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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.

8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte




Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 1

Date/s: August 9 – 13, 2021

Topic/s Introduction to Accounting

Content The definition, nature, function, and history of accounting,
Performance Cite specific examples in which accounting is used in making business decisions.
Learning 1. define accounting
Competency/ies 2. describe the nature of accounting
3. narrate the history/origin of accounting
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  Define accounting
 Describe the nature of accounting
 Explain the functions of accounting in business
 Narrate the history/origin of accounting

Specific At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to define accounting and describe its
Objective/s nature; explain the functions of accounting in business; give examples of business
transactions and decisions requiring the need for accounting; and narrate the history of

Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance

 Since its first day of classes the teacher need to introduce herself.
 Ask also the learners to introduce herself/himself

 Communicating learning objectives

 Ask the learners the following questions:

a. Do your parents ask how you spend your allowance every day?
b. When deciding between buying a bottle of soft drinks or fruit juice, what is the basis of your decision? Do you
compare the prices of both and then decide?
c. When going home, do you sometimes choose to walk from school rather than riding a jeepney because you
want to save?
 Acknowledge all the answers of the learners and make a conclusion that accounting is involved in all of
 Relate the connection of accounting to our daily activities.

Review Ask the learners What come first to your mind when you hear the word “accounting’?
Business Numbers? Mathematical computation? Or a difficult subjects? Acknowledge
all the answers from the learners.
Vocabulary 1. The recording is the first phase of accounting that is also known as bookkeeping.
In this phase, all business transactions are recorded in a chronological manner
called journalizing.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

2. Classifying phase involves sorting and grouping similar items. After analyzing,
the transactions are group under designated accounts. The process of transferring
the entries from the journal to the ledger is called posting. All recorded
transactions will be summarized for the preparation of the financial statements.
3. The summarizing phase makes interpretations of data easier. The data is
presented in a manner that is easy to understand for the users of accounting
information all transactions will be summarized for the preparation of financial
4. Interpreting is the phase for analyzing financial data needed in decision making.
The accountant will assist the users in understanding the health of the business.

Motivation Ask the learners “Is accounting important to you?”. Leave this question unanswered.
Remind the learners that you will ask this question again after you discuss the
introduction to accounting.
Lesson proper Online Discussion
 Introduction to accounting
( Graphical presentation of the 4 phases of accounting)
 Nature of accounting

Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
 Review the previous topic:
 Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 What they learn in the previous lesson.
 Ask the learners to comment on why accounting is considered as the language
of business. Acknowledge all the answers from the learners.

Lesson proper Online Discussion

 Function of accounting
 Brief history of accounting ( PowerPoint presentation)

Interaction Day 3
Activity Divide the class into 2 groups. The first group will act out the definition of accounting
while the second group will act out the evolution/history of accounting.
Day 4
Recapping Lessons
Closure and Generalization
 The 4 phases of accounting can also be applied in allocating the learners daily
allowance. Providing a table tell the learners to fill it with all the necessary
information relating to their own daily allowance.

 Fill in the blanks

(Complete the meaning of the following acronyms by filling the boxes with the
missing letters)

 Essay

Core Values The teachers will give examples of decisions or questions that can be supported by
accounting information.
 Is my business earning? (profitability)
 How much daily or monthly sales do I need in order to recover my fixed cost?
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

 Do I need to hire additional workers to help me with my production?

 Can I afford to set up a new store in another place? Where do I get the funds?
(financing decisions)
 Can I afford to pay a bank loan?

Performance Task Research Activity

 The Teacher will cite three examples on how accounting can be used in your
household and school life.
 Share the output to the class.

References Wild, J. (2009). Principles of the Accounting 19th ed. McGraw Hill Publishing
Haddock, M., Price, J., & Farina, M. (2012). College Accounting: A Contemporary
Approach 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1: Julie Ann E. Lubon-
Madelo, CPA, MBA, Rommel E. Lubon, CPA, MBA.

