural Network (Graph CNN) based
method to reconstruct a full 3D mesh of hand surface that
contains richer information of both 3D hand shape and
pose. To train networks with full supervision, we create a Figure 1: Our proposed method is able to not only estimate
large-scale synthetic dataset containing both ground truth 2D/3D hand joint locations, but also recover a full 3D mesh
3D meshes and 3D poses. When fine-tuning the networks of hand surface from a single RGB image. We show our
on real-world datasets without 3D ground truth, we pro- estimation results on our proposed synthetic and real-world
pose a weakly-supervised approach by leveraging the depth datasets as well as the STB real-world dataset [62].
map as a weak supervision in training. Through extensive
evaluations on our proposed new datasets and two public
datasets, we show that our proposed method can produce shape [63, 44, 32, 5, 20, 36, 38]. However, many immersive
accurate and reasonable 3D hand mesh, and can achieve VR and AR applications often require accurate estimation
superior 3D hand pose estimation accuracy when compared of both 3D hand pose and 3D hand shape.
with state-of-the-art methods.
This motivates us to bring out a more challenging task:
how to jointly estimate not only the 3D hand joint locations,
but also the full 3D mesh of hand surface from a single RGB
1. Introduction
image? In this work, we develop a sound solution to this
Vision-based 3D hand analysis is a very important topic task, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
because it has many applications in virtual reality (VR) The task of single-view 3D hand shape estimation has
and augmented reality (AR). However, despite years of been studied previously, but mostly in controlled settings,
studies [40, 57, 58, 47, 45, 13, 27], it remains an open prob- where a depth sensor is available. The basic idea is to fit
lem due to the diversity and complexity of hand shape, pose, a generative 3D hand model to the input depth image with
gesture, occlusion, etc. In the past decade, we have wit- iterative optimization [49, 30, 24, 21, 51, 41]. In contrast,
nessed a rapid advance in 3D hand pose estimation from here we consider to estimate 3D hand shape from a monocu-
depth images [35, 52, 12, 15, 14, 61, 11, 16]. Considering lar RGB image, which has not been extensively studied yet.
RGB cameras are more widely available than depth cam- The absence of explicit depth cues in RGB images makes
eras, some recent works start looking into 3D hand analysis this task difficult to be solved by iterative optimization ap-
from monocular RGB images, and mainly focus on estimat- proaches. In this work, we apply deep neural networks that
ing sparse 3D hand joint locations but ignore dense 3D hand are trained in an end-to-end manner to recover 3D hand
∗ This work was done when Liuhao Ge was a research intern at Snap mesh directly from a single RGB image. Specifically, we
Inc. predefine the topology of a triangle mesh representing the

