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VI - Civil.OE-II (Human Resource Development & Organizational Behaviour)

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Branch: Civil Engineering Semester : VIth

Subject:- Human Resource Development & Organizational Behavior

Unit I

1. What is Management? Discuss the functions managers perform to achieve the set goals of
the organization.
2. Why is it important to study the various management theories that have been developed?
3. What is Organization? Explain the functional organizational structure.
4. Discuss various tools implemented for effective control in any organisation.
5. What challenges HR professionals have to face in today's business environment?
6. Explain the process of human resource planning in brief.
7. How career development foster employee commitment? Explain.
8. Explain the term participative management.
9. Discuss in detail 'Learning and HRD'.
10. Explain concept and goals of HRD. Also discuss challenges of HRD
11. Explain the different components of HRD system
12. Discuss the different steps to be followed while designing Human Resource Development
13. Discuss the goals and functions of HRD interventions.
14. What do you mean by attitude? How is it formed?
15. Define organisational effectiveness? Why is organisational effectiveness relevant in the
study of organisational behavior?
16. Explain the term 'Group'. Why usually people join the group?
17. Explain the term organizational change. Also explain its process.

Unit II

1. What is empowerment? Why is it important to empower the employee?

2. What is planning? Explain the steps involved in planning
3. Explain in what ways employees are empowered and its possible outcomes.
4. Discuss the challenges for organisation development in detail.
5. "Competency mapping is one of the important tool to many HR managers to assess the
individuals performance." Justify your answer with the methods of competency mapping.
6. How does it is imperative to any organisation to assess the performance of employees?
7. Explain the concept of relationship management.
8. Explain typology of forgetting.
9. Differentiate between power and authority with suitable example.
10. Discuss the mechanism for resolving intergroup conflicts between students and faculty on
your campus. Are they effective? How could they be improved?
11. Describe the qualities of a manager to make organisations more effective.
12. What do you mean by emotions and moods? Why its study is important to organisational
13. Discuss in brief 'Transactional Analysis'.
14. Define Perception. Distinguish between perception and sensation.
15. What influence do you think an employee's age, experience and physical abilities have on
his or her performance at work?
16. Define personality". What are the various factors that determine the personality of an
17. What is attitude? What are the various tyes of attitude that helps in the study of
organisational behavior ?

Unit III

1. "Participation empowers employee to achieve organizational goal.' Justify the

2. State and explain the various off-the-job training methods with their benefits.
3. "Fringe benefits are more beneficial for senior executives." Do you agree? Justify
your answer
4. What factors are considered while forecasting the manpower needs of an
5. Who are transformation leaders? Examine the empowerment skills of a successful
transformational leader in business.
6. Zenith has recruited a fresh batch of Sales officers as part of its business expansion.
The management of the organisation has the newly recruited employee to increase the
Sales volume, but the existing sales officer continuously feed them negative opinions
against the management against the personal as a part of their personal rivalry. How
would you as an HR Manager motivate newly recruited Sales officer to retain in the
company "?
7. "Participation empowers employee to achieve organizational goal. 'Justify the
8. Every leader should have certain unique and identifiable qualities. Explain the
statement in light of “Trait Theory of Leadership”.
9. What is skill based pay? Explain with illustrative example
10. As a HR executive, to achieve organizational goal, what reinforcing activities will
you implement in your organization as the key performance activities? Justify.
11. You as a HR Manager, prepare an HRD Model for Aviation Industry considering
following points - Employees should be retained - Employees should be satisfied
always - No turnover
12. Explain scientific approach of decision making.
13. Explain Herzberg's two factor theory of motivation. How it differs from Maslow's
theory? What do you mean by motivation? State Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy.
14. Explain decentralization. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
15. What is marketing strategy? Explain market segmentation. Explain the managerial
functions of Personnel Management.
16. What is job evolution? Explain in detail.
Unit IV

1. What do you mean by employability skills? Give a list of different types of employability
skills and explain them
2. Differentiate between Hard and Soft skills. Narrate the importance of Technical skills in
today’s era of digitalization.
3. Define and distinguish between the terms gestures and postures, proxemics and haptics.
4. Describe practical application of following zones in the use of space citing an actual
example of interpersonal communication in business organi2ation's. i) lntimate zone ii)
Personal zone iii) Social zone iv) Public zone
5. Write a note on term 'effective listening'. Describe various types of listening skills and
barriers to listening.
6. Explain in brief various kinds of managerial skills.
7. Explain the various 'Soft skills'.
8. What is 'e-communication’? Enlist the precautions to be taken while having e-
9. What according to you are the essentials of good communication?
10. Discuss the barriers of communication.
11. Discuss the significance of written communication for any organisation. What are its
12. What is Communication? Explain its different types.
13. Explain the up-ward and downward communication.
14. What is Body Language? Explain in brief different types of Body languages.
15. Discuss the different types of Soft Skills a student should possess. Explain how Soft
Skills help to enter in the corporate world. Justify your answer.
16. Enumerate the process of communication in detail.
17. Explain the significance of Non-verbal communication in business.

Unit V

1. Explain the term personality? Discuss the important determinants which are necessary to
build personality?
2. What are the factors influencing intergroup behaviour?
3. What do you mean by leadership? Explain the different concept and myth of leadership
4. How leader can match himself with the organisational values?
5. Discuss the different attributes of leaders for effective leadership.
6. How leader can influence on the follower to show his power in the organization?
7. Explain the different theories of leadership.
8. Discuss the importance of leadership development.
9. Explain the organisational behaviour systems and its element. Discuss it in detail.
10. Involving employees at all levels of decision making is nothing but participative
management. Do you think it is right practice? Or do you think that management should
not involve employees in decision making? Justify your answer.
11. Describe the effects of employee benefits management on cost and work force
12. Explain the concept of quality of work life in brief.
13. Discuss reward system in brief.
14. Explain the importance of effective control system.
15. Differentiate between horizontal organization and vertical organization'
16. Write a note on workers participation in management.
17. Write a note on Employee Benefits and lncentives.

Unit VI

1. Discuss the important steps in the performance management process.

2. What types of errors can take place in performance assessment process? Explain
3. Discuss the general bottlenecks in implementing performance management system.
4. Explain in brief the objectives and components of Performance Management linked
reward System.
5. Discuss the role of HR in Performance Management.
6. Giving meaning of performance management discuss concept and perspectives of
performance management.
7. 'Performance appraisal is one of the tools of performance management'. Discuss
8. Explain the challenges to performance management in present era.
9. Explain the meaning and necessity of benchmarking.
10. Discuss the tools used in designing the compensation package for workers.
11. Explain different retirement benefits with their importance.
12. Explain briefly components of compensation.
13. 'Fringe benefits and incentives are same'. Do you agree? Justify
14. Why Dearness Allowance is given to Employees? Justify your answer with appropriate
15. What is internal and external equity in compensation system? Explain with example.
16. "Fringe benefits are more beneficial for senior executives." Do you agree? Justify your
17. Explain the principles of designing a Compensation Package.

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