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte


Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 2

Date/s: August 16 – 20, 2021

Topic/s Branches of Accounting

Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the varied branches and areas
Standard/s of accounting, particularly:
• Financial Accounting
• Management Accounting
• Government Accounting
• Auditing
• Tax Accounting
• Cost Accounting
• Accounting Education
• Accounting Research
Performance The learners shall be able to
Standard/s • make a list of business within the community on the types of accounting
services they require.
• solve exercises in the identification of the branches of accounting described
through the types of services rendered.
Learning The learners shall be able to
Competency/ies • Differentiate the branches of accounting.
• Explain the kinds/types of services rendered in each of these branches.
LEARNING 1. differentiate the branches of accounting.
OBJECTIVE/S 2. explain the kind/type of services rendered in each of these branches.

Specific  differentiate the different branches of accounting
Objective/s  explain the types of services rendered on the different branches.
Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives

Review  Previous topic

 Pretest (Fill in the blanks)

Vocabulary Branches - a part of something larger.

Auditing – conduct an official financial examination
Auditor – is a person or a firm appointed by a company to execute an audit

Motivation Draw a big tree with eight branches. As you discuss the topic, write the particular branch
of accounting you are discussing on each branch. Label the root of the tree as

Lesson proper Online Discussion

 Discuss the branches of accounting through goggle meet
 Introduce the Bureau of Internal Revenue and its role in the administration and
implementation of our tax laws

Day 2
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Review the previous topic:

Ask the learners why accounting is considered as a “multi-lingual language of business”
Lesson proper Online Discussion
 Show a PowerPoint presentation of a table presenting the Branches of
accounting and the Services rendered.
 Illustrates a diagram showing the relationship of bookkeeping and

Interaction Day 3
Activity The Teacher will prepare eight flashcards with the branches of accounting written in
every card.
On a power point presentation show the following and ask a learner to identify what
branch of accounting renders this service:
1. Preparation of general-purpose financial statements Answer: Financial
2. Evaluation of the performance of a sales department Answer : Managerial
3. Develop standards to address a new business set up Answer: Accounting Research
4. Review tax compliance of the business Answer: Tax Accounting
5. Evaluate whether a branch of the business complies with the collection and deposit
policy of the company Answer: Auditing (Internal)
6. Review whether the financial statements are presented fairly and in compliance with
accounting standards Answer: Auditing (External)
7. Report on the spending of government funds Answer: Government Accounting
8. Report on the total cost of materials and labor used in the production Answer: Cost
9. Conducting lectures on accounting topics Answer: Accounting Education
Day 4
Recapping Lessons
Discussion Questions:
 Explain briefly the different branches of Accounting
 Why is there a need to study the different branches of Accounting?
 What must be considered to determined the branches of accounting that is
applicable for a given business?
 Is it possible for a given business to apply more than one branch of accounting in
its operation? Why or why not?
 How is bookkeeping related to accounting

*Crossword puzzle
Core Values  The teacher will let the students generalize the lesson.
 Ask the learners what branch of accounting do you want to focus on and why?
 The teacher will also ask from the students of any clarifications or questions
about the lesson.
Performance Task Research Activity
 The teacher form groups that consist of four students. Search through online one
of the local business and determine what types of accounting services do they
use. Prepare a narrative report and share some insights to the class.
 The teacher provide a format to follow.