hand surface, and aim at estimating the 3D coordinates of show that our method can well represent hand shape vari-
all the vertices in the mesh using deep neural networks. To ations and capture local details. Furthermore, we observe
achieve this goal, there are several challenges. that by estimating full 3D hand mesh, our method boost
The first challenge is the high dimensionality of the out- the accuracy performance of 3D hand pose estimation, as
put space for 3D hand mesh generation. Compared with validated in Sec. 5.4.
estimating sparse 3D joint locations of the hand skeleton
• We propose a weakly-supervised training pipeline on
(e.g., 21 joints), it is much more difficult to estimate 3D co-
real-world dataset, by rendering the generated 3D mesh
ordinates of dense mesh vertices (e.g., 1280 vertices) using
to a depth map on the image plane and leveraging the ref-
conventional CNNs. One straightforward solution is to fol-
erence depth map as a weak supervision, without requir-
low the common approach used in human body shape esti-
ing any annotations of 3D hand mesh or 3D hand pose
mation [53, 48, 37, 22], namely to regress low-dimensional
for real-world images.
parameters of a predefined deformable hand model, e.g.,
MANO [42]. • We introduce the first large-scale synthetic RGB-based
In this paper we argue that the output 3D hand mesh 3D hand shape and pose dataset as well as a small-scale
vertices in essence are graph-structured data, since a 3D real-world dataset, which contain the annotation of both
mesh can be easily represented as a graph. To output such 3D hand joint locations and the full 3D meshes of hand
graph-structured data and better exploit the topological re- surface. We will share our datasets publicly upon the ac-
lationship among mesh vertices in the graph, motivated by ceptance of this work.
recent works on Graph CNNs [8, 39, 56], we propose a
novel Graph CNN-based approach. Specifically, we adopt We conduct comprehensive experiments on our proposed
graph convolutions [8] hierarchically with upsampling and synthetic and real-world datasets as well as two public
nonlinear activations to generate 3D hand mesh vertices in datasets [62, 63]. Experimental results show that our pro-
a graph from image features which are extracted by back- posed method can produce accurate and reasonable 3D hand
bone networks. With such an end-to-end trainable frame- mesh with real-time speed on GPU, and can achieve su-
work, our Graph CNN-based method can better represent perior accuracy performance on 3D hand pose estimation
the highly variable 3D hand shapes, and can better express when compared with state-of-the-art methods.
the local details of 3D hand shapes.
Besides the computational model, an additional chal- 2. Related Work
lenge is the lack of ground truth 3D hand mesh training 3D hand shape and pose estimation from depth images:
data for real-world images. Manually annotating the ground Most previous methods estimate 3D hand shape and pose
truth 3D hand meshes on real-world RGB images is ex- from depth images by fitting a deformable hand model to
tremely laborious and time-consuming. We thus choose to the input depth map with iterative optimization [49, 30, 24,
create a large-scale synthetic dataset containing the ground 21, 51, 41]. A recent method [31] was proposed to esti-
truth of both 3D hand mesh and 3D hand pose for train- mate pose and shape parameters from the depth image us-
ing. However, models trained on the synthetic dataset usu- ing CNNs, and recover 3D hand meshes using LBS. The
ally produce unsatisfactory estimation results on real-world CNNs are trained in an end-to-end manner with mesh and
datasets due to the domain gap between them. To address pose losses. However, the quality of their recovered hand
this issue, inspired by [5, 37], we propose a novel weakly- meshes is restricted by their simple LBS model.
supervised method by leveraging depth map as a weak su-
pervision for 3D mesh generation, since depth map can be 3D hand pose estimation from RGB images: Pioneer-
easily captured by an RGB-D camera when collecting real- ing works [58, 7] estimate hand pose from RGB image se-
world training data. More specifically, when fine-tuning quences. Gorce et al. [7] proposed estimating 3D hand pose,
on real-world datasets, we render the generated 3D hand the hand texture and the illuminant dynamically through
mesh to a depth map on the image plane and minimize the minimization of an objective function. Sridhar et al. [46]
depth map loss against the reference depth map, as shown adopted multi-view RGB images and depth data to estimate
in Fig. 3. Note that, during testing, we only need an RGB the 3D hand pose by combining a discriminative method
image as input to estimate full 3D hand shape and pose. with local optimization. With the advance of deep learn-
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to handle ing and the wide applications of monocular RGB cameras,
the problem of estimating not only 3D hand pose but also many recent works estimate 3D hand pose from a single
full 3D hand shape from a single RGB image. Our main RGB image using deep neural networks [63, 44, 32, 5, 20,
contributions are summarized as follows: 38]. However, few works focus on 3D hand shape estima-
tion from RGB images. Panteleris et al. [36] proposed to fit
• We propose a novel end-to-end trainable hand mesh gen- a 3D hand model to the estimated 2D joint locations. But
eration approach based on Graph CNN [8]. Experiments the hand model is controlled by 27 hand pose parameters,

ors. We render the hand using global illumination with off-
the-shelf Arnold renderer [1]. The rendering tasks are dis-
tributed onto a cloud render farm for maximum efficiency.
In total, our synthetic dataset contains 375,000 hand RGB
images with large variations. We use 315,000 images for
Figure 2: Illustration of our synthetic hand shape and pose training and 60,000 images for validation. During train-
dataset creation as well as background image augmentation ing, we randomly sample and crop background images from
during training. COCO [28], LSUN [60], and Flickr [10] datasets, and blend
them with the rendered hand images, as shown in Fig. 2.
thus it cannot well adapt to various hand shapes. In addition, In addition, to quantitatively evaluate the performance of
this method is not an end-to-end framework for generating hand mesh estimation on real-world image, we create a real-
3D hand mesh. world dataset containing 583 hand RGB images with the an-
notations of 3D hand mesh and 3D hand joint locations. To
3D human body shape and pose estimation from a single
facilitate the 3D annotation, we capture the corresponding
RGB image: Most recent methods rely on SMPL, a body
depth images using an Intel RealSense RGB-D camera [19]
shape and pose model [29]. Some methods fit the SMPL
and manually adjust the 3D hand model in Maya with the
model to the detected 2D keypoints [3, 25]. Some methods
reference of both RGB images and depth points. In this
regress SMPL parameters using CNNs with supervisions of
work, this real-world dataset is only used for evaluation.
silhouette and/or 2D keypoints [48, 37, 22]. A more recent
method [54] predicts a volumetric representation of human
body. Different from these methods, we propose to esti- 4. Methodology
mate 3D mesh vertices using Graph CNNs in order to learn 4.1. Overview
nonlinear hand shape variations and better utilize the rela-
tionship among vertices in the mesh topology. In addition, We propose to generate a full 3D mesh of the hand sur-
instead of using 2D silhouette or 2D keypoints to weakly face and the 3D hand joint locations directly from a single
supervise the network training, we propose to leverage the monocular RGB image, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Specifically,
depth map as a weak 3D supervision when training on real- the input is a single RGB image centered on a hand, which is
world datasets without 3D mesh or 3D pose annotations. passed through a two-stacked hourglass network [34] to in-
fer 2D heat-maps. The estimated 2D heat-maps, combined
with the image feature maps, are encoded as a latent feature
3. 3D Hand Shape and Pose Dataset Creation
vector by using a residual network [18] that contains eight
Manually annotating the ground truth of 3D hand meshes residual layers and four max pooling layers. The encoded
and 3D hand joint locations for real-world RGB images latent feature vector is then input to a Graph CNN [8] to
is extremely laborious and time-consuming. To over- infer the 3D coordinates of N vertices V = {vi }i=1 in the
come the difficulties in real-world data annotation, some 3D hand mesh. The 3D hand joint locations Φ = {φj }j=1
works [43, 63, 33] have adopted synthetically generated are linearly regressed from the reconstructed 3D hand mesh
hand RGB images for training. However, existing hand vertices by using a simplified linear Graph CNN.
RGB image datasets [43, 62, 63, 33] only provide the anno- In this work, we first train the network models on a
tations of 2D/3D hand joint locations, and they do not con- synthetic dataset and then fine-tune them on real-world
tain any 3D hand shape annotations. Thus, these datasets datasets. On the synthetic dataset that contains the ground
are not suitable for the training of the 3D hand shape esti- truth of 3D hand meshes and 3D hand joint locations, we
mation task. train the networks end-to-end in a fully-supervised manner
In this work, we create a large-scale synthetic hand shape by using 2D heat-map loss, 3D mesh loss, and 3D pose
and pose dataset that provides the annotations of both 3D loss. More details will be presented in Section 4.3. On
hand joint locations and full 3D hand meshes. In par- the real-world dataset, the networks can be fine-tuned in
ticular, we use Maya [2] to create a 3D hand model and a weakly-supervised manner without requiring the ground
rig it with joints, and then apply photorealistic textures on truth of 3D hand meshes or 3D hand joint locations. To
it as well as natural lighting using High-Dynamic-Range achieve this target, we leverage the reference depth map
(HDR) images. We model hand variations by creating blend available in training, which can be easily captured from a
shapes with different shapes and ratios, then applying ran- depth camera, as a weak supervision during the fine-tuning,
dom weights on the blend shapes. To fully explore the and employ a differentiable renderer to render the generated
pose space, we create hand poses from 500 common hand 3D mesh to a depth map from the camera viewpoint. To
gestures and 1000 unique camera viewpoints. To simulate guarantee the mesh quality, we generate the pseudo-ground
real-world diversity, we use 30 lightings and five skin col- truth mesh from the pretrained model as an additional su-

Figure 3: Overview of our method for 3D hand shape and pose estimation from a single RGB image. Our network model
is first trained on a synthetic dataset in a fully supervised manner with heat-map loss, 3D mesh loss, and 3D pose loss, as
shown in (a); and then fine-tuned on a real-world dataset without 3D mesh or 3D pose ground truth in a weakly-supervised
manner by innovatively introducing a pseudo-ground truth mesh loss and a depth map loss, as shown in (b). For both (a) and
(b), the input RGB image is first passed through a two-stacked hourglass network [34] for extracting feature maps and 2D
heat-maps, which are then combined and encoded as a latent feature vector by a residual network [18]. The latent feature is
fed into a Graph CNN [8] to infer the 3D coordinates of mesh vertices. Finally, the 3D hand pose is linearly regressed from
the 3D hand mesh. During training on the real-world dataset, as shown in (b), the generated 3D hand mesh is rendered to a
depth map to compute the depth map loss against the reference depth map. Note that this step is not involved in testing.

(i, j) ∈
/ E, and wij = 1 if (i, j) ∈ E. The normalized graph
Laplacian [6] is computed
P  as L = IN − D W D−1/2 ,
where D = diag j wij is the diagonal degree matrix,
IN is the identity matrix. Here, we assume that the topology
of the triangular mesh is fixed and is predefined by the hand
Figure 4: Architecture of the Graph CNN for mesh gener- mesh model, i.e., the adjacency matrix W and the graph
ation. The input is a latent feature vector extracted from Laplacian L of the graph M are fixed during training and
the input RGB image. Passing through two fully-connected testing.
(FC) layers, the feature vector is transformed into 80 ver- T
Given a signal f = (f1 , · · · , fN ) ∈ RN ×F on the ver-
tices with 64-dim features in a coarse graph. The features tices of graph M, it represents F -dim features of N
are upsampled and allocated to a finer graph. With two vertices in the 3D mesh. In Chebyshev Spectral Graph
upsampling layers and four graph convolutional layers, the CNN [8], the graph convolutional operation on a graph sig-
network outputs 3D coordinates of the 1280 mesh vertices. nal fin ∈ RN ×Fin is defined as
The numbers in parentheses of FC layers and graph convo- XK−1  
lutions represent the dimensions of output features. fout = Tk L̃ · fin · θk , (1)