References Wild, J. (2009). Principles of the Accounting 19th ed. McGraw Hill Publishing
Haddock, M., Price, J., & Farina, M. (2012). College Accounting: A Contemporary
Approach 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1: Julie Ann E. Lubon-
Madelo, CPA, MBA, Rommel E. Lubon, CPA, MBA.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 3

Date/s: August 23 – 27, 2021

Topic/s Users of Accounting Information

Content The external and internal users of financial information
Performance 1. solve exercises and problems on the identification of users of information,
Standard/s type of decisions to be made, and type of information needed by the users

2. cite users of financial information and identify whether they are external or internal
Learning 1. define external users and gives examples
Competency/ies 2. define internal users and give examples
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  define external users of accounting information and give examples
 define internal users of accounting information and give examples
 identify the types of decisions made by each group of users
 identify the types of information needed by each group of users

Specific  define external users of accounting information and give examples
Objective/s  define internal users of accounting information and give examples
 identify the types of decisions made by each group of users
 identify the types of information needed by each group of users


Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives

Review Ask the learners to recall the definition of accounting and why accounting is considered
as the language of business. Accounting information helps users to make better financial
Vocabulary External users are people outside the business entity (organization) who use accounting
Internal users are people within a business organization who use financial information.

Motivation  By emphasizing on the communicating part of the definition of accounting, ask

the learners what business they would want to enter into.

 “What if you are from a Local Government Unit (City/Municipality)? Do you

think the Local Government ( City/Municipality) will be interested with your
accounting reports/records?” Leave this question hanging and introduce to the
topic for this lecture. Emphasize to the learners that the focus of your discussions
are the users of accounting information and their information needs.
Lesson proper Online Discussion
 Discuss the internal users of accounting information.
 Engage the learners in a question-and-answer type lecture.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

 Ask the learners to give examples of internal users and follow up with a
question: “what information will that user need that can be answered by
 Discuss the external users of accounting information
 Provide local examples and applications
Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
 Review the previous topic:
 Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 What they learn in the previous lesson.
 Go back to the unanswered question in the first part of your introduction yesterday. Is
the Local Government Unit (LGU) interested in your accounting reports?
 Ask this follow-up question: “Are the officers of the Local Government Unit internal
or external users? Why?

Lesson proper Online Discussion


Interaction Day 3
Activity Divide the class into two groups. Require them to act out internal and external users of
accounting information. Give them ten to fifteen minutes to meet and prepare for their
presentation. Each group should be able to present the information needs of the different
users and relate these information to their decision-making process.
Day 4
Recapping Lessons
Closure and Generalization
 Discussion Questions
 Who are the external users of accounting information?
 Who are the internal users of accounting information?
 Quizzes
Core Values Question asked by the internal users
 Is cash sufficient to pay bills?
 What is the cost of manufacturing each unit of the product?
 Can we afford to give employee pay raises this year?
 Which product line is most profitable?
 Will the company be able to pay debt as they come due?

Performance Task  Solve exercises and problems on the identification of users of information,
type of decisions to be made, and type of information needed by the users.
 Cite users of financial information and identify whether they are external or
internal users

References Wild, J. (2009). Principles of the Accounting 19th ed. McGraw Hill Publishing
Haddock, M., Price, J., & Farina, M. (2012). College Accounting: A Contemporary
Approach 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1: Julie Ann E. Lubon-
Madelo, CPA, MBA, Rommel E. Lubon, CPA, MBA.

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 4

Date/s: August 30 – September 3, 2021

Topic/s Forms of Business Organizations

Content the various forms of business
Standard/s organization, as follows:
1. sole / single proprietorship
2. partnership
3. corporation
4. cooperatives
Performance 1. differentiate the forms of business organization in terms of nature of
Standard/s ownership
2. make a list of existing business entities in their community and identify the form of
business organization.

Learning 1. differentiate the forms of business organization

Competency/ies 2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of each form
LEARNING  At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  identify the forms of business organizations by nature of ownership. give
examples of businesses in their respective communities and identify the form
identify the advantages and disadvantages of the four forms of
business organization

Specific  At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
Objective/s  identify the forms of business organizations by nature of ownership. give
examples of businesses in their respective communities and identify the form
 identify the advantages and disadvantages of the four forms of business

Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives

Review Proprietorship - the state or right of owning a business or holding property.

Shareholder - an owner of shares in a company.
Association- a group of people organized for a joint purpose.