where Tk (x) = 2xTk−1 (x) − Tk−2 (x) is the Chebyshev

pervision. More details will be presented in Section 4.4. polynomial of degree k, T0 = 1, T1 = x; L̃ ∈ RN ×N is the
4.2. Graph CNNs for Mesh and Pose Estimation rescaled Laplacian, L̃ = 2L/λmax − IN , λmax is the maxi-
mum eigenvalue of L; θk ∈ RFin ×Fout are the trainable pa-
Graph CNNs have been successfully applied in modeling rameters in the graph convolutional layer; fout ∈ RN ×Fout
graph structured data [56, 59, 55]. As 3D hand mesh is of is the output graph signal. This operation is K-localized
graph structure by nature, in this work we adopt the Cheby- since Eq. 1 is a K-order polynomial of the graph Lapla-
shev Spectral Graph CNN [8] to generate 3D coordinates of cian, and it only affects the K-hop neighbors of each central
vertices in the hand mesh and estimate 3D hand pose from node. Readers are referred to [8] for more details.
the generated mesh. In this work, we design a hierarchical architecture
A 3D mesh can be represented by an undirected graph for mesh generation by performing graph convolution on
M = (V, E, W ), where V = {vi }i=1 is a set of N vertices graphs from coarse to fine, as shown in Fig. 4. The topolo-
in the mesh, E = {ei }i=1 is a set of E edges in the mesh, gies of coarse graphs are precomputed by graph coarsen-
W = (wij )N ×N is the adjacency matrix, where wij = 0 if ing, as shown in Fig. 5 (a), and are fixed during training

Lv is to constrain 2D and 3D locations of mesh vertices:
vi3D − v̂i3D 2 + vi2D − v̂i2D 2 ,

Lv = 2 2

where vi and v̂i denote the ground truth and estimated

2D/3D locations of the mesh vertices, respectively. The nor-
mal loss Ln is to enforce surface normal consistency:
Figure 5: (a) Given our predefined mesh topology, we first
perform graph coarsening [8] to cluster meaningful neigh- v̂i − v̂j3D , nt 2 ,
Ln = 2
borhoods on graphs and create a tree structure to store cor- t (i,j)∈t

respondences of vertices in graphs at adjacent coarsening where t is the index of triangle faces in the mesh; (i, j) are
levels. (b) During the forward propagation, we perform fea- the indices of vertices that compose one edge of triangle t;
ture upsampling. The feature of a vertex in the coarse graph and nt is the ground truth normal vector of triangle face t,
is allocated to its children vertices in the finer graph. which is computed from ground truth vertices. The edge
loss Le is introduced to enforce edge length consistency:
and testing. Following Defferrard et al. [8], we use the XE  2
2 2
Graclus multilevel clustering algorithm [9] to coarsen the Le = kei k2 − kêi k2 , (4)
graph, and create a tree structure to store correspondences
of vertices in graphs at adjacent coarsening levels. During where ei and êi denote the ground truth and estimated edge
the forward propagation, we upsample features of vertices vectors, respectively. The Laplacian loss Ll is introduced to
in the coarse graph to corresponding children vertices in the preserve the local surface smoothness of mesh:
fine graph, as shown in Fig. 5 (b). Then, we perform the  2
graph convolution to update features in the graph. All the XN X
Ll = δi −
δ k Bi , (5)
graph convolutional filters have the same support of K = 3. i=1 vk ∈N (vi )
To make the network output irrelevant to the camera intrin-
sic parameters, we design the network to output UV coor- where δi = vi3D − v̂i3D is the offset from the estimation to
dinates on input image and depth of vertices in the mesh, the ground truth, N (vi ) is the set of neighboring vertices
which can be converted to 3D coordinates in the camera co- of vi , and Bi is the number of vertices in the set N (vi ).
ordinate system using the camera intrinsic matrix. Similar This loss function prevents the neighboring vertices from
to [63, 5, 44], we estimate scale-invariant and root-relative having opposite offsets, thus making the estimated 3D hand
depth of mesh vertices. surface mesh smoother. For the hyperparameters, we set
Considering that 3D joint locations can be estimated λv = 1, λn = 1, λe = 1, λl = 50 in our implementation.
PJ 2
directly from the 3D mesh vertices using a linear regres- 3D Pose Loss. LJ = j=1 φ3D

j − φ̂ 3D
j , where
sor [29, 42], we adopt a simplified Graph CNN [8] with two 2

pooling layers and without nonlinear activation to linearly φ3D

j and φ̂3Dj are the ground truth and estimated 3D joint
regress the scale-invariant and root-relative 3D hand joint locations, respectively.
locations from 3D coordinates of hand mesh vertices. In our implementation, we first train the stacked hour-
glass network and the 3D pose regressor separately with the
4.3. Fully-supervised Training on Synthetic Dataset heat-map loss and the 3D pose loss, respectively. Then, we
train the stacked hourglass network, the residual network
We first train the networks on our synthetic hand shape and the Graph CNN for mesh generation with the combined
and pose dataset in a fully-supervised manner. As shown loss Lf ully :
in Fig. 3 (a), the networks are supervised by heat-map loss
LH , mesh loss LM , and 3D pose loss LJ . Lf ully = λH LH + λM LM + λJ LJ , (6)
PJ 2
Heat-map Loss. LH = j=1 Hj − Ĥj , where Hj

2 where λH = 0.5, λM = 1, λJ = 1.
and Ĥj are the ground truth and estimated heat-maps, re-
spectively. We set the heat-map resolution as 64×64 px.
4.4. Weakly-supervised Fine-tuning
The ground truth heat-map is defined as a 2D Gaussian with On the real-world dataset, i.e., the Stereo Hand Pose
a standard deviation of 4 px centered on the ground truth 2D Tracking Benchmark [62], there is no ground truth of 3D
joint location. hand mesh. Thus, we fine-tune the networks in a weakly-
Mesh Loss. Similar to [56], LM = λv Lv + λn Ln + supervised manner. Moreover, our model also supports the
λe Le + λl Ll is composed of vertex loss Lv , normal loss fine-tuning without the ground truth of 3D joint locations,
Ln , edge loss Le , and Laplacian loss Ll . The vertex loss which can further removes the burden of annotating 3D joint

5. Experiments
5.1. Datasets, Metrics and Implementation Details
In this work, we evaluate our method on two aspects: 3D
hand mesh reconstruction and 3D hand pose estimation.
Figure 6: Impact of the pseudo-ground truth mesh super- For 3D hand mesh reconstruction, we evaluate the gen-
vision. Without the supervision of pseudo-ground truth erated 3D hand meshes on our proposed synthetic and real-
mesh, the network produces very rough meshes with incor- world datasets, which are introduced in Section 3, since no
rect shape and noisy surface. other hand RGB image dataset contains the ground truth
of 3D hand meshes. We measure the average error in Eu-
locations on training data and make it more applicable for clidean space between the corresponding vertices in each
large-scale real-world dataset. generated 3D mesh and its ground truth 3D mesh. This met-
Depth Map Loss. As shown in Fig. 3 (b), we leverage ric is denoted as “mesh error” in the following experiments.
the reference depth map, which can be easily captured by a For 3D hand pose estimation, we evaluate our proposed
depth camera, as a weak supervision, and employ a differ- methods on two publicly available datasets: Stereo Hand
entiable renderer, similar to [23], to render the estimated 3D Pose Tracking Benchmark (STB) [62] and the Rendered
hand mesh to a depth map from the camera viewpoint. We Hand Pose Dataset (RHD) [63]. STB is a real-world dataset
use smooth L1 loss [17] for the depth map loss: containing 18,000 images with the ground truth of 21 3D
    hand joint locations and corresponding depth images. Fol-
LD = smoothL1 D, D̂ , D̂ = R M̂ , (7) lowing [63, 5, 44], we split the dataset into 15,000 training
samples and 3,000 test samples. To make the joint definition
where D and D̂ denote the ground truth and rendered depth consistent with our settings and RHD dataset, following [5],
maps, respectively; R (·) is the depth rendering function; we move the root joint location from palm center to wrist.
M̂ is the estimated 3D hand mesh. We set the resolution of RHD is a synthetic dataset containing 41,258 training im-
a depth map as 32×32 px. ages and 2,728 testing images. This dataset is challenging
Pseudo-Ground Truth Mesh Loss. Training with only due to the large variations in viewpoints and the low image
the depth map loss could lead to a degenerated solution, as resolution. We evaluate the performance of 3D hand pose
shown in Fig. 6 (right), since the depth map loss only con- estimation with three metrics: (i) Pose error: the average
strains the visible surface and is sensitive to the noise in the error in Euclidean space between the estimated 3D joints
captured depth map. To solve this issue, inspired by [26], and the ground truth joints; (ii) 3D PCK: the percentage of
we create the pseudo-ground truth mesh M̃ by testing on correct keypoints of which the Euclidean error distance is
the real-world training data using the pretrained models below a threshold; (iii) AUC: the area under the curve on
and the ground truth heat-maps. The pseudo-ground truth PCK for different error thresholds.
mesh M̃ usually has reasonable edge length and good sur- We implement our method within the PyTorch frame-
face smoothness, although it suffers from the relative depth work. The networks are trained using the RMSprop opti-
error. Based on this observation, we do not apply vertex mizer [50] with mini-batches of size 32. The learning rate
loss or normal loss, and we only adopt the edge loss Le is set as 10−3 when pretraining on our synthetic dataset, and
and the Laplacian loss Ll as the pseudo-ground truth mesh is set as 10−4 when fine-tuning on RHD [63] and STB [62].
loss LpM = λe Le + λl Ll , where λe = 1, λl = 50, in order The input image is resized to 256×256 px. Following the
to preserve the edge length and surface smoothness of the same condition used in [63, 5, 44], we assume that the
mesh. As shown in Fig. 6 (middle), with the supervision of global hand scale and the absolute depth of root joint are
the pseudo-ground truth meshes, the network can generate provided at test time. The global hand scale is set as the
meshes with correct shape and smooth surface. length of the bone between MCP and PIP joints of the mid-
In our implementation, we first fine-tune the stacked dle finger.
hourglass network with the heat-map loss, and then end-to-
end fine-tune all networks with the combined loss Lweakly : 5.2. Ablation Study of Loss Terms