Motivation 1. Ask them the following questions:
• How much is your daily allowance?
• Do you know that with your daily allowance you can own a company?
2. Link the answers of the learners.
Tell them their daily allowance can be used to buy shares of stock of a
corporation and that they
will become the owner of such a company”.
3. Inform them of the subject matter of your lecture.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

• Acknowledge the answers of the learners and use the amounts as your basis in
asking the second question. • Inform the learners that size of capital is not the
only basis of owning a corporation.
Lesson proper Online Discussion

 Discuss sole/single proprietorship.

a. Ask what is their idea of a sole/single proprietorship.
b. Discuss the advantages of sole/single proprietorship.
c. Discuss the disadvantages of sole/single proprietorship.
 Introduce the concept of partnership by asking the suggested questions prepared
by teachers:
a. Discuss partnerships
b. Discuss the advantages of a partnership
c. Discuss the disadvantages of a partnership


Visit the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website or download the
Corporation Code of the Philippines to supplement your readings for the next day
discussion. Cite names of corporations in their locality or ask the learners if they have
any idea what a corporation is before discussing the topic tomorrow.

Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
 Review the previous topic:
 Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 What they learn in the previous lesson.

Introduce the concept of a corporation by asking the following suggested questions:

“Assuming your dream is to open a grocery store and not just a sari-sari store but you will need
PHP1,000,000 to start the said business. You have only PHP25,000, your friend Juan has
PHP25,000, and your mother is willing to invest her PHP50,000, but still these are not enough to
start your dream grocery store. Where will you get the money to raise the PHP1 million? You may
consider setting up a corporation?”
Lesson proper Online Discussion
 Download sample Articles of Incorporation to be shown during the
a. Discuss corporations:
At this point, the teacher will share a sample of a stock certificate and
articles of incorporation.
b. Discuss the advantages of a corporation
c. Discuss the disadvantages of a corporation
 Discuss the nature of cooperatives by asking the prepared suggested questions
by the teacher:
a. Discuss cooperatives
b. Discuss the advantages of a cooperative
c. Discuss the disadvantages of a Cooperative

End your discussion by referring to the questions posed in the introduction/motivation .

“Your PHP10 daily allowance may be used to buy shares of stocks, thus making you an
owner of a Corporation.”

Interaction Day 3
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Activity  Summarize all the forms of business organizations by asking a learner all the
 Ask the learner to give a brief description of each form and the advantage of
creating such forms.

Divide the class into four groups.

1. Assign each group a form of business organization.

2. Assign a group leader/reporter for every group.
3. Ask each group to list down at least three businesses in their locality or in the country.

• For every business, the learner will identify the business activities, products or services
offered by each business.
• The group may be asked to identify the owners of every businesses listed.

4. Ask the group leader or reporter to present the output of each group.

Day 4
Recapping Lessons
Closure and Generalization
1. Post the blank matrix on the board. (see teaching materials in power point
2. Ask a learner to fill-out the blank matrix using a whole sheet of paper.
1. Enumerate all the forms of business organizations by nature of ownership.
2. Differentiate a corporation from a partnership according to number of owners
and their liabilities.
3. Differentiate a corporation from cooperative.
4. Give two example of corporations in the Philippines.
5. Give two examples of cooperatives in the Philippines.
Core Values  Sharing dream business (Ask the learners whether they want to be in business.
Then ask what business they want to put up and why. )
Performance Task  Research Activity:
1. If you are going to start a business, what form of business organization will
you choose?
2. Explain the advantage and disadvantage behind your choice?

References Wild, J. (2009). Principles of the Accounting 19th ed. McGraw Hill Publishing
Haddock, M., Price, J., & Farina, M. (2012). College Accounting: A Contemporary
Approach 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1: Julie Ann E. Lubon-
Madelo, CPA, MBA, Rommel E. Lubon, CPA, MBA.

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