Lweakly = λH LH + λD LD + λpM LpM , (8) We first evaluate the impact of different losses used in
the fully-supervised training (Eq. 6) on the performance of
where λH = 0.1, λD = 0.1, λpM = 1. Note that Eq. 8 is mesh reconstruction and pose estimation. We conduct this
the loss function for fine-tuning on the dataset without 3D experiment on our synthetic dataset. As presented in Ta-
pose supervision. When the ground truth of 3D joint loca- ble 1, the model trained with the full loss achieves the best
tions is provided during training, we add the 3D pose loss performance in both mesh reconstruction and pose estima-
LJ in the loss function and set the weight λJ = 10. tion, which indicates that all the losses have contributions to

Error (mm) −Normal −Edge −Laplacian −3D Pose Full 1
STB Dataset (with 3D pose supervision)
STB Dataset (without 3D pose supervision)

Mesh error 8.34 9.09 8.63 9.04 7.95 0.9 0.9

Pose error 8.30 9.06 8.55 9.24 8.03 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7
Table 1: Ablation study by eliminating different loss terms 0.6 0.6


from our fully-supervised training loss in Eq. 6, respec- 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
tively. We report the average mesh and pose errors eval-
0.3 0.3
uated on the validation set of our synthetic dataset. 0.2
Full model (6.37mm)
0.2 Full model (10.57mm)
Ful model, task transfer (6.45mm) Full model, task transfer (10.99mm)
0.1 Baseline 2 (6.96mm) 0.1 Baseline 2 (16.85mm)
Baseline 1 (7.38mm) Baseline 1 (25.14mm)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Error Threshold (mm) Error Threshold (mm)

Figure 8: Self-comparisons of 3D hand pose estimation on

STB dataset [62]. Left: 3D PCK of the model fine-tuned
with 3D hand pose supervision. Right: 3D PCK of the
model fine-tuned without 3D hand pose supervision. The
average pose errors are shown in parentheses.
Figure 7: Qualitative comparisons of the meshes generated Method Pipeline Depth map loss
by our method and other methods. The meshes generated by Baseline 1 im→hm+feat→pose 7
the MANO-based method usually exhibit inaccurate shape Baseline 2 im→hm+feat→mesh→pose 7
and pose. The meshes generated by the direct Linear Blend Full model im→hm+feat→mesh→pose 3
Skinning (LBS) method suffer from serious artifacts. Ex- Table 3: Differences between the baseline methods for 3D
amples are taken from our real-world dataset. hand pose estimation and our full model.
Mesh error (mm) MANO-based Direct LBS Ours
Our synthetic dataset 12.12 10.32 8.01 MANO-based Method. We also implement a MANO
Our real-world dataset 20.86 13.33 12.72
[42] based method that regresses hand shape and pose pa-
Table 2: Average mesh errors tested on the validation set of rameters from the latent image features using three fully-
our synthetic dataset and our real-world dataset. We com- connected layers. Then, the 3D hand mesh is generated
pare our method with two baseline methods. Note that the from the estimated shape and pose parameters using MANO
mesh errors in this table are measured on the aligned mesh hand model [42] (see the supplementary for details). The
defined by MANO [42] for fair comparison. networks are trained in fully-supervised manner using the
same loss functions as Eq. 6 on our synthetic dataset. For
producing accurate 3D hand mesh as well as 3D hand joint fair comparison, we align our hand mesh with the MANO
locations. hand mesh, and compute mesh error on the aligned mesh.
As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 7, the MANO-based method
5.3. Evaluation of 3D Hand Mesh Reconstruction exhibits inferior performance on mesh reconstruction com-
pared with our method. Note that direct supervising MANO
We demonstrate the advantages of our proposed Graph
parameters on synthetic dataset may obtain better perfor-
CNN-based 3D hand mesh reconstruction method by com-
mance [4]. But it is infeasible on our synthetic dataset since
paring it with two baseline methods: direct Linear Blend
our dataset does not contain MANO parameters.
Skinning (LBS) method and MANO-based method.
Direct LBS. We train the network to directly regress 3D 5.4. Evaluation of 3D Hand Pose Estimation
hand joint locations from the heat-maps and the image fea-
tures, which is similar to the network architecture proposed We also evaluate our approach on the task of 3D hand
in [5]. We generate the 3D hand mesh from only the esti- pose estimation.
mated 3D hand joint locations by applying inverse kinemat- Self-comparisons. We conduct self-comparisons on
ics and LBS with the predefined mesh model and skinning STB dataset [62] by fine-tuning the networks pretrained on
weights (see the supplementary for details). As shown in our synthetic dataset in a weakly-supervised manner, as de-
Table 2, the average mesh error of direct LBS method is scribed in Section 4.4. In Table 3, we compare our pro-
worse than our method on both our synthetic dataset and posed weakly-supervised method (Full model) with two
our real-world dataset, since the LBS model for mesh gen- baselines: (i) Baseline 1: directly regressing 3D hand joint
eration is predefined and cannot be adapt to hands with locations from the heat-maps and the feature maps with-
different shapes. As can be seen in Fig. 7, the hand meshes out using the depth map loss during training; (ii) Baseline
generated by direct LBS method have unrealistic deforma- 2: regressing 3D hand joint locations from the estimated 3D
tion at joints and suffer from serious inherent artifacts. hand mesh without using the depth map loss during training.

RHD Dataset (with 3D pose supervision) STB Dataset (with 3D pose supervision) STB Dataset (without 3D pose supervision)
1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7


Ours, full model (AUC=0.998)
0.6 0.6 Cai et al. ECCV18 (AUC=0.994) 0.6
Iqbal et al. ECCV18 (AUC=0.994)
Z&B ICCV17 (AUC=0.986)
0.5 0.5 Spurr et al. CVPR18 (AUC=0.983) 0.5
Mueller et al. CVPR18 (AUC=0.965)
Ours, full model (AUC=0.920) Panteleris et al. WACV18 (AUC=0.941)
0.4 Cai et al. ECCV18 (AUC=0.887) 0.4 CHPR (AUC=0.839) 0.4
Spurr et al. CVPR18 (AUC=0.849) ICCPSO (AUC=0.748) Ours, full model (AUC=0.974)
Z&B ICCV17 (AUC=0.675) PSO (AUC=0.709) Cai et al. ECCV18 (AUC=0.876)
0.3 0.3 0.3
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Error Thresholds (mm) Error Thresholds (mm) Error Thresholds (mm)

Figure 9: Comparisons with state-of-the-art methods on RHD [63] and STB [62] dataset. Left: 3D PCK on RHD dataset [63]
with 3D hand pose supervision. Middle: 3D PCK on STB dataset [62] with 3D hand pose supervision. Right: 3D PCK on
STB dataset [62] without 3D hand pose supervision. The AUC values are shown in parentheses.

As presented in Fig. 8, the estimation accuracy of Baseline

2 is superior to that of Baseline 1, which indicates that our
proposed 3D hand mesh reconstruction network is benefi-
cial to 3D hand pose estimation. Furthermore, the estima-
tion accuracy of our full model is superior to that of Base-
line 2, especially when fine-tuning without 3D hand pose
supervision, which validates the effectiveness of introduc-
ing the depth map loss as a weak supervision. Figure 10: Qualitative results for our synthetic dataset (top
In addition, to explore a more efficient way for 3D left), our real-world dataset (top right), RHD dataset [63]
hand pose estimation without mesh generation, we directly (bottom left), and STB dataset [62] (bottom right).
regress the 3D hand joint locations from the latent feature
extracted by our full model instead of regressing them from pervision. As shown in Fig. 9 (right), our 3D mesh-based
the 3D hand mesh (see the supplementary for details). This method outperforms Cai et al. [5] by a large margin.
task transfer method is denoted as “Full model, task trans-
fer” in Fig. 8. Although this method has the same pipeline 5.5. Runtime and Qualitative Results
as that of Baseline 1, the estimation accuracy of this task
Runtime. We evaluate the runtime of our method on
transfer method is better than that of Baseline 1 and is only
one Nvidia GTX 1080 GPU. The runtime of our full model
a little bit worse than that of our full model, which indi-
outputting both 3D hand mesh and 3D hand pose is 19.9ms
cates that the latent feature extracted by our full model is
on average, including 12.6ms for the stacked hourglass net-
more discriminative and is easier to regress accurate 3D
work forward propagation, 4.7ms for the residual network
hand pose than the latent feature extracted by Baseline 1.
and Graph CNN forward propagation, and 2.6ms for the for-
Comparisons with State-of-the-arts. We compare our ward propagation of the pose regressor. Thus, our method
method with state-of-the-art 3D hand pose estimation meth- can run in real-time on GPU at over 50fps.
ods on RHD [63] and STB [62] datasets. The PCK curves Qualitative Results. Some qualitative results of 3D
over different error thresholds are presented in Fig. 9. On hand mesh reconstruction and 3D hand pose estimation for
RHD dataset, as shown in Fig. 9 (left), our method out- our synthetic dataset, our real-world dataset, RHD [63], and
performs the three state-of-the-art methods [63, 44, 5] over STB [62] datasets are shown in Fig. 10. More qualitative re-
all the error thresholds on this dataset. On STB dataset, sults are presented in the supplementary.
when the 3D hand pose ground truth is given during train-
ing, we compare our methods with seven state-of-the-art 6. Conclusion
methods [62, 63, 36, 44, 32, 5, 20], and our method out-
performs these methods over most of the error thresholds, In this paper we have tackled the challenging task of 3D
as shown in Fig. 9 (middle). We also experiment with the hand shape and pose estimation from a single RGB image.
situation when 3D hand pose ground truth is unknown dur- We have developed a Graph CNN-based model to recon-
ing training on STB dataset, and compare our method with struct a full 3D mesh of hand surface from an input RGB
the weakly-supervised method proposed by Cai et al. [5], image. To train the model, we have created a large-scale
both of which adopt reference depth maps as a weak su- synthetic RGB image dataset with ground truth annotations

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work is also supported in part by start-up grants from 2016.
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com/, 2018.
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Supplementary C. Details of the Task Transfer Method
A. Qualitative Results In Section 5.4 of our main paper, we implement an al-
ternative method (“full model, task transfer”) for 3D hand
We present more qualitative results of 3D hand mesh re- pose estimation by transferring our full model trained for
construction and 3D hand pose estimation for our synthetic 3D hand mesh reconstruction to the task of 3D hand pose
dataset, our real-world dataset, STB dataset [62], RHD estimation. Here, we describe more details of our task trans-
dataset [63], and Dexter+Object dataset [45], as shown in fer method. As illustrated in Fig. 13, we directly regress
Fig. 11. Please see the supplementary video for more qual- the 3D hand joint locations from the latent feature extracted
itative results on continuous sequences. by our full model using an MLP network with three fully-
connected layers. We first train the MLP network with 3D
pose loss on our synthetic dataset. When experimenting on
B. Details of Baseline Methods for 3D Hand STB dataset [62] with 3D pose supervision, we fine-tune
Mesh Reconstruction the MLP network with 3D pose loss. When experiment-
ing on STB dataset [62] without 3D pose supervision, we
In Section 5.3 of our main paper, we compare our pro- directly use the MLP network pretrained on our synthetic
posed method with two baseline methods for 3D hand mesh dataset. Experimental results in Figure 8 of our main paper
reconstruction: direct Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) method show that our task transfer method is better than the base-
and MANO-based method. Here, we describe more details line method which is only trained for 3D hand pose estima-
of these two baseline methods, as illustrated in Fig. 12. tion, even though these two methods have the same pipeline.
In the direct LBS method, we train the network to regress This indicates that the latent feature extracted by our full
3D hand joint locations from the heat-maps and the image model is more discriminative and is easier to regress accu-
features with heat-map loss and 3D pose loss. As illustrated rate 3D hand pose since our full model is trained with the
in Fig. 12 (b), the latent feature extracted from the input im- dense supervision of the 3D hand mesh that contains richer
age is mapped to 3D hand joint locations through a multi- information than the 3D hand pose. In addition, although
layer perceptron (MLP) network with three fully-connected the estimation accuracy of our task transfer method is a lit-
layers. Then, we apply inverse kinematics (IK) to compute tle bit worse than that of our full model, our task transfer
the transformation matrix of each hand joint from the the method is faster than our full model, since it does not gener-
estimated 3D hand joint locations. The 3D hand mesh is ate 3D hand mesh. The runtime of our task transfer method
generated by applying LBS with the predefined hand model is 15.1ms, while the runtime of our full model which esti-
and skinning weights. In this method, the 3D hand mesh is mate 3D hand pose from hand mesh is 19.9ms. Thus, in
only determined by the estimated 3D hand joint locations, applications that only require 3D hand pose estimation but
thus it cannot be adapted to various hand shapes. In addi- not 3D hand shape estimation, we can choose to use this
tion, the IK often suffers from singularity and multiple solu- task transfer method, which can maintain a comparable ac-
tions, which makes the solutions to transformation matrices curacy as our full model while runs at faster speed.
unreliable. Experimental results in Figure 7 and Table 2
of our main paper have shown the limitations of this direct
LBS method.
In the MANO-based method, we train the network to
regress hand shape and pose parameters of the MANO hand
model [42]. As illustrated in Fig. 12 (c), the latent feature
extracted from the input image is mapped to hand shape and
pose parameters θ, β through an MLP network with three
fully-connected layers. Then, the 3D hand mesh is gener-
ated from the regressed parameters θ, β using the MANO
hand model [42]. Note that the MANO mesh generation
module is differentiable and is involved in the network train-
ing. The networks are trained with heat-map loss, mesh loss
and 3D pose loss, which are the same as our method. Since
the MANO hand model is fixed during training and is essen-
tially LBS with blend shapes [42], the representation power
of this method is limited. Experimental results in Figure 7
and Table 2 of our main paper have shown the limitations
of this MANO-based method.

Figure 11: Qualitative results for our synthetic dataset (the first row), our real-world dataset (the second row), STB
dataset [62] (the third row), RHD dataset [63] (the fourth row), and Dexter+Object dataset [45] (the last row).

Figure 12: Pipelines of our proposed method and two baseline methods: direct LBS method and MANO-based method. The
differences between the two baseline methods and our proposed method are highlighted in the green dashed line box.

Figure 13: Illustration of our “full model, task transfer” method. We transfer our full model trained for 3D hand mesh
reconstruction to the task of 3D hand pose estimation. Note that when training for the task of 3D hand pose estimation, the
stacked hourglass network and the residual network are keep unchanged with our full model which is fully trained for the
task of 3D hand mesh reconstruction.


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